Women with Animals
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My Experience With Americans And Their Beasts


(c) by Nozomi

Sorry it has been so long since my last story, but I’ve been busy with school and all. I have had a few experiences that I thought you all might like me to share. I hope I can still write well, and that all of you like it. This is just one of my new adventures.

About four months ago, I was talking online to some people in a bestiality chat room. We were all having fun, enjoying each other’s stories and comments, but one person really had my attention. We kept the chat room open, but slowly began talking less to the others and more just with each other. Her screen name was Xellergrl, and she was a little bit naughty. When I say a little, I mean a lot.

When I say naughty, I mean she has done some things I can only dream of. She was funny, entertaining, and very nice. We talked for hours that first night and swapped screen names before signing-off.

We continued our chat sessions for a while, talking when we had the time. Eventually, we started to get personal, talking about our families, what we were doing in life and all kinds of stuff. We were on a first-name basis, she calling me Noz, while her name was Tammy, which I though was very cute.

After a while, I told her that I was in Michigan for school and she was rather shocked. She said that she was living in Michigan also. I have been wary of telling others where I live on the net, afraid I might get harassed or blackmailed for what I’m into, but she seemed to be trustworthy. We kept talking for a while; we were getting to be really good friends and even having fun by swapping stories and pictures/movies with each other.

The pics of her that she sent me were very nice. She was a little older then I, going on 35, but very sexy. The physical positions she could get into while “playing” with her animals were amazing. She had a few dogs, a couple of horses, some pigs, and a rooster.

She lived on a farm that she inherited when her parents died. It used to be huge, but she sold most of it and only kept enough so that her animals were happy. Tammy said that she got into sex with animals early-on in her life, and only slowed down when she married. Her husband owned a chain of local grocery stores, but they got a divorce when she found out he was cheating on her. The settlement she got was nice, so she was able to keep the farm. Also, being a nurse, she made a fair paycheck.

Anyway, the more we got to know each other, the more we wanted to meet. I was really scared to do so, but we talked and she helped me to calm down about it. We told each other what towns we lived in; she lived about 50 miles away. Then, we set up a place and time to meet. We decided to meet at a movie theater close to each of our towns. I was so nervous when the day came.

I dressed-up really nice since I kind of had a crush on her, grabbed my things and headed out. Getting into my car, I started to make my way there. We had agreed to meet in front of the theater; the movie was at 8. About half way there, I took a wrong turn and got lost.

It took me a while to even notice – about 15 miles after the turn. I back-tracked and made the correct turn, but was going to cut it close on the time. The exit for the town was about five miles farther when I saw the lights on a cop’s car flash in my mirror. I was so scared, but I slowed and pulled to the side, hoping that he would pass-by going after another. He kept right behind me as I pulled over all the way and shut off the car.

As I watched him sit in his car writing something down, I tried to hold myself together, but I couldn’t. When he came to my window, I started to ball. He said to calm-down, but I was so upset I kept crying and started to whimper to him in Japanese, not even realizing it. I guess he didn’t want to deal with me, so he said to just leave and watch my speed.

I think he thought I couldn’t speak English or something. Lucky me! So I took off and made my way to the theater – 20 minutes late. I pulled into a spot, tried to clear up my eyes, and hoped that Tammy was still there. I ran to the building, and there she was, looking somewhat upset while staring at her watch.

When she saw me, her eyes brightened, which made me so happy. She looked so much better than in the pictures she’d sent me. Her hair was shoulder-length blonde, with blue eyes, and just a little tan. She looked strong, which I guess she got from the farm work.

We decided that it was too late for the movies, and when I told her why my eyes were all red, she said that she was going to take me dancing to cheer me up. She knew of a club near the area, just a bit closer to her house. I followed her for a bit, and we pulled into the parking lot of a run-down building. I was nervous, hoping that she wasn’t trying to set me up or something.

She said, “Don’t worry,” and grabbed my hand.

We walked to a door and she knocked. A voice answered and she said it’s Tammy, and the door person let us in. It was dark in the club, and the music was rather loud, but it seemed like a good place. She took me to the floor and we started to dance. We were having fun, laughing and trying to talk in-between the beats from the speakers. We were there for a bit, just dancing with each other, when some guy came up to me and asked if I wanted to dance.

I told him no, and said, “Thank you anyway.” He was drunk though, so he didn’t give up. He kept bugging me, randomly calling me Gook and Chink, which I though was funny, because I’m Japanese. Tammy saw that he wasn’t leaving me alone, so she said to him, “I’m with her,” then turning to me, grabbed my face and gave me a kiss. It took me off-guard, so I kind of froze. She pulled away, and the guy just looked at us, called us lezbos and then left.

Tammy suddenly ran off outside the club and I followed. I caught up to her near a wall and she was crying. She said that she was sorry for kissing me, and that she thought I liked her. I told her that I did, and looked into her tear-filled eyes. I then kissed her. I pulled away, but she chased me with her mouth.

We locked-up again, this time slipping our tongues into each other’s mouths. I put my hands on her sides, which she moved up to her breasts. They felt so good. I massaged her tits while we were kissing for a while. Then she said that she wanted to get off the streets and wanted to know if I would like to come home with her.

I was horny, so I said, “Yes,” right away.

Just as we were about to leave from our spot beside the wall, we looked over and saw the guy that was messing with me in the club. He was just standing there, looking at us, and holding his crotch, which I expect was due to the erection we caused.

Tammy took me by the hand and we ran to our cars laughing at the guy. She said to follow her, and soon we would be at her house. It didn’t take long to get there, but I was very wet so I took off my panties from under my dress as I drove. As I followed her, I played with my pussy. I was really into it, and was about to get-off, just as Tammy exited the expressway. Needing both hands to turn, I had to get my finger out of my pussy. So close!

We turned onto another road, which was very dark and made me a bit nervous. I followed her for a few more seconds, and we stopped at her house. She had a long driveway, which led to a house just past a small grove of trees. She parked, got out, and I followed in suit. We walked to her house, and as she opened the door yelled, “Honeys, I’m home.”

I was kind of startled at first, thinking she’d lied about being divorced, when a bunch of dogs came running down the hall. She introduced me to the three of them; a Rotweiler, a Collie, and a Pit-Bull.

I hadn’t really had any experience with those kinds of dogs. I also though they were a bit dangerous, at least the Rot and Pit. I was in love with them right away, because as soon as I came in, they greeted me with licks to my hands. I guess they tasted my pussy juice, because they wouldn’t leave my hand alone, and started to sniff my crotch. Tammy looked at me and said “What have you been doing? They only act that way to one thing…” I just looked back, covered my mouth and gave her a big grin.

Tammy just stood there and looked at me, sighing and chuckling a bit. She said “I don’t know what I’m going to do with you. All that energy; we’ll have to put you to work, isn’t that right boys?” Then patting one of the dog’s backs, she asked if I was hungry. “Yes, a quick snack would be nice,” I replied.

We ate a bit, talking and just having fun, while her dogs kept running back and forth through the house. She said, “They always get wound up when its time for their lovin’.”

When we finished eating, she cleaned up our mess and asked me to come into the living room. We sat down on the couch and got comfortable. Tammy looked at me and asked if I wouldn’t mind helping her with the dogs tonight. I was already horny from before, and any though of distrust in her had left my mind the second I saw her dogs. I agreed to help, snickered and clapped my hands in excitement.

Tammy took me upstairs to what she called the “fun” room. There were a lot of different thing for sex in there, and a nice-sized bed with ropes tied to the edges. The bed was covered with what looked like satin or something.

Then she went into a closet and rustled around in a drawer. Pulling out several pairs of socks, she called the dogs over, saying “Come to mommy, babies, it’s time to play.” They all came running in; it looked like they were waiting outside the door. She had them sit in front of her and they followed her commands quite nicely.

She put the socks on the dog’s paws, and pulled a Velcro strap to secure them. When she told them to, “Get-up,” they jumped back into the energy they had earlier. Tammy looked at me and asked which one I wanted to have first. She suggested her Rotweiler, saying that Taz (his name) was good sized and not to rough.

I was still unsure of the dog, scared and all, so I said that I wanted the Collie. She looked at me and said, “Something told me you would go for Stanley.” She called him over and told me to get on the bed.

I jumped up on it, and Stanley followed me. She told me to lie down and open my legs. I did as she asked, and was kind of expecting her to be shocked that I wasn’t wearing panties. Instead, she looked at me and said, “I though so.”

Tammy walked over, sat on the bed next to me, and patted my pussy with her hand while calling over to Stanly, “Get it boy”. She must have worked hard to train those dogs, because he dove at my pussy and went at it like no one I’ve meet before, man or beast. My eyes lit up as I arched my back, my head looking at the wall now. I cried-out for a second, and then Tammy put her hand in my hair and said “That’s a good girl”.

She started to massage my tits and pulled off my shirt. I was in so much joy from Stanley licking me, that I didn’t notice Tammy licking my nipple. I was seconds from orgasm from Stanley alone, when Tammy said for him to heel.

I was disappointed. This was the second time she stopped me from getting-off this night. She said she was sorry for having him stop, but she wanted to save my first orgasm for her. I said, “Ok,” and sighed.

She finished undressing me and took off her clothes also. She asked me to 69 with her, but she wanted me to be on top. I was more then eager to eat her, so I crawled to her, kissed her thighs, moved my leg over her and allowed my pussy to be just inches from her face. I buried my face in her pussy, getting my tongue in as far as I could. She did the same, slipping her finger into my snatch from around my leg.

We must have been going at it for a long time, because my tongue was getting sore, but I didn’t want to stop. She moved her face from my pussy and called for Stanley to come. I was kind of distracted at the moment, but I realized he was there when the bed sank down a bit. Tammy said, “Up,” and tapped my ass with her hand.

Then I felt Stanley put his paws around my waist and moved his hind legs closer-in. Tammy started to lick my clit from under me, pulled back for a second and said “Mount”. Then I felt Stanley start to pump at my pussy, getting close to my hole, but just missing.

Tammy said, “I got this Hon,” and guided his cock into me.

I felt him enter just a bit at first, and with each additional push, more and more came in. He was getting bigger; I’d not even looked at his cock to see was I was getting into, but the more he pumped, the more I was getting filled. Stanley hit his length in just a few more pumps then started to go at me quickly.

He pumped and pumped at me, and I could feel my orgasm build again. Then something happened that I didn’t expect. Tammy, still in our 69 position, started to lick my clit. She glided her tongue from my clit to Stanley’s cock, and when she hit him, she would move even farther to his balls and lick them a bit as well. This caused Stanley to pump harder and faster.

She moved to my pussy again, and buried her face in me. This sent me over the edge and I screamed at the top of my lungs – in Japanese. I couldn’t help it. I was squealing and groaning. It was ecstasy. Stanly was pumping away while Tammy was biting on my clit and my pussy juice dripped onto her face.

Then I felt that feeling I get whenever a dog mounts me. His knot was starting to grow. The thing is that it enlarged to a size I’ve never felt before. He got bigger and bigger, and when he pumped at me, his knot was hitting deep inside my pussy walls and bringing me to another orgasm.

I was screaming again, and his knot wouldn’t stop growing. Tammy moved out from under me and moved to my face. She grabbed my cheeks and told me that he would get big, and to just hold-on and enjoy it. Stanley finally reached his limit, stopped pumping and just let his cum fill me. I just slumped forward and caught my breath. Since he knotted me, we’d be stuck for a bit together.

Tammy took this time to let her other dogs play since they were left out for that whole time. She moved to the other side of the bed, but kept herself facing me. She asked if I minded watching her play for a bit, and I said for her to go ahead. She called over Taz and Stone (the Pit). They leapt onto the bed, and started to attack Tammy with their tongues. She told them to, “Sit,” since she wanted to show their trick to Mommy’s new friend. She called Stone over and told him to lie down, which he did.

She started to rub his belly, slowly moving towards his cock. He was starting to show before she even made it to his cock. She grabbed his shaft and rubbed it a little, which caused it to grow. Moving her mouth to it, she began to suck his cock. She swirled her tongue around its head, then slowly moved it into her mouth, keeping her eyes on me the entire time.

She started to move up and down faster until his cock had come fully out of its sheath. She then said “Good boy,” and moved over him. She held his cock and slowly sat on it and let him enter her. She moved up and down a bit, which caused him to try to pump. Telling him to “Stay,” she grabbed a pillow and moved it under him to make him higher.

She started to pump on him again, getting him hard and excited, and it looked like he was starting to swell. Then she sat on the whole thing and rocked back and forth. She looked at my eyes; me locked with Stanley, her fucking Stone, and said that he was tying with her.

She pulled up a little, but Stone had fully tied. “Good Boy,” she said and called for Taz. When he came up to her, she tapped her ass and said, “Mount!” Taz moved around and put his paws up on her really quick. I though I was dreaming.

I’ve never though of getting double penetrated by dogs before, but she was able to do it. Taz started to pump and was trying to hit his mark. Tammy reached back and guided his cock into her ass. Tammy knew what she was doing. Stone was at just the right height with the pillow in order for Taz to mount her. He started to pump harder, and then Tammy closed her eyes and bit her lower lip. She was moaning with joy. I was just enjoying the sight of her while I was enjoying the feeling of Stanly inside of me.

After several minutes, Tammy’s eyes shot open. She started to say “Oh yeah! Oh yeah! That’s it honey, fuck mommy’s ass, just like that. Good boy. Keep going! Yes! YESSS!” she started to scream.

Having two dogs in you must have been good, because she was moaning in joy for a good five minutes. Then Taz stopped pumping. He had knotted her too. She fell forward, or at least as forward as she could without getting hurt or hurting the dogs.

Taz turned around and stood there, while Stone laid in her pussy. She looked at me and said “How do you like our little trick?” “That is so very sexy; I can’t wait until you teach me,” I gasped.

We laid there and panted for a good half an hour before Stanly unlocked with me. His cock plopped out and I felt the mixture of his cum and mine run down my leg. I rolled over and laid on the bed exhausted and with my eyes shut, managed to say, “Thank you, Tammy.”

She said that she had more planned for me to try tomorrow. Stone was the first to loosen up and moved out from under Tammy. Taz was locked in her ass for a good five minutes more. When he shrank down, Tammy rolled over to me and laid beside me. I turned to her and put my arm around her body and leg over hers. She pulled the sheet over us and we fell asleep in each other’s arms.

The next morning I was awakened from my sleep by the sound of the dogs running around. I’m not used to this sound, spending most of my time in a dorm. Tammy was already up and by the smell of things, was cooking something. I walked down the stairs and met her in the kitchen. She glanced over her shoulder and said “Good morning, have any good dreams?”

I told her that I couldn’t tell when my day stopped and my dreams started. She just laughed a bit and moved the bacon around in the skillet. I asked her what she had in mind for today. “We have a big day ahead, so we’re having a nice breakfast to get us started,” was her response.

We sat at her dining room table and ate, sharing complements to each other from the night before. We finished eating and I offered to help clean up, but Tammy said that she had it all under control and for me to play with the dogs in the living room.

I said, “Ok,” and if she needed me, to call. She just looked at me and, pointing at the dogs said, “Honey, from the way I know you’ll be playing with them, I’ll be lucky if you can even hear me over your moaning.” I laughed a bit and skipped into the living room.

I sat on the floor and called the dogs over. They came running to me. I was starting to think they liked me, and from Stanley’s cock popping-out a bit, I guessed correctly. I decided to give the other dogs some attention, seeing them with Tammy made me less scared of them.

I called Taz over to my side, and started to rub his back. At this time, Stone came over to me too. I started to rub his back along with Taz’s. I slowly moved my hands down to their undersides. I was very careful with how fast I went; a little nervous I guess.

I finally started to rub their sheaths, and was trying to sync my hands with each other. Rubbing faster and faster, Stone was the first to show, then Taz followed. I kept it up a little longer, and soon enough, I had two nice dog cocks in my hands. I moved their cocks to their rears as soon as they were hard enough.

With the dog’s asses close to each other, I was able lick on both. I would switch between their cocks, and sometimes they would be just close enough so I could lick them at the same time. I was getting to it nicely, and moved onto my knees to get a better angle, using my elbows as support as I sucked them. I felt Taz shoot a little pre-cum into my mouth.

After a bit of watching me go at the two dogs, I guess Stanley was a little horny or jealous because he came up behind me and started to lick my pussy. I was shocked at first, having the cold nose hit me out of nowhere, but I didn’t stop him.

That’s one of the best feelings ever – licking a good cock, and getting eaten at the same time. Wow! Just wow!

Anyway, it wasn’t too long after this that Tammy came walking into the room. She said that I took to dog cock like no one she’s ever seen before. I tried to say something witty back, but was muffled my Taz’s cock. She said that she was sorry to have to do this, but if we were going to get going on the day, I’d have to take the dogs cocks out of my mouth.

I was kind of mad since I didn’t get to cum, or get cummed-on, but Tammy said that she’d make it up to me more than I knew. We walked out to her stable and she let me in. There were a few horses there, and she took me up to her pride-and-joy, Iro.

She said that she’d had him since he was born, and loved him very much. I was able to pet him, and she even took me out for a ride. We had fun riding him around her property. It was a nice little piece of land, pretty far from everyone, which was good, considering what she was into.

When we got back, Tammy asked if I was ready to be repaid for her having to stop me earlier, and I was more than eager to see what she had in mind.

She put Iro back into his stall and had me follow her to another area of the barn. She asked if I had ever though of doing anything with a horse. I told her that I’d seen many movies and pics, and that I was very eager to get my hands (or pussy) on one. “Good,” she said, and led me over to something covered with a sheet. She told me that if I wanted to fuck a horse, it would take some preparation to be able to do that. I said I was willing to do anything to get to fuck one. She said, “Good”, but it was going to have to wait for another time. This time she wanted me to get to “know” Iro. Then she pulled the sheet from the thing that was under it.

When it was completely uncovered, I was bewildered by what I saw. I’d never been on a farm before, and had never seen one of these in a movie, so I asked what it was. Tammy said that it started off as a way to collect horse cum without having to jack-it-off. I asked her why she wanted to have something that made her have to touch the horse less, and she said that’s what it started off as. She had modified it to allow someone to sit under it and be at cock level.

She pulled it out and we moved it into Iro’s stall. She opened the door and we moved in. I was told to sit on the seat she had placed on the contraption and to watch. She pulled Iro to the thing and put some pheromone or something on it, because Iro’s cock dropped-out quickly.

Tammy said that this would allow me to see what getting fucked by a horse was like – in person and up close. She said that all I needed to do was to sit there and watch his power. I could stroke him or lick his cock if I wanted to, but I had to watch-out and make sure he didn’t poke me. I got into position and she pulled Iro closer to the device. She tapped on it and Iro lifted his legs up and over it. He moved his hind legs closer and started to hump. He kept missing the hole on the device, but Tammy helped him with it.

When he finally got his cock into the contraption’s “hole”, he started to pound harder and harder. The force of his fucking was making the thing shake. It was wonderful to see the stallion’s cock come back and forth, approaching and withdrawing from my face. I put out my hand and felt the power of it. I knew I had to do some homework if I wanted that in me! I sat there and watched his cock go back and forth, and after a few minutes I hiked-up my skirt and pulled my panties to the side.

I fingered my slit while watching his cock pound away. Soon after that Tammy said to brace myself and get ready. I didn’t know what she was talking about, until I saw his cock spread out – it opened like the end of a horn. I knew he was going to cum soon, so I moved my hand from my pussy and got ready. I opened my mouth and shut my eyes; I wanted to taste it right away.

Iro made some noise and I knew he was going to blow all over me. Then it came, and hit my face and mouth hard, like someone spraying me with a hose. It was warm and wet, and went all over the place. Tammy had removed the tool used to collect the cum after shooting-off, so there was nothing stopping his love-juice from hitting my face.

I choked as soon as it went into my mouth, gagged and then caught my breath. Iro stopped pumping, and soon his cock softened and he pulled back. I looked over at Tammy and she took my picture with a Polaroid. She said I looked fantastic.

Looking down, she saw the horse cum dripping off me, and handed me a towel, but I was too busy licking my hand clean and scooping whatever cum I could onto my tongue. She started to pat me down and said that we had to clean up. I wiped myself as best I could, then we showered together.

After dressing, she walked me out to the car and her dogs followed. She said that she enjoyed or time together and hoped we would get together again in a few days. I said, “Definitely.” Our goodbyes included kissing each other, and giving each of the dogs a little rub. I sat in my car for a moment before driving off, and as I made the turn out of the driveway, honked the horn.

We still keep in touch, I go to see her and she comes to see me on a regular basis. I sometimes head out there just to study, as it’s more relaxing than at the dorm.

I have more stories to tell about our experiences, but that will have to wait for another time. I hope you enjoyed this story, I’ll write about another one of my experiences soon.

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