Women with Animals

Camping Experiment



I have always had a special feeling about camping. Being out in the woods without the comfort of modern technology. It wasn’t until recently however, that I developed an interest in a few other things to go along with it.

I had been camping at the state park near Mt. Mansfield for about three days. There were a number of lean-tos set up in various spots at the base of the mountain. They were mostly visible to each other from the road, but the fronts of them pointed away for privacy. I was the only person camping my first few days until a van pulled in with three women. They set up their camp in the lean-to across the road and I was somewhat disappointed that they did not take one right next door. As I left to go hiking I waved and they waved back and I continued on my way.

Three hours later I returned from my hike. I was on the verge of darkness and I built a fire to cook my dinner. I pulled the log I used to sit on over to the side of the fire where I would be visible to the women, hoping they would be the friendly type and come over for a chat. I had been sitting for about an hour and noticed their fire had begun to dwindle. Thinking they had turned in for the evening, I began to stand up. Before I had moved to far my eye caught one of the women walking deftly across the campsite. My jaw dropped when I saw she was completely nude. I didn’t move a muscle while I watched her move to the edge of the firelight and squat. I could not make out her features as much as I would have liked to, but assumed she must be relieving herself in the bushes. I was very tempted to walk around the front side of their campsite, where they could not see me, and continue my observation. Instead, I decided not to get myself into trouble and turned in for the night.

The next day I could not get the women off my mind. I saw them several times in the morning and then left for the day to do some more exploring. I returned about noon for lunch and they were gone. Presumably out hiking. I sat down on the edge of my lean-to and began fixing a lunch and planning the remainder of my afternoon. I was startled when one of the women appeared from around the side of the lean-to.

“Excuse me. I noticed you had come back and thought I would say hello. I hope I’m not disturbing you.”

“Not at all,” I explained. “I was just thinking about what I was going to do all afternoon.”

She explained that her two friends had gone off scouting the area and she stayed behind to relax during the afternoon. Her name was Kathy. She was about 5’2″, 105lbs, with a great body and short blonde hair. She was wearing a white tee-shirt with the kind of cut off denim shorts that showed just a little of the bottom of her cheeks. She was a nice girl and I was glad she had come over to talk. After about fifteen minutes of getting to know each other she sur- prised me with a rather personal question.

“I know you saw me last night. I’m sorry if I offended you but I just had to go and didn’t realize you could see me until I was on my way back to bed.”

“Not at all. I actually didn’t see anything” I lied. I had seen as much as I would have liked, but I certainly saw more than I led her to believe. I was a little uncertain of this topic and wanted to change it lest she ask why I was watching in the first place.

After about another hour of talking and learning about each other she told me she was extremely tired and wanted to head back to her campsite to take an afternoon nap. She was gone about a half hour when I noticed she had left her sandals on the edge of my lean- to. I picked them up and figured I would drop them off at their campsite without waking her. I walked over to their campsite and turned the corner to their lean-to. I set the sandals on the edge of the platform and looked up at Kathy. She truly was a very pretty girl. She was sound asleep on top of her sleeping bag. She was on her back and her clothing was disheveled. I was a little embarrassed because her shirt had moved in such a way as to completely show one of her breasts. It was the firmest tit I had ever seen, sticking at least four inches into the air while lying on her back and very round. Her nipple was the size of a dime. Again I decided that I was not a cheap thrill artist and started to look away.

Just as I did I noticed a dark spot appear at the crotch of her cutoffs. I was in shock as I watched this beautiful woman pee her pants in her sleep. The dark spot grew and eventually covered the left side of her shorts, as she was leaning to her left side. Soon she had quite a puddle underneath herself and on her sleeping bag. I thought of how embarrassed she might be if she knew I had seen this and began my retreat. I took a couple of steps backs and rapped my head on the overhang. Kathy woke with a start and looked at me. I apologized for waking her and explained that I was just returning her sandals. She thanked me and I don’t think she realized until that moment what had happened in her sleep. When she looked down, her face turned beat red and she tried to cover herself. I said I was sorry and started to leave. Kathy asked me not to leave, she told me she felt she had to explain or she would die of embar- rassment. She told me she had always had a weak bladder and it often affected her more in her sleep. She had pulled the sleeping bag over herself and was attempting to remove her soiled garments in such a manner as to not give me any more of a show than she already had. I told her I understood and that it didn’t change my opinion of her. I still thought she was a beautiful girl. She blushed, thanked me, and asked if I would mind tossing her a duffel bag that lay in the corner. I noticed the bag was plastic lined and tossed it to her. She removed her wet pants and panties from under the sleeping bag and tossed them into the bag.

It was now that I decided to take a risk. I asked Kathy if she minded if I told her something kind of personal. She responded that it was only fair since I had inadvertently found out one of her most trusted secrets. I sat down Indian style and explained to her that the sight of her pissing in her cutoffs had actually aroused me and that I was little ashamed of it. The look on her face scared me a little, because I thought I may have made her angry. Instead she told me I was the first person who ever said that. She even had troubles keeping boyfriends because of their reaction to this par- ticular problem.

By now she had pulled on another pair of shorts and was again fully dressed. I jokingly told her that if it ever happened again to let me know, I didn’t mind seeing it at all. She smiled and thanked me. Then surprised me by asking me if I was serious about wanting to know when it happened again. I asked her if she would think I was a pervert if I said yes. Her response has excited me to this day. She walked over to where I had been leaning back on my hands and straddled my torso.

“Actually, I could go again right now!”

“I don’t think you would… hey!!”

Once again I watched a dark spot grow on her shorts. She stopped before any pee had fallen on me and asked if it still aroused me.

“Take a look down!”

She looked at my sweat pants and noticed a large bulge. Then the spot again started to grow and she pressed her crotch into my chest soaking my shirt. It was no wonder this girl had bladder problems, she must have stored about a gallon of piss at a time. She picked her crotch up off from my chest and asked if I was all right as a steady stream of piss left her pubic area and fell on my chest.

“I think I am a little too excited.”

“Do you masturbate?” she asked.

“Sometimes, but never in front of anyone.”

“Do it now!”

I pulled my sweat pants down and removed my wet shirt as she pulled of her soaking cutoffs. I began to stroke my cock and told her that I was dangerously close to coming.

“Stand up” she said.

I did and she laid down directly in front of me.

“How much do you usually come”

“More than I think you really want on you” I said, still in shock from her sudden passion and love for kinky fun.

“I want it all on me…”

At that, I told her I was going to come and six or seven long lines of white come left my cock to land on her stomach, chest, and pussy area. She was covered with so much come she looked like a glazed donut. She used her hands to rub the come into her skin.

We calmed down for about thirty seconds and I told her that it was my turn to have to piss and started toward the bushes when she caught me by the leg.

“Try pissing on me.”

“Are you kidding!!”

“Why not, I did it to you. Besides, I like new things and I have never done this before.”

“Ok” I said. It was difficult to pee because I was sporting another huge hard on. Who wouldn’t with a gorgeous blonde lying in front of you, completely nude with her legs spread, showing off golden yellow curls of pussy hair and telling you to piss all over her.

“Aim it at my clit, we’ll see if I can get off on it.”

With that said, I let go a huge amount of piss. At least one full minute of pissing. Hitting her in the clit for about thirty seconds brought her to her first climax.

“I want it in my mouth!”

“Are you sure?”

She assured me that she wanted it in her mouth and for the next ten or fifteen seconds I pissed directly into her open mouth. She never swallowed, rather letting it overflow down the side of her neck and mix with the come she was minutes before massaging into her skin. When I finished she knelt up and engulfed my cock with her mouth, draining me of the last of my pee and within 2 minutes bring- ing me to my second climax. Accepting another very large load of come on her face. Exhausted we lay next to each other and she kept telling me that she couldn’t believe this had happened.

It took us the better part of an hour to get into clean clothes and clean the place up before her friends came back. When they did, she introduced me and I am sure they could still smell something in the air.

We all planned a cookout for that evening and I went back to my lean-to for a much needed nap.



I walked over to their campsite at around 5pm and reacquainted myself with the other two women. Michele was a brunette with a very nice figure. She was about 5’6″, 120lbs. She had quite large tits for her size. Pam was either part black or had one hell of a tan. She was very tiny. About 4’11” and 95 to 100lbs and short black hair. We spent some time talking. I made hamburgers on the grill and soon we were all sitting around the fire talking about what we did during the course of the day. Kathy and I were careful to skirt the subject said we had talked all afternoon.

About 6:30 Michele came up with an idea to play truth or dare. Kathy told her that she thought it may make me uncomfortable and I was quick to jump in and say that I was game.

“Ok. Here are the rules. The only rule is that you MUST take the truth or dare that is given or pay to have another one.” said Michele.

“Pay what?” I asked.

“That’s up to the rest of us to decide.”

We flipped a coin and Pam was the first to play.

“Truth or dare Kathy?”

“Truth.” was the reply and the rest of us teased her about starting out easy.

“What did you REALLY do all afternoon?”

Kathy’s face went red and I thought she was going to quit right then and there. Instead she looked at me as if asking per- mission. I nodded and she said, “I gave Trevor a blowjob and he came all over my face.”

The other two girls jaws went slack.

“Shit Kathy, nothing like holding back. Did that take you all afternoon long?” asked Pam.

“Actually we talked for awhile and then I came over for a nap. I forgot my sandals and Trevor returned them for me. I had one of my accidents while I was asleep and Trevor saw. He was very under- standing and one thing just led to another. My turn now!”

“Truth or dare Pam?”

“I smell paybacks here,” said Pam. “Dare! I’m no chicken!”

Everyone laughed and then Kathy lowered the boom. “I dare you to pull down your pants and panties less than six inches away from Trevor.” The campsite went still and once again I thought one of the girls would be angry.

“Ok. But I’m not sure I like this one.”

I couldn’t believe my ears. This gorgeous little woman was gonna bare her muff to me only six inches away from my face. I was getting too much of a treat this night and was extremely nervous about when my turn came up.

Pam stood and walked over to me. She was wearing an oversized sweatshirt and sweatpants. When she reached me she turn around, reached up to her waistband and proceeded to pull pants and panties down to her knees; providing me with an unbelievable view of a perfect heart shaped ass. She had no tan lines so I assumed she was melado.

“Are you ready Trevor?” she asked. The other girls were laughing at what I thought was my discomfort until Pam turned around and they saw the look of complete shock on my face. Pam had an eight inch hard on sticking out from her crotch. The head was about a half an inch from my face.

“Is that real?”

“Touch it and find out” said Pam.

“I can’t do that, I’m not gay.”

“And I’m not a guy. Look underneath it.”

I look and saw the cutest little bush and pussy I had ever seen. The girls explained to me that they had all met at a group seminar on women with problems that affected their ability to have a lasting relationship.

“Are you gonna find out if it’s real?” asked Pam.

“Just once to see if you guys are pulling a fast one on me.”

“Jerk off on him and he will believe you” said Michele.

“I don’t think I want to test that theory” I said as I reached up and stroked the large dick hanging between Pams legs. She closed her eyes and moaned.

“Ok, my turn” she said as she pulled her pants up quickly. “Truth or dare Michele?”


“I am pretty close to coming so I want you to prove to Trevor that this thing works. Come over here and suck me off.”

Michele never said a word, but walked over to Pam and en- gulfed her dick in her mouth. Pam leaned back and closed her eyes. Michele spent about two minutes deep-throating Pam and it was all but over.

“I’m gonna come. Make sure he sees it.” Pam was really breathing hard and Michele let her out of her mouth. She was directly in front of me and Michele was finishing up by jacking her off. As soon as she came out of Michele’s mouth she let a thick jet of come fly directly at me landing at my feet. Her hips bucked forward as she let four or more jets of come fly and then Michele wrapped her lips around the head again and cleaned her up. Less than three minutes after Michele had started, Pam’s pants were back up and she was sitting somewhat flushed around the fire looking quite relieved.

Michele moved back to her place around the campfire and every- thing again seemed normal. I think I was in somewhat of a state of shock. These were three of the most unusual women I had ever met.

“Ok, Trevor, your turn. Truth or dare?” asked Michele.

“I think I need to work my self up to your level of daring so I’ll tell you a truth this

“You look like your already pretty worked up,” joked Kathy. I looked over and she gave me a wink and nodded toward my crotch. As I looked down I saw that my erection had created quite a tent in my sweatpants.

“What is the kinkiest thing you have ever done?” asked Michele.

I looked over to Kathy who nodded knowing that this afternoon filled that spot quite comfortably. “Well, I have to admit that this evening ranks right up there, but actually this afternoon was a little heavier on the kinky side.”

“What??” said Pam. “I’m a hermaphrodite who got blown right in front of you. I came at your feet and your say that seeing some- one pee their pants was more kinky than that?”

“Well, actually, that wasn’t all that happened this afternoon. I told Kathy that I got turned on seeing her piss her shorts so she came over and straddled me and pissed all over my chest right through a second pair of shorts. After that I jerked off all over her pussy and chest and then she wanted me to piss on her so I did. It was after all that when she gave me the blowjob.”

The two women looked at Kathy and asked if there were any other secrets she was keeping.

“Leave you for one day and all of a sudden your the queen of kink.” commented Pam.

“Is it my turn yet?” I asked.

“Go ahead” they said at the same time.

“Michele, truth or dare?”


“Ok. Why were you at that seminar?”

“I think I will pay the price for another question!”

The other two girls started to boo and hiss calling her a chicken.

“Hey, this isn’t the same as being a bed wetter or having a spare body part. I’m not sure Trevor would appreciate my particular problem.”

“Well, Pam and I will give you your price, I don’t want Trevor knowing what we’re thinking.”

“Fine” said Michele.

After a couple of minutes of conferring Pam spoke up and told Michele that not only did she have to tell me what she was at the seminar for, but she also had to show me. Michele reaction was kind of weird. She acted like she really did not want this game to go any further until I told her that whatever it was I would never hold it against her. At that she looked relieved.

“Well, Ok, I guess. But where am I supposed to show him?” said Michele.

“There is a place down the road” replied Pam.

“Well then I will tell him when we get there.”

It took about ten minutes for us to pile into the van and drive the few miles down the road where they pulled over and parked. I was sitting in the back with Kathy and she had her hands stroking my crotch through my pants for the whole trip. When we arrived Michele turned around from the front seat to talk to us.

“Ok.” she was a little flushed and you could tell she was nervous about telling me her secret. “I was at the seminar because I have a fetish for screwing around with animals.”

My heart just about stopped. “Are you serious. I think you’re about to top the kink meter over this afternoons episode. What are we doing out here.”

As I asked the question I looked out the window and saw the horses near the edge of the wood line grazing. The moon was full and it was so bright it was almost like day light.

“Still want to play Trevor?” asked Pam.

“Are you kidding! This I HAVE to see.”

We walked about 100 yards across the field. Michele explained that she worked at a stable and originally got turned on seeing horses breed and became unusually hot when she watched a stallion slip out of a mare one time while he was coming. She said it was watching the horse piss thick come for about a full minute. Explaining that more semen was needed to breed horses. She got to the edge of the wood line and approached a large stallion. The horse did not know her so she took her time. You could tell she was quite experienced with them.

After she got the horse comfortable around her, she stopped and removed all her clothes. Looking at us she said “I shouldn’t be the only naked one around here.” The rest of the girls then stripped down. Kathy told me quietly that she was extremely turned on and wanted to piss. Pam was sporting a gigantic boner. I was hesitant to undress in the middle of the field and Kathy whispered in my ear that if I did she would surprise me. That’s all it took, within two minutes we were all completely nude and Michele was back over with the horse rubbing his neck and stroking his mane.

“You have to be extremely gentle with them and you can get them to lie down” true to her word the horse eventually lay down on it’s side. Michele went right to work. She went between the horses legs gently and began stroking and fondling the horses balls. They were the size of two softballs and I really was having a hard time believing what I was seeing. After about five minutes of this the horse had a hard on that was about 22 inches long. Michele explained that mares reproductive glands are pretty far inside and that was why Stallions had such large cocks.

Pam asked if it was ok yet and I wondered what they were talking about. Kathy told me to wait and see. Michele was taking a rather large amount of pre-come from the horse dick and spreading it on her chest. You could tell she was beyond reason now and had only one thought on her mind. She occasionally tried to get the head in her mouth but it was too big so she would alternate between putting the head in her pussy and wiggling around and turning around to lick the horses shaft and balls. The horse was starting to snort and I thought he was gonna come but Kathy said it would be a few more minutes.

“Why don’t you lay down and start jerking off and I will pee on you.” she said.

I was more than happy to oblige and lay down about two feet from the front legs. As I stoked my cock I watched Pam walked around to the back of the horse and kneel down. She was stroking her cock and looked like she was nearing orgasm. I had seen so much this night I was not to shocked when Pam lifted the horses tail and sank her cock in to the hilt. Kathy was straddling my face fingering herself and announced to me that she had to pee.

“Go ahead.” I said.

She must have been saving from earlier that day because even her friends stopped to see the gallons of piss gush forth from her pussy to splash all over my face and chest. I was soaked with her piss when I told her I was gonna come. She turned around and dropped to her knees, grabbing my cock she aimed it at her mouth and jerked the largest load of come I have ever had all over her tits and face. When I was finished she sucked my shaft and head cleaning me up. When I had to go, which is usually shortly after I come, she promptly took my dick in her mouth and said go ahead. I pissed a huge amount and it washed all the inside of her mouth and rained down over her tits and cunt.

The sight of this had pushed Pam over the edge and she started violently humping the horses ass and spilled her own load of come deep in the horses ass. This must have made the horse feel pretty good because he snorted once and then while Michele had the head of its dick in her cunt he blasted the first of what seem like two or three quarts of come. After the initial blast Michele removed her pussy from the horse-dick and put her face in front of it with her mouth open. She was right about the amount of come that comes from a horse. It really looked like he was pissing thick white come. She kept letting it hit her in the face and run down onto her tits where Pam had come over and started to rub it in. There was obviously too much come for them and by the time the horse was finished they were both drenched in horse semen and Kathy was letting another gallon of piss go all over my cock and balls.

None of us bothered to get dressed, but just hopped in the car and drove back to the campsite to continue our game. The ride back only confirmed that this was going to be the kinkiest night of my life. Michele looked like a glazed donut with her entire body from mouth to knees covered with thick white horse come. Pam masturbated all the way back and eventually came all over her own stomach and while I was fingering Kathy she let another load of piss go in the back seat.

This was a time I’ll never forget. . .

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