Women with Animals

DNA Experiment Goes Wrong


(c) 2011 by Newveggie

Dr. Karen Davis worked hard on her experiments with DNA and this one was no exception. She was trying to create a code to create a male enhancement drug that would make a guy’s manhood larger. She had seen some promise in several experiments and this morning made a quantum leap. She had used her new formula on her husband’s prize breeding Mastiff, Mr. Big, and the results were nothing short of amazing. Mr. Big is a huge Mastiff, about 205 pounds and his “equipment” was already impressive. Dr. Davis wanted to see if she could improve on it.

She injected Mr. Big with her new formula and she needed to wait about ten minutes to see the result. Now, a dog seemed like a logical choice since they are obedient and she had access to this one. However, one of the aspects of her new formula was a dramatic increase in the male subject’s sex drive. This was an accidental side effect and not planned by Dr. Davis but logical since she had to load up her formula with lots and lots of testosterone to gain the size growth she wanted.

Dr. Davis left the room to check on the other part of her family business, the female Mastiffs that would be impregnated by Mr. Big. The females would sometimes get overly excited and this case was no exception as Jackie knocked Dr. Davis down into a big puddle of what she thought was water. It had a funny smell and right away she knew it was Jackie’s urine. Jackie was licking the doctor’s face and jumping on her and again she relieved herself but this time it got all over Karen’s skirt and it also soaked her panties.

Yuck, what a mess and I cannot be late for completing my experiment; said Dr. Davis. She did not have time to change completely but did manage to get another skirt on but left her panties off, her first big mistake. When she returned to her lab she was greeted by an aggressive Mastiff who was happy to see her! Karen was a sexy woman of 35, five foot-four and 119 pounds with an incredible behind, 34DDD-24-36 and a super, super tight vagina! Her GYN told her she had the smallest opening of any woman she had ever examined!

Mr. Big started pacing around and Dr. Davis brought him over to the coach and got on the floor next to him, her second mistake. She had set-up a web camera to show the experiment live to about 100 of her colleagues earlier and she grabbed the remote on the coach and started the computer. Hello, this is Dr. Karen Davis and I am going to demonstrate the result of my new DNA formula to enlarge a male penis starting with my beta test on Mr. Big here. He is three years old and has a gulbous glandis or knot that was measured at 4 inches across, about the size of a regulation baseball. I will now manually stimulate the penis behind the bulbous glandis to get the penis to grow and see how much size our test subject has gained.

As Dr. Davis started to stimulate Mr. Big he started to get a little wild. The side effect of the testosterone overload was now coming on and Karen had missed one other mistake she made during the injection. She gave a double dose of 50cc instead of the 25cc she planned in her pre-experiment work-ups. Mr. Big’s penis started to come out as he was thrusting rapidly. You can see the os penis which is an actual bone that helps the dog penetrate the female before his penis grows to it maximum size; said Dr. Davis. However, her experience was limited to theory only as she never helped her husband’s business and knew little about how dogs would act during sex. Due to the secretive nature of her work and its potential for huge profits, she worked alone, another mistake should would later come to regret!

Mr. Big started to thrust wildly and suddenly tried to mount Dr. Davis by the face. The sharp os penis hit her in the face startling her causing her to scream. She also turned away from the mastiff putting her upper body on the coach. Ouch, that hurt, man is that bone in his penis sharp Dr. Davis said as she held her cheek. But while she was distracted Mr. Big smelled something familiar, he smelled the scent of a dog in heat. When Karen got Jackie, the female mastiff’s urine on her panties, she did not realize that the scent was now on her pussy since it soaked through her panties. Now Karen had a horny male dog and no panties and she was bent over in the classic doggie style position.

In a flash Mr. Big mounted Dr. Davis and his paws combined with her being bent over pushed her skirt way up over her now exposed ass. Being a shapely woman, Karen had wide hips, all the better for Mr. Big to grab onto and hold on tight. He also outweighed her by more than 85 pounds making it impossible to move him. His thrusts were still going wildly as he quickly tried to find her vagina. Dr. Davis was in shock at how fast her experiment had gotten out of control and she kept moving her ass around to keep Mr. Big from finding her hole! What Dr. Davis did not know was that her colleagues had invited “friends” to watch a “female co-worker” jack-off a dog! She did not know that about 1,000 horny guys were now watching her live!

Oh my God, she gasped….I gotta turn the web cam off!!!! Without thinking she spotted the remote which had gotten knocked away. Reaching for it was a vital mistake as it took her mind off moving her behind and Mr. Big got his penis into her vagina. Oh God, she said as she knocked the remote off the couch and onto the floor. She then reached with all her might for the remote with Mr. Big thrusting like crazy and this made her fall of the edge of the coach. Dr. Davis was now directly facing the camera with her ass hiked high in the air and her face resting on the floor.

Mr. Big was already inside of her and already swollen to the size of a baseball so they were stuck! Oh wow, he is fucking getting HUGE! Inside Karen’s pussy the huge mastiff’s cock was growing rapidly and his knot, which is actually made up of two nodules on a dog’s penis, was now the size of two baseballs! But it was also still growing since Dr. Davis had accidently double the dosage in her formula!!! Mr. Big was slowing his thrust and could hardly move inside of Karen. The main reason was that his knot was now the size of two softballs and it could not move.

The entire penis was so huge and Dr. Davis had not factored several other potential problems into her experiment and this would lead to bigger problems for her now as she was stuck on this huge dog’s enormous knot!!! First of all a dog’s not is shaped kind of like a door knob so once it gets inside a female’s vagina it catches easily and stays stuck. Second, the mastiff’s shaft was also huge and with Karen’s pussy being super small it was clamped tight like a vise grip on it! This caused the blood in the mastiff’s knot to remain trapped so it would not go down!!!

Then Mr. Big swung his legs over Dr. Davis’ back and was butt to butt with her causing even more pressure on the shaft and the knot. The violent fucking had also been hard on her pussy so it was very, very swollen. Dr. Davis figured the mastiff’s knot was at least 12 inches across and would be impossible to come lose until it shrank to its normal size. However, that could take a while and after 45 minutes the doctor was getting nervous. Dr. Davis would stay stuck for another 3 hours before the mastiff’s knot finally shrank enough to come out of her sore pussy!

Finally Mr. Big’s knot was small enough to come free with a loud pop! Dr. Davis had forgotten about the web cam and was now looking straight into the camera to the delight of her colleagues and many other horny guys. Dammit, she cursed! Now I will never live this down! Being more docile she was able to manually jack-off the mastiff to do her measurements not sure if he would get hard again. What she saw absolutely amazed her as his knot and penis grew to huge dimensions!

WOW! He is enormous!!! Including the shaft and knot she measured his penis at 18 and ľ inches long! The knot looked like 2 softballs sticking out on either side of his cock. That probably did some damage to my insides for sure, Dr. Davis mumble. Don’t know how I will explain it to my OBGYN. Then Mr. Big started ejaculating like crazy shooting stream after stream of sperm all over the place. Holy Shit the doctor exclaimed! If this formula does the same for men we will be rich!!!


The next day Dr. Davis was back at her experiment but with a new twist. She decided to draw a large amount of DNA from Mr. Big to study its effect on penis enlargement. She took this DNA along with her formula and added a new DNA re-write ingredient she had experimented with previously. She also added some DNA from a man not knowing what effect this would have but she chose a very well-hung man’s DNA to keep in the idea of making “things” larger! She also added some DNA from her husband Mark. This was then fed into her machine to create a new formula and she would start testing again. Not wanting anyone to steal her new formula she purposely mislabeled it as a Rabies vaccine and put it on her shelf and went out for the afternoon.

Meanwhile Dr. Davis’ husband Mark had come home from working with another breeder and had gotten bitten by a stray dog. He went into his wife’s lab and saw the Rabies vaccine and he injected it into his body. The effects were immediate but left certain senses intact as he was quickly starting to change into a huge mastiff like his prized breeder Mr. Big. First his hind legs changed into the hind legs of a dog and next his penis changed into the penis of a dog and within 5 minutes Marc was a 225 pound bull mastiff. The DNA re-write was about 98 complete but had some characteristics of a man and left him able to hear human voice and understand it perfectly. His sight was the same as it was as a man but he could not talk and his other senses were 100% dog!

Since the outside door was open Marc went out into the yard and over to the house where he found his 12 year-old daughter Kim coming in from school. She thought her dad had gotten another dog and let him into the house. Kim was already very well developed like her mother and a very horny little virgin. She read her mom’s note saying she would be gone until 6pm and that gave her 3 hours alone! Now to her favorite exercise, making herself come!

Kim quickly ran to the basement and sat down and thought about all the cute guys in her class. She started to rub on her pussy and it was getting wet very quickly. Mark came in and he sensed something in the air that aroused him. He moved in towards Kim and could see her playing with her pussy. His dilemma was he knew she was his daughter but his DNA was 98% mastiff so his animal instinct took over. She was going at herself with moans and groans of pleasure and Mark stuck his tongue out for a direct hit on her clit!!

What the hell….get away, she cried. But the big mastiff just kept pushing forward to lick her pussy. In her struggles to get him to stop she slipped off the large foot stool from her couch and fell on her ass. Next was her fateful mistake as she turned to get up, she got onto her hands and knees and Mark’s instinct took over. He quickly mounted Kim and started thrusting with all his might trying to get his big penis into her soft nether region. WTF, she shouted. Get the fuck off me you big brute! But the mastiff was too intent on getting his way and kept thrusting and thrusting.

The foot stool started to slide across the floor and hit the couch and Kim fell onto a bean bag chair and was pushed up against the coach. Now she was stuck…shoved into a corner with her ass up high in the air and her face against her arms, not much different than what her mother, Dr. Davis faced the day before. However, there was another problem as Kim could not lower herself because she was on a bean bag so she did what she thought would keep Mark out, moving her ass up and down. This proved to be another mistake as she moved down she was safe but once she moved her ass upward, the big mastiff started pushing like crazy and he was able to get her ass even higher into the air under the big bean bag chair.

Oh God, why is this happening she said, why me? Just then Mark’s big cock caught her tiny hole and went in through her hymen in one huge thrust! OMG!!! OMG!!! A dog just popped my cherry!!! OMG!!! Why is this happening to me?!! The huge mastiff was immediately thrusting for all he was worth and was actually riding up onto Kim’s ass! OMG it hurts she was startled, dazed, confused and all she knew was it hurt like hell! This went on for about 5 minutes then Mark swung his leg over her ass and they were butt to butt.


WOW, I am glad that is over….but Kim was in for the surprise of her life. Like her mother she was very small and because she was so young she was even tighter than her mother! When Kim tried to move she went nowhere and the huge mastiff just stood there panting loudly. Kim wondered why he did not leave but everything had happened so quickly that she started to notice something that did not seem quite right.

Kim did not know much about dogs or how they reproduced or about the special way their penises worked. She started trying to bounce her ass off Mark’s cock but he seemed to be, no he couldn’t be, but yes he was completely stuck inside of her pussy!! OMG, what the fuck is going on now?!!! Kim frantically tried to separate herself from the huge dog but to no avail. She felt back there with her hand and was able to move herself a tiny bit and now she could tell something was terribly wrong. Meanwhile Mark was standing there panting and knew he was really hung up in his little daughter’s pussy and probably would be for quite some time. Being a dog this large he knew the size of a mastiff’s equipment and knowing his daughter was so small they were not going to move very soon!

Unknown to Mark his daughter or even Dr. Davis there was another problem with this experiment. What Dr. Davis did not know was combining all these DNA with each other had 2 effects. Going from dog to man and into another male host made the penis enlarge even more than on Mr. Big! The penis was about 20 inches long and the knot was about the size of one of those small basketballs you get at carnivals. This made it about 15 inches across and way too big to come out. The DNA from the man Dr. Davis chose was from a man who had a 9 inch cock that was extremely fat at the base. Dr. Davis’ husband had a 10 incher that was also very thick at the base too. When these were combined this made the mastiff’s cock super thick at the base, much thicker than any dog would usually have!

This combined with the huge knot and the tightness of Kim’s pussy created a major problem…the blood was having trouble escaping the knot so they were stuck tightly together with little chance of the knot shrinking soon! One other major problem persisted. Dogs cannot impregnate women but they can fertilize the egg. Dog sperm, which can be a billion or more sperm surround the egg constantly trying to fertilize it. The female egg has antibodies that kill the dog sperm but the antibodies are outnumbered in most cases by about 50 to one. In this case Mark, in canine form, produced about 10 billion sperm each hour and the sperm out-numbered the antibodies 500 to 1 each hour!

Usually once the dog fertilizes the egg the egg immediately dies because the DNA does not match. However, Dr. Davis’ introduction of two different male DNA into the formula, along with the fact that the formula went into a human male who turned into a dog…created a DNA match! As luck, or you could say bad luck would have it, Kim was ovulating! The eggs would see as much sperm each hour as a woman would usually see in 200 or so sessions of intercourse with a man. What Kim did not know is that she would be stuck much longer than one hour! The egg antibodies did not stand a chance, Kim would certainly be fertilized by this dog…but would she get pregnant?

OMG! We are stuck, something is HUGE inside of me and it feels like he is pissing inside of my cunt! Kim did not know that all her moving around and bouncing her ass up and down was actually making the problem worse for the mastiff and her. It kept the seal tight on his knot, kept the blood stuck inside it and made her insides more swollen so the knot became stuck even more!!! Kim started to cry in disbelief as she wondered how long they would stay stuck. She sat through an hour, then two and now three hours and it was 6pm, her mother would be home soon…how embarrassing when she finds her this way!!!

The assault on her egg continued as close to 30 billion sperm had been shot into Kim’s pussy! The egg’s antibodies were now out numbered 1,500 to 1….and the penis was shooting sperm directly into the cervix because of its length. But this was still far from over as Kim decided to text her mom that she was not going to be home for dinner. Her mom rarely came down to the basement so she hoped she would not be discovered. Her mom texted back fine and decided to have dinner with a friend.

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