Bellyriding Women with Animals
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Belly Riding – New Job


A sequel to Belly Riding: Fantasy Fulfilled

Chapter 1

Sandra had been working at the stables for a couple of months, but unfortunately hadn’t had any time to do more belly riding, which upset her a lot. Since that day two months ago she had been itching to get another horse dick inside of her.

Well one weekend, she had finished her chores and had an hour free, not enough for a belly ride see thought but enough time to get herself off. She announced that she was going for a quick hack on her break, Sasha who was her boss said that was fine but, she couldn’t take one of the school’s horses as they were scheduled to be used soon. So she suggested taking one of the speciality horses, from the stable out back.

Sandra knew exactly what she meant; she walked towards the stable and selected a horse she had never ridden before because he was a new addition to the stable, he arrived a few days ago. She was about to saddle him up, when she had the idea of riding naked like Sasha did all those months ago. The very thought of it turned her on. So she stripped and but her clothes in a small pile in a dark corner of the stable and mounted her horse. As she sat down, it felt weird at first to have nothing between her and the horse not even clothes, but as soon as she signalled the horse to walk forward those feelings vanished. The forward and backward motion felt great and the fact that the way this horse’s spine was, there was a small bulge right where her pussy sat that with each step would raise and lower, putting pressure on her pussy, which felt great. She coaxed him into a trot, she decided she didn’t want to do a raising trot and so therefore her ride was rather bouncy, but each time she came back down from the bounce, the small bulge would open her pussy and apply pressure

It wasn’t too long before juices where flowing from her pussy, and not soon after that did an orgasm hit her. It rippled through her like and electric shock. After that orgasm she told the horse to stop and dis-mounted, she was about to walk him back to the stable which was only a few hundred meters away, when she noticed that he had a raging boner. There was no time to fuck him right now, but she couldn’t leave him unsatisfied.

She knelt down beside him and took his cock in her hand, it was fleshly but warm to the touch, she started moving her hand up and down the shaft slowly, and then she added her other hand, so that both were working themselves up and down his cock. But this wasn’t enough for her; she wanted to know what that cock tasted like. She opened her mouth as wide as it would go and tried to fit as much of his cock in her mouth as she could, she could only take his head in her mouth, but that didn’t bother her she began to work her magic on his cock, using both her hands and her mouth in succession. He seemed to be enjoying this greatly as he was stamping his rear leg from time to time. She began to wonder whether a horse could cum from just oral and hand stimulation, but just then she noticed his testicles start to raise up and the cock in her hands and mouth gradually started getting bigger.

Then he started thrusting into her mouth, he wasn’t gentle either; it took her by surprise. But she managed to steady herself by taking one hand of his cock and using it like an anchor on the ground. On and one the thrusts did come, fast and relentless. Then with one final thrust, hot jets of cum shot out from his cock and erupted in Sandra’s mouth, the force behind it made her gag and cough. She instinctively pulled away from his cock to try and catch her breath, with led to her entire body getting covered in his hot sticky juices. Sandra enjoyed this a lot, in fact she had begun fingering herself as his cock spewed cum all over her. Once he was down, his cock began to shrink back into its sheath. Sandra wanted to thank him; “Did you enjoy that boy, cos I know that I did” Sandra whispered to him. “Come on we best be getting you back hadn’t we.” As she walked him back to the stables, she quickly washed herself down, put her clothes back on and went to continue work.


Chapter 2

She arrived at Sasha’s office, knocked and told Sasha that she was back from her break and what she should do. Sasha told her that the stable was getting a new horse delivered today and if she could supervise the handover and delivery. Sandra agreed and went to the loading area, where all deliveries were. After a few minutes she saw a 4×4 towing a horse box approaching the loading bay.

“Hello, I have a horse to be delivered to someone called Sasha” said the man. Sandra responded with “Sasha is a bit busy right now, but she authorised me to take delivery.” “Ok, just sign and date here.” While Sandra filled out the paperwork the man opened the horse box and brought out the horse. It was the biggest horse Sandra had ever seen. “Beauty isn’t he” commented the man, noticing Sandra awestruck look. “He is a record holder.” He whispered to her, “Record holder for what?” Sandra enquired. “You wait and see, do you need some help, or you ok?” The man responded with a slight chuckle. “Na it’s ok, I’ve got this” Sandra responded taking hold of the reins under his mouth. “Alright then, have a great day and hope to see you again soon.”

With that the man got in his 4×4 and drove off, just then Sasha came into view. “Ahh fantastic, I see you two have met, impressive isn’t he; I thought Zeus, might be appropriate.” Sandra nodded in appreciation and said “I think that is very fitting yeah” Sasha went to take the rein from Sandra when she said “I’ve let everyone go home early, I’m closing the stable early today, however I’ve got a surprise for you, can you meet me in my office in about 10 minutes.” “Uhmm sure, got a few small things I need to do as it happens.” As Sandra went around doing her ‘few small things’ she couldn’t help but wonder what Sasha had in store. She arrived at Sasha’s office and sat down waiting for her to arrive. She didn’t have to wait long.

“Thanks for waiting” Sasha said as she entered her office. “So, you ready for this surprise?” “Yeah I’ve been thinking about what it could be since you mentioned it” Sandra told her. “Well now it’s time to find out, follow me” Sasha beckoned at Sandra to follow her as she headed out her office towards to barn Sandra was at earlier that same day. She then walked over to a stall where Zeus was and turned to Sandra and said “Ta-da.” It took Sandra a little while to figure out what was going on, then she notice the saddle on Zeus’s belly. “Oh wow, really, right now?” said Sandra half excited half nervous. “Yes right now, and another little surprise I’m going to coming along with you, but not on top this time, I’m gonna be belly riding just like you” responded Sasha, beaming and bouncing up and down. “I decided that you should get the honour of riding him first” “Then who are you taking out?” questioned Sandra with a puzzled look on her face. “Well I’m not quite sure yet, I narrowed it down to either Storm or Thumper, who did you prefer?” Sandra thought a little about that question then said “Well Thumper is faster and a little bigger than Storm if I remember, but can’t put my tongue on the reason why but I found Storm more fun.” “Hmm well I have to admit I wanted to fuck Thumper more than Storm, so I think I shall choose Thumper.” Announced Sasha, “Right” announced Sasha “Let’s get you saddled then.” “Wait” said a confused Sandra, “If I’m saddled up, who’s helping you with Thumper?” “Oh don’t worry about that, I thought of that already Daemon has offered to help me, although he says we should try helping each other at some point. Just then Daemon walked in, with a grin on his face, “That’s right you two, I want to see of you can get in and out of those saddles with each other’s help, let’s try that shall we.” The two girls looked at each other and in unison said “Yeah all right”.

After a few frustrating minutes and many failed attempts, Sandra and Sasha had it crack, they could now help each other in and out of the saddle. Daemon smiled and with a grin on his face said “That’s fantastic, we will leave out the other bits for now, as you both seem to be wanting to get going” Daemon had noticed that both girls where quite wet by now. “Sasha do you want get Sandra ready then I’ll help you with yours.” “Of course Daemon, if you could let me down first” Sasha laughed, after being let down, she knelt down by the side of Sandra, and started to massage Zeus’s sheath. Wasn’t long before his cock started showing itself, Sasha was amazed and told Sandra that she was in for a real treat. Before long Sasha was rubbing Zeus’s cock up and down Sandra’s pussy entrance, trying to get him inside her. “Hmm, this is going to be slightly trickier than I thought” Sasha thought to herself, and tried a few tactics to try and get his cock inside Sandra, eventually after much work, Sandra’s eyes shot wide open. “Fucking Hell, he is massive!” half shouted Sandra. “Now you know what his record is, this horse has the biggest cock in all of Brazil; we thought you’d like that. “Hmm, I do, more; shove that big cock in me; I want to feel him deep in me” Sasha didn’t need telling twice, slowly inch after inch of Zeus’s cock disappeared into Sandra’s pussy until she could take no more. After making sure all the bindings where secure, Sasha bent down and whispered to Sandra “He apparently reacts best to long slow movements, however he has been known to like fast movements also.”

Sandra liked that and made a mental note of that. “Right well I’m ready, your turn Sasha.” “Mhmm, great I cannot wait, I’ve not done this is years, I want Thumper deep in me.” Despite not having done this in years, Sasha didn’t have nearly as much trouble as Sandra did getting Thumper inside of her, Sandra put it down to her having more experience and that Thumper’s cock was smaller than Zeus’s. Daemon applied he shots to both horses, stood up and said “Well that me done here, just so you know it’s 1pm now, and won’t be getting dark for about 6 hours or so; so you have plenty of daylight left, so I bid the both of you good day and see you later.” With that he turned around and left.

Sandra broke the silence “Thought he would never leave; now I don’t know about you, but I want Zeus to cum in me before we set off.” “I was thinking the same thing, so before we set off, we both agree to make out horse cum in us at least once.” Sasha replied, “Oh btw Thumper likes it when you squeeze his cock slightly, just thought I’d repay you for your tips about Storm and now Zeus.”


Chapter 3

With that comment both Sandra and Sasha began to move their hips up and down taking as much of the horse’s cock with each rise. Sandra took Sasha’s advice and started with long, slow and deep hip movements. Sandra was loving this, she realised that although doing things fast felt great, sometimes slow can feel even better, Zeus bottomed out against her cervix with each hip raise, which hurt but also felt good at the same time, a small orgasm rippled through her body, she looked over at Sasha, who surprisingly was going a lot faster than Sandra was, she was so focused on herself she didn’t even realise that she wasn’t exactly being quiet.

After watching Sasha for a bit, Sandra noticed that unknowingly she had started to move her hips faster, watching Sasha had made her even more turned on than she already was. Sandra uttered a small cough and said “Enjoying yourself are you, don’t forget what I told you about Thumper.” Sasha looked over at Sandra and said “Oh don’t worry I haven’t I’m in the process of doing it now”. With that Sandra turned her attention back to Zeus, she tried something different, she would thrust her hips up hard taking as much of Zeus’s cock as she could, hold herself there for a few moments and then instead of easing back down, she just let herself fall back down. The result of this was a wave of small orgasm every few thrusts. This new technique also seemed to be working for Zeus as he was stamping his rear leg in appreciation and began to let out audible coughs. Sasha had noticed this; “Ooh things are going well over there, slow down a bit I haven’t got Thumper that ready yet, I want our horses to cum in us at the same time.” Sandra panted and spoke “I’ll try but it’s gonna be hard, he is just so big and want him to cum in me” Sandra managed to slow down a bit; however she was still doing the same technique as before. After watching what Sandra was doing Sasha was now even more turned on and wanted Thumper ready as quickly as possible, she began to rotate her hips as she raised them, adding a little squeeze when Thumper cock pounded against her cervix. Thumper seemed to enjoy this greatly as he was now stamping his leg in approval. Thumper suddenly started to grow inside Sasha.

“Oooh he getting bigger, you can pick up the pace again now.” Sandra didn’t need to be told twice, she began to thrust her hips up with more force and at a greater speed, it didn’t take long for Zeus’s cock to begin to thicken inside of her, which Sandra had almost forgotten would happen. “Zeus is getting bigger, didn’t think that was possible, it hurts but feels so good.” Just then both Zeus and Thumper began thrusting hard into their respective mates. Sandra was taken aback at how strong Zeus was. She spread her legs wide and shouted “Yes, just like that, fuck me, make me your slave, cum in me you fucking stud!” with each thrust that Zeus made she raised her hips up to get as much of his cock in her as possible. Sasha was having just as much fun. Thumper was also thrusting hard, not as hard as Zeus, and was thrusting faster. “Oh god yes” Sasha screamed “More, faster, harder, make me your bitch” as if Thumper could hear her, Thumpers thrusting suddenly quickened, the pain was quite intense, but Sasha didn’t care.

Just then she heard Sandra scream “Oh god I’m gonna cum” Sasha piped up “I’m not far off behind you, let’s try and time it” That proved tricky though, but both girls hung on for their lives until simultaneously each horse thrust forwards and starting cuming deep into Sandra and Sasha, hot jets of stick cum erupted out of their cock covering Sandra and Sasha’s cervix’s. With each new jet of cum Zeus thrust forcefully into Sandra “Just like that, YES! OH GOD I’M CUMING!” Sandra just about heard Sasha scream the same. Both girls where in ecstasy experience pleasure that they had never done before.

As both horses came down from their orgasm, the girls however were still very orgasmic and still shaking and spasming from the mini orgasms they kept getting. Sandra finally broke the silence with “WOW!, that was immense, ready for more? Because I know I am” Sasha managed to utter one word, she was still recovering from her orgasm “Yes” “Well then” announced Sandra kicking Zeus who began to slowly walk forwards “Let’s go”

As Sandra and Zeus began to disappear out of the barn Sasha managed to come out of her daze long enough to give Thumper the signal to move forward to. As soon as Thumper moved forward, Sasha was back in her daze as like clockwork Thumper’s cock would drive itself deep into her and the recede slightly. Sandra was having just as much fun, I didn’t take long for Sandra to get into a good rhythm going with her hips. She could feel another orgasm brewing inside of her, this time she didn’t fight it, she spotted what looked like a hill in the distance and guided Zeus (who’s reins had happened to be laying by her face) towards it, she knew how much she had enjoyed a hill climb with Thumper, so she thought it would be a good idea to give Sasha that same feeling.

Sasha could see that Sandra was changing direction and followed in her, still orgasmic from her fucking minutes earlier. She knew that horses like humans needed time between orgasms, however that was not going to stop her having her own orgasms. She too had found a good rhythm that worked with Thumpers walk, but at the same time, she was also rotating her hips as well, giving both her and Thumper added pleasure. For a few minutes she managed to time her rotations and thrusts right to stimulate her G-Spot, which sent a tow curling orgasm through her body, which she deeply enjoyed. At this point Sandra and Zeus had just reached to foot of the hill, as Zeus began to climb, he had to walk a little faster and put more power into his strides, which sent Sandra over the edge as she had her own orgasm. With each step Zeus made, Sandra became more orgasmic, till the point where she was having one constant orgasm, by the time she got to the summit of the hill she has lost all sense of direction and where she was. She gave Zeus the command to stop and waited for Sasha to catch-up.

“What’s wrong?” Sasha asked. Half out of breath from her constant orgasm, Sandra muttered something that sounded like “I’m lost, I’ll follow you” her voice faded away as she finished the sentence as she started going into a world of her own. Sasha however didn’t notice this; she agreed to take point and start going in one direction. Sandra awoke from her daze a few minutes later and suddenly realised that Sasha wasn’t there, feeling panicked she tried to locate them, to her relief she found them pretty soon, they were too far out to hear her if she called. She turned Zeus around and set him off in the same direction as Sasha had gone. She soon realised that they were too far behind to be able to catch up by walking. “Looks like were a bit behind, we’re going to have to go faster to catch up, you ready for that boy?” was Sandra’s question to Zeus, without waiting for an answer she kicked Zeus to make him go forwards into trot.

As Zeus’s pace increased so did the speed at which he fucked her, Sandra was still having an orgasm before she was trotting, now she was having a bigger (and better orgasm) as they were trotting along, Zeus’s cock was pounding against her cervix with each footfall, it wasn’t as painful as before, perhaps Sandra’s body was getting used to the enormous cock deep inside of her, the thought of that conjured up some images in her mind of her being impaled on this horse without feeling any pain at all while they walked around a paddock. This thought then led to an idea which Sandra liked, she would unleash it when they caught up.

After about 5 minutes of trotting (and 5 minutes of a constant orgasms) Sandra had managed to catch up with Sasha who it seemed has somehow realised Sandra wasn’t there and had stopped. “Was beginning to think we’d lost you, was about to turn around and come find you” Was Sasha’s greeting when Sandra finally come to a halt next to her. “No, I just dozed off, had to catch up by trotting” Sandra said.

“I’m so horny right now, I want Thumper to cum in me again” Sasha randomly said to Sandra, “Well, I think they are ready again, and I was thinking the same thing” Sandra said whilst rocking her hips.


Chapter 4

Both girls set to work stimulating their horses, Sandra tried something different, instead of doing what she was before, she was now doing short sharp thrusts, not taking in the full length of Zeus’s cock, she wanted to go fast and never stop, this would hopefully make Zeus last longer. Looking over her shoulder Sandra could see that Sasha had also changed tactic instead of going fast, she too was going slow, very slow in fact, it looked like Sasha was trying to take as much of Thumpers cock as he could. Sasha could see that Sandra had a puzzled look on her fact and told her that she wanted to go as long as possible without Thumper cumin in him, she wanted to have as many orgasms as she could, she also added that what she (Sandra) was doing, would actually make the horse cum faster not slower, and to try slow, deeper movements.

Slightly disappointed Sandra took Sasha advice and began to make very slow deep thrusts, taking in as much of Zeus’s cock as she could holding her hips up for a few seconds then slowly easing down back into the saddle, the feeling was great but Sandra wanted speed, she piped up and said “Sod trying to last as long as possible I want speed, I’m going to speed up, copy me if you wish” There was no reply, obviously Sasha either didn’t want to or couldn’t respond for various reasons. Sandra still used the same technique as before expect instead of easing back into the saddle, she added in one quick thrust after easing down a bit, so she was thrust her hips up slowly initially holding there for a few seconds, then relaxing brief, the quickly thrusting up again before easing back down. Zeus, was soon stamping his back leg, this was really working for him. Sandra decided to take things one step further, she stopped her current motion, and began to do fast strong thrust upwards pausing for a few seconds then easing down.

Sandra started off slow first, and then gradually built up the speed, Zeus’s reaction was pretty much immediate he was now snorting and whinnying as well as stamping his leg. “Ooh Sasha he’s close if you want to cum together you best hurry up” Little did Sandra know Sasha was watching what she was doing and copying it move for move, and was getting the same reaction from Thumper, she also had decided that she didn’t want slow, she wanted fast, and started going very fast, soon going as fast as she could. Thumper’s cock began to enlarge, getting ready to pull Sasha full. Zeus’s cock began to do the same, and before long, both girls where once again getting fucked by their horses.

However this time instead of just lying there and enjoying the moment, both girls had decided to keep stimulating their horses as they thrust into them. It was hard work as each thrust kinda stopped them from moving, however eventually they managed to get into some sort of quick rhythm, Zeus then did something which Sandra was totally unprepared for, he stop thrusting, not because he was cuming but because he was doing something new, in one quick fluid movement he reared up, forcing more of his cock deep into Sandra and causing Sandra herself to slide down his cock a little. Then he levelled out again and began to slowly thrust once again.

Sandra was out of breath and was in a fair bit of pain, she knew Stallions were horny horses, Zeus must be thinking he was fucking a mare rather than a human. None the less, deep down Sandra actually enjoyed it even if it did hurt a lot, she tried to figure out what had caused him to rear up, it wasn’t anything she was doing now, )due to the surprise she just received Sandra eased of the thrusting) it must have been something she did earlier. She suddenly had an idea that it must have been the force at which she was hitting Zeus’s belly. She tried something out, she thrust upwards hard, not as hard as she did before, but enough that an audible thud could be heard when her body made contact with Zeus’s and to her surprise Zeus began to rear up slightly.

This gave Sandra an evil idea, but she would save that for later, she was now a little distance from where Sasha and Thumper were, she didn’t have the energy to continue thrusting so she have whispered half begged out loud “Common Zeus, fuck me as hard as you can.” Zeus must have understood something because again his Thrusts began to pick up speed, he kept getting faster and faster until Zeus was cuming in her for the second time today, the shots of cum made Sandra cum hard as well, her pussy was clamped around Zeus’s cock, milking it for more of his cum.

Just as quickly as the ordeal started it was over, reluctantly Sandra led Zeus back over to were Sasha and Thumper were, Thumper eventually had just finishing his own orgasm as he was now stationary too. “Hehe, Zeus got a little carried away didn’t you boy” Sandra told Sasha before Sasha could question were they went. Panting Sasha responded with “OK, fair enough; I don’t know about you but I’m not finished riding yet” Sandra looked over, with glee in her voice spoke “Yeah I was thinking the same, hope they don’t start going soft”

“Oh don’t worry, that shot was the max we can give them we timed it so that when it went dark is when we need to give them another shot.” Sandra beamed and said “Well in that case I propose something, seeing as how Zeus and Thumper aren’t going to be ready for a good time yet, do you fancy a little change, I was thinking we use that device you used when I wanted to gallop, and we have a little race.” Sasha looked over excited “That sounds like a fantastic idea, I’ve wanted to go fast ever since I rode with you and Thumper, as it happens I hid a pair of those devices in Thumper’s saddle bag, but it does mean I’ll have to untie your hands.”


Chapter 5

“That’s fine go ahead and tell me what to do” Sasha untied Sandra’s hand and instructed her as to where to find the devices, after finding them, they set about the task of putting them on, after a little bit of faff and a bit of frustration from both Sandra and Sasha, they both were back tied up the devices securely locked in place.

“OK then, there are some rules unfortunately” Sandra mentioned; “Don’t worry nothing bad just the following; you can’t walk for more than 5 minutes at a time, if you want to make a significant direction change you must wait for the other person to arrive, state where you’re going, then go on my command at a walk, lastly the race finishes either when it goes dark (which Sandra reckon was like 3 hours from now) or we get to either the barn where me and Thumper slept, or the barn where we started”

“I agree to those, you’ve had time to plan this haven’t you …” Sasha responded, Sandra set nothing than “Ready? Alright then; On Your Marks, Get Set, GO!” Both girls rather surprisingly set off at a walk, both girls it seemed didn’t want to get too far ahead of the other. It wasn’t too long before Sandra was thinking about getting ahead; she coaxed Zeus into walking a little faster so as to get slightly ahead of Sasha and thumper. However it seemed like Zeus sensed the situation as he started to pick up pace on his own, Sandra didn’t notice at first as she was too bus enjoying the sensation of Zeus’s cock entering deeply into her, but she soon noticed by looking at Zeus’s legs that he had gone forward to trot. Sandra was wondering why she hadn’t heard Sasha, but she didn’t dwell on that, she was enjoying the sudden increase in tempo. All of a sudden she heard Sasha call from behind “You can’t lose us that easily” Sasha and managed to catch up and was keeping up with Sandra.

Sandra didn’t like that something inside her wanted to win badly. Sandra though it was about time to see how quick Zeus was, she commanded him to go forward into a canter; he flew leaving Sasha and Thumper far behind. She wasn’t expecting such a brisk tempo and had to readjust herself in her saddle a few time before she found a comfortable place where Zeus’s cock could pummel her without being too painful.

Sandra spotted a hill out the corner of her eye and led Zeus to the bottom of it, and command him to halt to abide by the rules she set, wasn’t long before Sasha turned up, nothing need be said by either of them, they both knew what was happening. As this was a race Sandra decided that she wasn’t going to give a signal to continue, was going to be a test of reflexes from both of them, seeing which one would go first.

As it turned out Sandra broken then tension, she kicked Zeus and he set of at a trot leaving Sasha behind. Sasha however had intention of winning; she just wanted to get fucked by Thumper, Sandra seemed to be missing that, she decided it was time she tried to change something about that day. She was know quite far behind Sandra and said “We’re gonna have to speed up to catch them up, ready boy? Let’s see what you can do” Sasha kicked Thumper and he went straight into a gallop, this was a shock to Sasha and the initial movement and forced his cock in her with such force that it almost winded her. That wasn’t the only thing it did, the force and speed of that thrust caused Sasha to have an orgasm which rippled through her body causing her to shiver slightly as her pussy and arse spasmed this however only stimulated Thumpers cock more, she had no time to rest between thrusts, as no sooner had Thumpers cock moved back a little did it slam itself back in. The feeling was great, with each thrust Sasha had another orgasm, soon it was becoming hard to tell when one ended and the next began. In and out did Thumpers cock slide covered in his own juices as well as Sasha each thrust was coupled with a squelching sound.

It wasn’t long before Sasha had caught up with Sandra who had stopped as she figured she was so ar ahead. Sandra greet Sasha and they came to a standstill “Hey, was wondering where you went, hoped you enjoyed that, after thinking about it I thought that the race isn’t a good idea, we should just do what we like again, you have any ideas?”

Sasha grinned and said “Yes I do actually, how about we see how much we can take gradually increase the speed until we can’t take anymore, hopefully by the time we finish Zeus and Thumper will be ready …” both agreed that would be a great idea, and both set off at a walk, allowing both to calm down and prepare themselves for what was coming up.


Chapter 6

“Ready to take it up a notch?” Sandra piped up after about 5 minutes, without waiting for an answer she kicked Zeus to make him go to trot. Sasha followed suit and was soon once again by Sandra’s side, the sudden change in pace got both of them really turned on, they were both having small orgasms. This time is was Sasha would spoke “let’s not beat about the bush, I want take Thumper for a gallop, these horses have be trained to have a two stage gallop, stage 1 is just a comfortable gallop and stage 2 is them giving it their all.

“Just do it, I can already feel another orgasm coming, I want to cum with him galloping” was Sandra’s response. Sasha nodded and said “Watch what I do and follow” with that Sasha took the reins and pulled them so there was a little slack while kicking at the same time. Sandra copied this and to her amazement Zeus went forwards to a gallop immediately, without warning she was cuming hard right then, the sensation was amazing, she was keeping up with Sasha who after a couple of minutes told her to kick him again. Sandra was already having trouble getting into a good rhythm and eventually she found it and did as she was told and kicked him again. The reaction was almost immediate; Sandra didn’t think Zeus could run any faster, however she was proven wrong. Sandra now could barely concentrate on anything other than wanting Zeus to fuck her to submission. She was not let down, Zeus continued to pummel away at her as he galloped, caused her to have several big orgasms, she wanted his cum so bad, she wanted to him to come in her and never stop.

Sooner than Sandra wanted though Zeus began to slow down, evidentially he was tired, horses can’t gallop forever after all. As it happened Zeus stopped a few feet from a river where there was a barn, not too far from, Zeus naturally went over to have a drink, Sandra had to adjust herself otherwise she would have been hit by Zeus’s neck. Not long after that Sasha cam galloping in, still very much orgasmic Thumper also instantly went for a drink, this gave the girls time to talk.

“Oh My God I can’t stop cumming, that was immense” panted Sasha. “I know right, I want his cum so badly I want him to coat me in his cum” Sandra moaned. “I know what you mean, I think they are about ready again, one last time before we call it a day don’t you think?” Sasha announced. “As much as I want to continue I think you’re right, well then let’s make this time the best we can, I found something out earlier today, I can tell you how to do it, Thumper might not react the same as Zeus did, but if he does you won’t be disappointed.” “Errmm ok let’s go over here” Sasha led Thumper over to the side of the barn and command for Zeus to follow. However Sandra made Zeus stop further back than normal as she knew what could happen. “Ok, this is what you need to do, let me explain it all first … What you need to do is getting a comfortable position where you can thrust easily, the movement itself is really easy. Just thrust up as hard as you can making sure that you kit Thumper’s belly when you do so and that’s it, however brace yourself if he reacts as Zeus did, he could surprise you.”

Sasha listened to everything Sandra said, adjusted herself accordingly and prepared, “OK here I go” With that Sasha thrust as hard as she could upwards, making contact with Thumper with a loud ‘Thud’ just as Sandra had hoped, Thumper reared up and thrust deeply once before landing although he added something different, after landing he would then add two more smaller thrusts. While this was happening Sasha was cuming hard shouting “I’M CUMMING!!, Oh God I’m gonna squirt” she did the same thing a few more times each time getting closer until the best orgasm she had that day hit her, she could feel herself squirting.

“WOW that’s amazing I’ll have to reward you for this later” Sasha stopped thrusting and let Thumper just stand still. While Sasha was doing this Sandra was getting really turned on. “Watching you do that was really hot, do you mind if I ….?” Asked Sandra, Sasha nodded giving Sandra the signal to do whatever she wanted. Sandra knew exactly what she wanted, she wanted Zeus’s cum as fast as possible, with that she began thrusting her hips up and down, gradually picking up speed. Sasha couldn’t help but starting moving her hips as she watched she was so turned on that she was sure she could get off if someone just touched her clit.

Sandra was getting really into this moaning and groaning with each thrust even causing Zeus to snort a few times and rear up slightly a few times. Sasha was unknowingly increasing her thrust speed as well just watching Sandra was really turning her on. “I can tell Zeus is getting close, he’s getting more fidgety, you better hurry up, make him rear again” Sasha wordlessly agree he thrust up hard, and Thumper reared again thrusting deep into her pussy, bottoming out against her cervix, however he didn’t go back down as he did before it seemed that he would start to go back down then rear up again, Sasha was still thrusting as he was rearing, this sent her over the edge and caused her to cum big time, her juices covered Thumpers cock as he fucked her hard.

Sandra had since stopping her quick thrusting and was also trying to get Zeus to rear up like he did previously, he performed exactly as he did before, forcing his cock deep into her hungry pussy, Sandra noticed a fence a few feet away and decided that she wanted to get fucked like a mare, so she led Zeus over to the fence, with one last rear his cock started growing inside her again. A few feet away the same thing was happening to Sasha who had also led Thumper over to the fence, just as Zeus starting to thrust of this own accord did Thumpers cock begin to enlarge inside of Sasha as well, however he immediately reared up and placed his hooves on the fence allowing him more leverage, it took Zeus a few thrust before he followed suit, both horses now had great leverage on their partners.

In the heat of the moment Sandra cried out “Yes, as fast as you can” that seemed to trigger something in both horses, unable to determine which person it was coming from “OH GOD I’M CUMMING!!” was all that could be heard from Sandra as she was getting the fucking of her life, Then Zeus was cumming hard, harder than he did that previous couple of times, wave after wave of cum hit her cervix, as it her pussy shook trying to soak up as much of his cum as possible, as this was happening Thumper was getting close as well, then suddenly he snorted and thrust deep and started cumming as well, both girls were orgasmic, each getting pumped full of horse cum. Both horses finished and returned to stationary position, both Sandra and Sasha agreed to let each other down and return home and come back tomorrow, before they bid each other good night, Sasha sprayed Sandra with something, saying that it would cover up the smell of the horse cum. She also gave her a shot, with just a wink saying “I’ll explain tomorrow” Sandra didn’t question her, whatever it was it smelt sweet. Sandra got in her car and drove home and went straight to sleep.


Chapter 7

The next day rolled round, Sandra woke up early still dripped horse cum and got ready for work. As she arrived she was greeted by Sasha who told her that today they would again be closing early, but in the mean time to get changed into ‘this’ she handed Sandra a box, inside was just a regular uniform that was until Sandra dug to the bottom of the box and felt something huge like a dildo or something. Sasha whispered in her ear “Wear that for the rest of the day it’s part one of my reward for yesterday, you might want to get into that first before anything else, please use my office, just lock the door and close the blinds.”

Sandra half ran to Sasha’s office opened the box and examined the thing she felt before which as it turned out was a dildo in the shape of a horses cock; it was fastened to a set on panties. She placed it on the desk and just stared at it for a while, taking in sheer size of the dildo, only realising that this was effectively what she had in her pussy yesterday.

She decided to get on with it, stripped down bare, took the panties off the desk and began to put them on, it proved to be a little tricky at first, soon though she managed to slide inch after of the dildo into her pussy, it felt great, when she finished she put the rest of the uniform on and headed back out to Sasha, who told her to help with horses in general as today was a calm day as they were closing early. As Sandra left, Sasha took out a small remote control out of her jacket and pushed a button, this caused the dildo that was now inside of Sandra to vibrate quietly and slowly, she wanted to make sure Sandra was really turned on when it got to ‘Zero Hour’

The day passed fairly quickly, however Sandra had noticed that whenever she moved the dildo that was now impaled in her would move slightly which felt great. She wondered what it would feel like to go for a ride with these panties on. The afternoon came around and Sasha sent everyone home, everyone that is apart from Sandra and herself. “Time to give you your full reward, first let me explain things, that thing I sprayed you with yesterday was actually a musk from a mare on heat we have here, you’ll see what it does in a few minutes. Also that shot I gave you was to trick your body into thinking you were pregnant to make your cervix stretchable. Finally those panties I made you wear have slowly been stretching your cervix all day, they also act as a remote control vibrator” she winked as she pulled out the remote from her jacket.

“I thought I felt something during the day it was so faint though I put it behind me” Sandra said with a surprised look on her face, “Yeah that was me, wanted to make sure you were horny enough for your reward” replied Sasha, Sasha led Sandra into that all too familiar barn and instructed her to strip and lay face up on the bench she had moved there earlier. She did as she was told, Sasha then said she’d get her reward, after a few moments she returned with Zeus in toe. Sandra noticed that he was already sporting a huge erection and asked what was going on. “Well before I take you out on your belly ride today thought you had earned some private time with Zeus, he is going to fuck you like he does when he is bought to cum, however it’s slightly more tricky to get a horse to do it than a human, hence the musk I sprayed on you yesterday. Sandra then got two syringes out of her bag and gave them both to Zeus, she said nothing; just winked.

Well when you’re ready lay on your stomach. Zeus was already getting excited snorting and stamping his hoof, seeing this Sandra quickly flipped over, exposing her pussy and ass to Zeus, now Sasha led Zeus over to her and guided his penis to her pussy opening a few times, so that Zeus knew where to thrust. After that Sasha moved away and told him to thrust away. Which he did instantly. Forcing about 4 inches on his cock into Sandra’s pussy in one swift thrust. “Ompf, wasn’t expecting that, it feels good, I want more” No sooner did those words escape Sandra’s mouth did Zeus withdraw his penis totally from her and thrust again, a little further than before. Zeus did this again and again until he was butting up against her cervix, however this time it wasn’t painful, she could feel it stretching slightly, with each thrust a her cervix stretched a little more, after about 5 minutes of slow deep thrusting, Sandra felt like she could take all of his penis.

“Hmm, more make him fuck me harder, I want to take all of his cock” groaned Sandra. “Thought you would, brace yourself” Sasha when gave Zeus an auditory cue, which caused him to stop thrusting, fully withdraw his cock from Sandra, who sighed a little, but not loud enough for Sasha to hear, Zeus then inserted a the tip of his cock into Sandra’s pussy a few times so he knew where to aim. The with a snort and a stamp of his back leg, plunged all 12 inches of his cock into Sandra’s soaking wet pussy. “Oh wow that great I’m cuming again, I can’t stop, don’t let him stop” Sasha said she had no intention of letting Zeus stop, not that she could stop him anyway as he was getting really into it, with each thrust he would withdraw his cock and thrust it in again, he began to get faster and faster, he must have thought that Sandra was a mare, Sandra was beginning to wonder how fast Zeus could go, just then it seemed he reached his peak in terms of speed and she didn’t sense him getting any faster.

Zeus’s cock began to engorge with blood, making it even bigger, Sandra didn’t complain or even notice really she was too busy having her own amazing orgasms. Soon Zeus stopped her deep long thrusts, instead he thrust all the way in, then started pumping in short sharp bursts, getting faster and faster. Sandra was in the middle of multiple orgasms, she was cumming so hard she started panting and feeling weak, but she held on. Zeus’s thrust increased in power as he was getting closer to his own orgasm. Sandra had closed her eyes so to enjoy the sensation of being Zeus’s bitch; that was until he came. Then her eye flew open as ropes of hot cum exploded out of his cock and into her deepest of places, with each thrust he did more cum exploded out of his cock filling her pussy, she could feel it filling her up, cum started spilling onto the floor as her pussy was filled to bursting point.

Still Zeus kept cuming, there was more of a gap between thrusts. As he was nearing the end of his orgasm. He was just starting to calm down and stopped cuming. Then something unexpected happened. Zeus led out a loud snort and stamped he leg hard, following by ramming his cock back into Sandra’s pussy, he did this again and again with the same force, Sandra was in a lot of pain and looked around to see what was happening, but she couldn’t see anything. Then Zeus led out the loudest snort Sandra had heard, withdrew his cock from her then another foot before placing his front hoofs on the wall in front of him and with all his strength ramming his cock all the way back into Sandra stopping just short of the end of her womb, then he started cuming again, however this time is was more powerful spurts and he show no signs of stopping either. “Oh my god he cuming again, I’m gonna squirt! I want him to cum over me” With that Sandra turned around and asked Sasha to get him to cum over her, as Sasha withdrew Zeus’s cock from her pussy that was all Sandra needed, she squirted, completely drenching Zeus’s cock he in return was still spouting cum, it poured out of his cock like a torrent, completely covering Sandra from head to toe. Finally Zeus calmed down and stopped cuming (again) Sasha placed his cock at the entrance of Sandra’s pussy where it just stayed there.

The End

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