Women with Animals

Kathleen Trains Mother and Daughter


(c) 2010 by lovnbowser

Part One

“Ohhh! Arty, you’re beautiful!”

Her soft hands reached out and she took his big nuts in one and milked his sheath with the other. In no time the dog’s huge red dick emerged from its hairy sheath thick, slick, and throbbing. Actually named King Arthur, the mix breed dog stood still as the young woman cooed to him in a sexy voice while stroking his dick with her soft hand.

Brenda moaned softly to see his dick come out right before her hot eyes and started pumping it up and down with increasing pleasure. She kept purring to him and complimenting him on his size and shape. Her soothing voice actually made the dog groan with pleasure.

The massive animal liked what her hands were doing to his dick and nuts. His hindquarters started shaking as the horny girl played with him. She didn’t have to smother her gasps now and a big one erupted from her constricted throat as she grasped the immense dog-dick.

She’d never seen such a big animal-dick in all her life. She had assumed that all dogs had about the same sized dicks but now she realized how wrong she had been.

Arty’s dick was much thicker and longer than Boomer’s. She sat and milked his dick, doing like she had been taught by Kathleen. What was fun for Kathleen was now fun for Brenda.

She eyed the dick jerking in her fist as if she were totally fascinated by it. It was so big and thick and alive in her hand that it made her lick her lips constantly. They kept going dry because she was panting so hotly.

Kathleen had told her than gig dicked dog would turn her on. Brenda should have known Arty’s dick would be huge. As she stroked it, it throbbed in her fist. Arty couldn’t talk, couldn’t say what she longed to hear, however his whimpering and groaning told Brenda all she needed.

Brenda did the next best thing. “Do you want me to suck your dick?” she purred, pumping his dick up and down teasingly. “Is that what you’re after? You want me to put my sexy mouth on your dick, don’t you?”

Breathing hotly, she inched her face closer and closer to his turgidly pumping dick. She remembered how Kathleen had instructed her to suck Arty’s big dick. That was so lewd! So sexy!

“I’ll bet you’ve never had a blowjob before,” she murmured to the straining animal. Arty grunted above her and his haunches quivered as the girl stroked his dick and toyed with his horny nuts. His hind legs danced nervously between her thighs and his animal fuck-instinct made him thrust his dick back and forth. Brenda moaned. She loved what was happening. It had always interested and excited her the way Boomer humped her legs as if her were trying to fuck a pussy. Now Arty’s enormous dick fucking her fist turned her completely on.

She quivered and stared hotly, unable to tear her hot eyes from the dog’s thick, wet dick. She was mesmerized by the long red shaft and the rough-surfaced dickhead. Her ripe young lips almost touched the doggie-dick and she moaned softly, sticking her little tongue out. Panting like the horny little slut she had become, Brenda licked a glistening path up his dick.

She started at quivering nuts and dragged her flat tongue to the pointy tip of dick head. She sucked the point tip into her mouth just a bit. Her eyes wanted to close in rapture, but she forced them to remain open. She wanted to watch his dick grow as she licked it.

Once she tasted his dick, she instantly wanted more of it. She licked her teasing tongue up and down the dog-dick a few times and it made her feel warm and shuddery. She was horny to suck a dick and she knew it. She could feel the desire mounting in her pussy.

Arty got so excited at all this that his hindquarters started humping violently, as if he were fucking a bitch. Brenda had to hold on for dear life in order to keep her sex-toy. She grasped his firm dick tightly and lashed it with her tongue, whimpering and giggling from time to time as she drove the animal crazy. Now she knew why Kathleen sucked his dick.

The dog growled so low and so long that for a moment Brenda thought he was going to attack her. But then she realized that it was the power of her dainty little tongue against his humping dick that had made him act so savagely. He wasn’t hungry, he was horny.

“If you think my tongue feels good,” she rasped. “Wait until you feel my mouth.” She parted her sexy lips and slipped them down onto the dog’s erect, throbbing dick. Holding his big nuts, she started sliding her mouth up and down on his dick. Small sucking and smacking sounds filled the cellar as she sucked his turgid, humping dick.

‘Mmmmm,’ she thought. ‘No wonder Kathleen likes to suck dick! It’s so big! So hot! So horny! It feels so good in my mouth!’

Her sensitive young lips responded well to the feeling of the animal’s slick pre-cum coated dick. Even its roughness added to the sensations she received over the surface of her pouting lips. She thrilled to the feeling of the doggie-dick as it slid back and forth over her tongue.

She wondered just how much of the dog-dick she could get into her mouth. Was she old enough to really blow a dick? Could se get it all into her mouth? What would happen? What would it be like to take his whole dick into her mouth and make him shoot his load down her throat? Could she do it? Do such young girls suck dick?

The deciding factor for Brenda was the renewed thought of her beautiful Kathleen desperately sucking Chet’s enormous dick. If her Kathleen got so heady and sexy over eating a dick, shouldn’t she?

She gripped the dog’s hot nuts and squeezed them gently as she lowered her mouth further onto his dick. She felt his throbbing dickhead slide to the back of her tongue and paused, panting for breath. First, she experimented by sucking on his dick as it jerked in her mouth. Then she slowly bobbed her pretty head up and down, letting his bulging dickhead reach her throat. In her next downward thrust, she took his dick into her gulping throat and held it there.

‘I’m sucking a dick just like Kathleen,’ she thought feverishly. ‘Oh, golly, I’m cock sucking!’ She fondled his huge balls hotly and bobbed her head up and down, up and down, making the doggie-dick fuck her mouth.

Arty began to help tremendously. Feeling her hot, wet and young mouth sucking on his dick made him start fucking back. His powerful haunches began to thrust with passion and might.

Brenda soon found herself with her hands and mouth full. It was all she could do to keep up with the aroused animal as he fucked his gigantic dick down her throat. Passion of the highest pitch overwhelmed the girl and she sucked his dick viciously. Something about sucking a hot dick really turned her pussy on. Whimpering helplessly with lust, she thrust her free hand between her thighs and drilled three fingers up into her horny fuck hole. She finger-fucked her pussy furiously, groaning and choking as she sucked the dog off.

She felt his nuts tighten up in her playful hand but she didn’t know what it meant. She did not know that his nuts were about to force huge quantities of doggy cum out through his thick dick. It was too late when she discovered why his balls had snuggled up against the base of his thick, fucking dick.

His enormous dick erupted like a volcano in her sucking young mouth. Before she knew it, his dick was pumping furiously. Great big wads of thick puppy cream filled her mouth and erotic laughter came out of her as she felt some of it squish from the corners of her mouth.

She gulped and gulped and sucked and whacked his dick, finally drinking down all of his cum. Arty howled but Brenda barely heard him. She was busy sucking him off, bobbing her pretty head and humping his dick wildly and sucking every drop of cum out of his nuts.

It was a marvelous experience for her and she felt more like Kathleen as she captured the humping dick in her soft mouth and made it cum and cum and cum. The mere taste of puppy cum turned her on and she finger-fucked her pussy crazily, digging her fingers way up into her twisting churning pussy. She came with the dog.

She milked his dick dry and drank all his cum, except for the dribbles on her chin and the tops of her tits. That she wiped away after she finished enjoying herself. Even though the dog’s big dick stopped shooting cum, it didn’t seem like the end to Brenda, but the beginning. Every fiber of her turned-on, young body wanted more of this kind of excitement and pleasure. She wanted more of what Kathleen got so often.

Her increased passion and the horny condition of her furry pussy gave her some pretty raunchy ideas. With nothing but more fun on her mind, she wiggled out from beneath the panting dog and got to her feet. “You wait right here, Arty,” she rasped hotly, her tits heaving. “When I get finished with you, you’ll never go back to another bitch, human or canine!”

Brenda exited the house through the kitchen into the day room and outside to the dog run. She got a leash from the hooks and entered the dog run. She clasped the hook end of the leash to the ring on Boomer’s collar. She lead the Great Dane out of the pen and down to the playroom.

Brenda led the dog directly to the playroom where she locked him in with Arty and herself. Arty automatically disliked the intrusion of another dog, but Brenda scolded both of them for snarling at one another. She pulled both dogs by the scruff of their necks and squatted between their heads.

“Now, you two listen to me,” she said sternly. “I don’t want any fighting, understand? Arty! Stop that growling! Boomer likes my pussy as much as you do. Come here, both of you. Make friends right this minute!”

She forced the dogs to touch snouts. Both animals tried to escape the ordeal, but Brenda was persistent. After all, she wouldn’t get what she was after if the dogs remained enemies.

“I know what to do,” she thought. She giggled and pulled her dress down in front, exposing her ripe, jutting tits. Then she pulled the animals’ heads toward her pink nipples. Both dogs started to lick her.

“There, see?” Brenda exclaimed excitedly. “I have two tits, one for each of you. You don’t have to fight over me.”

Boomer’s thick tongue swabbed her left tit, Arty’s scraped the other. Her pink nipples stoop up and quivered like live things and she caught her breath. “Oh, wow,” she gasped. “What a feeling! Ummm! Good boy, Boomer! Nice dog, Arty! Ewww, keep doing that!”

Her eyes closed and her fingers curled into their fur as she thrust her naked tits up and out and surrendered to the exquisite pleasure of the double-sucking. Both her nipples felt so scrumptiously tingly.

“Ohhh! Golly,” she breathed. “Mmmm! You’re both so nice. Oh, I want more of this!” She suddenly pulled at her dress, lifted it high and peeled it off her curvy young body. Stark naked and panting with desire, Brenda rolled onto her back, throwing her arms above her head and spreading her pretty legs open wide.

“Take me,” she panted hotly, squirming for the dogs to lick her all over. “Here Boomer, lick Brenda’s tits nice. Arty! Arty, get my pussy!” Actually, the fantastic feelings that overcame her boggled her young mind. Her eyes grew very heavy and her head rocked loosely. She lost track of what was happening, talking to the wrong dog about the wrong thing.

It was Arty who rested a big paw on her ribcage and licked her swollen tits, and it was Boomer between her trembling thighs licArty his massive tongue up into her twisting fuck hole.

But it made no difference to Brenda. The point was that she was getting what she was after, two dogs driving her crazy with their thrusting, lapping tongues. Every inch of her young body turned on as the two wet tongues sloshed around her body. Arty and Boomer became partners in the girl’s erotic seduction.

Because of Brenda’s twisting and moaning and humping, the dogs became quite overheated with her. This was as new to them as it was to Brenda, but they enjoyed it. Arty placed both paws on her shoulders and dropped his big head to her heaving, lifting tits. His huge tongue washed them up and down and back and forth. His sharp white teeth nibbling her long hard nipples. Brenda whimpered with pleasure.

The dog’s attack on her nervous tits made her wiggle and writhe beautifully on the floor. Her lovely legs twisted and flailed continuously and her pussy gave off the attractive aroma Boomer was so accustomed to. He buried his face between her splayed thighs and slapped her pussy viciously with his thirsty tongue.

“Oh, ohhh! Ohhhhh,” Brenda moaned as her mind spun into orbit. She whimpered hotly and arched her back. She shoved her hard tits upward against the lashing doggie-tongue. She squirmed her hot pussy on Boomer’s snout. From her neck to her thighs, her lovely body glistened with doggie-spit as the two animals licked her. Then, somehow, they sensed that they should concentrate on her tits and pussy.

Brenda’s fingers curled above her head and her hands balled up into small fists as arousing sensations of sex-fun rippled through her thoroughly licked body. She ground her teeth and shut her eyes and uttered strange hot sounds as her pets licked her tits and pussy.

She was perfectly willing to let this go on indefinitely. She could feel her new orgasm building up in her belly, waiting right at the far end of her fuck-channel. She ached to flood her pussy with hot pussy-juices.

But Arty suddenly seemed jealous of the mongrel who commanded the girl’s furry little pussy. He growled low and moved down to Brenda’s writhing thighs. She gasped when he deserted her tingling tits and tried to stop him. But to her amazement and delight, Boomer made room for the bigger dog and all of a sudden, two big wet tongues were lashing her ass and pussy.

She thrust her pretty ass up off the floor and held her pussy in mid-air. She opened her legs wide and offered her pussy and asshole to the two animals. To help them, she thrust her hands beneath her quivering ass and stretched her ass cheeks apart, exposing her cute pink asshole.

“Get it… get it,” she panted, humping her hips hornily. Arty dropped his snout lower and as Boomer licked his rough tongue into her juicy fuck hole, Arty began licking her asshole.

“Ohhh! Myyyyy-Fuuuuccccckkkiiiiiingggg-Gaaaaawwwwwwwdddd!” she whined like a bitch in heat.

She fucked her ass up again and again and again, thrusting her asshole at the doggie-tongue as she squirmed her pussy anxiously round and round on Boomer’s marvelous tongue. Intense feelings of orgasmic pleasure shot through her body and made if jerk repeatedly.

“I’m cumming!” she cried.

She grabbed her thrusting tits and mauled them hotly as she humped for her orgasm against the two lashing doggie-tongues. Her asshole puckered and clamped and her pussy clenched and tightened as she shivered violently through a tremendous cum.

Great washes of burning joy-juice filled her pussy and then both dogs drank from her luscious body. Boomer and Arty were definitely partners now as they banged their heads together to get into Brenda’s squirming, fucking pussy. Their massive tongues tangled in her fuck hole and slapped her clit numerous times so that Brenda enjoyed a most excruciating, delicious climax.

No sooner had she filled her pussy with some than she twisted her pink nipples until they hurt and fucked her horny pussy violently against the doggie-tongues. She was already reaching for another orgasm. The two dogs were glad to help. As Brenda’s ass squirmed and twisted hotly, the doggie-tongues whipped her open, wet pussy. She grasped her hot young tits tightly and massaged them continually as her pets licked her to yet another orgasm.

She moaned passionately as her pussy provided another supply of fiery liquid. Her cum gushed out of her squishy pussy and the dogs lapped it up as fast as it appeared. Brenda whimpered. The second cum only made her crazy for more. She screwed her hot pussy round and round and humped it furiously at the delightful doggie-tongues.

Orgasm number three followed on the waves of number two. Then number four was rippling through her young body, very close behind number three. Still, the wild dog-tongues lashed and licked and lapped her furry pussy.

“Oh, my God!” Brenda gasped, feeling something she’d never felt before. Her orgasms could no longer be separated. One continuous, agonizingly pleasurable cum washed through her as her pets ate her out thirstily.

The unending orgasm turned her into a wild, lusting thing. Her senses reeled, her tits strained and her pussy creamed and creamed and creamed. She whimpered and moaned and sometimes shrieked as sharp stings of pleasure burned her quivery little clit and wet fuck hole.

Out of her pretty head with sex-joy, Brenda twisted around on the floor, unmindful of her tender skin against the rough surface. She rolled onto her side and grasped at Boomer. She yanked the dog and pulled him up to her face.

Panting hornily, she pulled his lower body over her face and licked her little pink tongue crazily all over his nuts and dick. His red dick darted out of its sheath and she lifted her face to it and took it into her mouth. Humping her soaked pussy on Arty’s busily licking tongue, she sucked on Boomer’s dick until the poor dog was whimpering.

She clung to his flanks and held onto his haunches as she feverishly sucked her sexy mouth up and down on his throbbing dick. She fucked her horny pussy against Arty’s tongue as she blew her dog’s dick.

With exciting feelings burning her ripe tits and hot ass, she sucked hotly on Boomer’s growing, bulging dick. Her mouth became as juicy as her pussy and she got the animal to fuck her there. She moaned as she let him fuck her mouth and throat. And she whimpered continuously as she came and came on Arty’s tongue.

She clutched at Boomer’s straining body and pumped her hot mouth up and down on his burgeoning dick. His big, hot nuts tightened up against the base of his thick dick, then giant wads of sticky puppy cum torpedoed through his dick spurting out the end of it into Brenda’s horny sucking mouth.

She gasped around his humping dick and took every solid inch of it into her mouth and throat. She sucked wildly on the throbbing, jolting dog-dick as great gushes of thick cum crashed out of it. She gulped down a mouthful of cum and sucked feverishly as her mouth filled again and again. She gulped and gulped and drank all of his juice down, moaning passionately as she did so. Her pussy continued to cream on Arty’s whipping, lashing tongue.

The dog-dick in her pretty mouth finally stopped shooting wads of cum and Brenda panted for breath as she sucked it dry. Every inch of her lovely body was turned on by the cock sucking and pussy-lapping. Horny for more, she released Boomer’s spent dick from her clenching little mouth and let out a gasp of delight.

With tits heaving and pussy tingling, she squirmed around and pushed her face under Arty’s belly. She wanted more stiff dick in her mouth and more juicy cum down her throat. Because Arty was a much bigger dog, his belly high off the floor, she couldn’t get her mouth on his dick. In desperation, she pulled at the animal and forced him down on his side like a horse.

“Down, Arty,” she panted hotly, grasping at his meaty dick. “That’s it, boy. Stay down. Ohhh! Let Brenda suck your beautiful dick!” Just a few strokes of her hot hand got Arty’s dick out of its protective sheath. It throbbed menacingly in her tight little fist. She pumped it a few times and licked her lips when she saw a bubble of pre-cum emerge from his piss-slit. With a whimper and a moan, she dropped her face to his dick and licked the bubble away, tasting it.

“Ummm! You taste as good as Boomer,” she purred.

To get a better hold on the dog’s enormous dick, she crawled onto her knees and elbows. In this new position, her naked young ass was high in the air. Her lovely thighs were pressed together and, between them, like a small sandwich, was her furry little pussy. Leaning down, she took Arty’s raging dick up into her sexy mouth and started blowing it.

Boomer was not immune to the vision of her delightful young pussy. As she sucked hornily on Arty’s bulging dick, he nosed her crotch and gave her pussy a few nice licks.

The moment Brenda felt her pet’s rough tongue licking at her pussy, she whimpered with pleasure and separated her knees. Her firm curvy thighs parted in a beautiful upside down V. Her pink pussy lips opened, too, and Boomer got a good whiff of her juicy pussy.

He stuck his snout into her pussy and licked his tongue up into her body. Brenda gasped on Arty’s enormous dick and sucked it feverishly. She clutched the mastiff mix’s big hot nuts and mauled them for him as she bobbed her head up and down. Her soft, leeching lips wrapped themselves around his dick and slid rhythmically up and down his dickhead again and again. Arty groaned like a man.

Boomer turned this way and that behind her to get lots of her sweet pussy. His huge, wet tongue extended far from his mouth and he lapped it hard against her white, sensitive pussy-flesh. Brenda’s clit almost burst with joy. Her orgasm continued.

Shuddering and whimpering helplessly with overwhelming sex-thrills, she sucked hotly on the huge dick in her mouth. She pushed her tight lips all the way down on the dog’s fuck-pole and bobbed her head so his dickhead could fuck her throat. She found the sensation mind-blowing and delicious, so she kept it up for a long time while her own dog licked and lapped her pretty pussy.

Blowing one dog and getting her pussy licked by another sent Brenda spiraling into an orbit of heady, orgasmic pleasure. She squirmed her hot pussy against Boomer’s big tongue and sucked faster on Arty’s raging dick, panting hotly al the while. It was in these delicious moments that the girl remembered something.


Part Two

Brenda allowed her mind to drift back 2 weeks. Although she had graduated from college in mid December 2009 with her BA in fashion merchandising, the job entry position market in this field was as dry as Mohave Desert lizard’s skin. Brenda had pounded the pavement ever day in Dallas and in Fort Worth in the hopes of landing some employment in the women’s wear market. After 3 weeks of this here it was a Friday, lunch time and so far no luck. Brenda was tired and frustrated. She took the bus back home although it was a few hours earlier than she had announced when she left that morning.

Brenda entered her home. She knew her Mom would be there and have some encouraging words. Somehow, her Mom had always managed to see some good in every situation. Although her asshole Dad had divorced her Mom 4 years ago in order to take up with his new 24 year old personal assistant, a benevolent judge had awarded her Mom a very handsome settlement allowing Janet, Brenda’s mom, to stay at home as a lady of leisure.

Brenda stopped in the living room. She thought she heard something, but couldn’t be sure. She slowed her walk and paused again at the foot of the stairs. Again, it was if she heard a keening mewing moan. The sound was more animal than human, but Brenda could not imagine what kind of animal was inside the house. Her dog, Boomer, was outside in the fenced back yard. Brenda crept quietly up the stairs, straining to be sure she did hear something.

As Brenda reached the top landing, she turned down the corridor to her room on the right. There were 5 doors off the hallway. On the left was Brenda’s bedroom with an attached small bathroom, followed by a closet. On the right was a bedroom (converted to a gym-workout room, followed by a full bath, followed by the master bedroom with its attached master bathroom. The keening moan occurred again. It sounded as though it emanated from her Mom’s bedroom.

Cautiously, yet filled with curiosity and some fear, Brenda walked the carpeted hallway to her Mom’s bedroom door. The door was slightly ajar. Without actually breaking the threshold of the door, Brenda peeked in her Mom’s bedroom. She did not see her Mom, but the moan was distinct and louder. Thinking maybe her Mom had fallen in the bathroom, Brenda started to the nearly closed bathroom door. Just as Brenda was about to call to her Mother, she heard a voice speak. While the voice was familiar, Brenda could not imagine who was in her Mother’s bathroom. The voice cooed, hissed, and commanded action. It was soft, yet forceful. Brenda walked silently to the slightly open bathroom door and heard the voice.

“I have been watching you squirm since I moved next door,” said Kathleen, the widowed neighbor lady. I have been sun-bathing nude because I knew you were watching me. I have had few muff munching whores over because I knew you were looking at us through Brenda’s bedroom window. What you saw us do isn’t all the fun we had,” Kathleen giggled. Brenda’s window looks right down over the privacy fence, onto my patio and sun room. With every wall and the ceiling being glass, I know you got to see more than enough to whet your appetite.”

“And of course, your little hints, invitations for coffee or lets do lunch, etc. were shouts for me to come over here and work that hot pussy of yours. I knew that hot little pussy needed some attention?” Kathleen said easily.

Janet had never liked dirty talk in bed. Her ex-husband had tried it and Janet had cut Charles off for 2 weeks when he insisted on using that kind of language. When he said it, the words seemed dirty and disgusted her. From Kathleen’s mouth they seemed like knives of desire. Every time the tall dyke spoke she seemed to twist them in the short blonde’s stomach. Still, Janet thought she had to put an end to this before it went too far.

Janet gulped and said in fast whisper, “Kathleen, I am sorry. I did not mean to give you the wrong idea or lead you on, but…”

Kathleen smiled and cooed back to Janet, “You didn’t lead me on Sweetie. You’re a hot little number, too good for that fuck-tard to whom you were married. Your pussy is dying for the kind of attention only I can give it.”

Janet backed up a little into the bathroom and swallowed hard when the tall woman pushed her. Part of her wanted to put a stop to this, but a long repressed part of her was singing with anticipation. She was caught between the dos and the don’ts of the situation and in her confusion she was an easy target for someone with Kathleen’s confidence.

Kathleen stepped up to her and placed her hands on Janet’s shoulders. She gently but firmly turned her towards the long vanity and wall length mirror. Kathleen towered over the shorter woman. Her hands came around Janet’s arms. Kathleen placed the palms of her hands over Janet’s breasts. She bent her head and softly kissed and licked up and down the lovely woman’s neck. Kathleen’s long wicked tongue, pushed softly but deeply into Janet’s ear.

Brenda looked at the bathroom door. She was mesmerized, scared, curious, and becoming aroused at what was happening. Surely her Mom wasn’t going to let Kathleen do anything! Brenda thought back to college, when she and her friend Tammy had a few kisses and playful titty feels after a drunken fart party. Brenda stepped lightly and looked between the door edge and the door jamb. By shuffling a few inches to the center, Brenda had an angle view into the vanity all length mirror. She watch silently as Kathleen massaged, pulled, teased, and tormented her mother’s tits.

Kathleen immediately sensed her muscles relaxing. “That’s a good girl. Just relax and let Mommy Kathleen make you feel better.” Janet’s eyes shot open. “Did she say “MOMMY KATHLEEN”?

“How do my hands feel rubbing your breasts, Janet? Just relax, close your eyes, and let MOMMY KATHLEEN take you to another world.” Janet’s jaw dropped. There it was again, ‘Mommy Kathleen.’

Kathleen continued to coo and knead Janet’s sensitive breasts. She sensed she was ready for the kill. Janet’s sensitive nipples were so close under the fabric of the sun dress and the lacy bra. Kathleen knew once she got her fingers on those nipples, Janet would be hers. Kathleen knew it would only be a matter of time before she had Janet as her sex slave.

Kathleen pushed the shoulder straps of the sun dress down Janet’s arms. When she did this, her fingers caught in the bra straps pushing them down Janet’s arms also. As the bra cups pulled away from her breasts, Janet felt Kathleen’s fingers nudging the sides of her breasts as she massaged them. Never, in her life, had Janet felt so excited by the touch of another person, especially the touch of another woman!

“Janet, drop your arms for your new Mommy, so I can remove your bra.” Janet, hearing Kathleen speak those words, felt a tingle all the way down to her pussy.

Why was Kathleen saying these things? Why was she reacting to Kathleen this way? Why didn’t she resist and ask Kathleen to leave? Her thoughts were shocked back to reality when she heard Kathleen again say: “Janet, my pretty little sex slave, do as your Mommy commands and drop your arms.”

Janet, not understanding why, did as she was instructed. She felt her bra being unclasped from the front and slowly being drug across her nipples. “Now you gorgeous slut, your tasty nipples are mine.”

Kathleen reached her strong fingers over each breast orb and grasped Janet’s elongated nipples between her thumb and forefinger. Janet was shell shocked. What had happened to the nice neighborly woman who had always been so nice to her? Why was she acting this way? More importantly, why was she allowing Kathleen to treat her this way? Her buried sexual feelings had been brought to the surface by this beautiful, strong woman and Janet felt too weak to deny her demands.

“Little hot pussy girl, tell your Mommy how much you love having you nipples pinched and pulled.” Kathleen didn’t need to hear the actual words from Janet’s lips, her body’s reactions were a dead give away that Janet’s resistance had worn down and she could no longer resist Kathleen’s advances.

Pulling on Janet’s long sensitive nipples until the smaller woman was melting like butter; Kathleen removed her hands from Janet’s breasts and placed one hand in the middle of Janet’s back and the other on her shoulder. Gently but with firm resolve, Kathleen pushed Janet over until her elbows rested on the vanity counter top. The mirror showed the entire scene. Kathleen nibbled, licked, and kissed her way up Janet’s sensitive spine. Her hands, having guided Janet to a new position, returned to massaging, pinching, pulling, and teasing those long hard nipples. Kathleen pulled Janet’s sun dress skirt up over her ass. Janet moaned in concert with a gasp from Brenda.

“Slut Janet, I’m going to pull your panties down so I can massage that beautiful ass of yours.”
Kathleen pulled Janet’s panties down slowly. She had to tug the crotch band of the thong out of Janet’s sopping pussy slit. Kathleen felt the strip of material that had been lodged between Janet’s pussy lips.

“Ahh yes,” Kathleen hissed, “just as I suspected. Your hot little pussy has these thong panties soaked with sweet pussy juice. Why have you soiled your panties with your pussy juice? Did Mommy give you permission to do that? You’ll have to be punished for this indiscretion.”

Janet felt Kathleen’s soft, but strong fingers rub her buttocks, massaging each globe between her strong hands. Janet moaned as she felt Kathleen spread her ass cheeks exposing her asshole. Kathleen took her index finger and ran it across her little hole. Janet gasped! She had never had anyone touch her in this place.

Janet felt humiliated, but at the same time aroused, by her Mommy’s exploring fingers. There, she’d said it, her Mommy. Janet couldn’t believe what she’d just said, ‘her MOMMY’! She was a former wife and the mother of a daughter, yet she was being intimately stroked and worked up like a bitch in heat! Kathleen cupped Janet’s pussy with the palm of her hand and pressed her thumb against Janet’s asshole.

“Slut Janet, raise your fine little ass so I can finger fuck you. Have your ever had anything stuck up this cute little asshole?” Janet choked out a weak reply, “no, never.” Janet felt a stinging slap on her ass cheek. ”When you address me, address me as Mommy Kathleen. Do you understand Slut?”

And with that, Kathleen slapped Janet’s pussy with the palm of her hand. “Yes Mommy Kathleen” replied Janet. Janet felt her asshole expand to accept the thumb being pushed into it. Never, in her life, had Janet felt anything so exciting, yet humiliating at the same time.

Kathleen, her thumb now buried up to her hand in Janet’s tight ass, placed her four fingers at the entrance of Janet’s pussy. Her fingers immediately felt the heat of her body as she cupped her sweet little pussy. Janet just about came as she felt Kathleen’s finger tips touch her extended clit. Then, as quickly as she began, Kathleen removed her hand.

Brenda was mesmerized by what she saw. She could not believe it, yet this was the hottest thing she had ever seen in her young life. The HOTTEST thing she had ever heard of or read. She bent forward from the waist. Her hands grabbed the hem of the short skirt she wore and lifted it up and over her waist. Brenda massaged her fat full pussy lips through the lace material of her thong panties. As her finger-tips passed along her slit, Brenda could feel the flood of juices that had run from her cunt. “OMG,” she thought, “like Mother; like daughter! My pussy is as soaked as Mom’s and no one has touched me.”

“Damn, you are a natural blonde and you’re shorter than I thought. Spread those legs slut baby,” Kathleen whispered. Janet let her legs slide outward, lowering her rump until it was nearly even with Kathleen’s hips. Janet had given up then. The fire in her pussy overruled the thoughts in her confused head. She felt Kathleen slide a finger into her soaked pussy and then a second.

“Fuck, your tight baby,” Kathleen said as Janet’s inner muscles clamped down hard on the invading fingers. Glancing into the mirror, Janet saw the look of pleasure that crossed her face.

“Charles must not have fucked you very often, or maybe he a little needle dick. Is that it baby? Was your husband hung like a little boy?”

“Ohhhhh,” Janet moaned quietly as Kathleen began to pump her fingers slowly in and out.

“Which is it slut girl?” Kathleen said as she increased the tempo.

“He wasn’t very big and we don’t do it often for the last 3 years,” Janet hissed, totally lost in sensation now.

“OHH REALLY! Well slut girl, I think it’s time you got stretched,” Kathleen said as she withdrew her fingers until just the tips were inside Janet’s pussy entry. Kathleen placed a third finger tightly against the two she was using. She knew she was in control. She had been with enough reluctant women to know the signs. Once their bodies took over and they stopped thinking a dominant girl could tell. Mrs. Janet Prescott was at that point, her eyes were half closed and her legs were quivering. Kathleen waited until the lovely woman pushed back on her long fingers and smiled broadly.

Janet groaned as she felt the three fingers being pressed into her. The ring of muscles at her entrance involuntarily clamped down on them. Kathleen continued to press forward with her hand and the muscles slowly gave way. With a little shock that was both painful and pleasurable Kathleen’s fingers slid into Janet’s silken fuck hole. Kathleen slowly worked her fingers in and out, watching Janet’s face in the mirror the entire time. When all three fingers were slick and well lubricated she pulled them out and thrust her pinky into Janet’s hot pussy.

A couple of quick thrusts and Kathleen pulled her hand back out and curled all four fingers together. She pressed inward firmly. Janet’s eyes shot open when she felt herself being stretched open like never before.

“What are you doing?” Janet whined as she tried to move forward and away from Kathleen’s hand. Pressed against the vanity counter top Janet was in no position to escape the relentless pressure. Kathleen continued to press inward against the moist yielding flesh until the widest part of her hand bumped against the outside of Janet’s widely stretched walls. Janet moaned as the girl began to fuck her with all four fingers. The driving rhythm was hard and fast and Janet found her body responding to it. Her hips thrust back to meet Kathleen’s hand and her inner muscles clenched and unclenched trying to hold the fingers inside.

When she fully opened her eyes, the visual stimulation from the image in the mirror sent a quiver through her. Her hair was falling in her face and her expression was one of bliss. Kathleen was watching her hand with rapt attention as most of it disappeared into the tight pink cavern. Janet closed her eyes again and tried to relax and just enjoy the sensations. She knew she would have to deal with the guilt later, but she was now at the point where stopping it wouldn’t succeed in doing anything but leaving her in desperate need of sex. At least that was what she was telling herself.

Kathleen pushed her fingers in deep and held them there while using her thumb to stroke Janet’s wildly stretched lips. Janet moaned quietly and pulled herself forward a little and pushed back on Kathleen’s still fingers. Kathleen’s thumb was now slick with Janet’s juices and Kathleen smiled slightly. She had never seen a woman get so wet, so fast. Janet’s honey pot was simply overflowing and a rivulet of her juices was running down the inside of her thigh. Kathleen curled her thumb into the palm of her hand, making a cone of her four fingers over the tip of her thumb.

Kathleen placed her free arm across the small of the Janet’s back and dropped her shoulder so her forearm was lined up perfectly with Janet’s wet pussy. She applied a slow but steady pressure, watching with fascination as her fingers slowly disappeared in between Janet’s swollen dripping wet pussy lips.

Janet’s eyes shot open when she felt the shock of Kathleen’s hand being pressed home. The thumb in the palm made her feel absolutely stuffed. But it wasn’t that bad until the wide part of Kathleen’s hand reached the ring of muscles at the pussy entrance. Janet panicked and tightened her whole body, trying to force the invading fingers out, but to no avail.

“No, please..It hurts,” she panted.

“Shhh, just relax slut baby. Your hot little pussy is so wet you won’t even feel it going in if you just relax,”

Janet tried to move away, but she realized she had put herself in a totally vulnerable position. The seemingly unbearable pressure built as Kathleen continued with the steady pressure and Janet had the fleeting thought she was going to have her pussy torn open. The widest part of Kathleen’s hand was now wedged between her lips and Janet’s muscles gave just a fraction.

The air was forced from Janet’s lungs as the Kathleen’s hand suddenly moved forward a few inches. Janet’s nether lips were now gripping Kathleen’s wrist and her inner muscles were wildly clamping down on her hand. Kathleen began to rotate her hand inside the steamy cavern and Janet moaned.

“See baby? I told you your pussy knows best. Tell me this isn’t the best feeling you ever had. And pretty little slut girl, Mommy has another surprise for you. This is why I have to open your sweet hot pussy. I am going to introduce you to the most marvelous penis your ever had. A penis that is will work your little pussy to a foaming frothing lather. A penis that is going to fuck you so good and so long you may cum a dozen times. Can you cum a dozen times for Mommy little slut whore girl?” Kathleen said in a husky whisper.

Kathleen continued to rotate her hand while pushing deeper and retreating slightly. Janet had never felt anything like it. The sensation of being so totally full was exquisite and now that the almost intolerable pressure of entry was gone there were no signals going to her brain that weren’t pleasure. She felt Kathleen’s fingers spread wide inside her and begin to caress places Janet never even knew she had. Kathleen’s free hand left her back now and soon the girl began to stroke Janet’s hypersensitive clit. Those questing fingers inside found a place she had never been touched before and within a few strokes Janet’s body exploded in an orgasm of epic proportions.

It began with a massive contraction that seemed to come from deep within her. Every muscle in her body seemed to follow her pussy’s lead and for a raw split second if felt like her skin would be torn off. This was followed by release as the muscles all relaxed at once. Almost unbearable pleasure came hard on the heels of that relaxation; blending into a sensation so overwhelming that Janet’s mind could barely cope. A second contraction followed and then another. Separate sensations stood out like giant waves on the sea of pleasure deluging her mind. Kathleen’s thumb grinding against her clit, the girl’s hand filling her like nothing ever had, her fingers stroking that place deep inside all hit with their own bursts of intensity amid a tide of pleasure that was in and of itself beyond the married woman’s experience. Janet’s ragged moans filled the small room and reverberated around until it sounded like a chorus of ecstatic voices raised as one.

The next thing Janet was aware of was an obscene squishing sound as Kathleen gently withdrew her hand. Kathleen kissed, nibbled, and spoke softly to Janet. She wiped Janet’s face, back, tits, and thighs with a cool cloth dampened with cold water. Caressing her softly and kissing her with ardor, Kathleen waited until Janet’s breathing returned to normal. Janet tried to stand and nearly collapsed. Kathleen moved quickly to steady the little blonde. Janet’s legs felt like rubber and Kathleen was forced to hold her upright for a time.

Brenda turned and rapidly walked from her mother’s bedroom. As she entered the hallway and scurried to her room, she heard Kathleen say, “Follow me slut whore. Your hot pussy has just begun its orgasmic journey. I have a charming boy at my house I want you to meet. And my slut whore Darling, you will become his new bride and bitch!”

Brenda shivered at the words, wondering who this phantom male she had never seen could be? To her knowledge, Kathleen had a huge dog, and nothing more. Brenda darted into her room and closed her door to the hallway. She quickly entered her small bathroom and closed that door. For all intent and purpose, Brenda wasn’t at home.


Part Three

Kathleen walked Janet down the stairs, through the living and dining area, through the kitchen and pantry, and out the back door. In the yard, Kathleen stopped and called to Boomer. Boomer was Brenda’s huge Great Dane. Friendly and playful, the big dog sauntered over toward the two women. In route, his keen scent noted the aroma of feminine arousal. There was a drenched wet pussy in the area. The dog’s cropped ears turned inward, and his head tilted upward as his olfactory senses honed in on the women.

Kathleen held Janet’s sun dress skirt in her hand and around Janet’s waist. The thong panty had been used to tie Janet’s hands behind her back. Kathleen spanked Janet’s firm ass as they walked through the house. Outside, Kathleen made Janet halt. Kathleen ran her four fingers through the swampy slit between Janet’s pussy lips. Janet swooned, and her knees sagged.

Coated with pussy juices, primal female pussy scent in the air, Kathleen wafted her hand toward Boomer. The huge dog walked over and his long pink tongue shot out to slobber over Kathleen’s fingers.

“Look at his tongue, little whore girl,” Kathleen said to Janet. “Imagine that tongue, or one even longer, wider, and tad more rough, draggin’ its way over your sensitive ass hole, up through your pussy lips, spreading them wide, the tip of that tongue curling up inside your sodden cunt 3 or 4 inches to gather more of your cream, and then spreading your cunt lips wider as that flat rough tongue went over your clit, pushing the hood back as it raked your prominent and very exposed clitoris.”

Janet gulped. All she could stammer was, “you…you…men…you mean, a, a, a, dawg, licking my pussy?”

Kathleen laughed heartily and answered, “Yes, a dog, slut girl. Nothing on earth can eat pussy like a dog, and my sweet little whore, you are going to find that out right now.”

Kathleen kicked Janet legs apart forcing her to widen her stance. The dog was so tall and Janet short enough that Boomer’s head was perfect level to Janet’s pussy. Slapping Janet’s pussy with her hand, Kathleen got Boomer’s attention. The Dane lifted his head and his tongue drug its way through Janet’s sodden pussy lips and over her clit. Boomer’s head lifted as his journey took him upward.

“AHHHHHHHHHHH, OHHHHHHHHHHH GOD! That is fantastic and sooooooo nasty,” Janet squealed. Again the big dog dragged his long tongue alone the same pussy slit path. Again Janet squealed. The next time Boomer licked Janet’s pussy, Kathleen swatted Janet on the ass as hard she could. “SPL-AAT”. The sound of flesh striking flesh echoed like a rifle shot. Janet lurched forward, pushing her pussy even further onto the dog’s snout. Boomer swirled his tongue deeply into Janet’s pussy and around her clit. Kathleen swatted Janet’s opposite ass cheek. “SPL-AAT”.

The ass swatting and the licking made it such Janet was wobbling. Kathleen steadied her new slut, and then pulled her to gate leading out of the back yard. A similar gate was at the corner of Kathleen rear yard. The women entered that gate, and Kathleen pulled, pushed, and prodded Janet into the glass enclosed sun-room.

Returning to her rear yard, Kathleen whistled and her huge mastiff mix, King Arthur (Arty) trotted from his shaded spot and into view. Taking a quick glance up toward Brenda’s window, Kathleen could see the curtain waft. Kathleen had seen the lovely girl from the mirror in Janet’s bathroom while she was fist fucking Janet to and through a couple of grand explosive orgasms. Kathleen was going to allow Arty to fuck Janet until she could not take it any longer. Kathleen wanted Janet begging, squealing, screaming, and pleading for dog dick, dog cum, and to be allowed to cum her self. Kathleen intended to have both Mother and daughter in this very sun room being serviced by dogs.

Staging Arty in the sunroom but leashed to an eye bolt set in a corner of the floor, Kathleen ordered Janet to fetch the hassock from the lounge chair and station it in the center of the room. Once Arty’s leash was secure to the eye bolt, Kathleen ealked him toward the hassock. Making sure the massive animal could get his head and front legs to the hassock but nothing more, Kathleen told Janet to turn the piece of furniture so that anyone draped over it, would have either their head or their ass facing Arty.

Kathleen had Janet stand straight and still. She striped the sun dress from her. Using a plush pillow from the sofa, Kathleen had Janet kneel on the pillow and drape her shapely body over the hassock so that her ass faced Arty. Rolling a travel magazine in her hand, Kathleen swatted Janet’s ass about a half dozen times on each cheek. Feeling between Janet’s legs and over her pussy, Kathlen commented how the spanking made Janet’s pussy even wetter.

“You’re a very beautiful woman, Janet,” Kathleen whispered. “Your hair is as soft as silk.” The heat of her breath was like a torrid cloud floating down over Janet’s boldly nuzzling face. “You’re a lovely woman, and I’m going to make you feel good. Arty and I are going to make you feel so good.”

Kathleen’s hand moved to the swelling mound of one breast and tenderly grasped it, sending a thrill of delight quaking over Janet’s waiting flesh. Kathleen’s desire-giving fingers danced lightly over Janet’s tingling body. They caught one turgid nipple, then the other, rolling and squeezing them with skill and delicacy. The young girl’s sensually aroused flesh began to respond again to Kathleen’s touch.

With her hands, Kathleen spread the rounded fullness of Janet’s trembling thighs even wider open until her blonde curl-sprinkled loins and pouting vaginal lips were completely exposed to the sparkling golden eyes gleaming hungrily down from only inches above. And then Kathleen dropped her head, nestling her face into the soft, intimate hollow between the panting love-torn girl’s widespread legs.

Instantly, the entrance of Janet’s pussy was swept up in a maze of erotic sensations which rippled through her belly as she felt searing kisses along the heated flesh of her inner thighs, felt the warm puffs of breath, and the wet, burning contact of Kathleen’s tongue. Janet’s breath caught in her throat as Kathleen traced the inner softness of her pussy slit again and again, licking in long, sweeping strokes from top to bottom… causing Janet to reflexively raise her naked loins to each maddening stroke of the magic, up-lifting tongue.

Janet felt her clitoris quivering erect and knew that it was peering out from its hooded canopy, swelling with the first stab on intensive sensation as Kathleen’s tongue grazed wetly over it. She expelled her breath with a ragged, hissing sound, slowly tossing her head when the lust-driven oral invader eased hotly in between the desire-flushed lips of her pussy, worming upward through the already wildly inflamed crevice toward the straining bud of her clitoris.

The blonde girl’s throat began to hum with unintelligible gurglings. She held her breath, and then exploded it sharply at the electrifying contact of the delightfully exploring female tongue with her tiny erotic nerve center. And then came new delights as she felt Kathleen’s hands creep upward over the tensing muscles of her quivering belly, smoothing higher and higher to fondle, pinch, pull, twist, and caress the nipple-hardened fullness of Janet’s firm breasts, while Kathleen’s open mouth became ravenous dining at Janet’s pussy.

Brenda, having emerged from the bathroom, saw her Mom and Kathleen in Brenda’s back yard talking to Boomer. Brenda watched in awe as Kathleen posed Janet for Boomer to lick her pussy. Brenda could hear each ragged squeal as it emitted from Janet’s maw. Brenda could not keep her hands off her drenching wet pussy. As Kathleen led Janet to Kathleen’s house, Janet ran to her closet and got her vibrationg dildo.

Back to the window, Brenda was in position when Kathllen allowed her monster mastiff mix into the sun room. Brenda saw Janet pull the hasock to the center of the room. As Kathleen positioned Janet over the hassock and began to ravage her, Brenda slid over half of the 11” vibrator into her pussy. Brenda wailed and sobbed when she flicked the vibe switch to medium and the pulse sensations leapt through her cunt never endings right back to her clit.

Arty, who had been lying along the floor, rose to move nearer the hassock. Now the huge dog was eagerly aware of their actions, his keen nostrils noting the familiar scent of feminine aroma. His animal loins began to respond heavily to the excitement of the women. Arty’s ears twitched at the whimpering sounds coming from the hassock. A whine of want and lust escaped his throat.

He moved closer to the hassock, and then hesitated, confused by the strange position of the two women. And yet, the scent of the women’s pussy fluids was overwhelming, and his animal mind fought with his needs and his training. His super-sensitive ears could pick up the delicious moans of the women, and even though he could not understand what they meant, he found that the sheer sounds were almost as arousing at the smells permeating the room.

“Oooooohhhhh… aaaaaaahhhh… Kathleen… aaaaaaaahhhh, that feels so good, oh darling…” Janet was wailing in a high pitched voice. “Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh… it’s beautiful…!” she gasped, not even hearing her own words, due to being lost in her lust.

And then two things happened. Janet no longer felt Katleen’s touch and she felt Arty’s cold nose as the dog sniffed at her pussy and ass. The huge animal could no longer control his animal lust. Kathleen moved out of the way as Arty crept bewteen Janet’s thighs. Kathleen went to a cabinet and removed 4 mink lined velcro cuffs. Janet reached out to make Kathleen return her lips to her wetly gushing pussy, but the older woman gracefully slipped from her reaching hands.

“Would you like to experience something better than you’ve ever had before?” the older woman asked.

The desire-crazed younger woman found that thinking was hard, and she raised her head to look at the older woman. “Why did you stop licking my pussy?” she moaned in a pleading voice. “I was about to cum.”

“I have something better in mind for you,” the aroused older woman said. “Arty will make you cum, and you’ll love it. I know you will.”

“Arty?” asked Janet. She remembered how happy Boomer had made her feel moments ago in her back yard. The dog had nearly made her cum with just a few long broad swipes of his amazing tongue. Janet wondered how Kathleen would be so knowledgeable about her dog’s talents. She wasn’t sure that she wanted Arty to fuck her, though.

True, she wasn’t totally sure that is what Kathleen had in mind, but to jump to that conclusion seemed a short step and not a quantum leap. Janet had no inner doubt the well trained dog could make her happy, and in turn she wanted to please her new Mommy, although she wasn’t exactly sure why she wanted to this. The thought of how total her orgasm would be nearly sent Janet over the edge again.

“He’s so beautiful, Janet. I know you’ll love his dick,” the older woman whispered hotly. “I want you to enjoy your time with him, as I know once he has you his way you will have your hot ass over here every day to receive another huge injection of Arty Doggy Dick. You can have him any time as I will have you anytime. As she spoke, Kathleen raised Janet higher onto her knees. Janet’s rock hard nipples swayed tantalizingly over the rough cloth of the hassock.

“Are you ready, Janet?” she heard her loving Mommy ask?

“Yes,” was all Janet was able to say. Her body was still writhing as she fought to keep the delightful sensations flowing in her loins.

“Good. Raise your fine ass and pussy for him Baby. Get up on your knees! Go ahead!” Kathleen commanded. Janet did as she was told, spreading her legs as wide as she could. She could feel Kathleen’s hot breath against her skin, and Janet closed her eyes, feeling as horny as she had ever felt in her life.

Janet had a tightness quivering erotically in her belly as she lowered her head and face over the opposite edge of the hassock. The vulnerability of her exposed and upthrust pussy caused a delightfully decadent feeling she had never known. She tingled inside at the thought of Arty mounting her and rapidly pumping his hips searching for her soaking wet fuck hole. Her pussy was on fire, and she wondered what was taking Kathleen so long to do what she was going to do.

Kathleen quickly buckled the cufflets around Janet’s ankles and wrists. She then hooked the clips to the rings fitted to the legs of the hassock. Janet’s arms were spread wide, and her legs were opened to their maximum capability.

“Get ready, Janet, darling. I promise you a treat unlike anything you’ve ever had before,” Kathleen hissed in a feverish whisper.

Janet’s naked buttocks raised high and her tremoring thighs spread wide, Janet tried to twist her head with cheek pressed to the cover of the hassock to get some idea of what was about to happen behind her. She saw Arty standing with ears perked and open-jawed, his long pink tongue hanging loose and to one side as his rounded eyes gleamed at her salaciously displayed ass-cheeks. At the same time, she saw and felt Kathleen’s hands on the stretched ovals of her upthrust buttocks, spreading them apart as far as she could.

“There, Arty,” Janet heard Kathleen’s lust-filled voice say. “Have you ever seen anything more inviting than that? Oh, Janet, you have the most beautiful, tiniest asshole in the whole world. I have to kiss it.”

A passionate shiver rippled over Janet’s naked young body as she felt Kathleen’s face nuzzling warmly between the half moons of her spread-open buttocks. Then the delightful sensations Kathleen’s moistened lips enticed as they pressed hotly against the tiny sensitive opening of her puckered anus. Her wildly searching tongue followed up to lick and probe, pressuring slightly into the reflexively clenching orifice, while Janet gasped in pleasure beneath the brunette widow’s lascivious mouthing. Arty’s whimper floated to her ears, and then Kathleen’s delicious manipulations stopped.

“All right, all right, lover boy,” Janet heard Kathleen say. Mommy nis going to help you get this pussy. Nad Auntie Janet want sto give you her pussy. She really wants you to take it Arty. It’s your turn. Go ahead while I open her beautiful little pussy fuck-hole for you.”

Kathleen coaxed the dog with smooth, gentle words, and Janet found her self trying to spread her nakedly straining thighs even wider, picturing the appearance of her own voluptuous nakedness in her mind’s eye. She heard the dog’s excited panting, and felt his hot breath against the soft white mounds of her ass cheeks. Then Janet felt his long, laving tongue slithering hotly into the smooth crevice separating them.

Again, Janet moaned at the electrifying contact, immediately feeling the feverish impulses of lust stabbing wildly through her warmly secreting pussy and quaking belly. All that mattered anyway, at least now, was that she had to cum. She could not think of anything else.

Janet felt Kathleen’s hands firmly clutching at her upraised buttocks, pulling the soft cheeks farther apart to give Arty full access to her widely gaping anus. His hot tongue wetly caressed it, then drove lower to splay open her tender blonde-fringed pussy lips, grazing over seething pink clitoral flesh on its way to her hardened clitoris. She gasped out in impassioned joy, trying to inch her knees even farther apart and open the pulsing pink crevice between her straining thighs to the wonderful dog tongue.

Arty’s long curling tongue thrust ardently in Janet’s pussy. The hot piece of pink flesh mopped a burning liquid flame through the sizzling wet inner flesh of Janet’s pussy walls. The grasping mouth of her tight vagina gaped and closed like a fish mouth out of water. Arty licked Janet hungrily and she offered him her pussy like she had never offered to anyone ever before.

Janet tensed as Kathleen muttered to the dog, “Come on Arty. Let Mommy help you with your dick. I know you want to plant that huge, thick, long, red dick deep inside janet’s hot waiting pussy. Your pussy Arty. This is your pussy from now on. Tell him Janet,” Kathleen commanded as she slapped Janet’s ass. Tell Arty who owns this pussy, you sweet hot fuck whore slut!”

The massive dog’s furry body crowded in close against Janet’s upraised ass. Janet was keenly aware that Arty was standing on his hind legs. His powerful forelegs gripped at the naked flesh of her hips. Janet knew what Kathleen had meant when she said Arty was going to fuck her!

A wave of shock passed through Janet’s mind. She had first thought that Arty was going to lick her to orgasm. That was the assumption she had made when Kathleen said Arty was going to fuck her. But she could tell now that she had been wrong! Kathleen’s huge pet was actually going to thrust his dog-dick into her vagina.

She wanted to say something, felt that perhaps she should say something. She had never thought of allowing Arty to fuck her like this. She was not sure what she thought about it. She did know, however, that the searing sensations Kathleen and Arty created in her loins were begging for release. She could not allow the strangeness of being fucked by a dog stop her now.

“You needn’t worry, Janet, darling,” Kathleen said in a low soothing voice. “I’ve found that nothing I’ve ever tried is as good as having Arty ram his monster doggy dick up into my pussy. I’m sure you’ll feel the same way.”

Janet’s desire-inflamed brain whirled with thousands of thoughts at once. She hardly heard Kathleen’s reassuring words. There were only two thoughts that stood out enough for her to deal with. One was the total fascination she found in the very concept of having Arty fuck her. The other was the searing throbbing in her pussy. A throbbing that had to be satisfied, and NOW! If it wasn’t, Janet was sure she would go insane.

Janet’s mind reeled. Her naked curves trembled. The bestial desire of the huge dog astride her wide-spread white ass-cheeks sent irresistible charges of seething passion raging through her quivering body! Then, as she became more accustomed to the dog’s body, she saw it!

Janet gasped at the breathtaking sight of Arty’s glistening, deep red dick slipping from its furry sheath. The massive organ was wet, almost glowing and hard, the tapered length wiggling wantonly as it inched forward. The bevel-topped head reached and probed the wet pink slit of her feverish pussy. And she knew then that there was no doubt that the dog would be able to quench the raging fires smoldering in her tongue-lashed vagina.

She felt Arty’s powerful animal-body jerk against her smooth buttocks, saw his thickly dangling dick trying to penetrate the tiny mouth of her upturned vagina. Arty whined aloud, almost in desperation, his forepaws making new demands against her naked hips as he jerked and stumbled on his hind legs. He was struggling to bury the sleek, throbbing spear of his raw animal hardness up inside her steaming pussy hole. Kathleen clutched the huge length of dog dick behind the knot. With deft skill, Kathleen guided the dog dick tip to Janet’s dripping pussy.

Janet stared at it the proceedings occuriong behind her. She strained her neck so that nothing escaped her attention. She could hear her own breathing, heavy and thick with passion. She shifted her buttocks in wanton and inviting little circles back at the still growing dog-dick, hypnotized by its glistening red dance, the tension inside her reaching an unbearable degree. And she made her decision. She knew then that the wonderful, beautiful dog-dick would be able to satisfy her, and she wanted it. She wanted Arty’s long thick dick burning right up into the aching depths of her throbbing hot pussy.

“I want him to fuck me, Kathleen,” she pleaded. “Oh, God, I want him to fuck me so badly. Help him… help him put his dick up inside my pussy!”

“I am helping, Janet, darling. I’m holding your pussy open to him and I have his dick in my hand to guide it inside your cunt.” Kathleen panted. Janet understood what Kathleen was telling her. Kathleen aimed the red dick between the yawning white columns of Janet’s thighs. As she grasped the dog’s slippery hardness, she spread the swollen pussy lips open. The silken curls of pussy hair parted as the cone-shaped head speared forward. Kathleen guided the hot thick tip into her wetly nibbling vaginal lips!

When her felt the warmth wet pussy clutch and clamp his dick, Arty’s actions became controlled by the wild nature inherent in all animals. The lust-driven dog humped forward. His solid dick surged 3 or 4 inches into Janet’s pussy. Kathleen released it from her grasp as the dog fucked deep into Janet’s hungly pussy channel. Wider and wider, the dog dicked stretched the moist sensitive passage. His flesh-searing rod sliced delightfully up into the churning wet heat of Janet’s quaking belly!

“Aaaaaahhhhhh… ggggooooodddddd,” Janet moaned as she felt herself being stuffed full to the brim. She continued to watch behind her with wide-eyed fascination as the huge, scarlet length of blood-swollen dog-dick slithered in with a fierce wet charge, burying itself up to the hilt in her wide-stretched vagina. She both felt and saw her new lover’s heavy, sperm-bloated balls swing savagely down, smacking flat against her golden, soft pussy-hairs as her breath escaped from her lungs.

The totally encompassing sensation of inner expansion came with a delayed impact to explode through her widely, delightfully impaled loins, forcing a guttural sound from her half-opened lips.

“Oooooohhhhhh… Oh, my God!!” she moaned, her widening eyes gaping unseeingly as her panting animal-lover began to fuck rapidly up into her pussy from behind. She could no longer keep her eyes on the arousing scene of the dog-penis ramming into her vagina, and she returned her head to the pillow, allowing it to jar against the feathery cushion from the dog’s every powerful, breast-quivering charge. Janet tried to concentrate on the sensations created by his long, thick, scarlet dick plunging wetly up between her open thighs as she began to move wantonly backward to meet his breathtaking lustful strokes.

She totally forgot about Kathleen’s presence as frenzied sensations of sheer lust spread through her sensually slaving body heaving backward onto the relentless dog-dick skewering deeper and deeper up into her flame-filled belly from behind. Furiously, the huge mastiff battered his loins against his Janet’s supple ass-cheeks, his pulsing rod of flesh sinking each time to its full blood-hardened extent up into the moistly sucking depths of her clasping vagina! Whimpering uncontrollably, Janet rotated her buttocks around and around the pleasure-giving shaft in a building wanton furor, grinding her greedily clinging vaginal flesh back over the length of piercing animal-dick in sharply aroused need.

The unmistakable beacon of her approaching orgasm flashed through the young girl’s passion-crazed body. A fantastic promise of still greater bliss was soon to come. It coiled through her seething loins like a showering burst of fireworks. It singed the underside of her trembling belly with its loin-tingling sensations. She moaned in lustful intoxication as the jagged edges of her mounting sensual rapture stabbed at her abdomen. She pressed her head tighter against the hassock totally enveloped by the sensation of her darling dog-lover’s long thick penis wetly thrusting up between the pink flesh of her dick starved pussy.

She could feel her own pink pussy-flesh moistly clinging to his huge, handsome hardness when he pulled out of her, then again entering back up inside her hungry passage with each new thrust, his heavy, cum-laden balls solidly pummeling her unprotected clitoris below between the blood-swollen lips of her lust-inflamed pussy!

Janet’s brain was spinning with the effect of such never-before experienced sexual totality. Her mind’s eye feasted on the vision she conjured of her full white breasts, suspended and quivering beneath her body as she closed her eyes and allowed the delight of the wild, animal-fucking she was receiving wash over her. In her mind, they seemed to ripple like ripe mounds of lush, pink-tipped fruit before Arty’s breathtaking battering.

Janet imagined the flailing veil of her long blonde hair as she began to toss her head in a maddening cadence to the thorough fucking the darling dog was pounding into her. Pleasurable moans were hissing loudly from her heaving chest, and the sound of her own lust-enticed voice raised her to even greater heights of sexual arousement.

“Oh… lover… Arty, darling… fuck me… fuck me hard and deep…!” she cried at the panting, wildly humping dog. “You know what to do… Hard… harder… ffffffuuuuuucccccckkkkk…!”

The passionate, pleading tone in her voice let Arty know he was pleasing her. He whined in panting response as he hammered again and again up into her tight, slippery vagina from behind. He knew he was bringing her joy by the way she was thrusting her soft pussy willingly back onto his aching animal hardness. The wet heat of her human vaginal passage was clenching greedily at him, even more so than his mistress’s ever had, and his blood pounded hotly through his straining body for her.

He felt the dribbling wetness against his throbbing loins as it trickled down against the smooth, soft backs of her thighs from where he was locked into her loins. His tongue hung loose and dripping from his open jaws with the fierce pressure growing inside his raging loins. And then, he saw his mistress’s naked white body crawling upward on the bed toward the first female’s face, although he hardly paid any attention. The only thing that mattered to the animal was his hardness thundering up into the hotly milking core between the blonde’s long white legs.

“It’s lovely, isn’t it, Janet? Just like I said it would be,” Kathleen whispered as she pressed her face close to her wildly undulating slut whore. “Was any man you gave your hot pussy to as exciting as Arty? I’ll bet you thought you could never be satisfied by my pet.”

Janet was only marginally aware of Kathleen’s talking. She tried her best to answer. “Oh… God, Mommy, it… it’s wonderful… beautiful… I love it… I love it…” Janet gasped. Vaguely, she realized that Kathleen was positioning herself supine right beside her head on the pillow, spreading her white shapely legs wide apart and inching her curved lips downward until her bare swollen pussy was directly in front of Janet’s face. Then she raised her body so that she was sitting on the edge of the hassock.

Fascinated by the added sight that met her now open eyes, Janet tried to hold her breath steady, a close to impossible feat with the darling dog’s huge dick pummeling her with air-hammer velocity. Her mouth watered with unfamiliar desire as Kathleen’s fingers slowly spread her own fleshy pussy-lips apart from either side, the pink inner-flesh glistening moistly as it clung and then separated viscidly.

Kathleen held her pussy lips open so that the soft wet inner folds were completely revealed in a tantalizing, pinkly shimmering display, her pulsing clitoris quiveringly erect, the tiny slit of her urethra clearly visible, while the secreting oval of her vaginal mouth worked hungrily in search of something to fill it. The pink, desire-moistened flesh contrasted sharply with the smooth whiteness of her hotly heaving belly and widespread thighs, and Janet knew that she could not resist the mouth-watering feast offered so lovingly to her.

“That’s right,” Kathleen whispered as Janet inched her mouth toward the shining pussy flesh, “Lick my pussy. You’ll love it while Arety fucks you to senselessness.”

Janet knew she would love licking her Mommy’s pussy. She remembered the few times she had eaten pussy in college, and she had liked it. She had wanted to lick Kathleen’s while the older woman earlier. Now she was determined to give Kathleen the same total pleasure. She slowly moved her face closer and closer toward the older woman’s nakedly waiting loin, her eyes riveted on the lascivious sight.

Kathleen’s hands moved away, letting the resilient outer lips of her pussy fold back in to kiss each other, leaving just a slender pink slit that was even more enticing to her. Janet studied its long, tongue-beckoning line downward to where it joined the rounded white ovals of her buttocks just above the crinkled circle of Kathleen’s tight little anus. A heady essence, a perfumed spice of desire-heated air stung at her nostrils then, causing them to flare excitedly as she felt the older slut whore suddenly reach beneath her to cup her swollen, nipple-straining breasts. A white-hot flame of lust surged within Janet as she greedily spread Kathleen’s flushed pussy-lips open with her thumbs, and mindlessly thrust her tongue greedily into the shimmering liquid flesh!

While Kathleen’s voluptuous body squirmed in naked pleasure and moans of lust-enticed joy gurgled up from her throat, Janet’s brain whirled in the overwhelming passion seizing all control from her dick-stuffed body. She whimpered into the hot, fluid flesh of Kathleen’s wide-splayed pussy in perfect cadence to the maddening dog-fucking she was getting.

Her tongue raced up inside the older woman’s seething vagina. Janet felt the pulsating clasp of Kathleen’s inner walls as she rotated her tongue like a corkscrew through the soft, searing hot flesh. Then she wiggled the very tip of her snake-like organ into the gasping older woman’s tiny urethral slit, taunting it for nearly a full minute before dropping down to do the same thing to the tiny puckered anal opening below. Finally, with a long sweeping lick back up again, she zeroed in on her slut whore’s frantically palpitating clitoris, alternately caressing and stabbing at the tiny erect bud, sucking it between her soft ovaled lips, gently aggravating it, nipping at it with the edges of her teeth.

“God… oh God! Oh God!!” Kathleen moaned in lustful torment as a searing wave of all-enveloping delight washed through her body. “Oooooohhhh… shove your fingers up my pussy and ass while you lick it… both together… aaaaaaaahhhhhh… Please!!”

A series of screaming little sensations shot through Janet’s erotically tingling nerve centers at Kathleen’s graphic request. She was enticed as much by the thought of what it must feel like to be so totally ravaged as she was by the licentious thought of actually doing it. With open mouth and lips immersed in Kathleen’s wetly secreting pussy, Janet excitedly placed the thumb and fuck-finger of her one hand at the two nakedly presented little holes. Gently forcing first her middle finger, she slipped its tip just inside the tightly resisting elastic opening of Kathleen’s asshole, then, insinuating the other in her hotly nibbling vaginal mouth, she plunged the pair of stiffened fingers fully up into the writhing girl’s burning channels!

“Aaaaaahhhhhh… God yessssssssss… Uuuuuuhhhhhhhh… That’s it… fuck me… fuck me with your fingers… hard… fuck me hard…!” Kathleen moaned. Her voluptuous body jerked convulsively as it began an age-old rhythm of undulation up against Janet’s enveloping mouth and salaciously plunging fingers. “Ooooohhhhh, harder, darling… fuck harder… aaaaahhhh… bite my clitoris… aaaaaaeeeeee… like that… aaaaahhh… I’m going to cum… I’m going to cccccuuuummmm…!”

Again, Janet became of the dog fucking in and out of her pussy passage from behind. She could feel Arty’s thickly expanding dick plowing without cease into the soft hot depths of her churning belly with its hard pointed tip! Her burning pussy-channel was totally stuffed with its rampaging hardness, her feverishly clasping vaginal walls working in a rhythmic spasming action around the long thick shaft of dog-flesh as if it were a separate entity from the rest of her drug and lust-crazed body. Her loins throbbed unbearably from the wild incessant pounding his sperm-bloated balls were giving them. She was nothing tall of being on the verge of sensual insanity!

“Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh… now… I’m ccccccc uuuuuuu mmmmm iiiiiii nnn gggg…!!” Kathleen screamed, her hands frantically winding in Janet’s long blonde hair as she smothered the younger woman’s face tighter against the wide-split opening of her hotly spewing pussy!

Slave-like, Janet gave herself completely to the pleasure-bringing task, knowing the heavenly delight her slut whore had to be reveling in as she fucked her fingers forcefully up into the wet, clutching heat of Kathleen’s spasming pussy and anus! As gently as her lust-driven mind would allow, she tongue-stroked the straining little clitoral bud in her mouth, while her fingers continued to plunge in and out, in and out… and then she had to stop.

She raised her head and pussy-smeared face to choke out a throaty, animalistic cry. Her glazed eyes grew round and unseeing. “Aaaaahhhhhh… It’s too much! I’m going wild!!” But her voice choked into a strange mixture of sob and ragged sigh, her head beginning to toss frantically up and down, her long blonde hair streaming as she began the first erotic contractions of a violently total orgasm! Wildly, she skewered her undulating buttocks back onto Arty’s long thick dick in lascivious frenzy.

The first seizure struck her with all the force of a lightning bolt and she slammed her naked ass-cheeks back hard onto the deep-thrust red animal dick with a desperate lunge. At the same time, Arty fucked forward with a deep growl, his massive animal hardness beginning to spew its scalding dog-sperm deep up into her madly churning belly in long hard spurts!

“God… oh God… I’m cumming… ccccccuuuuuummmmmiiinnnggg…!!” Janet whimpered, her jerking buttocks beginning to contract convulsively to the eruption exploding in her loins like a boiling geyser. She threw her head from side to side in ecstasy… again looking behind her to see the further arousing sight of animal and human cum mixing and oozing whitely from her clenching pussy mouth still milking hungrily at her animal lover’s slowly deflating dick. Thin rivulets of their sticky white fluids ran hotly down over her smooth inner thighs… and when she could no longer watch, she pitched forward on her breasts, her face glistening and resting against Kathleen’s cum-flooded loins while a sigh of total, ultimate pleasure escaped her lips… and she realized that Kathleen and Arty had made her feel happier than she ever had before.

For a long while, neither of them said anything, each lost in the warm afterglow of their orgasms. Janet was about to drift into a blissful sleep when she heard the husky voice of her owner fill the room.

“Think, Janet, even though that was wonderful, tomorrow, we will have Brenda in here with you, Arty, me, and Boomer. It will be afamily fuck for you and Brenda. A real family fuck!”


Part Four

Part four concludes this semi accurate/fictional tale. I hope all who took the time to read it, (I know it is long, detailed, and far to ‘wordy’) enjoyed the effort. I have other posts to contribute. While I would like to promise that future posts will be less lengthy, I cJanetot do so with any certainty.

For all who voted, I thank you very much. For all who commented, I thank you very much. I strongly encourage all members to establish a voice with their membership and please keep your membership current. In the past 10-12 years, this site and this forum have had a number of wonderful members who made terrific contributions. For whatever reasons, some of the early day contributors have left the site. That is a dual loss- ours because we no longer are able to enjoy their work product; and theirs because they never get to know the new wonderful members that have joined. Thanks again.


Brenda fucked her wet pussy to 4 or 5 orgasms as she watched the huge mastiff mate her mother in Kathleen’s sun room. Brenda’s pussy was so sensitive, swollen and sore she could hardly walk. In all her life, Brenda could not have would not have ever thought she would witness a sex event you base, so decadent, so rich in eroticism and SO NASTY as what she had just seen. Sitting in a tub of cold water, Brenda knew she had to remain mum. How could a daughter open a conversation with her Mom about the events of the afternoon?

“Hi Mom! Boy, that Arty sure has a monster dick! It looked as though his dick filled your pussy like a Jumbo frank fills a ball park bun.” Not exactly a comment that will cause your Mom to be open and candid.

Brenda passed a restless night. The scene she had witnessed invaded her thoughts while she was awake and her dreams as she slept. Little did Brenda know that her mother was having the best night’s sleep she had endured in the past 7 years.

The same event had polar opposite effects on each woman.

The next day, after breakfast and some small home cleaning, Janet Janetounced she was going to visit Kathleen. Brenda smiled to her Mom and said, “OK. I am going to update my job list and call a few girl friends.”

Janet exited out the rear door, and no sooner had the door closed, than Brenda was running up the stairs to her room and the window over looking the neighbor woman’s sun room. Brenda could only pray that today’s events would also be acted out in the sun room.

Janet went through the back gates of each yard. She entered Kathleen’s sun room without knocking. Arty pranced into the room to greet his new play mate. Janet squatted to kiss the dog and scratch his ears. Brenda could see her Mom’s lips moving, but she had no idea of what Janet’s was saying to the animal.

As Janet squatted, her sun dress skirt rode up her thighs. Janet spread her legs wider which caused her panty crotch to pull tightly across the puffy lips of her pussy. Arty lowered his head, sniffed, and his long pink tongue shot forward to lick paste her panty panel to her seeping cunt. The dog had a tongue that was an instant pussy drencher.

Kathleen walked up behind her, slipping her arms under Janet’s arms, cupping Janet’s breasts in her hands.

“Slut Janet, I’m going to rub your breasts, pull and pinch on your nipples, until you are ready to cum. But, I warn you now, you shall not cum. I have some special things for you today before you shall cum. I want you to look at Brenda’s bedroom window. Do you see it? Do you see Brenda standing there in the window?
That’s right Slut Janet; I’m feeling you up in plain sight of your daughter. It excites you doesn’t it? I can feel it in your nipples.”

Janet was in shock…she could see Brenda in the window, staring down at her, while this Amazon woman held her and milked her breasts. Janet heard her Mommy say again: “why are your breasts so wet?

“Mommy Kathleen, when my breasts are aroused to such a state, I begin to produce milk.”

Kathleen was ecstatic. Not only was she going to enjoy breaking in her new slave, but she would also have the pleasure of milking her tits.

As Kathleen continued to roughly handle Janet’s breasts, milk began spurting out of her breasts in tiny streams. Janet couldn’t take it any longer. Her knees began to buckle as she felt her body begin to tremble from the force of her impending orgasm. She leaned back against Kathleen, only Kathleen released Janet’s nipples and spun her.

Quickly, Kathleen slapped Janet. And slapped her a second time. “Don’t you dare cum slut whore!” Kathleen hissed.

Kathleen said: “Kiss me. Kiss me like you used to kiss your husband. While you kiss me, think about Brenda up in her window watching her slut mother getting felt up and kissed by her Mommy.” Hearing her Mommy’ words, caused Janet to shudder again.

“That was a good kiss, Slut Janet. Now, I want you to go inside, call Brenda and tell her to come over.”

“I can’t do that! I don’t want you to get my daughter involved in this. She’s so young!”

Kathleen slapped Janet hard across the face. “Don’t you ever talk that way to your Mommy. You’ll do what I say.”

“Mommy, please don’t make me call Brenda. She’s just an innocent little girl. Why do you want to involve her? I’ll do anything you want anything,” Janet begged her.

“I know you’ll do anything I want. Now, go and call her, get her down here now!”
Janet did the only thing she could and began to call home.

Brenda got out of the tube and answered the phone, Janet said: “Hi Honey, it’s Mom.” Before she could say anymore, Brenda said, “Mom, where are you?”

“I’m over at Kathleen’s house.”

Janet felt so sorry for bringing her daughter into this mess. “Brenda, I want you to come over here. I’ll explain more when you get here.”

“OK, Mom, but I have to dress; I just got out of the bath.”

“Oh, just throw on a robe Darling, this is informal. No need to bet dressed for the moment.”

Kathleen answered the door when the bell rang. She had replaced the terrycloth robe with a red satin full length gown. She had taken the time to put on a red bustier, which held her large breasts up for all to see. Her nipples were clearly visible at the top of the bustier. Her panties were white and made of silk, presenting a striking contrast to her red bustier and her dark skin. Brenda was surprised to see a tall woman, dressed in what appeared to be a nightgown, answer the door. “Uh, my Mom said she was here and wanted me to come down,” Brenda said. “Come in Brenda, we’ve been expecting you,” Kathleen replied. Brenda walked past this woman and was immediately impressed by her beauty and size.

“Mom, what’s going on?”

“Brenda, your Mom wants to tell you something, don’t you Slut Janet.”

Brenda looked at Kathleen when she used that term to address her Mother. She was surprised to see Mom begin to respond. Kathleen enveloped Brenda in one arm by curling it around her waist and pulling the young girl to stand directly in front of her and facing her Mother.

“Brenda, Kathleen has ordered me to include you in our sessions. Kathleen has shown me things which I never knew possible.”

Kathleen felt Brenda go limp in her arms. When she did, Kathleen moved her hands to tightly cup Brenda’s breasts. Her nipples were harder than ever before with the thought that she’d soon see this little girl naked in her house.

“Brenda, your Mother has asked you to join us today so you too can experience the joy of loving something other than a person.”

Brenda swooned. She knew today she would experience the great nasty she had witnessed yesterday between Arty and her Mom. The next thing Kathleen said nearly caused Brenda to faint!

“Slut Janet, strip your clothes and go back to your house and get Boomer. Bring Boomer over here to play with us. You see Janet, beautiful Brenda has the same interest in dogs that you do.”

Janet returned to her back yard. Not using a leash, she brought Boomer to Kathleen’s by holding his collar. Of course, the sweet fragrant scent of her pussy had captured the dog’s senses and he would have followed her anywhere.

“Would you like to have a dog fuck you?” Kathleen asked Brenda, her voice low, soothing. “It feels good having a big doggie dick deep inside your pussy.”

Brenda swooned at the idea. She closed her eyes for a second, her head spinning as she remembered what she had seen yesterday.

“Are you going to make us do something with the dogs today?” Brenda asked, eager to see learn first hand how a dog fucked a woman.

“Ohhh, yes!” Kathleen sighed. “In fact, if you hadn’t come over, I was going to go get you and drag you here.”

Kathleen leered hungrily at the young girl. “You’re gonna love doggie dick,” she purred. “You’re gonna love it to death!”

Slightly embarrassed, Brenda glanced at the gigantic animals. “They are almost as big as a horse!” she exclaimed.

“Right now, why don’t you get to know Arty better? He can be a lot of fun! Ask your Mom.”

“C’mon, Arty,” Brenda called, as she sat on the floor and patted her lap.
Arty stood up on his long legs and walked over to Brenda. He lay his head in her lap.

She sighed audibly and trembled as Arty kept his huge broad head on her lap. Brenda’s robe parted slightly, exposing some of her creamy tittie flesh. She was caught up now in the eroticism of what was happening and she didn’t bother to close it. She spread her legs, the robe opening, her pussy bared to the dog if he wanted to sniff or lick it.

“You’re very pretty,” Kathleen said, eyeing Brenda’s partially exposed tits. She stood next to Brenda, gazing down the dark cleft of her milky tits. Kathleen gulped, her pussy aching, her fingers trembling as she contemplated touching the young girl.

Brenda looked up at her Mom, “Can I watch you fuck Boomer?” she asked, her voice cracking, her desire more demanding than her shyness.

“Whatever you want, Brenda,” Kathleen sighed, mesmerized by the size of the girl’s gorgeous tits.

Kathleen, turned on by her brief exhibition to Brenda, climbed on the bed and called Arty up beside her. “Now, I want you to play with Arty’s dick.

Arty rolled on his side, trained to know what to expect from the scent of horny women. Brenda stroked the sleek powerful mastiff mix as she lay beside Kathleen. She stroked his flank, feeling his muscles ripple under her caressing hand.

“He’s a big boy!” Kathleen rasped, watching Brenda move her hand tentatively over the dog’s long sinewy body.
“Wait until he starts to get hot. He’s got a long wet dick!” Kathleen was almost drooling thinking about it.

Brenda saw the hunger in Kathleen’s eyes and realized that she must appear the same way. Brenda’s own pussy was aching, pulsing on the empty pussy that craved to be filled. She moved her hand over Arty’s belly, stroking closer to the object of her desire—his long red dick!

“Touch him,” Kathleen said impatiently, her tits bouncing as she shook with expectant desire. “Get him hard! I want to see his dick sticking out all the way.”

Brenda, her own curiosity aroused to the peak, put her hand around the thick hairy sheath, feeling the hardness of his dick inside. Brenda stroked, pulling his skin back and exposing the read spearing dick. “Ooooh!” she cooed, pullind his dick again and again, each time exposing more of the dog’s meaty dick.

“Yes! Yes!” Kathleen moaned. Her eyes bugged out every time Arty’s dick peeked out from its sheath.

Arty began to whimper loudly as Brenda started to get him hot with her persistent hand. He lifted his head, his tongue reaching for Brenda’s body to lick and caress.

“Good, boy,” Kathleen cooed, petting his head. “You relax and let Brenda make you happy.”

The dog seemed to understand the soft spoken words. He lay his head back on the bed and allowed the two women to touch him as they pleased.

“He’s very well-trained,” Kathleen explained as she watched Arty’s dick grow stronger and longer with each pull of Brenda’s small hand.

“Trained to be docile since birth, except when he’s got that God damn wonderful dick buried in a wet pussy! Then, honey, there is nothing docile about him!”

Brenda gulped, envisioning the dick inside her own tight pussy. The young woman shook the thought from her mind, believing she would never be able to fit this monster dick in her cunt. Letting a dog lick her was all she thought she could do. Her pussy was just too tight. She looked at Kathleen, hoping the older woman would not be too disappointed. Brenda frowned, knowing she was just chicken.

Brenda continued stroking the dog’s dick until the entire length of Arty’s stiff rigid
dick was jutting out of its hairy covering. “He’s gigantic!” she cried out to Kathleen in admiration and a slight touch of fear. “He’d rip you apart!”

“He never has yet!” Kathleen said with a haunting smile. “He’s done many a girl, and they all call to get his dick again.” She moaned at the sweet memory. She put her hand alongside Brenda’s, touching the red menacing dick shaft, his dick almost the color of her fiery nail polish.

Brenda’s pussy began to seep, wetting her robe where she sat on it. With her free hand, Brenda rubbed her swollen pussy, her body shivering with pleasure.

Kathleen saw Brenda playing with herself out of the corner of her eye. “Take off your robe, honey. No sense in you being dressed.”

“I feel like sucking this gorgeous hunk of doggie meat! What about you?” Kathleen licked her lips and made a sucking sound with her mouth. The dog must have known what it meant. He began whimpering and squirming on the bed as if on cue.

“See,” Kathleen said, making the sound again. “The damn horny dog knows I’m gonna suck his big dick!”

“I can’t suck it,” Brenda said, unable to bring herself to putting the dog’s dick into her mouth. “I can’t!”

“Sure you can,” Kathleen encouraged. “I saw the way you were watching your Mom and I yesterday with Arty. I know you are dying to try his dick in your mouth as well as your pussy. Now is your chance.”

Brenda knew she was right. She had to admit it to herself. She nodded, realizing her hidden desire. It was buried so long in her sub-conscious, she never knew it before.

“Get on your belly and your Mom and I will show you how,” Kathleen suggested as she rolled over, getting close to the dog’s dick with her fiery red mouth. She propped herself up on her elbows and waited for Brenda to join her.

With her heart beating like a drum, Brenda rolled over, her naked body pressed against Kathleen’s as she tried getting as close as possible to the dog’s red glistening dick with her head. The hot erotic contact with the sensuous woman made her tremble and yet, in her innocence, he had no idea why. They were alike, both women. There was nothing sexual between them.

Janet, looked at Boomer and whispered, “Come and lick my tits, you beast. Make me hot and horny. I want my pussy to be dripping wet when you ram your long hard dick into it.”

She opened her arms and welcomed the dog into them. The Great Dane, with the smell of pussy strong in his nostrils, forgot that the woman was a stranger. He stepped up close and allowed her to stroke his thick fur. Then, while she was stroking him, he stretched out his head and started licking her big round tits. Janet shivered at his touch, but kept stroking his sides and belly. Loving her gentle hands, the dog continued to lick her sweet-tasting tits. He snaked his long red tongue up and down her left tit, knocking the juicy mound of tit flesh this way and that.

“Mmmmm! Oh, yeeeessss!” Janet threw back her head and closed her eyes dreamily as the dog’s rough tongue jolted her senses. The dog slithered his tongue round and round the big tit, tasting every inch of the woman’s tit meat. His hard licking put new life into her tit. He made her cry out and tremble as he nearly scraped her nipple raw.

The dog moved his head to and fro as he slobbered over her entire tit. Soon doggie spit was dripping down to her belly. Janet moaned and whimpered, and began tossing her head dreamily from side to side as blissful heat waves coursed through her body.

“Now for my ass,” she said in a shaky voice. “I want you to lick my asshole.” She shifted her body around quickly and soon was kneeling on her hands and knees. Looking over her shoulder at the dog, she wriggled her ass.

The beast again stepped forward. But instead of immediately licking Janet’s asshole, he began licking her ass cheeks. He slithered his heavy tongue up and down and all around, until the big round ass cheeks became just as radiant as her tits.

“Mmmmm!” moaned the blonde, loving every tongue-stroke. “Don’t stop now, boy. Lick my ass some more.”

The dog obeyed. The force of his licking opened her ass-crack again and again, and made her ass cheeks jiggle like gelatin.

“Eeeee!” squealed Janet, now swinging her plump ass from side to side. “Keep licking! Keep licking!”

The dog lapped noisily as he tasted her ass. Spit ran down the backs of her thighs in thin trickles that tickled her tender flesh. She gasped repeatedly and shook her head as her mind swirled.

With the dog at their faces, Kathleen felt Brenda’s reaction to her nearness and she smiled secretly to herself, sensing that they had more in common than just dogs and big tits. It was a distinct possibility that Brenda might like sex with women, too.

“Watch me,” Kathleen said. Her voice was husky with pent-up emotion. “I’m going to put his dick in my mouth!”

Brenda watched, hypnotized by the most erotic sight of her life!

Kathleen trembled with passion as she lowered her head to the dog’s magnificent dick. She licked up and down the long muscular dick shaft, slapping at him with the tip of her tongue. She slurped as the dog twitched under her tongueing. Kathleen lifted her head.

“Lick our strong handsome friend Brenda!” She lifted up, giving Brenda enough room to bring her mouth into play on the dog’s long red dick.

Brenda shook, her mouth dry as sand. She looked at the enormous dick, her breathing constricted as her chest tightened.

“Go on!” Kathleen prodded. “You’ll love it!” She smacked her lips in an exaggerated motion to show the hesitant girl how much she would enjoy eating doggie dick.

Brenda’s lips touched Arty’s monstrous red dick. She sighed breathlessly from her first erotic contact. She closed her eyes, pretending it was Bill’s marvelous dick as she adjusted her mind to the simple fact that she was now sucking and licking doggie dick.

“You’re doing fine.” Kathleen said, stroking Brenda’s bare back. “Put it in your mouth.”

Brenda could feel the burning heat exuding from the red fiery dickshaft of the Great Dane’s dick, touch her lips. Her lips felt as if they were on fire as they glided sensuously up and down the long doggie dick. Her mouth reached the dick and she slid her lips over it, covering it with her entire mouth.

“Oooooh,” Kathleen cooed. “You’re doing great!” She stroked the young woman’s ass tenderly, her fingers teasing the gorgeous crack separating the two creamy ass cheeks.

Brenda, caught up in sucking and licking the dog’s dick, never noticed Kathleen’s exploring hand on her ass. Brenda flashed her tongue around the dog’s dick, snaking it around his dick. She glided her mouth up and down, gulping on his fat dick as she sucked, her cheeks drawing in, teasing the white and black Great Dane with her fervid mouth.

Arty began fucking her mouth, his jaw slack as he whimpered with joy. Having his dick buried inside her wet and warm mouth drove him insane. Arty squirmed, slamming his dick into Brenda’s mouth, his legs jerking frantically on the floor. He lifted his head, his black eyes glazed from being sucked off.

Kathleen petted him. “Lie down, boy. Enjoy!”

Whining, Arty lay back, jabbing his dick at Brenda’s sucking mouth. His hips jerked as his dick plunged in and out of Brenda’s clinging lips.

Boomer’s tongue was like sandpaper on Janet’s tender ass, and his wiry whiskers were like a rasp. The dog made her ass meat throb crazily. He licked and scratched her raw. And through it all, his hot breath blasted her from all sides.

“Aaagh!” Janet cried, rolling her eyes. “Oh, fuck! I feel great! What more can this dog do to me?”

That was a foolish question. The dog, as if tiring of her sweet ass, snaked his tongue down to her pussy mound and began licking her pussy from behind. He sent his tongue in between her open thighs repeatedly, and Janet instinctively arched her back and spread her thighs a little wider.

The dog stroked her soft lips hungrily, brushing her fine blonde pussy hairs this way and that, and soaking them with spit. Janet began gurgling stupidly as blissful sensations soared through her body.

The animal licked up and down her pussy lips, tasting the juicy mounds thoroughly. He knocked them to and fro, and stretched them apart until her pussy hole popped open.

“Eeeee!” squealed Janet, shaking her head blissfully. “This is just wonderful. I love his hot tongue.”

The Great Dane made her pussy hairs drip with his spit, and made her pussy lips tingle from the fiery friction of his tongue. Soon her pussy lips were rosy red and puffed up out of shape.

He turned to her pussy crack next, and snaked his thick tongue inside. He stroked her pink soaking wet fuck hole with his tongue, slobbering noisily as he did so. It wasn’t long before her pussy crack was filled with hot doggie spit.

“Oh fuck! What a mother-fucking sweet-licking tongue!” Rocking with blissful heat, Janet reached up with one hand and started rubbing her tits madly.

The dog licked both sides of her pussy crack, his thick tongue forcing her pussy lips even farther apart. He created such friction that her pussy veins filled with gushing blood and soon her pussy meat was red as a beet and throbbing hotly.

“Weeee!” she cried, out of her mind with joy. “Fuck me with your tongue. Fuck me!”

As if understanding her command, the Great Dane tilted his head to one side and shoved his long fat tongue up into the blonde’s tight fuck-hole. The tip of his tongue pushed her fuck meat out of the way as his tongue slid deep, but then the juicy pussy walls closed in on his tongue and sealed themselves around it. The dog whined and snorted.

“Do it, Boomer! Lick me to death!”

Janet began pumping her pussy muscles around the intruding tongue in an effort to cope with the searing heat and blissful pleasures that were invading her pussy. At the same time, she kept her back arched and her legs spread wide, so as not to discourage the animal.

The dog moved his tongue round and round her pussy hole, in spite of the firm pressure on his licker. He obviously was not going to let anything stop him from tasting her fuck-meat.

He reamed her pussy hole well, driving her pussy walls out of shape and jolting her many pussy nerves. She gasped and groaned deliriously as her mind started soaring.

“Give it to me!” she cried, pushing her plump round ass back into the animal. “Lick that pussy my doggy lover!”

The Great Dane tried to obey. He began thrusting his licker up and down her fuck-hole. He scraped her clit repeatedly, and soon the fuck-knob swelled up and started throbbing.

“UNNNHHHH!” she cried, her head spinning. “I can’t take anymore!”

The dog gave her a little bit more, anyway. He lapped up his own spit as he snaked his tongue in all directions. Lewd squashing noises filled the air around them. Spit trickled down the backs of her thighs again. The temperature inside her pussy increased drastically.

Arty’s swollen dick head speared the back of Brenda’s throat each time she sucked the dick in. She gasped for air, breathing deeply through her nose, while at the same time striving to keep from choking to death. She had all the dick she could handle, and she knew it.

Again and again she gobbled up the dog’s dick, only to spit it back out moments later. The thick root stretched her lips to their limits. The dog’s hairy balls slapped her chin, but she sucked his dick feverishly. B

renda filled the living room with lewd and loud sucking noises. She tasted every inch of the animal’s dick shaft, and let the dick stroke every part of her mouth and throat. She made the fucker swell up and turn red, until it was just the right size for her pussy.

Gasping, she came off his dick. “I don’t want him coming in my mouth!” Brenda panted.

Kathleen took her hand quickly off the girl’s ass. “Ohh Brenda, you are going to take Arty’s scalding hot cum in your pussy!” she moaned. “Although, I was really getting off watching Arty fuck your pretty little face!”

She caressed Brenda’s flushed cheeks, running her fingers through the young woman’s hair.

Brenda was trembling from the woman’s touch and the fact that she just had Arty’s dick in her mouth. Everything was moving too fast for her. Brenda’s head spun deliriously as hot sensuous sensations pierced her body. She numbly agreed to fuck the mastiff. Before returning to Arty’s dick, Brenda noticed Kathleen’s voluptuous creamy tits. The image of her tits burned into her fuzzy, lust-soaked brain as she eyed them curiously.

Brenda leered hotly at Arty’s doggie dick for a moment before slipping the menacing red dick directly into her hot greedy mouth again. She felt Kathleen place her hand back on her soft, creamy ass cheeks. She sighed; the woman’s touch was emotionally shocking. A woman was actually touching her ass! Hot and hungry for Arty’s dick, she didn’t bother with Kathleen’s exploring hand. She licked his furry balls. The sensation of his hair against her tongue was stimulating and exciting!

“Suck him!” Kathleen urged, her hand caressing the sensuous crack of the young woman’s ass. Her hand slithered down between Brenda’s milky thighs. She pushed three fingers against the young woman’s pussy, feeling the penetrating heat. It drove her insane and she almost fainted with desire. “Don’t make him cum! Kathleen ranted.

Brenda, burning with passion and getting turned onto Kathleen’s probing fingers, slipped the dog’s meaty dick between her moist hungry lips. She sucked, drawing in her cheeks. The dog whimpered and she began fucking the mastiff’s great dick with her mouth, pushing her face up and down on the dog in an effort to suck every drop of cum from his furry balls.

“Yes! Yes!” Kathleen cried, seeing the intensity with which Brenda was sucking on the dog’s dick. She ran a finger into her own pussy, the juices scalding her fingers as she jabbed into her pussy.

Hearing Kathleen’s gleeful cries spurred Brenda on, and she put more effort into her sucking. She used her tongue along the sensitive dick shaft, scraping the meaty dick and making Arty whimper in agonizing pleasure. She used her hands, stroking the residual 3 inches of dick behind Arty’s grapefruit size knot.

“Oooooh, Brenda!” Kathleen exclaimed, caught up in the young woman’s hunger for the dog’s dick. “Suck him good for me, too!” Kathleen slid her hand along Brenda’s pussy, soaking her fingers in the warm pussy juices. Brenda found herself pushing back against Kathleen’s hand as she suckled the beet-red dick.

“When is Arty gonna fuck my pussy?” Brenda asked, wanting the pleasure of being fucked by these beautiful animals to continue.

“In a second,” Kathleen said, releasing Arty’s giant stiff dick. “First, I have to clean you up with my tongue!”

Brenda, swimming in pleasure, giggled as Kathleen’s tongue lapped at her ass cheeks. She squirmed her ass as Kathleen licked it. “Lick my ass!”

Kathleen spread the young woman’s ass cheeks apart. She put her lips to the delicate hole of the young woman’s ass and sucked, running her tongue around at the gobs of cum that oozed from her tight little ass. She licked her asshole, sucking and drinking down the gooey cum, her heart swelling with desire to fuck this young woman again, or anyone, or anything! Fighting her own growing passion, Kathleen pulled her mouth away from Brenda’s ass, and pushed her to her hands and knees. Kathleen then pushed Brenda’s back down until Breda had her tits and face on the floor. Her fine tight ass was high in the air. Kathleen helped the horny mastiff onto Brenda’s back.

“Now, you’re gonna get your pussy fucked!” Kathleen said, angling Arty’s gigantic dick at Brenda’s tender red pussy.

“I can’t wait!” Brenda cried out. “Hurry!” She pushed back, craving to have her pussy filled again with doggie dick.

“Here it comes!” Kathleen hissed as Arty drove into the young woman’s pussy with his red bloated dick.

Brenda’s pussy swallowed the doggie dick, devouring the entire length of his meaty dick in one fleeting moment. The hulking dick was ramming her pussy, making Brenda howl in ecstasy. She used her pussy muscles on him, tugging and pulsing against his dickshaft as the dog pumped her pussy with hard powerful thrusts.

“OOOOHHHH!” she crooned, her pussy stuffed full of doggie dick. She twisted and churned on her knees while Arty blasted her pussy with his hot cream.

Kathleen petted the huge dog, as he worked Brenda’s hungry pussy with his massive tool. Brenda’s pussy squelched doggy pre-cum and pussy juices as Arty power fucked her. The big dick worked in rhythm to Brenda’s churning ass and those well fucked wet pussy squishy sounds emanated from Brenda’s pussy.

“Ohhh, Christ!” Brenda cried out hysterically. Arty’s dick throbbed in her grasp, and she moaned in pleasure from the pounding doggie dick.

Kathleen watched. She did feel left out. She knew this was the beginning of a very wonderful friendship. She stroked Arty’s jerking hips and hind legs as he fucked Brenda. Another idea popped into her beautiful head; a way to participate while Brenda enjoyed the fabulous fucking of King Arthur the Great.

She scooted under Brenda’s jerking naked body, watching the young woman’s swaying tits as Arty whacked his dick into her pussy. Kathleen licked Brenda’s swollen nipples and hard rubbery tips. She heard Brenda whimper. It thrilled her to contribute to the sex-crazed young woman’s pleasure. The frantic woman moved down on her back, bringing her mouth to where Arty was ramming his red glistening dick into Brenda’s pussy. The sight was marvelously erotic! She was hypnotized by the fast and vehement action of the whipping doggie dick. The young woman’s pussy sucked it up like it had been fucked for years. Juice dripped out from Brenda’s pussy onto Kathleen’s face and the woman licked the pussy juice with her pink slithering tongue.

Brenda, her mind spinning in an ocean of lust and pleasure, realized that Kathleen was beneath her. Brenda trembled, her body quaking uncontrollably from the fanatical pounding of the dog’s giant dick in her pussy. She squeezed her cunt muscles over the tremendous dick in her puss sensing that Arty was getting ready to flood her pussy with his doggie cum.

Quickly, Janet got on her hands and knees, arched her back deeply, and spread her thighs wide. With her body thus braced, she looked back over her shoulder and called to the dog to mount her.

Horny from the pussy licking and smell of female cunt, the big Great Dane immediately mounted the young matron. He seized her slim waist between his forelegs, pulled her close to him, and started humping furiously.

“Eeeeee!” squealed Janet when she felt the dogs pointed dick beating a steady rhythm against her pussy lips.

“Ooooooh!” The big blonde, crazy with lust, wriggled her pussy just enough to guide the dog’s dick into her fuck-hole. It fucked inside her with a rush that made her gasp aloud.

The animal never let up, even though his dick was fucking balls-deep. He fucked her pussy with a fury that had her panting helplessly. His dick speared first one side of her pussy and then the other side, driving her pussy walls every which way. She rolled her eyes and bit her tongue as she tried to cope with the crazy sensations that were sweeping through her fuck-hole.

“Iiiieeee!” she screamed, shaking her head. “This dog can really fuck! Oh, shit!” The animal’s claws dug into her fleshy thighs and he maintained a firm grip on her. She pumped her pussy muscles around the hard-driving dick and tried to ease the sting of his dick head.

That didn’t do much good. The Great Dane continued to fuck his dick into the deepest regions of her pussy hole. He churned her dripping pussy juices into a buttery froth that soon coated his dick shaft.

“Ooooh!” she cried, holding on for dear life. “Fuck me!” Her body rocked to and fro. So did her big heavy tits. Flesh-slapping noises filled the living room as the animal’s balls bounced off her pussy lips and the backs of her thighs. Janet trembled with each slap, but soon found herself shivering uncontrollably when the dog’s soft belly hair started brushing against her ass cheeks.

The dog towered above her as he fucked. His hot breath rained down on her back and wreaked further havoc with her nerves. She flinched again and again, but could not escape the terrific blasts of heat.

His spit dripped down also to tantalize her tender nerves. With each splash, she rolled her eyes and gritted her teeth. This was too much for her. There were just too many sensations for her to bear. She felt crazy.

“Aaagh!” she groaned. “I’m almost there. I feel it.” She began rocking her pussy back and forth into the animal’s dick, impatient to reach an orgasm.

The dog humped her hard, his whole hairy body slamming into her from behind. His muscles rippled with each fuck-thrust, while her soft flesh quivered like gelatin. He was breathing hard and fast, his tongue hanging limply from his open mouth.

“Fuck me! Fuck me!” she cried, wincing each time his balls hit her pussy lips.

“That’s right! I’m coming! I’m coming!”

Her voice was as shaky as her well-fucked body. When her climax hit her, she went wild and nearly burst the dog’s balls. Then her fuck-juices exploded from her pussy hole and scorched the beast’s hairy dick and balls. When the animal felt the woman’s hot oven tunnel of pussy close over his dick, he went wild and began humping out of control. His dick drilled her pussy like a jackhammer. His balls slapped her pussy lips as noisily as they possibly could. He fucked the woman so hard his hind feet left the floor, and all his weight bore down on her strained pussy.

“Unnnnh!” she grunted, her pussy still twitching and spewing forth steamy pussy juices. Then the dog began whining loudly and licking his lips. He appeared to be going mad. But before anyone could become overly concerned, the animal blew his wad deep inside her pussy hole and thus relieved his madness.

“Ohhhh!” she cried when she felt the sting of his hot cum.

The dog kept fucking until he had emptied his load inside her. But even when he was spent, he stayed connected to her while she used her pussy muscles to milk his limp dick. And she milked him well, getting the dog to pump much cum as he could out of his balls. When it was all over, he dismounted and walked over to the young blonde, while Janet collapsed to the floor with a sigh.

Brenda’s eyes went wide in ecstasy as she felt Arty’s dick swell to enormous proportions in her young pussy. At the same time she felt Kathleen’s mouth encompass her exposed and blood-filled clit. She screamed as her hands clenched into fists.

Yelping whines of doggie passion, Arty’s dick erupted in a fiery blast of doggie cum that splattered the girl’s pussy. It drenched her already juice-soaked pussy hole, cum gushing from the tight pussy with every plunge of his dick.

Brenda’s mouth opened. For a split second, nothing came out. Then the room filled with her voice. “AGHHHHHH! OHHHH! AGGGHHHH!” Her pussy erupted from the steady powerful onslaught of Arty’s dick and the sucking action of Kathleen’s mouth and lips on her clit and pussy lips. Kathleen lapped, sucked, and chewed on Brenda’s pussy and Arty greased his glistening wet dick in her pussy.

Brenda screamed again, her body in the throes of the most powerful orgasm of the entire weekend. She thrashed, floundering back against Arty’s squirting dick, his cum flowing from her pussy in great thick wads. She humped at Kathleen’s sucking mouth as her orgasm ripped through her pussy.

“I’m COMINGGGG!” Brenda screeched at the top of her lungs. Her body weakened; her muscles and bones melting under the tremendous pressure of her extraordinary climax.

She bucked and thrashed like a wildcat. Her hips rotated in quick frenzied circles. She fucked Kathleen’s sucking mouth and, at the same time, slammed her body back at the doggie dick invading her worn pulsating pussy. She threw back her head, howling as her face contorted.

Her pussy exploded again as Arty’s dick continued to squirt cum deep into her womb. Arty, his doggie dick all but drained, continued to fuck the girl with his powerful sleek body, driving, ramming his dick into the tight wet clinging pussy hole. Kathleen’s mouth never stopped sucking on Brenda’s hard exposed clit, licking and nibbling until Brenda went berserk, her body jerking and convulsing on the floor.

“Aghghghgh!” Brenda screamed one last time and then collapsed.
“STOP! STOP!” she sobbed hysterically as the overpowering orgasm soared throughout her body.

She twitched, her eyelids blinking, lights flashing in her head. She shuddered as Arty’s dick popped out of her clenching pussy.

By the time Janet and Brenda had finished cumming and cooled down, the dogs were ready to go again. Kathleen ordered her two new slaves to switch animal mates.

Looking at the mother and daughter, Kathleen smiled inwardly and wondered how was she going to get them on film? Her mind wandered further to editing the film and posting it on Zooville. What a lovely problem to have.

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