Women with Animals

A business meeting turns into pleasure


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(c) 2011 by JenK9

You read about Mary-Jane’s (MJ) first K9 sex encounter in Story 3, this story happened on Friday last week.


I have been fucking my Doberman Jeff for some time now but occasionally he tries his luck at the most inopportune times, so Emma suggested that I choose a specific room, sofa, blanket or whatever I want and use it to associate with sex so that Jeff will know when he can or cannot make a move. I decided to associate sex with my bed, the basement, a specific picnic blanket and the sofa in my open-plan living and dining room (why pic only one thing to associate with sex?). It has taken months but Jeff understands that sex is out of the question unless one of these things are involved. This story centres around the sofa, it is lower than other sofas, covered with a stain resistant and comfortable fabric and so makes for a wonderful surface to lie on when Jeff has his way with me. The sofa is off to one side behind the dining room table so to sit on it you have to go around the table which will block you view of the rest of the room. If I sit on it then the games begin but if I sit on any other sofa then Jeff behaves himself.

On Friday last week, I had an appointment with a potential investor who I have known for about three weeks, her name is Emily and she is very corporate, always professional. I planned to pitch a new idea to her on behalf of a good friend of mine as he needs capital to grow his business which I helped him start. The ideas he gave me are brilliant and I thought would be easy to sell to potential investors. Emily is very friendly in her corporate approach but also very proper so I made sure to dress for a business meeting. She asked to have the meeting at my house because she also wanted to see some of my paintings since she found out I am an artist. When she arrived I led her to the dining room table which we used as a meeting table and I offered to make her some coffee. She did want so I left her to make a pot. Before I could finish Emily asked if she could join me in the kitchen (being proper about it) so I invited her in. we began to speak and before we knew it we had finished our coffee while we stood in the kitchen just chatting.

“I don’t feel like talking business right away. Do you mind if we just chat a little more?” she asked

We were really starting to get along, although still practically strangers, so I offered to first show her some of my art work before we got down to business. For the next 30 minutes we just discussed our interests while I showed her my art. Eventually she said we’d better get to business

“Business hours are almost over”

I took her back to the dining room where we sat down. I got up again as I had forgotten some paperwork in my little office and as I left the room Emily moved to the sofa to sit lower to the ground so she could adjust her heels. I didn’t give it a second thought as I left but on my way back I realised that if Jeff sees her sitting there he might try something. When I entered the room it was too late, Jeff was standing in front of her and she was petting him

“What a beautiful dog, I love dogs”

“Ahh, Jeff… I think you should go out now” I said trying to prevent an unwanted situation

“Don’t be silly, he can stay. He’s such a sweetheart”

Emily decided to stay on the sofa while we discussed the investment so that she could continue to pet Jeff. I didn’t know what to do or what to expect and just hoped that Jeff would behave. Jeff started moaning and pacing in front of Emily

“What’s wrong boy, you ok?”

“Emily I should warn you that Jeff can sometimes be a little… rambunctious. I think he might jump up on you, maybe you should come sit at the table

“I’m sure he’ll be ok, he’s such a beautiful dog”

Emily decided to do as I suggested and opened her legs as she attempted to get up. Jeff saw this as an invitation and jumped up between her legs with his front paws over her shoulders. This pushed her back down, her legs raised up to balance herself and her hands went around Jeff to hold him back. In a second Jeff started humping between her legs as fast as he could and Emily was quite confused. She only realised what he was doing when his dick touched her thigh


“Don’t worry Emily, I’ll get him off you”

I was so embarrassed, I thought that this was going to ruin things for me in a certain circle of business contacts and I’d better move fast. As I rounded the table I tripped and fell to the floor


By the time I got up and over to Emily, Jeff’s cock had penetrated her pussy through the side of her panties

“OH MY GAWD… OH MY GAWD…” she yelled

I grabbed Jeff by his waist and started pulling him away from her

“OH MY Gawd, he’s inside”

As I pulled at his waist in a bit of a panic, I noticed her expression changed from pure panic to confused pleasure


I looked up at her as she looked back with her mouth open and her eyes softening. Her leg lifted off the floor and wrapped around Jeff’s back and her hands began to pull him closer


“Are you sure?” I asked

Emily just looked back at me and said nothing. I watched as Jeff fucked her and she never took her eyes off me. I don’t think she has had an orgasm in a long time because when she did it was huge. Her legs and arms tightened grip around Jeff as she shook violently in an earth-shattering orgasm. I just stared and hoped for a positive outcome. Jeff is well trained so when I tell him in a calm, assertive tone to get down he obeys, wished I thought of that when he started humping her. He also knows that he will be satisfied too. Emily sat there with confusion all over her face

“What the fuck just happened?”

“My dog just gave you the best orgasm of your life, and it was hot”

“This can’t be happening”

She was so confused she just sat there with her legs still open and her skirt ruffled up, I could clearly see her pussy

I hoped that if she saw me fuck Jeff too maybe shed feel better. I removed my panties from below my skirt, sat down beside her and spread my legs. Jeff jumped up and began to fuck me like he had her. Emily stared in silence as she watched Jeff abuse my pussy, it didn’t take long before he had shoved his knot into me. Finally Jeff came inside me and I orgasmed too. I should have been paying more attention because now we were tied and Emily stood up to leave. Jeff turned and faced away from me and Emily just looked at my pussy while she adjusted her panties. Then she left

“Emily, wait. Come back”

She was gone. I sat there still tied to Jeff and covered my face with my hands as I imagined what the repercussions might be. A few minutes went by and then I realised Emily was back in the room, just staring at Jeff and I. Jeff’s cock slid out of me and his come ran down my leg. Emily walked towards me painfully slow and then sat down next to me.

“What just happened here?”

I explained everything to her and she listened motionless, never interrupting. The more I explained the more it became apparent that she wanted to hear more out of lustful desire not because she was going to report me or hate me. Emily went home and returned on Saturday, we took our time and then fucked Jeff several times.

P.S. we still haven’t discussed the investment even though Emily stayed the night and Sunday.

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