Women with Animals

The Sexual Adventures of Johanna: Life in the Rocky Mountains


(c) 2020 by lanadelsilver69

A soft breeze rustled through the nearby pines, with the sound being exactly what Johanna needed in order to reach the threshold of dreamland. The book that she had brought with her lay to one side, untouched. She had found the mix of sun and shade under these pines to create the perfect temperature for relaxing in the reclining deck chair that she had set up some weeks before in this spot. Add in this wonderful breeze and she had the perfect recipe to create a nap-inducing afternoon.

Some time past before Johanna was roused from her light sleep by the sound of hooves approaching. She focused her attention to the sound, though not opening her eyes just yet. It took only a few seconds to recognize the footfall of one of her beloved stallions, Pepper. Keeping her eyes closed, she waited for him to approach. She hoped that he was coming to give her some personalized attention.

Pepper did not disappoint. Once his footfalls stopped next to her deck chair, Johanna felt the muzzle of the large palomino Ardennias brush first against her bare stomach, before moving down to her shaven pussy. She spread her thighs apart a little, allowing the horse to move his tongue more freely around. Small currents of pleasure worked their way up her body, causing small gasps to escape from Johanna. She began to massage her breasts, to pinch and pull at the nipples.

Two small orgasms and 15 minutes later, Johanna felt she was ready for the next act in this afternoon’s show. Gently putting her legs together again, she sat up and took Pepper’s large muzzle in her hands. The horse pushed against her chest, giving her breasts a coupe quick licks with his long tongue. Chuckling softly at the horse’s antics, Johanna dug into her duffle bag that she had brought with her and extracted a couple of carrots, with Pepper took eagerly. He obediently allowed his mistress to guide him to the edge of the nearby mountain lake, where she had him stand over some soft, freshly turned earth. Johanna kept this spot clear and turned for just such occasions.

Kneeling in the soft earth, Johanna maneuvered under the stallion and toward what she was most looking forward to: her lover’s cock. Knowing what was coming, Pepper was already partially aroused. Johanna reached out and took it in her hands, stroking the black-and-pink speckled cock, enticing it to swell, to thicken, to harden. Her efforts were quickly rewarded and she eagerly brought the head of the cock to her mouth.

Her lust now began in earnest. The earthen scent of the soft ground, mixed with the musky scent of the horse’s body, the feel of the hot, hardening cock in her hands, and the feel of her body’s juices trickling down thighs from the pleasuring she had already received, all of these sensations mixed together, driving everything from her mind except for the desire to mate. Johanna tenderly kissed Pepper’s cock, working it with her hands as she went. As the world around her dulled, she slipped it into her mouth. Nearly six inches in diameter, there wasn’t much room to work with once it was in, but Johanna didn’t let that stop her. Her tongue circled around it, then moved across the head in an ‘s’ pattern and back again. She sucked vigorously at it, occasionally moving her head forward some, attempting to see how far back she could take the large cock without choking.

Pepper stood quietly, swishing his tail at the occasional fly. His mistress continues to work on his cock, coaxing him to empty his balls. Soon he began to toss his head and he shifted his weight on his legs. Johanna knew what that meant and she quickly withdrew Pepper’s cock from her mouth. Pre-cum had already started to ooze from the horse, so she knew she had to act fast.

She moved toward some bales of hay that had been set up and covered with a blanket. Once on top of them, she got down on all fours and arched her back, so that her small ass was presented to her stallion. Pepper, thoroughly worked up now, approached from behind. He stuck his muzzle into Johanna’s ass and licked a little bit, while inhaling the young woman’s heavenly scent. Then, unable to contain himself any longer, he reared.

Johanna knew what was coming and as Pepper plunged his thick cock into her pussy, she gave a scream of pleasure. Her mind seemed to melt for sheer happiness and she could only think of the overwhelming desire she had to bear the foal of her beloved stallion. That was her greatest desire in the world at this moment. That was the goal she had been working on these past two years, ever since a drug had been developed that allowed humans to cross-breed with animals. That was the goal that had driven her to leave her conservative Christian family at the age of 20 and to live in a mountain home with a friend of hers, living off the land and fucking her stallion as often as she could.

Pepper’s powerful thrusts drove his long cock deep into his mistress. Being a horse, he didn’t comprehend all that had been going on the last couple of years. He didn’t understand the reasoning as to why his mistress had turned up one night at his boarding farm, why she had put him in a horse trailer along with a friend of his, why he had been brought to these mountains. All he knew was that she had begun to play with his cock soon after and then had allowed him to mate with her. And that was enough for him. Now, as he slammed harder into his mistress, Pepper could feel her body working with his, squeezing his cock. Her scent was driving him crazy and he only knew one thing to do.

Johanna screamed again in pleasure, begging Pepper to impregnate her. She moved her body in time with his powerful thrusts and before she knew it, she felt like a tidal wave of ecstasy wash over her as an orgasm racked her body. She collapsed forward just as Pepper put on an extra burst of power behind a thrust. She felt his cock swell just a little more and then that feeing she had been craving exploded inside of her. The feeling of hot horse cum spraying deep inside of her, reaching the deep corners of her body. Pepper stopped his thrusting, but lingered a few second longer before pulling out. As his cock slid from her pussy, Johanna felt some of his cum begin to flow out. She quickly rolled over and elevated her lower half with part of the blanket rolled up. She didn’t want to waste his sperm. She wanted to get pregnant.

As Johanna watched, Pepper wandered over to the lake for a drink, his cock now hanging limply under him. She wondered if she could get another round in before the day was over. But before she could get up to clean herself off, she heard the voice of her friend calling from across the lake. Dinner was approaching and so Johanna decided she would need to be satisfied for today. Reluctantly she clambered off the pile of hay and ambled over to Pepper, a little bit of cum leaking down her legs. She could hardly wait to get fucked again by Pepper the next day.

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