Women with Animals

The Kidnapping


(c) 2015~2016 by Misty_Tiratzo

Before we left I let both our dogs have sex with me, Jessica had Marley and Pepe. We managed to let Pepe mount Jan, we didn’t clean up at all ..I was leaking a lot and I could smell dog cum on Jess and Jan.
We had chosen the Rottweiler cus he lived in a street that had no street lights but there were more houses, just a regular street. As we got close to the Rottie’s house we pulled off our sweats and we looked at each other and Jan whispered “we’re really gonna do this”, we giggled nervously and threw our sweats into the van and stood naked on the sidewalk. Jan switched off the lights and reversed down out of the way.
With the van gone and its lights off my eyes got accustomed to the dark, there was almost no moon but the sky was clear and in the starlight it was easy to find his house. I thought about how Jessica would deal with his cock and knot. Her pussy was really really loose and I’m a lot tighter. From looking at him from the road earlier I thought he was going to rip me apart if I let him knot me. She had been with her mom’s dog Marley and our two mutts so I knew how loose she her pussy was, I felt that she should be able to take his knot really easily. If she got scared I would let him take me first. When we got to his yard we could hear movement on the other side of his fence. He was breathing hard making terse almost-growls as he looked at us through the wooden slats of the fence. I’m certain he was smelling us but trying to figure out why two human girls smelled of dog cum. He was moving along the fence keeping pace with us. I looked at Jessica and her eyes were wide and she was breathing fast. Her nipples were really hard. In the starlight we saw him run ahead. We could see the fence move and sway and we saw that he had crawled through the less than sturdy wooden picket fence. Once he was on the sidewalk he walked towards us. Without as much as a wag of his stubby tail his nose lifted up towards my pussy. He sniffed and sniffed before licking a few times. I rubbed his ears and told him that he was a good boy. He sniffed again, then moved to Jess, and licked her, his stumpy tail and butt really wriggling

I told Jessica we better get headed back to the van before he got too excited. We started to walk quickly back and he followed right behind us. I could feel his cold nose nudge my butt crack a couple of times as we walked. Jess chuckled softly. We made it to the van and as Jess and the dog got in I closed the sliding door behind us. Jan drove really slowly saying the whole time when she saw how big the dog was. I had to remind her to switch the lights on She asked Jessica if she was sure about trying this. Jess was pretty worked up so she nodded, yes she was. The Rottie continued to sniff and lick my pussy as we drove home. I knew this was going to be a problem getting him interested in Jessica’s pussy.

when we reached home Jan went in and locked our dogs into our bedroom while we stayed in the van with our kidnap victim I decided to try something. I told Jessica to spread her legs. I pushed the dogs head away and I pulled him over over to Jessica by the collar pushing his face into her pussy. He just sat not doing anything. I moved myself so Jess and I were kinda pussy to pussy with him in-between. I told her to hold onto my leg and I held onto hers. I wiped my pussy juices onto her hoping some of my scent would transfer. He began to lick her. I stroked him behind his soft knot and his cock began growing. Jan got back to us and said that the dogs were very unhappy to be locked away. I swear Jan’s eyes got really wide as the dogs big cock started showing from its sheath. This actually felt really good and I heard Jess moan a couple of times

I separated them and told Jessica to get out of the van find some soft grass and get onto all fours I got out the other side of the van holding the Rottie by his collar and pushed Jan in her wheelchair. Jess was on the grass with her ass high and her shoulders on the grass and her soaking wet pussy fully exposed. The Rottie followed my scent right to Jessica. He gave her wet pussy a few licks as she moaned. I could see his big pink cock showing and I knew he was ready so I gave his cock a quick rub till he began humping and tried to guide him which was really hard cus he was humping like crazy he finally mounted Jess. She could barely hold his weight as he humped his hard cock searching for the entrance As soon as he touched her wide hole his hips flexed. Her pussy swallowed up as half his cock . She was yelling he was so big. I cooed telling her to just relax he hadn’t even got to the knot yet.

The dog continued to thrust into Jess. More and more of his cock was going up inside her. He was half growling and panting and so was Jess. He was humping fast, deep deep inside her and his knot began slapping her outer lips and she began pussyfarting. I was on all fours trying to help her spread her pussy more and shoving the dogs ass urging him forward. It looked impossible and I wondered if I looked like that when he mounted me. I rubbed her clit as he pushed again. then suddenly it disappeared in her entrance and they were knotted. He quit humping and stood still. Jess was breathing hard but said she could feel him swelling inside her and that she didn’t know if she could take it. I swear his knot was the size of a small melon and getting bigger.. She said she could feel him coming deep inside her.

I was still on all fours totally hypnotized by seeing the dog’s cock buried deep inside her pussy. I had forgotten about Jan, that is right up to when I felt her hands on my ass. She had wheeled up behind me I guess I was in a very exposed position and she was going to take advantage of it. I felt one of her hands stroke my pussy. I was so horny that I didn’t stop her. Not that I wanted to; I just wanted to get fucked. She started to poke all four fingers in and out of my pussy. While Jan was trying to fist me, I couldn’t keep my eyes off the incredibly sensual mating of Jess and our kidnap victim.

It was about fifteen minutes before the dog back pedaled a couple of times, like reverse humping, but his knot was too big to slide out of Jess quite yet. Jan was still stroking me when the dog pulled free of Jess, her pussy gaped wide wide open and she pussyfarted noisily and leaked a stream dog cum onto the grass, the scent of their mingled juices filled my nostrils, I came big time.

For a while it was quiet Jess was moaning softly while laying on her belly on the grass, my breathing had slowed to some semblance of normal and the dog began licking himself then Jess. When the dog lay down and looked bored I asked Jess if she had enjoyed it. She turned and looked up, turned and smiled weakly and said, ” yes”. I turned to ask Jan if she had enjoyed me, she giggled saying how turned on she was. I looked at the dog who had begun licking himself again while watching us.
He looked fully recovered from his being with Jess. I guess the smell of sex in the air had him excited again because I could see the tip of his cock poking out of his sheath. As Jan and Jess began kissing and fondling each other I really didn’t care I got up and crawled over to the dog. I rubbed his ears and then reversed backing my ass into his face. He and licked me and I heard a low growl from him.

I raised my ass presenting my greedy pussy, spreading my thighs almost unnaturally. He sniffed me and licked my wet pussy. Jan giggled and said she bet to him we all smelled like we were on heat. I guess I was in heat to him, cus he reared up gripping my flanks with his front paws and began thrusting blindly, I snaked my arm across my belly and somehow managed to get a hold of hid fast moving cock. I gripped him, guiding him to wet pussy and it didn’t take long for him to hit the mark I swear. I felt him humping, then incredibly my cunt was invaded by an incredibly big thick hot cock he was thrusting wildly, his back paws scratching and scraping the grass behind us, his forepaws gripping my waist tight, while ramming home his massive cock into my waiting wet hole. I heard Jess gasp and figured they were now watching me. I was so wet and made lewd loud farts as air escaped from the tightness of our connection, Yes! I was able to take him, although it was still a really tight fit. His cock was about the same length as our dogs but way hotter and way, way thicker. He didn’t waste time and his erratic thrusts in and out of my cunt, his cock slowly softening slightly as the fist size knot began to swell.

I was whimpering a little, my eyes screwed closed and rolling my hips and thrusting back trying to keep him inside me; enjoying being taken by this beast. There was a little pain, but so much more pleasure. I was trying to catch my breath which was coming in short gasps in time with his hard thrusts.
When I opened my eyes. I saw Jess down on all fours with Jan behind her fucking her fingers. Her pussy was still full of the dogs load and making squishing sounds as Jan fingered her I didn’t care, I swear . The dog fucking me had all my attention when I felt his knot slap my cunt’s lips. I knew it was going to hurt going in, but I wanted it, I had to have it. He kept humping and I moved matching his movement. It felt like a man’s fist smacking my insatiable wet cunt, each time he thrust I felt my body absorbing it little by little, it took me by surprise when it suddenly my cunt seemed to open. We slowed , my cunt absorbing, and stretching. It wasn’t as big as it was going to get and I knew that there was no way he wasn’t going to pull it out of me now. I arched my back as he stood rampant above me, loud farts echoed across the yard and his cock pumped slowly, his knot sliding into me and setting under my clit I held my breath and bore down and suddenly it slotted home.
The dog and I were dead still, waiting for the seal to be complete. I could feel him getting bigger as my vaginal walls enveloped his iron hard knot. The end of his cock was pressed up tightly against my cervix softening, still hard but far more flexible. I could feel his monster cock vibrating; suddenly my cunt was flooded with hot cum far hotter than a human male ever gets. He must have held back with Jess, His knot grew and grew inside me until it felt like a watermelon, and his balls vibrated in time with his soft growls as he filled me with his seed.

As the dog pumped me full I could hear Jan and Jessica still going at it again. Jan was really pumping Jess, her hand in Jess’s sloppy cunt and Jessica was asking for more. I thought I heard her say something but I couldn’t quite make it out. Jan pushed her whole hand inside Jess to her wrist. Jess’s pussy was leaking cum of her juice and the dogs cum. Jan was talking dirty now and urging Jess to cum for her, “Cum for me bitch”.

It felt like an hour while the dog gripped me; rampant and fully in command. My belly felt so very full of his cum. Finally he was starting to shrink, but the bond was still tight. His pulsing knot pressing on my spongy G-spot and I could not help cumming then again the bliss of an orgasm made staying still for him impossible. My pussy started to contract and actually began to expel that magnificent organ out of me. He backed up and the contracting knot suddenly managed to pull free. I slumped belly down on to the grass oozing his cum out onto the grass. He licked himself as I caught my breath, then wandered over his tongue curling into my gaping cunt. As the last dribbles pooled onto the grass between my legs, the dog made his way over to Jan. He sniffed at her sticky hands and then the puddle on the grass where I lay and lifted his leg and we-ed.
We all watched, I guess he was telling Jan he was a dominant being here he was making sure she knew it. We were all naked in our back yard, me and Jess sitting on the grass while Jan in her wheelchair Finally the dog licked himself and yawned, In a few hours it would be dawn, it was very late cooling fast and we needed to get the dog back to his house. We stood up still all undressed except for Jan in a sweater and I gave both Jan and Jessica a kiss. We managed to lead him to the van and drove him back along the dark road to his house. We let him out and he wandered off and clambered through the rickety fence. Jan asked.”Did anyone see if he had a name on his collar?”. We all stared at each other giggling.


Jans’s Story

I have to say, when I thought of the idea I found it incredibly sexy. Find a strange dog we’ve never interacted with in any way, lure it into my van, and drive to our home, have sex with it, then when were done, drop him off at his house again, hopefully his owner none the wiser. I sat thinking about it, daydreaming. My fantasy made me squirm, I sprawled back in my chair imagining how the girls would react. I imagined Misty, on her knees her pale freckled skin almost glowing in the moonlight, her copper hair flowing across the grass as the powerful dog mounted her slim 5’6 120 Lb body, the way her pussy swells when the knot sets, and her sensual moans as she orgasms while the dog stands rampant above her. Then sweet Jess, the woman in a girl’s body, at 5’9″ seems all arms and legs. I imagined her ebony eyes screwed shut, long dark hair cascading across her face as the dog ruts and thrusts deep inside her.

It took me a few hours to formulate all the angles, and I broached the subject after dinner. Misty stared at me as if I had just asked her to kill someone, her green eyes flashing, sudden colour in her cheeks and the way she shook her head, making her hair float around her face like a halo of reddened gold.
“You are joking, right?” She asked.
“No I’m serious, I think it will be the most exciting thing we’ve ever done!” I replied evenly.
I looked across the table at Jessica, her smile was re-assuring.
“I think, if you think, we should, then I’ll do it.” she answered smiling shyly. Her soft brown eyes shining with lust.
Misty looked at both of us. ” I think that you are both fricken crazy. Anyway, Jess always agrees with everything you say. What if we get caught? How can we explain stealing a dog? Do you for one second believe that the cops will believe whatever bullshit explanation you try and give them Jan? We will all go to jail!” she almost yelled.
I rolled my head and lifted my chin. ” You will do as you are told, do not take that tone to me, do you understand, girl?”
Misty canted her head to one side, whispered as if spitting poison, “Yes Mistress. However my objection stands.” She gritted.
Jessica could barely contain her excitement. “When are we going to look for our victim.?” She asked excitedly almost jumping up and down on her chair.
I wheeled back from the table, nothing wrong with the present. “Let’s go!” I ordered.

We spent about an hour driving through suburban Phoenix, we saw many, many dogs, but Misty seemed to find fault or problems with every dog or house we saw. I was growing increasingly frustrated with her objections and attitude. We started down a dark street, half way along this dark road I saw a huge Rottweiler on a stoop of a rundown looking bungalow. I pointed. “What about him?” I asked.
“I bet it’s a girl.” Came the surly response from the sullen redhead.
It was almost as if he heard her, the van’s headlights making the dogs eyes look like tiny flashlights, he lurched onto his huge paws and lifted his head and looked directly at us, he lifted his rear leg and sent a stream of urine against the wall next to him. “I am certain girl dogs can’t pee like that, Misty.” I remonstrated.

“Then he’s probably been neutered, and I’m not going to feel his balls to confirm either way. I like my hands in one piece.” Misty answered blowing across her perfectly manicured and varnished finger nails.

The rear door slid open, and Jessica sprang from the slow moving van, she almost skipped to the white picket fence, whistling softly. The dog half charged the fence full of bravado. He approached with caution and half inquisitive snarls barking a warning. Jess leaned over and her fingers teased his flappy ears, cooing softly. The dog lost all aggression since the girl seemed no threat to him or his home and owner. Quickly Jess’s free hand slid down his back, then dipped to his rear end. In a couple of seconds, she was back in her seat. She whispered. “He has got balls and they’re massive.” she stated.
“Any more objections, Ms Sourpuss?” I asked.
“I still don’t……”
“Oh shut up!” I yelled at her.
I drove home carefully noting the route, measuring the distance. The odometer read 8.4 miles, less than ten minutes.
I had decided on the first clear Saturday night, I’m certain Misty spent every free moment doing rain dances.
We prepped ourselves, Misty submitted to both our dogs, followed by Jess, I lay across a portable pool while my Poodle rutted and filled my womb with his seed. All three of us reeked of dog sex.
Was the dark of the moon on the sixth of June. A van full of girls looking for dogs, all excited with almost no clothes on, and a dark street and one lucky dog. (apologies to CW McCall)
I stopped the van about a hundred yards from our victim’s house. By now there was no hesitation from Misty. She was as eager as Jess, and just as excited, both their eyes danced. They waited making sure no one was around or any lights on, I glanced at my watch 1:07AM The girls sprang out of the van, they pulled off their sweats and stood naked next to the van, It was warm, the moon a sliver in the sky, the sky made luminous by a million billion stars above us. I switched the lights off and reversed to the corner, while my girls walked purposely to the house.
I watched in the dark van while Misty and Jess attracted the dogs attention, I saw the dog pull himself through a rickety fence and approached the naked girls, he gave them perfuctionary sniffs. holding hands and followed by the dog the girls almost skipped to the van, the dog seemed to be sniffing Misty as they walked.

Jess swung up onto the center seat followed by the dog, Misty pulled the door closed and I put the van into gear, I glanced into the rearview mirror, oh my god the dog was immense. Misty was gingerly manipulating his penis, Jess looked on, licking her lips.
“Switch the lights on before we get stopped by the cops.” Misty pleaded.
I tried to concentrate, the lights on and the van cruised towards our home, driving slowly and totally within the law. I asked, “Jess are you okay with this?” She nodded her head eagerly.
Misty kept masturbating the dog, he seemed totally at ease, his penis thickening and hardening poking from its sheath, it was massive. He lazily licked Misty, as she manipulated him.

I drove up the drive, and quickly swung out the van into my waiting chair, I wheeled into the house calling out for our two dogs, they eagerly followed me to the bedroom, I closed the door trapping them.
Their barks and whines telling me, “hey, unfair!”
I got back to the van, Misty had got the dog hard, His penis stood stiff, Jess, clambered out of the van followed my Misty and the dog, Misty helped Jess onto the right position, on her knees, head and shoulders on the grass, then arching her back and widening the distance between her knees.
The dog was breathing terse and he was eagerly trying to mount but Jess’s long legs making the connection difficult, Misty moved onto her knees behind the humping dog, she pressed Jess down and used her left hand to guide his fast moving penis, the dog’s penis entered Jess’s wet pussy and he started humping in earnest, half springing forward his rear paws standing on Jess’s outstretched calves. Misty on her hands and knees pulled at Jess’s ass while pushing the dog into Jess. After a few painful scratches the dog found his bitch open and wet, he thrust into her wet hole, Jess was lifting her ass and matching his fast wild thrusts, Misty lowered her face lifting her ass, watching the dog fuck her friend his penis driving into her, his knot was thickening and slapping her wet pussy lips.

My attention momentarily focused on Misty her ass still in the air, I couldn’t resist stroking her wet exposed pussy, her body responding to me, her thighs widening and offering herself to me. I absently fingered her while we both watched the dog’s knot slot into Jess. There was silence, I managed to put four fingers into Misty, and her ass wriggled trying to move against my hand. Jess had stopped moving. The dog covered her , his forelegs gripping her flanks, his penis, and knot buried in her cunt. I could see his balls vibrated in time with his noisy terse breathing, Jess was moaning softly.
The sensual coupling took about ten minutes, Jess trying to keep him in as the huge dog began to pull out of her. Unfortunately human girls do not have a girl dog’s ability to clamp down on a knot, and he pulled free with a soggy “plop” and she gushed dog cum and sank down onto the grass. The dog’s penis hung down, it was still massive and I doubted whether I’d be able take him.
Misty moved forward stroking Jess, softly asking if she was okay, Jess turned her head blushing in the starlight, nodding “Yes, it was fantastic.” The kidnap victim lazily slipped behind Jess, licking himself, then her gaping pussy, before laying down again watching his kidnappers.
Everyone’s breathing settled. There wasn’t a lot of talking but there was still an air of excitement. The dog began showing his penis again, I joked, ” I bet the believes we’re on heat.”
Misty, turned, reversing towards the dog, she lifted her ass to the dog’s face, immediately he began to lick, then rearing up and humping wildly. Misty lifted herself slightly then snaked her hand under her body, and gripped his hardening penis. He reared up stiffening, his penis half out of its sheath, and poking at Misty’s asshole, Misty somehow managed to grip and guide him to her cunt, she lowered herself slightly then half tugged, suddenly the dog was fucking her, he humped fast and uncaringly entering Misty’s pussy, which expelled air in lewd pussy farts. We all giggled. Misty arched and bowed her back, her knees slid wider on the grass, as the dog’s humping got frantic. It was almost a soft sigh when the knot slotted home, I watched enthralled as the colossal dog stood rampant, with Misty under him.
I glanced down at Jessica. She was laying on her belly, with her legs wide, her pussy gaped open still and it was easy to spot his cum flowing from her, coating her thighs. While I watched Misty my hand thrust into Jess’s wet hole. She gasped loudly as my whole hand slid into her, I closed my hand inside Jessica, and I absently flexed my wrist in time with the dog’s noisy breathing, his balls and stumpy tail quivering as he pumped his seed into Misty’s womb. I whispered urgently to Jessica, “cum for me bitch!!” She shuddered her hips twitching her eyes rolling.
The Tie-ing was much longer than his time with Jess. Misty kept moving slightly but in a way that kept her lover tightly in her cloying cunt. His knot had expanded fully and her cunt was stretched and distended, the reddish section behind his knot bending slightly giving me a great view of the coupling. Misty was almost grunting with pure pleasure, her hips twitching as she orgasmed, it was incredibly sensual to watch, the air around us was full of the scent of their coupling. The dog growled softly contentedly as his seed flooded the woman I love more than life itself.
I could almost see her belly swell, the dog was perfectly still above her, Misty’s body began to spasm and the dog was back pedaling. The pair separated with a wet gush of dog cum. Misty lay panting on her belly. Immediately the dog lowered his face to her wet wide cunt, his tongue swiped and curled into her swollen lips, before bending down to lick himself. Slowly the massive penis slid back into its sheath.
I didn’t think that the dog wanted anymore human pussy that night, he stood up and moved towards me, he almost delicately sniffed my hand before moving to where Misty had being laying, he cocked his leg and sent a stream of hissing piss over the pooled mixture of his cum and Misty’s vaginal secretions he seemed content to lay down and watch us proud, virile, but satisfied. I glanced at my watch. It was 2:25AM, and the temperature dropping fast. I pulled a sweater over my head, The girls both shivered in the cool air. Without a word, Misty stood and kissed both of us.
I rolled my chair over to the van, Misty pushed the dog into the van and sat next to Jess. We drove back towards the dogs house, both girls totally naked and the dog totally sated. I stopped the van about 25 yards from his house. The door slid open and our “victim” hopped out, heading home without a backward look. I watched as he clambered through the fence. I glanced in the rear view mirror at my naked girls sitting prettily in the back seat.
“Did anyone see if he had a name on his collar?”. We all looked at each other and we giggled merrily all the way home.


Jessica’s View Of the Kidnapping

Supper began normally.

I had laid the table after I had finished my homework, placing out knives, forks, spoons and table mats. Misty called everyone to the table. Tonight we were having my favorite, Sloppy Joes. I poured a glass of cider for Jan, and milk for myself and Misty and sat waiting. Jan wheeled herself up to her position at the head of the rectangular table, while Misty sat opposite me.

I was never certain of Misty, She is always perfect! Even when doing something depraved, she’s serene and beautiful, her perfect skin sprinkled with youthful freckles. Her hair is the colour of bright new copper, and it cascades down to the base of her spine. Her eyes are the colour of a spring meadow: lush and green with tiny flecks of gold. Her face displays tranquility, with innate beauty only someone who has done it all can exude. Her body is taunt and her legs seem to begin just under her arms – a lean, clean loving machine. I’m so glad she loves me.

Jan is beautiful in a different way entirely. Her dark hair is cut almost boyishly short, but the first thing you notice are her huge eyes. They are the colour of the sky, and just as luminous. Her jaw juts determinedly forward, and her neck is not feminine, and neither are her arms and shoulders. She sits very lazily in an athletic wheelchair almost slouching, but it’s a ruse. Her mind is like a razor, and her upper body is stronger than most men’s. All of this is neatly packaged in one paraplegic who has no self pity and runs her life and ours with self reliance and is the most disciplined person I know. She has (giggle) no problems dispensing that discipline, sometimes with her hand, paddle, whip or mouth. Jan is not your average girl in a wheel chair, and quiet honestly once you get over the fact she’s disabled, you forget she’s even chair bound. I’m so glad she loves me, too.

Halfway through the meal, Jan began explaining her plan for us. At first it seemed surreal, and I didn’t really understand, but Misty began to argue, “You’re joking, right?” she asked.

I tried to placate everybody, “I think, if you think we should, then I’ll do it,” I answered, not exactly sure what I was agreeing to, while looking directly at first Jan, then Misty. I love them both equally and without any reservation.

Misty looked across at me scornfully, and up the table at Jan. “I think that you are both fricken crazy. Anyway, Jess always agrees with everything you say. What if we get caught? How can we explain stealing a dog? Do you for one second believe that the cops will believe whatever bullshit explanation you try and give them, Jan? We will all go to jail!” she almost yelled.

Jan brooked no gainsaying, and her retort was harsh. “You will do as you are told! Do not take that tone with me! Do you understand, girl?”

I’d never seen Misty not defer to Jan, and this time was no exception. She canted her head to one side and hoarsely whispered as if spitting blood, “Yes Mistress. However, my objection stands.”

I looked at the two women I loved. Jan’s hackles were rising, and Misty’s eyes had morphed into a truculent stormy gray. I gulped, and tried to pour oil on troubled waters, “When are we going to look for our victim?” I asked, with false cheerfulness.

Jan reversed from the table, stating, “Nothing wrong with the present. Let’s go!” she ordered.

I followed Jan and Misty to Jan’s minivan. Unaided, Jan swung herself into the driver’s seat. I slid into the middle seat, and Misty stiffly sat in the front passenger seat, her posture still one of disapproval.

We drove through darkening subdivisions. We saw a lot of dogs, but Misty seemed unimpressed with every dog or house we saw. Finally, Jan turned down a street that had a few street lights out. Halfway along this dark avenue, a huge, impressive Rottweiler lazed on a stoop of a rundown looking bungalow.

Jan pointed. “What about him?”she asked.

“I bet it’s a girl,” Misty responded sarcastically.

As the debate raged back and forth in the front of the van, I knew I had to do something. I slid open my door, and sprang from the slow moving van, lurching off balance into the dirty and broken fence.
At my soft whistle, the dog half charged the fence full of bravado, but but switched to approaching with caution and half inquisitive snarls, in between warning barks.

I showed no fear, leaning over the fence and teasing his floppy ears, cooing softly. The dog lost all aggression, because I showed no threat to him or his home and owner. I teased his ears with my left hand while my right was reaching over the fence and blindly feeling under his belly for the presence of his shaft. My fingers encountered his knot. At my contact, it almost automatically quivered and swelled, and his balls began to pulse. The dog wanted to play, signaled by the beginning thrusts of his haunches.

I smiled sadly, whispering, “Sorry boy. You’re going to have to wait.” I turned as he whined and quickly got back into my seat. “He’s got balls and they’re massive,” I reported.

“Any more objections, Ms Sourpuss?” Jan asked with a sneer.

Misty began, “I still don’t…”

“Oh shut up!” Jan commanded her.

We drove home, with Jan carefully noting the route and measuring the odometer. Jan decided our raid would take place on the first clear Saturday night.

The first Saturday turned out to be beautiful. First, Misty submitted to both our dogs. My wait was well worth it, because I had two or three blissful orgasms as one after the other, those same dogs thrust into my waiting, wet cunt with their characteristic expertise. Both Misty and I exuded that musky, inky scent only dog fucking females can generate.

When we were smelly enough to suit Jan, she placed herself across a portable pool, while our dogs rutted and filled her wide cunt with their seed. Yes, dogs can be insatiable. All three of us reeked of musk and dog sex.

It was just before midnight on the van’s dash clock when Jan stopped the van about a hundred yards from the Rottweiler’s house, switching the van lights off for stealth. By now, there was no hesitation from Misty. She was as eager as I was, and just as excited. We waited, making sure no one was around and no lights were on. Misty sprang out of the van, pulling off her sweater and leggings. I followed Misty’s example and pulled off my sweats and stood naked next to the van. It was a warm and lovely night – the moon a sliver in the sky, the sky itself made luminous by a million billion stars above us. Jan reversed the van back to the corner, while we walked purposely toward the house.

We whistled low, attracting the dog’s attention. The dog placidly ambled towards us and pushed himself through the broken fence, and gave us perfunctory sniffs. Misty dipped one hand between her legs, and offered her hand, palm down, for the dog to lick. The dog’s tongue slurped, his nose angled instinctively towards Misty’s crotch. We held hands as we walked back to the van. The dog seemed to be sniffing Misty the whole way, his nose bumping against her taunt ass cheeks as we walked.

I swung up onto the center seat, followed by the dog. Misty climbed in behind him, and pulled and slid the door closed as Jan put the van into gear. Misty was gingerly manipulating the dog’s penis, while I looked on, licking my lips.

“Switch the lights on before we get stopped by the cops,” Misty hissed. She sighed in relief as the headlights again illuminated the road.

Misty kept masturbating the dog. He seemed totally at ease, his penis thickening and hardening, poking from its sheath. It was massive. He lazily licked Misty, as she manipulated him.

Jan told us, “Stay in the van,” as she drove up the driveway. Quickly, she rounded up our dogs and corralled them into a bedroom. They whined and barked their displeasure, probably both from being confined, and from the foreign canine scent. Jan rejoined us outside.

Misty had gotten the dog hard. His penis stood stick-like stiff. I clambered out of the van, followed by Misty and the dog, Misty helped me get into the right position, on my knees, in the cool fragrant damp grass, my head and shoulders pressing my breasts into the lawn. I arched my back and widened the distance between my knees.

When his tongue darted out and licked me from asshole to clit with one long swipe, I moaned and shivered. I quivered. I can’t resist having a hot, wet, rough tongue lapping away at my cunt. His warm, wet nose occasionally bumped against my clit as his tongue swiped across and into my hole to get at the juice only a human bitch in heat can produce.

I thrashed, twitching under his swirling, talented tongue for several minutes. I spread my legs almost unnaturally wide. After several hot minutes of licking, he suddenly stopped and lurched up over me with his front paws on either side of my hips. He crowded in closer and I could feel his cock sliding over my thigh as he tried to wrap his paws around my waist.

Misty was in total control. She kept hold of him, moving my body into position to meet his wild animal thrusts. His hips were humping desperately and futilely, until Misty moved him to one side, her sure hand guiding his hard cock into me.

I was past any reluctance. I was ready to be fucked this time. I wanted that dog dick in my cunt. My body ached for intercourse. I wanted to feel his knot slap my sloppy vaginal lips, and expand into me and fill my cunt with his cum. He was humping wildly, the only way he knew how. Some of his movements briefly pulled his cock free from my opening. I tried scooted my hips closer to him, but he couldn’t control himself. His dick was incredibly hot and stiff and he humped like a jackhammer, little spurts of pre-cum spurted everywhere, the grass, my back, my ass cheeks and cleft, even my thighs.

I’ve had many different human and dog cocks inside my pussy before, but nothing prepared me for the ultimate feeling that this dog’s cock filling my fuckhole gave me. Unashamed, I shunted back, now meeting his thrusts as he continued roughly stuffing his cock into me all the way to the base of his growing knot. After an eternity (at least 5 seconds), my tight cunt automatically softened, and gaped wide open to take his massive knot for the first time.

My body clenched, trapping that magnificent knot, which began to swell and pulse, while his shaft inside me softened and began to pump his cum with every beat of his massive heart. Each heartbeat squirted gobs of his cum into my waiting pussy. The hot cum quickly filled me, while the size of his fully engorged knot jammed into me stopped it from leaking out. More and more was spurting from his flattened tip and it had only one path still open, my womb! I could feel his dog cum flooding my uterus. I imagined my belly swelling slightly from the fluid pressure.

He had stopped moving altogether. I knelt and crouched stoically under him, his warmth comforting, his soft fur keeping me from shivering, I turned my head slowly, and looked at Misty and Jan, I hissed softly, “I can feel him flooding me!”

I watched Misty and Jan as the dog stood rampant over me. Misty had gotten onto all fours, and Jan was caressing Misty’s ass. Misty was open and defenseless, and Jan’s hand was finger deep inside her slit. Her expression was one I can only describe as love and lust for Jan.

Jan started to poke all four fingers in and out of her pussy. Both of them were watching me, and our new playmate. Time seemed to stand still. Okay, so maybe it was only ten minutes before the Rottie began to thrust again. This time it was a gentle reverse thrust, his softening knot still wedged in my cloying cum filled cunt, gripping him, forcing me to scoot backwards whimpering as he tried to dismount.

Eventually, he pulled free with a soggy “plop” followed by embarrassing echoing pussy farts from me, as I gushed dog cum and air compressed by his frantic humping, and then sank down onto the grass.

The dog’s penis hung down, but it was still massive. He sat on his haunches and began to lick himself, his knot slowly subsiding. H then stretched lazily, and ambled over and began to lick his cum from my gaping, leaking cunt. My mind reeled, my body convulsed and my final orgasm left me resembling a dogcum filled mess of a body, quivering on the grass.

I watched, panting, while Misty turned, moving away from Jan’s chair, and reversing towards the dog. She lifted her ass to the dog’s face, and a trickle of urine spurted from her, sprinkling down her inner thighs. Immediately he began to lick, then reared up and began humping wildly, his stubby cock lengthening, Misty lifted herself slightly, and snaked her hand under her body, gripping his hardening penis.

His penis was half out of its sheath, and poking stick-like at Misty’s asshole. Misty somehow managed to grip and guide him to her cunt. She lowered herself slightly, then half tugged, and suddenly the dog was fucking her! A dog only knows one way to fuck, and it’s not subtle! He humped fast, oblivious to anything other than breeding this new bitch. His pumping action caused her cunt to expel air in lewd pussy farts.

I giggled in sympathy.

Misty arched and bowed her back, her knees sliding wider and wider on the damp, dew-covered grass, as the dog’s humping got frantic. There was an almost a soft sighing sound when his knot slotted home. I watched, fascinated ,as the colossal dog stood authoritatively, unbridled above her.

Her tits were swaying like meaty pendulums with every breath she took. Her eyes were closed and she was panting like a bitch in heat. Misty’s movements were subtle, delicate and intimate, keeping him hard and attentive in her obscenely swollen cunt. I watched closely it was stretched and distended, the reddish section behind his knot bending slightly, giving me a great view of their coupling.

Misty was almost grunting with pure pleasure, her hips twitching as she orgasmed. It was incredibly sensual to watch, and the air around us was full of the inky scent of their coupling. The dog growled softly and contentedly as his seed now flooded Misty’s womb and uterus.

Recumbent, I was trying to get a closer view of Misty, with my legs wide, and my pussy gaping, probably still leaking cum which was coating my thighs. While I watched Misty, Jan thrust her whole hand into my wet, leaking fuckhole. I mewed softly, surprised at the veracity of her unrestrained action! I closed my eyes as Jan’s hand twirled inside me and her fingers folded into a fist. Her wrist began pumping, slow and steady, in time with Misty’s and the Rottweiler’s panting breaths Again opening my eyes, I gazed at the dog’s balls and stumpy tail quivering as he pumped his seed into Misty’s womb.

Jan issued a command. I shuddered, conditioned to her voice. As always, as my Mistress ordered, “Cum for me bitch!” my body reacted. I shuddered, hips twitching, eyes rolling back, as my orgasm exploded in a wave of blue ecstasy, fulfilling my owner’s command willingly and lovingly.

This tying was much longer than the Rottie’s time with me. Misty kept up her subtle slight hip twitches in a way that kept her lover tightly in her swollen cunt. His knot had expanded fully and her cunt was attractively stretched and distended. The dog continued a soft, contented growl as his seed flooded into Misty’s waiting womb. In the dim light, I imagined I could see her belly swell. The dog was perfectly still above her.

After a while, Misty’s body began to spasm and the dog was back pedaling. The pair separated with a wet gush of dog cum. Misty sank onto the grass onto her belly, panting. Immediately, the dog lowered his face to her wet, dilated cunt. His tongue swiped and curled into her swollen lips, before bending down to lick himself. Slowly his massive penis slid back into its sheath.

The dog stood and shook, scratching himself with his back paw. He circled Jan as she gazed lustily at the magnificent animal. He circled the puddle of my cum sinking into the grass, and while locking eyes with Jan, lifted a leg and sent a long stream of piss at it, before trotting towards the van, as if to say, “Thanks ladies. Enough for tonight, but I need to get home.”

Jan pulled a sweater over her head as she wheeled herself to her van. Misty opened the sliding door and we jumped in, still naked. The dog hopped into the van, his stubby tail wagging. We drove back towards the dog’s house, The ride seemed over in minutes, the silence totally natural. Jan stopped the van about 25 yards from his house. Misty slid the door open and our new lover hopped out, heading home. Without a backward look, he clambered through the fence. Jan glanced in the rear view mirror at her two naked girls sitting prettily in the back seat.

“Did anyone see if he had a name on his collar?” Jan asked. We all looked at each other, a bit dumbfounded, and giggled merrily all the way home.

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