Women with Animals

Helping Hand


Annie wiped the dirt off her cheek and looked at the kennels with a glow to her cheeks. Her husband would have been proud of her for the success she had made of the business that they had bought not long before he died nearly 10 years ago. They had both always loved dogs and when the opportunity came up to buy a working kennel and dog rescue centre, they both jumped at the chance.

Sinking their savings and Scott’s redundancy money into the venture they knew it would take hard work but the potential rewards were huge. On top of that, they were doing something they both loved.

A few months after they had opened the business and got their first few boarders disaster struck in a most unexpected and tragic way. Unused to the country roads Scott had lost control on a bend and smashed the Land Rover into a tree, killing him instantly. This left Annie a widow at 33 with 11-year-old son Sam, an eight-year-old daughter Sarah and a business that she struggled to run on her own.

Despite the hardships Annie refused to give up and as the children grew, they took more and more of an active part in the business helping out so eventually their involvement was such that the need for staff was only when they were extremely busy. Now at 21 and 18 respectively they were a fantastic boon giving a helping hand with most things, although there were a few special things that Annie dealt with in private.

Annie always talked to the dogs like they were real people and greeted the Golden Retriever that they had just taken in for two weeks by name. “Welcome to your holiday home Mr. Goldie,” she laughed, “We do hope everything will be to your satisfaction.”

The golden retriever simply stared at her with its big brown eyes before continuing its inspection of its kennels, getting used to the new smells which weren’t unpleasant. To build up trust and a relationship with every new boarder Annie always groomed the new arrival so they became used to her smell and touch. It always seemed to calm them down and built up a bond and relationship very quickly. As she brushed the dog’s long hair in smooth gentle strokes, she couldn’t help but notice the reaction from the dog. The dog hadn’t been fixed and its red cock emerged from its furry sheath and quickly started to drip pre-cum onto the tiled floor.

They didn’t allow the unfixed dogs to intermingle with the others, as the danger of someone’s prize pet coming home with a bellyful of some mutt’s offspring was far too great a risk. Therefore, the unneutered dogs were kept in isolation to ensure no accidents happened.

Normally without stimulus, a dog wouldn’t become aroused but something had triggered the dog’s reaction and Annie had a flash of insight as to what this might be. “You dirty cow,” she giggled under her breath as she pictured the owners and how the woman had made a big fuss about leaving him. “I bet you are fucking her,” Annie said quietly as she continued to brush the dog ignoring the cock that was growing and growing.

Annie knew that women had sex with dogs and it wasn’t something that had ever fazed her, in fact, it was something she considered quite natural. When she was a young girl, she grew up on a farm and had witnessed their family dog fuck their bitch more than once. At 16 she had hidden in the hayloft in the big barn and seen the same family dog fuck her mother. She would touch herself as she listened to her cries of pleasure and often wondered what it would feel like as she rubbed herself. On one occasion she had witnessed the dog fuck her mother and then what seemed like only a few moments later fuck her Aunt Charlotte, her mother’s younger sister. She held her breath as the dog buried its head between her aunt’s thigh and had to bite her lip as the yells of ecstasy reverberated around the barn. Then her aunt rolled onto all fours and her mother grasped the dog’s angry red cock before guiding it into her sister while making reassuring noises. Annie’s aunt had made the same shrieking noises her mother always made as the dog slammed in at breakneck speed until finally, it rested, panting on her back.

Annie had rubbed her pussy until it was almost raw as she lived and relived those scenes. She took every opportunity she could to be with the dog but had never gone all the way with him despite giving him numerous hand jobs and on a couple of occasions sucking his cock as he stood there patiently. A few times she had removed her panties and let the dog’s tongue bring her to repeated orgasms.

Much to her frustration the sound of her mother’s voice calling her frequently cut short those attempts. The perfect opportunity never quite seemed to materialise for the dog to take her virginity although she was desperate for it to happen. In fact, it was Scott, her husband-to-be, who claimed her virginity one night a few days after her 18th birthday when she was a little drunk. She never looked at another male after that but when he fucked her on all fours, she would picture her mother and her aunt as bitches, wishing it had been her as well.

Bringing herself back to the present she grasped the thick cock and began to work its length feeling it swell in her hand. “We need to make sure your stay is a pleasant one…” she giggled as she worked the dog’s cock with sure swift strokes, “…and it is up to me as your hostess to give you a helping hand.”


Meanwhile in the office, part of the house, her son Sam was staring at the screen of the CCTV as he watched his mother giving the dog a hand job. He had undone his overalls and dropped them to his ankles, then fished out his cock before slowly fisting it as he watched the scene on the monitor.

“Oh my God Sam, what are you doing,” squeaked his sister Sarah who had just entered the office to see her brother wanking himself as he watched the CCTV feed.

“Mum is giving a dog a hand job again,” Sam breathed heavily, his eyes glued to the screen. “And it’s not like you haven’t seen my cock before, I know you have spied on me in the evenings, why do you think I leave the door open.”

Sarah blushed deeply as what he said was true, it had started when she was just 16 and she would sneak down the corridor to spy on her brother as he was pulling his meat Although it was her own flesh and blood, she had to admit that he did have a magnificent cock and would often frig herself as she watched him work his hand up and down the slick shaft. He was uncut and she loved the way when he moved his fist the skin would roll back and forward over the shiny purple head. She would hold her breath as he wanked faster and faster until finally, he would spray thick ropes of cum up his belly and chest. It was at that point she would scuttle back to her room and tear off her clothes, picking up a large vibrator from her bedside cabinet which she would work inside. As she fucked herself sometimes pictures of her brother’s cock would flash into her head and the thought made her orgasm even harder. This had been a regular thing for a couple of years and although they had never openly talked about it they both knew what was going on.

“Well, what if I do,” she pouted, “But what you are doing is disgusting.” Despite her words, Sarah was fascinated and moved forward to see the screen more clearly. Her brother had told her in the past that her mother wanked dog’s but this was the first time she had seen it with her own eyes.

What her brother said was true, there was her own mother kneeling next to a dog, her hand working the angry red cock up and down. As she watched spellbound, she felt her brother lift her hand and place it on his own hardness and she could feel it throbbing in her hand.

“Please Sis,” Sam said softly and then sighed with contentment as he felt her grip his cock and slowly start to work it up and down, “Do what Mother does for the dogs and give me a helping hand.”

Both pairs of eyes were glued to their mother’s actions and Sarah could feel the slickness of her brother’s cock in her hand as pre-cum oozed from the head. To her surprise, her mother leant forward and twisted the dog’s cock to an angle that allowed her to suck it. Sarah increased her pace on her brother’s cock and gasped as she watched her mother about to commit such a depraved act, but at the same time she was so turned on.


Annie was caught up in the moment as she twisted the dog’s cock around to point towards her mouth. It had been so long since she had felt a real warm cock, she was half–delirious with lust, as she worked the dog’s cock. It just kept producing warm clear fluid that had coated her hand making it slippery along the length of the dog’s shaft. She had seen bigger cocks on humans before she met her husband but compared to the size of the dog’s body, he was pretty well-endowed.

Annie swapped hands and licked the watery pre-cum from her hand and although not really liking the slightly bitter taste, she licked her own hand clean. Bending her head, she started to suck the dog’s cock, feeling the warmth in her mouth as she worked her head gently back and forward. The dog stood perfectly still allowing Annie to use her oral skills that although a little rusty were legendary when she was in college. Annie reached for the knot that had formed at the base of his cock and started to massage it as she sucked. She felt it ripple and throb before it exploded into her mouth filling it to overflowing with so much cum that she couldn’t possibly contain it all.


“She is sucking it Sis,” Sam moaned as he felt her small hand working his raging hard-on, “Please…” he begged not finishing the sentence but pushing her head in the direction of his cock.

Sarah considered his request, stopping her hand movements for a moment, “You do the dishes for a week,” she said.

“Yes, please just suck me,” Sam said pushing harder to force his sister down to her knees.

Sarah enjoyed sucking cock and had been wanting to suck her brother’s ever since the first time she had seen him wanking. Taking one last look at her mother blowing the golden retriever she took her brother’s cock into her warm wet mouth drawing a groan of contentment from him.

As she worked her head back and forward she felt her brother’s hand resting on her head, and then as his grip started to tighten in her hair when she heard him groan, “The dog is cumming.”


Annie felt the dog stiffen and his knot ripple as she prepared herself for what was about to happen. The first jet from the dog was so powerful it made her cough, as it always did no matter how much she prepared herself for it. Not stopping with her hand Annie had to pull the dog’s cock from her mouth to allow her to draw breath. The dog continued to spurt with strings of seed hitting her face and hair. Having caught her breath she returned to her sucking, milking the dog until she had drained it of its seed.


Sam saw his mother’s face splattered with dog cum and groaned loudly, “I am cumming,” and he tried to pull away, but Sarah wasn’t going to let that happen for two reasons. Firstly she had no desire to have her brother’s seed all over her clean overalls and secondly, she loved the taste of cum. Grabbing an ass cheek in each hand she held him close as he pumped into her mouth. She didn’t release her grip until she was happy that he had no more seed left in his balls.

“Thank you big brother, that was very tasty,” Sarah said climbing to her feet, “Now I have an itch that needs scratching.”

Sam looked down at his flaccid meat and shrugged his shoulders, “Give me half an hour and I will be ready to go again,” his cock twitched at the thought of fucking his little sister.

“I think getting pregnant by my own brother would be a little embarrassing,” she laughed, “It’s toys for me,” then paused at the doorway with a mischievous smile, “You are welcome to watch.”

Sam glanced at the monitor and saw his mother had stripped off and was working the dog’s cock bringing it to full hardness.

“I have a better idea,” he said, “Why don’t you use Mom’s toy she keeps in the drawer and then you can get off watching her get off?”


Annie had felt the dog cock start to shrivel in her hand but the need for sex was burning inside like a forest fire. Although she often relaxed the unfixed male dogs with her hand she had never gone to the next step and had full penetrative sex, but today was going to be different. Today she was going to be a bitch just like her mother and aunt had been all those years before. Letting go of the dog’s cock she quickly stripped, her pussy flooding with the thought she was going to feel something real inside her for the first time in nearly ten years. She had a variety of toys including the special one in her office drawer but there was nothing like the real thing. Running her fingers through her pussy lips she coated them with her juices before offering them to the dog. To her delight, the dog licked them eagerly before pressing his snout between her legs seeking more. As she lay on the hard floor with her legs wide apart she couldn’t help noticing that the dog’s cock was returning to its previous vigour and was again starting to drip pre-cum. As its long tongue started to lap at her sensitive lips, she remembered the joys of the family dog back on the farm in her youth.


Sarah pulled open the bottom drawer of her mother’s desk after Sam had shown her where she hid the key. Looking in she gasped as she picked up the large red dildo that was shaped like a dog cock with its blunt tip and bulbous base.

“I can’t use that,” Sarah exclaimed but couldn’t take her eyes off it.

“Why not Mom does though she is getting the real thing right now,” Sam said pointing at the screen.

Sarah stared at the picture and could see that the retriever had mounted her mother and was fucking her at a fast pace. When her brother placed the dildo in her hand, she opened her legs and found to her surprise that the dildo slipped into her soaking pussy with ease.


Annie had been fucked many times before and although it had been a while, she never remembered it being this good. After the dog had licked her pussy into a mass of jumbled nerve endings she rolled onto all fours and patted her ass with soft words of encouragement. The dog knew what was expected of him and lifting onto his back paws, jabbed with his cock until he found his target. Once in, he grasped Annie’s hips with his front paws and pulled her back as he drove forward. Somewhere in the back of Annie’s brain, as the dog slammed in and out, it registered that the dog had its dew claws removed. This was a practice often undertaken as the claws were useless on a dog but had the added benefit of avoiding scratches during sex.

Annie was experiencing orgasms like a roller coaster with each rush seeming to be bigger and better than the last. When the dog finally pushed its knot into her willing body, they became almost continuous as it pulsed and throbbed, splashing her insides with hot cum. As she howled and mewed with pleasure, as she now fully understood the noises her mother and aunt had made all those years ago.


“Take the knot Sis,” Sam husked as he helped his sister push the large knot into her young pussy. As her lips sealed around it Sam let his fingers play over her clit, teasing it as she moaned in pleasure.

Staring at the screen they could both see the dog had stopped pounding their mother and was panting on her back.

“He is knotted in her,” Sam said as he flicked the switch on the base of the dildo.

Sam had discovered the dildo a few years ago and had been fascinated by it. He had never mentioned he had discovered it and after examining it to see how it worked, he was always careful to place back in the same position as he found it. It gave him a thrill when he would open the drawer a few weeks later to find it in a different position, his cock twitching at the thought that his mother had used it.

The switch made the plastic knot expand and contract in imitation of how a real knot would throb inside. Whatever it was touching was sending his sister wild and when combined with his manipulation of her clit she was experiencing multiple orgasms.

They both realised their mother had finished with the dog and was dressing. Pulling out the dildo Sam held it up to his sister, “Best you clean it before we put it away,” he said half joking.

To his amazement, she took it from him and licked it theatrically as his cock strained in his overalls.

After they had carefully replaced the dildo in the same position Sarah ran her hand over his bulge, “If you want to fuck my ass you can,” she said and then looking at the disbelief on his face went on, “You won’t be the first and certainly won’t be the last.”


Sarah was paranoid about getting pregnant so had steadfastly remained a virgin not trusting contraception to be 100% safe. To stop her boyfriends from becoming too frustrated she became adept and giving hand jobs which gravitated to blow jobs and this kept most of the boys her own age happy enough. Then one night in a car park, not long after her 16th birthday she was giving one of her brother’s friends a hand job while he fingered her when he suggested going all the way. She reeled off her stock response about not wanting to get pregnant and not trusting contraception but his reply stopped her in her tracks.

“What about anal?”

Sarah didn’t know what to say as the man moved his finger from her pussy into her ass and within seconds found him second knuckle deep. She had never really thought about anal and found the sensations not unpleasant. When he introduced a second finger she stopped her hand job and between them, they removed her panties before bending her over a car bonnet. He deftly used her juices to lubricate her ass and then smeared it over his cock head before he slowly inserted his cock and took her anal virginity.

Sarah loved the feeling of being penetrated and pushed back to meet his slow thrust with ever-increasing enthusiasm. As the man increased his pace she started to make loud noises which attracted the attention of other men in the car park. After the man had pumped his seed deep into her bowels he pulled out but she remained lying there, her naked ass in the air. One of the onlookers took this as an invitation and before she could object pushed his cock into her ass using the previous man’s seed as lube. Sarah started to strum her clit as the second man pounded her until with a grunt sent his load to join that of the first man. Sarah was in orgasmic heaven, her only concern being that one might slip and enter her pussy by mistake. Cupping her hand over her pudenda she looked over her shoulder and husked, “Next.”

That night she took seven loads in her ass and lost count of the number of orgasms she enjoyed. A couple of times cocks bounced off her hand but quickly found her well-filled and lubricated asshole. From that night onwards she was hooked on anal as pretty much every boyfriend she had thereafter found out.


Sam watched as his sister bent over and displayed her ass to him.

“What about lube?” He asked afraid that this might stop what he so desperately wanted to happen.

“Don’t be a wimp,” she laughed, “Just spit on the end and go for it.”

Sam took her to her word and spitting on the head he rubbed it over with his thumb before pressing it against her anal star. Every girl he had done anal with before would cry or yelp at this point complaining about the pain. Sometimes he would get little more than the head in before being begged to stop. To his joy this was not his sister’s way. Rather, she pushed back with a contented sigh burying herself onto his cock. Sam watched his cock vanish into her ass and could feel it gripping him as she slowly moved back and forward, fucking herself on it.

Sarah felt her brother’s cock burning in her ass and she almost came with the feeling. She had discovered the very first night when she was anally gang banged that she was a bit of a pain slut. That initial burst of pain as a man entered her ass was sublime and often made her cum just from the head penetrating.

It was no different with her brother, if anything it was better as she growled, “Fuck my slutty ass.” As Sam started to drive in and out her words became more basic and more demanding. “Yes, that’s it Sam, fuck your slutty sister‘s ass…Yes, fuck me harder… make me scream like a little bitch.”

Sam wrapped his sister’s ponytail around his hand and pulled her head back making her moan in orgasmic bliss. As he slammed his cock in and out of her ass he pulled right out and then back in making her moan in pain and pleasure. Each thrust was punctuated with a word, “Do… you… want… that… dog… in… your… slutty…cunt?”

Sarah screamed at the top of her voice, “YES… fuck yes… yes… a million times YES, ” as she exploded in an orgasm.

The feel of his sister’s anal ring gripping his cock sent Sam over the top and with thrusts so powerful he almost pushed his balls into her as well, he shot jet after jet deep into her ass.

Sam collapsed onto his sister’s back and both fell into a stupor with him still buried in Sarah’s ass.


It was two in the morning and Annie thought she heard noises, so wearing just a nightdress went down to the office to check the dogs were OK. When she got to the camera feed for the retriever she gasped in shock. There on her hands and knees was Sarah with the retriever thrusting his hips trying to find her pussy. She didn’t need sound to know that the dog had found its target as her daughter’s head arched back in silent ecstasy.

“She watched you before,” said her son from the doorway. “She watched you suck the dog while she sucked me. Then she watched the dog fuck you while she used the dog dildo in your drawer…”

Annie turned to face her son who was totally naked and sporting a rather impressive erection which was pointing impressively at the ceiling as he went on.

“…then we went upstairs and I fucked her ass.”

Lifting the night dress over her head she turned back to the monitor watching her daughter under the dog as she said softly, “The only man who has been in my cunt is your father and I will be keeping it that way. From now on it will be exclusively for dogs.”

“Oh,” said Sam the dejection clear in his voice.

“But you can have my ass, but not yet, I want to check how my baby girl is doing.”

Sam followed his naked mother to the kennels, admiring how her ass only slightly jiggled, still retaining a good degree of firmness. As she opened the door to the sounds of Sarah moaning with pleasure, he placed a hand on her cheek and squeezed. As she quietly moaned at the touch, he whispered softly, “I am looking forward to fucking your ass Mother.”


Sarah was in heaven as the dog fucked her with such a pace and ferocity that she had never been able to achieve with the toys she had used in the past. She was a virgin for human cock in her pussy and she knew in her heart that although she may do anal with human males in the future nothing would ever be able to match the feeling of a dog cock in her cunt.

She felt the air from the door opening and lifting her head from the floor she found herself staring into her mother’s smiling face.

“Good girl,” Annie said softly as she brushed a lock of hair away from her daughter’s face. Then Annie sat on her ass and cradled her daughter’s head in her lap as she murmured, “Relax and take the knot.”

Breathing deeply Sarah could smell her Mother’s scent and then in a flash of pain, the dog pushed his knot into her young cunt before her pussy lips sealed around the base. This wasn’t like the silicone knot she had used earlier, this was living flesh that throbbed like a beacon for pleasure deep inside. As the first jet hit her insides she felt her mother’s hands guide her head to her pussy and she started to lick her mother as the dog pumped in his cream.

Sam couldn’t believe his eyes as he watched his sister going down on his mother as a dog was knotted in her cunt. He grabbed his cock which was so hard it ached; but a sharp reprimand from his mother stopped his movements.

“My mouth Sam… and don’t you dare cum,” she said opening her mouth in invitation.

Sam stood in front of his mother and she sucked him in like a vacuum cleaner making his toes curl. Every time he whimpered when he got close she would stop and press her finger hard between his balls and his asshole. This would stop him for a while but the gaps between him almost cumming were getting shorter.

Sarah had almost stopped licking her mother, not from lack of desire but from the inability to coordinate her body from the waves of orgasms that tore through her as the dog continued to spurt inside. Eventually, the dog pulled out and Sarah almost collapsed from exhaustion.

Annie stopped sucking her son, leaving him standing with his cock quivering as she moved and guided Sarah onto her back. As she parted her daughter’s legs she could see the seed was starting to ooze out and with almost a whoop of joy she buried her head between Sarah’s thighs and started to feast on the mixture as Sarah writhed on the floor.

Lifting her head for a moment she growled at Sam, “Do you want a written fucking invitation?” then returned to her licking.

Sam stood stunned for a moment as he had never heard his mother swear before, but then again he had never seen her lick his sister’s cunt clean of dog cum. As if she had read his mind he watched his mother put her hands behind, one on each ass cheek, pulling them apart in invitation. Stepping forward he had to bend both his body and his cock to line up with her ass and push the tip in. Then grabbing her hips he slammed home and began fucking her with what he hoped was a credible imitation of the dog’s speed and power. It didn’t take that many strokes before he began howling as he pumped his load into his mother’s ass.


The next morning the pair of siblings crept downstairs in their dressing gowns wondering if last night had just been a dream. They entered the kitchen to see their mother naked as she cooked breakfast. Without even turning round she said, “You can remove those gowns for a start, from now on we go naked unless there are strangers in the house.”

Sam and Sarah looked at each other and then with a shrug discarded their robes and sat naked at the table.

“We need to have a clear understanding,” said Annie as she stood waving the spatula she was using to fry the bacon. “Sam, no pussy sex with either of us. But in return one of us will always oblige you with mouth or ass.”

Sam smiled as she went on, “Sarah, you will help me out from now on with every new unfixed dog that boards here and we will take turns, so no jumping the queue.”

Sarah nodded as their mother finished with, “Now who wants extra eggs?”

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