Women with Animals

Morning Noon & Night – The Finishing School


Go to 1st Part

In England if you do something frequently, all the time, excessively then you are said to be doing it, ‘Morning, Noon and Night’, hence the name of this story. The first chapter explains this in great detail.

While writing this little fantasy (of mine) I saw an opportunity for a side story involving the nearby finishing school for 16-18 year old girls. (The clock tower in the distance as Noon fucked me on the patio)

I am sure you remember Morning the Golden Labrador, Noon the Alsatian, Night the Rottweiler and of course my wonderful Mistress Clari. You may even remember that the afternoon was the only time I wore clothes when I took the three boys walking. On those walks Morning would vanish for an hour or so… this is where he went.


Noon and Night heard the noises before I did, their heads shot up as they swivelled towards where Morning had vanished into the bushes nearly an hour before. The three of us moved stealthily towards the sounds which became clearer as we approached the undergrowth.

“Fuck… oh yeah… fuck me Mr Doggy… fuck my cunt,” rang out as we came up behind Morning whose hips were moving like a jackhammer. The maker of the noise was a petite young girl who I instantly knew was aged between 16-18. The reason I could surmise her age was her discarded blazer had the emblem of the local finishing school that took on young ladies between 16-18 to complete their education. Based on how Morning was hammering her, she was getting fully educated.

She had blonde hair that was pulled into two pigtails. Her pleated skirt was high around her waist and her pert buttock cheeks quivered from pounding Morning was administering. The once white blouse was now covered in muddy paw prints and I could see that her small breasts had no need for a bra. Her white knee-length socks were strangely still high on her calves though by the looks of the damage done by Morning’s claws they were beyond repair. Looking down I realised that the crumpled blue cloth next to the small leather bag was a pair of discarded school knickers. Out of her line of sight I picked up her satchel and saw her name, ‘Annabelle de Harve’, on the embossed name tag.

“Morning you dirty dog,” I laughed out loud, “so this is where you vanish off to every day.”

The girl screamed and tried to pull away, but Morning was having none of it. He gripped the girl tightly as he forced his knot in. When she still continued to struggle, he nipped her shoulder as Noon often did to me, making a tear in the material of her shirt. That stilled her movements and I repeated what Mistress always said to me, “You are his bitch now.”

During all of this, I had been videoing with my smartphone, making sure I got good shots of her face, her name tag and Morning’s red cock slamming in and out. I had no idea what I was going to do with the video, but it seemed good insurance.

I could see that Annabelle didn’t know what to do and the questions that must be shooting through her head. Should she try to run and hide? Could she even escape the dog that had just bit her? Who was this woman who had appeared and didn’t seem at all fazed by the fact she was being fucked by a dog.? So many questions must be rushing through her brain. I could see from her face that the only one that mattered was how good the dog’s cock felt.

Based on the way her eyes were rolling Morning’s knot must have swollen inside her. Judging by the noises she was making Morning was happily pumping her full of cum. I noticed that the other two dogs were confused and were starting to get ideas about joining in. Here were the smells of a bitch being covered and surely, they should be involved. I didn’t mind If Noon got some extra, but I was dammed if Night was going to spill his seed that day before he had fucked me.

“When you have finished, we will talk,” I said to her leading the boys away from the scene before a fight started.

It was 30 minutes later when a very dishevelled Anna came over with Morning trotting happily beside her. When she sat, I pulled Morning further away.

“You have to be careful; he has a habit of licking out what he has put in.”

The girl shivered and I think by the look that flashed across her face she wouldn’t have said no.

Breaking into her thoughts I asked what had happened.

“It was almost as easy as the other girls had described. At 2 pm be at the clearing by the old dead tree. Get naked and when you see a Golden Labrador appear, let him lick you and then fuck you. You will get the pleasure of sex, but no risk of babies as you can’t have puppies.”

I remained silent as I thought to myself that it sounded like this had been going on for a while and that others were involved. She went on,

“I got here just after two-thirty, so I knew I was late. I had removed my blazer when I realised the dog was sitting watching me. It looked so sweet and gentle as it sat on its haunches regarding me with his soft brown eyes. The girls had all told me to remove my school knickers last, and only after I had removed ALL my other clothing. Then when I was ready, I should get on all fours and let nature take its course.”

Everything she said seemed to make sense, so I wondered what went wrong.

“Seeing the dog was already there I started to panic and not wanting to lose my opportunity I removed her knickers next. When I leant on a branch to steady myself as I stepped out of them, the branch snapped, and I fell forward in the dirt.”

She paused and I pictured the scene. Morning would have seen her on all fours, her skirt up showing her pert naked young ass and took that as an invitation signal.

“He was on me so fast, jumping on my back, keeping me pinned down. He thrust his hips, and I felt the tip of his cock touch me. He made a couple of tiny thrusts and on his third, he drove his cock into me. Then he started fucking me. I never realised it would be so fast, so savage, so prolonged. It seemed he was fucking me for ages, and I could feel something pressing.”

She hung her head in embarrassment, “And I loved it and said words that Miss Dearheart would faint if she had heard me say.”

“Were you a virgin before this?” I said, smiling to myself when she nodded. No wonder Morning rode her so hard; he was no doubt struggling to get his knot in.

“But you took the knot in the end.”

She looked at me in confusion, “The knot?”

I laughed, “You remember that bit where he stopped fucking you and you felt something forced inside that began to swell before it pulsed and throbbed as it pumped you full of cum?”

She nodded with a smile that can only be made by someone who has been knotted, “Well that is the knot.”

Further questioning revealed there were at least five other girls who took turns coming to this spot to meet with Morning. When I asked who they were she just looked at me and shrugged,

“I have no idea who they are, I needed to take a picture to prove I have been with your dog, but my phone is broken.”

Inspecting her I knew I couldn’t let her go back to the school looking like that. She looked like she had been raped by a rugby team before being dragged through a hedge backwards. There was cum trickling down her thighs, paw prints all over her clothes and scratches on her legs and hips.

“Well don’t worry about pictures I have some. How did you get here?”

“My bike is over there.”

“Go and get it and gather up your stuff. I will take you home and Mistress will know what to do.”


When we got home, I fed and watered the boys before securing them in their indoor kennels. I sat Anna in the kitchen with instructions to remain there and stay quiet. Then I went and did something that I was told I should only do in an absolute emergency, I knocked on her office door. I expected her to be angry, but we had been together long enough that she knew for me to knock it had to be important.

She looked at me with a concerned look on her face which turned to confusion when I handed her my phone. She watched the video in silence and then said, “Where is she?”

I led her to the kitchen.

“Anna, this is my… errr… good friend Clari. I have explained to her what has happened.”

Mistress raised an eyebrow at me, no doubt over the words ‘good friend’, but how do you refer to your Mistress to someone who is not from the ‘scene’? It was at that moment Anna started to cry.

“Hush girl,” Mistress said gently, “what is there to cry about?”

“I have been fucked by a dog. When my parents find out I will be disgraced.”

“How old are you?”


“Have you been with a boy before?” She shook her head in denial as Mistress went on, “A girl perhaps?”

Anna hung her head and mumbled a denial but her body language told the world she had feasted at the Y.

“I assume you are from Maison de Femme…” Mistress said referring to the posh finishing school, “… and your headmistress is Emily Dearheart is she not?”

Anna nodded.

“Julie, make the poor girl a cup of tea or coffee or whatever girls of her age drink. I need to make a call.”

With that, she went back to her office and closed the door.

It was 15 minutes later when Mistress emerged with a broad smile on her face.

“All sorted. I explained that poor Anna here had fallen off her bike and was quite shaken up. I will admit I did tell her a small lie in that you were resting and although you were fine I didn’t want to disturb you. She has agreed you can stay overnight and she will collect you in the morning.”

Both Anna and I stared at her open-mouthed at the ease with which she had sorted matters out.

“Julie please show Anna to our guest room, as ravishing as she looks like that I am sure she would like to freshen up. Please find her some of your clothes, they might be a little big on her but they will do for this evening.”

Then she paused before she went on, “Anna you may continue to call me Clari, but you Julie will revert to calling me Mistress as that is who I am.”

“Yes Mistress,” I replied ignoring Anna’s small gasp.

“We may have to adjust this evening’s activities in view of our guest, but I see no reason they shouldn’t continue broadly as normal.”

Mistress must have seen the confusion and curiosity on Anna’s face as she smiled, “After dinner, Julie will be fucked by our Rottweiler Night, as you and I watch.”

The gasp from Anna was audible as Mistress opened her office door and stopped halfway in. Turning she looked at me, “You are home now my slut… strip.”

She didn’t wait to see if I complied as she knew I would. As Anna watched in shock, I removed my clothing and reattached my nipple chain which I always removed when I had to dress.

“Come on let me show you to your room.”

Once I got her to the guest bedroom, I went to the ensuite and started the bath running.

“I will get you some clothes though like Mistress said they may be a little large.”

I ran to our dressing room and searched for a box of clothes that I had intended to take to the charity shop as they were too small for me. When I returned Anna was naked and the remnants of her clothes were in a pile on the floor. Some may be rescued but I suspected some would be beyond repair. I looked at Anna’s young body and appraised it fully for the first time. Her blonde pubic hair was sparse and she had the body of a girl almost ready to become a woman.

“Your pussy must still be full from Morning’s deposit.”

Anna blushed and nodded, moving her hands to cover her nakedness.

“Mistress would scold me if I didn’t make sure you were clean. Please lie on the bed so I may attend to your needs.”

There was a little white lie in there as I had no idea if Mistress would scold me or not but the chance to taste pussy for the first time in ages was a mouth-watering prospect. The fact that it would be combined with dog cum made it an irresistible bonus.

“You have been licked before haven’t you?” I said, not as a question but more as a statement.

She blushed and mumbled as I went on, “You have been licked then?”

Anna went even deeper red, “As part of the welcome to the school each of the new girls has to masturbate each other as the older girls watch. Then the older girls each choose a new entrant who has to lick them to orgasm,” she paused than added sadly, “but no-one licked me.”

“Then that is something we need to rectify straight away.”

I have always been bisexual for as long as I can remember but that now I fuck dogs, Mistress insists I am tri-sexual. Before Mistress Clari I was sub to a lesbian Domme who taught me a lot about licking pussy. She always said the key to pleasing another woman was variation in movement, area, speed and pressure. Use everything available whether that be tongue, lips, teeth or fingers. I would never say I am as good as a dog, as that is something completely different. However, I have always prided myself on being bloody good.

From the noises and writhing that Anna was making I would like to think she agreed with me and the cocktail of her juices and Morning’s cum was nectar on my tongue. Having made her into a gibbering bundle of quivering nerve endings, I satisfied myself that she was clean inside of every drop.

I led her to the deep soapy bath and left her soaking in the suds while I nipped downstairs to prep the dinner. Happy that things were ready to cook I returned upstairs to wash Anna’s body. This time I used just my fingers inside her to bring her to another mind-blowing orgasm as I manipulated her G-spot. With my other hand, I gently probed her ass just in case Mistress wanted that as well.

“I should do something for you,” she burbled dreamily.

“Your chance will come,” I smiled as I licked my fingers clean of her juices.

After Anna had dried herself, I rifled through the box of clothes and found a wrap-around skirt, that with the addition of a kilt pin at the waist, fitted her nicely, albeit at mid-thigh it was longer than when I used to wear it. I found a top that used to be skin-tight on me but hung loosely on her tiny frame.

“What about panties?” She asked demurely, “I think mine are still trampled in the mud back in the woods.”

I paused for a moment, then laughed, “You know I don’t think I own any, at least I can’t remember owning any for years.” Chuckling at her shocked look I added, “I need to get dinner started or it will be late.”


As dinner was bubbling away Mistress walked into the kitchen to see me and Anna chatting away.

I asked Anna again about the others and she explained that she had no idea who they were. She said she had seen pictures of a variety of girls with Morning but in all cases, their faces had been concealed. What she had to do was take a picture of her with Morning and upload it to the private server. Then send confirmation in their WhatsApp group, then she would then be given access to the uncensored pictures.

“Something I have been curious about,” Mistress said, “how did you get involved with this?”

Anna blushed deeply, “I was looking at porn online,”

“What type of porn?” Mistress said, though like me I think she suspected we both knew the answer.

“Dog porn,” Anna said quietly. “Then this message appeared telling me they knew I had been watching dog porn. At first, I disbelieved them, but when they told me which sites and what time I knew it was genuine. They sent me a link and showed me the pictures of them with a dog and their faces concealed. I knew it was real as I saw our uniform.”

“Go on,” said Mistress.

“I joined the WhatsApp group, and they explained the procedure, but with my broken phone I can’t.”

“Julie, can you fix this?”

I nodded and taking Anna’s phone I connected it to my laptop. Before I became a full-time slut, I had other skills which I hadn’t used in years but they quickly came flooding back. 15 minutes later I handed her a replacement phone that although a slightly older model than her broken phone, it had all her information on it. I couldn’t help but giggling when she squeaked as she saw the wallpaper on the phone. Mistress looked at it and smiled, “Well you look happy enough.”

The picture was lifted from the video and showed Anna in the state of climax and with Morning half in her and about to knot.

“Oh my God,” she breathed.

“I thought it was quite artistic,” I pouted.

“Oh that reminds me,” said Mistress smiling, “Emily thought your video was very… artistic as well.”

Anna went white but before I could smirk, she turned to me, “Emily will be joining us for dinner this evening… and the entertainment afterwards.”


I served dinner and if Emily thought it was odd that I was naked she didn’t comment, in fact, she seemed far more interested in Anna.

“So young lady, Clari tells me you have a photo to upload,” Emily said smiling at Anna who was looking very nervous. “Show me,” she commanded holding out her hand.

Anna passed over her phone which Emily took and laughed softly as she looked at the picture, “You were right Clari she does look happy.”

Emily had short curly grey hair, permed in what I would have called, ‘an old lady’s style. She wore round wire-rimmed glasses that made her look much older than she actually was, though I would have guessed she was a good ten years older than Mistress. Her clothes were old-fashioned and added to the stereotypical spinster school teacher look. It was only when she mentioned in passing that she and Clari went a long way back that I started to get an inkling of who, or rather what, she might be.

“Show me their pictures,” she said curtly and Anna navigated to the server and looked at the pictures with the covered faces. “Yes they certainly look like some of our girls,” then she looked at the various pictures of Morning. “He seems like a nice boy, is he the one who will be fucking your slut later?”

“Oh no Em, it will be Night, he is much bigger and more savage.”

“Excellent,” Emily said clapping her hands in glee, “but before the fun begins, do what you need to do Anna,” handing back the phone.

A few minutes later her phone pinged with the access code along with messages of congratulations. There was one message that asked, “Who took the picture?” but it was lost in the stream of emojis and banners.

Emily snapped her fingers for Anna’s phone and then laid it next to hers. I knew she was copying the uncensored pictures of the girls, a fact she confirmed with a triumphant, “Done,” a few minutes later.

“OK Miss de Harve, I now have what I need to ensure the silence of you and your slut companions. I think it is time you fully understood what I am.”

Emily stood and removed her glasses before unzipping her dress and stepping out of it. Her breasts hardly needed a bra but she slipped it off anyway, but when she peeled off her panties, she confirmed what I had suspected.

“Oh my,” gasped Anna as she stared at Emily’s cock that had sprung to attention.

“Strip,” she said brusquely, “sluts should be naked and based on the evidence I have, you are indeed a slut.”

I looked at Anna and knew this was a defining moment for her. If she complied then she would become a slut, if she fought then who knows what would happen. I could see the indecision on her face, and I smiled reassuringly at her as she made her choice. I watched as she peeled off her clothes revealing her young nubile body.

“Suck my cock slut,” Emily said brusquely.

I looked at Mistress for her permission before I realised that Emily was talking to Anna. I could see that Anna was nervous but also very excited so I smiled at her encouragingly.

“Make sure my cock is good and wet for when I fuck Clari as promised.”

I remained staring at Mistress not sure of what I heard. Mistress laughed, “I told you I had known Emily for a long time. She was the first to fuck me and she still does from time to time. Part of the deal with her was while she fucks me you will suck my cock.”

I considered her words for a moment then blurted out, “But what about Night?”

“He will fuck you both for our entertainment whenever and wherever he wants.”

Luckily Anna had not heard as she was too busy trying not to gag on her headmistress’s cock that she was eagerly sucking.

Mistress stood from her chair and turned and bent over sticking her now naked ass towards me. Pulling her cheeks apart I licked at her hole letting my tongue run over it before probing gently. This wasn’t the first time I had played with Mistress’s ass, as I often fingered her as I sucked her. But this was the first time I was going to see her fucked.

As I probed with my tongue, pushing it deep inside, I reached round and worked her cock that had grown to full hardness. Starting to tongue fuck her I felt a familiar cold nose pressing against my ass and then Night’s long tongue rasping across my pussy lips. I moaned into Mistress’s ass making her look back over her shoulder to see Night was getting ready to mount.

“Looks like my slut will be first,” laughed Clari.

“You should watch this as you will be next,” said Emily pulling the young girl to her feet and spinning her round so her back faced her. She then pulled Anna back to her, so she was impaled on her cock, but still had a clear view over Anna’s shoulder.

I looked up from my ministrations and saw Anna’s eyes glaze over as she took Emily’s quite substantial cock. Emily tweaked Anna’s nipples to encourage her to slowly ride her cock.

Night is a heavy dog and very forceful. He jumped onto my back, pushing me forward to Mistress’s now empty chair, before starting to thrust, seeking my wet cunt. I have learnt with Night that the best course of action is to remain still and allow him to do what he wants, so I did exactly that as I twisted my head to watch Mistress, Emily and Anna. Emily had stood, still embedded deep in Anna’s young pussy but had bent her forward so she could suck Mistress’s cock. I could hear her young cunt slurping at Emily’s cock as she choked on Mistress’s cock in her throat.

As Night found his mark and thrust home, I let out a guttural roar as his heavy cock drove home filling me completely. This caused the three of them to look at me in unison as Night started to get into a rhythm.

“He is big,” Emily said in awe.

“Yes he is,” Mistress replied, “and is as likely to fuck ass as he is pussy.”

“Have you tried?”

“God no,” Clari laughed, “far too big for me, and thinking of that, are you saving some for me or are you going to use it on your new slut?”

“Have to say her cunt is still incredibly tight, even though one of your boys used it earlier… but a promise is a promise, though looks like my new slut will be the one doing the sucking.”

With that, she withdrew from Anna and walked round to behind Mistress. From my position, the trio were side on and I could see Anna was still sucking hard on Mistress’s cock. Mistress was bent forward at around 45 degrees as Emily stood gripping her cock by the root. I couldn’t see it enter but by the noise Mistress made, I knew it was in her. I tried to move to get a better view but a warning nip from Night made me stay still.

As you are fucked by a dog the feelings are so intense your field of awareness gradually reduces. When you are fucked by a dog like Night the only thing you become aware of, is his cock slamming in and out preparing to knot you. That was where I was at that moment, being fucked to heaven and back.

I could vaguely hear the others as Night’s knot pushed inside before quickly swelling, locking us together as one until he had bred me. His first jet of cum was always powerful and as his cock was so deep, I sometimes wondered if I opened my mouth would it spurt out? I did open my mouth but what came out was what Mistress calls my perfect sound. It was the noise of an orgasm that comes from the very centre of your being, erupting from your soul. The rhythmic pulsing of his mighty knot sent jet after jet deep inside making me jerk like a puppet, impaled on his meat sword.

As his pumping slowed my field of awareness slowly expanded again to see the three of them staring at me with different expressions on their faces. Emily’s was one of awe as she stood with her cock dripping strings of cum that she had recently deposited in Mistress’s ass. Anna’s seed-covered face was a picture of fear crossed with desire. Mistress had a look of satisfaction but mainly it was one of pride.

“Your turn,” Emily said nudging Anna forward who remained rooted, her jaw slack and her mouth open.

“I’m not sure I could,” Anna stammered.

Night had pulled out of me and had wandered away having lost interest in proceedings until he was ready to fuck again.

“You will be fine,” I said reassuringly, “perhaps you might want to clean me of what Night has left behind.

Anna, for all her tender years, was very talented with her tongue. It wasn’t like a dog’s tongue that makes long rasping licks driving your nerve endings crazy. This was more like a small bird darting in and out, almost tickling yet teasing making me writhe in pleasure.

I felt Night’s presence and opening my eyes I saw him loom over her, with his black eyes gleaming like burning coals. Our eyes locked and I could see that he was going to fuck Anna and make her his bitch forever. As he rose I gripped her head between my thighs and felt her muffled scream as Night drove into her. I could feel her panting like a woman giving birth to twins as she lifted her head and looked me full in the face. It was amazing to see her face turn from panic to fear through to sheer bliss as he started to fuck her.

Night didn’t fuck her fast or slow, he just possessed her with each thrust, her mouth opening and closing like landed fish. Her eyes glazed over as she surrendered herself fully and I knew that Night had claimed a new bitch.

I had stood as Anna had lost the ability to lick me anymore, in fact, I think she had lost the power of rational thought as she was fucked like a rag doll under Night. He must have been twice her weight and his power showed as he pinned her down with his paw and slammed into Anna’s body.

I noticed that both Mistress and Emily were hard watching the scene, so standing between them I worked their cocks with each hand.

“I would fuck you but we both know that after Night it is better to wait a while,” Mistress said kindly to me.

“There is a way to make me tighter,” I giggled.

“You slut,” she laughed, “Emily you have another ass to fuck I think.”

“If that is what you wish Mistress… but there is another way to ensure my tightness and you and Miss Emily seem to enjoy being close.”

There was a brief moment of silence only punctuated by the mewing of Anna as Night’s mighty knot pumped her full of his seed before Mistress roared with laughter. Emily broke her gaze from Anna and looked at Clari curiously.

“I thought my slut here was trying to manoeuvre her way into double penetration but she is much more greedy than that… aren’t you dear?”

There are times to speak and times to remain silent and this was the latter.

“Lie on your back Em,” Clari said.

Emily lay on her back and pointed her cock in the air. I straddled her and sank down with ease, as even though Anna had licked me clean I was still a little distended inside.

“Your girl is stretched. Maybe her ass would have been better.”

“We can try that in a minute, but first this.”

With that Mistress crouched and laid her cock alongside Emily’s and pushed. Even with the size of Night’s knot and the savage fucking he had given me it was an effort for Mistress. The pain was almost unbearable, but only almost as I felt myself opened and the waves of pain and pleasure coursed through me. I opened my mouth and howled so loudly that even Night looked up. As I felt Mistress and then Emily spurt deep inside I knew that it was the perfect end to a perfect day.


So now we have a new routine. I still get to be fucked by Morning, Noon and Night but now I am training the other girls as well.

They have a rota all worked out and of course, Emily encourages it.

After Morning has finished with me, I set up two girls with Night. Poor Night was a little confused at first with the daylight, but I sorted that by converting one of the rooms in the basement to be darker, to make him feel more comfortable. One girl gets to watch and video the scene then they swap. This stops at lunchtime as I always keep Night rested so he is full of energy in the evening with me.

After Noon has fucked me at lunchtime, I then set him up with a couple of other girls and he has plenty of energy to satisfy them both. Again, they take turns in videoing each other.

Once Morning has finished with me, he is free for the day so I have got Mistress to agree we can set up a nice summer house in the grounds not far from the house. This has a veranda so the girls can either be fucked under cover or on the grass just outside, or even inside if needs be.

The videos, so I understand, are shown to prospective husbands who have a kink for that sort of thing and are looking for a bride. There is a steady turnover of girls as Emily guides those who show an interest towards the extracurricular activities.

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