Women with Animals

Cuckold By K9


(c) 2008 by tommyjama

This is a story of how I became cuckold by a dog. Now cuckold means a man whose wife is unfaithful but this story isn’t about my wife and being swingers my wife and I are ok with the extramarital affairs we have. One particular affair is with a single woman that my wife and I met in the swinger lifestyle. Mary was the first woman my wife was ever with sexually, so they had a special bond. Mary and I were sexually compatible as well as she loved to tell me how to fuck her and I loved to do it!

Mary had private swinger parties at her house all the time and my wife were always in attendance. We became such good friends with her that she invited us over for a quiet weekend. It was actually a way to get my wife over to go shopping and have me there to fix up the stuff a handy man would have to do. She promised some awesome sex if I did the honey do list willingly. When we arrived we were greeted at the door by Dodger, her bull terrier. Mary informed us he was harmless and she usually had him put away in his kennel out back during the party weekends. Harmless maybe but horny was an understatement. As soon as I walked in the beast jumped up on me almost knocking me to the floor and began humping my leg like a mad man. My wife and Mary couldn’t help but laugh, and after Mary pulled Dodger off I found it somewhat funny.

I got to work on my list and the girls left for there shopping. Once I seen there were gone I decided I would do some snooping, I have a panty fetish and I rarely ever seen Mary in panties as she usually was stark naked during the parties. I went into her room and went through her dresser drawers and laundry baskets on my panty safari. Mary was HOT to say the least, early 40’s with a round plump ass and tits that were 44DDD as I found out by the tags in her bra. I hurried my way through a quick jerk off sniffing her panties hoping to get done before they got back. In the middle of my pumping the dog Dodger found his way into the room and began humping the pillows next to my head. Poking his pink dick in and out. I was trying to concentrate on my jerk off but the dog was fucking me up… I gave him his own set of panties I got out of the laundry and he took off out of the room. I finished up as fast as I could before he got back and got back to work.

When the girls got back I had my chores done and we got down to cooking dinner and having a nice relaxing weekend of sex, margaritas and more sex. Before we started getting freaky though Mary had to put the dog out back in his kennel. Mary said he gets to excited and has been known to attack if he thought someone was getting hurt. My wife and Mary both being “screams” I was glad to hear I would not be interrupted by an attack dog.

Over the weekend my wife announced to Mary that she was going to be leaving for 2 weeks on a job training course that would leave me home alone. I don’t know if my wife was looking out for her lonely husband or trying to set a friend up with a steady cock for a couple weeks, but she asked if Mary could keep an eye on me while she was gone. Mary said she had plenty of chores that needed to be done and 2 weeks was just enough time for me to get them done.

My wife left 2 weeks later and I was over at Mary’s that evening after work. I walked in and announced “Honey, I’m home!!” and was ungracefully greeted once again by Dodger at the door. Mary came from the back of the house laughing as she watched her bastard boy dog trying to make me his bitch again. “Very funny…” I said “now get him off me, please!”
Mary just stood there laughing and then in a serious tone said “This is his house, your in his domain, you do as he wishes”

I didn’t understand but I decided I wasn’t gonna keep up the fight for long and if he got mean I would certainly loose, so I allowed him to hump all over my leg. I could feel his cum shooting all over my pant leg and I swore he was pissing on me. “he is just marking his territory” smirked Mary.

The dog must of had enough dry humping my jeans as he got down and went to a corner to lick his cock and balls. I looked at him with spite as Mary walked up behind me and asked jokingly “Jealous?” “NO!” I said…

Mary had dinner waiting for me and we enjoyed some interesting conversation about her last boyfriend who gave her the dog. It turned out the dog was given to her by a jealous ex boyfriend to keep all other men out while he wasn’t there. The dog was supposedly trained to attack any other men but him. Mary said she had a hell of a time retraining him but some old characteristics still exist.

I asked what the list of chores consisted of and Mary informed me it wasn’t anything more then a few hours on a Saturday to take care of everything. My presence there was more of a gift to me and Mary by my wife and I had better be ready for alot of sex, very little sleep and maybe missing a couple days of work while my wife was out of town. I couldn’t believe my ears, here I was going to have 2 weeks of wild sex with this other woman while my wife was not around. I knew Mary was a freak and began to wonder what the week would have in store.

Mary invited me to get a shower, she was going to get the bedroom ready for the evening festivities. I have been looking for a chance like this with Mary since I met her. She is a bigger woman than my wife and I loved a big ass. Mary had told me on another occasion she loved to have her ass licked and loved anal sex, so I had wondered how much of that plump ass I was going to get. I was half hard getting my shower and did a quick wash on the important parts as not to keep her waiting. When I stepped from the shower it sounded like Mary had started without me.

I walked into her bedroom with a towel wrapped around my waist to see Mary on her bed completely naked with Dodger’s head buried between her legs. I was almost knocked off my feet. Mary didn’t notice me walk in but Dodger pulled his head back to look at me and then went back to licking her red haired pussy. The pause of the dog caused Mary to open her eyes and see me standing there in complete shock. Mary smiled slightly and went back to moaning mildly while her dog licked her snatch. I was stuck between turned on and grossed out all at once. Watching this lustful act though had a major affect on my cock and it had gone from chubby to rock hard without me even knowing it.

“Well are you just gonna stand there with your dick hanging out or are you gonna come join us?” Mary quipped after what seemed like an hour.

“What do you want me to do?” I asked. “How about you suck on my tits while he finishes licking up my cum?” Mary said.

I proceeded to drop my towel and climb onto the bed to mouth up those huge tits. I could see the dog lapping hungrily at her bushy slit. He was intent on making her cum it seemed, he barely noticed me hovering over her. I on the other hand was so awestruck I could hardly focus on nibbling her nipple. Mary noticed my distraction I guess, grabbing my head and pulling me up to her face she kissed me hard and long on the lips. As we kissed she cam very hard from the dogs tongue washing her clit. When her climax subsided she pulled me away from her and asked “Do you mind if Dodger plays with us?”

“No, not at all! I think it’s HOT!” I said. “Good, I hope to train him to accept a man here so your gonna help me do that.” Mary said.

I kissed her lips again and tweaked her nipples to show my willingness. Mary rolled over and took my cock into her moth pushing me onto my back. The dog must have thought this was cool too as he began to lap at my balls and cock with his owner. Now I have had two women blow me before but the woman and dog blow job was far more different. Mary must have worked herself into more of a frenzy sucking my cock as she slid me to the middle of the bed and climbed over the top of me. She put her plump ass right over the top of my face and went back to work swallowing my cock. Dodger was helping was my dick with her when she reached back and gave her ass a slap. It was almost a cue for the dog as he left my cock and went around back over my head and began licking at the crack of that juicy ass. I was busy sucking her swollen clit when I noticed the visitor helping me please this lustful woman. I pulled her ass checks apart to give my four legged partner better access to her honey hole and ass. I was astounded by how much faster his tongue was than a human as he washed her pink puckered asshole. It was awesome to also see his long tongue disappear into her pussy almost like he was tongue fucking her. Dodger didn’t stay on one spot for long his tongue flicked all over Mary’s neither region as I focused on sucking her clit. She must have been in complete ecstasy as a few times I felt her chin rest on my stomach as my cock was all the way down her throat.

After a while of this tag team action I thought for sure I was gonna get the fucking of my life by this dog slut. I began to slap her ass in an attempt to get her off my face and to sit on my cock. This I guess was not the idea Dodger had, slapping her ass only excited the dog and caused him to leave licking her ass and begin to mount her. I was still face deep in her red haired pussy when this white hairy beast decided he was gonna mate his dog slut. I tried to slide out from under her but Mary had other plans. She pushed that big juicy ass down harder onto my face and muttered “Get it boy, get it” before going back to working over my dick. I was suddenly sprayed with dog dick juice in the hair and face, as his pink dog prick started poking her fleshy ass. I decided to get into the spirit of it as I was about to get an up close and personal shot of a dog fucking a female. I spread those lushes checks again and watched in amazement as this beast cock grew from the size of a pencil to the size of a sausage. He found his target just above my mouth as he stuffed his hot doggie cock deep into this dog sluts pussy. I noticed his balls bouncing on my head and looked like another ball about to penetrate the fiery slit. The knot, as I found out later, was now buried in Mary’s soaked pussy and Dodger slowed down his humping. I was getting a mixture of juices flowing into my mouth as it went from red hot pussy juice to freshly fucked cunt and over flow of dog jizz. The hot cum almost burned my eyes but I kept them open to watch in amazement as this beast/human design unfolded in front of my face. The ball of his cock began to slide out of the burning hole it was buried in. Almost in slow motion the ball slowly emerged and I got my first good look at the size of his baseball sized knot. Suddenly the remaining 9 inches of doggie cock splashed out of Mary’s pussy and slapped me in the face.

Mary let off my face a bit and then suddenly sat straight up almost pouring the remaining juices into my mouth. I was amazed but I liked the taste and swallowed as much as I could as it poured from her pussy. I thought I was never going to get the sight of her pussy full of dog cock. But I can tell you I will never forget the taste of her pussy mixed with dog cum. As I lay there completely spent from a massive orgasm myself I began to recall the instances before that I had that familiar taste in my mouth. Not only had I tasted it on Mary’s pussy, but my own wife has tasted that way before too.


Still being totally amazed at the sight of a human beast coupling, I was ready for some action of my own. Mary could tell I was ready for more and she slid around on top of me ready to ride my stiff member. My cock slid into her freshly fucked pussy as my dick was no comparission to the k9 cock she just had in her. Dodger came from the corner of the bed where I guess he was cleaning himself. I could feel his hot breath on my nuts as he sniffed around Mary’s ass that was now sliding up and down on my shaft. Mary leaned forward to kiss me and in the process gave Dodger great access to her ass and my shaft.

My dick was pumping their juices out of her slit like a plunger and he was lapping it up. Eating his own creampie while at the same time licking my cock and nuts was driving me wild. Mary arched her back and pressed those huge mellons into my face almost smoothering me. I reached back and gave her a few smacks on the ass, which gave Dodger the “fuck signal” again. Mary took a deep breath as the dog mounted her. I felt his weight on her back and his hot dog jizz sparying my balls. Mary held still atop my dick, allowing the beast to gain access to her now exposed ass. I felt his member poke a couple times against my dick and then warm hot slimey dog cock joined my dick in her wet slit. I was floored by this new sensation as Mary’s pussy was stretched tighter with 2 dicks inside one hole. Mary scream with pleasure the moment his dick swelled against mine in her pussy. He pumped harder and faster then I ever could try.

I came along with Dodger and both of our cocks exploded at once in her pussy. The mixture of our cum made my dick almost burn and Mary did not let up on the sexual opera. The slime combonation of semen made Dodgers dick pop out, and he danced for a moment around on the bed. Mary looked at me and said he wasn’t done yet, as he didn’t tie with her. I wasn’t sure what she meant, but she reached back and gave her ass another couple smacks and Dodger took the hint. The dog once again climbed into position and I reached back to her ass and pulled those chubby checks apart as much as I could. Mary slide her ass further down on my dick almsot like she was trying to get my nuts in there with my dick. Dodgers dick didn’t miss a beat this time. I felt him pounding at her ass and by the tone Mary was making I could tell he had hit his mark. Knowing that he didn’t get into her pussy along side my dick I assumed he went one floor higher and hit her in the ass. Mary with an evil look in her eye groweled at me that she love when he fucked her backdoor, confirming my assumption. I thought I had seen this woman scream before, but as the dog pounded that 9 inch red hot dog cock into her ass Mary went into almost a trance and her scream was silent.

I could feel the dog cock swelling through the thin membrane of skin seperating her fuck holes. I began to wonder if that huge ball on his dick was going to fit in her tight pucker hole, that’s when I felt it. I had dog balls rubbing against my nuts and then the feeling of Mary’s cunt getting tighter. The knot was now in her ass and Dodger began to slow his pumping. All I could feel was a steady throbbing through the memberane. My dick had recovered from the previous intense orgasm and began to stiffen on it’s own again. I felt Dodger shifting his weight around and I began to pump my cock in Mary’s tighten pussy again. Mary told me to wait for a second while Dodger got into position. I wasn’t sure what she meant but I waited, I caught a glance in the mirror of this lustful coupling though. Amazed I seen the dog now facing away from us and tied to Mary’s ass just like when dogs mate. Mary began to grind on my cock in rythm with her heavy breathing. I took this as my cue to start fucking.

With the huge dog dick locked in her ass, I began to pump my dick in and out of her wet pussy. As if her cunt wasn’t soaked enough, with every stroke of my shaft Mary involuntarally squirted cum all over my nuts. Soaking me to the crack of my ass I swore she was pissing all over me as I fucked her. Locked in her trance of lust Mary began to release a raspy breath with every stroke. This went on for 10 mins and my stomach muscles were begining to burn and ache. I could only imagine what this sluts ass was gonna feel like.

The without warning Dodger began to walk away from her ass, tugging his dick out of her ass. Mary screamed at the top of her lungs. I kept fucking wondering if it was pain or pleasure, but I figured if it was too bad she would have made me stop, which she didn’t. Just like when I was eating her snatch the knot in her ass began to come out and the pressure in her cunt became more then I could bare. My unloaded my nuts once again into her cunt just as the dogs dick popped out of her ass. The torent of fluids ran from her ass as dog cum washed over my nuts and soaked me to the top of my ass crack again…

This wasnt the end of the night but I will stop there for a minute… At that moment I was just amazed at what happened and I blacked out for a moment while we recovered from the intensity of that threesome action.


I would like to say that I was spent from all the exhausting sex but I was fueled by lust and the fact I had popped 500mg of Viagra after work before I got there. Mary was panting heavily in my ear and had her huge breasts and voluptuous body pressed against me. I asked if she was OK and she could only murmur “uh huh” in my ear. I stroked her ass and back as she lay there and thought about all that had happened and what was going to top this. I decided now was a good time to ask about the ideas I had involving the familiar taste of dog cum. Mary rolled to her side and across my arm somewhat face to face.

“So when did you start fucking the dog?”

Mary’s eyes popped open and she started to laugh a bit “I was a teen when I had my first dog lover. So I have been doing this a while now. Did you enjoy it?”

“Sure I did! I have to say it was pretty hot, I always knew you were real kinky!” I said as we both laughed.

“I am kinky, but you seem to be just as kinky, and from what I hear maybe more than you let on.” Mary quipped.

“oh and what have you heard?” knowing she must have talked with my wife.

“I can’t reveal my sources, but I know you like your ass played with!” Mary said
I knew then she had talked to my wife as she is the only one that knows I like a little rimming and small butt plug occasionally. I read that a butt plug can help a man prolong his orgasm and makes it more intense. “Yeah, I guess you have been informed correctly. But tell me how often you have made me taste dog cum before tonight?”

Mary snickered “Only a few times, but tell me you don’t like it?”

I couldn’t lie, the times I tasted it before I knew what it was I loved the flavor and wondered if it was some sort of douche she used. I also mentioned that I had tasted that flavor before on my wife. Mary started to giggle uncontrollably!

“What is so funny?” I asked

“Your wife has been fucking dogs as long as I have known her. We have even shared a lover a few times on those long weekend fishing trips you go on. She has told me how hot it makes her knowing your drinking her lover’s cum out of her, and she would love it more if you knew. That is part of the reason your here while she is out of town.” she said. “and just for your information she isn’t on a business trip. She is away on a farm up north filming a video that a friend of mine is putting together.”

This blew my mind. I love when my wife has sex with others and comes home to tell me about it. One of the hottest sex sessions we had was when she came home after a weekend away and told me about a gangbang she and a co-worker was in with 4 black men they met at a bar after work. “So she is gonna be fucked for the next 2 weeks by dogs?” I asked.

“Dogs, horses, maybe even a Texas long horn.” she stated

“Wow!!” I was shocked, but in a good way. “How did she get involved with that?”

“She has always said how she wanted to share this kink with you, but not sure what you would say or do. We talked about this meeting between us for sometime but didn’t know how to pull it off. She also has always talked about wanting to fuck a horse, so when my friend called me to do this video it seemed like the best way to kill two birds with one stone.” she said.

I was in utter amazement at the idea of my wife being fucked by a horse and the thought was having an effect on my cock too. I was stiff as a rock and Mary commented on the fact that I was liking the plan they hatched. I loved it I told her. The thought of my wife being a farm slut was making me horny as hell. I could only imagine how hot it would be to see my wife blowing a horse or getting a big horse cock stuffed in her pussy. I asked Mary if she ever did a horse and what it was like. Mary described it in such detail that I couldn’t take no more and needed to fuck now.

Mary was ready too, all this talk about fucking was driving her crazy. I rolled her over on her belly and climbed on top of her ass. I knelt just below her ass and spread her big cheeks apart. Her freshly fucked ass was winking at me and without hesitating i tapped the tip of my cock on it. Mary wiggled her ass and shook her hips playfully and growled “Get it big boy!”
That was all I needed to hear and I plunged my cock into her pucker full of dog jizz. Her ass opened up and swallowed my dick deep inside her. Still slick with the dog cum I was able to pump that hot asshole from the tip of my dick to the balls on the first stroke. Mary pushed her legs apart forcing me to fall forward onto her back. She reached out and grabbed my hands firmly as I stroked my dick in and out of her butt. I loved to top a woman like this and feel like I was in control of her, but Mary had another trick up her sleeve.

I felt Mary wrap her legs around mine and intertwine them almost locking us together. I could only hump my hips as she had me basically pinned against her back. She was chanting for me to fuck harder and harder, but all I could do was thrust my hips. I had basically forgot the dog was still there with us when I suddenly felt the familiar sensation of a cold nose and warm tongue nuzzle between our legs.

I enjoyed the sensation of his snout almost digging into our coupling crotches. His long tongue bathed the base of my cock and all of my balls as I humped hard and steady. Dodger then moved up further and began to clean off all the juices that were spilled on me earlier. I was excited by the feeling of this beast now licking my ass clean. His tongue was rough yet very soothing as it flicked my butt checks. Mary cold tell I was enjoying the feeling and pushed her hips back against my cock. As if she was crawling away from me, she was able to maneuver her knees under her so that we were both now face down and ass up. With my legs on either side of her I was at the mercy of this dog’s lashing tongue as his flickers turned into long strokes from the bottom of my balls to the top of my ass. My ass was up high enough now that it caused my ass to spread open and he began to push his snout into my bum. He washed my flesh and then began to dig into my ass, almost routing his tongue inside me. I have had my ass licked before but never like this. I knew how to relax my sphincter muscles to allow him to penetrate me with that warm licker and I was thrown into ecstasy as he did. I matched his thrusting tongue to the rhythm of my cock grinding in Mary’s ass. It was if I was verge of exploding lick by lick. With the moaning and panting of Mary and I locked together I felt entranced. I hardly noticed when Mary released my hand and reached back to smack her thigh.
Suddenly without warning I felt the sharp pain of nails rake against my ass and back as Dodger was attempting to mount me. Mary dropped her ass down which put me into the direct line for this invading monster. I attempted to roll off her ass when she reached back and grabbed my legs holding me to her. Being a bigger women she has remarkable strength and be honest I was to involved to care after that what happened.

I felt the poking jabs of a bone and hot squirting cum against my ass cheeks.There was power behind the thrusting hips of this beast as he struggled to find his mark. I knew if I resisted it would hurt, so I pushed up my ass to meet his thrusts. That was all it took. I suddenly felt the warm juice of dog jizz shoot inside me and the prodding of what felt like a pencil poking my bum hole. With only a few more strokes I felt his balls bouncing against my taint. I can’t say it hurt more then it felt good as he wasn’t fully hard when he started fucking me, but I did feel him hitting spots that have never been hit before.

My mind was a blur imagining the big red cock fucking my ass and for a split second wondering if this was what it felt like to be. I was enjoying the feeling of his dick pump my ass, swelling up in me and filling me with hot jizz. I almost forgot my dick was inside Mary’s ass until she moaned how hot it was to feel his humping come through me into her. Then a panic button was set off in my head. I felt something quite painful pushing, almost punching, my cock filled asshole. Then it dawned on me that he was trying to stick his knot inside me. Mary sensed my emergency and told me to push out as he pushed in, so I did and there was an instant where pain and pleasure collided, and then it everything went still. I could feel this pulse of hot dog dick throbbing in my ass. Mary whispered “relax and enjoy now” as Dodgers dick pumped me full of jizz.

The three of us lay motionless aside from our heavy breathing and the throbbing of a growing cock in my ass. I felt Dodger begin to shift his weight and slide to our side, twisting his dick inside me. I felt immense pressure inside me, as the knot of this beast cock was pressing against my prostate. Turning backwards, Dodger now locked into me, settled behind me brushing his tail back and forth across my ass. I felt wave upon wave of pleasure was over me with ever throbbing pulse his cock made. Mary’s ass seemed to begin sucking cum from my nuts as I came over and over and over. The concept of time and reality were gone from my mind as I was on a serious mind trip through sexual bliss. I began to fade out of consciousness I guess as I snapped back to reality when I felt the gentle fade of throbbing become replaced with the sensation of wetness beginning to soak my crotch. Dodger slowly and gently began to pull his massive dick from inside me and with a sudden “pop” I felt a flood of juices rush from my ass. I have to confess that I squeezed with all my might to keep as much of that hot liquid inside me.

My dick had enough by that point and had ache from the amount of throbbing it had done inside Mary’s ass. As Dodger retired to the foot of the bed to clean himself, Mary rolled u to our side with me still lodged in her ass and I only recall her sighing peacefully as she puled my arms around her. I passed out with in that moment from complete exhaustion.

This was the end of our evening that night. I assure you more happened over the course of those 2 weeks. I had never been with a man till that point and mean no disrespect to people. I did have my crack at sex with a guy and found animals to be more to my liking.

I will start a new topics for the other bits of my time with Mary and Dodger and the other situations we devugled in. I want to thank everyone who has responded and I look forward to contributing more soon.


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