Women with Animals

The Teaser


(c) 2008-2010 by Knight Stud

I had been around horses for as long as I could remember, I grew up around them and as such came to know a lot about their intelligence and curiousity. One of the things I also found rather arousing as I came of age was watching them mate, although I rarely got that opportunity. Since we were small time horse owners we only bred our horses occasionally, mainly our mares to a friend’s stallion. I always enjoyed watching him do our mares, and I secretly fantasized about jerking off his massive cock and having him shoot his load all over me.

When I turned 18 and graduated high school, my options were to go to college or work in a dead end job. Neither really appealed to me, so I decided to light out on my own to see the world. I put the things I’d need (clothes, a tent and such) into a backpack and hit the road, either walking or hitchhiking my way across America.

During my travels I had many interesting experiences, but it was at a Texas horse ranch that I had my best and lasting ones. The name of the ranch was Sutter Appaloosas and I took a job there as a stableboy. It was doing this job that I met Spotted Horse, as he was called due to the spots he had. He was their teaser stallion, his job was to verify that the mares to be serviced by Cirrus (the main farm stud) would be receptive to being mounted and bred.

Cirrus was so named due to the wispy patterning of white. He was the classic looking Appaloosa and commanded a high stud fee.

Now normally I’d do a job like this for a while and move on. But I was happy here, the farm owners were nice and arranged it so that I got food and board as well as a small wage. I basically stayed in a small apartment attached to the barn, it had a bed, a small bathroom, a hotplate, a fridge and an old 50’s vintage table fan sitting on a shelf by the window to keep the Texas heat at bay.

As time went on I found that I got along with Spotted Horse very well, I always brought him treats. Everyone on the farm liked him as well, so he was used to affection. I found that Spotted Horse liked to lip and groom my hands and arms, in addition to that I’d let him whuffle up and suck on my fingers. He’d never bite down when doing this, although he did apply light pressure with his teeth. I found that I’d get a bit aroused while Spotted Horse sucked on my fingers like that, and I think he knew that as well.

Since I got along so well with Spotted Horse, Mr. Sutter asked me to be his handler for the next “tease.” A client’s mare had just come in to be bred by Cirrus.

Mr Sutter showed me the leather “apron” that would be put on Spotted Horse to prevent him from having intercourse with the client’s mare. He would be allowed to mount her to be sure she wouldn’t kick or bite the more valuable Cirrus.

As I put the apron on Spotted Horse, he became increasingly excited. His cock dropped out of its’ sheath and hardened up. Spot didn’t have a huge cock as far as horses go, his was around 12 or so inches long. I got the apron on him and led him up to the breeding shed, where Mr. Sutter and the client’s mare waited. Mr Sutter’s daughter Nikki was also there, standing near a box stall that contained a very anxious and horny Cirrus.

Mr. Sutter was holding the client’s mare and told me to bring Spotty up to her, as I approached with the teaser stallion the mare began showing she was in heat and ready. Spotted Horse began nuzzling and licking the mare, and she responded by winking her pussy furiously. The teaser then mounted her, but could get no joy due to the apron. I got Spotted Horse to dismount and began leading him out since his job was done.

Mr. Sutter then called for his daughter to bring in Cirrus. Unlike Spotted Horse Cirrus had a HUGE cock, it was at least 25″ long with a baseball sized head. He was already dripping precum all over the place.

Nikki got Cirrus near the mare, who turned to show him just how ready she was. Nikki then reached into a bucket of soapy water and proceeded to clean Cirrus’ cock, but Cirrus thrusted his hips and shot his load all over Nikki’s jeans. I knew they’d be up in the breeding shed for a while since they’d need to allow Cirrus to rest for a while and breed him again.

Nikki was an attractive young lady, and very nice. I usually kept it professional around here though since I didn’t want to anger her father. But seeing her there with her tight jeans swamped with dripping horse cum had me turned on in a major way, my jeans tented out in front of me in much the same way the apron Spotted Horse was doing.

I led Spotted Horse back to his stall and took off the apron, he was still hard. I felt sorry for him since he never really got any gratification in his duties. I looked at his cock and then wondered what it’d be like to give him a blowjob, and before I knew it I was kneeling underneath him with his throbbing member in my hand.

As I mentioned Spotty didn’t have a huge cock, but as I looked at it up close it seemed quite big. I began stroking him and got an approving sounding nicker from him as he began thrusting his hips. A took the head of his cock into my mouth as he continued thrusting his hips for a few seconds, then his cock flared in my mouth and I could taste his pre-cum. After one more thrust, the horse grunted and I felt his cock pulse and fill my mouth with his cream. I counted ten pulses and swallowed quickly with each one, somehow I managed to keep up.

Spotted Horse’s cock softened up and he began retracting it into his sheath, a little remaining cum drizzled out as he did this.

My own cock was hard iron. I knew that they’d be up at the breeding shed for at least another 30 minutes or so, so I had time to take care of things. I stood up, leaned against the wall and unzipped my jeans; my dick sprang free of it’s confines and I began stroking it. But then Spotted Horse walked up to me and before I could think his dextrous, velvety lips whuffled my cock into his mouth and began sucking it, much the way he had with my fingers. I could feel his teeth lightly grasping my shaft and for some reason the danger aspect (I know how hard horses can bite) was intensly erotic for me. I felt my own cock pulse and Spotted Horse just suctioned the juices away, this turned me on further and I continued to spurt cum into his mouth for what seemed an eternity to me (it was more like a minute really).

As my cock softened Spotted Horse suctioned out the last bit of cum from me, I could feel him play his teeth across it a little and they clicked shut as it came out of his mouth. I zipped up, feeling very contented and knowing Spotted Horse felt the same way.

I quickly set to the remaining chores in the barn as Nikki and Mr. Sutter brought a very contented looking Cirrus back to the barn. “So did he get the job done?” I asked. Nikki laughed and said “Yep, after his initial explosion he got a bit calmer and managed to get business done.”

I knew that I’d have more adventures with Spotted Horse after that day.


That evening I was laying on the bed thinking about the day’s events, the fan on the shelf was quietly playing a breeeze across me since it was still hot, when Mr. Sutter knocked on my door and stuck his head in.

“Hey, we’re leaving the ranch for a couple of days to take our client’s mare home and get a break from here. Will you help Nikki run the place?” he asked. “We’re leaving tonight.”

“Yeah, no problem.” I replied.

An hour later Mr. Sutter’s truck with him and his wife in the air conditioned cab rumbled out of the driveway with the horse trailer in tow. I waved goodbye as they went past. As I turned back to go back up the walkway to the apartment, Nikki was standing there.

“Want to have some fun later?” she asked. “Sure” I replied. “Meet me up at the breeding barn in two hours.” she said.

Two hours later I went up to the breeding barn to where Nikki and her father had bred Cirrus to the client’s mare. Nikki was there with Cirrus, but she was wearing a pair of cutoff shorts and a halter top. She reminded me of Daisey Duke, the thought turned me on a bit.

“Follow me into the dummy room” she said as she led Cirrus towards a door which led into another area of the barn. I had never been in here; in the room was a phantom mare, a dummy meant for a stallion to mount so that his semen could be collected via an AV, to the front of the dummy was a partition. On the other side of that was a mare name Riba, she was in raging heat and turned her hindquarters towards Cirrus when he entered the room and took a long piss. After she finished, she winked at Cirrus whose cock was going hard.

“Grab that AV on the shelf” said Nikki. I noticed as I grabbed the AV that it had no collection cup on it, I thought that to be odd until I looked at Nikki who had removed her halter top and was pushing down her shorts to reveal her stunning naked body. My dick went rock hard at that point.

Cirrus neighed loudly at that point and mounted the dummy, his large cock was also rock hard and he began thrusting his hips vigorously. “Get the AV on him and push it all the way on” Nikki said. I grabbed Cirrus’s cock and directed it into the AV, which I held firmly as Cirrus thrust his 26″ length all the way into it. As he did this, Nikki stepped in front of the business end of the AV as the flared head of Cirrus’ cock poked out of it. His flare was an easy 8″ in diameter and it was aimed squarely at Nikki’s midriff.

At that point, Cirrus grunted and gave one last thrust. I could feel his cock pulse in the AV as he shot his first spurt of semen, which was enough to cover Nikki’s stomach. Cirrus pulsed again and again until Nikki’s stomach, pussy and legs were dripping whitewash. At that point the exhausted stallion dismounted the dummy and I pulled the AV from his now flaccid cock, which was dripping cum as it retracted into his sheath. Nikki then vaulted onto the dummy and spread her legs, which I took as an invitation to lick her clean and eat her pussy out (which I badly wanted to do at that point). But as I stepped forward I was shoved to the side by Cirrus, who glared at me with his ears back but then looked tenderly at Nikki as he began to lick his juices from her. Nikki moaned in ecstasy as Cirrus began licking and lipping her pussy, he had a very contented look on his face.

This left me and Riba in the same frustrated position, hot to trot but nobody paying us mind. I quickly vaulted the divider to the mare’s side she neighed, lifted her tail and turned her winking dripping pussy towards me, looking over her shoulder she pricked her ears and gave me that “come hither” look (just like Taillifter’s well trained mare who winks on command.) This combined with seeing Cirrus eat out Nikki was too much for me, I buried my face in Riba’s pussy and began eating her out, her clit continued to wink and her juices filled my mouth. At that point Riba pissed again, her pungent urine ran down my face and chest and soaked my shirt and pants. I disengaged to let her finish and she winked and again gave “the look” over her shoulder.

At that point I stripped off my tshirt, jeans and boxers. My own dick was rock-hard and I knew the mare had her needs, I saw a small wooden crate and grabbed that to stand on so I could penetrate Riba. As I stood on it, Riba backed right up to me and I guided my dick into her awaiting pussy.

I had never had sex with a mare before, and the feeling of Riba’s vagina was different then I had thought. I expected it to be all loose inside since mares typically had stallions inserting their tools there, but Riba felt slightly looser than a woman I had f**ked during my travels. As I pumped, Riba looked over her shoulder, grunted and her vaginal muscles suddenly clamped down on me and that feeling was amazing. On the dummy, I could hear Nikki having a loud orgasm as Cirrus licked her cunt. At that same time I climaxed and ejaculated into Reba.

Spent from that experience I let my dick drop out of Reba, who herself seemed satisfied as well. I looked over at Nikki and Cirrus, she looked satisfied while the stallion stood there with the tip of his large cock hanging out of his sheath. I had seen male horses do this before when they have to pee.

Nikki was looking at this as well, and she led Cirrus back out into the main barn to an area where there was straw and bedding on the floor. I followed them out to that area and watched as Nikki laid down in the bedding. Cirrus looked lovingly at her as his large cock continued to unfurl from its sheath, he sniffed at her and stepped over her. As he positioned his massive body over Nikki he stretched out and as his large flaccid cock dangled a foot above Nikki’s pert tits he let his bladder go and took a long luxuriant piss on her. Cirrus’ bladder was apparently massive like his cock, he urinated for a good two minutes before he finished. I led him to his stall, took off his halter and shut the door. He rewarded me by nipping my shoulder.

As a urine and cum soaked Nikki rose to her feet, I could see why Cirrus had “jumped the gun” and blew his cum on her earlier. He apparently had done that before during these night sessions. Nikki had a very satisfied look on her face, as I imagine I did as well.

As we wordlessly gathered our clothes from the dummy room and headed to our respective showers and beds I knew we had both found out something about her. I figured she had shared her relationship with Cirrus with me, I would show her what I had going with Spotted Horse.

It would be an interesting couple of days while her parents were gone.


I went back to the apartment and took a quick shower to refresh myself and rinse off the urine that Riba has soaked me with, then threw my clothes in the washer and went in to bed. Sleep took over pretty easily and I slept later than usual.

I got up and got dressed then headed to the stables to see Spotted Horse. As I got there I gave him a treat, but he then began sniffing interestedly at me. I knew horses had a keen sense of smell, but was amazed that even though I had showered and was wearing new clothes he could still smell that I had been with another horse. Spot got a somewhat annoyed look and turned his hindquarters to me.

I couldn’t believe it, he was jealous!

I got the rake and some fresh bedding and began cleaning his stall when Spotted Horse suddenly gave me a gentle shove that knocked me off balance. I fell on my back into some fresh straw. From this perspective I looked up at Spot, he gave me another irritated look then stepped over me and positioned himself so that I was sitting between his rear feet. He flicked his tail in my face, then lifted it up and to the side. As I looked up, the stallion farted loudly then his tailhole bulged and dilated as he dumped a big studpile on me. He then gave a “so there” look over his shoulder and stepped away.

Now most people wouldn’t like having that happen but the beauty of horse manure is that it doesn’t really smell bad and you can just brush it off, which I did as I stood. To be honest, the idea of the stallion using me as ground to shit on was a bit of a turn on to me. I remembered Cirrus’ massive cock pouring his piss on Nikki and that turned me on further, I’d not mind being in the position I saw her in last night.

Spot was still standing with his hindquarters facing me, and I knew how I could make him not jealous anymore.

As I came up behind him, I noticed his tail was still up slightly. Spot looked over his shoulder as I scratched his muscular hindquarters lovingly, then reached down and cupped his balls. He nickered contentedly at that and his cock began dropping out. I began kissing his hindquarters and working my way towards his tailhole, which I began licking and working at with my tongue. The act itself was making my own dick harden up. As I French kissed the stud’s hole I cupped his balls again, as I did this he grunted and his still flaccid cock shot cum on the ground.

Then Nikki’s voice startled me and Spot as she said “Wow, he wasn’t even hard. You really got him off.” I quickly looked over at her, she had managed to sneak up on us but after last night’s events I knew she was cool and quickly relaxed. I looked down at Spot’s cock and saw that indeed it was still somewhat soft, but hardening up quickly. I also saw the fresh cum on the straw.

Nicki stepped into the stable and ran her hand down the front of my jeans and unzipped them. I turned toward her and she held out a tube of lubricant, which she began spreading on to my dick. I was obviously very excited and moved to embrace her, but she slipped from my grasp. She then said “Not just yet there Tex, but he’s ready for you.” and looked over at Spotted Horse who was still standing with his tail elevated.

I grabbed a small stepstool which gave me just about the right height, I just had to slightly bend my knees to line the tip of my dick up against Spotted Horse’s pucker. The idea of butt-f*cking a stallion excited me further as I grabbed his tail and lifted it more then pushed past the tightness and my dick slid in. I groand with pleasure as I began pumping the stud’s ass, my lubed dick slid smoothly with the motion. At that point, Nikki came up to watch the show and said “Oh yeah, that’s right f*ck him good.” Spotted Horse looked over his shoulder with a satisfied sigh.

Spot’s cock was hard by this point and he began belly slapping, Nikki spread some lube on her hands and began jerking him off. The stud really liked that, he nickered contentedly and his cock began flaring out. Nikki began to jerk him faster as my own orgasm built up, I could tell she was trying to time everything right. I continued to pump a few more times and Nikki must have seen in my face that I was about to let go and as I climaxed, she brought the stud to his own. As I pushed my length into Spotted Horse’s ass and began pumping him full of my seed, he ejaculated and his tailhole spasmed tightly on to my dick. The feeling of that increased tightness heightened my own orgasm and I continued to cum, with each pulse of the stud’s climax his pucker tightened. As he let go I pulled out and for good measure blew the last of my load all over his ass.

I stepped off of the stool, exhausted from the experience of that. I looked at Spot’s cum-festooned hindquarters, then at the ground where he had blown his load. Spotted Horse stepped around and began nuzzling me lovingly, I knew I had made it up to him.

Nikki looked at me and came over and scratched the horse’s neck, he nuzzled her briefly for the pleasure she had given him as well. We shared a brief look and she said “You’ll get to be with me eventually, you just have to pass a few more tests. Bring your friend up to the breeding shed tonight again, same time as last nite.”

She then helped me finish cleaning the stalls and seeing to the other horses there. I wondered what she had in mind.


As I completed the morning’s chores I continued to think about Spotted Horse and what we had experienced before, and what I wanted to experience during this opportune time. Nikki obviously knew about me and was actually the same way, although I doubt her parents knew. Since they’d be gone for at least the next day, I decided to to spend some quality time with Spot. Plus, being 20 years old my hormones were raging anyway.

Spot nickered as I approached his stall and slipped in, I stripped off my shirt as he approached me and began to nuzzle and lip at my bare skin. As Spot moved behind me he gave me a couple of love nips and nudged at me as though he wanted me to bend over, I glanced between his rear legs and saw that his cock was rock hard. As I stared, Spot nickered and belly slapped.

I had never had a stallion in this way before, but due to Spot’s modest sized 14″ cock I figured I could handle it. I saw the tube of lubricant that Nikki had apparently left behind and figured that would help, the stud nickered approvingly and love-nipped me as I applied the lube. I then figured its now or never, unbuckled my jeans and pulled down my boxers. My own dick was hard as well.

Spot began nuzzling at me in the same way he had done with the mares I had seen him tease, he also seemed to nicker reassureingly as though to get me relaxed. The step stool I had used to pleasure Spotted Horse’s ass was still there, I bent over and braced my arms on it as Spot moved in behind me. He continued to nuzzle and nicker reassuringly, then mounted up.

My upper body was pretty strong and I found that I handled Spot’s weight fine, his forelegs then strongly gripped my shoulder as his cock found it’s mark. I could feel the tip of the stud’s cock press against the tightness of my ass, it actually felt very big. Despite my fear at that moment, my own dick was still fully stiff.

Spot did not waste time at this point, I felt him tense up and his powerful hips thrust his cock into me. The feeling was intense, I could feel my insides move around a bit. Spot began to pump his hips at that point and his massive cock stimulated my colon and I could feel an orgasm building in my loins.

At this point, I could feel Spot’s cock begin to flare and knew he was pretty close as well. Spot pumped his hips a few more times, then thrust deep. I could stand no more as I ejaculated on the ground, Spot’s cock began pulsing.

But the stud was intent on returning the favor for what I had done that morning, he pulled out and shot his load of stallion cream all over my buttocks and lower legs. Just as I had done after I had fucked him.

But as Spotted Horse dismounted, I still had a hardon even though I had definitley orgasmed. As I watched his cock retract into its’ sheath I knew what I wanted to try.

I approached Spot and got him to lay down on his back, then straddled him and looked at his sheath. I knew I just had to experience that soft skin and I then mounted him almost missionary style and managed to gain entry, his sheath was moist and warm as I made love to him there. As the second orgasm wracked my body and I came into his sheath, I could feel the tip of Spot’s cock as he once again began to harden. He was enjoying this too and that amplified my own orgasm as I came all over the horse’s hardening cock.

Although I was now truly spent for a while I knew I had to pleasure Spotted Horse again. I got off of him and he rose to his feet, his now hard cock coated with leftover lube and my own fresh cum. I remembered Cirrus blowing his load on Nikki, then pissing on her and got under Spot. He nickered approvingly and began humping as I stroked him off and I was amazed at his stamina. Spot’s cock then flared and began dripping precum, so I knew that he was close to exploding.

Which he did, Spot came copiously on my face and chest. Then his cock softened up, but he didn’t retract it all the way.

I then laid down on my back in the straw bedding. Spot circled around once, sniffing at me and the ground around me. Then he stood over me and stretched out with his flaccid cock dangling above my face, and let his bladder go. As Spot pissed on my face, I opened my mouth to taste some of his salty amber liquid.

As the stallion finished giving me the ultimate golden shower, I heard a familar voice say “So, I didn’t know you liked watersports. Want to have some more fun tonight?” Being as I knew Nikki was cool, I wasn’t nearly as startled. “Yeah.” I said. She then looked at me laying there and a look played across her face, she vaulted nimbly into the corral and walked around me as she unbuckled her tight jeans. I started to rise, but she put her boot on my chest and pushed me back down as a slow smile spread over her face, she said “Mistress Nikki wants you to stay down.” I stayed down.

Nikki then stood over me, and pushed her tight jeans down and squatted over my face then she let her bladder go on me. Nikki pissed very hard and long on me, and as she finished she winked her clit in the same manner mares do when they finish pissing.

Finished, Nikki stood and refastened her jeans, then went over to pet Spotted Horse and said, “bring him along.” Then with a little laugh she vaulted out of the corral.


I laid there for a little while, taking in what I had just experienced. I got up, grabbed quick shower, put on some clothes and got to my next set of chores. I decided to feed the horses in the early afternoon so that I’d be ready for tonight’s activities.

At around 5:00 I had finished an early dinner that I had cooked on the hotplate when the phone rang. It was Nikki “So, you up for meeting up at the breeding shed again?”

“Oh yeah” I replied, “I’ll be there with Spotted Horse.”

“OK, be there in a half hour.” she said.

I went to Spot’s stable and put a halter and leadrope on him and started leading him to the breeding shed. Even though he never really got anything out of his visits there, Spotted Horse seemed all to happy to go.

As I led Spotted Horse inside, I saw Nikki there wearing nothing. She looked stunning. Cirrus was in his usual stall and looked toward us as we entered. “Lead Spot over here, I want to see something.” I hesitated a second – “Isn’t it a bad idea, I know Cirrus can be a bit aggressive.” But Cirrus seemed different somehow, he glared at me but gave Spotted Horse an almost friendly look. “Just lead him over here, let’s see” she replied.

I led Spot over and he and Cirrus sniffed at each other, then began grooming and nibbling on each others necks and shoulders. I noticed Spot’s cock was hardening up as well. I came closer to where Nikki was, she smiled and led me so I could see into Cirrus’ stall. Cirrus was in the same state as Spot, he began belly slapping his massive cock.

At that point I saw something which I did not expect. Cirrus turned around and lifted his tail, presenting himself to Spotted Horse much like a mare would.

At that point Nikki began teasing at me, and I went to embrace her but as usual there was a catch. “Strip and lay under Cirrus, you like watersports right?”

I hurriedly stripped off my clothes as Nikki opened the stall door. With a little trepidition, I went over and laid under Cirrus as Spot began nuzzling around his tailhole. Cirrus sqealed a little, spread his back legs and stretched out. At this point he let his bladder go and his massive cock began pissing on me, this was a much different experiene from before with Spot since Cirrus was much bigger. I seriously thought I was going to drown. Nikki began fingering herself as she watched.

At this point, Spot began licking and nibbling at Cirrus’s tailhole. Cirrus sqealed in pleasure and belly slapped again and at that point, Spot mounted him. I heard Spot grunt as he thrust in to Cirrus and began pumping his hips. Cirrus gave a languid nicker as Spot made love to him, his own cock bobbing around and beginning to flare out as Spotted Horse stimlated his colon. Since I was still under him, I had a great view of this. I wanted to have that massive cock ejaculate all over me, which it did a few seconds later. The first pulse completely covered my face, and the semen seemed to flow almost endlessly from Cirrus before both stallions were spend. As Spot pulled out, a small creampie followed the tip of his cock.

At that point I was rock hard, as the studs stepped away Nikki straddled me and eased herself down onto my needy dick and began riding me lustily. She was amazingly tight yet knew how to hold me back in the right way. We did this for a little while, then changed up to doggy style. As I pumped my hips I could feel my climax build and I pumped faster and finally got that release. Although I’d always enjoy playing with the stallions, there really was nothing like a good woman.

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