Men with Animals Women with Animals
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Down on the Farm (by tommyjama)


(c) 2008 by tommyjama

I decided to call into work, claiming I had personal issues, when I was woke up with a blow job/lick job by Mary and Dodger. Seems the long night of fucking didn’t tire these two out at all. My cock was stiff as a board, still affected by the Viagra I took the night before. Mary was doing a slow swallowing action from the tip of my cock to the base and Dodger had his long tongue flicking all over my balls. The sensation was amazing and I simply couldn’t hold back my orgasm long. Mary held her mouth tight around the base of my dick as I let my load go, while Dodger did a long slow lick all over my groin. As my orgasm subsided Mary slid her mouth off my cock allowing my load to slip from her mouth back onto my throbbing and VERY sensitive dick. Dodger moved his attention from my balls up to my dick and began to wash my cum off my dick, sending me into uncontrollable spasms of pleasure. Mary laughed a bit and pulled him back toward her, then opening her mouth, she allowed the dog to lick the rest of my cum out, ending in a french kiss between them. I thought to myself, was there nothing this woman didn’t do with her dog?

We showered and phoned my wife to share the good news. In that conversation I found out her lust for dogs and her experience she and Mary had. I was so horny after that call you would have thought I went 2 years without sex. Mary, seeing my hard on making a tent out of the towel I had wrapped around me, told me we had no time to take care of it and save it for later. I was flustered but curious to see what she had in mind. We dressed for the day and Mary got a large duffel bag from her playroom closet and loaded it into the car. I asked where we were going and she informed me it was a surprise I would enjoy. I anxiously got in the car and we were off.

We drove for almost an hour and had great conversation about Mary’s experiences with animals and different sex partners. I had not noticed we were way out of the city when we pulled off the paved road and headed down a dirt road with land for as far as one could see on both sides. After a mile or so there was a patch of tall trees that the road went threw. Behind the trees a modest house sat with a very large barn behind it. Mary smiled announcing we were here, I only thought where is “here”. As we drove up to the house a pack of dogs, at least 6, of all different sizes and breeds came barking from behind the house. Mary parked the car and stepped out to greet the pack of barking hounds while I sat waiting to see if they were friendly or not. Mary looked back at me and asked if I was gonna stay in the car or come meet everyone? I quickly got out and became over whelmed by the dogs as they came to meet the new person. The taller dogs, a hound, a lab, and a rotty took turns crotch sniffing as the smaller ones pawed at my legs. Mary headed for the house as I struggled to walk within the pack of happy pups.

Mary walked in the house and held the door for me yelling for the dogs to heel. They seemed to understand they were not aloud in the house. A redheaded woman meet us just inside the door and hugged Mary like they were old friends. Mary pulled back and introduced me, as a good friend to this beautiful woman named Misty. Misty was shorter then me by a few inches, bright red hair and cute freckles. Misty invited us in for some tea which I almost missed due to the fact I was starring at her bikini top covering her perky tits. She had a pair of tight shorts wrapped around her plump chunky butt which I followed like a dog in heat. I noticed a tattoo peaking over the top of her jean shorts, and Mary noticed me straining to see it and gave me a bump to snap me back to reality. Misty offered us to grab a chair out back while she got us our tea.

Out on the back porch I got a good idea how far in the country we were when I seen six horses grazing near the huge barn. The pack of dogs were scattered around the yard laying in the shaded areas. I noticed a hog pen to the side of the barn and heard some chickens cackling but didn’t see where they maybe. Mary informed me that I would be doing some chores for Misty today, while the two of them got caught up on girl talk. I snickered a bit when Misty in a sweet southern drawl pipped in with “You wouldn’t mind helping a little lady out on some “man work” would ya? Please?”
How could I resist that. She added “Promise it will be greatly rewarded!”
I needed no further convincing, as I asked what needed to be done. Misty said she had some hay bails that needed to be put up in the loft, all the stalls cleaned out and new straw put down, and if I could clean out the chicken coop and wash down the pig pen. I began to wonder about the reward I was gonna get when Misty batted her eye lashes at me and hit me with another “please?”

Without another word I was off to do my work. No sense in complaining or rebuttal as I had a feeling I was in for something good if I was good about getting to work. I started with the dirty work first tending to the pigs and chickens. Working up a good sweat, I went to the barn and started cleaning out the stalls. I was on my last stall when the lady’s came into the barn, giggling and chatting. I stepped back from the stall into the breeze way to catch a breath of fresh air. Misty gasped and fanned her face “Look at that sexy beast!!” Mary chimed in saying “Yeah, isn’t he just a stud?” I almost began to blush. They had a glass of tea for me, and if I wasn’t so hot and thirsty I would have noticed Mary had also put on a bikini top.

The two girls stood there flirting with me and teasing me with their finger tips wiping the beads of sweat from my chest. I gulped down the tea and began to chew on an ice cube when Misty reached into my glass and took a cube for herself. Misty traced the ice along her lips and down her chin to her neck slowly. Then further down her chest and across her belly as my eyes followed the trail. She pulled it back up her body and then placed it against my lips. I was so turned on I hardly noticed and she gently pushed it into my mouth. The girls laughed as I sucked it into my mouth dropping my glass to the floor.

Mary asked me to go to the car and bring the bag from the trunk to her. I put the last bit of straw down in the last stall and headed for the car. When I got back around the house, bag in hand, Misty was walking a horse behind her into the barn. I walked into the barn and dropped the bag at the door Misty and Mary were spraying water on the horse. I guessed it was bath time for the big black beauty, which stood over 5’6″ at the back. I went back outside to the truck that had the hay bails in it and backed it over to the back door on the barn. The girls were washing the animal on each side and I began to envy this beast as I was working while he had their hands all over him.

After the last bail was on my shoulder, I headed up the steps to the loft. When I came back into the barn the girls were brushing the horse and Mary said I should head inside for some tea and maybe a shower. I asked if they wouldn’t mind giving me a wash job like they did him. Misty burst into laughter and asked if I were jealous, which I admitted to but still wished for the treat. Mary came over to me and undid my jeans, then pulled them to my ankles. In a hurry I kicked off my shoes and pulled out of my jeans to run over to the hose Misty had running. Misty gave the hose Mary which she held over my head soaking me down. Misty shot me with a bottle of soap and used her bare hands to suds me up. The cool water had little effect on me as I was loving the attention I was getting from these cuties. Just as I was getting into the bathing, Mary picked the hose up again and blasted me with it right in the crotch. Before I could protest Misty dumped a bucket of water on me from behind.

It was obvious these two were very playful and I was enjoying it, but not going to let them know I was that easy. Buck naked, I walked away dripping wet and left them giggling to go dry off. I found some towels on the porch along with some tea so I wrapped up in one and sat to relax my over worked body. I took in the surroundings as I was not used to the peaceful nature of the country. I expected the girls to join me soon, but after quiet a while no sign of them and I had completely air dried.

One of the dogs, a tall black hound came strolling over to me on the porch. He strolled up to me and placed his big head in my lap. I patted his head and stroked his long ears, thinking to myself if he had been with a woman, maybe Mary, or even Misty. I quit petting him to pour myself another glass of tea when he dipped his head between my legs and under my towel and took a few sniffs at my crotch. Startled by this I pulled back, but he only got persistent about it and pushed his head into me more. Then he took a good long lick at my cock. I was so flustered I spilled my tea in my lap. This gave the dog more reason to lick and I gave up fighting it and allowed him to clean me off.

I was really getting into the tongue bath when I heard a horse whinny loudly. It happened a couple more times before I could tell it was coming from the barn. Hesitantly I pushed the cock licking pup from my crotch to go see what was going on in the barn. For some reason I decided to go to the side of the barn instead of the big door and peek in the window. I had to climb up onto of a few hay bails stacked near the window so I could see in when I heard Mary say “Damn that is hot!” I hurried to the window to see what she was talking about.

There in the breeze way of the barn, right where they were washing the giant beast, Mary and Misty were squatting next to him. I noticed they were now topless and both were fondling what looked like a three foot long sausage that was hanging from under the horse. Mary had the tip of the meat pressed between her huge tits and Misty was about mid shaft pushing and guiding it. With a bolt of his hind leg the horse stomped his hoof onto the floor and let out another whinny. I guessed at this point what they had was his cock because as suddenly as he stomped a gush of clear white goo shot out of his meat all over Mary’s tits and chest, splashing into her face. Misty pulled the huge dick back toward her and sucked at the tip, trying to catch the drippings still oozing out.

I was amazed and locked on the sight of these slutty beauties sharing a horse cock. I was so intrigued I didn’t notice the bails of hay I stood on begin to fall apart as I fell from my perch. I guess it was a bit loud, because Mary announced I didn’t need to snoop around I could just come in and watch if I wanted. Without hesitating I jumped up and ran into the big barn door. Mary was now tugging the shrinking cock with one hand while Misty was licking the cum from Mary’s huge tits. I stood in shock as if I had not been watching before and was locked on the sight. Misty turned around and asked me to grab the bag and bring it over to her please. The southern drawl wasn’t faked before as the way she said please was just the same as when she asked me to help with chores.

I pulled the bag over to them and asked what I should do. Mary pointed at a stool near by and told me to have a seat in it. I did what I was told like a school boy. Misty stood up and peeled her shorts down her legs, exposing her big round ass to me. She had no panties on and stood there now only wearing her socks and hiking boots. Mary released the horses dick and reached inside the bag. She handed Misty some type of short ropes which Misty attached to the feet of the horse, back legs first, then the front. Mary pulled out some sort of black leather harness and Misty grabbed a blanket from the top of a nearby stall. Misty spread the blanket across the horses back and went to the far side of the horse to help Mary attach this harness to his back. It looked like he was wearing a saddle upside down, the straps went over his back and the saddle part hung under his belly. Well I soon found out it wasn’t a saddle but a cradle and he wasn’t going to be ridden, he was going to do the riding.

Mary asked me to take a lead (rope) and go get Softy, she was the small mini horse that was probably out by the water trough. I was a bit confused and hesitant as I didn’t want to miss anything that was going to happen. Misty gave me more specific instructions and said that they would wait for me to return before they did anything. I hurried out the barn door and searched for the little blonde horse they requested. I seen her right where Mary said I would and I latched the pony to the lead and coaxed her to follow me to the barn, through the back door. Misty instructed for me to tie the pony up just in front of Champ, the black stud that was getting ready to fuck. Softy was in season and the scent of her pussy would get Champ really horny and ready to fuck. I did as I was told and and took my seat back on the stool. Mary standing next to Champ held onto his lead as Misty slid herself into the sling hanging beneath the beast.

I could tell at that moment that I was in a bad spot for a good view so I moved behind the stud. I could finally see the fuzzy red hair of Misty’s sweet pussy as she got herself in position under the horse. She looked so small next to this giant and by the sight of his cock earlier couldn’t imagine what was going to happen when he got his cock in her. I noticed that his dick was gone up inside him as she climbed in, but Misty must have warmed him back up as she rubbed herself on his sheath. The black snake began to come out growing longer and longer as it hung far past her ass in the sling. Misty was having trouble with a strap so she asked me to help her get her foot in the stirrup. I helped her put her feet into these straps that hung over his back when Mary informed me that without the straps she couldn’t keep his cock from going all the way in and hurting her.

I was about to go back and sit down when Misty asked me to stay near by to help. She reached between her legs trying to grab his now long hanging cock. Her arms were to short and she couldn’t reach it, so she asked me to hand it to her. I was like a robot, completely awe struck with carnal lust. I reached down under the stud and grabbed his massive tool. It felt like leather, but soft and it was HOT to the touch. I noticed the tip of the throbbing horse cock was shaped like a big mushroom the size of my fist or bigger. I handed the shaft over to Misty who slid the bottom foot and a half of this monster meat between her legs rubbing it against her burning red slit.

Just as she got Champs huge dick against her body, the horse bucked his hips with a powerful thrust and I seen how long his cock really was. Misty was trying to position herself higher and further up his body, but she was close to the base when he “thumped” his cock hard. Misty is 5’5″ or 5’6″ and the cock head pushed between her tits. If that monster was inside her it would have split her in two.

Finally she was able to wiggle up far enough to have some room to move his cock around near her pussy. Misty was breathing heavy and by the sight of her pink pert nipples being rock hard she was turned on alot. My cock was hard and throbbing at the sight of this horse slut about to get fucked by a massive dick, but I was nervous she would be impaled. Mary asked if I was ok, as I guess my expression was that of shock. Misty looked over at me and asked if I would like to guide him into her. I mumbled something like yeah and knelt down next to her. I noticed the wraps and rope around his legs would prevent him from walking on me or kicking me so I got up close. Misty held onto the cock just behind the huge mushroom head and told me to hold behind that and feed it into her.

The head of Champs cock was spewing clear liquid out all over Misty’s belly as I pushed the head between her legs to the entrance of her pussy. With her legs wrapped up and around the horse I could see her cunt was dripping wet and now being soaked with horsey precum. Misty held her pink lips open so I could see her gaping hole open. She was shaking a bit as I rubbed the fat head of this horse cock against her clit. With another jerk Champ let me know he didn’t want me to tease him either. Misty was moaning for me to put it in her when Champ thumped again and his fat cock head stuffed it’s way inside her pink wet pussy. Misty screamed with pleasure, which scarred me as I thought she may have been hurt. I let the cock go up inside and about 10 inches of this fat horse cock stretched that pretty red hair pussy wide. Champ bucked his hips only 4 or 5 more times and Misty was screaming the whole time. I began to rub her clit and could feel her womb expanding when a sudden burst of hot white horse cum shot out around the fat dick stuffed inside her cunt. Misty told me to hold his cock inside her till he finished cumming.

Misty began to pump her legs in the stirrups to ride his shaft as he pumped her pussy so full of cum it was squirting out all over. Misty pushed her chubby ass back and forth riding Champs cock as he went limp inside her slit. This little slut started screaming how she was cumming and panting to fuck her harder, so I grabbed a bit further back on Champs shaft and tried to push more in her. I was amazed at the throbbing cock as I noticed him shrinking and that it felt like a fire hose when he was shooting cum inside her. Misty exploded into a high pitched screaming climax and then loosened her clutches on the stirrups. I eased my grip on Champ as his smooth cock withdrew from Misty’s stretched and battered pussy. It was so stretched out I could see deep inside her as it spasmed from orgasm still. Horse cum drooled out with each spasm.

In a trance over what I seen, I felt the need to touch it to make sure it was real. I stuck three fingers into her hot wet slimy hole with room for more and pushed some of the horse cum back in her. Misty twitched and moaned, I dipped the rest of my fingers inside her and they went in with ease to the middle of my hand. Misty moaned and pulled against the stirrups, making her ass slide down and her pussy swallowed the rest of my hand. With my hand all inside her pussy I closed my hand grabbing a hand full of horse cum and tried to pull it out. Misty began to hump my hand and clamped her lips around my fist. I pushed it back in twisting my fist inside her stretched womb. Misty began to squeal some more and started chant for me to make her cum again. I twisted my fist and pulled and pushed, giving her my hand past the wrist by a few inches. She humped and bucked wildly and with another loud shrill, she came again.

More to come on this story… Mary has her turn with Champ and the donkey named Willie… there is a sex crazed dog orgy with another woman (Megan) that stops by the next day and I found out how Mary Misty and Megan all know each other… We spent a few days on the farm and I can say I loved every minute of it.

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