Men with Animals

Billy & Chester


(c) 1999 by Fennec

As a young man , growing up – I had two dogs. The first was a Doberman, he was a big dog, I’d say he was over two feet at the shoulder and he weighed almost as much as me. He was a friendly sort of dog, never mean or ornery as some might think of a Doberman Pinscher – we had named him Chester. Our other dog was a St. Bernard. I still remember when we got him, he was so cute and cuddly; just a big puffy ball of fuzz. He was so adorable, we named him Billy. I swear the kinda things that kids notice: that pup had the biggest balls I had ever seen on a dog. We were kinda afraid that Chester wouldn’t like the new dog; but they seemed to get on pretty well. In fact Chester was right nice to Billy and allowed the young pup to sleep with him on his dog bed every night cuddled up with him.

About ten months had past since we got Billy, and Billy had always been pretty mindful of Chester. You know, how a more dominant dog treats a subservient dog, they get to eat first and they get to drink first from the big water bowl in the kitchen. Soon, Billy had done him some growing, he was gonna be a big dog for sure, his feet were enormous and so were other parts of him as well. He was filling into those paws in every way. One day I saw Billy sorta licking himself, for the first time I noticed what a big dick he had; Billy was sorta licking his furry balls and sheath, making happy noises and getting real excited. I went over to Billy and started to stroke his sheath and balls. I was about eleven or twelve at the time and I was extremely fascinated by anything having to do with sex, even my dogs began to become interesting.

I sorta started to stroke on Billy’s dick, I had tried to masturbate a few times, but I didn’t get anything out of it – in hindsight I guess I was a bit too young yet. So I started to stroke on Billy and gets all happy and starts licking my face as he stands up and starts to hump his dick in my grasping hand. It was really exciting. I was wearing nothing but a pair of loose shorts and his chest was rubbing up against my naked skin and soon I was getting pretty hard in my shorts. I stroked and stroked, his dick was so long and thick; I could barely get my hand around it’s thick lenght as he humped. It was strange, Billy started to spurt a clear warm liquid as he humped, I thought nothing of it as I rubbed; Billy was so happy, and I didn’t want him to stop.

I felt his whole prick as he used my hand, it was as he humped really hard that I felt – for the first time – a dog’s knot. It was amazing; it was hard and wet, and so large, almost like a handball. I squeezed it slightly as he thrust in for a big hump, thrilling at the silky and knobby texture. Then Billy got really excited and howled a bit. He sorta held still, shaking a bit, as his big dick started to spurt thick white liquid. He was so close to me that all of his seed landed on my chest and shorts, and after a couple of minutes he just stood there panting and licking my face as his cock throbbed and pulsed in my hand.

After that Billy curled to lick himself and his prick started to shrink back into his sheath, I petted him and rubbed his belly as he licked. I felt his big furry balls and sheath and tentatively licked a bit of his dick as he layed back. It was all so exciting. Then Billy started to lick his juice up off of my chest and stomach. It was then that I noticed just what a mess I was. I decided to go to the bathroom to clean myself off before my ma came home. So I went down to the bathroom and Billy sorta followed me in, I didn’t care and I let him follow me. I took off my shorts and found another pair in the hamper. As I was about to put these on I noticed just how hard I was, and that some of Billy’s seed had leaked through my shorts onto my underwear, it made my dick really slick and hard.

I was so amazed at this that I dropped my underwear and started to rub the strange slippery stuff into the skin of my young dick, It felt good and I sat down on the floor as I began to stroke on my lil boner real hard. Billy seemed interested in what I was doing , so he started to sniff at my hand and belly. Billy started to lick up the juice that was still on my body as I go more and more turned on by his licking. Billy licked me all over, he even licked down onto my prick. I almost yelled when his tongue hit my dick. It was such a great feeling. So I moved my hand away and Billy started to sniff at me again til he came back to my prick.

With a snuffle and a big inhale Billy put all of my cock into his muzzle and started to lick at me, it was like nothing I had ever felt. It felt funny at first but I let Billy go on and it started to feel real good. Billy lapped at my lil dick at sucked on me a bit, he was panting really hard and I was breathing real heavy myself. I was sorta scratching Billy’s ears when it happened; the good feeling in my crotch became so nice that I kinda got really stiff and my dick sorta shook under Billy tongue. This was the most mind blowing sensation I had ever experienced. Billy licked me a bit more, nothing came out like it did with Billy, but I felt so great that I didn’t care.


And then… (chapter 2)

A little later, I saw Chester and Billy playing. I guess they were tussling to figure out who was the top dog again. Billy had done some fine growing, he was lust a little bit smaller than Chester and the two dogs yapped and spun around each other, trying to pin their opponent or get the upper hand. After what had happened with Billy and me; I was sorta looking at Chester’s and Billy’s private parts as the wrestled. It seemed like both dogs were pretty excited. Chester’s red prick was peeping out of his sheath and I could see that Billy’s knot was big and hard in his sheath. Suddenly Chester pushed his body into Billy and mounted up onto Billy’s back. Chester started humping on Billy. He seemed to be pretty excited: now, I had seen Chester hump Billy a few times, it went with being the top dog – you showed you were boss by fake humping the other dog.

But this time it was different. I was looking underneath the dogs as Chester thrust his hips up against Billy, I wanted to see if Chester was getting a boner. I was surprised to see that Chester was really hard and he was thrusting his dick up between Billy’s hind legs, like he was trying to really fuck Billy. It was strange, because Billy was just standing there as Chester humped on him. I mean, Chester’s prick was rubbing up against Billy’s big doggy balls, and Chester was really getting into it. The next thing I know Chester lets out a little bark as he humped really hard on Billy, as I looked under there to see what was happening I made the realization that Chester had gotten his dick into Billy.

The two dogs, were panting happily as Chester fucked Billy good, Chester was thrusting so hard that his back legs were leaving the floor sometimes and he was holding Billy around his belly with his front paws. I got down and started to rub Billy’s sheath, his prick was fully hard and hanging from his belly as Chester went on. I began to stroke Billy, getting in position like I had before; so his juice would hit me. Billy groaned and licked my face as I stroked him real good, his large dick moving through my hand as Chester was on his back. I was all really exciting, I got a stiffy and used my free hand to feel myself through my pants.

It seemed like only a few minutes, then Chester gave out a short howl and was still on Billy’s back, I kept stroking Billy as I looked back to see what was going on; right by Billy’s ass with Chester’s prick stuck up inside Billy’s ass, was Chester’s knot. It was cherry red and dripped wetly as some of his juice dipped from Billy’s ass. Then Billy got real excited and started to cum all over me, Chester went wild and thrust a few more times. I caught all of Billy’s juices on my chest and belly, he just kept spurting and at one point I leaned down to lick the tip of his prick as it jetted onto my face. I even took a lil of it in my mouth, I almost gagged as his seed sprayed into my throat, but I swallowed it and found that I liked the taste.

As Billy’s dick slowed its throbbing and such. I rubbed his big and Chester’s balls and licked his prick as it went back into the sheath. It was then that I noticed; I could no longer see Chester’s knot. He must have humped it into Billy real hard when Billy came. It was neat, I felt Chester balls twitch a bit as he spurted into Billy. And soon Chester’s dick shrank and he got off Billy. Chester licked Billy’s ass real good as I felt his dick, Chester wasn’t as big as Billy. But Chester was bigger than me, and I was really getting hot from feeling his dick, which must have been seven inches long and really thick.


Another… (chapter 3)

It was funny, a few years past, I was about 14, and often Billy would let Chester hump him and fuck his ass. Even though Billy was now full grown, and was bigger than Chester. Billy seemed to enjoy when Chester did this. One time I took out a measuring tape and I measured Billy, he was two and a half feet tall at the shoulder, and he weighed about 150 lbs, which at the time was just about heavier then me. I often played around with Billy, we made a great habit of letting each other play with our privates. The first time I ever came real cum was into Billy’s mouth as he licked me; it felt so good that I tried sucking on Billy too. It took some getting used to but if Billy could do it for me, then I would suck Billy off as well. I really started to enjoy myself with Billy, I jerk off Chester a few times – but he wouldn’t lick me, so Billy was always much more fun.

About this time I started to have thoughts about trying to get Billy to let me fuck him. My dick had grown, but Chester still had about an inch on me and I thought that Billy wouldn’t mind. So, one night when my family had gone to a movie, I took Billy into my bedroom, Chester was asleep and tired out from fucking Billy earlier when I walked them in the woods behind our house. I took off all of my clothes and I layed down on the rug with Billy, he was really happy to be with me and he sniffed and licked my face and rolled onto his back so I could rub his chest and belly.

Billy was panting heavily as I rubbed and petted his soft furry body, the fur was so soft – but the muscles underneath were really solid. I began stoke his sheath and with my other hand I sort of started to tickle his balls and move my hand back to Billy’s ass. I licked my finger a little and found Billy’s puckered hole. Billy spread his back legs out and sighed happily as my finger probed his soft inside. Billy was so hot inside, I couldn’t believe it. Billy started to get hard as I work another finger into his ass. My dick was hard and Billy was sniffing and licking my balls and prick as I crouched over him.

I loved Billy a lot and I licked at his mouth so that we french kissed, his strong tongue fishing all the way back into my mouth. I was so excited, I felt the time had come. I got Billy to stand up so I could try to fuck him. Billy stood up and panted happily as I stroked his sheath some more, using my finger on my other hand to play with his hole. Billy stood real tall and sort of gave a little whine, like he wanted something. I spit on my hand and rubbed it into my dick, along with a little juice from Billy, my dick was really hard and leaking precum. Billy didn’t protest as I worked his ass a bit more with two fingers in him. In fact Billy seemed to get even more excited and pushed his ass back onto my fingers. This got meso hot that I went around behind Billy and gripped him around middle.

I used my hand to put my dick at the opening of Billy’s ass, and Billy trust back onto me and I was in. The hot wet warmth of Billy’s ass drove me wild. The inside of Billy’s hole was still full of Chester’s cum and that made it really warm and slick. I started to hump into Billy, putting my whole length in then taking it almost out; then in again. Billy was trusting back at me, matching my pace as he fucked himself onto my dick. I was going faster and faster as my balls rubbed up against Billy’s underneath me. I tried to storke Billy while I fucked him but I was too lost in my own pleasure, and soon I grunted and shot my seed deep into Billy’s ass. It was so amazing, I collapsed onto the rug, sliding my dick out of Billy as I went.

Billy came over to me and began to lick my dick and balls again, cleaning me up. Then Billy started to lick under my balls, between my ass and scrotum. It felt real good and I let Billy keep going, I was lazily stroking Billy’s long heavy sheath. Then Billy started to lick at my ass, I had experimented with my fingers in my ass a few times. But it never did anything for me, it was different this time. Billy’s tongue was really licking at me, sometimes he would even snake it up into my ass. This was so good, I started to feel sorry for Billy. Billy was always being fucked, maybe Billy would like to be the one who got to fuck for a change.

I felt that this was only right, after all; I had just fucked Billy. So I let Billy lick at my ass, I encourage him by telling him he was a “good boy” and scratching his ears. Billy got the idea. As Billy licked me he started to get really hard, his long pink doggy dick waving back and forth under his belly. I stroked him a bit, and had an idea. I stated to play with Billy a bit, we tussled a little, as I tried to get Billy worked up. Then it happened, Billy got the idea and pulled himself up onto my back, his powerful front legs wrapped around my stomach as he started to thrust himself on top of me.

Billy, was panting heavily, and I could feel his cock slapping wetly against my ass and balls. I reached back and got a hold of Billy’s meat, it was hard and squirting all over my butt. I guided the tip to my ass as Billy thrust. It was painful at first as pushed his long dick up into me and started to hump me like there was no tomorrow. I could feel the muscles of his thighs on the outside of my legs as he thrust into me over and over. After a bit I really started to enjoy the feeling of his prick moving in me, his precum was making it so slick and wet that his big dick moved easily in me.

I was getting hard as Billy thrust into me, it got me so hot that I started to thrust back into Billy; just like he had done with me. I felt Billy’s fat cock going deeper into me and I loved it. Billy humped me good, for what seemed like a long time. Then Billy started to grind something big and hard against my ass. It was his knot, I forgot just how big Billy’s knot was and I tried to clamp down a bit. I though that this would keep Billy from putting his knot in me; I was afraid I couldn’t get the whole thing in my ass. My clamping down only made Billy grind his knot harder and harder into me. I tried to resist this him for a few seconds, but he was so strong, and I had wanted him to fuck me. So, I relaxed as much as I could and Billy humped real hard. With a wet pop, Billy pushed his knot into me. Billy thrust a few more times and stayed still on my back. I could feel hot liquid flooding my ass Billy filled me with his cum.

Billy lifted a leg up and turned around so his butt was up against mine, his cock still pulsing in me. With Billy’s weight off my back, I started to jerk off I was so excited by letting Billy fuck me and the feeling of his big cock knotted up in me was such a great feeling that I came almost immediately. Ropes of my cum hit my chest and even my chin. That was the greatest cum I had ever had.

About fifteen minutes later Billy’s cock shrank down enough that he pulled himself out of my ass. His dick made a wet slurp as he pulled out. Billy and I licked each other clean; I licked at Billy’s dick until it went back into his sheath and Billy lapped all of his cum leaking from my ass, and cleaned my dick off.

Its been a few years, I’m now 18, and Billy and I are inseparable, he even sleeps in bed with me – under the covers – we take turns fucking and sucking each other all the time. I let Chester fuck me a few times, but he was always unwilling to do anything for me or for Billy. Soon, when my older brother moved out, he took Chester to live with him. So now it was just me and Billy. I’ll always remember my first experiences with Billy, one time I measured Billy’s dick; it was almost nine inches long before his knot and his knot is almost as big a baseball. By the time I stopped growing, if I have stopped growing, my dick is about seven inches and Billy never misses a chance to get me to fuck him, and I feel the same way about Billy.


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