Men with Animals

Thor And Me In The Backyard


(c) 2008 by knotttt

Needless to say, I was a little shaken after my last experiance with Thor. I had spent the past couple of days trying to keep myself from allowing him to take me again partly because of that fact, but also because I was very sore. I think Thor understood, though. When I was with him, he was usually very calm and gentle. The thing that amazed me was that he didn’t try to mount me once during that time. When I am home alone I will, a vast majority of the time, walk around in nothing but my birthdaysuit (aka naked). The thing that suprised me the most was that Thor didn’t attempt to mount me once! We keep quite a few of our video collection on a shelf very close to the floor so I always had to get on my hands and knees to get the one I wanted. With Thor always near, he could have easily mounted me a number of times.

There was another behavior of his that I found puzzling, at least at first. On one occasion, I had one of my friends over for a while. We played a couple video games and talked for a while. For the whole time he was at the house, Thor kept in sight at all times. When he would sit or lay down, he was always watching us intently. Later that day, when my friend left, I went on the internet to see if I could find anything to explain Thor’s new behavior. Eventually I found that once a person has had sex with their dog, it will often times become very protective of that person. I guess that explains it all; Thor wasn’t so much as watching us, but suspiciously keeping an eye on my friend.

Anyway, later that week, I got a call from my father saying that he would have to stay at his buisness meeting for another week. It was at that moment when ideas began to enter my mind. It was getting toward seven that day and I was feeling confined from being inside for most of it. I went to my room and got dressed in shorts, a t-shirt, and sandles. Low and behold, on the way out the back door I ran into Thor. As usual, he was excited to see me. I gave him a quick pat on the head and continued on. Soon we were both outside.

Truthfully, there isn’t really much one can do in the backyard by himself. I spent a few minutes simply walking around the yard, avoiding the land mines Thor had graciously left. I was about to go back inside when Thor approached me with a tennis ball in his mouth. He dropped it at my feet, sat down, and stared up at me wagging his tail. I picked it up and threw it for him. As he was bounding away to retrieve it, the most peculiar thing happened to me. My eyes from the back of his head, to his rather large balls swinging as he sprinted. A warm feeling flowed over me at that moment. The memory of him on my back took hold of my thoughts. I decided. If he attempted to mount me, I would go back inside and prepare myself to let him have his way with me again.

Thor quickly returned with the ball and dropped it at my feet. I threw it again for him and he returned it. We repeated this process three times before his mood changed. That last time I threw the ball, Thor jumped up as though he was going to chase after it, but stopped and looked back at me. My eyes were fixed on his member. He had turned just enough so that, even in the failing light, I could see it protruding about an inch from the sheath, occasionally twitching up and down when he flexed his pelvic muscles.

Thor stared up at me as though he was asking if it was alright to mount me once again. I began to quake with excitement. This was just what I was craving to have happen! I slowly walked over to him and patted him on the head saying, “Just wait right here.”

I believe Thor knew was was about to happen. I quickly made my way back inside and grabbed the nessisary supplies to apply our usual lube. I was half tempted to bring Thor inside and let him mount me, but our backyard was surrounded by tree-like shrubbery that stood nearly twelve feet tall and close enough together that a person would have to try to peer into the yard. Besides, it was soon going to be dark. I would have ample protection from the “outside world”.

By the time I was back outside I was so horny, the strangest thoughts drifted into my mind. One of which involved Thor’s dog house. I had always wondered what it would be like to sleep in one and now was the time I would find out. Thor must have sensed my emotions. He quickly approached me. I gave him a quick pat on the head and started moving towards his dog house. As I was walking, he reared up and flung himself onto me. His front legs gripped my waist. I gently pushed him off and continued on. The house stood about four and a half feet tall and was about five by six feet, more than enough space for one dog to live in. I worked my way inside. Immediately as I entered, I had to turn left because of a wall. As I kept moving I had to make a right, then another right before reaching the large room.

The inside smelled more like new wood than dog. Mostly because Thor was always allowed to sleep in the house, (and on my bed as often as possible) but also because we had just made it about two months ago. The whole floor had been “padded” with a layer of cushion and carpet for extra warmth. I stripped, laid my clothes in a corner, then lubed up. Around the time I had finished, the clatter of Thor’s claws on the wood came echoing into the room. It was nearly pitch black in the room, but I was able to tell when Thor was standing in the doorway.

Blindly I made my way to the sound of his breath. I reached out and stroked his head and ears. After a moment of that, Thor entered the room fully. He quickly came to my side and began to lick me. I slowly moved forward and to the door. Thor’s licking stopped momentarily as he attempted to mount me. I turned the corner just in time to make him miss. A growl of annoyance rolled from his throat.

The light was almost gone when I got outside. As soon as I exited, I turned and stood beside the doorway to the dog house, knowing Thor would quickly follow to get his prize. Sure enough, I was right. Thor quickly snapped his head in either direction, looking for me. Once he found me, he licked his lips and boldly made his way to my side, then around to my back. As he passed I could see just the tip of his penis protruding from the sheath.

Once he was behing me, Thor began to lick my butt. First he started with the cheeks, then worked his way in from there. When he finally came to my anus, I was practicly quaking in ectasy. Each stroke of his tongue sent immense pleasure throughout my body. I began to feel so dirty! I was naked in the backyard about to have my dog screw the hell out of me! If anyone saw me like this, it would be the end of my life as I knew it. The thought was both terrifying and exhilerating.

His feet began to shuffle. I didn’t even bother to look because I knew what was coming next. Thor’s tongue left my rear, the tags on his collar jingled. I arched my back and angled myself for easy entry. Thor must have expected me to move forward or to the side. When he landed on my back, his front paws were around my chest, just under my shoulders. His balls were laying just off the top of my butt. After a second of indecision, Thor began sliding back. As he moved, the shaft of his semi-erect penis slid down the crack of my butt. I could feel every part of it, including the small knot deep inside the sheath.

I shuddered when the slightly moist tip of Thor’s penis ran down between my cheeks. Just before it reached its destination, Thor made a sudden thrust, sending it up again and exposing another inch of his doghood. Thor was now low enough go lock his vice gip on my waist. I would be his soon.

Thor quickly reset himself and thrust forward again. His penis missed its mark again, this time pushing directly against me. He wasn’t detured by his recent attempt. Thor continued to thrust, harder and harder. I groaned when he finally entered, thrusting about five inches of hiself into my rectum.

Thor started to thrust wildly, forcing new lengths of his doghood into me. He was thrusting rapidly, as though it was end of the world. his penis started to swell all over. His entire length was almost all inside me. It wouldn’t be long before his knot locked us together. I thrust back at Thor.

Suddenly for no reason, Thor stopped his thrusts all together. He dismounted me. He stood still, licking his enormous penis. I turned to see what was wrong. I still was amazed that I could fit his entire length inside me. I mean, his penis was only about three inches from the ground.

I approached him. At first he took no notice. When I started to stroke his balls, he tensed up sending his penis upward and slapping up agains this belly. I continued my motions. For a moment, Thor curved his back and thrust. His penis bounced up and down wildly with each thrust. He seemed to have worked up enough drive, so I presented myself to him again.

He quickly, almost in a sprint, made a loop behind me and threw himself onto my back. He was angled perfectly and his length entered me. I had to put my hand over my mouth to keep from cursing.

Thor’s thrusts were not as rapid as before, but much more powerful. I could feel Thor’s penis starting to swell again. Precum began spraying from the tip. He thrust for what seemed like hours. With a thrust that very nearly sent me sprawling out over the lawn, Thor thrust his knot into me. It wasn’t quite swolen yet, more like hinting at the idea. The thrusts had enough force to pull the unswolen knot out, then shove it back into my rectum several times. Precum from the pumping action ran down my butt and the inside of my legs.

The knot was becoming more pronounced. Thor’s thrusts were becoming smaller, directed toward stimulation and keeping the knot inside its new “home”. I was breating more heavily as the it swelled, threatening to split me in two. I put my hand over where I believed the knot would be. I was about an inch too low. When I adjusted my hand, I was shocked to find out how much my skin was bulging.

Thor froze, not filling me with his seed. His grip on my waist grew. I could feel his penis tensing up inside me. Soon, I stopped caresing myself where Thor’s knot was locked, and moved back to him. I started to gently masturbate what very little of his penis was left outside me. Noting happened. I moved further back. When I felt his scrotum in my hand, I gave it gentle squeezes and rubbed it. That did the trick.

Thor released a low growl and began spasming uncontrollably. Despite being locked inside of me, his penis moved slightly. It was both a painful and erotic experiance. Thor pushed forward as hard as he could when he released the first of his load. I could do nothing but moan at the feeling of his hot cum filling me. Occasionally Thor would make a slight thrust forward, causing his scrotum to press against mine. I wish I would have brought a stopwatch. The only thing I knew for sure was that this tie lasted much longer than our first, much longer.

Thor kept us locked in the same postion and in the same place for the entire tie. When I finally felt the knot begin to give way, I looked down between my legs, or should I say our legs?, and waited for his member to pop out. One habit of when Thor has sex is that he remains on top of his companion until his knot leaves. I don’t know how I would survive otherwise. The knot, as well as the whole of his penis, started to shrink, rapidly. Before dismounting, Thor licked the back of my neck. I was too enthralled in the suspense of seeing his member as it came out of my rectum I did not notice.

It came soon afterwards. I felt, and heard, the semi-swolen knot pop out of my rectum. Thor released his grip on my waist and dismounted. The gush of cum that left me after his penis did was unbelievable! I had to breath heavily as the pressure was released.

Immediately after the flood, Thor proceeded to clean me up. He with my stretched hole and worked his way down each of my legs from there. When he was finished, he made his way into the doghouse. I followed. Thor was laying in a corner when I entered. I slowly laid down near the center of the room.

I closed my eyes and listened to the throbbing of my heart. I felt so good. The feeling of so much of Thor’s cum still inside me made me feel even better. After a few minutes, when I was almost dozing off to sleep, I felt Thor’s paws straddle me and soon after the warmth of his body as it lay on top of mine. He was positioned so that I could feel about three inches of his penis against my skin.

Believe it or not, that was only the beginning of a long night. A night I would never forget.


Dang. I set out to write a shorter story than I usually do, then end up writing one that’s longer! Well, tell me what you think of it. Oh, I also decided that I am going to continue to write these stories as often as I can. My only concern in doing so is that they will begin to sound too much alike. Cheers all!

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