Women with Animals

Debbie Does Doggy


(c) 2008 by Nem Enforcer

Debbie came home, it had been a long night out, she had been told she was on a promise tonight, a guy she had fancied for years had told her best friend that he was interested in Debbie and tonight he was going to ask her back to his place and in his own words “Fuck the shit out of her”. That never happened.

“Hi Tyke, you still love me don’t you” Debbie said as her dog, a German Shepard named Tyke ran in to the kitchen to greet her, jumping up and pawing her chest as he attempted to lick her face.

“Aww I know Tyke, I know” Debbie laughed as she hugged him to her body, Tyke on his hind legs his paw’s holding onto Debbie’s waist as he licked her face excitedly. Finally getting fed up of dog slobber over her Debbie pushed him of and patted his head and side while telling him what a good boy he is.

“Looks like its you and me again tonight boy, things didn’t go as planned with Simon again, but atleast we have each other huh” she said as she sat on the sofa and Tyke jumped up next to her snuggling in to her side as he laid on his back over her lap. Debbie looked down at her beloved dog, she had got him when he was 8 weeks old, now here they were 3 years later and still it was just the two of them. Debbie had wanted some company, that’s why she got Tyke, her first dog, Toby had been hit by a car the previous year and since then she had been in the house alone, until she saw Tyke and just fell for him.

Tyke let out a contented sigh as Debbie rubbed her hand down his belly like she did most nights, her fingers ticking around his sheath as she watched the TV. She wasn’t really concentrating on doing either thing, watching TV or stroking Tyke and it was that fact that made her fingers move closer to his ball’s. Debbie was oblivious as Tyke’s cock began to come out of its sheath, the pink meat getting closer to her arm that was just about an inch above the tip now and lowering. Just before her skin made contact with Tyke’s cock she moved it away getting up and walking to get more to eat.

By the time Debbie got back Tyke’s cock was back in its sheath, leaving her oblivious to the close call she had just had. Debbie had never thought about sex with Tyke or Toby for that matter, she’d heard about people doing it but well that must just be stories no one actually does it, she always told herself, still in the back of her mind she had a little bit of curiosity.

On the TV Debbie was watching an old porn movie, she wasn’t very interested in it but she was incredibly horny, she had really got herself up for her night with Simon, rubbing her clit and doing a little finger work on herself before she had gone out to meet him and hopefully get what she had wanted for so long. Now with the porn getting hotter so was Debbie, her pussy was really dripping and her breasts (a 34C-cup) were aching for attention.

Finally unable to take this anymore, Debbie stripped off her clothes and sat back down on the sofa with her legs spread. With her eyes closed and head back Debbie began to softly rub her 23-year-old pussy, her index finger lightly entering her pussy as she worked her thumb over the erect clit.

“Ohhh Simon!” Debbie moaned, as she thought of her would be boyfriend fucking her hard, the room filled with moans and scent of sex as Debbie worked harder on her own clit and pussy, unaware that Tyke was watching her every move and smelling the scent in the air.

Debbie’s eyes flew open as she felt a cold wet thing touch her clit and a long tongue lick over her pussy lips. She was afraid to look down; her mind didn’t want to know what was happening as she felt the tongue lick continually over the wet lips of her pussy, the cold nose rubbing her clit.

“Hmmm” Debbie didn’t know where it came from but she moaned out in pleasure, the tongue was just lapping inside of her now, just at the entrance licking up all the juice she was producing. For the first time Debbie looked down and saw the head of her dog between her thighs, his eyes looking at her face it seemed as if asking if he was doing a good job. Debbie couldn’t deny it; she was in heaven as he licked her pussy lips and juice, his nose rubbing up and down her clit.

“Wow your good at this!” she smiled as she felt an orgasm build, the juices coming from her pussy all over Tyke’s face as he drove his tongue into her pussy a little more sharply. Debbie opened her thighs and slumped down in the seat to give Tyke more access to her dripping pussy, access he used willingly.

Lapping his tongue across her open pussy, Tyke slipped the tip of it inside, driving his owner into a massive shouting orgasm.

“Ohh Fuck…Yes… Yes!” Debbie shouted loudly as she felt her pussy contract on the tip if Tyke’s tongue and shoot a little squirt of cum onto his muzzle. Tyke licked it up and came back for more, lapping to get ever bit he could. Finally Debbie finished and relaxed, sitting more upright as Tyke looked at her.

“Oh god boy, I never knew you could do that,” she giggled as the realisation of what had happened just now hit her, she had just cum while being licked out by her dog! Unsure what to think or how to act Debbie quickly got up and went to her bedroom, laying down on the bed she fell asleep thinking about what Tyke had done for her.

Debbie woke the next day to find Tyke, laid on his back next to her on the bed, she remembered the night before and how good it felt, just the though of it had her wet again and all the stories she had heard about women having sex with their pets came back to her, this idea got her pussy even wetter and her pile racing.

Tyke woke to find Debbie naked on the bed with him, she was petting him sweetly and now awake began to rub her hand down his belly towards his sheath, he liked this and it took no time for his pink cock to work its way out again, about 4 inches.

Debbie’s mouth went dry as she watched the cock appear her pulse was racing as was her heart as Tyke stood up and she was left looking under him at that hard thin looking cock. It was like no cock Debbie has seen, very bright pink and thin, the head a little hooked and very smooth looking, she didn’t know if she should touch it or lick it or even if she dared do anything.

Slowly she got enough confidence to rub her hand down the shaft and feel the slime on it, that was until she felt the beginning of his knot, it wasn’t that big but it sure felt like it would be inside her. Tyke let out a little howl and Debbie knew she had to do this now or never, Tyke had been so good to her last night she had to return the feelings, and she had to fuck her dog.

Slowly she got on her hands and knee’s and raised her ass into the air, Debbie had remembered reading or being told that was the correct way to get a dog to mount you, but for Tyke it didn’t seem to work, he brushed up against her but refused to mount, she looked back to him and saw his cock hard and ready so she reached back and tried to encourage him to get up, he didn’t.

Debbie felt a little upset, her dog didn’t want her, she wanted him but like Simon he wasn’t interested. She slowly sank back to the bed and turned over onto her back as if admitting defeat she raised her legs up and that’s when she felt Tyke’s hairy body between her thighs. Smiling Debbie looked down and saw Tyke begin to hump at her pussy, his front paw’s on each side of her waist as she raised her hips to give him the correct angle, Tyke making hard and fast thrusts at her but missing each time.

Reaching down Debbie took his cock and helped him find the mark; as soon as Tyke felt the opening to her pussy he shoved his cock fully in, the sheath hitting her lips and clit as he flew forwards into her.

“Ohh fuck!” Debbie moaned as she felt him thrust fast and short, but it was the swelling knot that was the greatest pleasure, she could feel it swell and tighten against her walls as Tyke humped again and again in short sharp thrusts.

Finally the knot was fully sized and Debbie realised she was not going to be able to move as her new lover held her waist with his paw’s and front legs and rested his hairy body on her stomach and chest, fucking her face to face as she loved so much to do with guy’s. This was different though, more intense and if she was honest better, the way Tyke’s knot held them together as he thrust fast and short into her made Debbie’s head spin, a massive orgasm washing over her as her dog lover carried on his thrusting.

As Debbie has her third orgasm she felt his thrust slow a little and a cold liquid shoot into her pussy, it seemed like it was never ending as she was filled by the doggie cum, Tyke still attempting to thrust into her as she took all he had to give with a moan and orgasm.

Finally Tyke finished filling her up with the runny liquid, she could only imagine what it was like in their now, dripping with her own and her dog’s cum. Debbie laid back holding her panting dog to her body as she felt his knot hold tem tight, still little thrust coming and driving her to yet more orgasms.

It was 25 minutes before Tyke’s cock finally began to shrink and Debbie was able to come free, 25 minutes and about 6 or 7 orgasms, she could not believe how intense and exciting it was to have her first doggie lover, but right then she said to herself…

“Who needs men when I have my Tyke!”

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