Men with Animals

Billy the Dog Sitter


(c) 2019-2021 by ozzalone65 (Ozorli / Orlirz)

This is another story about the big hung dog Neo if the “Neo the Champion” sort I wrote several years back. Neo gets a new fuck toy in the new neighbors son Billy. And Billy learns to be a dogs Bitch…

Part I

Billy was a 16 year old kid that had moved from their small town in Ohio to the bigger city of Anaheim, California a few months back. It was because Billts dad had received a great job opportunity on the west coast with his company. It was a big move for the family and a big move for Billy. A tough one at that. Not that Billy was a popular kid or had many friends in school. He was always teased by the bigger kids in school since as long as he could remember. So the move away from that was not the hard thing. He didn’t care for a lot of people back where he came from.

“All those fucks can just die” he said to himself.

Yeah, the move was not difficult in that sense for Billy. The problem was he had just started to find himself, sexually. Billy had always known he was probably gay. Or at least liked dick. But it wasn’t until he finally trued it that he knew that dick was what he had wanted.

“James” he thought as he sat in his room “The only guy I will miss is James” “That sucks”

James was the baseball jock at school. He was the thick meaty guy that stood about 5’10” and had to weigh 190 pounds ir so. James was the first guy he had exprimented with sexually. And it was now here in this knew city that he realised he missed the times with James.

“Probably moved on to some other gay kid” he said to himself. “Lucky fuck”

Billy sat there thinking of James a few days after landing in his knew place. He was starting a new school in a weeks time. But for now he was here at the new house helping his mother unpack. His father already at his new job. And his father was always at work late from day one. Billy’s mom Maxine was never a housewife. She had her own career. And once she was finshed getting the house set up she would go back to work.

“Help me with this Billy” she would call “Sure mom” he called back.

Then he would go and help her out. Move items, hang things and so forth. But he quickly got bored. Billy would ask if he could go outside. And so she didn’t hear him whine, his mom woukd let him. So he grabbed his skateboard and went out side. It was that day that he saw the neighbor Julian. Julian was an older guy that was confined to a wheelchair. Not much older than his own dad. But being in that chair seemed to age him.

“Look at the big dog” he said as he saw them.

Julian was out and getting into a van. His very big Rottweiler dog in tow and some tall hamdsome guy that was helping him with his wheekchair. The dog jumped into the van in command. Neo was his name. But not before sitting there at the curb waiting fir his master. Billy was somehow intrigued by the dogs obedience. Sitting there like a good dog. He figured it was cool and wanted to meet the neighbor and his dog. Not to mention get a ckoser look at the handsome bearded guy helping him.

“Holy shiit” he chirped as he came closer.

As he approached he saw the dogs sheath in seated position. It kind of stuck out from his seated body. He knew thats where the dogs dick popped out if when it was mating. He has seen a pair of small dogs once. Thinking it was the funniest thing when he was a kid. But then the dog looked over at him as he came closer. And that’s when a long pink thing did pop out if the sheath.

“What the Hell” he huffed “Is that his dick”

Billy stared at the pink dick sticking out of the dog. Finding this fascinating all of a sudden. Then he heard someone calling. It was the man in the car.

“Hello. Son” the man called “Come. Come over”

The man waved at Billy. Urgung him over. Billy sighed as he walkes over to the car. The big dog got up as he came to it.

“Neo. Sit” the man commanded.

Then Billy stood on the curb next to the car. He was getting strapped in by the man helping him. The guy gave Billy a quick glance before. Pulling back and grabbing the wheelchair. He made quick use of folding and picking it up. Then carrying it to the back.

“You must be the knew neighbor” the man said “I have seen you and your mother mulling about for a few days” “I am Julian by the way” “Hi sir” Billy replied

He was respectful and proper the the older man. His mother taught him to be so. The man smiled as he noticed this.

“A good proper young man” Julian said “And what is your name son?” “Billy” Billy chimed back “Billy sir”

Billy looked at the tall man placing the wheelchair in the back. Noticing the slight lump in his pants as he lifted the thing into the van. His shirt was stretching iver what appeared to be a very nice body. He figured the guy for hia mid 30s.

“Oh and that strapping fellow is Tony” Julian said “Hi” Billy waved “Tony is my…assistant”

Billy saw how Julian looked at the hot man. Wondering if there was something wlse there. Then Julian introduced his dog

“And this is Neo” the man said “Neo, come and say hello”

The dog got up and stepped over to Billy. Then hw lifted his paw at Billy. Billy thought that was so cool that he was so well trained. So he took the paw and shook it. “Nicw to meet you Neo” Billy said

But as he shook at the dog he saw that pink dick pop out again at him. Then he saw the dogs big meaty balls laying in the ground below. His eyes widened as he stared down at them. Then he felt a strange stirring in hia shorts.

“Neo is a champion” Julian stated “Champion?” Billy asked.

He looked at the dig and could only see his dick. Thinking that maybe he was a stud. Like a stud horse. That he understood.

“Yes.” The older man then said “Purebred” “5 straight dog show wins” “Ohh. Wow. Cool” Billy chirped back “Thats awesome”

Then Billy asked if thats where they were going. The man said unfortunately no. Neo was no longer a dog show dog he said. He was now a breeding dog. And thats where they were headed. So it appeared that he was indeed a stud dog. And then Billy imaged the dog jumping on a female and ramming his dick into her.

“Come Neo” Julian said.

Then Tony opened the side of the van. To let the dog in. He glared at Billy for a moment. Billy just sort of smiled back. Then as the dog moved up and to jump into the van Billy saw those big dig balls. They were awesome looking. He felt his dick twitch in hia pants as he saw the door close behind those fat nuts the dog had. He licked at his lips involuntarily. Tony again gave him a strange look. But then seemed to smile himself.

“Well we are off” he heard Julian say.

He almost paid no attention as he saw Tony had reached diwn and adjusted himself. He could see a tube under the mans fingers. Then he pulled his eyes away from Tony as he heard Julian.

“Oh Okay then” he said to Julian “It was a pleasure meeting you Billy” Julian said.

He offered his hand and they shook. Billy replied with the same. Then he stepped back as he watched the van pull away. Then it drove off. He smiled and waved as it did. Then as he dropped his skateboard to go on his way. He saw on the ground a dogs chew toy. He looked at it and smiled as he knew it was Neo’s. Then the images of the digs balls and dick flooded his head. Visions of the at big dog slamming some lucky Bitch. Those big balls dancing as he plowed the object of sex. His dick throbbed in his pants again. He didn’t understand why he was getting excited about it. But he was. Then he picked it up.

“I’ll get this to him later” he said.


Part II

Billy was sitting in his room as he saw the van of his neighbor pull up to the drive again. Julian and his dog Neo. He saw the big hunky Tony get out and come around to the passenger side.

“Damn he is hot” he said “Such a great looking man” “And that body”

Then he saw him open back of the van to pull out the wheelchair. Then he pulled it around to the from to let Julian out and help him into the chair. And finally he opened the side to let the big dog out. Neo bounded from the car and say there at the side of the wheelchair. Then they disappeared into the big house. Billy felt his dick twitch in his pants again as he saw them. And as the door opened Tony looked up at him through the window. Billy quickly backed away from it in fear of being seen. He woukd have stayed there at the window. But hus mother called him again.

“Coming mom” he yelled back.

When Billy came back to his window. A bit later he looked out the back to see that Julian and the dog were in the back yard. There was a pool back there and the property was surrounded by lots of trees. So seeing into the yard was difficult. It his back window did offer a glimpse into the back. Billy went to his closet and grabbed the binoculars he had. Then he came back to the window to see what he could see.

“There is Neo” he said as he focused on the beast “And there are his balls” “Fuck, they are big”

He felt his dick throb again. Still not underatanding why the dog was turning him on. But he was. So he grabbed at his hardening dick and aqueezed at it

“Holy fuck me!” He then chirped.

For as he watched the dog and thise lovely balls move, Tony stepped outside. And when Billy looked at the mans body he nearly bust a nut in his pants. Tony had come out to the pool area in shorts and no shirt on. Billy gazed in lust at the mans glorious form. Strong arms and naked hairy chest. The shorts in his lower body were nice fitting too. Showing off his ass. He brought the binoculars into focus on Tony to get a closer look.

“He is fucking gorgeous” he said to himself. “Big handsome guy” “Look at that body”

He felt his crotch starting to strain at the site of the man. And the fave and beard on Tony were so damned sexy too. Tony dove into the water as Billy looked on at him. Then he watches the man swim back and forth several times in the pool. Long powerful strokes that pushed the man through the water.

“Wow. He is awesome” Billy said.

Then after several more laps back and forth across the pool, Tony stopped and got out. Pulling himself up the side. Billy watched as the mans arms and triceps flexed as he pulled himself out. Muscles pulling tightly undee his skin. It was such a nice sight to see. And the now wet and dripping body looked even hotter. And as Tony shook off and wiped water from his awesome body, Billy looked at the crotch in those shorts. They pulled to the guys crotch now. And Billy could see a nice full bulge in them. Where it was how they bunched up or the light and angle, it was the best aight he had that day.

“Oh my God!” He crowed there in his room “Fucking awesome.”

He the saw Julian move in closer to the hot Tony. He reached up and handed the gorgeous man a towel. Then Tony started to dry himself. Moving the dry towel over his head first. Then down to his chest to dry the fur in it. Billy watched the hot man as he wiped the towel over his arms and down his firm belly. Moving over the thin trail of hairs that mived down to his shorts. He follwed this by bending a leg up to a longer next to him. Then passing the towel over his strong , lean muscular legs. The he did the same to the other.

“What is Julian doing?” He pondered though “His head is miving up and down where Tony dries”

Yes the older man was gazing up and down Tony’s wonderful form as he dried himself. Then he appeared to say something to the man. Tony then tossed the towel aside and stood there before Julian. He seemed to look at his own body as julian was still talking to him.

“What the fuck..!” Billy huffed next.

Thats when Julian’s hand moved up and touched the mans arm. Then moved upwards along the forearm to the bicep. He was assessing the mans beauty. Caressing at the gorgeous arms. Up the mans bicep. Then Julian’s arm moved to Tony’s strong shoulder and then over to his neck and finally moved towards the mans chest.

“What is he doing?” He asked himself. “Is he gonna…?”

Billy knew the answer. He just stared down with his binoculars intently to confirm what suspected. And his dick was hard for it. And then Julian caressed at Tony’s strong torso. His hamds roaned over the mans chest and through the light fur on him. He kept talking to Tony.

“Wish I knew what he was saying” Billy said “Probably telling him how hot he is” “Cuz I sure would.”

Then Julian leaned in closer to the man. Tony was standing next to his chair to offer him access to his body. Then Julian kissed the mans side. It was almost tender. Save for his hand reaching down and finding the mans crotch. And Julian grabbed dor it. Feeling it. Billy then saw that Julian was pulling at the straps at the top of Tony’s swim shorts. Then he peeled them opened. Still talking to Tony as the hottest man ever stood there.

“He is gonna take those down” Billy said.

And Billy was right. Julian pulled down the mans shorts. Tony’s crotch bush first to show as he opened the shorts. It was a full and dark bush. Then he yanked down more. Julian seeming to be in the way as he did. So Billy couldn’t see much more. And Julian kissed down on Tony’s belly. Just to one side of the trail of hairs leading down from his belly button to the thicker bush below. And then Julian dipped down more as he pulled the shorts to the mans angles. I saw Tony grab at the mans shoulder to hold himself as he lifted one leg and then the other.

“There is some of his dick” Billy huffed “Just a little bit. But there it is”

Billy did catch a glimpse of Tony’s dick. The base near the crotch. But not much else. That was until Julian turned slightly and picked up the mans dick. And thats when Billy saw the big dick. At least from a distance to the kid it looked big. Julian lifted the mans dick up. Holding it in his hand. The long shaft held in his fingers grasp. Julian still talking to Tony. Then he leaned down and slipped Tony’s dick into his mouth. And there it was. Confirmation of what was going to happen. Julian had pilled down Tony’s swim shorts and started to suck the hot man off.

“Ohh my gosh. Yess!” Billy crowed “Suck that mans dick dude” “Suck that big cock” “Fuck”

Billy was stroking at his own dick now. He had pulled out his teen cock and started to pull in it. And he was very hard. He wanted to be closer to this hot action. To see Tony’s cock up close. To see Julian suck it. Heck maybe even getting a chance to suck it himself.

“Suck that studs dick” he crowed.

And Julian did. As if lead by Billy’s words. The crippled man sucked in Tony’s dick. Sliding his mouth up and down the long delicious looking shaft. Billy stroked in unison to the mans mouth motions and his hand also moving on Tony’s cock. Julians other hand was up and at the guys nipples too. Playing with the hard nobs as he blew his caretaker.

“Yeah man. Wish that was me” Billy said “Want to suck on Tony too”

He opened his mouth to nothing as he imagined his lips on the mans dick. The scene was soo hot too. Billy dick seemed ready to bust. And from what he saw across the way. How Tony’s fave looked. The pleasure in it. Mouth opened eyes closed and his own hand on the other nipple, the man seemed ready as well. Tonys hips started ro thrust to meet Julian’s moth blow. His head bowing back on his neck. It would be soon that he blew. And so would Billy. But then the interupption.

“Billy. Can you come here” his mother called. “Fuckk!” Billy chirped. “Awe fuckk” “Yeah.. Umm yeah mom.” He called back “Coming!”

So he had to leave the show next door. He placed the binoculars down and pushed down his dick. Waiting few moments before leaving his room.

“Billy!” His mother called again “I’m coming mom!” He again called back.

Then he went downstairs to help his mother.

“Hope they are still there when I get back” he said.

But he doubted he would see the end if the show. And when he did come back up an hour later, they were indeed gone. No one was in the back yard, except the dog Neo. The beast moved around the back, seemingly chasing something. Billy grabbed his binoculars to see if maybe the men were to the side. But all there was was Neo. But as his binoculars focused on the dog he saw something ekse that caught his eye. Neos very meaty balls. His eyes widened as they were locked to the dogs nuts.

“Wow. That dogs has huge nuts” he said.

And then Billy felt his dick throbbing again.


Part III

Billy was shicked by what had happened to him yesterday. He had seen the start of a hot show with the neighbor Julian. The older guy that was in a wheelchair. Him and his caretaker Tony. The tall muscular hunk that worked for Julian. He had watched as Julian was giving the super hot man a blowjob near the pool. It was so hot that Billy was hard for it. But that wasn’t the strange thing that bothered him. It was seeing the mans dog Neo. Billy licked tje big cool dog. But he had not expected to get excited about the dogs nuts.

“What the…” He thought later.

It was just a dog after all. Just a dog. But damn were those big nuts awesome that he saw. Big full and round. Probably so full of cum. Then Billy pondered if dog cum was like human cum. He had tatsed his own. Slightly sweet and dependant on what ever circumstance, sometimes creamier looking that others. But Then as he thought about it again. And as he looked out his window to see the dog outside again he continued to ponder this

“There’s the dog again” he huffed “Let’s look at him again”

So he grabbed his binoculars and focused back on that big dog again. Then his lenses caught those balls again. There they were. Big round and covered in the dogs hair. Only thinner. But there sure was nothing thin about those balls. They were big and fat. Even from his room he could tell this. And he found himself licking at his lips again. Licking his lips and feeling a stretching at his crotch. He was getting hard from looking at Neo and those big doggie balls.

“They are awesome looking balls” he said “Bet those have alot of cum.”

And as he looked at the dog through the window. A figure came into the view. He turns the binoculars to see Tony the neighbors helper outside. And Tony was looking up at him. “Shit!” He crowed as he pulled back.

He left the window as he had been caught by Tony peering out at the yard through his binoculars. He took a glance back in a moment to see Tony was gone. He took a breath to relax himself. He hoped that Tony had not seen him as it appeared. But he was almost certain that he did. He feared the guy would be banging on his parents from door soon. Hollering about their weird peeping Tom kid. And he shoved his binoculars in the drawer of his dresser. Time passed and there was no pounding at the door. So Tony may have not seen him at all. He aighed at that possibility. Or maybe the guy just didn’t care about the creepy kid next door.

“Good” he said softly to himself “I guess I am not busted” “But should stay away from the window”

Well that worked for absolutely a few hours. For as he was in bed that night he heard voices outside. He got up and went to the window. There next door qas Tony. The guy was outside near the pool. The outside lights were on and he was naked. Not even swim shorts. He was out there with someone else. It wasn’t Julian and he could not see the dog anywhere. Whomever the guy was with Tony, he was shorter that the hot hunk. He too was naked. And Billy could see his dick.

“Shiit!” He huffed. “Naked guys”

He rushed to the dresser and grabbed his binoculars again. He then returnes to thw window. Proppwd thw binoculars to his face and looked out to the neighbors house. Then he saw the shorter guy better. He was younger than Tony. Couldn’t have been more than 20. And he had gingery colored hair. His had a very nice body though. And a nice dick. Small, but nice. The guy was quick to get in hia knees for the stud Tony. And he started to suck on the mans dick. But with Tony’s back to him, Billy could only see the mans back and awesome ass. And the bobbing head of the guy on hus knees.

“Suxk that fucking hunk” he aaid to the guy “Suck on Tony’s big dick dude”

And with the heavy bobbing the guy sure was giving Tony a hot blow. His hand grabbed at Tony’s butt and squeezed as he sucked. This lasted a bit longer as Billy stared at the guy sucking on Tony. Then he just stopped. Tony grabbed him and picked him up. Then he lead him to the lounge chair next to the pool. Tony leaned over and adjusted the chair to make it flat. As he did Bill saw them, Tony’s balls. They hung there between his legs as he spread them. A very low slung sack that hung several inches below the man. “Wow. Big balls” he huffed in his room.

Then the guy lay down on the lounger for Tony. Billy licked at his lips in anticipation if what he was about to see. And he knew what it was. Tony looked down at the guy laying down below him. He looked down at the hot butt below. He grabbed at his cock and stroked it. Billy could tell as the mans hand was moving before him. Then Tony looked back and up towards Billy’s window. Had he known he was there. ‘Nah’ Billy thought. His lights were out as he gazed down out his window. So he coukd not be seen.

“Just fuck him already stud” Billy said softly “Just climb up in him and dick him already”

Then as if Tony had heard him. He bent down and crawled up behind the guy in the longer. Then he moved his hot body on top of the other man. His hot manly ass raised up just a moment as Tony grabbed foe himself. Then Billy could see as those balls moved from a held hand adjusting the mans dick to the hole beneath. And then he watched as Tony started to fuck the guy. His hit body moving against the man below him. That was flexing as he pumped the guys ass.

“Wish I could hear it” he said “Bet he is really giving it to him.” “Wow. What a hunk”

And Tony continued to bang away at the guy on yhe lounger. Drilling him down there by the pool in Julians back yard. Billy was yanking on his own dick as he watched the hot show. He knew he wouldn’t be able to see the cum fump. Save for the motions. All he could see was the two men. Tony moving up and down on the guy under him. His hot ass and occasionally those low swinging balls He unlatched the window and pushed it opened. Hoping he would be able to get some sounds. Faint moans and groans from next door. But to faint to enjoy. That was until the explosion. He could hear the moans grow as Tony really drilled the guy. And then Tony’s body hit down hard.

“Awe fucker” he heard “Take daddys cum. Hmmf”

And with that Tony blew. His back arching as he stabbed at the ass connected to his dick. Billy felt his own balls pull up as he too came. Making a wierd chirping sound as he did. Closing his eyes and putting down his binoculars as he also blew.

“Frr’ fuckk” he huffed.

Then as he slowes and openes his eyes he lookes back down at Tony. His body was laying in the other guy. He was still grinding himself into him. He grabbed his binoculars again and looked sown at them ince more. Tony pulled off the guy. Then stiod up. Again Billy caught sight of his awesome balls.

“Wanna lick those balls for him” he said.

Then Tony dropped behind the guy again and shoved his face to the freshly fucked hole. He was obviously eating out the ass he had just dumped into. He then stood up after a bit of this. The guy turned and sat back up. He grabbed at Tony’s cock and went back down on it. He was probably cleaning it off. “Lucky ass guy” Billy said “Lick that hot dick man”

And then Billy saw as Tony looked back up at his window again. Instictively he pulled back. He also slowly close his window. The two men jumped into the pool and swan in it for a bit. Then dried off and went inside. Billy too had to clean off and go to bed. His thoughts of the hot Tony filled his dreams.


Part IV

It was 2 days later that Billy got something he didn’t expect to get. And something happened that he didn’t expect to happen. And it was all involving the neighbors dog Neo. He was outside and passing in from of Julians place when Tony came outside with the man. There seemed a rush to get him into the car.

“Hey kid” Tony said “I have to get Julian to his clinic review” “Can you watch the dog for a few hours?”

Billy thought about it. Looking at the hot man standing there. Julian was in his chair. He had a breathing tube and mouth piece in his face. Julian pulled it off for a moment.

“Please son.” He said with heavy breath “The dog sitter cancelled”

Then he put his air tube back on and breathed again. Tony looked down at Billy. He half smiled and said that they would be most appreciative.

“We will pay you what we pay the normal sitter” he stated Billy pondered this. A few hours hanging with the cool dog. And getting paid.

“Sure” he said “Are you gonna be alright sir?” “He will. Just should have been there an hour ago”

Tony told him the door was unlocked and where the treats for the dog were. Something about the dog habing it’s own room. Billy nodded. Tony placed a big hand to his shoulder and thanked him. And as he loaded Julian into the car he winked back at him again.

“I will be back in an hour or so” he said “Okie dokie” Billy replied.

Then the hot man got into the car and drove off with Julian. Billy turnes and looked at Julian’s house. He stared at the door for a moment. Then stepped towards it. Thinking how cool it was that he was gonna go into this dudes house. He stepped inside and expected to be assaulted by the big dig Neo. But nope, nothing. He looked at the entry and down to the main hall that lead to the formal living area near the back. There was a door to the left and stairs to the right. He sighed as he decided to explore. He turned to that door and opened it. It was an office. A big opened desk area and some plants and such. He then moved through the house. The back was a big opened area. Kitchen, living and breakfast area. And the back had floor to ceiling Windows and doors. He could see the pool in the back.

“Wow. So much nicer than our house” he stated.

Then there were double doors to the left. He opened them ans saw that this was a huge master bedroom. It was set up with posts and bars to help Julian get up each day. And save for some clothes in the bed it was near and tidy. Like the rest if the house. There was a small of coconut, faint but it lingered. Then he went back out and back towards the main hall again. There was a big door there. He could hear sounds beyons the door. Huffing sounds.

“Neo” he then said.

So he opened the door. Out bounded the big dog. He looked kind of menacing as he came at him. Neo sniffed him and remembered him from before. Then he say down and waited for instruction.

“Good dog. Good Neo” Billy said “Sit. Stay”

He oetted the dog. But he wanted to explore. So he headed back up the hall. Back to the front where the stairs were. The dog followed him to the front landing. “Stay” Billy said again to the dog.

He then started up the stairs. He wanted to see what was upstairs. He aurmised that Tony slepped upstairs. He fwlt his crotch tighten at the thought of walking into this studs room. We reached the top of the stairs and looked down to see the dog had laid down at the bottom of the stairs. “Good dog” he said soflty.

Then he opened the first door. It had to be Tony’s room. And this place was very messy. Lots if clothes. And the room smelled of sweat and sex. But this was the room he wants to be in right now. He moved over to the unmade bed. Then he sat down on it. The strong smell if Tony’s sweat was all over the place. It was rich and almost pungent. But he could feel his cock harden as he sat there

“This is where that stud sleeps” he said “And he probably fucks here too”

Then Billy lay down in the bed. Placing his head to the pillow. He inhaled the smell of the mans head on it. Then let his hands fall to His side. He moved his hands over the bed and tussled sheets. Thats when he came across a red flash of color. He pulled at it and it was a pair of used briefs. He looked at the briefs in hus hand. They somehow felt warm to him. He surmised them to be the ones Tony had taken off this morning.

“Bet they smell like this room” he said to himself. “Like him. Cock and balls stink”

Billy felt his dick get harder as he lay there. Then hw pulled the underwear up and to his face. Then he shoved his nose into the crotch of the briefs. He inhaled a deep breath of Tony.

“Out my GOD!” He crowed “Smells so freaking awesome” “I love it.”

Billy quickly loosened his pants and pulled out his hardened dick. And then ataryed to play with himself as he pressed the aweaome smelling underwear to his face “Awee fuck. He cooed “Smells so Damn good”

Billy was fast jerking on his now raging dick. The smells were incredible on his face. His mouth opened and he sucked on the cotton. As if he could draw out the taste of the man he desired from it. But mostly he just took in the glorious small. Knowing how much he wanted Tony. But getting only this to enjoy.

“Fuck. Awe fuck Tony” he said “I want you stud” “You smell soo fucking good”

Then as he was kicking around on the bed as he jerked himself off, he heard a thump on the floor near the foot of the bed. Billy stopped and looked up. There was no one in the room, whuch was good. That would be super embarrassing if someone walked in while he was jerking himself on Tony’s bed. But he was curious to the sound he heard. So he moved up and lookes to the floor at the edge of the bed. There on the floor was a vibrator. A long slim vibrator. His eyes grew wide as he looked down at it. It was about 6 inches long and just laying there on the floor, calling to him.

“Fuck me” he said “I can freaking play while I smell him”

Billy became extremely excited now. He trached down and grabbed the vibrator. He looked at it as he held the thing in hand. Then for some reason he felt the need to smell it. There was a small hint of ass on the hard plastic item. But it was cool. He crawled back up.on the bed. Then he looked to the small nightstand next to the bed. Knowing he would find what he wanted in there.

“There it is” he said.

He found the the tube of lubricant. Opening it and then squeezing out a dollup of it on the vibrator. Then he lifted a leg and poured some on his hand. Then he brought it to his ass. Then rubbed the cold goo on his butt hole.

“Fuck thats cold” he huffed.

Then he grabbed the vibrator and turned it on. Then it started to buzz. He was taken aback by the quaking machine. He had never actually seen one in person. Only online. Then bolly brought the item back to his ass hole. He rubbed the vibrator to his ass hole. His body shivered as he fekt it buzz in his hole. It was the weirdest feeling. But he wanted to do this.

“Let’s do this” he said.

Placing the underwear back to his face and then shoving the vibrator into his ass.


Part V

“Ughnn. Fuckk!” Billy groaned

Billy had never felt anything like it. The machine went into his ass and started to pulsate in there. His body lurched and his dick pushed through his fingers.

“Awe fuckk. So intense” he cried “Wish this was Tony instead.” “But. My God!”

He them started to pushed. The machine into his ass. Thrusting as he fucked himself with it. Groaning at the sensations in his ass moved throughout his body. He grabbed at his dick and started to pull on himself. Loving that and the thing in his ass. He let the vibrator do the work back there too. Buzzing on high to get him off

“Ughn Tony. Yes big man take me” he cooed “I need that big dick daddy” “Give it to mee”

He continued to inhale the incredible smell of the mans underwear. It was heaven at the moment. And he didn’t want it to end. But then Billy freaked as he felt movement at his feet. His eyes shot opened in fear. Had he been discovered. Had Tony come back. But as he looked up, he did not see any one. But then he felt something wet at his feet. That’s when he looked down and saw the huge dog Neo. The beast was licking at his feet.

“Ohh crap” he sighed “What are you doing boy” “Huh. That tickles” “Stop” “I am fucking myself.”

The dog then moved from the kids feet and then pushed his face between Billy’s legs. Quickly finding the vibrator buzzing at hia butt. The dog then started to lick at the vibrator and the kids butt. Billy felt the rough tongue against his butt even beyond the vibrator. And then the dog did something astounding. The dog actually clamped hia from teeth the the vibrator and pulled the thing from Billy’s ass.

“What the…” Billy started to say.

But thats when the dog just started to lick at his ass. Sloppy out his butt hole with dog drool. And the sensations had Billy moaning just as much as the vibrator. But as the dog liked at his hole it made Billy squirm. The sensation of the big wet tongue dragging over his hole was making him go mad. He turn and writhed over the bed. Moving towards the awesome tongue on his hole. Billy didn’t even realized he was moving towards the foot of the bed and he squirmed in it. That tongue was so freaking awesome at his ass.

“Fuck. That it dog. Thats it” he cried. “Gonna him boy. You are gonna make me cum”

And Billy found himself at the edge of the bed when his hand pulled himself to an orgasm. He shot forth as the dog left his ass. Neo then started to lick at his shooting dick now. Lapping at the cum splatter as Billy blew his load. Several hard shots that the dog licked up. Then as he finished he pushed the dog away. But as he did he slipped off the bed. Billy turned and tried to crawl back up in the bed.

“Fuck man” he grumbled. “That was intense”

But as he tried to crawl back up onto the bed, Neo moved on him. The big dog jumped up and onto Billy. At first Billy didn’t know what he was doing. He was knocked off the bed as the dog mounted his backside.

“What the..” Billy cried out.

Then Neo started humping at his back. And thats when Billy realized what the dog was doing. The dog was trying to fuck him.

“Noo. Wait noo!” He shouted “Get off Neo. Gett…”

Then his words were cut off. The dog hit his mark and his dick sliced into Billy. Then pain took him. A hard deep pain. Like a knife driven into his guts. And he couldn’t even scream. Couldn’t even get any sound out. And it wasn’t even the dick itself. Because it felt like a long finger going in. Not thick. At least at first. But it did find his deepest parts instant. And it was like a hard steel rod as it slammed into him. And it was a constant battering. And even as he tried to move, to get away from the dog he couldn’t. The dog pulled at him as he tried to get away. Even growled once or twice behind him.

“Fuck. Awe fuckk” his head screamed “Its getting bigger” “Fucking hurts. Awe fuckk!”

And the dogs dick swelled, exponentially so. Each hard thrust of the dog body against his feeling worse and worse as the dick inside him continued to swell. And the pain got worse as the dog continued to Fuck his Bitch. The heat, the friction of the onslaught on his ass was going to end him, he thought. But it got worse. The dog accelerated his assault. And that’s when something even bigger than that dick.

And finally he screamed. The scream that was caught inside him finally came out. Loud, oh so loud. “Jeesus. Fuxkk. Awee fuckk!” He screamed “Hurts. Ohh fucking God it hurts”

It was like someone shoved a baseball up his ass. It was like a ripping, tearing pain. And then as he thought it was the end, there was a warm heat and then a flood of what he knew was cum as it poured into his ass. Billy’s head was preased to the end of the bed as the dog finally slowed his ass rape. Then all the dog did was pant behind him. Heavy fast pants.

“Good. Uhh fuck” he groaned “Please. Please”

He hoped the dog would pull out. Hoped the pain would end. But the dog stayed inside him. And was still shooting cum into his ass. But the dog still did not release him. That massive dick inside was ruining his body. Then the dog turned. All the way around as it finished emptying its nuts. Billy felt soo whoosh. He feared he would drop at any moment. And he did.

“Please” he huffed softly.

And then as he looked back. The dog pulled out. Billy caught the last glimose of the big thing that had been in his ass. It was purple and swollen bigger that anything he had ever seen.

“Fuck” he grumbled.

And then he passed out.


Part VI

Billy didn’t know how long he was out. Minutes, hours. He just wasn’t sure. There were images that flashed through his head as he was out. He actually though he had died. That the huge dog fucked him to death. But he slowly got up. Picking himself up off the heap he was on the floor. He didn’t remember how he got to the floor. He just remembered how he lost consciousness. He had just been raped by a dog. The gay neighbors very big prize dog.

“Ughnn. Fuckk” he groaned as he sat up “Still freaking hurts”

He reached down to his ass to see the damage the dog had caused. His asshole felt thick and swollen. But there was no blood. But there sure was cum there. It was somehow still leaking from his ruined asshole. He brought his wet finger to his face and snuffed at it. It smelled a little like was. But mostly it was a strange almost soapy smell.

“Hmm. Fuckk” he groaned again as he pulled himself straighter against the bed. His ass was so damned sore. He looked around to see the dog was gone. The beast had left him there after slaughtering his ass.

“Fucker” he grumbled as he still sat there.

But then he heard a mans voice downstairs. It was Tony. He had come back.

“Shiit!” He chirped “He cant find me here” “And naked. Fuckk!”

He grabbed the bed and yanked himself up. Then he looked on the bed for his underwear and pants. Seeing the pants but not his briefs. He started to pull at the bed sheets, trying to find his underwear. Pulling and tossing things about on the bed to find it. “There they are” he huffed “Cone here”

He grabbed them and quickly tried to pull them up his legs. But he slipped and fell back into the bed. One leg still in them. That’s when Tony walked into his room. Billy looked up to see the hot man standing there several feet away. But the man did not have the pissed ‘What the Fuck are you doing’ look on his face. The guy was smiling at him. Almost laughing.

“I figured you would be up here” he said “Gay boy like yourself”

Billy tried to deny all. Even though he was laying there in the bed. Naked with underwear at his feet. But Tony assured him it was okay.

“I knew you were watching the other day” he said “I know you like what you see when you see me” “Noo…!” Billy crowed “I don’t..”

Tony came close to the bed and stood there before the boy still laying on it. He reached down and grabbed at his already growing crotch.

“I know son” Tony said “I saw you looking out your window” “I know you want this”

He tugged at the nice lump in his pants. Billy could see the lump of the mans dick under his long fingers. His eyes were glued to it now. Being this close to Tony and that crotch, and his awesome manly body and face. Then Tony reached down and grabbed at the kids pants and yanked them down. The tug was so hard he hear a rip in them Billy looked up at the mans face as he leaned down to pull down the kids pants and briefs. The handsome bearded face just a foot from his.

“Noo!” Billy cried again “You can’t” “Ohh yes I can fucker” Tony growled “You came up here to what steal” “I will punish you boy”

He yanked the pants and briefs off the boy. Tossing them to the floor. Then he grabbed the boys leg and pulled it up. And then tiny saw the red and swollen ass hole. The hole was still drooling cum from it.

“Holy fuck boy!” Tony shouted “What did you shove in your ass?”

Tony regarded the swollen ass lips. Billy looked passed the man as he saw the bug dog had shown up again. Tony looked back at the beast. Then back at the boy. Billy’s eyes wide with fear and uncertainty. Tony left the boy for a moment and grabbed the dog. The dig was panting and he noticed the pink head of the dogs dick popped out. And then Tony smiled. But then he pulled the dog out of the room. Billy heard him order the dog back downstairs.

“This one is mine now” he flowered.

Then he came back into the room. Closing the door. He then just reached for his crotch again. The big snake of a dick was pushing at the material the cotton of the mans jeans showing off his growing dick very well. “You are a little freak aren’t you?” He asked Billy

Then he came back towards Billy on his bed. Billy’s eyes wide as the man grabbed at him again. Pulling him to the edge of the bed. Again pulling up Billy’s leg to see the swollen dog fucked hole. And there it was again. Swollen like a cauliflower those lips were. And the near gaping hole was still dribbling out dog cum. “Lucky fucking dog” he huffed “I wanted this first”

Tiny yanked billy up to his face as he knelt behind him. Then he shoved the coarse beard against Billy’s butt. And then he shoved his tongue in.

“Ughnn” Billy grunted.


Part VII

Billy had been caught in Tony’s room. He had been caught by the man himself. Sprawled out on Tony’s bed with pants partway down. Laying there in Tony’s bed with obvious guilt on his face from something that had just transpired in the room. Tony had smiled when he found that the the incident the kid was guilty of was getting was raped by the big dog under his care. Neo.

“So you like dog fucking?” Tony said.

Pulling his face from Billy’s butt. He sighed and licked at his lips.

“Hmm. Tastes good” I stayed “Always nice to get some ass after Neo slams it”

Billy heard the comment. And it took him but a moment to realize that Tony liked this. That thus had apparently happened before. Him coming after Neo fucked someone. He pondered how many times had this happened before. Had it happened with the guy the other day. Tony then shoved his face back to the hole. Suck g out as much dog cum as he could. Digging his tongue into Billy’s ass and lapping up what he could draw out Billy moaned as the mans beard raking again st his tender swollen ass hole was driving him mad. It tickled and felt soo good. Better than the raping that the dog had given him. And that wet to the seemed to sooth his hole. Then Tony pulled from his ass. He then stood up and pulled down his jeans. Billy was still laying in the bed face down. Moaning softly from Tony eating his ass.

“Get over here” Tony growled “Gonna fucking wreck this pussy”

Then Tony kicked off his pants and tossed them to the floor with everything else. Billy looked back to see him holding his big manly dick in hand. And Tony was stroking it. There was slight curve to the mans big dick. Tony spit on his cock and then moved in behind him. Then he climbed up in Billy’s back.

“I am gonna take this hole as mine” he growled “Should have been mine first”

Then Billy felt the mans dick being pushed at his ass hole. And then Tony lunged forth. Driving every inch of his big dick into Billy.

“Ughn” Billy grunted”

Tony had given him every inch of his big dick. It wasn’t quite as big as that dog dick, but he still felt it. And Tony was hell bent in making sure he did feel it. For no sooner than Tony had slammed his cock balls deep did he quickly start To fuck him. Moving quickly to give Billy dick. And lots of dick. His body rising up and then slamming down as he pounded away at Billy’s hole.

“Fuck, fuck yeah” he grunted “Still feels snug. Hmmf fuckl” “Take my fucking big dick Billy” “Ughn”

Tony body moved behind Billy. Giving him his dick at a quickened pace. The hard drilling was getting to Billy too. For his cock slammed into Billy’s prostate just as the dogs dick had. So billy felt his dick getting hard again. His button sure was sensitive to all this ass fucking. Tony groaned behind him as he felt the sloppy dog raped hole. The ass so filled up with cum still from Billy’s first ass crushing. Billy just moaned under the hunk of man as he gunned his big dick into his butt. He could feel Tony’s balls as they slapped against him over and over. Hear as Tony moaned his pleasures if fucking the boys young ass.

“Awe fuck Billy!” He moaned “Sweet sloppy pussy hole boy” “Fuck, duck. Awee fuckk. Could fuck you all day”

But that was not gonna happen. Tony’s ass banging intensified as he fell deeper into the fuck. The sounds of his balls echoed as the slapped against the boys drooling backside. And Billy just lay there under him taking all the stud had.

“Yeah Billy. Yeah” he huffed some more “Love this ass” “Hmm. Fuckk!”

Then Tony felt the power of this sex consume him. He fell on Billy’s back and just continued his hard driving ass slamming. Beating down on Billy’s body. Billy felt the mans weight on his back, the mans breath at the back of his head, and just the heat falling of f the man. He actually swooned under Tony. Loving the feel of the man on him. Now if only the stud were naked. Billy’s life would be complete.

“Shit man. Awee shiit!” Tony then grunted “Daddys gonna blow Billy “I’m gonna fucking bust a load” “Hmm fuck. Awee shiit”

Tonys body froze behind Billy for a moment. A brief moment. And then Tony blew. There was a heavy baritone grunt and sigh, almost simultaneously. And then Tony blew. Billy new it because the warmth filling his backside. That and the grunts and thrusts. Also the balls pushed at his ass as they pumped out their juice into his ass.

“Hmm. Fuxk, fuck, fuxk man.” Tony grunted “Take it Billy. Take my cum” “Ughnn Fuck. Yesss!” “Awe fuck Billy. Awe fuck yes boy” “So good. Soo good” “Take daddy’s cum”

Tony continued to jump and grind the big dick into Billy. And those big balls dragged over his own. He could feel them as they continued to pump him full of cum. And it was Billy second cum dump in less than a few hours. He Go just groaned under Tony. Tony slowed to a stop finally and just lay there on Billy for a bit. Breathing heavy until normalcy can back.

“Awee Fuck. That was soo good boy” he then stated.

And then he rose up and pulled out of Billy. Bully sighed as he felt the cock leave him. Then he felt as his ass just dumped out some overflow. It felt warm as it dribbled out of his hole.

“That hole has been officially fucked” Tony said “Ughnn.” Was all Billy could get out.

He just lay there a bit longer. But then Tony said that he should go home. That he could handle the rest around there. “Go home before your mom wonders where you are” the man stated.

Billy slowly got up. His body ached from the heavy banging he had received. And he was beat too. But he slowly got up and cleaned himself up. Then he pulled up his pants and headed downstairs. Tony followed him down. The stud had stuffed his big dick back into his pants. He handed Billy some money and let him out.

“We will call you when we need you to sit again” the man then said “Cool?” “Okay. Cool” Billy said back.

He was happy that they would need his help again. And maybe he could have some more fun with Tony and his big dick. He reached back and pulled at his pants as he walked. Feeling as his ass continued to drool out cum as he walked.



It was a few days later that Billy was up in his room at night. He was playing video games until sleep came. His mom had already gone to bed some time ago. But as he sat there in bed playing his games. He thought he heard something in back. So he got up of his bed. He went to his window to look out there to see if he could see the cause of the noise. There was nothing going on in back of his house. But he did see the neighbors back lights on. He saw no one out there but the lights were on. He wondered if maybe they had let the dog outside to do business or something. But he saw no dog. No Neo moving about in back. He watched there for a few moments longer before deciding to go back to bed. But as he crawled back in bed he heard a noise outside again.

“Hmm? Curious?” He said “What can that be?”

He went back to the window and still saw nothing. He looked out to the neighbors house again. The back light was still on. But still no movement. But then he saw a light like from a flashlight flash up to his window. He looked sown and below he saw someone in his back yard. Then he heard someone say ‘psst!’. He opened the window and then looked down again. It was Tony. He was in Billy’s back yard. The stud was naked save for a pair of shorts on him.

“Hey Billy” he called out in the dark “Oh hey there Tony” Billy called back “What are you doing down there?”

Tony waved him down. Telling Billy to come on over. He then reached down and pulled out his dick and waved it at Billy. So it was obvious what the guy wanted from him. Billy felt his groin twitch as he looked down. Did he dare sneak out and go next door with his mom asleep in the house.

“Fuck yeah” he then said softly “I want that stud again”

So he waved back at Tony. Saying he would be right down. Then he grabbed some shorts and headed out to the neighbors through the back. Tony waited for him at the gate and let him into the back yard. He lead him over by the pool. Billy looked at the hot man walking before him his strong back and shoulders. The nice butt that showed off in the guys shorts. Tony turned when there were standing on the back patio. There was a few lounge chairs and a big sofa back there. Something he could not see from the vantage of his room. But it didn’t matter. For he was standing there with the hit man on the patio. Looking at his naked chest and belly. And the body was stunning. Tall, lean and muscular. With the right amounts of hair in his torso. A line of hairs trailing up from the waistband of the shorts. Moving up to the chest where the hair line spread out and over his pectorals. The man was a stunning thing to behold. And he could only just blurt a ‘Wow’.

“Get undressed” Tony commanded of him “Wanna see that cute body again” “Then I will let you suck my dick”

Billy started to pull his clothes off. His shorts and then his shirt. But as he did, Tony dropped his shorts. Then the hot man stood there in some small briefs that had a gorgeous bulge in them. His eyes burned into the sight. The shape and outline of the hot mans crotch was fantastic. But he finished getting undressed as Tony wanted. He stood there completely naked for the hot man. Feeling a bit self conscious next to such a hot man.

“Come here” Tony then said to him.

Billy stepped closer to the taller man. He was about neck high to Tony and his body. His eyes gazed at the nicely fur pattern in the chest. Then he looked up at the mans handsome face. Tony smiling at him through the beard.

“Such a cute kid” he said “And now its just you and me” “No dog to interrupt.”

Billy felt the mans hand on his shoulder. He lead Billy to the sofa. He grabbed the back of it and it flipped down into a makeshift bed. Billy thought that was cool. “Lay down on here Billy” Tony said. “Right here next to me”

Tony lay down his gorgeous body on the mat and then Billy followed suite. He crawled up in the mat next to the hot man. He looked at the fantastic body next to him. Licking at his lips at what he saw. He wanted to touch Tony, but didn’t know where to start. That chest, or down below where the full crotch was. And the fullness was a sight for his young eyes.

“Go on Billy” Tony said “I see your hesitation buddy” “Touch me. Grab my dick, do what you want”

And as Billy’s hand still did not move Tony reached down to it and picked it up. Then p he brought it to his chest and placed it there. Billy felt the hairs under his fingers. That an the firmness of Tony’s chest. His body was more stunning up close than he could have imagined.

“Wow!” He said as he touched the man.

Then Billy started to move his small hand over the mans chest. Feeling the hairs as they tickled his fingers. He licked at his lips as his eyes moved over the taught musculature of the man. He was a God to the boy. Then he moved his hand down the mans body. Down from that chest and. To his stomach. There were ripples of flesh and muscle he moved over with his fingers. Then Billy paused just above the waistband of the mans briefs. Below he could see the rising bulge of the mans coveted dick. It was like a hillside beyond a valley, rising up to a peak before falling over the other side.

“Wow”! Billy huffed again. “Looks soo big”

He gazed at the mound and imagined himself a tiny person scaling that vast mountainous hill of the mans crotch. Climbing it until reach the top. Then looking down to the valley and ripples of the mans stomach to one side. And the long muscular thighs on the other. Then he moved his hand down and over the large bulge. His eyes widened as he felt the intense heat there and the growing hardness of the thing.

“Wow!” He huffed again.


Part IX

“Wow!” Billy had huffed again.

He had finally placed his shaking hand over the mound of Tony’s big bulge of covered dick. It felt incredible and he just wanted to lay his hand on the large mass. Feeling the heat of the man under his palm. Feeling the thing as it throbbed against his small hand. And grew more. His hand was dwarfed by the rising mountain. Billy gulped down a hard swallow as he stared at the covered tent under his hand.

“Go on buddy” Tony said “Rub it. Feel it”

Tony grabbed his face and then leaned in and kissed Billy. His tongue pierced his mouth and belli felt the hot mans beard grind against his face. This sensual action had his hand roaming over the bulge. He did rub at ot. Feeling as Tony’s cock throbbed against him again and again.

“Wow!” Billy huffed yet again “Incredible body” “And this thing feel soo damned big” “Why don’t you go down there between my legs and see what Tony has for you” Tony said to him.

Billy sighed and he did what the man asked of him. Getting up and then moving down the mat. His hand left the large beautiful bulge. But as he passed it on his way down the mans body he could see the big tube as it swelled and moved below him. It was up and reaching for the waistband of the briefs Tony had on. And again Billy sighed a heavy ‘Wow’. He moved down and then below the mans crotch. Now sitting there between Tony’s strong legs. He looked at that bulge as he sat there. It seemed almost massive to his young eyes.

“It looks so big” he huffed again “Take it out and you will see how big it gets” Tony answered back.

Billy reached up and placed his small hand on the mountainous bulge. It barely covered the tube. And again a ‘wow’ slipped from his lips. He bent down and pressed his lips to the hardened tube. Feeling the steely hardness of it under his lips. He kissed at the big beautiful bulge. And then he reached for the waistband. The mans cock head was already at the waist now. Lifting up the edges of the briefs he wore. Billy grasped at the waist and pulled down with both hands. Tony lifted his ass and the mound of covered cock pushed up at Billy. But that was just brief moment before he pulled down and freed Tony’s big cock. And out it fell, and onto the mans lap.

“Wow!” He chimed again “Look at that thing”

It was the most beautiful dick Billy had ever and would ever see. A big long slightly curved circumcised tube that had a perfectly shape arrowhead head. It lay there on to us lower belly, just below his belly button. Billy was in total awe of the nans fantastic dick. It seemed to go with what he believed to be the perfect male form. Tight stomach and a trail of hairs that came up from a nicely trimmed crotch bush. The trail of hairs moving up and to his chest where it fanned out over Tony’s pectorals. It was a stunning sight. Below that perfect cock was the mans big full balls. And as Tony spread his legs back again after Billy had pulled down his underwear.that bug heavy sack just fell down there between Tony’s legs. Almost hitting the mat as the hung there.

“Now go on and suck your daddy” Tony commanded “Give me some pleasure with that hot mouth” “Yes sir” Billy replied “Yes sir”

Billy moved back up and between his thighs again.crawling down there and close to Tony’s gorgeous equipment. He licked at his lips in anticipation of the meal he was about to receive. Then he moved sown and grabbed hold of Tony’s big dick. Picking up the hard as stone cock in hand. It felt so hot in his hand too. Like it may burst into flames at any moment. He stroked the big dick in hand a bit. Feeling the rigidness of the cock he was able to suck. It seemed to dwarf his small hand as he held it.

“Look at those things go” he then said.

Billy looked sown at Tony’s heavy nuts next. The balls in the low slung sack were actually moving around in it. Shifting up and down in it as they moved. It was something he had never seen before. Not even on himself.

“What are your balls doing?” He then just asked “My balls?” Tony questioned “They are just moving around on their own”

Tony lay there as he looked up. Then he giggled a bit at the comment. But he knew what his nuts were doing. “Churning cum” he then said to Billy.

Billy almost laughed as the man said it. The balls looked so weird as they moved around like that. But it was intriguing to see. Almost fascinating. He wanted to pull one into his mouth. It was just something he wanted to do. So he leaned down to the mans big full crotch. Still gazing at the huge nuts. Licking at his lips as he stared at them.

“Go on man” Tony suggested “I can see you want them” “Lots of guys do”

Billy sighed and then he picked them up in his hand. They seemed pretty big in it. He stayed there just holding them for a moment, feeling their heft and fullness in his hand. And he could feel them shift around in his hand. Tony held and gently stroked on his big dick. Billy looked at that big log for a moment too. He was totally enamoured with the mans junk. The bug dick and equally big balls. He swallowed down a gulp of spit. Then he licked at his mouth again. He could not believe he was gonna have this hot mans dick.

“Go on buddy” Tony chimed again “Eat up”

So Billy licked his lips one last time and then opened his mouth to the big beefy balls below. Pushing one into it.

“Ughnn. Fuckk!” Tony moaned.


Part X

Tony moaned softly as Billy sucked up one of his big heavy nuts. The taste of it and the way it felt in his mouth had the boy wanting more. He naturally rolled the big orb around in his mouth. Gently sucking on it. The big nut also seemed to still try to move around on his mouth. This made Billy even more ravenous for it. Tony continued to softly groan above him. His was pulling more on his dick. And it was growing substantially. Inch by delicious looking inch he was growing. Soon he was at his full 7 and a half inches of mans dick.

“Wow” Billy sighed as he came off the mans big balls. “That is so big” “”Yeah boy. Its a mans dick” “Now go on. Suck on it” “I know you want to”

Billy licked at his lips as he gazed at the long fantastic looking cock. He grasped at the mans dick shaft. Wrapping his fingers around it. Feeling the heat rising up off Tony and that dick. He also felt the dick as it pulsated under his fingers. The blood rushing to the shaft a an bloated head. Billy licked at his mouth. Hunger all consuming. So he moved in closer and pulled the mans dick to his hungry mouth. Them he wrapped his lips around the mushroom cap of Tony’s big dick.

“Hmm. Yes boy” Tony groaned “Suck it. Take that mans dick in that mouth”

Of course Billy complied with the hot man and slurped his mouth down the dick in it. Letting his tongue swirl around the shaft and head. The head was starting to pool up some delicious mans lube. The precum bubble to the head as Billy sucked on Tony. This taste was semi sweet and made him all the more hungry for the mans big dick. He made hungry slobbering sounds as he went down further on Tony’s awesome cock. Tony moaned deeply above him. A deep almost baritone moan that Billy loved. He sounded so damned sexy. Even sexier than he looked.

“As we fuck!” He gasped as he came off that dick. “You are so big mister” “Such a mans cock” “And that mouth feels real nice Billy” “Got some talent on ya’

The man moaned again as Billy slurped in his cock some more. And Billy tried to take more each time. Sicking down more dick as he attempted to swallow as much as his young mouth could. Only to gag several times as it pushed into his throat.

“Wow Billy!” Tony chimed “Not bad at all” “Keep that up son. Keep sucking my dick”

Billy also stroked on the dick some more. What was not in his mouth he gripped and pulled on. Only to make the head swell in his mouth. And to dump more precum in his slurping tongue. And again that flavor the man had. It was semi sweet deliciousness. And Billy wanted to suck on more. To drink up more. He loved the taste and how the mans big dick felt in hos mouth. Even when he gagged on it. So long as he was in Tony’s big cock. That was all that mattered to him.

“Yeah Billy. Awe fuck. Soo good” Tony crowed some more “I am gonna fuck you so good boy” “Just a little more blow. Just a little more”

Billy sucked like it was the only cock he would ever have. But holding on to Tony’s big balls as he did. Holding them and gently messaging the sack as he slurped up and down on tonya big dick. And he would pull off now and then to get some air. He needed the air. Gasping as he slid off the big cock. Then taking in some air and then sliding back down it again.

“Okay buddy. Okay!” Tony then chirped “That’s enough”

Billy did as the man asked and pulled off the delicious cock. Then Tony told him to get in the mat for him. To get in all fours. Billy did as the hot man requested. He crawled on the mat like a dog. Giving the man access to his young hole. Tiny moved in behind him and then he reached for the boys butt. It was a hot butt too. Billy had a nice sized butt for a young guy. Tony felt the boys ass in his hands. Grabbing and squeezing them.

“You have a nice butt Billy” he said “A very nice butt”. “No wonder the dog jumped on it”

And Billy remembered the dig. That big rough fucking dog Neo. How that animal raped and ravaged his butt hole. Crushing up his guts with that huge doggie dick. How much it had hurt as he was taken like a dog. And he actually wondered where the big animal was. But Tony was no dog. He was full red blooded hunky manliness. The man of this kids wettest dreams. And he was gonna get a nice hard fucking by the big dicked stud.

“Be gentle with me” Billy started to say “Gentle!?” Tony crowed, then laughed “Kid you were slammed by a dog the other day” “Literally fucked by him” “A huge dicked dog at that” “I am sure you will be fine”

That was when Tony spit in his ass and then pushed his thumb into Billy.


Part XI

Billy moaned deeply as he felt tiny behind him. A hard needy moan as he felt the mans thumb get thrust into his ass hole. Yes it was just his thumb, and not a big dog dick like he had had recently. Buy he felt the entry nonetheless.

“Hmm fuckk!” He moaned.

Tony felt the boys ass as it grabbed at his finger. As it tightened on his thumb. He pulled up and out. Then he spit down at the hole again. And then Tony thrust two fingers into Billy next. The longer pointer and middle ones. Billy just moaned as the man continued to fuck him with his long wonderful fingers. Billy moaned and hummed as Tony thrust and thrust those fingers in and out of his hole.

“Awe. Awee crap!” He moaned “That feels soo. Fuckk Yess Tony”

Billy was soon begging for more. The fingers in his ass, sliding in and out as they were doing was making him crazy. And he wanted it more. He needed more. He wanted more.

“Fuck me. Ooh crap, fuck me Tony” he cried “Give me that big dick daddy!”

Tony stopped his motions. He stopped fucking Billy with his finger. Then he leaned down to the boys head and to his ear. His lips pressed to the boy. The rough beard tickling at Billy’s ear. Then he softly whispered into it his intentions.

“Oh. I am going to fuck you boy” he said “I am going to fuck you and fill you up with cum” “And you will be begging me to stop”

Then Tony pulled back and away from Billy. And then he returned to fucking him with his fingers. Billy again moaned as he felt the digits go back up into his ass. He thrust up into Billy repeatedly. Fast and quick jabs into the boys ass.

“Take these Billy” he growled “Take these some more” “Gonna loosen this hole up” “Because once I’m done plowing this big hole” “I am gonna let Neo have you again”

Billy’s eyes widened as he heard the comment. And then when he looked around and to the left, there was that big dog again. Neo. Lurking near the door to the house. Just sitting there and waiting for his command. Billy gulped as he feared another brutal and painful found with that dog would kill him. The beast was a savage fuck. No regards for him and his tender young ass. Its only need was to slam his monster cock in and breed.

“I can’t..” He started to say “Oh yes you can” Tony growled “He took your boy hole before” “And he will again” “And this time I get to watch”

But for now it was the studs turn to fuck Billy. Tony pulled his fingers from the boy. Then he moved up behind Billy. And the hunk wasted little time. He pushed his bug mans dick at Billy’s ass. Then with an authoritative lunge, he punched into Billy’s ass. Billy cried out fron the sharp pain of it. The hard thrust of the mans forceful entry into his young ass hole. But it was just the second biggest dick he had had in him. That huge dog was bigger. And rougher. Tony’s dick first went in, the unlike the dog that was only in it to breed, Tony just held his big dick in Billy. Just holding the long wonderful cock inside his ass.

“Uggnn. Fuckk!” Billy groaned “Yeah boy. That is a nice ass hole” Tony stated “Very fucking nice”

The hot man just held himself inside Billy. Letting them both just feel the sensation of the dick embedded in Billy. Tony was loving the kids hole. Warm and deep. More so than one would expect from someone young. A d Tony just began to slide in and out of Billy’s depths. Pushing his big dick down into the boys needy ass.

“Damn!” He huffed “Really nice hole”

Billy just grunted under the man as he threw that cock into him over and over. Faster and faster with each minute on his back. Then Billy could feel the mans big balks at his rear now. As Tony slammed all he had into him, those balls tapped away at his own nuts. Big heavy daddy nuts as Tony gave him dick. And man did he give him dick. As the man fucked the boys are. Thumping hard at first. He would slow and just grind his guts up with his cock. Billy could feel those boulders behind him against hus scrotum. And then as they tapped away in him as tiny resumed the fucking he was laying down on him.

“Ughn. So big daddy” he moaned “Such a big dick. Awee”

Tony huffed behind him as he resumed the ass grinding. Plowing that big perfect cock I to Billy’s guts. Billy just continued to moan deeply as the hit man gave him a grand ole fucking. Unlike the dog, it was almost deliriously fantastic. No hard battering if his guts. Just a smooth and swift driving of cock into body. Then the awesome sensation of that dick head grinding deep inside him. The head of Tony’s dick raking against his prostate. All this making his body quiver insanely. His own dick below him and squeezed to the mat hard.

“Ohh God. Tony!” He vried “Fuck me daddy. Fuck me!” “Ughn. Fuck. Soo good. Awee!”

Tony now was picking uo the pace on Billy. His big dick accelerating its wonderful assault I. The kids ass. Hitting down harder. And after just another handful of hard gut wrecking thrusts, Billy blew. His body writhing under his hot stud Tony. That big glorious dick pulling the cum from.his smaller body. And he blasted the mat and his belly as he rubbed his cock against it.

“Ohh. Ohh!” He cooed “Making me cum Tony. Making me. Ughnn!”

His ass grabbed hold of Tony and that mans cock. Pulling at it as he blew under the gorgeous stud. Begging for his new daddy do the same as the dog had done before. To fill uo his boy hole with showers of man cum. Tony threw all he had into Billy now. Jack- hammering his dick into the tight and gripping ass clenched to his cock. The feeling in his dick was better than any ass before it. And Tony also fell into orgasm. Rising up and bellowing just before his eruption.

“Awe fuckk. Fuckk, fuckk!” He yelled “Here it cones Billy” “Here comes my baby juice” “Take it. Take it in that sweet pussy hole!”

Tony’s body then just plain assaulted Billy’s ass. He humped and ground all his cock into the boy. Billy felt the hot boiling seed as it poured i to his ass. And the man had alot too. Seemed more so than even the big dog had had. He could feel as it started to push back out from his boy hole as Tony thrust to breed. Then the sounds of his sloppy cum filled ass as the man finished his ass pounding. The wet delicious sounds filled his head and he just sighed there under his God.

“Yes daddy. Hmmf fuck yess!” He moaned “I love it. I love it!”

Then after some more grinding from Tony, the man pulled off of him. Leaving his used up hole. Then Tony told him to get up on all fours so he could eat out his butt. Billy moved up slowly from his mess to do what Tony wished. Then Tony bent over and shoved his bearded face to the kids ass. Slurping out some of his cum from Billy. Billy heard the mam as he hummed his enjoyment of licking up his cum from Billy. And it felt soo good too.

“Yes. Ohh yess” Billy crowed “Soo good. Soo good!”

Then Tony left his butt and Billy was left there on all fours for a brief few moments. Billy was going to turn to look at his handsome stud. Maybe suck on his cock some more. But that was when Tony made a clicking noise with his mouth and Billy felt the big dog move in behind him. Neo jumped on his back and just started to hump at Billy. Amd with help from Tony he found his mark and the dog punched into Billy.


Part XII

Billy screamed again as his ass was rammed into, hard by the big brutal dog. Neo the older neighbors big Rottweiler that Billy had seen and been fucked by before. This big rough fucking animal was on his ass again and slamming into his used up ass. And even though he had just been fucked by the hit stud Tony. He was now victim to the dog that raped his young hole before. A bigger dick that the smoldering man who had just Giving him pleasure. And a more vicious animal fuck that hurt.

“Fuckk! Awe fuckk. Noo!” He shrieked “His dick hurts.” “Still fucking hurts soo much!”

The dog wasted no time and just banged away at Billy again. Slaughtering the well lubed up ass. The pain tore through his ass even after it was loosened by Tony and his big dick. But that of and his fuck was just savage. Billy cried out as the beast continued to gun into gis bowels and guts. Hammering that huge dog dick into his small body again. And then just when Billy right it could get no worse the dogs knot slammed into him. The big baseball size knot ripped his hole opened again to the extreme. Billy felt he may pass out again for the utter slaughter of his ass hole. He felt rhe darkness creep in to take him. But that was when the dogs assault stopped. The ass destroying jack hammer event just finished.

“Uggnn” He groaned as he then felt it. Felt the heat if the dogs cum pour into his guts.

The dog had finished his breeding of Billy. Then he just lay in his back. Huffing heavy behind him. Billy had no choice but to stay there and wait for the dog to dislodged his knot from him before being totally released from this rape. Then the dog climbed up and off him. Then turned around to be ass to ass with Billy. Still panting as the beast waited to finish his dump. Just a heavy pant back there as it stood behind Billy. Connected only by his dick in the boys ass.

“That is soo great” he heard Tony say “Neo has breeded his bitch”

Billy saw the hot man as he came around in front of him now. Smiling as he held up his dick before Billy’s face. The mans dick was hard again. The apparent ass crushing the dog had laid down on Billy turning him on. And he stroked his cock before the boy.

“And you are his bitch now” tony continued.

That was when Neo yanked his cock from Billy. A hard tug and his huge knot pulled out of Billy with a loud sloppy ‘pop’, followed by the way gushing sound of cum pouring from his ruined ass hole. Again billy groaned as he fell to the floor after the dog left him. Hitting the mat below with a flop. He curled up in an almost fetal position as he lay there wrecked again by the big dog. He looked over to see Neo and the massive purple cock jutting out from under him. There it was the destroyer of his young ass again. It was scary and incredible looking all at once. The dog they lay down and licked at his dick some. Cleaning it up with his tongue. Billy just lay there feeling a dull hot pulsating at his ass hole. It took him a.moment, but he figured that it was his heart beat. A heavy fast (yet slowing) pulsation at his ass. Then a trickling feeling as his ass drooled out some more cum.

“Awe fuck” he mouthed as the throbbing was painful.

Just like the first time with Neo, he just lay there for a bit. Trying to recover from his brutal raping. Then he looked uo and Tony moved in near him. He told Billy to lay on his back. Billy slowly turned to do so. Looking up to the sky and house. Then Tony came iver and straddled his head. And his eyes fell in to the mans dangling balls, there just above his head. Those big manly nuts.and Tony was offering them to him again.

“Here ya go Billy” the man said “These will make you feel better” “Lick my balls.”

Billy was beat from the slaughtering he had just received. But to look at Tony’s big balls. Those fantastic nuts the man had. He could not recuse the stud. So he opened his mouth and Tony dropped them down to it. Then he licked and sucked in Tony’s nuts. One then the other and back. Feasting on them lovingly. Then after some heavy ball work Tony fucked him again. The mans cock almost not felt as the swollen hole he had was still mostly numb for Neo’s huge schlong. And as Tony took him he looked to his left and at the door to the house. There at the door was the handicapped neighbor in his wheelchair. Staring at the scene and smiling.

“Good. Fuck him good” the man said softly.

Billy then made it a habit of sitting for the neighbors dog whenever he could. And also to pleasure the hot stud that was the neighbors caregiver. For several years until he was old even to move on. And even then he came back when he could after moving away from home. So long as Tony and the dog were there. He had a reason to come by….

The End

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