Women with Animals
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The DF Club


(c) 2012 by groomleader

Part 1

My best friend Jane asked me if I wanted to join a club that she had joined a month ago. Jane knew I had a wild side, and she told me it would be a thing I would never forget. Curious, I plied her with questions, but she only smiled at me, and told me I would have to come with her, and see for myself. She knew I couldn’t say no, and at 7 PM Tuesday night, we pulled up at a small farm just a few miles outside of town.

I was a bit surprised, but Jane just smiled, and said, “Follow me.”

She led me to the barn, and slid open one of the big rolling doors. I stepped inside, and looked around, somewhat confused. The barn appeared empty. Jane led me to the back of the barn, and 2 men appeared. They smiled at Jane.

“Jane, welcome. I’m glad to see you back, I guess you liked what happened, you’ve never missed a Saturday!”, one of the men said.

“Cam, hello”, Jane replied, “yes indeed, it was the best time I’d ever had. I’d like you to meet my friend Lisa, Lisa, this is Cam and Don”.

Cam and Don sized me up, and said, “She looks perfect, she would be a great addition to the club.”

Jane smiled, and said, “Exactly what I was thinking! Jane, right this way.”

She led me down a corridor between some hay bales, and into an open area. I saw two tables, they seemed like ordinary tables, until I looked closer. Both tables were padded, they had an upraised platform at the closest end, and there were straps attached to the table. As I was looking at this, two women appeared, and they were leading a donkey. I noticed the 2 men were right behind me, blocking the way back through the corridor of hay. Jane stepped up to me, with a look I had never seen before.

“Lisa, welcome to our club, we call it the DF club. DF stands for Donkey Fuck, as that it was we do. This is initiation night, and you will be initiated. The donkey will fuck you, and you will become a member.” As I tried to get my head around this, Jane continued, “I have been initiated, yes, a donkey has fucked me, and every Saturday for the last month. When I felt that massive prick opening me up, and going deeper than any man could ever go, I just exploded, over and over. My orgasms have felt like earthquakes. To show you what it’s like, I’m going to demonstrate. But first, you must strip naked, and put on the club uniform.”

I tensed, wondering if I could get around Cam and Don, but it was no use. They flanked me, and I knew I was stuck. I reluctantly peeled off my clothes, until I was naked. Jane handed me a pair of black stockings, and a black leather garter belt. I put these on, and Jane and the two women holding the donkey pulled their clothes off, to reveal the same stockings and garter belts. Jane smiled, and walked over to one of the tables. She climbed up on the table’s platform, and knelt down, legs straddling the end of the platform. She scooted herself back a bit, until her pussy region was clear of any blockage. She then lay down on the platform. She cocked her ass up, and spread her legs wide. One of the women came forward, and smiling at Jane, fastened the straps around her arms and legs, so she couldn’t move. She placed a pillow under Jane’s head, and turning her head, she looked over at me, her eyes bright with desire. I could see the woman spreading lots of lube around and into Jane’s pussy. The other woman had been stroking the donkey’s cock, and now she was spreading a thick coating of lube up and down the throbbing shaft. I stared at the thick, throbbing cock, it was massive. I wondered how Jane could take that huge shaft, then felt a quiver of fear go through me as I realized that I would be expected to take a huge rod that size up me. My last boyfriend had been 8 inches, and I had felt wonderfully stuffed when he drove it in, right to the balls. But this was a lot longer than 8 inches, and had a huge girth. Cam and Don clamped a hand, lightly but firmly around each of my arms, making sure I couldn’t make a break for it. They moved me closer, and towards the end of table. I noticed a stylized DF had been tattooed on Jane’s left ass cheek, in a slanting, cursive style script, with a rose branch twined through it. I could clearly see Jane’s pussy, glistening and shiny with lube. Her pussy lips were slightly parted, and I could see her luscious inner pinkness, slick with lube…and maybe her own juices too? She seemed to be very excited, her breathing was getting deeper. The women led the donkey up to the table, and they lifted his front legs onto the top of a fence like apparatus that was above the table. The angle had his throbbing shaft in just the right position. The women spread apart Jane’s opening, and placed the donkey’s throbbing cock against it. With a slow steady push, it started to enter. Jane let out a howl of what sounded like pleasure, as the massive shaft forced apart the walls of her cunt, and slid into her. I stared as the massive shaft entered her, inch by inch it slowly went in. The donkey kept pushing his cock in, until the entire huge fuck-pole was buried up her.


The donkey pulled back, and thrust it in again. After the first few thrusts, the donkey settled into a regular fucking rhythm, and the donkey drove his throbbing shaft in and out of her cunt, just like a piston. Jane was grunting, and making wordless sounds of pleasure, as the donkey reared back and forth, driving his massive shaft up into her, splitting her cunt open, over and over again. I could see her eager pussy stretched wide around that massive shaft. The donkey was making snorting noises, and Jane exploded in orgasm, she howled over and over with pleasure, as her body shook wildly. The donkey started to thrust harder, snorting, and seeing his huge cock throbbing with pulses, I guessed that he was shooting a massive load up Jane’s quivering cunt. After several deep thrusts, the donkey slowed down, and he pulled back until his cock slipped out, his shaft covered with lube and the cum he has shot into Jane. Jane’s pussy had been filled to overflowing, and thick streams of donkey spunk started to run down her thighs from her pussy. The two women quickly got into position, and they started to lick up the thick streams of donkey spunk from Jane’s thighs.

Jane stayed still for a few minutes, getting her bearings back. She was released from the restraints, and smiled as she stood up. She walked over to me, and smiled at me, then her expression turned hard. She knew that I was not really sure this was for me.

“OK Lisa, listen to me”, Jane spoke low but firmly, “you know you can’t resist me. And this time is no different. I can see it all over your face, you want to feel for yourself, what it’s like to be fucked by such a huge cock. Well, today is your lucky day, you are going to find out, you will be strapped down to the other table, and you will be fucked by a donkey, and you will become a member of the Donkey Fuck club. Follow me.”

I had never told anyone about my favorite fantasy. When I masturbated, when I was getting fucked, I always imagined that I was being fucked by a horse or a donkey. The fantasy of having such a massive cock shoved up my cunt, and fucking me until I exploded, just drove me to wildly explosive climaxes every time. It’s almost like Jane had seen into my mind, and knew my fantasy. I was a mixture of fear and horniness. Jane had taken it, so my horny urge overruled any fear of taking in such a huge cock. I was getting a chance to live out my fantasy, and I had to try it.

I noticed the women lead another donkey into the area, and they started to play with his cock, the thick shaft quickly becoming rock hard, as Jane took my hand firmly, and led me to the table. She was right, I could not say no, I had to live out my fantasy. I took my place on the next table, getting into the same position that Jane had been in on her table, with my ass cocked up, and my legs spread wide. Jane smiled at me, as she strapped my ankles and knees down. My elbows and wrists were clamped down, The women led the donkey around, so I could see what they were doing. They were sliding a thick coating of lube up and down the donkey’s huge cock. It was rock hard, and ready to fuck me.

“First time initiation, you have to be gagged and blindfolded”, Jane said, “club rules. Would you like a ball gag, bit gag, cleave gag, cloth gag, strip of tape, or our special gag?”

I said, “How about the special gag?”

She took the special gag and showed it to me. It was a wide strip of rubber, that would completely cover my mouth. In the middle of the gag, was a rubber ball like the one from a ball gag. Jane smiled at me, and I opened my mouth. She fit the ball into my mouth, and adjusted the gag around my mouth, and fastened the gag behind my head.

“Lisa, can you breathe OK?” Jane asked. “Take your time, and make sure.”

After a minute, I was sure that I would be OK, and I nodded. Jane smiled at me, and she showed me the blindfold. It was like a sleeping mask, with leopard style spots on it, and the inside was lined with soft fleece. She slipped the blindfold over my eyes, turned my head to the right, lifted my head up gently, and slid a soft pillow under my head.

“Prepare yourself Lisa my dear.”, Jane whispered to me, “This donkey is going to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before. You will see stars as his huge cock splits your pussy open, again and again. And when his throbbing cock explodes, and floods your pussy with his thick spunk, you will cum like never before. I was initiated a month ago, and the donkey’s cock is so much better than any man’s cock could ever be. So relax, and enjoy.”

I could feel Jane’s hands spreading slick lube around my cunt and right up the hole. She applied plenty, making sure I was well lubed up. In my mind’s eye, I could see my naked body restrained, gagged, blindfolded, and ready to be fucked by a donkey, that vision got my juices going. I could hear them lifting the donkey’s front legs on to the fence like apparatus that is above my table, and the donkey’s hard cock is led up to my cunt. I feel the fingers of the women spreading my pussy lips apart, then I feel the long knob end of the donkey’s stiff cock against the lips of my cunt. It forces them apart and begins to enter my hole as the woman guides it up me. My howl of pain is totally muffled by the ball clamped in my mouth as the huge shaft stretches the walls of my cunt apart. Inch by inch it slowly goes in, I can feel that huge cock splitting my cunt open, wider and deeper than it ever has been. I let out another totally muffled howl of pain as the donkey’s cock splits open my deeper inner cunt, I feel like the world’s tightest virgin getting her tight virgin cunt split open for the first time, by the biggest cock in high school. I can feel my throbbing cunt stretched wide around that massive shaft as the donkey plunges as deep as he can force his cock, splitting open my cunt as deep as he can go, bringing another completely muffled howl of pain. The donkey pulls back, and again plunges deep, drawing another totally muffled howl of pain from me. On the third plunge, my howl is part pain, and part pleasure, my cunt is starting to throb with a mixture of pain and pleasure, as his massive cock pushes in again, and begins painfully moving forward and back, in and out. The 4th plunge draws a grunt of pleasure from me, as my cunt begins to throb with a more pleasurable feeling. The donkey’s cock has been well greased, and after the first few abrasive thrusts, the fucking rhythm becomes easier. They hold me still as the donkey starts to fuck my burning cunt rhythmically, his massive cock thrusting deep into me just like a piston. Soon the donkey’s prick is plunging into me again and again, stretching the walls of my cunt over and over, and going deeper than ever before. The donkey knows what to do, there have obviously been other girls here before me that he has fucked, as he rears back and forth, driving his massive cock into me again and again as his massive pussy splitter power fucks my burning cunt wildly. I can feel my horny, eager pussy stretched wide around that massive shaft with each plunge in. I am getting my brains fucked out, and I am seeing stars as the donkey’s massive cock splits my pussy open again and again, power fucking me. I am making lust grunts of pure pleasure as I get fucked to the core, over and over. I am delirious with pleasure as his huge pussy splitter slams deep up my cunt, giving my horny cunt a power reaming like it has never had before. Jane was right, I am getting fucked like never before. The donkey’s cock starts throbbing, and his huge cock explodes. I feel it throbbing, pulsing wildly in me as he begins tossing off, and I can feel the donkey’s throbbing prick pumping its hot spunk into me, filling my womb, flooding my cunt. I could feel my fiery fuck-hole spasming wildly, and I let out a muffled shriek of pleasure as I exploded, my orgasm makes my body shake and jerk wildly. My cunt is throbbing wildly, on fire with my orgasm as his juices squirt up me. I was breathless, it was my most intense orgasm ever, I was in another world.

Soon, the donkey’s cock starts to get smaller, and his cock withdraws. I feel a huge load of donkey spunk gush out of my pussy, and I feel streams of cum streaming down my thighs. I feel the lips and tongues of the two women licking up the thick streams of spunk. Jane is next to me, and she releases me from the restraints. She removes the blindfold and gag, and takes me to a communal shower room with 6 shower heads. She cranks on the water for 2 shower heads, we strip off our stockings and garter belts, and we step under, and feel the water raining down on us. She takes a bar of soap, and washes me from head to foot. I take the soap from her, and return the favor. As we are toweling ourselves off, she tells me about the club. Tuesday nights are for new member initiation, Saturday nights are for club members. She is proud to say that ever since she was opened up, she has never missed a Saturday.

“The first time, I chose the special gag also. The idea behind the gag is to silence your howls of pain, and let you see how good it feels to be fucked like never before. Once the initial penetration is over, and the donkey settles into a good fucking rhythm, the howl of pain turns to howls of pleasure. Being blindfolded just made it even more erotic. But when I felt that massive shaft push into me, and split my horny cunt open deeper than ever, it just drove me crazy. Ever since that first time, I knew that no man could fuck me like that, and make me cum like that. I was more than happy to get my DF tattoo. Every time, I just get my brains fucked out, and I cum harder than ever.”, Jane sighed, a smile on her lips. “That’s why I am here every Saturday. If you want to join the club, there are no rules about how many times you want to enjoy Saturdays, it’s up to you. If you do make it to another Saturday, club rules say that you must get the DF tattooed on you before then. Tattooing nights are Friday, so if you can make it to Saturday’s member night, you will need to go to Don’s house on Friday. He’s a tattoo artist by trade, and he does all the tattoos. Club rules also state that you must be tattooed on your ass, or just above your pussy, just so you know. And I don’t know if you feel up to it again, so soon, although I sure was. I hope you will feel up to joining, I’d love to have a donkey fucking my cunt, while you are next to me on the other table, also getting a donkey fucking, so we can watch each other getting fucked.”

We were dressed, and ready to go. Cam and Don wished us a good evening, and said they hoped they would see me again.

That night, I lay in bed, rerunning it over in my mind. It felt like a red hot poker had been shoved up me, but it was not a hurting pain, more of a well fucked pain. Jane was right, I had never cum so hard in my life, and I wanted to try it again.


Part 2

That Friday, I went to Don’s house, it was a pleasant split level ranch house out in the suburbs. Soon, I was naked from the waist down, draped over a table, with my ass cocked up to the tattoo needle. The buzz of the needle, and the slight stinging sensation felt good. I got my DF tattoo on my right ass cheek. I gave him my cell phone camera, so he could take a picture of it for me, and looking it over, I was pleased at the design. Don told me he designed a different style of DF for every member, so that no two members would have exactly the same tattoo.

That Saturday, Jane smiled as I told her I wanted to go again. I remembered to put on my leather garter belt and black stockings before we left, and Jane smiled at me as I pulled my dress off in the barn, eager to display my DF tattoo, showing her I was ready. She did the same, and we waited eagerly, and watched 2 members ahead of us get their fill of donkey cock. Jane and I smiled at each other as we both got strapped down, now that I was a member, I could watch Jane, as she could watch me. And watching her take a donkey’s huge cock at the same time as I took a donkey’s massive fuck pole up my throbbing cunt, just made me go wild. Our grunts and howls of pleasure filled the room, the knowledge that I had the Donkey Fuck tattoo on my ass, as if encouraging the donkey to fuck me deep, and feeling my cunt being split open, and getting my brains fucked out, my cunt stretched wide around the massive cock being driven up my throbbing cunt, again and again, and watching Jane get the same, shoved me into a massive climax. Jane’s howl of pleasure joined mine, as we both exploded. The donkey snorted as his throbbing shaft sank into me, exploding and squirting wildly, splattering my cervix and filling my horny womb to overflowing with a massive load of hot donkey spunk. Knowing that Jane was getting a massive load of thick donkey spunk pumped deep inside her, at the same time my donkey was squirting his massive load of hot spunk inside my burning core, made me cum like crazy. I howled with pleasure again as my cunt exploded again, spasming crazily, and my quivering hole milked greedily at his shaft, sucking every drop out of the donkey’s swollen prick.

After we were done, 2 more members took our places, and 2 more donkeys were about to get lucky. There were 6 more members waiting, and we smiled and exchanged small talk with them, as more horny members got their cunts filled with donkey spunk. After a few minutes, Jane led me back towards the showers. Before we got there, Jane gave me a lustful smile, and told me there were other benefits of being a member.

“Before we have a shower, how would you feel about sucking one of those big cocks?” Jane said, “you won’t believe how much they shoot. The first time I sucked one of them off, I thought he was never going to stop.”

I felt a forbidden thrill course through me, and I replied, “I’d like to try that.”

“Then right this way”, Jane replied, her eyes bright.

She led me to another area of the barn, where the donkeys were stabled. We took 2 donkeys, and led them to a private section that Jane led me to.

“This is what we call the suck off room”, Jane exclaimed. “Now, you sit down and watch, and I’ll show you what it’s like.”

I sat down and watched intently. Jane led the donkey to a frame like device, and his rear legs were secured, so he couldn’t move around, and possibly trample her. Jane took a cushion, and knelt down. She started to play with the donkey’s cock, stroking it as it started to stiffen rapidly. Soon the donkey’s cock was fully erect and Jane smiled at the stiff cock. She started to lick at the massive head, running her pink tongue around that big shaft. She then slid her lips over the head of the massive cock, and her hands started to stroke the donkey’s cock more forcefully. Soon, she was pumping the length of the donkey’s cock, her mouth clamped tightly around the head, masturbating the donkey to a gusher of an orgasm. The donkey started to snort, and I could see the cock start to pulse with orgasmic contractions. Jane pulled her head back, and his cock exploded. I stared in open mouthed wonder, Jane’s tongue was tickling at the donkey cock’s slit, and it was squirting like a fire hose. It squirted wildly, gushing spunk, and Jane was splattered with hot shots, she let the full force shots spray all over her face and body. She then wrapped her lips tightly around the cock head, to gulp down the less powerful shots, and she eagerly drank down the rest of the thick donkey spunk.

Watching this had made my pussy simmer, I was so ready, hot and eager. Jane stood up, and seeing her face covered with a thick load, and her body splattered with so much thick spunk made me red hot. Her tits were covered, it was dripping off her stiff nipples, several thick shots were splattered all over her face, a long shot ran across her shoulder, and another thick shot ran around the front of her throat, giving her a pearl necklace.

I watched Jane sit down, and smile at me as I led my donkey over to the frame. As I was fitting the legs in, two members came in, leading donkeys. They smiled at us, as Jane invited them to sit down to watch. Having an audience made me hot, and I knelt down, my hands stroking the donkey’s cock up to full erection. I ran my tongue all over the swollen head, licking at it like a lollipop. I placed a line of kisses along the side of the massive shaft, feeling it throb with need. I swallowed the head, fitting in as much as I could, clamping my lips tightly around his cock, and my hands started to stroke the donkey’s cock more forcefully. Soon, my hands were pumping the length of that swollen fuck pole, my mouth eagerly awaiting his gusher of cum. The donkey started to snort, then I felt his cock pulsing. His first shot filled my mouth, gushing wildly. I quickly pulled my head back, releasing his cock from my mouth, and his throbbing cock squirted thick streams all over my face, pointing his gushing cock downwards, thick ropes of donkey cum splattered all over my tingling tits. I pointed the thick shaft at my neck, and he splattered a thick stream around my throat, giving me a pearl necklace. I quickly wrapped my lips tightly around his cock, and let him gush the rest of his thick spunk in my eager mouth, his massive cock spewing thick streams of tasty donkey spunk all over my tongue. His pulsing cock filled my mouth as I sucked every drop out of his massive fuck pole, and I eagerly drank down the tasty, thick, juicy load of donkey spunk.

I rose up, and saw 3 faces watching me, full of lust. It felt incredibly erotic, to be completely naked and with my donkey partner’s thick juicy load splattered all over my body. I walked over, and met Tina and Jakki, who were the awaiting members. As Jane and I were in no hurry, they invited us to stay and watch them sucking off their donkeys. We did, and it was a huge turn on watching Tina and Jakki sucking off big donkey cocks, until they got their mouths filled and their bodies splattered with thick loads of donkey spunk.

Afterwards, we went to the showers, and washed all the thick donkey cum off our bodies. We passed around the soap, and washed each others bodies clean, from head to foot. Washing each others bodies, we compared tattoos, Tina and Jakki had their pussies clean shaven, smooth and bare, and their DF tattoos placed just above their creamy entrances, it looked very erotic. Tina and Jakki ran their hands over our tattoos, and I felt an erotic chill at the touch of their hands. Jane and I did the same, and Tina and Jakki seemed to like it as much as we did. Tina and Jakki were really nice, and they asked when we had been initiated. I told them of how Jane had brought me here and I had been initiated that very Tuesday. Jane replied she had been a regular for the last month. Jakki told us she had been initiated 2 weeks ago, and Tina added that Jakki had brought her the next week, and she had been initiated the Tuesday before me. Jane suggested that we all meet every Saturday, and come to the meetings, so we could all enjoy watching each other getting fucked and sucking off the donkeys, and we all agreed, it sounded like a great idea.

I told Jane, “Thank you babe, you were right, no man can fuck me as hard, or make me cum as wildly as the donkeys.”

Jane responded, “I thought you would. You have that wild side, and I knew that if you tried it once, you’d love donkey fucking as much as I do.”

Jakki joined in, “You are so right! Feeling that massive shaft penetrate me, and having it rammed deep up me, just makes me explode like never before.”

Tina giggled, “I’m so glad the donkeys have no qualms about fucking outside of their species, since we don’t, either.”

We all had a good laugh over that one. I enjoyed the soreness up my cunt, just the feel of a well fucked pussy. And, I looked forward to the next weekend, when another donkey would fuck me deep, and I would be able to suck another donkey cock to a gushing orgasm.

The next Saturday we were all together for a hot time. Jakki wanted her and I to get fucked together, so we could watch each other getting fucked at the same time. It sounded very hot, so when I was strapped down, with my head on a pillow, looking to the right, I saw Jakki strapped down next to me, her head turned to the left, smiling at me with a smile of pure lust. We felt hands stroking slick lube over our burning cores, and sliding lots up our quivering holes. Watching Jakki getting penetrated by the donkey’s massive swollen cock, at the same time as my burning cunt was penetrated, made me howl with pleasure, Jakki’s howl of pleasure joining mine, as our burning cunts were split open again, as our donkey lovers slammed their massive fuck poles deep into us. The feeling of my horny cunt being split open again just drove me crazy. Our donkeys got a steady rhythm going, and soon, Jakki and I were both grunting passionately, as our donkeys slammed their massive shafts into us, over and over.
Watching the bliss playing across Jakki’s face as her cunt got power reamed by that huge shaft fucking her made me hot, as I could feel my eager burning cunt stretched wide around the massive shaft power fucking me, making me delirious with pleasure. I again got the fuck of a lifetime, I was getting my brains fucked out, as the donkey was thrusting his massive fuck pole into me, over and over, splitting my burning fuckhole again and again.

“Oh Fuck, YEAH!”, Jakki howled, “I’m cumming, of my god I feel like I’m gonna fucking explode, fuck, fuck, FUCK!”

The last word ended in a shriek of pleasure as her burning cunt exploded. Her orgasm shoved me to climax, my howl of orgasm joined hers, as my throbbing cunt exploded. Just as I blew, I could feel the donkey’s cock explode, shooting and squirting a thick flood, as his throbbing cock pumped his hot load of donkey spunk deep inside me. My body was shuddering wildly, every time, it was the hottest cums I had ever had. Jane is right, I thought with a smile, no man could ever fuck me as good as the donkeys.

After us, Jane and Tina got to watch each other getting power fucked by big donkey cocks, and we enjoyed watching them get theirs. Afterwards, we all went to the suck off room, and we all watched each other sucking off massive donkey cocks. Sucking the huge throbbing cocks, until it gushes thick loads all over my body, and into my eager mouth, and being watched, just drives me wild. And watching Jane, Tina and Jakki sucking off huge donkey cocks, and getting squirted with donkey cum, and drinking down loads of thick donkey spunk, just made me wildly horny.

In the shower, Jakki was running the soap all over my body, as we washed the thick donkey spunk off our bodies. I felt her fingers slide down to my pussy, and run gently along my lower lips. I looked at her, surprised, but also turned on. She smiled at me, and her head came forward. Just before our lips met, I could see Jane and Tina in a sexy embrace, their lips pressed tightly together in a hot kiss, their fingers playing with each others horny pussies. My lips met Jakki’s, and my hand went down to Jakki’s pussy. We were kissing hotly, our fingers stroking at each others tingling clits, driving each other to orgasm. I came hard, my pussy spasming crazily as I exploded. Tina cried out wordlessly as she came, Jane’s cry of ecstasy joined hers, and Jakki gasped out, “Oh fuck, yeah!” as she reached her climax, her juices gushing over my fingers. I brought my fingers to my lips, and licked off the hot buttery musk.

As we were toweling each other dry, Tina and Jakki asked us if we’d like to come home with them, and continue what we had started in the shower. Jane and I were more than happy to agree.

In Jakki’s bedroom, Jakki and I found ourselves in a tight 69, right next to Jane and Tina, who were also licking each others creamy pussies, over and over. All of us were sneaking peaks at the others bodies writhing wildly, and it made us all REALLY hot. All too soon, I could feel my pussy start to spasm wildly. I exploded, my howl of pleasure muffled by my mouth licking wildly at Jakki. That started Jakki, and she let go, cumming all over my face, as she hit her climax. Tina and Jane were gasping, and when Jane cried, “Oh fuck yes, I’m cumming!” , Tina howled with pleasure, as they both exploded in climax. We collapsed on the bed, getting our breath back.

With us stroking and fondling each others bodies, it did not take us long to get hot and horny again. Jakki reached into her dresser drawer, and took out 2 stiff, double headed dildos. She gave one to Tina, and asked us if we like to ride their toys with us. Did we ever. Soon, Tina and I were on our hands and knees, ass to ass, the stiff dildo bonding our cunts together, as we rode her dildo. I could feel our asses smack together as we bucked back and forth. Right next to us, Jane and Jakki were in a similar configuration, as they bucked back and forth, riding Jakki’s dildo. All four of us were grunting with pleasure, fucking and being fucked, and my pussy was on fire. My mind jumped up, I thought of what we had just been through this evening. Having a huge donkey cock fucking me to the core, and spraying a massive load of thick spunk up my throbbing cunt. Sucking that throbbing shaft, and having it squirt thick donkey spunk all over my body, and fill my eager mouth with a juicy tasty load of donkey spunk. That did it, and I howled with pleasure as my pussy exploded. Tina’s howl of joy joined mine, and Jakki and Jane’s cries of orgasm joined ours, as their pussies all exploded in massive orgasms.

I would love to take a new member for initiation, I wonder if my 20 year old sister is as wild as I am?

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