Women with Animals

The Kennel


(c) 2007 by pcgs9112000

Furthering our, what some may call, degradation into this wicked lifestyle, we accepted an invitation to a private party. We had no real idea about the party with the exception of that the couple inviting us were into beastiality. This much we did know but not to what extent.

The invitation arrived on a Friday for a Saturday night party. We asked tanya to sit for us as she was not in the mood anyway to play. She happily volunteered and we left the house. It took about an hour to get to the place. Down several dirt roads and lonely highways. The final drive was up to what looked like a ranch house with a large kennel in the back and a barn off the south side of it.

When we pulled up there were two other vehicles there. One was a corvette, one a lexus and the last a excursion. The money was obviously in the house, so to speak. We walked to the door and rang the bell and out guests answered rather promptly. Tara is about 40, tall, brunette, long legs. Her age shows a little bit but she is still very attractive. Arthur is about 50, 200 pounds, a little portly but not obese. He has a full grown beard and is very nice and courteous. They greeted us with hugs and invited us inside to meet the other guests.

There were three other couples all of different ages. We didn’t ask much about their private lives as we were not too eagfer to discuss ours either. Nick and Carol are in their twenties. Both well built and in shape. She is about 5’4”, black hair with nice size breasts. Kevin and Val are in their thirties. Although not as in shape as Nick and Carol, they are attractive. Carol is a little over weight for her size, 5’6” and has medium sized breasts. The last couple is Zack and Terry. In their 40’s they both show their age. They are fit but you can definitely tell that they have some miles on them. Surprisingly, Terrys tits are all natural and pert as well. Probably because she never had any children.

Everyone was introduced to each other, first names only. Then our hosts asked us to follow them to the back of the house. Once there we were served a wonderful buffet of food and alcohol. We drank and ate for about the next hour or so and all talked about different things. Everyone was still a little hesitant about discussing anything too personal. Eventually the conversation turned to sexual talk and likes and dislikes as far as the ladies were concerned.

Our hosts then asked us to follow them to the kennel. This was luxurious building behind the house. It had runs outside that had dog doors to the inside. When we went inside there was a vet area, a wash area, several breeding pens and then the kennel stalls. Off to the right of the main door was what looked like a show ring of some sort with a dozen or so armed chairs sitting on the side of the padded ring.

We were led into the room and this was the first time I had second thoughts as to what I was getting myself and my wife into. She was already on her third glass of wine and was feeling no pain but was nervous as to the whole deal. Tara went over to the wall and turned on some music. She then then called the girls over and had a brief conversation with them. While she was talking to the girls arthur came over to us and told us that we should not worry about anything that happened as no one would be harmed in any way.

As he turned away the girls were walking toward us. They led us to the show ring and to stand in front of each of the chairs. My wife started dancing in front of me and kissing me. As she did, she unbuttoned my shirt and removed it. she then unzipped my pants and slid them down off me. As she pulled them down she took my briefs with her. On her knees in front of me she took my cock in her hand and started to slowly yank me off. She then took it into her mouth and as she proceeded to give me a blowjob I looked over to see the exact same thing being done to each one of the other guys by their wives.

Just before I was to blow my load, she stopped and sat me down in the chair. She then took straps handed to her by tara and secured my annkles to the legs of the chair. Next she secured my arms to the arms of the chair as well. Once again each of the other women did the same to their spouses. Once they had us secured to the chairs, they each stood up and slowly teased us by getting completely naked. before they were led off by tara to the middle of the show room we were each lucky enough to get a way too brief lap dance from our spouses.

The three women were led to the ring by tara and arthur who joined them on the way. Then each one was told to kneel down. A large collar was wrapped around their necks and then they were attached to chains on the floor. Next their wrists were attached to chains, their thighs and ankles. They were on their hands and knees, spread out as far as they possibly could be and not able to deter or move from those positions.

Whle tara left the room, arthur walked back over to us and announced he would show us how to make bitches behave at home. He then walked over to a table and took a leather strap. He proceeded to move from one woman to the next giving each of them 3 whacks with the strap. This is the point I knew would not go over well. Each woman was pissed and yelling at him. He screamed back at them to stop yelling and gave each woman another strapping. We could see the red welts across their ass cheeks and although we could not see their faces, knew they were whimpering.

Then he turned to us an announced that this is what we had turned them into. Whimpering spoiled bitches. He moved over behind my wife and took off his pants. He took his fat cock and shoved into her pussy and started to fuck her with it. she tried to move away from him and he slapped her on the ass. After fucking her for about 5 minutes he moved to the next wife and did the same moving onto the third and final one when he was done with the second. I looked over at the other husbands and saw that they too were trying to get loose from their bindings finding this way too over the top. But, like me, they also all had hard ons.

Tara then returned to the room and while her husband moved back to my wife to start fucking her again, tara stood in front of me, reached between her legs and took the shaft of my cock in her hand. She guided it into her bushy hole and started to ride me as she watched her husband shove his fat cock in and out of my wife. I tried to hold back but the expert milking of her puissy caused me to shoot my load into her womb. She sat still and then when her husband moved to the next wife she moved to the husband next to me and did the same to him till he filled her with his seed. This continued on again until she had fucked all three of us, taking our sperm deep in her womb and her husband had fucked our wives at least twice. He finished by shooting his load on the final wifes ass before leaving the area.

Tara moved in front of us and told us to rest up bevcause she would be back. Then she left to follow here husband. My wife hollered back to me to get her out of here and the other wives repeated the same. We told them that they were the ones who strapped us in and we had no way of getting loose unless someone unstrapped us. As the girls pleaded arthur walked back into the room and yelled at them to shut up. Remembering the strap they all obeyed.

He had what looked like a weed sprayer in his hand that held about 2 gallons of liquid. He took this and walked behind each woman and started to spray her ass, legs, butt and pussy with the liquid. As he did this he explained to us that it was a canine estrus mixture to synthesize a bithc in heat. He said that the spray would make any male canine in the area think that the women were actual bitches in season and drive them insane to mate with them. Once he had soaked them down to where they were dripping with the liquid, he once again left the room but returned a few minutes later with his wife and what appeared to be about 10 verey large dogs on leashes.

I dotn know if the liquid he sprayed the women with was what he said it was but as soon as the dogs entered the room they were eager and lunging to get to the women. A few of them even had their dog cocks extended as they barked and jumped agains their leashes. Without warning they turned the dogs loose and they lunged to the girls. Right away each girl had two or more dogs on them. Humping at them, licking them, full out just molesting them and the girls were helpless and unable to move or shift. Each of them at about the same time had their first mounting. The mounting was fast and short but to the point. No tying as the dog was pushed off by another eager mater. This continued for about a half hour. Then the large black dane moved to my wife and in one leap mounted her and slid his humongous dog cock fully into her. He locked his legs around her hips and I watched as the first tie of the night was achieved. This last for awhile and I could tell he was filling her with his dog cum as she hollered out from her own orgasm.

The sight of this caused stirrings in my own groin and tara was quick to notice. She came over and once again grabbed hold of my cock and slid her bussy pussy down onto it. she rode me as I watched my wife fucked by this alrge dog. I looked to my side and saw a lab tie with one of the other women and the mastiff tie with the last. I lasted all the way up until the great dane plopped out of my wifes pussy. It was the sight of the gushing cum from her pussy that drove me over the edge and made me shot yet another load of sperm into tara’s womb.

Tara moved off me and to the next husband as he watched his wife get fucked by a canine for her first time. A large cross breed mounted my wife as the dane walked away and easily tied with her. As soon as he was done another quickly moved in and she had her third and final tie for the night. I had no idea how much time had expired but knew that tara was getting her 6th load of sperm deposited into her pussy. Most of the dogs had finished and moved away or back to their cages. Tara move back over in front of us and told us how we had made her and arthurs night. She went on to say that they were visiting and had rented the place and the dogs. She also said that arthur was sterile and unable to reproduce and they wanted a child. Each of us looked at the other. She smiled and assured us we would never know whose it was and they would never contact us again.

Arthur returned into the room. He gave each of the wives a pat on the head and thanked them for the show. He then left the room with his wife. A few minutes later a man walked in and unstrapped us. He told us to let the women go and to leave. With that he left the room. After we had untied the women, we all looked at each other and left. Each couple going our own way and wondering what had just happened.

My wife and I did not talk about it at all on the drive home. Her pussy was so full of dog cum she was leaking all the way home. When we got there she took a shower and then I did the same. We went to bed and fell asleep cuddled together. We have not mentioned that particular evening again.

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