Women with Animals

Watched a girl fuck her dog once (true story)


(c) 2014 by strt4bbc

When I was in college I hooked up with this girl at a party. She was just average, but not bad. A little heavy, but cute. We were both pretty drunk, and she took me back to her place. She lived in a small house near campus. I remember on our way into her house that she had a black lab in her front yard. It was a weird house, it had a small fenced in front yard, which is where the lab was.

We went into her house and I remember thinking it was odd, because it like like a studio apartment, the whole house was probably only 600 square feet or something. It was just one big room, with the kitchen, her bed and a couch and TV all together. Anyway, we ripped off our clothes and started going at it immediately. I honestly don’t remember exactly what happened, but I know that I put on a rubber, then after a couple minutes of trying to have sex I got frustrated and pulled it off and we kept going.

Then I remember her pussy was very wet and very loose and I kept poping out of her (I have a pretty big cock, about 8″). It was my fault I’m sure, I was so wasted I could barely stand. I think I said something like, “Sorry, I’m too drunk to have sex,” and then just flopped up on the bed.

Then I guess I passed out or something, at least I closed my eyes for a while. The next thing I remember I woke up hearing some noise and I was under the covers and most of the lights were off in the house and I looked around and I was in bed by myself. I looked around and I saw her across the room on the floor near her couch in the dark getting fucked by her dog.

She didn’t know I was awake, I was just laying there motionless with my eyes barely open.

At first it was disorienting and I was like WTF?? but I laid there and watched. She was trying to be quite, like whispering moaning sounds and stuff, but her dog was panting pretty loud. He dismounted her a few times and she’d be like trying to tell him stuff in a forceful whisper, like “Come here.” and I could see she was reaching back spreading her pussy getting him to lick it and and then he’d mounter her again. This went on for several minutes, then I guess he came, cause he stopped moving and just laid on top of her for a bit. Then she started to get up and I closed my eyes. I could hear her put him back outside.

Then she climbed back into bed with me. I was still really wasted at this point, and like the room was spinning. But, when she got into bed I kind of cuddled over with her like I was still asleep. We started spooning then after a few minutes I reached around and started rubbing her pussy. She brushed me off at first, but I fingered her some, she was really wet now, filled with his cum I assumed. I was still too drunk to fuck, but I started kissing her body and cheek. We didn’t say anything, and then I worked my way down under the covers and started licking her pussy. It was kinda nasty, with a sweaty, post-sex smell/taste, but I kept going at it until she came. I was so drunk I didn’t have a hardon, but I was dripping cum. But once she came I just crawled back up and we went to sleep.

The “next day” (probably 4 or 5 hours later) I honestly could barely remember what happened and couldn’t find my clothes. We woke up and I was still buzzed and I was like, “Sorry I was too wasted last night.” She was like, “Oh it’s okay, I was pretty drunk too, etc, etc.” She said she had to get to work really soon so I had to go, so we got dressed and she dropped me off back at my car, which was just a few blocks away. We hardly talked during the ride.

I was hoping to see her again, but I didn’t have her number or anything. I saw her a few days later and tried to get a conversation going, but she kind of brushed me off and was like, “Hey, good to see you, yeah, I gotta go,” type thing. I never told anyone about it, and was hoping for a while I’d be able to hook up with her and go out or something. Knowing that she fucked her dog was so hot. I assumed that she did it on a regular basis given the circumstances.

Then like a year later someone told me she had come out as a lesbian, and I saw her with a butch girlfriend. I was like WTF? I’ve always regretted not letting her know I saw her and that it turned me on.

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