Women with Animals
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The Breeding Farm


Nell Fortune was having a lovely dream when she was shaken awake.
It was six o clock in the morning, “come on we only have ten minutes to get ready”, said the voice.
Nell got out of bed not sure what to do.
“What’s going on, ten minutes for what”, she said to the girl who had woken her.
“To shower and clean your pussy ready, you’ll be punished if you’re not ready girl, come with me”.
The year was 2085, a war had ensued almost killing half the population of the world. Almost all animals had been wiped out and those that were left were treated like royalty, especially the male dogs as ninety percent of bitches had died.
Nell had been sent to jail for five years by the regime that was now ruling the country, law and order had almost broken down so harsh measures were introduced to anyone caught lawbreaking.
All Nell had done was to steal a cake and she got five years, no remission with this lot, you did five years.
A trolley was brought into the cell block where they slept and breakfast was served. For prison it was quite good, cereal and scrambled eggs with toast.
“You now know what to do bitches”, said the warder in charge.
Nell followed the other girls into a communal shower where they all showered each one paying particular attention to their pussies.
Nell noticed that everyone of them had large tits, she had a thirty six inch bust and so did almost all of the others, some were actually bigger.
Shower over she followed them back to the dorm where they came from.
“Lie down and spread you legs wide”, said Billie, her friend.
Nell didn’t know what was happening but lay down and spread her legs as wide as she could.
They lay like that for five minutes or so till a man in a white coat came in.
Kneeling down he went along each girl opening their pussy up and putting his fingers inside. H e came to Nell, “this is the new bitch Sir, she came in last night, don’t know if she’s a virgin or not”, said the warder with him.
“You’re not a virgin are you bitch”, he said pushing his fingers farther into he r pussy.
“No I’m not”, said Nell. A stinging blow fell across her tits as the warder lashed her with the whip he was carrying.
“You call everyone here Sir or Mistress bitch, don’t ever forget it or next time I won’t be so lenient.
“Yes Sir”, said Nell quickly aching to rub her sore tits.
“She’ll be fine, use Rex on her, we’ll see how she goes”, said the man and went on to finish his examination of each girl.
Nell went to rise but Billie out her hand out to stop her and shook her head.
Putting her fingers to her lips she warned her not to speak. Dogs were led in and placed over each girl as they put their hands on each of their sheaths.
Nell looked at Billie who nodded to her to do the same. She played with the sheath till a red tip appeared as she pulled the sheath back farther.
“Not sure what to do next she looked at Billie who had her dog’s cock in her mouth sucking it.
‘They can’t want me to do that’, thought Nell when another smack across her legs told her differently.
“Why aren’t you sucking that cock bitch, do you think you’re not good enough, the dogs come before you in here so suck his cock, as far as you’re concerned he is your master, now suck bitch”.
Nell opened he r mouth and took the dog cock in, ‘this was revolting’, she thought as small drops of precum landed on her tongue which she spat out.
Again another stinging blow across her legs. “How dare you spit out his cum, do that again and you will be severely punished bitch, swallow everything, understand”.
“Yes Sir”, said Nell and sucked the cock.
Nell had never seen a dog cock, all the dogs were now owned by the regime as well as horses and all other animals.
She was surprised how big his cock got, it was massive as she swallowed more and more cum making her feel sick.
“Assume the position bitches”, shouted the warder. Nell didn’t know what the position was but followed the others movements.
The rst of the girls were kneeling with their heads on the floor and their asses in the air.
Nell did the same to feel a pair of legs wrap around her waist.
‘What the fucking hell is going on here’, she thought as the dogs cock sought out her pussy.
She screamed as the dog cock went straight into her pussy.
“Do that again bitch and you’re really for it, you’ll scare the dog, now keep still and quiet, this is your last warning”.
Nell didn’t want a whipping so she lay still. The dog cock was fucking her furiously, she had never been fucked like this.
‘God help me I’m going to cum, a dog’s fucking me and I’m going to cum, what sort of whore am I”, she thought as she shuddered from her orgasm.
The warder laughed, “Looks like our dog whore likes a dog fucking her”, as he watched her cum.
Now something else was happening, a huge something was trying to enter her, her cunt was being stretched to capacity as the dog pushed into her.
‘Now what the fuck’, she thought as something splashed inside her belly.
The dog was filling her with his cum, ‘holy shit, the dogs cumming in me, this can’t be happening, what sort of jail is this’, thought Nell.
She could hear other people now as more young naked women came in and stood behind them.
Nell must have lain there for about twenty minutes with cum being pumped into her belly before she felt him pull out.
As soon as he did a large plug was inserted into her pussy and taped tight so it wouldn’t come out.
The dogs were led to the front of them where their cocks were cleaned by all the girls with their tongues and then led out of the room.
Nell and the other girls were then ordered back on their bunks where their legs were lifted up and fastened to a frame on he r bed which left her legs high in the air as she lay on her back.
Nell was scared to speak till everyone had gone.
“What’s this for, why have we had our legs put up in the air like this, and why do the plug us to keep the dog cum in”, she asked Billie.
“How long are you in for Nell?”, asked Billie, “I’ll bet it’s five years”.
“How did you know that”, asked Nell.
“Because we’re all doing five years in this block, haven’t you noticed that we’ve all got big tits, this is a breeding farm, they’re trying to make us have puppies to replenish the dog stock”.
“You’re joking, please tell me you’re joking”, pleaded Nell.
“You know those injections you had when you came here last night, what do you think they were for”, asked Billie.
“They told me they were to fight off infections”.
“Afraid not, it was dog DNA, they want to try and make you have puppies, that’s why you’ve been picked, because you’re young and have big tits to feed the puppy should you have one”.
“We’ve got to get out of here, tell the police what’s going on”, said Nell.
Billie and the others laughed, “who do you think runs this place, the police and the regime, you would simply disappear if you cause trouble, just bear it, at least we’re well fed”.
Six hours passed and one of the prisoners was taken away to be brought back later and fastened back up again. Some more were taken and brought back to the same fate.
Then it was Nell,s turn, she was placed on the trolley and her legs held up by naked girls and wheeled to a lab.
The man in the white coat pushed something up her cunt as the girls held her legs wide open.
Doctor Green was the man in the white coat, he had been instructed by the regime to carry out these tests. He scraped some of the dog cum from Nell’s pussy onto a slide and examined it.
After a while he turned around, “give the bitch something to eat, than bring her and Rex back here again, seems she cum the same time as the dog, contaminated the dog cum, I’ll have Rex fuck her again”.
Nell was taken away and given food, very nourishing food and told to go to the bathroom and do whatever she needed to do.
“You’ll have your legs up for the next eight hours or so, so if you want a pee or whatever, go now”, said one of the naked girls.
Nell was brought back to the lab where a girl was sucking Rexs’ cock.
Nell was place d on her hands and knees and then Rex mounted her again.
Doctor Green was standing over her, “if you know what’s good for you, you won’t cum this time, just let Rex shoot his cum into you, understand”.
“Yes Sir”, said Nell as Rex found her pussy hole and started fucking her like a jackhammer. Nell felt the familiar feelings as Rex pounded her cunt, she wanted to cum but had to suppress it as he fucked her hard.
She now knew the knot was going in to her cunt as Rex pushed hard. The huge ball inside her made her want to cum but she couldn’t, Doctor Green was watching her.
Cum was now shooting into her belly as Rex unloaded into her for the second time that day. Rex was really filling her as splash after splash hit her insides.
Twenty five minutes later Rex finally pulled out of her as another plug was inserted into her cunt and taped in.
She was put back on the trolley and wheeled back to her bunk and fastened up again with her legs in the air.
Nell was feeling so horny, she badly wanted to masturbate, but the plug in her pussy made it impossible. She jus t lay there wondering what the next five years were going to bring, was she going to give birth to a puppy.


Nell was taken again to the lab where she was made to lay down with her legs again being held open by girls roughly her own age but very plain.
Nell had only been here a week so knew very little about the goings on in here.
Rex her dog had been fucking her twice a day, morning and evening, she was getting used to his cock now, she had to suck it before and after every fuck.
Billie her friend was with her almost all the time, the doctor seemed to be examining them all the time. They were given plenty of food and rest and apart from their freedom being taken away were treated very well.
They were given daily injections of dog serum and DNA. Some of the other girls were joining them who had been there longer.
Nell noticed that some of them had gotten a lot fatter and were removed to somewhere else as new girls took their place.
The warders too were less hostile towards them, they were allowed to talk to some of the newcomers and put them right.
Nell noticed her friend getting sick each morning as she was taken to the lab more and more. One day Billie was taken away but didn’t return at all.
She tried to ask but was told to mind her fucking own business and not ask any questions.
She noticed her nipples getting larger and more pronounced as the days went by.
Seven weeks had gone by and by now Nell was feeling sick herself. She was taken to the doctor who examined her and nodded her head to another person and Nell was taken to another part of the prison.
She was taken to a room and told to rest and stay there for the rest of the day.
Next morning she had a visitor, her friend Billie had come to see her. Billie looked thinner since the last time she had seen her and very drawn.
A warder stood by them as they talked, it was obvious that they didn’t want Billie to tell her something as they listened to every word.
Nell had been here almost nine weeks now when she suddenly had violent pains in her abdomen. Doctors rushed in and she was given an injection and the last thing she remembered was someone shouting, ‘they’re here’.
Nell woke up later with a strange feeling at her tits. Looking down she was surprised to see herself on her hands and knees with her tits hanging down and something suckling both her tits.
Through half closed eyes she could have sworn they were some sort of puppies. Their eyes were closed and they were suckling on her tits, she looked again and was sure there was another one trying to suckle her.
She tried to get up but couldn’t, her hands and feet were fastened to some hooks while a wooden frame kept her from collapsing.
‘It’s a dream, I’ll wake up any minute now and it will all be a dream’, thought Nell.
She closed her eyes but all she heard was a whining noise and now voices.
“Looks like the little ones are feeding well Doctor, what are the chances of survival”.
“Very good I would have thought, she’s very healthy, she should produce more pups for us in the future”.
Nell had no idea who they were talking about, or what till a voice spoke in her ear.
“You’ve had healthy babies bitch, when they’ve finished suckling you can hold them, you’ve had three”, said the voice.
Nell closed her eyes again hoping it would all go away but the pressure on her nipples grew as more suckling was going on.
Soon the suckling stopped and Nell was unfastened and allowed to lay down.
“Meet your children bitch”, said the doctor as he handed her three balls of fur.
Nell looked at them, they looked like pups but had human eyes as they nestled in her arms.
“What are these, why have you given them to me, what do I want with pups”.
“These aren’t pups, these are your children, you gave birth to them bitch”, said the Doctor, now look after them until it’s time to take them from you, you will have plenty more, you and Rex are a good match”.
Nell looked at the bundles of fur in her arms, this was a joke, they were having her on, or it really was a dream.
One of the pups lifted his head and sucked on her nipple, squeezing the other one she saw milk come from it. Shock set in, she really had given birth to puppy dogs, it wasn’t possible.
Another pup was now suckling her other tit as the third one tried to get in between them. Suddenly she felt a motherly urge towards them as they suckled her.
As they suckled Nell could hear barking somewhere, had other girls given birth to pups. Her question was answered as Billie, her friend came to visit her carrying a little pup in her arms. Like Nell her nipples were large where the pups had suckled her for milk.
“I see you’ve had three, I’ve only had two, the other one’s asleep, they’re ready to breed me tonight again, I’ve had extra food and told to use the bathroom, then they’re going to bring the dog here to fuck me”.
“But you’ve only been here two weeks, they can’t expect you to get pregnant again”.
“Not up to us, we can’t stop the dogs fucking us or stop his cum flooding into us, actually we’re lucky, I hear they’ve got some big girls in to try and breed with the ponies”, said Billie.
“You’re fucking joking, a woman could never carry a foal, could she?”.
“Would you have said we could give birth to pups, anything can happen here, must go, feeding time”, as the pup suckled her tit.
Nell replaced one of the pups from her tits with the small one who wasn’t getting fed as he suckled her greedily.
The doctor came back again and picked up her pups when they had finished suckling.
“Very good bitch, two bitches and a dog, you’ll make a good breeder, as soon as possible we’ll bring Rex to fuck you again, now look after your pups”.


Gill Cole was a big girl, over twelve stone and six foot one inch tall. She stood in the dock as the disciplinarian, as judges were now called sentenced her to five years in prison.
She had been accused of assaulting an official who came to question her, a totally made up charge, she had no idea why they would do this to her.
She was led downstairs to a waiting van and whisked off. The van reached a set of iron gates manned by two armed guards who waved them through.
Inside the building there were more girls, all tall like Gill, all with big tits.
They were all ordered to undress and given razors and a bowl with water in it.
“Shave all that hair from your pussies and anywhere else on your body, you have ten minutes, go”, said a female warder who looked butch.
“What are we”, was as far as Gil got when the whip that all the warders carried made a red welt across her bare ass.
“Speak when you’re spoken to bitch, there will be no talking at all, now shave those hairy cunts and hurry up”.
Ten minutes later butch girl was examining their pussies in too much detail thought the girls.
“Okay you’ll do, follow me”.
It was now three o clock in the afternoon and they were taken to a room where food was prepared.
“Eat as much as you want, you won’t be getting anything till tomorrow morning, then use the bathroom, again you won’t be able to use it either”.
Gill and her friends tucked in to the food which was very good. All the warders had now left so they felt okay to talk.
Gill struck up a conversation with a girl called Vee.
“I wonder what they’re going to do to us, I didn’t do anything to be here, they accused me of stealing and gave me five years”, said Vee.
“They accused me of hitting an official and gave me five years”, said Gill, “have you noticed how we’re all the same size here, big tits and tall”.
Their conversation was cut short by the warders returning.
“Use the bathroom now and line up here when you’re done, hurry up, the doctor’s waiting”, she barked.
Ablutions over they were led out into the yard in full view of the male guards into a barn where several ponies were tethered.
Each girl was led to a pony and told to kneel by its side. When all were knelt down the order was given to stroke the horses cock.
One girl jumped back but was quickly given a lash from the whip across her back.
“I said stroke your horses cock, to refuse will mean punishment, and I mean punishment, now stroke it”.
Hand were placed around the horse cocks till some were showing. Those that weren’t showing were told to lick the horses balls.
“That usually gets them going, it gets me going”, laughed a male guard.
Gill’s horse wasn’t showing a cock so she leaned under him to lick his balls.
She felt revolted as she licked the hairy balls, it worked, a prick was beginning to poke through his sheath growing and growing with each stroke.
When all the horse cocks were out the order was given to suck on them.
Some hesitated and were rewarded with two lashes of the whip. That spurred the others on, lips closed around the horse cocks much to the women’s discomfort.
Gill closed he r lips around the head of her cock and sucked, it took all of her will power to get it all in her mouth and suck it, she had never sucked anything so big.
Vee had never even sucked a man’s cock and was having trouble sucking, she couldn’t get it all in her mouth to suck.
A sharp stinging across her ass made her try harder as she opened her mouth as wide as possible. The head went in but her jaws ached as she struggled to suck.
Some more young girls came with tables and Gill and her friends were told to come out.
Gill watched as one by one the girls in her group were laid over the table and had their hands fastened to the front of it.
The truth dawned on Gill and Vee, they were going to be fucked by the horses.
It was Gill’s turn, she was bent over the table and fastened down to it with her cunt and ass facing the horses cock.
All the girls were now fastened as the other girl who brought the tables started stroking the horses.
Gill heard a scream as the first horse cock entered a girls pussy followed by some more. Gill braced herself as her turn came.
A girl was pulling her pussy lips open as another was pushing the cock into her.
The horse pushed forward as he felt his cock enter a hole, it didn’t matter to him that it wasn’t a horse hole, he was going to fuck it.
Gill gritted her teeth as the huge cock went farther and farther into her insides.
More screams as more cocks were invited to fuck human pussies.
Gill felt a huge gush of something go into her belly followed by a plug into her cunt and fastened in.
The tables were pulled out and they were told not to move till trolleys were brought for them.
The trolleys high back built onto them as Gill and her friends were lifted on to them and their legs fastened to the high backs.
They were wheeled back to a cell block where they were left without a word.
Gill could feel horse cum sloshing inside her making her feel slightly sick.
About an hour later a woman came in with a man who started tattooing them with a number.
“This is your horse number, so you will fuck the same horse every day, we don’t want the cum to get mixed up, don’t go anywhere”, she laughed, “and I’ll see you in the morning”.
Gill’s mind was racing, did she say fuck the horse every day, no. It couldn’t be, but she knew she had said it, what sort of place was this as the man started tattooing her arm.
Gill and the others woke next morning after a fitful night’s sleep, her neck was stiff from laying on her back, she had so wanted to turn on her side.
Gill felt herself being wheeled away and brought to a lab.
“This is number eight Doctor, do you want me to take the plug out”.
“Spread her legs first and I’ll take a look”. Gill’s legs were spread open wide as the Doctor took her plug out and pushed his hand up inside Gill’s already sore cunt from the horse fucking.
She could feel his hand moving about inside her as the cum still inside her sloshed around.
He fetched a tube and stuck it into Gill’s pussy and handed it to one of the girls.
“Suck some cum out bitch into this bowl, I’ll tell you when to stop”.
The girl sucked till her cheeks were puffed out and the Doctor told her to spit it out into the bowl. She opened her mouth as horse cum flowed from it into the bowl.
“I think we’ll have a spare bowl just in case, suck some more out”.
The poor girl sucked hard as cum filled her mouth and then spat it out into another bowl.
Gill was wheeled back to the ‘dorm’ as they called it and left there until another doctor would see her.
An hour later the doctor came and released her as she stretched her aching legs from being tied up all night.
As she stood up cum ran from her pussy down her thighs, did they really mean it?, she would have to fuck a horse every day.
In another ‘dorm’ more girls were being woken up even though it was only four o clock in the afternoon.
All these girls were about eighteen or nineteen, extremely pretty and great bodies.
Karen woke up and gingerly felt her ass hole, surely they would give her a rest tonight, her virgin ass had been fucked nearly all night in the ‘brothel’ as it was called.
The regime had decreed that the prison would have to pay for itself so the elite were invited to fuck any of the young prisoners they wanted to, for a price of course.
Karen and her friends had been sent here after falling foul of the system, only the prettiest girls were sent here. At least they got to use make up and shower, the only clothes they were allowed to wear were suspender belts and stockings, nothing else.
Karen and her friends rose wearily and headed for the shower, another night of fucking and sucking from all sizes and shapes of men lay ahead.


Nell and Billie were feeding their pups. They were kneeling on all fours so their tits were hanging down for the pups to suckle Billie only had two pups who were sucking milk from both nipples.
Nell had three and one was always left out being the weakest. Nell’s nipples were sore from the constant suckling and Doctor had given her some cream to rub on them.
It had now been six weeks and neither Nell or Billie had fallen pregnant again despite being fucked by their dog every day. Some of the other girls could not conceive either and were taken away somewhere, neither knew where.
A few days later The Doctor and some assistants came and took their pups away.
Collars were attached to both necks of Billie and Nell and a lead clipped on it.
Both were led to another compound where all the dogs were kept. A separate sort of cage was in the middle with five big dogs in there.
No one knew what sort they were, just big mongrels. Nell and Billie had their leads taken off and pushed into the cage.
“We can’t understand why you’re not getting pregnant again, maybe it’s your dog, so we’ve decide you should live in here for a while with the dogs”, said one assistant.
The Doctor was next to speak, “if you look around you will see cameras all around, we shall know if you refuse the dogs sex of any kind, we expect you to suck and fuck them as normal, you must never refuse, or you will be punished severely”.
Another assistant spoke next, “you will stay mostly on your hands and knees like the dogs so they can have access to your holes, understand, now get down”.
Nell and Billie got down on all fours as snouts were all around both their holes. Already a tongue was licking all around Nell’s cunt as another was licking her face.
“Put your tongue out bitch, dogs like to lick each other’s tongues, you’re his bitch now, put your tongue out”, said Doctor.
Nell stuck her tongue out as the huge dog licked on it, behind her a pair of legs were encircling her waist as a cock jabbed at her pussy.
The dog was almost sticking his tongue down her throat as he licked a her while the dog who had mounted her was pushing his cock inside her fucking her furiously.
An assistant came in after being talked to by Doctor. She played with the tongue licking dog till his cock became hard and lifted his front paws onto Nell’s back.
Nell didn’t need telling what to do, she opened her mouth and took the dog cock into her mouth. Now one was fucking her as the other one fucked he r mouth.
The dog fucking her was pushing his knot in, it was bigger than her first dog and she could feel her cunt being stretched wide open as it was forced in.
The first splashes of cum hit her insides as doggy started pumping cum into her.
The Doctor and her assistants were clapping their hands, “I think this might work, these dogs will fuck them all the time, surely they will have puppies soon, enjoy yourselves girls.
The assistant was told to stay and help them for a while. Billie was right at that moment having a cock stuck in her cunt as well being fucked very very fast.
Nell wanted to cum, she ha d cum before when she first started but the doctor wouldn’t allow it any more, but surely with all these dogs going to fuck her it wouldn’t matter. She le t herself go being careful not to show she was cumming.
The dog fucking her mouth was cumming now, was she supposed to swallow or spit it out, she didn’t have time to think, all of a sudden a load of dog cum was going down her gullet as she nearly choked.
Billie was being fucked royally by her dog as the assistant held up another dogs front legs for her to suck on his cock. This cock was big and growing bigger with every suck, when this dog fucked her poor pussy was going to be stretched, she looked at his knot, it was fucking massive.
Billie hated herself for saying it but she secretly hoped this dog fucked Nell. She winced as her dog forced his knot in to her pussy. The assistant had laid the dog down so Billie leaned forward to carry on sucking as she held her fingers behind the knot.
Nell’s dog was still pumping cum into her as she laid her head on the ground and waited for him to finish. She knew that as soon as this dog had filled her another dog would take his place and fill her again.
This was the Doctors plan, to keep their pussies filled with dog cum for at least two weeks, Nell and Billie didn’t know it yet, but that was to be their life for the next two weeks, being constantly fucked by five huge dogs. Billie’s dog was pushing his knot into her cunt, having her puppies had made her pussy more pliable and this dog knot wasn’t too bad.
She had to cum, even though it was a dog fucking her she had to cum, like Nell, although she had been forbidden to cum she had to.
She tried to cum so the assistant wouldn’t notice as cum flowed from her filled pussy as her dog began his pumping more cum into her insides. Billie felt the familiar splash and settled down to wait till she was filled.
Nell’s dog had finished and was slowly pulling out of her as cum ran from her down her thighs. The dog was licking cum from her legs and cunt with another who suddenly mounted her and started to jab at her pussy hole till he found it. This was the dog Billie didn’t want to fuck, he had a massive cock and Nell knew it. This was the biggest dog cock she had in her cunt since she got here as the dog pummelled her cunt with it.
Nell soon found out that his cock was not only bigger, his knot was twice as big as well. Sweat formed on her forehead as she clenched her teeth while the huge knot was forced into her overstretched pussy.
‘He’s going to take an hour to empty that load inside me’, thought Nell as the first cum hit her belly. She put her head on her arms and waited while her master dog held his bitch captive and filled he r with more cum.
Billies dog had finished filling her with cum and was licking her legs and cunt as cum leaked from it. Another pair of legs went around her waist and another cock entered her cunt, if she had known it was going to be like this for another two weeks she would have gone mad.
Her new dog was fucking just as hard as the other gripping her waist tightly as he panted above her head. She was thankful that the dog with the big knot and cock was fucking Nell although she felt bad she was thinking that.
Nell was still sweating, this was really big, her cunt felt like it was going to split open as splash after splash of dog cum filled her belly. How much more could a stomach hold, dogs can cum quite a lot, there was still one dog that hadn’t fucked, he was sure to mount her as well as soon as this one had finished, and then maybe start again. Dogs weren’t like humans, they could fuck and fuck and now they had two bitches ready for them at all times they were going to.
If that was the Doctor’s plan to keep their cunts and bellies filled with dog cum it was working, they were both full.
To Nell’s relief ‘bigknot’ was slowing down, a sure sign he was finishing shooting into her. He began to pull out and Nell clenched her teeth again, it was almost as painful as putting it in, somehow she would have to get this dog fuck Billie next time as he plopped out of her sore cunt.
Two tongues were licking any cum that was leaking from her cunt and then as predicted another pair of furry legs wrapped around her waist. She couldn’t se what size of cock this dog had, she jus t hoped it would be smaller than the last one. It was but not by much, she was sure the Doctor had handpicked these dogs for their big cocks and knots as another cock entered her pussy.
Billie was still waiting for her dog to stop cumming, it seemed like ages since he entered her and he was still shooting cum into her.
She was glad there was only five dogs to fuck, they all had a fuck now so maybe they would get some rest. Her back was aching both from bending down on all fours but bearing the weight of these huge dogs as they fucked them.
At last her dog stopped and slowly pulled out his knot as other dogs started licking her cunt clean from cum. The one dog that had been licking Nell’s face was now licking Billie’s face as the assistant told he r to put her tongue out. Billie tasted the dog cum from his tongue where he had just licked her clean.
Nell was having her third knot pushed into her cunt in less than an hour, cum was sloshing in her belly as the dog started pumping again, she wondered how much a human belly could hold as spurt after spurt was filling her again. It took another ten minutes for the dog to stop cumming as he pulled his knot out leaving cum trickling down her thighs to be licked up by the dogs.
Nell and Billie expected to be let out now that they had bred all the dogs as the assistant let herself out and closed the door behind her.
“What about us mistress, aren’t you going to le t us out”, asked Billie.
She smiled at both of them, “your food will be brought here to you, you are to spend two weeks with the dogs, Doctor says you should both be pregnant by then, don’t forget, never refuse your masters sex, you are being watched”.
Billie and Nell’s heart sank, two weeks with five randy dogs, they would never get any peace, they were going to be fucked night and day for the next two weeks by five dogs.


Billie and Nell were trying to sleep but it was becoming impossible. Dogs were sniffing and licking at their cunts, still leaking cum from the last dogs that fucked them.
It had only been one day and night and already they had been fucked more times than they could remember. Mindful of the cameras that were watching them day and night the rose wearily to their hands and knees as furry legs encircled their waists and a dog cock was inserted into their pussy holes.
Dr Verner was watching all this on the monitor. She had replaced Dr Green since Nell and Billie ha d been locked in the cage. Before the disaster of war she had got into trouble for some of her more outrageous experiments with humans and animals.
Here, she was being encouraged to try anything she wished.
“This won’t do at all, how many male prisoners do we have here”, she asked her assistant.
“About four hundred Doctor”, she replied.
Dr Verner was a thirty five year old Doctor with a past. Before the present trouble began she had been reprimanded for animal and human experiments. She had wanted to try and breed a dog with human tendencies by mixing human sperm with the dog sperm. Authorities had found out and she was suspended, she was also a sex addict, she was horny twenty four hours a day.
Her assistant who had been with her for years now knew why she asked, she didn’t have to be told what to do.
A half hour later six burly male prisoners were lined up in front of her.
One was picked out and placed under the table to lick her cunt as she talked and the others told to wait outside.
“Get those bitches out of there, showered and give them an enema, then get them back here with two dogs”.
Doctor Verner had been trying to get a dog pregnant before with human and dog sperm. She had always wanted to try the reverse, get a woman pregnant with a pup, here, she was being encouraged to.
Dr Verner had another idea, she was going to get a male prisoner to fuck a bitch dog right after a male dog had fucked her, she wanted to mix the two sperms. She was sure she would have plenty of takers as the male prisoner was told to get his tongue deeper into her cunt.
An hour later her assistant, an Indian woman called Suleek brought in Nell and Billie in by their leads. Doctor Verner ordered them to their hands and knees as she pushed he r hand into each cunt.
“You’re sure you’ve cleaned these out properly”, she said moving her hand around making each girl squirm in pain.
Suleek answered that she had. “Okay, bring in two male prisoners and the two dogs, if the male prisoners don’t get hard I want you to suck their cocks till they do, but don’t make them cum, I need their sperm”.
The two dogs and the prisoners were brought in and stripped. Doctor Verner was getting ready to cum herself, she held the prisoners head to her cunt and tols him not to spill a drop of her cum or else as she showered him with her first cum of the day. This man was going to have sore jaws before he would be replaced by another. He was choking by the amount of cum going down his throat and he struggled to breathe as she held him ever more tightly to her wet cunt.
She finished at last and let the man breathe again with orders to keep licking.
The dogs were now licking around the two girls rear end and soon they were mounting them.
Nell and Billie stayed passive as the two dog cocks entered them fucking furiously.
The two male prisoners were immediately aroused as their cocks began to stand up straight much to Suleek’s disappointment, still she was sure her boss would let her borrow a prisoner later, or maybe two.
The dogs were really fucking Nell and Billie pushing them forward with each stroke.
Doctor Verner was getting ready to cum again, the sight of the two huge dog cocks pumping in and out of these two cunts was getting to her, she mad e her mind up to try a dog sometime.
“You may cum whores if you want to, in fact I insist on it”, she said breathlessly holding the prisoners head again as he tried to swallow a second load so soon.
The dogs were still fucking Nell and Billie now trying to force their knots in. They had got used to this now and it felt very sexy each time it happened. Something about being trapped by a dog filling you with his cum made them want to cum with them.
The first shots of cum was now hitting their empty bellies as they too bucked back spewing cum from their pussies to mix. Spurt after spurt was shooting inside as the dogs kept cumming.
One dog was already slowing down getting ready to pull out. Dr Verner had finished cumming and was now back in control of herself.
It wa s Billies dog that had plopped out as cum ran from her leaking pussy.
“Quick Suleek, get his cock in there before she loses any more cum and get ready with the plug”.
Suleek dragged the prisoner across by his dick and told him to fuck Billie right away. He didn’t need telling twice, he hadn’t even been near a woman since he got here two years ago.
He rammed his cock into her brutally almost knocking her off her off balance and began to fuck her ignoring the dog cum that was still oozing from her wet cunt.
He didn’t last long, spurts of cum were now shooting into Billie as she wondered what was going on, she was only used to being fucked by dogs lately.
Nell’s dog was getting ready to release her and as he pulled his knot clear another cock was shoved into her dog cum laden pussy.
This prisoner like the other didn’t last too long, Nell felt the cum shoot into her and then a plug was inserted into her.
Calling a warder she instructed them to le t these two whores lay down and not ti be disturbed for ten hours when they were to be brought back here to be fucked again by the same dogs and prisoners.
Dr Verner needed a little R and R now, asking Suleek if she wanted to join her she sent her out to pick another prisoner and fetch him in.
Suleek went quickly, like the Doctor she was horny from watching the dogs and the man fuck them. The cunt licker was ordered to stand up and strip. The Doctor gasped when she saw his prick, it was huge, at least eleven inches long and thick.
She had trouble getting it into her mouth to suck but she did and was soon slurping happily on his meat.
Suleek had got her man stripped as well and while no means as big as the Doctor’s man, he was big.
Suleek sucked noisily before spread-eagling her legs wide and pulling the man down to her brown ass hole. She loved having her ass licked, either by man or woman and this man was burying his tongue deep in her crack.
The Doctor had also spread her legs and was having a licking as well. She was much more highly sexed than Suleek and was cumming for the third time that morning as her man drove his tongue deep in her ass hole.
“Lick me clean now, I want to be fucked”, she said. Normally she would have pulled their hair but these prisoners were shaved and completely bald.
He licked her pussy tasting her cum and swallowing, this was nectar to him, he hadn’t tasted a woman for god knows how long, he hoped his huge prick would make her pick him again and again.
Suleek was on the verge of cumming, her man too was enjoying himself, this woman wanted her ass licked, he was going to lick it like never before hoping to win her favour again. His tongue was about two inches in her ass hole as she started cumming. Without thinking he put his mouth over her spurting cunt and drank greedily on her cum.
Doctor Verner was leaninbg over the desk as her man was pushing his dick into her wet pussy.
“Oh yes, that feels so fucking good, get that big cock in there, farther you bastard, shove it in all the way, fuck me, fuck me”, as the big cock pummelled her pussy.
The Doctor was now cumming for the fourth time with this cock inside her.
The man looked down at her ass hole, he wondered if she would like him to put his thumb in her ass. The way she was shouting she probably would, he gently rubbed her as with his thumb and the pushed it in slowly. The doctor reacted immediately, she jerked backwards telling him to stick it in farther in her ass.
He carried on fucking her till she asked him to fuck her as hole. Pulling out he greased her ass with her pussy juice and shoved his cock in.
The Doctor let out a scream as it went in, the man stopped thinking he had hurt her.
“Push it in you fucker, don’t stop, fuck my ass with that big cock”, as she started to ride him back.
Suleek had a cock in her pussy as well, she was being royally fucked and like the Doctor enjoyed a cock in her ass hole as well. She was cumming now as he fucked her quicker, she knew he wouldn’t last too long this first time so she had him put his cock in her ass before he did. The man fucked her marvelling at her tiny brown hole and wondering how a cock his size would disappear up there. H e didn’t get time to wonder long as sperm spurted from him into her ass hole.
The Doctor was getting her’s as well, cum was filing her ass hole as the huge cock spurted and spurted till cum ran from her ass.
The two men were dismissed but not before the Doctor had marked her man, she wanted that big cock time and time again.
Both wiped their asses and pussies and got back to work as two more girls were brought in having had an enema as well.
As they knelt on the floor to be fucked by two more dogs little did Doctor Verner and Suleek know that what they were doing was to have a dramatic effect for years to come.


Nell and Billie had been fucked three times a day for the last two weeks along with all the other girls. She had heard through the grapevine that the bigger girls were also being fucked three times a day by the horses.
If Gill and Vee could have talked to them right there and then they would have told them it was true. For the second time that day she had a horse cock was stuffed up her cunt with a man standing by with his cock in his hand ready to fuck her after the horse.
Back to when it started, Gill, Vee and the other girls were taken out and given enemas, being big girls they were filled up a lot till their stomachs hurt before being allowed to flush it out.
A new Doctor had taken over they were told, all old orders were to be rescinded.
They were to be fucked by a horse every ten hours till further notice. All the old numbers were forgotten and each girl was given a new horse to fuck.
The young girl who had screamed out loud when he r horse penetrated her was glad when they were changed. Gill could see why, she had got her horse, his dick was massive, try as she might she could not get that massive head into her mouth to suck. She had to stroke and lick on it every time till she got it hard, and that meant having to lick his huge balls every day, three times a day.
She was laying on her back with her legs strapped upwards around the horses back as two young girls were pulling her pussy lips open. Somehow the head was inserted into her making her sweat. Her cunt felt like it was going to split open as more and more cock was pushed into her.
“I want it nearly all in if not all”, said Doctor Verner overseeing everything that was going on.
“I want as much horse cum inside her as possible, go on push it farther into her”, she was shouting.
Gill felt like screaming as the cock was forced up her cunt till about three quarters of it was inside her. Her cunt felt on fire, she was sure she was going to rip in two as the girls pushed the cock in and out of her.
She could feel the sides of her pussy rub along the cock as it went in and out, she wished they would pull it so far out before ramming it back in, didn’t the stupid whores know it hurt.
She was praying the horse would cum inside her soon, she didn’t like all that cum inside her when she had been fucked before, but she was sure this horse would fill her belly for sure.
Then it came, a whoosh of cum had landed in her belly, she could feel it move as the horse added to it, his cock was pulled out and a plug was pushed in before she was wheeled out with her legs still in the air. She was fastened to the high back on her trolley and the man who had his cock in his hand move d forward.
Nel felt the plug being removed and another much smaller cock being pushed in.
All this time she had her eyes closed to dull the pain in her cunt, she opened them to see a shaved man fucking her as horse cum ran from her pussy.
The prisoner didn’t last long fucking her, like the others in the dog fucking they hadn’t even seen a woman for ages. He spurted his sperm into her and was then pulled away as the plug was inserted back into her pussy.
She was ordered to be kept like that for at least eight hours and then brought back in ten hours to be fucked again.
All this had gone on for two weeks now and although Gill’s cunt was still sore she was getting used to it, she should be, every ten hours for the last two weeks.
Doctor Verner sat in her office with the customary man beneath her desk licking her wet cunt. “You remember Suleek how we were going to inject human sperm into the bitch dogs after they had been fucked by the male dogs”.
Suleek looked at her, she had worked with her long enough to know what she was thinking now. “Are you thinking what I think you’re thinking”, she said excitedly.
The Doctor couldn’t answer her right then, she had hold of the man underneath and was cumming buckets into his face and mouth.
When she recovered she looked at her assistant, “exactly, now we can get the sperm delivered first hand, no need for injections, we can get a prisoner to simply fuck the dog and shoot his cum straight into her, it’s wonderful, a supply of human sperm forever”.
Vee was being wheeled back to the horse compound, she was a little luckier than Gill, although quite large her horse cock was not as big as Gill’s.
The straps went on and her legs were hoisted up around her horse and her cunt was facing his cock. She had already sucked him till he was hard, sucking a horse cock now was like sucking a man’s cock, it was all the same now.
Her pussy lips were parted and the head was the first part to enter her. Slowly inch by inch the cock was pushed in till all of it was inside her.
One of the girls began fucking her with it pulling it out almost all the way before plunging it back in. Whereas before they had been told not to cum, this new Doctor encouraged them to. Then friction against her pussy lips and walls brought her closer and closer and soon she was cumming along with the horse inside her.
The horse cock plopped out to be replaced by a plug and then she was wheeled out to where a man was waiting to fuck her. The plug was pulled out and a human cock was put in it’s place as she was fucked by a human.
It was strange after being fucked by horses day and night to feel a normal cock inside her. Problem was after the horse cock her pussy was stretched and she could barely feel it go in and out. She did feel his sperm go into her as he shot his load into her pussy and was then plugged again and wheeled away with her legs up in the air.
Doctor Verner was on the phone to someone in authority in the regime, She ha d outlined her plan to them and they ha d given he r the green light to get as many female dogs as she wished. Animals were only kept by the regime, it was unlawful for anyone else to keep them so she had to have the authority.
She smiled as she put the phone down, everything was going well, she was going to like it here, she could do anything she wanted and the added bonus of as many men she wanted to lick her cunt all day.
“Good news Suleek, we can have the female dogs, we will start tomorrow, pick some likely prisoners out to fuck the dogs after the male dogs”.
“I’ll see to it right away, I’m going to enjoy this”, she said and hurried off to get some more men, she would ‘borrow’ one for herself later.
The big girls were brought at regular intervals to be fucked by horses and men every ten hours, they were exhausted, not to mention sore cunts.
Four weeks had passed since Doctor Verners first encounter with Billie and Nell who were now laying on an examination table with their legs wide open.
“Well whores, it looks like you’re both going to become mothers to pups again, you have only one each though, that is disappointing, however, I want to see how these turn out with my new methods”, said Doctor Verner.
Nell and Billie were glad there was only one pup, their nipples had been so sore from the suckling last time when they had two and three respectively.
It was too early to tell if any of her subjects were pregnant from the horses, that would take a lot more time.
As soon as Nell and Billie had left two dogs and a man were brought in. The dog was sniffing around the female but didn’t seem too interested.
“We have to get the dog hard”, said Suleek, “shall I fetch a girl to suck his cock Doctor.
Doctor Verner looked at her quizzically, “why do we need to fetch a girl, why don’t we do it”.
“Are you serious, you want us to suck a dog cock, I’ve never sucked one before”, said Suleek not exactly dismissing the idea.
“I’ve never sucked one before either, but there’s always a first time, oh come on, it might be fun”.
“Why not”, said Suleek dropping to her knees and grabbing the dogs sheath. Doctor Verner joined her smiling, “I think we might enjoy this”, putting he r hand on his sheath as well.
Soon a little red tip appeared as Suleek bent under to suck on it. The Doctor was still stroking it as it grew steadily with Suleek sucking on it.
“My turn Suleek”, she said as she pulled the dog cock towards her and began to suck. The dogs cock was quite large now as both women took turns at sucking.
The Doctor was as horny as hell as she lifted up Sulek’s uniform and pulled down her panties to stick her tongue deep into her pussy slit.
She reached back and pulled her own off lifting he r own uniform high up her back to expose her bare ass.
Suddenly the dog broke away from Suleeks mouth and ran behind the Doctor mounting her in one quick go. Before she realised it the dogs cock was all the way in her cunt as she responded.
She had stopped licking Suleek now as her assistant turned around to see the dog fucking her boss.
“Are you alright Doctor, do you want me to pull him off”, she asked.
“You do and you’re fired, this is fucking fantastic, why didn’t I do this before”, she cried as she started cumming in bucket loads.
For the first time she was about to experience something else, a huge object was entering her, bit by bit it was going inside her cunt. It was a wonderful feeling, she couldn’t stop cumming and cumming as the knot finally settled inside her.
She knew what it was, she had seen so many whores being fucked and filled she knew what to do. Laying her head on the floor she waited to be filled as the first splashes of cum hit her insides.
She was cuming again, the thought of being trapped by this beast and filled with his cum was overwhelming, it was sexy and dirty as he started to cum again.
“What’s it like Doctor, is it good, can I try it later”, asked Suleek.
“It’s the most wonderful feeling in the world Suleek, I’m being filled with cum from a dog, of course you can try it later, bring two more dogs later, this one is going to be no good”, she laughed as the dog kept filling her.
Fifteen minutes later the dog plopped out as cum ran from the Doctor’s cunt.
She lay there as the dog licked the cum from her leaking pussy.
“I am definitely going to fuck more dogs in future”, she sighed.
Straightening herself up she was back to business, the two dogs were brought in and one was locked in another room for Suleek’s use later on.
This time Suleek sucked the dog till it was hard and then the bitch dog was brought to him. He sniffed her for a while and finally mounted her fucking her hard. His knot was well into her as The Doctor and Suleek waited for him to finish cumming.
“Keep that cock hard you, you have got to fuck the bitch after the dog, come on stroke that cock”, said Dr Verner.
The dog finished and the man got behind the bitch as Suleek and the Doctor held her tight. He pushed his cock into the bitches pussy hole and began to fuck her.
He hadn’t had a fuck since he was arrested so it didn’t matter this was a dog, he was enjoying it immensely as he fucked his bitch hard and shot his load into her.
“Excellent, now go”, said the Doctor and led the bitch away to be kept separate from the others. Tomorrow the same dog would fuck her along with another man, or maybe two men, so far everything was going well, tonight when she was in her quarters, she was sure of one thing, she would have a dog for company.


Nell and Billie were being examined again, “the birth won’t be long now, your pups have formed well, looks like they’re healthy, you will be kept in hospital till the birth”.
Suleek squeezed their tits and milk came out. “You are both lactating so you should both be able to suckle your pups”.
Gill and Vee were also being examined later. “It’s hard to tell if you’re carrying a foal or not, it’s a bit early, but the signs are good whore, carry on with your horse fucking and human fucking, I’ll examine you again in three months.
The telephone rang and Dr Verner answered, “okay, we’ll come over now, it’s our new whores, let’s see what they’ve sent us this time”.
They went to the admissions centre where about two dozen young girls stood looking scared. A senior figure was already picking out the pretty ones for the ‘brothel’, his bosses decreed that somehow the prison must at least pay something towards it’s keep. Money was in short supply so the prison ha d opene a brothel where all the elite, as the rich people left were called, could go and fuck any of these young girls all night if they wished, for a price of course.
Dr Verner was left with the rest. She decide to waste no time, getting the warders to bring them along she had them have an enema and report to her.
Most of them were not guilty, the brothel needed fresh meat and the Doctor needed new girls for her experiments, so they were rounded up on totally false charges and jailed.
The bigger ones were sent to the horse section while the smaller ones were kept for dog fucking.
Back at the hospital Nell and Billie were in labour. Dr Verner was called to watch the birth of both.
Nell was sweating as her legs were spread open without too much care and attention and a young pup was pulled from her womb.
“Oh my god, look at this Doctor”, said the midwife.
Doctor Verner and Suleek looked at the pup in amazement. He had perfectly formed feet and hands, the rest of him was all fur.
“Wonderful, just wonderful”, enthused Dr Verner as she held the new born pup before giving him back to Nell to suckle on her already enlarged tits.
Billie was in the throes of giving birth as well, her legs were held up in the air spread wide as a pup was pulled from her.
Dr Verner couldn’t wait to see it, “has it got hands and feet like the other”, she asked.
“Yes Doctor, exactly the same”, replied the midwife.
“That’s brilliant, just brilliant, give him back to his mother to suckle as Billie held him to her tit to suckle.
“They are both boys as well, that means we can breed off them with human sperm mixed in, this could be the start of something big Suleek, I can’t wait to breed these new whores”.
They walked back to where they ha d left the young girls who were still standing waiting for them.
“Okay you whores, you are mine now, I can do with you as I please, you will obey every order without question, any hesitation will be punished severely, you will call me and my assistant mistress at all times, now strip completely”.
The girls looked at each other and began to strip till they were all naked. Doctor Verner and Suleek went around them all examining their cunts and squeezing their tits to make sure they could feed a pup should they have one.
One of the other girls and a dog was brought into them. The girl was ordered to lay down and the dog was made to stand over her.
“Suck his cock whore, get his cock out and show these young whores why you’re here”. The girl pulled the dog’s sheath back till his cock appeared and put in her mouth.
There was an audible gasp from the young newcomers as the girl sucked deeply on the dogs cock.
“This is why you are here, you are here solely for the dogs to fuck, your welfare is secondary, the dogs come first at all times, remember that, now watch”.
“On your knees whore, let the dog fuck you now”.
The girl obediently got on her hands and knees as the dog sniffed and licked her ass and pussy. There was another gasp as the dog wrapped his legs around her waist and plunged his cock straight into her pussy. The Doctor made them all get down to watch closely as the dog fucked her.
“Watch very closely now whores, this is the important part, he is going to put his knot into her cunt and fill her full of cum”.
The dog was forcing his knot into the girls cunt and soon it was all in.
“He is now pumping his seed into whore here to make her pregnant, that is why you are all here, to repopulate the dog colony, we are short of dogs so you whores have to have their pups”, said Suleek.
This time the gasp was louder, surely they couldn’t have a pup, it wasn’t possible, they thought.
As if reading their minds Suleek told them that already some girls had given birth to two sets of pups, and soon they would be doing the same.
It took about ten minutes for the dog to finish filling her with cum and then was told to clean his dripping cock.
Suleek noticed some of the girls holding their hands to their mouths as if feeling sick when she cleaned the dog cock.
She picked these out and made them kneel on hands and knees, they might as well learn now. She gave the order for some dogs to be brought in and immediately they sniffed and licked at their cunts.
Three of the girls tried to pull away, a hard whack from a belt across her back made one stay where she was and the others followed suit.
“From now on you will never ever, and this is important, never refuse a dog any sexual favours, from now on they are your masters, now stay still while they fuck you.
One dog had already mounted one of them and was jabbing with his cock trying to find her tight cunt hole. He found it alright and with a scream from the girl he pushed it straight up her tight pussy.
The girl had very little sexual experience and this huge dog cock inside he r pussy was hurting. She had seen the knot go into the other girl and was dreading it going into her. Her cunt was being pummelled at a furious rate as the dog slowed down to enter his knot.
The girl who was called Molly gritted her teeth as the thing was pushed into her. She felt like her whole cunt ha d been split open wide to accommodate this thing.
Now there was something splashing inside her, she was in too much pain to realise she was being filled with cum.
There were some more screams from the other girls who were being fucked as knots were being pushed into tight cunts.
Their heads were pushed to the floor to give the dogs better access to their holes as cum filled their bellies.
The first dog to fuck, Molly’s dog was now slowing down ready to pull his knot out, Suleek decided that now was as good a time as any as she ordered Molly to suck the dogs cock clean.
Hesitation brought another whack with the belt across her bare ass this time leaving a red welt. Molly opened her mouth and took the still cum dripping cock into her mouth and sucked on it. She was sure she would be sick but didn’t want another smack with the belt so kept it down.
Other girls were now sucking their dogs cocks after they had been fucked looking very sick indeed.
“Okay whores, the warders will take you to your ‘dorm’, I will see you all tomorrow when you have had an enema, now fuck off”.
Some of the girls were looking around for their clothes. “No clothes, from now on you will wear no clothes, the dogs will want to fuck you at least three times a day, so to save time undressing, you will not wear clothes from now on”, said Doctor Verner.


Nell and Billie were feeding their pups when the Doctor came to see them.
“I see you are feeding your children whores, they look stronger already, have their eyes opened yet”.
“No mistress, their eyes haven’t opened yet”, said Billie wincing as the pup squeezed hard on her nipple.
The pups were still only four days old and the Doctor was waiting for their eyes to open. She wanted to see if they were human eyes like the other pups of theirs.
She examined their feet and hands, they were perfectly formed like human hands and feet.
As if on cue the pup opened his eyes and looked at Billie. They didn’t look like dogs eyes, there was something about them that made her shudder, they stared back at her without any emotion.
She shook her head and carried on feeding him as he greedily slurped on her tits.
Nell ‘s pup had opened his eyes and was looking at the new world he had come into. He stared at the mother feeding him, this was his mother as he too sucked hard on her nipples.
Dr Verner was ecstatic, her experiments were working, the dogs should grow up with a higher IQ than other dogs, they would be easier to train and the possibilities were endless. Seven of the ten girls who had been ‘treated’ by her had given birth to healthy pups with formed feet and hands.
Back at their office the two were still on a high after seeing the pups.
Dr Verner had her man under the table as usual licking her pussy as she talked.
“I think we should celebrate the best we know how, don’t you Suleek”.
“How would that be boss”, she replied.
“With a couple of big dogs silly, don’t you fancy getting that sweet cunt of yours pounded by a big dog cock”, she laughed.
“Oh yes please”, said Suleek quickly feeling the moistness already on her panties.
Two of the larger dogs were sent for and the door locked, the Doctor’s cunt licker had been sent away for now.
Both women quickly stripped and lay down under their respective dogs pulling the sheaths back. The dogs were well used to this now and stood still as their cocks were exposed and tasted.
Already drops of cum were landing on their tongues. “Tastes kind of salty doesn’t it”, said Suleek.
“I love the taste of dog cum, I can’t understand these whores who pull their face when asked to suck on a dog cock, I love it”, she said swallowing some more and sucking deep.
Suleek liked the dog cock deep in her mouth, a month ago she would never have dreamed of doing this, now her boss allowed her to take a dog home every so often to fuck.
Her pussy was wet as she sucked, she had to have this big cock inside her now.
Getting on her hands and knees she patted her ass, the dog knew that signal and started to lick her all over both holes. Suleek was cumming even before the dog had started fucking her. The taste of cum made the dog lick harder sending Suleek into fits of ecstasy.
The Doctor too had cum, she loved cumming, it was her favourite pastime. The dog was behind her licking her with his long tongue cleaning cum from her pussy.
The two were mounted now, two educated women side by side with a dog cock in each cunt.
Dr Verner was loving it, any cock will do, but a large dog cock, just the thought of that made her cum again.
Suleek too was having a good time, for too long she had watched as her boss sucked and fucked, had men and women under the table licking he r pussy all day long. She would have to go and masturbate often, she wished her boss would have asked her to join in those times.
Now she was beside her with a dog cock all of her own stuck in her. She was cumming again as her dog pushed his knot into her.
She couldn’t understand why some of the girls whimpered when a knot was pushed into their cunts, she couldn’t think of a better feeling than a dog pumping cum inside you with his knot in your pussy.
Dr Verner sighed contentedly, this was a good job, she could have a man lick her pussy all day while she worked and a dog to fuck anytime she wanted. Her dog had knotted her and she lay with her head on her arms as she felt the warm shots of dog cum shoot up her pussy and into her belly.
An evil thought ran through her mind, she would plug herself and make her man who was waiting outside lick her pussy with dog cum leaking from her.
The very thought of that made her cum again as both sets of cum mixed together.
Twenty minutes later Dr Verner pushed a plug into her cunt as she stood up, Suleek was still on her knees letting her dog lick her clean and out of breath.
“That was some fuck, these dogs are great, I really enjoyed that”, said Suleek finally tearing herself away from her dogs tongue.
“And you don’t have to wait and see if they’ll ring you”, laughed Dr Verner.
They got dressed and started back to work. Two more girls were brought in and made to kneel on hands and knees as Dr Verners man got under the table.
Pulling the plug out she held his head as dog cum ran out of her cunt and into his mouth. She had expected a bit of resistance from him, instead he just swallowed as normal thinking it was her cum. That was bit of an anti-climax she though as she turned her thoughts back to the two girls on the floor.
Two dogs were brought in and the girls ordered to take their cocks out and suck on them. Both girls couldn’t have been more than eighteen and had only seen their friends do this last night.
“Stroke it whore, get it hard first before you put it into your mouth, hurry up or I’ll give you a lash with the belt”, said Suleek.
The girl had seen what happened to the girl who had the belt, there was a huge red welt there this morning and it was painful.
She stroked it harder and watched in amazement as it grew bigger and bigger, she never knew a dog cock could grow so big. As she opened her mouth small drops of cum landed on her face and tongue as she spat them out.
“I’ll let you of this once”, snarled Suleek, “but if you spit anything out again, you’ll get ten lashes, understand whore”.
“Yes mistress”, said the young girl now very fearful of might what happen.
The other girl ha d been about to spit as well but heard the warning just in time and swallowed the cum on her tongue.
“Open your legs whores”, said Dr Verner, She stuck three fingers in first one cunt then the other.
“These are very tight, I don’t want any screaming today, put ball gags on them Suleek before they’re fucked”.
Their faces were glistening from cum as the dogs spurted more and more cum on them.
“On your hands and knees whores”, said the Doctor as ball gags were fastened to their mouths. This was the moment the girls had been dreading, a dog fucking them, they saw how after they had to clean their cocks with dog cum dripping from them.
The dogs were sniffing and licking the two girls who were squeezing their small cunts tightly.
The first they knew was when two fury legs wrapped around their waists, eyes closed tightly they waited for the cocks to enter them. The first one would have screamed the place down were it not for the ball gag.
This huge cock had gone straight into her tight pussy, the last time a man had fucked her he took it easy, bit by bit, dogs have no such compunctions, all the way in at once.
Her friend was in the same predicament, sweat was running from her brow, a dog cock, and a big one had shot straight into her.
As the dogs fucked them it became easier, the pain subsided and they relaxed.
It was short lived, something else was invading their pussy, this was bigger than a cock, her cunt was being stretched wide as the knot was forced in.
Silent screams came from both as knots were inserted into very tight cunts.
They weren’t expecting the next part either, something was splashing her insides, what was it. Then she realised, ‘oh my god, a dog is cumming inside me, this can’t be, a dog fucking and cumming inside me’, as splash after splash hit her belly.
Two more men came in and stood behind them with hard cocks. Suleek couldn’t resist a suck on one of them as they waited for the dogs to finish filling the whores.
Finally the dogs stopped cumming and pulled out, both girls wanted to scream again, pulling out was almost as painful as pushing it in.
Something else was in their pussies now, this wasn’t so big and they settled down, it didn’t last long, these men hadn’’t been with a woman in years and the very feel of a soft warm pussy made them come right away, it didn’t matter that the pussy was filled with dog cum
They were both plugged and wheeled back to the ‘dorm’ and told to lie down before they were to fucked again in ten hours. This piece of information did nothing to fill the girls with joy, they had to go through this every ten hours for god knows how many years.


Nell and Billie laid their pups on the floor, they were told it was now time for them to learn to walk they also hoped it was time for them to learn to eat solids.
Both of them had sore nipples from the constant suckling of their pups.
Dr Verner, Suleek and others were watching as the pups were laid on the floor.
To everyone’s amazement they stood up on two legs and began to walk unsteadily.
No one could speak, they could stand up because their feet were formed like humans.
“What have we done, we’ve created something special here, this is wonderful”, cried Dr Verner hugging Suleek.
All seven who got pregnant with pups had the same characteristics, formed human feet and hands. Billie still got chills from her pups eyes, there was something not right about them.
The girls were allowed to keep their pups with them this time courtesy of Dr Verner. She said it would make the dogs more healthy and loyal before they would be used for breeding themselves.
It was strange to see dogs walking upright following their mothers around, they had been give time of from breeding more till their pups were more mature.
Six months had passed and lots of dogs were walking upright thanks to Dr Verners experiments. Leading lights from the regime had visited and congratulated her on her achievements.
It wasn’t unusual to see dogs taller than their mothers now walking upright. More and more girls were being brought in to breed. The ‘farm’ was considered a success and Dr Verner was given basically anything she wanted.
However a strange thing started happening, the dogs had started to stay together in a pack led by Billie’s dog with the strange eyes.
They were having less and less to do with human contact and seem to be talking to each other. One day Billie and Nell who were more trusted now and able to walk about with a bit more freedom. They were sitting together when their two dogs came up to them followed by three more.
Billie and Nell held out their hands to stroke them but were brushed aside.
Both dogs grabbed their heads and pulled them forward towards their cocks.
Suddenly they knew what they wanted, they wanted them to suck their cocks.
“No, get away, it’s not right, it’s like a mother sucking her son’s cock, go away”, which was echoed by Nell.
They were surrounded by the other dogs who growled at them showing their teeth. Billie and Nell were frightened, they were alone with these dogs.
Again her pup pulled her head forward and growled. Nell and Billie thought they had better do what they wanted. Their cocks were already out of their sheaths as the put their lips around them. Their pups pushed forward fucking their mouths and filling them with precum. The other dogs were standing around seemingly enjoying what they were watching.
Both cocks were big and hard now as the two women were pulled forward again this time to their knees.
“Oh my god, they want to fuck us now”, cried Nell as her ass was lifted up in the air. As the dogs could stand upright the girls were simply bent over as cocks entered their cunts.
The dogs had turned on them, they were no longer their mothers, they were just something to fuck. He couldn’t get his knot in with them standing up so they were forced to their knees as two more dogs pushed their cocks towards their mouths. Nell and Billie kept their mouths shut till a sharp nip on the ass changed their mind.
Now there was two dogs fucking cunts and two dogs having their cocks sucked.
Both knots were inside them now as their ‘sons’ started pumping cum into them.
Cum was filling their mouths as the two dogs spurted shot after shot into them.
They had cum splashing into their mouth and cum going into their bellies as the four dogs carried on abusing them.
Their pups had finished cumming now and were pulling out when the other two left their mouths and walked behind them to mount them. Another two dogs took their place in front of them as they sucked on two more dog cocks.
The next two dogs were fucking them hard before pushing their knots in and filling them with more cum. Nell and Billie felt helpless as they knelt there being fucked by a pack of dogs.
More cum was splashing inside them as the two dogs emptied their loads into them as they sucked on two dog cocks.
Cum ran from them down their legs as another two dogs mounted them, whether by accident or design, they didn’t know how clever these dogs were yet, one cock found Nell’s ass hole.
She tried to move away but received a nip for her troubles so she stayed still as her a dog ravaged her ass hole. The last remaining dog was having his cock sucked and Billlie’s pup was having his cock cleaned by her.
Nell’s ass hole was hurting, she hadn’t had much anal and this dog showed her no mercy by simply sticking it up there without any preparation. She hoped to god that he couldn’t get his knot in her ass, that would really hurt her, a lot.
Her dog was trying but her ass was too tight so he just fucked her. Nell could feel his cum in her ass hole as he filled her with his sperm.
When the dogs had finished they stood around growling at them showing their teeth. After a bit they got the message, don’t tell anyone or else.
When they had gone the girls looked at each other shaking.
“What shall we do Billie, if we tell they might not believe us anyway, if we don’t they will gang fuck us again, we are being ruled by dogs and humans now”
Some of the new girls were ready to give birth soon, if these dogs were as clever as the others this place could be in for some trouble.
“It must be the human sperm mixed with dog sperm that’s making them more intelligent”, said Nell as they walked back towards the ‘dorm’.
Nell was walking sort of bow legged as her ass hole hurt from the dog fucking.
The dogs were allowed to run free in the compound and as they passed them they seemed to be looking at them in a peculiar way. Billie wondered if word ha d got round the dog grapevine what had happened to them, what the hell was going on here with these dogs.
Some of the new girls looked down at their offspring, shuddering, a little ball of fur with hands and feet. They were told to lay down on their side so their pups could suckle them. They couldn’t believe what was happening, three months ago they were living at home and now they were suckling a dog pup
The pups pulled at their nipples as they extracted the milk that was in there as they lay still
Billie and Nell were pregnant again, it was about seven weeks since they had been gangbanged by her pup and four others. They both wondered if they had made them pregnant, wouldn’t that be like inter breeding, the pups cold come out like something different.
Billie ha d found out from the other girls that he r pup and his friends had fucked quite a few of them by force, she knew what they meant alright.
Dr Verner was sitting in her office as a prisoner knelt between her legs licking he r pussy. She was feeling pleased with herself. The program ha d been running quite a while now and there were about fort eight new dogs.
Suleek said one of the whores wanted to talk to her and was shown in.
“Well what is it whore”, said The Doctor.
The girl told her about being raped by the dogs in the compound.
“Excellent, from now on you will make yourself available to all the dogs, when they have fucked you, you will report here to me to be fucked by a man, now spread the word for now, I shall get you altogether later and give that order, now go”.
“Don’t you see what this means Suleek, we no longer have to mate the whores with the dogs, we just let them fuck them anytime then get a prisoner to fuck them, make out life easier”.
Doctor Verner addressed them all next morning, “I have been told that the dogs have fucked some of you in the compound, from now on you will not refuse any dog sex at any time, after you’ve been fucked by the dog, report to me or my assistant to be fucked by a male prisoner”.
Suleek was next to speak, “the warders have been given orders to watch out for dogs fucking you, failure to report back to me or Doctor Verner will result in serious punishment”.
Billie and Nell were about to give birth to their pups. Everyone was waiting to see how they would be formed, would they have human feet and hands as well.
Both pups were pulled from their wombs and wiped. The feet and hands were perfectly formed like a humans as they were passed around for anyone to see.
“Feed your children now whores”, said a warder handing the pups back.
Nell and Billie held them to their tits as they suckled on their nipples.
In the compound dogs were now roaming freely in a pack led by Billie’s pup.
The girls were frightened of them, they would snarl and show a set of large teeth if they as much as looked at them funny.
Rapes were common place, somehow the dogs seem to know that they had carte blanche to fuck these girls any time they wanted.
Warders stood by laughing as the dogs fucked the girls and then told them to report to the Doctor to be fucked again.
More and more girls were reporting to the Doctor, it seemed that everyday girls were being raped, there was no other word for it.
Suleek was getting worried, “don’t you think these dogs are getting out of hand Doctor, every day these girls are being gangbanged in the compound, something is happening Doctor, the dogs are getting uncontrollable”.
The Doctor dismissed her fears, “they’re only doing what dogs do Suleek, don’t worry about it”.
Billie’s pup was laying with the other dogs, some of the girls had gotten pregnant by him and his friends. He was quite intelligent, clever enough not to let people know he was. What Doctor Verner failed to realise was that among the male prisoners she had mixing sperm were psychopaths and murderers whose very life blood was now coursing through these half human dogs.
Billie’s pup could wait, he wanted to see how the other girls pups would turn out.
His own mother was pregnant with one, he would wait, in the meantime he and his gang would impregnate as many of these human whores as necessary.
Rest over they came across two girls, surrounding them they forced them to bend over. Cocks were presented to them to suck on as the girls hesitated.
A sharp bite on both asses changed their minds, in a flash both cocks had disappeared down their throats as cum spurted from them.
Their cocks grew bigger as the two girls sucked on them only for the dogs to walk behind them. Two more cocks were put into their mouths as the dogs behind them pushed their hard cocks into each cunt and fucked them hard.
Three warders were standing by smoking and watching as the dogs fucked the girls.
One of the girls wriggled as Billie’s pup was shoving his knot into her, he had his bitch trapped now, his front legs wrapped around her as cum flowed from his cock into her belly.
The other girl was standing still as a knot was forced into her, she was one of the newcomers and this was the first time she had been raped. The reason she stood still was because she was terrified of these dogs, she had never liked dogs and now there was a pack ready to fuck her brains out.
Both dogs were cumming inside their bitches for about fifteen minutes. The girls had been continually sucking the dogs cocks for that time. The dogs slowed down and pulled out with a plop, if the girls thought that was it they were mistaken, two more cocks were entering their cunts as two more cocks were shoved in their mouths.
The gangbang went on for at least an hour with both girls being fucked without any mercy at all. When every dog had fucked them they were led to the Doctors office to be fucked again.
They were on their hands and knees when two large men were brought in naked.
They knelt in front of them as the girls sucked their cocks. They were dreading the next bit, their cunts were already sore from the dog fucking and now these two horrible men were going to invade tier pussies again.
They felt the cocks go in as the men pushed hard, they didn’t care that their cunts were full of dog cum, these men were doing life, they would fuck anything no matter what.
Cum was spurted in to mix with the dog cum that Doctor Verner hoped would breed a more clever dog, her wish was about to come true, but not in the way she expected.


It had now been six months since the rape of the girls in the compound. Pups were being born on a regular basis, they were getting more and more clever as each one was born.

Billie’s pup was still the leader of the pack but was under increased pressure from some of the younger more clever dogs.
Suleek noticed the change in the new born pups but Dr Verner would have none of it, to her they were the perfect specimens.

Six more months passed and there were pups everywhere. Billie’s pup had been replaced by a younger dog who had big ideas.
One day a miracle happened, it had to come sometime, a dog actually said a word, the word was dog. The leader of the pack rushed him out of earshot of all the humans. Through dog talk he was asked to say it again to which he replied ‘dog’.

The dog was warned never to repeat the word in front of humans, he would be taken away and studied, there were other plans.
The talking dog had to make as many humans pregnant as possible, he would be allowed to fuck every human bitch he wanted to, if he could talk then his offspring would in all probability talk even more.
The dogs were walking more upright now, Dr Verner looked on proudly as she watched the dogs in the compound.

A new batch of girls had just been brought in, a lot of the older ones ha d been shipped out, either released or sent to another prison including Billie and Nell.

Dr Verner addressed the new girls who had been inspected and given enemas.

All were quite young, around eighteen or nineteen as they stood naked in front of the Doctor.
“I’ll keep this short whores, your object here is to have puppies, you know the dog and other animals are in short supply, we are here to try and repopulate them.
The girls couldn’t believe what they were hearing as they looked at each other.
“You will not be allowed to wear clothes, you wil walk amongst the dogs in the compound, when they want to fuck you, you will not refuse, refusal will bring punishment, now go”.

The girls were herded out into the compound where a large pack of dogs were waiting.
In another part of the compound Dr Verner was getting excited, her first birth from a horse whore was about to be born.
Gill who had first been fucked almost a year ago was about to give birth. She had a ball gag in he r mouth she was screaming so much. Her cunt felt like it was being ripped open about a foot wide. In fact it was almost a foot wide.

A small horse head appeared as the attendants pulled on it, Gill was sweating profusely but no one took any notice of her. Her screams were muffled by the ball gag as the tiny foal was removed from her.
Dr Verner was beside herself, this was her first foal birth and it was perfectly formed. Gill had passed out from the pain and was being revived by an assistant.

“Come on whore, wake up, you have to feed your baby, get on your hands and knees so he can suckle you”
Gill got wearily to her position and the tiny foal was put to her tit where he immediately suckled. Gill gasped at the strength he was suckling her, he was almost pulling her nipple off he was sucking so hard.

Vee who was almost ready to give birth watched from her bunk. She saw how much Gill’s cunt had been stretched and the pain she was in. She was not looking forward to giving birth to a foal.
Back in the compound the girls were huddled together, they were frightened to move as the dogs circled them.
They selected one girl with huge tits and forced he r to bend as talking dog stood in front of her with his cock showing. One of the warders laughed, “take it in your mouth whore or you’ll get a bite on your ass”.

The young girl looked horrified, she had never sucked a cock of any kind, the very thought made her shudder.
Again the warder called out, “don’t say I didn’t warn you whore”, he said as she let out a scream. A large dog had bitten her ass hard, she didn’t want that again so she opened her mouth to receive the dogs cock.

She was sure she would be sick as something landed on her tongue, she didn’t know it was dog cum or she would have been sick. The cock was getting bigger and bigger in he r mouth as she tried to suck but she didn’t know how.

Talking dog walked around behind her and rubbed his now hard cock against her cunt.
‘Oh my god, it’s true, this dog is going to fuck me, this can’t be happening’.
She tried to move but dogs with teeth were staring at her daring her to move.

Her cunt was being invaded now, something large was entering her, she realise d this was the dog cock. One push and he was all the way in as the girl screamed, not in ecstasy, but pain, she was a virgin.
The dog was fucking her fast, his cock was like a jack hammer in and out of her cunt as he fucked her. She screamed even louder now, something else was being pushed into her tight cunt, this was even bigger. Her cunt felt like it was being pulled apart as the thing went in. She was sweating now as the knot finally went inside her.
Something else was happening, she could feel spurts of something hitting her belly, she had no idea what it was, her upbringing had been very sheltered.

She stayed still as cum was pumped into her for twenty minutes or so before the knot was pulled out. She screamed again as the dog knot was roughly pulled from her cunt.
A warder grabbed her and led her towards Dr Verners office. He entered and found no one there as he made the girl get on her hands and knees.

He knew from past experiences that the whores had to be fucked right away after the dog fucking. What the hell, he took out his cock and pushed it into the girls mouth. “Suck it hard whore, I’m going to have to fuck you myself”.
He grabbed he r hair roughly and began to fuck he r mouth till he was hard enough.

Going behind he pushed his cock into her already very sore cunt. She screamed again and received a hard smack on her ass for her troubles.
“Be quiet whore, it’s only a cock in your cunt, after that big dog cock you should be able to take it”, he said as he fucked he r harder.
The Doctor says human cum must be mixed with dog cum as soon as possible whore, that’s why I’m fucking you”.

The girl was thinking, mixing his cum with dog cum, the realisation hit her, those spurts were dog cum going inside her, oh my god, he’s filled me with dog cum, I’m going to have a puppy”.
Dr Verner returned just as the warder was finished fucking her and she was cleaning his cock much to her disgust.
“Sorry Dr, but you weren’t here and you said the whores had to be fucked right away after a dog fuck”.
“You did well warder, take her and tie her down for the next ten hours, we want that mixture to work, if she walks about she will lose most of it, make sure her legs are up in the air”.

Vee was screaming under the ball gag in her mouth, her pussy was being pulled roughly apart by two attendants as they struggled to get a foal out of her.
Sweat was running into her eyes and stinging her, she couldn’t wipe it as her hand s were tied to the bed to stop her getting up.
“It’s coming, I can see the head, come on whore push, get that foal out now”, Dr Verner was shouting.
Vee tried to push as hard as she could but she was exhausted, all the Dr was interested in was the foal, she couldn’t care less if Vee died or not, there were plenty more to take her place.

At last the foal came out as Dr Verner clapped, “my second success, I hope the other whores are all as successful”, she said taking the foal and holding it.
“Come on whore, time to feed your baby, on your knees”.
Vee just wanted to turn over and go to sleep, she was absolutely shattered.
She struggled to her hands and knees, no one offered to help, to them she was an expendable object, not a human being, as the foal was placed under her to suckle.

Like Gill she cried out when the foal suckled her, he pulled her nipple right down to him making Vee get lower and lower.
Both her tits were sore by the time the foal had his fill and Vee lay down on the bunk with her foal beside her. Her cunt was aching from the birth, she wanted a nice bath to soak in but knew that wasn’t coming so she drifted off to sleep holding the foal.
In the compound quite a few dogs were talking now, “none of the humans must know until we are ready, we still need more dogs, we must fuck as many humans as we can and make sure they are fucked by humans after, we need more human blood in us for what we have planned”, said the leader.

“What about the pups that are being born, what if they talk before we get to them”, said one of the more clever dogs.
“We shall visit them before that happens, warn them not to talk yet, now come on, we have lots of humans to fuck”.

Some of the new girls had not had the pleasure of a dog cock in their cunts, they had just seen one of them be fucked and didn’t fancy it much.
Some of the younger ones were hiding behind the others as the dogs approached in a pack. Each knew what to do. The girls were picked off one by one and forced to suck a dog cock first, when they had finished they were bent over and penetrated.
For all of the girls this was the first time they had sucked a dog cock. Cum was dribbling down their chins as the spurts got more and more.

Dr Verner and Suleek ha d come out to see how the girls and the dogs were coming along. She was pleased to see some bent over being fucked and others sucking their dogs to hardness. As she watched one girl spat out the cum from her mouth.
Suleek ran over with the small whip they were required to carry outside and gave the girl a hard whack across her bare ass.

“If I ever see any of spit dog cum out you will get twenty lashes”, she said giving the girl another one for good measure. The recipient of the lashes was neary crying, her as was sore from those two lashes as she swallowed the cum that had built up in her mouth.
The taste was horrible, she would ever have believed that she could swallow dog cum and not be sick.

Her dog pulled out and turned her around, she could feel his now huge cock rubbing against her cunt feeling for her hole. A scream came from her lips as the cock went into her, she had never ever had anything that big inside her before., she would ever have believed that she could swallow dog cum and not be sick.
Her dog pulled out and turned her around, she could feel his now huge cock rubbing against her cunt feeling for her hole. A scream came from her lips as the cock went into her, she had never ever had anything that big inside her before.

The cock was like a piston going in and out of her cunt, if she didn’t have her hands on a wall she would have been knocked over such was the ferocity of the dog fucking
Suleek grabbed her hair, “whore, if you scream when the knot goes in you will get twenty lashes, understand”.
“Yes mistress!, she said through pain and gritted teeth as the dog was forcing his knot into her.

Dr Verner counted the dogs fucking the girls seventeen dogs had the cocks in each of their cunts. She sent a warder to fetch seventeen prisoners to fuck them after, why take them back to the office, fuck them here in the compound.
Beads of sweat were on each girls brow, they ha d heard the warning from Suleek about screaming, almost all of them had a knot in their cunt being filled with cum.

The girl who had been slapped was feeling the spurts of cum hit her belly, she felt violated and disgusted, but she had no choice but to stand there bent double while a dog filled her belly with his cum.
Her ordeal hadn’t finished yet, as her dog slowed down and pulled out of her she tried to get up straight. Rough hands pushed her back down into the same position and another cock was pushed up her cunt all the way. She tried to look round to see who it was but the man had hold of her hair and was pulling he r back onto his cock as he fucked her.

More cum was deposited inside her and then she was laid on a trolley with her legs in the air. She was bright red from blushing as she was wheeled past the leering warders who were shouting all sorts of obscenities.

All the girls were wheeled away and fastened to their bunks with legs up in the air to keep the human and dog sperm inside them.
The dogs were huddled together, they had done a good job, they had to get as many of these bitches of theirs pregnant as possible, their plans were coming to fruition, it was just a matter of time now.


The dog pack had swelled considerably, all the newer pups were now fucking the girls, so the intelligence of the dogs was growing all the time. Most of the newer pups were walking bolt upright just like humans. The foals were also getting bigger, they now had seven with twelve more of the bigger girls carrying foals.
Dr Verner was feeling very proud of herself, lots of praise had been heaped on her by the hierarchy, she was asked to give speeches to explain her success and feted like a queen.
Had she taken more notice of what her assistant Suleek had said she might not have been feeling so pleased with herself.
The dogs were multiplying all the time, Dr Verner was ferrying in girls from all over the place, these girls hadn’t got a clue why they were here or what for, Dr Verner requested them so they were rounded up, falsely charged and sent here.
The dogs were rampant, any female walking was fair game. The girls got so they didnn’t want to exercise e anymore but just stay in the ‘dorm’.
Dr Verner wasn’t having this, she ordered the girls out from morning till night.
Fear amongst them was rife, but none were safe. The dogs would round them up like sheep in a corner and fuck whoever they liked.
Two young girls just turned eighteen were cornered by two dogs. Both were very pretty with big tits and great bodies.
Two of the new pups were brought to them and stood in front of them. The girls knew what to do, they didn’t like it but they had to do it.
Opening their mouths they sucked on the dog cocks, the taste was horrendous to them, droplets of cum landed on their tongue. They didn’t know if anyone was watching so they had to swallow it.
The dogs were talking amongst themselves, ‘we need more pups from the newest ones, they will be more intelligent, stop all the older dogs from fucking and line these whores up’.
All the girls were lined up and made to put their hands on the wall, each new dog was assigned a girl to fuck.
‘I want you to knot them and fill them with your cum, as much as possible’, said the leader of the pack. The girls stood waiting with their cunts ready for penetration by the dog pack. The dogs were getting so sophisticated now they could fuck the girls standing up and fondle their tits as they did so. If Dr Verner was to take mor e notice she would have seen the dogs become more human with each new pup that was born. Some already had the psychopathic tendencies of the human sperm that was infused with dog sperm.
The girls stood passively as cock after cock was inserted into each pussy along the line, the girls were horrified to be fucked openly like this by dogs with anyone passing could stand and watch.
Some of the dogs had huge cocks and the newer girls were getting their cunts stretched far beyind anything they had ever had in there before.
Some of them were openly crying but that cut no ice with the dogs, they rammed their cocks as far into each pussy as they could before bending them farther over almost double.
Cries of anguish and pain could be heard from most of the girls as knots were pushed in. One young girl who had been a virgin until a dog cock had taken that away was screaming in pain. Her dog who ha d a huge knot and cock was forcing it inside her very tight pussy.
She wa s sure she was going to pass out as the huge object was forced farther and farther into her. At last it was in much to her discomfort, cum was now shooting into her belly, she could actually feel each spurt hitting her insides.
She was crying loudly now as the warders laughed and jeered her. All along the line cum was being deposited into each cunt as strong legs and now hands held them tight.
One by one each dog pulled out and made each girl suck their still dripping cocks clean from cum. The ex virgin girl could hardly walk, the other girls helped her as they were herded off by the warders to be fucked again. Had virgin girl known this she would probably have screamed again.
In the office men were waiting with pricks in hand, lifers who thought they would never get to fuck a woman again were eagerly waiting. The fact that each cunt was filled with dog cum didn’t matter, it was soft and squishy and it was a cunt to be fucked.
The first few were knelt down including virgin girl and the men stepped forward, pricks in hand. Virgin girl didn’t know what was going to happen till she felt another cock go into her sore pussy. Along the line men were humping for all they were worth till they emptied the contents of very full testicles into each cunt.
More humiliation followed for the girls, they were unceremoniously strapped to trolleys with legs in the air and wheeled away by the warders to their bunks where they had to stay for at least ten hours.
Outside the dogs were talking to each other pleased with their efforts, if Dr Verner could have heard them at that precise moment, she and Suleek would have been very worried, very very worried.
Vee and Gill had thankfully stopped suckling their foals, their nipples were now well over an inch long from the constant pulling from their foals.
They were being taken out somewhere along with other girls, some of them from the old lot and a new batch of girls, all big with huge tits like Vee and Gill.
Their hearts dropped as they recognised where they were going, they were headed for the stables to be fucked by a horse again. As before each girl was assigned a horse and knelt by her allocated horse.
The girl next to Vee was a newbie, she was looking at Vee wondering what was going on. “Okay, you will stroke your horses sheath until his cock comes out, then you will suck it hard ready for him to fuck you with it, go”.
The newbies eyes were wide open as she looked at Vee, she couldn’t believe she had to stroke a horses cock and then suck and fuck it, this had got to be a joke surely. She watched as Vee stroked on the sheath and a cock started to appear and then she put it in her mouth and sucked.
Holly as the girl was called still hadn’t even touched the sheath, a sharp pain across her back made her cry out as it was followed by another sharp pain.
“I’m going to keep whipping you whore till you get that cock out and in your mouth”, said one of the attendants striking her across her back again.
Holly quickly rubbed the sheath and was sucking on it even before the cock appeared, she didn’t want any more whipping.
Down the line other newbies were suffering the same fate, bright red marks on their backs bore testimony to that. Soon every girl had a horse cock in her mouth sucking on it watched over by the attendants who walked up and down the line checking.
Soon the line was filled with hard horse cocks, small tables were placed under the horses and the girls made to lay face down on them so their cunts were facing the horses hard cock.
The attendants each got a cock and placed it into each pussy hole pushing all the time. Some of the girls needed two, because they were so tight one had to pull the pussy lips wide apart to get the cock into them.
Screams were heard as huge horse cocks entered tight pussies, Holly was sone of them, her pussy lips were being pulled apart like she had ever known and a huge horse cock inserted into her. She was warned to stop screaming or else she would be whipped later so she gritted her teeth as she was penetrated farther and farther by this huge thing.
A horse cock can be anything up to fifteen to eighteen inches long, Holly felt that all of that length was inside her now as the attendant worked it in and out of her very sore cunt.
Vee was being fucked by quite a big horse, having had a foal and her pussy stretched giving birth she didn’t find it too uncomfortable, in fact she found herself cumming much to her disgust as the cock was pulled back and forth.
Holly was dripping with sweat, the pain from this was something she never knew existed, if any one ahd tols her last week that next week she would have a huge horse cock inside her she would have told them they were very silly.
A gush of something exploded in her belly. ‘What the hell was that’, she thought as her belly flooded. ‘Oh my god, the horse has cum inside me, oh dear god no, this can’t be happening’, she thought as she was carried out from under the horse and placed on a trolley with her legs in the air. Cum was still swishing inside her as she was wheeled away with other girls to a row of waiting men ready with hard cocks. Another cock was inserted into Holly as the humiliation went on and on, more sperm flooded inside her before she was wheeled away with legs in the air to see if she could get pregnant.
“You have ten hours to eat and rest before you are fucked again by the same horse, your legs will be tied up like that to make sure the horse and human cum stays inside you, take them away”, said the attendant.
‘Did I hear right’, thought Holly as she was wheeled away, ‘in ten hours that big horse cock is going to go inside my pussy again, I don’t think I can take that again’.
Holly would take it, again and again till one day she was told she was pregnant with a foal along with seven others including Vee and Gill who were going to give birth to a second foal.
Dr Verner and Suleek were working at their desks when six dogs approached it slowly opening the door.


Dr Verner looked up as the door opened and six dogs walked in.
“How dare you walk in here, you should be accompanied by warders, get out now”, she shouted.
Dr Verner opened her mouth in amazement as the lead dog spoke, “shut up and listen, call for the warders and we can rip you to pieces before they come”.
“You can talk”, stuttered Dr Verner, “you can talk”.
“Thanks to you we can, all that human sperm has made us more clever than you think, now we need a really clever dog/human to lead us”, said the leader.
“So how can I help”, said Dr Verner having recovered from the initial shock of hearing them talk.
“We want to make and Suleek here pregnant, all the pups have so far come from, shall we say, not very clever people, you two on the other hand, need I say more”.
“You must be fucking joking, there is no way I am going to have your pup, fuck off”.
“Dr Verner we can do this the easy way or the hard way, refuse and the dogs will simply refuse to fuck the girls, your success will end and you will be removed from your post to god knows where”.
Dr Verner had heard of what happened to people who fell out of favour with the hierarchy, some were never seen again.
She thought for a few minutes before telling Suleek to get undressed.
“Before you do that, I want six male prisoners here to fuck you both after, I want to make sure this works, tomorrow at the same time we will fuck you again , and every day after that till you become pregnant”.
Dr Verner called the warder and told them to fetch six prisoners.
Dr Verner and Suleek got undressed and knelt on the floor in a submissive position.
“You’re not getting off that easy, you made those girls suck our cocks before being fucked, you’re doing the same”, said the leader as he pushed his cock into Dr Verners mouth.
Suleek was also sucking a dog cock, she knew she would have to suck three at least, she didn’t mind, they had been so busy lately she hadn’t had sex with a dog for months. It was the pregnancy bit he wasn’t too keen on, still, if she did at least it would only last nine weeks and not nine months.
Cum was spurting into Dr Verners mouth as her head was held tight by the dog. The other two were licking her as and pussy, being highly sexed in a couple of minutes cum was pouring from her cunt being lapped up by the dogs.
Suleek was swallowing the cum, she too was being held tight as the other tow dogs were licking her ass and pussy making her cum as well.
The cock was removed from her mouth and replaced with another as she sucked again. A dog cock was inserted into her cunt and fucked very hard as the cock in her mouth spewed forth more cum.
Dr Verner was enjoying herself in spite of the circumstances, after all a cock was a cock, and right now she had one in her mouth and pretty soon one in her cunt.
Another cock was pushed into her mouth as one was pushed into her wet pussy, now she was in heaven, only one thing would make it better, if she had a cock in her ass as well.
Dr Verner sucked tasting new cum in her mouth as the six prisoners stood by with had cocks in their hands. She flinched slightly as a knot was forced into her, she liked this part, once the knot was in and the cum was flowing inside her, she enjoyed feeling the cum hitting her insides.
Suleek was having cum shot into her belly and her mouth at the same time, the knot wasn’t too bad as it went in. A new cock was pushed into her mouth as she sucked again, more spurts of cum and swallowing as the dog held her head tight.
Leader dog was cumming to the end of his fuck, he had emptied every drop of sperm into his bitch, now the others could fill her as well, they would make her pregnant if they had to fuck them day and night for the next six months.
Leader pulled out with a plop as another entered her cunt right away, these dogs were going to make sure they were filled with dog cum.
Suleek too was ready to be fucked again, her dog had pulled out after filling her, now another dog was going to do the same. The dog who had fucked her came round and shoved his dripping cock into her mouth to be cleaned.
For the second time a knot was forced into Dr Verners cunt, and cum was pumped into her. Leaders cock was presented to her to clean, cum was still dripping from it as she opened her mouth and sucked it.
She was cumming again, she lost count of her orgasms, it seemed like a perpetual cock was in her pussy fucking her making her cum again and again.
She was secretly hoping she didn’t get pregnant for a while, this sort of fucking every day would suit her sex drive fine as she felt the cum again flow into her.
Suleek was cumming as well, her lack of sex lately had made her very horny and a cock in her cunt would do jus t fine. The second knot was in her as well and cum was filling her belly as she sucked on a dog cock.
The second dog was taking longer than the first dog, he was still pumping after ten minutes as she sucked another dog cock ready to fuck her. At last the dog pulled out and had his place taken by the third dog as a dripping cock was pushed into her mouth.
The third dog was also in Dr Verners cunt, she had cum so many times she ws feeling weak and there was still the male prisoners to fuck her. They stood patiently by with hard cocks in hand, it didn’t matter the cunts they were going to fuck were full to the brim of dog cum.
At last it was their turn, dog cum was trickling from both cunts as they took their place behind the Doctor and Suleek. Cocks in hand they moved forward and plunged them into both pussies gripping their ass cheeks tightly.
A human cock was inserted into both the Doctor and Suleek to suck, they didn’t like it, they had got used to drops of cum landing on their tongue as they sucked, it was like a bland wine, no substance. Suleek thought to herself that maybe she was becoming a dog slut, maybe she was, in any case she was going to have a pup, that was as big a dog slut as you could get.
Human cum was deposited in both pussies as the cocks were removed from their mouth to be replaced by another.
All the prisoner s ha d now shot their sperm into the waiting pussies and were dismissed. Suleek and Dr Verner were ordered to plug their pussies and a dog to stay with them to make sure they didn’t remove them for at least ten hours.
“One more thing Dr, we want dog bitches here, new bitches, none of the ones that were born here, we want to make them pregnant, we want prisoners to fuck them after as well, see to it will you, and don’t take those plugs out”
If the Dr and Suleek had known what they wanted to make the bitch’s pregnant for they would have had second thoughts.
The dogs let themselves out and wandered back to the compound where they huddled together talking. “When these pups are born we should be ready, they should have the intelligence to carry out our plan”, said the leader for now as they watched some other dogs stand some girls up against the wall and fuck them.


Dr Verner and Suleek were on their hands and knees waiting for the six dogs to fuck them. It had now been a week since they had been given an ultimatum, get pregnant or get moved to somewhere indescribable.
After the first time the dogs decided they didn’t want prisoners sperm mixed with theirs, they wanted the warders instead, maybe they would be more suitable and clever.
The door opened and the six dogs walked in, “ah, glad to see my bitches are ready, open your mouths”. Suleek and Dr Verner opened their mouths and two dog cocks were pushed into them. Long tongues were licking all around their ass holes and pussies making the highly sexed Dr come almost immediately.
“When are my dog bitches coming”, said leader taking his cock from the Doctor’s mouth so she could answer.
“They promised me they would be here in a few days”, she said resuming her sucking.
Dr Verner knew she was trapped now, once she became pregnant she would have to hide it from her superiors, if they found out she would simply become another whore for the dogs to fuck and someone else would take her place.
Leader dog had no intentions of letting that happen, she was in his power now and that was where she was going to stay.
Dr Verner and Suleek felt the dog cocks go into their pussies as another one was pushed into their mouths. Leader was enjoying himself, he loved to fuck and here there was no stopping him, he could fuck any female he wanted here.
He ha d got rid of some of the older girls and ordered some new fresh young ones who had come in today. As the leader he had told Dr Verner not to let the other dogs get to them till he had inspected them first, he wanted the prettiest and best for himself.
Dr Verner was cumming, even though it wasn’t really with her consent she couldn’t help herself as leader pushed his knot into her.
Suleek had cum for the first time, she wasn’t as highly sexed as the Doctor but liked sex, even if it was with a dog.
A knot was forced into her cunt as sperm from the dog began to fill her, both were being filled with dog cum now as six warders stood by to fuck their dog cum filled cunts later.
Dr Verner could feel spurt after spurt of cum go inside her, she surely must be pregnant by now, somehow she didn’t think that would stop these dogs fucking her every day.
The cock in the mouth was replaced by a dripping one as leader pushed his cock in for her to clean, Suleek was doing the same for her dog as she licked the shaft clean.
A cock was inserted into each pussy again as two more dogs took their place behind them and two more were pushed into open mouths.
At last the dogs finished fucking them as the warders lined up for their daily fuck with the Doctor and her assistant.
“I want you to examine each other, let me know if either one of you is pregnant tomorrow”, said leader as the two women sucked the warders cocks clean.
Leader looked over his new bitches, all were undressed not knowing where to look.
Leader walked around them enjoying the look of disbelief on their faces at dogs walking upright. Dr Verner had given orders that the dogs were to be loosed in with the girls and told they must fuck them or face severe punishment.
He picked out three of the prettiest he could find and started to fondle their tits and put his hand between their legs. One girl pulled away only to be given a sharp nip by another dog when she did.
Leader pushed one girl to her knees and pushed his cock towards her mouth, she immediately pulled away. A dog grabbed one of her breasts in his mouth ready to bite. Again leader pulled her head towards his cock, this time she opened her mouth and took the cock in to suck.
The young girl was heaving inside, she was sure she would be sick all over the dog cock but kept on sucking. She didn’t know what was landing on her tongue, she wanted to spit but the dog was holding her head so tightly she had to swallow. Whatever it was it tasted vile, she hoped she wouldn’t have to swallow any more of that, unfortunately it kept cumming, spurt after spurt after spurt landed on her tongue making her swallow again.
The dog pushed her away and grabbed one of the other two pulling her close as he pushed his cock into her mouth. He let her suck him for a while and then pushed the last girl to her knees to suck his cock.
All the time he was thinking he must be more human than normal, the very thought of fucking one of the bitch dogs almost appalled him as he fucked the young girls mouth spurting cum into it.
His human side wanted to examine their pussies, before he had just fucked them without even looking where he was putting his cock. He bent them over giving the order to the others they could fuck whoever they wanted as he spread the pussy lips of one of the girls. He could see the expansion of pink flesh as he pulled the opening wider and wider as the girl winced.
Snaking his long tongue right inside it he tasted her juices, it was the best taste he ever had. The girl too was enjoying it, she liked to be licked around her cunt, but no tongue had ever gone inside her this far. The pleasure she felt from a tongue inside her pussy licking and swirling made her cum. Leader was tasting even more now, he was licking up every drop of cum that gushed from her pussy. This was a new taste to leader, he had only licked up dog cum that had come from a dog, now the very thought of that revolted him, he was definitely more human than dog.
He moved to the next girl again spreading her cunt lips as wide as he possibly could as the girl wriggled her bum to try and stop him. He ignored her protests and again looked at the sea of pink before him, her young pussy had barely been used and was in fresh condition as he snaked his tongue inside again revelling in the taste of human pussy.
Liquid of a sort was cumming from her as he snaked his tongue around inside her, she had never known a feeling like this, her pussy felt on fire and she started to cum. Once again leader tasted cum, I could get used to this he thought, as he licked and swallowed the juicy liquid.
The third girl was forced to her knees as well as leader licked her cunt before spreading her lips as well. He was hungry for more of the taste of pussy juice, never again would he lick dog cum from another dog, cunt juice was by far and away his favourite taste now. His long tongue was beginning to work its magic again, a tongue tight inside your pussy makes any girl ready and this was no exception. Leader craved for her to cum, he was working his tongue in as far as he could hoping against hope that she would shower him with her cum.
The girl was still feeling strange, the thought of a dog licking her pussy disgusted her, but the tongue inside her pussy excited her as well. She couldn’t help herself, cum was beginning to flow as leader lapped at it furiously not wanting to miss a drop..
Leaders cock was very hard now, it had swollen to bigger than average as he pushed it against the girls cunt. She gasped as the enormity of the size went into her, after the licking she was ready and pushed back to receive his cock.
Strong hands gripped her ass cheeks as the dog cock was rammed into her receptive cunt, a dog can fuck much faster than a human as the girl was finding out, it was like a train going in and out. She was cumming again, ‘god help me a dog is making me cum’, she thought as leader pulled out and put his tongue into her pussy again to taste the nectar he called cum.
He forced his knot in and began pumping into her, she felt it as it hit her insides, she should have felt like a disgusting whore but strangely she felt good as the cum was pumped into her insides.
The other dogs were raping and fucking the other girls, some were screaming as they had never had a cock in their cunts before, never mind a dog cock.
Leader pulled out and looked around, girls were on their knees either sucking a cock or having one shoved up into their pussy. The girl was sucking on his cum covered cock cleaning it off as he surveyed the scene. He was pleased, plans were going well, Dr Verner and Suleek were now under his control, once she was pregnant she would be totally under. Each of the new pups should be even more intelligent than the preceding ones, them it would be time to act.
In the horse section a young girl was being gagged, she had been there three months and still not with foal. They were going to give her one more chance and if not she would be shipped out somewhere, no one ever knew.
The reason she had to be gagged was because she was going to be mated with Rajah. Rajah was a horse that had come to the prison yesterday, no one had fucked him yet and this girl was to be the first. She didn’t want to because she had seen Rajah, he was a behemoth, a gargantuan horse, even the assistants were shocked by his size.
She would have been screaming the place down if she hadn’t been gagged as she was led out to the stables to mate with the horse. Rajah was so big the girl simply knelt underneath him and was ordered to get his cock out from the sheath.
Both sets of the horses legs were fastened together, one kick from this monster and the girl would be dead. The three assistants were urging he r to hurry up and get his cock out. She stroked the sheath all the way up and down and soon his cock appeared. The girl and the assistants gasped out loud, they ha d never seen such a huge cock. It must have been about sixteen inches long and about nine inches in circumference, blood drained from her face as it emerged, this thing would split her cunt in two if it entered her. She looked at the assistant pleading with her eyes not to have to do this. They weren’t in the least bit sympathetic, in fact they were looking forward to it, they wanted to see this cock in the young girls cunt.
She was told to stroke the shaft all the way up and down while fondling his balls to get him in the mood. Ten minutes later a table was pushed under Rajah and the girl was forced onto it. Because of his size straps were fastened to the girl to stop he r trying to get away, her legs were spread wide and fastened.
She was then pushed up towards Rajah’s huge cock as two assistants pulled her pussy lips open as far as they could. The other one held the horse cock and pushed it into her pussy, it kept slipping out the first few times as the girls pussy lips were spread even wider. Again the cock was inserted and the table was pushed in towards the cock. This time it stayed in as she was pushed farther and farther into the horse. The girl was screaming inwardly, sweat was running in rivulets down into her eyes making them sting.
Her cunt was stretched as never before, she felt like it was being torn in two as the assistants pushed the horse cock in even more.
They were laughing and joking about how much the poor girl’s cunt had opened and leaking cunt juice from their own pussies at the sight.
There must have been about thirteen inches of Rajah’s cock inside her now, the horse was pushing hard now getting even more inside.
The girl was sure she was going to faint, she could feel the huge thing inside her hurting her stomach. A different feeling now, it felt like someone had tipped a bucket of water into her belly, her stomach was stretched as Rajah emptied his sperm into her womb. Her belly hurt, it was like an enema only this wasn’t going to be let out for some time.
The cock was pulled out and she was plugged, only problem was her cunt had been opened so much it stayed like that for a while, her cunt was gaping as the assistants held their hands over the hole to try and stop horse cum running from it. One grabbed a towel and rolled it up before sticking it into the open hole effectively plugging it for now.
She was put on the trolley and wheeled back to the ‘dorm’ with her legs in the air, she felt faint and sore.
Her legs were fastened in the air and then the words that she dreaded to hear, “lay there for ten hours, then Rajah can fuck you again, we’ll get you pregnant if it kills us” they laughed.
‘More likely kill me’, thought the girl.
Dr Verner and Suleek were kneeling on all fours with their asses facing the door waiting for the dogs to come and fuck them. Both ha d their heads on the floor resting on their arms as ordered by the dogs.
The door opened and six dogs walked in, “ah, glad to see my bitches are redy to be fucked”, said leader feeling both pussies.
“Are you bitches pregnant yet, time you both were now”, said leader as he pushed his cock into the Doctor’s mouth.
The Doctor sucked for a while before answering, “no, we’re not pregnant yet”, she lied. She knew she was pregnant for the last few days, but being the dog slut she had become she wanted the dogs to keep fucking her twice a day so she kept quiet about it.
She sucked long and deep on leaders cock savouring the taste of dog cum as it landed on her tongue. Suleek too was sucking on a dog cock, both ha d tongues licking their asses and cunts getting ready to be fucked.
Leader was getting impatient, these two bitches should be pregnant by now, it had been almost four weeks, fucking them twice a day along with the warders.
‘Here we go again’, he thought as he shoved his cock into the Doctors pussy, what he really wanted was the young girls he had been with before, he could still taste the flavour of her cum and pussy juice as he slammed hard into Dr Verner.
With or without Dr Verner being pregnant he would make plans tomorrow, the Doctor was in his power enough to carry them out as he pushed his knot into her ready to fill her with cum again.


I was watching the TV as Linda my eighteen year old stepdaughter sucked my cock along with my wife Jackie. Life had been good lately, I had an amulet that let me control anyone I wanted, hence Jackie and Lind a sucking my cock while I drank a coffee.
The phone rang as I asked Jackie to answer it, letting one of my balls slip from her mouth she got up to answer.
It was the phone call I was dreading, I knew it was close but hoped maybe it would be forgotten. I had to take the amulet back before midday, if Jackie and Linda were to know what I had made them do for the last year they would kill me. I asked them to get on their knees on the couch, I had to fuck them one last time, especially my stepdaughters lovely young ass hole. I fucked Jackie first in her pussy and then her ass before moving over to Linda to fuck her little ass hole one last time. I sighed as I looked at it pushing my finger inside as I fucked her pussy.
Pulling out I entered her sweet ass and plunged my cock in for what would be the very last time, I tried to make it last but the very sight of her ass cheeks, firm and hard like an eighteen year old should be, made me cum quickly. I thought it only right I should share my cum so I came in both mouths as the slurped greedily on my sperm for the last time.
I managed to reach the shop ten minutes before midday and handed him the amulet with regret.
“Couldn’t I hire it for another year please?”, I asked the old man.
“Sorry” he said “you can only have it once in your lifetime, it’s over”, he said as he took the amulet back.
It was now five minutes past twelve when my phone rang. “Where are you, I didn’t hear you go out, why are Linda and I naked, what have you been doing”, she went on and on and on.
Life would be deadly boring from now on as a beautiful woman with three lare dogs walked past me into the shop.
‘If I had the amulet I could have fucked her and then made the dogs fuck her’, he thought as he walked away.
The woman entered the shop and looked around, she was obviously very rich, everything about her said wealth and sophistication, and very beautiful.
“Can I help you Madam”, asked the old man.
“No than you I’m just browsing”, she said but then opened up and went on to tall him about her husband, a billionaire but a workaholic, she rarely saw him.
“Would you like to see him more often”, said the old man.
The lady sighed, “I suppose so, I do love him, I didn’t know he was rich until I married him, so I must have loved him then”.
“Take this brooch Madam and wear it, your husband will come back to you, I promise”.
The lady smiled, she liked this old man, she would buy the brooch anyway to humour him. “How much”, she smiled getting some money out.
“Oh no Madam, you only rent it for a year, then you must bring it back to me”.
“Here it comes”, she thought, wait for it.
“How much to rent it”, expecting an exorbitant price.
“One pound Madam, but you must sign an agreement to bring it back in one year”.
Annabel gave him the pound and signed putting the brooch in her bag and headed home. The maid answered the door and took her coat and then brought her a cup of tea. The dogs were close by, Prince the Irish wolfhound, Power the German shepherd, and Lucky the Mastiff. The dogs were her constant companions now, a sort of substitute for her husband.
She brought the amulet out and looked at it, calling Lucky over she said “let’s see how this looks on you boy”, and hung the amulet around his neck.
Lucky felt a strange sensation go through him, it was like a power. For months now he could smell his mistress’ aroma as she masturbated herself in front of her dogs. The smell used to arouse him and many times he wanted to lick where that smell came from.
Annabel too was having a strange feeling, she felt as though the dog wanted to lick her pussy and she had to let him. Without thinking she removed her dress and pulled down her very expensive knickers and then sat with legs open.
All three dogs moved towards her open pussy but Lucky was going to be first.
His long tongue worked its way into her cunt as she opened her legs wider and moaned loudly. This was one of the best feelings she ever had, a couple of minutes later she was cumming in buckets, something she hadn’t done in a long time. Lucky was lapping up the cum as Annabel moaned ever more loudly bringing the maid back in.
She put he r hand to her mouth as she saw the scene before her, her mistress was laying with legs wide open and one of he r dogs was licking her cunt.
As she watched she felt a strange compulsion to join in, every instinct told her to run away but she couldn’t. Before she knew it she was laying on a chair with legs wide open as Prince and Power licked furiously at her wet pussy.
Both women were in the throes of ecstasy as the dogs licked incessantly at both open cunts.
Lucky was getting more savvy with what was going on, something was telling him he could do what he wanted with these new bitches. He had seen his mistress suck her husbands cock and wondered what it would feel like.
Annabel suddenly wanted to suck on Luckys huge dick that was now protruding from his sheath, a huge purple thing full of veins and blood.
Annabel rose and then lay on the floor beneath Lucky, she grabbed his cock and ran her tongue all the way up and down the shaft before putting it her mouth and sucking as deep as she could. Drops of cum were landing on her tongue as she swallowed them without really knowing what they were. All she knew in her mind was that she had to suck this dogs cock as more and more cum spurted into her mouth.
The maid Sally was also getting ready to suck her dogs cock, she didn’t know why, it didn’t matter, she had to suck it. She opened wide and took the cock deep into her mouth and sucked all the way up and down as cum ran down her throat and face.
Lucky didn’t know what was happening, he was enjoying getting his cock sucked, he knew now why her husband moaned as she sucked his.
Something else was going through his mind, he had seen her get naked and kiss him, he had seen him suck her tits, and then he had seen where he put his cock after, Lucky wanted to try these things.
‘He wants me to kiss him and get naked’ thought Annabel as she let the dog cock slip from her mouth to pull off her bra and be completely naked.
Lucky put his tongue out and Annabel sucked on it kissing him with fervour as they both swallowed each other’s tongues. Now she was sitting straight up as Lucky licked he r breasts and nipples sending shivers up and down her spine as the rough dog tongue made her nipples stand out straight.
Sally was still sucking when she too got the urge to kiss and get naked for her dog. She opened her mouth to suck on both dog tongues as the put their tongues deep into her mouth. Sally had bigger tits than Annabel and one dog was licking them as she kissed the other.
Lucky now had Annabel on her knees as he licked her cunt some more. Furry legs were around her waist now as a dog cock was probing to find her hole.
She nad he r husband hadn’t had sex for quite a while so when a dog cock was pushed in it didn’t matter that it was. Her wet cunt accepted it eagerly as she shouted out in loud moans. Lucky ha d a huge cock, much bigger than her husbands as it was rammed unmercifully into her. Annabel was cumming for the second time as the dog fucked her hard. Lucky was feeling pleased with himself, he had a new bitch, he would fuck her anytime he wanted, he didn’t care who was going to be present, if he wanted to fuck her, he would fuck her.
Annabel felt something else now, she had no idea what a knot was, this was something even bigger than his cock and it was being pushed into her cunt.
It hurt a little as it went in but then a lovely feeling of a full cunt as cum was pumped into her. Sally was waiting for her dog to find her hole as he jabbed at her cunt, her mouth was full of dog cock as he sucked on Powers cock as Prince the Irish wolfhound was climbing onto her back.
Prince was jabbing wildly till he found her hole and rammed his cock in all the way. The maid, Jenna, let out a scream as Prince’s massive cock entered her going all the way in. The initial shock wore off and she rocked back and forth with Prince. He was so large his front legs were draped over Jenna’s shoulders as he fucked her. He was forcing his knot in Jenna braced herself, this dog was now her master, whatever he wanted to do to her he could, there would be no arguments from her. She winced as the knot was forced taking care not to bite Powers cock in her mouth. Her mouth was full of cum from Powers constant spurting, she couldn’t spit it out so she just swallowed the lot, it was easier to do that.
Cum was hitting her belly as she lay still to let her dog master fill her, Power was cumming more and more filling her mouth till she had to swallow again.
Lucky had finished fucking Annabel and was licking his and her cum from her cunt.
Power turned around and mounted her, Annabel was surprised to feel another dog on top of her but stayed still till he found her hole again. This time it was much easier, Power’s cock went all the way in but her cunt was so wet from dog and her own cum it went in easily. She rested her head on the floor as Power pumped her hard, she knew now that anytime these dogs wanted to fuck her she would submit to them, they were her complete masters now.
Power’s knot was slipped in without any fuss and more dog cum was pumped into her belly. She could feel the shots as they hit and the swish of the dog cum inside her, she felt happy, her master was fucking her, she was pleasing him by accepting his cum inside her, all was well.
Jenna also had her head on the floor being filled with her dog masters cum, she stayed still not wanting to disturb him as he was cumming in her.
At last all the dogs had finished as Jenna and Annabel sucked on cum covered and dripping cocks cleaning them thoroughly before laying back fully satisfied.
William James Ross sat in his office watching a video as his secretary sucked on his cock. This was no ordinary video, a woman was on her knees as a huge St Bernard fucked her in the ass. William had got into beastiality by chance, he had come across a site called beastforum on the internet and had been turned on by the sight of animals fucking women.
His secretary Glynis had caught him watching and had also been turned on by the sight of dog cocks in a woman’s cunt. They had been to a club where women were fucked by dogs, volunteers were asked for and Glynis had got on stage where she had been fucked by a beautiful Irish setter. They had never been back but since then she had wanted a dog cock in her cunt. She also wondered what it would be like to have a dog cock shoved up her ass hole.
Glynis stopped sucking and bent over her boss’s desk as usual while he licked her as before wetting it with juice from her cunt. For some reason Glynis would not let her boss fuck her pussy, she had a misguided reasoning that she wasn’t being unfaithful to her partner if she only had her ass fucked.
William didn’t mind, he loved the tight feel of her ass hole, he had asked his wife Annabel many times but she refused, said it was disgusting. His cock disappeared up Glynis’ ass as he pushed hard into her. Glynis was twenty eight, she had started to work for William straight from school, now she was his right hand man so to speak. As for Glynis, a cock in her ass hole was nothing to her, William paid her a good salary and a company car, if a cock in her ass waqs all that was needed to keep her job that was fine.
William gripped her ass cheeks as he pumped his sperm up her ass groaning loudly as he did. He pulled out of her ass and pulled up his trousers, “see you tomorrow Glynis, that’s all for tonight”, as she pulled her dress and knickers back on. “Okay Mr Ross, see you in the morning”, she said and walked out of the door.
Back at home Power was feeling horny again, Annabel and Jenna were still naked as they sat having a coffee. Power put his paw on her knee and Annabel rose immediately kneeling on the floor to suck his cock. Jenna too had been summoned as she sucked on Lucky’s cock. Prince was licking both of the womens cunts and all around their asses.
William heard moaning as he walked towards the lounge where he knew his wife would be waiting for him. He slowed down and listened, was his wife having an affair with someone, he opened the door slowly and peeped in. He almost shouted out as he watched his maid and his wife suck on two huge dog cocks.
Although he had just fucked his secretary his cock shot up straight, he stood and watched as Power mounted his wife and sticking his huge cock into her waiting cunt.


“How long have you known you were pregnant bitch”, said leader as he pummelled Dr Verner’s cunt.
“About three weeks”, replied Dr Verner.
“So why didn’t you tell me you were”, asked leader.
“I didn’t want the fucking to finish, I like being fucked every day”, she said as Leader pushed his knot into her and started to fill her and then pull out of her.
“And what about you bitch”, he said turning round to face Suleek telling her to clean his cock.
“About the same”, she said after cleaning his cock.
“From now on you will both make yourselves available for my pack, I shall tell them you can be fucked any time, just like the other whores here”.
“Very good”, they said.
Leader was feeling pleased, the first part was complete, Dr Verner and Suleek were in his control, now for the others. He could get control of them through the Doctor, she had complete control here and now she was in his power.
He went to the birthing room to see how many whores were pregnant, he wanted the latest, they would be even more intelligent than before.
The assistants tried to stop him but a call to Dr Verner solved that. There were eleven whores waiting to give birth to puppies as soon as the next day or so.
Now it was the assistants turn to be fucked. Going back to Dr Verner he ordered her to tell the assistants they too must get pregnant as we don’t have enough dogs.
The word was passed and leader and his pack returned to the room. The assistants had already stripped, although this was not what they had in mind they knew what would happen if they refused.
Leader knew he would have to teach the young puppies to fuck humans, they would be fucking them all the time from now on, the older dogs were going to fuck the dog bitches that were coming, their pups would be used as servants to the leaders.
Calling two young pups over he told them to watch and do what he did, but only when told to do so.
Leader grabbed the youngest looking one bending her double and kneeling behind her. He was into human cunts now, after the three young girls before he wanted some more pussy juice .
With the two pups looking on he spread her cunt lips as far as he could, a sea of pink looked back at them. He put his tongue inside and licked all around the pink flesh. The assistant gasped, no one had ever licked her pussy like this, it was so nice.
Another tongue was in now as she tried hard not to cum, it wasn’t right if a dog could make her cum but try as she might she let flow, eagerly lapped up by the young pup.
Leader pushed him out of the way and lapped up the remaining spurts of cum, it had become an obsession with him, like a drug he must have.
The other young pup was told to lick her now, he was shown how to spread he r cunt lips and push his tongue inside it. Leader was playing with her ass hole, he realised he had never put his cock in there, that would have to change.
As young pup licked her making her cum again leader was sticking his finger up her ass hole. The girl was really horny now, the finger in her ass was working farther in as was the pups tongue.
More cum flowed again as the tongue lapped up her cum and the finger went farther in her ass hole.
Now the two pups had learned to tongue a human they would learn how to fuck them. He had to try this other hole first though. Getting the girl to suck his cock first till he was rock hard he got behind her rubbing his cock up and down her ass. He pushed in and was surprised to see it open as the girl cries out, “put some cream on first, you can’t fuck my ass hole dry, please”.
Leader looked around and saw no cream or anything else. Opening her ass up he had one of the pups stick his tongue in her ass as far as he could. He was pulling her ass open as the pups long tongue went inside saliva going into her ass hole.
He turned to another girl who was being fucked beside him and put his cock in her mouth to suck. As pup licked her ass leader reckoned that should be enough, whether she liked it or not his cock was going into that hole.
He pushed and her ass hole opened a little so he pushed some more, soon all of his cock was inside her ass. Leader loved this, her ass was tighter than any of the cunts he had fucked, he was going to fuck more asses from now on.
His intelligence told him he would never fit his knot in there so instead he shot his cum into her ass. Cum was running from her as some of the older dogs lapped it up till she was clean.
The girl was out of breath, she had been fucked in the ass before but never by a dog cock, and never one so big.
Another cock was entering her cunt now, the young pup had decided he wanted some of this, for a pup he had quite a big cock and the girl was enjoying being fucked by a dog. She had seen so many girls being fucked and sometimes a little jealous as she saw those big purple cocks disappear into young cunts.
The other young pup had seen leader fuck the other hole, he was waiting for his turn to fuck so to pass the time he was sticking two fingers in her ass hole as the other pup fucked her. Leader had come back now after being called away, he showed pup how to get his knot inside her and then he could cum in her pussy.
The girl felt the knot go in, it was bigger than she expected, she had seen others scream as it went into them, she was quite happy with it as it finally went in.
Cum was going into her belly, she knew this was to try and make her pregnant, she wasn’t sure how she would feel giving birth to a pup. She knew that same pup would probably fuck her when he reached the age. She started to cum herself as dog cum was spurted into her, she felt ashamed that she should cum for a dog as pup stuck his fingers deeper into her ass hole.
First pup pulled out as leader ordered her to suck his cock clean. Second pup was now mounting her, he still had his fingers deep in her ass, as he plunged his cock into her very wet cunt.
Leader decide he wanted some more and was pushing his cock into her mouth. His cock was floppy and she had trouble keeping it in her mouth. Bit by bit it was getting harder and bigger as she sucked on it. Second pup had watched first pup and was pushing his knot into girl’s pussy as cum landed on her tongue and down her chin.
More cum was filling her up as second pup kept cumming, being young he had a good store of sperm which he let girl have in her belly.
Ten minutes later second pup pulled out and gave her his cock to clean as leader entered her cunt now. Cum was running down her inside thighs as leader humped her, if this girl didn’t get pregnant there was something wrong as he slid his knot in to fill her again. Girl was cumming again, she was used to seeing others get fucked, why they complained she would never know, she was enjoying every minute of it as leader again stuck his fingers up her ass hole.
Leader filled her and then as with the others she cleaned his cock before three warders lined up to fuck her all over again.
All over the place the assistants were being fucked in all sorts of positions, some had cocks shoved down their throats while being fucked. Leader smiled a dog smile, things were going as planned.
Leader got some of the younger pups around him and outlined his plans, the pups were asked to come up with some ideas as they probably had a more human side to them. Some of the ideas were too risky but some were considered.
One was giving the warders a drink which slowed them down, before the disaster a drug had been developed that slowed the nervous system down, it had been given to hyperactive people. Tests showed that with the drug they became very compliant, it was banned but this new regime had brought it back for certain reasons.
Dr Verner would have access to such a drug, put into the warders drinking water they could control them in a couple of weeks.
Dr Verner was being fucked by two dogs when leader and a few dogs walked into her office. Leader ordered the dogs out much to Dr Verners disappointment.
“Dont worry Dr, I’ll send a dozen dogs to fuck you and Suleek when you give me what I want”.
After a lot of discussions and threats leader walked out with the drug, he told a pack of dogs that the Doctor wanted fucking and sent them there.
Two weeks later the warders were in such a state that they obeyed every order without realising it came from a talking dog.
Leader now had complete control of the prison, every woman regardless of age or rank would make themselves available to all dogs at any time.
Any woman he could get pregnant with a pup would be welcome. Doctor Verne had become such a dog slut that if she didn’t comply she was threatened with no more dog fucking she capitulated very quickly.
Dr Verner’s and Suleek’s pup birth was getting close, the dogs were waiting for these two, with their intelligence leader hoped they would inherit some of it.
In Dr Verners office leader was talking to her, so you think if a dog fucked the bitch after it would wash away the human sperm, let the dog fuck first and then a human”.
“Yes, dogs cum with much more ferocity than humans, it would simply wash it away”, she replied.
“Okay, we’ll make the dogs fuck first, humans can have sloppy seconds”, laughed leader and walked out.
Leader had taken himself a ‘wife’, he had found a girl who liked to cum a lot, he had become addicted to human cum, he couldn’t get enough. He had kept her to himself making her cum as many times as he could, the poor girl was exhausted from cumming multiple times a day.
He had raided the brothel with Dr Verner’s help, he had hand picked three of the most beautiful girls and tried them out, this was one of them who liked to cum a lot. He had kept the other two around and now both were pregnant.
The bitch dogs were delivered and kept in a compound. As soon as one came into heat one of the power caste dogs would fuck her and then one of the prisoners. Leader didn’t expect the same results, he wanted dogs, but not clever ones.
The birthing room was full of dogs and people, Dr Verner was about to give birth to her pup. Leader watched as pregnant assistants pulled the bundle of fur from Dr Verner’s open cunt.
He was perfectly formed in hands and feet and his eyes were human. Dr Verner lay on her side as the pup suckled her, leader looked on knowing that one day he would take over from him as leader.
He and his friends would celebrate, they found four pretty girls and soon they were on their knees sucking a dog cock each. The girls were pretty used to this now, they had very little peace, there was always a dog who wanted to fuck them.
These girls weren’t pregnant yet, leader held some back for his own enjoyment, cum, he was really into the taste of human cum. The girl was sucking deep, she had long hair and a very pretty face with big tits. All the girls who came here had big tits, they were chosen so they could feed their pups when they were born.
Leader pulled he r up and bent her against the wall, opening he r pussy lips he devoured her cunt with his long tongue. He got inside savouring the taste of her pussy juice. Her ass cheeks were gripped tightly as he managed to get his tongue in farther into her hole. No girl had ever been able to resist that, it always made them cum, he lapped it up not daring to waste a drop. This was like an expensive bottle of wine to a human, nectar to leader. He wasn’t satisfied, he had to make her cum again, he knew that some girls liked to have a finger in their ass when being fucked or sucked. Wetting his two fingers he jammed them up her ass too quickly making her cry out, he kept his fingers in and licked her even harder with his tongue.
His tongue was beginning to ache from trying to elongate it but it seemed to be working. Ten minutes later he was rewarded with another load of nectar, he was like a drug addict who had just got his fix as he lapped all of it up licking her pussy and as all over.
Standing up he pushed his now thick throbbing cock into her ass where her fingers had been. He wanted to keep this one for himself a while longer so he fucked her ass hole, she knew what he was going to do, this dog had fucked her as many times.
Dogs fuck very fast and leader was no exception, the girls ass was taking a pounding as his cock was rammed in and out. Her ass hole could take his knot, he had proved that before, even if it had been very painful for the poor girls ass.
She was used to it now as leader knotted her and started to cum. She felt the now familiar shots of cum go up her ass as she stayed still to receive them.
Leader fucked her for about ten minutes before his knot shrank, pulling out he pushed her away, to him she was just something to fuck, he had bigger plans in store.


It had now been months since Dr Verner and Suleek had given birth Leader had been deposed as he knew he would. Dr Verner and Suleek had given birth to two more hupups as they were now called.
A lot of changes had gone on, Dr Verner’s first hupup was now the leader, he had fucked Dr Verner to produce hupup number two, now hee was going to fuck his mother and make her pregnant again. The idea was that if the first hupup was quite intelligent, if he produced a hupup then that one would be even more clever, then if he fucked his mother again and so on.
Dr Verner was on her hands and knees as her ‘son’ hupup gave her his cock to suck, this was his father’s idea, make them get your cock hard and out of the sheath. Dr Verner sucked on the cock till it was hard and long and thick.
She ha d been ordered by the new leader to send for hundreds of dog collars, ostensibly for the dogs, instead each human female was made to wear one with a number. This way a check could be kept on where each hupup came from, if they were intelligent they would then breed from their mother again.
This leader was very clever, the human side was overriding the dog side, he had brought sanity to the place, hupups and dogs were now in complete control of everything.
Dogs were not allowed to fuck any girl they saw, everything was recorded, who fucked whom and which warder fucked her after.
Dr Verner felt the cock go in to her cunt, it was easy now, she couldn’t remember the last time she had a human cock in there. This was hupups first fuck, it felt good as his cock disappeared between the fleshy folds of this woman’s cunt.
Dr Verner didn’t like the idea of bearing another hupup, she had no choice, refuse and she would be stripped of her job and sent god knows where.
Four warders stood by as four female warders sucked on their cocks, they would fertilise the dog cum with human cum as soon as hupup had filled her.
Through instinct he pushed his knot inside the woman and started cumming, Dr Verner felt the cum as it went inside her. She didn’t have the same joy as she did when all the dogs used to fuck her for pleasure, now it was simply to make her pregnant.
Kneeling beside her with her hupup son’s cock stuck inside her cunt was Suleek, she too wasn’t really enjoying it so much, it was contrived, they were now being used as breeding machines themselves.
Although it felt sort of arousing to have your son fuck you, it wasn’t the same with people watching ready to inseminate you with human sperm as well.
Suleek stayed still as three warders fucked her all cumming inside her. Like a piece of trash she was waved away back to her office.
Leader, or Omega as he now called himself faced Dr Verner across the table.
“We have to spread what we are doing here, only you and a few others know we can talk, I want you to send some more hupups to different places to breed, from now on we are breeding you, not the other way round, your staff will take orders from us and no one else through you”.
Dr Verner shrugged her shoulders in resignation, she had started something she could no longer control, “I’ll see to it” she said.
“All the older prisoners shall be sent to other prisons, we need more young ones to carry our pups, see to it immediately”, he said walking out of her office.
Dr Verner and Suleek looked at each other, what had started out as such a brave new venture was turning into a nightmare.
Omega was pleased with himself, he ha d surrounded himself with trusty hupups, he had visions he had never told anyone about, but they would keep for the moment.
Something else strange was happening, he would get a hard cock just by seeing a naked pretty girl, whereas before she would have to suck his cock before he got hard.
Such a girl was walking in the yard, he felt his cock twitch as he saw her, about eighteen, firm tits and a great body, he had to fuck her.
Calling her to him she walked over, she didn’t want the same punishment another girl had. She had refused cooperate and was locked in a room with ten horny dogs, she could hardly walk for a week, they hadn’t cared which hole they fucked.
Omega pushed her on her knees, she knew what to do. Taking his big red cock in her hand she moved her head forward and took it down her throat. Shen could feel the drops of cum already on her tongue, she knew better than to spit it out so swallowed whatever there was to swallow.
Omega had his eyes closed, he opened them again to see this pretty young girl totally compliant sucking on his cock. His human side was totally satisfied, from now on he would find a pretty girl to sleep with every night.
Petra, the young girl’s name sucked as best she could, she didn’t want to displease him and suffer punishment. Her mouth was getting fuller and fuller of cum as Omega’s cock got bigger and bigger.
Pulling he r up by her hair he put her hands on the wall and told her to push her ass hole out towards him. Holding his cock like a human he inserted his cock into her cunt feeling the soft skin enveloping it. She gasped at the size as he entered her, her young cunt was still tight, she only had a few sexual encounters before this and a dog cock this size was new to her.
Omega gripped her cheeks as he prepared to knot her, Petra felt he r cunt being stretched to the limit as something even bigger than his cock went in.
She wanted to scream but thought better of it, she gritted her teeth and tried to stay still to let him fill her with his cum.
His knot was in now as cum filled her belly, she had been filled before by other dogs and warders so the likelihood was she was pregnant already.
Omega looked at her tag on her collar, she had been fucked before so he didn’t need any warders to fuck her after him.
Petra stayed still as Omega kept cumming inside her, she was aching from standing bent over but stayed still letting him finish.
Omega was slowing down, his semen spurts were getting less and less and his knot was shrinking. He tried to pull out but the girl let out a stifled scream so he waited a bit longer. A few minutes longer he managed to pull out and as cum ran from her young cunt Omega turned her around to suck and lick his dripping cock clean. Petra wrapped her lips around his cock and licked and sucked it clean from his cum glad it was almost over but she knew with her looks and body another dog would soon be mounting her and she would be cleaning another dog cock soon. She could feel Omega’s cum run down her inside leg as she walked away hoping not to bump into another horny dog.
Omega watched her walk away, he loved the power it gave him to control these humans, if things were to go the way he planned, hupups would rule the country.
Back to things important, he walked back to Dr Verners office where she and Suleek sat naked working.
“Have you made those phone calls yet, I want to get started as soon as possible, and get me some more young girls who can have at least ten hupups, all the bitches over thirty can be moved, when they reach thirty have them replaced with young ones, there are plenty out there”.
“I’ll see what I can do”, said Dr Verner. Omega grabbed both of her tits and squeezed her nipples hard, “you’ll do better than that Dr Verner, I want to see those girls here very very soon, and while we’re at it, we need to speed up the horse population, we need another fifty or more big girls to carry the foals, it’s taking too long, see to it”, he said squeezing her nipples even harder bringing tears to her eyes.
He walked over to Suleek and grabbed he r nipples as well, “you’re supposed to be her assistant, well assist”, he said squeezing hard.
“I will, I will”, shouted Suleek trying to twist away but couldn’t get away.
“Good, that’s what I wanted to hear”, said Omega giving he r nipples one last hard squeeze.
Two weeks later Omega and his cronies watched as about a hundred girls of all shapes and sizes were unloaded from a lorry. Dr Verner and Suleek were separating them into categories, the larger ones were led away to breed with the horses while the smaller ones were herded into a compound.
Already Omega had his eyes on four or five very pretty girls, very soon they would all be naked and he would see what they really looked like, his cock was twitching as he watched them being led away.
In the compound the young girls were being addressed by Suleek and Dr Verner.
“Remove all your clothes prisoners, from now on you will be naked, you will obey all orders given to you without question, your sole purpose here is to carry pups for your hupup masters”.
There was an audible muttering amongst the crowd, one girl stepped forward, “excuse me, did you say carry pups for the dogs”.
“Dr Verner went up to her, “I’ll let you off this time for speaking when you’re not spoken to, from now on you will only speak to answer, yes I said you were here to carry the hupups pups, you will allow them to fuck you without hesitation, you will suck cocks, and anything else you are asked to do, refusal will mean severe punishment, that is all”.
There was some muttering amongst them as Omega and his cronies watched them.
Omega already had his eyes on one he was going to fuck first, He called Dr Verner to him and instructed her to bring the girl to her office.
Dr Verner told the young girl to follow her to her office, Omega came in a couple of minutes later to confront them.
“Show her what to do Dr”, said Omega as Dr Verner dropped to her knees taking the girl with her. Omega’s cock was already hard thinking about fucking this new girl, he had brought three warders to wait outside till he was ready for them to fuck her as well.
The girls eyes opened wide as Dr Verner opened her mouth and sucked on Omega’s cock feeling the spurts of cum start right away on her tongue.
Mina as the young girl was called looked on, surely they wouldn’t ask her to suck a dogs cock.
Dr Verner stopped and looked at the young girl while stroking Omega’s cock.
“Let me tell you what happens if you refuse, you will be locked in a room with ten sex starved dogs for twenty four hours who will fuck you in every hole, ass and cunt, you will be watched on a monitor, should you refuse just one dog you will stay there for another r twelve hours and so on, now suck on this cock, and don’t, I repeat, don’t spit any cum out, swallow it”.
Mina leaned forward and closed her eyes as she took Omega’s cock into her mouth, spurts of his semen were landing on her tongue, her first reaction was to spit but just in time remembered Dr Verner’s words.
She held off from swallowing as long as she could but eventually had to take it down her throat, she was sure she would bring it all up again as more and more kept cumming.
Mina was gagging as Omega held her tightly and pushed his cock farther down her throat as more and more cum went down.
Omega pulled out of her mouth and turned her around, his cock was long and thick now from the sucking.
“Pull her lips apart”, she told the Doctor as he prepared to enter her hairy cunt.
Dr Verner pulled her pussy lips as wide as she could as Omega entered her, a small shout came from Mina as she felt the cock go into her, it felt massive as Omega pounded her cunt.
Suleek couldn’t help playing with herself as she watched the fresh young girl get well fucked by Omega.
Mina was sweating, this cock was huge inside her as Omega slowed down, ‘thank god for that’, thought Mina thinking he was finished.
Now she knew he wasn’t, why were they trying to stick a football in her pussy, she was being stretched beyond endurance as it was being forced in.
She screamed out loud only to be smacked hard on her legs hard by Dr Verner.
“Shut up and take his knot or I’ll have you locked up with the dogs for a week you bitch”, not knowing why she said it.
What had started out as a great adventure for her and Suleek was now going all wrong, she had already given birth to a hupup and was pregnant again with her own hupup’s pup, she had to take it out on someone.
She samcked Mina a few more times although she didn’t need to, Mina was struggling to keep quiet as a knot was forced all the way into her tight cunt.
The cock was throbbing inside her as she felt the first shots of semen go into her insides, spurt after spurt was hitting her as she knelt there perfectly still.
Mina had no idea how long she stayed there being filled with cum waiting for her ordeal to finish. It took about twenty minutes for Omega to stop and let his knot shrink. Mina almost screamed again as the knot was pulled from her.
She noticed a man going behind her and another much smaller cock entering her, she was being fucked again, this time by a human who shot his semen inside her as well. He pulled out as Mina moved to get up but another pair of hands gripped her ass cheeks forcing her down again.
Another cock in her cunt, how many more would go in there before she was ready to go. More cum was shot inside her as another cock was inserted into her cum laden cunt and then something else.
This wasn’t a cock, it was hard like rubber, a large plug was inserted into her cunt and taped in. Dr Verner wrote something on a piece oof paper and then fastened it to a dog collar which in turn was fastened around Mina’s neck, “do not ever remove this collar bitch”. More humiliation was to follow, she was strapped to a trolley and her legs fastened up in the air and then wheeled out to the compound in front of all the other girls.
Mina closed her eyes as she was wheeled through, what did she look like, a dog collar around her neck, her legs spread wide and a plug in her cunt as the warders and girls looked on.
Omega picked out his next girl and gave Dr Verner orders to have her ready in an hour or so, he was going to make as many of these bitches pregnant as possible, the more sons he had around him the better he would feel.
His plans were coming along nicely.


Millie Thompson was eighteen, she had always been a big girl, now here she was in prison on some trumped up charges with around twenty other big girls.
The first thing they noticed were dog like creatures walking on two legs, what the hell was that all about, they would find out very soon.
She and the other girls were naked, their clothes had been taken away when they arrived and now they were waiting for a doctor.
Doctor Verner and Suleek arrived and faced them.
“You are prisoners now, you are here for a purpose, to breed, you will all be used for breeding purposes, when you have all served your purpose you will be released, now follow me and I’ll show you your breeding partners”.
The girls looked at each other with curious glances, what the hell did she mean, ‘breeding purposes’, are we going to be fucked and have babies, surely not.
They followed the doctor to a large compound with a barn and followed inside.
They looked around but only saw horses tied up with front and back legs tied together, some were like ponies but some were huge, like shire horses.
A collar was fastened around the first girls neck and she was led to a horse and forced to her knees.
“Stroke his sheath, lick his balls, I don’t care what you do, get his cock out of there and hard, I want to see it inside your cunt very shortly”, she said pushing her head towards the horse cock.
Millie was next, she was hoping against hope they wouldn’t pick her.
“You’re the biggest girl so we kept Hercules for you”, and led her to the biggest horse in the stable.
Millie was trying not to kneel but a few whip lashes across her bare ass from one of the assistants changed her mind.
Millie put her hand out and touched the sheath, it was so thick she could hardly get her hand around it.
“Stroke it bitch, get that cock out”, said the Doctor pushing her head under the horse towards his balls, “lick them, horses like their balls licked so I’m told”, she said keeping Millie’s head underneath the horse.
Millie closed her eyes and pushed her tongue towards the heavy balls, she licked tentatively at first surprised at how smooth they were. Her tongue ran over the horses balls as she stroked on his sheath, “lick all the way down his shaft and back, come on, I want to see that cock hard soon, I haven’t got all day”, said Doctor Verner.
Millie could see his cock appear slowly and then like a missile suddenly shoot out.
‘I can’t take this inside my cunt’, thought Millie as she stroked the massive cock, it was easily fifteen inches long.
All the girls now had dog collars on and were being forced to kneel by their own horse. These were the horses that would fuck them daily, maybe twice a day until they came into foal.
Millie ha d got her horse cock hard stroking and licking, her ass still stung from the whip lashes, she didn’t want any more. She was pulled up by her hair and told to lay on a table and strapped down with legs wide apart.
She was pushed under Hercules with her open cunt inches from his cock. Hands were pulling her pussy lips apart as the huge cock was forced in bit by bit.
Millie wanted to scream, not so much from the horse cock, it was the way they were pulling her cunt lips apart, that actually hurt more as the cock was forced in more and more.
Hands were stroking the cock from top to bottom trying to make Hercules cum in Millie. She had no idea how long she was there but then it felt like someone had shoved a fireman’s hose in her cunt
A huge gush of cum flowed inside her as she was quickly unfastened and her legs lifted into the air. She didn’t expect what happened next, three men lined up with hard cocks in their hand and fucked her as well cumming into her.
A large plug was then inserted into her as she was wheeled away.
“This is your horse bitch, you will fuck him every day until you carry his foal, we’ve already got one foal from Hercules, you should be the second”.
The whole ritual was carried out with a lot of screaming and slapping till each girl had been horse fucked and human fucked.
Omega looked on from his hiding place, his cock was hard from watching all the fucking, he would find a pretty girl in a minute and fuck her but first he had to check with Dr Verner everything was okay, business before pleasure”.
“Did everything go according to plan Doctor”, asked Omega.
“It should take a few more couplings before we know, but all the bitches have been impregnated with horse and human cum, we can only wait”.
“Very good, keep me informed of any problems”, said Omega walking out to find himself a fuck.
Doctor Verner looked after him as he walked away, it was demeaning taking orders from a dog, she wished she could turn the clock back.
Omega was walking away from her office when he spotted one of the pretty girls he had fucked when they first arrived.
He knew by his orders he should have three humans to fuck her after him as she could not possibly be pregnant yet.
Dora saw him and quickly tried to walk away, a call from Omega stopped her in her tracks and she stopped, she didn’t want to be thrown into a shed with ten dogs.
Omega decided to take her somewhere quiet, he was breaking his own rules by not recording it and getting humans to fuck her after.
Omega was telling Dora to meet him in an alcove away from prying eyes, the problem was eyes were watching him. Dr Verner’s son hupup was watching his father and the power he had, he wanted it, he didn’t care that it was his father, to him it was jus t someone in his way.
Omega met Dora and immediately pushed her to her knees, his cock was throbbing from the previous encounters with the horses and now he needed relief.
Dora obediently opened her mouth to receive her leaders cock and sucked as deep as she could. Already cum was going into her mouth as she sucked, she dare not spit it out, she knew punishment would follow.
Omega was being watched by his son, Omega had called himself that hoping he was the last leader, hence Omega, his son had other ideas.
Dora was sucking hard when Omega pulled her up and bent her over, “I’m going to fuck your ass hole, that way I hope I’m not breaking any rules”, he said.
Dora was petrified, she had never had as much as a finger up her tight ass hole and now this hupup wanted to stick his massive cock up there.
She knew pleading with him would be useless so she prepared herself for a lot of pain. Omega had gathered a little information from Dr Verner about fucking human’s in their ass, he knew they have to lubricated first. Bending over he pushed his long tongue deep in her ass hole, Dora gasped, she hadn’t expected this, the tongue in her ass was quite nice as she pushed back to receive it.
Maybe he was going to tongue fuck her and not stick his cock up there, she thought as Omega pushed his long tongue in her ass as deep as he could.
This was the first nice feeling Dora had felt since she got here, usually it was a dog cock followed by three human cocks all cumming inside her so she was to be forgiven for cumming herself.
Omega could taste her cum as it ran from her cunt, lapping furiously he managed to swallow most of it before she finished.
He stood up and pointed his cock towards her tiny ass hole, he knew he would never get his knot inside there, they would both be in agony, maybe when he had stretched her ass hole a little more he could try.
Dora stayed still frightened to move in case it hurt even more as Omega pushed into her sphincter. She didn’t know how but somehow she felt her ass hole open slightly to take part of his cock inside.
Dora clenched her fists, she was powerless to resist, this man/dog had complete control over her and everything she did, if he wanted to fuck her ass hole then she must let him or face the consequences.
Slowly as sweat formed on her brow she felt his cock go deeper into her ass hole.
Her ass felt on fire, Omega’s cock was huge for a first timer to take in her ass but taking it she was. Her knuckles were white as she clenched he r fists ever tighter.
Omega was all the way inside her now, her ass felt stretched like never before as Omega began to fuck her. She so wanted to scream for him to stop but knew he would take no notice so she tried to relax her ass muscles and let him in more easily.
Cum was going into her asshole, she could feel each spurt as it went in, ‘dear god please don’t let him try and knot me’, she said in silent prayer as Omega carried on fucking and cumming.
Alpha as he was going to call himself watched and smiled to himself, he wasn’t ready yet, he needed far more than this to topple his father, but topple him he would as he walked away.
Omega was beginning to slow down, he had cum quite a lot in her ass hole without knotting her and pulled out leaving dog cum running from her ass.
Turning her around he ordered her to clean his cock before leaving her there and walking away. Across the compound he saw his son who just smiled at him and said, “had a good time”, and walked on.
Omega frowned, had he seen anything, he had a feeling that his son would like to see him dethroned so to speak, he tried to put it out of his mind and walked on.
Next morning took a familiar routine, the young smaller girls were lined up and marched to Dr Verner’s office. One by one they were led in to get on hands and knees while their dog was called to fuck them. Samples were taken each morning to ascertain if they were in pup or not.
It was totally humiliating and degrading for the girls, they were like exhibits as they knelt on all fours waiting to be mounted by a dog, albeit a half human dog.
Millie was the same, all the big girls were lined up and marched towards their respective mates, horses.
Millie was led towards Hercules, he was huge, a gargantuan beast of massive proportions including his cock. Millie went through the procedure she learned yesterday, the red welts were still visible on her ass cheeks, she didn’t want to add to them.
Millie stroked the huge cock and licked his balls, she was dwarfed by Hercules, she was kneeling underneath him licking and stroking.
The huge cock was beginning to appear, shifting her tongue from his balls she began to lick the shaft up and down. Hercules began to grow and grow until she couldn’t even get her hands around it. The head was massive, she wondered how on earth that thing went inside her cunt, it just seemed impossible but now it was to be inserted again into her as she was laid on the table with her legs spread-eagled.
Willing hands again pulled her pussy lips apart and Hercules was in as her pussy opened wide.
A month later and Millie had just been fucked by Hercules that morning, this was her life now, taken to a horse to be fucked and then by three humans and then the indignity of being wheeled in front of everyone with a large plug inside her pussy.
Dr Verner and Suleek were about to give birth any day now, they still had to work every day right up till the day.
Omega was worried, he had caught his son watching him furtively at every opportunity, he had to do something soon.
“Have you arranged for your experiments to begin at the other places yet?”, he asked Dr Verner.
“They are all ready to go, you just have to pick your hupups to fuck them, there are forty girls in each prison, I have picked two women to oversee everything, they can be trusted”, she replied.
“Very good, you have done well”, said Omega.
Dr Verner was surprised, Omega had never complimented her or Suleek on anything, was he getting more human she wondered.
Omega handpicked twenty hupups giving them their orders, first one was to get the women in charge pregnant, then they would have power over them.
He made his son the leader thereby getting rid of two problems at once, Alpha wanted to be a leader, now he was, and, Omega would get rid of him, he congratulated himself on his cunning.
A few days later both Dr Verner and Suleek gave birth to hupups, Omega now had another son, he hoped this one would be more clever and less ambitious than Alpha.
Most of the hupups were boys but now they had about thirty hupup girls.
Omega wanted to know if they could be got pregnant by humans and hupups just like humans.
Being a male leader they were just bitches to be fucked when it felt like it, but why not put them to good use. The female hupups had tits almost like a human so why not.
Dr Verner said why not try it, Omega could be the first if he wanted to.
Omega had fucked so much human pussy he couldn’t stand the thought of fucking a dogs cunt, “I’ll pass thanks, I much prefer a human pussy”.
Five bitches were brought to the Doctor’s office along with fifteen men and five male hupups.
They were lined up and each dog fucked his bitch followed by three men each.
They thought they were there to fuck a girl, the look on their faces when told it was a female hupup was priceless, but nevertheless they did fuck them.
This was repeated every day for a month till Dr Verner announced that they were in pup, she or Omega couldn’t wait to see what would be produced from a female hupup, would they be like male hupups or something completely different.
Only time would tell.


Omega was in complete control now, everything that went on he knew about.
News from the other prisons were good, a lot of the women there were pregnant with hupups. The equivalent of Dr Verner had not been made pregnant yet, but it was early days.
Dr Verner and Sullek had suckled their pups and they now joined the others. Their nipples were stretched by the constant suckling of their pups. Omega said they could have time off before their new hupup sons could fuck them.
Omega had taken to having one of the prettiest girls sleep with him at night, he had a harem of six which he claimed for his own and no one else could fuck.
Only his close allies were allowed girls to sleep with but this was causing tension in the ranks, he would have to do something about it.
For the moment he turned his attention to Zoe, Zoe was probably the most beautiful of all the girls, she was only recently made pregnant and didn’t need any male sperm in her after she was fucked.
Zoe lay on her back as Omega sucked and fondled her tits, she didn’t mind this too much, but now Omega had taken to kissing her like a human.
She had to open her mouth as he pushed his long tongue down her throat almost choking her, she was expected to suck it and found that part distasteful, but nevertheless did it.
Omega had punished girls for not obeying him, severe punishment, it was the only way he knew how to keep them under control.
Zoe lay still as he fondled her his hand sliding down to her pussy and his mouth closing over hers. Zoe opened her mouth as she smelt his rancid breath, whatever he had eaten wasn’t nice. Zoe sucked on his tongue as he pushed two fingers inside her.
She was quite highly sexed and didn’t mind the sex with him, or sucking his cock, if only he wouldn’t kiss her.
Omega rolled off much to Zoe’s relief and lay on his back, she didn’t need telling what to do. Kneeling by him she took his purple cock into her mouth and sucked.
Omega was already spurting from his kissing and fingering as Zoe swallowed the first drops. She could actually feel his cock growing bigger as she sucked, she had almost screamed the first time he fucked her, one because of the feeling it gave her and because it was so big inside her small cunt.
She was ashamed of herself that she enjoyed being fucked by a dog, albeit a half human one, but she did enjoy it.
Omega was spurting more and more, small rivulets of cum were coming from the sides of her mouth as she couldn’t swallow it all.
Just lately though Omega had taken to fucking her missionary style, this had taken the pleasure away from her a little as he kissed her when he was fucking her.
She wasn’t looking forward to that if he did tonight, maybe if she could make him cum in her mouth he wouldn’t fuck her. She increased her sucking movements as Omega moaned out loud.
“You’re going to make me cum, stop I want to fuck you”, he said.
Zoe resigned herself to the inevitable and lay on her back, to her surprise he told he wanted it doggy style and in two seconds Zoe was in position before he changed his mind.
“You’re keen tonight”, he said pointing his huge dripping purple cock towards her cunt and pushed. Zoe gasped a little, she was sure his cock was getting bigger each time he fucked her.
Zoe couldn’t help herself, both the relief of not kissing him and his cock stuck in her made her feel better and she started to cum quickly.
Omega had introduced her to anal sex, the first few times had been quite painful but gradually she got used to it, she wasn’t keen on it but she daren’t refuse.
“I want to fuck your ass hole before I fill you bitch”, he called all the women bitch, to him they were, it wasn’t a slur.
Zoe said nothing, it wouldn’t have mattered if she had said no, he would still have stuck his cock in her ass, there was no such thing as rape here, you took it and that was that.
Omega had learned to lubricate a woman’s ass before fucking her, fingering her pussy he scooped some of her cum and lubed her ass hole.
Zoe braced herself and laid her head down on the bed lifting her young ass as high as possible. Omega looked down and saw her tiny hole open slightly as hid cock inched it’s way up inside her ass hole.
Zoe gritted her teeth, she didn’t like anal sex, it did nothing for her at all, she loved it in her pussy and wished he would fuck her there instead.
Omega didn’t know she didn’t like anal sex, not that he would have cared anyhow, he would just take any hole he wanted and no arguments.
Omega was all the way in now, her ass hole had opened wide to accommodate his cock as he fucked her hard.
Zoe was biting her arm, it wasn’t really hurting too much, just enough to be very uncomfortable in her ass.
Luckily for her Omega didn’t spend too much time inside her ass hole, he pulled out and re-inserted it into her pussy as Zoe breathed a sigh of relief.
Omega was now pushing his knot into her pussy, she had got used to this now and enjoyed the feeling of fullness in her pussy.
She felt the first real shots of cum go inside her belly as Omega began to fill his bitch, she began to cum again, she felt so ashamed of herself by doing so but she couldn’t help it. If only Omega would fuck me in my pussy all the time and not kiss me or fuck my ass I would be quite happy to stay with him all the time she thought as more and more cum went inside her.
Zoe came again before Omega began to pull out of her, cum running from her cunt and cum dripping from Omega’s cock. He lay on his back as Zoe did what she had been taught to do, she wrapped her lips around his cock working her tongue to clean all the excess cum from his cock before licking the shaft all the way up and down till it was completely clean.
Omega said nothing but turned over and went to sleep, Zoe tried to sleep as well, she knew from previous experience that Omega would wake up again in a couple of hours or so and all this would begin again.
She could still taste his cum in her mouth as she turned over, was this really her life now, a bitch for a master dog who was free to use and abuse her anyway he wished. A tear came to her eyes as she tried to sleep.
Omega knew nothing of this, as Zoe predicted he fucked her ass and pussy twice more that night before she was banished till another night, tonight some other poor girl would go through the same ordeal as she just had.
Omega made his way to Dr Verner’s office, every morning he would demand to know what was happening, what was happening to the bitch dogs who were pregnant with male and dog sperm.
“They’re isolated, they’re being kept away from other dogs just in case, we check them every day”,
“Very good, now what about the other prisons, how many bitches are pregnant”.
Dr Verner winced inwardly, here she was, a highly educated woman being questioned and interrogated by a dog, and then to be called a bitch as she often had been made her so angry.
“Seventeen bitches”, she almost choked on the words, “are pregnant, we’re waiting for the results of eighteen more soon”.
“Keep me informed bitch”, said Omega and walked out of the room.
Dr Verner felt like screaming, how dare he call me a bitch, she screamed to herself, I am going to do something about this, but what, she thought.
Omega had called a meeting of his cronies, he knew about the unrest amongst the lower ranks about not being able to sleep with a bitch, he would have to put this to rest, the last thing he wanted was infighting among his troops as he now called them.
“Why do you want to sleep with a bitch, you can fuck them anytime you want as long as they’re pregnant, I don’t see this as being a problem”, reasoned Omega.
“We have to bend them over and fuck them anywhere we can, it would be nice to take it easy and fuck them when we wanted, we’re part human now, we want to put our tongues down their throats, caress their tits, just take it easy, not fuck them like the dogs we used to be”, said their spokesman.
Omega conferred with his henchmen, “It’s only going to fester more and more, what harm can it do to let them sleep with a bitch as long as they’re pregnant”, said one.
Omega nodded, “okay, you can sleep with the bitches, but check their collars, only if they’re pregnant, we have to keep a check on all the bitches that aren’t pregnant, is that understood”.
There was a murmur of approval from all the assembled hupups as s they drifted away. A crowd of girls looked at each other in disbelief, now they wouldn’t get any peace at night even, and they were going to have dog tongues down their throats to contend with. They moved away to spread the word to other girls whom they knew would not be happy.
Omega was feeling pleased with himself, thinking about it what did he care if they fucked the bitches day and night, after all, that’s what they were there for.
A few weeks later Dr Verner gave him the news he had been waiting for, a few of the dog bitches were about to give birth.
In the birthing room Dr Verner and about a dozen others waited as a few screaming girls were giving birth to hupups.
“Over here, one is coming now”, said an assistant as she opened the girls legs wider and a furry head appeared.
There were gasps of astonishment as the hupup was cleaned and presented, no one had ever seen anything like this before, Omega and some of the others just stared, how would these hupups turn out, clever or stupid.
Omega was going to find out very soon.


Omega and the others stood open mouthed, the hupup was far from a hupup.
To the waist down he was human, a human head and arms and legs, from the waist down he was like a dog with human feet, reminiscent of a centaur.
Omega suddenly had a bad feeling, this one would have a human brain, he would be far more clever than he or any of his kind. He realised he had made a huge mistake breeding the dog bitches with humans.
The bitch dogs that were born were slightly different in the fact they had a pair of tits. Omega slunk away as Dr Verner and Suleek crowded around the bitch dogs excited by what they had created.
Four months had passed since the birth of dogman and dog girl as Dr Verner now called them. As Omega had guessed he was pushed out as leader, Alpha one, the first born, as he was now called had taken over.
Omega had been dispatched to another prison well away from Alpha.
Dr Verner wished she could have Omega back, Alpha turned out to be a nightmare, the only reason she could think of was one of the men who fucked his mother dog was a psychopath, somehow his sperm had influenced the process.
Alpha was ruthless, punishments were handed out for minor infringements of any kind. On one occasion a young inexperienced girl was sucking his cock when he had cum in her mouth. He ordered her to show him his sperm before she swallowed, she accidentally choked and coughed covering his face with his cum.
He was furious, she was made to have twenty lashed and laid outside in a pit for twelve hours where anyone could urinate on her.
After that all the girls made sure they obeyed to the letter. Alpha kept a harem of the prettiest girls for himself, no one dared to question him for fear of reprisals.
These girls lived in constant fear, they knew one mistake could cost them a lot of punishment.
One such girl was with Alpha now, she had his cock in her mouth as he pushed her head down on to it.
“Come on, is that the best you can do, I allow you to suck my cock and you don’t do it properly, let’s hear you gag on it bitch”.
Sandy tried to take it further down her throat, she didn’t want her naked young ass hole thrashed with a whip like some others she had seen.
She forced his long purple cock into her throat gagging like he wanted her to do, swallowing his cum was hard with his cock so far in her throat but she knew she had to. Alpha considered it an insult if any of his bitches spit out his cum so Sandy managed to keep it in her mouth and swallow.
At last he grabbed her hair and bent her over the chair, Sandy was praying he wouldn’t fuck her ass hole, he already had twice, it had hurt like hell, she could hardly walk for hours, it was a good job he had a harem, she could never have survived another ass fucking so soon.
Alpha looked at her cunt and hooked his fingers in to spread it open. He said the words that Sandy dreaded, “I’m going to fuck this cunt of yours bitch, then you can spread your ass cheeks and I’ll fuck your ass as well”.
Alpha shoved his cock into her without any thought, to him she was just a fucking bitch who deserved everything she got. His psychopathic side was taking over more and more.
He slapped her ass cheeks as he fucked her till they were bright red. “Come on whore, enjoy it, fuck me back or it will be the worse for you I promise”.
The young girl was called Sally and pushed back and forth on his cock as he stayed still. “That’s it whore, fuck me, fuck your master bitch”, he was shouting all the time slapping her red ass cheeks.
Sally was praying for him to cum, it would be all over if he shot cum into her belly. She was trying to fuck him harder to make him cum, then he wouldn’t fuck her ass hole.
Alpha took it as a sign she was trying harder and stopped slapping her, now he wanted her ass. Pulling out of her cunt he smeared some juice from his cock in her ass and plunged his cock in. Sally gripped the chair she was bent over, that fucking hurt, the bastard had no feeling whatsoever, she daren’t cry out, that would mean punishment.
Alpha was fucking her hard in her ass, Sally wanted to move with him but the pain was still there. She closed he r eyes and wondered how the hell it had come to this, a mad half dog, half human fucking her ass hole.
The next words were one’s she didn’t want to hear either, “I’m going to pull out bitch and you’d better open your mouth wide, I want to cum in it and then you can show me what a good whore you are by swallowing my cum”, and emphasised it by slapping her already red ass cheeks.
“Okay bitch, turn around”, as Sally opened her mouth to receive his cum. He kept cumming as Sally swallowed some but managed to keep enough in her mouth to show him. She didn’t want to end up like the other girl, being pissed on for twelve hours.
At last he stopped cumming as Sally opened her mouth to show him his cum.
“Okay whore, swallow it all and then show me again”. Sally gulped it down and tried not to be sick, this was revolting but she had no choice.
She opened her mouth again and Alpha shoved his cock in, “now clean it all off whore, all the way up and down”,
Sally licked his cock and sucked it till it was clean, “now get the fuck out of here”, he said throwing her across the floor.
Dr Verner was having a secret meeting with some of the other mandogs, they were fed up with Alpha, all their schemes were being halted by him. All he wanted to do was to hurt and fuck the whores and anything else that got in his way.
The mandogs and hupups wanted to take over from the hmans, but they didn’t know that, now Alpha was spoiling those plans. They knew the bitches had to be fucked and made pregnant, but in an orderly fashion, all recorded by Dr Verner and Suleek.
“We have to get rid of him Doctor, he’s become a liability, everyone is scared to death of him, and he’s handing out punishment just for the sake of it”, said one mandog.
“Yesterday he made one girl kneel in the yard and get twelve mandogs and hupups to fuck her ass one after another because she didn’t answer him quickly enough, we don’t need that Doctor”.
“I agree, I could make a drink that would knock him out, then we could ship him to another prison with orders to keep him locked up, if I signed the order that’s would happen”.
“Then do it Doctor, he’s going to kill someone before long”, said another mandog.
Dr Verner had to be careful, Alpha was very suspicious of everything and everyone, if he found out what was going on he would do something nasty to her, she had no doubt.
Alpha had a habit of coming into the Doctor’s office and picking her drink up from her desk and drinking it. She had made the drink and laced it and waited for Alpha to swagger in.
It wasn’t long, as usual the first thing he did was to pinch her drink, today however he offered it to the Doctor to drink.
“You have it I’m not thirsty”, she said trying to sound normal.
“Drink it bitch, no, shall I tell you why, come with me”.
Dr Verner followed him out into the yard where the dogmen who had secretly met with her were hanging upside down, all except one, the traitor.
A warder was whipping the bare backs of the dogmen as the screamed in pain.
“Strip off whore, you’re going to join them”.
The Dr knew better than to keep him waiting, she stripped of and was led to the others. Her hands were tied above her to the rail the dogs were hanging from and then the first lash of a whip.
Dr Verner screamed, they can’t do this to me, I run the fucking place she thought as crack after crack of the whip landed across her back.
Alpha stood grinning as he watched, how dare these people think they were smarter than him, he had seen them creep out and kidnapped the one most likely to talk, he was persuaded to after a while.
Dr Verner was screaming to stop, Alpha needed her so he stopped the whipping.
Grabbing a chain he had brought with him he fastened it to her collar.
“From now on you will be chained to your desk, I will have the key, you will aske me if you can leave it, depends on the mood I’m in I might let you, or I might make you stay all night”,
Dr Verner was led back to her desk like one of the dogs and chained up, her back hurt like hell as Alpha slapped her and laughed.
The other dogs were really worried now, Alpha was a maniac, young girls would run in the opposite direction if they saw him.
However he still had his harem, they were petrified of him in case they didn’t do something right. All of them would try as hard as possible to please him but they never could, he would just call them fucking whores and kick them out.
Tonight was Zoe’s turn, she used to hate kissing Omega, how she wished he was here now, French kissing him was preferable to this monster.
That what Zoe had to look forward to, she would spend the day worrying about it.
Alpha wasn’t worried, he was getting more and more power, to a psychopath like him power was an aphrodisiac, he couldn’t get enough of it.
H e was still smarting over the fact they wanted to poison him, they ha d already been punished but he wanted more. He ha d left the mandogs tied upside down in the yard but he wanted Dr Verne r to suffer more.
It came to him, marching into he r office he unfastened the chain and dragged her with him. “Where are we going”, she asked.
Alpha didn’t answer, he just dragged her along by the chain until they reached the stables. “Is Hercules tied”, he asked, when answered yes he was he ordered them to untie him.
“He’s going to fuck this whore here, he’s going to fuck he r every day till she’s in foal, prepare her”.
Dr verner wa s strapped to the table they used to breed with the horses and wheeled underneath the massive horse. Alpha had brought some of the mandogs to show them his superiority by having the boss lady tied up and fucked by a horse.
She was wheeled to the horse and told to suck him to get him hard, “I want to see all this cock inside your cunt Doctor, all of it”.
As his cock was about two feet long from one end to another that would be some feat. The Doctor began to stroke the horse cock trying to get his cock to come out.
“Use your mouth whore, are you too good to suck his cock, suck it or you’ll have some more welts on your back”, shouted Alpha revelling in his power.
Dr Verner couldn’t possibly get that in he r mouth so she began to lick the sheath till his cock shot out. Now she could lick his cock and stroke it until it became full length. It was massive, a huge black dong two feet long, it would never go inside her.
Normally the fuckee would be tied on her back, Dr Verner was on her belly as she took her position. Hands pulled her cunt open as other hands pushed the cock inside her, She felt more and more go in as the cock was literally forced into her.
Dr Verner was screaming so someone held their hand over her mouth. Alpha was shouting at the top of his voice to get more and more in.
The hands were forcing it in as much as they could but it wouldn’t go any farther.
Alpha was losing his temper now, he slapped the horse as if to make it push harder, he forgot he had untied the legs, as soon as he slapped the horse his back legs shot up, he caught Alpha right on the head.
Alpha landed about three yards away his head covered in blood, he had no chance, Hercules was a massive horse and the strength in those legs was enormous.
The horse cock was pulled out of the Doctor as she was untied and looked at Alpha, amazingly there was still a heartbeat. She should have left him to die but she was a Doctor. She had him washed and cleaned and stitched the head wound, Alpha would be out of circulation for a long time.
Dr Verner unfastened her collar and took it off, her back still hurt like mad as she put some clothes on.
The first thing she did was to release the dogmen from their upside down positions. “Alpha won’t be bothering us for a while”, she told them as they all breathed a sigh of relief.
The hierarchy were discussing Dr Verner and her success. “I think we should pay her a visit just to check up things”, said a young new female councillor. She had just joined the hierarchy and wanted to make an impression.
“I can’t be bothered”, said some of them too lazy to care, “if you want to go it’s fine by me”, said the head honcho. Others chorused the same, “okay, I’ll go then”, she said defiantly.
In hindsight maybe she shouldn’t have.


Petra Khova drove along in her battered car, she was lucky, ninety percent of the population didn’t have a car, they had all been seized by the regime those that were left. She had worked hard to get where she was and nothing was going to stand in her way to climb up the ladder of power.

Back at the prison things were returning to some sort of normality, the mandogs, or dogmen as they were called were still in charge. Dr Verner and Suleek carried out most of the transactions but only under supervision.

New girls were being brought in and the ones who were thought past it were sent out to brothels and such to entertain semi-rich clients.
Clothes were still banned to the prisoners, girls were being fucked regularly, any time anywhere. The only stipulation being that it must be recorded by Dr Verner or Suleek.
The mandogs were in control now run by five of them, there was to be no repeat of the fiasco brought on by Alpha.

Dr Verner wasn’t excused from this or Suleek, Dr Verner didn’t mind being fucked, now that Alpha was no longer in control she quite enjoyed it even though it was in full view of other prisoners and staff.
More nand more manpups were being born, as they got older they were sent to other prisons ostensibly to have more pups but in reality to take over in time.

Petra had no idea of this as she drove her car the two hundred miles or so to the prison, in her mind she would take over and make improvements to cement her standing at the headquarters of the regime.
As she drove through the gates she couldn’t believe her eyes, things with human heads and dogs bodies were walking about while naked girls were congregating in the yard.

One of these creatures had a young girl bent over a bench with a large red cock pumping in and out of her cunt.
“What the fucking hell is going on here”, she said out loud, “this will have to stop”.

Parking her car she walked over to where the dog was fucking the young girl she shouted to stop.
The mandog just looked at her like she had gone mad and carried on fucking.

“Did you hear me, I said stop, my name is Petra Khova from headquarters, stop that now”.
The mandog took no notice whatsoever and carried on ramming his cock into the young girl. He was knotting her as she moaned either with pleasure or pain, mandog wasn’t bothered which one, he wanted to fill her womb with his cum.

Petra was apoplectic with rage, she had never been disobeyed by people like this since she joined the regime.
She headed off to the office to find out who was in charge. Barging into the office she stopped in her tracks, sitting at two offices were two naked women at typewriters.

“Who are you, what the hell are you doing here”, asked Dr Verner.
“My name is Petra Khova, I’m from headquarters”, she said expecting a response from the two women.
“Oh that, how do you do”, said Suleek and the Dr in unison.
“Why are you naked you two, why haven’t you got clothes on”, she asked.

“The mandogs like to fuck, they don’t like having to wait while we get undressed so they keep us naked”, explained Suleek.
“If I were you Petra I’d get undressed, you don’t want those nice clothes to get ripped when they undress you to fuck”.
The mandog who had been fucking the young girl came into the office with a warder in tow.
Dr Verner looked at her collar, wrote the name down and the time of the fucking.

“She should be well in line to be pregnant now, that’s twice today and three times yesterday, did you put your sperm in her as well”, she asked the warder who assured the Doctor he had fucked her as well.
“Okay, that’s all recorded, you can go”, she said to the young girl who hurried out of the office. She was extremely pretty with a wonderful body, that was why she was being fucked so much.
Three more mandogs came in demanding to know why Petra was still dressed.

This was the first time Petra knew the dogs could talk, she stared in amazement as the mandogs and Dr Verner held a conversation.
“I think you should get undressed if you don’t want those nice clothes torn and ripped, I’m sorry, what did you say your name was”, said Dr Verner.

“My name is Petra Khova, I’m from headquarters and I would like a little respect here”, she said testily.
“You’re not going to get that here and I think you should get undressed Petra”, this time it was Suleek taking the dog cock in her hand ready to suck being offered by one of the mandogs.
Petra looked horrified as Suleek sucked deep on the cock, “oh my word, you’re sucking a dogs cock, how could you”.

This remark didn’t go down too well with the other three mandogs.
“What is wrong with our cocks then, wouldn’t you like to suck one Petra, I think you should, don’t you”.
Now Petra looked scared, “you wouldn’t dare, I shall have this place close down if you dare touch me”.

Dr Verner was watching as she stroked another dogs cock prior to sucking it and most probably fucking it.

She knew full well what was going to happen, Petra was held by one of the remaining two mandogs and relieved of her clothes.
Her panties were ripped off and she stood there naked and scared. Forced to her knees a cock was inserted into her mouth as she struggled to spit it out.

“Now now Miss high and mighty, you’re not so grand that you can’t suck these cocks”, said one mandog holding her head tight from behind as the other one shoved his cock down her throat.
Petra gagged, it was true she had fucked and sucked a lot of cocks on her way up, most were fat old men, but none of them were dogs.

Cum was landing in her mouth as she tried to take her mouth away and spit, “I wouldn’t do that if I was you, swallow it, it’s not very nice to spit our cum out now is it”, holding her head even more tightly.
Petra had no choice, she couldn’t do anything else but swallow feeling sick as she did.

“There now, that wasn’t so bad now was it, now suck that cock bitch”, he said with a bit more venom in his voice.
Petra knew she wasn’t going to get out of this without sucking so she started to suck.

Suleek had a hard dog cock halfway down her throat when she was ordered to her hands and knees. Suleek stood up and knelt in the middle of the floor as mandog got behind her rubbing his big hard cock against her pussy.
“Have a look Petra, you’ll soon have something like up your pussy, and if you’re really good, up your ass as well, won’t that be nice”, laughed mandog holding her head.

Suleek waited while he found her hole and pushed his cock in all the way, although they had human tops they still ha d the genitals of a dog including a knot.

Dr Verner was licking her mandogs knot, it was a bigger than usual one and the owner was proud of it, he made all the girls lick his knot before fucking them.
Petra was watching out of the corner of her eye, what was that, was it his balls or what as the mandog got behind the Doctor and pushed his cock in.

Dr Verner Moaned out loud, she was enjoying sex again after the brutality of Alpha, she hated having sex with him, this was different, she was simply being fucked and she loved it.

Petra now had another cock in her mouth now, the mandogs had switched places as more cum was going down her throat.
The mandog she was sucking now had hold of her head as the other went behind her. She only realise what was happening when she felt his cock go right into her cunt with one thrust.
She wanted to scream no, but couldn’t, strong hands were still holding her head tight.

She turned her eyes to where the Doctor had a cock in her pussy, she was moaning and convulsing as she was being fucked.
‘Fuck me she’s cumming, a dog is making her cum, I don’t believe it’, thought Petra as her cunt was being pounded. Suleek too was cumming, like the Doctor she ha d gone off sex when Alpha fucked her, to him it was business, now it was fun.
Petra couldn’t help herself, try as she might this cock inside her was making her cum as well, it had been quite a while since she had a good fucking, but this was a dog, it wasn’t right but she was cumming.

Mandog felt it, “how about that Doctor, the bitch has cum after all that whingeing, she just a slut really”.

Petra was watching as Doctor’s mandog was trying to push his balls into her cunt, the Doctor was moaning out loud as they were forced inside her.

Dr verner put her head on the floor as she was knotted, this was her favourite part of dog fucking, laying there feeling her belly being filled with his cum.

Suleek had been knotted as well, she kept her head down as spurt after spurt of dog sperm landed inside her.

Petra was trying to close her pussy, something massive was trying to enter it, try as she might she couldn’t stop it.
She desperately wanted to shout out stop it, please stop it but the cock in her mouth was so far in and filling it with cum she could only say ‘mmmmmph’.

Mandog was all the way in with his knot and was now spurting his cum into her. Petra felt the splashes but didn’t think anything of it.
A minute later the truth hit her, ‘he’s fucking cumming in me, I’ve got a dog filling me with dog cum, this can’t be happening’.

Dr Verner was finished being fucked as was Suleek, dog cum was running from each cunt as they sucked their respective dogs clean.
The new dog rulers didn’t want the Doctor and Suleek to get pregnant any more, they were of much more use in the office so no males would fuck them after the dogs.

This bitch was a different matter, she was quite capable of having a manpup and they were going to see to it that she did.
Suleek was sent to bring some males in to fuck Petra after the dogs and lined them up ready.

Mandog was nearly finished fucking Petra, in spite of herself she was cumming again, she hated her body for cumming as mandog slowed down and pulled out of her.

She should have moved then but she waited for her second dog fuck, she didn’t know then that six more men were lined up ready to fuck her as well.

Petra could hardly feel the next cock go in, her cunt was so wet from her own and dog cum that it slipped in quite easily.
Second mandog was pounding her as she knelt there her knees aching from the hard floor. First mandog was pushing his dripping cock into her mouth as she tried to pull away.

Second mandog slapped her ass hard, “you mus t always clean the cock that’s fucked you bitch, now clean it or I’ll slap your ass till the skin comes off.
Petra knew she had no choice, she opened her mouth as she tasted her own and mandogs cum before trying to spit it out.
Again the hard slap, “what did we tell you about spitting bitch, swallow it”, he said slapping her ass again.

Petra gulped and swallowed, right now she wished she had stayed in her nice warm building with all the others as another knot was shoved into her. This one wasn’t so bad, her cunt was sodden now as she felt the spurts of sperm land inside her belly.

Petra stayed still wondering what the hell happened, she had come here to improve this place and earn points, instead she was on her knees being fucked by two dogs.

Spurt after spurt, she began to count them to pass the time as mandog kept filling her with his sperm.

At last he stopped cumming as Petra thought her ordeal was over, tomorrow she would get in her car and drive back to report all this invasion of her body, she would shut this place down if it was the last thing she would do.

Mandog pulled out and came around the front pushing his cock towards her mouth. She glanced up at him and sighed, opening her mouth she took the cock and sucked it clean just as another cock entered her cunt.

Dr Verner had fetched a dog collar and was now fastening it around her neck.

“This has your name on it and the first time you were fucked, from now on when you’re fucked you must report to me with the information and the mandog who fucked you, you must never refuse to be fucked Petra”.

“What the fuck do you mean, when another dog fucks me, there’s going to be no more dog fucking for me, I’m off tomorrow”, she said as another cock entered her.
Dr Verner waited until the other four males had fucked her before talking to her again.

“You won’t be going anywhere Petra, you’re most likely pregnant even now, no, I’m afraid you’re here to stay”.

“You can’t do that to me, I’m from headquarters, they’ll come looking for me, you’ll see”.

“How can they look for you Petra when you never came here, no one saw you arrive, I’m afraid you’re here to stay, we’ll make sure no other mandogs fuck you tonight, as this is your first night, but tomorrow being a stranger you’ll probably be fucked five or six times, don’t forget to register each fuck with me or Suleek”.

“Shall I take her to the compound with the other bitches”, said mandog fastening a lead to her collar.

Tears were filling Petra’s eyes as she was led like a dog to where all the other naked girls were waiting. She ws given a bunk as she looked around her, five young girls were being fucked in various positions as others sucked on cocks.

All the girls had collars on, she felt hers as mandog unclipped the lead and gave orders she was not to be fucked until tomorrow and walked off.

Petra lay on the bed crying her eyes out.

“Whatever happened to that young girl who went out to see some prison or other a couple of months ago”, said the fat man.
“Haven’t a clue, probably still working there, she’ll come back when she’s ready”, and carried on eating his lunch.


Petra finally drifted off to sleep, she thought about her boyfriend back home, she was having a pleasant dream about him. He was leaning over her a she lay in bed, one hand was massaging her cunt as the other squeezed one of her tits.

She woke up and screamed, a mandog was standing over her with a big red cock inches from her face.

“It’s tomorrow bitch, open your mouth and suck my cock”.

Petra turned her head away, she had only just woke up, the last thing she wanted to do was to suck this red cock.

Mandog grabbed both her nipples and pulled hard stretching them at least six inches as Petra screamed in pain.

“As it’s your first day I’ll overlook this once, next time you will be severely punished, if a mandog or any of the others want to fuck you, or suck their cock, you will obey without question, now suck my cock”.

Petra had tears running from her eyes, her nipples were still hurting as she opened her mouth. “Much better bitch, now suck my cock until I tell you to stop”.

Petra could feel drops of liquid on her tongue and throat, she now knew it was dog cum and she daren’t spit it out. She wasn’t used to sucking a cock, especially a dog cock, she was choking as mandog forced more and more into her mouth.

He r eyes were red from the tears, she gagged but this only seemed to make mandog more aroused.

“Lick it off my cock bitch, lick up your mess”, as Petra licked her mess from his cock.

“On your knees bitch, come on quickly, I haven’t got all day”, said mandog slapping her making her hurry even more.

She was on her knees now as a cock was pushed into her cunt and claws dug into her ass cheeks where mandog was gripping her.

Something was feeling her ass hole, what seemed like a finger was being inserted into her ass. She wanted to scream no, please don’t fuck my ass but realised it would be useless, he r only option was to try and make him cum before he did.

Petra began to ride him back bucking her ass backwards onto his cock every time he thrust into her cunt.

“That’s better bitch, now you’re learning, fuck like this every time and you’ll have no problems, now spread your ass cheeks, I want to fuck your ass hole, feels nice and tight”.

She groaned inwardly, she knew this was going to hurt, her boyfriend had wanted to fuck her ass so many times, why hadn’t she let him, now a dog of sorts was going to fuck it.

Fingers were going into her wet pussy and then her ass hole, her juice was spread around her ass hole and then more inside, at least he wasn’t going to fuck her dry.

Petra braced herself, why hadn’t she let her boyfriend fuck her ass, she felt the tip against he r hole and then pain as the mandog pushed hard. She learned one thing, they had no compassion at all, a hole was a hole to fuck, whether the owner of the hole liked it or not was no concern of theirs, a cock went in and that was that.

She gripped the cloth that passed for a sheet as mandog forced more and more of his cock inside her ass. A stinging slap landed on her buttocks, “relax your ass hole bitch, let me in, you’re strangling my cock, now let me into your ass hole or I’ll have you flogged”.

Petra tried to relax her ass muscles to let him in more, she thought about what they were doing in headquarters to take her mind off what was happening as mandog finally got his cock all the way in.

The pain eased just a little once he was inserted inside her ass as he began to fuck her, she noticed a guard stand close by, she knew why he was there, he would fuck her as well mixing both sperms creating these unholy creatures, one of which was fucking her ass hole.

Mandog pulled out and shoved his cock back in her cunt, “can’t waste sperm can we bitch” as he knotted her.

She waited patiently as he filled her with his sperm, her ass was too sore to even think about cumming, she hoped no one else would fuck her today although she knew in her heart that was unlikely.

Cum was landing in her belly, the guard had been joined by two more as they too waited for the mandog to finish.

It took about ten minutes for him to finish and pull out, no sooner had he finished when another cock was shoved up her cunt. She laid her head on the bed and waited, more sperm and then another cock, same again, cum in her cunt and another cock and more cum.

A large plug was pushed into her cunt, mandog fastened a lead to her collar and dragged her off the bed. She followed behind him like a dog finding it hard to walk with the butt plug in her cunt.

“Come on bitch, keep up”, he shouted almost dragging her along, Petra had never felt so humiliated in her life, was this to be her lot now, a fuck toy for any dog that wanted her and not be able to refuse.

“I’ve just fucked her Dr Verner, three guards have also fucked her, she should be pregnant soon, I’ll make sure she’s fucked a couple of more times today to make sure”.

Dr Verner looked at her collar and read the number out writing it down in a ledger.

‘I’m not even a name now’, thought Petra as she was released and sent on her way.

“Don’t forget bitch, do not refuse again, I won’t be so lenient next time, and tell whoever fucks you next to push that plug back in your cunt after they fuck you”.

Petra felt her breasts, they still hurt from his stretching, if that was lenient, she didn’t want to be punished.

Two more walked in as Petra stood there getting her instructions, one stood in front of Dr Verner while the other stood in front of Suleek. Both women put down the pens they were using and each grabbed a cock and began to suck.

“Now that’s obedience slut”, said the mandog who had just fucked her, “no questions, no hesitation, that’s what I want to see from you from now on bitch, stay and watch”.

Petra watched as both women sucked the cocks apparently enjoying it, after a while both women leaned over the desk side by side presenting both as and pussy to be fucked.

Petra saw both cocks disappear up each cunt followed by gasps of pleasure from both women. ‘How could these intelligent women enjoy the humiliation of just bending over and being fucked in front of others’, thought Petra.

Both were now fucking them in the ass before switching back to pussy and cumming inside them. What happened next almost made Petra sick, both presented their dripping wet cocks to the women who promptly sucked them clean.

“From now on bitch you will do exactly as these two have done, suck if you’re asked to, bend over and present your holes to be fucked, understand”.

“Good, now fuck off bitch, and remember what I told you”.

Petra walked off still finding it hard with a large butt plug in her cunt. She passed some girls who were standing around, close by two more girls were on their knees sucking two massive red and purple cocks.

One of the girls noticed the plug, “just come in last night then”, she said in a voice that seemed to have lost all hope.

“How did you know”, asked Petra.

“The plug in your cunt, it’s to keep the cum inside you, until they find out you’re pregnant you’ll have to keep it in”, she answered.

“What happens if you refuse to have sex with them”, asked Petra.

The girl pointed to a girl walking sort of bow legged, “she refused sex, bit down on the cock she was supposed to suck, she’s regretted it ever since”.

“What did they do to her”, asked Petra.

Another girl answered, “behind there are real dogs, most of these you see now, well they are their grandsons and great grandsons, she was tied up in a cage and given an enema, for twelve hours as soon as one dog had fucked her another was brought in, we were made to watch in shifts to warn us”.

Another girl took up the story, “she cried and screamed all night, the dogs were fucking her ass as well, when they had finished with her there was so much cum in her belly it was swollen, they plugged her and made her carry it around for the next few hours, she was in agony”

“So don’t ever refuse to do anything if you know what’s good for you”, said another.

Some more girls were standing close by with horribly distended stomachs, “what about them”, asked Petra.

“They’re horse whores, the bigger ones are bred with horses to carry foals”, said a girl.

Petra looked at her in disbelief, “you’re kidding me right”.

“Come with us”, and led Petra to a large building, the doors were wide open as Petra looked in. A young girl, she couldn’t have ben more than eighteen or nineteen was being strapped to a trolley. Her eyes were wide with terror as she was pushed towards a horse where tow more women in white coats were stroking the horses huge long cock. Petra stared at the cock, it must have been about eighteen inches long and a s thick as a mans wrist.

The young girl wanted to scream but she had made so much noise before they had put a ball gag in her mouth. Petra watched open mouthed as she was wheeled underneath the horse where the two women forced the horse cock inside her cunt.

The girls eyes opened even wider if possible as the huge cock was inserted into her. The horse began to move thrusting in quick jerks, half his cock had now gone into the girls cunt as he thrust more and more in her stretched cunt.

As suddenly as it started it stopped, the girl was plugged and her legs lifted into the air, six guards stepped forward and began to fuck her again as soon as the plug was taken out. It was replaced until the next man stood behind her, his cock would go straight into her cunt and then she was plugged again ready for the next man to shoot his sperm in her.
When they were finished fucking her, her legs were strapped up to keep the horse cum inside her and wheeled away.

“She has to stay like that for twelve hours and then they bring her here again to the same horse and go through the same procedure again”, said one of the girls.

“Do they actually give birth to foals”, asked Petra.

“Oh yes, they have to suckle them as well, if you see some girls with stretched tits and nipples, they’re Moms to a foal”.

Petra was really down in the dumps now, there didn’t seem to be any escape from this place as she felt her tits being squeezed. Turning around a mandog stood there with a hard cock in his hand, Petra sighed and dropped to her knees, holding the dog cock she began to suck, this was her life now, there was no escape.

Back at head quarters Petra’s boyfriend was asking questions, he wanted to know why he hadn’t heard from his girlfriend, and he wasn’t taking no for an answer.

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