Women with Animals
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Sarah Palin Really Does The Iditarod


(c) 2008 by Emily

Sarah Palin was irritated. She didn’t really want to see her soon to be son-in-laws dog sledding team, because that meant seeing HIM: Levi Johnston. She could not stand the boy that had knocked up her daughter and nearly ruined her political career.

And of course she was angry at her daughter Bristol. The nerve of that girl getting knocked up! Now who was going to watch her disabled son? She had planned that her daughter Bristol would never marry. She was needed at home! How could she be so irresponsible? Her little brother needed constant care! Din’t she realize that? She was such a selfish girl!

But she had to keep up the appearance of having an ideal family. Her political handlers were right, the whole fiasco could be turned into an asset, and it was! Amazing how things could be spun. If she’d gotten knocked up before she was married her parents would have disowned her. As it should be! But she had to play nice to stay in the political game, and always pretend to be the perfect mother.

And of course the boy was supposedly training for the Iditarod. With her help, he might win. Imagine what she could do with that! She could change him from a foul mouthed political quagmire into an asset.

She had her driver deliver her to the Johnston home. She noticed some of the dogs appeared to be half wolf, and some purebreds. She sneered at the dogs. Wolves were vermin and should be wiped out. She personally championed that it should be permitted to hunt wolves from helicopters. She personally took great joy in killing them.

“Hello Mrs. Palin!” Levi called out.

Sarah had insisted the boy call her ‘Mrs. Palin’ until he was safely, and properly, married to her daughter. She looked to see Levi and her daughter standing arm in arm. She fought the anger inside her and smiled. “Hello! How are you this fine evening?”

“We are fine! I can’t wait for you to meet my dogs!” Levi smiled.

Sarah smiled back. She was surprised at Levi’s friendliness. She knew he was angry at her for forcing this marriage on him, and the last time they had met was not friendly at all. She had forced him to remove his My Space page. What an embarrassment this boy was. Once she was inside she was going to give both of them a piece of her mind again. She had instructed her driver and the Secret Service men to stay outside so there would be no witnesses.

She stepped inside and the door closed behind her. She was immediately sent sprawling onto the floor by a shove.

“That’s where you belong bitch!” she heard Levi growl.

“Why you ….” she began getting up off the floor when suddenly her daughter kicked her.

“Shut up!” Bristol screamed. “I hate you! You know why I got pregnant? To get away from home, that’s why! I knew you planned for me to take care of my baby brother forever, and never have a life of my own. You wouldn’t even hire a nanny for him! You wanted to turn me into your personal slave! You didn’t even talk to us about it! You knew all along he was Downs Syndrome baby and you kept it a secret from all of us! But you knew! That’s why you started trying to stop me from seeing Levi, and even started telling me I shouldn’t even go to college! I hate you!”

“You are my daughter and I know what’s best for the family you ungrateful little whore!” Sarah steamed. Of course she knew what was best! She went to church and said her prayers. God wanted her to have a career in politics or she would never have won any of her political races. “What’s a few years of your life compared to me ultimately becoming president? You are just like all the other worthless children these days. You don’t know how to put your family first! I gave birth to you. YOU OWE ME!”

Suddenly she was grabbed by Levi, who began tearing off her clothes. “SHE OWES YOU? The only whore in this room is you, Mommy Dearest. You are the worst political whore EVER!”

As her blouse tore free a black bra was seen, holding two nicely shaped mellons. Then he removed her skirt while Bristol held her mothers hands above here head. He laughed and straddled Sarah, taking her arms from Bristol. He then spat in Sarah’s face.

“Black underwear? Only whores wear black underwear.” He spat again.

Sarah struggled under him as his warm spittle ran down her face, “Let me go! You’ll never get away with this!”

“Sure I will. And you know why? Because you value your political career above all else! How would it sound in the papers if this got out?”

Sarah just stared up at him, pure hatred burning in her eyes.

“Time for you to get up bitch, we have some fun in store for you.” And with that Levi hauled Sarah to her feet and pushed her through the door that Bristol was holding open.

Inside she saw a metal beam on the floor. At the top of it was a manacle she realized was made to go around a human neck. There were also manacles for wrists and ankles attached to smaller steel rods that were attached at right angles from the main beam. She backpedaled when she realized what they intended to do with her, but Levi grabbed her tight and wrestled her to the floor, covering her mouth with a foul smelling rag. She became weak and faint but did not loose consciousness. She was fully aware as she was being secured into the manacles and gagged.

“Some of this might hurt bitch, and we don’t want you screaming. Your friends outside might hear you screaming and rush into see something they shouldn’t. Hey did I say might hurt? Don’t worry, it will hurt! I guarantee it!” Levi grinned.

“Lemmee test the gag,” Bristol offered eagerly, unfastening her mother’s bra and delivering a painful twist to Sarah’s nipple. Sarah screamed into her gag in response, but it was quieted sufficiently that no one outside could hear.

“I’ll get the dogs now that this bitch is ready for breeding,” Levi said. At these words Sarah screamed again and began struggling in vain against her bindings. “Oh, you didn’t thing I’d fuck a skanky manipulative whore like you, did you?” Levi asked laughing.

“Listen up bitch,” Levi continued, I’m a fucking redneck. You fuck with me and I’ll kick your ass, but in your case I’ll make an exception and let my dogs use your pussy. They’ll just love to rip that shit up.

All I wanted to do was snowboard, ride dirt bikes, and play hockey. I like to go camping and hang out with the boys, do some fishing, shoot some shit and just fucking chill. I didn’t want kids, but I love Bristol. You pushed her into this. She’s not ready for kids and you know it. This is ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT!”

Levi went out and called the dogs, there was 10 of them, all male, and 3 were full-blooded wolf.

As they rushed into find their fuckmeat ready and waiting, the dogs rushed forward to lick her eagerly, the wolves held themselves back and looked to Levi.

Bristol needed no instructions and removed her mother’s black underwear with the aid of a Buck knife, which made her mother panic further and wail into her gag which set the wolves to growling. They smelled her fear, and reacted to it.

“Did you know wolves are endangered Mrs. Palin?”, asked Levi. “Part of what is going to happen today is an experiment to see if you can get pregnant with wolf pups. That would really help the species you know. You’ve killed enough of them, time for you to help replenish their numbers. And like all experiments, it will be documented thoroughly. That’s what the video cameras are for.”

The misery and humiliation in Sarah’s eyes were so wonderful to see. Levi felt an erection growing in his pants at the thought that this woman would soon learn what humiliation really felt like. She deserved it after what she put her daughter through, putting her pregnancy before the public like she did.

One of the anxious dogs suddenly decided to mount Sarah, and Bristol quickly dropped to help the dog find the hole. He slid in easily as she guided it. Sarah’s struggles just exited the dog and he began to fuck her in earnest. His penis swelled and formed a knot. Sarah screamed feeling the knott moving within her until the dog could no longer remove his cock. Then he began to pump his hot sticky cum inside of her.

And of course, all of it was capture on Levi’s little trusty Sony handicam.

When he finished another dog tried to move in, but one of the wolves suddenly snarled and shoved him out of the way. The wolves name was one-eyed Hannibal, and he had a ferocious sexual appetite. The wolf delivered two sharp nips to her ass before mounting her, and thrust inside her with one sharp thrust. The tip of his pencil shaped penis thrust all the way to the center of her cervix, penetrating it. Sarah screamed in pain and Hannibal responded by snapping and delivering love bites to her back, some drawing blood. He trust inside her womb eagerly and soon his pencil dick swelled into a massive organ, forcing her cervix open and knotting deep inside her. He then released his massive load directly into her womb.

The next dog mounted quickly but had trouble finding the vagina and entered Sarah’s anus instead. Again Sarah screamed with pain as the dog brutally thrust into her and his penis swelled more quickly than her anus could accommodate. She had never felt anything so painful. She found herself screaming and sobbing into her gag as the dog drilled her hard and fast, still swelling. It seemed like ages before he finally knotted her and poured his cum into her bowels.

And the misery was not over yet, as each of the ten dogs took their turns, then some had seconds. Finally the dogs were finished and she felt the dog cum pouring down between her legs.

“I hoped you enjoyed the dogs Mrs. Palin, but I have a secret to share with you. Dogs can’t really get you preggers, but I know who can!”

Suddenly a very dark skinned Inuit male entered into Sarah’s view. He was not handsome, and looked like he had led a very rough life. His front teeth were missing and what remained were dark with tobacco stains. She shuddered at the thought of this man touching her.

“Meet my uncle Charlie Mrs. Palin. You know he has a very good chance of getting you pregnant don’t you? He has many children already, and because you believe life begins at conception you won’t even use the pill or an IUD will you? And guess what, your diaphragm isn’t here! I just wonder how you will explain a half-breed child to the press! Oh, let me guess. You’ll tell them you were raped, but because life is so precious, you gave birth to it right?”

“You sure are a mess back here mom. I guess you need to clean up for Uncle Charlie!” And with that Bristol used a spoon to scarpe all of the now cold cum into a coffee cup, then clean her off.

Uncle Charley dropped in front of Sarah, removed her gag, and pulled out his cock. “Suck!” he commanded. “And if I feel any teeth you’ll regret it!”

When Sarah opened her mouth to protest, Uncle Charley thrust his cock inside. Sarah nearly vomited. She never even gave did this for her husband. She could not believe what was being done to her. But he was far to scary to disobey.

“You got me nice and hard,” uncle Charley said, “now you are going to feel a nice hard fuck.”

Charley got up and went around behind her as Bristol was finishing her clean-up. “Good job cleaning up girl, now go feed it to your mother.”

Bristol smiled up at him and giggled. She never knew rednecks could have such fun-filled revenge! She moved around to the front of her mother and took advantage of Uncle Charley’s thrust inside her mother. As he thrust inside her mother’s pussy, her mouth gaped and Bristol promptly deposited some dog cum into her mouth.

“Swallow it! I’ve had to put up with your perfect mother crap all my life! If they only knew! Now you can eat some shit that I spoon out!”

Her mother fought to keep her mouth shut to avoid any more oral sperm deposits from her daughter, but her daughter would just call for Uncle Charley to bang her harder until her mouth gaped again. They worked well as a tag team until the cup was empty and Bristol told Uncle Charley he could cum.

With a grunt Uncle Charley dumped his load deep inside her.

“Well that’s it Bitch”, Levi said, “we don’t dare keep you here any longer. You might be missed. Just remember one thing, any more trouble from you and these pictures and the video I took will be all over the internet. Do you really think your political career will survive a porn film titled “Sarah Palin REALLY DOES the Iditarod?”



Sarah Palin never said a word about her ordeal to anyone. In fact she made a point of leaving Levi and Bristol alone after that. Occasionally her daughter would ask for money, and she handed it over – no questions ever ask. And about 6 weeks later Sarah donned a disguise and visited an abortion clinic. She paid cash.

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