Women with Animals

Vanessa – Chapter 3: They both said yes and all left for home


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When Vanessa got home her knickers were soaking wet with her juices; she had been going over the day in her mind; she was cumming over and over again in her car coming home. As she entered the front door her pet dog ran to her, jumping up and licking her face. Vanessa new she had to take him for a walk.
“OK Boy”
“Let me get your leash”.
Vanessa knew, if she did not take the dog now, she would be too tired later.
“Come on boy” Vanessa put the leash on the dog.
The dog was sniffing Vanessa’s crutch and licking her face. Vanessa stroked the dog and told him he was a good boy; she could smell her cum on the dog’s lips.
“WOW boy you do smell nice”
“I am Taken the dog out” Vanessa called out to her parents.
The dog (Brandy) jumped into the car; when Vanessa got in the front seat she had a quick rub of her cunt. She turned to Brandy and told him she had been fucked by a strange dog.
Vanessa drove off to the woods, as she opened the door, Brandy got out, but he just sat at her feet. This was unusual as he always ran off and scampered in to the woods.
“What is wrong with you?” Vanessa said in a nice soft voice.
“Go on enjoy a run” Vanessa pointed to the woods.
As Vanessa started to walk Brandy followed; Vanessa thought as she walked; did the dog understand what she had said in the car; was he not happy because another dog had fucked his mistress.
“No he is a dog he does not understand.” She whispered to her self
“Go on boy” Vanessa released the leash, as they got to the edge of the woods.
Brandy was not going he was staying close to Vanessa; Vanessa ran with the dog to get him in the mood; as she was running the dog was jumping up and seemed to be more attentive than normal.
The car park was full but there was no one in sight; Vanessa ran behind the bushes and Brandy followed; he seemed to be more excited than normal. Vanessa was still randy and decided to let brandy have a sniff at her cunt

Brandy was quick to take his moment and gave a lick to Vanessa’s knickers.
Wow that felt so good; Vanessa felt so naughty.
She knew now that Brandy could smell the other two dogs on her cunt. She looked around to see if anyone could see her, there was no one in sight. She quickly removed her knickers (as she bent down to step out of her knickers Brandy’s cold nose pushed against her clitoris.
“You do like my love hole”
The dog was now burying his big pink long tongue inside Vanessa’s hole.
“yes” “yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssss”.
Vanessa turned so she was now facing the dog; she bent her knees and opened her thighs. Brandy could get to her love hole easy; Vanessa pulled open her cunt lips.
“That is so nice mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm”
Brandy was now pleasing his mistress with his tongue, lapping and licking faster and faster; Vanessa was recalling what she had done to the two dogs in the garage; this was feeling just as good with her own pet.
“Can you taste the other two dogs’ sperm?” Vanessa looked down at the dog and laughed.
“He will not say yes!” she laughed. Vanessa was so randy.
Vanessa got down on the grass and kept her knees bent and allowed the dog to feast. Vanessa kept nipping her nipples hard to stop herself from cumming.
Brandy was not stopping; Vanessa had her eyes closed she was back in the garage sucking the dog’s red cock; drinking the doggy cum.
Vanessa heard the bushes rustle in the wind; she thought someone was there, but she could not see anyone. “Few! That made me jump, Brandy”, she stroked the dog’s head. “Keep going boy I am ready to cum”. Vanessa closed her eyes again; this time she was concentrating on Brandy; his tongue was so nice.
Vanessa was rubbing her tits and moving her head back and forwards mmm!
“That is so Nice Brandy” mmm
“More more more” Vanessa was encouraging the dog she was ready to burst in to pleasure.
Vanessa felt something fall on her belly. She was too far in to her orgasm to flick it off her body. Her belly was now starting to jump and twitch. “Ah ah ahha ah ah”.
Vanessa felt a soft movement up her belly, this made her nerves in her belly jump; she opened her eyes to see a young girl (Long black hair, about 20 year old, a twig in her hand and she was naked)
“What are you doing?” “This is a private party”
“O I am Sorry you look so wonderful” the young girl was nervous.
“Laying there with the dog loving you” the girl said in a very nervous voice.
“Please can I join you!” the girl on her knees pleading with Vanessa.
Vanessa thought what could she do; If she said no, will the girl shout out and let people know what she was doing with her pet dog. Vanessa was feeling very vulnerable I will have to let her join in, she thought.
“Yes you can if you suck my dog’s big purple cock” Vanessa was now very raunchy and hoped the girl would say no. she thought she would run away.
The young girl agreed and pulled brandy’s back legs towards her. Vanessa knelt down and got Brandy to lie on his back; she had brandy’s head between her legs. Vanessa told the girl to rub Brandy’s pouch.
The girl grabbed Brandy and started to rub very hard; she was so excited “like this”
“No! not so hard” Vanessa did not want the girl to harm the dog.
Vanessa move the girls hand away “Like this” she caressed Brandy’s pouch; she let go and told the girl to take over. As soon as the girl stroked the dog he reacted; his pink tip come out and wet the girl’s hand. She jumped as the wet pink tip started to grow.
“WOW he does look nice” The girl had a big beaming smile on her face.
“Yes he likes you” “you need to kiss him”
“On his mouth” the girl looked surprised.
“No you silly bitch” “HIS COCK!”
The girl bent her head down and kissed brandy’s nice pink tip; “mmm that is so nice” ”I am so excited”
“It tastes salty”.
Vanessa told the girl to take it into her mouth. The girl loved it she was so gentle “it is like a lovely lolly pop”; the girl looked so sweet; she had a shy smile, almost asking Vanessa for her approval.
“Go on suck my Brandy” Vanessa was holding the dog’s now large red purple cock so the girl could take it in her mouth; The girl was not used to this, she struggled to take a lot of Brandy’s cock in her mouth.
“Good girl, nice and slow” Vanessa was so encouraging, she did not want the girl to be put off.
“MMMM-yes-mmm” the girl was muttering
“A bit more” Vanessa was so wet; Brandy’s tongue was doing his bit between her legs.
The girl spluttered and coughed “Ahuahuahu” her saliva dripping from her mouth.
“Get your breath” “He is waiting for more”
Vanessa stooped down “like this” and engulfed Brandy’s cock to the hilt, her nose touching the dogs knot. As she let the dog’s cock out of her mouth the young girl thought it was so erotic. More and more of the red monster was shown. The young girl was frigging herself franticly. The girl was so excited; Vanessa now licking the tip of her dog’s cock. Mmm-nice-nice-mm fuck-yes-fuck-yes-mmmmmmmmmmmm
“WOW let me do that” Vanessa had made it look so erotic the young girl could not control herself.
“I don’t know if you are ready!” Vanessa was making her beg.
“PLEASE PLEASE!” “LET ME DO IT!” The girl did not care anymore; she wanted that dog’s cock.
“Do you want my dog’s cock” “Do you?” “Do you?” “Do you?” “Do you?” “Do you?”
“YES YES YES” “Please let me suck his cock”
Vanessa was now smiling; she had the young girl where she wanted her. She told the girl you have to take it all in your mouth to the knot. The young girl nodded her approval and said she would try. Vanessa held the dog erect so the girl could get to the red monster and she could see every movement.
Vanessa explained; slowly take a quarter of his proud cock then release and then half and release. After that you take a little more each time until you feel his knot on your nose. The young girl nodded and began to lick the tip.
“Come on he wants you to suck” Vanessa was now excited; she was so wet with the dog licking her.
The girl stooped down and took the dog’s cock in her mouth “mmmmmmmmmmmmmm”; she had listened well, she was so gentle and released the dog to a nice slurping noise; this turned Vanessa on even more.
“Fucking hell girl that is good” Vanessa was so excited.
The girl was now bobbing up and down on Brandy’s dog cock. Making loving moaning sounds all the time.
Vanessa had a hand full of the girl’s hair, pulling her up and down. She was trying to force the girl to deep throat the dog. The dog squirted some doggy cum into the girl’s mouth; this caught her out and she started to choke.
“Stop it you little bitch” “Drink you slut” Vanessa was firm
The girl took the red purple cock in her mouth; she was still spluttering and gasping for her breath. The girl found her throat opened up and felt the dog’s cock fill it. She withdrew and smiled at Vanessa.
“Yes now do it again”
The girl slowly engulfed the red purple slimy cock almost to the hilt. The girl now wanted the dog’s cum. The noise was making Vanessa very raunch.
Brandy started shooting his puppies into the girl’s mouth. Vanessa pulled the girls head off Brandy and opened her mouth so she could have Brandy’s cum squirt into her mouth “Nice”.
“Let me have some” the girl grabbed the dog’s cock and aimed it at her mouth; the dog’s cum splashed all over the girl’s face and then hit the back of her throat. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm He tastes so nice the girl told Vanessa.
The two drank Brandy dry and then sat facing each other; Vanessa told the girl they could not leave the bushes until Brandy had calmed down.
“Will you watch me masturbate?” the girl was so excited
“Yes if you watch me at the same time” Vanessa loved the idea.
The two girls were calling each other as they played with their love holes.
“You fucking dog bitch” Vanessa said
“Whore” young girl shouted
“Dog sucking slut”
“Little dog girl bitch”
The two girls started to shake with pleasure and could not hold back; “Fuck yes” moaning in unison “fuck “ “fuck “ “fuck “ “fuck “ ahahhahahhahahhahahah “I am cumming “the young girl screamed
“FUCKING YES!” Vanessa was cumming at the same time
They fell forward on to each other and had a wonderful orgasm; the girl thanked Vanessa and asked if they could do it again. Vanessa said yes but you will have to let the dog fuck you the next time.
“O WOW that would be so nice”
Vanessa noticed Brandy had calmed down and was just shown a little red tip. We can go now Vanessa said to the girl; they swapped details; yahoo e-mail and said they would be in touch.
They got out of the bushes and started to walk home; as they passed people, the young girl whispered to Vanessa “If they only knew” they both laughed loud and walked off.

Go to next part

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