English Stories

Jack and Jessie


(c) 2014 by morg1284

Part 1

“Dammit!” Didn’t expect it to rain today, so I didn’t have an umbrella or raincoat. Even though I was 18, I didn’t have my license, much less a car. So after school, I made the half mile walk home from school in the rain. Normally, it wouldn’t bother me, but it was still early spring, so it was chilly to the point I was shivering by the time I got home.

When I got inside, I stripped off my wet clothes, and went straight to the shower to get warmed up. After dropping my clothes in the hamper, I stopped to admire myself in the mirror. 18 years old, and I was fully developed. 36C breasts, 115lbs, and at 5’3”, I was a petite little hottie. All the boys at school lusted over me. From freshmen to seniors (and at least a couple of the teachers) wanted me. Sure, I teased and flaunted a little, but I never accepted any of their passes. Nor did I lead them on. But, for now, I needed a hot shower.

Stepping out of the shower, I quickly toweled off, and went to my room for some clothes. I grabbed a pair of booty shorts and a t shirt and threw on, and went to the kitchen for a snack. On the refrigerator, there was a note from mom saying that she had to go upstate for the weekend, because her mom had fallen and broke her hip, and that she would call and check up on me later that night. She also said where she left her credit card, so I could order dinner for the next couple nights. And that I could help myself to some wine, but don’t get crazy with it.

“Good thing I didn’t have any plans,” I muttered to myself. Resigned to spending a long weekend home alone, I grabbed the credit card, and went back to my bedroom and jumped on the computer. At first I did all the normal stuff, checked email, got on Facebook, watched some youtube videos, but got bored with that, and decided to order some pizza and go watch tv.

After I ordered pizza, I called my mom to check in with her.

“Hey, Mom. How’s Grandma?”

“Better. She is staying the night at the hospital, and I’m staying at Aunt Sharon’s. Sunday, she’ll be able to be released, and Sharon and I are setting stuff up for our mom to stay here till her hip heals.”

“Give my love to Grandma and Aunt Sharon.”

“I will. Shit, I forgot to tell you something!”

“What’s that?”

“I agreed to dogsit for the neighbors while they’re out of town this weekend.”

“Who, Jack?”

“Yes, and it’s too late to reschedule. Could you watch him? I’ll take you shopping next weekend to pay you for it.”

“No prob. He’s a good boy. No trouble at all.”

“Thanks, Jessie. I really appreciate it. Take care, and don’t get carried away with that wine.”

“I won’t mom. Love you. Bye.”

Well, my weekend won’t be lonely at least, I thought. I love Jack. He is a very large Great Dane. And cuddly too. We’ve watched him before, and he is super lazy. He always climbs on the couch and just lays his head on me like a pillow.

After a while, my pizza arrived, so I grabbed a slice and then poured a glass of wine. “My mom is so cool,” I say to myself as I take a drink of the sweet wine. No sooner than I finished my slice of pizza, the doorbell rings, and I run to answer it. When I open the door, two massive paws land on my shoulders, and a large wet tongue runs up my cheek.

“JACK! Get down you goofy animal,” I say laughing. Our neighbor Leanne excuses her dog’s behavior.

“I’m so sorry. He’s excited to come over.”

“No biggie,” I say smiling. “Mom told me he was coming over for the weekend. She had to go out of town, but this big galoot will keep me company.”

“Are you sure you can watch him by yourself? I mean, we can…”

Cutting her off, I assure her that he is in good hands, and that he is never a problem. Jack runs into the house and takes his usual spot on our couch, watching us bring in his food. With a Great Dane, a weekend supply of food is about a week’s worth for the average pooch.

Leanne thanks me for doing the favor and hands me a $50 bill, telling me that it is for giving up my weekend, and walks down the yard to her husband’s waiting car.

“50? I would have done it for free. Oh well. All praise capitalism,” I muse, and head back to the couch and my glass of wine.

Two hours of tv, and a couple glasses of wine later, I’m pretty buzzed. The whole time, Jack’s head has been laying on my lap, and I was laying my head on his back. Like I said. He’s cuddly. I decide that I’m going to play on the internet some more, and get up and head to my room with Jack in tow.

In my room, I drunkenly decide that porn is what needs to happen, so I start surfing the free video sites. After a couple fairly tame (but pretty hot) videos, I start checking out some of the more hardcore videos of massive cocks, and extreme penetrations. I don’t know why, but videos of women having their pussies stretched around giant cocks and huge dildos got me way hotter than the other vids. I pull off my shorts and shirt, and start rubbing my tits and massaging my mound. The more aroused I get, the more kinky the porn I look at. Girls getting fucked by transexuals, bondage, sim-rape scenes, Christ it is so hot!!! Soon, my pussy is dripping, and I bury two fingers deep in my hole, fucking myself to a nice orgasm. I lay back in my chair, fantasizing what it would be like to be held down and fucked senseless, when Jack’s tongue suddenly licks my dripping cunt.

I am shocked and scream at the sudden attention, but Jack continues to lick my leaking puss. “Jack, no!” I scold him, but he doesn’t stop. “Jack, stop. Oh.. Stop… Oh.. Fuck… Jack sto.. Right there…keep going…God…I’m gonna cum…” And do I! I’ve fucked myself to some nice orgasms before, but this has me seeing stars! I’ve never been with a boy, so I’ve never had my cunt eaten, and this was amazing. The way his tongue felt dragging over my lips and clit, and when he snaked it into my quim, getting my innermost juices was amazing.

My head rolls over to the side, and I get a look under neath Jack’s body, and see that his dick is now sticking out of his sheath. All red, veiny, and evil looking, my body is craving it, wanting it in me. I don’t care that I’m still a virgin. My pussy needs that large dog dick in it!

“Can a chick get fucked by a dog?” So I start searching the web, and find a bestiality site, and what I see blows my mind! Women getting fucked by all kinds of dogs and even horses! I watch a couple videos and FUCK! I am so hot, that now I have to have Jack fuck me! So I get up, and walk over to the bed and lay my chest down so my feet are still on the floor. Jack walks up behind me, and begins licking my pussy some more.

“Christ! That’s right! Lick me, Jack.” When he stops, I am disheartened. Then he jumps on my back, with feet at my sides, and I feel him start humping, looking for my slick fuck hole. I feel his large cock rubbing on my clit as he searches for my love tunnel, and right before I can reach back to guide him in, I feel the tip of his cock split my pussy lips at my entrance. When he does, he drives his cock into me, and I scream at the sudden pain. I try to wiggle away, and Jack growls menacingly, and I freeze. He thrusts his massive rod again, burying it deeper into my virgin hole, and the pain is mind numbing. What did I get myself into? As Jack continues to work his cock into my pussy, I feel him drive through my cherry, and I cry out again. Tears are running down my face while the Dane’s dick is unapologetically being jackhammered into my cunt. Slowly, the pain subsides, and is replaced by pleasure as I feel myself being stretched and torn into by the cock.

“Fuck..so..big… Stretching me… god o god o god… FUCK!” I moan as I cum on the invader filling me up. Soon, I feel pain again as Jack’s dick bottoms out on my cervix. Not to be denied, he speeds up his thrusts, battering my cervix, till I feel it open, and accept another two inches of dog dick. My body goes rigid at the sudden stretching of my innermost parts. The pain and pleasure consume my mind. He is making me his bitch, and I love it! Being owned and used by this giant dog is the ultimate fantasy fulfillment!

“Fuck me…give me that doggy dick! Make me your bitch!” I cry out to Jack. I start to feel another orgasm building deep inside. “Fuck o fuck o fuck! God… oh… fuck… gonna cum… gonna… gonna… FUCK!!!” The feeling as my cunt muscles grip, squeeze, and milk at his cock are amazing! Then, I feel something battering my pussy lips. I reach behind me and feel his dick, and for the first time, I feel his knot. The massive knob of flesh pushes at my lips, spreading them, stretching my opening. The pleasure/pain of it is unbearable. I can’t take my hand off of it. I need to feel it go in, to stretch me like I’ve never been stretched. Soon, he has half of it in me, and I feel like I am going to split in two! After a few more thrust, my hand meets the juncture of my pussy and his shaft, as the knot is shoved into my virginal cunt. I feel him bottom out again as the tip of his dick hits the back wall of my womb.

Then, I feel him swelling. What I thought was big going in me, is now growing to what feels like a softball in my canal, sweetly stretching me from the inside, plugging my entrance. The knot is putting pressure on a spot in my pussy that is extra sensitive (at the time, I didn’t know what my G-spot was) and the pressure of yet another orgasm started building. The growing pressure and slowing thrusts were magnified, and I reached under me and started viciously rubbing my clit. His thrusts started really slowing down, making my need to cum that much greater, and I upped the speed and pressure on my clit.

“Oh god…make me… your… bitch! Cum…in my…womb! Give me your cum! Fuck oh fuck of fuck! Cumming…soon…gonna…fucking….CUM!!!” I scream out loud as my body convulses, spurting my girl cum around his knot, and then I feel him cum. I melt as I feel him unleash a torrent of watery dog jism deep in my uterus. Each time I feel his hot spray, it renews my orgasm, driving it on for several minutes, till finally, my clutching cunt milks his dick dry.

We stay locked in place for almost half an hour, waiting on Jack’s knot to shrink. Which is good, because I was so exhausted I couldn’t move anyways. When he was finally able to pull out, a river of sticky dog cum ran out of my pussy, splashing on the hardwood floor of my bedroom. When I stood up, my legs felt shaky, and my pussy was sore from the complete owning of it by Jack. I turned around, and froze in my place. My best friend Amy was standing in the doorway…


Part 2

Amy let herself into the house. She and Jessie had been friends since grade school, and knocking had fallen by the wayside. “Jess! Saw you were home alone, and came to hang out!” Amy was puzzled, there was part of a pizza on the coffee table, bottle of wine, and moaning coming from the back of the house.

“OMG! She brought a boy over, and got her cherry popped!” Amy thought giddily. “I gotta sneak a peak, and see who it is.” So she quietly made her way down the hallway to Jessie’s room, and cracked the door.
What she saw was more of a shock than she would have ever expected. A giant Dane had her Jess bent over the bed, and was fucking the shit out of her. At the lips of her soggy cunt was a knot the size of a tennis ball, and despite Amy’s shock and outright disgust, she decided she would not run out on her friend. What if Jessie had been changing and this horny beast had decided to rape her? She wouldn’t survive if she knew I stormed off in disgust, Amy rationalized.

Watching the scene play out in front of her, Amy noticed that her clitty was beginning to pulse, and moisture beginning to spread through her panties… “I’m getting turned on? But, how? This is so wrong…” And then she saw Jack’s knot push into her friend’s pussy, heard her scream in pleasure, and at that, Amy knew she WANTED this massive beast to do this, and her own arousal was cemented. She wasn’t leaving this house until she found her own satisfaction.

Watching Jessie buck against the dog, her short blond hair matted with sweat, Amy began rubbing her tits through her shirt and squeezing her thighs in order to pleasure her throbbing clit. “Oh god…make me… your… bitch! Cum…in my…womb! Give me your cum! Fuck oh fuck of fuck! Cumming…soon…gonna…fucking….CUM!!!” Jessie screamed, as her orgasm wracked her body like an earthquake. Seeing her friend cum like that, sent Amy over the edge in her own orgasm. “My god! I came from barely touching myself. That was so HOT!” Amy thought, as she leaned against the door frame while she recovered.

All she could do was watch Jessie as she lay under Jack, unable to speak, not wanting to scare her friend. After half an hour, Jack jumped off of Jessie, walking off to lay down and lick their juices off of his shrinking cock, and Amy was amazed at how much dog semen ran out of her friend’s gaped pussy. Shakily, Jessie stood up and turned around and froze when she saw Amy in the doorway. She was mortified! How long has she been here? How much did she see? What does she think of me? A million questions were running through her mind.

Amy summoned up all her own courage, and cautiously walked to her terrified, naked friend. For the first time, she took notice of Jessie’s body. They’d showered together after gym at school, and they’d seen each other naked a hundred times, but now, Amy was drinking in the view of her friend’s body for the first time. Her firm, C cup tits with hard pointed nipples, her toned smooth stomach, her smooth, shaved mound… When she reached Jessie, her desire was at a fever pitch. She smiled sweetly as she put her hand on Jessie’s cheek, staring into her deep green eyes.

Jessie was confused. Why isn’t she mad, or horrified? She looks hor… Her thoughts stopped as Amy’s lips made contact with hers. The kiss was soft, and once she realized that her friend wasn’t upset, Jessie began to kiss her back, savoring the softness of Amy’s lips. Her mouth parted, an invitation for Amy to explore her wanting mouth, and Amy slid her tongue into Jess’s mouth. When their tongues met, they began dancing with each other, exploring the others mouth, taking in the flavor of their kiss.

When they parted, Jessie looked at Amy, taking in her beauty. Her soft blue eyes, long red hair pulled back in a pony tail. The fullness of her breasts, the way her tight clothes clung to her soft curves. Amy started kissing her again, more aggressively, ravaging her friend’s mouth, her hands exploring Jessie’s body. Jessie returned Amy’s kiss with equal gusto, and started undressing Amy. She broke the kiss long enough to pull Amy’s shirt over her head, revealing a sexy black lace bra that contained 38 D tits, and Jessie bent down to suck the hardening nipples through the thin material. Amy moaned at the sensation. She’s had a couple boyfriends that she fucked, but they never took the time to really please her. For them, it was always about getting their nut, and even though they made her orgasm, they never went out of their way to truly pleasure her. This was rapture to her. Jessie reached behind her to undo the bra, and was soon met with Amy’s unclothed, perfect breasts. She kneaded one, while sensuously exploring the other with her tongue. She circled it around Amy’s silver dollar sized areola, flicking the eraser sized nipple with her tongue before sucking it into her lips. She lightly nipped it with her teeth, biting it while sucking and flicking it with her tongue, then switched to the other impressive breast, pleasuring it with the the same attention. Amy unbuttoned her shorts, pushing them and her soaked panties to the ground and stepped out of them. Jessie’s hand free hand slid down Amy’s smooth tummy to her mound, where she ran her fingers through the trimmed, ginger triangle there. Tentatively, she let her finger slide down between her thighs, and Amy welcomed them by spreading her legs. Jessie rested her hand on Amy’s burning lips, and marveled at the smoothness of them. She ran her middle finger into her slit, exploring the wet folds of her friend’s pussy. When she made contact with Amy’s engorged clitoris, another orgasm rolled through Amy’s body. Amy thrusted her hips into Jessie’s hand, applying as much force against her clit as she could. When it seemed like her legs were about to buckle, they wrapped their arms around each other, mashing their tits together, and stood that way till Amy’s release subsided.

“Oh my god! That was amazing!” Amy breathed, as she caught her breath.

“So… you aren’t upset?”

“Upset? Well, I was. At first I thought that dog was raping you. I didn’t want to leave, because, I wanted to be here to comfort you when he was done. But then, when I heard you scream that you were cumming… I dunno… It was well… it was hot. I couldn’t believe that my best friend was fucking a dog, and that it was turning me on!”

“So… it excited you?”

“Excited me? That’s the understatement of the day! I just had to get off! I came just watching you, and then just now… wow!”

“Yeah, it just kind of happened. I had some wine with my dinner, and then I started watching porn. I took my clothes off and started masturbating, and Jack came and started licking my pussy. And then when I saw that dick! I was so horny! So I found an animal sex site, and saw girls being fucked by dogs and stuff, and I just HAD to.”

“I know what you mean,” Amy said flashing her friend a devious grin.

“What?! You want to have him fuck you too?”

Amy could only nod her assent, slightly embarrassed of her admission.

“Ok, lean over the bed like I was. He’s so tall that I think he’d have problems if you just got down on your hands and knees.”

So Amy did as her friend told her, and leaned over the edge of her bed. Jessie called out to Jack but he just laid there, watching the girls.

“Hmm… I’m going to have to get him interested,” Jessie mused to her horny friend. So she placed her hands on Amy’s hips, and knelt down behind her. Carefully, she stuck out her tongue, and softly licked Amy’s lips. She wasn’t sure what to expect, as she had never thought of eating a girls pussy till just now, and she was surprised at how she tasted. Sweet, with a hint of tanginess, and utterly delicious. She licked her pussy again, letting the tip of her tongue part Amy’s folds, and trailed it up from her clit to asshole.

“Mmm…that is so nice,” Amy moaned into the bed. “Stick your tongue in my hole.”

Happy to please her friend, Jessie parted her lips to reveal Amy’s soft, pink tunnel, pointed her tongue, and pressed it into her. Amy moaned again, and Jessie began licking deep into her canal, lapping the sticky sweet juice she found there. Amy began rocking her hips, trying to guide the inner walls of her pussy to Jessie’s tongue. Jessie was now enthralled with the effects she was having on Amy’s cunt, and lowered her attention to her clit, licking and sucking at the pea sized bundle of nerves, while replacing her probing tongue with two fingers.

Amy was in heaven! Her best friend was eating her out, finger fucking her tight, gripping cunt, and was going to get that dog to fuck her! Soon, it was overwhelming, the physical pleasure, and anticipation of taking a giant dog dick sending her over the edge of yet another orgasm.

“Oh God! Keep sucking my clit! Fuck me faster! Faster! Deeper! Stretch me out! Use another finger! God o god! Fuck! Eat me! Fuck me! Oh god…. Aaarrghhh!” Amy cried out as she came for the third time. As her juices started leaking from her pussy, Jessie lapped them up savoring them. Then she was knocked out of the way by Jack, who was now ready to partake in the treat.

“God! His tongue! It’s so huge!” she cried out as his tongue swept over her outer lips. “Mmm… god that feels amazing! Fuck, his tongue is IN my pussy! He’s going so deep… oh god… I think he’s licking my heart… fuck… feels so… good…God…licking my ass…never been licked there…so good…keep licking my asshole…fuck…that feels so amazing!” Amy was beginning to moan incoherently when Jack jumped on her back, his dick searching for its target. He kept stabbing around the hole, but never hitting the mark. At one point his dick planted in her sensitive rear, and just the pressure of pressing on her anus, threatening entry drove Amy insane with lust

“Dick..at my… ass… GOD.. fucking awesome…never…had ass fucked…god…” When she started pushing her sphincter onto his dick he pulled back, trying to get away from the super tight ring that was attacking his massive dick, then thrust forward again, hitting his mark, planting half his cock up her hot wet pussy.

“FUCK!!! So big…god… he’s huge… don’… think..oh oh agh…Shit… won’t fit…ahhh!!” Amy was crying out her lusts as Jack dicked her down, working inch after inch of Great Dane cock into her tight young pussy. Jessie is kneeling at the foot of the bed, staring at the massive tool assaulting her friend’s pussy.

“So this is how he looked fucking me,” she thought, and she was suddenly hit with her own need to cum again. As much as she wanted to see his swelling knot push into her pussy, she climbed on to the bed, and spread her legs, offering her well fucked cunt to Amy. “Eat me. Lick my pussy, suck the dog cum out of me,” she ordered, while roughly twisting her own nipples.

Amy lowered her head to Jessie’s pussy, and for the first time tasted another girl’s pussy. She had tasted her own while jerking herself off, and hadn’t been that impressed. But another girl’s pussy, especially one that is still leaking dog cum, tasted SO much better. For Jessie, it was amazing! The staccatoed pressure that came with each of Jack’s powerful thrusts, driving Amy’s tongue into her pussy was beyond amazing. Amy was a moaning, crying mess. Tears of pain and pleasure were running down her face as Jacks knot was trying to push it’s way between her pussy lips. Each hard thrust, the knot wen in a little farther, and her tongue was shoved further up Jessie’s hot, cum filled snatch, where she relished the sweet, tangy, salty mix of her juices mixed with dog spunk.

Finally, with a powerful thrust, Jack pushed his knot into Amy’s hole. When he did, he pushed the end of his dick through the opening in her cervix. The sudden pressure of his knot stretching her abused pussy, and pressing into her G Spot caused Amy to cum instantly.

“MMM!!!!! God…mmm…CUMMING!!! MMMM!!!!” She screamed/moaned against Jessie’s cunt. The vibration of the screams on her clit, then set Jessie on her orgasm. When she did, she let loose a flood of girl cum, spraying Amy’s face, and Amy dropped her head back to Jess’s pussy to lap up the copious juices still leaking from her tunnel. As Amy was sucking the juices from Jessie’s cunt, she began to feel the swelling of Jack’s dick.

“God..his cock…its growing… feel him..in my womb…” she panted into Jessie’s pussy.

“Mmm… he’s going to cum soon. Do you want that?”

“Want it… so bad…want him…fuuUUuuck!!! spray my womb… Knot is so bIIiig”

Jacks thrusts slow down, as his release approaches, and Amy starts thrusting back into him, trying to force his orgasm.

“Fuck…me…give your bitch…your cum…make me your bitch, Jack… Give me your puppies… fuck fuck Fuck FUCK!!!” Her orgasm hits in synch with Jack’s, and her cunt clamps down as spray after spray of cum fills her womb. Amy’s blue eyes rolled back in her head, as the sheer pleasure causes her to faint. She wakes up a little later, and there is no longer a massive dog dick in her. It has been replaced by a searching, hungry tongue, as Jessie licks and drinks the dog cum out of Amy’s pussy.

“That must’ve been one hell of a cum.” Jessie teases. “Oh, Mom called, and she said you can spend the weekend here. Just me and you…and Jack.


Part 3

This weekend has been amazing! Having Amy over and sharing Jack with her was awesome. God, we must’ve fucked in every room in the house! It was so nice to be able to be filled up with a massive dog cock, then have a sexy teen girl lick his cum from my pussy. And then, to be able to watch her get fucked, and drink Jack’s cum right out of her honeypot? My GOD! It was so hot. But, unfortunately, it had to end. Sunday morning, her mom called and said that they were going to dinner at a relative’s house, and Amy had to go with them, and she was to head home right away. After a little bargaining, she convinced her mom to at least let her shower there, so all she had to do when she got home was change. We had been naked since Friday night when our sexcapades began, so she didn’t have to worry about wearing cum stained clothes home.

She grabbed me by the hand and led me back to the master bath attached to my mom’s room, and turned on the massaging shower head in the shower stall. When she had the temperature where she wanted it, she wrapped her arms around me, grabbing my round little butt, and planting a deep, soulful kiss on my lips. As we explored each other’s mouths with our tongues, she pulled me into the shower with her. In the shower, she began kneading my ass with one hand, while rubbing my tits with the other. I could only let her kiss me and explore my body, and held on to her shoulders, lavishing in the feelings she was imparting on me and the hot water spraying on my breasts. She pushed me up against the wall, and began kissing my neck and moved her hand between my legs, rubbing my pussy lips. As she started exploring my moistening slit, she began kissing her way down my chest, then to my tits. When she got to my breasts, she ran her tongue around my left nipple. Once it was painfully erect, she playfully nipped it with her teeth, and sucked it into her lips. When I moaned my approval, she started alternating between my nipples. The feeling was amazing, the combination of the hot water drumming on my rack, her sucking and biting my nipples, and sliding her middle finger up and down my slit.

“Mmm… that feels so nice,” I moaned. When she slipped her finger into my hot canal, I came almost immediately. “Oh, god…Amy! I’m cumming!” When she felt my pussy grip her finger, she put another finger in, and it doubled the intensity of my orgasm. After my pussy stopped clenching her fingers, she started licking and kissing her way down my stomach, stopping to swirl her tongue around my bellybutton, then continuing down my lower stomach to my mound. When she got to my mound, she began lovingly kissing my bare flesh, giving me goose bumps in spite of the hot water spraying my body. Finally she pressed her lips to my clit, and started sucking on my throbbing nubbin.

“Mmm…fuck…Amy…that…fuuuck…shit…fuck…eat me! Lick my clit! Fuuuck…” I am in ecstasy as her tongue explores my girly folds. She kisses my pussy lips, sucking them into mouth, lightly biting them. The small hints of pain only build my ardor as I feel my orgasm building. Then she does something that blows my mind: she replaces the fingers fucking my pussy with her tongue and pushes them into my ass. The sudden violation hurts, but at the same time is filling, and feels amazing! “FUCK! Finger my ass! God! It hurts….no…don’t stop…feels…so good…fuck o fuck o fuck…I’m cum…cum…CUMMING!!!!!”

My orgasm rips through me, and I double over, clutching Amy’s head, using her to help keep my balance. Wave after wave of my orgasm rolls over me, and my legs buckle. I slide down the wall, settling down in the shower’s spray, and Amy sits next to me to hold me. We sit there while I’m recovering, and Amy lovingly holds me. When the water starts getting cold, we get up and finish showering. When we get done, we towel each other off, and Amy starts getting ready.

“Don’t you want me to repay the favor?”

“No, Jess. I was repaying you.”

“What do you mean?

“Well, if I hadn’t come over Friday, I would have never discovered how awesome being fucked by a dog is. AND I found that I love the taste of pussy. I don’t know if it makes me a lesbian or what, but anytime you want me to help dog sit, give me a call.” She finishes getting dressed, gives me a sweet, lover’s kiss, and heads home.

I spend the next few hours cleaning up the house (mainly washing sheets) and getting ready for Leanne to pick up Jack. The poor boy follows me around the house as I’m getting things ready. “I know boy, but if your dick is in me Leanne gets here, I won’t get to watch you again.” His large brown eyes express the same longing in my loins. “Why did I have to get horny and fuck a dog?” I ask myself. A couple hours later, the doorbell rings, and I am greeted by Leanne.

“Hi Jessie! Where’s my big puppy at?” she calls out. Jack happily runs to the door and jumps on Leanne, licking all over her face. “Seems like someone had a VERY good time! I hope he wasn’t too hard on you.”

“Not at all. We had a lovely time. He just liked to cuddle. Spent all weekend on top of me,” I told her with a smile.

She gave me a funny look, like she knew something. Was there something on my face giving me away?

“Well, if he wasn’t any trouble. Could you help me carry his stuff back to the house? Todd had to leave for business after we got home.”

“Sure.” I texted my mom to let her know where I was if she got home while I was helping take Jack home.

Leanne leashed Jack, and I grabbed his bag of food and we headed next-door to her house. “Jack has been such a blessing. He keeps me company while Todd is gone on business. He is the perfect guy to fill the void while he’s gone,” she offers. Fill the void? What did she mean by that?
When we get to her house, I set the bag of food down in her kitchen. “I’m gonna cook some dinner. You mind eating with me? I hate eating alone after Todd leaves.”

“Yeah, sounds good.”

“I’m gonna change real quick, just wait here.”

She walks down the hall, slipping off her shirt as she goes. I can’t help but feel a little nervous, thinking about what she said about Jack filling the void, and I keep seeing visions of Leanne with Jack’s large cock plunging into her pussy. No… Not Leanne. She doesn’t seem like the kind of person into that, but then again, I wasn’t until last Friday.


I turn around, and I am frozen by the sight. Leanne is standing before me, bare. I am taken aback by her beauty. She is 38 years old, easily six feet tall, with voluptuous D cup breasts, long, raven hair, burning blue eyes, smooth creamy skin, and her pubic hair is shaved down to a small landing strip, that seems to pull my eyes to her pussy.

“There was a longing look when you said Jack was on top of you all weekend. And truth be told, I always wanted to share my secret with Todd, but I was too scared. But, I know you’ve already figured out what I love about Jack.”

I can’t move as she walks towards me, and runs her hand under my jaw. I look up into her eyes, and I can see the lust burning there. Slowly she bends down to kiss me, lightly pressing her lips to mine. I welcome her kiss, extending my tongue, excited as her lips part and suck my tongue into her mouth. We make out for a few minutes, and our kiss is broken by Leanne uttering a small, shocked scream as Jack sticks his nose between her legs.

“Looks like someone feels left out. I think we should let him join us,” Leanne muses.

“Uh huh…” I mutter, still in shock about what is unfolding. Leanne grabs Jack’s collar and my hand and leads us back to her bedroom. When we get to the bedroom, Leanne sits on the edge of her bed, with her legs parted. Jack immediately begins lapping at her pussy.

“Mmm, men can’t eat a cunt like a dog can. Take your clothes off dear. How can we enjoy him and each other with those clothes on?”

I pull my t shirt over my head. I didn’t put on a bra after my shower with Amy, and I can feel Leanne’s eyes drinking my young body in as she leers at me. When I push my shorts down, I suddenly feel less sexy as I reveal a pair of plain cotton panties.

“Bring that little ass over here Jessie,” she tells me as she lays back on the bed. When I get to the bed, she invites me up. “Straddle my face. No, like a 69. I want you to watch Jack eat me while I play with you.”

I put my knees on either side of her head, and lower my panty covered pussy, and I can’t take my eyes of Jack’s tongue as he hungrily laps at her engorged cunt lips. When Leanne places her mouth on the dampening crotch of my panties, I gasp. She draws in a sharp breath, and the cool air moving over my lips, I am enthralled. Her hands come up and start kneading my ass through the thin fabric.

“Oh god, Leanne, that feels awesome,” I moan as my hips begin to grind my covered pussy against her mouth. My own lusts begin taking over, and I lean forward and suck Leanne’s engorged clit into my mouth and start sharing her juicy cunt with Jack. It was such a turn on, licking Leanne’s cunt, my tongue intertwining with Jack’s, sharing her delicious girl juices. Leanne was bucking like a mad-woman, torn between driving her clit into my mouth and pushing her cunt onto Jack’s large, probing tongue.

“Uhh…so nice…mmm…mmm…uhh…ahh..ahhh…AHHH!!!” she screamed into my panties as she came, her body rolling obscenely as waves of pleasure passed through her body, sinking her nails through the fabric of my underwear. When my panties tore around her fingernails, she worked her fingers into one of the holes, and tore them in half up to the waistband, then started ripping the crotch apart, exposing my clean shaven pussy lips to her.

“Baby, you pussy is so sexy,” she mewed, before sinking her tongue as deep into my core as she could. Compared to any of the 69s that me and Amy shared this weekend, this was by far the hottest. I rolled my hips away from Leanne, putting my clit in front of Leanne’s talented mouth.

As Leanne began sucking my clit, Jack mounted us, jumping up between Leanne’s thighs. When he did, I was perfectly aligned with his throbbing member. When he started thrusting forward, I grabbed his cock, and guided it into my mouth. I was surprised at the taste of his glistening cock: salty, slightly tangy, but all in all, satisfying.

“Suck him, baby. Suck his giant dog dick while I eat you out,” Leanne moaned, her dirty talk turning me on even more, before diving back into my cunt. He was driving his cock deep into my mouth, and down into my throat. I gagged at first, as I had never deep throated a dick (or given a blow job for that matter), but after a minute, my throat relaxed, and his cock sank into my throat till his knot was resting on my lips. I wrapped my hand around his massive knot, and started jerking it. I wanted his seed so BAD! I was sucking on his cock, swallowing, using my throat muscles to massage the tool in my throat.

“Suck him off, Jess! Make him cum! Swallow that doggy cum!” Leanne shouted at me. So I started jerking his knot in earnest. I felt his knot begin to swell, and doubled down on my efforts. When it felt like it was about to burst, I felt it throb as he begin to spray his cum down my throat. I pulled his dick out of my throat, so that I could taste his seed. God, it tasted so good! I swallowed almost all of it, but kept part of it in my mouth. I crawled out from under Jack, and went to Leanne’s face and kissed her deeply, letting my mouthful of dog cum run into her mouth. She swallowed his cum greedily, almost sucking it out of my mouth.

“I’ve never drank Jack’s cum before,” she told me. “It tasted amazing. I’m glad you shared it with me, Jess.” She was lovingly stroking my face as she stared into my eyes. Still looking into her eyes, I turned around, and backed under Jack, who was still between Leanne’s thighs. When I got in place, I reached behind me and grabbed his still hard cock, and guided it into the dripping opening. When the tip of his cock found my hole, he thrusted into me. My breath was taken from me as his massive tool stretched my young cunt.

I stared into Leanne’s eyes as Jack tore up my little pussy. I was totally lost in the moment, and I wanted her to see it. As Jack’s dick stretched and entered me, I was thrusting back into him, trying to get him and his knot into me.

“Fuck…Leanne…so…big” I moaned to her, my eyes never leaving hers. “Shit…he’s stretching me…at my cervix…feels so…fuckin…good…”

“I know, baby. Let his cock fill you up. Take his knot, let him fill your womb with his seed.”

Jack was driving his cock into me at an unforgiving pace, and soon I felt his knot being pushed through my pussy lips.

“Knot…going into…pussy…God… pushing my…G-spot… god o god o god… so good…Fuck…gonna cum…gonna…gonna…CUMMING!!!!”

My body locked up, my pussy quivering around Jack’s member, clamping down around his knot, fueling my orgasm. Then I felt his cock throb, as he shot his load deep into my clutching pussy. I felt like I was melting as jet after jet of dog cum sprayed my inner walls. The feeling is indescribable! Jack’s Great Dane cock spraying in me, my pussy gripping at his cock, and staring deep into the eyes of Leanne. I couldn’t imagine how this could possibly get any better.

“So, looks like you showed Jess your secret,” I heard my mom say from behind us. “I always hoped you would share him with me first.”

“I know, Tiffany, but she was too hot, and I think she helped herself over the weekend.”

“And I think Amy was getting some too. I think we need to have a little get together and ‘talk’ about a few things…”


Part 4

This has been an amazing week! Last weekend, while my mom was out of town dealing with a family emergency, I was left home alone to watch Jack. Jack is our neighbor Leanne’s Great Dane. That first night I got horny and started watching porn, and eventually let Jack fuck me. After our first encounter, I was shocked to find that my best friend Amy had witnessed it. What shocked me further, was her willingness to participate, and spent the weekend with me. We took turns sharing Jack, and we discovered our own tastes for pussy. When I took Jack home, Leanne seduced me, and I fucked her dog again. This time, my own mother caught us in the act.

Her reaction to catching us was more than I could have hoped for. Instead of disgust, she was obviously amused, and acted like it was perfectly acceptable. Not only that, she intuited what happened that weekend with Amy, and started making plans. For the life of me, though, I couldn’t figure out why she seemed so, I don’t know, normal (I guess that’s the word I’m looking for) about it.

After letting me get cleaned up, Mom and I went back home. On the way home, she was telling me about the trip, and Grandma’s health and prognosis. When we got inside, Mom told me to go sit at the table, and she wanted to know what exactly went down while she was gone.

“Shit. She’s gonna kill me,” I thought as I went to the dining room, and started organizing my thoughts. She came in with a bottle of wine and two glasses and sat down next to me. She poured each of us a glass, and took my hands in an effort to sooth me.

“Before you start, I just want to tell you I am not mad. Obviously, you enjoyed yourself, and I want to know what happened, and how long all of this has been going on.”

So over the next hour (and a couple glasses of moscato) I relayed the events of the previous weekend. I told her that Amy and I had never “been with” each other before that, and the same went for Leanne. This was my first time ever experimenting with a woman, and that until Jack fucked me, I was a virgin.

As I told my story, it coupled with the alcohol, and it was obviously having an effect on my mom. As I told about how Jack’s cock felt in me, and the feel of a woman’s tongue licking my pussy, she unbuttoned the top couple buttons on her blouse and started rubbing the swell of her breasts with the hand that wasn’t holding mine. It was having a similar effect on me as well. Just remembering all that had happened, was making my little clit throb. But telling the story to my riveted audience, that was making my pussy leak.

Mom’s eyes had a hungry look to them when I finished my story. I was embarrassed with how I had let myself get pulled down this rabbit hole of sex, and could barely look her in the eyes. Especially with that hunger I could see in them.

“Honey. Don’t be upset,” she told me. “Truth be told, I’d known about Lee and Jack for a while. I had caught her before. She had something for me to pick up, and I went over after work. The door was unlocked and I let myself in. I heard moaning from her bedroom, and was curious. I knew Todd was out of town on business, so I figured she had a boyfriend there. When I peeked through the crack in the door, I saw Jack on top of her. The look of ecstasy on her face told me everything. He was dicking her down, and she was loving it.”

“Did you ever tell her about it?” I asked.

“No. I thought it would crush her. After seeing them, I went to the kitchen, found what she had for me, and quietly left. She texted me this afternoon telling me to come over when I got home. And when I went over there just now, and heard something similar, I knew what she had done. She baited me, and was wanting me to catch her. She tried to seduce me. At the time, I was embarrassed as all hell. And turned on. If I had stayed, I probably would have done whatever she suggested.”

“Really? So, why didn’t you let it happen this time?”

“Well, I wanted to talk to you about it,” she answered. “And, until that moment, I had never looked at a woman sexually. But seeing you sucking on Jack’s cock, Lee eating you out, something flipped. Before I try him, I want to try you.”

At that, she leaned in and nervously kissed my lips. I responded by kissing her back, softly, letting her be the aggressor. Encouraged by me, she began kissing me in earnest. Her tongue pushed against my lips, and I opened my mouth, letting her tongue explore my mouth. I used the tip of my tongue to trace lines on the underside of hers. The taste of her saliva mixed with the taste of the sweet wine was incredible! She was emboldened by my reaction to her kiss. She grasped my head with both hands, and moved onto my lap, straddling my waist and pressing her ample chest to mine. As we made out, my hands untucked her blouse and reached under it. I explored the soft skin of her back, tracing my fingers up the length of her spine to her bra, then back down to the top of her pants.

While I was rubbing her back, Mom reached her hands down and grabbed my t shirt. She broke our deep, passionated kiss long enough to pull my shirt over my head. When she resumed kissing me, I started unbuttoning her blouse the rest of the way. When I undid the last button, I pulled her shirt back over her shoulders, and she wriggled her arms out of it. With her arms freed, she began feeling my chest. Rubbing and groping the exposed flesh of my heaving chest. I did likewise to my mom, exploring slopes of her large, freckled bosom. When she broke our kiss again, she stared deeply into my eyes.

“I think, we should go to the bedroom,” she panted, breathing heavily from the lust that was coursing through her.

“Ok,” I answered softly. The feelings that were running through me were confusing. Part of me was screaming that this was my mom, and that what we were doing is wrong. Another deeper, more powerful voice was calmly telling me that this was right, and that I shouldn’t fight my body’s desires.

Carefully, my mom stood up, and I couldn’t help but notice the wet spot spreading through the crotch of her pants. She took my hand and slowly led me back to her bedroom. When we got to her room, she bade me to sit on the bed. Complying, I scooted up and lean back against the headboard as Mom began removing the rest of her clothes. She started by removing her pants, slowly revealing long, shapely legs that she keeps in shape by running. Standing before me was a goddess, clad only in a utilitarian bra and satin bikini cut panties. I took in the sight before me: 40 years old, 5’8” tall, long auburn hair, freckles splashed across her chest. A slightly pooched tummy that was far from unsexy. It spelled maturity, and came from age as opposed to just fat. While her legs are lean, little patches of cellulite on her thighs gave away her age. My eyes made their way back to the plain white bra, and the mammaries contained in them. Where I am a C cup, my mom is a DD. And when she undid her bra, and slipped it off of her shoulders, I was surprised at how little they sagged. They dropped slightly once the support of the bra was removed, but in spite of her age, they still seemed to float on her chest. Then she turned around and started to push her panties to the floor, revealing her soft, sexy ass. As she bent over, I saw her engorged pussy lips, and could see the moisture glistening in her crevice.

When she turned back to face me, I was surprised by seeing that her mound was clean shaven. She crawled onto the bed, and came up to me. She took my hand, and guided it to her mons venus, and I reveled in how soft and smooth her skin was there. I slid my hand between her legs, Mom spreading her thighs to allow my hand access to here soft lips. As I slid my finger through her slit, I was amazed at how wet she was. After exploring her folds, I brought my finger to my mouth, sucking her dew off of it.

“You taste delicious,” I sighed.

Leaning forward, I kissed her freckled chest, then started kissing my way down to her breasts. I took in the up close view of her tits, amazed at the size of her areolae. Each one was nearly two inches across, and crowned with a fat hard nipple. I took her left teat into my mouth, tracing her areola with my tongue. Feeling it draw up was amazing. The transition from smooth skin to hard and rough was exciting me. I latched my lips around her hard nipple, sucking on it greedily. Nipping at it with my teeth, flicking it with my tongue, I was doing everything i could to impart as much pleasure to my mom’s tit as I could.

“Mmm… Jessie, that feels so good,” she moaned as she leaned into me, putting more pressure on her tit. “Suck mommy’s tit. Make mommy feel good, baby girl” I transitioned to the other tit, attacking it more aggressively than the first. The contrast between how I treated the first tit drove my mom insane. She grabbed the back of my head and pulled me harshly against her, moaning with pleasure at the pain I was instilling.

“Harder! God, Jessie! Bite it! Bite mommy’s tit! God! Just like that! FUCK!” she screamed, her hips involuntarily jerking as an orgasm shook her body. When her orgasm subsided, she collapsed next to me.

“Oh god, Jess… That was amazing.”

“Just wait,” I told her, smiling. I stood up on the bed, and removed my bra. My mom couldn’t taker her eyes of my C cup tits, and followed them as I bent down to push off my panties. When I stood back up, her eyes fixed on my hairless pussy. I followed her gaze to my cunt, and looked back up at her.

“Like it?” I playfully asked, and all Mom did was nod. Smiling seductively, I crawled on the bed, and then between her legs. Mom was shaking as I pulled her legs up over my shoulders and lowered my face to her glistening lips. As I licked her outer lips, she moaned heartily. Taking this as a good sign, I let the tip of my tongue lightly caress her slit. As she moaned, I let my tongue venture deeper into her womanly folds. When I got to her engorged clit, I circled around it eliciting louder, more wanton moans from her. When I flicked it with my tongue, she grabbed my head and pulled my lips around her throbbing bud.

“There! God! I haven’t had my pussy eaten in so long! Lick me, Jess! Suck my clit! Just like that!” she cried. Wow! My mom was so hot, and hearing her talk like that was turning me on even more.

As I sucked and licked at her clit and inner lips, I roughly shoved two finger up her wet canal. She almost folded in half at the sudden invasion, screaming in pleasure.

“That’s it! Fuck my cunt! Make mommy feel good! Fuck me! Harder! Faster! Fuck! Fuck! Right there. That’s mommy’s g-spot. Harder! Harder! Fuck me! Oh, FUCK!” she screamed, as I felt her tight tunnel clamp down on my fingers. As her pussy gripped and squeezed my fingers, her pussy sprayed my face with what felt like a gallon of girl cum. I licked up as much as I could off off her lips and thighs, and removed my fingers so I could lap up her juices from deep in her well.

“God, Jessie… That was amazing. I haven’t cum like that in ages,” she mewed as I cleaned the juice out of her cunt.

“Good. Now you can eat me,” I tell her as I crawl up to her. She pulled me to her mouth, and kissed me deeply, sucking her juices off my lips. I pull away and push her head down my body. As I lean back against the head board, she begins suckling my nipples, lightly teasing them with her teeth and tongue. “Mmm. Mom, you are good at that. Are you sure this is your first time?,” I joke with her. She nods, and smiles up at me, my left nipple still between her teeth.

She then started easing her way down my body, trailing her tongue across my skin. Everywhere on my belly her tongue touched, she left a trail of goose bumps. When she got down to my pussy, she wasted no time in seeking out my little bud. She clamped her lips around it, and started viciously sucking it. My head rolled back as waves of pleasure raced through my whole body. When she started lapping at my clit, my hips began thrusting in time to her licks. Emboldened by my obvious enjoyment, she began licking the entire length of my slit. She would use broad tongue strokes that would spread my outer lips, and lick the entirety of my crevice. She would use just the tip and explore the folds of my inner lips.

“Mmm, Mommy. Just like that. Eat me. Eat you baby’s cunt.” I encouraged her.

As she dove into my wet love tunnel tongue first, she brought her hand up and started rubbing my clit as she ate me.

“Oh, Mom! God. That’s good! Play with my clitty while you eat me! Fuck me, Mommy! Fuck your little girl with your tongue! Faster! Faster! Make me cum, Mommy! Make your baby cum! Cumming! Cumming! Fuck! Mommy!” I screamed as a massive orgasm wracked my body. I clamped my thighs around Mom’s head, holding her and her tongue in place. I could feel my pussy clamping down on her tongue, as she just held it in place. When my orgasm calmed, my mom came back up to me and held me, not as a daughter, but as a lover.

After we had a chance to process all that had taken place over the last few hours, I decided to clear the air.

“So, this was your first time with another woman?

“Yes. As far as I can remember, I don’t think I’ve even fantasized about women. This was really a first.”

“And Jack? What about him?”

“Baby, I’d love to get a piece of that! After what you said about how he filled you up. I need to try!”

“And Amy? You said you wanted to talk with her over at Leanne’s.”

“I did, didn’t I? And by talk, I mean a million other things. Possibly involving Lee and a certain large cocked dog.”

“I know how I can make that happen. If you call her out on it, she’ll deny it. But, if you had some evidence, you could probably get her, and watch Jack get her too,” I offered.

This got my mom’s attention, and I explained my plan to her. She called Leanne, and let her know what was going to happen. After hanging up the phone, my mom took me in my arms, and kissed me with a lover’s kiss, and we made love again before drifting off to sleep.

For the next week, I went to school and hung out with Amy like nothing had happened. There were a few times after gym class where I would catch her watching me while I changed, but nothing out of the ordinary. Then Friday after school, I put the plan into action.

We were walking home, and my cell buzzed. “Hold on, Amy. Text from my mom.”

“Maybe she’s going to be gone for the weekend again,” Amy said and winked.

“Shit…” I said trying my best to sound shocked.

“What?” Amy asked.

I just looked at her and handed her my phone.

Mom: I know about you and Amy. And Jack.
Get your asses over here. NOW!

The color drained out of Amy’s face, and I knew our plan just might work…


Part 5

Just to recap my last week: While my mom was out of town to handle a family emergency, got stuck with dog sitting our neighbors’ Great Dane Jack. While home alone, I was watching porn, and Jack started licking my pussy, and I ended up giving him my cherry that night. While I was fucking the dog, my best friend, Amy walked in on us. We ended up fucking, and she ended up fucking Jack as well. When Jack’s owner Leanne returned home, I helped her take him home. Once there, she seduced me, and she and I fucked each other and Jack. Little did I know, she had told my mom to come over, baiting her into an erotic trap. My mom arrived as I was sucking Jack’s doggy cock while Lee was eating my pussy. I went home and my mom and I had a heart to heart where she called me out, but not in a bad way. We ended up making love that night, and set our own little trap to get us, Amy, Leanne, and Jack together for a big “get together”.

For the next week, I went to school and hung out with Amy like nothing had happened. There were a few times after gym class where I would catch her watching me while I changed, but nothing out of the ordinary. Then Friday after school, I put the plan into action.

We were walking home from school when my cell buzzed. “Hold on, Amy. Text from my mom.”

“Maybe she’s going to be gone for the weekend again,” she said and winked.

“Shit…” I said, trying my best to sound shocked.

“What?” Amy asked.

I just looked at her and handed her my phone.

Mom: I know about you and Amy. And Jack. Get your asses over here. NOW!

The color ran out of Amy’s face, and I knew that our plan just might work…

It was so hard to hide my excitement as we trudged home from school. Amy walked in stunned silence, as if she was thinking about how we wouldn’t be allowed to hang out anymore, what if my mom tells her parents, or whatever else bad that could happen. As we walked up the stairs to my front porch, she finally let it all out.

“How did she find out? What if she tells us we can’t be friends, or just bans me from ever coming over again?”

“Shh. We will just see what she thinks she knows. And maybe she is way off, and doesn’t know anything about the sex,” I suggested, hoping to alleviate her fears.


As we entered the house, my mom called us into the kitchen, using her pissed off voice. We looked at each other and swallowed nervously as we walked into the lion’s den.

“Sit!” Mom commanded as we walked into the kitchen. In the kitchen, we were greeted by the stern faces of my mom and Leanne. We promptly sat down at the kitchen table, not saying a word.

“So girls, how long have you been fucking?” Mom asked, sounding genuinely angry.

“Um… Uh..” I stammered, pretending to be speechless.

“Last week was the first time, ma’am,” Amy answered with her head hung. “How did you know?”

“I don’t know, maybe the pussy juice stains all over the house. I leave for a weekend, and you two girls turned my house into a regular love shack. There wasn’t a room in the house that didn’t reek of pussy when I got home.”

“And when I picked up Jack, all he would do is follow me around the house and stick his nose in my crotch. And after I took a shower Sunday night, he actually tried licking my pussy! I got on the internet, and looked up what would cause him to do that, and all the answers I found pointed to two girls teaching him to fuck a human!” Leanne scolded.

My mom walked o we and leaned on the table, getting right in our faces. “And you know what? I am half tempted to tell your parents, Amy. Tell them their dotter is a dyke who loves dog cock.”

Tears were welling up in Amy’s eyes at that threat. “Please, no! My parents would kill me!” she shouted.

“Well, I can think of something that could make me forget this whole event never happened,” my mom said.

“Anything! Please, I will do anything to keep them from finding out!”



“Well then, you are going to demonstrate how you damaged Jack, while eating my pussy. I would think that a dog loving lezzy wouldn’t have any problems with that. And Jessie, you are going to eat out Lee, to make up for what you did to her dog.”

Amy was stunned! She was being blackmailed into what she just did last week!

My mom leaned over between us and whispered, “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted that dog to fuck me. Get him good and horny so I can enjoy him, too.”

My mom walked around the table, and forcefully started kissing Amy, and placed he hand right in Amy’s crotch.

“Wow, Amy. Your pussy is starting to leak all the way through. I think you want this more than you let on.”

Amy started grinding her mound against my mom’s hand, “Yes. I want to taste your cunt while Jack plows me again,” Amy all but moaned. The fear that was in her eyes had transformed to a look of hunger.

I stood up and walked across the Kitchen to Leanne and started kissing her, and unbuttoning her shirt. I was too horny now to even pretend that I was being coerced. Her pussy tasted so good, and I was ready for a second helping of it! Soon, I had her massive mammaries out, kneading them, sucking on her nipples, working Lee into a frenzy. While I was ranging her tits, I was undoing her pants and pushing them down her delectable thighs. After I pushed them down, she stepped out of her jeans, spreading her legs so I could get my face to her wonderful cunt.

When I licked he clit, she went rigid as that first jolt of sexual electricity went through her body.
“Mmm, lick my pussy. Make me cum all over that pretty face,” she moaned. I was slowly licking her outer lips, then flicking her swollen bud with my tongue, then sucking on it. Then I slipped two fingers into her creamy snatch and started fingering her for all I was worth.

“Oh… That’s right, Jessie, just like that. God, your fingers… Feel so good… Gonna cum soon… Fuck… Harder… Harder… Oh god… FUCK!” When she came, her pussy clamped down on my fingers so hard that I couldn’t pull them out, and my tongue was rewarded with a river of girl cum, as she flooded me with her juices.

Behind us at the table, Mom and Amy were taking it slow. They were both topless at this point, but weren’t as frenzied as I had been with Leanne. It was mesmerizing, watching my best friend licking and sucking on my mom’s tits, while she in turn, fondled an kneaded my friend’s tits.

“I think we need to go to the bedroom,” my mom suggested. She intertwined her fingers with Amy’s and led the four of us to the master bedroom. And wouldn’t you know, Jack was already there, stretched out across the mattress. Once in the room, Mom began her assault on Amy’s lithe body in earnest. She pushed her down on the bed, and began ravishing my friend’s tits, roughly squeezing them, biting and sucking at her nipples, causing Amy to moan with exquisite pleasure.

Mom kissed her way down Amy’s body, removing we her shorts and panties as she went. Once she was presented with Amy’s sweet honey pot, she took a deep breath, inhaling the sweet, musky aroma of my friend’s sex.

“Lee, why don’t you come get Amy here good and ready for Jack’s cock.”

“Mm, with pleasure Tiff.”

Sitting in a chair in the corner, I was rubbing my pussy as I watched Lee kneel down and push Amy’s knees as far apart as they would go, and slowly lick from her little puckers anus, all the way to her clit. Amy was already squirming on the bed, being so turned on. She tried to snake a hand down to rub her clit, but my mom grabbed her wrist and held it above Amy’s head. “Just lay back, sweetie. Let Lee take care of you. I promise, she knows what she is doing,” my mom reassured her, before sucking one of Amy’s little tits back in her mouth. Lee was proving to be quite the master of pussy licking. As she sucked on Amy’s clit, she slid two fingers in her gooey box. Amy was all moans at this point, thrusting her pussy on to Lee’s fingers. Then I saw Lee move her head down, and she started tonging Amy’s little pucker. After a minute of licking Amy’s ass, Lee inserted her finger in Amy’s ass.

“Oh, fuck… My ass… Never… Don’t stop… Fuck me harder… Lee, put another finger there… Fuck!” Amy moaned.

Happy to oblige the writhing girl, Lee added another finger to the one already there.

“God… So full… Feels so good…. Fuck my ass, Lee…. Oh! Gonna cum… Gonna… CUMMING!!!!!” Amy screamed and we all watched as he body went completely stiff, and a stream of pussy juice hit Lee in the face.

“I think she’s ready,” Lee said with a smile while helping Amy onto her hands and knees. Jack, seeing his bitch getting into position, took notice and stood up. He walked be hind her and took a quick lick of her ass and pussy, then stepped behind her. While Jack was getting in position, my mom peeled off her pants and revealed her womanly charms to Amy.

“I hope you’re ready, cause I have been ever since I caught Lee and Jessie fucking that beautiful dog cock,” Mom told Amy.

“Wait, didn’t you say you found pussy stains?” Amy panted.

“Oh, I did. After Jessie told me about the fuck fest you two had last weekend. We just figured you would deny it if I asked. Now get ready, cause I need my cunt licked by a doggy bitch.”

Amy turned to me with a smile and said, “I should have known.” She looked at my mom and said, “You really could have just told us to come over and been naked. I would have dove right in.” She then placed her lips to Mom’s cunt and started eating her.

With her head lowered, she was in the perfect submissive position for Jack, and he jumped on her back. As soon as he was in place, he was humping away, as his slowly protruding cock bounced off her ass cheeks. Amy rolled her hips down slightly, and the tip of Jack’s cock found the center of her slicked up asshole. Before Amy could react, he shoved is dick into her now deflowered ass.

“Fuck!!!” Amy screamed at the sudden anal penetration. “He’s in my ass! God it’s so thick! Don’t let him stop!”

Jack started fucking her ass like a jackhammer, pistoning deeper and deeper into her rectum. Amy was all moans as she licked and sucked at Mom’s cunt. She then stuck two fingers deep in Mom’s pussy and started thrusting into her in time with Jack’s thrusts into her own ass. Meanwhile, Leanne came over to my chair and buried her face in my twat, licking and sucking up my secretions. This was so hot! Seeing my friend’s ass get drilled by the large dog while she ate my mom’s cunt, and my neighbor eating my dripping hole, was too much, and I came without warning on Lee’s face, as wave after wave of pleasure wracked my body.

Soon, Jack’s knot was at the entrance to Amy’s stretched hole. She was moaning like a woman possessed as his know battered he back door, and with a mighty thrust, he shoved his baseball size knot past her tight entrance.

“Shit! He knotted… My asshole… Hurts… But feels… Amazing…” Amy moaned. “So… Fucking… Deep… Gonna cum… Gonna… Aargh!” Her body went stiff as her own orgasm rocked her body. Then Jack froze on her back.

“Cumming… In my ass… Feels amazing…” Amy cried as Jack pumped stream after stream into her tight ass.

Mom, on the verge of her own orgasm grabbed Amy’s head and pulled it back to her cunt. Amy latched back onto Mom’s clit and sucked hard on it till mom had her own orgasm. We all just laid there in a daze as we recovered from our orgasms and waited till Jack’s knot shrank to whet he could pull out of Amy’s well used ass. When he did, I went to Amy and had her kneel over my face, and I hungrily ate the buckets of dog cum that drained out of her ass.

Amy called her mom a little while later and told her that we were having a movie night, and got permission to spend the night. That Friday night, we all took turns getting fucked by Jack and eating each other’s pussies till the four of us collapsed in Mom’s bed.



After that night, every Friday was spent with Leanne and Jack. Amy wasn’t always able to join, but she came whenever she could. When we went off to college, we got permission. To get a small rental off campus together, where we got our own Great Dane and raised him up right. Mom and Leanne visit us regularly, and always bring Jack along and we spend the weekend fucking and sucking.

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