Women with Animals

Sharon’s Discovery: Her First Experience


(c) 2010 by mandawg

The story begins with Sharon who’s happily married (10yrs) and her husband being in the national guard and deployed overseas gets her a large male dog to help protect her while he is gone.

Now Sharon is no absolute stunning beauty in the least nor anything less than just a normally built woman of now 37 and her hair being more “dirty blond” now than the “pure blond” she was in her early years of life.

And her age seemingly was catching up with her since the wrinkles were setting in with her age but by no means was she some “ugly” wrinkled up woman!

She was still a “looker” even at her age and many times even younger men would drool over how beautifully she was “built” per say. She had at best maybe 32 b size breast and the one thing that really made her look so damn fuckable was that ass of hers!

There was no doubt she had the perfect bubble butt for a woman. It wasn’t by no means one of those big ones but it sure as hell made a man wish he could mount that!

I had known both her and her husband for many years, and been close friends of theirs as long as I can remember.

And sure I had a secret “desire” to want to fuck her myself but since she and her husband were so in love and her never have ever wanted anything “outside” her marriage I never made advances towards her.

She stood about 5ft. 6in. tall with that “long legged” look about her and being no more than barely maybe a 105 lbs to maybe 115. So she “looked” pretty much on the skinny side of things.

And her big deep blue eyes said of a instant lust buried inside them that gave you that instant “feeling” she was one “hot” Lady in bed!

So with the briefing of her build,size,shape, etc. out of the way I’ll now get to my story.

The dog that her husband had gotten her was more a “Mutt” than he was any one kind of breed dog. He looked like some of this, and some of that thrown all in and with that wirey sort of fur hair on him and looking like he was part “german sheppard” and part wired hair Mutt with something of a bit of maybe rottweiler or doberman he looked absolutely like a pure “Mutt”.

Sharon being the kind of woman she was absolutely feel in luv with him at first sight at the kennels and said I want him so that’s how “Mutt” came to be theirs.

Even her husband had said that is the absolute Muttiest dog i’ve ever seen and so thusly the poor dogs name became “Mutt”!

He was indeed a well mannered dog and very loyal and obedient especially towards Sharon. It was like she’d found her soul mate dog in him.

Anyway one day I was over at their home taking care of their yard during mowing season per say for her husband Roger, and had finished their yard and Sharon ask me if I wanted my usual cold beer after mowing, So I went inside their house sitting in a chair and playing with “Mutt” as she returned with a cold one and sat down on their sofa in which Mutt then ran right over beside her for his usual give me petting thing and we small talked a bit until she said I’ve got something I need to talk to you about!

I had for sure joked with them and kidded about the fact of wanting to borrow poor Mutt and bring him over for a rendezvous with some females in my life so no doubt Sharon knew or had been aware of the fact of my into this.

She was more or less just beating around the bush that lately she’d been thinking about the crazy stuff I’d talked about between a woman and a male dog.

And my being one that just gets things right out in the open said “So your having desires to get pleasured by Mutt”?

She just looked down at the floor in more an embarrassed way and with a hint of such “guilt” feelings a woman usually feels about this sort of thing.

Then said “Yes” in a half fearful and “guilty” way of speaking, while I then just said well “Sharon” your desire for this and whatever may happen is perfectly safe with me and will be known to no-one outside this home!

There certainly was total silence about as she sat there looking down still in her state of confusion, guilt, and desire and said then “How d-d-does it all happ happen”?

I sat about to explain it all to her and was more or less just giving her the this and thats about it all. When she said “he’s been making advances towards me like sniffing between my legs and such things”!

Anyway after that day at Sharons and her having to cut our conversation short since a girlfriend of hers had shown up and I had left.

And having not heard anything from her the past few days until at last I was over there once again to do their yard maintenance and such that she caught me and motioned me to come inside.

Well after getting inside and her apologizing for all the disturbance that day of our deeply embedded conversation about the matter , and her telling me that she’d so busy the last few days with having worried about her husband when an attack on their convoy had happened though none of them were injured or anything but she was worried about that and had not given thought to contacting me.

So once again our conversation returned to her and her pet and such and she said that a nite or so ago “Mutt” had gotten to lick her and with the way she was acting and shuddering it damned sure must have been good!!!

With her sitting on the sofa now and “Mutt” in his obedient way sitting right beside her she looked at me once again and said ” I wwantt tooo gggo fffurther butt I’m afraid”!

And while in my previous writting of which I destroyed by closing out of my browser and sending it to no find land again I had given a far more detailed account of our talk and such.

But now wanting to get into the depths of the whole story I’ll just say after some discussion about it she had gotten naked and had allowed “Mutt” to lick her to a pleasure she’d never experienced before; since now sitting open legged on the sofa and “Mutt” between her spent thighs and now “licking” the remains of her complete orgasm off his snout.

Giving her time to come back to life and be amoung us once more to see where this was headed “further” if any!

She came around and then said; “Ohhh thtthhhat wasss sssoooo ggggoood”! and trying to get her senses back and control of her now spent body.

Then looking at me and saying “hhhhowwww ddddoooo I doooo itttt all”?

Well wasting no time for this to cast aside and stopped by her I said “Well Sharon get on all fours and lay your upper body over the sofa and I’ll be right back.

And I hurried like a pair of newlyweds to the bedroom and grabbed up a large towel and found two pairs of socks and returned.

Of course she was now on all fours leaning her body over the sofa and I went to her side and got her to raise her knees and placed the towel under them and she asked me; “What is that for”? And telling her that there was about to be one hell of a mess both inside her and all over the towel once he was done with her!

She just shuddered all over and her beautiful round ass shook like jelly as I said now spread your “knees” open more and point your ass higher!

So with that done and leaving her in this position now breathing heavily with absolute “desire” I tended to getting “Mutts” front paws wrapped up in socks and them being large enough tied them to his front legs.

Then took the other pair knowing good and well that once he started screwing her to no end and back his hind legs would scratch her thighs or whatever they came across. And so put socks on them and secured them as well..

All the while Sharon looking back and was shuddering as she asked what that all was for and my telling her that it would keep him from scratching her waist and such and that the socks protected her from that. As poor “Mutt” was adjusting to this newfounded bunch of stuff on his feet and looking ever “increasingly” at the site of her beautiful hair covered but well trimmed mound now soaked from the prior pleasure of his tongue.

I then lead him back between her open legs and he just plowed his huge head right down into her mound and gave her yet another good licking as her ass and body “writhed” all about and then “stopping” again and leaving her a another “pile” of spent flesh he leaned back on his hunches and suddenly “leaped” right up on top her back and grabbing her small waist with his front paws and wrapping them tightly around her waist as she was “shuddering” all over and saying; “Ohhh Ohhh Ohhh” and her body writhing about as she knew the fucking of her life was about to happen!!

But in such a strange wicked desire to be pleasured by him and the moments of his mounting her, Her ass had “dipped” down and I said; “push your butt back up”! of which she pointed it right back up and shuddering and writhing the whole time as he was now closing in with his hind legs closer and closer as she said “Wwwwhat willl ittttt fff feeel lllike”?

I then told her it would be absolutely “hot” and filling to no end once he was inside her!

She just gave an absolute “moan” out all the while “Mutt” was closing in to give her the fuck of her life!!

And what seemed to be an eternity of that was mere moments until she shot her head up and “screamed” out “Ohhhhh ittt’s tttryyyingg ttttoooo gggggo innn”!

At that very moment her entire body shook all over and all she could do was breathe out heavily and gasp as his red hot poker found its mark.

Then and there he just plowed all he had into her as she gave out a loud cry of “Ohhhhhh itttt’s ssssooo hhhhottttt sssooo deeeeep”! and her head just seemed to melt to the sofa then as “Mutt” was now starting to thrust against her “harder” and “faster” making her body bounce forward but his front legs so powerful he pulled her right back to take his full assault!

And now the two of them were lost in the entire world of pleasure with her crying out loud “gasping” sounds and his now fully fucking her for all he was worth making her beautiful ass bounce like a ball from his movements and her shooting forward from it all as she was becoming ever more increasingly “lost” into the depths of being fucked to no end and back by his red hot dick.

Suddenly her head shot up once again and she gave a loud cry out of “Ohhhh wwwhattts gggggggoing innnnn meeeeeee nowwww”! And suddenly all she did was fall forward “heaving” and breathing “heavy” breaths of complete pleasure and grunting like some wild in heat bitch finally getting the breeding she needed.

Then once more she shot her head up and cried out; “Ohhhhhh sssommeeething shhhhoootttttting innnn meeeeeeee s sssooooo deeeep”! As now “Mutt” was laying over the top of her back his tongue hanging out as he panted from hell and back and drooling all over her shoulder area.

At last the two of them “locked” together like soul mates each giving the other the pleasure of their life..

Sharons slightly pudgy belly began to writhe and spasm and then swelled out ever so slightly as “Mutt” filled her pleasure cavern with his molten hot cum!

As she lay there shuddering all over and her head shaking about madly and every once in a while giving a loud crying “scream” out of “itttttsss thrrrrobbing oh ittttsss throbbbbing” and then her entire body would shudder from hell and back in the total throes of the orgasm of her life that “Mutts” now well planted “knott” was providing her total pleasure with as no doubt his cock had sank so deep into her it was very well embedded into the depths of her womb!

She flat lost all consciousness and at long last finally awakened again her “moans” and “gruntal” cries filling the room along with “Mutts” heavy panting and breathing and himself giving little “whimpers” as he lay still atop her still filling her with his red hot seed of pleasure..

This went on for a good half hour or more until finally as if on cue “Mutt” finally pulled from her “deepest” depths as she lay there “gasping” and “Mutt” finally collapsing right beside her in total “exhaustion” himself.

It took her several minutes after pull out to regain any of her senses at all and when she did, She was “grunting” out it was still so hotttt inside her!

I now looking between her legs and seeing his red hot cum spewing from her depths like a fountain gone wild and her lips stretched wide opened revealing the inner depths of her vagina in it’s deep dark red tone with cum spewing out from it as her walls would clutch and release and she’d give out a “wild” gruntal moan as that happened until at last his full load of hot cum was gone from her and leaving enough behind that she’d damn sure feel that for hours on end..

So with it all at last felt and enjoyed and her finally coming around enough to lean over give me a big shaky hug and said “I caaan’tttt mmmovveee a mmmmusscle”!

Well she lay there totally exhausted and pleasured by her deepest desire as he lay there himself spent to hell and back from giving it to her.

That I got up and said my good byes and if she needed me again to call and I’d be glad to come back over for more if she wanted it!

She just half heartedly said “Ohhhh itttt wwwwasss ssssoooo gggoood” and “sooo hotttt” to spent to do anything but fall onto the floor beside him and I left them both together as they needed to be..

Yes she called later that day and said that she’d felt things happen inside her that she’d never imagined could!!

And that “Mutt” had tried again to mount her but she was so damn spent that it took her an hour or better to even get up and finally clean up and had told me that she still felt his cum leaking from her!!

~~~ Part 2 ~~~

After our first encounter per say it were as if poor Sharon was hiding from me like the plague!

Sure I understood her thoughts about things and knew that sometimes just leaving things the hell alone are a better alternative !

So a couple weeks passed of this as I continued weekly to do their yard etc. and then out of the blue on a really ass hot day Sharon comes back out on the porch and says you better come inside and get some water down you or your going to get to hot!

Well enough invitation needed for that so I kill my mower and follow her inside glad to get a moment of good cool air and cool down a little.

And our conversation lead from this that and the other really dodging what I truly knew she wanted!!

But I finally was at an end for convo and said i’m sorry to even ask this but how was it?

Poor Sharon just seemed to “blush” and looked down once again as if being a bit “beguiled” from the actions and desires of her pets pleasures.

Though she said nothing and then at long last just said I am so “sorry” for ever starting this!

What really had her so bothered was the fact that during the previous “session” she had told me that outside her husband I was the only other man to have ever seen or was about to see “naked”.

And all that out of the bag as it were, I knew her dodging me had everything in the world to do with that.

Of which I finally got to discuss with her that I would never tell a soul about it and the fact whatever she wanted out of this was damn o.k. with me.

Somehow as if that was the “thing” she looking for me to say seemed to change things rather fast when she said; “I need a stiff drink bad”!

Well this certainly was heading in new direction!

In fact she not only made her a “drink” but she brings me a beer as well. And you damn right being the man dawg I am; I sure checked out that fine wonderful bubble butt ass of hers, “almost” wishing to hell and back I had never known her husband so well.

Now strange as it may sound I have never played with another mans woman and in that I’ll say being that I actually had sex with her myself. I hope that makes sense to you, but that truly is how I am i guess.

But in the matter of it being between a woman and her “pet” that to me is a whole other ball game and is different.

And you know that really brings up a true “question” in the forum! Really what percentage of women who have sex with their “pet” and are married actually cheat with a “man”?

Anyway back to my story:

It certainly took “Sharon” no time to devour the hell out of her mixed drink and was once again getting another one.

And of course here comes “Mutt” who has finally discovered another person is in the house and he needs “petting”!

So as he prances over and sits down and I begin to pet him here comes “Sharon” back into the living room and now sitting down trying to “guzzle” this next drink down even faster!

No doubt that when a woman starts to “drink” like that there’s a good reason for it and you know most likely it’s to loosen those morals up a bit!

This goes on for maybe an hour until “Mutt” decides he’s had enough of my petting and heads over to his “mistress” and sits down beside her making poor Sharon “shudder” all over!

And the fact that she was now getting pretty “loose” from having had almost to many drinks and her words becoming as a soon to be “drunks” words usually do when she said: ” Heee heee wwwas rrreally ggggoood”!

So I asked her back if she’d ever been absolutely “fucked” as good as “Mutt” had to her?

She just looked at the floor and him and said; “Hhheeee wwwass sssooo deep innn meee”!

No doubt about that for sure since I’d watched every bit of it and saw him shove that red hot cock in places no man could have gone inside her!

I asked her if felt like her pussy was about to explode and then suddenly some strange ass “throbbing” thing began to happen and she lost it all because her g spot was going crazy?

To which she admitted that she’d felt something force itself inside her and swell like hell then she said that was it she could only remember that this hot as hell squirting liquid was filling her up and beyond!

So our conversation was “this” and “that” about her “affair” with her pet.

Then I said to her that if she ever wanted it again I’d show her how to do things and such and that way she and he could “do” their thing all alone!

She did tell me then that my seeing her naked was really what seemed to bother her more than what “she” and “Mutt” had done together did.

But she did say that he had indeed tried like hell to mount her again after I had left that day and she had hell getting his damn socks off his feet.

So this led to that and I said so whenever your “ready” all you have to do is call me and I’ll be glad to come over and show you how to do it and all.

Well she just sat there in some far off daydreaming world of sorts then said: “I wwwant tttooo dddooo ittt agaaainn”!

Swigging her drink down and placing it on the lamp stand by the sofa she just sat there “looking” at “Mutt” and the floor once again in a state of mind of “desire” yet having her “guilt” feelings about her as well.

I finally said; “Do you want him today”?

With that she then said in a manner which stated she sure as hell wanted to and damn bad but her “feelings” and “thoughts” of it’s perversity were causing her such drawn back “truly” wanting to just let him have all of it he wanted!

Saying; “Yess I iii dddoooo”!

Well to make a long drawn out thing shorter about this I finally got Sharon to put I and “Mutt” in the bedroom and get him “dressed up” and ready. While she herself got “ready” in the living room!

And once I’d gotten “Mutts” socks over his paws and tied at his legs on all fours and he getting adjusted to that and seemingly knowing damn good and well that this meant he was going to “get” some more of that fine pussy from her!

Then out of the blue I heard Sharon calling it was o.k. to come in now and so I and “Mutt” proceeded back into the living room and “there” before us both was “Sharon” totally naked and in fact now absolutely on all “fours” leaning her upper body onto the sofa.

And the very moment “Mutt” saw her this way he flat out made a beeline dash right to her and without “warning” or any further adou he shoved his “snout” right up between her beautiful round butt cheeks and licked!

Poor Sharon came all but unglued right there and then!

She was crying out “Oooohhhhh ” Oooohhhhh” Oooohhh” as “Mutt” was going to town on that pleasure cavern of hers!

All the while with her pleadings and moans her ass danced about the whole time his huge tongue worked that pussy over good and she was “thrashing” her head about wildly from the absolute “pleasure” her “pet” was giving her!

And no doubt things were getting way “better” because more and more she was moaning and groaning out like hell and back all the while his tongue lashings were becoming sloppier and sloppier the sound emitting from between her legs and his huge tongue probing way up into her now with “vigorous” attempts to get ever deeper into her!

Then she flung her head up and screamed out!

“I iiii Caaannn’ttttt ttttakeeee annnnyyyy mooorrrrreeee”!

And then and there that poor gal had one “gusher” of an orgasm and no doubt poor “Mutt” was doing his damndest to keep up!

Then as “suddenly” as it had started it “stopped” with “Mutt” just leaning back on all hunches before her beautiful writhing widely spread legs and now just seemed to give a strange “gruntal” whimper himself and then suddenly just “leaped” into the air and “mounted” right on top her back!

Sharon was so far gone from her “huge” orgasm she reacted little if none to that until he had absolutely “wrapped” his front legs and paws right around her “small” waist and just as she “shot” her head up to say something “Mutt” hit the “Mark” perfectly!

Sharon just cried out; “Ohhhhhhh ddddammmmnnnnn ittttt’s ssssssoooo hhhhottttt”!

And all the while “Mutt” was sending more of that red hot heated cock ever deeper into her fine “ready” and tightly clutching vagina.

No doubt he had a bit of a hard time shoving his member so swollen out into her this time since evidently what he’d walked into had automatically gotten him in a state of ready to fuck!

And Sharon was crying out now “OOhhhhh ittt’ssss ggggoiinggg ddddeeeeper”!

Then suddenly she really went “bezerk” as her entire body shuddered all over and her back arched up like hell and her ass was moving about like it had a mind of it’s own as she said;

“Sommmeeethttthing iiiisssss ttttryinggg tttto ggggooo ohhhh therrrreeee”!

And that was about all she cried out as suddenly she slumped back onto the sofa and her head flailing about wildly trying to cry out more words but so lost in what was going on inside her to have done a thing but enjoy it!!

“Mutt” sure wasted no time in setting out once again to give her the “fuck” of her life and was starting to “pound” hard and “heavy” against her ass cheeks making her dance forwards and back and even her “small” but very nice “tits” were dancing back and forth as he pounded good and hard!

Then Sharon really came unglued and flung her head up once again and cried out: “Sommmeeeethinngggg issssssss tttrying tttttoooo gggggoooo innnn meeeee”!

And at that very moment her whole body “shuddered” to hell and back and her ass shot up like a rocket against “Mutt” who was pounding like a locomotive on a track now.

My having made my way over and sitting down beside her now absolutely had the most intriguing and beautiful look at what happens to a Woman’s body when the “knott” seeks it’s journey up inside her.

Because I could see that just above her pubic mound she was starting to “swell” out right there as she was all but going crazy under him with her body “writhing” and her head flinging about wildly as she was crying out: “BBBBigggggg oooohhhhhhh itttt’s bbbbiiiggger”!

Then she just lost all reality and was “mumbling” out: “Tttthrobbbbinnngggg ittt’s Throbbbbinggggg”

I just leaned up to her and said ” he’s got his Knott in now and that’s what your feeling”!

She just shook her head wildly about still mumbling out and then she gave a loud as hell gruntal sound out and her body shook all over like jello gone wild!

I glanced down under her “writhing” and “twisting” in absolute pleasure body and saw her belly begin to swell out as it was “spasming” as if the absolute thing of his “red hot” cum was so much to endure that it made her muscles and belly and no doubt womb do this!

It looked like a small balloon was being aired up inside her as her belly was filled out and I swear it was as if I could absolutely see “his” huge “knott” throbbing in it’s fully swollen state below her abdomen!

This went on for “minutes” on end as she was lost to the world a woman gets lost in when this “pleasure” of “pleasures” happens.

They seemed to both melt “together” her now laying all but limply over on the sofa with her upper body and him fully “atop” her back laying onto her in his own state of “pleasure” as he pumped that “red hot” cum of his into where “no man” had ever gone!!!

It all seemed to last an hour this time!!!

Her giving out loud “gruntal” moans of intense pleasure. And he “whimpering” while fully atop her and sending his hot cum ever more “stirring” about inside her!

Then at last he seemed to know it was time to dismount and climbed off her back turning ass to ass with her and then with a loud “plop” his huge “knott” though nothing the size it was came out and his swollen red hot poker came along as their juices absolutely gushed from her cunt!!

I had to looked dammit!!

And with that look I saw what said to me that she’d had her pussy tore up to hell and back and pleasured like she’d never had it in her entire life!!

I couldn’t help myself at all as I looked at it there before me still gaped open from hell and back and his cum pouring from her depths as her walls were clutching and “spasming” wildy and I just absolutely leaned my head right over and “Did” what my own “internal” pleasure to do was!!

And that was to absolutely plant my entire mouth right over that cunt of hers and suck all I could of his cum from her deepest depths!!

I damned sure got more than I could swallow!

Which made poor “Sharon” go even crazier and if a woman could “Cum” once again it seems she sure as hell did!!

But she sure was going crazy and her entire body rocking and shaking and writhing as her head shot up and she screamed out: “Ohhhhhhhhhhhh gggggddddddddd yooourrrrrrr ssssucccking itttttt outttttt offff mmmyyyyyyyyyyyy beeeeellllyyyyyyy”!

How long this happened is beyond me I was to far lost into my world of wanting to do this for a woman “afterwards” that time seemed to all but stand still and all that mattered was she was going damn crazy having me do this!!

It finally ended when I could “suck” no more of his cum from her as strongly as it had came at first until it seemed a mere “trickle” to my awaiting sucking mouth and tongue..

I guess some could possibly remember how it “tasted” though actually apart from being “warm” as hell the taste is something I simply can’t recall except maybe a thought that it was “salty” sort of and “somewhat” slimy.

Well after finally getting my mouth off her gaped wide open cunt and her falling right onto the sofa and her legs folding under her with “Mutt” laying on the side as happy as he could be licking himself clean which he had one hell of a mess under him for damn sure!!

I got up and left the two of them together again happy in my own adventure and having my own fantasy met in reality and left for home!!!

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