Men with Animals Women with Animals

Dani the Dalmation Breaks Us Both In


My name is Sam and I grew up in coastal rural Northern California, known as a tourist destination and for weed. My parents ran a vacation home rental business and were conservative, straight-laced members of a local church. In other words, not exactly pot farmers.

We got by, but by the time I was 15, the money my parents paid me for working around the house and business was not nearly enough and when summer came, I decided to look around for odd jobs. A local family was leaving for a month and needed someone to take care of their fruit trees, dog and chickens while they were gone. It didn’t pay much, but I only needed to work about an hour a day, so it was easy money. I didn’t have my license yet, so I rode my bike about a mile down the highway, then up the side road their house was on. The houses along this road were modest but all had huge lots of an acre or more. This one had at least five acres of land, so it was a very private space. I rode up the driveway to the house and knocked on the door. It was opened by a woman in a tight-fitting polo shirt and tennis skirt. She introduced herself as Christy and as she extended her hand for me to shake, I was having a hard time not staring at her tits. She was seriously sexy for an older woman. Her breasts were large and I could tell by the nipples poking through the fabric of her shirt that she was not wearing a bra. “Come on,” she said, “let me show you around.”

As she walked me around the property, I checked her out. Her ass was firm and her legs were long and tan. Her ass swung under that short tennis skirt and she knew it. She had a “Daisy Duke” smile that was stunning.

She showed me how to get eggs from the chicken coop and feed the hens, how to water the fruit trees and then she took me to meet the family dog, a dalmatian mix that came out, barking a greeting and wagging his tail. Christy called him over and gave her dog a hug as he licked her face. “This here is Dani. He’s a very good boy and you’ll need to give him lots of attention because I know he’s going to miss us, especially his mommy.” As she talked, the dog continued to lick her face and then she kissed him back, right on the mouth, and I saw his tongue touch hers. I had never seen anyone kiss a dog like that. “Dani is my special doggie, aren’t you?” She rubbed his head, stroked his flanks and down below his belly, I could see his dog cock poking out from its sheath. “Damn,” I thought, “that’s one horny dog.” Of course, he had reason to be aroused with the attention she was giving him.

Christy explained that I was to walk Dani, feed and water him, play with him and basically make sure he was cleaned up after. I asked a few questions and then we were done. As Christy led me back, Dani, who had been walking obediently at her side, suddenly poked his nose under skirt and lifted it towards her crotch. I saw his tongue take a quick lick at the inside of her thigh before Christy pushed him away, laughing. “Oh, you bad dog. You can’t do that right now!” The way she said it, and the way she stroked his head as he gazed up at her, got me thinking that maybe there was more to this relationship than just owner and pet. That night, I lay in bed and stroked my cock thinking of Dani licking Christy, his tongue in her pussy, her large breasts heaving as she climaxed, and I shot long streams of cum over my belly and chest as I came.

Over the next week, I settled into the routine of riding over, taking care of the chores and then playing with Dani. He loved playing fetch, to take walks around the property and he was super frisky. Every time I opened the gate and at least a couple of times while we were playing, he would try to hump my leg. I’d tell him no and push him away, but he’d always come back and try again. This continued without incident for a few days. I’d get eggs, water trees, clean up dog shit and Dani would joyously try to hump me. It was annoying, but harmless, so I pretty much ignored it.

Towards the end of my first week, everything changed. As I was riding up the road, I saw a girl walking the other way. I didn’t recognize her at first, but then realized it was Gena. Her parents brought her and her brother to stay in their vacation home for a month every summer. Gena was a year or more younger than me and up to now had looked like a pretty plain, young girl. But damn, had she changed since I saw her last. Small, firm breasts filled out her cut-off t-shirt. I could just make out the outline of her nipples. Underneath her tight shorts, her waist was curvier. She had real hips now, that swung as she walked. She had dirty blonde hair in loose curls that came down to just below her shoulders.

When she recognized me, she waved and I stopped next to her. “Sammy!” Good to see you!” and she bounced over and gave me a big hug. I could feel her breasts press against my chest. “Gena, I almost didn’t recognize you.” I replied, “You’re all…grown up.” She gave my shoulder a playful push and rolled her eyes. “Yeah, my brother says that I finally look like a woman. He’s a total perve. I catch him staring at my tits all the time.” I couldn’t blame him. His sister was smoking hot. “Yeah, he’s a perve, all right,” I said, “What are you up to?” Gena stretched her arms towards the sky, showing off her flat, bare stomach. “Just worshipping the sun on this beautiful day! You should come to the beach with me!” God I wanted to.

“I’m working up the road, taking care of the Johnson’s place while they’re gone. Gotta feed the chickens and shit. Maybe I can join you after?”

Gena grinned, “Well, don’t take too long. See ya later, gator!” and she continued her walk down the road. I stared at her ass for a long moment before getting back on my bike.

So I was pretty horny when I got to my job. I quickly took care of the chickens, gave the trees a quick spray and determined to play with Dani as quickly as possible so I could join Gena. I found his favorite ball and we played fetch. I had just tossed the ball when Dani was distracted by a squirrel and the ball rolled under a blackberry bush. “Damn,” and I got down on my knees, reaching carefully past the thorns to try to get the ball. I heard Dani approach while I was stretching out my arm and suddenly felt him mount me from behind, grabbing my hips and thrusting at my ass. “Fuck! Down, boy, down!” I yelled but my shoulder was under the bush and I couldn’t really move without getting pricked by thorns. I reached back and pushed the horny dog away but he jumped right back on my backside, this time with his crotch tighter to my butt. As I reached for the ball, I felt him trying to hammer away at me through my shorts, and I could feel his hard shaft, poking around between my ass cheeks. That sensation of having a dog cock thrusting just inches from my asshole was causing my cock to swell in my shorts. I had a quick image flash through my brain of my being fucked by this dog before I shook my head, grabbed the ball, was able to scoot backwards and finally push the insistent dog away. “Bad dog!” I scolded him, shaking my finger in his face. But the hard-on that was now straining at my shorts was saying something different. Dani seemed to look at my crotch, then back at my face, smiling. Then he lay down, lifted his leg and began slowly licking at his exposed shaft. There was a good 6 inches of cock out of the sheath and he seemed to be almost teasing me as he licked it. I was fascinated by the shape, with the tapered tip, and the way it slowly emerged from the sheath. As he continued to lick, a lump at the base emerged and began to swell. I wanted to leave to meet Gena, but I found what I was watching too fascinating. And, though I didn’t really want to admit it, I was getting seriously horny. I decided a few minutes wouldn’t matter.

I sat down next to Dani and watched him continue to lick his shaft for a minute or two before getting up the courage to reach out and touch him. He stopped licking as I ran one and then two fingers up and down his exposed dog cock. He made no move to get away and a moment later I took a chance and wrapped my hand around him and began lightly stroking. That got his attention. He stood up and began making humping motions against my hand. I could feel him swell, and he began leaking either cum or precum on my hand.

With my other hand, I reached into my shorts and tugged my own cock. I was kinda freaked that this was turning me on but I couldn’t deny it. I let go of his cock and he humped the air for a moment, whining softly. Drops of doggie cum glistened on my fingers and I brought my hand to my face to smell it. It was musty, but not unpleasant. I stuck out my tongue and tasted it. It was a little salty, but not bad. Dani licked my hand and then my face. I ran my hand over his head, giving it a friendly rub. I looked all around. I saw no one. “Fuck it,” I muttered, and I pulled down my shorts. My cock stood straight out. I crouched on the grass next to Dani and spit on my fingers. I reached back and rubbed the spit on my virginal anus. It wasn’t much, but with what might be coming next, I wanted some lube. I repeated this a couple more times, pushing the saliva into my tight hole, trying to loosen my butthole up a bit with my finger. Dani seemed to know what I was up to and was wagging his tail like mad, whimpers and soft dog groans coming from his throat.

I took a deep breath, bent over until my head was just above the grass and spread my legs, presenting my ass. I patted my butt cheek and said, “Here, boy!” and immediately Dani reared on his hind legs and grabbed my hips with his front ones. He began humping madly. At first all I could feel was his legs dancing around, trying to find traction but then I felt the end of his tapered cock begin to poke around my buttcrack. I tried to shift around to get him in the right spot but it didn’t work.

He jumped off of me and my heart sank. I thought it was over. But Dani plopped on the grass beside me and began tonguing his dick again. It grew larger and began to leak dribbles of fluid. A moment later he was up and on my backside2 again, his hips pistoning against me, but still with no luck. He just couldn’t find the target. I decided to try to help. I reached back and found his thrusting cock, guiding it toward my ass as my heart raced. His thrusts just missed on either side, and as I began to think, “That’s really fast and hard. I’m not sure I can take it,” a thrust found my hole and the tip just pushed in, penetrating me, but only about an inch deep. I froze, my breathing stopped for a half second as Dani, realizing he had found my hole, powered forward and sank at least half his cock up my ass. I winced in pain and let out a gasp. “Wait…,” I squeaked but Dani made two more quick thrusts and he was completely in me, six inches of dog cock slamming into my tight hole as I gripped the grass and tried to breathe. It hurt, it burned, it felt like a log was up me. There was not enough lube and it was more pain than I could take. Tears leaked out of the corners of my eyes. But I was losing my anal virginity and didn’t want it to stop, so I gritted my teeth, clutched at the grass and stayed put. Fortunately he was leaking cum and that began to lube my tight anus. He did not slow, there was no attempt at giving my ass relief, but the cum he was leaking into my rectum began to lube his shaft enough that the pain faded and I could feel a strange and amazing pleasure coming from my ass. I had masturbated plenty in my life and put fingers and other objects in my ass, but nothing was like this. The strokes up my channel, the pressure on my prostate and the knowledge that I was being fucked for the first time had me leaning back, pushing my ass towards the dog cock has it pushed in. “Ohhhh… OOOHHHHH… DDAAAMMMNNNN,” I moaned as he bred me. Dani pounded away, his rear legs almost dancing as he tried to get as much leverage as possible. I felt a swelling at the entrance to my asshole, his knot was pushing to get in. I thought about that lump I saw at the base of his cock earlier and thought, “There’s no way that’s getting in me, it’s too big!” Dani knew better. He was going to knot this little bitch ass and with a firm grip on my hips, he rammed forward and the knot stretched my sphincter, gaped it wide, and the knot was forced in me. “OOOHHH, SHHHITTT!,” I squealed as he stretched me and I tried to pull away, but his grip was too strong.

I was locked to his cock and it could feel the knot pulsing as dog cum shot in my ass. He was filling me up and I could feel the jets of cum in me and could feel some of it leaking out and trickling down my legs. I winced and squirmed my ass and could feel the pain subsiding and the pleasure rushing back. “OHH…OOOHHHHHH,” I moaned. My cock had never felt this hard and I arched my back in pleasure. The first cock I had ever taken AND the first dog cock and I knew right then I would want more. I loved the feeling of a cock in my ass. I loved feeling the strokes deep into me and feeling mounted and used. I could feel my orgasm building from somewhere deep, from my prostate and nerves endings that were coming to life for the first time. My cock pulsed and twitched, precum leaked from the tip. I thought, “Omigod, he’s going to make me cum from being ass fucked without me even touching my cock!” and no sooner had I thought that then the waves of orgasm began to burst from my prostate and my ass and up to my cock. “OOOOOHHHHH …FFFFFUUUUUCCC CCCCCKKKKKKK!” I cried as my cock began pulsing out streams of jism into the grass. I reached down and rapidly stroked my spewing cock, pushing the orgasm even higher, coating my hand in cum. My legs trembled, I ground my ass against the cock buried in it, I wanted to feel every inch, every vein of the cock in me. I wanted it deep, hard and shooting in me. Nothing I had ever imagined could have felt this good. My cock became so sensitive I could not touch it, and still more cum was pushed from my balls by the dog cock knotted in me.

I collapsed, Dani still straddled me, his knot still throbbed in my upturned asshole. I could feel him lick the back of my neck like he was saying, “You’re mine now, bitch!” His job done, I could feel him pull to get loose. At first I was too tight, and I winced at each tug. But enough cum leaked out and his knot shrank enough so finally my ass released him with a squishy pop and a flood of dog cum running down my crack. Dani, being the good dog he was, stuck his nose between my cheeks and proceeded to lap up the mess he had made. I managed to mutter, “Good doggie,” as my racing heart slowed and I managed to stagger to my feet, my asshole throbbing from the beating it had just taken. Dog cum ran down my legs. My cock was still throbbing and I couldn’t wait to get home and cum again and again to lessen the pressure. I had never felt so turned on in my life. I’d have dropped to my knees and gone again but my poor abused asshole needed a break. Dani just lay down on his side and tongued his cock clean.

I was thinking about how I’d bring lube next time and how my love for being fucked must mean I was bisexual or something. I was lost in a whirl of thoughts and arousal, but as I pulled up my shorts, the unmistakable sound of footsteps behind me snapped me out of my trance and I spun around as a figure emerged from behind a redwood tree. It was Gena. I felt my heart stop and I froze with my shorts only half-way up, my stiff cock still free for Gena to see. She stood with her hand on her hip in a sassy pose, her face smirked. Her nipples were hard and strained against the fabric of her shirt. “I saw everything,” she said matter-of-factly. “I saw you with that dog and what it was doing to you and,” she stared blatantly at my hard cock, “ It looks like you enjoyed it.” I said nothing, my mouth was dry, my face burned with humiliation. I yanked up my shorts and turned away from her to hide my erection.

Dani trotted to Gena, tail wagging and she began to rub his head and neck. He completely ignored me as he investigated his new friend. With my head bowed, I began to walk away. “Wait,” Gena called. I turned, trying to hide my crotch and still shrinking dick behind my hands. Gena said, “You know, I could tell on you. When the Johnsons get back, I could tell them what you did with their dog. And I could tell my brother in case you get any ideas about trying to stop me.”

My heart sank. “Please, please don’t,” I begged. “I won’t do it again. I’ll…I’ll pay you…anything.“ Gena grinned and bit at her bottom lip as she considered how to reply. She was in complete control and she knew it. “No. I don’t want your money. And I don’t want you to stop,” she said slowly, as if measuring each word carefully. “What I mean is…I want you to show me.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “Whu…what?” I stammered, my head spun and I felt faint. Gena’s smirk grew. “I want you to play with the dog again,” she said, “In front of me. Do that and I won’t tell. Deal?”

“Umm. Sure…yeah, okay,” I replied, not really believing what I had heard. “And you won’t tell…anyone? “ Gena made an “X” motion between her perky tits. “Cross my heart.” I walked towards her. Cautiously. Like a whipped beast. I dropped to my knees and Dani began licking my face. I looked up at Gena. “What do you want me to do?” She stepped closer, slow, sexy and confident. She looked much older than 14. From where I was on my knees, my eyes were at the level of her waist and I noticed that the crotch of her shorts had a small damp stain. Either she had peed a bit, or what she had watched earlier had really turned her on. She was soaking wet.

Gena said, “Ummm. Play with him a bit. Like you did. Make his cock come out.” I nodded, and tried to coax Dani to lie down. He was excited and a bit confused and wagged his tail, whining with excitement and dancing back and forth between us. Finally, I put one hand on his chest and pressed the other on his back. “Sit!” I commanded. He finally did as asked. “Good doggie.” I shifted a bit so that Gena would have a good view of Dani’s sheath, and then, with my hand trembling, I reached down, wrapped a hand around his furry sheath and began to massage it, pulling it back so the tip of Dani’s cock protruded. Now Dani understood, and he flopped over on his side, raising his upper leg to give access, his tail thumping against the grass with approval. I continued to rub his shaft and it slowly began to grow, first just showing the tapered tip but then one…two… three inches emerged and grew thick under my touch. The more dog cock I had in my hand, the harder my own cock got and I had to reach in my shorts with my free hand to adjust it. Gena dropped to her knees beside me in absolute fascination. I heard a soft, “Oh, wow,” escape her lips. Her left hand went under her shirt and began rubbing at her erect nipples. Her right hand plunged under her waistband and I could see it making circular motions over her clit.

Dani’s cock was now fully out, and I wrapped my hand around it, making slow stroking motions as he began twitching and humping against my grip. Dribbles of dog cum began to flow out, coating my fingers. “Is that pee?” Gena whispered in awe. “No, it’s jism,” I replied, “You know, the stuff that male dogs use to make puppies.”

Gena nodded. “Oh, you mean semen. I learned about it in sex ed last year. And my brother gets it all over his sheets when he jerks off. This dog cum looks more watery than his.” Gena pushed her hand lower, running her middle finger through her wet slit before pumping it into her pussy. Since she was openly masturbating, I took a chance and pulled the front of my shorts down. My cock sprang out, the head purple and swollen. I caught some of Dani’s cum on two fingers and raised my hand towards Gena’s face. “Want a taste?” I asked. She looked at my slick fingers, and bit her lower lip. “You first,” she countered.

I opened my mouth, stuck out my tongue, and began to lick and suck the dog cum off of them. “What does it taste like?” she asked. I shrugged. “It’s hard to describe. A bit salty, but not bad.” I reached down, ran the fingers around Dani’s shaft until they were coated again, and raised them to Gena’s lips. She stuck out just the tip of her tongue until it just touched my finger. Then she drew it back, exploring the taste of dog cum for the first time. Then she gave both fingers a lick, before opening her mouth and sucking on them, her eager tongue lapping up the taste.

“Hmmm. It tastes different than my girl juice. But it’s good.” To prove her point, she pulled her finger from her pussy and offered it to my lips. I opened my mouth and she slid her finger in. I sucked on it and tasted pussy for the first time. “How do I taste?” she asked. “Good. Really good, I said. “Cool,” she smiled, almost relieved. “My brother says eating pussy is gross. Even though he’s tried to make me suck him. I gave him a hand job once or twice to make him stop,” she giggled. Then she looked at Dani’s cock. She reached out, stroked his belly as he whined softly, then ran her own index finger along his shaft. His tail thumped in approval. Growing bolder, she wrapped her hand around the shaft and massaged it, getting used to the sensation of a dog cock growing in her hand. “That doggie dick is really hard,” she said, as she continued to massage it. “Should… should we give him a blow job?” I stared at her with my mouth open. She laughed, “What’s the problem? We’ve already tasted him. And he’s been such a good boy. Why not?” I decided to call her bluff. “Okay,” I said. “Go for it.” Gena laughed. “Silly boy,” she said. You show ME first, remember?” I stared at the dog cock. I wasn’t sure about this, but I was so horny I would have done pretty much anything Gena asked. I bent forward at the waist until my face was only inches from Dani’s doggie cock. I could see every vein, I could smell his musk and I could see drops of cum hanging from the tip. I grasped his dick,I reached out my tongue…and licked a bit of cum into my mouth. Fuck. It was good. I wanted more. I leaned forward until my forehead was against Dani’s belly, and used my hand to slide his cock between my lips.

Dani hunched forward and his cock pushed to the back of my throat. I gagged in surprise and pulled away, losing my grip. Dani stood up, humping air and whining. I put a hand on his back to settle him, turned my head to get under his belly, and got a firm grip on his cock to hold him in place. This time, as he humped, I brought my mouth to his cock and as I used my hand to guide him in, he pistoned in and out of my lips as my tongue pressed against his shaft. He immediately began shooting thin streams of cum in my mouth which dribbled out the corner of my mouth before I swallowed. As Dani humped my face, his belly pressed against my cheek, I felt Gena’s hand grab my cock. She began to work it quickly up and down my shaft with the inexperienced stroke of someone who had little experience but lots of enthusiasm.

After a few more squirts of dog cum, I sat up, Dani’s last couple of shots painting my lips and cheek. I licked my lips as Gena released my dick and used her fingers to wipe cum off my face. She licked her fingers and grinned. “Guess it’s my turn.” I moved aside to give her room. She pulled her blonde hair to one side, lay on her side and turned her head towards the waiting and pulsing prick. I watched as Dani hunched forward and Gena got a quick taste of dog cock. She squealed and pulled back, before taking a breath and opening her mouth for more. She used her hand to control the dog’s humping hips this time and Dani’s thrusts just got past her lips. She pressed forward and took a couple inches more into her mouth. Spurts of dog cum coated her tongue and glazed her lips. She swallowed, as she had seen me do, and moaned softly as she became as addicted to dog cum as I had become. Confidence growing she released her grip until Dani’s entire shaft was disappearing into her mouth then emerging to slam in again. I saw her throat working as she swallowed, her lips learning how to work a cock, to urge the cum from it.

I grew bold and rubbed my hand under her shorts and over her ass, towards her soaked crevice. She reached back with her free hand and pulled at her waistband, encouraging me to remove her shorts. I pulled them down revealing the tight white globes of her teen ass and the slick crevice between them. With one hand, I rubbed and spread her ass while I extended the index finger of the other past the delicate and soaked cuntal hair, up the wet slit until I found her hole and pressed into her pussy. I began to pump my finger into her in clumsy thrusts and felt her press back against the invasive finger. I added my middle finger and plunged them both into her incredibly wet, tight snatch until they met some resistance which I didn’t dare push past. Gena moaned as my fingers penetrated her from behind and dog cock pushed into and flooded her mouth with cum. With a gasp, Gena let Dani’s cock slip from her mouth and she sat up, my fingers slipping out of her. Cum soaked her hair and coated her face, She turned on her hands and knees to face me. Her face glowed, her eyes were wild with lust, her breath came in gasps. She kissed me on the mouth and I could taste the cum on her tongue. “I…think… I…I…want…to…fuck,” she whispered in my ear. “I can’t wait any more.”

I assumed she meant for me to go first, so I began to get in position. I moved my ass around towards Dani. I was nervous about how my previously violated asshole would handle another assault, but determined to impress Gena. I crouched with my ass up and Dani moved behind me, ready to mount. But Gena shook her head. “No…not you first this time. You already got fucked. It’s my turn.” I sat back on my haunches. Dani whined, not understanding why his previously willing bitch was being difficult. Gena bent low next to me, her ass up and she called him over. “No,doggie… HERE, boy!” and she patted the cheek of her ass. Dani lit up, grinned, his long tongue flopping out as he moved around until he was behind Gena. He sniffed at her upraised ass, then took several long licks at her wet slit. Gena jerked forward at first but moaned at the sensation, and spread her legs wider. Dani took several more licks as this fertile and willing female presented herself to him. Gena moaned and began to pull and rub her taut nipples.

A few more appreciative licks, and Dani bunched up behind Gena, stood on his hind legs, gripped her hips with his front paws and slammed forward. And he missed. His cock grazed off one cheek, then the other. His feet danced, trying to get the angle. But most of his thrusts missed under Gena’s eager pussy. She held her breath, waiting for the penetration to come. Dani hopped off, whining in frustration. Gena looked back, confused. “What’s wrong, doesn’t he want me?”

“He definitely wants you,” I said, “But the angle is wrong.” I put my hand on the small of her back and pushed Gena’s ass lower. She adjusted, bending her knees, spreading them wider and arching her back. Dani wagged his tail in anticipation. I moved out of the way and Dani hopped up, gripped Gena’s hips firmly, and this time his first thrust drove three inches of dog cock into Gena’s virgin pussy. She yelped, and pulled away from the sudden pain. Dani’s cock slipped out. But he had the angle now and he gripped her hips hard with his front legs as he pushed back into her. This time her cherry gave way, and his entire length slid into her tight cunt. “OWW!l FUCK, that hurts!” Gena cried but she stayed put, forcing herself not to pull away. Her face scrunched up in pain, her hands pulled at the grass, she breathed in gasps, wincing at each thrust the merciless dalmatian made into her tender pussy.

I watched in fascination, my hand pulling mindlessly at my engorged cock as I watched Gena get fucked for the first time in her young life. Dani’s tongue flopped up and down, and Gena’s firm ass rippled and bucked from the rapid fire fucking she was getting. Slowly, she began to get control of the experience, first she began to breathe through the pain, then she adjusted her ass until the cock began stimulating her cunt in new ways and the pleasure of taking a cock deep in her pussy began to roll through her. She moaned, low and deep, in pleasure or pain I could not tell. Then I saw her ass begin to move, to push back.push back and Gena began panting, “Yes…yes…OH FUCK YES! It’s…so…gooooooood!” She tossed her hair to the side, her eyes were wild and she let out little moans of lust each time the dog cock slammed in. “Oo..Oo…Oo..Oooohh…yes!…yes!”

Dani stopped his wild thrusting and planted his feet firmly to get maximum leverage. Gena’s expression became a bit puzzled as she felt something new…and large…pushing at the cuntal lips. “I think he’s about to knot with you,” I said.

Gena’s eyes grew large. “What?”

“Yeah, that big lump at the end of his cock…it locks him to his bitch while he cums.”

Gena looked scared. “That…that goes IN? Fuck, fuck, fuck. OOOOOO…SSHHIIITTT!” she howled as Dani’s tennis ball sized knot spread her tight young cunt wide, to its limit and more, and the knot popped inside of her. “OOOO…AHH, AHH, AHH,” Gena panted as she was stuffed full. Her pussy sealed around the knot, locking her in place. She could feel Dani’s balls twitching and the knot pulsing as stream after stream of cum shot into her, past her cervix, filling her full. The knot pressed tight against her g-spot, each pulse sending shockwaves of pleasure through her. Her mouth hung open, her ass, almost on its own, began to grind in slow circles and she could only manage to gasp “Oh, Oh, Oh,” with each breath as she began to cum.

I couldn’t take just watching any more. I crawled on my knees in front of Gena’s open mouth, grasped each side of her head, and guided my rock hard cock to her open lips. She slid her tongue out along the bottom of my shaft and welcomed my cock into her mouth as I began to pump in and out of her lips. Gena moaned around my cock, my entire shaft began to twitch, my balls tightened, and I could feel the cum building. “Oh, fuck, here it cummmmmmmssssss!” I groaned and shot long streams into Gena’s mouth. She gagged, and a bit of cum escaped her lips, but she recovered and swallowed eagerly as I pulsed and oozed cum into her mouth, over and over.

As she swallowed boy cum for the first time, Gena’s thighs trembled, her back arched, and she began to shake in the hardest orgasm of her young life. She pulled her mouth from my cock and wailed in pleasure, “AaaahhHHHH, OOOOOOOMMMMMMIIIIIII…GGGGAAAAAAWWWWWDDDD!” She shook from the force of it, nearly passing out. Her cunt squeezed with each wave of pleasure and dog cum squeezed out from around Dani’s knot and streamed down her thighs as Dani claimed his second bitch of the day.

Gena looked up at me, panting and exhausted. Her ass trembled and he pussy twitched as she became to come down from her climax. “Fuck. I think I’m still cumming. My pussy…just…won’t stop.” She looked over her shoulder at Dani whose tongue hung out of his grinning mouth. Then the dalmatian, satisfied that he had properly bred this new bitch, hopped down, and with a squishy plop, pulled his shrinking knot from Gena’s still pulsing cunt. A flood of doggie cum flowed out of her, mixed with a little blood and Gena’s own vaginal juice. Her legs were streaked with the fluids and Dani, never wanting to leave a job unfinished, began to lap at Gena’s cunt and thighs, cleaning up the mess he had made.

Gena just stayed there, her ass up and legs spread, letting Dani tend to her. A happy little jolt of pleasure came every time his dog tongue swept up her pussy lips or over her clit. Dani finally stopped and flopped down to clean himself. I helped Gena to her feet. She kissed me. Now it was my cum I tasted on her lips. “What a fucking trip,” I whispered.

“Yeah, it was amazing. But I don’t think I can walk straight!” Gena laughed as she took a few shaky steps to pick up her shorts. “I think a dip in the ocean to clean up would be rad,” She added. “Want to come?”

“Hell yeah.” And the two of us, walked tenderly towards the ocean with cum streaks on our legs and ass and smiles on our faces. It must have been a sight.

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