Women with Animals

Old Beau, Beauty Salon


(c) 2007 by Bethanie

My name is Amanda, I am 43 years old, 4’ 8” tall and I weigh about 105 pounds. I have always been fairly athletic and agile.

In stall number 3, I have old Beau. Beau is a Clysdale that have made a lot of farmer expositions, pulling competitions and work in team of horses for big wagon. But now he is too old to do that anymore, his owner keeps paying the rent for him to have a nice retirement. He does not come to see him often and I am paid to groom him and everything.

That week, it was not going well at all at home. I had all kind of problems, the worst one, my water softener broke down and it took about two weeks to order a new one and have it installed. We have good well water, but it is a little sulphurous. In fact it is good for your health, but it smell a little and the mineral content of the water stained everything. It makes my skin real rough as I take my shower with that water.

On top of it, I had a vaginal yeast infection. I had bought over the counter treatment that works well, but it is a hassle to follow the directions and it takes some times to heal.

I continue to take care of my home and the stable. Having all that on my mind, I was not fun at all for old Beau. I feed him and take care of him, but I did not really take care of him the way he likes and even if he is the calmest horse I know. I could tell that he was beginning to build up some frustrations.

But I was not about to have him fucking me while I had a yeast infection. I am not that knowledgeable about veterinarian health, but I wanted to protect him and myself.

I notice that I was frustrated to, not been able to be with Old Beau like I would have liked. Then, my dog Kara, show me the way. She shows me that there were many ways to be with and to enjoy company and to be intimate with your lover.

I have four stalls in my stable that are rent by a woman who love Icelandic horses. She have two males and two females, she take great care of them. She rides them, they have that very peculiar pace to their gaits and trots. But she mainly wants to breed them.

Kara is my old friend, she is a Dalmatian female, and she is 8 years old. I like that breed, short hair, very energetic and are natural around horses. Often they will protect them, calm them as they will keep distractions away from them.

So while I was working around in the stable, I notice Kara going in the stall of one of the male Icelandic horse. I did not notice her more than that and as I finish to sweeps the floor and shovels manure into the wheel barrel. I thought it was odd that she did not go out of the stall yet.

I went to see what she was doing. I was amazed by what I saw and froze right there as I was looking at her with my lower jaw hanging, my mouth wide open as I saw her under the magnificent Icelandic stallion and she was licking the tip of his cock that was completely out of his sheath and I could tell he was liking the treatment my Kara was giving him as he was bucking his back a little, making his nice hard cock swinging up and down a little. Kara was under his belly as she was facing his cock. She kept licking him with all she got, she licks it to one side, under and then the other side of his cock and from time to time, she would lick the tip of it.

I could see clearly how she was using her big tongue. Kara has a long and tick tongue, but at the tip of it, she can spread her tongue really tin and she can spread it large to form a scoop with it. It is practical when she drinks water, but now she manages that way to cover about all the surface of the mushroom of the stallion’s cock.

I realized that Kara did know very well what she was doing as she was doing it all out. All her muscles were at work as she licked it all around and I notice the tip of the stallion’s cock beginning to flare. Kara plant herself right in front of his cock and kept licking hard and with intent, only the tip of his cock. She knew he was about to cum and then he start to pulse his cock and like if it was in slow motion, I saw the ripples along his cock as the semen shoot out of his cock and Kara kept licking and she drank it all.

She really knew what to do, she put her mouth a little on the side as she kept liking the tip. The way she did it, he was spurting his seeds in powerful jets that went directly into her mouth and as the spurt died down and the jet of semen died down, she would bring his tongue back in her mouth while licking the tip of his cock while making that large scoop with her tongue so the last drop was collected and she would drank it all. As the next spurting of cum would be coming, she would put her mouth in position on the other side and he would spurt it again into her while she licked him in the same fashion.

I was amazed at her skill as she had that stallion cuming in her mouth and she drank almost all of it. She misses very little.
She kept licking him until he began to go soft.

Without hesitation, she went out from under him, went out off the stall and pass in front of me while looking at me. She had her mouth open, her long tongue half out while hanging on one side. I could swear, she was smiling at me. She went right to the next stall to the other stallion. I followed her and I could see that the other stallion knew what was going on as he was already half hard and Kara was already under him and licking his cock and she repeat what she had done previously to the point where that horse came in her mouth and she drank his cum too, but this time, the stallion move around a little more and she had two good spurt of cum hitting her in the face. He got her good, she had all of her face cover with cum, from her nose to the top of her head, cum was leaking from the tip of her hanging ears.

After she was finish, she was happy to come to me as I bent down to caress her. I had my two hands rubbing all that cum into her fur. My hands were all covered soon with hot horse cum. I love the sensations and Kara start to lick my hands.

She is really a cum slut. I did not know that side of my old companion. She makes me so hot, I decide to try it myself and I licked some of the horse cum that I had on my hands. It taste a little strong, but I liked it. In fact, after licking it some more, I liked it a lot.

Kara showed me that I could take care of Old beau without fucking him.

I had taken Old Beau to the washing stall. It is a little like a car wash garage, It is with an all concrete floor and I had it covered with those big rubber mats that are made of old recycled tyres. Horses like them and they are not slippery, for them and for us.

I have my beauty tray, soap, brushes, creams, ointments and scissors that I kneed to groom them. I had brought my nice water base oil that I use sometimes. My pussy does not lubricate as well as when I was younger and that oil makes a wonderful job keeping my pussy well lube. I had my panties and my Lycra gym short on. That way I was sure that my pussy would not be in contact with Old Beau while we would play a little.

I took off my clothing, except for my shorts and my big cotton shirt. He was real happy to see me like that. He like to lick my pussy as I would go in front of him and put my legs apart with my knees a little bent as he would run his long, hot tongue along my pussy’s lips. He seams to love to taste my juices.

But I could not do that, so I had bring some apples and carrots to offer him as a treat, he seem happy to accept my offer.

I start to spray him with nice medium hot water. He loves that a lot. An old horse like him, it must make him feel good as he has all kind of joints pains sometimes. I soap him and brush him thoroughly. I am so small that when I bent, I can go under Old Beau without touching his belly. I could tell that my old friend was in a very amorous mood. He would try to munch the shirt on my back and I could see his big, pink and black cock growing under him as his side would be shaking.

My naked skin felt so rough, Old Beau’s fur felt nicer on my skin that my own skin rubbing together. I used my special oil and I put some between my legs, my torso, belly and breast. I rubbed it all over my arms to.

I told my horse lover that I was about to go under him and I would rub myself along his big cock. I think he understood me as he had his cock really hard now. I turn around and I back up to him while having his cock go between my legs, I put my hands around the tip of his cock and I backed up as far as I could and I almost had the tip of his cock under my chin.

I am good at Yoga, so I put my legs together, put my arms along his cock while crossing them under it as I turn my hand around the tip of his cock. That way his whole cock was rubbing against my body and I start to rock back and forth.

Old beau seem to appreciate as I could feel him moving in the opposite direction as a was, he was rocking softly while fucking his big cock between my leg and along my body while having my breast rubbing on each side of it. I was feeling nice also when I notice the mushroom tip of his cock flaring and as he pushed it against me, his cock almost against my chin, he start to cum real hard.

I had my hands at the tips of his cock and Old Beau did not cum for a good two weeks now, he spurt and spurt, nice hot jets of sperm against my chin and along my body as I caught the rest with my hand. I went a little crazy myself and I put it over my face, my hair and my whole torso.

As Old Beau stop cumming, I stayed there until he was all soft. I let go of his cock and came out from under him. I was still rubbing his cum all over me. We did not fucked, I did not cum, but his hot semen felt so good all over me.

I went to tanked Old Beau and I saw myself in a small mirror I had in the passage way. I was surprised to see me all covered with white semen like that, all my hair wet and sticky. I was looking like those women I have seen on Japanese porn sites about Bukkakes. I was still amaze at that new sensation, I loved it.

Old Beau seam very happy and calm now. I gave him his ration of hay, oats and make sure he had plenty of water.

As I walked toward the front office of the stable, Kara met me halfway. I bend down to her as she start to lick the cum from me and then she motion to me to follow her. I knew her signal well enough so I went after her and she brought me to the last stall.

There was a nice Morgan stallion in that stall, medium size, all black. He was 3 years old. His name is Jumper.

Jumper is a very calm horse for his breed. Kara was already licking his cock and balls. But she was doing it from the side and she was coming to me and going back to Jumper.

I understood that she wanted me to licked it too.

I went a little crazy and decided to do as Kara. I went on all four in front of Jumper cock and took the tip of his cock while holding it with my two hands and I shove it into my mouth.

I was sucking him hard, I was using my tongue all around the tip as Kara kept licking the side of his cock and she was slapping his balls too.

I was so hot that I did not anticipate that as Jumper got more and more excited, the tip of his cock flared hard.

But I had it into my mouth. Soon it got stuck like if I had a gag ball in my mouth. My jaws were locked with his cock in my mouth and Kara kept licking him. Inevitably, Jumper start to cum and he was spurting large amount of semen in my mouth, I had stick my tongue out as much as I could, so he was almost shooting it directly into my throat.

I amazed myself as I manage to gulp almost all of it. His cock softened fast and it could slip out of my mouth easily.

I was covered with horse cum and now, I was full of it too.

I was very tired now, I went to the front office were I have a shower. It runs with a cistern that collects rain water.

After showering well, I could make a difference about my skin. It was all soft and nice now. Even my hair seems more lustrous.

My lovers gave a wonderful beauty treatment.

Beth xxx

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