Women with Animals
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Sexual Secrets Of A Suburban Family


(c) 2012-2015 by intempo111

Charlene, (Charlie) and Jolene were having their eighteenth birthday party, They were twins, both beautiful and bodies any woman would be proud of.
Their father had been very strict during their upbringing, in fact some people would have called him a bully and controlling. He had ruled the family with an iron rod ever since they could remember, even on their birthday they had to celebrate it at home because he wouldn’t allow their friends into the house, said they were a bad influence.
Their brother Jason was twenty, he seemed to have escaped the worst of it, him and his Father always seemed to be whispering together.
Now they were eighteen they were allowed to go out more but still had a curfew to stick to.
A few weeks after their birthday they had arranged to meet some friends, on the way their car had broken down and they missed them. Not wanting to spend a night in town on their own they decided to head back home.
It was still quite early, around nine when they got home. They heard noises coming from one of the bedrooms, intrigued they crept quietly upstairs and peeped through a crack in the door.
Charlie held her hand to her mouth to stop the sound coming out as Jolene peeped through the crack.
Their father was talking to a young girl about their age who was bent over a chair as their Daddy pushed something up her ass hole.
“Your Daddy says Mr Johnson nearly strangled his cock pushing it into your ass hole Lanny, seems I didn’t stretch it enough when I trained you so he’s sent you back for some more”.
“I know Mr Hardy, he could hardly get his cock into my ass, I would have thought he liked my tight ass but he complained to Daddy about it”.
“Never mind Lanny, we’ll soon get this ass stretched, then Mr Johnson will have nothing to complain about”, he said lubricating her young ass some more.
“Thank you Mr Hardy, I don’t want any more complaints, Mr Johnsons daughter pleased Daddy, I felt embarrassed when he complained about me”.
“Would you like me to try and get my cock in there Lanny, I will know then if it’s stretched a bit more”.
“Yes please Mr Hardy, would you like me to suck it first”, she said not waiting for a reply as she grabbed his cock and stuffed it into her mouth.
Charlene and Jolene watched as their pussies got wetter and wetter, what was their Daddy doing with this young girl, and did Mom know.
They heard the front door and hurried to their room, it was Mom. They listened as she came upstairs towards the room where their Daddy was.
They looked at each other expecting Mom to go ballistic but there was no sound.
Creeping back they again peeped through the door to see Mom sitting watching.
“How was it tonight darling”, asked Daddy.
“Hectic to say the least, his wife was with Mr Oakley and I thought he would be on his own, I didn’t know but his two sons came home on leave from the military, you know what happened”.
“Did you service all three then, you greedy bitch, I’ll bet that pussy of yours is swollen”, laughed Daddy.
The sisters looked at each other, what was going on here, why wasn’t Mom going mad at the young girl sucking her husband’s cock.
“Were the dogs there”, asked Daddy.
“Yes, we had to tie them up first while I fucked the three of them, they were going mad trying to get under my dress as soon as I got in the house”, replied Mom.
“They’ve always been randy bastards those two Huskies”.
“Did they both knot you”, asked Daddy.
“They did, I’m sure there is still cum running from me, I think I’ll have a shower”, said Mom getting up, “nice to see you again Lanny”, she said to the young girl.
“Hi Mrs Hardy”, said Lanny taking her mouth from the cock for a second.
Charlene and Jolene scooted back to their room quickly hardly believing the conversation that went on.
In the room Mr Hardy was about to fuck Lanny in her ass hole, “get up on the chair Lanny on your knees, I want to lick your pussy first”.
“Okay Mr Hardy, Daddy told me to do whatever you wanted so go ahead and lick my pussy”.
Mr Hardy looked down at this eighteen and a half year old girl, she was on her knees in front of him telling him to what he wanted.
He knelt behind her and opened her pussy lips up showing a sea of pink before plunging his tongue deep into her crevice.
Charlie and Jolie had crept back to watch fascinated by what they had heard before.
Daddy was on his knees behind Lanny with his tongue in her young cunt. Both of them felt their pussies getting wet, they couldn’t help but put their hands down and stroke each one.
Daddy was licking around Lanny’s ass making it as wet as possible for his cock to enter. He stood up and pushed against her sphincter, he had only used a dildo on her before for her training, this was the first time he had his cock in there.
‘God she is tight’, thought Mr Hardy as he pushed firmly but gently until his cock entered her at last.
“Are you alright Lanny, if it hurts just say so, I’ll stop”, he said.
“No Mr hardy, I’m okay, besides Daddy says I have to be able to take it in my ass before Saturday night, he’s having Mr Dane’s daughter Melanie and he wanted to fuck her ass hole, he says if Mr Dane can’t fuck mine it wouldn’t be fair”.
Charlie and Jolie knew Melanie Dane, she was about a year older than them and absolutely gorgeous. Mr Hardy knew her as well, he had trained her for a while and fucked her ass many times, she was indeed gorgeous.
“Okay if you’re sure”, he said pushing a little harder till most of his cock was inside her ass. He fucked her gently not wishing to hurt her although she was very tight.
He pulled out to see if she would gape but her tiny ass hole jus t closed up again.
‘Oh well’, he thought, someone’s got to do it as he pushed his cock back in her ass hole.
Being so tight it didn’t take long for him to cum, before he could pull out he had shot his sperm into her ass.
“I’m sorry Lanny, can you stay over tonight and we’ll carry on later or in the morning, I can phone your Daddy if you wish”.
“Okay Mr Hardy, I guess I still need to be fucked in my ass a few more times, I don’t know how big Mr Danes cock is going to be, I have to be ready”, she said as though it was the most natural thing in the world.
Charlie and Jolie were so totally engrossed in what was going on they didn’t see Mom standing there.
“Well now you know, we may as well let you into our secret, you’re going to find out soon anyway”, she said.
Simon their brother had jus t come in from his night out, “how did you get on with Mrs Crooks then”, asked his Mom.
“That woman is insatiable, I’m glad it’s someone else’s turn next, even her dogs couldn’t satisfy her, I’m shattered”.
Mr Hardy and Lanny came out of the room. “Hi Lanny, are you okay, nearly ready”, said Simon.
“Oh hi Simon, yes nearly ready, your Daddy’s been trying to stretch my ass a little, I’m staying overnight for some more training tomorrow”.
“Maybe tonight if I recover, would you mind if I fucked her ass hole Dad”, asked Simon.
“Not at all son go for it, go with Simon Lanny, you don’t mind do you”.
“Not at all Mr Hardy”, she said taking Simon’s arm and walking off, she quite liked Simon and was looking forward to him fucking her ass.
“Right you two, come with me and I’ll explain what’s going to happen to you two from now on”, said Mom as Charlie and Jolie followed her mystified as to what was going on.
“Okay girls here’s what going to happen”, said Mom.


Charlie and Jolie sat naked and listened to their Mom talking, she was naked as was Daddy.
“Tomorrow morning you will both shave all that hair from your pussies, you will shower and make up, then report here for your training, naked of course, Simon and Daddy will start off teaching you both how to suck cock properly, you will learn to deep throat and take a cock in your ass”
It was Daddy’s turn to speak, “I know you’re not virgins, I know the boys who did it, by the way they didn’t love you, I paid them off after, when you are fully trained you will be swapped with other daughters for me to fuck while their Daddy’s fuck you, when they do I want no complaints from them, it’s embarrassing”.
Mom was talking again, you will also learn to fuck the dogs, that is a stipulation for swapping, I do it all the time, it’s wonderful, you’ll love the feeling of a dog knot in your pussy I promise you, and one more thing, never spit out a man’s cum, it’s considered very bad manners, swallow it”.
Charlie and Jolie were dumbfounded, this was their parents telling them they had to fuck dogs, swallow sperm, and have their asses fucked, all with strangers.
“Okay, bedtime, don’t forget what we told you, report here naked in the morning shaved and ready”.
Charlie and Jolie didn’t know what to think, there were some of their friends fathers they fancied, Charlie’s fancy was Mr Fogarty, he r friend Wendy’s father.
Jolie’s was Mr Hooper, her friend Natalie’s father, what if they were both in the club, that would mean their daughters were too.
The twins rose and shaved and showered as told and reported rather shyly to Mom and Dad.
“Open your legs wide”, said Daddy stroking their pussies, “very nice, what do you think Mom”, he said as she rubbed both pussies.
She nodded in approval as Simon and Lanny appeared. “Good morning Mr Hardy, Mrs Hardy, good morning girls”, she said, “Simon said you were beginning training today, that’s nice”.
“Did Simon fuck your ass Lanny, you know you have to get it stretched before Saturday”, asked Mom.
“Yes Mrs Hardy, he fucked me last night and this morning, he said it’s a lot less loose now”.
“I’d better try it myself just to make sure, bend over the chair Lanny”, said Daddy.
“Okay Mr Hardy”, she said getting on her knees on a comfy chair.
He pushed his cock into her ass and was surprised how easily it went in, “you’ve cum in here haven’t you Simon”, but carried on fucking he r ass.
When he ha d finished he mad e her clean his cock in front of the twins, “you must always clean a man’s cock if asked girls lie this”, as they watched Lanny suck Daddy’s cock clean.
“Much better Lanny, Mr Danes shouldn’t have any complaints about you, your ass is perfect now”.
“Thank you Mr Hardy, and you Simon”.
“By the way Lanny, when I phoned your Daddy last night he told me to start your dog training, we’ll get Mrs Hardy to show you how to get a dog cock out and suck it, okay”.
“Sure Mr Hardy, looking forward to it”.
After breakfast training began, “open wide girls, Simon and I are going to put our cocks in your mouth, you must suck on the using your tongue as much as possible”.
Charlie and Jolie were on their knees with mouths open a s cocks were inserted into each mouth to suck. Charlie ha d sucked one of the boys but Jolie had never had a cock in her mouth.
Mom meanwhile had brought Rex, a Dalmatian for Lanny to practice on. “I’ll show you how to get his cock out Lanny and then you can suck it, Rex will keep cumming with drops of cum on your tongue, don’t worry about them, just swallow, I do”.
“Okay Mrs Hardy”, as she got Rex on his side with a leg up. Mom pulled the sheath back till a red tip was showing.
“Is that all the size it is”, said Lanny sounding disappointed.
“No Lanny, his cock grows as you suck on it, try it”.
Lanny bent down and took the red tip in her mouth, almost immediately she felt the cum spurt into her mouth, remembering Mrs Hardy’s orders she swallowed it to find it was quite warm compared to a man’s.
“Good girl Lanny, can you feel it growing in your mouth”.
Lanny nodded he r head as she bobbed up and down on Rex’ cock.
“This is no good, you’ll have to teach your daughter’s how to suck cock Mom, they’re hopeless”, said Daddy.
Charlie and Jolie looked at each other, they thought they were doing well but obviously not.
Mom came over and took her sons cock in her mouth and showed them how to use a tongue when sucking as Jolie watched.
Next was Daddy as Charlie watched before she gave the cock back to her daughter to suck again.
“How are you getting on Lanny, do you like sucking dog cock”.
“I don’t mind Mrs Hardy, but he keeps cumming in my mouth, never stops”.
“Why don’t you lick his knot, he likes that when I do it”, said Mom.
Lanny looked at her, “what’s a knot Mrs Hardy”.
“It’s that thing there”, she said pointing to it.
“I thought they were his balls Mrs Hardy, what’s a knot”.
She explained that the dog pushed it into her cunt to keep her there while he filled her with his cum.
“Really, he pushes that thing inside me, doesn’t it hurt”.
“No not really, your cunt is well wet by the time he pushes that in, you don’t feel it then, jus t slides in”.
“Oh, okay Mrs Hardy, if you say so”, said Lanny and carried on sucking.
“Why don’t you try Marcus now, he’s our other dog, I’ll fetch him”.
She returned with Marcus, a huge great Dane. “As you’re small Lanny when he’s hard you can sit underneath him and suck his cock, would you like that”.
Lnny nodded as she backed away from Marcus he was so big.
“Oh don’t worry, Marcus is a big softie, when he knows you’re going to suck his cock he’ll stay dead still”, said Mom noticing Lanny’s discomfort.
Lanny was told to get his cock out by herself this time and in no tme she was sitting under him sucking on his cock.
Charlie and Jolie’s cheeks were aching, “can’t we stop a while now Daddy, my cheeks are aching with all this sucking”.
“Mine too”, said Jolie.
“Okay, let’s have a break and then we start work on those asses of yours, I’m looking forward to that, aren’t you Simon”.
“Sure Dad”, said Simon playing with his sisters tits and squeezing the nipples.
Lanny was sitting under Marcus quite comfortably sucking on his cock as he stood impassively enjoying it. Mom had decided to join in and was sucking Rex.
“Okay girls, bend over this table and spread those ass cheeks, let’s see those little holes”.
Both girls bent over and spread their ass cheeks, father and son couldn’t help but look at each other. Here was daughter and sister showing off two of the most beautiful asses you will ever see and they could have them.
Their cocks were like ramrods as they bent down to lick both holes. Charlie and Jolie breathed deeply as tongues rimmed each ass hole, this was nice, maybe being swapped around might not be so bad after all.
Daddy had his tongue well into Jolie’s hole as did Simon in Charlie’s. They could hardly breathe their noses were stuck so far in each ass hole, but what a wonderful way to go, with your tongue in a sweet eighteen year old ass hole.
“Dad, we gotta get these asses ready real soon, I can’t wait to get my cock inside them, they look so pretty like that, spread open”.
“I’m with you son, my daughters sure have beautiful asses, I want to lick them some more”, he said sticking his tongue back into his daughters ass hole.
Charlie and Jolie smile d at each other, at least they had pleased their brother and father, they liked their asses but not their cock sucking, they promised themselves to try harder.
“Do you think you could take Rex in your pussy now Lanny, best try him first, Marcus has a huge knot, your little pussy might not take it all in just yet”.
Lanny nodded in agreement from her position under Marcus where she sat sucking his cock.
“Get on your hands and knees, let Rex lick you for a while, he likes to do that before he fucks you, remember when he knots you, put your head on the floor and lift your ass as high as you can”, said Mom.
Charlie and Jolie watched from the table as Lanny got on her hands and knees, right away Rex had his tongue in her pussy.
“Oh my Mrs Hardy, that is so nice, his tongue is almost inside me”, said Lanny as she wriggled her ass in ecstasy.
Rex’ two front legs wrapped around her waist as he mounted her probing for her pussy hole. It took a few strokes before he entered her and began to fuck her faster and harder than she had ever been fucked before.
Lanny was almost screaming out loud as Rex pummelled her cunt with his cock.
“I’m going to cum Mrs Hardy, is that alright”, she almost pleaded, “I don’t want to spoil your carpet”.
“That’s okay Lanny, you cum as much as you want”.
Lanny didn’t answer, she was too busy expelling cum from her pussy to hear as Rex continued to pound her cunt.
Lanny was having one long orgasm, this was the best feeling she had ever had as Rex slowed down.
“He’s going to knot you now Lanny, head down and ass up remember”.
Lanny pushed her ass as high as she could when she felt the knot being pushed inside her. Mrs Hardy was wrong, it didn’t hurt, it was a magical feeling this thing being pushed inside her. She was cumming again as the first drops of cum hit her insides.
‘I can actually feel him cumming inside me’, she thought as Rex kept pumping.
His cock was sort of throbbing inside her making her cum again as Rex filled her.
“Are you okay Lanny”, said Mom bending down to her face on the floor.
“Perfectly Mrs Hardy, I couldn’t be better”, she sighed.
Charlie and Jolie wondered if it would be that good when it came to their turn to fuck the dogs, from what they could see Lanny was having a wonderful time.
They felt something go into their asses as the flinched.
“Those are butt plugs, don’t take them out unless you have to, you know what I mean”, said Daddy, “they’ll help stretch your asses a bit, tomorrow we’ll fit bigger ones and so on, we could try and fuck you now, but we’ll wait”.
Fifteen minutes later and Rex was just beginning to shrink trying to pull out of Lanny now he had filled his bitch with his sperm.
Rivulets of cum ran from her cunt as he plopped out and began to lick her cunt sending Lanny into rapture again.
“Clean his cock for him Lanny, he always has his cock cleaned after sex”.
Lanny didn’t hesitate, sliding under him she grabbed his dripping cock and sucked it clean.
“That was the best fuck I have ever had Mrs Hardy, did I do good”.
“You were great Lanny, did you enjoy your first dog fuck then?”.
“Oh yes, I can’t wait for the next one”, said Lanny.
Later that day Lanny’s father came to fetch her. She couldn’t wait to tell him the news. “Daddy, Simon and Mr hardy says my ass is okay to fuck now, you can try it when we get home, and guess what Daddy, I had my first doggy fuck today, Rex here fucked me, it was great, I can’t wait to do it again”.
“That’s wonderful darling, Mom will be pleased”, he said hugging her.
His eyes fell on the twins trying to cover their nakedness with their hands.
“Are the twins in training then”, he asked, “if they are I want first pick”.
“Sorry, you’ll have to wait, there are a few more before you I’m afraid, but yes they are in training, show him your butt plugs girls”.
Jolie and Charlie felt embarrassed but bent over to show the plugs inserted into each ass.
“After seeing that I can’t wait to get you home Lanny and fuck that tight ass of yours, I’ll see you all soon”, and with that he was gone to fuck his daughter’s ass.
“Your turn for the dogs tomorrow girls, if you enjoy it half as much as Lanny, well, you know what I mean, now let’s have some supper”.


Jolene woke with a full feeling in her ass hole, putting her hand down she felt the plug. It all came back to her, her ass had been plugged ready to be fucked by her Daddy and her brother Simon.
She made her way to Charlie’s room who was still asleep. Shaking her she woke up with a start, “feel your ass hole Sis, is there anything in there”.
Charlie put her hand down, “what the fuck”, and then remembered, she had been plugged to stretch her ass hole.
“Come on Charlie, we have to get ready, Daddy told us top report to him showered and shaved, we don’t want to make him angry”.
They both showered and came downstairs naked as ordered with their butt plugs back in.
“Good morning girls, ready for your training, we’ll start after breakfast, okay”, said Daddy, “but first, let’s change those butt plugs, bend over”.
He pulled out one, then the other and inserted bigger ones into each ass hole, the twins felt them, their asses felt much fuller than before as Daddy put some tape around to keep them in.
Simon and Mom came downstairs together, it looked as though they had been sleeping together the way they carried on.
Daddy saw the look on both faces, “yes, Simon has been sleeping with Mom, they often do, when you two are trained I will sleep with one of you, or maybe two, so will Simon, depends if you haven’t got a booking that night”.
After breakfast Mom fetched the dogs in, “take your pick girls, you can have one each, which one”.
Charlie chose Marcus the great Dane, she had watched Lanny sit under him, he was so gentle.
Jolene was left with Rex as Mom made both dogs lay down.
“I presume you were listening to me telling Lanny how to get a dog cock out, if not I’ll show you again”.
A few pulls and strokes and both dogs cocks were beginning to show.
“Remember what I told Lanny, swallow the cum and be careful, his cock will grow as you suck, especially Marcus Charlie, you don’t want to choke on it”.
Neither Charlie or Jolie had swallowed sperm before, now dog sperm was shooting into each mouth and their Mom was telling them to swallow it.
They had always been obedient girls and did as they were told, the cum was warm as both dogs kept cumming in each mouth and they swallowed.
They were on their knees as they sucked and Daddy and Simon couldn’t resist playing with their pussies.
The dog cocks had got bigger, especially Marcus, his was a huge purple dick with a tip on the end.
“Suck the tip girls, watch their tails wag when you do that, they love it and you get to taste more cum”, said Mom.
She was right, when they sucked on each tip you could tell the dogs got more excited and spewed more cum.
“Okay girls, time to see if those cunts of yours can take a real cock, on your hands and knees”.
Marcus and Rex sniffed around each pussy licking both as and pussy as the sisters moaned with pleasure.
Charlie had chosen Marcus but Marcus chose Jolie, mounting her he found her hole almost right away. Jolie let out a scream as his cock found it’s mark fucking her like a piston engine. Rex mounted Charlie and stabbed about a bit before he found her hole making her cry out.
“Mom, you might have warned me, they go straight in, holy shit, I didn’t expect that”, said Jolie.
“You have to get used to that, dogs don’t do foreplay, they just want to fuck you, how they do it is up to them, just take it”, said Mom.
“Now you heard me telling Lanny to put her head on the floor, it’s time for you to do the same, ant moment now you will feel his knot go in your cunt, depending how you feel, it will be fantastic or not”.
Marcus was the first to push his huge knot inside Jolie, “keep your head down darling, give him more access, that way it will go in easier”, said Mom bending down to her young daughter.
Jolie didn’t want to be seen as a wimp after the way Lanny took the knot in her cunt, she had absolutely enjoyed every second of it.
Marcus was pushing hard, Jolie’s cunt was much tighter than the other females he ha d fucked. Jolie could feel his breath on her neck as he forced himself into her. At last he was in, Jolie breathed a sigh of relief as she felt Marcus cum in her. His cock was like a small vibrator, it wa s throbbing inside her as cum spurted from his cock.
Charlie was trying to lift her ass as high a s possible, Rex was knotting her and although smaller than Marcus was finding it hard to push in to her.
Mom was helping, she wa s rubbing Charlie’s clit trying to take her mind off the knotting as Rex finally pushed it all in.
“Can you feel the cum going inside you girls, it’s a lovely feeling isn’t it, I love it”, she exclaimed.
The twins were sort of in agreement, it had been a little painful being knotted but now, it was actually quite nice. The throbbing was making Jolie begin to cum, she had never had an orgasm, this was good as she screamed out loud. “Yes, fuck yes, I love it, fuck me Marcus, make me cum again”, as she pushed her small as hole back into Marcus’ cock.
Charlie wasn’t feeling the same, while it was nice, it didn’t give her the same feeling as her sister, maybe with Marcus’ bigger cock she might feel the same, she would try him later.
Jolie lay with her head on her arms as Marcus kept filling her with his cum. She really liked this, she had no idea dogs could be such a good fuck as she began to cum again. Jolie was to become a screamer, she was shouting again at Marcus to fuck her and stay in there forever as Daddy and Simon watched stroking their cocks.
They wondered if they could make Jolie scream like that when they fucked them later, as each one vowed to fuck Jolie, but only one could.
Both of the twins just lay there as Marcus and Rex filled their bitches, the cum spurts were getting slower now as Jolie’s mind began to wander.
Maybe this swapping thing wouldn’t be too bad, she hoped Mr Hooper was in the club, she began to fantasise about the size of his dick, would he make her feel like Marcus just did, would he make her suck his cock first, and was he fucking her friend Natalie, his daughter.
Natalie had a brother Homer, she wondered what it would be like to fuck father and son together, the thoughts were making her cum again, was she becoming a whore already as she began to scream again for the next minute or so
Her thoughts were interrupted by Marcus pulling out of her cunt as she felt cum run from her, Marcus was already licking it up cleaning her as she heard her Mom telling her to clean his cock.
Jolie ha d seen Lanny do it without hesitation so she jus t grabbed his cock at the first opportunity and sucked it clean.
Charlie had enjoyed it as much as Jolie, it had been okay, nothing special as Rex pulled out of her as well and began to lick his cum from her cunt.
Mom was just about to say something when Charlie said, “I know Mom, clean his cock for him”, as he sucked on a wet dripping cock and cleaned it.
Mom hugged her daughter’s, “well done girls, your firs t dog fuck, I think Jolie enjoyed it more than you Charlie, you can swap dogs next time, Marcus is bigger, now let’s have a coffee”.
As they sat around the table drinking coffee Daddy told them they had some guests coming round tonight. “I expect you two to be nice to them, you know what I mean, they may want their cocks sucked or fuck you, please don’t embarrass me by refusing them”.
“Okay Daddy, we promise to be good, we won’t refuse”.
“That’s my girls”, he said reaching over to squeeze their tits.
“Now I think you two should practice your cock sucking, you don’t want complaints from our guests do you, I also think you should make them swallow when you’re ready boys, don’t you”.
“Okay, come on girls”, said Simon as he and his father sat on the couch with hard cocks ready to be sucked.
Evening came and Jolie and Charlie asked if they could go and get dressed to meet their guests.
“Don’t be silly dears, the guests are coming to see you, you’re being vetted for the club, you have to stay naked all night, now go and shower but don’t remove those butt plugs, I have a feeling that a cock or two might want to be shoved up there later, you’re not quite ready yet, off you go”.
The doorbell rang and the twins were told to go and invite their guests in. With a little trepidation and a lot of embarrassment Charlie and Jolie answered the door.
Charlie couldn’t believe it, Mr Fogarty, his daughter Wendy and his wife Maureen stood there.
“Good evening Charlie, good evening Jolie, my you two look gorgeous tonight, I have a feeling this is going to be a good night”, he said tweaking Charlie’s nipple and winking at her
“Hi Charlie, hi Jolie”, said Wendy as though it was the most natural thing in the world to answer the door naked.
The twins found out why in a second, Wendy and her mother removed the coats they were wearing and were totally naked underneath.
The twins led them into the large room where Mom and Daddy were waiting. “Hi Brendan, Maureen, Wendy”, greeting them with hugs and kisses. Mom was naked as well now as she greeted each one of them.
The doorbell rang again and Jolie and Charlie answered, now they were really embarrassed, Johnny and Chris stood there, Wendy’s two brothers holding two huge St Bernards.
“Hi Charlie, hi Jolie, they said having a quick feel of each pussy as they passed by. “I see you’ve brought my friends, hello Max, hello Dazzle”, she said making a fuss of them.
Brendan was hugging Mom and Daddy was hugging Maureen very tightly squeezing her bum cheeks and putting his finger in the crack.
“Plenty of time for that later Harry”, she said in mock anger waving her finger at him.
Charlie and Jolie were told to serve drinks to the company as Johnny and Chris developed bulges in their pants watching the twins.
“Look at the effect you’re having on Johnny and Chris girls, why don’t you show us all how good you’ve become at cock sucking”, said Mom.
Johnny and Chris had their cocks out in a second as the twins knelt before them taking a cock each in their mouths.
Brendan watched as Mom stroked his cock beside her husband who was having his cock stroked by Maureen as he played with Wendy’s tits.
Johnny and Chris lay back as two beautiful young girls sucked on a hard prick each. Maureen couldn’t watch anymore, both her and Mom now had a cock each in their mouths as well as Daddy fingered Wendy.
Johnny knew he couldn’t hold out much longer, “where do you want me to cum Mr Hardy, can I cum in her mouth please”, he said between deep breaths.
“I insist on it Johnny, and you Chris, show it to us first girls before you swallow, show our guests how good you are”.
Johnny couldn’t hold out any longer, holding Charlie’s head he pumped his considerable load into her mouth.
Charlie turned around and crawled over to the couch where the rest sat and opened her mouth. It was full of creamy bubbling liquid as she showed each one, “okay you can swallow now”, said Daddy as she swallowed the sperm down and opened her mouth again to show it was all gone.
“Well done Charlie, I hope you swallow mine when you suck me off later, or after I fuck you, will you?”.
“Oh yes Mr Fogarty, I certainly will”, said Charlie looking forward to it.
Jolie came over next with mouth open and showed everyone the white liquid in her mouth before swallowing and showing them an empty mouth.
Maureen and Mom stopped sucking now and more drinks were served before Daddy said to bring Max and Dazzle in.
This is your next test girls, let’s see how quick you can get the dogs cocks out and hard sucking them.
Max and Dazzle were obviously well trained in this aspect, whether Maureen fucked them daily or the club members they laid down right away.
“Okay girls, go for it”, as the twins bent down to pull the sheaths back slowly till a bright red tip appeared. Charlie pulled some more and was immediately rewarded with a cock all the way out.
This one was bigger than Rex, maybe he would make her feel like Jolie did when Marcus fucked her, she hoped so.
Jolie was smiling inwardly, Dazzle had a big cock as well, long and purple as she closed her willing lips around the hard dick.
Wendy watched with a pang of jealousy, Dazzle was her dog, she ha d sucked and fucked him many times her parents didn’t know about, he was her favourite and now another girl was sucking his cock.
Jolie tasted his cum, it was hotter than her dogs as she swallowed spurt after spurt sucking as deep as she could. She gently stroked his knot as she sucked, soon this wonderful ball of cum would be in her wet cunt filling her.
Her pussy was beginning to leak as she got wet thinking about it sucking as hard as she could on Dazzle.
Max was laying back letting this bitch suck on his cock as he kept cumming into her waiting mouth. Charlie wanted to fuck now, she hoped her Mom would tell her soon, like Jolie he r pussy was getting very wet at the thought of Max’ huge cock going inside her.
At last the order came to get on hands and knees, both dogs were lifted up and began to lick around both pussies as they got wetter and wetter.
Dazzle was the first to mount, Jolie nearly feel forward with his weight, he was enormous as she felt his breath on her neck.
A few probes and he was in fucking fast and furious, Jolie was cumming as soon as he entered her, she had been waiting for this for the last ten minutes, she swore to herself she wouldn’t be a screamer.
No good, “yes yes, fuck me Dazzle fuck me fuck me”, she screamed out loud as Dazzle did his part and fucked her hard.
Charlie was next, she too had to hold herself upright as the huge dog mounted her, he was a ton weight on her back as his cock slid into her wet cunt. Unlike Jolie she wasn’t a screamer but like Jolie she started to cum right away.
This is much better she thought, far bigger than Rex, this cock snuggled nicely inside her cunt as Max fucked her almost knocking her over with each thrust.
Dazzle decided it was time to fill his bitch, Jolie laid her head on the floor as Dazzle pushed his knot in.
Cue more screaming from Jolie, not in pain but pure pleasure as the knot was forced in. “Fill your bitch Dazzle, fill me with your sperm, come on fill me up”, as the first shots of cum landed in her belly.
Charlie was being filled as well, not with cum yet but a huge knot as she too lay still like a good bitch. She was enjoying this fuck more than Rex’, he had a bigger cock and she understood the feeling Jolie had got from her first fuck as the first spurts hit her belly.
She began to cum again as Max filled her and mixed her cum with his.
Daddy had Wendy in front of him licking her ass and pussy as Maureen sucked his cock. Mom was laying on the couch as Brendan licked her pussy and Johnny and Chris were having their cocks sucked together.
If only I could have taken a picture of that, two beautiful girls, both eighteen with two huge dogs fucking them, Daddy licking my friends ass and pussy and her Mom sucking his cock, Mom having her cunt licked by Brendan and his two sons having their cocks sucked, Jolie remarked to her friend a few months later.
Something had to give, Daddy got Wendy and her mother on the couch on their knees and were being fucked alternately.
Mom too was being fucked by all three as they took turns before each of them came in her mouth.
Dazzle and Max had filled their bitches, and were now having their cocks cleaned by them as everyone lay back exhausted.
Later as they were having drinks Daddy suggested they should stop the night. Brenda immediately asked if he could sleep with Jolie and Charlie.
Daddy said fine if he could sleep with Wendy and Maureen, Mom said she would have Johnny and Chris.
“Tomorrow girls, while Brendan and his family are here we should try your asses, they have to be a little stretched by now”,
“Okay Daddy, see you tomorrow” as Brendan led them upstairs with a hand on each buttock.


Jolie lay back on the bed as Brendan licked he r pussy, her eyes were open as she pretended to enjoy it. Her mind was elsewhere, on the big cock of Dazzle, the St Bernard who had fucked her so well last night.
She knew Brendan would fuck her after, he had already fucked both of them last night before they went to sleep. Now he was awake and hard again he was ready to fuck them again.
Jolie knew of Charlie’s crush on Brendan Fogarty, she didn’t blame him, he was a handsome well built man.
“Mr Fogarty I have to go to the bathroom, I’m sure Charlie can take car e of you, okay”.
Jolie slipped out quietly and went to the bathroom first before slipping downstairs quietly. As she went to open the door she heard a faint noise, opening the door very quietly she saw Wendy, Brendan’s daughter on her knees sucking one of the dogs.
She crept up behind her and almost gave her a heart attack, Jesus Christ Jolie, what are you trying to do to me” she said jumping up quickly her face going red at being caught out.
“Sorry Wendy, I came for the same thing as you, I couldn’t get Dazzles cock out of my mind, I just had to come and suck it”.
Jolie looked down, she was glad to see it was Max laying there with his cock sticking out of his sheath.
“Your Daddy fucked me and Mom last night, I’m not saying he’s a bad fuck, but he doesn’t come near Max here”, said Wendy.
“Oh I know, your Daddy is the same, he’s okay at fucking but Dazzle is better”, as they both hugged and laughed.
“Let’s take them to the basement, our parents won’t get up for ages yet, your Daddy was fucking my Mom’s ass hole when I left”, said Wendy as they led the two dogs down the stairs.
They wasted no time, Jolie had Dazzle down on the floor playing with his sheath in seconds as Wendy followed suit. Sounds of slurping filled the room as both heads bobbed up and down on the two by now very long dog dicks.
Jolie was swallowing the hot cum, she ha d become a dog slut overnight as Dazzle kept filling her mouth.
Both pulled off their robes to be both naked as they sucked deep on each cock.
“I have to get this in my pussy now”, said Jolie getting on her hands and knees.
Wendy got alongside her as the huge dogs sniffed each pussy and ass hole. The dogs got confused and Dazzle mounted Wendy first leaving Max to mount Jolie. Neither knew this, they were trying to stay upright as they took the weight of the massive dogs on their backs.
Both dogs were used to fucking women, they soon found their holes and were soon fucking furiously as both girls started to cum.
Jolie tried to speak but the weight of the dog and the force of his thrusts prevented it. Both girls wished they had put a cushion under their knees, the sheer weight was forcing them down, they knew they couldn’t move, any moment now the dogs would knot them and they would be helpless, they would have to stay there at the dogs mercy.
Max’s long tongue was by her face panting as he pushed his knot into Jolie. This was her favourite part, she began to cum right away as Max pushed and pushed. She sighed with satisfaction a s she felt the first spurts of cum in her belly.
Wendy too liked the knot, she was cumming as well as Dazzle forced his knot into her willing cunt.
Wendy was a beautiful girl, long blonde hair and a tanned body, she ha d great tits, many boys had tried to manhandle them but only a few had. Her Daddy loved her tits and would sit playing with them as they watched TV or a film.
They hung down now as Dazzle spurted shot after shot into her wet cunt as she laid her head on her folded arms.
It was fully twenty minutes before the dogs began to shrink, Jolie lost count of the times she had cum, she wanted to stay like this for hours.
Max was first to pull out as he licked the cum running from her pussy as Dazzle too released Wendy licking her clean as well.
Jolie managed to get hold of Max and suck his cock clean as did Wendy before they headed upstairs to shower.
As predicted the adults were still in bed fucking as they showered making sure no cum was left in either pussy.
Mom wanted to get up and prepare breakfast but Chris and Johnny had other ideas. She was straddled on Johnny’s cock as Chris fucked her ass at the same time. ‘Breakfast will have to wait’ thought Mom as she settled down for a really good fucking from these two young men.
Jolie and Wendy were towelling themselves as Jolie put her ass plug back in. “You haven’t been fucked in your ass yet then Jolie, those things are uncomfortable, I begged my Daddy just to fuck my ass so I wouldn’t have to wear an ass plug”.
“Didn’t it hurt”, asked Jolie.
“No funny enough, Mom lubricated my ass hole thoroughly and Daddy was very gentle, actually it was very nice, he and my brothers would fuck me four or five times a day after that, your ass soon stretches after that believe me”, and laughed out loud.
“So you think I should just go for it, ask Daddy to fuck my ass and get it over with”.
“Definitely, go for it”, said Wendy.
“Wendy”, said Jolie hesitantly, “I don’t know how to put this, have you ever kissed a girl”.
“Of course, oh my god, you haven’t have you, I kiss my Mom all the time when we lick each other”.
Now it was Jolie’s turn, “you lick your Mom’s pussy, you don’t”.
“All the time, I love licking Mom’s pussy, we kiss and lick each other, to annoy Daddy sometimes we do it in front of him, Mom won’t let him join in until we’re finished, his cock is usually as hard as a rock by then”, said Wendy laughing at the memory.
“Would you kiss me Wendy, I want to know what it’s like to kiss a woman”.
Wendy held her head and told her to open her mouth, Jolie felt her tongue go into her mouth as they kissed. Jolie kissed her back sucking on her tongue hugging her tightly.
They came up for breath as Jolie gasped, “that was awesome Wendy, can we do it again sometime”.
“Anytime Jolie, you should kiss your Mom though, and Charlie, and lick both pussies, you’ll enjoy it”.
Charlie and Brendan were waiting to use the bathroom so they went downstairs to have a coffee.
Mom was cleaning the two young men’s cocks, she had been fucked all night by these two in all sorts of positions, she loved every second of it.
Daddy had finished fucking Maureen’s ass hole and they were showering in their en-suite shower.
Half an hour later they were all drinking coffee and talking about this and that not mentioning how they had got on with their partners, this was considered bad manners among the group, it was only the trainees they could talk about.
Jolie spoke to her Daddy, “Wendy says that she asked her Daddy just to fuck her ass Daddy, these butts are uncomfortable to wear, can’t you just fuck my ass and get it over with, then I won’t have to wear these bloody butt plugs”.
“And mine, I’m fed up with this thing stuck up my ass hole day and night”, said Charlie
“What do you think honey, should we just go for it”, he asked Mom.
“Why not, you can fuck Jolie and Brendan can fuck Charlie, I don’t want these two at her, the way they fucked my as last night they would wreck them, I’ll get some gel”.
Brendan’s cock twitched at the thought of fucking Charlie’s ass, all those times he had admired it as she swanned around in a very skimpy bikini.
Charlie too was happy that her secret crush was going to take her ass cherry, she just knew he would be ever so gentle with her.
“Wait, can I please lick that lovely ass hole before you lubricate it, to be honest I have always admired her ass”.
Charlie was pleased, so he had liked her, now when she had been trained she could probably fuck him whenever she wanted to.
Maureen spoke up, “he certainly did like her ass, every time she was at our house he used to fuck me telling me it was her little cute as that made him horny, if I wasn’t he used to masturbate”.
Brenda bent down and spread her ass cheeks, he was sure he r little hole winked back at him as he licked around the edges of her ass.
Charlie shuddered, the man of her dreams had his tongue and cock ready to go in her ass hole, she couldn’t be happier.
Daddy didn’t want to be left out, he was rimming his young daughter a s well as Mom and the others looked on.
Charlie was close to cumming as Brendan pushed his tongue into her ass hole as far as he could, he could see she was opening up a little, he was sure he would have no problem pushing his cock up there.
Jolie was less happy, she didn’t mind Daddy licking her ass hole, that was nice, she was thinking about what Wendy had said, ‘lick your Mom and Charlie., could she. She had certainly enjoyed kissing Wendy, she vowed to kiss more girls.
Her reverie was broken by something cold in her ass, Mom was applying the gel to her, the time had come to have her first cock up her ass.
Charlie too felt the cold gel being rubbed into her ass hole, she used to dream of Mr Fogarty fucking he r pussy, she never dreamed he would be the first to take her ass hole.
Daddy and Brendan approached the two tight asses in front of them with cocks in hand. Brendan gently rubbed the head up and down her crack before pushing gently in.
Charlie felt her ass open as Brendan slowly pushed, he hoped he wouldn’t cum too soon, he had waited for this for a long time.
Daddy too was being gentle, after all this was his daughter, he didn’t want to hurt her by pushing his cock all the way in at once.
Slowly bit by bit both cocks were disappearing into each girls ass. Charlie loved the feel of Brendan’s cock in there, she just wished he would rub her clit at the same time.
She suddenly thought ’fuck it, the man is fucking my ass, I’m going to ask him to’.
“Mr Fogarty, rub my clit please while you fuck my ass”, she asked.
“Mr Fogarty’s hand went to her clit and began to massage it, a new feeling came over her, she didn’t feel his cock any more in her ass, she was now officially an ass fucker as she began to cum pushing he r ass into Brendan.
He felt the change, rubbing and pinching he knew she would soon cum as well as he fucked her ass even harder.
Chris and Johnny were watching, “I can’t take any more of this, where’s that gel, bend over Wendy”.
Wendy turned and bent over the chair she had been sitting on as her brother applied gel to her ass.
Chris had Mom bent over as well as he took the gel from his brother.
Johnny had fucked his sister many times, he plunged his cock into her ass pushing her forward as Chris plunged his into Mom’s ass hole.
Daddy was making less headway than Brendan, his cock was only three quarters of the way in her ass.
“Okay honey if I push it all the way in now”, he asked.
“Okay Daddy, push it all in, it doesn’t hurt”.
Daddy gave a sigh of relief and pushed it all the way into his daughter’s sweet ass. He began to fuck her in earnest rubbing her clit like Charlie. Charlie was cumming, Brendan’s rubbing was doing the trick, Brendan could feel it on his cock as he fucked her, problem was it as making him cum as well.
His sperm was shooting up her ass as he gripped her cheeks tightly leaving red marks on them. He collapsed on top of her out of breath but with his cock still in her ass hole.
Jolie wasn’t cumming , she was enjoying it but her thoughts were on the dogs, she started thinking about Max and Dazzle and those lovely purple cocks full of veins with a little tip at the end.
Surprisingly that made her cum, the thought of sucking those lovely cocks again and she was gushing, Daddy was pleased with himself, he had made his young daughter cum, he still had it.
If only he had known it was a dog and not him as he too shot his sperm in her ass.
Johnny was pumping hard at his sisters ass, he loved fucking her, Chris was doing the same to Mom gripping her ass cheeks as he fucked her hard. They had got so worked up watching the twins that they came too soon, both asses were filled with cum as the boys pulled out.
“Your first ass fuck girls, you both seemed to enjoy it, maybe I’ll book you out next weekend, Charlie, Mr Groves your history teacher has booked you, Jolie, Mr Harrison has booked you, what do you think”.
Charlie was astounded, Mr Groves, he was always so nerdy, yet here he was in a club that swapped wives and daughters who fucked dogs, this she would have to see.
Jolie on the other hand was quite pleased, Mr Harrison was good looking with fair hair and a goatee beard, might be fun.
“Okay Daddy, that’s fine by me”, said Charlie, “and me”, said Jolie.
“Brilliant, I’ve been wanting to fuck Millie, Mr Groves’ daughter for ages, do you know her Jolie”.
Jolie did indeed know her, she was about five foot eleven, massive tits and a great body.
“Everybody wants to fuck her Daddy, you’re very lucky”, she said.
Simon came in just then, he had been with Mrs Teller, a widow, technically she shouldn’t be in the club, but her husband and daughter had been killed in a car accident a year ago. She had only just began to get herself together again and asked if she could join the fuck club till she was ready to date, all agreed.
“You’ll never guess what happened at Mrs Teller’s”, said Simon sitting down, “have I got a story for you”.


“Thank you for putting up with me and for coming out to me Simon, I know I’m no beauty any more”, said Sylvia Teller.
Simon turned her around, “you listen to me Sylvia Teller, you are still a very beautiful and desirable woman, even if we weren’t in this club I would find you really sexy, and I do”, holding her head and kissing her putting his tongue down her throat.
They were both naked as a prelude to fucking, Simon slid down to her ample but firm tits and began sucking before moving down to her hairless pussy.
It had been a year since her husband and daughter Lindsey had died in the accident. A drunk trucker had driven straight into them killing them instantly and this was the first time she was having sex since then.
As Simons tongue landed on her pussy she jumped as though an electric shock had gone through her, She laid her head back and closed her eyes as this handsome young man licked her cunt.
“I’m sorry Simon”, she said as cum gushed from her all over Simon as she held him tight between her legs.
Simon was soaked, he coughed as cum went down his throat but Sylvia held him tight still cumming. This was her first orgasm in a year, she had thought about using a dildo but never did as she trapped Simon’s head.
At last she released him from her grip, “sorry Simon, I couldn’t help that, are you alright”.
Simon looked up at her, “god you nearly drowned me, good job I was thirsty the amount I swallowed”, and laughed at her obvious discomfort. He got up from the floor and hugged her, “It’s fine Sylvia, you needed that release, just forget it”.
Sylvia hugged him back, “you really are a nice young man Simon, lets go to bed”.
They showered and went to bed where Sylvia was sucking Simon’s cock when the door opened.
“Mother, what are you doing, who the fuck is this”, he said looking at Simon.
A young girl followed them into the room and began to laugh at Sylvia and Simon.
“Good for you two”, she said, why the fuck can’t you be more like them Rod” she said slightly drunk.
Sylvia and Simon put on their robes and went downstairs.
“This is Rodney my son, he’s been studying at university and just graduated, this is his wife Marlene.
Marlene was drinking again from a bottle she had brought with her.
“What were you doing in bed mother with this young man, you should be ashamed of yourself”.
“Oh fuck off Rod, why can’t you be more like your mother, you’re as boring as fuck in bed you as hole, it’s like fucking a dead man”, said Marlene.
“Marlene, don’t talk to me like that, I forbid it”.
“Fuck off you twat, I forbid it”, she said mocking him. “Your mother has every right to fuck anyone she likes and you can’t do a fucking thing about it”.
Sylvia took a liking to this girl, this was the first time she had met her. Rod had always been a stuck up snob, he never had any friends at school even when he left, how he got Marlene she would never know.
Marlene was drinking again, probably boredom, she was wearing white pants which showed off her body perfectly, and what a body.
Sylvia put her arms around Marlene, “I know he’s my son, but how the fuck did you end up with him, he even bores me”.
“I know, he’s so fucking boring, never does anything exciting, anyway how did you meet this gorgeous young man”, she said putting he r hand on Simon’s thigh close to his cock.
“The truth, Rod won’t like it, but fuck him”, said Sylvia.
She went on to relate how she and Rodney Snr had joined a club being a little wild. She told her how Lyndsey their daughter ha d found out and wanted to join, they had been members for about eighteen months when the accident happened.
Sylvia went on to tell her about the dog fucking and how daughter’s were swapped around with selected partners, two of them were doctors and gave venereal disease checks every so often to all the women.
Simon glanced at Marlene, her crotch was soaked, a huge wet patch had appeared, she must have cum just thinking about what was being said.
“I wish I had been here, did you really fuck a dog, can you fuck a dog, you’re not pulling my leg are you”, said Marlene.
Sylvia ot up and went to a drawer to pull out some photos, handing them to Marlene she saw both Lyndsey and her on their knees with a dog on their back fucking them.
“Oh my god, how fucking sexy, oh my god, was it nice”.
“Marlene, until you’ve had a dog cock in your pussy you will never know, it’s the most fantastic feeling ever”, said Sylvia.
Simon was as hard as a rock now with all this talk, “excuse me girls but look at this, you’re driving me mad with lust”.
“Oh you poor thing, here let me take care of that for a while”, said Sylvia and bent over to suck on it.
“May I”, said Marlene pointing towards Simon’s cock.
“Be my guest”, said Sylvia as Marlene closed her lips around the cock.
Rod was having palpitations, first he found out his mother and sister ha d been fucking dogs and now his wife was sucking this young man’s cock.
“Marlene, stop that at once do you hear”. Marlene stopped and looked at him, “if you don’t like it fuck off, I might even try a dog”, and closed her lips again around the hard cock.
Sylvia was pulling off her blouse and unfastening her bra, Marlene made no attempt to stop them as her tits fell free.
Now she was pulling off her wet pants, her panties were absolutely soaked as Sylvia sniffed them, looks like old times she thought as she looked at Simon and Marlene, that could have been Lyndsey, they had both sucked of man many times.
Marlenes legs opened wide as soon as Sylvia’s tongue touched her pussy, she was sodden as Sylvia licked and tasted her cum.
Rod had left the room altogether as his mother licked his wife’s cunt.
“Wow, don’t make me cum Marlene, I want to fuck you both if that’s alright with you”, said Simon.
“You’d better fuck me Simon boy if you know what’s good for you, I’m as horny as hell, oh fuck Sylvia that’s good, yes just there, oh fuck yes fuck yes”, she shouted holding her head between her legs much as she had done to Simon. Marlene was cumming like never before, Rod had barley stimulated her when they fucked, it was wham bam thank you mam, this was different, it was a woman and she knew how to lick a pussy.
Simon watched as Sylvia brought her to a shuddering climax as she held her head tight between her legs.
At last she finished and grabbed Sylvia kissing he r on the lips tasting her own cum.
Simon got both of them on their knees, “my turn now girls”, he said pushing his cock into Sylvia’s cunt first.
“That’s the first cock I’ve had in there for a year and it feels good”, she said just as Simon pulled out to fuck Marlene.
Marlen hadn’t ha d a different cock inside her since she married Rod, it felt good, she wanted many more, Rod could fuck himself, literally, she thought as Simon rammed into her cunt.
Alternating between the two he fucked them both till he started to cum. “You can’t have tasted any cum for a while Sylvia, do you want me to cum in your mouth”.
“Yes please”, said Sylvia out of breath as she was cumming again.
Marlene had cum many times, she lost count as Sylvia turned around to open her mouth, sperm was shooting from his cock as he pushed it into her waiting mouth.
Sylvia swallowed greedily, Simon was right, she used to love the taste of cum but hadn’t had any since Rod died. She licked he r lips, “I’d forgotten how good cum can taste”, she said licking her lips.
They relaxed on the couch, a naked mother in law and a naked daughter in law with a lucky young man.
“Sylvia, can I call you Sylvia, you know that officially I’m your daughter in law, could I join the club as that, it’s close enough isn’t it”.
“I don’t know, if you did you would have to go through training like the others, I’ll bet Rod’s never licked or fucked your ass hole, or you’ve never fucked a dog, you would have to learn all those things”.
“My Dad’s a trainer, if you were accepted he and I could train you”.
“That would be lovely Simon, thank you”.
“You know Samson my dog hasn’t fucked a woman for a year, I’m sure he’d love to, why don’t you start with him Marlene”, said Sylvia.
“Oh could I mother, oh sorry, I shouldn’t have called you that, but my mother died when I was young, I never really had a mother, I’m sorry”.
Sylvia held her close, “from now on if you don’t call me mother I shall, be upset”.
“Thank you mother”, said Marlene, “I just know I’m going to be very happy here, now where’s Samson”.
“I think we have to talk to Rod first, he has to know what we’ve got planned, we should give him the chance to join us, it would be beter for us if we had a man to swap as well”, said Sylvia.
“But I don’t want to fuck him, he’s so boring”, sighed Marlene.
“That’s alright honey, if you don’t want to fuck him then I will, that will leave you free to fuck who you want”.
“Thank you mother, I knew I was going to be happy here”, throwing he r arms around Sylvia.
Sylvia felt good again, for the first time in a year she felt happy, this girl would revive all the sexual feelings she used to have, and if she could get her son to fuck her, that would be icing on the cake.
Marlene brought Rod into the room, he was surprised to see they were all still naked. Marlene sat by Simon and began to stroke his cock in front of her husband.
“Rod we have to talk to you, we all know you’re a boring shit, but you can change, why not have fun, why don’t you join our club, you can have girls to fuck with your wife’s blessing, and you can fuck me if you wish”, said his mother ever so matter of factly.
Rods eyes were bulging, “mother, what are you saying, I can’t fuck my mother”.
Sylvia opened her legs wide and pushed out her ample tits, “tell me Rod, what’s wrong with these, and this”, opening her pussy lips to show him some pink.
“Yes Rod, what’s wrong with this”, said his wife rubbing her mother’s clit.
Rod was wavering, truth was he used to spy on his mother wanking himself after. H e longed to hold those big tits and lick her then hairy pussy, of course it was now completely bald.
His cock was beginning to twitch, he was staring at his wife rubbing his mother’s cunt, as his cock got even harder.
On one shoulder a devil was telling him to walk away, on the other one was telling him to fuck the ass of her.
His cock was getting harder and harder, his eyes never wavered from the hand rubbing his mother’s clit as she lay back with her eyes closed.
Red devil won, he lunged forward and rubbed his face all around his mother’s wet pussy. He sniffed the smell of womanhood from her already leaking pussy.
Sylvia smiled as her son began to tongue her cunt, now life was going to get back to normal. They would never take the place of Lyndsey and Rod Snr, but they were going to be good substitutes as she held her own son’s head tight into her pussy.
Marlene smiled to herself as well, now she could fuck anyone she wanted as she sucked on Simon’s cock.
Simon lifted her head up as she looked up at him, “you do know you will have to go through training before you are allowed to join the club and swap, have you ever been fucked in your ass hole”.
Marlene shook her head, “no I haven’t, but I’m looking forward to it, and Samson”.
Rod had risen and offered his mother his cock to suck, she opened her mouth and sucked deep all the way down.
Simon had turned Marlene around till she was kneeling on the couch beside her new mother sucking her husband’s cock.
Simon had entered her pussy as she fucked him back, it was wonderful to have a new cock inside her instead of that bring thing her husband had.
Rod was doing the same, his mother wasted no time as she was told to get on her knees as well.
Hard cock in hand Rod pushed his cock into the hole he used to fantasise about years ago. Sylvia was elated, she ha d a new daughter just like her who liked to fuck and a son who would keep her happy when she wanted a fuck, what more could she want.
Rod was fucking his mother and trying hard not to come, Marlene was right, he was boring about sex but all that was going to change now.
Gripping her ass cheeks firmly he rammed his cock as far into his mother’s cunt as far as it would go pushing her up against the couch.
Simon too had his cock plunged all the way into Marlene’s pussy as she moaned softly. Simon looked at mother and son fucking, he reckoned these three would make a great addition to the club.
Rod was doing well, he had lasted longer than usual, “Mom, can I stick it in your ass hole”, he asked.
“Any hole you like son, they’re all yours now, you don’t have to ask anymore”, as Rod pulled out and rubbed his cock around her ass.
“Lubricate her first you prick”, said Marlene,, “put your fingers in her pussy and stick them in her ass, don’t fuck her dry, you’ll hurt her”.
Sylvia was touched by her new daughters concern, “thank you darling”, she said as her son pulled his fingers from her wet pussy and shoved them in her ass hole.
“Okay now Mom if I fuck your ass”, said Rod as she gave him the go ahead.
Rod ha d never fucked an ass before, he was so surprised that her ass hole opened up so easily as his cock disappeared up it.
This was tighter than anything he had ever fucked and all too soon he spurted cum into his Mom’s ass hole.
“Sorry Mom, it’s the first time I’ve fucked an ass, I promise I’ll get better”.
Sylvia turned around and hugged him, “of course you will son, my ass will always be available to you, you’ll get used to it”.
Simon ha d finished fucking Marlene, he had cum on her back and Sylvia was licking it up before letting her new daughter taste it as well.
“I’ll make us some coffee, it’s three in the morning”, said Sylvia getting up. She came back later and they sat down to drink it.
Sylvia got up and walked to another room, she came back with Samson, a beautiful Husky, “meet Samson Marlene, he’s going to be your first dog fuck”.
“He’s gorgeous, come here boy”, and tried to grab his head.
Samson was more interested in her wet cunt, he could smell her sex as he tried to get his snout into it.
“It’s alright Marlene, open your legs, he won’t hurt you, he just wants to lick your pussy”, said Marlene.
“Oh, okay then”, said Marlene opening her legs wide showing her naked pussy.
Samson dived on it, he hadn’t had a fuck since Rod had died, his long tongue was sending Marlene into fits of rapture. Her head was back on the couch with mouth open unable to speak.
She felt like the tongue was inside her cunt, she had already cum three times in the last few hours but she was cumming again in buckets.
Sylvia watched her, she would be fine, she would take to fucking the dog like a duck to water.
Sylvia explained the intricacies of dog sucking and fucking, she told he r about the cum that would land on her tongue as she sucked, how he would force his knot into her to keep her captive while he filled her with his cum.
“Now get on your knees darling, let him sniff you first, he may lick your ass hole as well, that’s quite nice actually”.
Sylvia got Samson on the floor and showed Marlene how to pull his sheath back till his cock appeared.
“Dogs aren’t like us Marlene, we have to make them hard, you’ll find as you suck him he’ll get bigger and bigger, don’t worry about the cum in your mouth, just swallow, okay go for it”.
‘Here goes’, thought Marlene, ‘if I want ot join this club this is what I have to do’, she thought as her luscious lips closed around Samson’s spurting cock.
‘It’s much warmer than human sperm’, she was thinking as the first swallow disappeared down her throat.
She felt Samson get bigger just like mother said as she sucked as deep as she could. “Put your mouth over the tip there Marlene, he likes that and he’ll cum more, just suck on it for a while”.
Marlene did as Samson twitched, he did indeed like that and showed it by giving Marlene more cum.
“Now get on your knees darling, let him sniff you first, he may lick your ass hole as well, that’s quite nice actually”.
Marlene was on all fours as Samson licked and sniffed around her ass region before mounting her. Marlene nearly fell over from his weight as he probed for her opening before finding it with a hard push.
Marlene cried out as he did, “oh I’m sorry Marlene, I should have told you to brace yourself, are you alright”,
Marlene assured her she was though she had difficulty breathing with the ferocity of the fucking from the dog.
Marlene could not believe that something could go in and out of her pussy so fast, she was cumming again, how many times was that she thought, she hadn’t cum this many times in the last year.
Samson was having his first fuck for a year as well as he pummelled his bitch’s cunt, Marlene was still having trouble breathing as Samson slowed down.
Sylvia saw the signs, “he’s going to push his knot in now Marlene, put your head on the floor and raise your ass”.
Marlene did as she was told as Samson began to push.
“Fucking hell, how big is that”, said Marlene a s she felt her pussy lips being pulled apart.
“It’ll be alright in a minute I promise, then you’ll feel his cum land in your belly, it’s fantastic, trust me Marlene”.
Marlene said she did and she was fine, it was actually a nice feeling now as she settled down with her arms folded in front of her.
“Wow, I jus t felt that, was that his cum then, it just hit my belly”, said Marlene.
“Yes it was, it will take about fifteen to twenty minutes before he’s filled you so just relax”.
Marlene was relaxed, this was one of the best sexual feelings she ever had, Samson’s cock was throbbing inside her as he shot spurt after spurt into her. She had to cum again as the throbbing cock sent he r over the edge as both cums swirled around inside her.
Samson slowed down as the spurts got less, “stay still darling until he’s all the way out, when he’s finished he’ll clean your cunt for you, if you like you can clean his cock after, we normally do but as this is your first time you may not want to”, said mother.
“No I’ll do it, if I am to join your club than I must follow club rules”, she said as she jumped slightly as Samson’s tongue went in her pussy to lap up her and his cum that was running from her cunt.
When he had finished she bent down and held his dripping cock to suck it clean. Rod grabbed his mother and bent her over a chair, “you said these holes were mine mother, well now I’m claiming them” as he rammed his cock into her pussy again.
“That’s my boy, time you came out of your shell, now give your mother a good fucking before we go to bed”, as she pushed her ass towards her son.
Simon too was hard watching Marlene fuck the dog, Rod, lay on your back, Sylvia you straddle him, I can fuck your ass as well that way”.
There were no arguments from Sylvia, she lowered herself onto her son’s cock and leaned forward to give Simon access to her ass hole.
Rod had already cum in there so no need for lubing as he shoved his cock all the way in to his balls.
‘Just like the old days’ thought Sylvia as both cocks rammed into her. Marlene sat watching as both of her new mothers holes got reamed, ‘I’m looking forward to that’, she thought with a little jealousy that she couldn’t join in with that, the quicker she was trained the better.
Rod was trying to kiss his mother, she turned her head so he could as tongues met in savage frenzy, mother and son French kissing as both cocks were pounding her.
For Sylvia all to soon it was over, both cocks were being pulled out of her after shooting both loads into her.
‘I have to try that’ thought Marlene.
She would ask Simon to start tomorrow if they let her join the club, her only obstacle now was her ass, she had to be fucked in it, and soon.
“So what do you think, should we let her into the club”, but his pleas were landing on deaf ears. His story ha d got everyone hard again and they were fucking each other.
“Oh I’m going to bed, I haven’t had any sleep”, he said as he walked away up the stairs.
Back at Sylvia’s house Marlene was having a butt plug inserted courtesy of her mother in readiness for her training.


The committee had met and approved of Marlene joining the club along with her husband Rob. Mr Hardy had begun the training of Marlene aided and abetted by her new ‘mother’ Sylvia.
Rod her husband was fucking his mother Sylvia more than once a day now, she would be cooking in the kitchen when he would come behind her to fuck her ass.
She couldn’t say no as she had promised him her holes when he wanted them, and that was often.
Jolie and Charlie were shopping for clothes, Mr Groves had sent the money and a shopping list of clothes he wanted her to wear. Jolie’s was simple, she was to wear a coat with nothing on underneath and Mr Harrison would pick her up from her home.
Daddy was to take Charlie to Mr Groves’ house and pick up his daughter Millie returning them on Saturday afternoon.
Brother Simon had been doing his bit, he had been fucking both asses of his sisters so as not to get any complaints.
Daddy ha d been busy with Marlene, she ha d her first ass fuck from him yesterday and seemed to enjoy it.
Jolie wanted Rex or Marcus to fuck her ass hole but Mom wouldn’t allow it yet, “dogs have no manners darling, that big cock of his would ram up your as in one push, believe me it would hurt, best to wait till you’ve been fucked a bit more up there”
That didn’t stop Jolie sneaking off and fucking Rex or Marcus when no one was about, she loved dog cock. She loved the taste of their cum and the way they kept cumming in her mouth and those lovely big cocks, especially Marcus.
Friday night came around and the three women were getting ready for their assignments. Charlie pulled up her stockings and adjusted her belt, her frilly matching bra and knickers were bright red as asked for by Mr Groves.
Jolie just sat around, she was to be naked when picked up Mom also ha d suspenders and stockings on, she was spending the night with a woman, Jean Ross, a bi sexual who had a bit of a thing for Mrs Hardy.
Daddy looked in on them, “wow, fuck it, I think I’ll stay home and fuck you three, you look gorgeous, all of you”.
Jolie hugged her Daddy, “thank you”, she said as she pressed her young naked body against his crotch.
“Are you ready Charlie, Mr Groves and Millie will be waiting for us, I can’t wait to see her naked”.
Daddy and Charlie drove in silence for a while, “now make sure you do whatever Mr Groves wants darling, if Millie’s as good as you say she is I will want to swap her again, if he’s disappointed with you he may not let me”.
“Don’t worry Daddy, I’ll do everything he asks, no matter what”.
He wanted to stop and lick her pussy she looked so beautiful in her stockings but Mr Groves would want her panties to be clean, he would maybe stop with Millie and lick her pussy on the way back.
“Come in, come in, Millie’s just coming, this is my wife Carrie”, as a youngish looking woman held out her hand.
Mr Hardy gasped as Millie came downstairs, long blonde hair, long long legs, and a absolutely firm pair of tits showing through a sheer blouse.
Hid cock shot up all on it’s own, she was fucking gorgeous, he couldn’t wait to get his tongue inside her pussy, and that ass hole.
“Right let’s have a look at you then, lift up your dress Charlie, did you wear those red knickers I asked for”, said Mrs Groves.
Charlie was surprised, his wife was obviously going to join in, this could be fun.
She lifted her dress to reveal her red knickers and stockings as Carrie licked her lips. What Charlie didn’t know was that Mr Groves was Carrie’s sub, her Daddy knew but decided to say nothing for fear of putting her off.
Mr Groves had disappeared for the moment, “you can come in now slut”, shouted Carrie. Mr Groves walked in with a dog collar around his neck attached to a leash and nothing else.
Carrie had stripped and was sitting with legs wide open showing a bald pussy.
“I asked your Daddy not to let you lick a woman’s pussy Charlie, I wanted to teach you myself, come and kneel before me, but take off your dress first, and your bra and knickers, slut here will lick your ass while you lick my cunt”.
Charlie did as she was told, she ha d promised her Daddy she would.
“Now darling, pull my lips apart and lick all around the edge, keep your ass in the air for slut to lick”
Charlie pulled her cunt lips apart amazed by the pinkness inside as she put her tongue out and licked around the edges as ordered.
Mr Groves’ tongue was working on her ass hole, she could feel the wetness as he slobbered over her sticking his tongue in as far as he could.
Charlie was surprised by Carrie’s cunt, it wasn’t at all what she had expected, it smelt nice and tasted nice, she was leaking juice which Charlie lapped up like a kitten.
“That’s good Charlie, keep licking, you’ll get some cock later, it won’t be his though, he’s just here to lick you anywhere I tell him to, is he licking your ass good, if not tell me and we’ll punish him together”.
Charlie felt a twitch in her cunt, the words punish him had struck a chord, she wanted to punish him, god help he r she wanted to punish him.
The thought made her own pussy wet as she redoubled her licking of Carrie’s cunt.
She still had her pussy lips apart but her tongue was as far inside her cunt as she could get it. Carrie grabbed her hair, “swallow my cum Charlie, I want you to swallow it but keep some for me, I love to taste cum”, she said gushing into Charlie’s mouth.
Charlie was choking, cum was spurting out of her in torrents, it had been a waste of time doing her hair, it was now straggly and covered in female cum.
Carrie dragged her up towards her mouth and opened it to receive her own cum from Charlie licking her lips and swallowing it. She pulled Charlie close and kissed her, Charlie was surprised but remembered Daddy’s words.
She opened her mouth as their tongues entwined kissing passionately , Charlie was thoroughly enjoying her first lesbian experience . She nuzzled Carrie’s neck licking it down to her tits sucking her nipples before coming back to kiss her again.
Slut was still licking her ass, or trying to, Charlie was moving about so much sucking nipples and kissing Carrie it was hard to keep track of her ass.
Carrie grabbed Charlie and threw her on the couch pulling her legs apart.
Charlie felt the first female tongue in her cunt, it was much more tender than a man’s, Carrie was an expert cunt licker, she knew exactly what to do with her tongue that in no time at all she began to cum.
Carrie’s head was held tight as Charlie gushed cum from her cunt, Carrie was vainly trying to swallow all of it but couldn’t. She rose up towards Charlie holding her mouth close to Charlie’s. She knew what to do, she ha d her first taste of her own cum as Carrie emptied the contents of her mouth into Charlie’s.
Carrie was nuzzling her neck and playing with Charlie’s tits, “you were very good darling, I think you enjoyed that and not just carrying out Daddy’s wishes, I know he’s always wanted to fuck Millie so he would have told you to please me”.
Charlie didn’t answer, she kissed Carrie right on the lips opening her mouth as wide as possible to accommodate two tongues.
“Does that answer your question”, asked Charlie, “you know I don’t think your husband licked my ass very well, I think he should be punished, what do you think”.
Carrie kissed her again, “you’re even better than I imagined Charlie, what do you suggest”.
“Well I’ve always wanted to see what happens when you squeeze a man’s balls first”
“Slut, stand before your mistress with your hands behind your back”.
Charlie smiled to herself, however would she keep a straight face when she saw Mr Groves in the classroom, and how would he react.
She fondled his cock and balls for a moment, he had quite a nice cock and couldn’t resist sucking it for a bit, she would get him to fuck her one day at school.
Stroking his cock with one hand she grabbed his balls with the other and squeezed hard. Mr Groves closed his eyes but no sound came out, Mr Groves knew better, both Millie and Carrie had punished him for crying out before.
They amused themselves for a while sticking dildos up his ass and making him lick them clean before caning him just for being a man.
Carrie smiled at Charlie, “time to bring in our special guest Charlie”, she said walking out of the room.
“Meet Everard, he’s my best friend, and Millie’s”, she added.
Everard was huge great Dane, black and white spots covered his body, he was more like a Dalmatian than a great Dane.
“He’s beautiful”, said Charlie hugging him as Carrie kissed him, his long tongue was licking inside her mouth as she sucked on it.
Charlie already had her hand underneath him stroking his sheath, she ha d enjoyed fucking her own dogs but this one looked special.
She knelt down to see if his tip was beginning to show as Carrie carried on kissing him. A red tip appeared, Charlie hoped he would have a big cock, she wanted to see if she could feel like Jolie did when she fucked Marcus, their dog.
“Roll over”, said Carrie as the dog rolled over onto his back.
“You can get at it better now Charlie”, she said joining her in stroking his sheath.
Bit by bit his cock appeared, Charlie closed he r lips around it tasting his cum for the first time. She glanced at his knot, it was getting bigger, could she really take that inside her cunt, ‘of course I can’ she thought.
Everard’s cock was massive, it must have been nine or ten inches long and very thick, it was all she could do to get her lips around it and suck it.
Carrie wanted a suck now as Charlie handed the cock over to her. She stroked his knot gently not knowing how sensitive it was. She suddenly got an urge to lick it as she bent down and ran her tongue around his knot. Everard must have liked it because he gave a little jump sending his cock down Carrie’s throat making her gag.
“Oh you like that do you, okay I’ll carry on then”, said Charlie resuming her licking of his knot.
“We don’t want to squeeze your balls like the nasty man’s do we Everard”, said Charlie fondling his balls as she licked his knot.
“Your turn now”, said Carrie as she gave his cock back to her to suck. Carrie took over ball and knot duty licking and sucking as Charlie tasted his cum again.
“I think it’s time he fucked you now Charlie don’t you?”.
“You’re going to let me fuck him, oh thanks Carrie”, she said getting on her hands and knees.
“Let me have a lick first”, said Carrie burying her tongue in Charlie’s cunt.
It didn’t last long, Everard shoved her aside to use his long tongue to lick her.
“Holy fuck that’s good”, shouted Charlie, “you’ve got him well trained Carrie, go on boy lick my cunt”.
“He’s used to it, he drives Millie mad when he does it to her, she will sit at night watching TV while he licks her pussy, cums all the time he’s doing it and then makes her Daddy clean her up”.
Charlie barely heard, the tongue in her cunt was driving her mad as well as she knelt in stockings and suspenders letting a dog lick her cunt.
The weight nearly knocked her over, Everard was huge as he mounted her she braced herself ready for his cock, she knew it was going to be big inside her.
Everard gave a few jabs and found her hole, “shit”, cried Charlie as the cock went into her. It felt massive, it felt good, it felt fantastic as Everard pounded her cunt well and hard.
Charlie knew why her sister had enjoyed it so much, this was why, a huge dog cock fucking you at breakneck speed making you cum again and again.
Carrie knelt on the couch and enjoyed the sight, Mr Groves had his tongue in her ass, his own a mass of welts from the caning the two mistresses had given him.
Everard was pushing hard, this pussy was tighter than his two bitches who lived here, he was determined to get it in and with one final push he was inside her.
Charlie was out of breath, now the knot was in she relaxed, her cunt was so full she could hardly believe it as the pain subsided and the nice feeling came back.
His cum was splashing inside her as she settled down to wait for him to finish.
She felt like a dog whore, she liked that, the fact she was trapped and being filled by a sort of master appealed to her. At this moment he was her master, she was his to do with as he pleased, maybe this is how Mr Groves feels when he’s being punished.
“Are you enjoying it darling, he’s a really good fuck is Everard, I remember once it was thirty five minutes before he pulled out of Millie, she was furious because she ha d to go to meet someone and Everard just kept cumming and cumming”, as she laughed out loud at the memory.
“He’s a wonderful fuck Carrie, I wouldn’t mind waiting thirty five minutes with this cock inside me”, said Carrie as she felt the stirrings of another orgasm within her.
It was only twenty minutes before he pulle d out of Charlie’s cunt leaving a trail of cum running from her which Everard eagerly licked up.
Charlie reached under the dog and grabbed his cock, it was still hard and dripping as she shoved it into her mouth and sucked it clean.
“You’re going to make a perfect dog whore my dear, I have parties where my friends bring their dogs to fuck each other, would you like me to invite you to one of them”.
“Yes please Carrie, I’d like that very much”, replied Charlie.
Later they sat having a drink as Mr Groves sucked their toes and licked their feet.
“Carrie, I want him to fuck my ass and suck his cum out when he’s finished, will you let him, Daddy says I must have more ass fucking to stretch my ass hole, says he doesn’t want complaints about me being too tight”.
“Darling you are a woman after my own heart, I make him suck other men’s cum from my ass when I swap men, of course he can fuck your ass and suck out his cum”.
“Come here slut, get that useless cock of yours hard, your mistress wants her ass hole fucked, then clean her as when you’re finished”.
Mr Groves was soon hard and waited as Carrrie lubricated her ass ready for him.
He rubbed his cock against Charlie’s ass and pushed it in all the way as Carrie caned him while he did.
“Fuck her well slut or I’ll cane the skin off your ass”, she said whacking him again across his buttocks.
Knowing he was being punished as well made Charlie more horny than ever, she was actually cumming while having her ass fucked.
Mr Groves knew she was cumming and it made him start to cum, it ha d only been a couple of miutes and already he was cumming, he knew he was in for more punishment but he couldn’t help it.
“Cum over her ass hole you useless fucking slut”, shouted Carrie caning him hard.
“Now lick it up, clean your mistress properly or you will be punished all night”, said Carrie as he sucked and licked his cum into his mouth.
“Let’s have a look, make sure you’ve done it right”, said Carrie examining Charlie’s ass.
“I think it’s time for bed Charlie, we’ve got pussies to lick”, laughed Carrie as they headed upstairs.
Jolie too was heading upstairs with a man’s hand on each ass cheek and a cock in each hand. She had a hell of a surprise tonight when a guest showed up, she had no idea he would be there.


Jolie was waiting when her Daddy and Charlie set out for Mr Groves completely naked.
“Remember Jolie, don’t let me down, do whatever they tell you to do”.
“Okay Daddy, I’ll be a good girl”.
A car pulled up and a large man got out, “Jolie I presume” noticing she was completely naked.
“Yes I am, who are you”.
“My name is Ivan, I’ve been sent to collect you, get your coat and get into the car”.
Jolie tried to make conversation but the man didn’t answer, she let her coat fall open wide to get a response, nothing.
The car stopped by the side of the road, “give me your coat please, Mr Harrison says you have to walk from here, his house is that big one with the lights on”.
“But I’m naked”, protested Jolie as the driver got back in the car.
Jolie tried the doors, locked, she looked around but saw no one.
‘What the hell, lots of people have seen me naked, so what if a few more see me and set off walking.
The night air was cool and her nipples began to get taut as she walked along, she was glad the car was following her, he was obviously looking out for her.
A man out walking his dog nearly had a heart attack as a beautiful young naked girl walked past him saying ‘good evening, how are you’.
As she walked up the drive the car passed her and parked up in front of the door.
He handed her a piece of paper, “here are your instructions, follow them to the letter”.

Jolie looked at the piece of paper, 1, knock the door and wait, 2 walk in and raise your arms above your head, 3 when spoken to you will answer with Sir, 4 you will obey every command immediately.
‘What the hell have I got into’, thought Jolie but remembered her Daddy’s words.
She walked into the house with Ivan who stopped her outside a door and left her.

Jolie knocked and a voice answered to come in, Jolie walked in and raised her arms above her head. A bright light was shining on her so she couldn’t see who was actually speaking, “tonight you are a slut, you will act like a slut, do you understand”.
Jolie was just about to say yes when she remembered, “Yes Sir, tonight I am your slut”.

“She’s good, very good, and great tits, look at those nipples, great idea of yours to make her walk the last bit”
Jolie had heard that voice before, but where, suddenly it came to her, it was her school principal, it was Mr Godfrey, holy shit, was everyone in the city in this club.

The lights went out and Jolie could see the two men, both were naked and playing with stiff cocks. They walked towards her as Jolie kept her hands above her head, Mr Godfrey tweaked one nipple as Mr Harrison tweaked the other.
One walked behind her and felt her ass as the other one cupped her pussy.
Mr Godfrey pushed her legs apart and called out Buster, Jolie eyes opened wide as a huge mastiff came running into the room.

“Would you like a sniff of what you’re going to get later boy”, said Mr Godfrey as he pushed the dogs snout into Jolie’s pussy.
It was all she could do to stand as Buster licked her cunt with his long rough tongue. His head was under her licking all the way to her ass, her legs were beginning to buckle, she wanted to cum badly but didn’t know if she was allowed to.

Whether she was allowed to or not cum was flowing from her as Buster licked her even harder. Mr Harrison grabbed her making sure his hands were over her tits at the same time.

“Sexy little slut isn’t she, just look at the mess on the floor, good job Buster will clean it up otherwise she would have to with her tongue”.
“Oh I’m sure there will be plenty of our cum for her to clean up before this night is through, won’t there slut”.
“Yes Sir”, replied Jolie wishing she could put her arms down.

The two men walked to the couch and told Jolie to crawl to them. Jolie got on her knees and crawled over to suck their cocks.
Jolie pulled both foreskins back and looked at the purple heads, surprisingly Mr Godfrey had a thick and long cock, Mr Harrison, although not quite so big as Mr Godfrey’s was still a big cock.
She closed her lips around Mr Harrison first as he closed his eyes and lay back as Jolie sucked and stroked Mr Godfrey.
She changed over to the principal and sucked his cock as he too lay back.

‘This is big, I hope he fucks my pussy with this and Mr Harrison fucks my ass’ thought Jolie as she switched back.
The two men were talking about her as though she wasn’t there. “I hope her ass is tight, I fucked Sarah Collins in the ass last night, she must have been ass fucking for ages, it wasn’t tight at all”, said Mr Godfrey.

Jolie’s ears pricked up, Sarah Collins was a cheerleader, she was a snob but yet the principal was fucking her as and not too happy about her performance, wait till she told Charlie,
Jolie heard him, so he was going to fuck her in the ass, ah well, grin and bear it, she couldn’t let Daddy down now could she.

“I hope you’re going to swap over when you’re fucking her ass, I want to fuck it as well Robert”.

“Of course Raymond, you don’t think I’d keep a lovely little ass like that all to myself do you”.

“I think Buster is going to enjoy himself, did you see the way she spurted when he licked her cunt”, said Robert Godfrey.
Jolie was sucking both men when they pulled her away. “Stand up slut”, and both men rose.

Raymond Harrison lay on his back and ordered Jolie to sit on his cock and bend forward, Robert Godfrey got behind her and sticking his finger s into her wet cunt lubricated her ass hole.
Jolie kept her head down on Raymond’s neck and closed her eyes, that big cock she had just been sucking was going to enter her ass hole.

Robert looked down at the tiny hole his cock was going to penetrate, he never ceased to wonder how his cock would go in there but it always did.

He pushed gently into her ass, club rules didn’t allow anyone to mark or hurt intentionally any member of another family so he was careful.
The swollen head was beginning to go in as he pushed a little harder, she was tighter than Sarah that’s for sure as more and more of his not so small cock went all the way in.
Jolie was surprised, sure his cock was big, but it didn’t hurt like she thought it would, in fact she was enjoying it.

“Do you like me fucking your ass slut, tell me you like us fucking your ass and pussy slut”.
“I love you both fucking my ass and pussy Sir, please fuck me harder Sir in my ass and pussy”, said Jolie meaning it.
“Okay slut you asked for it”, said Robert quickening his strokes in her ass.

“I think you ha d better fuck her before I cum in it Raymond”.
Jolie let his cock slip, out of her pussy and got up. Robert lay on the ground and Jolie sat on him as Raymond penetrated her ass hole.
Now Jolie had a bigger cock in her pussy, she was desperately trying to fuck him in rhythm but Raymond had a rhythm of his own.

After fucking her pussy Raymond wasn’t going to last long, he was beginning to cum as he pulled out and raced to where Jolie was and shoved hi cock in her mouth.

Jolie ha d barely time to close her mouth when his sticky cum was going down her throat, she tried desperately to swallow it all but he kept cumming, for a middle aged man he sure had plenty of cum in his balls.

Jolie was almost choking on it as spurt after spurt was going down her throat choking her. At last he stopped cumming as Jolie swallowed the last of his cum, she didn’t know what he had been eating but it sure had a spicy taste.

“Quick slut, get your mouth on my cock, I’m going to cum”.
Jolie jumped off and took Robert’s cock in her mouth just as the first shots came.

Although his cock was bigger he didn’t have the same ferocity as Raymond, she found it quite easy to swallow his cum as she opened her mouth to show them it had all gone.

“You can have a drink now slut if you want, then you can pleasure Buster while watch and recover”, said Raymond Harrison.

After Jolie had rested Buster was brought out, she sat with legs wide open as Buster licked her pussy all over even her ass.
She opened her cunt up to let more juices flow so Buster would keep licking her.
She played with her pussy as Buster licked her even more till she began to cum again.

“You know Raymond, I think our slut is a dog whore, he has made her cum twice now, definitely a dog whore, what are you slut”, he shouted.
“I’m a dog whore Sir”, she shouted back.

Actually they weren’t wrong, she was a dog whore, she knew that, there was nothing better than sucking a big red or purple dog cock with his cum streaming into your mouth, she couldn’t wait to suck and fuck this huge mastiff.

The smell of her cunt was having an effect on Buster, he didn’t need any coaching this time, already his cock was showing.
“I think Buster likes the dog whore Robert, he’s out already”.
“I think it’s time you gave Buster some head slut, his cock is just waiting for it”.

“Yes Sir”, said Jolie sliding off the couch and sliding under Buster. She gazed at the long thick purple cock above her. Holding he r mouth open she waited till he had filled her mouth before swallowing the nectar.
She was sucking on his tip trying to get him to cum faster, she had to have her fix of dog cum, she loved it.

Raymond and Robert sat with their cocks in hand starting to rise again as they watched the young eighteen year old girl suck and swallow.
Jolie was in her element, she stroked his knot and then his balls as he fed her cum constantly. She let some spray over her face feeling the warmth as it splashed over her.

Jolie could have lain there for hours sucking Buster but was told to get ready for him to fuck her. Jolie reluctantly let the dog cock slip form her lips and got to her hands and knees. Buster was licking her pussy and her ass till she felt the enormous weight on her back.

God this dog was heavy, she braced her hands on the floor as he probed for her opening. It didn’t take long, soon Jolie had his cock all the way into her pussy as he fucked her hard, his hot breath on her neck.

This is what Jolie had been waiting for, it was okay sucking the two male cocks, she didn’t mind swallowing their cum, but this, this was real fucking.

She was cumming as soon as Buster entered her, she knew she would cum again and again especially when Buster forced that huge knot of his into her tight cunt.

The thought of his knot inside her kept her cumming as Buster pummelled her cunt with his long thick cock.

Jolie laid her head on the floor as Buster slowed down, that was the sign he was now going to make her his bitch, she was quite happy with that, if she lived on her own she would have a dog like this and be his bitch making herself available to him at all times.

Buster was forcing his knot inside, with a final push he was in as Jolie felt the first shots of his sperm inside her. ‘This is heaven’ thought Jolie as she closed her eyes to wait while Buster filled her womb.

Robert and Raymond sat watching stroking their cocks, “this girl is amazing Robert, she is going to be in such demand when we put our report in”, whispered Raymond.

Buster was still cumming, his tongue was lolling down by Jolie’s face as she turned to suck on it. Buster immediately began to lick her face all over including her tongue.

Buster was slowing down, his spurts were getting slower and slower, Jolie knew better than to try and pull away from him before he released her so she waited patiently for him to finish.

Cum ran from her cunt as Buster pulled out of her with a plop and began to lick her cum and his from her pussy. Jolie waited until he had finished and then grabbed his cock which was still quite hard and sucked it clean reluctant to stop.

Jolie lay on the floor with legs spread giving both men a good look at her still dripping cunt, she was satisfied for now, she hoped with all her heart that she could fuck Buster again before she left.
The two men approached her, “that was very good slut, Buster enjoyed fucking you”.

“Thank you Sir, I enjoyed fucking Buster”.

“I think we should go to bed now slut, leave the cum in your cunt, we can both fuck you and then you can suck the dog cum from our cocks, would you like that”.

“Yes Sir, I would love that very much, thank you Sir”.

“One more thing slut, I think Buster should come with us to bed, he may want to fuck you in the night, I’m sure you wouldn’t want to disappoint him”.

“No Sir, I could never disappoint Buster, he can fuck my cunt anytime he wants Sir, thank you Sir”, said Jolie feeling very pleased with herself.

Jolie grabbed the two hard cocks in each hand, “shall we go Sirs”, she said leading the way, “and you Buster, come on boy”, as she walked upstairs with a cock in each hand and a hand on each buttock, a very happy girl.


John Hardy was driving Millie back to his house, he couldn’t take his eyes off her long legs as she sat with her short skirt right up to her frilly panties.
John pulled of the road down a little used industrial park and stopped the car.

“Millie, I just have to lick your cunt and your ass, since I saw you coming down those stairs my cock has been hard ever since, take off your panties Millie”.

Millie laughed, “you’re the fourth person to stop and do that Mr Hardy”, she said pulling down her panties and taking them off.
She leaned back against the passenger door and lifted her legs up onto the seat.

“Is that okay Mr Hardy”, she said putting one long leg on the dashboard.
John leaned down and sniffed her pussy, she ha d one of those pussies where the lips stood proud as he kissed and licked them.
“Oooh that’s nice Mr Hardy, I like that”, putting her hand on his head and pulling him closer.

John spread her cunt lips as far as they would go pushing his tongue in tasting the sweet juice that was beginning to leak from her pussy.
Pulling her forward he lifted he r legs up farther so he could have access to her ass hole as well. He couldn’t see it very well but he just knew it would be beautiful as he spat on it and licked it.
John could have stayed all night licking this gorgeous creatures ass and pussy but it was Millie who stopped him.

“Mr Hardy, I love it when you lick my ass, but we’ll have no time for anything else if we stay here, let me suck you off and make your cock go down, I want to meet Marcus and Rex”.
“You’re right Millie”, he said sitting up as she bent over and took his hard cock into her mouth. John was so worked up it didn’t take long for him to cum.
“I’m cumming Millie” as she held his cock deep in her mouth swallowing his creamy cum.
“You have nice cum Mr Hardy”, licking her lips and sitting straight up again.

They reached the house where Mom was still waiting to go to Mrs Ross’ house.

“Wow, you lucky bastard, tell you what, I’ll stay with Millie and you go to Jean Ross’ house”, said Mom kneeling down to lick Millie’s pussy and stroke her ass.

Mom was still licking when Mrs Ross walked in, “oh my, that looks delicious, would you mind”, as she knelt behind Millie sticking her tongue into her ass hole.

John was pulling off her blouse and pulling her skirt over her head, her tits were the only thing left to him as he fondled and sucked them.
Millie was cumming, three mouths all over her body was more than she could stand, Jean was under her as Mom licked her when she began to cum.

Both women tried hard to get as much cum as they could before she stopped cumming. Millie was trembling, she had never cum standing up before as her pussy was cleaned to perfection.
Mrs Ross grabbed Mom, “come on, let’s go, I can’t wait to lick that pussy and ass of yours now”, kissing her hard on the lips.

“I thought I was never going to have you Millie”, he said as he pushed her on her knees onto the couch.
She really was the most gorgeous creature he ha d ever seen, his daughters had beautiful asses and many others he had trained, but this one was special.

He licked all around it savouring the taste before spreading her cheeks to open it some more. His tongue was forcing into her ass as it slowly opened into a little tiny hole.
John was sure he would cum again all on his own as he worked his tongue farther and farther in. Millie was moaning loudly telling him to push his tongue in deeper and lick her ass hole.

“Does your Daddy lick your ass for you Millie”.
“Oh yes Mr Hardy, and Mom, she makes him lick me all the time, she makes him lick his cum from my ass when she allows him to fuck me in my ass hole”.
“Oh Mr Hardy, your tongue is no nice in my ass”, she said wriggling it about.

John switched his attention to her slit now, he had seen his wife and Mrs Ross lick her cum up, he wanted some for himself.
Pushing his finger into her ass he licked her pussy which was wet now, he tasted her juice again as his tongue went in all the time his finger was in her ass.
Millie began to breathe very heavily, a sign that she was about to cum.

John lay on his back and told Millie to sit on his face, he wanted all of her cum, he wanted it badly.
He looked up and saw her magnificent holes bearing down on him, his tongue came out to meet them as she impaled herself on it.
He was finding it hard to breathe but who cared, if he had to suffocate what a way to do it.

She was cumming now, she didn’t slow down, her pussy was grinding on his face as nectar went into his open mouth. John swallowed and swallowed, she was cumming a lot after just cumming half an hour ago as John kept drinking her cum.

He finally had to push her off as he really was suffocating, “that was lovely Millie, your cum tastes like nectar, it really does”.
“I have tasted my own cum Mr Hardy, Mr Everitt asked me if I would drink some of my cum, said it turned him on to watch me”.
“Was it nice to drink”.
“Actually it wasn’t too bad, it tastes like Moms when I make her cum, she likes me to swallow hers as well”.
“You are a good girl Millie”.
“Thank you Mr Hardy, I do try”.

“Would you like to suck my cock for a while now Millie”.
Millie said nothing but knelt down in front of me as I sat on the couch. She was well taught at cock sucking, I wish I had been her trainer, as she took three quarters of my hard cock into her mouth.
She was making it wet as she sucked and then pulled her teeth up over the head almost making him cum.

“Don’t make me cum yet Millie, I haven’t fucked your ass or pussy yet, would you like to swallow my cum again when I’m ready”.
“Yes please Mr Hardy, I’d like that”, she said resuming her sucking.
Millie sucked on his cock for about twenty minutes until he couldn’t stand it any longer.

“On your knees on the couch Millie, I have to fuck you now”.
Millie climbed on the couch and presented her pussy to him for fucking .
He felt her pussy, it was wet as he stuck three fingers in to stick in her ass hole.

Rubbing the slime around her hole he stuck two fingers in and repeated the sequence a few times till her ass was lubed. Holding his throbbing cock he at last entered her hole, she was tighter than he expected but wonderfully wet and pleasurable.
Millie was moaning softly as he pounded her cunt, he stroked her smooth ass cheeks as he fucked her, loving everything about this girls body.

He decided to fuck her ass in case he came too quickly, it would be a sin if he did before he stuck his cock into that lovely hole.
“Ready Millie, I’m going to fuck your ass now”.
“Okay Mr Hardy, I’m ready”, she said pushing he r ass a little higher to give him more access.
John thought he would faint with sheer pleasure as he entered her tiny hole, he saw his cock slowly disappear into her ever opening cavity.

His balls were now touching her ass, he was in all the way, as he began to pound her she was shouting to fuck her harder.
“Fuck my ass Mr Hardy fuck me, fuck my ass”.

John got the idea she liked anal sex more than pussy sex maybe, she hadn’t made such a racket when he fucked her pussy.
John was really ramming her now, if she did enjoy anal more than pussy sex he was damn sure she was going to enjoy it.
Her fingers were rubbing her clit as she moaned and shouted for Mr Hardy to fuck her even harder.

A loud aaaaaaaagh came from her as John felt his balls get wet, ‘she’s cum from an ass fucking, she loves anal sex’ thought John as he pounded her ass even harder making her scream.
John was cumming himself, rushing around to her face she opened he r mouth and sucked his cock straight from her ass taking all of his cum down her throat.

She kept sucking till at last he pulled his limp cock from her mouth.
“God I enjoyed that Millie, I want to fuck your ass again many times before the morning”.
“I’d like that Mr Hardy, my ass is all yours for tonight”, smiled Mille now out of breath.

“Let’s have a drink and I’ll introduce you to Rex and Marcus, you’ll like them”.
“Bring them in now Mr Hardy, I’ll get used to them while we have a drink”.
John fetched the two dogs, right away they knew the smell, Marcus immediately tried to force Millie’s legs apart to get to her wet pussy.
Marcus knew the smell of female cum very well and this girl reeked of it.

John came back into the room to see Millie with her head back and two dogs vying for the pleasure of licking her cunt.
Her eyes were closed tightly and her hands on the dogs heads as they licked her to another orgasm.
John put her coffee down, he had a feeling she wasn’t going to need it, the dogs were still licking as Millie lay back and lifted he r legs into the air.

John just managed a quick glance of her ass hole as a dogs tongue delved into it.
Millie was moaning loudly now, the dog tongues were working their magic on her, dogs are notoriously good cunt lickers and these two were no exception.
Millie was cumming again, she had never had two dogs lick her at the same time, she didn’t want it to stop as more cum flowed from her swollen cunt.

Mr Hardy’s voice was somewhere in the distance, she barely heard him as the dogs eagerly lapped her cum.
“I think you should return the favour Milie, you won’t have to rub their sheaths, both cock are showing”.
Millie didn’t want to move, she wanted the dogs to lick her forever, especially her ass, that long tongue going all around it was driving her crazy.

She began to move, she belonged to Mr Hardy tonight, she had to obey him.

Getting to her knees she tried to grab both cocks but the dogs were more interested in her wet cunt.
John grabbed both dogs and held them, they were trained to roll over when Mom sucked on their cocks, and now Jolie and Charlie as well.
Both dogs were now laying on their backs as Millie sucked one red tip while stroking the others sheath. Switching she soon had both cocks standing to attention as she sucked as deep as she could.

Her long blonde hair was obscuring John’s view.
“I want to see those cocks in your mouth Millie, I want to watch you suck those dog cocks, tie your hair back”.
Millie stopped reluctantly, taking the elastic band from Mr Hardy she soon had her hair in a pony tail and resumed her sucking.

Both cocks were fully grown now, Marcus was sticking up, a long purple cock with a massive knot at the end.
Rex was smaller but still big enough to excite a wet cunt as Millie closed her lips around it.

“Hold his cock away from your mouth Millie, let him fill it, I want to see the cum inside your mouth”.
Millie held Rex’ cock and let the spurts of cum land in her mouth where she held them until she couldn’t hold any more.
She let Mr Hardy see the mouthful of dog cum before swallowing it down in one go.

“Okay, that was good, you can carry on sucking now”.
Millie took Marcus this time, he was much bigger and spurted more cum into her.

Her face was glistening from cum spurts when Mr Hardy said it was time to fuck them. He wanted them to fuck her as he was as hard as a rock and couldn’t wait to into her ass hole again.

Millie got on her hands and knees as Marcus got up and had a few sniffs and licks.
He must have liked it because Mille suddenly felt the weight of him on her back scratching her slightly on her sides.
Marcus was probing for a hole, any hole and he found one, her ass hole.

Millie had been fucked in her ass only half an hour ago, it was a good job, if she had been dry Marcus would have ripped her in half. As it was she was still quite wet but she couldn’t help a scream from her lips as he went right up on one push.
John jumped up from the seat, “are you alright Mille, shall I pull him off”.

“No It’s alright Mr Hardy, he went straight up my ass and not my pussy, I’ll be alright”, she said as she laid her head on the floor now over the initial shock.
This was by far the biggest thing she had ever had up her ass, her Mom had put quite big dildos up there at her request, but this was real as Marcus pounded her ass hole.

Milie was more relaxed now, “bring Rex here and I’ll suck his cock while I’m being fucked Mr Hardy.
John manoeuvred Rex into a position in front of her with his cock by her face.
Millie leaned over and began to suck his cock as Marcus pounded her ass with his massive cock.

She managed to get one hand behind her to massage her clit, she was geting used to the size now and the orgasm was imminent. She squeezed and rubbed furiously at her clit till she felt the cum begin to flow sucking harder on Rex as she did.
She almost bit Rex’ cock as Marcus tried to shove his knot into her ass hole.

She thought I can’t take this, “can you get him off Mr Hardy, he’s trying to knot me in my ass hole”.
“I’m sorry Millie, a dog doesn’t like to pulled away from his bitch, he’ll attack me if I try now, you’ll just have to try and bear it”.

Millie stopped sucking Rex, she was afraid she might bite his cock if Marcus persisted in pushing his knot into her ass hole.
Marcus was determined to get it in, he pushed and shoved until finally it was home as Millie gasped at the size of it.

When her Mom, (stepmom) pushed those large dildos up her ass she didn’t believe it could be stretched any farther, but yet here was an object much bigger inside her ass hole.
Millie was sweating, while it felt big it also felt nice, she had seen porn films where women out their fist up another woman’s ass, she now knew what that felt like.

The pain in her ass subsided to be replaced by another feeling, one of contentment as Marcus gave her his cum. Spurt after spurt was going inside her as she resumed her sucking of Rex’ cock.
It was nice now, she made a note to get her Mom to buy some bigger dildos, she would try na d shove them up Mom’s ass, if she could take this then so could Mom.

Marcus was filling her womb with his cum, wave after wave of cum was hitting her belly as she sucked on Rex.
It took about fifteen minutes for Marcus to release her as he plopped out of her ass leaving a rivulet of cum running from her ass.
Marcus cleaned her cunt from cum as Rex rose to take his place. Millie stayed where she was as Rex licked the cum with Marcus before mounting her.

Millie was a little disappointed that he found her pussy hole and not her ass hole, it was probably a good thing, her ass had just taken a hell of a pounding from Marcus, another one might have damaged her.
Rex was going like a steam engine, Millie’s cunt was being pounded now, this was one night she would never forget and she still had to spend the night with Mr Hardy, she knew he liked her ass so he would fuck that later.

But for now it was Rex who owned her, he was pummelling her cunt hard and fast as she started to cum again, she had lost count of all the orgasms she had up till then.

Rex was knotting her now, after Marcus in her ass this was a piece of cake, she lay still as Rex entered her with his knot without any fuss whatsoever.
Milile lay still as more cum flowed into her womb, she was hoping Mr Hardy would give her time to recover before he too would be fucking her ass hole.

She lay with her head on the floor watching Mr Hardy play with his cock as Rex slowed down. She could feel cum running down her leg from all the cum from both dogs.
At last Rex pulled out with a swish as cum ran down her inside leg, she wanted to clean Rex’ cock but he was busy licking her and his cum from her pussy.

John helped her up, she had gone through a hell of a fucking tonight, he hoped Marcus hadn’t damaged her ass, he badly wanted that.
An hour later and Millie was her old self, a good shower and a stiff drink and she was back to normal.

“Is your ass okay now Millie”, asked John with genuine concern, he didn’t want her going back complaining about her treatment.

“It’s fine Mr Hardy, I know you like my ass and you know I like being fucked in my ass, it’s ok, you can fuck my ass all night if you want”.
Mr Hardy held her tight, “let’s go to bed Millie”.


John Hardy gazed wistfully at the young girls ass. He knew he could fuck it one more time before she left to go back home. He had already woken her up in the middle of the night to fuck her ass, she enjoyed it, she liked anal more than pussy sex.

John stroked it admiring the gentle curves of her ass cheeks and the slit of her pussy as he stroked his own hardening cock. Millie moved as she felt the touch, opening her eyes she forgot where she was for a moment. Turning around she saw it was Mr Hardy stroking her ass and pussy.

“Good morning gorgeous, sleep well”, he asked leaning down to kiss her forehead.

“Yes thank you, apart from being woke up to have my ass fucked”, she laughed.

“Sorry about that, you know I love your ass, I couldn’t stop thinking about it”.

“It’s okay Mr Hardy, actually I enjoyed it, would you like to do it again”, she said cheekily getting on her knees and pushing her ass into my face. I had cum in her ass when I fucked her but I didn’t care, as if it had a mind of it’s own my tongue was deep in her ass hole as I tasted my own cum still in there.

I didn’t have much time, it was eight thirty now and both Charlie and Jolie were being brought home by their swaps. My cock was rock hard now as I got on my knees and pushed it into her ass hole. She was lubricated from my cum and my tongue as my cock slid effortlessly all the way up her ass.

I think I could have kept it there all day looking at the wonder of her shapely ass cheeks as I fucked her hard. Millie was beginning to moan out loud and push harder against my cock as she shouted she was cumming. God this girl loved anal, her husband when she got married would be a very lucky man.

I was pumping her hard making her cum again as she rubbed her clit with her forefinger and thumb. I just wished I could be in two places at once, fucking her ass and underneath her pussy catching her sweet cum.

All too soon I was cumming shooting my sperm deep into her ass hole. “That was wonderful Millie, may I fuck your ass some other time”. She was standing by the side of the bed now as cum trickled from her ass she answered of course I could, any time I liked and she liked me fucking her ass.

Jolie woke up between Mr Harrison and Mr Godfrey with Mr Godfrey between her legs licking her pussy. “Good morning my dear, thought we would wake you up with a nice lick”, said Mr Harrison smiling.

“Thank you Sir”, said Jolie a little bewildered by the different attitude. Last night she was called slut and had to call them Sir.

“Oh you can stop calling us Sir now Jolie, we’re sorry we called you a slut, but it was a test, all newbies have to go through it, nothing personal you understand”.

“Now Robert and I saw how much you liked fucking Buster, as we haven’t got much time you can suck us off and then fuck Buster before we take you home, is that okay”.

Jolie’s eyes lit up, “thank you”, she said sliding down to take his cock in her mouth wanting him to cum as soon as possible. He was already hard as Jolie sucked him as deep as she could as well as stroking him, her mind was saying please cum as she sucked his cock like she had never sucked a cock before.

Raymond began to twitch, although she hadn’t been sucking cock all that long she knew the signs. Raymond grabbed her hair and pushed forward sending spurts of his sperm into her mouth and down her throat.

“Your turn Mr Godfrey”, she said as Raymond took his place licking her pussy. Licking he r pussy had made Robert very horny anyway so it didn’t take long for Jolie to feel his cum fill her mouth.

“Thank you my dear, that was very nice, come on Buster, up here”, as the huge dog jumped up on the bed. Jolie was on him in a flash stroking his sheath and waiting for his cock to appear. She pulled the sheath back more and more until hsi tip appeared and she greedily sucked on it.

She was almost saying yum yum as the cum landed on her tongue sucking hard to get him to full hardness. For a second she took he r mouth away to look at his cock, straight and purple and thick, she almost felt like singing it as she resumed her sucking.

Raymond and Robert sat watching the young girl, she certainly was a dog whore, she loved it they thought as Jolie’s head bobbed up and down on Buster’s hard cock. Her mouth was full of cum as she held some back to swallow, she loved the taste of dog cum as it went down her throat.

Jolie needed his cock inside her now, getting on her knees she waited while Buster finished his customary licking of a pussy before he fucked it. Hid front legs wrapped around her waist as his full weight landed on her back probing for her cunt hole.

“Ahhh”, she cried out as Buster entered her hole with one push, she was okay now, she had come to expect that from dogs, after all they were just his bitches to fuck as he liked. ‘This is more like it’, thought Jolie as Buster rammed her pussy with speed and force. Already she was cumming in torrents as the cock went all the way in to her wet cunt. She was waiting for him to knot her, this was her absolutely best part of being dog fucked, when that knot went in she felt so satisfied being filled with his cum, she didn’t know why, she just was.

The moment had arrived, Busters back legs were scraping hers as he climbed some more to push his knot inside her and begin to cum. Robert and Raymond got up from the bed, “we may as well shower, she’ll be here for quite a bit yet cumming in her”, and walked off.

Jolie laid her arms on the bed with a self satisfied on her face, she was glad they were gone, now it was just the dog and his bitch as Buster’s hot breath was blowing on her cheeks.

Fifteen minutes later the men came back just as Jolie was cleaning Buster’s cock by sucking it. “what do you think of Buster then Jolie, did you enjoy fucking him”.

“Oh yes, he’s lovely”, said Jolie putting he r tongue out for Buster to lick as she hugged his neck.

“You had better shower and get dressed now Jolie, your Daddy’s expecting us to take you home soon”.

Charlie was sitting on Mr Groves face as he licked her ass and Mrs Groves licked her pussy. “If he doesn’t put his tongue in your ass far enough tell me Charlie and I’ll squeeze these balls till he does”, said Mrs Groves holding her husbands balls.

“No it’s fine, his tongue is deep in my ass”, answered Charlie as she started to cum with double licking. Both carried on as Charlie spurted cum into Mrs Groves’ face and over Mr Groves.

“Clean her up slut and I’ll send Everard in if you like Charlie, I have to make breakfast and take you home, would you like me to send Everard in”.

“Oh god yes Carrie, he was such a good fuck last night, I can’t wait”.

Everard bounded in and jumped on the bed, it was obvious he had done this many times with Millie and Carrie as he licked Charlie’s face in anticipation. Charlie stuck out he r tongue as Everard licked it with his long tongue. Charlie reached underneath him and stroked his sheath and he immediately stood still.

“Good boy Everard, you want me to suck your cock don’t you, you want me to suck your hard cock and swallow your cum”, said Charlie getting wet again with the dirty talk. She lay down and stroked until his tip appeared to take it into her mouth. Droplets of cum were spitting from it getting more and more frequent as she swallowed them.

His cock was growing with every suck as she licked the shaft from top to bottom not forgetting his knot. Sucking on the tip brought more cum from him as it began to fill her mouth.

“Remembering what Carrie had said about taking her home she reluctantly stopped sucking his cock and got to her hands and knees for Everard to lick her pussy and mount her. It didn’t take long, Everard was on her back pushing his cock forward hoping to find a hole and he did. Charlie gasped as he drove his cock right up into her wet cunt and began to pound her. Mr Groves sat watching as the young girl took the dog cock deep in her ass. He had sat there many times as his own daughter was being fucked by Everard waiting to clean her pussy from dog cum.

Everard was in a hurry as well, already he was pushing his knot inside Charlie’s cunt ready to cum inside her. Carrie walked back into the room having dressed and showered, “what a lovely sight Charlie, you enjoying that fucking”.

“Definitely Carrie, Everard is a wonderful fuck, he’s filling me with his cum right now”.

“Make sure you clean her slut”, she said to Mr Groves slapping his cock with her hand. “Yes mistress”, he replied meekly.

Charlie was having her first cum of the day, no doubt she would have others, Daddy would want to know everything that happened, when she had told him she knew he would be hard and want to fuck her.

She had two more orgasms before Everard slipped out of her and began to lick her pussy. Charlie was out of breath as Everard stopped and Mr Groves took over licking her cunt. Everard was still dripping as Charlie managed to grab his cock sucking it clean before going for a shower.

Jolie was already back home when Charlie and Carrie got there, Raymond and Robert were telling John how good Jolie had been and apologised again for calling her a slut. Jolie was pleased with herself, her first swap had gone well, both men were very pleased with her, she wondered if next weekend’s swap partners would have a big dog as well.

Charlie and Carrie arrived to find Jolie getting high praise. “Well how was she Carrie, any complaints”, asked Daddy.

“She was magnificent John, you needn’t worry about her licking pussy any more, she took to it like a duck to water, made me cum again and again”. Charlie was pleased, she hadn’t wanted to let her Daddy down, and she hadn’t.

The three girls went off into another room to talk about their experiences with each other. “You’ll never believe it but the principal is fucking miss high and mighty Sarah Collins in the ass, and what’s more says she’s rubbish at it, her ass is too loose”.

“You’re joking, snobby Sarah is having her ass fucked, you can’t be serious”, said Millie.

“I heard Mr Godfrey tell Mr Harrison as he they both fucked me at the same time, he said I fucked Sarah Collins last night in the ass and she was loose”, replied Jolie.

“You wait till she says anything nasty to me again”, said Charlie, “and me, and me”, said Jolie and Millie. “How did you get on Millie, did Daddy fuck you well”.

“He really likes my ass, he fucked me there a few times, oh, and Marcus, he stuck it in the wrong hole, your Daddy said he couldn’t pull him off because he would bite”.

“Fucking hell Millie, you never took Marcus in your ass hole, he’s massive”.

“I did and I enjoyed it after a while”, said Millie proudly.

“Respect Millie”, said both girls giving her high fives.

“Did Mom make Daddy lick your ass Charlie, he makes him do it to me all the time, I hate it”, she said and laughed out loud.

“Yes all the time, I hated it as well, and he made him clean me after Everard fucked me, does he do that to you Millie?”.

“All the time, did Mom make you lick her pussy, she loves that, I’ve swallowed so much of her cum I think I’m a cumaholic”, and they all laughed.

The door bell rang and Jolie answered it, a lady and a girl stood there, “hi, I’m Mrs Teller and this is Marlene, is Mr Hardy at home, he’s expecting us”.

“Come in Mrs Teller, and you Marlene, I’ll tell Daddy you’re here”, walking into the room where the men and Mrs Groves sat talking.

“Sorry to interrupt you Daddy, there’s a Mrs Teller and Marlene here, says you’re expecting them”.

“Show them in, I’d forgotten about them”, as Jolie showed the two women in.

“You three know Sylvia of course from the club, this is Marlene, the one we discussed about joining, she’s here to be trained for the club”.

Handshakes were exchanged and Sylvia was invited to join them while Marlene was taken off by the young ones. “So you’re here to be trained Marlene, you’ll enjoy it, Daddy’s very good”, said Charlie.

“It’s only my ass really, I’ve never been fucked up there before, mother says I have to have it stretched before I can join the club”.

“That’s a must, you can’t tell someone they can’t fuck your ass because you’ve never ha d it in there before, have you got a plug in”, said Millie trying to imagine not being fucked in the ass, sacrilege that is.

“Mother told me not to wear any panties, waste of time she said”, as she pulled up her dress and bent over to reveal a butt plug sticking in her ass hole.

Millie, Charlie and Jolie told her all about their weekend, how the two men ha d fucked Jolie at the same time, how Marcus had fucked Millie’s ass and how Charlie had to lick Millie’s Mom’s pussy and make her cum.

Marlene was soaking now, the chair she had been sitting on was damp as she rose. “Looks like Marlene needs some attention girls”, said Millie pushing her down on the floor and parting her legs.


“First things first Marlene, show me your cunt, club members have to shave every day, there is nothing worse than licking a pussy to feel a growth of stubble around it”, said John Hardy.

Marlene lifted up her dress and showed him her pussy, her mother had advised her not to bother with any panties as John felt her shaved pussy.

“Very good, now make sure you either shave or cream it every day Marlene, now pull off your dress, let’s have a look at those tits as well”.

She was only twenty one so her tits were firm with nipples that stood out. John bent down and took one at a time in his mouth sucking them. He slid down her belly to her pussy, “may I”, he asked. “Be my guest, do whatever you want, you’re the trainer”, she said as she bent back and pushed her cunt out towards him to lick.

Sylvia and her son Rod were watching, well I say watching, Rod had pulled his mother’s dress up to her waist and was now tonguing her wet pussy.

John was too busy licking Marlene’s pussy to notice, his head was buried under her legs as he licked upwards into her now wet cunt.

Finishing he put his tongue out and made her suck it tasting her own juices. “It’s just your ass we have to get ready then Marlene, has your mother put a plug in”. Marlene answered yes , turned around and showed him.

“Very good, now bend over farther and I’ll pull it out”. John pulled gently at the plug, Sylvia had put quite a big one in for starters he thought as the plug made a popping sound as it came out.

“You’ve got a slight gape Marlene, we have to try and open that some more okay, now while your as is slightly open I’m going to stick my cock inside, if it hurts just say so and I’ll pull it out”.

Marlene spread herself over the table that was in the middle of the room as I approached her ass. She had one of those little tight asses, I don’t mean hole tight, just one of those that look great in tight jeans. If you saw her in the street you would immediately think, ‘I want to lick that’.

Her ass was still wet from the plug but I spat on it anyway watching the spit run into her ass hole. “Here it comes Marlene, your very first ass fuck”, I said as I probed her tiny opening watching it struggle to accommodate my cock.

Marlene was fighting against me, I couldn’t enter her hole, relax your ass muscles Marlene, you’re not letting me in, I won’t hurt you”.

“I’ll try Mr Hardy”, she said bending over some more and pushing her ass out. Rod had just made his mother cum when she rose up. “Let me help John”, she said coming over to the table. She bent down and pushed her tongue into Marlene’s ass while rubbing her clit at the same time. Taking her tongue out she replaced it with two fingers and began to fuck her with those.

“See Marlene, this is not going to be any different from John’s cock going in, only slightly bigger, now relax your ass and let him fuck you”.

“When I pull my fingers out you push your cock in, it should be slightly open then”, she said. “Ready”, and pulled her two fingers out as I pushed my cock in her ass hole.

“There now that wasn’t so bad was it”, said Sylvia bending over the table to kiss her daughter in law. Marlene was out of breath, she had been holding it fearing the worst when the cock went up her ass, instead it was quite a nice feeling, Mr Hardy was being very gentle with her, no forceful thrusts, just a nice easy rhythm for her first ass fuck.

Rod had not let the occasion slip away, as soon as he saw his mother bend over the table he was behind her like a shot pulling her dress up to her waist and over her head. Sylvia sighed and stayed bent over the table, Rod ha d already y fucked her this morning, it was only lunch time and here he was again with a hard cock behind her.

She felt gel being applied to her ass, Rod had seen his wife bring fucked in the ass, he wanted some ass as well. Sylvia stayed still as Rod lubricated her, he ha d become a sex monster ever since the first time she allowed him to fuck her. H e would bend her over the sink when she was cooking, he would make her stop what she was doing and lick her pussy, she was a lucky mother to have such a son, and daughter in law.

Rod had no such problems getting his cock into his mothers ass hole, up it went all the way at the first attempt as he began to pound her. John looked over at him, “you do know you will have to fuck your wife’s ass a few times, she has to have the practice, I’ll get Simon to fuck her as well in her ass”.

Marlene was enjoying herself now, she had got used to the thrusts up her ass, “you can fuck me a bit harder now Mr Hardy, my ass can take it now”. John quickened his strokes gripping her tiny buns as he pounded her harder. “That’s nice Mr Hardy, I think I’m going to like having my ass fucked”, she said.

Rod was pounding his mother hard, every thrust was followed by a grunt as he pushed his cock all the way up her ass. Sylvia was rubbing her clit ready to cum, she knew her son was close as well, she had got used to him now he had fucked her so often. She could feel he r fingers getting wet as cum flowed from her cunt just as Rod was pumping his sperm up her ass.

John was ready to cum as well, since he had speeded up his strokes in her tight as he couldn’t help it, he didn’t want to but here it cums as he pushed hids cock right into her and shot his load into her ass.

Sylvia was cleaning her son’s cock when she reminded Marlene that she must always clean a cock when she’d been fucked. Without hesitation she grabbed John’s cock and stuffed it into her mouth to suck it clean.

“Well what did you think of your first ass fuck Marlene, do you think you’ll like being fucked up your ass”, asked Sylvia as they sat later having a coffee.

“I’m sure I will, I won’t really know until I have a different cock up my ass, they might not all be as gentle as Mr Hardy here”, said Marlene.

“No they’re not, said Sylvia, “some are very rough, but don’t worry I won’t swap with any of those until your ass has been properly broken in, I think Rod should fuck it tonight, don’t you”.

Marlene didn’t like the idea of her husband fucking her ass but she knew she had to practice as much as possible if she was to join the club. “I suppose you’re right mother, he can fuck my ass tonight”.

Charlie was at school daydreaming about this and that when Josh Harvey caught her eye. Josh was the boy every girl dreamed about but he never seemed to notice Charlie. She stared at him hoping he would notice her but he just gave a faint smile and looked away seeming a little embarrassed.

The bell went and everyone made their way out ready to go home when Josh walked beside Charlie. She looked around to see the envious looks from the other girls and the cheerleaders. Charlie beamed with pride as Josh walked beside her, “I have to tell you something Charlie”, he said.

Charlie was hoping he would ask her for a date but instead he told her he knew about the club. Charlie’s heart missed a beat, how could he possibly know about that, ah well, that’s a friendship ruined before it starts she thought.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about”, said Charlie her face reddening at the thought.

“How long have you been in the club Charlie, two weeks, I’ve been in it for eight months, quite a few of the boys and girls here are in it, the reason I know you are in it is because my father has swapped you for my sister Lauren, both you and Jolie are coming to my house on Saturday”.

Charlie’s eyes lit up, “will you be there Josh”.

“I made a point of asking Dad to invite both of you so I could be there, I’ve wanted to fuck you for ages Charlie, I always thought you would say no”.

“No chance, I would have said yes in an instant, so does that mean I get to fuck you on Saturday night Josh”.

“You can bet on it Charlie, I’m going to see your ass and cunt that I’ve lusted after for ages, I’m telling you now Charlie, I am going to give that pretty ass of yours one hell of a fucking”, he laughed.

Charlie thought from a moment, “between you and me, does that mean you’re fucking your sister lauren

“I’m looking forward to it Josh, my ass is all yours” and she laughed.

Charlie thought from a moment, “between you and me, does that mean you’re fucking your sister Lauren”.

“Is Simon fucking you”, he answered back as he walked away smiling.

“Guess what Jolie, guess where we’re going Saturday night, Josh Harvey’s house, him and his Dad have swapped us for Lauren his sister”.

“No, I’ve always wanted to fuck him but he never seemed to notice me”, said Jolie.

“He said he ‘s wanted to fuck me for ages but thought I’d say no, silly boy”, laughed Charlie, “he told me he was going to give my ass a good fucking Saturday night though”.

“I hope he fucks mine as well, hey, don’t they have that big Irish wolfhound, Claret or something, I can’t wait to fuck him either”, said Jolie.

“Yes and his names Clarence, not claret stupid”.

“Who are you calling stupid”, said Jolie chasing her sister who had run off, both in a good mood and waiting for Saturday night.

They got home as at the same time as Simon who was given a lift by one of his friends. “Just in time Simon, Marlene here needs some more practice ass fucking, I thought maybe you could fuck her before she goes home”.

Simon was undressed in a flash, if he ha d wanted to fuck anyone’s ass right at that moment it would have been Marlene’s as he offered her his cock to suck. Marlene sucked it eagerly, she liked Simon, she had from the first time she saw him as she lovingly licked and sucked on his cock. Soon he was as hard as a baseball bat as once again Marlene spread her legs and arms across the table ready to be ass fucked. Sylvia was applying the gel to her as Simon waited cock in hand.

“Don’t be too rough with her ass Simon, she’s only had a plug and my cock in there so take it easy”.

“Like his Dad Simon liked the look of her tiny ass, little tight buns which he now grabbed and pushed his cock into her hole. Where his Dad had struggled Simon ha d no problem, Marlene had lost her fear now and Simon was able to fuck her right away.

Her ass was still wonderfully tight, not tight enough to hurt your cock but tight enough to make your cock feel really good.

Marlene liked the feel of Simon’s cock in her ass hole, she was beginning to like anal sex, especially with Simon and the thought of her husband Rod fucking her ass tonight filled her with dread, why couldn’t it be Simon.

“You can fuck me harder Simon”, she said as she rubbed her clit.

“Let me do that for you”, said Charlie pushing her hand away and rubbing her clit for her. That did it for Marlene, the thought of another woman rubbing he r clit just made her more horny and she began to cum over Charlie’s hand.

“Do you want to taste it “, said Charlie holding out her hand to Marlene who licked the cum off. Simon was really fucking her ass now, he had forgotten about taking it easy and was pounding her. Marlene didn’t care, she was loving it, she thought I’m in love with Simon as he pounded her ass hard.

He gripped her cheeks as cum spurted up her ass hole and Simon shoved his cock in as far as he could. “That was fucking great Marlene, one of the best ass fucks I’ve had in a long time”, he told her as she sucked on his cock a lot longer than she needed to.

“Why thank you Simon, I’m glad you enjoyed my ass, if you like it that much why don’t you come home with us, you can fuck my ass again if you want to, of course if you don’t want to”, she said coyly.

“I’d love to come with you, I might spend the night there if that’s okay”.

Marlene threw her arms around him, “you can spend as long as you want there”, she said elated now that Simon was going to fuck her and not Rod.

“Are you two ready yet, come on Josh isn’t that handsome is he”, as the twins got ready for their swap. Both had taken extra care, Charlie ha d shaved her pussy again just to make sure and both had enemas earlier.

“Just coming Daddy, we’ll be there in a minute”, shouted Charlie smoothing down her dress. She wore no underwear at all, both agreed it was pointless. They got in the car excited about seeing Josh, and fucking him, they had an argument about who wanted him first and Charlie won that one.

“Come in, Lauren won’t be a moment John, how are you girls, Josh will be down in a minute as well”, said Mr Harvey as he showed them into the large lounge. “You’ve met my wife of course john”, he said as Mrs Harvey came into the room. She was a very attractive thirty eight year old with a voracious appetite for sex. John knew this because he and his wife had swapped with these two before.

Lauren came downstairs followed by Josh who just wore a robe, Lauren was an attractive girl, not beautiful like Millie, but very attractive nonetheless. Lauren left with John and the others sat down. Josh sat beside Charlie and took his robe off to reveal a very hard cock.

Mrs Harvey had already undressed before they got out the door and was sucking her son’s cock. “I’ve got a little surprise for you two, and me”, said Mrs Harvey taking her mouth away from Josh’s cock and calling Charlie to suck it.

Charlie was on her knees in an instant with Josh’s cock halfway down her throat, she had visualised this all day. Mrs Harvey came in with two Irish wolfhounds, “meet Clarence and Henry, two brothers for your pleasure girls”, she said rather proudly.

To her surprise Josh pushed Charlie away, “don’t you want me to suck your cock Josh, what’s the matter”.

“I do want you to suck it Charlie, but we have to follow house rules, no sex until Mom cums first, and you and Jolie have to do it”.

Charlie looked around to see Grace Harvey with her legs wide open and he r pussy spread as she played with it. “Come and get tit girls, no cock of any kind until I cum”.

Jolie and Charlie looked at each other, Charlie wanted Josh’ cock and Jolie wanted Clarences’ cock. With a shrug of their shoulders they walked over and knelt down by Grace, as Charlie ha d already licked a pussy with Mrs Groves she went first pushing her tongue into the open cunt.

Jolie was playing with her clit, she was a woman who had a larger clit than usual and as Jolie rubbed it became even larger, it was like a little dick. Jolie bent down and sucked on it as Grace held her head tightly to her moaning loudly to suck and bite it.

Charlie’s nose was almost pressed against Graces clit as she pushed he r tongue in as far as she possibly could into her ever wetter cunt. Jolie was biting and sucking on her clit as Grace held both heads now before shouting out and gushing cum. Charlie nearly choked, she hadn’t expected her to cum so quickly and swallowed quite a mouthful before Grace le t go of her head. He r hair was matted with cum as she licked her pussy clean, she wanted Josh’ cock and didn’t want to be called back to clean it properly while she was sucking it like before.

“Okay girls, the cocks are all yours”, she said out of breath as Charlie and Jolie knelt side by side sucking father and sons cocks.

Charlie ha d his cock in her hand, if only she could invite the girls from school to see he r now with Josh’ cock in her hand and mouth. She looked at it, long, thick and with a big purple head. ‘Good enough to eat’, she thought and closed her lips around it savouring the taste.

Jolie wasn’t displeased with her cock, Steve Harvey was handsome in a rugged way, although she was only eighteen she ha d no problems sucking this man’s cock even if he was a lot older. Licking the shaft she glanced up at Steve as he sat back with his eyes closed enjoying the young girls mouth on his cock.
‘At least he likes it’, thought Jolie feeling quite pleased that despite being sort of novice cock sucker she could make someone like him sit back with closed eyes really enjoying it. She was secretly wishing he would fuck her now, she ha d seen those two gorgeous Irish wolfhounds, she desperately wanted to suck their cocks.

Grace was feeling left out now, the glow had left her and now she was feeling horny again watching her son and husband getting their cocks sucked by these two beautiful young girls. She walked into the kitchen and came back with Clarence and Henry. She opened her legs and Henry started to sniff and lick as Clarence wandered over to where there were two more cunts.

Charlie hadn’t noticed the dogs and when Clarence shoved his cold snout into her pussy she would have beaten the world record for a high jump from a kneeling position. Lots of laughter followed, Josh and Steve had tears in their eyes as Charlie joined in the laughter.

She resumed sucking but was now sucking Steve’s cock at the men’s request. It was hard to concentrate with a cold snout in your ass and pussy as Clarence continued to explore both holes. He was licking Jolie now and she was wishing she could turn around and sit underneath him to suck his cock, she could picture it, purple with lots of veins and a lovely tip at the end to suck his cum out of .

She pushed it out of her mind as she sucked on Josh’ cock, how many girls at school would love to be in her position now as she licked the shaft from top to bottom sucking his balls as well.

“I think it’s time we fucked these two Dad, don’t you”,

“I think you’re right son, on your knees on the couch girls while we lubricate your asses first”.

Jolie was on the couch in a flash, “keen aren’t we you horny bitch”, laughed Josh. If only he had known that the reason she wa s there was because she wanted to fucked and finished so she could suck Clarence or Henry as gel was applied to her ass hole.

Grace was cumming again, Henry was licking he r cunt with his long tongue and as cum flowed form her he was lapping it up as fast as it came out. Clarence had been pushed away, he couldn’t reach any pussy at all now so he returned to Graces wet cunt. Henry had enough and was laying licking himself as Clarence took over cunt licking duties on Graces still wet pussy.

Jolie and Charlie had a cock in each of their cunts now, Josh was inside Jolie as Charlie fucked Steve hoping they would swap again, Charlie wanted to have Josh inside her as well, two together r would be nice she thought.

Steve was thinking how lucky he was, here he was fucking an eighteen yea r old with his wife’s blessing and his son beside him fucking her sister who he knew he would fuck as well later. He was pounding Charlie and making her cum as he gripped he r ass cheeks to ram in as far as possible. Charlie gripped the couch as she came, although it wasn’t Josh fucking her it was good all the same, she knew she would cum again as soon as Josh entered her pussy.

Jolie was cumming as well, she had wanted Josh at school, but that had died down a little since she had learned the joys of sucking and being fucked by a huge dog cock. However she couldn’t ignore that Josh was one of the most handsome boys in school, she wondered how many had actually knelt on this couch as he fucked them along with his Dad.

Charlie felt her ass being probed by Steve as his cock was pushed up into her, he was gentle, he pushed it in slowly until he was all the way in and began to pound her ass with force.

Jolie too was being entered the back way, she didn’t mind anal sex, she had never had a dog cock up there, she wondered what it would be like as Josh pushed his cock all the way in. ‘Maybe if Clarence or Henry aren’t too big I might let them fuck my ass tonight’, thought Jolie as Josh continued to pound her.

“Time for a swap again I think son”, said Steve.

“Sure thing Dad”, he said stepping over to Charlie and fucking her cunt first. This is what Charlie wanted, Josh to shove his cock in her and now he was. Josh was leaning over fondling her tits as he fucked her, Charlie had her hand on her clit rubbing it, she was in heaven, she had pictured this on her mind many times and masturbated about it.

Jolie was still being fucked in her ass, Steve liked a bit of anal, his daughter Lauren would testify to that, he was forever fucking her ass hole at every opportunity. Jolie didn’t mind being anally fucked, she just wanted it to finish, she ha d seen Grace out of the corner of her eye with the two dogs and was slightly jealous.

Josh ahd switched to Charlie’s ass now as he pounded her hard. Whispering in her ear he said that his Dad and him liked to DP a girl, was she willing. Charlie would have refused him anything right then, “I’m game, bring it on”, she replied.

“Jolie, would you mind, we’re going to double fuck Charlie now, we can do you after if you like”.

“No you carry on, no problem”, said Jolie happy at last she was going to get to see and suck Clarence or Henry’s cock. Josh lay on his back on the floor as Charlie lowered herself onto his wet cock facing him as Steve entered her ass from behind. “Oh yes, oh yes, fucking hell that’s good, fuck me Josh”, shouted Charlie as she enjoyed her first double penetration. Josh and his dad were well used to it, they had fucked Lauren and every other female that had come here including Grace.

Jolie made her way to Henry who was still licking himself around his sheath. Jolie knelt beside him, “let me do that for you”, she said pushing his head away and pulling on his sheath. A red tip appeared as Jolie pulled some more revealing not a purple cock as she imagined but a bright red one and thick. She began to have second thoughts about having this one fuck her ass hole.

Grace had cum about four times now, she never could resist a dog tongue lick her cunt as she rubbed it time after time to make more pussy juice so the dog would keep licking and licking.

Charlie was still enjoying being double fucked, this was her first experience but she knew it certainly wouldn’t be her last.

Jolie was just about to close he r mouth around Henry’s cock when he turned and tried to lick his own cock as well. “we’ll both lick it then shall we”, laughed Jolie as the dog tongue and her own intertwined around the big red cock. Henry didn’t lick for very long and Jolie had the cock all to herself as she held her mouth open to catch his cum. She wanted a taste first, dogs had different tasting cum and she liked this one as she swallowed it down and then sucked.

Steve had pulled out of Charlie’s ass and was now in her mouth as he groaned and shot his sperm into her waiting mouth as Josh pushed her off getting up quickly but not before his Dad had finished and shot his load all over her face.

Grace was watching this and pushed Clarence away who had really lost interest in her cunt now anyway. “Can’t you two cum at different times, don’t worry honey, they’ve done this to me many times, let me clean it off for you” and began to lick it off Charlie’s face.

Charlie sat down beside Grace and watched Jolie suck Henry’s cock her face glistening where she had held his cock by her face to catch his cum. “When you’ve had a rest you can suck Clarence if you want dear, I normally fuck him at night when I’m on my own but you can have him tonight”.

Charlie said thank you that was very nice of her and watched her twin sister suck voraciously on Henry’s cock swallowing every so often. Josh and Steve sat down as well as Grace moved in between them holding a cock in each hand stroking them.

Charlie got the feeling they were waiting for her to perform with Clarence and got to her knees beside the dog. She reached under him and grabbed his sheath pulling it back bit by bit.

“Come and suck this one sis, I’ll take Clarence if you like”, said Jolie. Charlie agreed and moved over to Henry and began to suck his cock but Jolie had a reason to switch. She wanted to see if Clarence had a smaller cock than Henry so she could take it up her ass.

Clarence was so tall she could actually sit underneath him as she pulled his sheath back. ‘Fuck it’, she thought as Clarence’s cock began to show, First signs were it was about the same thickness but longer than Henry’s. She held her mouth open to taste his cum, it was something she liked to do, after all she had to swallow it so why not taste it first, like a good wine.

Grace was stroking her son and her husband’s cock when Josh pushed her head down towards his. Grace didn’t mind sucking her son’s cock, she had done it many times before as she closed her lips around the shaft and sucked deeply.

It was getting late and Charlie was getting tired, she just wanted Henry to fuck her and then go to bed. She wasn’t sure how much sleep she would get there, she hadn’t got a clue who wanted to sleep with her, but first thing first, fuck Henry and then worry about it.

She got to her knees as Henry had a sniff of her pussy and liked it. He mounted her as his head hung down by Charlie’s face he was so tall. A little probing and he was in, Charlie’s cunt was still relatively wet from her double fucking with Josh and his Dad so there was no problem as the dog cock slid into her cunt.

Tired as she was she relished the huge dog cock inside her, Henry was fucking like a steam engine and this friction made her cum again.

Jolie was being mounted as well, ‘ if he sticks it in my ass all well and good’ thought Jolie as Clarence searched for a hole. He found her pussy as Jolie settled down to be dog fucked. She loved the speed which a dog first fucks and was soon cumming as Clarence pummelled her willing cunt.

Charlie was laying her head down to accommodate Henry and his knot, she could feel his breath on her cheek as he forced it into her cunt making her cum again. Cum was being pumped into her with regular spurts as she felt them hit her belly

Grace was sucking he r husbands cock now and Josh was behind her poking her as hole with his cock. Grace pushed her ass out for her son to fuck, she was hoping they would double fuck her like they had Charlie, she loved the feel of two cocks inside her holes but it wasn’t going to happen tonight.

Jolie was knotted as well, she couldn’t stop cumming once a knot was inserted into her cunt. She lay there passively as the huge dog wrapped his long legs around her filling her belly with his cum.

Grace was in luck, Steve had slid underneath her and she mounted him with Josh’s cock still inside her ass hole, quite a feat she thought as her son pounded her ass.

Both dogs were still cumming as Josh filled his Moms ass with sperm and waited for his Dad to cum in her as well.

Henry plopped out of Charlie leaving the inevitable rivulet of cum running from her slit as Henry licked it up. What was it about cum that dogs loved, typical males I suppose. Charlie managed to get hold of his cock and suck the dripping dick clean as Jolie did the same to Clarence.

They had a stiff drink each before Josh brought up the sleeping arrangements. “I’m having the dogs, all that dog fucking from you two has made me want to as well, you four can make your own arrangements”, said Grace.

“I’ll have Charlie first Dad, if you want to swap in the middle of the night that will be fine, you okay with that Charlie and Jolie”, said Josh.

“That’s fine with us”, they said pairing of with their respective partners for the night.


“Can I confide in you Charlie, I mean really confide in you, if what I tell you were to get around I would have to leave school”.

Charlie was listening to Sarah Elaine Rosemary Pocksworth, she had just moved over to America six months ago, he father was part of some minor aristocracy hence the long name. He had met an American girl and moved over here with her.

Sarah, Pocky to her friends was obviously upset about something. “Promise again you won’t say anything Charlie”, and went on when she got an affirmative.

“I know Daddy and Hooky are swingers, they don’t know but I’ve seen videos of them with other swingers, I was so wet when I saw them, I want to join them but I don’t know how to ask Daddy, I’m nineteen, I love sex, I want to be part of it”.

“Do you get on with Hooky, why Hooky by the way”, asked Charlie.

“Don’t know, Daddy just calls her that, we get along fine, more like sisters than stepmum” answered Pocky.

“So why don’t you ask Hooky then, I’m sure you could talk her round, have you had sex with your Daddy or anything, or Hooky”.

“Good god no, but”, and she leaned forward, “when I saw those videos and his hard cock my cunt got very wet”.

“Would you fuck him if he asked you to along with Hooky?”, asked Charlie.

“I probably would, Daddy is quite good looking and young looking, so yes I think”, answered Pocky.

“Hey I have an idea, Daddy and Hooky are away until tomorrow, why don’t we watch those videos, you’ll see what I mean then”, she said as they set off.

“That’s Daddy there”, said Pocky as Charlie watched a handsome man with his cock in some ladie’s ass”.

“And that’s hooky”, she said as a youngish woman with long blonde hair tied up was sucking a man’s cock on her knees as a second man fondled her tits.

“Wow, quite a family you have there”, she said to Pocky who had her hand up her dress.

“I know”, she said dreamily as her hand moved under her dress. Charlie lifted her dress up to see her with two fingers in a hairy cunt. She hated the hair but decided to leave that till later as she pulled her panties across and began to lick he r pussy.

She ha d half expected Pocky to put up some resistance but she opened her legs wide and pulled her head in. It was obvious she had her pussy licked before by a woman as she moaned and held Charlie’s head in her hands.

“Oh fuck yes Charlie, right there, right there, suck my clit, oh fuck yes Charlie”, as a gush of cum came from her pussy. She was strangling Charlie pulling her head and holding her tight as she shuddered and finally stopped.

She grabbed Charlie’s head and kissed her on the mouth pushing her tongue inside before pulling away.

“Oh god I’m so sorry Charlie, I don’t know what came over me”, in her clipped upper class tones.

“That’s okay Pocky, I enjoyed it, just one thing, before I go near that pussy of yours again, shave that forest off will you”, laughed Charlie grabbing her and kissing her again.

“Deal”, said Pocky when they both came up for breath.

Charlie was telling her Daddy about Pocky, “you should see the videos Daddy, he’s very handsome and she is very pretty, I’ll bet both you and Mom would like to fuck them, actually so would I”.

“Why don’t you invite them round, we can see what happens from there, they might have their own private club, we can only try”, said Daddy.

Charlie hugged him, “you’re the best Daddy, I was hoping you’d say that, by the way I’ve already licked her pussy she let go of his cock to remove her school dress.

“Hello I’m Willie, it’s really Wilberforce, but I never said that, and this is my wife Hooky, that’s a nickname as well by the way, and my daughter Pocky, I won’t tell you her full name, take too long”, he laughed.

“I’m John Hardy, this is my wife Jean, my daughter Jolie and my daughter Charlie.

John and Mom saw his eyes light up as he saw the twins, Hooky noticed as well, a sly smile crossed her face.

Drinks were served and takeaways were sent for and by the end of the evening they were all quite drunk. “Let’s play cards, I know strip poker”, said Charlie slurring slightly.

“Okay, but I warn you, I’m a pretty good card player”, said Willie.

“We’ll see how good you are”, laughed John.

Charlie and Jolie lost hands they could have won as they shed more and more clothes. Pocky was down to her bra and panties and Mom and the others had removed some clothes as well. Pocky was glancing at Charlie with knowing looks as if she knew what was going on.

“I’m fed up with this, let’s play truth or dare instead”, said Hooky quite drunk.

Lots of dares were carried out as more and more drink was consumed. “Truth or dare Willie”, asked Charlie.

“Dare”, said Willie pushing his chest out.

Charlie looked at Pocky, “I dare you to lick Pocky’s cunt now”.

“Hang on a minute here, that’s not fair”, he shouted.

“Come on Willie, a dare is a dare, get your mouth on your daughters cunt now, go on”, said Hooky.

“Are you sure, you don’t mind me licking my daughter’s cunt Hooky”.

“Listen, you should have been licking it a year ago, I just didn’t know how to tell you, go on, make your daughter cum”.

Willie was up in a second and kneeling in front of his daughter pulling her panties down.

“I see you’ve taken my advice Pocky”, said Charlie as she noticed the completely bald pussy of Pocky’s.

Pocky opened her legs wide as her Daddy licked all around her cunt, truth was he had wanted to do this every time he spied on her, he noticed she had shaved her pussy as his tongue snaked into his daughters wet cunt.

Pocky didn’t care who was there, he r head was back and his head in her hands as she gave her cunt to her Daddy, he would have to fuck her now, Hooky was on her side.

Charlie sidled over to Hooky and knelt down, “would you mind Hooky”, she said as she parted her legs.

“Are you kidding Charlie, what took you so fucking long”, as she pulled her head towards her dripping cunt.

John stood up and offered his cock to Hooky who stuffed it into her mouth sucking deeply. Jolie and Mom sat watching, Jolie wished she could bring Marcus in but maybe that was a bit premature, might put them off.

Willie was fingering his daughter as he sucked on her clit, she held him tight ready to cum in his mouth when she did cum. It didn’t take long, “yes Daddy, yes Daddy, lick your little girls cunt lick it Daddy”, she screamed and spurted cum all over him.

Pocky was shuddering as she finished but held onto her Daddy’s head as he licked her clean. “You have to fuck me now Daddy, come on fuck your little girl”, she said as she lay back on the couch with legs wide open.

“Is it alright if I fuck Pocky”, he asked Hooky. She was busy sucking John’s cock and getting ready to cum so she just waved him away as much as if to say do whatever the fuck you like.

Wille leaned down and kissed the pussy he had wanted to fuck for ages and shoved his cock in. Pocky wrapped her legs around him pulling him down to kiss his mouth pushing her tongue in. Willie responded and soon they were kissing like school sweethearts.

Hooky was flooding Charlie with cum as she struggled to swallow with Hookys legs wrapped around her neck and holding John’s cock in her hand.

Charlie licke d up the last drops of cum from her cunt, “would you like to fuck me now John”, she asked.

John just turned her around and pushed his cock towards her pussy, “you can have any hole you want John, I like both”, said Hooky.

John decided to have both scooping some cum from her pussy to lubricate her ass hole first. He shoved his cock in all the way as Hooky shouted out to fuck her. John pounded her cunt as next to him Willie was pounding his daughter Pocky’s cunt. He had turned her so she was on her knees now, “do you take it in your ass honey”, he asked hoping the answer was yes.

“Yes Daddy, you can fuck my ass if you want, just make it wet first. Pocky had already cum as her Daddy followed suit from Willie and scooped out some cum rubbing it into her ass hole. Her sphincter opened slowly as he began to fuck his daughter’s ass, soon it took the whole of his cock as it disappeared into the tiny hole and he began to fuck her in earnest.

Hooky was cumming again, she was so highly sexed, she didn’t mind men or women, as long as it was sex. It was she who had introduced her new husband to swinging in London before they moved here, they were looking for new families to swing and now they had found one. She had wanted to have sex with her step daughter before, now she could as John stuck his hard cock up her ass.

Both women were fucked until both men had to cum shooting sperm up each ass. Jolie and her Mom were horny, they had watched all this without taking part but they knew what to do.

They crept upstairs with Marcus and Rex and went into Mom’s bedroom. “Which one do you want Jolie, I don’t mind”, said Mom.

“Can I have Rex then, I wanted Clarence to fuck my ass the other night but he didn’t, Rex is a little smaller, I might try to get him into my ass tonight”, said Jolie.

“That’s fine by me”, said Mom pulling on Marcus’s sheath ready to suck him. Soon Mom and daughter were sucking two big red dog cocks before fucking them.

Jolie as usual was sucking on the tip letting the cum spurt into her mouth until she had a mouthful before swallowing, Mom was swallowing as it spurted.

Jolie was still sucking as her Mom got on her hands and knees so Marcus could mount her. H e didn’t right away licking her ass and cunt for a while before jumping on her back and probing as usual for a hole. Moms cunt was dripping so he slipped in easily and began to fuck the way only a dog can do, at breakneck speed.

Jolie thought it was time she had some cock as well, holding a mouthful of dog cum until she got on her hands and knees she spit it into her hand and lubricated her ass with it. Unfortunately Rex decided to lick it off before he mounted her, Jolie decided to go ahead anyway, Rex didn’t have a great big cock, she was sure she could take in her ass hole.

She reached back trying to get hold of is cock to guide it into her ass but couldn’t quite reach it as Rex found her pussy and began to fuck her. Jolie couldn’t help but cum once a dog cack entered her, there was something about a big red dog cock that drove her crazy as she started cum right away.

Mom had already cum and was cumming again as Marcus forced his knot into her and began to cum inside her.

Both were so engrossed in being fucked they didn’t notice Hooky and Pocky standing there peeking through a crack in the door. Both had fingers in their pussies as they watched the two dogs fuck mother and daughter.

Pocky was fascinated as she watched Rex shove a big red ball into Jolie’s cunt, she imagined how that would feel as she fingered herself some more. She was so engrossed in the whole thing and fingering herself she fell forward into the room.

Jolie and her Mom looked horrified, what would they say now, would they get their things and leave telling everyone about them. Mom was the first to speak, “I’m sorry you had to see this, it’s just we were horny and there was no one to fuck us, so we used the dogs”.

They weren’t interested in that nonsense, Hooky leaned down and asked Mom what it was like to have a dog cock inside her. She answered it was one of the best feelings ever especially when he knotted you. Hooky hadn’t got a clue what a knot was but Pocky had guessed. “Ws his knot that big red thing I saw going into your cunt Jolie, what does it do”.

Jolie explained what happened and how nice it felt once you got used to the knot going in and keeping still while he filled you with his cum. Hooky and Pocky were dripping with cum as their fingers went ever deeper into each cunt falling backwards as they exploded in an almighty orgasm.

“We can’t move now until both dogs have finished cumming, that’s what the knot is for, so you can’t get away until he fills your belly with his cum”, said Jolie.

“That sounds so fucking sexy Jolie, being a slave to a dog while he cums inside you, holy fuck that is so sexy”, said Hooky with a faraway look in her eyes.

“Would you both like to try it later when the dogs have recovered”, asked Mom.

“What do you think Pocky, should we try it do you think, what harm can it do”.

“Oh fuck yes, we gottta try that, have we got to do it up here or does your husband know you do it”, she answered, “do you think Daddy will let us Hooky”.

“You leave Daddy to me Pocky, he’ll allow us I can assure you of that”.

Then let’s do it later Hooky”, she said giving her stepmother a hug. As they pulled away they looked at each other’s face and slowly their lips met as they kissed passionately. “ Now we are a real family”, said Pocky hugging her again.

They watched as the dogs finished cumming in mother and daughter as cum ran from each pussy and the dogs licked it up. They were a bit amazed when both sucked the dogs dripping cocks clean after.

“Darling, I have something to tell you”, said Hooky sitting on Willie’s knee still naked from before.

John, Willie and Charlie listened a s Hooky told him what was going to happen as his eyes grew wider. “Really darling, you and Pocky, this I must see”, he replied.

The night isn’t finished yet then”, he said taking another drink.
I’ll tell you what happens next when a visitor arrives in the middle of the night.


“Have you seen them do this before then”, asked Willie stroking Charlie’s head as she sucked his cock.

“Many times Willie, always turns me on every time”, said John as Pocky sucked his cock.

“I’m looking forward to it”, said Hooky as she lay back with legs open as Jolie and her Mom licked her pussy and sucked on her nipples.

A knock on the door ended their activities for the moment, “who the hell is that, it’s twelve thirty in the morning”, said John annoyed.

He looked through the peep hole to see Grace standing there with her two dogs Clarence and Henry.

“What’s up Grace, it’s twelve thirty”.

Grace interrupted him, “I’m sorry John,, my brother has had an accident, we’re all driving down to see him, I know it’s short notice but can you look after the dogs for a few days, I’d be very grateful”.

“Of course Grace, what are friends for, come in a minute”.

Grace followed him in where Pocky and the others tried to cover themselves, “oh don’t worry about Grace guys, she’s one of us, seen it all before”, assured John.

John took the dogs from her and held them while Grace said her goodbyes and left. Right away Jolie was fussing the two dogs hugging them.

“Don’t tell me you’ve fucked these as well”, said Pocky.

“Only Clarence here, Charlie has fucked Henry, now I can try Clarence as well”, she said hugging his neck.

“We’ll have to keep them separate, being dogs they’ll probably fight, especially when they smell pussy juice”, said John leading them away and bringing back Marcus and Rex.

“Here you are ladies, your masters for the next hour or so, have you been told what to do as this is your first dog fuck, once he’s penetrated you do not try to get away, when he’s about to knot you lay your head on the floor and lift your ass up high, it will make it easier for the dog and you, and he wil keep cummming in your mouth while you suck him”.

Pocky and Hooky looked shocked, “we have to suck their cocks as well, I didn’t know that”.

“You have to get them hard Hooky, dogs don’t get hard by themselves, they have to be coaxed by sucking their cocks”.

Hooky and Pocky shrugged their shoulders, “if that’s how it has to be, so be it”.

“I’ll show you how to get their cocks out”, volunteered Jolie laying down on the floor joined by Hooky and Pocky. Jolie pulled the sheath back gently until a red tip was showing, “as soon as you’re able to suck it, it will get bigger and bigger as you suck”.

Pocky was the first to try, she sucked for a while and then suddenly pulled back as the first spurts of cum landed on her tongue. Jolie laughed, “don’t worry Pocky, everyone does that first time, just swallow it, it’s easier than spitting it out, it won’t hurt you, we do it all the time”.

Hooky had managed to get Marcus’ cock out by herself and was leaning forward hesitantly to suck it, she made two or three attempts before taking the plunge and putting it in her mouth. After a few seconds she too jumped back from it as she tasted the dog cum before putting it back into her mouth

Wilie watched as his wife and daughter each sucked on a dog cock faces glistening from dog cum. H e wondered what his chums from the posh club he belonged to in London would say if they saw Hooky and Pocky now, he laughed out loud at the thought.

The two women were getting into the swing of things now, they had got used to the taste of the dog cum, a little bitter for both their tastes but nevertheless palatable. Both cocks had grown to full size now and they were more enjoyable to suck although there was more cum to swallow.

“Okay girls, I think it’s time for Rex and Marcus to service their bitches, on your hands and knees”. Hooky felt a twinge in her pussy at the words, ‘service your bitches’, for some reason that stimulated her, maybe she would get Willie to treat her and Pocky like bitches, worth thinking about.

Mother and step daughter knelt side by side as the dogs chose which cunt they were going to fuck. They licked both pussies switching a few times before Marcus mounted Hooky. Rex followed suit by mounting Pocky probing for a hole.

Both dogs were fucking the two girls like they had never been fucked before, they were like machine gun bullets in each cunt suck was the speed. Both weren’t used to the force of such a fucking they had to brace themselves to keep from falling over.

Jolie watched rubbing her clit, she knew it wouldn’t be long until she would have Henry inside her, her Mom was kneeling in front of Willie with his cock in her mouth as Charlie sucked her Daddy.

Hooky and Pocky were both cumming, they had never felt anything like this before, it was like a full speed sybian fucking them as cum flowed from each cunt. Hooky knew from what Jolie had told her that Marcus was knotting his bitch, she laid her head on the floor and lifted her as up as instructed as Marcus pushed his knot inside her.

Pocky was cumming again, she had no idea a dog would be such a good fuck, she was so glad she confided in Charlie that day, otherwise she wouldn’t be here now with a dog cock stuffed up her very wet cunt. She put her head down as she felt Rex trying to knot her still cumming as he did. It made it easy for Rex to slip his knot in as she was so wet as both her and her stepmother stayed still to be filled with dog cum.

Hooky was as horny as hell, the thought of being owned by the dog and powerless to stop him sent a shiver through her, maybe she was sub material, she had never thought of herself that way, but now she wanted to try it, see what it was like, Maybe Pocky would dominate her, that would, be nice, being dominated by a woman, yes, definitely”, she thought as she began to cum again.

Hooky too was having strange thoughts about being trapped, hers were the opposite to Hooky’s, she wanted to dominate, if only they had known what each other was thinking, life would have been simple.

Both dogs had finished cumming and were trying to slip out of each cunt, with a whishing sound they managed to get both knots out and lick cum from each pussy making each of them squirm with pleasure.

“Now you have to clean their cocks for them”, said Mom.

“Do we have to, they’re still dripping cum from them”, said Pocky screwing her face up.

“Oh just do it Pocky”, said Hooky grabbing Marcus and sucking his cock clean.

“Willie was cumming into Moms mouth as she swallowed greedily, John was fucking his daughter Charlie in her ass and cumming as well.

Mom sucked Willie’s cock clean as he sat back, “if your mother could see you now Hooky, what would she say”, he laughed.

“Probably want to join in as you know, remember that first time she caught us, you thought she was going to go ballistic, and what did she do Willie?”.

“She climbed in beside us and started sucking my cock straight out of my pussy, I couldn’t believe it, she made me fuck her instead of you that night”, replied Willie, “for her age she is a very attractive woman, and a great fuck if I may say so Hooky”.

“Why don’t you invite her to stay for a while, she sounds like fun your mother”, said Mom.

“Okay I will do, you’ll like her, I’ll phone her tomorrow”.

“Can they join the club Daddy, I think they’ve passed the test”, asked Charlie wanting he r new friend to join her.

The rules and conditions were explained as Pocky sat open mouthed before she spoke. “You mean I would have to go and fuck someone’s Daddy while his daughter came and fucked mine, I say, that sounds like fun, what do you think Daddy, I’m sure you wouldn’t mind fucking someone else’s daughter”.

“Please say yes Daddy”, she said moving over to him and fondling his cock looking at him with puppy dog eyes.

“If you’re sure darling, I don’t mind swapping you, it’s up to you”.

“Thank you Daddy, this is going to be such fun”, and hugged Charlie, “I’m so glad I confided in you Charlie, come and tell me all about it, who you’ve been with and all that”.

“That’s all very well, but what do I do while you’re fucking someone’s daughter”, asked Hooky.

“You can either stay and join them or swap with a husband or son who hasn’t got a swap that night, don’t worry Hooky, plenty of cock and pussy to go around”.

“That’s what I like to hear”, said Hooky.

Charlie and Jolie were talking in the next room, Pocky was excited, “so tell me who have you fucked, anyone we know”.

Jolie looked at her, “now you’re in our club you do know that you must never discuss with anyone else our business, we will deny it and everyone will think you made it up, understand”.

Pocky promised she would never say anything so Jolie went on, “you know Mr Godfrey the principal, I’ve had to fuck him and Mr Harrison at the same time, one in my ass and one in my cunt”.

Pocky’s hand went to her mouth, “nooooooooo, Mr Godfrey, you’re kidding me, oh my god”.

“You know Josh Harvey from school”.

Pocky interrupted, “that really handsome boy, he’s gorgeous, don’t tell me he’s in as well”.

‘Jolie and I had him and his father and mother a couple of weeks ago, that was his Mother who brought the dogs tonight, oh, we fucked them as well by the way”.

“When can I swap please, this sounds like so much fun”, she said clapping her hands.


“That’s nice Pocky, just there, yes lick it just there, keep licking me”, moaned Hooky as Pocky licked and sucked her clit. Ever since that night at the Hardy’s, Pocky, Hooky and Willie had enjoyed each other in so many ways. They had still to invite Hooky’s mother, she ws on vacation and wouldn’t be home for at least another week, was she in for a surprise.

Willie came home from work just as the phone rang and Hooky was cumming, he answered the phone, it was John Hardy for Hooky, “you’ll have to wait a moment John, listen”, and held the phone close to Hooky.

“If It’s not you then it must be Pocky making her sound like that”, said John.

Willie told him it was and then started small talk until Hooky had finished cumming. “Hello John, sorry about that, you know what it’s like, once you start you can’t stop, what can I do for you”.

“I was telling a Mrs Montgomery about you, she has a daughter called Marion who she says Willie and Pocky can have if she and her husband can have you, I must warn you though, she can be a bit, let’s just say strange, but no harm will come to you, members are not allowed to hurt any members who are not their family, maybe a smack here and there but no rough stuff, what do you say”.

“Lady here says she wants me to swap her daughter for me and you two can have her, John says she’s strange, that’s all he would say, what do you think”.

“You always say you fancy something new, go for it, Pocky and I will suffer here”.

“Yea, I’ll bet you will”, she laughed. “Okay John, set it up, I’m game, as long as you assure me no whipping or anything like that”.

The car had delivered Marion and was now taking Hooky back to the Montgomery’s house. It was quite a large house in its own grounds as Hooky admired it. “You are to walk and knock the front door and wait, do not knock twice, just wait”, said the driver.

Hooky walked up to the large front door and knocked, she waited there for at least ten minutes and was about to knock again when she remembered the drivers words. Five minutes later the door opened and a woman of about thirty eight stood there looking at her. She held her hand up as Hooky tried to speak, tonight I may ask you to things that you may not want to, if you feel you can’t at any time, say the safe word ‘Geronimo’ and everything will stop immediately.

“Good evening, my name is”, was as far as she got when she received a slap across her face, not hard, just a gentle slap.

“How dare you talk to me without permission slut, and fully dressed, strip naked and knock the door again, this time on your knees slut”, and slammed the door.

Hooky was about to turn and walk away but remembered John’s words, ‘no harm will come to you”, and proceeded to strip. She knocked the door and knelt down on her knees to wait. Her knees were aching by the time the door was opened again as she rose up.

“Did I tell you to get up slut, remain on your knees until I tell you to get up”. Hooky felt a collar being fastened around her neck and a lead attached to it, “follow me slut” she said pulling the lead as Hooky followed her on all fours.

“Gentlemen, here is your slut for tonight, I don’t think her pussy is wet yet, perhaps one of her master dogs could lick it”, as two dogs were unclipped from their leash.

Hooky was on her knees totally naked as two dogs licked all over her ass and pussy. Mrs Montgomery leaned down to her face, “don’t you dare cum slut until I give you permission”.

“Okay”, said Hooky. A sharp slap across her bare ass and she said “what did you say, from now on when, and only when I give you permission to speak you will answer yes Mistress, or yes Master, got it”, she said slapping her ass again.

Hooky was desperate to cum, her cunt was dripping pussy juice as the dogs licked her cunt. The dogs were taken away and two men approached, a finger was inserted into her ass and a cock in her mouth.

Hooky’s cunt was in turmoil, she wanted to scream ‘let me cum, let me cum’, this was her fantasy, being dominated and fucked by anyone who wanted to.

The cock was making her gag, she knew she daren’t say anything as another two fingers were inserted into her ass hole. A third man was now playing with her pussy making her even wetter, she was desperate to cum as she tried to hold it in.

Eva Montgomery knew she wouldn’t be able to hold it in, sooner or later she would erupt, part of her plans, she had plenty planned for the evening.

Hooky could hold no longer, cum gushed from her cunt covering the man who was just about to lick her cunt. “I told you whore, do not cum until I tell you, now look what you’ve done, clean that mess up slut or else, NOW”, she shouted.

Hooky looked around for a cloth, “what are you waiting for slut, clean it up”, said Eva slapping her ass again and pushing her head down towards the floor. Hooky realised she was supposed to lick it up, it was a tiled floor and a puddle lay there.

Hooky put her tongue out and began to lick her own cum up, she was being dominated like a dog, her pussy was getting wet again at the thought of licking her own cum up, what else was in store for her tonight. She licked the floor clean and got back to her knees to await further instructions.

Eva grabbed her lead and led her over to where the men were sitting, most of them had their hard cocks in their hand.

“Go along and suck each cock until I tell you to stop slut”, as she pushed her towards the first cock. Hooky closed her mouth around it and sucked as Eva stood behind her watching and then dragged her to the next cock.

A slap on her ass made her look up at Eva, what had she done wrong now. “I didn’t hear you say thank you Master for allowing me to suck your cock slut”.

Hooky crawled back to the man, “thank you master for allowing me to suck your cock”, she said moving on to the next.

Hooky’s cunt was dripping, she so wanted to masturbate and cum, but knowing she was not allowed to made it worse, it only made her more horny and wetter.

She sucked all eight men thanking them all and was pulled back to the middle of the room to kneel again as all the dogs were let loose. Tongues were licking her face, her ass and her cunt, if she didn’t cum soon she would explode as long tongues almost worked their way inside her.

Hooky was trying desperately not to cum, if she did she knew her Mistress would make her lick it up again. She suddenly realised, she had thought my Mistress, now she really was a sub as tongues continued to drive her crazy.

Eva smiled as she saw Hooky cum again, she knew she couldn’t keep it in, that’s why she forbid her to cum in the first place, she had learned that if you tell someone not to do something they want to do all the more.

This time she didn’t have to lick it up, the dogs descended on it lapping it up like it was nectar but Hooky still got a smack on her ass for cumming.

A snap from Eva’s fingers and the dogs were recalled except one, this was Shep, a well trained St Bernard. His owner came over and said ‘roll’, Shep rolled over in front of her with his legs in the air.

“You haven’t earned a cock in your cunt yet slut, get his cock out and suck it, and don’t forget to thank him after”, said Eva standing over her.

“Your Masters will decide if you’ve sucked it well enough to have a cock in your cunt, if you haven’t you will suck another, and another if necessary slut, do you understand”.

“Yes Mistress”, replied Hooky playing with the dogs sheath.

Hooky remembered how Jolie had taught her how to get the cock out from the sheath and soon a tip appeared. Hooky leaned down and sucked on the tip all the time pulling the sheath back.

A few sucks and Shep’s cock was growing, cum was beginning to spurt into her mouth, although she hadn’t been told, she knew she dare not spit it out. Her pussy was leaking again, how many times was she going to cum tonight as the urge to rub her clit grew unbearable.

Hooky tried to put it to the back of her mind as she concentrated on sucking Shep’s cock which had now grown to an enormous size spurting cum like a fountain into her mouth making her swallow often.

Eva was rubbing her clit now, she was used to this, she guessed that Hooky was dying to rub her own clit for some relief, it was the thought of not cumming that drove her wild.

“Come on slut, we haven’t seen any dog cum yet, hurry up or we’ll make you suck every dog here and swallow”, shouted some men.

Hooky redoubled her efforts, she didn’t want to have to suck and swallow every dogs cum, she didn’t want to swallow this one but she didn’t have a choice. She sucked and stroked until without warning a torrent of dog cum went into her mouth and down her throat. Hooky was choking as she pulled away letting a pool of dog cum form on the floor.

“You stupid slut, you’ve spilled your masters cum on the floor, lick it up now, how dare you slut. It was the last thing she wanted to do, but the sub in her took over, she had to obey her mistress.

She slurped the cum trying hard not to be sick and cleaned it up only for the men to give the thumbs down, she would have to suck another dog cock.

“Tell your Master you’re sorry for spilling his cum slut and thank him”, said Eva.

“I’m sorry Master for spilling your cum, thank you for allowing me to suck your cock”.

Her pussy was soaking from Eva’s constant rubbing of her clit and was glad when she came to her rescue. “Gentlemen, slut’s only been in the club for a few weeks, let’s cut her a bit of slack, let the dogs fuck her, what do you say”.

There was murmuring amongst them and then one said ‘okay, that’s fine’.

Hooky was relieved, at last she was going to get a cock in her cunt, she would get some relief from the constant feeling inside for a hard cock.

“Which one shall it be gentlemen, you choose”, said Eva.

“Snowy, let Snowy fuck her, see if she can take his cock in her horny cunt”, shouted one man.

“Snowy it is then”, she said.

Hooky glanced up and saw the biggest great Dane she had ever seen coming towards her, he was pure white so hence the name Snowy. He was rolled over in front of her and she was told to go to work on his cock .

Again she pulled another sheath back and as soon as a tip appeared began to suck it, this one grew quickly, soon she could hardly get it into her mouth, if she thought Shep was big, this was huge. It was at least ten to twelve inches long and a s thick as her wrist. Cum was pumping from it a lot faster than Shep as she struggled to suck on it. The purple cock was glistening from her spit running down it when Eva ordered the dog around to her rear.

Hooky knew she was going to cum again as Snowy’s long tongue licked her cunt and ass hole. She felt a leg climb on her and braced herself for his weight as two legs encircled her waist , his weight was enormous as he probed around her rear end until he found a wet hole.

Hooky gasped out loud as the huge long cock entered her hole, her cunt had never felt so filled, cum was running from her as Snowy pounded her cunt at breakneck speed. Hooky couldn’t help calling out even though she knew she wasn’t allowed to, this was one of the best fucks of her life.

His hot breath was blowing on her face as he pummelled her, she was still cumming, she couldn’t stop with this magnificent creature on top of her fucking her hard.

She laid her head on the floor as Snowy began to push his knot inside her, it was like a football, she balled her fists as he forced it inside her and began to cum. She could feel the strong spurts as they hit her belly as she began to cum again, she stayed still as spurt after spurt filled her belly.

It took about twenty minutes for Snowy to stop, he was waiting for his knot to shrink so he could pull out, It took a few efforts before he plopped out of her leaving cum running from her open cunt.

Now the men were lining up, this is what they had been waiting for, they liked to fuck a woman after a dog has cum in them. Hooky felt the first cock go in as another was shoved into her mouth and the man began to fuck her. He had been playing with his cock so long that after a minute or so he shot his cum in to mix with the dog cum.

The cock was removed from her mouth to be replaced by the one from her cunt and she was ordered to clean it. The other seven men did the same, each one fucking her and then making her clean their cocks. Hooky came a couple of times more as the men fucked her and then it was all over.

Eva became a different person, she helped Hooky to her feet and led her to the shower taking the collar off. The men were dismissed and sent home as Eva watched Hooky shower. Later they sat having a drink as they talked, “well how did you enjoy your first assignment Hooky, hope I wasn’t too hard on you”.

“No it was fine, except for licking the dog cum up, that was horrible, I didn’t mind licking my own cum up but the dogs, uggh”, and screwed her face up.

“I’d like to make it up to you in bed Hooky, no dogs, only my tongue around your ass and pussy, what do you say”.

Hooky walked over and kissed her, “I’d like that very much, let’s go Eva”, said Hooky taking her hand.


“Daddy, it’s time to get up, come on you’ll be late for work, I’ve got no studies today, said Pocky getting up, “I’ll make breakfast for you while you shower”.

Pocky had spent a wonderful night with her Daddy and Marion, Hooky had been out all night with Mrs Montgomery and now they had overslept.

Going downstairs she found Hooky just coming in looking for Marion as she came downstairs. “The car’s here Marion, the driver’s waiting” as she rushed out.

“I’ll ring you later Pocky, thanks for the use of your Daddy”, she laughed

Pocky made coffee as her father ate breakfast and Hooky was telling them about last night.

“She’s kinky alright, John did warn me, she out me through the mill I can tell you, but later in bed she was magnificent, I tell you Willie, I was getting faint from cumming at the end, I lost count”.

Hooky explained almost every detail of her experiences as Pocky listened intently.

“Did you enjoy being treated like a whore Hooky, did it turn you on”, asked Pocky now very interested.

“Well I have to go to work now, I’ll leave you two together, god knows what you’ll get up to, bye”, and he was gone.

“So she made you lick up your own cum, why did you do it?”, asked Pocky.

“Because she was my Mistress, I had to obey her”, answered Hooky looking straight at Pocky.

All sort of things were going through Pocky’s mind, it was clear her step mother liked being a sub, if only for one night, Pocky wondered if maybe she could make her a sub for her, interesting thought.

Two weeks ha d passed since Hooky had been booked and now Pocky was placing the floor. This was to be her first assignment, she was going to a Mr Hartley whose daughter was coming to her Daddy, she had never met Mr Hartley or his daughter.

Hooky too was getting ready, Eva wanted her again but had promised not to make her lick up dog cum again, this time she was to travel naked in the car and wait by the door.

“Are you ready honey, I’ve got the address here, it’s time we left now”, said Willie.

He put his arm around his daughter, “if you want to call the whole thing off we’ll do it, don’t be pushed into anything you don’t want to do”.

“I want to do it, I want to try new things, like fucking you, that was new, and enjoyable, licking Hooky’s pussy, I want to try all sorts of things Daddy before I get married or whatever, I’m just a little nervous, first time and all that”.

A man of about forty opened the door, ‘at least he’s not bad looking’, thought Pocky as he ushered them inside. Pauline, her father’s date was very pretty with long black hair and a good figure.

Introductions were made and Willie and Pauline were left to themselves. A woman came downstairs and said hi, she was Aaron’s wife and she was just leaving.

“Pocky stood in the middle of the room not really knowing what to do, “take your panties off Pocky, I want to see that pretty pussy of yours”.

“I didn’t wear any panties Sir, I thought it would be a waste of time”, said Pocky lifting her dress up.

“Sir, I like that, you can call me Sir all night Pocky, now drop the dress at your feet and spread those pussy lips for me as wide as you can”.

“Come closer and show me, spread it out, I want to see the pink inside”.

Pocky spread her cunt wide open feeling the juices begin to flow, she was getting horny showing this stranger her wide open cunt, it was exciting and sexy.

“Now turn around and show me your ass hole, spread your cheeks as far as you can Pocky”.

Pocky turned around and spread them a s she felt a tongue go into her ass. She gasped out loud as he pushed his tongue as far as he could into her tiny hole.

Pocky was cumming, she told him she was ready but he stopped taking his tongue from her ass hole.

“Oh no dear, it’s not my job to make you cum tonight, that’s Victor’s job, after he’s made you cum then it’s my turn”, he said.

Pocky looked around for Victor as Aaron spoke, “Victor isn’t here Pocky, I’ll take you to him, come with me”.

Pocky turned and thought he was walking off to a bedroom or something but he headed for the front door. “Come along Pocky, Victor will be waiting for us”.

He walked outside towards his car expecting Pocky to follow, “but I’m naked, I can’t go out naked”, she said.

“Don’t be silly dear, of course you can, you have a lovely body, nothing to be ashamed of”.

Pocky ran to the car and jumped in trying to cover herself a s Aaron drove along, cars were honking as they noticed the lovely young girl naked in the front seat. Pocky was beginning to get wet, this was exciting, all those people looking at her naked in public, it was turning her on.

They drove through a set of large gates that said in big letters ‘A H STUD FARM’. Pockty wondered what the hell they were doing at a stud farm as a young man opened the gates and then waited while he got into the car taking a good look at Pocky’s naked body.

“Is Victor ready George, you’ve cleaned and brushed him, we want him to look nice for his date don’t we”.

“Yes Sir, everything has been taken care of”, said the young man.

“Good, you will get your reward later George”.

“Thank you Sir, I’m looking forward to it”,

Pocky was confused, washed and brushed, who the hell was Victor, she was about to find out.

“Meet Victor Pocky, your date for the evening, I’m sure you’ll get on well, there’s a table there that slides underneath him when he or you want to fuck, when you’re finished fucking him it’s “George’s turn, it’s his reward, we’ll be watching from out here, don’t want to cramp Victor’s style do we, play with your pussy first and let him smell it, that gets him going and then suck his cock”.

Victor was a pony, he looked like he had Palomino in his breeding, he was beautiful. Pocky looked around, this was certainly a strange date but she liked horses, she had one of her own back in England.

She sighed and shrugged her shoulders and stuck two fingers deep into her cunt as juice started to stick to her fingers. Pulling them out she held them close to Victor who immediately perked up giving a little whinny.

“Oh, so you like pussy do you Victor”, she said pushing her cunt right up against his nose with her fingers still inside. She was warming to this now, how hard could it be to fuck a horse, his cock wouldn’t be much bigger than Clarence or Henry.

A stool was nearby, George had done his job as she pulled it in close to Victor. She had seen artificial insemination and knew how to get a horse cock out. She pulled the sheath back to reveal a spotted cock, not spotty, spotted, rather pretty she thought as she used two hand to stroke it.

She noticed Victor’s back and front legs had been tied together, she was thankful for that, she didn’t fancy a kick in the head while she sucked.

His cock wasn’t that thick, long but not thick, the head slipped into her mouth easily as she began to suck. There wasn’t much difference from a man’s cock, drops of cum were landing on her tongue but she ignored them and carried on sucking.

Pocky’s cunt was soaking, this was something she had never done and it was exciting, the kind of thing she had been looking for.

She was managing to get more and more cock into her mouth pulling the head back and forward over her lips and tongue. Victor wa s obviously enjoying it, he was shaking his head and moving his feet as Pocky sucked him even deeper and then licking the shaft all the way up and down a few times.

Aaron and George were watching, George was playing with his cock waiting patiently to fuck Pocky when she had finished with Victor.

“Are you going to fuck her Mr H”, he asked.

“No George, I keep my cock for my daughter and wife, they like to have other cocks in their ass or pussy but I keep mine just for them”, said Aaron.

Pocky was actually cumming just from sucking a horse, it was the fact she knew she was being watched and the fact it was a horse, she wanted to fuck him now but decided to suck a little more.

Ten minutes later Pocky slid the table underneath Victor and spread her legs wide. Grabbing Victor’s cock she manoeuvred it into her wet cunt. Just the feel of it made her cum again, she forced as much as she could into her trying to make Victor move forward.

She pushed herself down the table as much as she could all the time fucking herself with Victor’s cock. She was crying out, if she thought Henry’s cock was good this one was ten times better, she fucked herself savagely with it pushing more and more in and cumming all the time, this was heaven.

“Seems like our young whore likes to be fucked by a horse George, we should have given her Zeus”, said Mr Hartley.

“She wouldn’t suck his cock so easily Mr H, it’s as thick as my arm”.

“I’ll bet she would like it in that wet cunt of hers though, eh”, he laughed, I may have her again and try her”.

Pocky was laying with eyes closed fucking herself when she felt what felt like water from a fire hose going into her belly. Victor ha d cum inside her, she was disappointed, she wanted some more of his cock inside her, not his cum.

She managed to slide out as horse cum ran down her legs and made a puddle on the floor. Pocky was shaking, that was a hell of an experience as she tried to wipe some cum from her cunt but more just kept cumming out.

The door opened and Aaron and George walked in, “you’ve made Victor very happy my dear, I think you’re quite happy as well aren’t you”.

“Yes Sir I am, Victor is a good fuck”, answered Pocky.

“When you’ve composed yourself you can give George his reward for making Victor look nice for you”.

Pocky reckoned there was no time like the present, “come here George”, she said as she knelt on a pile of straw to suck George’s cock. She wondered how many girls ha d sucked George’s cock right here and been fucked by him. She didn’t mind,
he was a good looking young man with a nice sized cock as she took him deep into her mouth.

George pulled her up and bent her over a bale of straw, holding his cock he pushed it into Pocky’s very wet cunt, after Victor he felt a bit small but her pussy was probably still a little stretched as George did his best to satisfy her.

Pocky pushed back against him as George pounded her pussy, “is it alright if I fuck your ass as well Miss?”, he asked

“Of course it is George, just don’t fuck it dry, put some cum in there first”.

“Okay Miss as Pocky felt his fingers go into her ass and around her hole, “is that okay Miss”, he asked pushing his cock towards her hole.

“That’s fine George, you can stick your cock in now if you like”.

George liked, he knew not to push it in forcefully. He had fucked enough ass holes right here, he was quite experienced now.

Pocky was rubbing her clit as George fucked her ass hole, it was enjoyable as she mansged to make herself cum again by rubbing her clit.

George was pounding her, he was going to cum soon, gripping her as cheeks he pumped his load into her ass breathing heavily as Pocky pulled her wet fingers away from her clit.

Cum was still leaking from Pocky’s cunt so Mr Hartley made her ride in the trunk so as not to spoil his upholstery. “I’ll take you straight home Pocky, I’ll bring your clothes tomorrow when I pick Pauline up”, he told her.

Her Daddy and Pauline were in a sixty nine position when Pocky got home. Pauline stopped sucking and looked up at Pocky, “I see you’ve met Victor”, she smiled.

Willie looked up from between Pauline’s legs, “whose Victor?”.

“I’ll tell you all about after Daddy when you and Pauline have finished fucking, I’m going to have a shower, I’ve got cum in my cunt and cum in my ass”.

“So you gave George his reward then, he loves to ass fuck that boy, he’s kinda cute though, don’t you think Pocky”, said Pauline before resuming her sucking.

Pauline looked up again, “after you’ve showered, why don’t you join us, I’m sure your Daddy won’t mind”.

“Not at all, come and join us Pocky”.

Pocky was under the shower stroking her pussy, she was thinking about Victor and that beautiful cock of his, she had enjoyed the silky feel of his cock between her lips, she would have to try Victor or another horse, but for now Daddy and Pauline are waiting she thought as she walked down the stairs.


“That’s nice Charlie, you really are getting a good cock sucker, I’m very proud of you”, said John to his daughter Charlie as she bent over him on the couch sucking his cock. He had his finger in her pussy as she sucked, occasionally sucking his finger to taste her juices.

Charlie and Jolie, her twin sister, were part of an ever growing club where wives and daughters were swapped with each other once they reached eighteen.

Some had joined later, John had finished training Marlene, a woman of twenty one, her husband was now fucking his mother and they had joined the club as well.

Simon, Charlie’s brother walked in, “she’s getting good isn’t she Dad”, stroking Charlie’s bare ass.

“I was just saying that to her ”, answered John.

Charlie glowed, she was pleased her Daddy and brother thought she was a good cock sucker, she wanted to please them as she tried to take her Daddy’s cock even deeper down her throat.

John couldn’t last any longer, Charlie swallowed the creamy cum trying not to spill a drop, she was proud of her ability to swallow without spilling.

“That was great honey, and you swallowed it all, well done”, he said as Charlie licked her lips and smiled, “thank you Daddy for the compliment”

“How’s Marlene coming along, her ass hole ready yet, it should be, it was ready before she left here, but your cocks hardly been out of it since”, said John.

“Oh she’s ready alright, any time you like put her name on the list, she’s looking forward to it”

“Good, I’ll put her name forward with Sylvia, is she any happier now that Rod is fucking her”.

“Much happier, she’s getting more dick now than when she was married,, that guy can’t leave his mother alone, she can’t even wash up before he has her bent over the sink fucking her ass, he’s insatiable”.

The phone rang, it was Brendan Fogarty, he wanted to know if the twins were booked for Saturday, Wendy’s free for you, I’ve got a couple of friends coming over, gambling budies, I thought I might treat them”.

“Okay, but I want you to do me a good turn, Marlene, a girl I’ve trained is ready, this will be her first assignment, will you take her as well”.

“Are you kidding, send her along, the more the merrier”.

John rang Marlene with the news, she was so excited and said she couldn’t wait.

Brendan brought Wendy over and was ready to leave with the three girls when he spotted Grace’s two dogs. John explained what they were doing here as Brendan asked if he could borrow them for tonight.

John couldn’t see any harm in it as long as he kept them separate from his dogs. All four piled into the car with the dogs in the cage Brendan carried his dog s in.

Arriving home Brendan put the dogs away and then went into the house, Maureen was on her knees sucking the two cocks of Brendan’s friends.

“Oh hi honey, thought I’d start without you as he introduced the three girls to his buddies, and Maureen to Marlene.

“Why don’t you show my buddies your tits girls, I’m sure they’d love to see them”.

The girls pulled off their blouses to reveal firm tits on all three as the men fondled and squeezed them. Without being asked they dropped their skirts to the floor showing bald pussies, no need for panties they had agreed.

Three mouths descended on them like starving men for their first meal, eager hands were clasped around ass cheeks as willing tongues were inserted as far as possible into ever wetter cunts.

To Marlene this was what she craved for when she was with Rod, now she could fuck anyone she wanted as long as he could fuck his mother, she was happy as another tongue probed her wet pussy.

One of his buddies had turned Charlie around and was sticking his tongue in her ass, the others followed suit and now each woman was bent over having their asses licked.

Marlene was the first to cum, just the idea that these men could look and lick her at anytime turned her on, it happened to be Brendan who was the lucky man as he licked the cum running down her inside thighs.

Brendan stopped everyone what they were doing much to the disappointment of the other three girls. “No fucking just yet, you may have your cocks sucked for a while if you wish, but no fucking”.

A groan of disapproval came from both parties as the stopped and stood up with hard cocks standing up straight. Charlie dived on Brendan’s cock, she had sucked it before at her house when she was in training.

Marlene sucked one of the buddies and Jolie the other, Maureen said she had sucked both of them anyway and pretended to be upset. “Maureen , get some cushions and a lipstick will you, I want them for something”.

Maureen thought it strange but fetched the cushions and the lipstick. Brendan stopped the cock sucking and told them to kneel on the cushions with asses in the air. On each ass cheek he first wrote 1, on the next 2 and so on until 4.

Telling the buddies to have a look he said they were going to have a little gamble, “we’re going to loose a dog in, then put ten bucks in here, holding up a small dish, whoever picks the girl the dog mounts wins the cash, no winner it rides over”.

Going to the kneeling girls he told them what to do, “when the dog mounts you, just lay flat on the floor so he can’t mount you again, then we can have another bet, don’t worry, you’ll get to fuck us and the dogs later”, he laughed sticking his fingers into Marlene’s cunt.

“Who’s going to volunteer to get the dog cock hard first then”. Four hands went up, “okay you can all do it”, said Brendan leading Clarence over to them.

Hands were all over his sheath and soon his cock was showing with eager lips waiting to wrap around it. Brendan waited and then led Clarence to sniff and lick each pussy before taking him to the back of the room.

He let go of him as he ran to the upturned asses and pussies licking each like a kid in a sweet shop. The men were shouting, come on Clarence, mount number two, or number one but Clarence was enjoying licking and was in no hurry.

He walked along and then suddenly mounted Marlene, number four, “yes, come on number four”, as Marlene dropped to her belly to make Clarence pull out.

Marlene was cumming again, she had never done anything like this, these men were using her for their fantasies, cum was dripping from her, she loved this game.

“You lucky bastard”, said Brendan as his buddy pocketed the thirty dollars.

Brendan noticed Marlene had just cum, “rub those pussies girls, Marlene has just cum, that gives her an unfair advantage, get some juice flowing girls”.

Charlie, Jolie and Maureen were rubbing their pussies and fingering themselves, they were very wet already, Clarence had been licking each pussy anyway so juices were flowing.

“Okay, next round”, as he let Clarence go. This time he went for Charlie first licking he r pusy making her shudder with pleasure and then moved on to Maureen and then Jolie where he spent a bit of time licking her. He mounted Jolie and managed to get his cock into her before she lay flat making him pull out.

“Come on number three”, shouted Brendan as he pocketed the money this time.

“One more go with Clarence and then we’ll give Henry a go”, said Brendan as he again let Clarence off the lead.

This time he didn’t lick any of them, instead he jumped straight onto Jolie’s back probing for her pussy before Jolie lay flat.

“Ah fuck, I didn’t think he’s pick the same again, no winners, roll over to next one, I’ll get Henry.

Brendan brought Henry in and was excited right away, he could smell pussy a mile away and this room reeked of it. He was led over to the kneeling girls who soon got him hard with a few strokes and sucks as Brendan led him back.

“Okay, asses up, here he comes””, and loosed him off the lead. Henry bounded over in two leaps and had his snout up Maureen’s pussy before she ha d time to move. A bit of hard licking on Maureen and then he moved on to Charlie almost knocking her forward with the thrusts of his tongue. Jolie was next and then Marlene before he had a quick lick at all of them again and then mounted Charlie just getting his cock in and then out again as Charlie fell flat on the floor.

“You beauty”, shouted Brendan as he pocketed the sixty dollars, “suckers”, he laughed as he led Henry back to the start again.

Henry was loosed off again and this time started with Jolie giving her a really good licking making her squirm, he move over to Marlene and did the same to her but then he jumped on her back ready to fuck her but was disappointed when she fell down.

“Mine I think”, said his other buddy taking the money from the dish.

“Tell you what, let’s put all the money back, winner takes all, whoever he picks this time we let him carry on fucking her till he’s finished, the others can suck our cocks until he’s finished fucking her, agreed”.

Now fingers were pinching clits and hands were rubbing pussies, all of them were so horny now they all wanted to be fucked. Brendan gave them a few minutes to get their pussies juiced up as much as possible and then loosed Henry.

He was going berserk licking each pussy in turn until he went back to Maureen and mounted her, there was a groan from the other three as Henry pushed his cock into Maureen’s cunt pounding her at speed.

“Don’t worry girls, there’s still Henry and our two dogs, you’ll get your turn” as they knelt before them and sucked their cocks.

Maureen grabbed one of the cushions and laid her head on it, Henry was still going full pelt at her cunt the way dogs do. She glanced at her husband who was being sucked by Marlene the new girl, she ha d beaten Charlie to Brendan’s cock this time.

Henry was pushing his knot in, he had fucked Maureen before as she waited for him to get it all in, and then it was. Cum began to spurt into her as she waited to be filled with his cum.

One of Brendan’s buddies had enough of sucking, he had bent Charlie over the couch and was fucking her. Charlie came immediately, all the frustrations of being licked but not fucked left her as she showered his hard cock with her cum.

Brendan and his friend ha d followed suit, Marlene was cumming again, this had been one of the most enjoyable nights of her life so far and there was still a good dog fuck to come, no wonder she was cumming.

Jolie too had been frustrated, of all of them she liked dog fucking the most, and to have a dog cock inside her and then have to take it out again was driving her crazy. As soon as the cock entered her she was flowing, it was a relief to cum but she was still thinking of the dog fuck next.

She didn’t know what dogs Brendan had, she hoped they were big dogs with big cocks as the guy behind took his cock out to shove in her ass. Cum was scooped from her dripping pussy and smeared around and inside her ass hole before his cock was shoved in her ass.

Brendan and his buddy were doing the same, fucking Charlie and Marlene’s ass, Maureen wa s coming to the end of her dog fuck, Henry had slowed down waiting for his knot to shrink enough to pull it out. The other three were having cum pumped up their ass as the three men came just as Henry pulled out of Maureen with a sort of swishing sound leaving a trail of cum running from her cunt.

Everyone had a rest before Brendan wrote the names of the dogs on three pieces of paper. Brendan’s dogs were called Rocky and Rhino, and of course there was Clarence. Each girl picked a piece of paper with a name, “Rocky”, said Jolie, “Clarence”, said Marlene, that left Charlie with Rhino.

He wrote three numbers again and each drew a piece, Marlene was first with Clarence as he was led in. The others sat and watched as Marlene, rather skilfully for a beginner, got his cock out and hard in no time.

Lips were wrapped around the big red cock and cum spurted down her throat but Marlene kept her mouth closed tightly around his cock. Maureen and the other two were playing with the men’s limp cocks trying to get some blood into them to make them hard.

Marlene’s pussy was wet, she loved the idea of the men and women watch her as she sucked the cock and then get fucked by a dog, this should have happened when she was eighteen, Charlie and Jolie were so lucky to have such loving parents, she wished hers had been like that.

She was on her knees now as Clarence licked he r pussy up and down over her ass as well, she was cumming again, how many times was that tonight, she had lost count as Clarence mounted her stabbing for her open hole.

Marlene cried out as he found it, not in pain but pleasure as Clarence fucked her like a battering ram, it was like a speeded up film, Clarence’s cock was a blur as it went in and out of her pussy.

Jolie had finally managed to get Brendan’s cock hard as she sat stroking it waiting for Marlene to finish, rather impatiently. The other two men had succumbed to the stroking and were hard as well as hands wrapped around them.

Marlene’s head was on the floor as Clarence shoved his knot inside her, Marlene loved this bit, her pussy was being stretched and filled as she laid her head on her arms and waited for the first shots of cum in her belly.

Maureen and the other two couldn’t stroke the cocks for long, they each had a cock in their mouth now, Jolie could taste Marlene’s ass on Brendan’s cock but that just made her all the more horny for the dog cock.

Clarence was finishing, he had slowed right down and soon plopped d out of Marlene’s cunt with the usual rivulet of cum running from her pussy. She waited till Clarence had licked her pussy clean before grabbing his and sucking it clean for him.

“Okay twins, your turn, I’ll get your dates for tonight, you’ve never met them have you?”.

H e returned with two huge Rotties, “meet Rocky and Rhino”, he said rather proudly as the dogs strained at the leash. They too could smell pussy and knew what was cumming.

Charlie and Jolie were wide eyed, these were two of the biggest dogs they had ever seen, they had to be one hundred and twenty pounds each, Jolie hoped their cocks fitted their size.

“I’ll just let the dogs pick a partner”, he said unsnapping the leads as the dogs made for the two naked girls in the middle of the room. Both were almost knocked over by the sheer size of them as they struggled to get hold of their sheaths. Finally the dogs calmed down as the two girls stroked them with one hand stroking the sheath with the other.

Cocks appeared quite quickly after that as the twins slid underneath to suck them.

Marlene still had cum leaking from her as she stroked Brendan’s cock, she felt a little jealous she didn’t have one of these magnificent dogs as she took Brendan’s cock in her mouth.

Rocky and Rhino stood still, Maureen and Wendy had performed the same ritual with them many times so they knew the drill well as the twins sucked their cocks.

Jolie couldn’t wait any longer, she was on her knees almost pushing her pussy into Rhino’s face to make him lick her cunt. Rhino obliged as a long tongue snaked almost inside her as she squirmed with pleasure.

Charlie wasn’t to be undone, Rocky was licking her now sending waves of unadulterated pleasure through her body.

Rhino had mounted Jolie, she was only small and the weight on her back nearly took her to the floor. She couldn’t believe how heavy he was on her back as he found he r wet hole and began to fuck her. For such a big dog he moved very quickly, his cock was like a piston in and out of her, she began to cum in buckets, this was her idea of fucking, a massive dog on your back with his cock stuffed deep inside your cunt.

Charlie grunted as Rocky mounted her, this was the heaviest dog she had ever had on her back as he began to pound her cunt as she braced herself on her elbows.

Maureen was swallowing cum, his buddy had just unloaded his sperm into her mouth swallowing as her head was moved over to the next cock where another load was shot into her open mouth.

Rocky and Rhino were fucking these tight new pussies, both Charlie and Jolie had trouble staying on their knees, the weight was enormous. Jolie was the first to feel the knot trying to enter her, ‘fucking hell, this is big”, she thought as something resembling a football was being pushed into her just as Charlie let out a gasp as well.

“Fucking hell sis, what are the using, they’re fucking massive”, Charlie managed to say before both knots went inside. Once in both settled down, Jolie ha d cum nearly all the way through, she had by her own admission become a total dog slut, she would fuck any dog that wanted her.

Charlie could take or leave it, she didn’t mind fucking a dog, it was very pleasurable, but so was her Daddy and all the other men as well, and women.

Marlene swallowed the cum licking her lips, she hope d this wasn’t the end of the night, she wanted to fuck some more later, preferably with Rocky or Rhino.

Fifteen minutes later both dog had pulled out and were licking copious amounts of cum from both pussies, Charlie and Jolie were out of breath, partly from the fucking and partly supporting the two huge dogs on their backs. At last they managed to get hold of both cocks and sucked them clean before laying flat out on the floor exhausted.

“I see you like Rocky and Rhino girls, they’re my pride and joy, Maureen and Wendy love them don’t you Maureen” as she nodded her head.

“Can I fuck one of them after Mr Fogarty please”, said Marlene.

“Of course you can darling, just let them recover first, they would fuck you now, but you want the knot inside your cunt don’t you”.

Marlene nodded shyly, “yes I do”.

Marlene got her fuck next morning before John Hardy came to fetch them, Jolie hadn’t showered purposely and showed her Daddy the lipstick number on her ass cheeks. “I’ll tell you all about it on the way home Daddy”, she said as they left.

“Did you enjoy your first assignment Marlene, hope it wasn’t too bad”.

“It was fantastic Mr Hardy, I have never enjoyed myself so much, I hope I can do it again soon”.

“Oh you will Marlene, you will, I can promise you that”, smiled John.


“It’s for you Charlie, it’s Pocky”, said Mom as she handed her the phone.

“Hello Pocky what’s up”, said Charlie.

“Are you busy, can we meet, I want to tell you something”.

“You are kidding Pocky, really”, said Charlie as he was told about Mr Hartley.

“You should have seen his cock Charlie, it was long and thicker than a mans and spotted”.

“Ugggh”, said Charlie.

“Why did you say that, uggh”, asked Pocky.

“You said it was spotty”, replied Charlie pulling her face.

“No, I said it was spotted, not spotty, it was lovely, it felt so silky when I sucked it, I could have sucked it for hours”.

“Do you remember where he lives, we could go and see him, maybe he’ll let me fuck Victor”, said Charlie.

“We’d have to ask Daddy first, he might not like us going without swapping Pocky”.

“Maybe you’re right, but we could ask him”, said Pocky.

John agreed they could go as long as Mr Hartley agreed. “Are you sure Mr Hartley, no you owe one with Pauline, okay bye”.

“Mr Hartley said it’s fine, come over now if you want to, I’ll drive you if you like”.

“Come in my dears”, said Mr Hartley, nice to see you again Pocky, who’s this then”.

Pocky introduced Charlie as he asked to see her tits and pussy. Charlie and Pocky stripped off as mr Hartley fondled their tits and cupped their pussies.

“So you want to see Victor again Pocky, you can later, but first I have something else to show you if you like”.

He called Pauline his daughter, I want to come with us, we’re going to ‘Seabrook, I want you to keep our guests company”.

Pauline looked as though she didn’t want to but a stern look from her father told her she was coming, like it or not.

“I don’t think it’s fair dear if our guests are naked and you aren’t, strip off”.

Pauline stripped naked and the four of them made their way to the car. Truck drivers were almost crashing and cars were honking as Mr Hartley drove along with three naked beautiful young girls in his car.

They reached ‘Seabrook’ and drove through the gates, Charlie and Pocky noticed it was a kennel farm. Pauline looked a little downcast a s they drove through, they couldn’t understand why.

A lady met the car, “good morning Mr Hartley”.

“Good morning Mrs Hart, everything okay, are the dogs ready”

“Everything is in place Mr Hartley, they’re all ready for your friends”.

Charlie and Pocky looked at each other, were she, Pauline and Pocky the friends.

“Come with me girls”, and walked off followed by the three girls. “What do you think of these, aren’t they beautiful”.

In the pen were six massive great Danes all sniffing the bars of their pen with tongues hanging out.

“Come and have a closer look girls” as they followed him into the pen. When all three were well in he turned and walked out quickly locking the door behind him.

“What’s going on Mr Hartley”, asked Pocky.

“You’ll see Victor later, but for now my pets haven’t had a human bitch in a week, I thought I might treat them”, he said as a cold nose nuzzled Pocky’s cunt.

It hit them, they were here to service the dogs, all six of them, ah well, that’s not so bad thought Pocky as she opened her legs wider to give the dog more access.

Charlie was being nuzzled by a dog while another one was nuzzling her from behind. Mrs Hart had done her job properly, fresh straw was on the floor and the pen was spotlessly clean. Mr Hartley was sitting on a chair watching his daughter with two dogs nuzzling her front and back.

Pauline had been here before, once when she had upset her father he locked her in on her own with the dogs, she never upset him again.

“These are special dogs, they have never been near a dog bitch, they’re being trained to fuck only human pussy, ladies pay me a lot of money for them, now get to work on them”.

Pocky was dripping already, the dog in her cunt was licking furiously as she held his head while another had his tongue in her ass.

Charlie was small and a dog had already knocked he r over as she scrambled to her knees. A dog was humping her back with his cock out, she could feel it cumming on her back as he humped her.

Pauline knew the drill, she was already on her knees as a dog licked her all over her ass and pussy.

Mrs Hart opened the door and called come to the dogs, they stopped what they were doing and stood still while she fastened a lead on each dog.

“My dogs have to get used to humans sucking their cocks, Mrs Hart will hold them still while you suck their cocks before being fucked by them”.

Pocky was first followed by Charlie and then Pauline,. Pauline wasn’t upset because she had to suck the dogs cock, she had wanted to meet her friend today, but there was no way she was going to say no to her Daddy.

She slid underneath the huge dog lifting her head up to suck on the tip that was showing. The dog immediately stiffened his body, he liked what was going to cum next as his cock began to harden with Pauline’s sucking.

Pocky was already receiving cum in her mouth as she sucked her dogs cock, Charlie too was having her mouth filled with cum as she sucked.

Mr Hartley smiled to himself as he watched his daughter and the other two suck the cocks, they were training them for him, he didn’t mind sacrificing his wife and daughter for other people to fuck, he wasn’t interested in that, he wanted money and these dogs would get it for him.

Pocky and Charlie were enjoying sucking the dogs, Pauline was sucking but her heart wasn’t in it as she swallowed the cum from her dog.

“Move on to the next now girls”, called Mr Hartley as the girls changed places sucking a new cock. The first dogs were standing close by as Mr Hartley told each one to stroke their cocks to keep them hard for fucking with their other hand.

Now imagine the scene, three young girls laying with legs spread open, a dog cock in one hand and a dog cock in each mouth, even Mr Hartley had a raging hard on, he broke with tradition and called Mrs Hart over to suck his cock.

With laying on their backs the dog cum was running down their throats before they had time to swallow as they sucked on each cock.

After about twenty minutes sucking which by this time they had swallowed a copious amount of dog cum they were ordered up on their hands and knees.

Mrs Hart unleashed them and closed the door behind her. The girls were almost knocked over as eager tongues licked every crevice they could find. Charlie was the first to be mounted, the huge dog dwarfed her as he straddled her back probing for her cunt hole until he found it.

Pauline had been mounted as well but the dogs were so excited by all the pussy on offer the only had a few jabs and pulled out again before mounting another girl.

This went on for quite a while as one dog after another mounted a girl and fuck her for a few strokes and then dismount to repeat the process.

Pocky had been mounted again, this time the dog stayed on her back but found her ass hole instead of her pussy hole She was pretty dry but the cum spurting from his cock gave her a little lubrication as he plunged his long hard cock up into her ass hole and began to fuck her hard.

Pauline was still being mounted on and off and Charlie as well, one huge dog then mounted Charlie almost knocking her over as his cock found her pussy hole with the first try and decided to stay there and fuck her.

Pauline ha d two dogs fighting for her hole but finally one gave up and she was mounted as the dog cock filled her pussy hole.

Mr Hartley sat back with a satisfied smile on his face, his dogs were getting the training he wanted and it wasn’t costing him a dollar as Mrs Hart sucked on his cock.

Pocky had got over the initial shock of having the huge dog cock up her ass hole and was now rubbing her pussy and clit as her ass was pounded. She was loving her new life, she was able to fuck her Daddy when she wanted and Hooky and her could lick each other’s pussies as well, and then there were the dogs and Victor, ah Victor, she couldn’t wait to suck that silky cock of his again.

Charlie was cumming, this dog had a massive dick and it was filling her completely, cum was beginning to flow from her as the dog still fucked her at speed.

Pauline was cumming as well, she ha d lost her sulkiness now and was enjoying this dog cock in her cunt.

Pocky began to worry now, her dog was trying to knot her ass hole, although Hooky had shoved quite a big dildo up there it wasn’t as big as this dogs knot. She gripped the handful of straw in her hands squeezing tightly as the dog forced more and more in her ass. She let out a sigh of relief as the knot went in and her ass hole closed a little as he began to cum in her.

Pocky was quite pleased with herself, she ha d taken her firs t dog cock up her ass and taken it well, it would be a dawdle from now on if any other dog wanted to fuck her ass hole.

Both Charlie and Pauline were knotted as well, both had cum again, Pocky’s fingers were dripping from her cum as she fingered her pussy more and more.

“Take the three out who’ve already fucked them, I want the other three to fuck them after”, said Mr Hartley.

“Okay”, said Mrs Hart taking her mouth off his cock to answer before resuming.

Cum was pumping into each hole now as the dogs held their bitches captive, all three almost finished together as cum ran down from each cunt eagerly licked up by the dogs.

Mrs Hart came in with three leads and clipped the dogs collars leading them out as the other three started an onslaught on each of the girls pussies. They realised now that Mr Hartley wanted them to fuck the other three dogs as well.

Pocky didn’t care if a dog fucked her ass or not this time, she was well lubricated form the first dog fucking as another dog started lick her all around her rear end.

Mrs Hart came back in with the leads and fastened then to the dog collars. “Mr Hartley thinks the dogs aren’t hard enough, he wants you to suck their cocks again”

The three girls grabbed the dog cocks, it was true, they were sticking out of their sheaths but only semi hard. Three sets of lips fastened around each cock as they began to suck feeling the cocks harden right away. As soon as they were hard they were ordered back to their hands and knees to be fucked again.

This time there was no jumping on and off, they were mounted and the dogs stayed in each cunt, no ass for Pocky this time as she settled down to let the dog fuck her. Charlie and Pauline were doing the same, the dogs were pumping fast as they always did at the start making each of them cum again.

Mr Hartley was satisfied, these dogs were only pups yet, they had a lot more training to come before he could sell them, he needed more girls to fuck the dogs, he would of course use his wife and daughter but he needed more like these two, Pocky and Charlie, he knew Charlie had a twin sister, he would try her next along with Pauline and her Mom.

Pauline, Charlie and Pocky were being knotted for the second time in a half hour as the dogs forced them inside and began to cum. Heads were laid on the straw as cum was shot into each hole as they waited for them to finish.

Mr Hartley couldn’t hold it any longer either, Mrs Hart sucked in as cum filled her mouth from her employers cock, she swallowed it all, although she was ten years older and married she loved it when Mr Hartley asked her to suck his cock.

The dogs finished soon and Mrs Hartley let the girls out covered in straw and dog cum. Cum was running down each leg as they stood up and Mr Hartley told them to follow him to the car.

He opened the trunk as the three girls climbed in and he headed for the stables, Victor would want a fuck, and George would probably want a fuck as well.

“Meet Victor Charlie”, said Mr Hartley, “Pocky here will introduce you won’t you Pocky”.

Pocky smiled and sat on the stool by Victor stroking his sheath, “come and meet Victor properly Charlie”, she said as Victor’s cock began to stand to attention.

That’s for next time when Pocky gets a pleasant surprise.


“Now don’t forget girls, keep my cock hard, any sign of a droop and one of you stroke it, okay”

“Okay Daddy, we’ll make sure it’s hard”, giggled the twins giving his cock a playful stroke.

We were at the large house owned by one of our club members, Rocky Sentana, a millionaire many times over. He was on his third wife, a beauty called Selma, and every year he held a party for Mother’s and Sons, and Father’s and Daughter’s.

This was strictly by invitation only, guards patrolled the grounds and the house constantly to keep out anyone who shouldn’t be there. It was a chance to meet other father’ and daughter’ who had never met to swap later by mutual consent.

John and his daughters had stripped naked in the room provided for the guest and put their clothes in the bag they had brought and walked out into the large room.

Rocky and his wife greeted them, Selma was a beauty, much younger than Rocky, about twenty five, and his daughter Amy, another beauty about twenty one.

“Twins, my favourite kind “, he said greeting Charlie and Jolie.

“May I”, he said putting his hands towards their tits.

“Of course, feel whatever you want, we’re your guests”, said the twins pushing their tits towards him.

John thought he might as well feel Selma and Amy if he was feeling his daughters tits.

Other guests were coming so the tit feeling was cut short, “I’d love for us to meet later, I think there are some more twins coming, I think we should arrange a game for them, not sure what, but I’ll think of something”, he said cupping each pussy as he smiled.

John and the twins mingled until John saw a familiar face, Clint Dempsey, how are you, I never knew you were in the club, oh, these are my daughters, Charlie and Jolie” as they shook hands.

“This is my daughter Laylaann, my eldest, Roseann my younger daughter has to take exams so she couldn’t come, anyway how are you?”, said Clint.

Charlie and Jolie were staring at Clint’s cock, to Charlie it was as big as Victor the horses, and probably bigger. Laylaann noticed them staring, “magnificent, isn’t it, she said proudly, reaching for it and stroking it.

“You can stroke it if you like, Daddy won’t mind and I’ll stroke your Daddy’s, that’s fair isn’t it”, said Layla as she preferred to be called.

“Oh yes, definitely”, said the twins reaching out to stroke the huge cock.

Clint and John carried on talking as their cocks were being stroked by their daughters. “Suck it if you want”, said Layla as Charlie beat Jolie to it by a second.

Jolie leaned over to Layla and whispered, “do you take that cock in your ass, it’s so big”.

Layla laughed, you get used to it, both me and my sister take it in the ass, it was a struggle at first, but finally we managed it, I love it in my ass now”.

Jolie whistled softly, “I’m not sure that would fit in my ass, but I’d sure love to try”, she giggled.

“I’ll get Daddy to ring your Daddy and maybe we can swap, your Daddy’s quite handsome really”.

“Oh please do that, promise”, said Jolie as Charlie handed the cock over to her sister for a suck.

John and Clint parted promising to ring and swap daughters when Roseann had finished her exams.

Next they met Mr Groves and Millie, Mr Groves was on a leash attached to the collar around his neck. The twins had noticed quite a few like that, it was really the mother who did the swapping in these families, but they couldn’t attend this one.

Brendan was there with his daughter Wendy much to Charlie’s delight, as soon as they met she was on her knees sucking on his cock as Jolie waited again for her sister to finish. Wendy thought it good manners if her Daddy was being sucked she should suck Mr Hardy, so she did.

John and the twins moved around talking when the MC that a competition was about to start. “Gentlemen, let’s find out how good your daughters have really been to you lately, I’ve got you tickets here, when I call out your name come to the stage”.

Six men were called and went to the stage followed by their daughters. “If you,ve sucked your Daddy’s cock lately, and if you haven’t why not”, which drew a ripple of applause, “you should know what your Daddy’s cock taste like, do you agree girls”.

The six girls nodded and smiled in agreement as they were blindfolded. A screen was pushed out with glory holes in it and the men were told to stick their cocks through each hole.

“You first Andrea”, as a girl was led to the stage, “suck each cock Andrea until you think it’s your Daddy’s, the hold your hand up when you think it is”.

Andrea was knelt in front of the first cock and sucked it for a bit before licking her lips and moving on to the next. She sucked each one until she got to the fifth and held her hand up.

“Okay Andrea, you number five is your Daddy’s cock, we’ll tell you if you’re right later.

Jody was next, she said number four, Maryann said number six and so on until they had finished.

“Right ladies and gentlemen, I have the results, Andrea, you’re a very caring daughter, that was your Daddy.

Maryann, I’m afraid you will have to suck your Daddy’s cock more, that wasn’t your Daddy”, as some men booed.

“Jody, you obviously like sucking Daddy’s cock, that was right”.

Of the other three, one got it wrong and two right. “Now girls, I’m sure you will agree that the Daddie’s must be feeling horny right now with all that sucking, suck them off now, you don’t have to suck your own Daddy off, just suck any cock.

The six girls knelt down and began to suck, the MC was right, very soon six mouths were filled with creamy cum as the swallowed every drop.

An hour later another competition, this one was the host’s idea. He came to the mike and began to talk. “This competition is for the five sets of wins here tonight”, as the twins in the room all looked at each other.

“I wonder how many of you are nice to each other, would the twins come up here please”, he went on as the twins came to the stage.

“Five of you will lay down on the stage with legs open, the other five have to lick each other’s pussy blindfolded and see if you can pick out your sister, you decide who licks and who guesses”

Eventually five girls lay on the stage with legs wide open, their ass propped up by cushions. The others were blindfolded and then those on the stage were told to move around and lay down again in a different place.

The first girl was led to the stage and knelt in front of the sprawling girls. She leaned down and immediately put her hand up after licking only a few seconds.

The girls were moved again and so on until it was Charlie’s turn, she liked licking Jolie’s cunt more than Jolie liked licking her’s, she preferred Marcus the dog.

Charlie moved along each cunt until she came to the fourth and held her hand up. The girls on the stage got up and the blindfolds were removed as Rocky came back to the mike.

“Well, it seems the twins like to eat each other regularly folks, six out of six, well done”, to a round of applause.

The night wore on and people started to drift away as Rocky approached John and the twins. “Why don’t you stay a while, there’s something that might interest you, besides Selma”, he laughed as John fondled her tits.

“It’s Friday night, you can phone your wife if you like, although I suppose she’ll be busy”, giving a knowing wink.

“I know she will, but I’ll phone her anyway, I don’t want her to worry”, said John.

They were sitting in the large lounge, John was between Selma and Amy who was bent over sucking on his cock.

Rocky was between the twins as Charlie sucked on his cock. “I don’t know how to say this, have your daughter’s tried bestiality yet, if they haven’t please accept my apologies”.

“No apologies necessary Rocky, yes is the answer”.

“Thank god for that, otherwise I could have been in trouble, what have they fucked then John”.

“Oh quite a few dogs of all shapes and sizes, Jolie is the dog slut, she loves it”, said John.

“And a horse Daddy, don’t forget Victor”, said Charlie taking her mouth away from Rocky’s cock for a moment.

“Excellent, darling fetch Zebby in”, Rocky told his daughter.

“Follow me”, he said as they walked off to another part of the house, this room had a covering on the floor and a sort of ramp in the middle. Chairs were dotted around and they sat down to wait.

Amy walked in with Zebby, they could see why he was called Zebby, he was a Zebra.

“Meet Zebby everyone, I’ve had him since he was a small foal, he’s completely tame, stroke him if you want to, he won’t bite or anything”, said Amy.

“As you know there aren’t many Zebras in the city, so Amy and Selma have been seeing to his needs if you know what I mean, but I think he needs to vary his diet if you follow my meaning, if you don’t want anything to with him you can leave now, no harm done”.

Jolie was already leaning over him stroking him and trying to reach underneath him. Selma saw her and told her if she wanted to stroke his sheath it was fine by them.

Charlie and Jolie bent down stroking his sheath, Zebby stood still as they did and soon a cock appeared.

“Jesus Christ!”, exclaimed the twins as a cock about two foot long appeared. “Holy fuck, you can’t be serious, you’ve never had all that in your cunt Amy”.

Amy laughed out loud, “shit no, that would come out of my throat if I took all that, I put a ring on him about a foot up and that’s as far as he can go, mind you that’s enough”.

Jolie already had the head in her mouth sucking, she was going to have this cock in her tonight, it what she had been waiting for. Charlie was crouched beside her as she handed the cock over to her while she rubbed his balls.

“Do you both want to fuck him, after he’s finished one of you he only has to be stroked and sucked again and he’ll soon get hard”, said Amy who was holding him by a lead.

Selma was getting wet watching the twins sucking the Zebra, she was laying with legs wide open as John devoured her cunt with his tongue making her cum almost right away. John didn’t stop tonguing her, he had only just started and he wanted some more of this beautiful young woman as his tongue darted down to her ass hole as well.

Charlie and Jolie were swapping sucking duties deciding who should have the cock first inside them. Charlie let Jolie go first, she knew what a slut she was for animal cocks, besides she wasn’t too sure about a foot of that going up her cunt.

“When you’re ready”, said Jolie as Amy rolled the ring up Zebby’s cock for about a foot.

“Will that be enough Jolie?”, she said as Jolie inspected it.

“That should be enough Amy, it won’t slip or anything, I don’t want all that in my cunt”.

“Don’t worry, me and Selma have used it many times, it won’t slip, now bend over this”.

Jolie bent over a rail and Amy led Zebby to her, he knew exactly what to do, he lifted his front feet onto the rails above her and probed for her hole.

“Be ready Jolie, Zebby has no bedside manners, he will ram that thing into you forcefully”, said Amy but she was too late.

A scream erupted from Jolie as Zebby penetrated her violently. Once the initial shock had worn off Jolie settled down to have a good fuck with Zebby. She loved the feel of that huge cock going in and out of her very wet cunt and was soon gripping the rails tightly as cum covered Zebby’s cock.

John had made Selma cum a few times, she was such a sexy lady as she started to cum again under the expert use of John’s tongue.

“Rocky, would you mind if I fucked your wife please”, he asked.

“You’re a guest John, you don’t have to ask, her holes are your holes while you’re a guest”.

John wasted no time, he had Selma on her knees on the couch as he shoved his hard cock into her sodden pussy hole. He stuck his thumb into her pussy at the same time before pulling it out and shoving it into her ass hole preparing it for his cock.

Jolie was in seventh heaven, this long thick cock was giving her the fuck she had always dreamed of. She was cumming again, it seemed to be a perpetual cum as Zebby rammed her hard with his cock.

She was almost being lifted of her feet every time he would thrust into her but she enjoyed that.

Charlie had asked Rocky to fuck her to prepare her for Zebby, she was a bit wary of that cock but wasn’t going to back out now her sister had fucked it, she would never live it down.

Rocky was pounding her young cunt as he watched John pull out and shove his cock up his wife’s ass hole. Rocky picked his women well, he had been fucking Amy ever since the day she turned eighteen, he knew as soon as he saw Selma she would do what he wanted, especially if he had money, which he had shed loads of.

Jolie was still being fucked by the Zebra with the long cock, she knew after this she either had to come back here and fuck Zebby again or another horse.

Zebby was pushing his cock even more into her cunt, although Jolie didn’t know it he was getting ready to flood her insides with his cum. If Jolie thought a dog cum hit her hard in her belly she was in for a surprise. A jet of cum shot into her belly like she had never experienced before as Zebby gave a few more thrusts and pulled out of her cunt.

A pool of cum was forming by her feet as cum ran from her cunt down her inside legs. Zebby’s cock was receding back into his sheath as he stood there looking at Jolie in a pool of cum.

John had cum in Selma’s ass and Rocky was asking Charlie where she wanted him to cum in her. Charlie said to come in her cunt, she would need all the lubrication she could get in there before Zebby fucked her.

They all sat down for a while as Zebby got his strength back. Charlie had pushed a tissue up her cunt to keep Rocky’s cum inside until Zebby entered her pussy.

Twenty minutes later Jolie and Charlie were sucking Zebby’s cock again trying to get it hard. Charlie was filled with a lot of trepidation, she didn’t really want to fuck Zebby but couldn’t back out.

Zebby’s long cock was actually waving up and down, “that means he’s ready to fuck Charlie, get up to the rails and hold on to them”.

Charlie crawled forward and held the rails wishing she wasn’t really there as she felt Zebby lift his legs over her. Too late now as she felt the head of the cock on her ass hole. She suddenly remembered the tissue inside he r cunt and managed to pull it out just before Zebby penetrated her cunt with his massive cock.

Like Jolie she let out a loud aggggh as the cock went straight up her opening. To her surprise after a while she began to enjoy Zebby’s cock in her. She arched her back and pushed backwards as Zebby kept fucking her making her cum again and again.

‘Fuck this is good’, thought Charlie as Zebby pushed her forward with every thrust. Jolie was watching her sister with pride, now she too knew what it was like to have that big cock inside her.

Charlie was cumming as Zebby erupted inside her belly, like Jolie she stood up after Zebby had pulled out to leave a pool of cum at her feet.

“Thank you both fr fucking Zebby for me, poor lamb needs a fuck every so often, Selma and I do our best but he needs some fresh meat now and then, any time you want to fuck him just ring me and you can come round, or any of your friends”.

“I know one who would like to fuck him”, said Charlie thinking of Pocky.

“Great, bring her round anytime Charlie, I’m sure Zebby would love to see her”.

Cum was still running from Charlie as she made her way to the bathroom, “use this one Charlie, we don’t want horse cum all over the carpets”, said Amy and pointed he r towards a building outside.

Charlie and Jolie walked towards the building, “I’m going to bring Pocky here, she would love Zebby”, said Charlie.


Pocky and Charlie were thinking back to the day they went to Mr Hartleys house, both had sore pussies that night as they reminisced about what had happened.

Mr Hartley waited until Pocky and Charlie had got Victor’s cock hard and Charlie was sucking it.

“This one’s not for you today Pocky, come with me”, said Mr Hartley.

“You liked Victor so much I decided to let you have Zeus, he’s rather special, would you like to meet him”, said Mr Hartley.

“Yes please Mr Hartley”, said Pocky still naked.

He led Pocky to another part of the stable and there stood the biggest horse she had ever seen. “Meet Zeus Pocky, do you think you could handle him, the poor horse hasn’t had a fuck for ages, when the girls see him they run a mile”.

Pocky walked up to the horse who immediately nuzzled her, Pocky felt a bond forming with Zeus, being part of the aristocracy in England meant she was brought up with horses.

“How are you boy, you poor thing, are the girls scared of you, I’m not scared of you”, she said kissing him.

Pocky rubbed her pussy to juice it up letting him smell it up close before she began to rub the horses body all over slowly making her way under his belly. She stroked his massive sheath as Zeus gave a little whinny and moving his feet.

Pocky noticed again his feet were tied together as she stroked even harder, his cock shout out from the sheath.

“Oh my sweet lord, would you look at that”, said Pocky in her elegant English tones, “That is the biggest cock I have ever seen”, as she knelt down and pulled the horse cock to one side.

The head was enormous but with a lot of effort she managed to get the head in her mouth. It was more difficult to suck than Victors cock but she was going to have a damn good try.

With two hands she was stroking and sucking at the same time as the cock got harder. “Would you like to try and fuck him now Pocky, I’m sure he would really appreciate it”, said Mr Hartley.

“I’ll try Mr Hartley”, said Pocky pulling the small table over that so many had failed on.

“You’ll have to help me Mr Hartley, I can’t get this inside me on my own”.

“I’ll get my daughter Pauline, she’ll know what to do, Pauline, come in here now”, he shouted.

Pauline came in to where Pocky was getting ready to fuck Zeus. “Help Pocky get that cock in her pussy Pauline, you lot were afraid to try”, he said sneeringly.

Pauline knelt beside Pocky who lay with legs open on the table. Pauline grabbed Zeus’ cock and pointed it towards Pocky’s wet pussy.

“You’re braver than me Pocky, I couldn’t get that thing inside me, good luck”, said Pauline as she tried to get Pocky’s cunt open for Zeus’ cock.

“It’s no good Daddy, I need you to hold her cunt open while i push Zeus’ cock inside her”.

“I’ll try and hold it open Pauline”, pulling her cunt lips as far apart as she could.

Pauline said Zeus was getting soft now and she would have to stroke it had again.

“Suck it Pauline, it’ll get harder quicker”, said Mr Hartley to his daughter.

Pauline lened over and tried to get the massive head into her mouth but couldn’t.

“It’s no good Daddy, I can’t get it into my mouth”, she said.

“Lick it all the way up and down then while you fondle his balls, he likes that, I know, I’ve seen other girls do it”.

Pauline licked the huge shaft up and down as far as she could all the time playing with his balls. Mr Hartley was right, Zeus began to grow again as Pauline licked and licked.

“Okay Pocky, hold that cunt of yours open again, I’ll get this cock in there if it’s the last thing I do”. Pocky pulled her lips apart and Pauline worked the cock in bit by bit.

Pocky’s pussy felt like it was stretched wide apart, compared to Victor this cock was a monster, more and more was pushed in by Pauline who was taking her anger out by forcing the horse cock inside Pocky’s cunt. She was still angry her Daddy had made her come to the kennels and the stables when she could have been out with her friends. Grimacing to herself she pushed Zeus in farther and farther until at least ten or eleven inches was up Pocky’s swollen cunt.

She began to fuck her with it as Pocky unloaded he r cum all over Zeus’ cock, her cunt ha d never been so stretched before an she was loving it as Pauline fucked her harder and harder.

Charlie knew what Pocky had meant now, Victor’s cock was silky smooth as she sucked him quite deeply pulling the head between her lips enjoying the feel. Every so often a drop of cum would leak from him into her mouth, the taste was bitter and warm but she swallowed anyway.

George the groom was on hand to help if she needed it, he was already naked ready for his reward when Charlie had fucked Victor, he loved his job.

“I’m ready now George, bring the table over”, said Charlie still stroking Victor’s cock.

George brought the table and slid it under Victor as Charlie lay down and spread her legs wide.

“Would you like me to put his cock in Miss”, asked George.

“Okay George, you can put it in”, and opened her pussy lips to receive Victor’ s cock.

Charlie gasped as George gently pushed it in, it was obvious he had done this many times, the cock slid in easily under George’s skilful hands and he began to fuck her with it.

“Yes George, fuck me with his cock”, shouted Charlie as George rammed it into her as hard as he could.

“Oh fuck George I’m going to cum”, shouted Charlie as she arched her back and covered Victor’s cock with her cum. “Fuck yes, yes, yes, shove that cock deep in my cunt you bastard, shove it in”, she yelled oblivious to everyone who could hear her.

Pocky couldn’t hear her, she was too busy shouting herself as Pauline tried to get more and more cock inside her now very swollen cunt. She felt as though her cunt was going to split open, she was only nineteen and this cock was by a mile the biggest thing she ever had in there.

She was cumming again, twice in as many minutes as Pauline kept taking her rage out on Pocky’s pussy by pounding it with the huge cock.

It was all very well pounding Pocky’s cunt, but Zeus couldn’t take any more, what felt like a bucketful of cum hit Pocky’s belly, Victor was a lamb compared to this load of cum.

Pauline pulled his cock out as it shrank back into it’s sheath, She pulled the table out and helped Pocky to her feet, she felt a little guilty now about pounding her cunny, it wasn’t her fault she was here.

“Are you alright Pocky, sorry about that, I may have gone a bit too far”.

Pocky hugged her as cum ran down hr inside thighs, “you did just fine Pauline, that was a fuck and a half, you should try it, it’s fucking fantastic”, said Pocky stumbling a little.

Charlie was cuming again as well, this was her second as well, George had Victor’s cock well up inside her, she didn’t know how much, just that it felt very, very good inside her.

“He’s going to cum in you now Miss”, said George seeing the signs he had seen so often. Charlie felt the gush as it hit her, she was used to dog cum going inside her but this was different, it splashed around inside her before she felt his cock slide out and disappear.

George helped Charlie to her feet as the cum ran out of her, “are you alright Miss”, he asked holding her up as she was still a little weak.

Pauline, Pocky and Mr Hartley walked into the stable just then, “did you enjoy Victor then my dear”, he asked.

Charlie looked at them, Pocky was standing bow legged with cum still running from her cunt as Pauline held her.

“Yes I did Mr Hartley, Victor is a very good fuck, I’d like to do it again sometime”.

“Anytime you feel like it dear, either here or the kennels, just ring me, now I think you should give George his reward Pauline, these two need time to recover.

Pauline knelt before George and sucked his cock still angry, it wasn’t that she minded sucking and fucking George, she wanted to get the hell out of here and meet her friends.

She was sucking George like never before, she wanted him to cum as quickly as possible so she could leave. George guessed what she was up to and pulled her up bending her over and sticking his cock deep into her cunt.

“Miss”, he said to Charlie, “rub some of that cum from your pussy into her ass please, I want to fuck her there after”.

Charlie stuck four fingers into her cunt and scooped out a handful of cum and rubbed it into Pauline’s ass hole pushing it in with her fingers, she scooped another handful out just to make sure as George pulled out of her pussy and stuck his cock into her ass hole.

Mr Hartlet smiled as he watched his young daughter get reamed in her ass, he remembered the first time he had fucked her ass, he had almost strangled his cock she was so tight.

George was pumping Pauline hard in her ass, he had only fucked the boss’ daughter twice before, it gave him a feeling of power as he fucked her ass with her Daddy watching. He gripped her ass cheeks and pushed his cock in as far as it would go and filled her ass with his sperm.

Pauline stood back up as a little blob of white cum hung from her ass, “okay girls, time to get you back home, in the trunk though, you’re not spoiling my upholstery with cum dripping from you like that”.

Back at Mr Hartley’s house Pauline went in and returned with their dresses and then he drove then home.

“Well, how was it girls, did you enjoy your day”, asked Willie.

“Oh yes Daddy, I did”, “me too”, piped Charlie.


Harry Tilson was a happy man, ever since he had found the websites his wife and daughter had been watching he had capitalised on it, they had been watching male domination websites obviously interested in it.

His wife Marjorie had always been kind of submissive ever since he met her, it had endeared her to him then and they married to have a daughter Severn.

Harry had said nothing about the sites but decided to test the waters so to speak, he began to order them to do things instead of asking, he would tell his wife to do the cooking or cleaning totally naked. Without hesitation she would strip off and do it as he sat and watched.

He was almost shaking with fear when he asked Severn to do her first strip, what if she screamed and called him a pervert, or worse still reported him to the police.

He swallowed hard and thought here goes, “Severn, I don’t want you to wear clothes any more when we’re alone in the house, strip off now”, and waited with bated breath.

Severn looked up at him and rose up. “Okay Daddy, if that’s what you want”, she replied pulling off her blouse and then skirt bra and knickers to stand totally naked in front of me.

My cock shot up straight, her firm tits stood out with hard nipples, her cunt was bald and shiny and she made no move to cover it up with her hands.

I decided to go all the way, “open your legs wide Severn, I want to feel your pussy, see if you’ve been a naughty girl when Daddy isn’t here”.

She said nothing as she opened her legs wide and I cupped her sweet pussy pushing a finger into her. Amazingly I could actually feel her begin to get wetter as I worked my finger inside her.

“From now on Severn this pussy belongs to Daddy, unless I tell you to no one else is to touch it, if you need to masturbate you will ask my permission an do it in front of me, do you understand”.

“Yes Daddy I understand”, she replied as more and more pussy juice covered my finger.

“Good, now stand there with your hands behind your back while I fetch your mother”.

Going to the kitchen he called Marjorie to follow him to where her daughter was standing with legs open and pussy juice coming from her cunt.

“From now on both Severn and you will be naked when we’re alone, you will obey all my commands without question, failure to do so will result in punishment with this”, said Harry taking off his leather belt.

They both answered okay but Harry wasn’t finished yet, “from now on you will both call me Sir, that’s what sluts call their Master isn’t it?”.

No answer so Harry brandished his belt, “do I have to use this now, I asked you a question sluts”.

They both answered “Yes Sir, that’s what slut’s call their Master”.

“That’s better, now slut I want you to teach your daughter how to suck my cock”, said Harry dropping his trousers to reveal a very hard upright cock.

Harry closed his eyes as his beautiful young nineteen year old daughter closed her lips around his cock and began to suck. His wife was licking his balls as Severn sucked, it was clear to Harry she was no novice, maybe some boy had found out about her submissive nature and simply told her to suck his cock.

Harry wanted a good look at her pussy, telling Marjorie to carry on sucking his cock he ordered Severn lay down with legs wide open. He spread her pussy to see the pink flesh stare back at him as his tongue licked all around tasting the nectar that leaked from his daughter’s pussy.

Severn was breathing heavily, the thought of being ordered to do it and the fact it was her Daddy licking her pussy was making her juices flow. Harry lifted her legs in the air and moved his tongue down to her sphincter as Severn cried out loud.

He used his tongue to open her ass hole slightly forcing his tongue in as deep as he possibly could. It was too much for Severn, she began to cum as Harry quickly moved his mouth to her gushing cunt to catch her cum. He swallowed greedily as Severn closed her legs around his head cumming and cumming all the time moaning out loud.

Harry was almost cumming himself, he pushed his wife away from his cock to stop her sucking, he had to fuck that young pussy of his daughter, and soon. Severn had stopped cumming almost, trickles were still in view as Harry stood up holding his cock aiming it at Severn’s dripping pussy.

He plunged straight into her feeling the tightness of a nineteen year old as he fucked her hard. Severn was fucking him back, in her mind she had to please her Master, it was immaterial that he was her Daddy, for now he was her Master and she had to please him any way she could, if that meant by fucking him well so be it.

She arched her back pushing back at him every chance she got till Harry could stand no more. Not knowing if his daughter was taking precautions or not he pulled out and grabbing his wife spurted all over her face.

“Clean it slut”, he ordered as Marjorie sucked his cock straight out of her daughter’s pussy.

“Have you been fucked in your as yet slut”, he asked Severn.

“No Sir, no one has fucked me in my ass”.

Turning to his wife he told her to prepare her daughter’s ass for him to fuck by next weekend.

“Yes Sir, I’ll start right away”, she said wiping his cum from her face.

Saturday morning he told his two sluts he was going to play golf and that Severn’s as had better be ready for him to fuck tonight or they would both be punished as they knelt by the door waiting for him to leave.

When he had gone Marjorie turned her daughter around and pulled the plug from her ass hole, “you’ll be alright tonight, I have pushed bigger things up there than Master’s cock over the week, it’s really quite nice being fucked in your ass hole, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it, now we must look at Master’s orders for today.

Harry could hardly keep his cock from getting hard as he thought about his young daughter’s tight ass hole. He could already feel the sphincter hole closing tightly around his cock as he tried to drive his golf ball up the fairway.

Harry finished his golf game and hurried home to his wife and daughter. Both were kneeling by the door to welcome him home taking his coat and golf bag from him. He sat at the kitchen table as his meal was brought to him and they both knelt by his side again.

He turned Severn’s face towards him, “is your ass ready for my cock slut, I hope your slut mother has prepared it well or you know what will happen”.

“My ass is ready for your cock Sir, you will have no complaints”, said Severn.

Harry finished his meal and had them bring him a brandy as he waited for his meal to digest. He watched TV for a while and then began to think again about his daughter’s young ass hole making his cock begin to harden.

“Sluts, in here now”, he called as both his wife and daughter appeared and knelt before him. “Have you given her an enema slut”, he asked.

“Yes Sir, her ass has been cleaned ready for you to fuck her”.

Severn was ordered up on the couch on her knees and told to spread her ass, Harry bent down and this time her hole opened more easily as his tongue went deeper into her ass.

Motioning to his wife she leaned forward and applied the gel to her daughter’s ass making sure it was well worked inside as well.

“Your slut’s as is ready for you to fuck Sir”, she said kneeling back down. Harry fucked her pussy first watching his cock disappear all the way up her sweet pussy hole before pu;;ing out nad aiming it at her ass hole.

Severn took a deep breath as her Daddy’s cock touched her sphincter, she ha d prepared all week for this and now it was time to see if her Mother had done it properly. She had decided not to make a noise even if it hurt slightly, she didn’t want upset her Master by crying out as she felt the head of his cock enter her tiny hole.

Harry pushed gently as the head of his cock went in slowly, bit by bit more and more went up into her tiny ass hole, he was halfway in now and Severn hadn’t made a sound so he kept going. All of his cock was now inside his young daughters ass hole as he began to pump it, she was so tight as his cock went in and out. Pulling out he told his wife to suck it right out of her daughter’s ass hole, “if you cleaned he r ass properly slut you won’t mind sucking my cock”, he said as she opened her mouth to receive it.

He went back to Severn’s ass and pushed it in again loving the feel of his head as it entered her, he did that few times before pushing it all the way in pumping hard till he began to cum. H e pulled out and sprayed his cum over his daughter’s ass and told his wife to lick it clean after she had cleaned his cock.

That was Harry’s first fuck of his daughter’s ass hole, that was six months ago, he had fucked them both many times since then and now he was driving to John Hardy’s place with his two sluts on the back seat.

Harry had met John at the golf club and the conversation had come up about the club after Harry mentioned his daughter. After a few drinks the talk turned to dog fucking, Harry was immediately interested, he had heard of such things but never actually seen it.

Harry was driving there now to watch a dog fucking one, or maybe two of John’s daughters, he wanted Severn and his wife to join in, he would see how things went, maybe that was too far for them and they might say no.

John had told him he could not join the club unless his wife and daughter were prepared to fuck a dog.

He had given them a safe word each time he had punished them, they only had to say it and he stopped immediately, if they said the safe word today it would be all over, there was no way he was going to force them.

They reached John’s house and the twins and Mom greeted them as introductions were made. Severn and Marjorie were both naked under their coats so everyone stripped to even it up.

“John tells me you want to join the club Harry”, said Mom starting off the conversation, “but you know the rules by now if you want to join”.

“Yes, John told me, my wife and daughter have to be able to fuck an animal, but surely a dog has only a small dick, would a woman find it worthwhile to fuck a dog”, he asked.

“You’re mistaken Harry, it’s true some dogs have small dicks, you’ve got to pick the right dog, some have cocks bigger than a man, I should know, I’ve fucked some of them”.

Severn and Marjorie were soaking wet, they were being used, that appealed to their submissive side, they were waiting to be told to fuck someone or suck a cock a s they knelt beside their Master.

“Bring Marcus in Jolene and show him”, said Mom.

Jolene hurried off to fetch Marcus, she loved sex with Marus, she loved the taste of his cum on he r tongue as she sucked his big cock and then in her pussy as he knotted her.

Without being told she slid under Marcus playing with his sheath till his cock came out and she took it into her mouth to suck.

Severn and Marjorie were getting even wetter watching Jolene, if Master ordered them to suck on a dog cock that would be the ultimate in submissiveness, they would suck it gladly.

Jolene had her mouth locked firmly on Marcus’’ cock as it continued to grow, soon it was about eight inches long and quite thick.

Harry decided now or never, if they refused, so be it, he wouldn’t push it any farther, “Go and help Jolene to suck the dogs cock”, he ordered half expecting them to say the safe word. To his surprise they crawled over to Marcus and began to suck his cock as Jolene handed it over to them.

“Fetch Rex Jolene, one of them can suck his cock”, said Mom.

Marjorie decided to let Severn carry on sucking Marcus as she moved over to Rex.

Severn wasn’t sure what to do with the cum landing on her tongue, she figured she couldn’t spit it out on her host’s floor so she just swallowed, she thought it tasted bitter and hot, much more hot than her Master’s cum.

Marjorie was having her first taste of cum as well, she too found it hot and bitter but nevertheless kept on swallowing, she didn’t want to disappoint her Master by spitting it out.

Severn was on her knees sucking Marcus with her back to John. “Your daughter has a lovely ass Harry, would you mind if I fucked her from behind, you can fuck Charlie if you want”.

“I was just about to ask you the same thing, of course you can fuck her, she takes it her ass hole as well”.

Severn felt two hands on her ass cheeks and a cock rubbing up and down her wet cunt, now she was getting even wetter, this man was going to use her, her Master told him he could fuck her ass without asking her, that turned her on.

John pulled his cock away and bent down, he could see her juice leaking from her pussy lips as he licked it up. Severn nearly came right away, a man was licking her pussy in front of everyone on orders from her Master, it didn’t take long before a gush of cum landed on John’s tongue as he swallowed.

Keeping a mouthful of cum he moved up to her ass hole and spit it into it using his fingers to work it inside her making her ass ready for use.

Harry had his tongue in Charlie’s cunt as she lay spread-eagled on the couch, not wanting to be left out Mom had hold of Harrys cock and was sucking it as Simon her son walked in.

He stood for a moment and watched the scene before him, his sister having he r pussy licked by a stranger, his father with his cock in a young girl’s pussy while she sucked on a dog cock, his other sister and a woman sucking another dog cock and his Mom sucking a man’s cock.

Marlene, Sylvia’s daughter in law who Simon had been seeing a lot of followed him in. “What a lovely sight”, she said pulling off her clothes to join in.

Marjorie was still sucking on Rex’s cock, cum was dripping from her chin where Rex had been spurting as she sucked on his cock. “Doesn’t that hurt his balls holding them like that”, she asked Jolie.

Jolie laughed, “those aren’t his balls, that’s his knot, after he’s fucked you for a while he’ll push them into your pussy to hold you while he cums inside you, never try to get away when you’re being knotted, it will only hurt you”.

Marjorie’s pussy began to dampen at the thought of that, a dog having you in his control while he filled you full of cum appealed to her submissive side.

“Do you want to fuck him now, get on your hands and knees and keep your head on the floor, it gives him better access to your pussy”.

Marjorie knelt and laid her head down as asked to while Rex was licking her pussy, she had never been licked like this, it was amazing, his tongue was almost all the way inside her wet cunt as she started to cum. She clenched her fists as the dog kept licking her and she kept cumming, then two legs wrapped around her waist as Rex began to search for her pussy hole.

It only took a few jabs before he found it and began to fuck her like a piston. Marjorie was crying out, not in pain but pure ecstasy, she was being used by a dog, how wonderful as Rex pounded her.

Rex slowed down and began to push his knot inside her, Marjorie kept her head down as she felt the first spurts of cum land in her belly. The feeling was overwhelming, she began to cum again as Rex fired shot after shot of his cum inside her.

“Sometimes this can take twenty minutes before he releases you”, said Jolie

Marjorie smiled, “that’s fine by me”, and settled back down to enjoy her dog fucking.

Charlie was being fucked by Harry who was lubing her ass with her cum ready for penetration. Marlene and Mom were locked in an embrace with tongues down each other’s throat, John was ready to cum into Severn’s ass hole, and Simon was kneeling behind his sister ready to fuck her.

John pulled out and called Marcus to Severn’s rear, he licked John’s cum that ha d leaked from her ass and then began to lick her pussy. Severn was cumming again, she ha d lost count of the times she had, if this was to be her new life, fucking different people then bring it on she thought as Marcus mounted her.

Marcus was a big dog and she had to steady herself from his weight as he straddled her back probing for her wet hole. In one push he was all the way in and began to fuck her faster than she had ever been fucked. Aah’s and Ooh’s came from her as Marcus pounded her cunt, she ha d never known a feeling like this. She had only fucked three boys at school and her Daddy so she didn’t have much experience, but this was different, she hoped her Master would let them join this club it if was how it was going to be.

She seemed to be cumming forever as Marcus fucked her, now she felt something else, this must be the knot she heard Jolie tell her Mom about. She laid her head on her arms and waited as Marcus pushed his knot inside.

The feeling was even more intense now, she began to feel a little faint from so much cumming when she felt his cum hit her insides. She sighed inwardly, this was what she wanted, to be a prisoner of a dog with a huge cock filling her with his cum, heaven.

Rex had pulled out of Marjorie as Jolie was telling he r as best she could with her brothers cock in her ass hole to clean his cock, “that is expected every time”, she said between breaths as Simon pounded her ass.

Marjorie grabbed the dripping cock and stuffed it into her mouth sucking hers and the dog cum off it.

Harry had just unloaded his cum into Charlie’s ass hole sweat dripping from him with his exertions. He knew now that both his wife and daughter would join the club which meant he could fuck young ass holes like Charlie’s all the time.

Later Marcus pulled out of Severn and licked her clean as her Mom told her she now had to clean his cock. Severn said nothing, just grabbed his cock and sucked it clean as it disappeared back into its sheath.

“Well what do you think John, have my sluts done enough to join your club, do you both want to join sluts”, he asked.

“Yes please Sir”, said both happily.


Amba Bose pushed her fingers deeper into her wet cunt, she was cumming but couldn’t make a sound. The object of her desire was her son in the shower jerking off, she watched as he stroked his long cock with his eyes closed before shooting his load in the shower.

Amba sneaked off to her room and lay on the bed. Amba was a nympho, he r husband knew it, it was all he could do to keep her satisfied but several times a day she had to use a dildo to calm her frustrations.

Amba and Ajay Bose had met in Eastern India, she got pregnant at eighteen, a quick marriage ceremony and the two of them were sent to America by their wealthy parents. Amba had twin boys, Scott and Aaron and a daughter Tiffany, as they were going to be going to school in America they were given western names.

Amba secretly wanted her sons to fuck her every day, it would ease the frustrations she had if she had two more cocks to choose from. Besides she had seen videos and pictures of women with a cock in their pussy and one in their ass hole, she wanted to try that with her sons.

Ajay Bose looked at the record in front of him, his patient was Sir William Pocksworth, they had met socially many times, at first Dr Bose thought having a baronet on board might help him, but they became good friends.

Willie, as he was known to his friends sat opposite as they talked, the doctor ha d taken Willie into his confidence and was telling him about his wife.

“I can’t keep up with her anymore Willie, she draining me, I’m absolutely shattered”.

“Bring someone else in then”.

“She won’t do that, says it would be like cheating”.

“Only one thing for it then Ajay”.

“Oh, what’s that then”.

“You’ll have to let your two boys fuck her, keep it in the family”.

Dr Bose looked at him with eyes wide open, “you’re serious aren’t you, she would never go for that, no she would say no, probably go mad at me”.

“Do you, do you, how shall I put it, fuck Pocky”.

“Of course, every day if I can, it’s wonderful fucking your daughter, much more exciting”.

“How did you get Hooky to agree, didn’t she put up a fight”.

“It was her idea on the night, a dare, I had to lick Pocky’s pussy, she said I had to do it, after that Pocky said I had to fuck her, that’s how it started”.

“Do you really think she’ll go for it?, what if my sons despise me for asking”, asked Ajay.

“Ajay, I’ve seen your wife, what red blooded man wouldn’t want to fuck her, even her son, your wife is every man’s dream fuck, why don’t you just ask her first and then if she says yes, deal with the boys”.

Driving home Ajay thought about it, it would take the pressure off him and she wouldn’t look on it as cheating, it could be the answer.

As usual the firs t thing Amba did was to take him upstairs to fuck. As they lay after Ajay plucked up the courage to ask.

“Amba, you love your sons don’t you, I mean really love them, I need help Amba, I can’t keep up with you any longer, do see what I’m getting at”.

Amba stared at him for a moment, “no I don’t get it Ajay, you know I love my sons, and Tiffany, what are you”. Then it hit her, “oh my god, do you mean what I think you mean Ajay”, her heart pounding, did he really mean it, did he want her sons to fuck her, please let it be true she thought.

Amba didn’t want to seem too obvious, “what are you saying Ajay, you want me to fuck my sons”.

“Forget it, it was a silly idea”, said Ajay, “but I do need help Amba”.

“What would the boys think of that, they might not want to fuck me, I would be so embarrassed”.

“I could pretend I haven’t asked you, that way no one would be any the wiser”, answered Ajay.

“I do need sex a lot, I’m fed up with a dildo, it would be nice to have a couple of spare cocks to call on”, she said.

“I’ll ask them now, no time like the present”, getting out of bed and pulling on a robe.

Amba was nervous, she decided to have a shower while she waited, she was hoping against hope her sons would say yes. She looked at herself in the full length mirror, long black hair, still firm tits, a shaved pussy, she had shaved it because she came so often her pubic hairs would get sticky. He turned around and held her ass cheeks, these were her crowning glory, when she wore tight pants she would get whistles from every male.

She towelled herself dry and went back to her bedroom to wait, there was a knock on the door, her son Scott stood there with a hard cock in his hand and headed towards her followed by Aaron with his cock in his hand.

Amba sat up and stroked both cocks sucking them alternately, “thank you boys”, she said resuming her sucking.

“Mom, we have both wanted to fuck you for ages, all you had to do was ask”, said Aaron.

Amba sighed, all that spying outside the shower when she could have been fucking them, what a waste.

Scot had pushed her back on the bed and spread her legs, she jumped as soon as his tongue touched her pussy, Scott pushed his tongue inside as she grabbed his hair with one hand.

“Lick Mommy’s pussy Scott, put your tongue in deeper”, she shouted and went back to sucking Aaron’s cock.

Scott felt her move her pussy up to his face, suddenly he was hit by a shower of cum straight out of her pussy stinging his eyes and going down his throat. He couldn’t escape, his Mom had hold of his hair tightly as she kept cumming.

Amba was in her glory now, no more frustration, she would have three cocks to call on, with a bit of luck she would be fucked morning noon and night. She took Aaron’s cock from her mouth and admired it, licking his balls while she stroked Aaron said to Scott, “my turn to lick Mom’s cunt now Scott”.

Amba felt a surge go through her loins, to hear her sons talk about licking her cunt was magic to her ears, Aaron got between her legs and pulled her puss y lips apart before lifting he r legs in the air and pushing his tongue into her ass crack.

It was like an electric shock when his tongue touched her ass hole, cum began to flow from her again as Aaron licked up and down her slit and as hole.

Scott was fucking her mouth, she wanted to scream out with ecstasy but with a mouthful of her sons cock that wasn’t easy.

“Come on Mom, we want to fuck you now”, Amba beamed with pride, she never thought she would hear those words.

“Boys, you know I’ve never cheated on your Dad so I’ve had this fantasy, I want you both to fuck me at the same time”.

“You mean in the ass and pussy Mom, bring it on, I want her ass”, shouted Scott.

“I’m twenty minutes older than you, I should have her ass first”, said Aaron.

“Boys, boys, give me a couple of hours and then you can fuck my ass again, toss a coin for this one”

Scott won much to Aaron’s disappointment as he lay on his back on the bed.

Amba applied gel to her ass and asked Scott to work it inside. He pushed two fingers into her ass and worked the gel around.

Amba lowered herself down on to Aaron’s upright cock and slid down all the way and leaned forward. Scott spread his Mom’s cheeks and pushed against her ass hole as His Mom gasped out loud, her fantasy was coming true right at this moment as her sons cock slid easily into her ass hole.

Aaron was squeezing and sucking her tits as they both pounded her in both holes, Amba closed her eyes, she could hardly believe it, her sons were fucking he r at last and she didn’t have to hide it from her husband.

The sheer thrill of it made her cum again, Aaron could feel her cumming a s she coated his cock with her cum. Scottt was stroking his Mom’s ass cheeks, he loved the shape of them, perfectly rounded light brown globes of exquisite pleasure. H e like many others had admired her ass for ages, and now he was fucking it.

Amba squirmed around trying to make the most of two cocks inside her, the pleasure in her loins was indescribable, she had never been this high on sex before as both sons continued to pound her. Amba was cumming again, it was too much to expect her not to, she wanted this feeling to last all day if possible.

It wasn’t going to last, Scott shouted he was going to cum and could he shoot it up her ass hole as Amba said yes. Then it was Aaron who asked if he could shoot it into her pussy and got an affirmative as well as both boys filled their Mom with their cum.

All three lay down exhausted, “are you really a nympho Mom, you really need sex all day”, said Scott.

“I’m afraid so son, it’s like a drug, I have to have it”.

Both boys hugged their Mom, well from now on Mom, we’re going to make sure you get it”.

“You’re both good boys, thank you”.

They were so engrossed in fucking each other none of them saw Tiffany peep through the crack in the door with her panties down to her knees and two fingers in her sodden pussy.

She had come through the back door so no one saw her and had heard them talking. She headed back to her bedroom her pussy still dripping, she lay on the bed not quite believing what she had just seen.

Like her Mom, Tiffany now nearly nineteen loved sex, she had a boyfriend but he couldn’t satisfy her, she would invite his friends and let them fuck her as well.

Now she saw a chance to have even more sex, her Mom wouldn’t like it, sharing her sons cocks, but she was family as well, and she was going to have some. The thought suddenly hit her, her father was downstairs, that meant he must know what’s going on. ‘Oh my god, he’s roped them in to help him, Mom’s like me, she needs more cock’, she thought.

A wicked thought ran through her mind, if her brothers could fuck their Mom than why couldn’t her Daddy fuck her, it was only fair.

Tiffany showered and went downstairs, “hi Daddy, what are you doing today”.

“Oh nothing Tiffany, just relaxing and reading my paper”.

‘That’s what you think’ thought Tiffany. She had heard her Mom say wait a couple of hours and then you can fuck my ass to Aaron, she would wait until they went upstairs for that and she would make her move.

Mom and the boys came downstairs, “oh hi honey, you okay now, your ahem, headache gone”.

“Completely for a couple of hours anyway darling”, she smiled.

Tiffany smiled to herself, she knew the score.

Later Mom told the boys it was time they tidied their rooms up, when she told them that before it was always ‘later Mom’. This time they went straight up with no argument as Mom said she would clean her bedroom and shower.

Tiffany sat opposite her Daddy with legs wide open, a bald pussy stared back as Ajay stole a glance. H e would pretend to talk to Tiffany but all the time he was slyly looking at her bald cunt moving uncomfortably in his chair.

“What’s the matter Daddy, you got a hard on or what, would you like to see more”, she said pulling her pussy lips apart showing him an expanse of pink flesh.

“Would you like to lick it for me Daddy, come on, lick your little girls wet cunt”.

Ajay knew he shouldn’t but couldn’t help himself, he was on his knees in front of her in an instant staring at her young pussy with her juices leaking from it.

His tongue was inside her in a flash tasting her juices lapping them up like a cat. Pulling he r forward he lifteds he r legs up and licked her ass as well.

“That’s it Daddy, lick my ass as well as my pussy, lick your little girl all over Daddy”, she was shouting.

It didn’t take long for Tiffany to flood his mouth with her cum, he drank greedily from her gushing pussy tasting his daughters nectar for the first time.

Ajay was pushing his tongue into her asshole hoping to open it up a little, he wanted his tongue indie her ass. “Put your finger in Daddy, then put two in and tongue fuck my ass hole, I love it”.

Ajay pushed one finger in then pulled out and licked two fingers and inserted them into his daughters ass hole.

“Yes Daddy, now your tongue, put your tongue in my ass Daddy, stick it in all the way”.

Ajay’s nose was tight in the crack of her ass as he forced his tongue in as far as he could while all the time rubbing her clit.

“I’m cuming Daddy, I’m cumming again”, she shouted grabbing his hair and pulling his face right into her cunt.

“That was the best Daddy, now it’s your turn as she fumbled with his flies and got his cock out.

“My you are hard Daddy”, she said closing her red lips around his shaft and sucking.

“Your mother mustn’t know about this Tiffany, we can’t tell her”.

Tiffany looked up at him, Daddy, right at this minute Mom will have Aaron’s cock in her ass hole and Scott’s in her pussy, I know all about it, why do you think I’m here, I want my share from my brothers and my Daddy, I like sex as well you know”.

Ajay lay back and enjoyed the feel of his daughter’s mouth around his cock, he was glad she knew, if Amba had caught them fucking behind her back she wouldn’t have liked it, he would tell her later.

“Fuck me now Daddy, you can fuck my ass as well if you want, I don’t mind”, said Tiffany climbing onto the couch presenting both holes to her Daddy.

Ajay pointed his cock towards her wet cunt, he slipped in all the way easily and began to fuck her hard.

“That’s it Daddy, fuck your little princess, fuck all her holes Daddy, fuck her”.

Ajay was both overjoyed and sad, overjoyed he was fucking this young pussy, but sad that now he had another nympho to satisfy, he would never get any peace now.

For now though it was all about his daughter as he pulled out ready to stick his dick into her ass hole.

Tiffany put her head down to raise her ass higher for her Daddy to penetrate her ass. Her sphincter opened as his cock slowly disappeared inside her ass hole. Ajay reckoned she didn’t have too many cocks up there, she was still fairly tight so very soon he began to cum.

Gripping her ass cheeks he pushed hard and shot his load into her ass and lay back with sweat running from him.

“Wasn’t that nice Daddy, now we can do it all the time, and Mom won’t be able to say anything”, she laughed and cuddled up to him.

Ajay was right, he was worse off now than ever, as well as his wife he had a sex mad daughter who he had to fuck on demand, time for a chat with Willie again.

“I’m worse off now Willie, have you any more ideas, the last one was a good one, it just went wrong”.

Willie stared at him, “how do you feel about a dog fucking a woman”.

“I’ve heard about it, never seen it in real life only videos, those women look like they really enjoy it”.

“Oh they do Ajay, they do, once they get fucked by a dog they never stop wanting it, you should see them when they suck a dog cock, cum spurts from it into their mouth”.

Ajay looked shocked, “don’t tell me Pocky and Hooky have fucked a dog Willie”.

“Oh not just one dog Ajay, lots of dogs, and horses”.

Willie told him about the club and how the women had to fuck an animal before being allowed to join.

“Why don’t you and the family come round to our house Friday night, I’ll borrow John’s dogs, Pocky and Hooky will put on a show, Amba and Tiffany will either walk out or join in”.

Ajay was getting ready upstairs, Willie ha d been in touch with John Hardy who in turn had been in touch with Rocky. Charlie was booked out tonight and John needed the dogs as he was having Charlie’s swap.

Rocky had told them to come over by all means, he Selma and Amy would make them welcome.

Ajay came downstairs into the lounge, “oh for god’s sake, can’t you just wait a while”.

“Sorry Dad, they looked so sexy in those short skirts w e couldn’t help ourselves”.

The reason for Ajay’s anger, his two sons ha d their mother and sister pinned against the table with panties around their knees and a cock stuffed up each pussy.

“Hurry up you two, the car’s here”, said Ajay as his sons came into each pussy.

“You’re going to stain the upholstery, shove your panties into each cunt, stop that cum from leaking out”.

Tiffany and Amba shrugged, took off their panties and shoved them into their pussies.

John’s daughter Jolie was already in the car, introductions were made and they started off. Jolie ha d been warned not to say anything about what was going to happen tonight, Amba and Tiffany were to make their own minds up.

They arrived at the large house Rocky owned and he welcomed them in. “This is Selma my wife and Amy my daughter”, he said introducing them both, “now let’s all have a drink”

The wine flowed freely and talk soon turned to sex, Amba was feeling a little drunk as was Tiffany, unknown to them their drinks were being mixed so they would get drunk a little faster.

Rocky decided to go for the jugular, “do you like sex Amba”, knowing the answer full well from John Hardy.

Amba looked at the floor looking sheepish, “come on Amba, you’re among friends here, Jolie do you like sex, Amy do you like sex, Selma do you like sex”. They all answered in the affirmative, “see no one cares here, we all like sex”.

Amba took heart from this, “yes I love sex, I can’t get enough of it”.

“What about you Tiffany, do you like sex”.

“I love sex, I’m like Mom, I can’t get enough”.

Tiffany and Amba felt their pussies getting wet talking about sex, they suddenly remembered they had panties shoved into each cunt as Rocky moved in between them.

He placed a hand on each thigh moving slowly upwards until he felt the panties.

“What’s this”, he said pulling the panties out and sniffing them. Amba and Tiffany held their head in their hands totally embarrassed.

“Sorry about that, we had sex before we came out, w e didn’t want to stain your upholstery so we put our panties in there”

“That’s very thoughtful of you, hang on a minute, you both said you had sex, that means one of your brothers must have fucked you Tiffany”.

The drink was getting to Amba now, “actually they fucked us both, there, now you know”.

“Excellent, keep it in the family I say, isn’t that right Amy”.

“Yes Daddy, definitely, keep it in the family”.

Amba and Tiffany looked at him, “you mean you and Amy……”.

“Of course, why not, Amy likes it and Selma doesn’t mind”.

Selma and Amy were fumbling with Scott and Aaron’s flies trying to get their cocks out. They came out as two mouths swallowed them down their throats.

Rocky ha d his hand on both pussies now as they both lay back with legs open. Jolie had Ajays cock out stroking it before sucking on it.

This went on for quite a while till Amy said she would introduce them to her new friend.

Tiffany and her Mom had cum twice from Rocky’s skilful fingering and licking as he told them to follow him. All of them were naked now, Selma led the twins by each cock and Jolie did the same with Ajay.

They followed Amy into the specially prepared room where her pet Zebra had fucked them before. Jolie ha d expected to see Zebby there but instead a beautiful pony stood there with legs tethered together.

“Meet Tosca, my new friend, Daddy bought him for me, I just fell in love with him, he’s so beautiful”, said Amy stroking his head.

There was so much smell of sex in the air Tosca’s was beginning to show his cock as Tiffany and Amba looked on open mouthed.

“Jolie would you do the honours please”, said Amy holding the horses head.

“Oh yes please”, said Jolie under the horse like a shot stroking his sheath and encouraging him to show more of his cock.

Tosca wasn’t too thick, just the right size for a human mouth to fit around, Jolie soon tried it, perfect fit as her lips closed around Tosca’s ever growing cock.

Jolie was stroking and sucking as Tiffany, Amba and the others watched. Rocky slid his hand to Amba’s pussy, it was soaking wet, feeling Tiffany’s she was the same, both hadn’t even noticed he had felt their cunts they were so engrossed in Jolie sucking the horse cock.

Selma had both of the twins cocks in each hand stroking as she watched, she and Amy had already sampled Tosca’s cock, she shuddered at the memory, she thought she would never stop cumming that first time.

“Would you like to suck him”, Rocky whispered in Amba’s ear.

Amba still couldn’t speak, she was transfixed by Tosca’s cock and the young girl sucking it. She just nodded and followed Rocky to the middle of the floor and knelt her down. Jolie took the cock from her mouth and handed it to Amba.

She licked it all the way up and down before putting the head into her mouth and sucking, she was in her own little world now, she didn’t care who was watching, all that mattered was this beautiful long cock in front of her.

“You can have a suck in a while if you like”, Rocky said to Tiffany as he knelt before her open legs and licked her pussy. Tiffany grabbed his hair and pulled him right into her crotch, she was ready to explode watching her Mom suck a horse cock.

Amy had left the horse standing, he wasn’t going to move now he was having his cock sucked, would any man, and moved over to Ajay who was sitting stroking his cock.

“Let me do that for you”, said Amy taking his cock from him and closing her red lips around it. Selma too was on her knees sucking each twin alternately as they watched their Mom on her knees with a huge horse cock in her mouth.

Selma rose and bent over presenting her ass and pussy to both young men, they didn’t need any encouragement as Scott took the initiative and rammed his cock into her wet cunt.

Amba couldn’t believe how nice it was sucking a horse cock, it felt so silky as she sucked on the head tightly making Tosca give a little snort.

“He likes that”, said Jolie who was kneeling by her wishing she would let her have a suck now.

Rocky wiped Tiffany’s cum from his face, she nearly drowned him holding him that close, her cum did taste nice thought as he licked his lips.

Taking her by the hand he led her to Tosca and pulled her Mom away much to her disappointment and told Tiffany it was her turn to suck.

Tiffany stroked the cock all the way up and down and then opened her mouth wide. It was much bigger than either her Daddy’s or her brother’s cock, she loved the silky feel as well as she crammed as much as she could into her willing mouth.

Jolie got up and walked away, she was never going to get near his cock now. She saw Aaron waiting his turn to fuck Selma, right now she needed it more a s she bent over alongside her stepmother and waited to be fucked.

Amba and Tiffany were pulling Tosca’s cock from one to the other sucking as deep as they dare. Rocky was knelt beside them with a finger in each pussy as they sucked.

Rocky pointed to the rails on the floor, “if you want him to fuck you hold on to those rails, Tosca knows what to do, he will lift his front legs up in the other rail and stick his cock in your cunt and fuck you, do you want to”, he asked both women.

“Fucking hell yes”, answered Tiffany very quickly, “I want to feel that inside me, this will be the best fuck I’ve ever had”, she said kneeling down and grabbing the rails.

Rocky led Tosca forward and he lifted his legs up on the rail above Tiffany.

“Hold tight Tiffany, his thrust will move you forwards when he penetrates you”, Rocky told the young girl.

Amba was miffed, she wished she had been quick enough to get to the rail first, Rocky cold see that. “Don’t worry Amba, I’ve got a surprise for you later”.

Tosca was probing for Tiffany’s opening, her pussy was already dripping at the thought of this horse cock invading her cunt and then a scream as Tosca found her hole.

“Holy fuck, that’s massive, it’s fucking huge in my pussy”, she was shouting as Tosca fucked her.

Tiffany held the rail tightly, he r cunt was completely filled as cum oozed from her lubricating Tosca’s huge cock. Every time he thrust forward Tiffany would shout out, she wasn’t in pain, she was enjoying every second of it.

Amba watched with a tinge of jealousy as her daughter took the big horse cock inside her, her own pussy was dripping now, mainly because Rocky had three or four fingers inside it.

Tiffany was actually pushing back on Tosca’s cock she was enjoying it so much, why hadn’t she tried this before, it was the best feeling ever.

A gush of cum hit her belly, it was quite forceful, she could never feel her brothers or he r Daddy’s cum go into her but she felt this, it was like an enema washing her out as Tosca shot his entire load inside her and dismounted with his cock going back into his sheath.

Tiffany was out of breath, that was a hell of an experience as she stood up bow legged with cum dripping from her down her inside legs.

“You have to try that Mom, that was sensational, you would really have enjoyed that”.

“Chance would be a fine thing with you jumping in”, she retorted.

Scott and Aaron had finished fucking Amy and Selma, both were wiping cum from their asses when Rocky spoke again.

“I think Zebby would like fuck tonight, what do you think Amy, he does belong to you”.

“Zebby always wants to fuck, I’ll fetch him”.

Amba and Tiffany’s eyes opened even wider when Amy walked in with a Zebra, “meet Zebby”, she said to Amba, “do you want to do the honours yourself, be my guest”.

Amba reached underneath and fondled his sheath pulling it back gently like she had seen Jolie do it. Zebbys cock suddenly shot out nearly knocking Amba over with shock.

“Holy shit, look at the length of that”, she said stroking it, “I’ll never take all that in my pussy”.

Amy laughed, “no one ever has, we put a ring on to whatever length you want to take, usually about twelve inches”.

Amba nodded, she couldn’t do anything else because she had Zebby’s cock in her mouth sucking on it.

Jolie looked on, she knew she wouldn’t have that cock in her tonight as she concentrated on getting Ajay’s cock hard again.

Amba stroked the long cock as she sucked, now she was glad her daughter had beaten her to the horse, she would have this all to herself. Amy said usually twelve inches, she wondered if maybe she should try more.

Taking her mouth away for a second she looked and stroked Zebby’s cock, it must have been two feet long, she could never take all that no matter how much she wanted it, maybe she could take it up her ass hole, there was a thought.

She returned to sucking Zebby marvelling at the silky head on the end pulling it between her lips and making a plopping sound as she pulled it out several times.

“How much cock do you want Amba”, said Amy holding the ring.

“Can’t I just suck on him for a while longer please, I love the feel of his cock in my mouth”.

“Sure you can, suck him as long as you like, just be careful he doesn’t cum in your mouth, they cum very quickly once they’re ready, happened to me, nearly choked me”.

“I don’t want that, I want him to fuck me before he cums”, replied Amba.

“So how much do you want, twelve inches enough”.

Amba said yes that would be fine as Amy fitted the ring on Zebby’s cock with Amba holding it to stop it waving about.

Amba took her place on kneeling down and holding the rails, she heard Zebby rise above her and the clunk of his hooves as he landed on the upper rail. His cock head was against her wet pussy pushing hard before he found her hole.

A loud scream stopped everyone from doing what they were doing as Zebby’s foot long cock disappeared into Amba’a cunt.

Once the initial shock had worn off Amba settled down to enjoy it, this was by far the longest cock, and the thickest she ever had inside her, and she was loving it. Cum was flowing from her as Zebby pushed he r forward with every stroke, she couldn’t stop cumming as Zebby kept fucking.

Amy and Selma were fucking the twins again, Ajay had Jolie on his lap with his cock in her pussy, Rocky was having his cock sucked by Tiffany in preparation for fucking her and Amba was in seventh heaven.

Amba was still cumming, that long cock was driving her crazy, she wasn’t sure how her two sons and her husband would ever satisfy her again after this.

Zebby pushed even harder and a wall of cum went into her belly as Zebby unloaded. He dismounted as Amba gushed cum from her cunt not quite able to stand up yet.

Ajay had cum in Jolie, she was still frustrated, she needed to be fucked again.

“If I suck him hard again can I fuck him please Amy”, she pleaded.

“Be my guest Jolie, I’m sure Zebby wouldn’t mind another pussy to fuck would you Zebby”, she said from her bending position as Scott fucked her ass hole.

Jolie was underneath in a flash stroking his sheath enticing his cock back out. Amba finally straightened up with horse cum leaking from her.

“You guys have got something to live up to now”, she said to the twins who had just finished fucking Amy and Selma.

Rocky was still fucking Tiffany as Amba wiped cum from her legs spreading the towel on the chair. “There’s probably a lot more in there”, as she sat down.

Rocky finally finished fucking Tiffany as they sat and watched Jolie try to get Zebby hard again.

“You may as well stay the night, it’s getting late and we’ve all been drinking, besides, you might want to try Tosca and Zebby tomorrow again”.

“You can bet on it”, said Tiffany and Amba.


Pocky was prepared, she had secretly been buying the things she needed for a few weeks now. The more she talked and watched Hooky the more certain she was that Hooky wanted to be dominated. She was spending a lot of time with Eva Montgomery, the lady who first dominated her Pocky wanted to dominate her, just as Hooky wanted to be a slut, Pocky wanted her to be her slut.

‘Now or never’, thught Pocky as she approached Hooky from behind. Quickly slipping the dog collar around her neck and fastening it on she held the leash.

Hooky turned around, “what the hell”, was a s far as she got as Pocky slapped her face, “did I give you permission to speak slut, how dare you, just for that you can lick my ass hole, NOW”.

A changed look came over Hooky, she stared briefly at Pocky and dropped to her knees. Pocky lifted her dress, “well what are you waiting for slut, get my panties down and your tongue in my ass, and thank me for allowing you to lick my ass hole”.

Hooky slid he r panties down and said, “thank you mistress for allowing me to lick your ass hole”, as she pushed her tongue into Pocky’s crack.

Pocky bent over to give her more access as Hooky licked and pushed her tongure in as deep as she could.

“You’re not very good at this are you slut, I can’t feel your tongue in my ass hole, get it in deeper slut”.

“Yes Mistress, sorry Mistress”, said Hooky as she pushed her nose against Pocky’s ass cheeks trying to get her tongue in deeper.

Hooky stopped her for a minute, “I don’t think sluts wear clothes in front of their Mistress do you slut”.

“No Mistress”, she said and began to strip.

“Hurry up slut, don’t keep my ass hole waiting or you’ll have to be punished”.

Hooky pulled her clothes off until she was completely naked. “That’s better slut, no more clothes for you in the house, you will stay naked, now see to my ass again”.

“Yes Mistress”, said Hooky pusheing her face up against Pocky’s ass cheeks again.

Pocky let her lick and tongue her ass for a while longer, “you are a fucking useless ass licker slut, from now on you are going to have to learn to lick more asses, you can start with Daddy’s when he comes home”.

“Yes Mistress”, said Hooky leaking juice from her pussy, her step daughter was her Mistress, that thought alone made her very wet, from now on her fantasy would be fulfilled as Pocky led her into the lounge on all fours.

Pocky had noticed that every time she and Hooky went outside the man next door would be looking through the windows at them. They both knew he was jerking off, his wife had died some time ago and he lived alone.

Pocky led Hooky out to the yard and tethered her to a post outside with her pussy facing the man’s house. Sure enough the curtains twitched and there he was, he must have been about sixty or maybe more.

Pocky waved him to come down to the yard, the man pointed to himself saying ‘me’.

Pocky mouthed back ‘yes you’ and waved him to come down.

He must have been pretty agile for it didn’t take long before he was standing beside Pocky.

“Do you like her cunt”, she asked the man.

“Hell yes, that is a beautiful cunt”, he said salivating.

“Tell the gentleman you would like him to lick your cunt slut”.

“Would you like to lick my cunt Sir”, said Hooky.

The man couldn’t answer, he was already on his knees with his tongue deep in Hooky’s cunt.

Hooky began to cum as he licked her, the man didn’t stop, he lapped up her juices as quickly as she came.

Hooky was happy, her stepdaughter was using her like a slut, that turned her on a s the man kept licking.

“Ask him if you may please suck his cock slut”, said Pocky.

“May I please suck your cock Sir”, asked Hooky.

Mr Jensen looked at Pocky, “go on, give her your cock, w e know you’ve been jerking off every time you saw us, well now you can have her, give her your cock”.

Hooky was tethered to the post low down so couldn’t get up, the old man knelt down and took out his cock as Hooky opened her mouth to receive it. The man’s face was a picture as Hooky sucked his cock, he was sixty four and this was his first blowjob, his wife would have nothing to do with that sort of sex.

Hooky sucked until he was hard and Pocky stopped him, “come round here now and stick that cock of yours into her pussy, after that you can fuck her ass hole”.

Mr Jensen was around in no time at all, holding his cock he fairly rammed it into Hooky’s pussy as she began to cum again. She didn’t know why she liked this sort of treatment but she did.

The old man was pumping her hard, it had been a long time since he had a fuck, and now here he was fucking this beautiful young woman, and he was going to have his first ass fuck.

Pocky knew Hooky had cum, she had seen that look on her face before.

“Scoop some cum from her cunt and lubricate her ass with it, then fuck her”, said Pocky getting wet herself with all this activity, she would make Hooky lick her cunt until she showed her with cum later.

Mr Jensen was fingering Hooky’s ass hole pushing her cum inside eagerly awaiting his first ass fuck.

“I s that okay Miss?”, he asked looking at Pocky.

“That’s fine, just stick your cock up her ass, the slut will love it”.

Mr Jensen took a deep breath and pushed his cock against Hooky’s sphincter, he expected to have to force it in but instead his cock slid in quite easily. He began to pump her hard revelling in the tightness of her ass hole but too soon he began to cum.

“Can I cum in her ass Miss”, he asked Pocky.

“No, cum all over her face, you have an Irish setter don’t you”, Pocky asked.

Mr Jensen couldn’t answer, he was spraying Hooky’s face with his cum, and quite a lot of it. “Yes, I have an Irish setter Miss, Haven”.

“Can you fetch him please, I think slut here might enjoy him”.

Mr Jensen was staring at her, “you mean”.

“Yes of course, fetch him please”.

He hurried off and returned with a beautiful Irish setter on a leash.

Pocky took off his leash an led him to Hooky ‘s face, he immediately began to lick the cum off her as Pocky ordered her to put her tongue out so the dog could lick it.

She then led the dog around to Hooky’s ass where he began to lick again, Hooky was cumming again making the dog lick even more as Hooky wriggled about in ecstasy.

Pocky reached under the dog and rubbed his sheath, the smell of Hooky’s cunt and the cum from it soon made him hard.

Hooky felt the weight on her back as Haven mounted her, he was stabbing away trying to find a hole, all this was new to him but at last he found one and pushed hard.

Hooky let out a small scream for which she received a slap, “be quiet slut while the dog fucks you, where’s your manners”.

Hooky was cumming again, this humiliation was driving her even more crazy, a strange dog fucking her in the open where anyone could see.

Haven hadn’t had a fuck for ages since he escaped that time and fucked one of the neighbourhood dogs. He was forcing his knot into this cunt as his front legs tightened around her waist.

Hooky wanted to shout out fuck me but Mistress was watching and listening as Haven pounded her his cum shooting inside her.

“Come inside and have a coffee Mr”, I’m sorry I don’t know your name”, said Pocky.

“Jensen Miss, Arthur Jensen”.

“Well come in Arthur, we’ll leave slut here for Haven to finish fucking her and we’ll have a coffee”.

Hooky watched as they walked away, now she was alone with a dog on her back fucking her, the humiliation was getting worse as Haven kept filling her with cum.

Henry Pollard was stroking his cock with his free hand and holding the binoculars with his other hand. Tomorrow his wife would be out of town, he would take a walk over there with his Alsatian Sabre, maybe he could fuck the woman in her ass and let Sabre fuck her as well.

Pocky and Arthur strolled back out to see Haven licking his and her cum from her cunt, it was leaking down her inside legs as Haven licked her pussy clean.

“I’ll tie he r up tomorrow Arthur, you and Haven can come and do what you want with her, is that okay for you”.

“Thank you Miss, I shall look out for you, come on Haven, you can fuck her again tomorrow, after me of course”, he said walking off with a spring in his step.

“Aren’t I a kind Mistress slut, allowing you to fuck the nice man and his dog, I think I’m too kind to you”, said Pocky slapping her ass hard.

“Thank you Mistress, you’re much too kind to me”, said Hooky

Pocky walked over and turned on the hose, “you can’t come in the house like that slut, we have to wash the cum off you”, she said pointing the hose at Hooky’s ass.

Hooky jumped as the cold water hit her pussy and then her back as Pocky sprayed her all over.

“That’s better, shake yourself dry like a dog and then crawl back to the house slut”, said Pocky walking in and locking the door.

Hooky was knocking the door for about half an hour before Pocky loosed her in, “I hope you’re dry slut, your Master will be here soon, you can’t meet him like that, go and put some make up on and kneel by the door to wait for him”.

“Thank you Mistress”, she said and crawled up the stairs.

Willie came home to find his wife naked kneeling by the door, “good evening Master, I hope you had a nice day”, said Hooky keeping her eyes on the floor.

“She’s your slut Daddy, I want you to treat her like one, now come and sit down while slut here makes us a drink”.

“Okay”, said Willie a little bemused and followed his daughter into the lounge.

Hooky appeared with drinks and knelt down in front of them.

“Feel her cunt Daddy, I’ll bet you anything you like it’s soaking wet”, said Pocky.

Willie put his hand under his wife and felt her cunt, it was indeed soaking.

“See Daddy, I told you, the slut loves it, now take your cock out, I want to suck it while she licks my pussy”.

Pocky knelt on the couch and sucked on her Daddy’s cock as Hooky licked her pussy.

Hooky pushed he r tongue deep into her stepdaughters cunt, it was already dripping as she licked and swallowed whatever liquid came from it.

“Tell Master how kind your Mistress was to you today slut”, said Pocky.

“My Mistress was very kind Master, she allowed me to fuck Sir next door and then allowed me to fuck his dog”.

Willie wished he had been here to see that as he watched his very pretty daughter take most of his cock down her throat.

Hooky was licking and sucking on Pocky’s clit and very soon her cum was flowing into Hooky’s mouth.

“Swallow it all slut, don’t waste your Mistress’ cum, don’t spill any”.

Hooky couldn’t answer, she was too busy with a mouthful of cum swallowing as Pocky kept cumming.

“I want to fuck you now Daddy”, said Pocky climbing up on his lap with her back to him and sitting on his hard cock.

“Lick my clit slut while I fuck your husband, come on lick, yes, yes, right there”, said Pocky pulling Hooky’s hair as she pulled her close.

She slid off for a second telling Hooky to suck her cunt juice from her husband’s cock. Hooky swallowed the cock and sucked it clean before pushing it back into Pockys wet cunt.

Pocky fucked him until she cum herself and then waited for her Daddy to cum before sliding off and letting him shoot all over her cunt and making Hooky lick it all off.

They got their breath back and Pocky took off her collar and kissed her hard on the lips tasting hers and her Daddy’s cum as they pushed their tongues down each other’s throats.

“Did you enjoy being a slut today Hooky, I hope so because you’re going to be one tomorrow as well”, laughed Pocky.

“I loved every second of it, I tell you that old guy next door fucks well for his age, he really rammed his cock into me, and Haven, he’s gorgeous, but next time, can I suck his cock first please, I missed that”.

“Of course you can slut, just think how the old guy will react when you suck the dogs cock, as a matter of fact I might join you”, said Pocky hugging her tightly.

Next morning after Willie left for work they both tidied up and had some breakfast.

Pocky left the room and came back with some clothes, “take of that robe slut and put these on”.

Hooky recognised the tone, she was a slut again, “yes Mistress”, dropping the robe at he r feet and putting on the clothes Pocky had left for her.

Stockings and suspenders, crotchless panties and a bra that let her tits stick out bare.

“Put your collar on slut and get on your knees, you’re going to be tied up outside, you never know, there might be a stray dog that wants to fuck that pussy of yours if you’re lucky”.

Pocky led her outside and fastened her to the post again on her knees. At a window the man with the binoculars was watching, “looks like you might get to fuck your first woman today Sabre”, he said stroking the huge Alsatians head.

Clipping on his lead he walked the dog out the door and headed for the naked woman on her knees.

Arthur Jensen was on his way as well, he had been watching since six o clock waiting with a hard cock. The lady had promised him he could do whatever he wanted with her, he wanted to fuck that beautiful ass again.

Pocky was watching from the window as Arthur hurried to Hooky, ‘he’s keen’, she smiled to herself as he walked quickly to Hooky standing in front of her taking his cock out.

Hooky opened her mouth as Arthur shoved his cock in roughly making her gag. Haven was licking her ass and pussy as she sucked Arthur’s cock.

“Look here darling, I told you it wasn’t my imagination”, said Jim Macken as he handed the glasses to his wife.

“My god you’re right, she is tied up, wait, there’s a man and his dog coming towards her, she’s sucking his cock and the dogs licking her cunt, lucky bitch”.

“What’s going on Mom”, said Lance Macken cupping his Mom’s tits as she looked through the glasses.

“Here have a look Lance”.

“Fucking hell, she’s tied up and sucking that old guy’s cock while the dog licks her ass, this is so hot”.

“What is?”, said Marie Macken as she walked up to them.

Lance handed her the glasses, “holy fuck, that is hot”, she said as her father stroked her pussy under her robe.

“I’m going over there, I want to see what’s going on”, said Jim.

“Not without us you’re not”, said the others rushing off to get ready.

Marie, Lance, Jim and Helen Macken hurried off to the house where Hooky was tied up with their two Alsatians, Sabre and Tiger, if there was going to be any dog fucking they wanted to be part of it.

At the house Arthur was in the act of fucking Hooky’s ass hole, he couldn’t last very long these days and especially with this beautiful young woman.

Hooky was trying to get Haven’s cock in her mouth, she had it out but he kept moving as she tried to suck him. Pocky was giggling at her efforts, she knew how much Hooky wanted to suck Haven’s cock. Her own pussy was getting wet as she watched Arthur pound Hooky’s ass hole.

Arthur had obviously cum in her ass as he walked around to hold Haven still while Hooky sucked his cock.

A knock at the front door broke Pocky’s reverie as she went to answer.

“Hello, can I help you?”, she asked as she saw four people standing there with two Alsatians.

“I don’t really know, I was looking through my glasses and I saw this woman tied up and a man and a dog fuck her, we’re into that and wondered if maybe we could join in”.

“Come in please”, said Hooky eyeing up the two huge Alsatians, she fancied them herself, never mind Hooky.

The Macken’s introduced themselves and soon they were talking like old friends.

Helen Macken moved in on Pocky holding her head and kissing her to see if she would respond. Pocky shoved her tongue down her throat as Helen reciprocated with the same as hand began to go under her dress and feel her cunt.

Marie was looking out of the window as Hooky sucked on Haven’s cock, she rubbed her pussy, she wanted to join her, the dog cock looked lovely going in and out of Hooky’s mouth.

“Can I fuck the dog outside, I’ll get Sabre to fuck the lady instead”, said Marie. She had only ever fucked her own two dogs and wanted to try a different one.

“Yes, do whatever you want to her, she’s my slut, but you’ll have to ask Arthur if you can fuck his dog, I’m sure he won’t mind if you tell him he can fuck you after”, said Pocky slightly out of breath.

Helen and Jim were working their magic on Pocky, her cunt was soaking wet as she cum on both of them licking her cunt.

“You taste very nice dear”, said Helen licking her lips, “I wouldn’t mind tasting your cum again”.

“Only if you let me taste your dogs cum, can I suck on their cocks please”.

“Of course you can, be our guest, I’ll get one hard for you”, said Helen getting underneath Sabre and stroking his sheath. Pocky got underneath Tiger and did the same.

Marie went outside where Arthur was standing watching his dog sniffing Hooky’s bare ass. H e looke d up to see a teenager approach taking her dress off.

“I want to fuck your dog Arthur, you can fuck me later if you wish, but right now I want your dog, what’s his name”.

“Haven”, replied Arthur as Marie bent down and stroked his purple cock.

“Mmmmmm, nice”, said Marie as she sucked some cum from the end of Haven’s tip and then taking the whole thing into her mouth.

Although Arthur had just fucked Hooky the sight of this naked young woman sucking his dogs cock made his cock begin to twitch again. She said he could fuck her if he wished, well he wished, and he hoped he could fuck that cute ass hole he was looking at as she sucked Haven’s cock.

Back at the house Pocky was sucking and swallowing, she had swapped and was now sucking Sabre, they were well trained and stood still as Helen and she sucked their cocks.

“Why don’t you two go and fuck slut outside boys”, said Pocky, “Helen and I will be quite happy here, you can both fuck me afterwards when I’ve had my way with either Sabre or Tiger, whichever one mounts me first”.

Jim and Lance wandered outside where Arthur was watching Marie and stroking his cock.

“Who’s first then”, said Lance pulling down his pants.

“I’m not bothered, she can suck my cock first, then I’ll fuck he r after you, just don’t cum inside her, cum in her mouth instead.

Hooky’s cunt was dripping, these two strangers were discussing fucking her without asking, they were using her body as they wished, that was a huge turn on, now she was a real slut as her cunt dripped even more.

Hooky lifted her head up as a cock was inserted into her mouth, another one was rubbing up and down her wet pussy before being rammed into her. Hooky started to cum right away as she was fucked, the cock was forced deeper into her throat making her gag as the man held her head.

“Is her cunt tight son, do you think she takes it her ass hole”, asked Jim.

“Don’t care, I’m going to fuck her in it anyway, no slut can refuse to be fucked in her ass, it’s prerequisite for sluts, ass fucking”, said Lance slamming his dick into Hooky as far as he could.

Pocky loved the dirty talk, it was making her cum even more if that was possible as Jim fucked her mouth.

Lance spread Hooky’s ass cheeks and pushed his cock head against her sphincter, “she takes it in the ass Dad, it’s almost all the way in already”, giving one more push and he could’nt see his cock any more, it was buried up to the hilt in her ass hole.

“Do you think it’s time we let the dogs fuck us now?”, asked Pocky, she was desperate to feel one of those dog cocks in her cunt, watching slut outside and sucking both dog cocks had made her more than ready to fuck.

“Sure, let’s get into position”, said Helen as both women got on their hands and knees with heads on the floor.

Sabre and Tiger sniffed and licked both cunts moving from one to the other until Sabre mounted Pocky. Tiger mounted Helen and both dogs atarted to probe for an opening, they found them both about the same time as both women lat out a little shout as the cocks were rammed into willing pussies.

Pocky and Helen settled down as the dogs pounded them waiting for the knot to come, that was Pocky’s favourite part, she loved the feel of his knot as it was forced gently into her wet cunt. She would wait expectantly for the first shot of cum to hit her belly, that never failed to make her cum herself.

She and Helen stayed still as the two knots were pushed in, Pocky was cumming, glancing over she could see Helen had her eyes closed probably cumming as well.

Outside Lance was getting ready to cum, “move Dad”, he shouted as he raced around to shove his cock into Hooky’s mouth straight from her ass hole. H e gripped the sides of her head as he pumped his cum down her throat.

Marie was waiting for Haven to mount her, she had finished sucking him and now he was licking all over her ass and her cunt making her cum.

After what seemed like an eternity Haven mounted her and found her wet hole first time. Marie laid her head on the floor as Haven pounded her young cunt, she was a little disappointed, Haven wasn’t as big as Sabre or Tiger, but it was a new dog fuck, she wanted to try as many as she could, her fantasy was a horse.

Jim was fucking Hooky in her cunt, he squeezed her ass cheeks as he fucked her, he had a feeling he was going to be fucking this one and the one in the house quite a few times more.

Helen and Pocky were waiting for their dogs to fill them, Pocky ha d enjoyed her first dog fuck for a week, made her realise how good it was and she would have to fuck more animals. She loved her Daddy but he couldn’t make her cum like dog or a horse, but she still loved to suck and fuck him.

Marie was being knotted by Haven, like Pocky this was what she liked most about dog fucking, men could never do that, although her brother sometimes used a dildo as well inside her when they fucked but it wasn’t the same.

Haven fired his first shots of cum into her she settled down, the knot had made her cum just like Pocky, now she waited for the dog to fill her with his cum.

Helen and Pocky were nearing the end of their dog fucking, both had slowed right down and Tiger was the first to dismount from Helen licking both sets fo cum from her leaking cunt.

A few seconds later Sabre dismounted from Pocky and did the same before both dogs lay down to lick their dicks clean, “I don’t know about you but I always clean my dogs cocks2, said Helen bending down and licking and sucking both dog cocks.

Jim was fucking Hooky in her ass hole, Marie was still waiting for Haven to finish cumming in her and Arthur was waiting to see if he could fuck the young girls pretty ass hole.
Haven got off Marie and licked the cum from her cunt, Jim was cumming in Hooky’s ass slapping her cheeks as he did.

Marie leaned under Haven and sucked his dripping cock clean when she felt something else at her ass.

“You said I could fuck you Miss if I let my dog fuck you, I want to fuck your ass if I may”.

“Sure, just rub some cum in first, you can’t fuck me dry”.

Marie waited while Arthur scooped some cum and lubricated her ass hole before fucking her. Marie waited patiently for the old man to finish as he spurted his cum into her ass.

“Thank you Miss, you have a beautiful ass hole Miss, I do hope I can fuck it again some time”.

“Maybe”, said Marie.

Hooky was left outside tied up as everyone else went inside, “I do hope we can meet again, I enjoyed myself immensely, we don’t know many like minded people such as ourselves, it’s nice to know there are others.

Half an hour later Pocky had told them all about the club, they were so excited, “do you think we’ll be able to join, I can’t wait”.

“Did you really fuck a horse Pocky, that’s my dream”, said Marie to Pocky.

“I shall make your dreams come true Marie, I promise”, answered Pocky.

“Now if you two men have recovered I think we said something about you fucking me and Helen”, said Pocky falling to her knees in front of Jim.


“Good morning Marlene, has Simon gone”.

“Yes Mr Hardy, he had to leave early this morning, won”t be back till tomorrow”.

“That’s a shame, but why don’t you call me John”, he said putting his around her and squeezing her tits. He slid his hand down and played with her pussy as she opened her legs a little wider. His cock was hard almost immediately, Marlene was now Simon’s girlfriend having ditched her husband to fuck his mother.

John pulled the robe from her shoulders and pushed her down on the table pointing his cock to her now wet pussy. He pushed his cock in as Marlene spread her arms across the table as John fucked her.

“There’s a letter for you Daddy, just come through the letter box, oh hello Marlene”, said Charlie just noticing her as she walked in, “it’s from Iowa, who do we know in Iowa.

“Open it and see”, said John fucking Marlene harder. He scooped some butter from the table and smeared her ass, then rubbed some on his cock and penetrated her ass hole.

“You’re still nice and tight Marlene, are you sure Simon’s fucking your ass enough”.

“Yes he is John, he loves fucking my ass hole, I’m glad you find it tight”, said Marlene.

“It’s from your sister Angela, I don’t know her do I”.

John couldn’t answer right away, he was pumping his cum into Marlene’s ass.

“No you don’t know her”, said John wiping his cock with a tissue, she left before you were born, married a farmer’s son and went to live in Iowa, I haven’t seen her in twenty years”

“Has she any children, have I got cousins I’ve never seen”, asked Charlie.

“I believe she has a daughter and two sons, I think, I’m not sure”.

“Why don’t we visit them Daddy, I’d love to meet my Aunt Angela an d my cousins”.

“Then we’ll do it, I’ve got some time off coming to me, let’s do it”.

“Simon won’t be able to come John”, said Marlene finishing wiping cum from her ass, he has some important things coming up, I do know that”.

That’s how Mom, Charlie, Jolie and John drove up to Angela’s house a week later. They hadn’t told them they were coming and Angela was surprised to see them.

Introductions were made, Lily, Angela’s daughter was the only one at home, her two sons were working on the farm somewhere. Lily was a very pretty girl, just turned eighteen with long blonde hair and a pair of shorts that cut right into her cunt.

Lily and the twins went off to talk as John and Angela and Mom talked.

“What do you do around here Lily, there doesn’t seem much to do, the nearest town is twenty miles away”.

“I know, it can be quite boring, but we find other thing s to do”, said Lily mysteriously.

Charlie and Jolie looked at each other, what could that mean.

It was getting late when Angela’s husband and two sons arrived home, the twins eyes lit up when they saw them, both six footers, tanned and handsome, and strong.

They chatted for a while and John said he was tired after the trip, they were shown to their respective bedrooms and retired for the night.

Charlie couldn’t sleep, she thought about her cousins as she played with her pussy, she would fuck both of them before she left here. She wanted to go back to sleep andtried not to think about having a pee. It was no good, she would have to go to the bathroom, creeping silently so as not to wake anyone she headed for the bathroom.

She was on her way back to bed when she heard voices from downstairs, thinking it might be burglars she crept to the top and looked down. She had to put he hand to her mouth to stop her crying out. Her Uncle Seth and his two sons were standing with hard cocks while Lily was sucking them.

Her Aunt Angela was egging her on, “come on Lily, we can’t let cousin Maryann win again this year, she’s won it for the last two years, this is your first year, you can win it, get that cock deeper down your throat”.

Charlie watched as Lily moved from father to son to son and back again sucking each cock in turn. One thing Charlie noticed, they were all very well endowed, she had to tell Jolie. She crept back to the bedroom and woke her up, “keep quiet and come and see this”, she said to Jolie who was rubbing her eyes.

“What is it, is the house on fire or something”, said Jolie through sleep filled eyes.

Charlie dragged her out of bed, “come and see this, but be quiet”, pulling her sister along.

Jolie looked down and held her hand to her mouth as well, Lily was still sucking cock as her mother gave a running commentary.

“Have you boys been fucking her ass, you know that’s part of the competition don’t you”.

“We’ve been fucking her ass Ma, it’s going to be difficult now your brother’s here, we’ll have to be careful”.

“I know, show me how much you can take in your ass Lily, Brent, you fuck her first.

Angela applied the gel as her brother bent over his kneeling sister pushing his cock slowly but deeply onto her ass hole until it completely disappeared.

“That’s good Lily, but there might be some bigger cocks than Brent’s on the night, I know for a fact cousin Henry’s is very big, if you draw him you’ll need to be prepared”.

Charlie and Jolie were soaking wet by now, they went back to their bedroom and fell on each other with tongues in each pussy. Charlie and Jolie brought each other to a shuddering climax, they licked each other clean and tried to sleep.

No matter how they tried they couldn’t sleep, both were up early next morning much to Mom and Daddy’s annoyance.

“I’m telling you Daddy, she was sucking each cock in turn, and then Brent stuck his cock up her ass hole, Aunt Angela said something about winning the competition and cousin Henry having a big cock”.

Jolie was stroking her Daddy’s cock as Charlie told the story then bent down to suck on it. She was pushed away by her Mom, “excuse me Jolie, that’s my morning chore, you can suck on my clit if you want”, she said opening her legs and sucking the cock.

Charlie joined in, she climbed on top of her Daddy’s face opening her cunt lips and impaling his tongue inside her.

Charlie, Jolie and Lily were sitting outside, “Lily, what’s this competition your Mom want’s you to win, we saw you last night and heard you”.

Lily’s face went bright red and she held her head, “oh my god, now you know, I feel so ashamed, you saw me suck my brothers and Daddy, god I’m so embarrassed, what must you think of me”.

“Charlie and Jolie put their arms around her, “we don’t think anything at all about you, where’s the harm in fucking your brother, or your Daddy, we do it all the time”.

Lily looked up, “are you serious, you both fuck your brothers and your Daddy as well”.

“Brother, we only have one, of course, Daddy licked my pussy this morning and made me cum, I nearly choked him, I was sitting on his face at the time”, laughed Charlie.

“You really mean it, you’re not just saying that to make me feel better”, said Lily.

“I’ll bet my Daddy has fucked your mother when they were younger Lily, don’t worry about it, let’s go for a walk”.

They walked for a while and sat down outside a barn while the twins told Lily all about the club and how they were swapped for other daughters for their Daddy’s to fuck.

“Oh how wonderful, we’re sort of like that, Uncle Clay, Uncle James and Uncle Brandon have all fucked me along with my cousins, there are a few families who do the same as us but we’ve never mixed that way, maybe we should”.

Lily told her about the competition, all the families, there were about ten in all had to fuck and suck their sons’ daughter’s Moms, Dad’s and whoever did it the best won a thousand dollars, family member s aren’t allowed to vote for their own.

“Mom want’s me to win this year, it’s my first year, Maryann has won it for two years now”

“What do you think Jolie, should they mix with other families”.

Jolie wasn’t listening, he r eyes were on a huge black dog that had lain down close by, he was licking his dick, Jolie’s eyes opened wide, it was massive, she ha d never seen such a huge dog dick. Her first instinct was to run over and take it in her mouth, her pussy was getting wetter and wetter as she watched.

She finally had to ask the question, “have you fucked the dog Lily”.

Lily looked shocked, “are you serious, no I haven’t fucked the dog, that’s revolting”.

“Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it Lily”.

“You mean…, you mean you have”, said Lily wide eyed.

“Many times, it’s one of the rules of our club, you have to fuck an animal to join”.

“Does he bite Lily?”, asked Jolie.

“No, old blue is as meek as a kitten”.

That was all Jolie wanted to hear, she walked over to the dog and bent down, pushing his head away she swallowed his cock deep in her mouth and began to suck.

Lily was speechless, however she was fascinated as she watched, in spite of herself she felt her panties getting wet, it was only because her brother was here that her Mom had made her wear panties, she never wore them around the house.

Jolie’s mouth was full, this big red and purple cock was the biggest she had ever sucked, human or animal. Cum was spurting from it into her mouth much more than any other dog she had sucked.

Lily was soaking now, she was oblivious to the hand creping up he r thigh until it reached her wet cunt and two fingers went inside. She grabbed the hand and pushed it farter into her almost falling over such was the intensity.

Charlie knelt down and pulled her wet panties off, spreading her legs she bit gently on her clit, her reward was a mouthful of cum from Lily’s cunt as she wrapped a leg around Charlie’s neck trapping her.

“My god that was quick Lily”, said Charlie licking her lips and wiping her face, “that dog cock has turned you on more that you care to admit”.

Lily grunted something, her gaze was on Jolie who was now on he r knees with her ass in the air as Blue sniffed and licked her ass and cunt.

Jolie felt the familiar weight on her back and legs wrapped around her waist as Blue searched for her opening.

Jolie screamed as he entered her, he had gone straight into her, her pussy felt like it was going to split open as the huge cock pounded her.

Lily was fascinated as she watched Blue fuck her pussy like a piston engine before slowing down and begin to push his balls into Jolie’s cunt.

“Why do they stick their balls in as well”, she asked.

“Oh those aren’t his balls, that’s his knot”, as she explained to Lily what it was for.

Jolie was crying out, Blue’s knot was like a small water melon, he was going to get it in this hole no matter what as he pushed hard with Jolie biting her lip and clenching her fists. At last it was in and Jolie’s pussy closed back to normal, she settled down as the first shots of cum hit her insides followed by many more.

She had cum while Blue was fucking her, now she was cumming again, she knew she would cum many times as he filled her with his cum.

Charlie made Lily cum twice more before asking her to return the favour, well Charlie was family, her cousin so she licked her cunt with gusto.

Fifteen minutes later Blue was ready to dismount from Jolie’s back, cum was already leaking past his cock as he plopped out slowly still dripping.

Jolie lay flat on her belly, ‘now that was a dog fuck’, she thought as she felt her pussy and the cum running from her slit.

Blue was laying beside her cleaning his cock, she leaned overand grabbed it sucking hers and his cum from it before giving it back to him to lick himself.

Lily wasn’t the only one with a wet cunt, Angela had seen everything, now she knew how to win that competition, her daughter Lily was going to fuck Blue on the night, she was also going to fuck him herself. The sight of that big cock going in and out of her neice’s pussy made her hurry off to find her sons, right at this moment nothing would do but a hard cock in each hole.

Wlaking to the field she saw them, “Bruce, Brent, your Mom needs you”, she said pulling off her dress and laying on the grass.

Bruce and Brent stroked their cocks, they were good boys, if Mom needed a fuck they would give it to her pulling off their overalls

The competition was still a week away, Lily would have to be trained to suck and fuck Blue every day until then, she would have to give him extra food, he would need all the stamina he could muster, her pussy had needs too, and Blue was going to fill them.


Angela Harkin pulled her dress back over her head, even at forty she was still a very attractive woman, the fresh air of the Iowa countryside had kept her skin fresh.

Her two sons had just given her the fucking she wanted, watching Jolie fuck their dog Blue had made her as horny as hell, her sons had made that better.

She thought back to the first time Bruce, her eldest had learned he was to help his Dad to keep her happy. The shock on his face when Seth had told him he was now a man and had to keep Mom happy.

He looked bewildered until she slipped off her robe, opened her legs wide and told him these holes are yours now as well as Daddy’s. She could see the bulge grow in his pants as he tried not to look directly at her bald cunt.

She had called him over and took his cock out sucking it for a while before laying back and telling him to lick he r pussy now and then fuck her, he had fucked her almost every day since then.

She went through the same with Brent, he had pestered her to let him fuck her but she made him wait until his eighteenth birthday, that was a night to remember, all three had fucked her long into the night.

Lily happened accidentally on purpose, sort of, she had Seth had talked about having sex with her when she turned eighteen but didn’t know how to approach it. On her eighteenth birthday she had got the expensive gadget she had asked for, she came running into the bedroom to say thank you, climbed in between them and one thing led to another, her brothers had then taken over and taught her how to suck cock and take it in her ass.

There was a family pride in winning this competition, Maryann was a beautiful girl, but now Lily would give her a run from her money, Angela was desperate for her to win.

The whole family were sitting around the supper table when Angela stood up.

“I have an announcement to make, Lily you are going to win this competition, on the night you’re going to fuck Blue”.

There was a gasp of astonishment around the table, “Mom, what are you saying, I’m not going to fuck Blue, have you seen the size of his cock”.

“Yes I have actually, I watched Jolie fuck him yesterday, that was the hottest thing I ever saw, I had to get Bruce and Brent to fuck me silly after watching you”.

“So that was it Mom, you sure were horny, I’ve never known you cum so much”.

“I’m sorry about that Aunt Angela, I didn’t mean for you to see me”.

“Oh don’t worry about that dear, I have never been so horny as that just watching”.

Bruce had been brought to fetch Blue in, “right Jolie, teach her how to get Blue’s cock out and suck it”.

“Mom, do I have to do this, can’t I just fuck Daddy and my brother’s”.

“Don’t be silly dear, everyone will be doing that on the night, same old thing, this will be different, that thousand dollars will be yours, now strip off and watch Jolie.

Lily shrugged, she saw no point in arguing any more, she pulled off her dress to reveal firm tits and a bald young pussy.

“I’ll strip as well Lily, let’s do this together”, said Jolie pulling off her dress.

Blue was made to lay down as Jolie pulled his sheath back to show a red tip, slowly she kept pulling until his whole cock was showing.

“Cum will land on your tongue Lily, just ignore it, pretend it’s your Daddy’s or your brothers, just swallow it”.

“Are you serious Jolie, swallow dog cum, I can’t, it’s horrible”, said Lily.

“Has it ever hurt you Jolie, swallowing dog cum”, asked Angela who was now on her knees beside them.

“No, I quite like the taste Aunt Angela, you get used to it after a while”.

“Right, if I suck Blue’s cock, will you”, asked Aunt Angela.

“I guess so”, said Jolie a little hesitantly.

Angela didn’t really want to but knew she couldn’t back out now, she closed her eyes and wrapped her lips around the cock that was getting bigger and bigger.

Angela felt the first drops of cum in her mouth, her first instinct was to spit, she had to swallow if her daughter was to do the same. The cum was much hotter than she imagined it would be as she swallowed her first taste of Blue’s cum.

To be honest she had no idea his cock would be so big, it didn’t look that big going in and out of her nieces cunt yesterday, now it felt huge. She took her mouth away for a minute to look at it as cum spurted on her face. It must have been about ten inches long and very thick with a little tip on the end that spurted cum incessantly.

Angela knew then she herself would have to try Blue, not tonight though, this was her young daughter’s night.

“Okay honey, Mommy’s sucked and swallowed, now it’s your turn”.

Lily bent over and closed her eyes as well, cum was already spurting over her face as she bent down to suck. Like her Mom she thought how hot it was as she prepared for her first swallow. A loud gulp and the first taste of dog cum went down her throat, more and more followed as the others watched Lily suck.

“Charlie bet Lily that you used to fuck me when we were younger”, said Angela looking at John, her brother, “well you’re right Charlie, he did, all the time, I still remember the first time he made me swallow his cum, I thought I was going to throw up”.

“Do you remember r the first time you fucked my ass hole, we didn’t know Mom and Dad were in, I squealed like a baby and they came running, I can still see their faces as they stood there looking at us with your cock in my ass”.

“I know, I expected them to go berserk, instead they sat on the bed and told us to carry on, that was the start, from then on Dad fucked you and I fucked Mom”, said John.

Angela was stroking his cock, “it’s been a long time brother, do you fancy fucking your sister again after all this time”.

John didn’t answer, he pulled her head down and took his by now hard cock out and shoved his sister’s face to it. Angela licked it up and down remembering the taste from years ago and then sucking it deep.

Bruce already ha d his cock between Charlie’s legs, his tongue buried deep in her wet cunt while Brent had his cock deep in Charlie’s mouth.

Seth was laying back as Mom Hardy sucked on his cock while he watched his young daughter learning how to suck a dog cock.

Lily had gone past caring now, she swallowed the cum without even thinking about it, Jolie had taught her how to get her fingers behind his knot and hold it firm while she sucked.

“Can I share Lily”, asked Jolie who was dying to have another suck of this huge cock.

“Sure, here you are”, said Lily holding Blue’s cock towards Jolie who closed her lips tightly around it. Lily couldn’t help feeling her ass as he bent over expecting Jolie to push her away, she didn’t so moved her hand to her tits and squeezed them.

John lifted his sister’s head up, “I want to see the pussy I haven’t seen for years sis, take off that dress and open your legs wide for me”.

Angela had her clothes off in an instant and was laying spread eagled on the couch as John spread her pussy lips. “Hasn’t changed a bit, just as pretty as ever”, he said burying his tongue deep in her slit.

“God that feels so good after all this time John, I used to love you licking my pussy back then, you’re still good at it, your wife and daughters are very lucky”, said Angela grabbing his hair and pulling him tighter to her cunt.
Jolie had handed Blue’s cock back to Lily, she resumed sucking and felt Jolie’s tongue lick her pussy, only her Mom had ever licked her pussy, only female anyway, Jolie moved upwards and licked the tiny sphincter as Lily jumped slightly at the touch. Jolie forced her tongue in as her ass opened slightly to allow her access. Jolie jabbed her ass with her tongue until a slight gape opened as she licked and poked her tongue in.

Mom Hardy was having her pussy licked by Seth, her brother in law, Brent and Bruce had changed places and Charlie was now sucking Bruce while Brent ate her cunt.

John had his sister on her knees and was preparing to fuck her, Seth was already pushing his cock into Mom Hardy and Charlie was sitting on Bruce’s cock waiting for Brent to penetrate her ass hole.

Loud grunts and cries of ecstasy could be heard as Charlie, Mom and Angela were well and truly fucked. Charlie was cumming, the feel of two cocks inside her was heaven, she was being ass fucked and pussy fucked at the same time.

“I want you to fuck my ass again John for old time’s sake please”, said Angela slightly out of breath.

“No problem Sis, I was going to fuck it anyway”, said John.

Seth didn’t need any invitation, he was already pushing his cock into Mom’s ass hole.

Jolie and Lily were still sucking Blue while Jolie licked Lily’s pussy in between. The men were cumming now, Charlie was having both holes filled, Angela and Mom were having their asses filled as they all lay back breathing heavily.

“Hey, we forgot why we’re here”, said Angela as she wiped the cum from her ass, “we want to see if Lily can take this big cock of Blue’s”.

“Are you ready Lily, the time has come, I’ll help you a s much as I can, keep your ass as high in the air as you can and keep your head on the floor, it does make it easier I promise”.

“Okay Jolie, I’ll try and remember”, said Lily getting up on her hands and knees.

“One more thing Lily, when his knot is inside you, don’t ever try to get away, it will hurt both of you and he may bite, so stay very still while he’s cumming in you”.

Blue sniffed and licked Lily’s ass and pussy making her wiggle, then she felt a huge weight on her back and claws scratching her sides as two legs enfolded her slender waist. A cock was jabbing at her pussy trying to find an opening when all of a sudden a scream erupted from Lily, immediately her Mom was by her side, “are you alright honey”, she said genuinely concerned.

“I’m alright Mom, it’s just that he shoved that big cock all the way up in one go, he’s certainly no gentleman”.

Jolie was holding her hands, “it’ll be alright Lily, you’ll enjoy it once you get used to it, I do”

Jolie was holding her, the huge dog was pushing her forward with every stroke, Lilly was beginning to cum, how could she, a dog was making her cum, it wasn’t possible, but he was. Her pussy felt stretched a s Blue fucked her and then slowed down, “get ready Lily, he’s going to knot you now, it may hurt for a bit while he forces it in, but once it’s in you’ll enjoy it, just think of the thousand dollars Lily”, said Jolie.

“Oh my sweet jesus, what the fuck is he pushing inside me, it’s fucking massive”, shouted Lily as Blue pushed his knot farther in.

Lily was sweating, this was the biggest thing she ever had inside her, her knuckles were white as she clenched her fists.”It’s alright Lily, soon be in then you can relax”, consoled Jolie.

Lily’s cunt began to close again, Blue was inside her, Lily now felt the first drops of cum to hit her belly as Blue spurted spurt after spurt.

Lily was more relaxed now, it didn’t hurt any more, in fact it was pleasant, she laid her head on her arms and waited for her dog to finish cumming in her.

“You know this competition Aunt Angela, who can enter it, is it just locals or family members”, asked Charlie.

“There are ten families altogether who take part, we each put a hundred dollars in the pot, winner takes all, why?”.

“Well we’re family, I’d like to enter if I may, I saw a Shetland pony out there, I’m going to fuck him on the night, I’ve already seen his cock, I can take that easily”, said Charlie.

“I’ll see what I can do to get you in, don’t tell any of your cousins what we’re going to do, let’s surprise them”, said Angela looking forward to her niece or Daughter winning the competition.

Blue had finished cumming in Lily and was now pulling out of her slowly, Lily waited patiently until she heard a swish which meant he was out, cum was dripping from her cunt as Blue licked her cleaning his cum up.

“If you really want to make an impression suck his cock clean Lily”, whispered Jolie.

‘Why not’, thought Lily, he’s already fucked me, stuck his knot into me and filled me with his cum, I might as well suck him clean too, and she did.


Maryann Harkin was a stunner, of that there was no doubt, thirty four inch tits that were hard and firm, long tanned legs and blonde hair.

Her mother watched with pride as she sucked on her Daddy’s cock with her sister Jo by her side. “You’ve got to take it deep Jo, like this”, said Maryann swallowing the cock until just his balls were showing.

“Well done Maryann, that thousand dollars is as good as yours, no one can suck a cock like you girl”.

“Thank you Mom, that’s very kind of you, I had a good teacher”.

Jo her sister was now trying to do what Maryann had done, she started to laugh as Jo gagged and choked.

“Don’t worry Sis, I did exactly the same when Mom taught me, you’ll get the hang of it soon”, said Maryann wiping the tears from her sisters eyes.

“I hear Aunt Angela has persuaded the families to let her niece join in the competition, she’s from the city, what threat can she be, I wouldn’t worry about her”.

James Harkin looked down at his two daughters, Maryann twenty one, Jo, eighteen, he was a lucky man, his wife was a stunning forty year old who belied her age.

All three had become too much for him, he ha d become very possessive about his daughters but allowed Clay his younger brother to fuck Gloria his wife when he wanted to, Gloria didn’t mind in the least. Clay had two sons so had only his wife to fuck, his two sons mainly took care of his wife so everyone was happy with the arrangement.

Jo was still struggling to deep throat her Daddy, “shall we call it a day for a while, you can practice on me later on Jo”.

“Carry on sucking Jo, you can swallow my cum this time, Maryann had it last time.

Jo sucked until her Daddy held her head and cum in her mouth, Jo swallowed the creamy cum and then opened her mouth to show her Daddy she had swallowed it all.

Charlie was naked and rubbing her wet pussy against Jasper the Shetland pony.

“That’s it Charlie, he beginning to show now”, said Jolie rubbing his sheath back and forth.

All of a sudden a long cock dropped down as Jolie grabbed it, “look at this Charlie, are you sure you can take it, I think you had better let me take it Sis, that poor little tight cunt of yours will never take this big cock”, teased Jolie.

“I can take anything you can take in your cunt Sis”, said Charlie in mock anger.

Charlie and Jolie could never remember falling out, they had always been close, they would take the blame for each other when they were younger so John or Mom never knew who was naughty.

Jolie wasn’t listening, she already had her lips around Jasper’s cock sucking on it.

“Hey that’s my cock”, said Charlie kneeling beside her.

Lily watched fascinated, was Charlie really going to fuck Jasper, surely not.

Charlie and Jolie were sucking Jasper as Lily and Aunt Angela watched, “isn’t this hot Lily”, she said putting her hands between her daughters legs and fingering he r cunt.

“I reckon we could fuck Jasper by just getting underneath him Jolie, he’s small enough to just stand and fuck us, shall we try”.

“Me first, my idea”, said Charlie getting on her knees underneath the horse.

Jolie grabbed his cock and pushed the head into Charlie’s wet cunt. The horse immediately started to fuck her, Charlie grabbed his front legs to save from being pushed forward. Jasper hadn’t had a fuck for years, he was making up for it now jamming his cock into this hole hard as Charlie held on.

The feeling of a horse cock fucking her gave Charlie an extras buzz, she began to cum as Jasper quickened his strokes and then slowed down.

Jolie heard the swish first as cum erupted from Jasper into Charlie’s cunt. He came in bursts, filling Charlie with horse cum before pulling out and walking away with his cock dangling and then receding back into his sheath.

Cum was literally running from Charlie, a large puddle was around her knees as she waited to get up.

“Are you alright Sis, was that good, tell me was he good”, said an excited Jolie.

When Charlie got her breath back she told her, “that was better than good Sis, that was fantastic”, said Charlie finally managing to get to her feet.

Lily was rubbing her wet pussy, she so wanted to try and fuck Jasper but was a little reticent, although it wasn’t an extremely thick cock, it was long.

Jolie noticed her and moved over to put her head between Lily’s legs, Lily gasped and held her tight as Jolie sucked and licked and it wasn’t long before she showered Jolie with cum..

“We have to try and get Jasper hard again Charlie, I’ve got to try that cock, that was so hot watching him fuck you”, said Jolie tethering Jasper this time so he couldn’t walk away.

Jolie stroked the sheath and fondled his balls trying hard to make Jaspers cock show. It took a while but she persevered and his cock began to extend from the sheath. Jolie grabbed it quickly holding it to stop it disappearing again.

Charlie was helping her, she was fondling his balls as Jolie manoeuvred the head into her mouth and began to suck. Jasper gave a little whinny, wasn’t sure if it was pleasure or annoyance that he had to perform again.

Charlie had taken over sucking while Jolie stripped and then resumed her sucking.

“I think he’s hard enough now Sis, get under him and I’ll put his cock in your cunt”.

Jolie crawled under him as Charlie pushed the head into her wet pussy and Jolie backed up. Jasper felt the soft flesh and began to hump her.

“Bloody hell, he doesn’t half push his cock in Charlie, he’s going to push me through the wall in a minute”.

“Hold his front legs, they’ll steady you”, said Charlie as Jasper whinnied again and shoved his dick in even more.

Jolie was cumming, she loved fucking blue but this was different, she loved the force which Jasper fucked her, made her feel like his bitch as she started to cum violently.

Jasper fucked her a bit longer and then a whoosh as cum cascaded into Jolie’s insides. There was no way she could hold that much, already a puddle was forming under her as well as Jasper kept cumming. With a final whinny he slid out of her as Jolie got her breath back, “didn’t I tell you he was good Sis, the feeling when his cock is shoved in you hard, you can’t beat it”.

Jolie was trying to speak, “that was fucking fantastic”, was all she could say.

They looked at Lily, “if you want to win this competition Lily, you’ll have to fuck Jasper here, I’ll withdraw and you can fuck him, you’ll blow everybody away on the night, no pun intended, you know what I mean”, laughed Charlie.

Kathy Harkin was begging her Daddy, “please let me suck your cock again Daddy, it’s only a few days until the competition and you know I have to practice”.

“Honey, you’ve sucked me off twice today, I can’t get hard just like that, why don’t you ring Cletus and Henry, it’s Saturday afternoon, I’m sure they won’t be working”.

“I don’t mind Cletus, but Henry’s cock is so big I struggle to get it into my mouth, he wants to fuck my ass but I won’t let him, that thing is huge”.

“But honey, if you draw him on the night you’ll have to let him fuck your ass, otherwise you’ll be disqualified, you may as well let him today if he comes over, both you and your sister Rachel can practice on them”.

“Okay Daddy, I’ll ring them”, said Kathy.

Kathy Harkin was nineteen, she missed last year’s competition because she was away at college, so this was her first year. She was dark shinned with long black hair, firm medium sized tits, and great legs, the phone rang at the other end and Cletus answered, “hi Cletus, this is cousin Kathy, can you and Henry come on over for a while, I need some practice”.

Cletus knew exactly what practice meant, we’ll be there in no time at all”, he said.

“Henry, Kathy and Rachel want to practice, are you ready to go”.

Henry switched off the computer and the porn film he was watching and tucked his huge hard cock into his pants, now he was going to have the real thing.

“Hi Cletus, hi Henry”, said the girls greeting them at the door, “thanks for coming over”.

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world girls, oh hi Uncle Brandon”.

“Do you want to practice here or go somewhere else girls”, asked Henry.

“You don’t mind if we practice here do you Daddy”, asked Kathy.

“No go right ahead, you carry on”, he said.

Rachel and Kathy pulled off the robes they were wearing to stand naked in front of Henry and Cletus, both cocks twitched and began to rise at the sight.

“Okay girls, who’s having who”, said Cletus pulling off his clothes.

“I want Kathy to take Henry, she has to take his cock in her ass, no good waiting until the night, if she draws you Henry, shell have no option but to let you fuck her ass, may as well start today”.

Both men sat down as the two sisters knelt in front of them, Kathy ha d two hands around Henry’s cock and still some stuck out at the top.

Rachel was already sucking Cletus, his was smaller than Henry’s but by no means small.

Kathy finally managed to get the head of Henry’s cock in her mouth and began to suck, already he r jaws were beginning to ache with the sheer size of it, how she was going to take this up her ass god only knew.

Brandon sat watching, he knew how the boys felt, two young mouths sucking on their cocks, he had that pleasure many times, Rachel was an accomplished cock sucker, Kathy had more to learn.

Kath did indeed have more to learn, she wasn’t going to learn much sucking this cock, she could only get a few inches into her mouth.

“Can I swap for a while Rach, my jaws are aching, please, I’ll suck Cletus for a while and then I’ll go back to Henry”.

“Sure honey”, said Rachel moving in front of Henry and taking his cock in her mouth more easily than Kathy.

Henry sat back and watched Rachel’s head bob up and down on his cock, he glanced at Kathy looking at her sweet ass, he was going to enjoy fucking that later on.

“Kathy, it’s alright saying your jaws are aching, you will have to suck him for longer than that if you draw him, carry on sucking him, you might as well get used to it”, said Brandon.

Once again the sisters moved across, Kathy had to get Henry’s cock back in her mouth again which she managed to do and suck.

“Good to see you practising hard, hello boys”, said Rachel Harkin, the girl’s mother as she walked in.

“Hi Aunt Rachel”, said both boys together.

“I’ve told Kathy she has to take Henry’s cock in her ass today honey, she can’t wait any longer”.

“I agree dear, no good screaming like a baby on the night, get used to it now , you’ll be fine Kathy, your ass hole opens up more than you imagine”

Kathy and Rachel were kneeling on all fours with the boys behind them cocks in hand, Mom Rachel was holding her younger daughter’s hands.

“It’ll be fine honey trust me, I’ve already had it up my ass hole, once it’s in it’s fine”.

The boys started fucking their pussies first, Rachel was cumming right away, it took a little longer for Kathy, her mind was still on Henry’s cock going into her tiny ass hole.

Lust took over though and Kathy began to cum as well covering Henry’s cock with her cum.

Mom Rachel spread her daughters ass cheeks making sure the gel went well inside her ass hole, Kathy was stroking Henry’s cock keeping it hard, she needn’t have bothered, watching Kathy’s Mom lubricate the young ass would keep him hard for hours just watching.

“It’s time honey”, said Mom holding her hands, “take it easy with her Henry, don’t go at it like a bull in a china shop”.

“I promise I’ll take it easy Aunt Rachel”, he said pushing the giant head into her tiny hole. Kathy was digging her nails into Mom’s hand just anticipating that big cock penetrating her hole.

Bit by bit Henry saw his cock go farther and farther in the hole, it always amazed him how it opened so wide, he remembered the first time he had fucked an ass hole, his mothers, he thought it would be impossible to get his cock into that little hole.

Halfway and still going, Kathy was surprised, she didn’t feel any pain at all, just a nice feeling as the cock moved slowly upwards into her ass.

“It’s all in Kathy, I’m going to fuck you now, is that okay”.

Kathy answered that it was and Henry began to pound her ass hole as Kathy wondered why she made so much fuss about his cock going into her ass.

She was stretched now but there was no pain, only pleasure as Henry continued pounding her ass.

“I told you it would be fine honey”, said Mom extricating her hands from her daughters where she had gripped them very tightly

Kathy’s ass was fairly tight and soon Henry was shooting a large dose of creamy cum into his cousins ass just as Cletus did the same to Rachel.

They cleaned up and Rachel asked if they would like to stay for supper, “perhaps you girls can get some more practice in, it’s only a few day you know”.

“We’d like that Mom, would you like to fuck my ass again cousin Henry”, she asked laughing.

If they had known what Lily was going to do on the night, they wouldn’t have been so sure of themselves as right at that moment Lily had decided she was going to fuck Jasper.


Competition day arrived, it was a Saturday and everyone was getting ready. It was held at the home of a very wealthy man, he had no children, but he was voyeuristic, he loved to watch the girls perform.

Families were all gathered and the fourteen girls who were taking part were called up to the makeshift stage. One by one they came and stripped naked to catcalls and wolf whistles.

Fourteen men’s names were drawn and came to the stage and undressed as well.

Each man was paired with a girl and they had to perform on stage, first by pussy fucking and then ass fucking, a jury of five men and five women with no family connections judged them on performance, how long they lasted, how big a cock was and how far it penetrated her ass.

The first part over and everyone had drinks and food supplied by the host as they waited for the second part. This consisted of drawing a name from a hat and bringing him to the stage and sucking his cock.

They would have to swallow his cum without spilling a drop, if any was spilled they were disqualified and ha d to retire from the competition.

Lily was the first to be called, she drew her Uncle Clay and he made his way to the stage. Lily ha d sucked Uncle Clay’s cock before on her eighteenth birthday, she ha d to suck all her Uncles on that day,

Lily passed without mishap and was through to the next round, six girls were disqualified leaving eight to fight it out in the final round.

First girl came on and the man she drew fucked he r as and then she sucke d his cock straight from her ass hole and swallowed his cum. This drew only a mild ripple of applause from the audience, to be fair most girls left ha d done that.

Another girl ha d three men cum into a glass after she ha d sucked them and then drank it from the glass, again another ripple of applause, most of the girls had done that as well.

Maryann came on with two huge dildos, she sucked them first before sticking one in each hole, then going round the audience inviting them to push it in farther in each hole. This drew quite a big round of applause, because of the audience participation.

Others did various mundane things, things the girls did every day with their father or brothers and were greeted almost apologetically with applause.

Then it was Lily’s turn as the MC came on the mic. “Ladies and gentlemen, the young lady has asked me to tell you to please be quiet for her act, I don’t know why but please do”.

Lily had asked them to keep quiet for fear of spooking Jasper, he wasn’t used to crowds, especially cheering crowds.

There was an audible gasp as Lily walked on with her pony, you could see heads going together asking each other what was going on.

Lily had fucked Jasper quite a few times in the last week, Jasper ha d taken his training well and now his cock came out much quicker, he knew what was going to happen.

Angela and the rest of the family held hands and watched nervously as Lily bent down to stroke Jasper’s cock and fondle his balls. Jasper didn’t let her down, his long cock dropped from its sheath in a very short time.

More gasps from the audience as Lily opened her mouth and sucked on the cock. Lily tried to get as much as she could into her mouth, she was enjoying the gasps from the audience, that meant no had seen anyone do this before.

She reckoned Jasper was ready as she crawled underneath him to more gasps from the audience. Jasper had taken his training well, a few practice jabs and he was in Lily’s wet cunt.

Lily held his front legs as Charlie and Jolie had taught her to do as Jasper rammed his cock into her willing pussy. You could feel the tension in the audience as Jasper fucked her, would he cum inside her belly or would Lily pull away form him.

The answer was almost there, Jasper gave a little whinny, that was a sign he was ready to cum as Lily braced herself.

More louder gasps from the audience as Jasper shot spurt after spurt into Lily and then sliding out.

Cum was running from Lily’s cunt as Charlie ran on stage and led Jasper off just as the audience started to clap and cheer.

Lily was led off with cum dripping from her to loud cheers from the audience and cleaned herself up.

Ten minutes later all the remaining girls were standing on the stage waiting to find out who had won the thousand dollars.

“Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please, I have the results here ready to announce, in third place is Amy Foster”, as she stepped forward to a round of applause.

“Second place is last year’s winner, Maryann Harkin”, as she stepped forward to a round of applause.

The MC went on, “but the winner and by quite a margin this year is Lily Harkin, please show your appreciation for a very worthy winner”.

“Thank you Charlie and Jolie, without you two I would never have won, I feel we should share this prize money”.

“No you keep the money Lily, besides we’re family, cousins are supposed to help each other, as they all hugged.

The Hardy’s were ready to leave, “you’ll have to come and visit us next time, you can join in one of our club swaps”, said John as they drove off.

“Well that was quite exciting, I thought nothing ever happened in Iowa”, laughed John and the rest of them as they drove to the airport.

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