Women with Animals

Pregnant With Ponies


(c) 2008 by bob16696

Carla had finally done it. She was now the owner of a farm. Something of a dream she had since she was a little girl. Carla always loved farms. She could recall the summer vacations of her youth at her aunt and uncle’s farm. She loved feeding the chickens, pigs, and the other farm animals. The trips stopped in Carla’s high school years when her aunt passed away a few months after her uncle. Carla’s parents had no intention of keeping the farm. Didn’t have the time or the desire. But now with Carla in her mid 30’s, she could change that.

She found a farm that was going bust. A farm owned by a corporation was up for sale. Due to a recent merger, the company’s new philosophy had no room for such interests. The neglected farms they owned started to loose money. A prime reason to bleed them dry and sell them off. The assets were mostly liquidated and the properties sold to whoever wanted them at next to nothing. Carla seized the opportunity. She was able to get enough money together to buy a 40-acre farm with a house, barn with stables, and some small assorted buildings and sheds for various uses.

As the farm she purchased was abandoned for some months, it was void of any animals. They were sold off to recoup the losses of a company that knew little to nothing about farms. Why did a company buy farms if they knew nothing about farming? Maybe the corporation bought a company that had many interests and one of them was farming which they didn’t want anything to do with? Maybe the shakedown in management left them with no skills to properly run the farms? What ever the reason, Carla didn’t care. Their loss was her gain.

There was some equipment left behind, mostly for maintenance, but little else. The one thing Carla always wanted to do was raise animals, horses in particular. She couldn’t care less about growing corn or wheat or whatever, she wanted to concentrate on livestock. Carla loved riding the horses on her aunt and uncle’s farm. Riding gave her a feeling of power and independence. She wanted to feel that again.

In her 20’s, Carla worked for a horse breeder for a few years. She became quite good at her job and moved up to management. That career ended when her boss tried to make a pass at her one night when working late. This just happened to coincide with her coming across the ad in the paper for these farms going up for sale. She decided to take a chance and go for it. Carla got a business loan, received grant money, and started her farm. Now all she needed was horses.

Carla with her connections in the breeding sector was able to get three fine young stallions and five mares. She even had enough money left over to stock up on supplies for herself and the business for a few month. And with a year deferment on the bank loan, this left her with nothing to worry about except run the farm.

Two of the mares Carla had come into heat soon after arriving on the property. The other three soon after. This was better luck than she could have hoped for! Now Carla was a big woman. In high school, she could go toe to toe with any girl, and half the guys, and win. What was also amazing about her was that she was one of the most pretty girls in the school. She stood six feet four with a voluptuous figure. Strong as an ox with the beauty of a Miss America. Coming from a mixed marriage, she has the beautiful golden brown tone of a Latino. She ran the farm alone, needing little help. The only time she saw anyone is when supplies was dropped off. And now that she was stocked up for a while, no one would be coming by anytime soon. Thats how she liked it, by herself with no one to bother her.

Carla wasn’t alone all her life. She was married at age 18, right out of high school. Her husband wanted her to stay home, but Carla wanted to get her college degree. He told her it was him or school. She was thinking about giving it up until she came home from work early one day and caught him in the sack with someone else. Having only invested three years in the marriage, she decided to get out then and there. She sometime thinks back to those times and feels that she is better off, having made the right decision. All she needed was her horses.

When the mares were in heat, the young stallions were going crazy. They were fidgeting around to the point were they were even difficult for Carla to handle. One day she forgot to lock the door that separated them. To Carla’s surprise, when the stallions started to mingle with the mares, they had no resistance. The mares allowed the stallions to mount them over and over again. This is something that Carla always like to watch. It would get her horny, watching those beasts have sex. At times she wishes it was her that the stallions were mounting. When Carla would get real horny, she would pull out this huge dildo that was near the size of a 2 liter pop bottle and ride it into estacy. She worked her way up to that size over time. Carla started off with a regular sized one, but quickly got use to it and needed something bigger, and bigger, and bigger. Now she needed a new size.

One day when she was watching the horses have sex, she caught a glimpse of one of the stallions penis. It was huge. Thick and long. Not as long as most horses, but much thicker, a little thicker than that dildo Carla has. This horse was having trouble mating due to its reduced length, but would hit the mark after a few minute of trying. Carla thought that even a cock that thick would be uncomfortable for the mares, but he eased it in and out with no problems. The mare even seemed to enjoy it by pushing backwards in attempt to meet his thrusts. Carla had never saw that before.

A couple of weeks had passed and the mares went out of heat. One of the stallions calmed down, but the other was still horny, the one with the thick cock. With the mares separated, he must have been going crazy. He didn’t jump around too much, but his cock was always semi erect. Carla was concerned about his penis getting infected, sticking out of its sheath nearly all the time. So she thought the best thing to do was check it out everyday to make sure it was okay, after all he is a vital part of her new enterprise.

It was middle of summer now, the mares are pregnant, and it is hotter that a half fucked fox in a forest fire. With the farm being secluded, Carla usually wore nothing more than a bathing suit. A times she would turn on a sprinkler for the horses to cool themselves. Sometime she would join in. Keeping the horses separated, she would spray the mares down first, then the stallions. When Carla when to water down the stallions, one of them was happy enough to lay down in the shade under the stable awning, something she noticed he liked to do. The other always came over. The other horses she liked and got along with, but this one was special, this one she had a bond with. Carla named this one Whispers, because he was quiet and hardly ever made a noise of any kind other than grunt or neigh once in a blue moon.

On one hot day, Carla was brushing Whispers. When she moved around to the underside of him, she noticed his sheath. It looked like it was going to burst. Wondering if something was wrong, Carla touched it. Slowly the penis slid out of its rubbery covering. This was the first time that she was this close to a horses cock out of its sheath, inches from her face. This made her flash back to when the horses were mating.

Thinking about that made Carla horny. Wicked thoughts started to race through Carla’s mind. When she looked back at the horse, she realized that she was slowly stroking his penis. Carla couldn’t get her hand around it. The size made her think of that dildo she has back in the house. Carla was getting too horny, didn’t feel like going back into the house. “What the heck”, Carla thought, and started licking the horses cock. She would lick along his shaft and end up at the head. With her mouth over tip, she would stick her tongue in his piss hole. Carla would pull her mouth off and a long thick string of pre-cum would run to her tongue, which she suck up and swallowed. Carla’s tongue made it’s way to his balls. They were big as watermelons. They felt spongy with two hard centers. Carla would lick from one to the other from behind the horse. Then she started licking upwards towards the horses anus. Carla would lick around the hole then slowly stick her tongue inside seeing what his reaction would be. Whispers responded by lifting his tail out of the way, inviting her to do more. Carla couldn’t believe what she was doing, but kept on doing it nonetheless. She tongued his hole for a long time. At first his ass was a little bitter, but that soon gave way to bland, slightly salty tasting goo. Carla loved it. When her tongue couldn’t reach in any further, she stuck in two of her fingers. The response from the horse was to push back slightly. Carla sensing that Whispers wanted more, added another finger, and another, until her hand had disappeared into her horses anus. Whispers made an unexpected move backwards, sinking Carla hand in almost up to her shoulder. And he still wanted more.

There was a cart that had a platform on it that came up to about ass level with the horse that was a few feet from where they were standing. Carla had an idea. If the horse wanted more, then he would get more, all he could take. Carla secured the cart so it wouldn’t move. She brought Whispers over to the cart and backed him up to it. Carla was very horny, hot, and sweaty by now. She pulled off her bathing suit and flung it off to the side. She grabbed a blanket that was near the door to the stall and hopped up on the cart. She spread the blanket out on the edge of the cart near the horse and sat down on edge.

Carla then started to massage the butt crack of the horse with her foot. Whispers responded by raising his tail. She then found his anus with her big toe and was rubbing along the opening. From having her arm inside a short time earlier, the horses anus was very slippery. Whispers was enjoying this feeling and started to push backward as before. Carla continued to rub her feet in his ass until she felt her foot slip inside his anus. The feeling was incredible…for both of them. Inside his ass it felt hot and soft. This set Carla on her first orgasm, on sight alone of her foot in her horses anus. Whispers kept pushing back until he had her leg in past the knee joint. Carla started to move her leg in and out, but Whispers wanted more and continued to push backwards.

As this continued, it seemed as if Whisper’s anus was getting bigger. Carla pulled her leg out and inserted the other one. Her one leg was coated with a milky colored slippery slime. She scooped some off with a finger and ate some of it. It tasted good. She wanted to lick her leg clean, but that would have to come latter. Carla then pulled her leg out of her horse. She then put both her feet together overlapping each other and placed them at the entrance to Whispers insides. Moving her feet slowly up and down, Whispers pushed back. With little effort, Carla’s feet slid in. As the horse was getting use to the change in size, he would push back. Then Whispers started to rock on and off Carla’s legs, taking a little more each time he went back. Before long, both of Carla’s legs were in up to her knees. All this activity going on was causing Carla to have orgasm after orgasm. To Carla’s surprise, Whispers kept pushing backwards. Carla was sitting on the edge of the cart, but then she picked her ass off the end and pushed towards the horse. Whispers moved forward slightly which caused Carla to be supported by the horse at one end and her shoulders on the edge on the cart. Carla was about to pull herself out, thinking that Whispers had enough. Thats when he started to move backwards again. All Carla could do at this point was to hold to the edge of the cart. Whispers slowly kept pushing backwards. His anus was now stretched up to her knees. As he continued to push he had her in to her thighs. Carla’s body being sweaty made it slippery. Whispers started to push back in a series of small jerks. Each time he jerked, a little more of Carla inched in. After a few minutes, Carla was in to the bottom of her butt. She rocketed through another orgasm, more powerful that the last. Carla moved her legs a little inside her four legged lover, this cause him to make a final lunge backward which put Carla in her horses anus up to her waist. Whispers then moved forward pulling Carla off the platform. She was now supported entirely by her horses ass. The hour glass curve and size of her ass kept her from slipping out of her lovers gripping anus. After what seemed like hours, Carla felt a pushing from inside her horse. She could feel his anus clenching and releasing around her, nearly making her loose her breath. Whispers was having his first anal orgasm. As the spasms increased, so did the pressure that was pushing on Carla. With a loud snort and a short neigh, Whispers push Carla from his ass.

Carla laid on the ground amazed at what happened. Being in the horses ass for so long make her skin wrinkle a little, like laying in a tub of water for a while. This make her so horny, she had to have more. Carla quickly rinsed herself off and crawled under Whispers. She started licking his cock as before. Soon it was hard. She wanted to impale herself on that monster. He had fit her in, she could at least do the same for him. She grabbed the blanket off the cart and placed it on a bale of hay. She positioned Whispers over the hay. Carla then laid on the hay bale face down and positioned vagina against his penis. Her cunt was already sopping wet. She just rubbed the head up and down her opening a few strokes, then slowly pushed back. Slowly the huge head of that cock, made it was inside. Carla decided she wanted to see the action. She slid forward off his penis, flipped on her back, and pushed the head back it.

Whispers enjoying this started to push forward. Her own lubrication and Whisper’s pre-cum was making her entire pelvic region very slippery. Carla pulled on one of her butt cheeks far enough to push two fingers into her anus while guiding Whispers cock into her cunt with the other. Carla was now racked with one orgasm after another.

Whispers continued to push his cock into his human lover. Then he started to stroke, each time getting a little more inside. Whispers was only about 15 inches long or so, but very thick. As Carla looked down at their union, she saw her belly go up and down every time Whispers stroked. As his pace increased, Carla knew that he would be coming soon. Whispers was moving now back and forth quickly, but his cock didn’t move in and out much. It was at this time his head flared out. With a cock that big, it must have flared out to the size of a cantaloupe. As she looked down, her belly looked as if it was 3-4 months pregnant. A few seconds latter Whispers released his load into Carla’s womb. With his head flared out so much, very little semen escaped. He pumped his load for at least five minutes. When he was done, he just stood there for a while. He had pumped so much into her, she looked like she was 8 months pregnant. With the head still quite large, but not as large as when he came, Whispers pulled his cock out of his lover.

Carla had expected the cum to come rushing out, but instead it came out very thick and slowly. It was about as thick as toothpaste. When she bend over to stand up, it squirted out a little faster until she stood upright. She stood with her legs apart and pushed on her belly. The thickened goo came out which she caught some in her hand. She held her hand above her tilted back head. She opened her mouth and poured the thick semen on to her tongue. Carla loved the way it tasted. She did this for at least another ten minutes. When she was done, her stomach still look pudgy. Oh well she though. It will run out when it get ready. Whispers laid down on a pile of hay, tuckered out from the days activities. Carla washed off and went into the house where she slept until the next morning.

Carla awoke the next morning to find that the rest of the semen had worked it way out during the night and coated her bed sheets. This made her very horny and she started licking at the sheets. She grabbed her dildo and slid it in to her cunt and started working it back and forth in a frenzy. The horse cock was too good. She could never go back to the dildo now.

It was another hot morning which would turn into another hot day. Carla went to check on and take care of the horses as usual. She noticed that she had started the day without eating breakfast. Guess it was all that semen, she didn’t need to eat. When Carla approached Whispers in the yard, he got a hard on right away. “You’re thinking the same thing I am”, she thought. She stripped right there. She was under Whispers sucking away on his cock. This time she managed to get the head in her mouth. Carla was concerned that her teeth may hurt his cock, but it was tough enough to withstand it. She worked her tongue in and out of his piss slit. Before long Whispers started to make little bucking motions. The next thing Carla knew was that his cock head inflated in her mouth. It felt like it was going to dislocate her jaw. If a few seconds, Whispers released his load into his mistresses mouth. With the inflamed head preventing her from removing his penis from her mouth, she was forced to drink down at least a quart of horse sperm without spilling a drop.

After a few minutes the head shrunk down enough for her to pull his cock from her mouth. She loved the taste and was licking up what was dribbling from Whisper’s penis. Carla has some chores to do, so she cleaned up and finished her duties. After all, Whisper needed time to build up another load.

The next day was much like the last two, Carla having sex with her boyfriend, or should I say horsefriend. The both of them were hot for each other again. Carla began by stroking his anus with her tongue. Whisper wanted to push back, perhaps get her head in his ass. If it wasn’t for her hair in the way, he could have. She could always wear a shower cap, but that would be for another day. Carla had lubed her anus up real good. She wanted to feel Whisper in her ass. This time she stood bent over under him after getting him hard, which was easy now. She took him into her pussy and worked him there for a short time. Then she pulled him out and placed the head at her anus. Carla pushed back, Whisper pushed forward. The head popped inside. Never before had Carla’s ass felt so full, and this was just the beginning. With each thrust his cock went in a little further. When the sheath was nuzzling against her anus, she started into a string a mind shattering orgasms. After a little bit longer, she could feel his balls slapping her cunt. This nearly made Carla pass out with ecasty. Then she felt that now familiar feeling of Whisper’s head swelling up. Soon he was shooting wad after wad deep into her bowels.

When they were able to separate, she crapped the horse goo into a small bucket. She then got him hard again and fucked him in her pussy. After a little longer, he came and filled up her birth canal with horse jizm. She squatted over the same small bucket and pushed out the cum. Whisper, now exhausted laid down. Carla, still very horny, poured the bucked of thick horse slime in her mouth. She would swish it around her mouth before swallowing it.

The next month went by. Everyday it was the same thing. Carla would make sure all the chores were done, then she would have fun with her lover, Whisper. Carla rarely ate since she drank so much horse semen. After about six weeks into her love affair, she noticed she was putting on some weight. “Gotta kick back on the extra protein”, she chuckled to herself. Next thing she knew she was eating like it was going out of style. She was always hungry, and couldn’t figure out why.

Another month when by and she gained sixty pounds. It looked as if her weight was contained to her stomach. Then she realize something, something that gave her the chills. She hadn’t had her period in two months. Carla periods were always quick, only lasting a day or two, but even then, she should have caught it. “I can’t be pregnant. It just can’t happen!”, she said out loud. “How will I deliver it if I am?” she wondered.

Over the next several weeks her appetite was out of control. Carla ate from sun up to sun down. Her belly was the size of a large bean bag chair. She had moved in to one of the sheds because she could no longer fit through the doorway of the house. She found it difficult to move around with the load growing in her. Even with this problem, it didn’t stop her from getting fuck at least once a day. But she had to restrict it to anal and blowjobs. Carla’s breasts were huge, filling up with milk. Each breast had to be the size of ten gallon bucket. Carla weighed in at four hundred thirty five pounds.

Carla thought that maybe the birth won’t be so bad. Her vagina had dilated like crazy. It was even bigger than it normally was. Sometime she would try to walk from place to place and the “baby” would kick and through her off balance. Sometime the feeling of something that big growing inside her make her horny. It was one of these times she felt a contraction. A little while later she felt another one, but stronger. Another one came and her water broke.

This was it, Carla was in labor.

The only thing Carla was wearing was a pair of cotton panties, it was the only thing that still fit. With the contractions hitting, she couldn’t reach them to pull them off. All she could do was lay on her back and hope it would all be over soon. After about an hour of contractions, Carla felt the urge to push. She pushed hard from her insides as well as on her belly with her hands. She felt the “baby” enter her birth canal and start to poke out her vagina. She pushed again and again, each time the load delivered a little further. As it started to come out the “baby” started wiggling around a little. This helped it to ease out. She pushed again as she heard the panties rip that she couldn’t get at earlier. This wiggle was arousing her. Carla actually thought about doing this all over again. That may depend on what comes out. She had no idea what the child may look like. Would it be horse, or a mix of the two? She would soon find out. After about a half hour of pushing, she gave one final big push…

…and it was born.

It was a perfectly formed baby horse, a boy. Carla grabbed some scissors nearby and cut the umbilical cord that connected them. In a few minutes, the placenta oozed out. Just the placenta alone was twice the size of a human baby. The young newborn horse, have already taken its first breaths of air was looking for the teat.

In the month that followed, Carla weaned the young horse. Since then Carla has had six horse births. These horses were champions and sold for hundred thousand each. The way they knew what there owners wanted and there intelligence was unmatched. This rare possible union produce offspring that make Carla rich beyond her wildest dreams, monetarily speaking of course. The first child she had, she kept, but sold the rest. Even now and then, she’ll have sex with him. Zoophilia [CENSOR] sex?

Yes…but that’s another story.

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