Men with Animals

Birthday Hiking Trip


(c) 2011 by qstar1

My brother-in-law Chris and I often go on hiking trips. My sister is not the outdoor type and therefore never comes along, I guess that is fine as our trips normally is a ‘man’ thing, talking about crap and joking a lot. For my 18th birthday my brother-in-law organised a hiking trip through the Knysna forests. Quite honestly, hiking through the forests was not the way I imagined to spend my coming of age birthday, but then it was a special bond I had with my brother-in-law and my family anyway wasn’t that much into birthday events either. Chris told me not to worry, now that I am officially allowed to drink or “have my licence to drink” as he put it, this trip will be one I will never forget.

It was the morning after my birthday and I was all packed and ready to go. I said good bye to my parents the previous evening as Chris agreed to pick me up at three in the morning. It was still bitterly cold as I was standing outside the house waiting his arrival. Not long after 3am Chris showed up. “This is the first I said” after noticing that both his dogs Rex and Romeo, two male boxers was in the car with him. “Yes, the area we will be hiking through is animal friendly and I thought they would be a great addition to the hike. I’ve wanted to take them along on a hiking trail for a long time”. “Great” I said while loading the back-pack in the back of the car. After driving for two hours or so, we stopped to fill up with fuel. We were half-way to our destination. Chris opened the car door and both animals jumped out, they obviously could not wait to run around and also stretch their legs. Whilst sitting and watching these two magnificent beasts playing and running around in the park area, Chris supplied me with more details about the trail. It was a four day hiking trip. The first day was 10km, the second and third would both be 20km and the last day would be 10km again. The food was pre-arranged to be delivered at the cabins, so we really had to carry light, only our clothes and other necessary supplies. After a good half-an-hour or so Chris called out to the dogs, opened the door to his car and obediently they both climbed back in. What good dogs they are. It was another two-to-three hour’s drive when we finally reached our destination and the start point of the hiking trail. It was about 8 in the morning.

After a long hot day of hiking we reached our pit stop for the day. It was only 1pm the afternoon and still quite hot. Not far from the hut was a river flowing by. One could actually hear the stream from the hut and we decided to explore. We took the soap with just in case we actually could rinse ourselves. I was looking forward to this. My brother- in-law is eight years older than me and quite good looking. 6 foot tall, brown hair and green eyes. We are not ashamed of being naked in front of each other and often skinny dip on our hiking trips. We reached the icy river flowing by slowly. Chris quickly slipped of his clothes and stepped into the river. I did not need any encouragement and followed suit. The river was really cold. I basically jumped in and quickly ran back to shore. It was way too cold. Chris also climbed out and made his way next to me and plonked down on the rocks. He stretched out and laid down flat. What an awesome view. His crotch area still damp and the water dripping down his muscular body. I also laid down. I closed my eyes for a few minutes soaking up the sun on my naked body. I looked towards Chris when he made a soft moan. I immediately noticed the reason for his delight. Rex was busy giving him a nice lick job while Chris was slowly jerking himself off. He pulled his foreskin far back down, exposing his dick-head and giving Rex better access. He opened his eyes and not stopping for a second: “You must try this it feels so good, besides, you don’t mind me jerking off, we are both men with needs and you are eighteen now”. “Come Romeo! Here boy!” he called. In a matter of seconds the big boxer was by his side. “Okay, now do this.” “Call Romeo and hold out your cock to his face.” I was stilled stunned by what was happening and could not move. I always knew Chris was no saint, but never expected this. Chris leaned over and took hold of my cock and called Romeo closer. He dangled my limp dick in front of Romeo and quickly Romeo caught on and gave me my very first K9 lick, right on the head. Well, needless to say my cock immediately became rock solid hard. I was really enjoying this. I’m not sure if Romeo enjoyed giving my dick the attention it needed and quickly got distracted with something moving in the grass not too far from us. My brother-in-law got up on his knees and knelt over my dick. He took my cock in his mouth and furiously started to give me my first flow job. I did not expect this either. My brother-in-law and I went to hiking trips before and did talk about sex and that kind of stuff, but never about gay sex at all. I could not believe this; just turned eighteen yesterday and already getting a blow job, even if it was from my brother-in-law. He let go of my cock for a minute and I saw this expression of agony on his face. I looked up and saw the reason for his expression. Rex was on his back and busy jamming his huge dick in and out of his ass. Aaagh, ooh, aaah, ooooh, mmmmmm was all Chris could say. I could see, besides the expression on his face that he was really getting into what was happening to him. “Chris, what the fuck are you doing?” I asked. “What does it look like he answered back”. He took my cock in his mouth again, this time with more force. He was making moaning sounds the whole time. Aaargh he screamed. I opened my eyes momentarily forgetting about the wonderful feeling I was getting. “What’s wrong, what happened?” I asked. “His knot, aargh, his knot slipped inside me. Oooh, fuuuuuck it hurts so good!” and he started to suck on my slightly deflated cock. Mmmm, he was still moaning. A minute or two later he released my cock from his wonderful mouth to let me know that Rex is busy filling him up with the hottest, delicious dog cummy seed. Aargh he moaned. He placed his mouth over my cock head and immediately I started filling his mouth with my own seed. The orgasm was so intense, streams of pent up cum filled his mouth and some of it escaped down the sides of my cock. Once I was finally spent, I slipped out from underneath Chris and stood up. “Don’t expect me to get up, not with Rex tied to me.” Rex was now getting very uneasy and started to climb of Chris’s back. Oooh, aaargh he moaned. “It hurts!! Please keep him still” Chris shouted at me and I quickly got hold of Rex’s collar to keep him calm. I looked at the area between Chris and Rex and could see this bit of bulge showing from Chris’s ass. That obviously must have been the knot. I noticed how it pulsated as Rex was still filling Chris with his doggy seed. Chris was tied to Rex for another 10 minutes or so before Rex pulled out. Dog cum was pouring from his ass. Rex sat down close by the river and started to clean himself. Chris looked at me. “I bet you didn’t expect this did you?” “What, are you kidding; I’ve never seen anything like this.” We spent the rest of the afternoon talking about what happened and I asked him a lot of questions like: “When did he first do this? How did it happen?” Chris told me that he first got involved in animal sex when him and a friend of his played a game of truth or dare a couple of years ago and his friend dared him to suck his dog’s cock. “What does dog cum taste like I enquired?” “Why?” Chris wanted to know. “You want to try?” “Well…” I hesitated…. “It is the best thing ever!” he said. “Once you get use to the taste it is something you just cannot get enough off. I do it at least three or four times a week” he said. “Of cause I need to be careful as your sister does not suspect a thing. It is strictly a male thing between me, Rex and Romeo” he confessed. “Come on, I dare you to give it a try.” Chris tried to convince me. “Well, I don’t know. I have never done something like this” I answered. “Well, there is always a first. I promise you. Once you try you will be hooked to dog cock”. Hey, a dare is a dare. “What do I get out of the deal?” Chris thought for a moment and triumphantly declared that I can fuck his ass whenever I want to should I give Romeo a blow job and swallow. “Okay dare!!!” Chris got up and called Romeo closer. Within seconds Romeo was by his side. Chris patted Romeo and as if Romeo knew what was happening he lay down on his back as Chris started to stroke his sheath. Seconds later Romeo’s blood red, pointed, veiny cock started to make its guest appearance. Not long thereafter his dick was completely out. “Okay, come closer, bend down and just take his cock in your mouth” Chris encouraged. I bent and took Romeo’s huge cock in my mouth. “Don’t suck on it, just glide your lips up and down on his cock.” I did as I was told. Romeo released some liquid and quite a lot of it as well. I let go of his cock for a moment and bewildered I told Chris that he just came. “Oh no!” Chris told me it. “It was only his pre-cum. Go on, try again.” I again took Romeo’s cock in my mouth. I gave Romeo a blowjob and noticed the swelling at the base of his cock. Chris bent down and held Romeo’s knot down while I was sucking on his cock. Romeo was whimpering, his cock started to pulse and soon I was rewarded with rich, almost lead tasting, thick streams of doggy cum. I swallowed as much as I could. But the squirts were too quick and strong and some was dripping down my chin. I swallowed until Romeos squirts became more of a trickle before I let go. “And? How was it?” “ Different” I said. That night, Chris and I celebrated my birthday. There were plenty of beer as me and Chris spoke about all kind of wild adventures and close calls he had in the past. He really was an expert in this.

The next morning, at 9am we started on the second leg of the hiking trip. During our walk we did not really speak as much, but when we did it was about a new question I had about animal sex. Romeo and Rex would follow us as we walk or sometimes run ahead of us along the path. They really are amazing animals. It was only at 3pm in the afternoon when we reached our second destination. There was no river in the area, but at least the hut had an outside shower. We stripped and quickly made our way under the showers. Rex and Romeo also enjoyed the water and cooling down. After we showered, we did not see the need to get dressed and remained naked in this secluded part of the forest. We talked about more animal sex adventures he had for the next hour or so. We went inside and each grabbed a pair of shorts to put on. It was starting to cool down with the sun setting and we lit a fire to start preparing the food. Chris arranged that there were more than enough to drink and food was plentiful. Too much at this camp I noticed. It was another two hours later and after quite a lot of beers and not too much eating we were inside the hut warming up next to the fire Chris got going. We talked some more. Rex and Romeo were enjoying the warmth of the fire. I looked at the dogs and noticed their ears twitching and seconds later they ran towards the door barking like mad. It is about time Chris said and stood up. “About time?” “About time for what?” I asked. “For the others to show up.” I did not expect other people and slightly disappointed as I was expecting a repeat of the previous day. I was really looking forward to go down of Rex and get a taste of his cum as well. I stood up just as Chris came back inside the hut with two strangers following. “Luke, this is my friends Tim and Andrew”. They decided to join us for next two days hiking and came from another camp to join ours. Rex and Romeo came running into the hut with another two dogs right on their tail. “This is Silver and Midnight”, Chris pointed out. I could feel my cock instantly growing rock hard. I looked at the two strangers and noticed they too were sporting hard-ons. Tim went to his two dogs and knelt beside them. “Silver, Midnight, don’t be rude. Go and say hi to the Luke.” Silver and Midnight both ran towards me and pushed me over onto the floor and started to trample me and licking my face. What beautiful creatures, two German Shepherds. Well, no time to waste Chris said while he took off his shorts. Mmm-uuuhmm, Tim said looking at Chris standing there naked. Tim and Andrew also started to get undressed. “What’s wrong with you Luke?” Chris asked. “Why are you not getting undressed?” “Oh, yes, I mumbled”. I guess I was too shocked to move. “Come on, the night is young and we need to get this party starting” Andrew said. Andrew knelt down next to me and pulled my shorts down. I was still sitting on the floor, only naked now. Midnight came right over and started licking my quickly hardening cock. It felt great. Chris and Tim started to fondle each other’s genitals while Andrew got down on all fours showing his ass to Rex. Rex immediately went over and started rimming Andrew’s ass. Get up and try this Andrew encouraged me. I followed suit and also bent over onto my hands and knees. Midnight quickly walked around to my ass and started to lick my cherry. Chris stood over me facing Midnight. He took my ass cheeks and pulled them further apart giving Midnight better access to my ass. I could feel his tongue brushing against my ass-ring over and over, sending shivers down my spine. From time to time I could feel his tongue touching the insides of my ring. “Up Midnight!” Chris encouraged. I was a bit shocked, tried to move, but couldn’t. Chris was holding me down with his knees. Midnight jumped on my back and I could feel his cock jabbing at my ass. Chris climbed of my back giving Midnight better access to straddle me. Andrew came to my shoulders and held them down. I could not move. Chris was now guiding Midnight’s cock towards my anal ring, “No Chris, don’t! I’m not ready. I’ve never done this before and still virgin.” It was at that point that I realised what I have just said. I did not beg not to do this, instead I told them that I was not ready and actually wanted this to happen. “Not tonight. After tonight you will beg for dog cock” and with that Midnight rammed his cock all the way deep into my ass. Ohhhh, fuuuuuckk, aaargh I shouted out in pain. Midnight was driving his cock in and out of my ass so fast. I just could not get time to relax. “Take it easy bro and try and enjoy this” Chris said. Tears were rolling down my cheek. In and out Midnights dick went. Raping my virgin ass. Chris was holding onto Midnights knot preventing it from going into my ass. Instead of slowing down, I think Midnight just picked up the speed. “Maybe this will help” Andrew said and called Rex over. Andrew made Rex lie on his back in front of me and started rubbing his sheath. Rex’s cock started to protrude. “Come on, don’t be shy. We know you want to” Andrew encouraged and I placed my mouth over Rex’s doggy dick. I was really getting into this trying to block out my ass assault. Midnight should be cumming any second now Chris announced and both Tim and Andrew went around to my ass to have a look. As if possible Midnight’s dick felt as if it grew even larger and started to pulse. I could feel this hot stuff filling my ass. Midnight was getting his rocks off deep inside of me and I could feel every pulse and every drop of his hot seed filling me up to complete fullness. Aaarghhh, I moaned with Rex’s cock still buried in my mouth and at that point I felt Rex’s dick also to pulse and seconds later filling my mouth with hot sticky dog cum. It tasted very different from Romeo’s, but definitely not unpleasant. I tried to swallow as much as I could, but it was not possible. Rex’s cum was just too thick and too much and I spilled some. I was out of breath and shocked. Midnight dismounted and I could feel him pulling his cock from my ass. His cock was pulling at my ass muscles and I tightened around his cock. Once he was out I tried to clench. The feeling of dribbling liquid from your ass is indescribable and I tried to keep my ass muscles clenched. It did not help all that much. That huge dick already did the damage and cum was leaking out freely. Midnight decided it was a good idea to come back and clean up the mess from my dribbling ass, giving my sphincter a lick or two. As I was about to get up I felt this weight on my back again and turned to look up. It was Romeo on my back and he too was ready for some explosive action. The guys were really enjoying the show. Tim, this time helped guide Romeo in and immediately Romeo was so far inside of me and his cock was jabbing at my guts. “What do you think fellas? Think Luke is ready for the knot?” Tim asked. “Ahhh, why the hell not!!” they agreed in unison. “No, no, not yet. I only just had my first cock. Please, not yet.” Well, they made no effort to prevent the knot from entering my ass. Romeo was still forcing his magnificent cock in and out of me and I felt a slight bump against my ass. “Guys, he is going to tie, please stop him” Before I knew what happened, his knot slipped inside my already stretched, cum soaked slippery ass, thanks to Midnight. The knot slipped out once and went back inside. Aaaargggh, noooo, mmmm, I shouted as Romeo’s knot grew even more inside of my ass. There was no way he would be able to get his knot out at this stage. It felt as if someone stuffed two tennis balls inside my ass. I was securely locked to Romeo. I was going to be made his bitch and nothing I could do about it. Romeo was taking my ass, banging so hard and fast. Soon his thrusts became short and fast and that’s when I felt it. His cock started to pulse. Almost vibrate. He started to release his puppy making seed inside of me. Squirt after squirt he continued to fill me up. It was so incredibly hot; I broke out in an immense sweat at that point. His cum must have travelled up deep inside me. I guess that is the whole point of the knot; preventing his dog-seed to leave his bitch. Chris held Romeo still on my back preventing him from turning. Still I could feel him releasing even more cum. It was only 15 minutes later before I felt his knot deflate. Chris let go of Romeo and soon he dismounted. He pulled and tugged, I was pulled after him a bit and suddenly his knot slipped free. Cum started to flow down my legs. I rest my head on my arms. I was too weak to get up. My ass would never be the same and clenching was not an option.

Chris and the guys helped me up and placed me down on my sleeping bag. “Relax a bit and drink this. You need the protein” Chris said. “Since you didn’t get to mate with Silver we took the liberty of collecting his cum for you” Chris brought the cup to my mouth and I was made to swallow every last bit. Tomorrow we will have to go to the next hut and meet up with another friend of mine that promised to bring his Rottweiler. I fell asleep dreaming about the events still to follow on our trip.

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