Men with Animals

Alice The Delightful Dane


(c) 2007 by HairBear58

Here’s a long short story about a fine doggie who became a lover to me, she was a Great Dane belonging to my aunt and uncle, who you remember had a small farm a mile or so from us, and they always had critters of some type and were dog folks too.

The time frame on this is my later teens to early 20s and in real time spans several yrs. Again even if the events in the story seem to only take days or weeks it was actually months and years, as it’s a compilation of many different times together

I’ll call this grand Dane (a black one) Alice.

I first met Alice one day as I stopped to visit at the ranch the see family, I’d moved out on my own from the main family house, and no longer spent my summer days living at the small farm belonging to my aunt and uncle. My own rented place so I could finally get away from the family and all their bullshit was about 15 miles away and I was actually enjoying being own my own, except for the fact my landlords didn’t allow me to have a dog.

Anyway I for years had been secret friends and lovers with a number of the dogs that had lived at the farm and as the family still expected to see me on occasion I showed up at the farm on holidays or just enough to keep them from coming to see me. So when I pulled up this day the dogs ran out to my car to greet me, and I spent a few minutes petting and greeting the German Shepherd the Labrador and the 3 mutts that called this place home.

the shepherd and lab were both males and we had been intimate with each other a number of times, finally I was able to free myself from the dogs and look towards the front porch to were several family members were standing visiting, and next to my uncle was a Hugh black dog. Grinning I approached and as I got close I crouched down to see if the dog would come to me.

Suddenly the dog stepped away from Ray; my uncle and took several uncoordinated steps toward me, wiggling it’s entire body in shy uncertain excitement and dropped into a crouch before me, and then rolled on its back tucking its tail in between it hind legs, and looked at me expectantly, waiting to see what I would do. At this point it was obvious the dog was a rather young female puppy and not an adult like I first thought.

I reached my hand slowly out and pet and stroked her face murmuring sweet nothings to her; to ease her fears, after she saw I was friendly she righted herself and stuck her nose and face under my armpit happily but shyly receiving pets. Then let me pet and stroke her entire body till she was standing fully upright and happily receiving neck and back Scritches while her tail beat the air. As I neared her butt she spun herself around so her rear was facing me and let her tail beat painfully against my side.

Greetings over, she followed me along with the other dogs as I walked up to the porch and visited with my family. Over time Alice learned I was one of the nice people (no one in our family ever beat or mistreated her, she was just a overly shy puppy) and never cowered before me again, but knew I would give her all kinds of pets and rubs.

When she was an adult thou her favorite thing to do when anyone drove up to the yard was race out to the car, and if she didn’t know you would simply sit herself down only a few feet from the drivers door and look quietly, staring, at the person, and then give a full mouth yawn showing her massive gapping jaws and formidable rows of sharp gleaming teeth and would then snap them closed, loud enough so you could hear them inside the car. If the person didn’t know Alice they never got out of the car due to that little show, and they would either leave or wait till someone from the house came out and informed the wary driver she was truly harmless.

Her other favorite trick especially if she knew you or more so if she thought she could startle you was wait till you’d gotten out of the car and were walking towards the house, and then she’d walk quietly up behind and beside you and grasp your hanging hand in her jaws, then with you on her leash she’d walk you to the front door and not release your hand till the door opened or you walked inside.

Any way over time Alice became a very confident secure and very large dog. While she was well treated and had many privileges, including being indoors. None of my family; including my uncle ever gave her the extra attention I did, like long body or ear rubs or just laying with her on the floor stroking her, and I know none of them took it further, like I did ( at a later date) when she and I were alone.

One day after she’d been there less than a year, I was there visiting, the family was out on the deck, and Alice walked up out of nowhere, having been roaming somewhere on the property, and walked up to my uncle and I with a guilty hang dog look, and as she reached my uncle, she guiltily flopped down and rolled over on her back. As she’s been approaching Ray; he’d noticed her unusual walk and was asking her what she’d done, as she lay there showing us her belly it was very oblivious, her vulva was swollen and bleeding, my uncles comment was “CRAP she’s coming into heat” with several intact males of different breeds on the place my uncle had her locked up and had her taken to the vets to have her spayed.

Later after she’d healed up from the operation, I still would visit her and given the chance when we were alone I would pleasure her. At this time it was only fingers. But due the fact she’d actually been in heat allowing her female parts to grow a bit and she was a large dog, it wasn’t long till some of our times alone included her allowing me to fully penetrate her with my fingers. Despite her being spayed she I learned later had ample length in her vagina to fully accommodate me.

We would be laying together, she resting her on her side, and me on my back while I rested my head between her rear and fore legs using her ribs as a pillow; and my arms and hands would be busy petting and stroking her head or rump, and I’d let my fingers walk down her belly tickling her tummy and nipples, till she hiked her leg up exposing her doggie vulva to my gently probing fingers. I’d trace around her pouting mound of flesh, teasingly, lightly, touching the base and stroke towards the tip, then trail a finger down the far side brushing lightly the folds of her slit.

Stopping and retracing my route I’d press inwards when half way up and twist my finger tip till it lightly parted the folds of her neither lips, as my finger would part her and touch her inner flesh, Alice would sigh and moan sometimes twisting her head up and nudging my side in impatience if I was taking to long, I’d laugh and then gently press my finger deeper in her, spearing the folds of her sweet sex. Probing her I felt the heat of her inner body and the silk smoothness of her sex as my finger passed over and beyond her clit which cause her hips to buck slightly. Over the course of many times like this it had gotten to the point were she could take 2 or 3 of my fingers into her sex.

one day while we lay together like this as I had my thumb buried into her sex giving her pleasures max the lab fella wandered up and shoved his nose in between her hind legs sniffing at her sex where my thumb entered her, then eagerly began licking her, his warm wet tongue added to the pleasures for us both and after raising her head to see what was happening Alice simply laid back down as my thumb stroked in and out of her and max licked up any juices he could get to.

After a few minutes of this I decided I needed to get a little more involved myself, so I rolled from were I lay at her side, with drawing my fingers from her and gently pushed Max away from the feast he had been enjoying, so I could partake of it myself, as I knelt there before the alter of her spread hind legs and gazed at her temple, I saw its gentle pulsing and throbbing and the slit had the faint trace of wetness forming at its edges. I knelt lower bowing down and nosed her sex with my own short nose and breathed in the scent of her. Slowly my tongue came out of my mouth and brushed the lips of her sex parting them. And let me taste the essence of her, that my nose had so happily scented.

Crouching before her on my knees with my upper body folded over so my weight was carried on my forearms in buried my face into her sex, looking somewhat like a Muslim during a call to prayer. Except mine was a different alter, or holy place to worship towards).

As Alice’s hips arched up to meet my invading tongue I pressed my face into her crotch feasting on her large pulsing mound slurping and licking up the nectar that flowed out of her, I was resting my forward body weight on my elbows so my hands were free to draw her willingly rump tight against my probing tongue and my fingers were able to stroke and kneed her nipples, as I ate her out I pressed one of my thumbs against the back of her pouting mound of flesh and rubbed her clit from the outside, causing her to buck her hips up into my face, finally after some time we lay together panting happily, Content for this time and ready for whatever the next time brought us.

Finally after many grand visits together, and after she was able to accept 3 tightly compressed fingers into her dog pussy, and we both enjoyed laying with each other; the day came of our first full penetration. This day we were out back behind the chicken coop, and after we’d spent some time, with me stroking her all over and fingering and dining on her, she rolled over and stood to her feet; and crouching her rear she raised her tail up and over her back, letting me see her ready sex, and looked back at me expectantly.

Rolling myself to all fours I crawled forward and pressed my face once more into her sex and smelled deeply of her and licked her pussy, darting my tongue into her, leaving yet more saliva to lube her up. then I raised myself up to my knees and spitting on my hand I rubbed the head of my swollen cock, smearing spit with the freely flowing per-cum leaking from the tip , and then smeared some of that around her pussy lips.

Taking one arm I encircled her hindquarters and drew her against me trying to match our parts. Well she was a bit tall, and I too short on my knees to get our parts together, so I raised myself up to one knee, and tried again, this time we were close enough, barely, now with myself at a slight right angle to her so I could see what I was doing I lined up her ready sex with my dick; and using the arm around her rear leg to press against the back of her sex, I managed to guide the tip of my cock so it rested against the opening of her pussy.

As my cock pressed against her opening I used the fingers holding my cock to help part her lips around the head of myself till it was fully inserted, and allowing our juices to slicken things up I rotated my cock head around till her pussy lips no longer collapsed inward as I pressed deeper within. drawing back slightly I allowed her juices to have a chance to keep adding to the lube and then pressed back in, after several times my cock head slipped fully past her lips and was surrounded by her heated slippery tunnel.

Grasping the front of both hind legs now with my fingers I place both thumbs as close to her rear as I could and used them to draw back on her ass cheeks which helped spread her puppy lips slightly and began humping myself into her. I was quickly able to push about 4 inch’s into her and then kept running into a barrier of some sort, but after many strokes her passage and my leaking dick managed to make things slippery enough that we both were in heaven, she form getting her inner itch rubbed and me from the glorious silky smooth radiant pulsing heat of her canine sex.

as I keep pressing firmly against this barrier I felt some give to it and as the heat of our passion raised I kept using more pressure as I drove myself in and out of her in the short strokes I was able to use. suddenly as I thrust forward and pressed myself against this hidden barrier and pulled her sharply down into and against me I suddenly felt the head of my cock slip past whatever this barrier was, and instantly plunged deeply and fully into her, allowing at last our pubes to be pressed tight against each other.

As my cock head speared its way past the restriction and plunged into her velvety smooth, slippery, clasping pulsing depths, I felt a band of tightened flesh grasp around the shaft of my cock a few inch’s behind the head.

At this point neither of us cared about that, all that mattered now was the pleasure we were giving each other, and we froze in this position, joined tightly against each other, our pubes pressing tightly against each other. after a moment I tried slowly to begin pulling out of her, and found the band of constriction had my cock shaft firmly in its grasp, and as the back of my glans met it within her; it tried stopping my exit, and only reluctantly stretched back over my cock head and allowed me to withdraw till my head rested at the entrance to her sex.

As I plunged back in, I felt it as it slowed me down, and then let me past, once again trapping the head and gripping my shaft as I plunged deep within her, till once again I was fully buried with her. this time the band seemed to trap me further down the shaft; as I pressed my 6 inch’s fully in Alice; and each time as I withdrew, it slowed me down as it stretched over my head like a rubber band, and then again as I pressed forward it seemed to constrict further wards the base of my cock.

I finally realized this was her sphincter muscle, that would have trapped me in a tie, had I been a male canine with a knot, but as I don’t, it was acting a bit like I sliding cock ring giving me a wonderful tight grip around my cock as the rest of her passage pulsed around me, and as I pressed fully into her at the bottom of my strokes it was only about a inch for my cocks base.

Driving myself into her I wanted to press myself tighter against her and finally slowed long enough so I could get off the knee I was balancing on and now stood in a crouching wide legged stance behind her as I humped into her, while this was excruciating on my legs muscles it did allow me to more fully drive my cock fully into her heated sex.

As I drove in and out of her, Alice humped herself down on to me in a counter stroke, meeting my thrusts with her own. And she was standing in her own lower wide legged stance pushing into me. Franticly we humped each other, each seeking our own pleasure, but giving much to the other, finally after several minutes, our coupling brought forth our orgasms. As I humped her I felt the tightening of my ball sack and the swelling of my cock, and as I drove myself fully into her I froze, and held her tightly against me as my cock suddenly throbbed and flared, spitting its load of sperm into her pulsing vagina; her vagina pulsed and throbbed against me in its rhythmic waves, her hot passage suddenly becoming even more wet and slick as her climax released its juices. We both froze in the throws of our shared climaxes. And only after it passed did I think to release her hips of my tight grip.

As I did so Alice pulled away and bounced around excitedly; her cavorting wildly around causing her winking dog sex to drip globs of my seed from her, finally she danced up to me, were I’d collapsed to the ground on my knees, sniffing at my pecker and giving it a few quick licks, and happily received pets and strokes from me. Happy and content for now we basked in the afterglow and then returned back to the more mundane activities of everyday life.

During this time I’d ran into a short period of hard times, and lost one of the many full and part time jobs I had. And while I was looking for another full time job to supplement my part time work I’d had to move back in with family, as the last full time work I’d been doing had also included my apt. and I had to move out of it when the café had closed. So my aunt and uncle had given me a room at their place, to store my few possessions and have a bed. For when I wasn’t away on one of the part time jobs or looking for full time work, I also had many more chances to be with Alice, and the males at time to, but those are other stories.

Anyway Alice and I had many other times together and I’ll tell a few more here. When I would sometimes get back to the farm in mid day I would be the only person there, so I would naturally try to make time for Alice.

One of the next times that comes to mind took place in the doll house my uncle had built for his daughters, it had been mostly unused for a few yrs due to them growing up, so during the that summer I chose to sleep out there with only a mattress and a sleeping bag rather than the laundry room in the house which was larger but had less privacy.

So if I was out there messing around it was easy to get Alice to come in for some time together. As she came in we would simply lay together on the floor or my mattress, she on her side or back next to me as I pet and stroked her, showering her with affection, and after the innocent play finished she seemed to expect me to pay attention to her more private parts, well I was only to happy to oblige her. As I would begin caressing her nipples and work my way down to her doggie sex she would squirm about happily and become impatient if I took to long to begin fingering her sex, or going oral on her.

By the time we would get to this point, I would be either naked or at least have my own sex exposed, and as I lavished my attentions on her pussy kneeling at her hindquarters, I once rather than stopping for her to raise to her feet for the actual sex had simply kept crawling forward as I’d ate her out, licking and suckling each of her teats in turn till I was at her most forward teats with my body stretched out over hers.

Alice the first time this happened just laid there totally relaxed, her fore legs bent and paws resting against her ribs, and her hind legs spread wide open in relaxed trust. As she’d been laying there so relaxed, enjoying my tonguing she didn’t seem bothered or threatened by my being over her like this I decided to see if she’d let me penetrate her in this position.

I took one of my arms away from were it had been supporting me over her, and while balancing myself on the other arm and both knees. I used the now free hand to grasp my cock and help line it up as I pressed it against her pussy lips, rolling it around the entrance to her sex so both my leaking pre-cum and her juices would mix and make her slippery enough so I could penetrate her, as I pressed into her the first time she didn’t even seem startled, even as my cock speared deep within her and pushed passed the constricting band, till I was bottomed out in her heated, pulsing tunnel and before I knew it we were pressing our pubes tightly together,

Alice’s only response this first time was to pant, and make repeated licking and swallowing motions with her mouth, while she allowed me to kiss her muzzle. She never was then or ever much of a kisser, seeking out my mouth and lips to kiss me back but she definitely seemed to enjoy this new position.

As It became apparent to me she was ok with me over her like this I slowly began sliding my cock in and out of her heated sex, while still supporting myself over her with my knees and elbows leaving my hands free to caress her head and chest as I could reach them. In and out I slid, my still human dick spearing her canine pussy, basking in the wonderful sensations, as her pussy pulsed and massaged my throbbing organ after a few minutes, of my humping Alice’s hindquarters bean humping into me as I shoved myself into her, her hips would slam in counter stroke to me so we were slamming together in rising lust.

As I kept sliding into her I wanted to draw her closer to me in a lovers embrace, and hold her tightly, and our wild bucking into one another was making it hard to stay supported over her, so as we drove ourselves against each other my knees finally slid out form under me, and I was pressing fully onto her as I rocked my hips in and out of her in the frantic pace of sex. Now our bodies were pressing together my human chest grinding against her canine chest, rubbing and rolling her nipples between us, our bellies smacking together as we humped into each other with a wet squishy sound as the sweat of our lust and joining formed and collected in the heated pocket between us, and the slapping together of our pubes making their own squishing sounds and they smacked together and then pulled away.

Alice suddenly lifted her forepaws form were they’d been resting, folded over her chest, and brought them up and hooked them over my shoulders, and used them to drive herself even more deeply and harder up against me, as we both entered the point of reaching our orgasms. As I began the final feverish rapid driving of my dick into her, she met me stroke for stroke, driving herself up into me, the rubbing of my pecker and the angle we were at caused constant friction against her clit which brought her pleasure and caused her dog pussy to pulse even more against my cock.

Moaning her name I felt the tingling and tightening that signaled my approaching orgasm and as the waves of ecstasy overwhelmed me I slammed myself fully into her, grinding my pubes tightly against hers. And pressing firmly together I shuddered in blissful release as my cock throbbed and swelled, spitting spurt after spurt of cum into her pulsing swallowing pussy. we both pressed tightly together our muscles ridged, my legs, arms, back, and even neck were stretched tightly as the waves of pleasure washed over me, Alice’s forelegs were stiffly pressing against my shoulder and her hind legs stretched tightly out pushing into the air over us.

As the waves of pleasure and ecstasy finally ebbed away we slumped and sagged limply against each other, me laying on fully on top of her my rapid breathing matching her own panting, until slowly we finally untangled ourselves, and simply lay together in the relaxing rest following the afterglow of the wonderful moment we’d shared.

After this first time of us finding out the intense pleasure of making love in the position, this became Alice’s preferred position for us. There were many wonderful times after this day and most all ended up regardless of how we started with her on her back with her legs spread and me over her.

Two exceptions I call to mind one was one night sorta out in the open between all the parked cars when all of the extended family had gathered there for a dinner. When, while being hid by the cars and fully clothed except for unzipping and having my cock out we were having a quickie,
I’d started straddle legged so I could be low enough to enter her and we’d been humping for only a few moments, when I heard the sound of a car turning off the county road and onto the gravel lane at the bottom of the hill leading to us, knowing I had to hurry and finish, or stop, I changed my grasp on Alice’s hips.

Encircled her waist I lifted her hindquarters off the ground and holding her straightened out my legs and humped her rapidly, while her rear legs hung in the air about 6 inches off the ground, bringing us both a small but satisfying orgasm, and then I released her and stuffed my wet softening cock backing my pants while Alice walked off in the shadows and dropped to clean herself, As the car turned at the bottom of the hill and came up to were we were standing, by the time they saw me standing there, I looked normal and was smoking a cigarette. It was my grandmother and one of her nieces; I told them we were all waiting for them to arrive to start dinner. And we went in the house together.

Another time was once while I was walking out in the woods surrounding the farm Alice had accompanied me and while out amongst the tall trees we fell to the forest floor and made love first in the missionary position then as I took the time to be fully naked I took her doggie style to the grand finish, with the sights and sounds of nature as our witness.

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