Women with Animals

K9 Affair


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(c) 2011 by JenK9

This story is about Nina who recently joined our K9 sex club, she is 27 years old, 5ft 7in, short black hair, green eyes with 34-D bust. She has wonderful boobs but isn’t into any lesbian action.


My name is Nina and I had never considered sex with an animal before what I am about to tell you took place. I really enjoyed sex with my husband, we were married for two years and my husband (Zane) and I were 26 and 25 years old respectively. Zane and I had sex at least three times a week and enjoyed experimenting with each other, we tried everything at least once so I was not depraved of sex. What happened next was unexpected but changed my sexual lifestyle forever.

One morning after waking up before Zane, I followed my usual routine in preparation for the day ahead. I had made myself a cup of coffee and sat down at the kitchen table while I read the newspaper. I was wearing a T-shirt and my thong when Buddy, our Ridgeback, entered the room. I greeted him with a scratch behind the ear and told him I would feed him soon. We only had Buddy for about two months, we took him in when a neighbour had to relocate and couldn’t take him with. She was quite attached to him and found it difficult to leave him behind, but since she had no choice, we were glad to have such a beautiful and well trained dog. Buddy lay by my feet, half under the table as I continued to peruse the newspaper. As I took my next sip of coffee, Buddy surprised me by sticking his snout between my legs making contact with my pussy. I shot up out of my chair, toppling it over and almost spat the coffee from my mouth in reaction.


I opened the back door and let him out. As I regained my composure and took stock of what just happened, I felt shocked and angry at Buddy but I also felt strange emotions which I didn’t quite understand. That is when Zane entered the kitchen and asked what the commotion was about. I didn’t want to tell him before I had time to understand what I was feeling, so I simply told him that Buddy made me spill my coffee.

At work that day my thoughts were distracted by that morning’s encounter with Buddy, I tried to understand why I couldn’t get if off my mind but I had no idea. When I returned home that afternoon, I decided to pour myself a glass of wine. The day didn’t go well as I was reprimanded for my absent-mindedness and I was relieved to be home. I went to the kitchen and poured myself the drink and took a sip. Just then Buddy strolled into the room, the moment I saw him I could feel my body react, I thought it must be the anger I felt from that morning stirring up again, but who could stay angry at such a honey?

“Come here boy. I’m still upset with you but I forgive you my boy. Just behave yourself from now on, ok”

I rubbed his head as he leaned against my leg, happy to receive the attention. Buddy must have taken my attention the wrong way or something, the next moment he shoved his head under my skirt lifting it up and shoved his snout between my thighs and rasped his tongue over my panty-covered pussy in that instant

“Buddy, NO!”

I shouted as I pushed my skirt back down. Buddy stepped back and just looked at me with his tail wagging. I couldn’t believe he had done it again, he was usually so well behaved. I was irritated at first but then those strange emotions were there again and I was overcome with curiosity. As I stood there looking down at Buddy, my heart started to beat faster and harder and the feeling in my stomach was an indication of anticipation. I was so aware of how my pussy felt at that moment and I couldn’t believe that I actually wanted Buddy to lick it again. As the thought of my dog licking my pussy went through my mind, I became aware of how turned on I was. My desire had become too much, I leaned against the fridge and slowly lifted my skirt. I exposed my soaked panties to Buddy as he watched. I didn’t say a word, I just stood there with my legs slightly apart and watched for his reaction. Buddy was a little reluctant, after all he had been scolded for doing what I was trying to get him to do. Buddy came closer sniffing at my crotch and then he began to lick my pussy through my soaked panties. I was at war with myself, I couldn’t believe what I was doing but also the sensation I was experiencing. Eventually I gave into my desire and just enjoyed the licking I was getting.

“Oh that’s good” I mumbled to myself

Buddy continued to please me with his tongue as I groaned some more. I must have lost control a bit as my body reacted by instinct. I pulled Buddy’s head into my crotch as he continued his oral assault. All my sexual senses were heightened by this perverted act, as if the fact that a dog was doing this to me made me hornier in some way. That is when I felt an orgasm approaching

“Oh Buddy… I’m almost there… just a little longer… AAAHHHGGG!”

I came hard and pulled Buddy in closer, I felt my body go weak and I got a little light-headed. Buddy sat dawn and looked up at me as I gazed back into his eyes, I couldn’t believe what I had just experienced but I knew I felt good about it. Before I could give it anymore consideration, we heard Zane as he entered the front door. Buddy scampered off to greet him. I stood there with a grin on my face determined to explore this further.

The next morning, a Saturday, Zane got up early as he had a day planned with his friend and would be home late. After he left I got up and had a quick coffee and breakfast. I logged onto my laptop and began researching beastiality on the internet. I was amazed at the amount of information, stories, pictures and videos that were available, I spent about three hours looking over the material before I finally decided to take action. Buddy was with me the whole time, I looked down at him as my heart started to race

“I can’t believe I’m about to do this, but it’s too hard to resist”

I stood up and got completely naked as Buddy swirled around my legs as if he knew something good was about to happen. I sat down on the sofa and spread my legs

“Come here boy, this is what you’ve been after. Well, here it is”

Without hesitation Buddy moved in and began to lick my pussy again. It felt so good having direct contact from his rough, long and powerful tongue. He licked at my wetness with enthusiasm, even entering my cunt a little. Every time his tongue found my clit it made my body writhe in pleasure. I was enjoying his skilful tongue more this time since it was completely my choice, I was still surprised at how good I felt about this perverted act. I felt a little guilty that I enjoyed this muff dive from my dog more than one from Zane, but the feeling was undeniable. I began to moan softly at first but my moans got loader is I felt my inevitable orgasm approaching. I became verbal as the intensity increased

“That’s right Buddy, lick me boy… OOOHH that’s so good”

I gripped the sofa edges as I pushed my pussy towards Buddy’s amazing tongue


I screamed as an almighty orgasm tore through my body, my body quivered uncontrollably and I lost my breath for a moment. The fact that it was my dog doing this to me made the orgasm even more powerful. As my orgasm subsided, Buddy jumped up and placed his paws on either side of my waist. I wanted his cock inside me and watched his dick closely as it approached my pussy, dancing around between my legs as Buddy humped in search of my inner flesh.


I said as his large K9 cock slid effortlessly into my wanting cunt, his fucking was hard and fast, just the way I like it. By now I had slid my but all the way off the sofa with my back resting on the seat. Buddy didn’t slow down or show any signs of fatigue, his pace was amazing and so satisfying. I still couldn’t believe what I was doing, but there was no way I was going to stop now.

“Fuck me boy….. Good boy”

I was now totally in the moment, enjoying this new sensation I had discovered. I felt his knot banging at the entrance to my cunt, so I spread my legs as wide as I could to accommodate it.


I felt a sharp pain as Buddy forced his knot into me but the pain didn’t last long. Within seconds I was enjoying the new sensation of being knotted for the first time. It didn’t take long for Buddy to ejaculate his hot load into my cunt which sent me into another powerful orgasm. It was the best I had ever experienced. Eventually Buddy stopped humping but I could feel him still squirting inside me. Buddy turned around with his knot still in me giving me the opportunity to take a closer look at our tie. A few minutes went by before Buddy’s hot cock popped out of my cunt. Cum spilled out of my gaping cunt and Buddy licked me clean. I felt pretty good about our sexual encounter and decided then that it would be a regular thing.

A few days later I found myself desperately wanting another encounter with Buddy. I had great sex with Zane but still was not satisfied. I waited about an hour after Zane fell asleep before I left the room in search of Buddy at about 11:45pm. I found him in his usual place at the bottom of the stairs and called him to follow me outside. We moved to the side of the house where we were least likely to be heard and I removed my panties. Buddy immediately started licking my pussy as I stood there and I just enjoyed it for a moment. Since I didn’t want to take too long from the risk of being caught, I dropped to me hands and knees and presented my rear to Buddy. He needed no encouragement and mounted me in an instant. Within seconds Buddy’s wonderful cock was buried deep in my cunt, fucking like there was no tomorrow. I bit my lip as Buddy forced his knot into me again and then enjoyed as he fucked me to another wonderful orgasm. Buddy didn’t take much longer to come and we were tied for about five minutes. I went to the downstairs bathroom to clean up and then snuck back into bed next to Zane and had a restful sleep.

Over the next few months, I had sex with Buddy more frequently than I did with Zane. I found myself looking for every opportunity to fuck that handsome dog and even took him to my friend’s house while she was at work a few times for a naughty afternoon. She was on to us but I didn’t care as it seemed to intrigue her. It was at her house where Buddy and I tried a few new things like 69 position and anal sex. I cannot tell you how much I love my Buddy and what he does to me.

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