Women with Animals

Sharon’s Discovery Of Pleasure Continues


(c) 2010 by mandawg

After the last time Sharon had been fucked by her pet. She was in absolute turmoil over it all.

Having called me several times and discussing how she felt so damn guilty having let all this go as far as it had. I in return had told her the fact of the matter was did she enjoy it or not?

Oh hell yeah she enjoyed it. Every last damn bit of it she enjoyed.

The fact was I could tell by her voice and acting over the phone she was at this moment in “heat” once again. And wanted some of red hot doggy dick inside her womanly pussy once more.

Well I certainly caught on quick by her stammering voice that she was indeed wanting some more of it. So I said “Do you want to come over and bring Mutt with you and get some more”! She just himmed hawed around about it until I said look load your dog up come over and I’ll get everything ready for you and your luvr!

I knew from many past times of all this a bit of alcohol to knock the qualms about it all down were certainly going to be needed once again and so I whipped up a batch of frozen Mountain Dew ritta’s adding a mite tug more of that courage sauce “Tequilla” and had all ready when she showed up with “Mutt” tailing along beside her happy as could be as if he knew he was going here to get some of that fine pussy of hers again.

She comes inside and sits down and I hand her the drink and chug a beer myself as there on the coffee table before her is the large heavy threaded beach towel and a pair of socks for “Mutts” feet. She just gives it all a glance and shudders all over and swigs that drink down like it was a slushee or something. Then I get her another, then another, as she is finally relaxing and now saying; “Oh I want ttto doo this bbut I’mmm ffeeling so ddddammmnn gguilty abbbout it”!

I looked her in those beautiful deep blue eyes of hers and said: “Look I know your guilts have you tore up, But what matters to me most Sharon is if your really wanting it more than your mind is saying you cannot”.

She just stares at me then glances down at “Mutt” obediently sitting there his tongue hanging out as if he was thirsty and only thing that would cure that was some of that fine ass pussy juice of his mistress!

So I say look if you want it again then just go in my bedroom get naked and come back out here and I’ll then have “Mutt” readied and your pleasure can happen once again.

At that point she disappears into the bedroom as I take “Mutt” and get the socks on his front feet his now knowing that this means he was going to fuck “her” once again as he prances about now as if impatient for it to all begin.

Well she pokes her head out bedroom door and says; “Is he rready”? As I of course say oh hell yeah and he’s learning fast and knows what he’s about to get and do now! She just herself walks into the room now totally naked as I admire the hell out of that fine skinny womanly body of hers and how her waist has somehow seemed to hour glass out more just at the hips and as she comes to stand in front of us, I notice her pussy is already wet and ready!

I just point to the coffee table and say lean onto that and place yourself over the big towel and get that ass in the air and ready! She immediately does this now half leaning on the coffee table and her ass in the air and she has her legs wide open this time in preparation for the pleasure ol’ Mutt is about to give her.

At this point Mutt is ready to go he’s prancing around like he’s ready for the hunt. To go and fuck his mistresses brains out! Give her what she desires and damn sure what he wants as well! And with that no more
than being their reactions he just trots right over there behind her lowers that damn snout of his and starts licking that pussy like crazy!

She’s flinging her head around now crying out and screaming out how good his long tongue feels in her pussy and then screams out: “Ohhhhh ssshhhhhttttttt I I I’mmmm ccccummmminggggg”!

And cum she damn sure did as I could hear Mutts tongue now sloppily licking that pussy hard and fast. As her whole body was shaking, and shuddering, and squirming as he tongued that pussy out good and proper!

Then as fast as all that had begun ol’ Mutt just reared right back on those hind legs and jumped right atop her back and skid himself up closer and was pulling those nice hips of hers to him and she was now saying: “Ohhhh heee’ssss gggggoingg ttto gggggoing tttto fffuccck meee”!

Right then and there his long red hot cock hit that pussy and slammed right in as far as he could push it! She just threw her head back and screamed: “DDDammmmnnn oooohhhh dddammnnn hhheee’s sssooo fffarrrr in meeee ttthiiisss timmeeee”!

As then and there ol’ Mutt just set out to rent that pussy assunder with that red hot huge dock cock of his and I mean he fucked her hard and fast and furious. She was thrashing her head wildly about screaming out how he was fucking her harder and faster than he ever had and that she could feel him way deeper than he had ever been able to go before.

Then I heard her really scream out as I knew damn good and well by both his actions and her reactions that she’d just taken that knott in that pussy! As she screamed out over and over again: “Ohhhhh shhssshhitttttt tttheeeee bbbballl thhtthhee knnnoottt isss innn mee oh it’s biggggg anddddd thrroobbbbing”! “Ohhhh ittt’s hhhoootttt oh ttto hoottttt”!

Just as she about lost all care to the world I could see her jerking and shuddering all over and she was screaming out; “Ohhhh ddddammn sssomeee ttthingggg isss mmmaaking meeee ooopppennn upppp wwway in meee oh it’s ssssoooo ddddammmnnn hootttttt oh I’mmm ssssoooo ffffulll”!

Her head just fell to the cofee table her arms folding out as she now was in never never orgasm land to hell and back. As Mutt’s pantings matched hers as if both were overheated to the core and about to blow a heat fuse!

He just stopped fucking her now laying atop her back drooling right between her shoulder blades as she was grunting and moaning out and her body now shivering each and every time I saw his huge nut sack contract and expand as he was giving that womb of hers a washing it wouldn’t ever forget.

As her small womanly belly began to expand outwards and was quivering and twitching like everything. As she was now screaming out: “Itttss ittt’s itttsss tttttooo mmmuccch ttttooo hooottttt tttoo hottt oh I’m ggoiinggg tttoooo bbbbburnnn uppppp aaandddd exxxplode”!

All the while Mutt was panting like this was the best ever fuck in his life and was now getting a bit restless. So I rushed over and held him atop her as she grunted and groaned and came like she’d had never came before all the while screaming out ; “Ohhhhh tttthisss tttimeee mmmorrre ohhh morreee ohhh he’sssss gggivvven meeeee wwway mmmorrrre ccccccummmmm”!

“Myyyy bbbeeeellieeees ggggoing tttto explode oh it’s to hotttt to hottt”!

This went on for minutes on end each time she’s raise her head up and scream all this out only to slam it down again and grunt and groan like hell the whole while Mutts nutts were still pumping that womb of hers with even more of that hot cum he had for her.

At last everything subsided and Mutt pulled out of her pussy leaving it now totally gaped open and gush after gush of cum came running out of her depths as she was saying it was all still swirling inside her belly and still hotter than hell.

She was finally able to get up and I swear it looked like that poor woman had just in moments became several months pregnant her belly distented outwards as she was saying; “Ohhhhhhhh ittt’s aaallll ssstilll Innnn meeeee”!

And in her it was for damn sure! Well from past experience with her and others alike for that matter I knew what my chore was!

So I looked directly at her as now Mutt was laying to the side licking himself clean in total content that he was damn well satisfied. But she wasn’t at least in the part of her belly having been pressure filled with his hot cum.

I just said: “Well do you want me to do the honors again”?

She just then and there folded right onto the couch opened her legs and with her nice firm womanly ass right on the edge said: “Ohhh ppleeeassseee gggettt ittt outtt offf meee”!

I dropped to the floor right between her legs admiring the hell out of how swollen and widely gaped open that pussy was with cum seeping from it like a underground stream coming to surface.

And as my lips sucked up to her wet well fucked ones and began to suck all his hot cum from her bellies depth she cried out and bucked like a wild rodeo bronco!

Screaming out; “Ohhhhh ssshhhhittt oooh iiii feeel itttt ohhh itt’s hooottttt lllleavving mmmyyyyy beeellyyyy oh please do it more, oh please do it more”!

I sucked cum from her for minutes on end it seemed delighting myself in having felt that sure as hell his cum was damn sure hot even as I sucked down my throat and tried and tried to swallow it all but there just was no way this time.

As rush after rush of his hot cum flooded to my mouth and it was seeping from my lips down my chin and off into the floor below!

Her belly gradually loosing it’s distended swollen out shape as she had to be I know cuming like hell again her juices mixing with his overpowering my ability to swallow and leaking down my chin.

Then finally she cried out; “Ohhhh I I I tttthinnnnkkk ittt’s alll gggonne”! “Myyyy bbeeeliiiiies fffeeeling sssso muccch better”! And finally i stopped raising up with cum dripping from my chin like hell now and grabbing the towel and cleaning both my chin and her pussy up.

As she got up but without any vigor at all having been fucked and fucked good as she held her hand on her belly as she went to the bedroom and dressed and came back and cum still even now making the crotch of her jeans soaking wet.

She hugged me and said oh thank you so much and I’ll sure be back with him more now for all of this!

And took ol’ Mutt and left happily well fucked and satisfied as she loaded him in the car and drove away.

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