Women with Animals

Vanessa – Chapter 5: Introduction to the private club


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Vanessa decided she would look at Mike’s e-mail. Just as she signed in she received an e-mail from Ann. She said she had received an e-mail from Mike. She was not sure what to do. Vanessa was tired so she sent a reply to say she would contact her tomorrow on messenger.

Vanessa contacted Jane the next day; Ann told Vanessa she was nervous about joining Mike’s club. Vanessa told her she was nervous too but it sounded exciting. They could look after each other and it would be some adventure. Vanessa agreed to get in touch with Mike and get more details. Ann was happy with that and asked Vanessa to keep her in touch.
Vanessa said she would do it now while Ann was on line. Mike responded within a couple of minutes.
Mike explained it was a swinger’s private club and there were a number of different social groups; depending on what your sexual preferences were. He said he was a member of most but his favourite was beast. Vanessa asked if there were many females. Mike said it was a 50/50 split. This made Vanessa feel better.
Vanessa got back to Ann and she said she would if Vanessa would. So Vanessa made the arrangements with Mike for next Saturday.

Saturday came round and Mike picked the girls up from the centre of town. Vanessa and Ann sat in the back seat. Ann was hugging Vanessa’s arm; Vanessa could feel Ann shaking.

“Are you OK”
“Yes, just excited” Ann was red faced and smiling all the time.
“Don’t worry they are a lovely group” Mike was reassuring
“I have not done beast with anyone but you” Ann said in a whisper to Vanessa.
“Don’t worry it will be an adventure not to forget”

Mike pulled into a large drive way and drove to a big mansion. The girls got out and a couple come to greet them. Mike introduced the girls and said these are two of the best. Just then two ‘German Shepherd’s’ came out and started to make a fuss of the girls. The one with Vanessa was sniffing at her crouch.
“WOW he likes you” Mike was quick to break the ice.
“Come inside” the woman pointed to the door. Mike has told us all about you two; you love your dogs! Vanessa was already wet as she entered the room, it was empty. The woman asked them what they wanted to drink; the dogs were still sniffing and licking the girls. They asked for wine and the guy left the room to get them.

“Sit down and relax” the woman went on; let the dogs get to know you. They will be your partners for the night. We will be going into the next room; they have already started, but don’t worry they have their clothes on. Mike and the guy came back into the room.
“Have you told them?” Mike asked
“No not yet” the woman relied.
The woman looked at them; the girls had their legs open with the dogs licking at their wet knickers.
The woman complemented the girls on their dress; Vanessa had a mini skirt on, it was red and black tartan, black shoes, white knickers and a white ‘T’ shirt; her nipples were hard and shown her excitement. Ann had a pair of shorts ice blue, pale green top with a blue bra grinning through, short white socks and blue high heels.

Mike turned to the girls and told them you will be asked to walk round the room and when someone wants you to join them you will be expected to join them. I would anticipate you will be asked to join a few couples. You are guests so you will not be allowed to join anyone without a request.
“So what do we do just walk round?” Vanessa did not like that she could not join in when she wanted.
“Yes you have to be a member to join in without invitation”
“You are here as guests so you must do as you are told if you want to be members” Mike was quite firm
“You will be busy enjoying yourselves” The woman said.
“Let’s Go” The guy was getting agitated; Vanessa noticed a big hard bulge in his trousers.

As they entered the room the lights were dimmed and there were about 10 couples and lots of dogs all running round licking and trying to mount girl or boy they did not seem to mind. Ann looked like a kid at Christmas her tits seemed to be standing out even more. The woman turned to the girls

“Go and enjoy yourselves, we are here all night”
“Drinks and food are through that door help yourselves when you want”

Mike slapped the girls bum and set them off. The girls walked round together at first taken everything in. They were pointing things out to each other; there was a girl being held down by two guys on a chair; young women with a dog licking her cunt. Ann pointed to a teenage girl in the corner of the room; she had the dog on his back and was sucking him and taken the red purple dog cock deep in her mouth.

As the girls walked round people were stopping them and introducing themselves. The girls were feeling so relaxed but very excited.

“This is something special” Ann all most shouting as she talked to Vanessa.
“Yes we are going to have a night to remember” Vanessa was trying to be calm; she was dripping wet.
“My god, look at that!” Vanessa pointed
There was a woman being fucked by a dog she was fully clothed; her knickers pushed to one side so the dog could get his cock into her love hole and she had two dogs in front of her sucking each big purple monster one after another. There was a girl helping her holding the dogs in position.
At this time the girls hugged each other and looked round the room; It looked like they had been waiting for them to come in; everyone was taken their clothes off and a couple of guys were walking round and picking the clothes up putting them in bags, then placing them at the end of the room. A woman came across to the girls; she hugged Vanessa and whispered into her ear

“You’re needed over Here”
“What about my friend” Vanessa looked at Ann
“She is wanted by them over there” The woman pointed to a couple of guys patting a dog
“Go on I will keep an eye on you” Vanessa reassured Ann
“Don’t worry about me” Ann had a beaming smile on her face and set off.

The woman led Vanessa across to the other side of the room; there were four red leather sofas in a square with a space in the middle, there were couples on three (the other one had the woman’s partner on it). The woman introduced Vanessa to everyone; they were all naked.
“Should I take my clothes off” Vanessa was not sure what to do.
“No just your knickers” The woman told her.
Vanessa took her knickers off and stood in the middle of the group; all the guys slapped the arms of the sofa; within seconds there were four dogs jumping round Vanessa. She was struggling to stand up;

“Go On get her boys” one guy shouted
“Get the slut” another guy shouted
“You’re going to get fucked bitch” the woman shouted
“Yes Yes Yes” Vanessa loved the idea she was the centre of attraction.
“Mike told us you were the one for us” The blonde woman shouted.

Vanessa had a dog humping each leg and one licking her bum and the other was on his back legs licking her face. She loved every minute, trying to get the dog’s pouch in front of her; she could feel his slimy dog cock coming out in her hand.
This was going to be a night never to be forgotten.

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