English Books Women with Animals

The Widow’s Doggie Fun


PB-341 The Widow’s Doggie Fun by David Crane


While the negative aspects of egotism and ambition are all too apparent, it is also true that for a man or woman to function adequately and maturely in society it is necessary to have a certain amount of healthy self-confidence.

The successful businessman, the woman who rises in her chosen profession despite tremendous odds, the serenely happy and efficient housewife-all are imbued with the self-confidence necessary for them to skillfully carry out their chosen tasks. Without it, they would find it difficult to do well, and would possibly fail.

When a man or woman lacks self-confidence on a sexual level, this can be apparent in every aspect of their lives.

At the age of twenty-five, Julie Carver still suffers from a lack of sexual maturity. Although she knows she is attractive, she is still afraid to fully respond as a woman. It is only when she learns to appreciate her sensual nature to its fullest that she becomes a confident and successful adult.

THE WIDOW’S DOGGIE FUN-a novel about a woman’s struggle to free herself from deep-seated fears and inhibitions, and take her place as a fully functioning, independent, and knowledgeable adult.

The Publisher



“I’m feeling really horny today,” Karen Ryder announced.

Julie Carver raised her eyebrows. The two women were neighbors and Karen had stopped at Julie’s for morning coffee and, seated at the kitchen table, she had suddenly blurted out her announcement. She blushed slightly and looked a bit sheepish. Julie grinned.

“John usually fucks me in the morning,” Karen said. “But he was late waking up today and we didn’t have time-and it’s left me frustrated as hell. A girl gets used to morning cock, right?”

“I always like it, myself,” Julie agreed.

“What do you do for sex now that you’re a widow?”

Julie shrugged. “Oh, this and that,” she said.

The two women gazed at each other across the table. They were both very sexy-looking girls. Karen had long black hair, as straight as if she’d ironed it, framing a face with high cheekbones and slanted green eyes and a wide, sensual mouth. Her tits were big and firm, her waist was tiny and her hips swept out in lush abundance. She was wearing a light cotton dress that molded itself to her body. And even if she had not admitted to being horny the fact was obvious enough because of the way her big, stiff nipples stood out in twin peaks.

Julie, by contrast, was a bouncy blonde. She wore her hair short and curly and her big, blue eyes looked deceptively innocent. Her body was well rounded, with tits like inflated balloons and a heart-shaped ass. She was not dressed yet-having just got up when Karen stopped by-and she was wearing a sexy black negligee, semi-transparent. Her nipples were stiff, too, like valves by which those balloon-shaped tits had been blown up, and the outline of her abundant pussy hair was faintly visible through the sheer black garment.

Karen had recently been married and she and her husband had moved into the house next door to Julie, who had recently been widowed at a young age. Both girls were in their mid-twenties and found they had a great deal in common. They were good friends and had no inhibitions when they talked about personal matters.

Julie raised her coffee cup and sipped, then said: “I suppose we could go to a cocktail lounge or bar or something and pick up a couple of guys for the day. You want to?”

Karen hesitated, considering it. But then she shook her head. “I don’t want to cheat on John,” she said. “Oh, I fucked around a lot before we were married, but I haven’t been unfaithful to him since. I suppose I might, someday, but we’ve only been married a few months, as you know, and it doesn’t seem right to screw around so soon.”

Julie shrugged.

Karen, looking sort of hesitant, said: “The reason I stopped by-well, I was wondering if maybe you had a vibrator or a dildo or something that I could borrow.” She giggled. “I figured you might have something, now that you live alone.”

Karen was gazing down at the table, slightly embarrassed by her own request. Julie stared at her speculatively.

“I’ve got a dildo,” she said. “But I seldom use it.”

“Oh? I finger-fucked myself a little, earlier-after John left and I was still in bed. But once you get used to cock and tongue and all, a hand-job isn’t much fun. I mean, it’s sort of a waste, huh?”

“Yeah. It’s better than nothing, but it isn’t much.”

“How come you don’t use your dildo, then?” Karen asked.

“Well, I use something else, instead,” Julie said.

Now Julie was looking rather sheepish and doubtful, as if she were wondering whether she should tell Karen about it.

Karen looked interested.

Julie said: “It’s sort of naughty. I don’t know what you’d think about it.”

“Sounds intriguing. Tell me, huh?”

“You might be shocked,” Julie said.

“Oooh! It must be naughty. Tell me, tell me!” Karen urged, wondering what on earth could make an uninhibited girl like Julie feel embarrassed and reluctant to talk about it. They had always discussed their sex lives openly in the past and Julie had admitted several naughty things-such as how she used to cheat on her young husband before he was killed in an accident, and how she had gotten gang-banged a couple times when she was a kid. So why was she being to hesitant now?

“Thor,” Julie murmured.


“My dog, Thor.”

Karen frowned, puzzled, thinking that Julie had changed the subject. “What about Thor?”

“He licks me off,” Julie blurted out.

“Ohhh! Really?” Karen gasped, amazed.

Julie, seeing that Karen was more interested than shocked, grinned and said: “Yeah. He’s got a great fucking tongue and he just loves to lap my pussy. I cream on his tongue all the time. Shit, I was getting head from the dog even when I was married.”

“Gee, that is nasty,” Karen said.

“I caught him licking my panties one day,” Julie went on. “That’s what gave me the idea to begin with, when I saw his big wet tongue slurping at the crotch of my dirty panties. And he’s been lapping my cunt ever since. Of course, he gets really excited tonguing my pussy, so afterwards I have to jerk the son of a bitch off. But that’s kind of fun, too.”

“It sounds-like fun,” Karen said, softly.

They stared at each other significantly.

“You wanna borrow Thor’s tongue, Karen?” Julie asked.

“Oh, gee-I don’t know. It’s really outrageous.”

“Yeah, but you can get your rocks off that way, without having to cheat on your husband with some other guy.”

“Well-I am so damned hot…”

Julie grinned. “Yeah! Let’s fool around with the dog, okay? He can tongue you while I frig his big prick!”

“Okay,” Karen agreed. She was rapidly becoming very enthusiastic about the idea. She thought it was terribly depraved to get head from an animal, but that only made it more exciting.

Julie grinned and got up. She moved to the door, her heart-shaped ass swinging provocatively. Karen stared at her friend’s shapely body, thinking how sexy Julie looked. Karen didn’t have any lesbian tendencies, as far as she knew, but it was strangely exciting to think that she would be sharing the dog with such a sexy girl.

Julie opened the door and called to the dog, who was stretched out by his kennel in the yard. Thor raised his big, blunt head and cocked an ear. He was a large, shaggy brute, without a pedigree-but with a nimble tongue and a massive cock and balls.

“C’mon, boy! It’s pussy-lapping time!” Julie giggled.

Thor got up and advanced toward the house, walking stiff-legged, his cock hanging down, not hard yet but an impressive hunk of cock meat even in its soft condition. He came through the door and sniffed at Julie’s ass as he passed her. She closed the door and moved back toward the table, with Thor at her heels. His nostrils twitched as he sniffed. Both girls were hot and juicy now, and there was delicious aroma of cunt in the room. His cock began to stiffen as he sniffed the fragrance. Well-trained, Thor knew just what that scent implied.

“Let’s go into the front room,” Julie suggested.

Karen got up and eagerly and the two women left the kitchen with the doggy following. His prick had risen to the horizontal by u this time and the angry red cock-knob was starting to push out from the hairy prick sheath. His balls were swollen with cum. Karen turned to look at the brute and grinned impishly when she saw how big his prick was.

Julie slipped her negligee off.

“He shoots cum by the bucketful,” she explained. “It gets all over my clothes if I don’t strip.”

Karen was gazing admiringly at Julie’s sexy body, having vaguely disturbing-and exciting-thoughts.

“You better get naked, too,” Julie suggested.

Karen giggled nervously and drew her dress up, removing it. Her naked tits bobbled and the stiff tips stood out like little rocket ships ready to be launched. She was wearing tiny bikini panties and the crotch band was soaking with cunt juice.

“Shit! You’ve got a great body,” Julie whispered.

“So have you, Julie,” Karen said, shyly.

Thor was sniffing at Julie’s cunt mound now, but she stood with her legs together. His tongue ran through her curly blonde pussy hair, soaking her with doggy-slobber.

Karen slipped her thumbs under the elastic of her panties and tugged them down, her ass and hips squirming. She raised one knee to pull them from her foot and Julie stared right at her cunt, not even trying to conceal her interest.

“Fucking hell! You must be horny, honey-your pussy is soaking wet and wide open!”

Julie’s pink cuntlips were unfurled like the petals of a flower and her pussy slit had widened into a slot, and that cunt slot was flooded with creamy cunt juice. Her clit stood out from the swampy slot, as stiff and as taut as her nipples. A trickle of pearly pussy juice slowly ran down the inside of her thigh.

“You’re in for a real treat, Thor,” Julie said. Her tongue slowly slid across her lower lip. “Shit, Karen-your cunt looks so delicious I might suck it, myself!”

“Oooooh!” Karen squealed. “I never had a girl go down on me, Julie-but I wouldn’t mind!”

“Maybe later,” Julie said. “If you want to. But let’s let Thor have his dog-yummy first. Let him sniff your panties.”

Karen tossed the panties to the carpet. They fluttered down like a butterfly with damp wings. The dog trotted over and lowered his head, sniffing. Then he gave a little yelp and began to lap at the soaking crotch band enthusiastically.

Julie knelt down beside his flank and reached under him to grasp his prick. She folded her fist around the hairy cock sheath and pulled back, causing the big red slab of his naked cockhead to flare out, throbbing and pulsating. She cupped his balls, lifting them in her hand, as if weighing the amount of jism they contained. Then she stroked along the length of his cockshaft again.

“He’s ready for a snack,” Julie said as his big cock pounded in her stroking fist. The dog humped, fucking through her hand. He turned his head toward Julie but she pushed him away, toward Karen. “Sit on the edge of the couch, honey.”

Karen did so, her ass perched on the edge and her long, shapely legs extended to the floor. Her thighs were parted. Karen’s pussy mound was a plump triangle of jet-black hair, spreading out on her lower belly. Her juicy cunt was flowing through that thick jungle like a swampy river through a forest. Ribbons of cunt juice ran down into the crack of her ass and a creamy trickle slid down her thigh.

“Pussy, boy,” Julie rasped, pulling the dog closer to Karen.

Thor looked a bit puzzled, having never lapped a cunt other than his mistress’s, but there was no mistaking the significance of that delicious aroma drifting from the other woman’s pussy. He whimpered and rumbled in his throat. His black snout twitched.

Karen slid a hand between her legs and spread her cuntlips open even wider.

Thor pushed his big head in and his cold nose tapped against her hot clit, causing Karen to shudder. His long, red tongue snaked out and slurped up her creamy cunt slot.

“Oh! Ooooh,” she sighed.

“Yeah! Lap that sweet pussy!” Julie cried, fascinated to see her dog’s tongue slapping into Karen’s soaking pussy slot.

Karen squirmed on the edge of the couch, moaning as Thor’s pliable tongue whipped at her steaming cunthole. The doggy was yelping with enthusiasm as succulent cunt cream poured over his taste buds. Ribbons of creamy pussy foam streaked the red meat of his tongue.

“Ooooh-it’s good!” Karen sighed.

She’d had plenty of tongue from men, but she’d never felt anything as good as the dog’s huge lapper. His head went up and down like a rocking horse as he slurped at her crotch, lapping her from the crack of her ass to her pussy thicket with long, moist strokes. His blunt muzzle was lathered with cunt juice.

“Ummmmmm-it looks good, too,” Julie purred.

She curled on the floor at the edge of the couch and wrapped her hand around the root of Thor’s prick. She began to jack his cock slowly up and down, her hand skimming along his cock meat. Then she tightened her grip so that she was dragging the hairy prick sheath up and down. His prick was hammering wildly in her fist. The naked meat of his cockhead was pulsing in and out like an inhaling lung and his cockshaft was so taut it was almost humming like a tuning fork. Julie pulled back to his balls and his prick-knob flared out. His pisshole was parted and a few drops of pre-cum bubbled out, hot and thick and frothy.

Julie jerked up to his bloated cock-knob and rubbed her thumb against the hot cock meat. His cockhead was slippery with the spunk that was oozing from his pisshole. But then she stopped stroking him, holding his prick steady. It was a real thrill to pump the spunk out of the dog, but she wanted Karen to cream first. She watched Thor lap merrily away, loving to see his long tongue run up that soaking, smoldering cunt. Thor was stabbing his tongue right up inside Karen’s fuck-hole now, licking the insides of her creamy pussy tunnel as well as her cuntlips and clit.

“Come, honey,” Julie whispered. “Cream on the dog’s fucking tongue! Christ, it’s making me so hot!”

“Yeah-yeah-I’m gonna juice the fucker!” Karen gasped.

Waves of joy ran across her pumping belly and shot like electric currents up her trembling thighs. Her pelvis jerked in a fucking motion as she ground her groin against the dog’s muzzle and tongue. Her hips jolted and her ass churned on the edge of the couch. Thor whimpered with the pleasure of lapping pussy, relishing the feast. Her cunt was getting even more delicious as her orgasm approached and the flow increased. His tongue flipped up her hairy crotch and sprayed cunt juice onto her belly. He dipped down and ran his tongue up the taut crack of her ass, slurping up the pussy cream that had seeped into that tasty tunnel. Then he ran it through her cunt gash and on up over her cunt mound. His doggy-slobber was soaking her crotch, and her cunt juice streaked it with pearly ribbons.

“Oh! I’m coming!” Karen wailed.

Julie, holding the dog’s prick steady, leaned closer, her face contorted by lust, eager to see her friend cream. The waves were rushing through Karen’s pussy faster and faster, each wave coming higher than the one before, until they were all merging into one prolonged crest.

“Ahhh-I’m creaming! My cunt is melting!” she cried.

Cunt juice poured out of her soaking slot, coating the dog’s tongue and lathering his muzzle. He ravenously slurped away, his big body quivering with joy as he swallowed her cum juice. Karen closed her thighs around his head, clamping him to her crotch-then she threw her legs wide open again so that she and Julie could watch her pussy foam on his tongue.

Shuddering violently, Karen reached the peak.

“Ooooh,” she moaned, slumping back on the couch.

Thor continued to lap hungrily away, slurping the last of her cunt juice up and working off the final spasms of her coming.

Karen smiled dreamily at Julie.

“What a lovely cum!” she said.

And that was only the beginning…



“Finished, honey?” the young widow asked.

Karen nodded and sighed. The doggy was still slapping his tongue up her soaking cunt-hole, his whole body wriggling and squirming and his fat prick throbbing in Julie’s hand. Julie grasped the dog by the collar with her free hand and yanked his head out of her friend’s crotch. It took a bit of effort, because the dog’s wet tongue seemed to be glued to

Karen’s swampy fuck-hole, plastered there by a paste of doggy slobber mixed with cunt juice. But then his tongue slid free, running over Karen’s clit as his head came up. He yelped, trying to duck back down for some more tasty pussy, so enthusiastic about lapping cunt that he was even ignoring the demands of his cock and balls.

Julie gave his cockshaft a slow push-pull, and Thor stiffened all over and stopped trying to get his muzzle down into the hairy doggy-yummy, once his cock was in action.

Humping, his hind paws scrambling on the carpet, the dog fucked his prick through Julie’s fist. She cupped his balls at the bottom of the stroke, then let his cock-rod slip back through her hand, loving the way that the iron-hard cock meat rippled and feeling the thick vein that seamed the underside of his prick pulsate.

Still holding him by the collar, Julie jerked the dog upward. He sprang up from his haunches, placing his forepaws on either side of Karen’s lush hips, with his hind legs still braced on the floor. His fat prick loomed out over the dark-haired girl’s belly.

Karen gazed down, fascinated by the sight of that huge slab of naked red cockmeat flaring from his hairy cock sheath. Her body was arched and she stared at his cock, framed in her cleavage and poised above the dark triangle of her bushy cunt mound.

“You gonna jerk him off now?” she asked.

“Yeah! I’m gonna milk his cock and balls off,” Julie whispered, her voice husky with passion. “I’m gonna jack the fucker off like this, so his hot fuck juice splashes all over you. Okay?”

“Oooooooh,” Karen moaned softly. She nodded. The thought of having hot doggy-cum squirt on her naked flesh was exciting and, despite the lovely cum she had just finished with, her pussy began to ripple and juice and heat up all over again.

“Ummm-cream his cock on me,” she whispered.

She shifted her hips from side to side and thrust her fat tits out. She cupped the firm tit globes between her hands, deepening the cleavage. Holding the tit mounds together, she switched her thumbs back and forth across her stiff nipples, like windshield wipers. Those pink tip shot out, tingling and, lower down, her clit stiffened and began to throb again. Cunt juice and doggy-slobber streamed down her crotch, soaking the cushion under her ass.

“Make the son of a bitch shoot all over my belly and tits!”

Julie tried to smile, delighted at the other woman’s ready acceptance, but her face was tight with lust and the smile became a grimace. Her blue eyes glowed like cobalt and the tip of her tongue slipped across her sensual lips.

Releasing the dog’s collar, she slid her hand down under his tail and grasped his bloated balls from behind, squeezing gently and feeling his cum load slosh around inside the hairy bags. Her other hand still gripped his cockshaft at the hilt, holding the long cock-rod out over her friend’s belly. She began to jack him off. His hairy prick sheath folded up over his cockhead as her hand pumped upward, then skinned back, leaving his naked cock-knob flaring out.

Thor humped as she stroked him, fucking through her fist. His big head bobbed up and down and he slobbered onto Karen’s tits. Foamy doggy-saliva flecked her nipples and ran down her deep cleavage-as if heralding the hot jism that would soon be spurting onto her. She rubbed the slobber into her tits and sighed, waiting for his cum.

Julie stroked his cock faster, with a steady, rhythmic motion that she knew, from long experience, was the most efficient way to bring the big brute to a creamy culmination.

His cock was getting bigger with every stroke. Humping up, he drove his cockhead level with Karen’s tits and, jerking back, he dragged his prick through Julie’s fist and came down to Karen’s groin. The doggy was growling and whimpering with excitement. His balls were like over-inflated balloons in one hand and his prick was vibrating in the other. His pisshole gaped open and a blob of spunk oozed out. The thick, creamy nugget slid down his red cock meat, then dropped off and fell onto Karen’s belly. Karen was staring at his cockhead, eager to see his jism spurt out, her eyes glued to the sight like a bird that has looked into the eye of the serpent and, mesmerized, cannot look away.

Julie, too, stared at that swollen slab of cockhead, waiting for the creamy cloud of cum she knew would soon shoot from his pisshole and dose her sexy girlfriend’s belly and tits.

Julie was panting like a dog, herself, thrilled by the situation. Her ass and hips pumped in a fucking movement. Her long, shapely legs extended, trembling, heels drumming on the carpet. Cunt juice trickled down her thighs and seeped into the crack of her ass. She knew she would have to get her rocks off again, and damned soon-and she hoped that her blonde friend was going to take care of that for her. But for the moment she was more interested in seeing-and feeling-the dog shoot his cum all over her body.

“Make him come! Make him come on me!” she gasped, yearning to be bathed by geysers of doggy-cum. “Oh, fucking hell! Pump his cock and balls out on my tits, Julie!”

Thor’s head ducked down and his long tongue slurped out. He began to lap at Karen’s tingling tit tips and to run his tongue up through the soft tunnel of her cleavage.

She moaned and jerked around under the brute, hotter now than she had been when she first arrived, before she’d creamed on the dog’s tongue-hotter than she’d ever been before, she thought.

And Karen was every bit as hot, as she pumped the dog’s prick and cupped his bloated balls and anticipated the creamy cum load that was going to soak Karen’s body. Her skillful fist jerked up and down like some well-oiled linkage. Doggy-spunk dribbled from Thor’s pisshole, soaking his cockhead and running down his hairy prick stalk, lubricating his fucker as her fist stroked it. A few drops splashed onto Karen’s belly and into her cunt hair. A glob pooled in her belly button. She slid a hand down and rubbed the thick, slimy stuff into her skin, and Julie’s jerking hand milked out another drop.

Julie bent the dog’s stiff prick down, touched the weeping cock tip against Karen’s belly, then dragging it down into the thick black tangle of her cunt bush. Cum slid from his pisshole, streaking her flesh and matting her curly cunt hair. Karen gasped when she felt the dog’s cockhead touch her. His jism was so hot that it steamed from her belly.

The dog’s long tail swished around behind him like a rudder steering his prick as he humped frantically, nearing the crest of doggy-joy. His ass was a hairy blur and his cock hissed as it fucked through Julie’s fist and loomed out over Karen’s slippery tits. His pisshole gaped wide open and the girls could see jism bubbling inside the cleft. His balls expanded mightily, his cockshaft swelled up and his naked prick-knob ballooned.

Julie gasped as she felt his cock pulsing.

“He’s gonna fucking cream!” she wailed.

“Yeah-yeah-yeah-” Karen panted. “Empty his cock all over me-drain his balls on me!”

Thor’s prick erupted in Julie’s hand and she felt his cum rush up his cockshaft. She pumped back, skinning his cockhead as it flared out.

“Here it comes!” she squealed.

A spurt of thick, milky dog-cum shot out of Thor’s cockhead and sped up her belly, splashing against her tits in a creamy tide. A jet of jizz poured up her cleavage. The dog howled and jerked back, coming again on the recoil. His jism splashed right into the girl’s cunt, hosing her open pussy slot and skimming up into her hairy cunt mound. She cried out with the joy of it as she felt hot jism soak her steaming cunt. The doggy humped again, and his third thick spurt of cum shot right up into Karen’s face. She hadn’t expected the dog to shoot with such force. Her lips were parted, and the dog’s jism splattered right into her mouth. Slimy ribbons ran over her tongue, tingling on her taste buds.

“He’s coming right in your fucking mouth!” Julie shouted, overwhelmed by the erotic sight.

Karen spat some of the doggy-cum out, but her mouth was still full of the stuff. She gulped, swallowing some cum. It was fucking delicious! Julie pumped on Thor’s cum-spurting prick and another creamy jet shot out as he humped up. The steaming cum flew up and splashed on Karen’s lips and she gasped and, hardly aware of what she was doing, opened her mouth wider, letting the tasty spunk flow past her lips.

“Ummm,” she sighed.

Her tongue was floating in dog-cum. It sloshed around in her cheeks and trickled down her gullet. Ribbons and ropes of the thick slime streaked her panting lips.

Julie kept on frigging the doggy, pumping stream after stream of cum out of his prick. Jism flew all over Karen’s heaving belly and tits and soaked into her open cunt. The dog was nearing the end of his climax, and his cum wasn’t shooting out far enough to reach Karen’s face now. More spurts of jism splashed on her belly. Then the doggy slowed down, whimpering. Julie kept pumping, milking out a last spurt, then making sure that she had frigged out every last drop from his cock and balls. The last of his cum came out in a mere trickle, clinging to his cockhead. Julie bent the cock rod down and rubbed the foaming tip into Karen’s cunt bush. Her jet-black cunt hair was lathered with streaks of milky dog-cum.

Thor’s flanks heaved in and out as he panted heavily in the aftermath of his coming. Julie released his cock and he hopped down from the couch, his tongue hanging out, dripping. His balls had been emptied, but his big cock stayed upright.

Julie grinned wickedly at Karen.

“Jesus! You swallowed his fuck juice!” she said.

Karen blushed and averted her gaze, embarrassed by what she had done and trying to look demure.

“I-I got carried away,” she stammered. “I didn’t expect him to shoot in my face and-and once his cum shot into my mouth I just sort of swallowed by habit, I guess.”

“Don’t be embarrassed, honey,” Julie said. “I’ll tell you something. When I told you that I jerked Thor off, after he lapped my cunt, I wasn’t telling the whole truth.”

Karen stared hard at her blonde friend. Julie was no longer smiling. Her pretty face was a mask of lust.

“What do you mean, Julie?” Karen asked.

“I do more than just jerk him off,” Julie admitted. “Sometimes I even let him fuck me.

“Julie! You fuck with your dog?” Karen gasped, amazed that Julie would admit to such a depraved thing, even if it happened to be true.

“Yeah-and I suck him off, too,” Julie added. “So you don’t have to be embarrassed because you swallowed his cum-and dog-cum is yummy, isn’t it?”

Karen was stunned. But then she managed a wry, sheepish grin and nodded. It was yummy, no doubt of that. The rich, tangy flavor of dog-cum was lingering on her taste buds. It was thicker than human jism and muskier and, once she got over her initial shock, Karen could well understand why her blonde friend would blow the doggy. If dog-cum was so succulent delivered by hand, she could just imagine what the fucking stuff would taste like when a girl sucked it, all hot and creamy, straight out of his prick!

“Do you believe me, Karen?” Julie asked.

“I-I guess so,” Karen whispered.

“Watch this,” said the blonde and, smiling, she turned toward the panting dog. His cock was still jutting out stiffly, and she wrapped her hand around the stalk and skinned the sheath back from his naked prick-knob. She pushed her head under his belly, looking at Karen out of the corners of her eyes. Her lips parted. Karen stared at her in awe. The dog’s swollen red cockhead was all slippery with cum, and Julie’s parted lips were only inches away from that naked slab of cock meat.

Then Julie slipped the dog’s prick right into her mouth!



“Ummm-ummmm-ummmm-” Julie purred as she nursed on the bloated head of the dog’s cock.

Karen gaped at her, hardly able to believe what she was seeing. She saw Julie’s sexy lips turn outward as the blonde girl sucked on the dog meat.

Thor whined and Julie sighed and Karen gasped.

Julie’s head bobbed down and she took more of the dog’s thick prick into her mouth, sliding her lips up and down his cock stalk. Then she drew away and flicked her tongue out, letting Karen see her lap at his red prick-knob and slip her tongue into his pisshole. She slurped his cock meat into her mouth again, her lips collaring his cock shaft behind the cock-knob. Sucking softly and hungrily, she polished his flaring prick to a luster.

When she drew away again, all the dog-cum had been sucked off and his cockhead glistened with her saliva, while frothy drops of jism flecked her smiling lips.

“My God!” Karen whimpered.

“We can have lots of fun with Thor, honey,” Julie said. “If you want to. We can suck him and fuck him.” She giggled. “We can even let him fuck our ass-holes.”

Karen’s jaw was hanging open-and her cunt was smoldering. Julie’s blue eyes gazed at that steaming pussy and her tongue slid across her lips, gathering doggy-spunk up.

“But first I want to do something else,” she whispered. “I wanna lick all his cum off you, Karen.”

“Oh! Ohhh, yes!” Karen moaned. Julie slid up onto the couch beside Karen. Placing a hand behind the dark-haired girl’s head, she drew her face over and kissed her on the lips. Both girls’ lips were wet with dog-cum and they kissed passionately, letting the sweet, succulent slime slide back and forth between their mouths. Julie thrust her tongue into Karen’s mouth and Karen sucked on it, their tongues entwining like snakes mating in a moist cavern. Then Karen tongue-fucked into Julie’s mouth, in turn. They French kissed, swapping tongues and saliva and dog-cum.

Julie drew her lips away and began to lick Karen’s face, slurping up the slippery spunk from her cheeks and chin. She was purring like a cat lapping at a bowl of cream.

Julie moved down and ran her tongue up through Karen’s deep cleavage, licking more dog-cum out. Karen groaned, cradling Julie’s golden-blonde head to her tits, adoring to have her tits licked by a woman-a thing that had never happened to her before-and trembling in anticipation of what more Julie’s nimble tongue might do.

Julie licked at a stiff, cum-soaked nipple, then sucked it into her lips and nursed on it. She switched to the other stiff tit tip, mouthing it softly and moistly. Karen’s nipple exploded in Julie’s lips like a stick of dynamite. Her clit sparked and her cunt flowed. Julie, purring, shifted back and forth between those pink nuggets of nipple meat, sucking them with concentration. Karen whimpered, stroking the blonde girl’s head and arching as she thrust her tits up to that magic mouth. Julie’s slobber poured down from Karen’s nipples, flowing over the fat globes of her tits and soaking into her cleavage, replacing the dog-cum.

“I’m gonna lick you all over, honey,” Julie whispered, the words muffled on Karen’s tits. “I wanna go round the world on you-and wind up sucking your juicy cunt.”

“Ummmm-yeah! And I’ll suck you, too,” Karen moaned. She had never even considered doing such a thing before, but now her mouth felt as hot as her cunt and her tongue was tingling like her clit. Karen was no lesbian-but she was willing to be a cunt-sucker!

“Will you suck my dog’s cock, too?” Julie whimpered.

“Y-yes! I’ll do everything! Oh, I’m so fucking horny!” Karen moaned with pure passion. “I’ll suck him off and drink his cum-and I’ll let the dog fuck me, too!”

“Ahhh-and I’ll lick his balls while his big cock is ramming up your hot fuck-hole,” Julie sighed.

She slid lower, licking the dog-cum off

Karen’s flat belly and dipping her tongue into her belly button, where thick globs of slippery slime had pooled. Her tongue dragged down and slid through the thick curls of Karen’s cunt bush. Karen jerked. Julie’s tongue rustled through her dark pussy thicket like a little pink rodent scurrying through a jungle in the night.

She slid off the couch and knelt on the floor between Karen’s thighs. Karen opened her legs wide and tilted her creamy crotch up, yearning for the blonde girl’s tongue. Julie began to lick up the insides of Karen’s thighs, slurping up more doggy-jism from the sleek flesh and stopping just short of Karen’s pussy.

“Suck me! Suck my cunt!” Karen pleaded.

Teasingly, Julie ran her tongue up the crease where Karen’s leg joined her pelvis, licked parallel with her flooded cunt but not yet making the vital contact. Cunt juice was pouring out of Karen’s pussy and streaming down her crotch. Grasping Karen by the hips, Julie gently turned her over onto her side. She began to run her tongue up the taut crack of Karen’s ass, then dipped it into Karen’s ass-hole.

Karen wailed with the delight of having her shit chute rimmed out as Julie’s hot tongue probed up the tight brown bed. Julie worked on Karen’s shithole with enthusiasm, savoring the tangy taste. Then she turned Karen back onto her ass.

“Please suck my cunt!” begged Karen, desperate with need, her crotch awash with cunt juice, her clit throbbing, her fuck-hole steaming. Her ass churned and her hips jerked.

Then Julie flicked her tongue up Karen’s cunthole.

“Ooooh!” Karen cried at that first contact.

“Yummy,” Julie purred.

Thor cocked his head, a puzzled look in his amber eyes. The doggy couldn’t comprehend this at all. Cunt-lapping was his job and he couldn’t understand why two human bitches should be doing it by themselves. But he looked on with interest, waiting his turn, with his big cock stiff as a board and his balls starting to fill up again. The scent of hot cunt filled the room and wafted to his sensitive nostrils, and the horny dog whimpered with frantic expectation.

But the girls didn’t need the doggy at the moment.

Julie used only her tongue to begin with, licking lightly at Karen’s wet cuntlips and flicking at her stiff clit. Cunt juice, mixed with dog-cum, flowed over her taste buds, driving her suck crazy. She spread Karen’s cunt slot open with her fingers and stabbed her tongue right up inside her fuck-hole, wriggling it around. Pussy nectar bubbled past her lips. She tongue-fucked Karen’s cunthole steadily, both of them moaning and panting. Then Julie tilted her blonde head and fitted her parted lips to Karen’s cuntlips and began to suck.

“Ahhh,” Karen moaned as Julie’s mouth nursed on her soaking, steaming pussy, sucking the hot fuck juice out.

Julie tilted her head from side to side, moving her sucking lips around on Karen’s cunt slot but never breaking off the contact. Her mouth was stuck on Karen’s cunt like a suction cup on a drain. Her tongue continued to slide in and out of the slippery gash and pussy juice streamed onto her taste buds in a steady flow, making her hungry for more-making her ravenous for the heavier flood of pussy juice when Karen creamed.

Karen closed her thighs around Julie’s blonde head and stared down, seeing that golden hair bob up and down as the woman mouthed so greedily and expertly on her cunt. Blonde hair swept across the black triangle of Karen’s cunt mound in startling contrast. Then she threw her legs wide open, staring down past the mounds of her stiff-tipped tits and the gentle slope of her belly at that busily gobbling face that was half buried in her groin. Julie looked up at Karen’s face, and Karen smiled down at her.

Julie rose up for a moment. Her face was lathered with cunt juice from cheekbone to chin, and her jaw was dripping with a mixture of pussy cream and her own slobber. She had been drooling up Karen’s fuck-hole, exchanging saliva for cunt juice.

“Don’t stop! Please don’t stop!” Karen wailed.

“Oh, I’ll finish you off, don’t worry,” Julie whispered.

But she had paused in her pussy-eating deliberately. She could tell by the increased heat and flow that Karen was almost ready to cream-and Karen’s cunt was so delicious that Julie wanted to prolong the job for a while. She yearned for Karen’s cum juice, but was in no hurry for it.

Twisting from the waist, the blonde pushed a fat round tit into Karen’s creamy crotch. Holding the tit globe in her hand, she rubbed her tit around in Karen’s cunt slot and brushed her nipple against her clit. Then she twisted the other way and rubbed her other tit into that swampy glen. She arched back and lifted her tits in both hands. Cunt juice foamed on the nipples. Julie lowered her head, her chin resting on her breastbone. She licked at her own creamy nipples, then sucked them into her lips. As she nursed on her own cream-coated tit tips, she gazed up at Karen from the tops of her eyes.

Karen stared back in fascination. Her abandoned cunt was smoldering and steaming and flooding.

Julie mouthed all the cunt juice off of her tits and let them drop, bobbling up and down. Then she smiled dreamily and buried her face in Karen’s crotch again.

Julie had already lapped all the doggy-cum off Karen’s body and out of her pussy, and now she was feasting on unadulterated cunt juice and relishing that succulent snack. Julie was no dyke. She loved cock too much for that, but she had sucked quite a few cunts in her time, and she knew a tasty cunt when she found one. She was making moist, hungry sounds as she gobbled happily away. Julie was obviously enjoying herself so much that Karen just had to know that cunt-lapping must be a treat-and Karen was looking forward eagerly to her first taste of cunt, both to return the favor and because she wanted to. Her mouth was watering and drooling for Julie’s hot pussy and she wanted to cream because it felt so good-and because then it would be her turn to do the sucking.

Julie’s nimble tongue slithered up Karen’s fuck-hole as far as it would go and her lips parted wide, sucking on the open cunt slot. Karen’s cunt muscles began to work, sucking on Julie’s tongue just as they would have on a cock. Molding her cunt walls around that stabbing tongue, she dragged and pulled with the rings of her fuck tunnel. She seemed to be trying to pull Julie’s tongue right out of her mouth and suck it even deeper up her cunt hole.

Julie’s head bobbed down and she ran her tongue up through Karen’s tight ass crack, slurping up the overflow. She began long-stroking then, lapping Karen from her ass-hole to her cunt bush with rippling strokes, her tongue flattened for the greatest contact.

Her tongue slurped up through Karen’s pussy slot and across her clit, lapping up the cunt juice, while her saliva poured freely out into Karen’s cunt hole and down her crotch.

Karen’s ass churned and her hips bucked as she fucked her cunt onto Julie’s mouth and tongue. Julie reached up to caress Karen’s tits, then slid her hands down and grasped the dark-haired beauty by the hips. She tilted Karen’s crotch up as if it were a hairy goblet from which she were draining the creamy dregs. She raised and lowered Karen’s cunt, her head bobbing up and down with it, and her mouth never losing contact with the flowing fuck slot now as she worked toward the climax. She moaned and sighed and purred as she savored the delicious cunt juice. Julie’s parted lips were clamped on Karen’s hairy cunt like a limpet to a mossy rock.

The cunt juice was pouring into Julie’s mouth in a steady stream now, hot and frothy and creamy. Her throat pulsed as she gulped it down and she gasped with the joy of it.

“Come-come-come-” Julie panted, voicing the word right up into the echo chamber of Karen’s cunthole.

Karen’s cunt was so hot and creamy and tingly that she didn’t know if she was coming yet or not. Waves of joy flooded through her loins, swirled in her belly, shot up her thighs. Then her clit went off like a detonator, setting off an explosion deep up her fuck-hole.

“Ahhh-I’m creaming!” she cried.

Julie whimpered and sucked hungrily on Karen’s coming cunt, feeling the girl tremble as her pussy melted. Julie’s mouth filled up and cunt juice dripped down her chin as it overflowed her lips. She sucked and swallowed, swallowed and sucked.

“More-more-more-” Julie pleaded, insatiable in her desire to drink that delicious cum juice.

And Karen fed her more. Karen was in the throes of a multiple orgasm, her cunt and clit going off like machine guns and her cunt juice flowing as if a dam had burst inside her loins. Racked by the intense sensation, the dark-haired girl thrashed wildly about on the edge of the couch, pumping her climax out. She peaked, then peaked again-and again.

“Oh my God!” she cried, driven wild by the thrill.

Then she was at the highest crest, lingering there, almost fainting as the thrill consumed her. She hovered at the heights as Julie greedily sucked and tongued her creaming cunt. Then the last wave ripped through her and Karen dropped back on the couch, drained.

Julie kept on sucking, making certain that she had worked off every spasm and sucked out every delicious drop. Karen lay back, moaning and panting. When she was certain that Karen had finished coming, Julie used her tongue to lap up the cunt juice that had escaped her lips and run down Karen’s thighs and seeped into the crack of her ass.

She raised her face and smiled with creamy lips.

Karen smiled back, contented and satiated.

At least, her cunt was contented and satiated. But her mouth wasn’t. As she gazed down at the blonde girl and saw the cunt juice that streaked her tongue and lips, Karen felt a desperate hunger to suck some cunt, herself. Her mouth was watering for a taste of sweet pussy.

But Karen had to wait before she sucked her first cunt.

Because now Thor moved in again…



Julie had been kneeling between Karen’s thighs as she sucked her cunt to a foam. Her blonde head had been lowered into that black-bushed crotch and her ass had been jutting up at the highest point of her arched body. As she brought Karen off, Julie had squirmed with the joy of it, her bare ass and hips swaying and her plump tits swinging under her kneeling body like ripe fruit ready to be plucked. As she drank Karen’s cunt juice, Julie’s own cunt had flowed heavily, the pussy cream streaming down her crotch, washing her thighs and soaking her blonde cunt bush.

The dog had regarded this situation with interest-because, although Julie hadn’t thought about it, as she concentrated on eating Karen’s cunt out, she had assumed the position of a doggy-fuck!

Thor had recognized the position but had hesitated because of the action at the other end, nervous and uncertain. He had fucked his mistress in that position countless times in the past, but never when she happened to be doing a cunt-lapping job at the same time. Thor was only a dumb brute and had no concept of human lust and perversion. He knew, sexually, only the thrill in his nostrils and tongue and, afterwards, the greater thrill in his cock and balls. Still, the juicy sounds of all that cunt-sucking had excited the dog, the rich aroma of two hot cunts had driven him wild and the sight of Julie’s ass and pussy made him frantic. He could sense that his mistress was enjoying her tasty snack-after all, Thor knew full well how much fun it was to lap pussy.

But now Julie had raised her head out of that steaming crotch and Thor started to advance across the room in a stealthy manner, his haunches lowered as if he were stalking a rabbit. His huge cock, in that position, rubbed along the carpet like a plow cutting a furrow. The friction caused the dog to quiver and his prick to throb while, by this time, his balls were full of another cum load.

“Nice?” Julie whispered.

“Oh, it was wonderful,” Karen sighed.

“Your cunt is so fucking delicious, honey. I’m so glad we got together-I hope you’ll let me eat you out a lot, from now on.”

“Oh, yes! You do it so good! And you really enjoy sucking me off, don’t you?”

“Well, sure,” Julie said.

“It must be fun to do it, huh?” Karen said, with a shy smile and a significant look in her jade-green eyes.

Julie grinned, getting the picture.

“Wanna try it?” she asked.

“Oh, yes! I’ve never sucked a cunt, Julie-but my mouth is drooling for your juicy cunt. God, my tongue is tingling for a taste! I wanna make you cream with my mouth!”

She had spoken softly to begin with, but her voice had risen almost to a shout at the end, as Karen was overwhelmed with enthusiasm for the prospect, with hungry expectations of the creamy feast that was waiting for her between the blonde’s sleek thighs.

“I’ll get on the couch and you can kneel here and-“

Julie’s words were interrupted as the dog stuck his snout into her crotch. She looked startled, then giggled.

Thor lapped at her cunt and slid his long, wet tongue up the crack of her heart-shaped ass.

“Don’t let him lick you off!” Karen cried. “Make him stop, Julie-let me do it!”

Julie’s hips shot out from side to side and she pushed her ass back on the brute’s snout. Julie was really smoldering now. Karen had creamed twice and the dog had shot one cum load out, but Julie hadn’t come yet and she was desperate to get her rocks off. But she was a depraved and imaginative girl, as well-and she had an idea.

“You can suck me off, Karen,” she said. “But wouldn’t you rather suck my cunt when it’s full of doggy-cum?”

Those words hit Karen, who was relatively innocent, like a thunderbolt! She gasped with shock-then gasped again, with pure desire.

“You gonna let the dog fuck you?” she whimpered.

“Yeah! I want his big red prick up my cunthole, honey! I wanna feel that dog-cock slamming up my fuck-hole and feel all his hot, thick jism squirt into me-and afterwards I’ll sit on your face and let you suck all the dog-cum out of me!”

“Yes-I want to!” Karen squealed. Her mouth was watering for cunt but she was more than willing to wait, knowing that Julie’s pussy would be even more delicious when it was full of doggy-spunk.

Thor’s head was going up and down as he hungrily lapped Julie from clit to ass-hole and she ground herself against his muzzle. She reached back and got a handful of cock, pulling at him. The dog resisted for a moment, enjoying his delicious feast. But, after all, Julie was in the doggy-fucking posture and the tugging on his cock was obvious. He braced his haunches and bounded up, mounting her ass. His forelegs were wrapped around her lithe hips, gripping her tightly. Drooling onto her back, he humped, shoving his cock out. The hot cock-knob missed the mark and skimmed up the cheek of her ass.

Julie changed her grip, sliding her hand down his prick stalk, and was just about to guide his cockhead into her steaming cunt slot when she paused, looking at Karen.

“Help him, honey-put the fucker in me!” she squealed.

Karen didn’t hesitate. She slid off the couch and knelt beside Julie’s up-thrust ass and hips. Julie moved her hand away and Karen folded her fist around the dog’s cockshaft. She felt the fat cock rod throb in her hand and made a little passionate whimper.

With her other hand, she stroked Julie’s cunt, tracing along the parted pussy lips and brushing over her stiff clit and dipping her middle finger up the blonde’s cunthole. Julie’s pussy sucked and rippled on her finger. The dog’s prick pounded in her other hand. Karen felt dizzy with lust. She had never held a dog’s cock in her hand before, and she had never fingered another girl’s cunt-and now she was experiencing both at the same time and it was driving her wild.

Drawing her hand out of Julie’s soaking crotch, she brought it to her lips and licked at her sticky fingers. She moaned as she tongued up Julie’s cunt juice and thought about how wonderful it would be to drink a whole cuntful of delicious pussy cream.

Then, completely carried away, she pushed her face in behind Julie’s ass and licked at the bloated head of the dog’s cock. The musky flavor thrilled her tongue. She began to lap all over the hot slab of prickmeat, her tongue flashing. A blob of spunk squeezed out of his pisshole and Karen gathered it up with her tongue, letting it slip around on her taste buds for a moment and then gulping it down. The hot cock slime warmed her like a fine cognac.

Karen was looking forward to sucking off the dog almost as much as she was to eating out Julie’s cunt. Her face turned. She licked at Julie’s pussy, then at the head of the dog’s prick as it throbbed just behind her girlfriend’s heaving ass.

“Put him up my fuck-hole!” Julie wailed. “Feed his fuck meat to my cunt, Karen! I need his cock!”

Karen sighed. But she knew damned well that her time would soon come and that her hungry mouth would be even more ready for it after she’d assisted at this dog-fuck.

Julie’s ass was heaving about and her lush thighs tensed, pumping her soaking crotch up and down. Karen spread Julie’s pussy wide open with her hand and, holding the dog’s cock by the base, guided the pulsating cock tip into the blonde’s cunt slot. She tilted her wrist, moving his cockhead up and down through Julie’s cuntlips and brushing the cock tip against her throbbing clit.

“More! Feed it to me!” Julie wailed, driven mad by his cock head and yearning for all of his thick prick.

Karen slipped the dog’s swollen cock-knob into Julie’s fuck slot. Once his cockhead was bedded, Thor knew what to do. His haunches heaved and he humped savagely, fucking his slimy cock into Julie’s pussy. He fucked in balls-deep, feeding her every inch of his cockmeat.

“Ahhhh!” Julie moaned.

The dog’s prick was jammed up her cunt to the hilt and he clung to her hips, holding the full penetration for a moment. Thor was thrilling to the joy of having all of his fat cock buried up that clinging fuck-hole, and Julie was whimpering with the delight of having her hot cunt stuffed to the brim with throbbing dog-cock.

Then he began to fuck her furiously. He drew his cock out until only the cock-knob was stuck up her, paused for a second, then fucked back into her cunt.

Karen gasped at the sight. The dog’s prick pulled out, soaking with cunt juice, then vanished to the roots as he plunged back up that soaking fuck-hole. As he withdrew, he dragged her pink cuntlips out, almost turning her cunthole inside out, and he rammed his cock up her again, he stuffed those cuntal folds back inside her, alongside his prick.

Julie was fucking as furiously as Thor, moving in counterpoint. As he fucked in, she slammed her ass back to meet him. And as he drew out she twisted her hips from side to side so that she was winding her cunthole around on his prick like a juicy nut on a bolt.

Yelping and whining, the dog kept fucking. His spine twisted into an S-shape as he fed the cockmeat to Julie’s cunt. His tail lashed about like a propeller behind his churning ass. His thick cock was stuffing her so full that he was pumping the pussy cream out of her cunt slot. The foaming cunt juice poured down her crotch and ran down onto the dog’s balls.

“God! He’s so deep!” Julie wailed.

The dog’s fat cockhead felt like a lump of .molten iron in the depths of her cunthole and his cockshaft was wedging in like a crowbar, tilting her ass up as he fed it all to her.

Karen slipped around behind the dog, belly down on the floor. His balls were swinging in and out like the clappers of a meaty bell, dripping with the overflow from Julie’s pussy. Karen pushed her face in and shot her tongue out, lapping hungrily at those bloated balls, thrilled by the tangy flavor of ballmeat soaked in cunt juice.

He jerked his prick out and Karen tongued his hairy cock rod, licking up more pussy nectar from the hot, throbbing dog-cock. She licked up his stalk as he fucked in again and, tilting her head up, began to lick voraciously at Julie’s taut pussy. Cunt juice poured into her mouth and ran down her cheeks in thick ribbons.

“Yeah! Lick my clit, honey!” Julie wailed when she felt Karen’s tongue added to the dog’s cock.

Karen slid her tongue up inside Julie’s fuck-hole, alongside the dog’s pounding cock. She began to suck on Julie’s throbbing clit as she stabbed her tongue in. Julie was bucking and heaving so violently now that her cunt kept sliding off Karen’s mouth, and Karen’s head ducked this way and that in pursuit.

Under the double caress of cock and tongue, Julie began to rise toward the blissful crest. She jerked about wildly. Thor was pouring the prick to her with lightning-fast strokes now, his powerful haunches driving his fuck stick in violently.

Karen tilted her face up from below again and parted her lips around the underside of the dog’s cockshaft so that he was fucking through her mouth as his cock fucked in and out of Julie’s cunthole. Hot pussy juice filled Karen’s mouth as she slurped on the dog’s prick, playing it like a slimy flute. Her pursed lips pulled and her hot tongue flashed.

Now Thor was enjoying the double thrill of cunt and mouth, and the dog began to vibrate all through his brawny body. His haunches rippled with muscle as he hauled Julie back onto his prick and fucked it in, his cock passing through Karen’s lips on the way.

The brute’s balls slapped against Karen’s cheek as they swung in, heavy with his cum load. His weight forced Julie’s ass down as he drew out, then his prick rammed in to the hilt again and he tilted her churning ass high into the air.

“Julie! He’s gonna come! The fucking dog is gonna shoot your cunt full of fuck juice!” Karen cried.

“I want it! I want it!” Julie gurgled.

His prick fucked into her, spreading the walls of her cunt out around his massive bulk as his cockhead slammed into her womb. Her cunt was sucking on his cock, the concentric muscles tightening in a series of rings that ran up his cock stalk from root to knob, as if she were jerking the dog off inside her cunthole.

“Jesus! I’m gonna cream on his cock!” Julie cried.

Her pussy had started to melt around the dog’s prick like a wax candle around a flaming wick. Thick streams of cunt juice gushed out. The dog poured it to her with an underslung fuck-stroke that drove every inch of his cockshaft across her clit. And the blonde dog-fucker gasped at the thrill of it as another wave of ecstasy rushed through her loins.

Thor whimpered as his balls blew and his hot fuck juice rushed up his prick. He rammed every inch of his prick up Julie’s cunthole and his steaming-hot jism flooded into her pussy.

“He’s coming in me!” Julie screamed, abandoned to pure animal lust as she felt that boiling tide squirt up her cunt hole.

Thor jerked out to the cock-knob and fucked back in, pouring another load of doggy-slime up Julie’s fuck-hole. His cum mixed with her cunt juice and as his prick stuffed her cunt, the combined cream came pouring out of her hairy pussy. Karen was lapping the stuff up voraciously as it streamed down Julie’s crotch. The dog kept shooting more of his cum into Julie, and Julie creamed again each time she felt another splash of dog-cum in her melting fuck-hole.

Thor’s balls seemed bottomless, his iron-hard prick relentless. He fucked in savagely, shot cum into her and then bounced back on the recoil from his violent jism jet.

But at long last, panting, the horny doggy slowed down as his balls pumped the last of his cum out. His hairy flanks heaved in and out and he slobbered heavily.

Julie kept on humping for a moment, finishing off her own coming on the dog’s slowly moving cockmeat. Usually when she fucked her doggy, Julie liked to fuck her cunt on his prick for a while after he had shot his jizz, as a sort of sexual after play. But she wasn’t going to do that today.

Karen’s hungry mouth was waiting…



Thor churned his cock around in Julie’s flooded cunt for a few moments, then jerked it out. Karen was lying on her back under them and, as his cock pulled slowly out of Julie’s cunt, it dripped cum onto Karen’s face. Her eyes were narrowed with passion and her lips were parted. Thor jerked another inch out and another drop of jism fell onto her chin.

Julie’s pussy was like a suction cup-or a Chinese finger trap-and the dog was having trouble getting his prick out of her. As he jerked back, her cunt muscles sucked and dragged, reluctant to be vacated. He pulled another inch out and her cuntlips pulled outward with it. It fascinated Karen to see the way that her sexy blonde girlfriend’s fuck-hole was clinging to that cock.

The dog’s haunches bunched with muscle. His head went up and his tail went down. With a lurch, he dragged the rest of his cock out of Julie’s sticky pussy. The naked meat of his cock popped free, stood upright for an instant and then, like some divining rod indicating the presence of water-in this case, saliva-that big prick dipped down into Karen’s face.

Karen’s tongue flashed out to meet his cockhead. She sucked it into her mouth and nursed on the cockmeat with soft, moist, slurping sounds.

“Ummmm,” she purred, adoring the taste and the texture of that soaking mouthful of dog-cock that had been basted in hot cunt.

She sucked a spicy blend of cunt cream and dog-cum from the fat slab. Her lips collared his cockshaft and pulled lovingly on it, as her tongue slid back and forth against the underside of his cockhead and laved at his pisshole.

Thor was still mounted on Julie’s ass and now he began to hump at a downward angle, fucking into Karen’s mouth. It surprised and delighted her to find that, although the dog had already come twice, his cock was still vigorous. His fucker wasn’t rock hard now and it was drooping slightly, but it could hardly be called soft. His cockhead had a rubbery texture that she found pleasing, rather like a lump of iron encased in latex. He fucked his cock into her throat, pushing her head against the floor as that fat mouthful filled her willing maw.

Karen gagged as his cock-knob jammed into her gullet.

Then, sucking through every inch as he withdrew, the horny girl purred. His prick went in and came out. Karen sucked the fuck juice off it and drenched the dog’s cock with her saliva.

The dog’s semi-hard cock pulsed in her mouth. It was fun to start a blow-job that way. Usually, when she sucked her husband off, his prick was already rock hard before she took it in her mouth. But once in a while, just for a change, she would start sucking him when his cock was soft and enjoy the feeling of having it swell and harden in her mouth. It would be fun with the doggy, too, she knew.

But his balls were empty now and she knew she would have to suck him for quite a while before she got her tasty reward. Normally Karen had no objections to giving long blow-jobs because she always enjoyed the succulent meat course before she got to drink the creamy dessert. But the situation was different at the moment-because, right above her face, there was a cuntful of doggy-jizz waiting to be sucked.

She drew her lips away from the dog’s prick as it pulled out, turning her head aside so that when he shoved his prick out again it skimmed along her cheek. Thor humped a few more times, then gave the doggy equivalent of a shrug. He’d been enjoying her mouth, but with his balls drained he wasn’t frantic for more sex. Being a dumb animal, Thor considered only the physical aspects of sex, not the psychological. He hopped down from Julie’s ass, his cock swinging from side to side. Stiff-legged, saliva dripping from his cockhead, he wandered away.

Karen lay as she was, face up and mouth down.

Julie swung around, shifting one knee across Karen so that she was kneeling over the dark-haired girl. Her ass slid up and down as she rubbed her creamy crotch against Karen’s up-thrust tits. Karen’s stiff nipples brushed against Julie’s taut clit. Dog-cum and cunt-juice poured down the slopes of Karen’s firm tit mounds.

Julie shifted lower down so that her blonde cunt mound was brushing against Karen’s black pussy bush. Karen whimpered, tilting her head back and sliding her tongue across her lips. Julie found that a most inviting sight. She moved up again, straddling Karen’s face.

Karen gazed right up into that soaking fuck-hole. Julie’s cuntlips were folded open, revealing the inner cunt flesh, streaked with cock cream, and Karen stared at it like a gourmet regarding a banquet table. The sight made her drool. She had already had a few licks at Julie’s tasty cunt while the dog was stuffing it full of his big prick, but she hadn’t really sucked it yet-nor any other cunt-and Karen was starving for her first feast of pussy.

A trickle of dog-cum ran down the inner folds of Julie’s cunt and slid onto her cuntlips, then dropped off and fell onto Karen’s lips. She ran her tongue across, lapping it up.

“Is that what you want, honey?” Julie whispered.

“Um-hm,” Karen sighed. “Sit on my face and let me suck your sweet pussy dry. God, my tongue feels like it’s on fire! My mouth is a hot as my cunt!”

Julie lowered her crotch an inch, then teasingly rose up again. Karen moaned with frustration. Her tongue shot out to meet Julie’s pussy, just falling short. Another drop of fuck juice splashed on her lips. Karen was lapping at the air, her head tilted up like a baby bird waiting to be fed.

Julie descended again and Karen met her with her tongue, lapping at her creamy cunt slot. Then her lips were clamped to that hairy bowl and Karen began to suck cunt for the first time.

She discovered that she needed no training or practice or previous experience. Cunt-sucking came to her as naturally as cock-sucking had, the first time she’d had a mouthful of prick. And it was every bit as wonderful.

Julie’s lush ass jerked and twisted as she ground her cunt onto Karen’s mouth. Her fat tits bobbled. She gazed down past those plump, bouncy tit mounds, seeing Karen’s dark head and green eyes past her blonde cunt thicket, with the rest of Karen’s face buried in her crotch. Karen’s eyelashes fluttered. Her face was contorted by passion as she gazed up at the girl she was sucking.

Cunt juice and doggy-cum filled Karen’s eager mouth as she sucked lovingly on that soaking fuck slot. She whimpered and purred and moaned, adoring this succulent snack. Her lips were clamped around Julie’s pussy and her tongue was fucking into the creamy tunnel.

“like it, honey?” Julie whispered.

“Ummmm,” Karen murmured. “But don’t come too soon, Julie. I want you to cream in my mouth-but I wanna suck you for a long time, first.”

Julie smiled, pleased by her friend’s attitude and thinking how handy it was going to be from now on, how lucky she was to have a next-door neighbor to suck cunt with. It thrilled her, too, to know that she was the first girl that Karen had even sucked. It was as if Julie had seduced a virgin. Karen added a wonderful new dimension to Julie’s love life.

And to Thor’s, as well.

Thor had curled up on the carpet, his big blunt head resting on his paws, eyeing the girls with interest. He didn’t understand this position at all. But it was interesting to him-and so was the sweet scent of those two hot cunts.

His cock lay under him in a meaty loop, twitching a little, neither hard nor soft. But his balls had already started to fill up again.

The last cum load that had sped from those hairy balls had all been sucked out of Julie now, and swallowed. But Karen’s mouth and tongue were still at work and doing an effective job. Although she’d just had a dynamic come on Thor’s prick, Julie was starting to slowly build up to another climax.

“Oh, yes,” Julie sighed as Karen’s tongue slid deeply up her fuck tunnel, slithering around inside her.

She moved slowly and languidly on Karen’s face, brushing her tingling clit across Karen’s parted lips. Karen sucked on that throbbing nugget and Julie whimpered. Karen was alternating between cunt-sucking and tongue-fucking now, not sure which technique she enjoyed the greatest.

Julie was getting equal pleasure from both. Her clit was explosive and her cunthole was seething. Karen gobbled and gulped, sucked and slurped. Julie rode her face with fluid hip movements.

Karen’s hands came up, cupping Julie’s firm-fleshed ass, drawing her closer. Her mouth was open so wide that she was clamping it over all of Julie’s pussy mound.

Julie was massaging her tits and pulling at her nipples. Her blonde head switched back and forth. She reached behind her and began to finger-fuck Karen’s cunt. Karen shifted her hips and tilted her crotch up. That fingering gave her an idea, and she moved her own hand into Julie’s steaming groin and slowly fucked her middle finger up the blonde’s cunthole.

Looking up at Julie’s face, Karen raised her eyebrows questioningly.

Julie .smiled and nodded.

Karen began to finger-fuck her, using her middle finger at first, then bunching all four fingers together. As she frigged up Julie’s fuck-hole, her tongue and lips worked on her clit. Julie’s cunt sucked on Karen’s fingers and her clit swelled in her lips. She began to move faster, getting finger-fucked and sucked at the same time inspiring her. Her flowing cunt had drenched Karen’s face and was steadily filling her mouth.

“I can’t . wait much longer,” Julie whispered.

But Karen was ready for her to cream now. Sucking her smoldering cunt was a joy and Karen knew that it would be even more thrilling when that cunt melted in her mouth, when she heard Julie moan and whimper and felt her pussy ripple and cream.

“Come,” Karen sighed. “Come for me, Julie.”

Her bunched fingers slid in and out of that slippery, clinging cunthole and her lips pulled lovingly on that pulsing clit while her tongue flashed against it. Julie began to whimper-and so did Karen. Karen thought that she was going to have an orgasm in her mouth, as if her tongue had changed places with her clit and her saliva had become cunt juice.

Knowing that Julie was about ready to come, Karen fucked her bunched fingers up her cunthole once more, then drew them out and cupped her around the ass again. Karen wanted to finish the job with her mouth, without manual assistance, to know that she had creamed Julie off with only her tongue and lips, wanting no hint of a hand-job to lessen the pleasure of the cunt-sucking.

Julie’s cunt rippled and pulsed. Karen clamped her lips to the slot again and Julie’s cuntlips plastered themselves on Karen’s mouth, sucking like a mouth, themselves.

Karen sucked frothy cunt juice out of Julie’s cunt, and Julie’s cunt sucked foaming saliva out of Karen’s mouth, in turn. Karen’s head bobbed up and down as she slobbered into Julie’s flooded cunt. She was desperate for Julie to cream now, starving for it.

Julie shuddered. The thrill raced across her belly and shot into her steaming crotch.

“I’m coming!” Julie gasped.

Karen could feel her come! She could feel the thrill ripple in Julie’s cunt and clit. Karen’s tongue began to vibrate as that thrill passed on to her-as they shared the same thrill between them, as if it were electric current coursing between them, flowing in a direct high-voltage current from Julie’s clit to Karen’s tongue.

Julie’s cunt creamed-and Karen’s mouth salivated. Frothy waves of pussy nectar poured into Karen’s drooling maw. Julie’s cum juice was even more delicious than her cunt had been before, hotter and thicker and creamier. Karen whimpered with joy as she sucked the sweet stuff out and swallowed it greedily down.

“Drink my cunt cream, honey!” Julie wailed, grinding her foaming fuck-hole onto Karen’s flashing tongue and slurping lips.

A spasm shook the sexy blonde. Her lush body vibrated. She peaked, ebbed, then peaked again. Karen’s mouth was like a sponge, soaking all that cunt juice up. Her tongue was washed by waves of pussy cream as the tide flowed back to her throat. Karen gulped it down blissfully and Julie fed her more of the succulent fuck juice.

Time had no meaning. Neither girl knew how long Julie’s orgasm lasted, nor how many times she creamed. It went on and on. Julie was in ecstasy as she drank that cunt juice and knew the bliss of having a pussy come in her mouth for the first time.

Karen was coming, too. As she swallowed Julie’s cunt juice, her own cunt cream gushed out, soaking her crotch. She gurgled with desire. Her hips and ass danced against the carpet, a damp patch spreading under her.

“Ahhhh,” Julie sighed, slumping, drained at long last.

Karen kept on sucking, drinking the last of Julie’s cum juice out of her cunthole ravenously. When Julie slid away, onto her flank, Karen turned with her, mouthing her pussy some more, making sure that she had swallowed every precious drop.

“Christ! I feel like you sucked my guts out,” Julie gasped. “Honey, that was fucking great head!”

Karen smiled, pleased at the compliment-and still sucking.

“I never knew it was so much fun sucking pussy,” she said, wanting Julie to know it was her first time-but not the last. Even as she lapped up the creamy dregs of Julie’s coming, Karen was already looking forward to sucking her off again.

They had forgotten all about the dog, for the moment.

But Thor had a hard-on again and his balls were inflated with a new load of fuck juice. He hadn’t forgotten the girls.

But then the doorbell rang…



“I better answer it, Karen,” Julie said. Karen gave Julie’s cunt a last loving slurp, then a kiss, out of gratitude for how well it had fed her. Julie squirmed away and put on her sexy black negligee. When she saw how disappointed Karen looked, she grinned, winked, and stuck her tongue out.

“Whoever it is, I’ll send them away,” she promised. “We’ve got lots more to do today.” Karen nodded with enthusiasm.

“Keep the fucking dog here, okay?” Julie asked. “He’s got a hard-on again-and I don’t want him wandering out to the hall in that condition. It might give people the wrong idea.”

Both girls giggled at that.

Julie walked from the room, her ass and hips swaying saucily in the clinging folds of the semi-transparent negligee. Thor hopped up and started to follow his mistress, but Karen caught him by the collar. Then she caught him by the cock, figuring that was a far easier way to restrain the horny brute. It worked, too. He stopped dead in his tracks and stood rigid, his cockmeat throbbing in Karen’s hand.

Karen thought she might play with his prick a little, while she waited for Julie to return.

Maybe she’d suck the dog’s cock a little, too.

She heard the front door open and she gave the dog’s cock a long, slow stroke. Then she stiffened in shock when she heard her husband’s voice from the hallway…

* * * *

John Ryder, like his wife, had been very lonely all morning, and for the same reason. He was used to a morning fuck, just as Karen was, and having not gotten his rocks off today, he’d been extremely frustrated. He’d gotten a whopping big hard-on at the office and the fucking thing refused to go away. He’d tried his best to get his mind off sex but it hadn’t worked. If he thought about baseball, the bats became phallic. If he thought about football, he thought of the Dallas Cowgirls. And he couldn’t think about his work at all. It was embarrassing to have a bulging crotch in the office, and it was agony to leave his balls unemptied.

That was why John had decided to come home for lunch today, instead of having his usual three-martini lunch in town.

Hiding his hard-on behind his briefcase as best he could, John had left the office and driven home in a hurry-and had been dismayed when he found that Karen wasn’t there.

Where the fuck can she be? he wondered.

And what the fuck do I do now?

Well, maybe she’ll be home soon, he hoped.

He made himself a sandwich and ate it. He looked at his watch every few minutes. If Karen didn’t get home soon, he guessed he’d have to call the office and make some excuse for not returning after lunch. But what if she was out for the day? Christ, she didn’t have a boyfriend, did she? He felt a sudden panic. But she’d never given him reason to suspect that she was unfaithful, and he figured there must be some innocent explanation. Hell, he couldn’t expect her to sit home alone all day.

He considered jerking off.

A hand-job would take the pressure off and allow him to return to the office with his prick softened up, he supposed. But it seemed a fucking waste to beat his meat when he had such a sexy wife who might be home at any moment. He looked at his watch again and decided to give her another ten minutes. If she wasn’t home by then, he’d just have to jack off and that was all there was to it. Maybe he could liven the hand-job up somehow-like jerking off into a pair of her dirty panties, say, or fucking the shit out of one of her sexy nightgowns.

John walked to the window and looked out to see if she was coming down the street. Then, noticing the house next door, he remembered that Karen was friends with the blonde widow who lived there, and it occurred to him that his wife might be over there. She’d mentioned that they often had coffee together in the morning and maybe she had stayed on for a chat or for lunch. Well, it wouldn’t hurt to check. But he didn’t know Julie’s last name and didn’t know her phone number, so he’d have to go over to the house.

What about this fucking hard-on? he wondered.

Then he grinned. The blonde widow was a very sexy piece, and if she noticed that he had a hard-on it might be interesting. At the very least, it wouldn’t be embarrassing, like it was in the office, with all the other guys around.

John jammed a hand in his pocket, concealing his cock-bulge somewhat and walked over to Julie’s house…

* * * *

When Julie opened the door, both of them looked startled. Julie was startled at finding Karen’s husband there, afraid that somehow he had found out what they were doing. And John was startled to see the luscious blonde wearing a transparent negligee, her stiff nipples peaking out and the outline of her cunt bush faintly visible.

“Hello, John,” she said, trying to seem calm.

“I wondered if my wife happened to be here?” he asked, unable to keep his eyes off her thrusting tits and jutting nipples.

“Ahhhh-no, she isn’t.”

“You wouldn’t happen to know where she is?”

“No,” Julie said. Then, suppressing a giggle and knowing that Karen would be able to overhear the conversation, she said: “I think she said something about going to a dog show.”

John frowned, perplexed. “A dog show?”

In the other room, Karen had to clap a hand over her mouth to keep from giggling out loud. Since she was still holding Thor’s prick in her hand, it seemed pretty funny.

“Maybe it was someone else,” Julie said.

“Oh. Well, thanks,” John said, disappointed.

He started to turn away, but hesitated, hating to stop looking at the spectacular sight of the blonde divorcee in the sexy negligee. His eyes traveled down to her crotch, drawn like iron filings to a magnet.

Julie noticed his fascination with her body-and then she noticed that there was a huge lump in his pants. She smiled impishly. Knowing that Karen was listening and feeling particularly naughty today, she decided to have some fun. After all, Karen was in no position to object, considering what she’d been doing.

“Is that why you came home?” she asked sweetly.

“Pardon me?”

“That big hard-on that you’ve got there,” she said. “Did you come home to get it emptied.”

John gulped and blushed.

In the other room, Karen’s eyes opened wide. But then she had to suppress another giggle. There she was holding a dog’s prick, and her husband was at the door with a hard-on and the whole situation was hilarious-and kind of exciting, too.

John was momentarily embarrassed. But then he saw that Julie was grinning at him, taking no offense that he was standing on her doorstep with a hard-on, and he began to wonder if maybe he could fuck her.

He shrugged diffidently and said: “Yeah, as a matter-of-fact, it is. My balls are busting. But I can’t find Karen.” He paused. “And I don’t wanna jerk myself off-and I don’t know what the hell to do about getting my rocks off.” He gave Julie a speculative look.

“Gee, how awful for you, John,” she sympathized.

“I don’t suppose that you–? ” he said haltingly.

“If Karen wasn’t my friend-my real good friend-I’d let you fuck me, John,” Julie said boldly.

The lump in his pants surged mightily.

“What a shame,” Julie sighed. “And that looks like such a lovely big hard-on, too.”

“Christ! Are you a cock-teaser or something, Julie?” he rasped, feeling lightheaded because so much blood had flowed into his cock and weak-kneed as all his vitality centered in his groin.

Listening, with the dog’s prick still in her hand, Karen wondered if she should be annoyed at her husband for trying to put the make on Julie. She probably would have, and been jealous, too-except for that dog-cock in her hand and the fact that she had already made it with Julie, herself. How could she blame her husband for wanting to do something she had done, herself?

Julie looked thoughtful-and looked down at John’s cock-bulge, as well. She nibbled at her lip and frowned slightly, prettily.

He just stood there, gaping at her tits.

“Wait a minute,” Julie said.

She turned and went down the hall. John stared at her swinging ass, the globes and the crack outlined in the black negligee as it swirled around her shapely legs, his hopes rising and his prick already risen as high as it could go.

Julie looked into the front room. Karen was sitting on the floor, fondling the dog’s cock and balls. Julie raised her eyebrows questioningly. Karen stared at her for a moment, then grinned and nodded. On a day like this, all systems were go!

Julie gave Karen a wink and went back to the front door. She let the front of her negligee fall open as she moved toward John, and his eyes almost popped out of his head.

“I can’t let you fuck me, because Karen is a friend-a very, very good friend,” she said, with an emphasis that meant nothing to John, but caused Karen to smile. “But it’s obvious that you’ve gotta get your cock and balls drained. And if I don’t help you out, you’ll probably find some other girl, right? So, really, I’d be doing Karen a favor if I take care of that hard-on for you.” She smiled bewitchingly. “Would you like a blow-job, John?”

John’s eyes slid from her tits to her lips and a broad grin crossed his face. “Oh, yeah!” he said with enthusiasm.

Her big tits were thrusting out of her open negligee and her curly blonde cunt mound was exposed and she was running her tongue across her lower lip.

John moved into the hallway and Julie closed the door behind him. John was looking around, expecting her to take him to the bedroom. But Julie turned toward him, offering her tits. He ran his hand up her flank and cupped one of her spectacular tits.

“As long as Karen never finds out,” he muttered.

Julie grinned at that, but John didn’t notice because his eyes were glued to her thrusting tits. He massaged the firm tit globes and pulled at the stiff nipples.

“Suck my tits, John,” she said-more for Karen ears than his.

John leaned down and slurped a nipple into his lips, sucking moistly on the flaring nugget of tit flesh. Julie squirmed against him. She reached down and rubbed her hand against the swollen bulge of his crotch.

“Ummmm-you’re so big,” she whispered. “Karen’s a lucky girl, John-and I’m sort of lucky, too. I’m gonna take that big prick in my mouth and suck the fucker dry!”

John groaned as he mouthed her tits. Julie fumbled with his belt, then drew his zipper down. His fly opened in a wedge and his cock thrust out, dragging his shorts with it. She fingered his cock-knob through his cotton shorts, then stroked down and cupped his bloated balls. His tongue flashed at her tit tips and he pushed his hips out, shoving his cotton-clad cock toward her belly. Julie pulled the elastic band of his shorts outward and tugged it down, tucking the band under his hairy balls so that all of his sex tackle was exposed. His cockhead was a huge mushroom-shaped slab of purple cockmeat, and his cockshaft was thick and seamed by a fat, dark vein. She rubbed his prick-knob against her belly and into her blonde cunt bush.

Slowly, she sank to her knees.

“Let me do it like this, John,” she said. “Let me kneel down in front of you and suck your cock.”

Karen whimpered when she heard those words, knowing that Julie was describing the scene for her benefit. It was making her wildly excited to know that her best friend was going to give her husband a blow-job. Later she knew she might feel jealous or angry, but at the moment it was far too thrilling to worry about that.

She stroked the dog’s cock up and down slowly, caressing his prick but not. trying to make him come yet. She had better places than her hand for the dumb brute’s next cum load. Her hand slid down to his balls, then drew up to his naked red cock-knob. Her thumb rubbed the underside of that swollen slab.

John’s cock was towering up in front of Julie’s face. She could feel the intense heat waft over her and her eyes crossed as she stared at his tasty-looking cockhead. Julie always liked sucking cock, but it was even more exciting under the present circumstances, with the guy’s wife in the other room, aware of what was happening.

“Suck-my cock,” he rasped.

Julie stuck her tongue out and lapped at his cockhead, purring and whimpering. Her tongue slid against the sensitive spot where the fat vein spread out into his cockhead.

“Ummmm, yummy,” she sighed.

She lowered her face and lapped at his balls, savoring the musky flavor of ballmeat and feeling his cum slosh around inside the hairy sac.

“Your balls are delicious,” she moaned. Her tongue flashed up his cockshaft, tracing along the pulsing vein, then slid around on his cockhead again. She licked at his gaping pisshole.

Her blonde head shifted and tilted as her tongue laved all over his hot cockmeat. John grabbed her curly blonde hair and shoved his cock against her lips. Julie kissed the cocktip, then let her lips part, feeding his prick into her mouth.

“Ummmm,” she purred, sucking on his cockhead.

Her cheeks hollowed in and her lips peeled out, collaring his cockshaft. She nursed on his tasty cock-knob for a few moments, then began to bob her head up and down. Each time she bobbed down, she took a bit more of his prick into her mouth.

John began to hump, fucking her mouth.

“Ooooh-that’s it, John,” she whispered, looking up. “Fuck me in the mouth-fuck my mouth like it was a cunt!”

Groaning, he fucked the cockmeat to her eager maw. She took his cockhead into each cheek in turn, then let him ram it right back into her throat. John was trembling violently as he fucked her face. Her pursed lips slid down to the root of his cockshaft, taking him balls-deep into her mouth, then pulling m back up and sucking through every inch. Her tongue arched into a wet bridge over which his cock rode as it plunged in and out. Saliva poured down his prick. His cockmeat was throbbing in her lips and hammering against her tongue. The moist slurping sounds that she was making were loud enough for Karen to hear.

A blob of jism oozed out of his pisshole and trickled onto Julie’s flashing tongue. She savored it, then gulped it down.

She pulled her lips up to the tip of his prick and said: “God, your cum is delicious! Give it all to me, John! Shoot your hot, thick fuck juice into my mouth!”

Karen moaned as she heard that. Her husband was going to come in another woman’s mouth, and it was driving her wild. She stroked the dog’s cock and finger-fucked her cunt. Milk the bastard off, Julie, she thought. Suck him dry and swallow his jizz!

John was fucking steadily into the blonde’s eager mouth now, pouring the prick back into her throat. More cum squeezed out from his pisshole. It ran down his cockshaft, mixed with her slobber. Then her lips pushed down and slurped it back up from his cockmeat. She swallowed all of his huge cock, deep-throating him to the hilt so that her chin brushed against his cum-filled balls and her nose nestled in his wiry cock hair.

“Unghhhh,” she gasped, as his cockhead plowed into her gullet. Then she purred as her lips drew back up to his cock-knob, sliding on a film of cum and spit.

She drew her lips from his prick-knob and pressed his cock into her cleavage. John fucked up between her tits and into her mouth again. Julie was sucking so hard now that she seemed to be trying to inhale his cock right down into her lungs. She held his balls in one hand and reached behind him to finger his ass-hole with the other.

“Oh, you sweet cock-sucker,” John moaned.

“Come, John-feed me your cum,” she whimpered, speaking down his cock as if it were a microphone, then pushing her mouth down to the root of his fat prick again, gulping and gobbling, panting and purring.

Her lips pulled on his cockmeat and her tongue slid all over his prick. He tilted her head back as he fucked in and she twisted her face from side to side as he withdrew, so that she was winding her lips around on his cock.

His bloated balls dragged against her thrusting tits as he buried his prick deep into her mouth. Julie sucked ravenously on his delicious cockmeat, moaning with pleasure. He stared down, fascinated, watching his thick cock vanish in her mouth, then slide back out dripping with slobber streaked by globs of spunk.

John began to shudder. He fucked his cock into her mouth with frantic thrusts as the thrill built up.

“Here it comes, Julie!” he gasped.

“Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!” she wailed, eager for his cock cream, sucking and tonguing as he fucked into her mouth again.

Suddenly her mouth was full of cum.

Julie felt his first spurt of jism hit her throat in a creamy deluge. She gulped the succulent fuck juice down, and John whitewashed her tonsils with a second hot jet of jism. Fucking into her mouth, he groaned as his balls blew again and his cum billowed into her cheeks. Julie’s head bobbed down to meet him as he plowed in, pushing down against the tide of his cum. Frothy fuck juice overflowed her lips and ran down her chin. He hosed her with a steaming spurt on the backstroke, so that the delicious cock cream skimmed over her flashing tongue, thrilling her.

“Ooooh-pour it to me,” she whimpered. “Drink it, baby! Swallow my slime!” he rasped.

Karen knew that her husband was emptying his cock and balls into Julie’s mouth. Her own mouth was watering at the thought. Her face was contorted by passion as she pulled back on the dog’s prick, causing his naked red cockhead to flare out.

“Don’t worry, Thor,” she whispered. “That cheating husband of mine isn’t the only one who’s gonna get a blow-job today.”

The dog whimpered, fucking through her fist.

John was whimpering, too, as he unloaded the last of his tremendous cum load into Julie’s eager maw. His cock hissed through her lips, sliding on a slippery film of cum and slobber. Her tongue was floating in jism. The slimy stuff poured down her throat as she swallowed. And as soon as she did, John shot more fuck juice into her mouth. It slid down her throat in a steaming hot rope. Julie sucked and swallowed, loving the taste and the texture, drinking his cum with enthusiasm.

He gasped as the last of his cum-load came out, trickling onto her tongue. Jamming all of his prick into her mouth, he held steady as she worked with lips and cheeks and tongue, milking him dry. When she drew her lips away, John staggered back against the wall, his legs turned to water, feeling as if he’d shot his blood and bones out of his spurting prick, as if he’d drained his life force into her hungry mouth.

Julie leaned after him and used her nimble tongue to gather up the jism that had overflowed her lips and run down his cockshaft and onto his balls. She lapped up every precious drop of the slimy cum.

“Jesus-you are some cock-sucker, Julie,” he whispered.

Julie giggled. “I love sucking guys off. I love cockmeat and I love drinking cum.”

“I hope we can get together again, huh?” he asked.

“Oh, no. I couldn’t really have an affair with my best friend’s husband,” she told him. “Today was a special occasion.”

John assumed she meant it was special because he had been so desperately horny and because his wife wasn’t around to take care of him. But Julie and Karen both knew what was special on this memorable afternoon.

And the day was young.



Feeling much better now that his balls had been milked off, John left Julie’s house and went back to his own house. But, of course, his wife was still not at home. Wondering where she was, he felt a bit suspicious-and also a bit guilty for having fucked the neighbor’s mouth. Still it was such a talented mouth, hot and wet and skillful, that it was pretty hard to feel any regrets. He hoped they could get together again, in fact.

Leaving a note for Karen, John went back to work.

And Karen was working, too-on Thor’s prick.

As soon as she had seen John out the front door, Julie had returned to the front room, where she found Karen sitting on the floor, still playing with the dog’s prick.

The girls grinned at each other. Karen noticed that Julie still had cum on her lower lip and chin and that she looked as if she had been well fed and well satisfied.

“That was naughty of me, huh?” Julie said.

“It certainly was! Imagine having the nerve to suck my husband off with me right in the next room, unable to do anything about it!” She giggled. “I could hardly show myself, naked-and with a horny fucking doggy trotting after my ass, right?”

“Did it make you randy, Karen?” asked the blonde.

“Yeah! And I’m gonna get even with you, too. If you can suck my husband off, I can fucking well suck your dog off!”

“Oooooh! You’re as bad as I am!”

Julie moved closer and knelt on the floor. Thor whimpered and his haunches rippled as he fucked his prick through Karen’s hand. A few drops of pre-cum had seeped from his pisshole and trickled, all foamy and white, down the slope of his naked red cockmeat. Gazing at that tasty doggy cock, Julie would have felt envious of such a nice mouthful, if she hadn’t already swallowed her fill out of John’s cock and balls.

Karen twisted around and lay on her side, holding Thor’s big cock out before her face. She licked her lips. She had already had the dog’s cock in her mouth and tasted his cum, but now she was really looking forward to sucking him off and letting him shoot his cum load right into her throat. She arched her slender back, thrusting her tits out, and rubbed his wet cockhead against her stiff nipples. Doggy-cum trickled onto those pink tit tips.

Julie gave a little moan and leaned in to lick the slime off her friend’s swollen and throbbing nipples. Karen squirmed against her. The dog’s prick was still pressed to her tits and Julie turned her face and lapped at his cockhead, but Karen giggled and jerked the dog’s prick away from Julie’s mouth, wanting all of it for herself.

Another glob of spunk oozed from his prick and Karen fluttered her tongue against his pisshole, lapping the stuff up. She laved all over that huge slab of naked cockmeat, whimpering as her taste buds tingled. Thor began to yelp and whine as he realized that he was in for another blow-job. He humped, shoving his cock against Karen’s lips. She kissed the tip of his cockhead, then let her lips part, feeding it into her mouth. Julie moaned softly as she watched Karen’s lips pull gently on the dog’s cockhead and her nimble tongue slide around on the underside of that slimy prick. It made her own well-fucked mouth water.

Karen nursed hungrily on the dog’s slippery cock-knob, milking out a few more creamy drops. Then she began to bob her head up and down, fucking his cockhead back into her throat and letting his hard cockshaft slide through her lips. She figured she was going to wind up with dog-hair between her teeth, but that was a small price to pay for such a delicious snack. Thor fucked into her mouth and Karen pushed her mouth down to meet him, moving in counterpoint and taking almost all of his prick in, then twisting her lips around his cock-rod as he withdrew. His cock was vibrating and throbbing, swelling larger and filling her horny mouth. She sucked, her cheeks drawing inward so that his cockhead pressed into both at once. Her sexy lips turned outward as they dragged up his cock stalk.

His balls swung in and out like the dewlap of a rutting moose, brushing against her chin as she gorged herself on his cock. She blew down his cock-rod, her cheeks bulging out, then sucked again.

Karen loved sucking the dog’s cock. Dog-cock was muskier than human prick and dog-cum was thicker and tangier. And she loved the frantic enthusiasm that the animal showed-and just adored the dark knowledge of her own depravity, thrilled at doing such a nasty thing.

She folded her fist around the hairy root of his prick and began to jack him off. Her hand moved through an inch or two, contacting her lips as she pushed her mouth down. She cupped his balls in her other hand, squeezing gently, feeling his hard balls jiggle inside the bloated bags.

Julie leaned close, panting as she watched. “Yeah! Suck the fucker, Karen!” she moaned. “Milk him off and drink his fuck juice!”

“Ummmmmm,” Karen sighed, happily sucking away.

The dog fucked his prick back into her throat, tilting her head back and making her gasp and gurgle. His prick seemed to be getting bigger than ever now, stuffing her mouth to the brim, pushing her cheeks out and lodging in her gullet. Karen was working with her whole mouth, pulling with her cheeks, dragging with her lips, slurping with her tongue. She nibbled gently on his rock-hard prick, blowing her breath down his pisshole. Her fat tits heaved as she inhaled. Her long black hair fell over the dog’s cock and balls as in an ebony curtain. Julie reached out and brushed the silken strands aside so her view was not blocked and she could watch the dog’s thick cock vanish into Karen’s mouth, then come jerking back out, the red cocklance matted with Karen’s frothy spit.

A trickle of cum bubbled onto Karen’s tongue. She drew her lips off the head of the dog’s cock so that she could take a look at it for a moment and see the milky jism coating his cockmeat. Then she slurped his prick back into her greedy mouth and swallowed his cum.

“Yummy,” she murmured.

“Oh, God! Drink it, honey!” Julie wailed.

Thor was humping wildly now, as the bestial thrill built up in his cum-filled balls. His whole shaggy body was shaking and his tail stuck out behind him, stiff as his prick. Julie was so carried away that she just had to join in somehow. She slid behind the humping dog and pushed her tongue up his ass-hole, rimming him enthusiastically.

Yelping, he fucked into Karen’s mouth with more vigor. Karen began to frig the root of his cockshaft faster. She could tell that the dog was going to blow his wad any moment now and, eager to drink his fuck juice, she jerked his cock steadily and sucked even harder.

Thor howled and poured the prick to her frantically, fucking his cockhead right down her throat. She gasped as she felt his balls burst, and his cock-rod rippled as the jism shot up it. Then the dog’s cum was spurting from his pisshole in a creamy geyser. The first hot, thick jet of jism poured right down her throat so that she didn’t even taste it, but the second shot came on the recoil and the succulent fuck juice flooded onto her tongue and into her cheeks before it slid back into her gullet.

Half crazed by cum hunger, Karen gulped the dog’s jism down frantically. He squirted cum into her cheeks and onto her tongue. Ribbons of cock cream hung from the roof of her mouth like stalactites, and it gushed down her throat in a creamy flood. He jerked back and his cockhead slipped out of her mouth for a moment, squirting cum onto her cheek. Then she slurped his prick back into her lips in time for the next streaming jet to hit her tongue.

Gurgling with unbridled passion, Karen merrily drained the dog’s massive cum load. It seemed as if the brute would never stop creaming her mouth, and that suited Karen.

His last spurt of cum flooded into her maw, followed by a few drops that simply oozed out instead of shooting. The dog whimpered and his humping movement faltered. Karen kept on sucking and swallowing, but there wasn’t a single drop of cum left in his cock and balls by this time. The doggy whined and jerked his prick out of her lips. Karen ducked her head after it, wanting to suck on his sweet cockmeat some more, even though she had already emptied him.

But Thor had lost interest. He drew away, his softening cock swinging under him and starting to shrink and retract. Thor staggered, pulling his ass-hole off of Julie’s tongue, leaving her lapping at the air. He wobbled to the corner and curled up on his flank, panting and drained.

Julie and Karen gazed at each other in dismay, both of them having the same disappointing thought. Now that their hungry mouths had been satiated, their cunts desperately needed fucking.

It wasn’t Thor’s fault. The horny doggy had performed valiantly. But he had already come on a hand-job and a fuck and now on a sucking, and even his potent balls needed time to recover.

“God, I need a good fuck,” Julie whispered.

“Me, too. My cunt is smoldering.”

“We should have realized that, sharing one doggy between us, he was gonna run out of steam too soon.”

“I guess we’ll have to suck each other off, instead,” suggested Karen, with a rueful grin. “Not that sucking your sweet cunt is any hardship-it’s just that I need a stiff prick up my fuck-hole.”

“I wonder if your husband is still home,” Julie said hesitantly. “You could get a fuck from him, Karen.”

“Maybe we both could,” Karen said.

She had never considered having a threesome with her husband before. But today was a special occasion and Julie had already sucked the man off, and Karen was damned sure that John would jump at the idea-and they were so fucking hot!

“You don’t mind?” Julie asked, excited by the prospect.

“Hell, no. Not today!”

Julie jumped to her feet, her fat tits bouncing and her firm ass swaying. Cunt juice was streaming down the insides of her thighs. “I’ll look and see if his car is still at your house,” she said, moving toward the window.

She drew the curtain aside and looked out.

“Shit! He must have gone back to work,” Julie said, bitterly disappointedd. Then suddenly she stiffened. “I don’t believe this!”

“What is it, Julie?”

Julie was grinning. “Come and see,” she said.

Puzzled, Karen got up and moved to the window. Then she, too, gasped. The two horny dog-lovers looked at each other, faces radiant with excitement. Then they both looked out the window again.

Down the street came a teenaged boy-with two gigantic Great Danes on a leash!



Harry Miller was eighteen years old and desperate with puberty. Harry was a virgin and suffering for the fact. He jacked off at least three times a day, but it didn’t seem to help much and the boy was frantic with desire for his first fuck. He was a good-looking youth, and several girls fancied him, but the trouble was that Harry had no place to take them. He’d done some heavy petting in the movies and that was the extent of it.

What he needed, he knew, was an automobile. Then he could fuck in the drive-in or in the local lovers’ lane. But he couldn’t afford a car. That was why Harry was working at several jobs and saving his money.

He worked in the ice cream parlor-where he had been known to jack off in the pop-sickles, getting a vicarious thrill out of watching the sexy young girls lick at his frozen fuck juice. And he worked at the car wash-where he often sniffed the seats of women’s cars. And he also did any odd jobs that came along-such as walking lazy people’s dogs.

Today he was walking the two huge Great Danes, thinking of sex, as always, and wondering when on earth he was going to score.

It was Harry’s lucky day…

“Young man!” Julie called, looking around the edge of the door as Harry came abreast of the house, with the massive brutes plunging and pulling on their leashes.

Harry glanced toward the house and, seeing a beautiful blonde woman calling him, said: “Me?”

He figured that most-likely the lady had a dog that needed walking or a lawn that needed cutting. But even such a mundane situation excited him because the woman really was a gorgeous-looking piece. Harry’s prick began to pulse, embarrassing him. Hauling the dogs after him, he walked up to the door. “Yeah?” he said.

“Would you come in, please?” she said. Harry looked at the Great Danes doubtfully.

“Bring the dogs in, too,” Julie said.

Harry shrugged and stepped up to the door-and almost fainted when he saw that the blonde was stark naked! He stood there, gasping. And then he almost fainted again, when he saw that there was another naked lady standing behind the blonde. Both of them were smiling.

“What’s your name, young man?” Julie asked, acting as normal and nonchalant as if this were a social meeting.

Harry’s mouth worked soundlessly. On the third effort, he managed to croak his name out. It sounded like someone else’s name to his ears. How could Harry Miller, the virgin, find himself in this situation? He wondered if he might be dreaming. The two naked ladies told him their names and as they spoke his head turned and he stared at each in turn, wondering which of them was the most gorgeous and the sexiest-and wondering why in hell they had brought him into the house. The obvious truth was too much for Harry to believe. Having longed for a chance to lose his cherry for so long and with such desperation, the boy couldn’t see it when the chance arrived.

“You’re a nice boy, Harry,” the blonde said.

Harry had already forgotten if she was Julie or Karen.

“And you have nice doggies, too,” the other lady added.

“They aren’t mine,” Harry, who was basically a truthful fellow, said. “I’m just exercising them for their owner.”

“Oh? I bet we could exercise them better,” Julie said.

The two girls grinned at each other.

The big dogs were acting very nervous and excited. They had got a whiff of hot cunt and it was driving them wild. Thor had raised his head and gazed at the newcomers for a moment, but then he had gone back to sleep. Thor was totally exhausted and, since he was only a dog, he did not have the capacity for jealousy. As long as he got his balls emptied when he needed to, Thor didn’t give a shit if other dogs fucked his girls. Nor did the Great

Danes pay any attention to the big shaggy mongrel. They were lurching about, yanking at their leashes, their black nostrils twitching as they sniffed at the fragrant aroma of pussy.

“But then Harry wouldn’t get any exercise,” Karen said.

“Oh, we could exercise Harry, too,” said Julie.

Harry stared at them, dragged off balance by the plunging Great Danes-and perhaps also by the weight of his bloated hard-on.

Julie reached out and cupped Harry’s cock and balls. The youth gasped and automatically jabbed his cock-bulge out against her hand. He had been groped by girls a few times in the movies and knew about all that, but this whole incredible situation left him stunned.

“Ooooooh-he has a lovely big prick,” Julie sighed. Her hand caressed his cock-bulge. “And his balls are full of jism.”

“Why don’t you take your cock out and show me?” Karen suggested.

Harry felt numb all over-except for his tingling prick.

The Great Danes dragged their leashes from his hand and bounded about the room. Their cocks were becoming big and hard and their balls were swelling up massively. The naked red meat of their cockhead came squeezing out from the hairy cock sheaths, throbbing urgently. But un-like Thor, the Great Danes had never fucked women, and they didn’t know what to do except to squirm and wriggle and enjoy the hot aroma.

It was obvious to Julie and Karen that the new dogs would have to be taught new tricks. But first it seemed better to take care of Harry, in case the horny teenager might object to letting his dogs get pussy before he did.

Julie unbuckled his belt and drew his zipper down. Harry never wore any underwear because he liked to be able to whip his prick out and jack off at every given opportunity, and underwear got in the way. He could haul his cock out of his fly and jack off in seconds, but if he had to take the time and trouble to lower underwear it was a nuisance. As Julie pulled his zipper down, his prick came thrusting out of his pants like a guided missile, sliding into her hand.

It was a huge prick. Both girls were impressed and excited. They were more interested in the dogs, but since they had to take care of the guy first it was lucky that his cock was so formidable.

Julie stroked the boy’s cock up and down a few times. Then she sank to her knees and dragged his pants down. Harry staggered as she pulled them off his feet. His cock swung before him like the boom of a ship, whacking against the blonde girl’s cheek. She gripped him again, stroking up and down his cock-shaft.

“What do you like, Harry? A fuck or a suck?” Julie asked.

“I never had neither,” he croaked.

The amazing truth was beginning to dawn on him by this time. He had somehow come into the hands of a pair of raging nymphomaniacs! His heart was filled with joy-and his balls were filled with hot, thick fuck juice.

“Ohhhhh-he’s a virgin!” Karen cried. The thought of seducing a young cherry boy thrilled her. She hadn’t intended to cheat on her husband-not counting dogs, and girls, of course-but by this time Karen was so worked up and turned on that she had lost all sense of right and wrong and no longer had any inhibitions remaining.

Julie was every bit as thrilled by it, her pretty face radiant. She pushed her fist down to the hilt of his cock stalk, causing his cockhead to flare out in a great meaty wedge.

Her tongue slipped out and she lapped at that hot slab of cockmeat.

“Yummy,” she purred.

Karen moved closer and knelt down beside the blonde. Julie tilted her wrist, turning Harry’s prick toward Karen’s face, unselfishly offering Karen a taste. Karen licked at his cockhead juicily. Her saliva ran down his prick, frothy and white on his cockmeat. Julie pulled his prick back and licked it again, herself. They began to turn the horny teenager back and forth between them, lapping at his cock and balls in rotation.

Julie ran her lips down his cockshaft and kissed his balls, then sucked on the bloated bags. “Jesus! He’s so full of cum that I can feel the fucking stuff slosh around,” she whispered.

Karen dipped in and took a lick at his balls. Both horny women were wondering if they should suck him off or fuck him. It was a hard decision with a virgin. The thought of drinking cherry cum was wildly exciting, and so was the thought of having a virgin cum load squirted up their cunts.

Harry was turning his own cock around now, falling into the rhythm and shoving it out at each girl in turn. As he pushed his cockmeat into Julie’s face, she parted her lips and let him fuck into her mouth. Karen crawled around behind him and placed her open hands on the cheeks of his ass. She spread the ass cheeks apart and ran her hot tongue up the ass crack, then began to rim out his tight bud of an ass-hole. Her tongue slid right up his shit chute and Harry squirmed and moaned, fucking into Julie’s mouth. Harry seemed to have made the decision for them now. He was fucking his prick into Julie’s mouth with purposeful strokes, obviously intent on getting his rocks off in that wet and willing hole.

Karen was enjoying a snack of ass-hole, but she could tell by the way his loins were jerking that he was soon going to blow his cum load and she didn’t want to miss out on that treat. She gave his shithole a last slurp, then moved back in front of him. His cock slid out of Julie’s lips and plunged into Karen’s mouth. The two horny cock-suckers knelt there, cheek to cheek, while Harry fucked his cherry cockmeat into one mouth, then the other.

Harry was no fool and, being a confirmed and regular masturbator, knew perfectly well how fast he could come. But he was enjoying his first ever blow-job so much that he didn’t want to cream too soon. And by alternating between their eager mouths he was prolonging his coming, giving his prick a moment to cool down as he made the switch.

He fucked deeply into Julie’s mouth, his cockhead wedging into her throat. Her lips dragged on his prick as he drew back, collaring him behind the slab of his cock crown. Then his cock jerked free and he twisted, shoving it into Karen’s hot mouth. Her tongue slid against the veined underside of his cock as he fed the cockmeat to her.

Their heads, blonde and ebony, bobbed up and down, cheek to cheek, as the cock-hungry girls gorged themselves on his prickmeat. His pisshole began to leak pre-cum. A trace of cock slime ran onto Karen’s tongue and she squealed with joy. Then a trickle slid over Julie’s lips.

Harry began fucking faster, still alternating between their mouths, his balls swinging in and out. He was dribbling jism onto both of their tongues with every fuck-stroke now, his pre-cum flow as heavy as an average man’s full ejaculation. He grunted and moaned, legs trembling. He placed a hand behind each of their heads, holding them in place-but needlessly, for neither of the cum-hungry girls was about to leave her position before she got a drink of jism.

“Come, Harry-come in my mouth,” Julie whispered as Harry fucked his cock into Karen’s mouth.

“Feed both of us,” Karen whimpered as his sweet cherry prick pulled from her lips and shifted across to Julie. Her throat pulsed as she swallowed the cock slime he’d spread onto her tongue.

The Great Danes were going berserk now, as the scent of cunt got hotter with every moment, and the scent of Harry’s jism blended with it as his pre-cum trickled onto those flashing tongues. The dogs moved up behind the kneeling girls and whined. They each began to lap at an ass. Harry was about to order them away, afraid they were going to interfere with his pleasure. But when the girls made no objections, he said nothing. With girls as lewd as this, nothing was going to surprise the boy now.

A long red tongue slurped up the crack of Karen’s ass and probed at her shit chute. She squirmed against the doggie’s snout. His big head dipped lower and his tongue ran up her creamy crotch and she moaned-then she gulped as Harry’s prick filled her mouth again. The Great Dane was tonguing her from her clit to her ass-hole, lathering her with his slobber, while the. other dog was slapping his tongue into Julie’s pussy with equal enthusiasm. As his tongue flipped out, pussy cream pooled in the center and dripped from the curled edges. The hot juice sprayed onto her ass.

Harry was almost there, trying to hold back, but rising steadily toward the blissful crest.

The girls sucked his cock greedily, each wondering who would receive his first creamy spurt.

Harry could hear the moist, juicy sounds that the Great Danes’ long wet tongues were making on the girls’ creamy cunts. It added to the wild excitement of the moment, the overwhelming thrill of his first blow-job-and a double blow-job, at that!

“I’m gonna shoot!” the youth wailed.

He slammed his thick cock into Karen’s mouth, tilting her head back. His jism poured down her throat. She gasped and gulped, swallowing his cock cream hungrily. Julie whimpered with momentary frustration, envying her friend that sweet swallow. But then Harry whipped his prick out and rammed it into Julie’s mouth, just in time to shoot his second creamy geyser into her tongue. Turning back and forth, he fed each cum-hungry girl a thick spurt in turn, shooting time and again, his potent virgin balls pumping the cum out with abundance.

He squirted a shot of cum out as he switched, splashing it all over Karen’s tits and then swinging his cock, still spurting, into Julie’s open mouth before that slimy rope of jism broke off.

Cum ran down both girls’ chins and streaked their lips as the horny teenager hosed them with his cherry cock cream. He fucked in balls-deep and flooded Julie’s throat, then stuck his cock into Karen’s lips and soaked her tongue with a dose. Harry was groaning, his whole young body shaking as he drained his vitality out into those sharing mouths. His last jism jet whitewashed Julie’s tonsils. Shifting across, he fed his cummy cock to Karen as the last weak trickle oozed out.

Drained to the core, Harry staggered back. Karen and Julie leaned forward, lapping at his retreating prick. Harry slowly sank down to his knees, his legs no longer able to support his body. The girls knell in front of him, side by side, swallowing his cum, while the Great Danes continued to lap away at their soaking cunts.

Harry swayed back and forth, on his knees, no then sank back onto the carpet. The boy was stunned by his powerful coming.

But Harry had the potency of youth.

Although his balls had collapsed, his massive cock stood in a rock-hard tower above his loins.

That young cock was such an inviting sight that the frustrated dogs were going to have to wait a bit longer…



Karen and Julie looked at each other, smiling, as they both swallowed the last mouthful of boy-cum. Then, by tacit agreement, they moved toward the prostrate teenager, on hands and knees. The Great Danes whimpered and slithered after them, lapping merrily away at cunt and ass-hole as those delicious crotches moved away.

“Jesus! Do you like having dogs lick your cunts?” Harry gasped, hearing the slurping of in the dogs’ tongues along with the juicy squishing of the girls’ steaming fuck-holes.

Julie giggled and winked at Karen. “We like lots of things, you sweet boy,” she said. “And now that you’ve had your first mouth-fuck, we’re gonna give you your first cunt-fuck.”

Harry’s towering prick jerked and his depleted balls began to valiantly build up another cum load. Harry knew that his balls were capable. The horny youth was perfectly able to jerk off three or four times in half an hour, and if his fist could arouse such potency, he could well imagine what those two wicked women could bring about.

Julie and Karen crawled on either side of Harry, squirming their asses about as the dogs lapped away.

“Shall we both fuck him?” Julie asked, not sure if Karen still wanted to be faithful, in her fashion, to her husband.

But Karen said: “Yeah!” with enthusiasm, wanting to share the boy’s cunt-fucker as they had his mouth-fucker. How could a girl who had sucked a dog off and eaten out a cunt and already given a blow-job to a youth turn down a cuntful of his virgin cockmeat? Her fuck-hole felt as thirsty now as her mouth had before, yearning for his jism.

Karen swung a leg across, straddling Harry’s loins, her cunt poised over his cockhead. Julie grasped his prick by the root, holding it steady, and Karen slowly descended, pushing her soaking cunthole over his cock-knob and then, inch by inch, fucking right down to his balls. She swayed on his towering cocklance like a flagpole sitter. Twisting from the hips, she ground her fuck-hole around on his buried prick. Then her thighs tensed and she slowly drew her cunt back up his throbbing cock. She felt his cockhead slip out and shifted to the side, while Julie mounted the boy’s loins in her turn, riding down his cock with a slow and blissful descent. Her tight cunt muscles pulled on his prick so hard that the boy groaned.

The dogs were still wriggling frantically around behind the kneeling girls, sniffing and licking. As Karen moved aside to let Julie have her turn on Harry’s cock, one of the horny brutes buried his snout into her crotch from behind, pushing his nose right into her fuck-hole. The other dog stood back, his head cocked to one side, looking slightly puzzled. Then, as Julie fucked down onto Harry’s towering prick, the dog moved in and began to run his long wet tongue over her cock-stuffed pussy.

Harry moaned as he felt the dog’s slippery tongue slurp over his bloated balls, and Julie whimpered as that hot tongue slid on up through her groin and into the crack of her ass. The Great Dane’s head went up and down as he tongued at the coupling, licking her cuntlips and licking at the underside of Harry’s cock stalk as Julie rose up again and that thick fucker emerged, soaking wet with delicious pussy juice.

Julie was really enjoying being doggy-lapped while she fucked up and down on Harry’s prick, but she knew that she was being selfish. Karen was waiting for her turn again. Julie pushed down, taking Harry balls deep up her steaming fuck-hole, then she sighed and pulled up and away. As she shifted off the boy’s loins, the Great Dane yelped in confusion, not sure if he should tongue her departing cunt or lick her cunt juices off Harry’s prick. As the dog hesitated, Karen mounted Harry again. The other dog followed along with her, his tongue slapping at her crotch and ass, shouldering his companion aside. But Julie’s vacated cunt waited for him, and the doggy, with the decision made for him, slipped across and whacked his tongue into her cunt.

There was doggy-slobber everywhere. Harry’s cock and balls were lathered with the stuff and Karen’s soaking cunt slid down fluidly over his well-lubricated prick as she lowered herself.

Her pussy slid down to the base of his cock and her cuntlips spread out, plastering themselves to his loins like a suction cup. Holding all of his cock in her pussy, she squirmed around on it, clamping her cunt walls around the contours of his cock. The dog slurped at them, pushing his tongue up her cunthole alongside Harry’s prick.

Karen’s sleek thighs tightened, lifting her up. Her fuck-hole dragged through every inch of his long, thick cocklance. She slid down, then bobbed back up again, fucking herself on his meaty prick.

Harry and the two girls were as frantic as the Great Dane, panting and whimpering with fuck-lust. Harry grasped Karen by the hips and began to lift and lower her, pulling her cunthole up and down on his prick as if he were using her to jerk off with.

Karen had to pull forcibly away in order to disengage and let Julie have a few more fuck-strokes. As Julie fucked her cunt onto Harry’s cock, Karen twisted around and straddled his upturned face. She lowered her flooded cunt onto his mouth and Harry began to tongue and suck her pussy. Harry had never sucked a pussy before and he moaned at this first experience, thinking her cunt was the most delicious thing he had ever tasted.

Karen, mounted on his face, in the reverse, was turned toward Julie, who was riding his prick. The two girls smiled happily and leaned toward each other, kissing and feeling tits. Julie lowered her head and sucked on Karen’s nipples, then raised up so that Karen could nurse on her tits for a moment.

Harry had a grip on Julie’s ass now, pushing her up and down on his huge fucker. His cock was throbbing violently inside her cunt, his balls were inflated like balloons again, and the horny youth was moaning right up into Karen’s steaming cunt as he sucked it. It was evident that the potent teenager was going to cream again very soon.

Julie started to pull her pussy away to allow Karen another ride on the kid’s cock, but Karen shook her head. It had occurred to her that they wouldn’t be able to share his cum on a fuck, the way they had on a blow-job. He’d been able to switch his cum-spurting cock from mouth to mouth without losing much jism in the process. But it would take a moment or two for the girls to change places on his prick and if they tried to bring him off together, most of his cum would be lost in the process, squirting in the air as they made the exchange. Karen put her hands on Julie’s shoulders and gently pushed her cunt back down onto Harry’s prick.

“Finish him off, Julie,” she whispered.

She wasn’t exactly being unselfish, however. Karen was very much aware of the Great Dane’s throbbing cocks and loaded balls, and she knew she was not going to have to do without a cock.

Julie hesitated for an instant and then, seeing that Karen was serious, began to really fuck on Harry’s cock purposefully. Her heart-shaped ass flew up and down, her hips twisted from side to side and her cunthole sucked on his thick cock-rod. Cunt juice sprayed out of her pussy, soaking her crotch and Harry’s balls-and the dog lapped it up, whining with lust.

Karen fucked Harry’s face and Julie fucked his prick, and they sucked each other’s tits, taking turns, while both of the massive Great Danes tongued away at them.

Harry humped up from the floor, meeting Julie’s pussy as it slid down, fucking into her with gusto. His huge cock was filling her fuck-hole so tightly that he was pumping the cunt juice out of her in a steady flood, much to the dogs’ delight. As Julie rose up, her soaking cuntlips pulled on his prick, turning outward. She went up until only the big purple slab of his cockhead was in her, paused, then fucked back down and took all of the thick cockmeat into her pussy.

A spasm shook Karen and she whimpered as her cunt creamed and her hot juice flowed into Harry’s mouth. Harry gulped it down greedily, wild with excitement, squirming under the girls and not sure which end he should concentrate on, his cock or his mouth.

But then Karen pulled away from his soaking face. She’d creamed, but she still felt a raging need to have a big prick rammed up her cunt and to come again on a fuck. Harry swallowed her cunt juice happily and began to concentrate on his cock and balls, with the distraction removed from his mouth now.

He started fucking up into Julie with frantic energy.

Horny Julie met him with equal vitality, slamming her fuck-hole down onto his prick as he fucked up into her. Lost to the delights of fucking, Julie was hardly aware of the fact that Karen was no longer sitting on the boy’s face-nor did she realize that, a moment later, the Great Dane that had been lapping at her cunt and ass was no longer behind her.

Naughty Karen was being greedy.

But neither Julie nor Harry noticed, at the moment, because they were rising toward a simultaneous orgasm.

His thick cock pulled out as Julie rode up. The underside was seamed by a thick, dark, pulsing vein and the cock stalk was lathered with creamy cunt juice. His cockmeat was so hot that Julie’s cunt juice was steaming from it. She slammed down again and more pussy juice sprayed out.

“I’m gonna cream,” she gasped. “Fucking hell! My cunt is melting! Come, Harry-come with me!”

His reply was a wordless gurgle.

“Fill my cunt with your hot jism!” she cried.

Harry drove his prick into the depths of her fuck-hole with a violent lunge and his balls erupted. His cum shot straight up from his rampant prick, shooting into her cunt with such force that Julie was almost blown right off his cockhead. She wailed when she felt that hot geyser of cum hit her. It felt as if she had been standing astride Old Faithful when it erupted.

Julie had been creaming to begin with, and when she felt the teenager shoot his jism into her, she creamed again, his cum playing the catalyst that melted her loins. Her creamy cum juice poured out, blending with his cock slime. As she pulled her pussy up his prick, their mingled cream poured from her cunt slot and flooded down his cockshaft, onto his exploding balls. She slid down again, fucking his cock up her cunthole as the youth spurted more cum into her pussy.

Great tides of jism washed her cunthole, geysers of the thick stuff filling her up. Julie was in rapture. She felt as if his mighty hose was pumping her belly up, as if-if cum were lighter than air-she would float right up to the ceiling.

Each time he shot another spurt of jizz into her pussy, the oversexed blonde creamed again, the spasms shaking her to the bone. Harry was grunting as he fucked up her cunthole, draining his balls, feeling the steaming jism rush up his throbbing cockshaft and rip out of his pisshole so hard that his ass was almost rammed back by the recoil.

Julie’s thighs tightened, lifting her ass and pulling her clinging pussy up to his prick-knob, then relaxed as she settled back onto his fucker and got another dose of cum poured into her pussy. She knew that she was going to be able to keep coming for as long as the boy did, that her orgasm would last until she had milked out every precious drop of Harry’s steaming fuck juice. Her cunt was molded to his prick, clinging to the contours and caressing every inch of the long cock. Her tight cunt muscles sucked and pulled as they milked him dry.

“Keep coming!” she wailed. “Give me more!”

Harry plowed up and in and more jism spurted out. He was gasping and panting. It felt like his orgasm was starting somewhere in his ass-hole and ripping all the way through his loins. He didn’t think that he had ever come so much or so long, even when he’d gotten his rocks off in their mouths. He just kept on squirting more cum out.

But at last he was finished. He kept on fucking for a few moments, making sure that his balls were drained dry. Then he slumped back onto the floor. Julie fucked up and down, working off her coming to the last sweet spasms. Then she, too, stopped moving. With her ass jammed down and all of his massive prick still buried up her fuck-hole, she smiled down at the happy youth. He looked absolutely stunned.

“Did you like that, you dear boy?” she whispered.

“Oh, Jesus-fucking sure is swell,” he croaked.

Sitting on Harry’s prick, feeling it start to soften inside her cunt, it occurred to Julie that there was no longer a Great Dane tonguing away at her crotch. Puzzled, she turned to see where the dog had gone.

And she gasped when she saw that Karen was taking both dogs on at once…



When Karen had dismounted from Harry’s face, she had crawled away with the Great Dane following, intending to get her cunt stuffed full of his big canine cock. But then she noticed the second doggy, lapping merrily away at Julie’s ass and cunt and at Harry’s balls. That dog, too, had an enormous hard-on.

She turned her head, looking from cock to cock and wondering which of the Great Danes she should fuck.

It was hard to decide, because their pricks were equal in size, their balls were equally bloated with cum and they were both as frantic as a doggy could be. Kindness to animals, if nothing else, dictated that she should relieve both of the horny brutes. And two cockheads were better than one.

Karen grinned, delighted by her own depravity.

She reached out and grasped the second doggy by the collar, trying to pull him away from Julie’s crotch, but the powerful brute refused to give up the creamy feast. Karen couldn’t bulge his head an inch. His tongue seemed glued to Julie’s crotch.

Karen switched her grip, folding her fist around the dog’s prick and giving it a slow push-pull. The doggy yelped and stiffened. His head came up as if it worked by clockwork, magically levered up by his prick. Karen gave him another stroke, and he turned toward her. She sat on the floor, between the dogs, frigging one with either hand. She was fascinated by the slimy red meat of their cockheads as those fat slabs flared out when her hands frigged back on their cockshafts.

The dogs humped, fucking through her fists. She loved to feel those rock-hard cocks throb in her hands. But there was no way that Karen was going to bring them off on a hand-job-because it would feel even better to have those cocks throbbing in her cunt and in her mouth, both at the same time, as the beasts poured the prick to her from both ends.

She pulled her fists up to their cock-knobs and rubbed her thumbs against the undersides of those hot slabs. Their piss holes gaped open and they squirmed with the sensation, lapping at her tits and face and whining with the urgency of their needs.

She stroked back down to the roots of their cock stalks, skinning the hairy cock sheaths back from the flaring crowns. Jerking the dogs closer, she rubbed their cockheads against her tits and into the hollow of her throat. Tilting her head down, she licked at both red cock-knobs at once, holding them against her lips, one on either side. The slippery prick-knobs were meaty and succulent. Karen was glad that she had two dogs so that she could savor a mouthful of dog-cock and still get her cunt fucked.

She would have liked to continue with this foreplay for a while, but she was afraid that one of the dogs might shoot unexpectedly.

Giving both flaring cocks a last slurp, Karen released them and turned onto her hands and knees. Both dogs instantly darted around behind her and began to lap at her ass and cunt, side by side. Karen moaned and wriggled as she enjoyed two long wet tongues at once.

She spread the firm cheeks of her ass apart so that the animals could lap at her ass-hole, too. Their hot doggy-breaths billowed into her groin and their slobber soaked her. Whimpering with the sensation, and also with the anticipation of what was yet to come, Karen reached back and grabbed one dog by the collar and yanked him up. He resisted for a moment, then seemed to get the idea and, with a yelp, sprang up, mounting her. His forepaws locked around her supple hips as he clung to her.

He jabbed his prick out, missing her cunt and skimming it up the slope of her ass. The position was familiar to the doggy-it was, after all, the doggy-fucking position-but he was so frantic with lust that his cock was slipping out of place. His paws dragged her back and he plunged in again, but his prick bounced off the back of her thigh.

Leaving the first Great Dane mounted but not yet fucked in, Karen dragged his companion around in front of her. She took his cock by the root and pulled him closer. She lowered her head, hiking her ass up under the weight of the other brute, and urged the dog to mount her head and shoulders the way the first dog was mounted on her ass.

The doggy was puzzled and uncertain, not realizing that a head could be mounted and fucked just like a cunt. Karen pushed her face under him and slipped the naked meat of his hot cockhead into her lips, sucking and nursing on it. The dog stiffened for a second, not knowing what was happening to him-but knowing it felt awfully good. Karen held his balls and pulled him closer and the dumb brute finally got the idea. His haunches tensed, his hind paws scrambled on the carpet and, with a lurch, he bounded up and mounted Karen’s shoulders.

She took a bit more of his prick into her mouth, sucking softly, and reached back behind her ass to grasp the other Great Dane’s throbbing cock. He whimpered and humped. Karen guided his cockhead into her soaking cunt slot and slid it up and down through the parted cuntlips and across her tingling clit. Then she slowly pulled his cock-knob into her fuck-hole. As soon as the dog felt his cock-knob buried in hot pussy, he tensed, then fucked in, his spine twisting into a curve. Hauling back on her hips, he buried his bone.

The dogs faced each other across Karen’s back, mounted at both ends of the kneeling woman. Karen was about to start fucking and sucking with them, but then she heard the moaning and whimpering coming from Harry and Julie. With her mouth full of doggy-prick, Karen turned her face to the side far enough to watch the simultaneous orgasm that was in progress.

One dog-cock was stuck up her cunt balls-deep, holding the full penetration, and the other was buried in her mouth-and that was the amazing sight that greeted Julie and Harry as, finishing their come, they looked across the room at that remarkable threesome.

“Holy shit!” Harry gasped.

He had never even imagined such a scene. It seemed so incredible that, for a moment, the boy was numb.

Julie was grinning. Un-like Harry, Julie had often imagined just such a double-ended situation and had planned to try it, herself, as soon as she had two dogs available. Now she felt a bit jealous and envious of Karen, who had beaten her to it. But she couldn’t blame Karen for wanting to get double-cocked and, anyhow, Julie’s turn would come.

After his second dynamic coming, Harry’s cock had started to diminish and soften inside Julie’s soaking fuck-hole. But now, as he stared in awe at Karen and the dogs, that process reversed itself. His cock twitched, then throbbed, starting to harden again.

Karen murmured happily when she felt his potent prick swelling up inside her pussy. She began to fuck very slowly, loving the way it felt to have a soft cock become a stiff cock right inside her smoldering cunthole. It would be very pleasant to fuck the boy again, while they both watched Karen and the dogs.

Karen switched her ass from side to side, then pumped her belly in and out, fucking herself through two or three inches of dog-cock. The dog clung to her, his body trembling. Feeling that sliding friction on his cock, he snarled and began to move, humping with his haunches and fucking his huge prick into her cunt.

Karen moved with him, pushing back to meet the powerful thrusts of his giant fuck stick and then, as he pulled back out, sucking on his cockmeat with her cunt muscles. The inner rings clamped around his prick, massaging his thick stalk and pulling on his cockhead. He dragged her cuntlips out as his prick jerked back, the long cock soaking with her cunt cream. Frothy pussy juice poured down her crotch, mixing with the doggy-slobber that had already been tongued into her pussy.

He tilted her ass up as he fucked in to the balls, and she switched her hips from side to side as he withdrew, her cunt working on his cock like a soft, pliable wringer.

Karen didn’t think that she had ever been fucked so deep or so full as that massive Great Dane’s cock delved into the very depths of her cunthole. He seemed to be trying to ram his prick right through her body. He was pushing so far up her that she almost expected his cock to jab into her throat from out of her belly. But the dog-loving girl already had a mouthful of tasty dog-prick and the other doggy, too, was fucking it to her as deeply as he could. His big throbbing prick plowed into her throat as the dog lashed it to her and Karen was slobbering and drooling on it. Her mouth was as wet as her cunt. His prick jerked out, coated with saliva, just as the other dog’s prick pulled out, soaking with pussy nectar.

She wondered if the bloated heads of those twin doggy-cocks might not be bumping together somewhere in the middle of her belly. The dog behind her slammed his cock into her cunthole, driving her forward so that she was swallowing the other dog’s cock at the same time. Then he drew back, dragging her clinging pussy with him, and her compressed lips slid up to the delicious slab of the other dog’s cockhead.

She felt as if she were a bone over which the two Great Danes were fighting. She whimpered with soft, hungry sounds as she fed on the one savory prick and her cunt squished juicily on the other. She arched her back, hiking her ass higher and lowering her head. Then she bowed up, bridging between them, her body becoming a tunnel between their loins, a canal where dog-cum would flow from both ends.

Harry and Julie were observing the scene with fascination, fucking slowly but increasing the tempo as they heated up.

And across the room, Thor raised his big, blunt head and sniffed and gave a little whimper as his prick rippled and pulsed and started to get hard once again. Thor felt no jealousy, nor did he resent those pedigreed dogs enjoying themselves-but he was getting horny again, himself, as his prick tightened and the cock sheath skinned back and the fat red wedge of his cockhead came squeezing out.

“Ummmm-ummmm-” Karen moaned as she sucked lovingly on the Great Dane’s cock.

Her lithe body coiled and uncoiled between the dogs so that she was taking both huge pricks in to the hilt at the same time, stuffing herself full of dog-cock at both ends.

She was ready to come at any time but holding back, wanting the dogs to come with her. God! If she could bring them off at the same instant! If she could feel her cunt fill up with doggy-slime and swallow a cum load all at once and cream and salivate with them! Her cunt sucked as deeply as her mouth, and her mouth was getting fucked like a cunt and the horny girl was in a positive state of ecstasy.

Her long black hair trailed over the dog’s balls as his cock fucked into her mouth while the other Great Dane’s massive prick was fucking up her juicy cunt slot, stretching the pink oval wide on his fat pussy-plunger. His cock was rustling through her dark cunt bush as he fucked her with underslung strokes. Karen shifted her ass so that every inch of the dog’s cock was rubbing over her clit as he plunged in and pulled out. She was fuck-crazy and suck-crazy at the same time.

The dogs were howling with glee as the thrill built up in their heaving loins and they poured the prick to her even faster, their haunches blurring with the fucking pace and their cocks going into her like guided missiles-heat-seeking weapons locked on the twin targets of her cunt and mouth and filled with the high explosive of their cum, the warheads armed as they prepared to spray her with a double dose of dog-cum.

Their pricks were dribbling now. Karen could feel the cum trickle into her cunthole and onto her flashing tongue. She swallowed some and it made her ravenous for more. She was drooling on the dog’s cockmeat, her whole mouth full of saliva, and his prick slid in through that lubrication as he sought to dose her with a thicker and tastier mouthful. Her cunt was sucking on the other dog’s weeping cockhead, milking little preliminary spurts of cum out and, like her mouth, yearning for the full load of his balls. She whipped her ass about wildly and her head bobbed frantically up and down. Karen was hovering just below the crest, holding herself there, holding back for all she was worth, fighting against her own orgasm as she tried to wait for the dogs to pump her full of cum.

“Holy shit,” Harry whispered. He watched those massive Great Danes fucking Karen in unison, awed and impressed and fascinated. His cock was thundering as Julie fucked up and down on it, twisting her cunthole around on the descent.

“Fuck that big sucker-suck that big fucker,” Julie whimpered, almost as eager for the dogs to cum as Karen was, thrilled by the sight and hoping the big brutes would have plenty left for her. She hoped the Great Danes were as potent as Thor.

And Thor’s cock was rock hard again now, as he got to his feet and shook his big shaggy body and slowly advanced, walking bowlegged around his bloated balls and astride his jutting prick.

Karen felt the Great Dane’s prick lurch inside her cunthole, spreading her wide as his cockmeat swelled up. The other dog rammed his cock into her mouth and the cockhead ballooned. She was still holding herself just below the peak. Now she knew the dogs were ready. They were both ready! They were going to fill her cunt and her mouth at the same time! Karen whimpered with joy and let herself go.

The thrill raced across her loins. Her clit went off like a detonator and her tongue sparked. Swallowing the dog’s prick right down her gullet, she slammed her ass back and took the other dog’s cock into the very depths of her fuck-hole.

Then the Great Danes were shooting their cum into her in twin tides. Her cunt was hosed by creamy waves of cum and a deluge of the delicious stuff poured into her mouth. Her cunt creamed as she swallowed a mouthful of dog-cum and sucked for more.

“Jesus,” Julie rasped, seeing that the Great Danes were both coming at once.

There could be no mistake about it. Cum and cunt juice, blended together, pumped out of Karen’s fuck-hole as the dog’s spurting cock pumped her full, and at the other end the creamy jism was overflowing her lips and running down her chin.

Karen wailed with pure bliss as she felt her body fill up with doggy-cum. She felt as if she were being pumped up like a water bed. Her belly was full of dog-cum and her cunthole was drenched. She thought dog-cum must be running in her bloodstream, that her heart and lungs were probably floating in a sea of the swampy stuff. And still the horny Great Dane continued to spurt more jism into her.

Her cunt peaked and peaked again, creaming on that big cum-squirting cock, and she gulped dog-jism down hungrily as her tongue went wild and her lips pulled greedily on the dog’s sweet cockmeat.

The dogs and the girl were working together like a well-oiled machine, some intricate instrument of linkage and clockwork, self-lubricating and fueled by its own juices. They reached the highest peak, lashing together violently. Then they began to slow down, still moving in unison and keeping pace with one another. The dogs were still shooting cum into her, but with less force now-still fucking, but more slowly, less frantically. They emptied their balls. Karen continued to fuck and suck, her ass heaving and her head ducking up and down, draining out the last precious drops from both of those fat dog-pricks as she worked off her own thrilling climax through the last tingling waves and creamy seepage.

The dog in front of her pulled his prick out of her mouth and hopped down from her shoulders. His companion pulled out too, struggling against the suction of her cunthole as he dragged his long cock out. He clung to her ass for a moment, then released her.

Karen sank down to the floor, her body limp now that she was no longer supported by those twin poles. Cum and cunt juice flooded from her fuck-hole and jism and slobber trickled from her lips.

The dogs licked at her ass and face.

Julie was delighted to see that, despite their coming, both huge dogs still had stiff pricks-and so did Thor.



The Great Danes began bounding around the room. They had never fucked with a woman before, but now that they knew the joy of human cunt and mouth they were looking for more. They were yelping, tongues lolling out and pricks hard as hammers.

Karen slowly rolled over onto her back, smiling with contentment and looking across at Julie, certain that her friend must have been impressed by her performance. She grinned bashfully at Julie, who smiled at her, and at Harry, who looked totally amazed. Then she noticed that Thor was standing over her, panting. Karen raised her knees and parted her thighs. Thor sniffed and, following his nostrils, dipped his big snout down into her soaking crotch and began to lap her cummy cunt. Karen stirred languidly against his nimble tongue and began to heat up again.

She was just about to roll onto her hands and knees for another doggy fuck, then she changed her mind. She figured it would be fun to make the doggy fuck her human-style for a change. The idea of fucking with a dog in the missionary position amused her-and excited her, as well. Doing it face to face, she would actually be able to watch the dog fuck her!

She hauled Thor around and spread her legs wide. Arching her back and hiking her ass up from the floor, she raised her creamy crotch up level with his jutting cock. Un-like the Great Danes, Thor was no novice at fucking women. The moment he realized that there was a juicy pussy steaming before his cock, he knew just what to do. Front or back was all the same to the big mongrel, as long as he got some pussy. He shuffled up, straddling her loins.

Karen reached down and grasped his prick, guiding the bloated cockhead into her pussy-slot.

Thor barked once, whined twice, then plunged his cock up her fuck-hole. He began pouring the prick to her with long, rippling fuck-strokes. His head ducked down and he lapped at her tits, slobbering all over the fat tit mounds.

Karen fucked in counterpoint, shoving her ass and hips down as the dog whipped the cock to her, loving the novelty of this new fucking position and adoring the way his thick cock was stuffing her. She jerked and jolted under him and Thor fucked into her cunt furiously, feeding the phallic fuel to the fiery furnace of her fuck-hole.

The Great Danes darted closer and Thor snarled, raising his lip and showing his gleaming fangs. He was in possession now. The Great Danes, for all their size, were not fighters.

But they sure were fuckers!

Backing away from Thor’s challenge, they took notice of Julie, who was still riding Harry’s towering prick. They moved toward her hesitantly. The dog that Karen had sucked off had learned his new trick well. He moved up in front of Julie, standing over Harry’s head. The boy stared up at the dog’s huge balls and jutting cock, not at all sure he wanted to share the girl with a dog, but not knowing what to do about it. Too, he was obligated to exercise the brutes.

Julie leaned down, smiling and licking her lips invitingly, and the dog bounded up, mounting her around the shoulders and fucking his stiff cock into her mouth. She sucked his prick lovingly. Harry gazed up, watching that red prick slide through her lips, just above his face. His own prick began to thunder violently. Harry, too, was getting plenty of exercise along with the doggies.

The other Great Dane suddenly sprang up, mounting Julie’s ass in the doggy-fucking position. Knowing all about fucking girls now, he slammed his cock forward. But Julie’s cunthole was already occupied, stuffed to the core on Harry’s upright prick. The dog whimpered in frustration as he found there was no room for his cock in her cunt. His prick-knob slipped around in her crotch but was unable to enter. His balls brushed over Harry’s balls and he jerked and humped in desperation.

The situation frustrated Julie, too, because she wanted both of those dog-pricks at the same time, envying Karen that double dose of delight. But it would be just too cruel to pull her fuck-hole off Harry’s cock before he shot his cum load.

There was only one solution.

Julie had to teach the doggy another new trick.

She pushed her cunt all the way down to the root of Harry’s cock stalk, tilting her ass up. Reaching behind her, she fumbled for the Great Dane’s cock, found it-and guided the prick-knob into the brown bud of her tight ass-hole.

“Put it up my shit chute, fella,” she whispered.

Holy fucking shit, thought Harry. Was there no end to the depravity of these women?

And Karen was surprised, and thrilled, when she realized that her friend wanted to get her ass-hole fucked by the dog.

But the Great Dane knew nothing of perversion and, not knowing it was sordid, finding his cockhead pressed into the taut entrance to a fuck tunnel, he began to hump violently. It wouldn’t fit, at first. His prick was too stiff to bend and as he humped, he shifted Julie’s ass about, moving her cunt around on Harry’s cock. But she squirmed and wriggled and her ass-hole rippled and parted.

The dog’s cockhead slipped into her shit tunnel. Inch by inch, the big beast began to fuck in. His cock-knob was the fattest part of his huge cock and it spread her shit chute open, blazing a trail for the long cockshaft that followed.

Julie pushed back, wiggling her ass around and willing her sphincter muscle to relax. Her ass ring slowly parted to accommodate his massive prick and, with a savage fuck-lunge, the Great Dane sank his cock into her ass-hole to the balls.

Julie wailed with the absolute bliss of it. She was stuffed full of hard, hot cock in all three holes! It was the wildest fuck she had ever experienced-and the best.

The dog held the full penetration for a moment. Her ass-hole rippled and pulled on his cockmeat. Then he began to fuck her ass, slowly at first, feeding the cock to her an inch at a time, then speeding up as he fell into the rhythm and discovered the fact, amazing to a dumb animal, that a human ass-hole could very nicely substitute for a cunt.

He rammed his iron-hard cock balls-deep up her ass-hole.

Julie fucked with him-and with Harry, at the same time. She fucked her cunt down onto

Harry’s big prick at the same time that the dog filled her ass-hole with his hot cockmeat. She could feel both cocks fucking into her, separated by the thin membrane that divided her twin fuck-holes. Then she altered the rhythm, so that one prick was fucking in as the other pulled out. The throbbing cocks passed in her guts like trains in a tunnel. Her cunt sucked on Harry’s smooth prick and her ass-hole pulled on the dog’s prick. The dog’s balls rubbed against Harry’s as they swung in. Harry humped up, lifting Julie on his loins and the dog fucked in, shoving her back down. Her ass swung from side to side and her belly pumped.

Julie still had a mouthful of dog-cock. She had been neglecting it as she choreographed the double-fucking at the other end, and the doggy had been whining desperately, fucking into her passive mouth and wondering why she didn’t suck on his cock like the other girl had. But now that her cunt and ass-hole were getting fucked full of cockmeat, she began to pay attention to that prick throbbing in her mouth. She sucked and nursed on the swollen prick-head and fed it back into her throat.

Julie was in ecstasy, so full of cock that she felt like a punchboard. She grunted as a dogcock fucked her shit chute, whimpered as a human prick plowed up her fuck-hole, moaned as she mouthed the dog-prick that was jabbing into her hungry maw. She whimpered and whined and gurgled, panting like an animal, herself, in her wild fuck-lust. Her thighs tensed as she rode Harry’s prick up to the crown, then she settled down on that fat cock as the dog shoved his cockhead deep into her ass guts and the other dog fucked her mouth.

She felt as if her ass-hole were being dragged inside out as that thick dog-cock pulled out, and she gulped as a cockhead clogged her throat. The dogs fucked in, their spines twisting as they slammed their loins out and fed the hot cockmeat to her in happy unison.

Harry blew his cum load first-but not by much. His jism spurted straight up into her fuck-hole in a creamy geyser. Julie slammed her cunt down onto his cum-spurting cock, her pussy melting on him-and the dog behind her yelped and his steaming jism flooded into her ass. Her ass-hole sucked on his creaming cock as if she were trying to digest his prickmeat.

Harry and the ass-fucking Great Dane were both shooting cum into her twin tracks together-and then the other doggy blew off in her mouth, squirting a load of delicious cum over her tongue and down her gulping throat. Hosed in all three holes, Julie creamed with joy.

Two dogs and a teenaged boy pumped their jism into her in a creamy cascade, fucking Julie full of cum and bringing her to such ecstatic heights that she almost fainted.

They slumped together in a cluster, hairy bodies and smooth flesh all tangled up together-glued together by cum and cunt juice, and panting in the aftermath of that dynamic four-way climax.

Across the room, Karen threw her smooth thighs around Thor’s heaving flanks, fucking him from below as she began to melt. Thor pounded his prick up her sucking cunt and howled as his balls exploded. His steaming jism flooded into her already-drenched cunthole and Karen cried out with joy and creamed on that spurting dog-prick.

Then they, too, collapsed. The fucking was, at long last, over for the day. But they all knew there were more days ahead.

* * * *

When Harry returned the exhausted Great Danes to the woman who owned them, and was too lazy to walk them, herself, he assured her that they had been well exercised. Later, when the woman undressed to take a shower, the dogs, having recovered, raped her. But after the initial shock, she found fucking dogs most enjoyable-and decided to exercise her own dogs in the future.

And when John Ryder got home from work, he found his wife sulking and sobbing. When he asked her what was wrong, she told him that she knew that the sexy divorcee next door had sucked him off. John was dismayed. He promised never to be unfaithful to Karen again and begged for her forgiveness. After some pleading and coaxing, Karen agreed to give him another chance, and John was so relieved that he offered to buy her a present.

What did his darling wife want? A diamond? Pearls? A new mink coat? Anything she liked! But he was a bit puzzled and surprised when, after some consideration, Karen made her choice.

Still, John had promised.

He bought her two Irish Wolfhounds.


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