Women with Animals
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A Private Party


(c) 2007 by zavcor_36

Six months after Rachel, Emma and I spent the night in stable with some of my studs, my sister Becky came to visit me. Becky is a year older than I am at 34. She is about the same height as me at about 5,9. She used to have the same shoulder length blonde hair but since she moved into the city she keeps changing her look. On this occasion she had long brown hair. I always did have the bigger tits with 36C tits, but she still has quite a nice rack of 34B. I hadn’t seen Becky for about 3 years so when she came over we were very excited to see each other. She was going to spend 3 weeks with me to get away from her very stressful job in the city.

On the Friday before she was due to arrive I spent the entire night fucking as many of my horses as I could and swallowing as much horse cum as I could as I wouldn’t have the chance for the time that Becky would be there. We had always been close when we were kids and I didn’t want to alienate her by her catching me with the horses, as she’d probably think it was sick.

Around mid-day the next day Becky arrived with her two dogs, Bobby and Jasper, both black Labradors. I helped her to carry her things into her room and left her to settle in. For the rest of the week we just talked, shopped, and basically got to know each other again while having a hell of a lot of fun. Within a very short time it was as if we had only seen each other a few days before. She also helped out in the stables, teaching the children to ride and taking care of the horses.

Before Becky arrived I vowed that I wouldn’t venture out into the barn at any point, but after having huge cock whenever I wanted, by the end of the first week I was going up the walls with desire for sexual release and with Becky always near by I could never really relieve myself. Luckily on the Saturday morning I got my chance. It was quite early in the morning and Becky decided to take the dogs for a walk. However Bobby being as lazy as he is just lay in his basket as Becky got ready to go out, so she left him behind.

Almost as soon as she left I dashed to my room, stripped off my clothes and lay naked on my bed. My pussy craved attention as it tingled with desire. I slowly ran my hands over my body. Gently squeezing my tits until my nipples stood up proud. I gently teased my sensitive nubs with my fingers, sending vibrations through my body. I teased myself for as long as I could before my hand began to drift down my stomach until my fingers touched my dripping pussy lips. I let out a soft moan as my fingers began to explore my wet slit. I slowly inserted a finger into my cunt, followed by another. I began to move my fingers in and out of my slit, making a soft squelching sound every time I did. As I began to move them faster and faster, causing more of my juices to run down onto my bed, my thumb slowly circled my clit. With one hand finger fucking my cunt and rubbing my clit and the other teasing my tits, it wasn’t long before I was moaning loudly, with my eyes closed letting the pleasure envelop me.

Suddenly I felt something on the bed, followed by a hot breath between my legs. I opened my eyes and looked down to see Bobby standing on the bed with his nose between my thighs sniffing my dripping snatch. I realised that I had left the door ajar and that he must have been drawn to the smell of my pussy. I was about to push him away when he stuck out his tongue and gave my cunt a lick, making me groan deeply. Why not, I thought, I mean I’m so close and so horny. Let him have his fill. So I removed my fingers from my pussy and brought them to my mouth, where I sucked my own juices off. Six months ago I would never have done such a thing but since I tasted my best friends’ pussies I can’t get enough of it. As Booby gave my another lick with his rough, wet tongue I let out a deep sigh and lay back again, playing with my tits, waiting for my orgasm to cum.

The feeling of his tongue against my cunt was amazing. It was so rough but it was so stimulating against my swollen lips and clit. With the feeling of his tongue and his fast lapping, it was not long before I was fast approaching my first orgasm. I felt it build up between my legs. The heat increasing until I came, like a bursting damn. I arched my back and let out a howl of pleasure as my juices flowed freely from my cunt. As Bobby continued to lick my juice covered snatch as I collapsed back onto the bed. As Bobby continued to lap at my sensitive pussy as if it were the last in the world, I could feel my second orgasm fast approaching. After a few more minutes I was in the throws of my second orgasm.

Once my second cum subsided I had to push Bobby from between my legs to save me from being completely exhausted. As I lay back to regain my breath I slowly stroked Bobby’s soft fur. As he moved to my side so I could touch him better I noticed his hard, red member protruding from beneath him. I slowly moved my hand down his side and underneath him until it reached his prick. I grasped his swollen flesh and gently squeezed it. I felt it grow bigger and I felt his pre-cum on my hand as it dribbled out of his slit. I slowly began to move my hand up and down his shaft slowly jerking him off. As I continued to jerk his doggy cock I got on all fours and lowered my head under his belly. I grasped the base of his and guided the head into my mouth. I sucked on it as I ran my tongue over his slit tasting his pre-cum. I then moved further down his cock taking more and more into my mouth before slowly removing it. All the while I ran my tongue of his throbbing flesh and it wasn’t long before he was getting very worked up and trying fuck my mouth.

I removed his dick from my mouth and turned around so my ass was facing him. I spread my legs wide so my pussy exposed. I wiggled my ass a bit to get his attention. Hell he had gotten my off several times the least I could do was relieve him too. I gave my ass another wiggle and was rewarded with Bobby moving behind my. “That’s it Bobby come and fuck my pussy. Fuck it good.” I cooed. I felt his paws and silky soft fur on my back as he tried to mount me. He began to thrust his cock at me trying to entire my cunt but was having a little difficulty. So I reached under me and held his cock and guided it into my dripping cunt. I let out a deep moan as I felt his head pass through my lips spreading them wide.

Almost immediately Booby began to furiously pound me with his big prick. He would slam his meat fully in to me, withdraw and slam in again. He was fucking me harder and faster than I had ever experienced and it was driving right to my third orgasm and then straight it my fourth. It was amazing. My tits were swaying violently under my as he attacked my cunt. My entire body tingled with pleasure. My knees were like jelly and I was moaning, groaning and occasionally screaming in pleasure. I prayed that he was almost ready to cum. Even though I didn’t want it to stop, if I it didn’t soon I would pass out and with Becky coming back I didn’t want that to happen. I felt Bobby begin to pick up the pace so that he was frantically fucking me, so I knew he must be close. Suddenly he forcibly thrust his hips forward burying not only his cock but also his nut into my abused cunt. I let out a scream as I felt him stretch me even more. “YES YESSS YESSSS. FILL ME WITH YOUR DOGGY CUM. OH FUCK YEAH.” I howled. Suddenly I heard a loud gasp. I turned my head and saw Becky standing in the doorway completely white with shock with her mouth wide open. However it was too late to stop because as I turned my head Bobby’s cock spasmed inside me and began to shoot his large load of doggy cum into my cunt and womb. As Bobby came filling me with his animal seed my cunt contracted once more as I was overwhelmed by my fifth orgasm. Making my moan and writhe in pleasure.

As my climax began to subside and I regained control of my thoughts I looked back at the door to see that Becky had gone. I felt Bobby begin to shrink inside of me but remained knotted with me. This meant I couldn’t move so I had to wait a while before I could go after Becky. At least that gave her time to calm down and me time to think about what I was going to say to her. About half an hour later after Bobby had withdrawn from my aching pussy and gone back to lie in his basket and after I had cleaned myself up a bit, I went to look for Becky. I looked all over the house but couldn’t find her anywhere, so I got myself some food, a glass of wine and sat in front of the T.V. to wait for her to return.

At 9:00 I heard the front door open and close and I stood up and called Becky into the lounge. She slowly and nervously entered the room and sat down next to me.
“Look Becky before you say anything I want to explain what happened earlier. You see when you went out I, well I took the opportunity to get some release which I haven’t really gotten recently. Anyway I must have left the door open and the next thing I know, just as I was about to cum Bobby came in and began sniffing around and well, one thing led to another and well that’s when you came in. Becky? Please say something.” There was a very uncomfortable silence for a few moments before Becky finally said, “When I saw you with Bobby I was more than shocked to say the least and I had to get some time to myself to think and I want to say something to you.”
“Ok.” I said nervously.
“You are so confident, I’ve always admired that about you. When we were younger you were always the one that did the extravagant things. Now I have to confess something. I’ve wanted to do what you did for a very long time but never felt confident enough to do so but now I feel I can actually do it, all thanks to you.”
“Oh, wow. Well umm would you like to try it?” I asked nervously.
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah. If you want to do it then I think you should so it. I mean I can’t think any less of you can I?” I said and placed my hand on her knee and looked into her eyes.

As I looked into her sparkling green eyes I suddenly realised how beautiful she was. I’d never noticed it really before how beautiful she was. Her lovely green eyes, her milky white skin and her silky, long, brown hair. I suddenly leaned in and gave her a kiss on her lips before pulling back quickly. “Oh, I’m sorry Becky I don’t know what came over me.” Becky placed a hand on the back of my head and said,
“Oh shut up.” She pulled me to her and kissed me passionately. Her tongue began to probe my lips trying to enter my mouth. I slowly parted my lips and her tongue snaked its way into my mouth were it probed and danced with my own. After a few moments locked in the passionate embrace we parted slightly and looked deep into each other’s eyes. “And that’s another thing I’ve wanted to do.” She whispered.

I stood up and took her by the hand and led her to my bedroom. We stood opposite each other at the end of the bed and we kissed again. I ran my hands through Becky’s hair and down her back. Her own hands did the same to me. As our hands explored each other’s bodies our tongues were locked in passionate battle. I ran my hands down her back and felt her firm ass through her tight jeans. I began to slow massage her ass, firmly kneading her cheeks. Becky was the first to break the kiss and pull back. She grasped the bottom of my top and pulled it up over my head and threw it onto the floor. She bent her head and began to softly kiss the tops of my breasts. She then reached behind my back and undid my bra, releasing my tits. Becky went back to kissing my tits, covering them in gentle kisses, teasing me.

I was getting very turned on and my nipples were becoming very hard. Becky saw this and started to turn her attention towards them. She lightly blew across them before lightly flicking the tip with the end of her tongue. My breathing became heavier as she continued to tease my nipples. When she thought that she had teased me enough she lowered her mouth completely onto my right nipple and began to gently suck it. As my nub of flesh entered her warm, wet mouth I let out a soft moan and another when she began to suck it. She slowly began to suck harder and harder until I thought she would suck it right off me. Then she suddenly stopped and moved to my other nipple and repeated what she had just done. Soon I was moaning loudly as she kept on sucking on my tits and in the end I had to push her off saying, “Now it’s your turn. You’re still fully clothed and we’ve got to change that.”

I reached for her thick red top and pulled it over her head letting her braless tits bounce free. “Ooh, someone’s been a naughty girl and hasn’t worn her bra.” I giggled.
“Yeah I know but I love the feeling of my top on my nipples. It’s so nice and turns me on even more knowing that no one can tell.” She giggled. I pulled her close to me, so our tits squashed together and kissed her once more. Becky began to slow move making her large nipples circle my own. We then moved apart and I began to squeeze her tits with my hands. Becky went to do the same but I pulled back and broke the kiss long enough to say, “Uh-ugh. You’ve had your fun teasing me now it’s my turn. Just relax and enjoy.” I continued to manipulate her fleshy melons, pressing them together while I rubbed my thumbs over her nipples. I lowered my head to her nipples that were pressed together and took them into my mouth and began to gently suck on them. I traced my tongue over her nubs of swollen flesh and over her aureoles.

I kissed my way down her well toned stomach until I reached the top of her jeans. I undid the button and to slowly pull down the zip. As I pulled it down I kissed every piece of her skin as it was exposed until I reached the top of her white panties. I slid Becky’s jeans down and she stepped out of them. Leaning forward I planted a firm kiss on her almost hairless mound through the material. An obvious wet spot had appeared on her panties and I started to lick it, licking her mound through her panties. I pulled down her panties and then pushed her on to the bed with her legs over the edge. I slowly kissed and licked my way up her thigh until I was centimetres away from my sister’s beautiful pussy. She was cleanly shaven apart from a cute little patch of short hair just above her mound. Her lips were swollen and combined with the aromatic smell of her juices drew me in further and further until I finally stuck out my tongue and gave Becky’s cunt a good lick. She let out moan as my tongue touched her sensitive skin. As I continued eat her out Becky began to moan more and more and started to rotate her hips, grinding her wet cunt against my face. “I want to taste you. Please let me lick your pussy.” She gasped.

So I stopped eating her pussy and hurriedly peeled of my jeans, thong and socks, before climbing onto the bed and kneeling next to Becky, who had moved up the bed. I leaned down and kissed her letting her taste her own juices on my lips. When I broke the kiss she grinned and said, “Mmmm. I never knew I tasted that good. Now I want to taste you.” I moved round so we were in a 69 and lowered my head back to her juicy snatch. I felt her hands on my ass pulling me down onto her mouth, followed by a quick tentative lick of her tongue, followed by another and another. She was eating me out like a pro, so eager to please; furiously lapping up my juices that ran out of my cunt. As she ate me out and making me wetter and wetter I was finding it harder to focus on her but I was determined to make her cum first so I intensified my efforts. No sooner had I moved up a gear on Becky she did the same to me, like it was a race to make the other cum first.

We were both moaning loudly into the other’s pussy but neither of us wanted to stop. In the end I inserted my first and middle fingers of my right hand into Becky’s dripping cunt and began to gently put pressure on her G-spot while I used my thumb to massage her throbbing clit and my tongue to massage her entire cunt. This was too much for Becky and she was forced to stop licking my cunt as she moaned and writhed underneath me. “Ooh fuck yeah. That’s it sis fuck my pussy, fuck me with your fingers. Lick my pussy dry.” She moaned, “OH SHIT! OH HELL YEAH I’M FUCKING CUMMING. I’M CUMMMMMMMINNNNNNGGGGGG!” she screamed as her pussy clamped down on my fingers and poured her delicious girl cum onto my hand and into my awaiting mouth.

Becky lay beneath me writhing slowly as her body filled with pleasure and she let it consume her mind. I just continued to softly lick up her juices and slowly finger fucked her until she came down form her high. When she did calm down enough she said in between gasps for air, “Oh thanks sis, I really needed that. No one’s made me cum for a long time. All I’ve had is my fingers and vibrator. Now it’s time to repay you.” With that she dove right back into my wet cunt. As she ate me I continued to toy with her cunt but not enough to distract her too much. I suddenly let out a loud gasp and yelp as Becky forced three fingers into my cunt and began to fuck me with them hard. As she did this she took my clit into her mouth and began to toy with it, flicking and circling it with her tongue while gently sucking on it. I soon lost interest the pussy in front of me as what she was doing to me started to take effect. I could feel my orgasm building up until I was so close to cumming that the tinniest thing by Becky would have set it off. As if reading my mind Becky added another finger to my pussy, stretching it further (although my pussy had been stretched a lot, something Becky didn’t know. Yet.), and sending me over the edge. I screamed out in pleasure and squirted my juices all over my sister while I ground my cunt against her face.

I moved round so I was lying next to Becky. She had a big grin on her cum covered face. “That was great.” She said, “You taste so nice. I’d never thought I’d eat another woman’s pussy yet alone my sister’s.” I leaned in and kissed her to taste myself on her lips.
“So do you want to move on to the reason that started this?” I asked.
“You bet.”
“So which do you want? Bobby or Jasper?”
“Umm. Bobby’s always been very affectionate to me and from what I saw earlier I think he’d be a good choice.” So I got up off the bed and went to fetch Booby. When I returned, leading Bobby by his collar, Becky was already on all fours across the bed eagerly waiting Bobby’s doggy dick with a grin spread across her face. I led Bobby up onto the bed behind Becky. “Ready?” I asked.

“Yeah, I need that cock, give it to me.” So that was what I did. Bobby mounted Becky and guided the tip of his swollen red cock to the entrance of Becky’s cunt and he did the rest. As soon as his cock touched her pussy he began to furiously thrust into her.

Within seconds Becky was moaning passionately as Bobby ploughed into her cunt. “Oh shit. It feels so good. I haven’t had a cock in ages. Ooohhh fuck he’s fucking me so hard. Yes! Oh fuck. Make me your bitch, a dirty dog-fucking bitch. Aaaah I feel like such a slut.” she screamed. As I watched Becky fucking her dog I reached down and began to finger myself. I then felt soft fur against my leg and then a cold wet nose. I looked down and saw Jasper trying nose his way between my legs. A small smile spread across my face. Why should Becky get to have all the fun? I thought. So I got onto all fours next to my sister and beckoned jasper towards me. He jumped up on to the bed and gave my wet pussy a quick sniff and a lick before mounting me and forcing the entire of his prick into in one sudden movement. I was taken by surprise by being suddenly filled by his doggy cock and I let out a loud gasp as he bottomed out but that soon changed to moans as Jasper began to fuck me as hard as Bobby was fucking Becky.

As Jasper began to fuck hard, slamming his dick to the hilt I heard Becky cry out. I looked over and saw Bobby screwing Becky hard, making her tits sway frantically while her face was contorted in sheer pleasure as Bobby made her cum and cum. As I looked over at my sister being violently shagged by her dog, I felt my own cum building up as Jasper kept ramming me with his cock and my tits swayed. I reached between my legs and rubbed my clit sending me over the edge. We must have been a sight. Two grown women being ferociously fucked to orgasm by their dogs, as their tits swayed uncontrollably and they thrust back to meet each thrust of their dogs.

Bobby and Jasper fucked Becky and I senseless, riding us from cum to cum. So much so that we lost all sense of time. We were delirious from pleasure but I was brought back to conscious thought when I heard Becky scream out in pain and pleasure as Bobby knotted with her, shooting his doggy cum into her abused cunt, sending Becky into another cum. Suddenly I felt Jasper knot with me and shoot his load deep inside me mixing with my own cum. I screamed out, “Oh shit I’m such a dirty, dirty, dog whore!” as I climaxed once more. When we both began to calm down from our stream our orgasms all we wanted to do was lie down in each others arms and sleep but with the dogs knotted with us that would take a while. Eventually they withdrew leaving us free to collapse and fall into a deep sleep holding each other close, with the affection of both sisters and lovers.

When I awoke the next day I was still lying close to Becky who was sound asleep. I got up of the bed making sure not to wake her. The sheets were covered in dried cum from our cunts, a combination of the dogs’ and ours. I took a quick shower to clean myself up before throwing on my robe and going to make a few phone calls to cancel the riding lessons for the rest of the weekend as I planned to be very busy doing other things. After making the calls I went into the kitchen and began to make some breakfast. A little while later Becky walked in with a sheet wrapped around her. “Hmm smells nice. I think I’ll take a shower first though. I was wondering if you wanted one too but it looks like you already have.” She said slightly disappointed.
“Well, I won’t let that stop me.” I said with a grin. I turned off the food and followed her into the bathroom.

When I entered she had already dropped the sheet and had turned on the water. She stepped towards me and pulled of my robe. Our breasts pressed together as she leaned to kiss me before taking me by the hand and leading me into the shower. We kissed again and let the water cascade down us. She looked so hot as the water ran down her body. Over her head and down her breasts to her stomach, she was gorgeous. It was amazing that I had never noticed it when we were growing up. I picked up the soap and began to soap her up paying great attention to her tits before moving down to her mound. I rubbed in the soapy suds while my fingers toyed with her labia. Becky was softly moaning while I continued to thoroughly wash her cunt. We then swapped and Becky washed my body, again paying close attention to my erect nipples and aching cunt. We then got out of the shower, neither of us having cum and both feeling hot and bothered, dried each other off before putting on robes and went and had breakfast.

Halfway though the food I plucked up the courage to tell Becky about my affair with my horses. “Becky I need to tell you something.” I said a bit nervously.
“Look Jenny if it’s about last night, there’s no need to feel uncomfortable. We fucked the dogs, we fucked each other and it was absolutely fantastic.”
“I know. It’s not that, it’s just I have to tell you something.” And I went on to tell her about the night I started to fuck my best friends ad my horses and how I had continued until her arrival. By the time I’d finished Becky had a hand inside her robe slowly playing with herself while she grinned at me. “So you’ve been fucking animals for the past six months. Well I think I have some catching up to do, don’t you?” When she said this a smile spread across my face. I reached across the table and grabbed her hand, pulled her to her feet and led her out of the house and to the barn. We quickly arranged hay bales in the centre and placed a blanket, which I had stored there for such purposes, across it. I then left Becky and went to fetch one of my horses and the lube from my room. I had recently bought a new 2 year old chestnut stallion called Blaze and had not yet had the chance to try him out so I decided that he would be a perfect choice.

I led Blaze into the barn and saw Becky lying on the blanket-covered bales, robe in pile on the floor, frantically frigging herself. I led Blaze to the centre of the barn and stopped him in front of Becky who didn’t stop what she was doing. I got on my knees beside Blaze and saw that the smell of Becky’s cunt juices was having the desired effect as his cock began to appear out of it’s sheath. I reached under him and began to fondle and lick his cock until it was nice and hard. I then generously lubed him up, as it was Becky’s first time. When I was done I got up and took him by the reins. “How do you want it, missionary or doggy?” I asked Becky. When she chose missionary I told her to lie on her back and spread her legs as wide as she could. When she was ready I moved Blaze forward until he put his front hooves onto the hay. I guided him into position and when Becky said she was ready I guided the tip of his throbbing prick to her cunt entrance and then Blaze took over. He began to push more of his cock into Becky. He had barely gotten an inch into her when she started to scream, “OH FUCK HE’S SO BIG. I FEEL SO FULL ALREADY.” And as he pushed in more and more she screamed, “NO WONDER YOU LOVE THIS, I’M CUMMING ALREADDDDDDDYYY!” I watched as my sister’s body bucked and convulsed underneath the large body of Blaze as he rammed in his cock into her tight pussy.

As Blaze mercilessly pounded Becky’s cunt I sat down on a bale to the side, undid my robe, reached between my legs and began to frantically finger fuck myself as I watched my sister go from one orgasm to another. I watched as Blaze fucked her senseless for a long time, the erotic scene in front of me bringing me closer to climax with each passing moment. Suddenly my pussy convulsed and clamped down on my fingers and squirted out my juices onto my hand and robe. Almost at the same time Blaze began to pick up the speed of his fucking until he forcibly thrust forward burying his prick to the hilt in Becky’s raw cunt, and most probably hit her cervix making her scream in pain and pleasure while he filled her womb with his cum, until she was almost over flowing.

As I calmed down from my cum I walked over to Blaze who had pulled out of Becky, who lay motionless, and led him to the corner where I tied him up and left him to eat. I went back to Becky and lay down beside her. I reached down to her tender cunt and scooped up some of the cum leaking from it. I brought it to my mouth and licked my fingers clean before gathering some more and offering it to Becky. She was half-unconscious but managed to open her eyes a fraction before accepting my fingers into her mouth. She then managed to whisper, “Well I guess this means we have two dirty animal whores in the family. I can’t wait to do it again and I’ll have to visit a lot more.” With that she fell back and fell asleep. I pulled her close so our bodies pressed together and wrapped the blanket around us before joining her in sleep. We’d need our energy. We’d still got two weeks to go until she had to leave.


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