Men with Animals

Saturday Sow


(c) 2005 by HairBear58

The job I had at a dinner house included cleaning the bar, dining room and kitchen during the day while it was closed, this place at one time had been a old road side inn in between the small local towns and a stop over for the folks driving between the big bay city down south and our local harbor, where travelers could stop eat and spend the night, then the new freeway was opened traffic didn’t pass the place anymore, but it was still a popular dining and drinking spot for the local farming folks.

The owners were friends of my family and we had all worked there at some time, in some capacity. I was currently the dishwasher and cleanup person, at my age I didnt have a car so unless I got a ride from my folks, at least for the clean up work during the day I had to ride my bike the 6 or so miles from our house to the Inn after I got there I could let myself in and do what ever work needed to be done.

At the age of 18 I was as hormonal as any other teen boy, and had started all the normal activities boys learn to do to get their rocks off. However I was also somewhat unpopular with kids my age, you know the kid everyone else ignores or torments, the one they pick on, so I had no real friends, and girls would barely give me the time of day. So other than my hand and or the old copies of national geographic showing the Simi nude natives I had no normal way or method of experiencing sexual experiments.

Well that hadn’t mattered to me for years, the not having human friends part. That is because I had already found that animals accepted me as a friend, and didn’t care I was just a little different than others, animals had befriended me and accepted me just as I was, and somewhere along the line one of them had, as animals do made sexual overtures with me, and I accepted.

Even with the strangeness of it I somehow knew, without fully understanding it, they where doing the same thing adults did, or what we as coming of age adults were experimenting . I also knew without being told I could get in big trouble, Even if I was only caught masturbating myself, But to be seen letting, much less helping the dog do the funny shaking jerking thing using your leg, With that funny red thing poking out. Or letting a dog sniff you in the crotch with out stopping them that would have, and did once in awhile result in a severe whipping.

So while I’d learned about the joys and great feelings this play could bring I also knew, and had even learned by now the hard way to not get caught. So seeking animals out for companionship was normal to me, if they wanted to get off with me so much the better. But I was just a horny teenaged male, so their feelings weren’t as important as me getting off. At this point I was only using animals for their sexual attraction and willingness to engage in this type of play and afterwards we went our separate ways. I was in short a bestailist, rather than what I am today, a zoophile

So I could not help but to have noticed by this time the few animals that were boarded on the inns property, that being mostly the owner’s big female German shepherd dog, (we never played) to a stallion horse, the owners sometime kept there. We did a few times play show me your meat, he never fully dropped or swelled with me. To a sheep I never got to be around, to a very large pig, a sow at that, she was fed the table scraps from the restaurant, so that cut down on the garbage bill and her owner didn’t have to buy much feed for her.

I gathered her main purpose was as a breeder so the owner could fatten and sell the piglets at the auction yards. Anyway this story is about the smelly Saturday I spent with her, first just to cop a grope, as I’d never seen a pig’s sex parts up close, then it was how much will she let me play with. And for how long, and how far will she let me go, to finally us actually making bacon, so speak, as she let me hump her till I blew a load, anyway here’s the rest of the story.

After the bike ride to the Inn, I’d let myself in and gone thru all the chores and work that needed to be done, I don’t remember now if I had planned to visit the pig that day or I just ended up checking her out because I had gotten done early and had time, anyway somehow I did end up hopping the field fence to the pasture and walking out to the pen and its shelter, once there I started visiting her

The pigpen had a fair sized dirt lot, and then a walk in partially enclosed type shade area were she could stay cool and was fed,
She was laying down against the inner fence rails, and didn’t seem to mind my being there, as I looked at her I was a little wary as she was very large I would guess well over 350 lbs or more and as I found out later over 2 feet tall at the back and from nose to butt was about 5 feet long. I reached my hand thru the slats and started to pet her back and side. Not getting a negative reaction I then used and little more pressure, and using my finger tips and nails started scratching her. This brought from her some grunts of pleasure.

Well since she didn’t object to this I started running my hands over more and more of her, always moving closer to her nipples or pig pussy. if she showed any objection I just move backed to the last place she allowed and kept rubbing and petting her

Well eventually I was stroking her tits and rubbing under her curly pigtail sliding my hand over her sexy pussy, why I thought it looked sexy is beyond me, but it was one of the few pussys I’d up to this point been able to be this close to and touch and rub as I was doing now, of course I’d looked at female dogs and other farm animals many times by now but they were all much smaller or someplace were I couldn’t do anything, but this was one of the first pussys of any animal I could have made actual use of. And there seemed to be enough time, if only I could get her to allow me to do what I wanted to now attempt

Well as long she didn’t get up or turn to snap or bite at me I continued to play with her pink pig pussy. Somewhere during this time I’d opened the zipper of the coveralls I was wearing that day and started stroking my own dick with my other hand, while rubbing or poking her sex with the other, as I started to slip my finger in and out of her snatch, she only grunted I assume in pleasure, and the feeling of my finger inside her sex made my other hand grip my own dick all the harder as I poked her, I stroked myself. after a few minutes I started shoving 2 fingers in and out of her snatch, I don’t know if it was pleasuring her but the sight and feeling of this, coupled with my other hand gripping me, had me leaking precum like crazy, which I used to keep my own dick lubed and when changing hands also smeared on her pussy lips to help slicken her cunt.

The sow finally rose to her feet and stood near the fence, but was now just far enough away I could barely reach her thru the slats, then I tried leaning over the 4 foot top rail at the waist I could once again plow my fingers in and out of her, but after awhile this balancing act of being folded over like a towel on the top rail was cutting of the blood flow to my legs which were dangling in the air on the outside of the pen and was causing light headedness as my head hung down.

I’d had to forgo stroking my own dick as one hand was plowing in and out of her snatch while the other was on her fat ass cheek balancing and holding me up from falling into the pen. As she didn’t seem to mind my playing with her and my position was getting to painful I threw caution to the wind and stopped my play long enough to right myself and crawl into the pen with her, I stepped carefully around attempting to stay clean, and not get any of the mud and muck on me, for awhile this worked and I stood behind her and bent over to continue playing with her sex while rubbing my own hard on, but as my back got sore form the bending I changed to squatting,
Stopping my banging of her cunt only long enough to change hands smearing her pig cunt juice on m throbbing pecker while adding my slippery pre-cum to her pussy making it slimier for my invading fingers

Finally I just gave in, thinking I smell already of her and I’m going to get dirtier if we get to the sticking my dick in her part, so I knelt behind her, then rested my head and chest her broad butt and back freeing both hands so one could stroke my rock hard cock and the other pummel her cunt, her cunt was slimy for all the juices she was now producing and mine which I’d added and my mind feverishly raced as I imagined what was next. I no longer cared if I got dirty I would think up a story later right now I needed to screw something and she was there and ready and seemed willing.

Franticly I stopped long enough to peel the cover-alls off down over my shoulders and chest. Letting them pile around my legs, the shirt and tee-shirt I had on underneath were removed and tossed so they landed on the fence rails, the pants and shorts dropped around my ankles on top of the cover-alls. Naked except for the clothing piled around my shoes I leaning my torso against the sows back feeling the coarseness of her bristly hairs against my skin as my hands resumed their groping trying to make us both feel good.

I shifted myself to exchange my aching dick for my slimy fingers and found she was too tall for me to poke while on my knee’s, and my legs were too tired form the earlier squatting plus the pile of clothes around my ankles made it hard to balance, so I tried laying on her back, with my toes on the floor and my leg stretched out behind us, this seemed to work and she didn’t move away with my weight on her, I think at this point she was as ready as I was to make bacon, and as this position wasn’t too dissimilar to what a boar would do, she accepted it,

Now I fumbled with my hands and bent a little at the waist lining our organs up so my pecker could reach her cunt, with my chest fully on her back and my legs spread out behind me keeping me balanced on her back I had both my hands were free to direct things, one hand plied her pink pig pussy lips apart while the other guided the head of my hard cock to its goal, going by feel alone I finally felt the head of my dick centered at the opening of her slimy spread pussy lips, my heart is pounding against my chest as I contemplate the fact I’m finally getting a piece of ass even thou it wasn’t a human girl I was about to hump, the fact it was a animal didn’t bother me, just the concern what would happen if someone walked up now. It would be impossible to explain what I was doing or try to talk my way out of it with my state of undress and my hard cock about to plow into her.

What the hell I thought and my hormonal lust took over and I shoved my cock into her pussy, my shaft spearing into her depths, as I drove my dick into her I rocked my hips down and forward, bending slightly at the knees so I could get as much of myself into her as I could, the sow just stood there accepting my thrusting cock plowing into her and grunted as I finished my first stroke, our pubes were as close together as they could be under the circumstances, the base of my cock pressed tightly against her ass.

The sow just stood there bracing her hind legs to support my weight on her back, as my cock throbbed within her, she’d been laying in the shade and she was not in heat so her pussy was actually cold. Well not bad really, but my own body temperature was higher than hers, but again I didn’t care I was actually screwing a female for the first time.

I Slowly started pulling out, feeling the walls of her cunt drag against the sides of my dick, and then paused at the entrance, with just the head still incased in her, then shoved myself into her again, repeating the age old rhythm of sex, in and out, slowly; due to the initial coolness of her cunt. Then as I kept humping her I started to feel the tingling sensation that signaled my pending orgasm and the friction and warmth of my dick as it pummeled in and out of her had slowly warmed her cunt up till she felt as warm as me.

And she started, it seemed, to begin enjoying the act herself. As each time I thrust and buried my dick in her, pressing our pubes tightly together momentarily at the bottom of the stroke, she gave a low grunt and grunted yet again when I pulled my slimy dick out and paused on the outstroke, with only the head of my cock parting her cunt lips.

The only reason I hadn’t blown a load of human jizz in her pig pussy already was the coolness of her when I’d first started. That, and maybe just maybe the subconscious knowledge and fear of what damage she might do to me physically if she had ever objected to what I was doing with her, but now her grunts are matched by my groans as we couple, I didn’t know anything about the actual mating habits of pigs back then, but my slower humping more likely matched the occasional thrusts of a boar as his dick dose most of the twirling inside a sow while he holds somewhat still, nor did I know that although I was a big a boar I was nowhere near his length. But I’m willing to bet no boar has ever played with a sows teats trying to give her more pleasure while he fucked her, like I was doing, as my arms encircled her girth around her belly, I’d given my fingers something to do by finding and then kneading and twicking her ample tits

At this point neither of us gave a damn about all that, except maybe the nipple playing. The sow was still in the middle of the pen standing firmly in place refusing to be moved, her back legs spread just enough to support my body draped over her hindquarters, as I leaned fully into and on her with all my weight, as I drove my dick in and out of her cunt, her cunt by now was producing ample amounts of cunt juice and along my own meager amount of pre cum was keeping my dick slick as I humped her and the overflow dripped down to the floor.

Finally as I felt a load about ready to blow my humping neared a normal pace, for a human that is. I’m sure the sow enjoyed it because she never moved as I drove my cock in and out of her, our grunts are accompanied by the squishing and slapping sounds of our pubes slamming together, finally as my own orgasm nears my hands tighten around her belly forgetting her teats for a min I grope and pull at her inner thighs, trying to find the outside of her snatch from in between her legs and rub against it with my fingers, as my dick slams into her.

Suddenly on the down stroke, with my cock buried deeply in her cunt, and my finger pulling and prodding her clit from the outside, my balls burst, and sent a scalding [SPAM] of human jizz flying down my cock, and spewed outs its end, to bath the walls of her pig cunt, coating them, as my cock continues to spurt its seed in her, I stay locked to her, my cock pressed as tightly into her; as I can get it. My legs forcing myself against her. My hands pull her into me and myself into her. Each time my dick throbs and spasms and a jet of cum leaves me I gasp, the power of this orgasm is beyond anything I could imagine.

The sows pussy suddenly has its own spasms and seems to be trying to milk my human cock of more seed but it only accomplishes pushing some of her cunt juice and my jizz out past my dick so its appears at our joining were my dick disappears into her pussy; and begins to dribble in oozing streams to the floor. Finally my cock is spent my balls are drained of cum. and the orgasm is over. I rest on the sows back for a moment as I’m to weak kneed to even think about moving much less standing, my gasps for breath are matched by the sows final grunts of pleasure.

Her cunt pulses and throbs around my shrinking member, as it finally reappears being pushed out by her pussy muscles as much as my pulling it out, a stream of pig juice and human cum forms at her cunt lips and begins streaming to the floor. After my dick is out and I finally get enough strength to raise myself off her back I hold onto the fence rail to support myself as I give her a couple of scratches along her back in thanks for what we just shared, after a few more minutes I crawl over the fence, gather my clothes and redress myself, finally noticing how much muck is on the cover-alls(a little goes a long ways))) from the knees down, they were stained with the mud and smell from her pen, I managed to scrap most of it off and hosed the rest, as I waited for my dad to arrive to pick me up in the van as it was to late for me to bike home on the freeway.

In the van and at home, when asked why I smelt like a pig after having worked at the restaurant all day I told them, I’d noticed the pig getting out of the pen, when I had been burning the paper trash and had managed to get her back before she got completely out, but had slipped when fixing the hole she made. What the hell they seemed to buy it, even thou I think they knew better as I’d by this time I’m sure I’d been caught with the dogs at least once.

Anyway that’s the best I can remember this event as it happened some 30 or 35 yrs ago.

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