Women with Animals
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The Beastmistress


(c) 2007 by Paul Wain

Part 1

It had been a long weekend for Dee, with her inner fantasies being exposed and her sexuality explored to the limit. She had arrived home tired, drained but utterly fulfilled. Her mind though was buzzing with possibilities and permutations. Had two women and their assortment of animals really taken her to the limits of ecstasy? Had she really been so turned on that reason went out of the window?

These were questions that played on her mind as she eased herself into a warm, relaxing bath. The questions were answered quickly as her hands slid down her body, trying to recreate the feelings of the time she had spent in perverted bliss. Her fingers lingered over her now erect nipples, teasing them into taut cones, which were begging for a mouth to be wrapped around them and teased by a flickering tongue. She sighed at remembered pleasures of her pussy being invaded by both humans and animals, each bringing their own unique pleasures to her pliant body.

She masturbated, slowly at first, dipping her fingers inside her warm cunt whilst stimulating her clitoris with her free hand. The waves of pleasure began to build quickly to a crescendo wracking her body from head to toe in the form of a shattering orgasm. She slumped back into the tub satisfied but empty at the same time, she needed to relive the heights she had felt but was unable to recreate for herself, would her life be the same again? She climbed into bed dreaming of the joy of depravity.

The days and weeks that followed were the usual humdrum and tediousness that seemed to occupy her life. She had not had her calls returned by Sam or Natasha and this to Dee seemed the ultimate in cruelty, turn her on then leave her dangling in a void that seemed impossible to fill.

Dee found herself walking in her favourite stretch of countryside, the place she returned to when all else seemed to fail. It usually lifted her spirits but in the warm twilight even that was failing her. She sat on a bench overlooking the valley below as the sun was casting the last of its warming rays when a faint noise behind her caught her attention. It sounded like half -remembered pleasure that had for so long forsaken her, it must be a trick of the mind. The sound came again and this time there was no mistaking the whimpers of delight that were coming from the wood directly behind her.

She walked silently to where the sound originated and crouching down behind a small tree was amazed at the sight that confronted her. There was a woman with not one but two Great Danes and whilst one of the dogs looked on impassively the other was having his cock sucked. Once the initial shock had subsided, Dee began to take more notice of the scene in front of her. The two dogs were beautiful black Great Danes, standing the size of small ponies, they made a direct contrast to the woman who was with them. Dee guessed her to be in her early twenties. She wore high-heeled stilettos and a long coat that had become unbuttoned and Dee could clearly see that she was naked underneath. She caught glimpses of her breasts, which were full but standing proudly, topped by dark nipples that were clearly erect either by the sexual excitement or the cool of the air. The woman had an obvious tan that gave her an athletic appearance and as Dee watched in fascination she saw the final coup de grace that the woman had a shaven pussy.

Dee’s fingers wandered down to her own crotch and gently began to rub her pussy lips over the fabric of her jeans. It was obvious from the way the dog was bucking his hips that he was going to come very shortly. His cock, being lovingly massaged by the mouth of this woman, was engorged to a size that looked impossible to fit in her mouth but somehow was being taken to the back of her throat. The huge cock was pumping backwards and forwards and the veins on it were standing proud of the crimson sword. The knot at the base of the cock was the size of a small grapefruit. The woman was alternately sucking and running her tongue along its entire length. With a final thrust the dogs cock burst free from her mouth and copious amounts of semen gushed onto the floor. No sooner had this happened than the woman replaced the cock in her mouth and began to swallow greedily. The look on her face was one of pure bliss, this was something she was obviously enjoying.

Dee moved forward to ease the access to her pussy when she caught her foot in a tree root and tumbled forward. The noise startled the other woman and the cock sprang from her mouth with the residue of semen dripping from the side of her mouth.

Both Dee and the woman just looked at each other, neither sure what to say, both caught red handed.

The dark haired woman broke the silence, “Never seen a woman really enjoying herself before?” the words were spat out like an accusation and for a moment Dee was stunned into silence.

“No, no it’s just that it wasn’t what I was expecting when I heard the noise. I’m sorry for disturbing you. You really looked like you were enjoying it.” said Dee, now growing in confidence.

“Of course I was enjoying it and I don’t want any outbursts of moral indignation.” She stared at Dee with a defiant look in her eyes as if daring her to pass judgement.

“If you must know I actually found it a turn on,” said Dee, surprising herself with the words that sprang from her lips. “I’m also quite jealous as a matter of fact, that was really quite a show”

“It wasn’t intended for public viewing, as I’m sure you realise, some people just wouldn’t understand.”

With that she stood up and wrapped her coat about her but not before allowing Dee a glimpse of the heavenly body beneath it. She began to walk away slipping the dogs onto their leads.

“Don’t go,” said Dee “I am being serious when I say that I was turned on by what I saw”

“Walk with me then and tell me more about yourself”

With that the two women walked down the path towards the cottage that lay at the end of the clearing. The dark haired woman said her name was Debbie and that she lived alone with her two dogs, Max and Blackie and her horses. The cottage had been bought with a large legacy from her grandfather who had made a fortune in real estate. This meant that Debbie was financially independent and could indulge her passions of dogs, horses and the solitude of the country. She invited Dee in for a drink and went to dress. When she returned Dee appraised her as she moved around the kitchen. She was about 5’7″, long dark hair with a figure that oozed sex appeal. Since her encounter with the two girls, Dee had begun to look more and more at the potential of women as sexual partners. She found herself buying top shelf magazines so that she could take her time in looking at the women that adorned the pages. She could definitely feel that Debbie would be able to get her juices flowing. How could she force the pace? Would Debbie reciprocate?

They chatted easily and long into the night as the two women enjoyed each other’s company. They found they had much in common and the wine that flowed helped to remove any further inhibitions that either of them may have felt. The conversation turned to the scene of the afternoon. Debbie explained that since she had moved to this cottage she realised that men really held no appeal for her. She had begun to experiment with the dogs and she quickly realised that a fuck with a Great Dane was completely fulfilling, a feeling that no man had been able to replicate. The next logical step had been to try her horses, she had two stallions and a mare, and again the intensity of orgasm that she felt when giving head to her horses had been indescribable. She was addicted to the semen of her animals either to swallow or to have inside her cunt. The orgasms she got from feeling those huge cocks fill her up with semen was heavenly.

Dee found the descriptions such a turn on and could feel an involuntary flow of pussy juice begin to wet her panties. Her cunt was aching for release and she knew what it would take.

“Debbie please can I watch you with the dogs? I’ve been sitting here getting hornier by the minute and I don’t think my panties can take much more.”

Debbie smiled, got up and walked to the door and called the dogs. Immediately they came bounding through the door with a look, that Dee could have sworn, that meant they were ready for sex.

They both sat at Debbie’s feet looking expectantly. Debbie reached behind her and unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor. She stood there naked except for her high heels and motioned for Dee to come to her. She walked over to her and gently ran her finger down her spine, squeezing her buttocks very gently in her hands. Dee shivered as Debbie released her breasts, briefly cupping them in her hands and teasing the nipples between her thumb and forefinger and then moved back to the couch to watch the scene unfolding.

Dee stepped out of her panties and was naked. Turning to Debbie, so that she could see the pout of her pussy, she gently parted her lips to show the juices welling up inside her. She looked stunning and for a brief moment Dee felt profoundly jealous of the two beasts that would soon possess Debbie.

The two dogs stood up and Debbie dropped to her knees so that she had better access to the cocks that were now in front of her face. She grasped the sheaths firmly and gently fondling them until their cocks began to protrude. She then lay underneath them both and slowly took each of the cocks in turn into her mouth. Very quickly both Max and Blackie had the most enormous erections which glistened in the light with Debbie’s saliva dripping from them.

Both of the dogs seemed to know what was expected of them and while one stood there stock still, with his prick throbbing rhythmically, the other backed away to allow Debbie to crouch down in front of him. Debbie moved closer to the first dog and began to take his prick deep into her mouth again. Max moved behind Debbie and very carefully straddled her so that his cock was just brushing her cunt lips. Dog pre-cum and cunt juice mingled together while the dog showed great restraint just resting his cock against the parting pussy lips. Dee spread her legs and began to stroke her clit as she watched in fascination and mounting sexual excitement.

With one hand wrapped around a dog cock and sucking hungrily on it, Debbie used her free hand to guide the dripping erection into her waiting cunt. The tip of the prick slowly pushed aside the wet lips and inch by inch slid inside her.

Debbie squealed with excitement as that huge cock spread her ever wider. Her cunt stretching to accommodate that monster prick but her juices giving her enough lubrication to be well and truly fucked. As she began to buck against the dog it took its cue and began to quicken the pace until he was slamming his knot against her sopping pussy. Debbie was panting and moaning as she was taken to heaven and back. She was still managing to fellate the other dog and Dee could see his semen running down the side of Debbie’s mouth as his cock pummeled her mouth. His pace intensified and Debbie swallowed a rush of cum which seemed to go on forever. She loved the salty taste and as it washed down her throat she savoured every drop of it.

The intensity of the cock in her pussy declined as the dog tried to push his knot inside the juicy cunt that held him firmly. It seemed impossible for her to accommodate it but it slowly slid inside her, parting her lips to an impossibly wide limit. Debbie was panting and moaning as the knot tried to split her open. Dee, acting on impulse and sheer desire, came and lay on her back in front of Debbie and spread her legs. She offered her pussy, which Debbie eagerly accepted, peeling back her lips and clamping her mouth firmly over the gaping orifice. Dee gasped as her cunt was probed by Debbie’s fervent tongue. Debbie was timing her orgasm to match the one that was building deep inside Dee. With a mighty scream both women collapsed in a quivering heap on top of each other. For a full ten minutes Debbie was tied to Max, then the knot slipped out from between Debbie’s lips accompanied by a gush of sticky semen.

Blackie was obviously ready for some action and Dee quickly got onto all fours exposing her gaping cunt. Blackie moved to straddle her and Debbie grasped his cock and gently eased his huge cock into Dee’s pussy. The effect was electric as she was stretched wide to accommodate that monstrous weapon and all her feelings of exquisite lust came flooding back. Debbie held onto his cock and began to rock it backwards and forwards into Dee’s wet pussy. Dee was intermittently screaming and gurgling with pleasure, she was meant to enjoy these bestial encounters and sex with a like minded woman. In and out the prick pushed, nudging her cervix with every thrust. Debbie’s fingers had found her clit and were massaging it in time with the thrust of the cock. This had to be heaven, as she reminded herself that no man could ever come near the limits to which she was being taken.

Debbie, sensing that her orgasm was close, pushed Blackie’s cock until the knot slid past the lips that grasped his cock. Dee screamed in pain and delight as she too was tied to a dog for what seemed like an eternity of orgiastic pleasure. Eventually when the cock slipped out Debbie greedily sucked it into her mouth to taste the mix of dog cum and pussy juices that clung to Blackie’s cock and drained it dry.

“That was wonderful,” said Dee.

“Wait until you’ve met the horse,” said Debbie, “you’ve one more lesson yet!”


Part 2

Debbie and Dee walked naked out into the garden shivering with anticipation. Dee felt her nipples stiffen in the cool night air. Debbie’s pussy was beginning to drip with moisture at the thought of what was to come. Debbie couldn’t resist the temptation and draped her arm around Dee’s shoulders and cupped her breast with her hand. Dee quivered as Debbie gently squeezed her breast and began to roll her nipple between her thumb and forefinger.

At the bottom of the garden was a large stable that Dee hadn’t noticed before when she had arrived at the house. As they approached the stable a gentle whinnying sound could be heard from inside. Debbie pulled back the stable doors to reveal a beautiful black stallion with a striking silver blaze on his forehead. ” I’d like you to meet Shadow,” said Debbie “He’s going to be our playmate for the evening.”

” Do you mean what I think you mean?” said Dee.

” I mean his cock is ours and we are going to do all sorts of things with it. Shadow loves being played with and you’ll be rewarded with the biggest amount of cum you’ve ever seen, but not for awhile yet “

Debbie walked slowly over to Shadow and rubbed her naked body along his flanks. She took her time and purposefully ground her erect nipples into his side, the coarse hair causing her to feel little ripples of pleasure. As she caressed him with her breasts her hand strayed down to her open legs and dipped a finger into the moisture that was beginning to gather there. Her breath was coming in short, sharp pants as she continued her erotic caress of this huge beast. Her nipples erect and feeling like they were going to explode, her pussy brimming with wetness as she savoured the moment and thought about what was to come.

She paused at Shadow’s head and allowed it to drop between her legs and shuddered as his hot breath made her pussy lips tingle. He seemed to breathe in the musk of her sex and whinnied in what could be interpreted as excitement, realising that sex was on the menu and Debbie was the main course.

Debbie could wait no longer and moved between his legs to the large sheath that held his enormous penis captive. She lightly ran her fingers over it feeling the velvety softness with the tips of her fingers and quickly moved her open palm to cup his heavy balls in her hand. Dee watched with mounting excitement, realising that she was about to witness an act of sheer sexual indulgence.

Debbie had returned to his sheath and had begun to rub him with increasing firmness and gasped as the tip of his cock began to protrude from the base of his sheath. It was a mixture of soft texture and hard cock that was filling her hand. She bent her head and greedily accepted that knob into her open mouth, flicking the head with her tongue at the same time. The smell and feel of that monster weapon was sending Debbie into further depths of excitement and she increased the pressure on the tip of his cock.

Shadow was enjoying the feeling of being fellated and rewarded Debbie with the full length of his cock from his sheath. It was still limp but must have been at least 18″ long with a ribbing effect above the knob and a bright red flash along the top side of his length. To Debbie this was heaven and with the cock still in her mouth gripped the shaft with her hands and slowly began to masturbate him.

Dee was mesmerised by the scene in front of her and bent down behind Debbie. As the horse cock was plunging inside Debbie’s mouth Dee ran her hands over that luscious body in front of her. She cupped her breasts and rolled the nipples between her thumb and forefinger before she gripped them tight and pulled gently on the stiff teats that yielded to her touch. Debbie groaned softly as the mixture of the horse cock in her mouth and this woman squeezing and teasing her tits became intensely pleasurable. She gasped as Dee’s fingers found her cunt and began to work their way inside her dripping hole. She felt her clitoris being tugged and fondled at the same time. All the time the monster cock in her mouth was growing by the second and filling her to bursting point as the head of his prick flared to the size of a large toadstool. Dee began to finger fuck Debbie, who was finding it difficult to focus on either the cock or the insistence of the fingers inside her.

” I want that cock inside me, ” screamed Debbie ” I need to feel it filling me “

Dee moved away and pulled over a small table so that Debbie could lay across it and present her dripping cunt to that monster to have. Debbie instinctively lay down with her ass facing upwards and her pussy lips parting temptingly. Dee moved behind her and gently eased her fingers into that sopping hole and bent her head to be able to lick that protruding clitoris. At the same time she scooped a handful of pliant breast into her hands and began to knead it until Debbie thought that her nipples were going to explode. Feverishly Dee worked her fingers until she felt her hand being sucked into that welcoming pussy, watching it disappear inside.

“Fuck me slowly” groaned Debbie “I need to feel that cock ram me, not you” Dee did as she was asked as and slowly worked her fist inside Debbie’s receptive vagina feeling the muscles grip her and pump her hand as though it were a phallus.

Seeing that Debbie was more than ready she carefully eased her hand out of her and moved towards Shadow who had not moved since the sex had begun. His limp, long prick dangled between his legs invitingly and Dee could not resist as she reached out to hold it. She was amazed at the lustful feelings she had as she wrapped her fingers around that mighty shaft. She wanted it all for herself but remembered that Debbie was panting for relief on the table and she couldn’t deprive her of her prize, it would be hers soon.

Shadow took several paces forward, as if knowing what was expected of him, and holding his cock in one hand Dee gently prised open the pussy lips so that the moisture seeped onto her fingers. Steadily Dee took the mighty cock and brushed it against Debbie’s lips so that her moisture lubricated the tip of the weapon. With each stroke of the cock against her cunt Debbie groaned softly, realising that ultimate pleasure was only moments away and thrust her hips up to meet the cock and to open herself even more so that access was as easy as possible.

Dee continued rubbing the cock against Debbie’s lips with more insistence, easing a little more inside those gaping lips each time. With a swift movement Dee guided the cock home and watched jealously as she saw that horse prick invade her new friend’s gaping cunt.

Debbie gasped as she felt her cunt expanding to take that heavenly penis. It plunged a little more each time and Dee could see Debbie’s wetness smeared on the shaft as it pushed further and further inside her.

Debbie could feel that prick hardening inside her, stretching her to the limits but she could thrust back her pussy to impale herself on it even more. It felt so good and each thrust was harder than the one before, this was the fucking of a lifetime and she meant to enjoy every moment. Her pussy lips were distended beyond anything she thought possible even though she had fucked Shadow many times before, having Dee watch her performance heightened the pleasure as she screamed and bucked against that wonderful cock.

“God it feels soooo good. I can hardly believe his cock is opening me up so much and fucking me soooo deep”

Debbie began to thrash on the table but unable to move very far as that huge phallus was pinning her down and pushing up inside her.

“His cock head is flaring…ooh it’s tearing me apart but is sooo wonderful I don’t want this to stop. Fuck me ,fuck me, FUCK ME”

With that Shadow bucked his hips forward and the whole length of his cock was rigid as he whinnied loudly and began to pump his semen deep inside Debbie’s cunt, washing her cervix with animal cum so hard that she orgasmed from the force of it.

Dee gripped his cock, determined not to miss out on feeling the power of his climax, and gently pulled out that hose-like weapon and got sprayed by hot jism as it jetted into the air after leaving the grip of Debbie’s vagina.

Dee couldn’t resist and bent her head to lap up the remainder of that semen as it continued to drip steadily from his cock, greedily swallowing that salty liquid and gulping it down eager for more. It tasted good and after draining the last drops from the wilting prick put her mouth over Debbie’s shaven cunt to drink and suck the cum from inside her.

She didn’t know what had come over her as she couldn’t get enough of this nectar and was loving it even more because she had to drink it from this heavenly cunt. She held open thelips and plunged her tongue deep inside that inviting orifice, enjoying the moaning that was coming from Debbie as she was tongued to yet another orgasm.

Faster and more urgently Dee probed and moved her thumb to stimulate Debbie’s clitoris that now felt as though it were on fire, such was the intensity of the climaxes that were now coming thick and fast.

“FUUUUCK” screamed Debbie as she shuddered to her final orgasm and then collapsed into a quivering heap on the table totally drained by her sexual excesses.

Dee smiled and took Debbie in her arms, this had to be the highlight of her sexual life, a beautiful woman had been hers to do with as she will and the thrill of watching that mighty horse cock had filled her with a desire the like of which she had never known before. If only other women could experience this they would never want anything else.

Debbie reached up and pulled her head down and whispered

“Your turn darling!”

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