Men with Animals Women with Animals
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Farm Fest


(c) 2014 by Gottabme

Although I am a happily married man, sex with the same partner all the time kind of sours over the years. I have had some great sex with my wife Cindy who is now 35 and still looks great. She is a 5’7″ blond with B-cup tits and beautiful slender legs. We got married 15 years ago. I was 21 when we got married right after graduating from college and she was 20. Our sex has always been great and lucky for me, Cindy is always willing to experiment. We still have sex about 3 times a week.

Ever since I discovered bestiality on the internet, however, I have been craving beast cock. I began to wonder what it would feel like having a dog fuck me in the ass. Thinking about this would get my cock so hard it would hurt to the point I would have to masturbate. I talked to my wife about it. I thought it would bother her but she actually encouraged me to try it.

As I was driving home from work one day I saw a dog with no collar walking around our neighborhood. I looked at his crotch area and noticed he was carrying a nice package in his sheath. I instantly got hard. I drove ahead of the dog and pulled over. I got out of the car and looked back at the dog. The dog stopped in his tracks. I whistled to him and I noticed he began to wag his tail. So I squatted down and whistled to him again. The dog slowly came toward me as I held out my hand. The dog walked up to me and put his head under my hand. I rubbed his head with both hands. It was a black lab.

I opened the car door and surprisingly the dog walked up to it and climbed in the back seat. This is obviously someone’s dog and it is trained. I drove a few more blocks and reached home. My wife was outside and she noticed I let out a dog from the back seat of the car. “I found it wandering around so I stopped to pick him up”. I think it belongs to someone so I am going to make some flyers to post around. If no one claims it I am going to keep it.

I posted the flyers and after a week no one claimed it. I was already calling the dog blackie and he obeyed every basic command for dogs. One day while I was looking at bestiality on the Internet I started to masturbate. I was watching a guy get fucked by a great dane who managed to get his knot inside the guy’s asshole. My cock was about to burst and after a few more yanks I started cumming. Some cum shot onto the floor and much to my surprise Blackie sniffed it and then licked it up. As he did this I noticed his cock starting to peek out of its sheath. Although I had just cum, my cock began to grow again.

I don’t know what came over me but I may not get a chance like this again. Seeing Blackie’s cock peeking out of his sheath had me crazy. I got up from my chair, took off my shorts and underwear and got down on all fours to see what Blackie would do. Since my cock still had a bit of jism, Blackie came over and gave it a lick. Oh gawd I wanted to cum in his mouth. After a few licks Blackie walked behind me. I noticed more of his cock had come out. My cock was stone hard and throbbing. Blackie began to lick my asshole as precum leaked from my cock.

Blackie then started to mount me as he climbed up on my back. His cock was jabbing at my asshole. I was leaking precum from the anticipation. After missing the target a while I then felt Blackie enter my asshole. Cum shot out of my cock as he penetrated me. Blackie grabbed me tighter and began a furious paced fuck. It hurt when he penetrated me but I was too excited to care. Blackie kept fucking me and I found myself pushing back. As I did this I felt Blackie grip me tighter and as he pushed harder I felt his knot slip inside my asshole. He started to fuck me harder. I felt his knot grow inside and I knew he was going to tie. I couldn’t hold back any more as my cock started to shoot cum in spurts. Just as I was cumming I felt a warm fluid inside my asshole and I knew Blackie was cumming inside of me.

I kept pushing back as we stayed tied for 15 minutes while Blackie spurt all his cum inside my ass. He was then able to slip out of me as his cum leaked down my legs. As I got up to go wash up I realized my legs were wobbly from the fucking I just took. I went to the bathroom and showered. Then I came back out and cleaned the area where Blackie had just fucked me. Blackie was off in a corner licking himself off. I heard a car pull up to the driveway and knew Cindy had gotten home. When she entered the living room where Blackie and I were she asked “what’s that smell”?

“Blackie just finised fucking me. I cleaned the area but I guess there is still the smell of sex around”. My wife smiled and walked into our bedroom. I followed her in and still feeling horny, I started to help her undress and gave her little kisses on her neck. I pushed her back onto the bed and fell on her crushing my lips on hers. We started to french kiss as I started to dry hump her. I got up and took my shorts and underwear off and climbed back on top of her driving my cock into her waiting pussy. I fucked her harder than ever as she screamed that she was cumming. I kept drilling her hard and lifting upwards to brush my cock against her clit with every thrust.

“Oh my gawd I am cumming again. Oh honey don’t stop.” Having cum recently I was able to fuck her for another 10 minutes before shooting my load into her as she came also for the fourth time. As I rolled off her she was still moaning and panting. “Oh my gawd honey, you are going to have to keep letting Blackie fuck you if our sex is going to be like this from now on”. “Well you can be sure I am going to let him fuck me again”.

The next day when I got home I noticed another car in our driveway next to my wife’s. I walked into the house and saw a man and what looked like his daughter sitting on the sofa. “Honey these are the owners of the dog”. My heart sank. After we talked and I realized the dog was in fact theirs, I watched as they took Blackie and drove off. I noticed when they were inside that Blackie was sniffing at the girl’s crotch. She looked about 16 and I got hard thinking she was letting Blackie fuck her and that is why he knew what to do when I got down on all fours.

I kept viewing bestiality on the internet and now that I have been fucked by a dog I want it even more. I have seen people getting fucked by dogs, goats, horses, pigs, bulls, etc. Even hentai bestiality is awesome as they can make up things easier than the real thing. I masturbate all the time as I watch these videos. In the absence of a dog or other animal to satisfy me, I have bought different sizes of dildoes and have fucked myself in the ass imagining I am getting fucked by a dog or at times a horse. I have some fantastic orgasms thinking about it while I fuck myself. This has also led to better sex with Cindy and she couldn’t be happier.

One evening after some great sex with Cindy she mentioned that a friend of hers asked if we wanted to watch over their farm for a week while they were on vacation. When I heard farm, the first thing that came to my mind was animals. My cock got hard as I thought of the possibilities. “Do they have any dogs”? “Actually honey they have 2. They have a doberman and a great dane. They also have ponies, horses, pigs, cows, goats, and a bull”. My cock was rock hard and I felt it leaking. “Honey I gotta tell
you that I am horny as hell thinking about letting all those animals fuck me. Does that disgust you”?

“As long as you keep me satisfied as well honey, you can fuck all the animals you want. Just please don’t ask me to try it because I am not really into that”. “Ok it’s a deal. When do we have to be there”. “In 2 weeks”. I started searching specific videos now hoping to find guys being fucked by any of the type of animals that were on this farm. I found some of all including a pig. I masturbated to it all and I couldn’t
believe my eyes as I watched a couple guys take a horse all the way to the hilt. I came even harder watching those videos. I couldn’t wait to bend over and offer myself to these animals.

The 2 weeks didn’t pass quick enough. But the time came and we drove off to her friend’s farm. As we were arriving I saw a few horses, a bull, and some goats. When we pulled up to the house I saw the 2 dogs, a doberman and a great dane. My cock got hard and I was hoping for a quick fuck from either one of them. Mostly though I wanted to do the doberman before trying the great dane since I saw the size of its knot when I saw the videos on the Internet.

As we got out of the car Cindy’s friend Betty and her husband John came out to greet us. The dogs came up to us. “They don’t bite”. They came up to us and sniffed at us though which I didn’t mind. We went inside and were told what we needed to do to take care of the farm animals and their feeding times. After getting our instructions, Betty and John said their goodbyes. They would be back in a week the following Saturday. As they drove off I wondered how I could interest the doberman to fuck me.

Cindy went back inside. I told her I was going to take a walk around the farm. The dogs followed me so I was walking around with a hard cock. I saw 2 horses out in the field and visualized the video of the guy I saw take a horse cock to the hilt. My cock was leaking cum. I then saw the bull out in the field where the cows were grazing. I guess he gets to service the 4-5 cows I saw. I then saw a small corral where I noticed they kept a few pigs. In another area I saw some goats and sheep. I was so horny from having been fucked by Blackie and not being fucked ever since.

I walked toward the barn as the dogs followed me. When I walked in only the doberman followed me in. “Oh damn I gotta get him to fuck me”. I started thinking of him fucking me and pulled my cock out to masturbate. As I masturbated I looked at the dobie who suddenly showed a little cock out of its sheath. I didn’t even want to cum yet so I stopped. I took off my shorts and underwear and got on my hands and knees. I started to masturbate again as the doberman walked up to me. My cock was throbbing in anticipation. “Oh come on dobie, please mount me”.

The dobie came around the front as I got up on my knees and kept masturbating. I leaked some precum and the dobie appeared interested as he came close and licked at my cock. I fought hard not to cum. I dropped to my hands and knees and the dobie walked around behind me. He sniffed my ass and began to lick it. When his tongue tried to enter my asshole I almost came on the spot. As he kept licking it appeared he was trying to get his tongue inside me. I kept leaking cum but I wanted his cock. Then he climbed up on my back and began to thrust his cock.

As I felt it hitting my asscheeks I moved around to help him find the target. After some misses I felt his cock hit the spot. The dobie also realized this as he gripped me and thrust forward. I shot a load of cum as he penetrated me and began to fuck me. “Oh good doggie. Fuck me hard. Give me your cum”. I started to push back hoping to feel the knot slip in. I felt it at the entrance. The dobie gripped me harder and as he thrust forward hard, I pushed back. I felt the knot slide in and it hurt which made me reflexively scoot forward making it slip back out. But his cock stayed in me so he kept fucking. I realized it felt really good feeling the knot go in and then slip back out.

So each time the dobie drove his knot in me I pulled forward just enough to let it slip out. I did this about 10 times and then decided to let him finish me off. As he thrust forward again I pushed back and his knot slipped in. As he kept fucking me hard I felt the knot grow so I knew we were going to tie. He fucked me hard another 5 minutes as I kept pushing back against his thrusts until I felt him stop. Then I felt the fluid spurting inside letting me know he was cumming in me. As he was cumming in me I kept pushing back against his cock and shot a load of my own.

After 15 minutes the dobie slipped out of me. I then noticed that the great dane had been watching us and he had a huge cock hanging down. “Oh shit. I can’t take that softball of a knot inside me now. I’m going to let him fuck me but I am not going to let him drive his knot in me”. I stayed on my hands and knees as the great dane came up behind me and mounted me. Unbelievably he drove his cock in me right away. Oh it was huge and filled me to the brim. My cock grew hard again as the dane fucked me. I paid special attention to his knot and pulled forward some each time I felt it at the entrance to my asshole. He was spurting precum inside me with his hard thrusts. After about 5 minutes I pulled forward and the dane slipped out. I got up and quickly put on my shorts. As I walked back toward the house the dane followed me with his cock still hanging out.

My wife was on the porch as I walked back. Noticing the dane with his cock out she knew I had already fucked with him. “I let both dogs fuck me but I only let the dobie tie with me. I will let the dane tie with me next time. I got all week”. She just smiled as I walked into the house to wash up. After I washed up she was sitting on the sofa. I walked over to her and dove under her mini skirt to attack her pussy. I pulled her panties down as she spread her legs. I chomped on her pussy and bit on her clit. I felt her juices flowing. I kept this up and when she was cumming for the 2nd time I got up and drove my cock into her pussy in one hard thrust which made her scream. “Oh my God, fuck meeeeeeeee”. I fucked her hard and shot my cum into her. I stayed in her til the last spurt and just laid on top of her as my cock went soft. We actually fell asleep there on the sofa til next morning.


The next morning we realized we had fallen asleep on the sofa after sex. We went upstairs and took a shower together. Cindy got down on her knees and grabbed my cock which instantly got hard. She put it in her mouth and started sucking. She worked her tongue around it, around the peehole, and completely engulfed it to the hilt. I could only take it for 5 minutes when I shot my cum deep down her throat. She didn’t let a drop fall. She got up and I kissed her on the mouth tasting the saltiness of my cum.

We finished showering, dressed, and went down for breakfast. When we were done I commented, “Well which animal will get lucky today?”. My wife just smiled. I got up and looked outside. “I don’t think I am ready for the horses. I have seen videos of pigs fucking and they seem to have a long skinny cock. I could do one of them first. Then maybe a goat and then the bull. I gotta make sure I find a place where they can try to mount me without putting all their weight on me”.

All the videos I have seen of horses and bulls fucking guys, they have leaned up against the rails of the fence enclosures or the barn. I don’t want all their weight on me. I walked outside. The dogs followed me. I walked toward the pig corral and walked in. The dogs stayed outside. Now to figure out how  to get one interested. Since masturbating seemed to spark the interest of the dogs, I decided to try that. I pulled my cock out and began to masturbate. I fantasized about taking the dane’s knot up my ass which got me harder as I yanked and tugged. I started to leak precum when I saw one of the pigs walking toward me.

I saw an area in the corral that wasn’t dirty and continued to masturbate. Some cum fell on the floor as the pig followed me. I took my shorts and underwear off and got on my hands and knees. The pig walked up behind me and quickly climbed onto my back. My cock throbbed. From research I learned that a pig’s cock is like a corkscrew. I have fucked myself with dildoes that have ridges so I guess it will feel something like that. The pig penetrated me and it felt weird but exciting. I felt this long cock entering me as the pig started to fuck me. It felt good and I just let the pig do his thing.

After about 5 minutes I felt the pig cumming inside me. I’ve heard that a pig’s orgasm lasts about 30 minutes. Guess I will find out. After another 5 minutes or so I felt the pig slide his cock out of me. I hadn’t noticed but another pig had wandered up to us and quickly mounted me as the other pig got off. Since it didn’t hurt or anything I stayed and let him fuck me too. As I said it really felt cool feeling that slim cock enter me. This pig also started to cum in about 5 minutes and he stayed in me a bit longer than the first pig. He then pulled out and I got up and went inside the house to wash up. The dogs followed me and they both had their cocks out. “Sorry guys not now”.

My wife was on the porch smiling when I walked into the house. I showered and went outside to join Cindy. I told her about the 2 pigs that fucked me. As usual she just smiled. “Glad you enjoyed it honey”. “Are you sure you aren’t disgusted with me about all of this?”. “Yes honey I am sure. Besides it has made our sex better then ever.” In the afternoon I got an itch in my ass to get fucked so I went outside. The dogs as usual were following me. I walked to the area of the goats. They were in a corral so I opened the gate and walked in. I noticed 2 male goats and a few sheep.

I was going to feed them and apparently they all know their schedule as they gathered around. I put their feed out and they started to eat. I went over to a corner and looking at the goats pulled my cock out and started to masturbate. After a while I noticed one of the goats ears perk up as he looked around and
sniffed the air. He started walking toward me and I could see some of his cock exposed. This was my cue. I undressed and dropped on my hands and knees. The goat walked up to me and still sniffing the air began to snort. More of his cock was exposed.

The goat walked up behind me and quickly climbed onto my back. I felt him thrusting as my cock started leaking precum. The goat found its mark. “Ow”. He was a bit bigger than I expected and he got most of his cock in me on the first thrust. I relaxed so I could enjoy the fucking. I started to push back and soon cum spurted from my cock. About then I felt the goat shoot his cum inside me while he kept thrusting. It felt really good. As he pulled out of me I noticed the other goat had walked over to me so I stayed in position.

He walked up behind me and quickly mounted his weird looking sheep. Once he penetrated me and began to fuck me hard I don’t think he cared that I didn’t look like his ladies. He was a bit bigger than the other goat and I was enjoying the fuck. “Damn this is great. I could only fantasize about this before but here I am on a farm getting fucked to my hearts content”. When I felt the goat emptying his cum inside me I came again. The goat finished and I got up, dressed, and walked back to the house. Again Cindy was on the porch. “Just got fucked by 2 goats”. I went inside and saw Cindy had left me some lunch. I later took a nap. When I awoke Cindy was lying next to me. I slid my hand under her skirt and started to massage her pussy.

As she started to waken I saw she was leaking juice and shoved 2 fingers in her cunt and started fucking her. She was moaning and leaking juice all over. I took my fingers out and went in with my fist. I shoved it in and slid my arm halfway inside her pussy and started to fuck her hard. She started to scream as an orgasm hit her soaking my fist and arm. I kept fisting her til her orgasm subsided. I then pulled out, kissed her and told her I was going outside.

I realized that I had the bull and the 2 horses left but I still was not ready to take a huge horse cock so I decided to try the bull. When I saw the cows lining up I realized it was time to take them to be milked. John and Betty had 10 cows. I led them to the machines and hooked them up. After they were all milked, I took them back to their enclosed area. They started grazing. I then noticed the bull was trying to mount a cow with no success. As she ran off he tried to mount a couple of others with the same result. I decided it was time to let the bull have a new hole. I undressed and started to masturbate. This got the bull’s attention as he headed toward me with his cock still hanging out. It was bigger than the dogs cock but I wondered if all of it was showing.

I leaned up against the fence as the bull walked right up to me. I kept on masturbating until I saw the bull rear up and climb onto my back. As he started thrusting his cock I was about to cum so I quit masturbating. The bull found his new hole and thrust so hard he basically lifted me in the air. “Arrrggg – oh gawd what have I gotten myself in to?” The bull was fucking me hard and moving forward with each thrust. I could feel his cock deep inside me as I started to spurt cum. As I was emptying my load the bull shot his cum inside me still thrusting hard. When he finished he climbed off me. As I looked back I realized just how big his cock was. It had to be 10-11 inches long. I picked up my clothes and walked out of the gate and back to the house.

I found Cindy asleep on the couch but just went up to shower and clean up. I came back down and made us some dinner. When she got up we ate and sat down to watch some television. “Well all I have left are the horses. I’m going to let both dogs fuck me first and let the dane tie his knot so he can open me up to be ready for the huge horse cocks”. Cindy and I had some good sex again. She gave me a blow job and I ate her pussy while she came twice. I then fucked her as she came for a 3rd time. Then we drifted off to sleep.

Cindy and I got up next morning about the same time. After we washed up, we dressed and had breakfast. I then went outside. The dogs came to me and I petted both of them. It appeared they knew it would be a good day for them as I saw both of their cocks peeking out of their sheaths. I walked toward the stables with the dogs following. When I got there I realized one of the horses was actually a pony. Guess that made my decision easier as I figured he would have a slightly smaller cock and I would start with him after the dogs fuck me.

I took my shorts and underwear off and walked up to the doberman. His cock was peeking out as he licked at my cock making it throb. I got down on my hands and knees. The dobie quickly came up behind me and mounted me. He began thrusting and was in me quicker than the first time he fucked me. I wasn’t going to let him tie this time since I was going to let the dane do that. As the dobie fucked me I moved forward each time he tried to drive his knot in me. He was giving me a good fucking and shooting precum in me. He kept fucking and at one point I let him slip his knot in me but quickly moved forward so it would slip back  out. At this point I felt the dobie shoot some cum in me as he stayed still and drained some of his cum in my ass. I then pulled forward as he slipped out. I got up quickly so I could now let the dane fuck me.

I looked at the horse and pony and they both had some cock hanging down. That means they would be ready for me. As the dane walked over to me I got back down on my hands and knees. The dane was quickly behind me and mounted me. He was thrusting quickly and when he penetrated me I shot some cum onto the floor. The smell of sex was exciting the horses. I started pushing back as the dane started to fuck me harder. When I felt his knot ready to enter me the dane gripped me tighter as he thrust forward. I pushed back hard and the knot slid in. I kept pushing back as the dane fucked harder and the knot grew. I then felt the dane stop humping as I felt his cum filling my asshole. I kept pushing back and took a look at the horses. The pony had a good 8 inches of cock hanging down.

The dane kept spurting cum inside me and stayed tied to me for about 20 minutes before he slid his knot out and dismounted. My ass was quite sore and I wasn’t sure if I should let the horses fuck me right away. Maybe I should come back this afternoon. But seeing them with their cocks hanging I didn’t want to seem like a tease. So I got up and walked into the pony’s stall. He was snorting and nudging me with his head. I walked over to a corner of  the stall, leaned forward and bent over. I was looking back as the pony was walking behind me. His cock was about 12 inches now. I suddenly saw it go stiff and grow to about 15 inches when he reared up on my back and started to thrust. I could feel his thrusts and adjusted my position til I felt him penetrate me.

He got about a 3rd of his cock in me. As he began to thrust hard he walked forward trying to get more cock in me. Each time he did I pushed back hoping to have him get all of his cock in me. It seems the pony was so excited that in about 4-5 more thrusts he started to shoot his cum in my ass. I shot a load of cum as well as he pulled out of me and a gush of cum leaked out of my ass. I stayed in position to see if he wanted more. I noticed the horse was snorting over in the other stall. After a minute or so the pony grew stiff again and drove his cock in my ass. He fucked even harder lifting me off the ground. Again he was too excited and did not get all the way in me when I felt him shoot another cum load. It leaked out of my ass as he pulled out again. I quickly walked out of his stall and went toward the horse’s stall.

I saw he was ready and even though I was a bit tender I wanted this horse to give me the fuck of my life. I wanted him balls deep in me thrusting until he emptied all his cum inside me. I was going to do everything possible to make that happen. I walked into his stall and he quickly circled behind me as I walked toward the corner of the stall. I was barely able to lean forward and bend over when he quickly climbed on my back and thrust his already stiff cock at my asshole. Arrrrggg – he thrust so hard he got 3/4 of his cock in me. He then kept thrusting harder while at the same time walking forward. I pushed back hard each time feeling more cock penetrate me.

In one final thrust I felt his balls up against my ass and I knew he had stuffed all of his cock in me. He kept thrusting in short hard strokes now. I was cumming and kept meeting his thrusts. The horse just kept thrusting until I finally felt his cum shoot inside my ass. As he was cumming the horse kept up the hard short strokes. He then stopped briefly for about 30 seconds as I felt cum keep squirting inside me. When the horse pulled out I came again. Cum leaked out of my ass down my legs. I was in heaven. What a fucking. It was everything I had ever fantasized about. As the horse dismounted. I walked out of the
stall with wobbly legs.

I had just been fucked by both dogs, a pony, and a horse. My ass was sore but I didn’t care. I was already thinking about doing it all over again tomorrow. Maybe I would let them all fuck me. I even wanted Cindy to watch me get fucked although I was not going to try to convince her to try it since she already told me it wasn’t her thing. Again Cindy was on the porch as she saw me walk up. “Honey I am exhausted. I am going to shower and go straight to bed. I will see you in the morning.

The next day I let both dogs fuck me. I let both of them knot and tie me. Later in the day I took on the pig, the goat, and the bull one right after another. Then in the evening I took on the pony and the horse. I must’ve cum a dozen times while being fucked. And to think I still had 3 more days to enjoy these animals before John and Betty return. I am definitely going to have to get a dog.

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