English Stories

Badlands Indian Gang Rape


(c) 2006 by pulsar1042
stallion, gang bang, bondage, nc

I was long and lean and tanned and gorgeous at only eighteen! I wanted to prove my worth as an Apache warrior and become a feared savage as so many of the women I slept with had! I readily volunteered to do the advanced scouting ahead of my tribe’s large war party that sought battle with Sioux raiders that had entered our lands and ravished a nearby Apache encampment. As I rode at full gallop to gain distance ahead of my tribe, I vividly remembered the terrible sight only two suns ago of young women nakedly staked spread eagle over ant hills as the tiny insects had stung the raped and bleeding bodies of countless teenage Apache girls! I vowed revenge and now rode to seek out the Sioux butchers that had performed the carnage!

As my horse ran I felt the wind all over my body. My long dark shoulder length hair flew as the cantering pony sent rhythmic undulations through my large fully developed naked tanned breasts. My hot tits were bare but for vivid red war paint lines which started from a circle painted around the base of each knocker connected to now jiggling lines drawn forward on the fleshy tops, bottoms, and sides of each firm orb that then converged at the erect brown tip of my hard nipples. They heaved and fell and smacked together in a delicious motion that I found highly stimulating.

Both of my now rock hard nipples had been pierced when I was twelve. They currently supported a thin gold chain spread between my firm teenage globes, and the chain’s yellow metal tips were driven through each erect point! An arousing sensation in my heavy breasts began as they tugged against the chain as they flew apart only to be abruptly slapped back together as the golden strand snapped taught with the galloping motion of the powerful horse beneath me! Gazing down between my swinging globes, I drank in the sight of my tight slightly muscled tanned belly that gave way to my slim loins. A slutty string bikini line ran from high over the flare of my hips downward to a distinct untanned tiny triangle which barely framed my wet, smoothly shaved cunt mound that was now concealed only by a brief, low slug beaded loin cloth! Dissipate my thoughts of the tribe’s mission, I simply could not ignore the hot feeling of the cantering horse’s spiny back slamming repeatedly into my naked spread young gash under the loincloth! I could sense a building slickness on the animal’s coat as I began to involuntarily leak from between my open thighs which were wrapped around the galloping horse’s flanks!

My mind’s wondering,however, abruptly ended as I sensed danger! I was approaching a rise framed by a tree line that cut off my view on two sides. My thoughts raced for precious seconds, as the hesitation brought me into the edge of the trees. My worst fears became crushing reality as I herd the bloodcurdling war cry of the Sioux! At once, arrows flew all around me , and two struck my horse just inches from my right thigh! The impact caused the animal to rear and fall to his side. I was flung to the hard ground as two more arrows barely missed my neck and my left breast. I instantly realized I was surrounded as I hit the dusty earth! Dazed and winded, I grabbed for my dagger and tried unsuccessfully to get to my feet. At that very second, three young Sioux braves lunged at me in defiance of my cold blade! Although I caught one arm with the knife, I was quickly overcome! I screamed in horror as I quickly reasoned that they had no intention of killing me now…rather my eighteen year old hard tanned body was to be a plaything for their bloodthirsty lusts! I defiantly glared at the howling young braves, and now noticed there were a total of seven surrounding me! As I raised myself on my elbows, my huge bikini lined breasts flattened and swayed. My long tanned legs had been flung apart by the fall and now I realized that a hint of my nakedly shaved pussy hole could be seen from under the now torn loin cloth. The beads had separated in several places allowing glimpses of my sharply defined untanned bikini vee only two inches wide at the maximum! Pulling my right leg up and forward in an attempt to scramble, I accidentally revealed it all…cunt lips gaping open between the untanned swatch which continued up around under my hips just barely showing a white bikini strip up the inner crack of my lean muscled ass! I saw the pleasure they took in collectively drinking in the sight of my teenage flesh, and I lay there transfixed as seven sets of eyes played hungrily over my exposed trembling body! A deep fear of the nature of the spectacle to follow grew in my mind and the thought was too horrible for me to contemplate! The image of the naked young Apache girl’s bodies tortured and spread over ant piles raced through my mind! I realized I might count my remaining life in hours, and I was determined to do whatever necessary to prolong it! I stared defiantly at the young braves, none which I felt was over twenty. Their shinny muscled bodies were also clad in warrior loincloths, and I seemed to detect the beginning of movement from behind the brief fabric as they continued to look at my large swaying tits. The next move, however, was theirs, and I new it would come soon!

At once, two of the closest braves grabbed my trashing limbs and hauled me screaming and twisting over to the tree line. They bound me spread eagle with leather thongs between several closely placed trees. I watched in horror as a Sioux knife went to my hips and deftly slashed the low slung rawhide holding up my loincloth! I lay there total ly naked but for my warpaint and the gold chain pierced between my steadily erecting nipples. One after another I saw the teenage Sioux braves begin to drop their cloths to reveal hardening tubes of meat between their muscled thighs, the average length I guessed was over seven inches! They continued to gaze at my ripe lean bikini lined body as several began to jack off their huge angry cocks. The two small triangular tan patterns over my breasts served to highlight the large brown hardening nipples that capped my flatted swaying breasts .The braves took obvious pleasure in the sight of my lean adolescent loins, fully shaved, spread, gooey, and highly accented thanks to the scanty bikini marked vee outline over my pussy that connected to high slung thin tan lines at my hips!

I instinctively began to struggle against the animal hide bounds around my wrists and slim ankles. I was rewarded only with deep chafing red bruises wherever the straps made violent contact with my tender flesh! My thrashing, however continued to provide a lusty heaving of my upturned young breasts. The steadily more desperate forward thrusting of my teenage hips and thighs only repeatedly served up the sight of my shaved, well masturbated gooey slick cunt to the desperate eyes of the sex hungry braves!

I sensed my assault was long overdue, and I screamed a bloodcurdling howl as the first nude brave mounted me! I guessed he was only about seventeen, but his heavy thick cock was massively erect and his ball sack was rock hard! As I felt his full weight fall on me, the others gathered in a close circle around me to watch the beginning of the gang bang .The warriors began to masturbate their throbbing dick meat only about a foot above the back of the rutting brave trying to ride me! I heard a rhythmic chant begin as the musk of horny men filled my nostrils! The young brave thrust his tongue over my mouth, throat, and tanned knockers as he sought to consume me! His hands played down the length of my slim eighteen year old body as he first paused to grab my firm sweaty tits. The rough kneading of my painted breasts served his own pleasure as much as it thrilled the eyes of the six other savage Sioux braves, who seemed to be entranced by the sight of my helpless struggling! His strong right hand continued to brutally pull at my young heaving tits as his free left hand began the journey downward between our tangled bodies to my involuntarily spread gapping smooth cunt mound!

Dispute the horror of the attack, I began to sense the subtle stiring of arousal in a hidden corner of my mind! I felt the brave’s hand reach down and cup my protruding hairless cunt mound in his palm, as the teenage lips of my pussy began to swell. An involuntary spasm began deep within my young cervix as my body began to prepare itself to be violently invaded! As his rough fingers played over my box I began to secret pungent streams of clear goo down my birth canal and out to the waiting outer mouth of my cunt. The sticky lube slicked both my teenage cuntmeat and his probing middle finger as he began to frig me in front of his friends! My struggling continued as I sought in vein to free my loins from his relentless touch. My resistance, it seemed, only served to further ignite his lust as he firmly thrust home his long middle finger deep within the scalding inner recess of my pussy! I emitted an involuntary moan from the depth of my throat as I was overcome with a wave of spine tingling heat! My teenage gash became a smelly swamp contracting to imprison his thrusting digit. Now well past his second knuckle, his probing finger moved inside me in circular motion as he stirred the bubbling hot goo my cervix blew down! My arousal was now plainly visible to the glaring braves as they glimpsed my now painfully erect inch long brown nipple tips as goose pimples formed all over my hard arouslas. My breathing became more shallow and rapid as my young body began a sensual upward hip roll timed to meet the deepest reach of his finger probe! First one…then two…and finely three long fingers were stabbed into me as preparation for his huge veiny throbbing meat that was now being rubbed into my tanned upper left thigh by his pumping hips! The rhythm of his deepest frig matched the top of his dick stroke which reached up to my string bikini hip line. The relentless friction on the bottom of his rock hard dick was rapidly being lubricated by the ample precum ooze discharging from his pulsing pisshole. My left upper thigh crevice became sticky as juices from both of us painted my bare swollen mound! My head rolled backwards as I monetarily closed my brown eyes to the rape scene to savor the mounting sensations in my loins!

The sound of wet flesh slapping inches from my ears brought me quickly back to reality as my eyes opened to see the engorged dicks of the other six braves being wetly fisted above me! I quickly realized my first fuck would be for the visual simulation of the chanting savage Sioux warriors watching the eighteen year old get me off! I knew now that my beautiful young face and long dark hair would become the chosen receptacle for six scalding loads of spunk my performance would coax from their writhing bodies! At the height of one of my upward hip thrusts I felt the brave jam inwards to the hilt and then quickly remove his three compressed fingers from my wide open cunt mouth. His immediate shift towards the center of my hips rubbed his huge throbbing meat across my soaked clit and runny cunt mouth. He humped his swollen eight inches up and down through the middle of my dripping pussy crack as my slim hips pushed upward to meet him! I knew I was about to be entered, and prayed he’d pull out before he shot! My ripe teenage body had only finished it’s period eight suns ago and I knew I was highly fertile!!

A second raced past as I felt the massive swollen cock head press forward to replace his fingers inside me! My slick gapping cunt mouth hung open to his thrust as I felt his huge glistening head push inside my body. His increasing precum leakage left a gooey white trail dripping from between my bound straining thighs and down into the entrance to my womb! He seemed to hesitate for an instant as he entered me as if he was about to find my cherry. He could not know I had lost it in an spectacle in my tribe’s camp! There I had mounted the smooth polished totem pole nearly four feet long that teenage Apache squaws used to bust open their young cunts in their fourteenth year! I had repeatedly thrust downward sucking in nearly a foot of the massively wide post to rip open my virgin cherry! I continued to pump through the pain and brought myself to several violent orgasms on the gooey wood for the entertainment of the lusting eyes of the chanting tribe! I had ungulated my tanned young hips down another several inches and danced impaled on the post! I had wantonly masturbated my large tits and received as reward the hot shooting loads of several nearby young braves my exhibition had driven crazy with lust! Since then, I had repeatedly serviced several chiefs and many young renegade braves. I had also warmed the tents of scores of beautiful Apache bitches and savagely fucked them with huge polished wooden hip slung dildos! My gash was, in short, ready for hot action from either brave or squaw! Flashing back, I rolled my bound nakedly spread hips upward to inhale several more inches of his throbbing dick meat!

My head again fell backwards as the enraged Sioux warrior began to assault my pussy the way he had undoubtedly done to the now lifeless village girls! His scalding meat slab touched bottom as his eight inches propelled his swollen head and pisshole inward to kiss the bottom of my ripe cervix! The contact was electric as I closed my brown eyes and screamed out in Apache for him to stop! I could now feel the slapping motion as his superheated dick plunged again and again until his swollen ball sack loudly smacked the wet underside of my straining young bikini tanned ass! All around me I heard an accelerating wet fisting of the six huge cocks above my face and body! I sensed that my screams only sexually charged the Sioux even more, as they rapidly approached their first fiery climaxes!

I sensed the end was nearly here as I distinctly felt a swelling of the veiny girth that was pounding my teenage womb! I felt the sloshing in his scum bags as they roughly licked the underside of my squirming ass. Disregarding the swelling meat all around my head, I began to scream to him not to shot off even as my own battered cunt began to involuntarily spasm around his manhood! My head thrust from side to side as my long dark hair fanned out into the air on both sides of me! Sobbing, I begged him in Apache …”OH GOD, PLEASE STOP, YOU’VE GOT TO PULL OUT…I’M TOO RIPE…I’LL DO ANYTHING JUST DON’T DROP YOUR SPUNK WAD IN ME…AHHH…AHHH…AHHHH..IT’S SOOO DEEP…SOOO GOOD…SOOO BIGGG…GIVE IT TO ME…YES…YESSS…YESSSSS….AHHH…AHHH..AHEEE…GIVE IT… TIL YOUR GONNA SHOOT…AH…AAHHHH… THEN RIP IT OUT AND I’LL BLOW YOU TIL YOUR HOT SPUNK IS ALL OVER MY MOUTH AND TITS…I’LL EAT YOUR SPERM, JUST DON’T BLOW OFF IN MY WOMB…I CAN’T HAVE A SIOUX BABY…I CAN’T!…I CAN’T!!!…AHHH…AHHH…AHHHHHH …!!! I WANT SIOUX DICK BUT,OH GOD, DON’T FORCE ME TO TAKE THE RENAGADE SPERM LOADS!!!…

I prayed he understood and would heed me as I felt him lift himself upward off my sweaty tits and back on his extended forearms. I gazed up to see a look of final violent lust on his desperate face as his move only served to jam his pulsing cock even deeper into my churning cunt hole. By moving back he also exposed my hard heaving painted breasts and my beautiful face to the unrestricted access of the six pounding dicks just above me! As a final insult, he reached his left hand to the gold chain jangling between my slapping tits and pulled back on it as he would a bridle on a horse! Pain shot through my now distended tanned knockers as the nipples reached the limit of stretch and my tips stood nearly straight out from my bucking chest! A scream of terror rolled from my open horrified mouth! As the sound left my throat, my gapping wide oral cavity provided an irresistible depository for the scalding hot wads of the first two braves. Their dicks exploded as I gazed wide eyed at the spewing pissholes! I saw rope after runny rope flung from above as a nearly simultaneous cascade of hot sperm flew at my face and chest from all sides! Burning wads struck my hard nipples and clinched face with a vengeance as the howling Sioux braves raped my flesh. The combined discharge of six young verile warriors entered my dark hair, nose, eyes, cheeks, throat, shoulders, tit globes and nipples as they painted me in their smelly white goo!

The motions of the brave still raping inside me thrust my tits wetly together as a river of runny jism flowed between my bikini tanned cleavage down my heaving belly to finally pool around my slapping shaved pubic bone! Sperm continued to fly hitting both of us in an uncontrollable sea of white that served to slicken the rape coupling even more! He continued to yank on my gold nipple chain to counterbalance his sloppy hip thrust which now emitted a audible sucking sound as our hip flesh joined in counterpoint. I reeked of spunk and my hair and eye makeup was plastered down in runny pools! Every hard pull on my nipple chain caused me to painfully arch my bound back and shoulders upward towards the braves to prevent them from ripping my nipples apart! Through my pain I was suddenly again conscious of the expanding dick of my rapist as he unexpectedly thrust the full length of his cock into my deepest recess as his nuts jammed wetly into the gapping open lower portion of my cunt mouth. His prick head exploded and a howl left his chest! I screamed in Apache through my sperm coated lips “GOD NO, DON’T DO IT…PULL IT OUT NOW…YOU’LL KNOCK ME UP YOU PIG…I CAN’T TAKE YOUR HOT LOAD NOW!!!…PLEASE NO…PLEASSSEEE NOOOOOOO…I CAN’T HAVE YOUR SIOUX BABY!!!…STOP…STOP… EHHHHH…EHHHH…OH FUCK…YOUR PISSHOLE IS BELCHING THE SPUNK INTO MY CERVIX!!!….GOD STOP, PULL IT OUT QUICK BEFORE I’M COATED!…I FEEL YOU BLOWING THE WHOLE WAD INTO ME, YOU SHIT!…OH GOD, OH GOD YES BUT IT FEELS SOOO GOOD!..SOOO HOT…SOOOO FUCKING GOOEY!!!…OH…OHHH… AHHH …YOU’R FORCING ME..AHHHH..TO TAKE IT!!!…FINISH ME OFF YOU SIOUX BASTARD!…MAKE ME CUMM…MAKE ME CUMM…YES…YES… YESSS …AHHHHHH… I’M BLOWING MY SQUAW LOAD ALL OVER YOUR SPURTING DICK!…RAM THAT PISSHOLE UP ME …FORCE ME!!…MAKE ME TAKE IT!!!…MAKE ME TAKE YOUR PISSHOLE!!!…SHOOT IT TO ME!!! …DEEPER!…DEEPER!… AHH…AHHHH… YESSSSS!…FORCE MEEEEEE… EMPTY YOUR BALLS…PUKE OUT A SIZZLING SPERM LOAD!!…DO IT IN MY YOUNG APACHE WOMB!…DO IT DEEP!!!…DO IT NOW!!! …UM… UMMMM … AHHH…AH..GIVE IT…AHHH…YES..YES..YESSS..BLOW A SIOUX SPUNK LOAD UP ME NOW!!!…GOD YES, I WANT YOUR HUNGRY SIOUX SPERM!!! …UMMMM…UMMMM.. YES…MORE …SPUNK ME!…SPUNK MEEEE!!!…ALL OF IT…FLOOD ME FUCKER!!!… …..UMMMM…GO…GO…GO… NOW…NOW… SHOOT… SHOOT YOU PIG!!!… SHOOOTTTT!!!….AHH…AHHH… YESSSSSS …. YESSSSSSS…FEED MY THURSTY GASH HOT RENAGADE SPERM!! ..DUMP THE GOO IN ME!!!…AAAHHHHHH..”

With that his shooting pisshole frenched the waiting open mouth of my hot Indian cervix as it spit ropes of runny baby juice into the heart of my womanhood! I thrust my nakedly shaved gash high upward and held still to receive his squirting load. My abused cunthole hung tightly around his swollen belching dick meat as he got off! My slit was a hot clinging mouth swallowing his renegade spunk! I was nothing more than a runny human jizzbag for these savage Sioux pigs to relieve themselves in! I felt the last of his scalding scum shoot up me . Thousands of his superheated sperm were released and swam up my birth canal to find and attack my eager hot Apache eggs! My deep brown eyes closed as I sobbed and tears flowed from the corners of my goo covered eyelids. I knew that these renegade butchers had truly defiled my exquisite teenage body as I was forced to take the unwanted Sioux life that was shot up inside me!

I had no time to think however as the first young brave torn out of me and rolled off. He left a gooey trail of milky white sperm all between my ass cheeks and then leaked more over my lean upper thighs as he dismounted! The loss of his body weight caused me to go all limp. I began to drift when Oh God, no…I felt the second erect huge Indian pole enter my runny Apache cunt as the next enraged warrior claimed my violated teenage body! His dick filled my void as he to grabbed my tit chain and his cock began a sloppy ride through the runny sea of his friend’s swimming sperm! I knew now my abused cunt would take all seven dicks as each would want to coat my guts with his hungry spunk in this horrifying gang bang! Which one, I wondered, would make me pregnant?…

With that I began to scream, as a strong warrior hand slapped me twice to return me to sobbing silence as his swelling cock raped my gooey box! My second hot sperm load was only seconds away! I pumped upwards to meet his thrusts so as to finish him off fast! He became more savage and violent as he repeatedly slapped me as we fucked! I began again to scream as he answered my cries by blowing his overheated teenage scum into me. My screaming had again aroused my Sioux captors as he began to beat me harder. My eyes became fogged as I passed out as he continued to rape up my bikini tanned hips…

Moments or hours…they were all the same to me as my mind was thrust back to consciousness! My eyes opened slightly and then flung saucer wide as I realized to my terror I was still being savagely fucked, but by a different brave!! How many had been serviced by my lean unconscious body I couldn’t tell, but the grotesque river of sperm discharging from my swollen gash served as witness to multiple rape! The young braves were taking turns relieving themselves in their eighteen year old Apache sex slave and my continuing helpless performance was keeping their young dicks hard and their scumbags full! As I gazed to the ground around me trying to avoid the eyes of the young brave fucking on me, I was shocked and fascinated to see two of the young Sioux braves locked hotly on the grassy ground in a sixty nine! Apparently the visual thrill of my ongoing rape drove them to get relief even before their next turn at my runny Apache teenage cunt! As I watched I saw the two boys turned mouth to hip as their loincloths were draw back to allow the other full access of his naked throbbing cockmeat! Both dicks glistened with saliva as they hungrily deep throated each other.

Their hands moved expertly on each other’s loins as one hand wetly fisted the hot tube up and down the huge length to meet the clinging lips. The opposite hands firmly rubbed the other’s ball sack so as to coax out another precious spunk load! I heard the moaning from each young throat as they swallow the other’s thrashing dickmeat repeatedly until nose flatted against tanned male pubic mound! I saw the involuntary backwards head jerk of the younger brave, about eighteen I guessed, as the other howled and shot his savage spunk load into the warm recesses of the young boy’s throat! Judging by the younger brave’s rejection, this may have been his first try at blowing off another man! His partner grabbed the young head violently as he would not be denied the pleasure of unloading in the boy’s warm mouth. As he held the boys long Sioux hair, he opened his legs upward and outward and repeatedly violently rammed his shooting pisshole down deep the younger boy’s mouth, who could be heard screaming around the thick eight inch long dick! The older boy rode the face of the younger as he would the back of a horse to assure maximum penetration. As he shot, still sucking on the other’s own cockmeat, he eyes met my over the short distance…I knew he was even more impassioned by the thought that a beautiful young eighteen year old Apache sex slave was drinking in the bazaar spectacle! As he finished shooting, he pulled his glistening spent cock from the adolescent mouth it had just raped. I watched in rising sexual frenzy even as I was being again raped by the next desperate dick that again plunged into my helpless bound body. To complete his show for me, he frantically went to work on the younger boy’s straining dick to pleasure the hot meat now deeply embedded down his own throat! His hands pulled on the young braves pumping cock as he rhythmically blew him. I was thrilled to hear him cry out in my native Apache… “shoot your load down my hot throat…ummm …ummm….uummm…that’s it, the Apache squaw knows I want it!!…watch me bitch while I bring him off!!!…that’s it… ummm…ummm…ummm…oh yes!! …ummm…ummm…see me…ummm…ahhhh….yes… ummm….want it bitch???… yesssss…give me your runny spunk right down my throat…you’ll get his next load…this one’s mine!!!…ummm…ummm….ummm…give it to me Whitecloud… yes…yesss…ahhhhh!!!..

With that the young brave screamed out and blew his superheated nuts off into the waiting mouth of the other brave. I watched his tight young ass cheeks tense and repeatedly drive the spurting dick down the older boy’s mouth. I moaned as I saw the braves throat bob as he drank the ropy load into his wanting stomach. As a final thrill, the brave pulled his mouth off the spurting fuck tool and painted his face with runny globs!! The sight was too much as I moaned and shot my own pussy load all over the thrashing raping cock now blowing off inside me! My bikini tanned hips and upper thighs were again awash in runny smelly spunk that hung from between my rope spread young thighs!

The brave’s savagery now took on a whole new dimension as I herd the whinny of a nearby Sioux Indian pony! It was calico white and tan with a long main and tail. I watched in utter disbelief as one of the young rutting braves led the animal over opposite my bound position. He moved the huge beast close to me as I thrashed in terror in my bounds! My wide open brown eyes were involuntarily drawn to the long throbbing pole of black meat that bounced between the rear legs of the monster! I smelled a strange sex like smell emanating from the stallion’s loins as in supreme horror I realized they had the most bazaar plan to sacrifice my sweaty teenage loins to this giant! I began to shriek in terror and cry as the braves gathered in to witness the spectacle! The horse, positioned to my left, was prodded closer by one of the Sioux as another brave to my right violently grabbed my head and thrust it toward the huge smelly horse cock! My screams heightened, as I felt the brave’s palm repeatedly slapping my tanned sperm caked face to shock me into silence! As my wails subsided, the lustful Sioux swine snapped my head to the left and forced open my jaws to the maximum! I thrashed my bound hips and felt the leather around my wrists cut into my tender flesh as I revolted against what now seemed my inescapable fate to blow this beast’s huge horse dick for the amusement of the seven barbaric Sioux warriors! As his friend stroked up and down the massive animal dick I watched in perverse fascination as a gooey clear discharge began from the head of the gigantic swollen black horse cock! The brave’s hand job was having immediate effect as the beast began to repeatedly whinny as his rear legs danced back and forth urgently in the prairie dust. On one of the upward strokes the Sioux began to guide the shiny tip closer and closer to my gapping teenage mouth! The brave holding my head thrust my face to the left and now only inches separated my wet young lips from the pulsing black head! The Sioux warrior’s lust was evident by his rapid shallow breaths I felt close to my right ear as he moved his head in close. He craved the voyeuristic thrill of witnessing every juicy detail of the impending oral coupling! Again pinching open painfully my gapping jaws he slowly and firmly forced my rounded young mouth to the slimy ebony meat tube as I began again to scream! With one final push my ovaled lips fastened around the swollen throbbing four inch wide horse dick as my scream was muffled by the impaling animal flesh savagely entering my throat!

I moaned in terror as I began to gag as my mouth made an involuntary attempt to reject the huge slab! Saliva and horse goo mingled inside my mouth as I retched with the pungent taste of horse! I cloaked in horror as I realized I had no control on how deep the massive horse meat would be served down my throat! My screeching continued around the savage cock which had the incredible effect of sending arousing oral vibrations up the throbbing shaft all the way to his distant massive swinging ball sack! My chest rose and heaved desperately as I violently drew in sharp rapid breaths through my nose as the beast began a discernible back and forth thrust over my jammed tongue. My huge bikini lined breasts heaved and slapped together as the violent blow job continued! To my further shock I felt the free hand of the brave holding my mouth now trying to pry open the clinched palm of my bound right hand. My eyes were locked on the impaling pole and I could not see the naked brave thrusting his spread thighs over my now open pulsing palm. His hips quickly dropped down to deposit his huge bloated ball sack and lower dick shaft directly into my bound right hand! Instantly I complied, as my small palm closed over his ball meat to give him a vigorous hand job! I fisted his shaft rapidly thanks to the pre cum ooze freely leaking from the barbaric Sioux rapist.. He began to moan and chant as his upward thrust through my squeezing palm was in perfect rhythm to the horse’s driving monster organ pumping through my stretched bruised lips! I knew the breast was loosing control as he tried several times to rear up. I sensed the certainty of my impending death if the braves could not continue to restrain the calico as he sought his release anyway possible! My survival depended on my ability to quickly blow off this huge horse. I wished the ball sack in my squeezing hand was the horse’s, as I could speed it’s climax!

Again and again, in and out the pulsating four inch wide three foot long horse cock entered my desperate throat. At it’s deepest thrust I felt the pisshole jam past my tonsils as the black head lounged nine inches down my sucking mouth! My swollen tongue played wetly around the lower flesh just behind the spot that the head met the shaft. I felt the giant meat swell still larger as it became almost impossible to breath! My head bobbed back and forth in the brave’s hands as I preyed my teenage mouth would now get the animal off! I heard a moan as the brave to my right stiffened and thrust his wet tongue in my ear, sending orgasmic flashes throughout my overheated eighteen year old body! My spread pussy spasmed as I actually came as I felt the first of the scalding hot sperm shoot from his dick into my tightly clinched hand. As I crested my huge breasts thrust upwards as the nipples reached rock hard for the sky!

And then I felt it! …The horse whinnied violently as the pulsing black dick head exploded deep within my dark starving squaw throat! At once massive disgusting wads of milky mucusy horse spunk was shot hotly down my throat into my heaving belly! I felt the warm spunk hit the pit of my stomach as the remaining portions of the milky jizz blew out of my nose and around my gooey lip seal on the huge shaft. My brown eyes were saucer wide as I gazed transfixed on the horse’s heaving pumping jizz bag as I watched it force wad after wad down the black two foot long meat span between it’s pulsating ball sack and the glistening edge of my hungry lips! A second after I saw the bag pulse I was rewarded with a fresh scalding squirt as I drank down the nauseating spunk like a thirsty squaw in the desert! Again and again it delivered, as his incredible load capable of knocking up a huge mare became mine! My hungry squaw mouth could not contain the onslaught as massive runny streams fell from around my clinched mouth down to my neck and finally to cling in greyish white sticky ropes from the bulging tips of my heaving painfully erect silver dollar sized nipples! A pool of jism developed in the small of my neck that was then flung in all directions over my upper shoulders, my long dark hair, and jiggling tanlined tits below! My brown eyes ran with horse spunk as I was momentarily forced to close them! The pumping torrent continued as my stomach filled over and backed up. As the horse stopped shooting and began to pull out, my stomach gave way and I retched and vomited long gooey ropes of coagulated horse sperm up through my now gapping empty mouth. Again and again my gut spasmed as I puked out huge rivers of forced fed animal jizz which now blew out my mouth and nose to shower my bikini tanned tits and my spread lower loins! Long lines of mucusy white spunk ran down my flat stretched belly and flowed between my bound spread thighs. The burning sperm coated and kissed my gapping wide shaved cunt lips and mixed with the near dozen loads of warrior spunk the Sioux pigs had knocked me up with! I wreathed and slid in my bounds in the sea of jizz deposited in me by both man and animal. I never dreamed of being balled like this!! The horror of the savage gang bang overcame me as I screamed and again pasted out into the darkness!

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