Women with Animals
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Belly Riding – Bachelorette Party


This is my seventh story posted to this site about Belly Riding as a way of life. For context this is one of the earlier stories I’ve written as a compendium originating from a story called “The Belly Riders – by Jillian, and Pomponio Magnus.” that I did not write. I just fell in love with that story and felt like it needed to be expanded upon a lot. So I did.

Almost of my stories have some length to them because they have to describe the entire set-up each time. So they aren’t quick to conceive, write or edit. The themes are pretty much always around the catharsis of women learning to love sexual intercourse with stallions and the men as a secondary backdrop to the real exhibitionism/voyeuristic bestiality story line. Each story is particularly detailed and errs on the side of grotesque detail. I do greatly appreciate your feedback. Without further ado:


Chapter 1

Brittney couldn’t believe her bacheorette party had turned on her like this. All the girls wanted her to fuck a horse and she was seriously considering it. Her mother had been born in Brazil and her cousin Toni who she kept in touch with lived there as well. Her mother was Brazilian but had moved away when she was very young, so Brittney had grown up completely Americanized. Brittney and her friends, Carli, Caryn, Gianna and her fiance’s sister, Tabitha had all decided to fly to Brazil for Brittney’s bachelorette party. Toni had agreed to host them on one condition. All the girls had to have a traditional bachelorette party and follow Toni’s rules. All the girls agreed, having no idea what that meant, until now.

When Toni took them all to the local samba school and suddenly found themselves in a perverted stable where the horses were screwing women, it was all giggles and taunts for Brittney. Under normal circumstances there was no way in hell Brittney would ever even consider having sex with a horse, but there were other native Brazilian women doing it, and the peer pressure from all her girlfriends to do it was mounting. There was no way Brittney was going to escape at this point. She was going to have to get in the sling and have sex with a horse in front of her friends, before they’d leave her alone. Her pussy pulsated thinking about it.

So there she stood, nearly speechless, seriously considering having sex with a horse in a foreign country with her girlfriends egging her on. Carli said, “Come on, we won’t tell anyone. Besides, who would believe us? This is just a farewell to your bachelorette life.” That wasn’t much consolation but Gianna was quick to add, “If you do it we’ll do whatever you want for the rest of the trip. Promise!” Brittney looked around at her gaggle of pretty girlfriends and demanded, “And Josh can never know.” All the girls could sense that she was about to agree and they all squealed and laughed and promised her that they wouldn’t tell him. Brittney made sure to look at Tabitha who was Josh’s sister, and the most likely to betray her trust, but she seemed just as ecstatic as everyone else to watch. She also made eye contact with Gianna, who she worked with. The last thing she needed was her co-workers finding out.

With that Brittney grabbed the bottom of her thin sweater which was really too hot in this weather anyway, and peeled it over her head so that she was standing there in only her bra. These were just a bunch of girls but even they were whistling at her and cat calling. She began to do a strip tease by slowly removing her skirt and bra and swinging them over her head before throwing them at her friends. Brittney was really just stalling. She couldn’t see herself in a sling with a horse cock in her.

Still though, her friends egged her on. She kept on her cute white tennis shoes and socks but otherwise once she stepped out of her thong panties she was completely naked. The girls were quick to point out she was neatly shaven, much to Brittney’s embarrassment. She tried to back out, asking for her clothes back but the girls were fast enough to hide her clothes behind their backs and push her towards the horse saying that she promised. Brittney was hopelessly over her head. Her friends wanted her to fuck a horse before her wedding and there wasn’t much she could do about it. Especially now that she was naked.

Toni took Brittney by the hand and guided her towards the horse and showed her how to get into the belly riding saddle. It was awkward at first, figuring out exactly how to get in, but after a few false starts she managed to get herself under the horse. Once she was settled Toni began to tie up Brittney’s wrists and ankles. Brittney began to protest, but Toni calmed her by saying, “It’s just so you can relax. Don’t worry, we’ll untie you.” But once she was completely tied up Tabitha said, “Now she can’t get away!” Brittney couldn’t tell if she was kidding or not, but she suspected Tabitha wasn’t teasing. Tabitha had always been a bit of a masochist, so this was probably her way of getting her own jollies – by seeing Brittney humiliated.

Toni began to masturbate the horse, which the girls found terribly amusing, especially when the giant shaft began to emerge. The girls taunted Brittney by telling her how huge it was and she had better brace herself. Brittney tried to smile and breath deeply but she really felt ganged up on. She was supposed to be a princess during her bachelorette party but she turned into the star of a low budget donkey show.

That was until she felt the tip of the massive horse penis graze across her vaginal lips. It felt electrifying and she shivered a little due to the sensation. Her legs were spread wide and she knew her friends all could see the action, not just because of how they were standing but because they were pointing it out to one another. The few other belly riders in the stable were laughing too. She was fresh meat and even though they didn’t all understand English, it was still funny to see the girls pointing and laughing at their friend.

Toni began to push the horse head into her cousin’s body. Brittney clenched her teeth trying to take the head of the shaft so she could get this over with, but Toni put her hand on Brittney’s stomach and said softly, “Relax, it’ll be easier.” The feeling of Toni’s hand on Brittney’s stomach felt wonderful, but she would never admit it. Brittney began to stretch her legs further apart, trying to be accommodating of the huge penis. Brittney knew she was getting wet as Toni rubbed the horse’s head up and down her vagina and her clitorus, fighting for a way inside of her.

After a few tense minutes Brittney was suddenly overwhelmed by the horse’s huge penis as it finally found a way into her tiny vagina. The girls weren’t kidding, it was huge, and even as it began to sink deeper and deeper into Brittney’s most private place she could plainly see she wasn’t even encompassing a third of the horse’s member. She sighed deeply with relief, having felt a great sense of fulfillment. It felt huge and wonderful – strangely so. Brittney moved her hips in tight circles to help accommodate the unwieldy cock now buried deep inside her.

The girls all ooh’d and ahh’d at Brittney’s accomplishment. They were sincerely impressed that Brittney had gone through with it, and they each congratulated her, “Way to go, babe.” “Wow!” “Yeah, she did it!” “I can’t believe it fit!” Individually each of the compliments rang out, making Brittney for the first moment feel like she had done the right thing. Besides it felt hugely kinky and fun to be naked with a horse cock inside her while her friends watched. She’d always thought it would be fun to be caught masturbating, but this was a whole new level.

Toni stood up and clapped her hands, “Okay, now we can go out.” The girls looked almost as stunned as Brittney did, “Go out?!” Brittney said. “Yes, it’s traditional that belly riders go out on the town with their friends before they get married.” The girls began to look at each other. They couldn’t tell if Toni was serious or not, but they all started to laugh and encourage each other. Brittney was mortified but almost completely incapable of changing anything. She was bound up in a most humiliating position. Toni tried to calm Brittney, “Don’t worry, people here are less uptight about these things.” As she said it she pointed around the room to the three other girls who were rocking their hips under their stallions, clearly having sex with them deliberately. Toni grabbed something from a small box and appeared to be administering a shot to the horse’s penis. The horse didn’t flinch, which surprised Brittney.

That didn’t help Brittney’s nerves at all. “No way.” The girls almost all at once said, “Yes way!” Carli said, “Come on, Brit, when else are you going to try this? Let’s go!” Brittney didn’t have a moment to argue before Carli took hold of the reigns and began to guide the horse out the barn door. The girls all followed close and laughed hysterically. It was just too much fun for them to see their friend impaled and squirming, trying to free herself, which only ended up looking more obscene. Brittney called her friends bitches, but secretly she felt great and because she was totally out of control she could sort of deny how much fun she was having.

Brittney flushed furiously when they started walking down the street and people saw her. People pointed, of course but were saying things in Portuguese which Brittney didn’t understand. She got the feeling it was more like seeing a rare car drive down the road than a woman having sex with a horse to them, but to her and her friends it was the dirtiest thing they had ever seen. Each step worked the giant horse cock back and forth in Brittney’s tight vagina. She was intensely turned on, but she really didn’t want to have an orgasm. She couldn’t deal with her friend’s ridicule.

Toni walked close by Brittney and began to instruct her on how to navigate the horse. Brittney was trying to listen because it sounded important, but it was very hard to concentrate. Without warning a small orgasm rippled through her body. She winced and held her breath as her stomach tensed and her anus flexed in rhymthmic pulses. Toni noticed but Brittney could have kissed her because she didn’t say anything. Toni just smiled and continued talking. Brittney was even more turned on now, as she tried to breath normally. Toni took the reigns from Carli and handed them to Brittney, who’s hands were still bound by the wrist to the horse.

Brittney took a shot at navigating the horse on her own. Even though it was really uncomfortable to be having sex and trying to steer at the same time, she quickly got the hang of it. Toni clapped, “There you go! You’re a real belly rider now!” Brittney wasn’t sure she liked the sound of that but she smiled anyway. She was so dumbfounded at how she found herself having sex with an animal in front of her closest girlfriends and Tabitha, who was her fiance’s own sister. But no  one seemed to be trying to stop her. In fact, they all seemed happy enough to watch their friend suffer this intense humiliation as the horse walked her up the street to an older neighborhood, where Toni said there were some fun places to go.

Brittney didn’t want to go to some fun places, but the girls were excited to show her off. Brittney was getting cat called and men were coming up to her right and left but she didn’t know what they were saying. Toni fended them off, and Brittney just smiled, helplessly. As one particularly obnoxious group of guys started leering closer, Brittney noticed the horse started acting funny. He started prancing sideways – almost skipping. Brittney could feel the massive horse’s strength deep inside her as the giant phallus began to swell and throb. Brittney had never felt a horse orgasm before but she was pretty sure she was about to.

Suddenly the horse began to buck it’s hind quarters forward, thrusting hard against poor Brittney who was totally taken off guard. She really wished the group of semi-lecherous guys weren’t watching and she really wished her friends weren’t either, as the horse thrusted harder. Suddenly Brittney was overwhelmed by a flood or horse semen spurting deep within her body. Brittney’s cervix was instantly and thoroughly coated with horse sperm as the stallion continued to force itself hard into her naked, vulnerable body. Brittney protested and squirmed, but it was clear the horse was having it’s way with Brittney, and she couldn’t stop it now. It looked so violent that her friends tried to come to her rescue but it was far too late.

The horse cock pummeled Brittney’s loins, and suddenly, without warning, Brittney found herself climaxing hard. Her whole body overwhelmed her, spontaneously, as she began to moan and wrythe, as her pussy involuntarily pulsated and sucked at the invading meaty horse phallus. Her body hungrily drank the huge load of sperm as it inseminated her. Her friends stood back as soon as they realized she was in the midst of a powerful orgasm, as they laughed in relief. Everyone watched as the two successfully mated for the first time. Hot sperm began to leak out of the beautiful bachelorette’s exposed pussy, down her anus and onto the pavement.

Toni was the first to snap out of it, and she pushed the guys away yelling something at them. Brittney finally began to catch her breath as both her and the horse began to calm down. She suddenly felt like a new woman. She hadn’t had such rough sex in her entire life, and she really needed it, she realized. Brittney finally felt like she was getting into it as she said, “So are we going to go have fun tonight or not?” Caryn laughed, “Some of us are having a lot more fun than others!” Brittney laughed and said, “Wanna switch places?” The girls began to taunt Caryn but she successfully evaded the sudden focus of attention by saying, “No, seriously, Toni, let’s find a fun bar.”

So Toni began to lead them around the older part of town, which was more accommodating to belly riders. The girls began to feed shots to Brittney, and men kept coming up but Brittney didn’t understand a word they were saying, especially as she got more alcohol in her. She managed to have a few more quiet orgasms as they walked around, but she tried to keep them secret. She didn’t want to draw any more attention to herself than she had to. The night wore on and eventually as the sun started to come up the girls decided they were tired, and Brittney had to pee badly. So they walked back to the Samba school and Toni freed Brittney, who immediately flushed quite a bit of horse sperm and almost at the same time started peeing, upon being released. The girls laughed hysterically.

They gave Brittney’s clothes back and the rest of the night was a blur as they meandered back to their hotel, laughing and joking.


Chapter 2

They all woke up to a bit of a hangover as Toni woke them up by knocking on their hotel doors. She had been up for a while, it was obvious. But they were happy to get up anyway, they were only going to be in Brazil until the next day and they wanted to go shopping and see more of the country. The girls ate breakfast and headed down to do some shopping. A number of times the girls brought up the horse asking Brittney if she was too drunk to remember and Brittney giggled, “How could I forget? He’s still dripping down my leg!” That grossed the girls out but they still laughed.

At one point Toni said, “I don’t know if you girls are interested, but there is a wedding this afternoon. One of our cousins is getting married.” The girls thought that sounded like fun to see a Brazilian wedding. Brittney didn’t know that side of the family at all, but it might be nice to meet up with some more family. Toni added, “And if you want, we can get Brittney belly riding at the wedding too.” Brittney shook her head, “No way, that was a one time deal. It’s over.”

The girls laughed at her and Tabitha said, “Well, what if I told you that you had to do it?” Brittney wasn’t sure what that meant, was Tabitha going to force her? Was she strong enough to do it? Brittney said, “What do you mean?” Tabitha smiled, “Well it just so happens that I took some pictures with my camera while you were having your fun with Mr. Ed last night.” Brittney said, “Oh my god, you didn’t!” Gianna chimed in, “Yup, she sure did, I saw her.” Tabitha looked at Gianna and smiled before looking back to Brittney, “I put the film in the mail to a friend of mine back home. So either you do it or I start sending pictures once we get back!”

Brittney was horrified, “You said Josh wouldn’t find out, and you also said you’d do whatever I wanted for the rest of the trip!” Tabitha smiled, “Josh won’t find out unless you want him to, and we can do whatever you want today, but I can’t comment on what I’m going to do once we get back!” Brittney shook her head in disbelief. How could she have been so careless? Would the rest of her relationship with Josh be haunted by one drunken sex escapade with a horse? It was too ridiculous and awful to think about.

“I can’t go to a wedding naked under a horse!” Toni, sensing Brittney’s buying signals said, “It’s okay, Brazilians are used to it at weddings. In fact some women get married while they belly ride here. That’s not that common, but it has happened. I know the family well, they won’t mind at all. Lots of belly riders show up to weddings. I wouldn’t be surprised to find ten or fifteen at this wedding. Besides, you promised you’d do whatever the local culture did, and this is something the culture here does.” Brittney almost spit back, “You don’t!” Toni smiled, “But you do! You already showed us last night. What’s one more afternoon?” Tabitha said, “And besides you had a huge orgasm!” Toni smiled, “She had more than one!” Carli giggled, “Really? How many did you have, Brit?” “I don’t know.” The girls all started jeering at her, “No really, how many?” asked Carli. “A dozen?” The girls all started laughing at that. Brittney tried to defend herself, badly, “You would have too!”

Brittney didn’t say yes, she sort of just groaned, and the girls all started laughing even harder. She had given in. She couldn’t help but smile though, it was a lot of fun last night, and she really wanted to have one more good orgasm with the horse. She felt a little cheated with all those people around, but maybe she’d get a minute to walk off by herself and have some unhindered fun.

They quickly shopped for pretty summer dresses for Carli, Caryn, Gianna and Tabitha. Toni already had a dress handy since she lived there and Brittney certainly didn’t need to shop for a new dress, because in her own words, “I’ll be naked today anyway.” Hearing those words come out of her own mouth made her heart skip. Was she really planning on this? She knew she sounded a little too flippant about the whole thing but she was already getting horny at the thought of it.

The girls retired back to the hotel to get dressed for the wedding. Brittney just wore a thin pair of shorts and a thin cotton tank-top. She didn’t even wear underwear. There just was no point, since one of the girls was going to have to carry her clothes in their purse once she started riding. The girls then walked down to the samba school. It was midday already and the wedding started soon so they had to hurry. Brittney didn’t make nearly as big a production out of getting naked as she did before. She still wore her cute white sneakers and socks, but other than that, she was head to toe naked. She took a deep breath and got into the saddle with Toni’s help.

As soon as she was tied by the wrists and ankles Toni began masturbating the horse again. Just like before the penis distended and after several minutes of preparation the horse was firmly implanted within Brittney’s young body, and the shot was administered to the horse. Brittney couldn’t help asking, “What’s the shot for?” “Oh, it’s so you two can continue to enjoy each other for the rest of the day without him getting soft.” Brittney wished she hadn’t said that she enjoyed the horse, but at this point, given how easily the horse slipped in, and what little protest Brittney had made, it was probably pretty clear to everyone that she was enjoying herself. But that didn’t matter, Brittney still would deny it if anyone asked.

Brittney managed to work her body down the full 8 inches of horse penis which was all that she she could manage to fit in her by squirming. The girls were satisfied and they were off. It was quite a walk and the girls were even starting to complain, but Brittney was in another world. She was getting just as good a workout as the other girls, but she was clearly having a lot more fun doing it. She held back an orgasm though. She wanted to find a quiet place by herself if she could. Tabitha pulled out her camera and started snapping pictures of the girls and Brittney under her horse. Brittney said, “Put that camera away, don’t you have enough pictures of me from last night?” Tabitha smiled, “Which pictures are those?”

Brittney frowned, “The ones you took?” “I didn’t take any pictures of you last night. I just told you I did. I forgot my camera at the hotel. But I am going to take pictures of you now. Don’t worry, I’ll give you the pictures and I won’t spread them around. But I think we all want a few copies for ourselves, don’t we girls?” Everyone laughed and agreed that they wanted a few copies. Brittney was furious but also for some reason caught herself laughing. She had been duped into belly riding a second time.

Finally they arrived at the reception. They had missed the actual wedding itself, but had managed to make the fun part. Brittney looked around and just as she expected, there wasn’t ten or fifteen belly riders as Toni hinted that there might be. Brittney was the only one. She said, “Toni you bitch! You said there would be other belly riders here.” Toni laughed, “Would you have belly rode if I had said you were going to be the only one?” “No.” “Well then, you’re better off that I lied.” Toni smiled as she said it, reading Brittney’s mind that she too was glad she had been duped into it, but now she really needed an orgasm badly. There were men in nice outfits, and women who were dressed up everywhere. Brittney was by far the least dressed person at the party, and she was definitely the only one who was openly having sex with an animal.

Still though only a few people looked at all surprised or shocked. Toni introduced Brittney to a few of her relatives. They were all surprised to meet her, especially under these circumstances. One of the older women, Mrs. Silva, who was a great aunt of Brittney’s said in good English, “I did not know there were belly riders in the US.” Brittney had to explain that she had just done it for this occasion, and that Toni had told her that it was pretty common. “Oh, yes, it was more common years ago, now it’s less common to see it, especially at formal occasions.” That didn’t make Brittney feel better, as she struggled to move her hips lustfully but in a way that didn’t look like she was trying to get herself off as she talked.

The stallion was clearly getting more aroused too. Brittney wasn’t trying to get the horse off, but it was unavoidable. The stallion wanted to inseminate Brittney as much as she wanted his big hard cock shoved up her wet hole for everyone to see. As soon as she felt the horse begin to move slightly, she said, “I’m sorry, Mrs. Silva, I think he’s about to orgasm, please continue talking. I’m listening.” Mrs. Silva stood back slightly. “No really, Mrs. Silva, it’s okay, I’m listening.” Despite Brittney’s coaxing she said nothing. Mrs. Silva’s husband walked up right in that moment saying something in Portuguese that Brittney didn’t understand. They stopped talking when they saw the horse begin to thrust in uneven and violent movements into the young girl who was naked except for a pair of white shoes, which accentuated her nudity more than anything.

Brittney’s eyes glazed over slightly, she couldn’t help herself. She was on the verge of an orgasm anyway, and now the mighty muscle of this huge creature was about to bathe her insides with ejaculate in front of dozens of casual onlookers amongst a sea of people. Brittney saw the horse’s balls lift up as she looked down her body. Her breasts bounced with each thrust and she moaned in excitement. Her legs stiffened and her vaginal muscles clamped down as hard as they could, surrounding the over sized penis that was now bouncing and flaring. Suddenly the young bride to be and the stallion were orgasming in unison.

The horse’s long hard penis erupted in a splash of hot semen. Her cervix lapped up the hot fluids, while the horse drained as much of the contents of his prostate into the perverted girl. She moaned and rocked her hips like a whore. She didn’t care who saw her. She needed this orgasm more than she needed anything her whole life. Through her glazed eyes Brittney saw Tabitha snapping a few pictures of her soon to be sister-in-law mating with a horse. Brittney’s body lovingly sucked at the giant horse penis, as she involuntarily tried to impregnate herself with her new lover’s thick sperm. Brittney’s nipples swayed back and forth lewdly as her perverted act finally came to a climax. A great deal of horse semen began to gush out of the tight fitting union of Brittney’s distended vulva and the giant horse flesh.

Brittney finally calmed herself down but she wished she could continue having an orgasm. She knew she could, but she was simply too embarrassed, now that horse sperm was leaking out of her. She couldn’t deny what she had done. She had intentionally fucked a horse until it ejaculated in her. She apologized again, “I’m sorry, Mrs. Silva. You were saying?” The old woman laughed, “It’s quite alright dear, I need to take my husband here home. I think watching you will give him a heart attack.” Brittney blushed and the woman kissed her hand, “Come back and visit us.”

Toni introduced Brittney to the bride who also spoke fairly good English, “Thank you for coming, Brittney. How do you like the country?” Brittney bit her lip and gasped slightly trying to hold in her hornyness, “It’s nice. Well, I mean, I like it. It’s really nice here.” The bride smiled and laughed, “You are distracted, I can tell. It must be a challenge to be under there and
talk.” “Yes, actually, it is, but I don’t mind. I’m almost getting used to it.” “I see. Toni tells me you are getting married?” Brittney sobered up slightly when she heard that, “Yes, why?” “Does your fiance know that you are a belly rider?” “No, I haven’t told him.” “You should and then come down to Brazil and get married as a belly rider. Belly riding weddings are always fun, I hear. Plus we’d love to see you again, especially since you appear to be having so much fun. You look beautiful.”

Brittney blushed at the compliment and rocked her hips upward, and back down, openly and appreciatively, “I’ll think about it. But I’m still not sure I’m ready to tell anyone.” “Are you kidding me, you just told 500 people! Look around you!” Brittney looked around at the huge group of people and flexed her butt slightly, feeling the wetness of the fresh horse sperm between her butt cheeks. She really needed another orgasm now as she began to rock her hips very urgently, “Excuse me, I’m sorry, I’m really sorry. I’m just really horny, don’t mind me.” “Oh no problem, I completely understand. Now how did you meet your husband?” Brittney couldn’t believe this woman wanted to talk to Brittney while she was clearly getting herself off, “Uhhhh, college… mmmmm… he and I had…. classes… uhhhhhh… together.” Brittney’s stomach was starting to knot up, “Oh I see, and he asked you out?” “No… god… mmm… no… he asked me… to… to… dance… at a … mmmmmmmm… at a… mmmmmm… party.”

Brittney’s whole body began to tense suddenly. She had finally had her first intentional orgasm with a horse cock. She moaned and writhed. She was making quite a commotion as the bride started laughing loudly, “See? I think you’re ready to tell your fiance.” Before Brittney could protest a photographer walked by and began taking snapshots of Brittney under the horse, next to the bride. Brittney was flushed but strangely happy. The bride had done more for Brittney’s self esteem than anyone had in years. She felt sexy and important.

Once the photo op had subsided the bride leaned down to Brittney and said, “I have to go entertain my other guests. It was wonderful to meet you and I look forward to seeing your wedding, belly rider and all. Have fun!” Brittney laughed and said, “Okay, it was nice meeting you too, congrats!” The bride walked away. Brittney continued to rock her hips as the woman walked away. After a few more minutes the girls all decided it was getting late. They decided the fun was over but only after they had scoped out the guys and gotten a few dances in here and there.

Deciding that it was better pickings at the bar for male eye candy, the girls decided to retire. On the way home Brittney decided to just let herself enjoy the last twenty minutes or so of her belly riding experience. She rocked her hips quickly and got herself to an orgasm within minutes, and didn’t stop. She wanted to keep coming and coming. The girls started laughing after a few minutes, “God, Brittney, give it a rest.” But Brittney was going to do no such thing.  Those bitches had got her to fuck a horse, and by god, she was going to enjoy the last few precious minutes, she thought.

She actually moaned louder once they said that and began to do it more lewdly. Carli came up and twisted Brittney’s nipple, “Shhhh, you’re so noisy!” Brittney didn’t let that stop her, she just kept rocking as wave after wave of orgasms swept over her. The girls just talked amongst themselves after a few minutes and gave up on their horny friend who managed to keep herself in and orgasmic state on the slick sperm covered horse penis for the last fifteen minutes of the ride back to the samba school which was vacant for the first time that they had visited it. Toni, changed the subject and explained that the girls had probably gone home for the week – the weekend was really the most popular time for the samba school.

When they arrived, Brittney wasn’t done. She even huffed, “Don’t untie me yet, give me a few more minutes, please. I’m almost done. I just want him to come once more. Please?” Brittney’s begging intrigued the girls. “What do you think girls?” Carli asked. Gianna said, “I guess we can wait, but hurry it up, Brittney. We can’t wait for you two to make babies together. Just get him off and let’s go.” Brittney needed no more encouragement. She was on a mission

She closed her eyes and immersed herself in the rocking motion of her hips. Now that she wasn’t moving the sudden jarring motion of each step was no longer there and she didn’t have to pay attention to where she was steering the horse, so she could concentrate better. She could feel the thick head and the meaty head pressing against her insides. She rocked her hips as wildly as she could, to give the horse as much pleasure as she could manage. She didn’t care if her friends saw her now. She was an admitted horse lover now. She would have sex with any horse any time. She was so sexually excited, that she started to become more obscene, “Please, take some close up pictures, Tabitha. I want to show Josh the pictures.”

Tabitha looked at the girls and at her horny soon to be sister in law, and shrugged and started taking more pictures. That made Brittney moan again. Each tiny climax kept her going. She wished she could do something even more dirty, like shove the hard cock up her ass. She panted, “Would you all come to my wedding if I did it in Brazil?” They all said sure, not knowing where she was going with this, “Good, because I want to get married like this. I want to get married to Josh with this thick cock squirting sperm in me. mmmm oh god…. I want to do my vows while I’m cumming. Oh god, that would be so hot!” The girls started laughing. Their friend was clearly out of her mind horny.

Toni spoke first, “We’ll arrange it, just show up and we’ll make it happen. You’re the bride, you get to choose how you want to do the wedding.” “I want this huge cock buried in me. I want to rock my hips up and down so everyone can see how much I’ve taken. I want the stallion to ejaculate in me, and I want to make the priest wait until right after the horse first starts filling me up with his semen and I’m crying out in an orgasm, before I say ‘I do’!”

Just then the horse, almost on cue began to thrust his back legs forward, “Oh god, yes, he’s about to cumm!” The girls needed no announcement, it was very clear what was going on between Brittney and the stallion at this point. After several more big thrusts, Brittney began to scream and tense as the horse fulfilled her fantasy by filling her up with more sperm than she had ever had in her. Her womb was full with the hot liquid from earlier, but even more splashed into her orgasming vagina. Tabitha took a few close up pictures of her brother’s soon to be wife as her lover’s cumm started to leak out of her obscenely. After several more tense moments of Brittney moaning and arching her back wildly she fell back into her saddle, breathing heavily.

The girls didn’t know what to say or do, but Caryn was the first to jokingly say, “Okay, you slut, you two make a very cute couple. Now, are you done? Let’s go!”


Chapter 3

Brittney got a package in the mail a week or so later, from Tabitha. Brittney was scared to open them but she was also eager to see the pictures now that she had gotten back to her quiet life in suburbia. She was thrilled to see how crisp and clean the pictures had been. Tabitha had taken a lot of pictures. Maybe a hundred or more, and each one of them made Brittney squirm, wishing she had a stallion nearby. She had a few hours to wait until Josh got home which was just enough time to masturbate a few times to the pictures before he got home.

When he got home he saw his soon wife-to-be with a bottle of wine and wearing nothing but one of his sweaters, so that her butt and pussy showed. “Well!” Brittney gave him a glass of wine and kissed him passionately. She wanted him good an horny before he saw the pictures. He began to feel her pussy, and she felt his cock through his jeans. When she could feel him getting nice and hot she said, “I have a bit of a surprise for you and I want you to promise not to
get mad.” Josh could feel impending doom at those words, but he had no idea what he was in for.

“The girls and I had a good time at the bachelorette party, and I didn’t cheat on you with any guys, I want you to know that.” “With a girl?” Josh thought he could tell where this was going. “Not exactly. The girls played a joke on me and it got out of hand. And anyway, here are the pictures, so you can see for yourself.” Josh took the pictures that Brittney had placed on the table and looked at them. The look on his face was priceless and it made Brittney laugh. It was  clear he couldn’t tell what he was looking at at first. “What is this?” “Here.” She took the stack of pictures and flipped to one that was zoomed out enough so that you could see the thick penis penetrating her tiny body as well as the horse’s butt and part of it’s neck. It was unmistakable, Brittney was definitely naked tied up to a horse while they engaged in sex.

Josh’s mouth opened wide, “What the hell is this?” “I had sex with a horse.” “What? I can see that, I mean… Why?!” “Because your sister and my friends pushed me into it. I said no, but they wouldn’t leave me be. But then a funny thing happened. I thought I’d hate it but I ended up really liking it. Well, after the second day anyway.” “Second day?!” “Yes, I fucked the horse for two days. About 4 hours each day… so eight hours total, but he only came in me three times.” “What?! Three times!” “I came more than he did, by a lot. I totally lost track, but yes, he only came three times. I would have let him do it a lot more but I was really embarrassed by the whole thing at first, especially with the other people around. Then we had to leave for the airport.”

Josh was flipping through the pictures frantically, “Wait, there’s tons of people around.” “Yah, several hundred at the wedding and probably several hundred out at the bars. It’s hard to know for sure. Maybe 1000 people total?” Josh looked at his bride to be who was telling him this so sincerely that he didn’t know what to do. Sensing his discomfort she said, “Look, I’d never cheat on you, Josh, I mean it. This is different. I love you. It was just a crazy thing the girls made me do since we were in Brazil, and drinking. You know how it is. It’s no big deal, okay?” Josh tried to keep cool, “Okay, fine, it was just a one time thing, no big deal.”

“Well, about that.” “Yes?” “I sorta promised that I’d get married down in Brazil. And I sorta promised the girls that I’d do it while belly riding.” Josh shook his head. Brittney continued, “It was so hot, Josh, you should have been there. I was so turned on by the whole thing. I have to get married like that. I need to. If you love me you’ll come with me and let me get married the way I want to get married. Your sister and my friends are already up for it. Come down with me. It’ll be fun! I promise!” Josh suddenly saw the pictures of the sperm dripping out of her and Brittney could tell it caught his eye, “Do you like that one?”

Josh smiled slightly and raised his eyebrow, “Wow. I guess I never thought about it, but wow. Look at that.” Brittney said, “We’ll make it a week long thing. We’ll have our honeymoon down there. The horse will have me during the day, and you’ll have me at night. It’ll be romantic!” Josh didn’t need more convincing, his penis was already erect in his pants. Their lovemaking was passionate, noisy and Josh kept asking for details about what it felt like to have a horse inject her with semen. Brittney was happy to oblige.


Chapter 4

Josh’s parents, Brittney’s parents, all of Brittney’s friends and two of Josh’s friends flew down to Brazil. Only Brittney’s girlfriends and Josh knew what was going to happen down in Brazil. They were going to meet Toni and just do it the way they wanted to. A number of people from Toni’s cousin’s wedding would be present as well, because Brittney had made such a good first impression on so many people while she was there. Plus it was all family, albeit distant family.

Brittney didn’t need to pack a dress, and in fact only packed a few small items in her suitcase. Her parents were amazed how light she had managed to pack. It didn’t occur to them that there should be an entire other suitcase for the dress alone. It was just such a whirlwind trip and Brittney kept saying not to worry about the details that no one did. Brittney had managed to pack everything she’d need in a tiny suitcase filled with one bikini, two pairs of shorts, two tanktops and a few pairs of shoes and she had room to spare. She wasn’t going to need many clothes she decided, and even if she did, she could just buy them there.

They arrived at the hotel and got situated. Early the next day Toni and Brittney said they were going to go get a horse for the wedding. Of course Brittney’s mother thought that meant to ride horseback for the ceremony. It was pretty clear she had no idea that her daughter intended to have sex with it on her wedding day, in front of everyone. All the girls giggled that they knew and no one else did.

Toni and Brittney went and got the stallion, but Brittney didn’t belly ride it back to the hotel. She wanted to wait until the last possible moment. The wedding party gathered themselves up and went to a beautiful open park where a bunch of tables and chairs had been set up by Brittney’s extended family. The priest began setting up near an altar that had been brought in by the extended family members. There were about fifty people in all, which excited Brittney. There was so much chaos with the various people and the mostly impromptu wedding that Brittney was free to escape with the horse and Toni for a few minutes before the wedding ceremony began. They found a quiet place behind some dense shrubs.

Toni smiled at Brittney, “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Brittney said, “I’ve been dreaming about this since the last time I did it. It’s now or never.” As Brittney stripped naked Toni said, “This is your coming out day. The day you tell everyone. It’s the most important day for a belly rider. Not many chose to do it on their wedding day. Birthdays yes, holidays yes, but wedding day? That’s unusual.” Brittney didn’t care, she put on some brand new white high heeled shoes and quickly put in some white pearl earrings and a pearl necklace, and quickly tied her hair back. She wanted to get under the horse before anyone caught her standing there naked. She slipped on a blue garter that her mother had on her wedding day that she was borrowing for just this occasion.

Before long she had managed to get herself situated under the sling and got herself tied in place. In a few moments, Toni had masturbated the horse enough so that the familiar soft skin of the horse penis was rubbing against Brittney’s already wet pussy. She whispered, “Quick, put it in, before someone sees us.” After a few angstful moments the giant horse penis pushed it’s way into the bride to be. Brittney took a huge sigh of relief that she managed to get situated before anyone found her. Toni quickly administered the shot to the horse that she got from a small case in a handbag that she had been carrying. Now it was just a matter of time. Brittney smiled, “Do you always carry around your special horse viagra?” “Only when you’re in town, sweetheart.” The two giggled.

The first person to round the corner was Carli, her maid of honor, “Whoa! There she is! All ready to go, I see!” Brittney was just getting accustomed to the girth of the penis in her. She had forgotten exactly how big it was, “Geez, he’s huge. Bigger than I remember. I don’t know how I’m going to concentrate.” Toni pointed out that this wasn’t the same horse, but a more well endowed stallion that Toni had borrowed specifically because she knew Brittney was getting married. Brittney laughed, “Bummer, I thought I was just getting tighter because of all of the pre-wedding exercising I did! Not that I had to worry about fitting into a dress, but this outfit doesn’t leave much to the imagination.”

Suddenly Brittney’s mother rounded the corner and stopped short, “Oh my god, Brittney, what are you doing?!” Brittney smiled, “It’s okay mom, I’m a belly rider. Tell her Toni.” Toni explained what a belly rider is and how it was somewhat culturally acceptable here in Brazill. Brittney’s mother listend but by the expression on her face she wasn’t getting the answer she wanted, “Does Josh know about this?” “I told him, yes. He’s okay with my choice.” “Do you really like it or something?” “Oh god, mom, it’s heaven. I just don’t want you and Dad to hate me, that’s all.” Brittney wasn’t overacting, she honestly felt a tear well up as she said it.

“Oh baby, I don’t hate you. It’s just… why didn’t you tell me?” “I thought it would be better for you to see it in person. It sounds so much worse than it is.” “Well, I’m sure it’s fun for you, but it’s still a lot to get over from my position. Have you told your father yet?” “No, could you bring him over?” Brittney’s mother sighed, “I’ll be right back.” Brittney’s mother walked away quickly, and Carli giggled, “Wow, that was easier than I thought it would be.” Brittney managed a few deep strokes of the horse penis before she said, “I hope my dad is as understanding.”

She didn’t have to wait long to find out, her dad came storming around the corner looking red in the face. Clearly he already knew, “What the hell are you doing?!” “Nothing daddy, please don’t be mad.” “Are you kidding me? You’re screwing a horse! Is that fact lost on you?” “Oh gosh, daddy, no, I’m just really into horses, and I wanted this day to be the most memorable of my life. Please don’t hate me, daddy, I want you to be by my side and walk with me down the isle.” Brittney’s mom put her hand on Brittney’s father’s shoulder, which immediately made him visible relax slightly.

“Are you kidding? Really? You want to be seen like that? What will Josh’s parents think?” “I don’t care, daddy, I don’t want to hide who I am. They can take me as I am or they can leave me. Either way, Josh said he was okay with my choice and if that’s good enough for him then it’s good enough for me.” “Did he set you up to do this?” Brittney giggled a little which made her breasts sway slightly, “No no, it was all my idea. I had to convince him. But he ended up being okay with it after I told him how much it meant to me. Plus I promised the girls that I would belly ride down the isle last time we were in Brazil. Lots of the family down here have already seen me do it. They wanted me to come back and get married like this. I couldn’t let everyone down.”

Brittney’s dad looked slightly less upset when she asked, “Do you hate me, daddy?” “No baby, no, I don’t hate you. I wish you had told me sooner, but no, I don’t hate you.” “It’s not as bad as it sounds. I wanted you to see it instead of hearing me explain it.” “Why do you want to get married like this anyway?” Brittney took the opportunity to rotate her hips obviously when he asked that to emphasize her point, “Oh god, daddy, I don’t mean to sound perverted, but I love the feeling in me. It’s hard to explain.” Her dad covered his ears and looked away before looking back. She was still gently rocking her hips as he said, “Well, I guess we should get this show on the road. If you’re going to do it and I can’t stop you, I don’t see the point in delaying this whole thing.”

Brittney laughed and smiled, “Thank you, daddy, I love you!” “I love you too sweetheart. We have to tell Josh’s parents first though.” “Okay daddy.” With that, and one slight sexual sigh from Brittney, the wedding was on. Her family went to break the news to Josh’s family and Brittney had to wait about ten minutes before everyone was settled down. Brittney was glad she didn’t have to take part in that conversation. She couldn’t bear looking at their faces. It was hard enough with her own family.

The time was upon them. The girls scurried up to their spots and her father came back to walk her up to the front. He looked down at his daughter, who was gently rocking her hips and breathing heavily as she looked up at him. He could easily tell she was enjoying her intercourse as he said, “You look beautiful, Brittney. I’m very proud of you, even if I don’t show it.” Brittney squealed a little bit and humped her hips harder, taking more cock up her horny pussy as she said, “I love you too daddy. Thank you for understanding. I need this.” Her father smiled at his naked daughter.

With that the music started and the bride under the horse and her father walked out behind the thick hedge and into plain sight of the 50 or so people of the wedding party. Everyone stood up, and it was quite clear Josh’s parents were disgusted, but Tabitha was trying to calm them down in whispers that Brittney couldn’t hear over the music from the small boom box someone had brought with them. Josh’s groomsmen were slack jawed and talking amongst themselves too. Brittney’s made the horse walk very slowly to the music, with her father by her side. She bucked her hips openly so that everyone could see exactly what she was doing. Gianna had brought a video camera with her and was taking video of the occasion and when Brittney passed she made an extra effort to be as wild about how she rotated her hips as she could, to emphasize exactly how much cock was hidden from view.

Brittney could feel a orgasm impending, and she really wanted to have one, but she also wanted to wait until the ceremony began. When she finally reached the stage, the horse was positioned away from the audience so everyone had a great view of Brittney mating with the horse on her wedding day. The thick shaft of the horse disappeared mysteriously into her body. Her clitorus was rock hard and it was clear she was blushing, not from embarrassment, but from how horny she was.

Josh looked down at his bride and smiled. Her eyes were semi glazed over, and she was deeply lusting after the horse penis in her. Josh wasn’t even sure she was aware of where she was in that moment, but she looked gorgeous. The priest began doing the ceremony. It was a short sermon, and before long Brittney was getting closer to her orgasm. She was trying to hold out as long as she could but she also was trying to get the horse excited at the same time – a tricky task.

She was barely paying attention to the ceremony. She was far more interested in fulfilling her dream. She wanted the horse to orgasm right as she was giving her vows. Josh was first. He was so good looking as he listend to the priest recite the vows, and Brittney was so horny. She amused herself thinking she could have sex with a dozen horses straight on her honeymoon. It was a beautiful combination, a handsome man and 18 inches of erect horse penis. She wanted to consummate her marriage to her husband with a horse, right there in front of God and everyone.

He finally finished his vows with a beautiful, “I do.” She could tell the horse wasn’t quite ready, but she needed him to be. The priest turned to Brittney and said, “Do you Brittney, take this man to be your lawfully…” Brittney spurted out, “One second father, this is important. Just one second.” She stopped the wedding and began bucking her hips wildly. She really wanted the horse to orgasm. She rocked her hips and moved up and down and she herself felt dangerously close to an orgasm. The entire audience was awestruck. The blushing bride had stopped the wedding mid vows to make a horse ejaculate inside of her. The only sound was a few whispers in the audience and the creaking of the leather saddle as Brittney’s butt bobbed up and down.

The whole ceremony was halted for several minutes as Brittney indulged her fantasy. It was extremely awkward for the audience, who was forced to watch the crude act of bestiality play out in front of them. Brittney nervously continued knowing everyone was waiting on her. She blushed furiously with embarrassment, but it was too late for that, she couldn’t give up now. She was more turned on in that moment than she had ever been in her whole life despite how truly embarrassed she was. She relished it and if she could force them to wait for a year for her to orgasm, she would.

She was clearly doing everything she could to enjoy the moment to the fullest and even delaying the inevitable by stopping every few seconds to catch her breath before continuing another round of massaging the horse’s cock with her taut pussy. This was all despite everyone around her, including her step mother who was in the front row. Brittney loved the fact that her mother in law’s disapproving eyes were glued to Brittney’s butt and pussy. Brittney intentionally shook her butt slightly just to torment her. Fortunately for everyone involved after nearly five excruciatingly long, awkward minutes of intense perverted intercourse the horse ran out of patience.

With several more long thrusts downward so that her cervix pushed hard against the horse’s sensitive penis the horse began to shift and move. Brittney managed to moan out, “Oh god, he’s close, please, Gianna, make sure you film me.” Gianna was embarrassed to be called out by name, but she said, “I have been, sweetheart. Go ahead, get married already.” Brittney needed to see this video badly. She couldn’t imagine anything better that sitting down with her friends and family and showing them her wedding day, sexual mishaps with the horse and all. Maybe she’d send copies and make postcards of the pre-marital horse coitus for Christmas. Her imagination ran wild.

Brittney sighed heavily as if she had been holding her breath the whole time, and indeed, she felt like she had been. The horse began to haunch forward and jerked it’s now flaring penis head forward and backwards hard into Brittney, as she moaned, “Oh god, okay Father, he’s ready, go ahead.” The priest looked somewhat shocked but he managed to compose himself somewhat and continue, “Uhm, okay let’s see here. Do you, Brittney, take this man, Josh…” Brittney audibly moaned loudly over the priest as the horse thrust violently into Brittney’s sensitive vagina. She bucked her own hips in time, as openly as she could so that everyone could see that the two, woman and beast, were not only mid coitus, but about to pleasure each other tremendously in the midst of her wedding vows.

“…to be your lawfully wedded husband.” Brittney could feel herself getting close. The horse too bucked slightly almost lifting itself off the ground, working the full length of what Brittney could contain in her small body back and forth in her wet hole. The stiff cock pounding hard against Brittney as her moans increased in volume, not caring at all what people thought. This was her wedding and she wanted to have the best orgasm of her life, right then and there at the exact moment that she became a married woman. “To love and to cherish, in sickness and health,”

In that moment the horse began to orgasm. Rope after rope of hot semen erupted into Brittney as her eyes flung open. The audience could tell she was finally beginning to orgasm too because her anus was pulsating with each thrust and her lusty movements had reached a fever pitch as her legs tensed and ber buttocks flexed as an intense climax approached. The bride’s maids couldn’t help but giggle at the scene. Brittney knew in the back of her mind how ridiculous she must have looked in that moment, getting married in the exact moment while a
horse was attempting to breed with her. But she was in heat and she couldn’t stop herself.

Brittney arched her back and yelled at the top of her lungs, “Yes! FUCK ME!” The horse did just that. It jabbed it’s erupting penis deeply into the willing body of the bride. Brittney could hear Carli giggle and under her breath she said, “That’s the first time I’ve heard that in a wedding!” Brittney didn’t care what Carli thought in that moment. Her orgasm finally struck her right as the priest finished, “until death do you part?” She moaned and writhed. Her whole body was one gigantic orgasm. From head to toe she was tensed and exploding. Her cervix was lapping at the large volume of semen that was still flooding her body.

The audience saw the bride desperately try to impregnate herself on the gigantic horse dick that was spraying her insides in that very moment with a massive volume of hot liquidy semen. She willingly gave her body over to her mating partner, while her husband helplessly watched the ordeal unfold. The audience held their breath waiting for Brittney to agree to be married, but she was far too pre-occupied in that moment. Brittney had just reached the climax of her life and her mouth was completely open and her eyes bulged as her pussy eagerly milked as much semen as it could from the stallion in her.

Brittney was too captivated but the squirting cock in her to care what her captive audience thought. She half considered making them wait another few minutes while she got herself off. She was so ecstatic that she wanted to do this all day long. But, after several tense seconds a small splash of hot horse semen erupted from the bride’s engorged vulva. That was her cue and what she had been waiting for. With a desperate moan she yelled out, “Uhnnnnnnnnnnnnnn… Oh God! YES! YES, Father! Yes! I do! Mmmmmmmm… Oh, God! YES!”

The horse continued to squirt rope after rope into the young newlywed wife as she shook in extasy. “By the by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you two ‘man and wife.’ You may kiss the bride.” Josh took the ring from his groomsman and walked to the other side of the horse to put the ring on her left finger before leaning down to give Brittney a kiss. Brittney kissed Josh passionately but it was clear Brittney was still being ejaculated into as she was moaning loudly between breaths and subtle waves of horse semen were dribbling out of the blushing bride.

Her hips were still bouncing and sperm was still gushing out from around the lips of her hairless pussy and lewdly formed a small bridge of sperm between her butt cheeks that giggled perversely as she rocked her hips and continued to cumm. Everyone clapped at the kiss. Josh turned the horse around and walked with his still orgasming wife down the isle leaving a trail of semen behind her as she continued to moan loudly and squirm on the still pulsating sperm covered cock. A few people threw bird seed at the couple as they walked down the isle.

The wedding party surrounded Brittney and Josh immediately after they walked down the isle together soon to be followed by the rest of the audience. Brittney was so proud of herself but she didn’t have time to cherish it properly because she was adamant on keeping her orgasm going as long as she could manage. Josh’s mom was first on the scene to talk to Brittney who was still lewly pumping her hips up and down. She was having the best orgasm of her life and she wasn’t going to stop now. “What’s the meaning of this, Brittney?” Brittney moaned loudly, her chest flush and lewd squishing sounds coming from her horse semen filled vagina, “Oh god, Mom it feels so good, I want everyone to feel this.” Josh’s mother was obviously revolted, especially because Brittney called her “Mom” in that moment.

Josh laughed nervously as his wife continued to orgasm and moan, “I don’t know about that honey.” Brittney giggled and moaned at the same time as her body shuddered, “I just consumated the marriage for us, baby, are you proud? You have no idea how much horse sperm is in me right now. I’m going to be dripping for days. mmmmm Oh, look mom, is it still coming out of me?” Brittney’s mother nervously looked and smiled, “Yes dear, it is. Oh wait, you have some bird seed there.” Her mother brushed a few pieces of bird seed off of Brittney that were stuck to her butt by sperm. Brittney’s Mom wiped her hand on her skirt when she was done. “Mmmmm, thanks mom, I can’t see myself. I think the stallion is trying to make me get me pregnant! … mmmm… oh God! Josh is the only one who gets to do that, but it is sure fun practicing!”

Brittney continued to meet and greet her small audience but not even for a moment did she stop working her body up and down the length of the huge slippery penis as she talked to her guests. She tried to be polite, but she was far more interested in her orgasm. She went through peaks and valleys but she continued to moan for well past ten minutes as her orgasmic state continued. Even the guests started to comment. Tabitha was the first to say soething, “Brittney, you are one horny bitch today. Congrats on your orgasm. I mean your marriage.” Brittney laughed but she was undeterred. Her mother was next, “Baby, aren’t you sure that’s quite enough?” “No mom… oohhhh, please, let me finish, I need this.”

After several more minutes, Carli even spoke up, “Gianna is going to run out of tape at this rate, sweetheart. Aren’t you done yet?” “God no, Carli, I’ve never been so turned on before. Look at his huge cock! mmmmm I’m completely filled up with his cumm! Oh god… one second…” One second lead to another three minutes of moaning as she continued to shake and shudder. She was unabashed now. Her father interrupted her steady moaning, “Baby, you’re ignoring your guests. Why don’t you stop that and talk with your guests.” Brittney looked around at her guests and said, “Please everyone, enjoy yourselves, I just need a few more minutes down here, don’t mind me. I’m just terribly distracted right now. I’m sure you can all tell why.”

After a few more minutes of watching Brittney mate with a horse Caryn raised her glass in a toast, “I’ve known Brittney for a long time, but when we were in Brazil the last time she was mated to a horse she said to us and I quote, ‘I want to get married like this. I want to get married to Josh with this thick cock squirting sperm in me. I want to do my vows while I’m cumming.’ I think we all thought she was kidding or she was crazy. But she proved us wrong – about the kidding part anyway.” Everyone laughed which embarrassed Brittney, but she was still intensely orgasmic and rocking her hips as Caryn continued,

“I know after just three times with a horse that Brittney has found her true love as strange as that might be for the rest of us. Josh is the man of her dreams but that damned horse is probably the best thing that has ever happened to her. We’d be cruel to deny her both of those things at the same time and today she lived her dream, and actually still continues to live it.” Caryn was referring to Brittney’s not so subtle moaning which made everyone laugh slightly, “She got a horse ejaculating and a gorgeous guy to marry her at the same time. It’s not every girl’s dream but it was hers. I’ve never met a more honest, wonderful person, and I know that she will make you a wonderful wife, Josh, even if we never see her vertical again.” The bridesmaids all laughed and the audience laughed with them as everyone lifted their glasses and said cheers. Josh even laughed. Maybe he would actually accept Brittney’s fetish. Only time would tell.

After another 5 minutes Brittney’s orgasms finally subsided, much to everyone’s relief. Carli laughed, “I thought you’d never finish!” Tabitha added, “Yah, save some of that for poor Josh.” Brittney smiled a satisfied smile as her body glistened with sweat, “How long was I?” Carli looked at her watch, “Just about half an hour, babe.” “Wow. I’m sorry.” Brittney was suddenly ashamed as she timidly asked, “And how long did I keep everyone waiting during the
vows?” Josh’s mom chimed in, “It was only a few…” Carli interrupted, “Almost five minutes, honey. I was about to go get a cup of coffee if you hadn’t managed to finish up. At least it was entertaining with all that moaning and heavy breathing you were doing. You definitely sounded like a happy bride, that’s for sure. I can honestly say I’ve never been happier to see a horse orgasm than today, I was ready to get down there and start jacking him off into you myself.” Brittney blushed furiously, “I’m sorry, wow.”

Gianna put down the video camera for the first time since the wedding began and said, “Don’t worry, Brittney, it’s all on video. We can play it back for you.” Brittney moved her hips gently, not wanting to show anyone that she was still massaging herself. She didn’t want to be made fun of any more that day, but that was pretty much out of the question. Tabitha laughed and sarcastically said, “Just what we need. Yes, let’s watch another hour of Brittney’s getting a pussy full on her wedding day! What do you say everyone? Let’s hope Gianna got some good closeups of that full load up Brittney’s snatch that she took as her husband was putting that ring on her finger. She can share that one with all their co-workers. How special!”

It was Gianna’s turn as she turned to Brittney’s mother and said, “I did get some nice shots of her pussy pulsing. You can really see her anus flexing too. Do you want to see?” Her mom laughed and waved Gianna off, “No thanks, I’ve had a baby, and I know how it’s done. I don’t need to see my daughter trying to do it.” Gianna laughed as she reversed the video and played it on the tiny screen for everyone, “Oh there’s no baby involved, just a spermy mess. Look, you can see it’s about to start splashing out. This is right as she is about to say her vows. Look, look!” Everyone looked, but Brittney couldn’t see. She could hear the Priest talking and her own moaning over the tiny speakers. Those moans haunted her. Brittney began to move her hips again. She was horny thinking about it.

Everyone who was watching suddenly and in unison said, “Ewwww…” all at the same time. Brittney was curious what had happened and said, “What? What happened?” Carli laughed, “A lot of sperm just gushed out of you all at once, that’s all. It’s really close up. You can even see the veins on his cock. You should do porn shoots, Gianna!” Gianna laughed, “Maybe I’ll just stick to doing weddings. Or any formal occasion that Brittney attends.” Brittney was getting more and more horny the more that people talked about her like this. She was suddenly very proud of herself. Everyone was talking about her and she could hear her moaning on the video camera. Everyone who was watching the small screen seemed memorized by watching Brittney mate with the animal.

Brittney’s fornication had become legendary and she had a huge sense of accomplishment. Even if it had taken five long minutes to say her vows and even if that underscored what a huge exhibitionist she was, she managed to get her fantasy to become a reality. The rock hard, throbbing horse penis sprayed her insides with a huge load of semen and just like she had wanted, everyone had seen it. She managed to reach an incredible climax as her pussy sucked the squirting cumm and even better, it all happened right as she was asked to marry her husband. She was surprised she managed to answer. She really felt like she was marrying the orgasming horse in that moment. Her lusty body had complete control over her. Thankfully it had actually gone rather smoothly, and now her life was an endless set of possibilities. Her inhibitions were gone and she felt like a sexy, beautiful woman.

Toni came to give the bride a kiss on the cheek, “You did great, Brittney. You’ve become a real belly rider today.” Brittney smiled in appreciation, “It’s all thanks to you! Thank you, Toni!”


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