Women with Animals
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Collie is Locked Up


(c) 2007 by collie99

I have always tried to tell you the truth (allowing for memory lapses) in my animal mating experiences but I hope you will forgive me when I combine my three visits to the farm just outside Seattle, Wa where I was locked up for days with eight horny dogs to just the first time. It does make for a better story and this first time was when I was a slave to a master. The second and third time I had left my master and went back because I had enjoyed it so much.

Although I am submissive by nature when it comes to sex I am not that way usually in my ‘normal’ life but I always like to try new things and it seemed a good idea at the time. My hubby had died four years before and when Leslie and his friend Jonathon came into my life through a chance encounter in a bar in Miami I was ready for someone to ‘look after me.’ Leslie was a transvestite and a made a very beautiful ‘woman’ and he also was very well endowed with a magnificent cock. Now you can understand why I was so attracted to him. I do love the deviant! Jonathon was his lover too and I was the first woman he had entered albeit when Leslie was also inside me too. I still get wet thinking about Leslie’s cock thrusting away and his huge breasts pressing either against mine or feeling them along my back – but they were the good memories. It was the unpleasant part of our relationship that still make me shudder and how thankful I am to my older (and wiser) brother who rescued me before I ‘lost my soul.’ But that is not part of this story.

I had not told Leslie (or Les as he liked to be called) my love of dogs and my very special relationship with my dear dog Ben (please read my story “My Lover Ben” as it was written with much love but did not get the response from you dear readers I hoped.) Les soon found out when he examined my naked body on his bed and the tell-tale scratch marks on the back of my thighs upwards to even my ass. My confession meant I was his and soon Ben and I moved into his home with Jonathon. I agreed to be his slave and ‘obey’ but I had told him that I could not endure pain and he promised that would not be an issue. Unfortunately he did not keep that promise. But the early months in our relationship was very exciting and he was overjoyed at me being a dog lover. Jonathon even bought me a trained dog called Pete and he and Ben got on so well that after our break-up Pete moved out and joined me too. But I am getting ahead as I am prone to do. Please excuse my ‘ramblings’ and not keeping to the subject in hand.

So, we will pretend that my final visit to the Seattle farm was the first visit because it was the longest and for me the most exciting. I actually lived as a breeding bitch for eight dogs for four weeks over a period of five with just a three day break to ‘recover’. Would I do it again … oh yes if I could but unfortunately the farm closed down because of an incident widely reported when someone (a man) was killed when attempting to mate with a horse. This was not my farm but one very close and the owners got very frightened and now the State of Washington have brought in laws making beastiality an offence on a par with sex with minors. My other reason for not being able to ever again carry out such an ‘ordeal’ (being pack bred is not for the faint of heart as it requires much stamina, very tiring on the body, especially the hands and arms and of course the vagina and ass) is that I have been diagnosed with Huntington’s Syndrome’ – a hereditary disease that is slowly killing my brain cells and makes speech very difficult and now I am losing control over my body movements. However, although there is no cure, I am giving myself up as a guinea pig to a new treatment involving stem plants in my head. I am digressing again and I’m sure you do not want to know about all this. I most certainly do not want sympathy but I hope you will excuse sometimes the lapses in writing the parts of the story and any mental lapses and mistakes I make in my tale.

Les has many contacts and friends. He is very wealthy and to protect him I won’t say what he does or where he achieved his wealth but he told me about this farm and instructed me that he was taking me there and leaving me with a pack of dogs because “a dirty bitch like me should really know what a dog bitch-in heat gets.” The fact that I would be going back to Seattle where I was born and married was another plus for me as his words made me very excited and more than a little scared.

From one of my other tales some of you readers will know I was pack-bred in Texas but that was only for one night in a barn and certainly did not include me living like a dog.

I was not told when my visit was to be until the day before when Les through down a parcel at my feet. “Open it bitch,” he said. “This is what you will wear for the next five weeks.” With trembling hands I opened the parcel. It was a dog costume and the covering felt like real fur. The only thing missing was the head and the tail. There were cut-outs for my breasts and a large piece missing at the rear. “Put it on. I had it specially made for you.”

Les really had done his homework. I stripped my clothes off and it fitted like a glove. It felt very comfortable. The fur was attached to leather lined with latex that molded itself to the contours of my body. My breasts swayed obscenely beneath me through the cut-outs as I crawled around on all fours. Both my feet and hands were padded and even clawed at the ends of my fingers and toes. Les looked down admiringly at me. “Just one final touch,” he remarked. Jonathon then produced a studded dog collar and he fastened it around my neck. A leash was attached to it and he led me around. I was so happy and I even produced a few barks to show my master how pleased I was with his gift.

“Can we see how her lovers like it?” asked Jonathon. Les nodded and Jonathon went out to bring in Ben and Pete. They both stopped in their tracks when they first saw me. Pete even gave a little growl but then they recognized it was me and tails wagged and they sniffed around and under me. Ben was the first to lick at my pussy and then it was Pete. Pete liked me to run from him so he could scamper after me and claim his bitch. I stood up and ran around the room exciting him and he duly leaped upon me, wrapping his paws around my waist and bringing me to my knees and down onto the floor. He started humping me immediately and with practiced ease he found my opening and grabbing me tighter pushed his now expanding cock deep inside me. I always gasp at the first penetrations and the feel of his lovely warm cock getting bigger and bigger and filling out my passage. His pre-cum spraying and oiling the way and the noise of Pete’s breathe as he ‘revved up his engine’. He always fucked me hard and nine out of ten times he knotted. This was no exception. I could feel it hitting against my pussy lips and one final heave, all to soon for me, and I was truly knotted and being filled with his hot cum, cum and more cum. I came with a cry and sunk down on my arms feeling now for the first time his weight. I missed the feel of his fur as I was used to it against my previously bare back but the costume I was wearing did make me feel I really was a dog and that made up for it. Internally my body welcomed his seed and with his cock still quivering and his knot pulsing inside me I was once more in heaven. I closed my eyes and allowed my body to wallow in the exquisite sensation it was sending to my brain.

I was brought back to reality when a loving wet lick slopped against my face. It was Ben. I pushed myself up and with one hand fondled him as best as I could through the costumed paw I now was wearing. My tongue snaked out and we French kissed. We were so in love. My lover was very patient. We kissed one another and I petted him as best I could until I Pete decided it was time for him to pull out. With a slow and long drawn out squelching sound – he had managed to form a small vacuum in my puss – his penis withdraw and immediately I felt his cum dripping out. Normally I would have felt it against the back of my thighs and I missed that feeling also but then Pete was licking at my puss cleaning me up and examining I suppose with some pride at what he had just done inside me. Ben moved away and I could sense him pushing Pete out of the way. It was his turn now and I awaited it with much joy.


Ben wasted no time. I could hear his panting. I could feel his tongue digging deep into my pussy and then up to my anus. Despite having just come from Pete’s fucking I could feel another orgasm building. I even could hear myself moaning. Ben sensed what was happening to me and stopped. He ran round to my face to give it a lick and this left the way for Pete to walk back and attack my rear with his tongue. Ben stopped licking me and he actually opened his mouth baring his teeth in a grin. Then he darted away and gave a small bark and when a weight landed on my back I knew it was him. He was so practiced and we had been together so long now that his penis entered me at first attempt. His front paws gripped me and his pounding penis grew and grew inside me. My orgasm couldn’t wait any longer. With a loud cry I came and my body shook almost pushing Ben off but he gripped me tighter. His thrusting now was like a steam locomotive – shunting in and out, in and out, in and out. There was no need for pre-cum but it was a natural part of his cock. Tiny little spurts shooting up into me as he pumped his cock in my vagina for all his worth. I was his body and soul. His breathe was getting louder and he even snorted almost like a horse when he buried his knot deep inside my cunt triggering his hot cum poring almost into the depths of my stomach. He was certainly filling my womb.

My only regret is that dogs do not last as long as humans but the more than make up for it in enthusiasm and cum. Oh, how they cum. And a lovely big knot pressing hard against my clittie, triggering another orgasm and a cock, three or four degrees hotter than a human one, buried and locked away inside me, quivering along with his knot and shooting more scalding cum. Heaven couldn’t be better than this.

We laid still, knotted together for at least ten minutes. Then he almost it seemed with reluctance pulled out. I could hear his cum landing with a gush on the floor and then the steady drips. Finally, Ben , after examining his work did his cleaning job, licking up his spend from my pussy and slurping away any drops that had attached to my pussy hairs. When he finally moved around to my front I hugged and kissed him, applauding him for a job very well done. How I loved him and I knew he loved me too. I was going to miss him so much but I knew Jonathon would look after him well along with Pete.

Jonathon helped me up and Les told me I was a really good bitch. I was to sleep with the dog costume on and so as to get me used to my new life for the next few weeks to sleep in the kitchen with the dogs. I was disappointed, as I wanted to be cuddled by both him and Les but realized that they too needed some private time together as this was to be their last night for a few weeks. Like a dutiful dog I dropped down onto all fours and allowed myself to be led by Jonathon into the kitchen with Ben and Pete trotting behind me.

I found a spot on the floor and Jonathon kindly threw down some pillows. I laid myself down on them making myself comfortable. Ben flopped down beside me and I went off to sleep with my arms wrapped around his body and his face buried against my breasts.

It was about three hours later when I was awaken by Ben. He was licking my face and
I noticed Pete by the exterior door. I got up and opened it. Both dogs bounded outside and I watched them relieve themselves. It was then I felt the urge to pee. As I was dressed like a bitch I had this nasty urge to behave like one so crouching like the dogs I too relieved myself. Hearing the gush of my water hitting the grass I felt incredibly dirty and horny too. I decided to get my mates excited too. I stood up, opened my legs and rubbed and fingered my pussy. My lips were wet with pee and I smelt my fingers and called the dogs over. Pete arrived first and he licked my fingers and when I pushed his head down between my legs he eagerly licked at my puss. I gave my fingers to Ben and I could see he was excited as he immediately got behind me and jumped up positioning himself on his hind legs with his front paws and body resting on my back. How I wished I could entertain both their cocks inside my pussy at the same time. A naughty thought entered my head. I pushed both dogs away and ran across the lawn, twisting and turning and making it difficult for both of them to catch me. They started barking and I was pleased there was no moon. What a sight the neighbors would have had. This strange dog-like creature standing on two legs prancing around and chased by two dogs. Eventually, Pete got me and wrapping himself around my waist brought me down to the ground. Ben was in front and as I tumbled down on all fours he jumped up land his front paws around the back of my neck. This was even better than I was planning. As Pete started to hump me I reached around Ben and turned him around holding onto his sheath. He was startled and almost pulled away but I made a kissing noise and stroked it and he soon knew he was going to get a very rare treat. I groaned as Pete finally speared me and drawing Ben’s behind right up to my face I maneuvered myself and twisted my head so my mouth was pressed against his cock. Using my fingers to help soon his red tip started to show and I was able to lick it and it soon started to swell. I am not an expert dog cock licker but this night I excelled. He even started to thrust back and his cock was now moving inside my mouth, not as fast as Pete was doing inside my pussy but definitely increasing in tempo. I now had two dog cocks inside me!


Pete was the first to come. The familiar swelling of the knot banging against me, the ever increasing frenzy of his pumping, the sudden final extra push, the knot like a billiard ball entering me and sealing the gate, more frantic staccato like thrusts, hind legs rubbing frantically against mine and feeling them also against my rump, his front paws gripping me like a vice and a hot jet of liquid coating my insides. I grabbed Ben’s cock wrapping my fingers behind his knot and sucking his cock as hard as I could. Swallowing his pre-cum and almost choking myself. My mind urging me on to make him come. I wanted to feel it squirting down my throat, to taste it, to fill my mouth and let it run down into my belly. Dog cum. A taste I have never liked. Metallic like a rusty old pipe but this was a moment I relished it. I wanted it to taste bad. Oh how I wanted it. Then it started. At first just some spurts and then suddenly a full stream. Shooting into my moth and down my throat. I choked. I coughed. I released his cock and more jets shot onto my face and into my eyes and up my nose. I didn’t care. I loved it. At that moment in time I would have done anything and I mean anything. The nastier the better. At the same time I was choking I was in the throes of an enormous orgasm. Filled both ends by dogs. Primal. I don’t remember much more except Ben had me once more out there on the grass. He hadn’t knotted and when I came to my senses he was on my back thrusting away with his knot already inside me and cum shooting more cum. My darling Ben. I was going to miss him so much.

Somehow I had made my way back into the house because I awoke back in the kitchen. I had left the door open and both dogs had gone and some mosquitoes were buzzing around. Les was going to be mad at me.

How I stank. Dried cum was all over my costume. My pussy lips were caked with it. What a nasty gal I was. No, I thought, I am a dirty bitch. A bitch! How I love being called that. And I was going to be bred. Pack bred. How many was it going to be? Had Les said eight dogs? And I was going to be locked away with them for two weeks twice over. Would I be able to stand it? Would I be screaming for release? Would I be a changed person afterwards? My stomach gave a leap. My fingers sought my pussy. I was wet again.

Les greeted me and told me I smelt like a real bitch. He instructed me I was not to bathe. I tried to protest but he gave me one of his looks and I held my tongue. He wanted me to keep my costume on but even he knew that that was a definite ‘no’, ‘no,’ to board a plane. There was no way of disguising what I was wearing and security at the airports were now so tight. Imagine me having to be body searched? My costume was to be packed as it was. Stained and smelly. “It would drive the dogs I was to bred to, wild,” he said.

Jonathon packed my case, placing the costume in a polyethylene bag and sealing it up with tape. I was actually sorry when I took it off but I knew it was to become a part of me over the next few weeks.

It was, therefore, with some excitement that I did farewell to my dogs and entered Miami International Airport bound for Seattle.


The flight was uneventful but it we had to change at Atlanta and there was not much time to make the connection. Of course when you are in a hurry you wait outside the gate on the plane because there is something in the way and you watch the minutes ticking by. But we did make it and I was so out of breath I almost collapsed. I ended up falling asleep with my head on the passenger’s shoulder next to me much to Les’s amusement. One thing, I did say Les was a transvestite but he was dressed as a man with his boobs taped closely against his chest and a loose fitting shirt. Whether as a man or a woman Les was very attractive. I had on only a white blouse with elasticized low cut top and a long black skirt. No underwear and my breasts showing their bare tops pressed against the elastic whilst the remainder swayed free and my nipples long and extended as they hit against the cotton of my blouse. How people stared at me and I just smiled back. The poor man who’s shoulder I was laying on was sporting a lovely hard on and I so wanted to place my naughty hand upon it. If Les had not been there I would have done.

We arrived in my birth place, Seattle, Wa. Thankfully our luggage had not been delayed. It is always a worry of mine when connections are short that luggage will not get put on the plane but all was well this time. It was late July and the weather is normally very nice at this time of the year. This was no exception and when we reached outside it felt quite warm. Mount Rainier looked spectacular in the sun. Les had hired a car and we were soon on our way. We were driving up near to Enumclaw, which is about 30 miles outside Seattle, an area I was not familiar with. It was very rural and extremely beautiful. Trees and meadows. It reminded me of England.

I asked Les to stop at the next gas station or eatery as I wanted to potty. Of course he just stopped the car and I had to hike my skirt up and pee behind the car. There was little privacy and two cars that passed actually tooted at me.

It was nearly an hour from leaving the airport when Les turned off the highway and down a narrow lane with tall hedges both sides. At the end there was two large wrought iron gates and a notice that read “NO VISTORS WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION.” There was a telephone number to call and Les duly punched the numbers into his cell phone. He gave his name and we waited. It was at least five minutes before I heard an approaching vehicle and a green new looking Jeep Wrangler appeared on the other side of the gate. A petite, dark skinned girl with long crinkly black hair got out and opened the gate. She came to our car and Les wound the windows down. She really was pretty dressed in a light red top with matching short skirt and red fishnet tights. She looked about thirty with a thin waist and small breasts and a red ribbon in her hair. She had an engaging smile and I could see she had unusually green eyes.

“Nice to see you again, Les,” she said. So Les had been here before. I wonder whom he had brought here. She threw her arms around his neck and they kissed fully on the lips. Then she turned to me. “So, you must be Colleen. I’m Ayenna.” I dutifully smiled and we appraised each other. She almost said something but stopped and told Les to go on up to the house. She closed the gates as we passed her Jeep and followed us up to the house.

The house was huge. It was 10,000 sqr. ft at least and that was only the ground floor. The upper floor was only slightly smaller. It looked like it was built of timber but that was only the lining as it was in fact concrete with hollows filled with insulation. Ayenna’s husband, Bear, proudly gave me a construction lesson on the house later that day as he had designed and engineered it.

Around the house were small dwellings where people stayed to hunt as this was, I found out, a hunting farm with 450 acres of land and the dogs were used to assist the hunters. These were the dogs I was to spend such a long time with!

As soon as we arrived, Bear greeted us at the front door. Bear was obviously a nickname but it was apt. He was a huge man. I estimated around 6ft 4in tall and 300lbs. He had long white hair and a heavy long beard and whiskers. A perfect Santa Clause. When he kissed me the whiskers tickled my face and I noticed his grey eyes that seemed to bore into mine. His age? I had no idea. He could have been fifty or seventy. Two young clean shaven men stood with him and they immediately went to our car to fetch the luggage. I was puzzled as to how a transvestite like Les could be friends with a ‘real’ man like Bear. I found out that the connection was business. Les had money invested in a lot of Bear’s business ventures. And after Les and mine’s parting of the ways I discovered they were not friends!

I am sure you are all finding this descriptive exercise, and something I am not real good at anyway tiresome so I will skip over the preliminaries. When we sat down on seats covered with animal skins Ayenna appeared with a huge brindle dog sporting a prominent black nose. His legs were long and huge padded paws, hairy ears and a thick feathered coat and tail. He looked very suspicious of Les and I and even gave a growl but Ayenna gave him some soothing noises and he stopped, got very close to her and when she sat down flopped on the floor against her feet. She told me he was a Caucasian Mountain Dog and was born in Russia. He was three years old and she had had him brought here as a pup when he was only three months old. I could see they were devoted to one another. Bear had trained him and I wondered then at precisely what training and later that evening I found out. Ayenna said his name was Moscow and he weighed 135lbs. That had to be more than she weighed. My mind was doing the nasty of course and I wondered at the size of another part of his anatomy. He had big black swinging balls if that was any indication!

I was asked at my love for dogs and my experience. I gave them a potted history of how I came to love it, various dogs I had been with, the doggie bang I had in Texas, the four dogs that lived with my hubby, my friend’s black lab George and my current two dogs Ben and Pete. Bear wanted to know why I wanted to live with his eight hunting dogs, was I aware of the dangers and how exhausting it was going to be for me? I think some of his apprehension was comforted by my recounting the Texas experience and my genuine love for dogs. I was honest with him. I adored being mastered by an animal. Not just any animal – dogs! (I had not then mated with a horse, pony or a pig!) I really wanted to know what it would be like to live with dogs, to learn to behave like them, and to give myself to them. To be their bitch and to let them have me whenever they wanted. To even fight over me. I wanted to be a slave to them.

After I had said this he nodded at Ayenna. She smiled. “I understand exactly what you are saying,” she said. “I also like to bred by them. I help train all the dogs and I have mated very often with them. Some weekends I join them if we don’t have visitors and stay with them for three to four days. When Bear was away I lived with them for a month. None of those dogs are as big as Moscow so I can handle them. I unfortunately could not let Moscow in with them. He is jealous and would have killed them if he saw them wanting me in that way. Bear has to take Moscow away with him and when he comes back he wants me all the time at first, don’t you darling.” She stroked him and his ears had pricked up at the mention of his name. Some signal seemed to have passed between them because he suddenly jumped up and placed his front paws on her lap and started licking her face. They French kissed and she hugged him.

“Alright, my big boy.”

As soon as she got to her feet he stood still with his mouth open and tongue out. I could see the muscles of his legs twitching. Ayenna knelt down pulling her skirt up. I then could see that her tights were crotchless and Moscow dove down with his snout between her thighs. His tongue was deep inside her and I could hear her moans. She was cumming as slurping noises were now coming from her vagina as Moscow’s tongue got even deeper. I was wondering how she would be able to take his weight as she looked so small compared to him. With a sudden bound and he was upon her. His paws gripped her waist and actually lifted her body off the floor as he humped against her ass. They were well practiced. I watched her shift her ass into position and his now protruding cock found the entrance. He thrust into her and humped at a frantic rate. It must easily have been 50 miles an hour the speed he was generating. I envied her as she gasped and yelled. I saw his knot start to swell and I moved myself around on the floor to get a better view. It banged briefly on her pussy lips before disappearing inside her. Still Moscow thrust away and now I could see her vagina swelling as it accommodated the knot getting bigger and bigger. What an incredible feeling she must have been experiencing. With a final push and her body went back and forth as his paws gripped her tightly holding her fast as if she was a doll and she let out a great cry. “Yes. Oh yes. Yes!!”

My hands went down under my skirt and I frantically fingered my pussy making myself cum. Moscow had now stopped But I could see movements and was sure he was pumping his semen into her belly. I had a desire to join in and I crawled right down and underneath his balls and licked up some of his semen that was dripping from Ayenna’s pussy. I then put my lips against it feeling the warmth, smelling the semen and tasting more of it. It was more salty than my two dogs and not as metallic tasting and my tongue tried to penetrate inside. I must have startled Moscow because he suddenly pulled his cock free. Ayenna gave out a cry of obvious pain and I almost choked as his semen flowed out with a gush onto my face and into my mouth. Ayenna collapsed face down and I was now almost suffocated as her pussy squashed down onto my face.


Much laughter enthused and after a lovely meal cooked by Ayenna I was feeling tired and excused myself. The bedroom I was occupying was three times the one I had at my house and almost twice the one I shared with Les at his home. It also had a large Jacuzzi actually in the bedroom. I was too sleepy to care or to bathe even and stripping off my blouse and skirt fell onto the bed and went soundly to sleep.

I was awaken by the smell of coffee, bacon and toast. Standing over me was Ayenna smiling brightly and a tray of food and drink in her hands.

“I thought you might be hungry,” she said. She was wearing an almost see thru nightie and I could see the outline of the aureole around the nipples of her breasts. I thanked her, sitting up and asked her the time.

“7 o’clock.” She said.

“Seven?” I queried, disbelieving. “In the morning?” She nodded. I flopped my head back on the pillows. “There’s no such time. I’m going back to sleep.”

She ignored me and distributed the coffee and juice onto the bedside cabinets. She helped me up again and placed the tray with the food over my lap. There were eggs as well as bacon and toast on the plate and suddenly I did feel hungry and awake. She sat on the edge of the bed watching me eat.

“Feeling better now?” she asked. I nodded.
“Where’s Les and Bear?”

“Already up and out,” she replied. “How did you meet Les?”

I told her of the pick-up in a bar in Coral Gables, Miami when I thought he was a woman and how he had discovered the tell-tale doggie scratches on my thighs and ass.

“So now he’s your master?”

“Yes.” I said. “I have never been in a master/slave relationship. Not sure how it will work out but some of it’s fun.”

“Be careful of Les.” She warned. Now I was interested. “He has a wicked temper and likes to hurt people. Even Bear is scared of him.”

“Bear – scared of Les?” I was amazed. “Bear could lift him up with one hand.”

“If he got the chance. Last time he was here he and Bear got into a really bad argument over dinner. Bear was mad and got up to strike at Les. Within a flash Les had got Bear in a strangle choke and was grinning as Bear was choking and losing consciousness. I screamed and started beating at him with my fists. He only laughed and pushed me away so hard I fell onto the floor. Chad and Henry came running in and it was only when they went to Bear’s aid he let go and Bear slumped down onto the floor. Les left the room telling us to let Bear know that next time he attempts to hit him he will kill him. He meant it too. Be careful, Colleen.”

I was amazed. If Les could overpower a huge man like Bear what could he do to poor me. I was sufficiently frightened and now knew not to provoke him. I thanked her for the warning. When I had finished the breakfast she sniffed at me.

“If I were you I’d take a shower or better still use the Jacuzzi.”

“I smell that bad?” She nodded.

“It would excite the dogs though. Come, let me run the Jacuzzi and I’ll join you.”

She did and she stripped up and we had a delightful time in the tub, washing each other, feeling each other, kissing each other and finally getting out and bringing ourselves off in a wonderful 69.

Someone had unpacked and put away my clothes. The dog costume was even hanging up in the closet. Ayenna sniffed at it and nodded approvingly. “Perfect,” she said. “Your dogs?” She could smell them. “Yes.”

She pulled off a hanger one of my light flowery patterned dresses with a skirt that barely covered my ass. “Wear that. I have a similar one. The weather here in Seattle is normally not that nice to be able to wear anything like that.”

“I know,” I replied. “I was born, brought up and married here.”

“You must tell me your life history before you leave. I would really like to get to know you better.” She saw me looking in a drawer for my panties and bra. “Don’t wear any underwear. It’ll be more fun. I’ll see you downstairs in the kitchen and we’ll go and meet my children. Your playmates.”

She was already dressed and waiting for me when I found my way to the kitchen and it took some finding in this big house. She had Moscow with her collared and leashed. He looked at me, opened his mouth and smiled. Then, with no warning, jumped up on me and licked my face before jumping down.

“Mmmm. That is unusual.” Ayenna mused. “He normally growls at strangers especially when I am alone with him. He likes you. The good thing is, Les is frightened of him.”

We went outside. It was a beautiful day. Seattle is horrible in the winter but this time of the year it is wonderful when the sun is out.

“The kennels are a ten minute walk away. I hope you don’t mind the walk.”

I didn’t. I felt like a teenager. All the time Moscow kept dragging his feet and trying to jump up at me. Even with Ayenna’s scolding he wouldn’t stop.

“He wants you.” She finally said. “Would you mind?”

“You mean?” Excitement started. I had never been with a big dog like him. And the memory of the glimpse of his cock as he pulled out of Ayenna last evening gave me a shiver. That monster cock inside me! “Yes, please.”

“Go on ahead and as soon as you hear me shout lift that skirt and get down on your knees. Bitch!”

I did as she said. I seemed to have walked a good distance away when I heard “Now.”

Pulling the skirt of my dress right up down I went in the classic doggie position. I heard the padding of his feet getting louder and then a wet tongue was lapping at my slit. It didn’t last long enough and a huge weight descended on my back. Even though I knew he was heavy I hadn’t been prepared for THAT heavy. My front part of my body hit the floor and it elevated my ass. Disaster. The elevation was not enough. His driving cock was all over my ass trying to get access and it eventually did – right up into my ass hole. I squealed with the sudden shock and pain. “Hold on.” Ayenna cried. Hold on? What was I to hold onto? A huge cock increasingly growing in size was hammering away inside my ass. Thankfully his pre-cum was loosening and oiling up the narrow passage and I was starting to get some pleasure from the ordeal. I even heard myself groaning. If you remember a song called “The Mighty Quinn” – this was “The Mighty Hammer.” I tried with all my might to raise myself up onto my arms from this uncomfortable position. Moscow, sensing this even helped. His front paws actually gripped me under my waist and helped get me up. It didn’t stop the ferocious pounding my ass was getting. How I wished he’d been in my vagina.

“Are you OK?” I looked up and saw Ayenna staring anxiously down at me.

“Yes.” I replied. “It’s feeling better.” And it was. It was actually feeling bloody nice now and an orgasm started to build. I could also feel his knot forming outside my ass hole as it hit against my cheeks. “Don’t let him knot me.” I said.

How on earth did I think she was going to stop that!. He was much too big and now the orgasm hit me and I was past caring. His knot jammed into me as he continued his thrusting. His cock was now at full size and his knot was now expanding. I remember how huge it was inside Ayenna. It had to be the size of an orange. I prayed when he finished he wouldn’t try to separate. He would tear my poor ass apart. Now I could feel him cumming. Spurt. Spurt. He suddenly stopped and with almost a long whine his sperm jetted into me. I orgasmed again. And then another one. And another.

Finally it was over. I stayed in that position with Moscow pressing down onto me with his great weight and his cock and knot locked inside my ass. I was well and truly tied.


“Please don’t let him try and pull out.” I implored Ayenna.

“Of course not. I’m surprised he managed to get that huge thing in your ass.”

Just then I heard the sound of an approaching car. I started to move as I panicked. This in turn made Moscow move. Ayenna sternly told him to “Stay.”

The car stopped and I heard Ayenna calling to the occupant. It was a man. I looked up to see the grinning face of one of the young men who had taken out my luggage yesterday.

“Hi.” He said. “I’m Chad.”

“Please to meet you,” I replied. “I hope you will excuse me if I don’t get up.”

He roared with laughter at that. Disappeared and then came back into view. “Wow he’s in your ass. And how. A pretty ass too.”

“Glad you like it.” I said. “I think it’s too fat. My tits are nicer so most people say.”

“Yes they are swaying under there,” he agreed, “But your ass looks fine to me, too. Wow seeing this has made me horny.” With that he unzipped his fly and out popped a nice cock that got bigger by the second as he stroked it. “Fancy a suck?” Without waiting for an answer it was pressed to my lips. Now what was a nice girl to do? I didn’t know. I was a very bad girl and I dutifully opened up my mouth and sucked greedily on it as it popped in.

“Damn me. She’s good.” He said. I did pride myself on my cock sucking. If I could have used one of my hands I would have loved to have squeezed his lovely balls. My sucking was really having an effect. Then Ayenna whispered something in his ear and a big grin came on his face. “O.K.”

Abruptly he pulled his cock away from my mouth and he disappeared with Ayenna. They were at my rear. Ayenna started patting and stroking Moscow and then I felt something pressing against my pussy. It was Chad’s cock. He was trying to get it into me with Moscow’s cock in my ass. A DP! Oh how wickedly nasty. I murmured my approval and slowly, ever so slowly it was entering me.

“God. This is tight.” Chad said.

It was. It almost felt to me like it was going up my ass too. Moscow was feeling it to and he started to move. I hoped he was enjoying it as much as me because it really did feel good. I was so full. He started moving it inside. I was so wet with my climaxing that it wasn’t too difficult despite the cramped quarters. Ayenna was saying soothing noises to Moscow and even though he settled down his cock was now quivering along with his knot. Yes, he was enjoying the sensations. Chad was moving even more faster now. His gasps and his movements betrayed him. He was going to cum and so was I again. 1-2-3. He came at the same time as me. It is so wonderful when that happens. “Yes. Yes. Yes!” We both saw stars. We heard the bells ring. Did you hear the thunder? Oh my. Was it the nastiness of the act that made it feel so nice? I don’t know but I vowed I would have it happen again. Maybe another cock in my mouth? Now that really was being greedy.

Unfortunately, when Chad pulled his cock out of its tight nest that was the signal for Moscow to jump down and try to do the same. With him at right angles to me and his cock trying to bend the same way along with my ass hole there was only one thing that was going to happen. Pain! A big YELL – that’s actually two things isn’t it? – from poor me. Amazing how quickly something so wonderful was now turning into something not so good with turning being the operative word. The wonderful tie that you men want to know if we women had suffered (or enjoyed). Ayenna did manage to stop Moscow from yanking out the ring from my ass and maneuvered him in line with my body pushing his ass against mine. Now that felt nice.
“Moscow. We have a problem.” Chad was proving to be quite a comedian.

“If I had a bucket of water I’d throw it over them,” chuckled Ayenna.

“Ha, ha.” I said.

Now Moscow decided to go for a walk and I had to paddle backwards on all fours. He stopped. Then a back leg cocked up. “Oh no.” I knew what was coming next. A stream of hot water pored all over the back of my thighs and legs. Chad and Ayenna were now falling all over the place laughing. Oh so funny. Why wasn’t I amused? Actually I am laughing now and I always joined in the laughter as I recited this story to only select friends. It’s not too many people you can recount this amusing story too is there? I hope you are all laughing!!

Chad did get into his car. Ayenna got down in front of me and started to kiss me. She patted my head and told me what a good bitch I was. The she went around to Moscow and I heard her tell him what a good and clever dog he was and how was he liking my ass? He barked at her. I hoped he was telling to ‘F.O!’

How long were we tied like that? It seemed for ages and it would have been considerably longer I fear if it hadn’t been for Chad returning with a kettle.

“Are we stopping now for a cup of tea?” I quipped. Then I jumped as he starting poring cold water onto my ass as Ayenna slowly moved Moscow away so the water fell on his cock. It worked. I felt the knot and cock start to deflate and with a nasty popping noise and an enormous ‘fart’ from me I was free. The cum I had received ran out adding more mess to my thighs and legs. I pulled some grass and leaves and started cleaning myself off. Moscow wandered over and tried to help clean me up but by this time I had had enough of him and shooed him away. Then with enough decorum I got to my feet and announced, “That is enough. I do not wish to see another dog today. I am returning to my room.” With that I left them and strode back to the house. I did turn round to see Ayenna on her back on the ground, legs spread and Chad’s head buried between them. “Humph!” I said but only I heard it.


I continued on my way back to the house. Parked outside the kitchen door was a delivery van complete with driver chatting to the other man I had seen with Chad the previous day. They stared at me with eyes almost popping out of heir heads.

I threw them both a cold stare and in my haughtiest voice said, “I’ve been out for a stroll. Nice day.”

They said not a word and I found my bedroom and went straight into the bathroom to clean myself up. It was then I noticed in the mirror that both my breasts were hanging out of my dress gently wobbling in front of me! I giggled as I cleaned myself up and through myself onto the bed. I did not want to see anyone especially dogs and with a very sore ass, still oozing doggie cum and a we pussy closed my eyes. I vowed I was going to tell Les as soon as he returned that we were leaving.

I must have fallen asleep as I was aware of my pussy being licked and it felt so good. I opened my eyes and there was Moscow between my legs. He must have followed me back.

“Get away you horrid dog.” I cried but already my legs were opening and I was pushing myself further onto his tongue. My body was betraying me again. I just can’t help myself. It really is not my fault. Someone, anyone, only has to feel my tits, my pussy or my ass and I am theirs.

I remember giving myself (when I was MUCH younger) to an ugly little old man on a crowded train who was groping me up. We ended up squeezed into the tiny bathroom compartment with me bent over the toilet, dress raised up and panties around my ankles. A long thin cock was thrusting inside me and I even told this complete stranger to take it out and put it in my ass which he obligingly complied. What a nasty girl!

I could hear myself moaning under Moscow’s administrations and just before I could cum he stopped and he was all over me pushing at my body. He was trying to roll me over! The naughty, dirty dog – and I helped him. Not all the way after all I had to put up some resistance I am not that easy. What a lie – of course I am!

Finally I was over and as I kneeled myself up into position he was up and onto my back. He must have been almost satisfied by his anal intrusion earlier as it was a case of ‘bang, bang, thank you ma’am!’
Much too soon he was finished and didn’t even make the knot although I did feel a jet of sperm inside and out of me as he jumped down. With only a fleeting lick a my dripping puss he jumped off the bed and i could hear his paws as he sauntered away. I had to bring myself off with my trusty fingers but Moscow had got me back to feeling comfortable about my doggie lock-up so my thoughts of leaving were gone.

Les and Bear did not return until late afternoon and I contented myself with eating, watching television and lazying in the hot tub. Ayenna found me in the tub and she stripped off and joined me. We played around for a little before giving ourselves to each other and as I had sampled the evening before she does have a lovely puss.

Bear was cross with his wife for not showing me the kennels where I would be spending the next fourteen days.

“The dogs’ll be back soon and I want Collie to familiarize herself with the layout before they return so get to it gal. Take the truck”

The drive was only a few minutes but I was pleased I didn’t have to walk it this time. The kennels were actually inside one huge barn and it was fitted out into open cubicles filled with hay. I could smell it was fresh. There were plenty of high open windows with top wooden shutters and the place felt empty and cool but there were also numerous ceiling fans hanging down from the wooden roof.

Apart from the rest of the cubicles was a much bigger one and this even had a double bed complete with mattress, blankets and pillows. There was also a wash sink, toilet and a shower.

“These are your quarters,” she explained, “ Not quite The Ritz but it is comfortable.” She pointed out the television and radio and there was even a computer. “Time will pass pretty quickly and the horny
bastards will give you the time of your life.”

I told her my one and only experience of being pack bred in Texas and how much I had enjoyed it but this was on a much bigger scale. I was going to live like a dog and be their bitch for a long time. I asked about food and she said I had to eat with the dogs at their eating times but I would be given human food. She warned me though the dogs would try to pinch mine and advised me to eat it standing up.

“That dog costume. It’s good but you won’t be able to wear it for more than three days otherwise you’ll be a mass of sores.” She said she would give me something else to wear and to change into it when the dog one got too uncomfortable. She showed me various places where alarm bells had been fixed in case I wanted out but she said Chad would come by every day and check I was OK. She wasn’t allowed a visit as that would confuse the dogs she explained.

“Chad will probably fuck you too. He always did me every time I was in here.”

In the main part of the kennels there were a number of padded benches and stools and they were for me to lay face down on as required to rest my arms and legs from the weight of the dogs mating with me on the floor. Then I saw a wooden contraption that looked part stocks for a head and platforms that could be adjusted plus restraints. My eyes widened.

“That’s the punishment block,” she said. “Bear likes me to be fixed into it every so often when I’ve been naughty. All the hands and any guests get to do me and then the dogs – all at the same time. Well, three at a time!”

“Even the dogs?” I asked. “But how?”

She laughed. “Would you like to try it out? I know Bear would like to see you in there.”

“For how long?”

“Long enough for you to beg to be let out. At least three hours. I did manage eight hours once. It’s non-stop fucking in all three orifices. Human, animal and machine.”

“Oh my.” And my pussy moistened at the thought.

“Think about it.”

I did and had and I knew what my answer was going to be. Damn that body of mine.

We got back to the house and dinner had been prepared. Then it was time. I went up to my room with Ayenna and she helped me into my doggie costume. Then, with me on all fours I was led by her on a leash downstairs. Moscow was waiting there with Bear and Les. Obviously this had all been pre-arranged because Ayenna dropped into an armchair, hoiked up her skirt, pulled down her panties and opened her legs. I was roughly brought up to her gash and like the good dog I now was licked it. She wound the leash around her hand and pulled my face further into her lovely warm and wet pussy. A cock slipped into my cunt and I realized it was Bear.

“Fuck the bitch,” said Les and Bear eagerly did as he was urged. It is so nice to enjoy oneself isn’t it. I nice juicy pussy to tongue and suck and a nice fat cock working it’s magic in my puss. By Ayenna’s moaning I was doing a good job and I stopped to lick my index finger and then worked it slowly into her ass. She came immediately and it was so well timed as with a grunt and a groan a nice jet of warm balm filled my innards and Bear was spent and his knob shrunk and fell out. He moved aside and the familiar feeling of Les’s huge penis filled the vacant void. I was grateful he hadn’t chosen that smaller darker passage as it was still throbbing from Moscow’s knot.

I went back to work upon Ayenna and she moved her ass up giving me freer access to her ass hole. With my finger still embedded in it I licked around it and then upon taking it out I found the hole wide enough to insert my tongue. I was in a nasty mood and so I enjoyed the musky taste and smell and for good measure decided to insert my fist into her cunt. Although not as big as mine I have a small hand and despite her squealing I gradually manged to get it in. Les decided to give me a hard fucking and grabbing my tits in both his hands gave me a thorough rogering and I enjoyed every minute of it. Ayenna gave a great shout as she came and managed to push me away as my fist reluctantly came out wet with her slime. Les and I came together as we were practiced lovers. When he pulled out giving me a very hard slap on my rump I moved away, too. I had forgotten about the dog.

Moscow, without even a sniff or a lick jumped up and with first stab hooked me. He pounded his cock into me, his knot ball getting bigger along with his cock. He was spurting precum and I did not need that to make my passage way slippery – it was already running with the human juices. But there is nothing like a dog fucking you – nothing in the world. I have done now ponies, horses and a pig (and Porky the pig was and is exceptional) there is nothing better than a furious dog pounding his cock into you. I gasped when his knot went into me and swelled up even more. A few more thrusts and we both climaxed together. His hot watery cum exploding inside my puss and coating the walls of my womb, his paws gripping me like a vice around my waist and his panting breath – all makes for one hell of a great fuck!!! Wonderful and the main event was still to cum – sorry I mean come.


I was ready for the main event but Bear and Lex got into an argument re my doggie outfit and Ayenna joined in. Bear said the dogs would rip it off me and I could get seriously injured. That was all I wanted to here. I nodded to Ayenna and she beckoned to me to follow her. We went to her bedroom and I stripped the silly costume off. She gave me a corset that although a bit tight I managed to get around my waist. She then gave me a one-piece to wear that was made of thick rubber bands laced together in a web pattern that when I climbed into it fitted me like a glove. It covered most of my body excluding by chest and ran down to my knees with my pussy and ass open to all!

She strapped some pads across my knees and gave me a pair of leather gloves which I put on. I was all set…. two weeks then a three day rest and then two more weeks locked up with eight horny dogs. Well I hoped they were horny!

Les and Bear were waiting for me and Les was disgruntled I wasn’t wearing his silly dog costume. He told me I was going to be punished and I guess he knew about the stock/chair. Something else to look forward to!! Ayenna gave me a farewell kiss, her tongue snaking into my mouth, one hand squeezing tightly my right breast and two fingers inserting themselves into my puss. She told me she wished she could stop by to see how I was doing. I cupped both a little breasts and thanked her for the getting my costume changed and told her I would be OK.

Bear drove me to the barn leaving Ayenna with Les – I was sure they were going to find some fun and Les had bought some feminine clothes to try on so……. I really wasn’t concerned at all what they were going to do. Bear made sure I knew about the alarms and informed me that three times a day one of the hands, mainly Chad was going to keep an eye on me.

Bear drove around to the rear of the barn where there was a very large open grassy pen enclosed with a ten foot high chain link.

“They exercise, feed, shit and pee here.” He said. “They have been trained to keep the interior clean but accidents do happen. You won’t be required to do any cleaning – you are a dog now remember.”

The dogs were feeding from a long trough. Whatever was in it smelt nice and the dogs were enjoying it. They only gave us a cursory glance and went back to their meal.

“You won’t have to eat that.” He smiled. “But it will be in a dog bowl and I suggest you stand up and eat it otherwise those greedy bastards will have yours, too.” He handed me some bottles of water and told me to use the water in the bathroom if I ran out. He explained that the dogs shared water troughs and often made a mess in them with their dirty paws, etc. He opened up a gate in the fence and ushered me in.

“Now you’re on your own. Good luck and have fun.” Closing and fastening the gate behind me and without a second glance, he drove off.

I looked closely at the dogs, standing on my two feet and forgetting for a moment to kneel down. They were all big dogs and I guessed the average weight was around 80 – 100 lbs plus. I would soon know how heavy they were. Breeds is something I am not a good judge of but these were definitely mixed – shep, rott, and even pit and chow (I later found that out.) They were used to find birds the hunters had shot down and some would be missing during the day. It had been impressed on me to stay inside the kennels until feeding time in the evening and early morning.

I stupidly said “Hi there big boys,” to the dogs and they ignored me until I got too close. Then they turned their heads, still eating and some gave me a warning growl.

I sat down on the grass and waited for them to finish. I was still very excited and when I moved after sitting a little while the grass was wet with my ‘juice’. I got up and went into the barn to reacquaint myself with the surroundings. I had to get down on all fours to get through the swing door but it was quite easy to maneuver. I took a drink from one of the bottles and put it with the others in the shower stool. I laid down on my bed and shut my eyes. It wasn’t long before I felt a weight upon the bed and there was my first visitor. He was brown and gold color (I will call him BG 1) and he eyed my with his tongue hanging out. I sat up and went to stroke him but he backed off and jumped down.

I got off the bed and now remembering to go down on all fours, I followed him out of the kennels into the pen. Some of the dogs were laying down whilst the others seemed to be waiting. Perhaps BG 1 had been sent by the others to get me. It certainly seemed like it because as soon as I made my appearance, two of them ran up to me, one smelling my face and the other my rear. The one at my rear (I called him B1 because he was jet black) dove his tongue around my pussy, into the crack of my ass and back to my puss.) The one at my face (grayish brown so GB 1) smelt my nose and mouth and then came around to one side. He licked the side of my breast and decided it was nice so he continued to do this. I wanted to push the breast including the nipple onto his tongue but resisted the temptation. Then B1 made his move. He jumped up onto me. The unexpectedness of it almost knocked me onto my side but my movement was enough to alarm GB 1 and he moved away with a bark. B1’s front paws wrapped themselves around my waist and with almost practiced ease he thrusted only a couple of times and his cock found the mark and he went for a home run. I gasped and my first climax came quickly. His cock was getting bigger and bigger inside me. Pre-cum was shooting along my passage and now I was the center of attention. All seven of the other dogs were crowded around me. At least they weren’t fighting. Obviously Ayenna had been a regular visitor and goodness knows how many other ladies had found their way to this haven.

My eyes now closed as I was lost in another orgasm and B1’s cock was stabbing even more quickly into me. A big ball was growing bigger and hitting my cunt and there was no doubt I was going to be knotted very soon. I was so ready for it too. Only a few minutes before I was mated by Moscow and yet this was as if it was my first time I had experienced k9 loving. It felt so beautiful and the through the webbing of the rubber I could feel his fur and heart beating fast. I came just as his knot shot inside me and powerful jets of his cum streamed into my womb searching for my eggs to fertilize them. Alas it would be no use but the joy of the mating was so wonderful and my head danced in time with his. We stayed locked together, his cock quivering and pulsating inside me, still shooting his liquid and making me gasp and squeeze my pussy muscles around his cock and knot. Then he jumped down pulling his cock out. He didn’t even have time to lick and clean up when another dog was upon me his cock stabbing away at me rear and then thankfully my pussy gobbled it up.


I turned my head to see who it was pushing into me. It was difficult to see. A black nose and snout with golden fur plus beautiful penetrating eyes. Now what was the color? I think they were a steely blue. But he was heavier than B1 but not quite so aggressive. He gripped me more strongly, too almost pushing my body backwards to meet his thrusts. Slower but just as wonderful. All bestial acts have the same effect upon me. I crave for more and more. And this was no dream there were six more dogs waiting their turn. I was a princess and all could enter my throne. The steady thumping of his cock shunting away inside. I came and immediately came again. And again. Juices, probably B1’s were dripping down my legs and then a big pulsating knot pushed apart my pussy and and lost itself inside me. Anyone who has not experienced THE KNOT inside them have missed one of life’s all time highs. Only those who have had this experience understand. It is one thing to take a dog’s penis inside their body but it is another higher level to get that awesome experience. And that is the signal for the beastial cum. Hot, not quite scalding, and lots and lots of it. Squirting right up inside you and triggering another orgasm. And my golden/black (I shall call him GB 2) lover continued to thump away despite his knot and cum. Unlike B1 as soon as was finished he pulled out and jumped down. He managed to get a couple of licks at my oozing puss and I tried to move into a different position as my arms were already aching as was my back. Alas I could only move a fraction and another weight landed on my back.

This one was not so heavy and maybe not as experienced. He was more excited and his cock was hitting my rear all over the place and not getting anywhere near the mark. He nearly spliced my ass hole twice and thank goodness he was just off. He eventually gave up and there was almost a fight between him and another dog as the other dog thought he was finished. A snarl and a yelp and then he was on me again thrusting furiously. I moved my hand underneath my body and after a number of unsuccessful grabs at the darting cock managed to direct it into my waiting hole.

Wow. This was fast and furious and his cock was long. The longest of the three. He hammered that thing up inside me like a woodpecker attacking a tree. I called hear myself gasping as he fucked me for all he was worth. Alas in his excitement and as his knot grew he exploded and pulled out too much and his dick flayed out of control against my bottom anointing my flesh with his cum. I did manage to half cum and it is so frustrating when that happens But there wasn’t time to bemoan what had happened as already the fourth dog had pounced upon me.


This was my messenger dog BG 1. Two pokes at my behind and he was in. I could hear him panting and he rogered me. Fucking me fast and furious but there was no danger of him pulling out. I just loved him. He was in charge and he knew it. He even slowed down before starting up his furious pace. Pre-cum lots of it was shooting up into me – mixing with the cum from the two other dogs. I could now hear it squelching and my pussy was widening so I was leaking the more. And it was so nasty it felt oooh so good.

His lovely knot knocked at the door of happiness, it opened and welcomed it in. Cum shot into my very soul and my eyes opened wide with the shock. I trembled and a huge orgasm shook through me. He stopped moving and time stood still for a moment. Did I see stars…? I don’t remember but every time that dog mated me over the course of the four weeks I came and came. Each time I was breathless. I fondled his head and he licked my neck and we stayed locked together but not long enough for either of us. As his cock shrank and he pulled off me I turned over onto my back. I held onto his neck and sat up pushing his head into my pussy. My pussy so wet and his spunk running out – running away from me when I wanted so much to hold it within myself.

He licked his spend up and each time his tongue swiped my pussy lips I shivered at the touch. I gasped and I wanted to hold him close to my body. Ours was a perfect union but alas the other dogs were getting restless. They were in no mood for my sentimentality. Already a dog was jumping on my back with me still sitting on the grass. Another jumped onto my chest as the other dogs paws tried to wrap themselves around my face scratching the skin. I tried to move myself away but then two more dogs were throwing themselves upon me. I went down with a legs and bodies atop me. I was almost suffocating from their attack. And attack it was. They thought I was trying to escape and they wanted me and were in no mood to deny themselves of their pleasure.
I fought as hard as I could and succeeded in rolling over onto my face but two of them lay across my back and another on top of my head. There were too many of them and too heavy for me to get to my knees so I yelled. I yelled at them. That did the trick. They stopped. One on my back and the one on my head got off me. I wrenched myself up on my knees and the remaining dog got off to sniff my ass. He obviously liked the smell as he started licking me there before mounting me and humping himself into me.

I had not gotten into the right position as with a shriek from me as a bolt of pain went through me. He had entered my ass. His cock felt as if he was ripping it apart. Thankfully some of the other dogs spunk had ran into my little hole and his precum was shooting up there too so after a short time the pain subsided and the narrow passage became oiled. I was even starting to enjoy it. Being ass-fucked by a dog is not my favorite past-time but Moscow had been there earlier in the day and widened it a little so I started getting into it. In fact I was even really enjoying it when another bolt of pain shot through me. I had forgotten his knot. Oh my! It was not quite so big as Moscow’s or my ass muscles had softened and I was able to accommodate that ball in my bum and the pain stopped. He shot a stream of cum into my ass and again an orgasm built from within and I was lost again.

We stayed like that for a long time. Every move of his to get away and I stopped him, reaching behind and holding his neck with soothing noises of “Stay.” I did not want my ass torn apart. It seemed forever but eventually the knot shrunk and I allowed him to pull out.

Three more to go..


As soon as he dismounted all three of the waiting dogs decided to mount me at the same time. It didn’t work. I folded down under the weight and they started to snarl and fight. This allowed me time to get into a more comfortable position. My arms and hands were aching not counting my body. And my ass was now deciding to let me know it objected to the rough treatment and started hurting too. I actually thought I couldn’t take anymore and started to get to my feet. Wrong move. Not only did the three fighting dogs stop fighting and leap at me but so did some of the others who had already sampled my honey spots. Down I went again with dogs all over me. I even had paws in my face and that too was taking more punishment and I tasted blood in my mouth. I flung my arms around to protect myself and I think the dogs realized I was in the wrong position and started to move out of the way. I rolled over into position and braced myself.

A black and white colored dog was first to claim me (B&W 1) and he almost leaped upon my back even humping air. I wanted this to end quickly and as his cock was missing the mark I reached down, grabbed it and guided him into the right hole. Thankfully he was quick – much too quick even for me to cum but that might have been because of the many orgasms I had already experienced. He didn’t knot and after he pulled out this was a signal for a general free-for-all. What set it off I don’t know but there were many of them as the days wore on and I still have no idea what the trigger was. I gradually got used to it but this first time was frightening.

Like a stampede of crazy cattle they ‘attacked’ me from all sides – barking and snarling at one another. Even when one was humping me they were trying to dislodge him and get their piece of me and most had already sampled me. I buried my head in my hands and closed my eyes. For the first time I wanted this all to end. My pussy was fucked and my ass was fucked. Pounded is more like it as all were frenzied mountings and enterings. My puss and ass became almost like one. If someone had entered my body with a jack-hammer I am sure the feeling would have been the same. My mind just froze and actually blocked out the pain of the assault.

I do not know how long it went on for. Subsequent ones were certainly over an hour (and became more enjoyable as I got used to them) but this was a new experience. I had imagined what it might feel like to be pack bred by many dogs. It was exciting and I knew it probably would hurt but I had no idea it would be so terrifying and so very painful. That first time it was so unpleasant. When it was finally over and all the dogs had disappeared into the barn I decided I would join them and seek out the panic button. I wanted no more of it. I tried standing but the pain in the lower half of my body would not let me. I looked down at my breasts. They were scratched and bleeding. I sat on the grass with my legs open and looking down saw my puss still oozing doggie sperm. Amazingly there was no show of blood but my lips were swollen and I couldn’t even touch them with my fingers because of the pain. I gingerly got on all fours and felt my ass. That too was in the same condition. Sperm, I hoped it was and not blood, was running out of that opening, too. I caught some in my hand and again thankfully there were no smears of blood.

Crawling painfully I went through the dog door and into the barn. There was still daylight filtering the windows but there were lights on – yellow and dim so I could see my way. I first saw my cubicle with my bed and gingerly made my way there. I wanted to crawl into the shower. Alas, I didn’t make it. My movement had got the dogs attention. Eight pairs of eyes watched my slow progress and one dog suddenly leaped up and ran towards me. He jumped up, was upon my back in a flash and my pussy was speared by his cock again. I actually heard myself cry out, “Oh, no! Not again!” My words of anguish were not heard and my body shook from the pounding. His paws gripped me and it was as if this was his first fuck of the day. Perhaps it was. There were two I couldn’t account for but I doubted it. Unlike most men, dogs can mate with their bitch more frequently especially when the bitch is in season. The smell drives them wild and I can only surmise I was giving out a similar smell. At least I can remember his fucking of me. And to my surprise I felt myself responding. How could this be? By the time the dog pushed his knot into me and his cock was flooding my insides I was coming, too.. Then a tongue was licking my face and looking up it was BG-1. My messenger dog. He seemed to be trying to tell me something. Perhaps not to worry. It wasn’t to protect me as he sat down in front of me watching three other dogs have their fun with my body again before he too claimed me. But his romp with me was so different. He was not so aggressive and it was almost as if he wanted me to get as much enjoyment out of the act as he did. It was a communication between a human and an animal. I cannot explain it very well. This was one fuck I did not want to end. After everything I had taken I wanted more of him. More. Much more. My body shook with my lust and I shoved back at his cock urging him on to even greater humps. I came and he came. His knot locked into me and I held him inside me. He licked my face as he laid on me. I licked back at him patting and stroking his head. Our tongues met an d we French kissed. I decided to stay and see the month out.


I don’t remember much of that first night. I laid on the bed and fell asleep immediately. I know I awoke a few times when a dog jumped up on the bed and feeling him there. There were no covers on the bed except some pillows and I had one tucked between my legs so my pussy was not accessible. As soon as the weight on the bed was released as the dog(s) had jumped down I went back to sleep.

When I was awaken (and it was by Chad) it was morning with the sun streaming through the windows.

“Time for breakfast sleepy head,” he said. “My, my. Just look at all those scratches over your face and breasts. I’ll get some salve.”

He left my breakfast (bacon and eggs) in the dog bowl and with no utensils I had to eat it by hand. I hoped he didn’t expect me to eat it on all fours with my face dug deep into it. I was ravenous and I had nearly finished when he returned with a tube of ointment and some plaster.

“Ayenna never got as bad as this. You sure you want to continue?” He busied himself treating me. He really was a kind man. I assured him I was OK and asked him where the pack was?

“Feeding.” Was the reply. “Bad luck on you or good depending on your mood, but no hunters booked in this weekend so you have all eight to yourself.” With a little kiss on my nose he left me. I found the water and drank half the bottle and then gingerly made it into the bathroom. After that I showered being very careful to clean all the cuts and scratches. I was a mess. Although I couldn’t see my face I could feel the abrasions on them. The ointment stung and I didn’t use any of the plaster. I got on all fours and wandered out into the barn. There was only one dog there. A gray and black one. He came rushing over to me immediately, smelling my rear and licking it. I pushed my self back onto him and even wriggled my ass. He didn’t need any other invitation. His weight landed on my back and my day had started as it was to end.
How many times was I mated? I don’t know. Very frequent and twice I had to “suffer” the mad fuck fest of them all fighting and jumping all over me. More scratches and pain but I knew what to expect and draping myself over the benches certainly was more comfortable than taking all the weight upon my arms and hands. The second pack breeding I even enjoyed all of it and came and came. I realized just how a dog slut I really was (and still am). How I wish they could have impregnated me. To actually bear their litters. I would have been the happiest bitch in the world.

Well the breeding continued almost the same every day of those first two weeks. I got to love and become very close to my messenger friend, BG-1. We even slept together and I allowed him to take me during the night. I even fell asleep tied to him and when he finally jumped down and awoke me by his frantic licking of my pussy I cuddled up to him, held his penis which was still a bit hard and inserted it into my puss with me legs wrapped around him. By the end of the two weeks I even managed to have him missionary style, even getting a small tie from him.

When the two weeks were up it was a very strange feeling, unreal even, but it was only going to be three days and I would be back with them all again. Oh and, of course, I had to have my punishment in the stock chair and boy was I in for a shock!!!


Les and I traveled back to Seattle for the three day break, principally so that I could say a ‘hallo’ to my family and friends. Seafair, the festival was in full swing and I watched the Greenwood Parade recalling some of the years when I was a participant on the floats. Seeing some of my old pals gave me a buzz and I had a drink with them afterwards in Baranoffs. Later I got picked up by a lesbian, got drunk with her and ended up in her bed but that’s another story. She noticed all my scratches and I don’t think she believed my story about being tangled up in a bush! But I spent two nights with her and she was very kinky and inventive!!! Les did not let on where he had been and I did not ask him. Our relationship was definitely coming to an end but I didn’t want a row with two more weeks of doggie breeding to cum!!

We arrived back at Bear’s in time for supper before I was to be placed in the punishment seat. Ayenna looked very cagey and smiled knowingly at me when I asked if she knew what I was to experience but she have me no hint.

I was hungry and I suppose the condemned ‘man’ ate a hearty ‘supper’. I had barely finished when Bear ordered me to stand up and get naked. With Ayenna’s help I was soon out of my clothes. I was then told to get down on all fours and Moscow was brought in. He was definitely pleased to see me and he bounded to me kissing and licking first my face before attending to my rear. His tongue soon had my pussy juices running and I gasped and cried out when he mounted me. I had no protection from his nails and he scratched me causing me almost unbearable pain before his cock sunk into my vagina. He gripped me tightly around the waist – his claws again scratching at my flesh but I was already in the throes of a giant orgasm so I didn’t notice the pain too much. I was told by Ayenna afterwards that he had not mated with her or anyone since the last time with me so he was really into it. He pounded me unmercifully for at least five minutes. Occasionally slipping out but remounting and scoring the mark within seconds. I could feel his wonderful cock shunting in and out, in and out, in and out. An old steam engine couldn’t have worked any faster. Pre-cum was poring into me and his knot had swelled up and was hitting against my pussy lips. It was too big to gain entrance.

Moscow though had other ideas. He was now on the point of cumming and he suddenly lunged forwards expelling almost every breath in my body. A sharp pain and that great ball of hot throbbing meat gained access inside my body and I heard myself scream. Jet after jet of cum scalded my insides and I loved it – oh yes how I loved it. I came and came and all the time his knot was quivering and moving like a soccer ball inside my cunt scoring a goal and trapping itself into the net. I looked up into the approving eyes of Les, Bear and Ayenna who was fingering herself under her skirt. If this was to be my punishment they could do this forever.

Moscow and I stayed locked together for seven minutes – Butch timed it and after some good luck licks from Moscow I was helped shakily to my feet. Still naked I was led outside to find Chad there with five of the hands.

“She’s all yours boys. Take her up to the punishment seat and have some fun. We’ll be along in a bit after Ayenna has satisfied us. Then for the main event.”

Needless to say there was a whooping and hollering from the hands and almost throwing me into the back of a truck I was driven up to the barn during which I was fingered in both my ass and pussy whilst my tits were mauled most deliciously.

“the main event.” Mmm I was puzzled and of course excited as to what that was to be..


Moscow’s cum was still running down my legs as I was marched through the compound and into the barn. The dogs started barking as they saw and smelled me but they were all chained up. I noticed a truck parked at the side of the barn but thought nothing of it as I was taken over to the stock stall. Chad was in charge and directed the operations. Expecting to be bounded into the stocks I was surprised when Chad fondled me whilst everyone else got undressed. They had obviously done this before, presumably with Ayenna, when one of the hands sporting a decent hardon laid down and I was instructed to sit astride him and his cock. I obliged quite willingly and made myself comfortable feeling his cock nestling between my cunt lips but most of his cock inside me. I moved a couple of times and the doggie sperm had really oiled my passage.

A hand on my back pushed me forward and soon I felt another cock poking at the same hole. I was going to have two in the same hole. “Lovely,” I thought and helped the new intruder gain access as best as I could. With very little difficulty it wormed its way beside the other one and I was nicely full. Then I felt the second man who had been leaning against my back re-adjust himself and his weight was released. He was now leaning with his back on the ground. His cock had slipped out of me a little but with a little manouvering by all three of us it got back firmly in place. I felt liquid around my rose and then a first one and then two oily digits pushed inside my ass. There was now very little room but before I could protest the digits removed themselves and a cock was pushing hard at the little entrance and slowly it began to advance. I did cry out at the sudden pain but then two cocks were thrust against my lips and into my mouth. The frantic five-o. Totally airtight.

I could see Chad smiling as he undressed but there was no place for him. “Okay lads fuck her good. Get her ready for the Seattle Surprise.”

Seattle Surprise? Before I could dwell on that five cocks started shunting themselves inside me. I sucked and fucked along with them and the pain in my ass had been replaced with a dull but orgasmic ache. How I loved being a woman. Men you have no idea how wonderful it is to be so nastily used like this. Throbbing cocks – lots of them – all inside a woman. How many inches inside me? No not inches at least 3 feet probably nearer 3ft6in. I don’t remember if they all came inside me together or which one erupted first. I was lost in my own world of orgasmic bliss. I couldn’t talk because of the two cocks now almost pushing down my throat. Almost gagging me but I was too experienced for that. I have been praised on my oral techniques. I love human cum pouring down my throat. I love sucking big warm cocks. I love being fucked in my pussy and my ass especially at the same time and with a bonus of an extra one in my puss I was on cloud nine – well cloud five anyway. I came and came and came.


Before I could cum (sorry I mean come) out of my revelry I was unceremoniously taken to the platform/stocks and fastened into place face down with my head and arms securely locked into place through the holes. Chad’s now familiar cock was pushed against my lips.

“Suck on this bitch,” he said and I, without a murmur of dissent, opened my mouth and sucked upon it as if it was a delicious banana. It wasn’t long, and I have been complimented upon my cock sucking abilities, before I could sense he was about to cum and he knew it too. He pulled his now very hard cock from my mouth and striding behind me presented it at my rose and I felt it slither into my ass which was already nice and lubricated to accept it without too much protest.

“Give it to her hard.”

The voice I recognized as Ayenna’s so she must have done her duty pretty quickly as I sensed Les and Bear were there too. Then I heard an unfamiliar female voice followed by a man’s.

“She has a nice ass.”

“Very nice. Can we see her take a dog or two in her cunt before Barney? It will help get it nice and ready for him.”

Bear gave an instruction to get two of the dogs. “The ones with the biggest knots.” He added.

Who was Barney? A bear? Surely not!

With a grunt, Chad fired a shot of spunk into my entrails and I heard myself groan. It had been too soon for me to orgasm. My body was so greedy.

The cock was withdrawn and I felt Chad nastily shake the loose drips of cum over my ass.

There was approaching dog barks and I could hear them straining on their leads and a sharp command to “be quiet”.

“The bitch is ready for it,” remarked Ayenna. By her voice I think she was a little envious and I commented as such.

“Silence.” Bear’s voice commanded. “The prisoner will not speak unless given permission.”

This was punishment? Remind me to be really naughty!

“Plug her mouth with dog cock.” This was Les’s voice. Trust him to spoil my excitement. He knows dog blowing is not one of my favorite sports.

“Great idea,” said Ayenna and she instructed someone to bring in two more of the dogs. She walked around and came into my view. “I want to see how really talented your mouth is. A nice big dog cock inside there.” She pulled my mouth open. “And lots of fresh doggie cum down your throat.” She placed her mouth over mine and her tongue snaked in and met mine.

God, she was an erotic vamp. I almost came because of her words and her action. They were both so nasty and I should have been repulsed. I really do dislike dog sperm. That metallic rusty taste is something I have never taken to. I have even preferred human pee, but at this moment in time I now wanted it.

The handler arrived with two more dogs and they were very excited to see me. I found myself feeling proud that I could invoke this in a primate.

Instructions were given with Chad in charge of things although it was apparent this was not the first time a victim had been so placed to perform oral duties on a dog. In fact the dog selected to be first seemed to know exactly what to do and what to expect. He made no protests when his front paws were placed over the stocks bar and onto my back just below my neck. The sharp pain of his paws made me give a loud “ouch!” and I heard some laughter at that. Then his sheath was pointed at my face and Ayenna’s hand was wrapped around the end moving it, teasing it and gently squeezing. Soon the red pointed end of his cock appeared and she shifted the dog forward and I opened my mouth to receive it. It was difficult at first to suck it as I could not use my hands but she helped me there by using her hands to support the cock and feed it inside. Already pre-cum was shooting and coating the back of my throat and it felt ticklish making me cough a little.

Then a weight landed upon my back and with help a second dog was positioned so his head didn’t hit his opposite numbers. He started humping me and again hands helped guide his cock into my pussy and I felt the familiar hard pistoning as it shunted in and out of me. I sucked and came. I sucked and came. I was the Collie bitch!


The dog pumping my pussy was really speeding up. There was no way I could match my sucking powers on the other dog’s cock although I did my best. Ayenna pushed the cock further into my mouth and I could see and feel his knot swelling. But the other dog’s know was already huge and banging against my pussy lips. With a sudden surge forward and it shot inside me and it too was shunting inside until a sudden shooting of hot sperm coated my womb and the movements behind me ceased. I came too.

I had almost forgotten to continue my sucking on the other dog cock but came to my senses when Ayenna forced his knot into my mouth and the dog started trying to hump it in and out.

I wrapped my mouth around the big ball and this seemed to have the desired effect because spurts of cum started to shoot into my throat and coat my tongue. I choked a bit and coughed and more of his sperm filled my mouth and I tried hard to gulp it down. I didn’t think about the nasty taste I was so taken up with the depravity of it. Filled at both ends with dog cock and cum. Revelling in the act and getting off on something so nasty that it felt so good.

I climaxed again and again. Then all was still. Ayenna pulled the dog from my face and he was still spurting cum so she pointed it at my cheeks, my nose and I had to close my eyes as it even hit me there.

The dog at my back was still and very happy to lie upon me, his cock and knot buried inside my body. The knot gently moving in time with more cum shooting up into me. I hears myself cooing as I really loved this feeling. I felt fingers at my vagina and appreciative voices as the knot was examined. I had devoured it like a true pro.

“She’ll be able to take it well enough.” A strange man’s voice said and the newcomer female voice joined in.

“She can take it’s width all right. Let’s get him off so I can examine her depth.”

The dog with reluctant yelps was pulled off me. His cock dripped against my ass cheeks along with cum running out of my pussy and down both legs. Fingers were pushed inside and then a whole hand was pushed up me. Fingers opened up and felt the walls of my womb. I climaxed and moaned.

“The dirty cow is coming on my hand.” She said. “She is so wet and warm. I wish I could leave my hand in there all day. Wish she could come back with me. I could do some really evil things to her.”

Her hand slowly withdraw from my vagina and there was an audible pop as it came out. She walked around to my face and I looked up seeing an elderly woman I estimated at least eighty years. She was slim and tall with gold colored hair obviously tinted and her makeup was heavy. She breathed lust and I shivered. I knew if I was in her power I would allow her to do anything to me. She sensed it to.

“Open your mouth you bitch,” she commanded and I obeyed. She held up a slimy hand. “This has been inside you. Lick it clean.”

She gently slipped her hand into my mouth and I licked at it and sucked at it. It tasted delicious. It shouldn’t but my memory surely wasn’t doing tricks. My own and the dog’s juices was like a rare wine. She gently patted my head and stroked my hair. Then she stopped.

“Let’s see how good you are at sucking pussy. You’ve turned me on my dear.”

She pulled up the bottom of the long dress she was wearing and neatly pulled down a pair of pink panties. She took them off and offered them to me. I smelt the musk of her and her panties were wet. She draped them over my nose and then laughing she tossed them onto the ground. She opened her legs and holding her dress up moved my head between them. A completely shaved pussy pushed against my lips and I opened my mouth with my tongue pushing into it. She knelt a little giving me better access and my tongue sort and found her clitoris.

“Good bitch.” She said. “Harder. Harder.”

I licked and licked and played with the little man in the boat. I felt it get bigger and I could hear her moaning at my administrations. She suddenly moved forward hard against me and a spurt of her juices entered my mouth. It wasn’t pee it was her delicious spend and I licked it all up swallowing it and wishing there had been much more.

“There. There. You did nice. Now your reward.” Her hands opened up the lips of her cunt. “Keep your moth open.” I did. Her reward to me was to fire a stream of hot salty urine into my mouth just like a man would. I swallowed as much as I could but alas a lot just ran down my face. My hands were so fastened I couldn’t catch it so it ran onto the ground. She was satisfied, though, even if I wasn’t.

“You are one dirty cow.” But she said it approvingly. She disappeared from my vision and I then felt a heart smack against my rear.

This was the signal for the other two dogs to be presented to my face and ass and I performed a repeat performance or rather they did it to me. Although I was the star turn at that moment I was the support. A doggie cock fucking my pussy along with another doing it in my mouth. How many of you girls can boast that? Or how many would want to boast of such a naughty thing. I can only boast of it here to you my dear readers. Once again I devoured their cocks front and back. Once again I milked and swallowed their sperm. Once again I climaxed with them. Life was so very good.

All too soon it was over but then my world came back to reality with a bang. I now found out what my surprise was. My punishment was lead in. I heard the hooves. I heard the snort.

“Now meet Barney.”

Barney was no bear. Before my eyes was a full blown horse!


I was so shocked I couldn’t speak. There standing before me was a full grown brown horse looking at me with almost disinterested eyes. On either side of him was the strange woman and Ayenna with wide grins.

“You’ve enjoyed Barney, haven’t you Ayenna?”

“Yes,” agreed Ayenna,” Five times now. But I have only been able to take a short piece of him. He is just too big for my poor little pussy. But yours, dear Colleen, it is so much bigger than mine. How many inches do you think it will take, Marlene?

So the stranger’s name was Marlene and I wasn’t even introduced.

“At least 14 inches. We’ll experiment and see just how much.”

I at last found my voice. “No. He’ll kill me. I don’t want a horse. Only dogs. I’ll do any dog but no other animal. Please don’t make me do this.”

“Sorry,” said Ayenna. “Part of the punishment. I’ve had to do it and once you get used to it it’s nice. Fulfilling shall we say.”

Laughter greeted that. I called them names. Then Ayenna knelt down and grasping the horse sheath started stroking it whilst Marlene and one of the hands held Barney’s head. I watched with even more increasing terror as a cock started appearing from the sheath. And what a cock. It grew and grew. Starting off black and then white and brown patches appeared throughout it’s length. From about a healthy 2feet and 2inches diameter it enlarged to a frightening 3 and a half feet and at least 4 inch diameter under Ayenna’s gentle masturbation and then sucking. I have to admit watching her lips around that huge member did start to turn me on until I realized this huge dong was going inside me! My legs were feeling like jelly.

I jumped as some cold liquid was sprayed upon my rear and whatever it was Barney smelt it and stated really getting excited. He was looking at me now with definite interest. Another handler grabbed his reins and he was led away. Ayenna seemed reluctant to release his cock from her hands and mouth but she had no choice. When two trestle tables were opened up and placed either side of my face I panicked even more. They were going to get Barney to mount me. I started to plead and cry and to shut me up Marlene picked up her discarded panties and rolling them up into a ball shoved them into my mouth.

“If you attempt to spit them out I’ll have your mouth taped up.” She warned me. I was quiet but I couldn’t stop shaking.

“We’re tying a knotted rag around his cock at about fifteen inches and his flare will stop you from getting hurt. No harm will come to you.” And Marlene cradled my head in her arms and bent down and kissed me.

I could feel the platform I was on being raised and it stopped at I what was to be the appropriate height form my mating. Barney was snorting and whinneying a lot now and whatever was in that spray had turned me into a horse bitch ready for his monster weapon. I flinched and tried to move as the handlers helped Barney mount the platform and his hooves flashed past my head and crashed down onto the trestle tables. I felt an iron rod probing my ass but realized it was Barney’s penis. It sought and sought my opening but it failed. It pulled away and he was helped down. My escape was only for a few seconds because he mounted again. Another crash of his hooves hitting the tables and again his cock probed me. This time he hit home. I screamed as it entered me. Nothing had prepared me for the force and speed this huge bar of flesh as it made its way inside my poor channel. The bar withdraw only to be forced inside me again a little further. Nothing had ever gone up me so high. How could I possibly enjoy this when I knew I was going to be killed or suffer permanent damage to my body? Another withdrawal and another huge push this time accompanied with a loud snort from Barney and what was this? I could feel something else swelling up inside me at the end of his cock. Was this the flare Marlene had mentioned. It was even bigger in diameter than the cock.

Then it happened. A giant hose let loose inside my vagina. The great flood was re-enacted inside my womb. Barney let loose his sperm. And yes I came. I came along with him. From a terrified whimp of a woman I orgasmed like a beast. At that moment I was a mare. A horse. I shook my head and Marlene’s panties shot out of mouth as I yelled and yelled. I think my cries alarmed everybody until they saw I was enjoying it. And within seconds of Barney’s cumming he was down off me. A fountain of his sperm shot from my pussy and I could hear a puddle forming at my feet. I was released form the stocks and hands helped me lie down onto the floor of the barn. I vaguely remember being helped into the corset, pads, gloves and webbed costume. My spectators disappeared with Barney. I lay and then eight dogs were upon me. I dutifully got to my knees and gave myself to them. For fourteen days I was theirs once more.


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