Men with Animals
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Wolf Park


(c) 2008 by Damo

First I want to tell you about me and my mate and what we do for work and all that.

Well I’m 22 and I live with my mate Tobz. Tobz goes to school and is training to become a vet. About 1 hour away from his school is The National Wolf Park, where I work. I take care of the wolves there. I’m a normal guy into a lot of fun things like snorkling with sharks, swimming at the beach, body boarding, playing Xbox 360, going to the movies, rock climbing, and go-karts. The thing I love playing with the most is my cars. I have two of them and one of them I’ve been working on for two years; modifying it to 500 horse power. I keep it in our 2 car garage under lock and key at all times. My other car I use everyday to get to work. Tobz’s car is a bit more sporty then my everyday car, but he is not at all into the whole car thing ’cause he is more into drawing and learning how to play the guitar. He likes to do the stuff I like too, though. Except swimming with sharks. He thinks I’m crazy when I do that.

We both really love animals more then other people realize. We live with two dogs, mine, who’s fixed, and Tobz’s. Jordan, my dog, is a male black lab. I love him very much. And Tobz’s dog is a male husky, who we have a bit of extra fun with when we are all in the right mood. So there you have it.

It was a busy day at the wolf park with a lot of people coming to see the wolves. There are 7 wolves in all, four male and three female. I have become pretty attached to the male wolves spending the majority of my time with them. I love to get all 7 together and start howling and have all the wolves howl with me. That day the wolves where looking pretty scruffy, so I decided to brush them. I walked over and unlocked the gates as I went inside the fence and again locked it behind me. Then, I took a brush called over one of the wolves. As he started to walk towards me, I pulled out the brush from my pocket I his ears stood up right, ’cause he knew what that brush is for. He walked even faster to me, he turned around, and sat right in front of me. I told him, “good boy” and rubbed his head. I started to brush his fur from his neck down to his butt, just the way he likes it. Then I started to brush his sides noticing his tail wagging quickly. I know he enjoys being groomed. As I was brushing him I noticed the croud of people watching and taking pictures. When I finished, I gave him another treat and sent him on his way. Afterward, I called over another wolf. They all know basic human words, and they all love to be brushed. I brushed all the wolves, and at the end of the day, ended up with 7 wolf kisses on my cheek.

I was a little tired after I finished grooming all the wolves, but I was getting turned on by them as they showed me some affection after I finished grooming them. I was secretely hoping me and my boyfriend could have some fun with them after hours. I got the keys in case I needed to come in at night or lock up after I feed them. Once the park closed and all the people left, I locked up the gates and sped home. Once I get home I saw Tobz’s car in the drive way, so I knew he was home. I parked my car beside his and got out, not bothering to lock it. Once I opened the door to the house, I went inside and called out “Tobz? Hey, I’m home.” Our 2 dogs came to the door to greet me, wagging their tails, so I patted their heads. “Hey, cutie!” Tobz called from the hall. I picked him up in a hug, holding him tight in my arms saying, “I missed you bud!” He smiled big and said, “I missed you too, sweety.” I slowly lowered him down and gave him a kiss. “I love you.” I said as he broke the kiss. “I love you too.” he responded. I gave him another quick kiss before I let go. Then I walked into the kitchen, to get myself a drink of water. Mose guys would get a beer after work, but me and Tobz aren’t big on drinking at all.

As I drank my glass of water and looked back at Tobz, who is petting the dogs while he sits on the couch. “Did you have a good day at school?” I asked. Tobz looked up at me and said “Yeah it was a good day, but I’m a little tired.” I finished drinking my water and put the glass in the sink and thought about what I could do to get Tobz “in the mood.” I walked back to the couch and picked Tobz up and said “Aww, poor Tobz.” I carried him to the bedroom with our dogs following closely behind us. Once we got in the bedroom I lowered Tobz down onto the bed and sat beside him. I started slowly taking off his shirt, and he asked “What are you doing, cutie?” After I took the shirt off his neck and threw it to the side of the bed, I answered, “I’m gonna give you a little massage to help you relax. Can you please roll over onto your belly?” Tobz simled at me and said “That would be nice. Thank you.” Tobz rolled over lazily, laying on his belly for me as our dogs jumped up on the bed, laying beside us, wagging their tails.

As Tobz lay on his belly, I knelt over him with my knees on each side of his legs. I cracked my knuckles leaned forward, then pressed my fingertips firmly into his sides and rubed in a circular motion, drawing up from his shoulders to his lower back in slow, firm wipes. I rubbed his arms back and forth with my palms pressing into his spine, then moved along his figure, length-wise. I heard Tobz breathing slowly and very relaxed so I leant forward over him and whispered “Want to go have some fun with the wolves”? I kept massaging him, and he slowly replied”Oh, yeah I would love to.” I slowly moved off to the side of him and sit on the edge of the bed as he rolled over and sat up as well and said “Alright then, cutie. Let’s go!” I got up and helped Tobz up smiling at him. We started walking to the front door with our dogs following us, wagging their tails until we got to the front door.

Before we go, we bend down to our dogs and say good-bye to them, giving them pats on the the head and a quick rub to their chests. I held the door open for Tobz, and locked it once he was out. I walked back to the car and got inside, and let Tobz in the other side. “Thanks, cutie. Now let’s go have fun with the wolves!” Smiling big, I started the car and then put on our belts. I backed out of the drive way, said “You got it!” put the car in drive, and we took off. (A little fast, but not too fast ’cause Tobz hates it when I speed). As we drove back to the park, I asked Tobz ,”So do you want to get done by just one of them, or by all of them?” I giggled and waited for the answer. Tobz replied “All of them, of course.” He giggled as well. Then I responded “Ok well there are four males, so two each then?” “Yeah, that sounds like a plan.” I turned on the CD player as we drove to the park listening to Nightwish.

After a few more mintes we got to the Wolf park and I parked the car in the staff parking and I said to Tobz, “Alright we’re here.” I turned the car off and got out. Tobz was smiling wildly. Tobz said to me “I have been waiting forth is my whole life.” and he started walking with me to the enterance. “So have I, sweety.” I reply as I unlock the gate. We walked in, Tobz following close behind me, and once we were inside I closed the gate behind us, and started walking to the wolf enclosure. I entered the code on the padlock, and once the door slid open, I whispered to Tobz, “Come on in.” Without a moments pause, Tobz ran inside smiling. I closed the fence behind us and stood beside Tobz, holding his hand. We started walking deeper into the enclosure and I whisted, calling the wolves over to us. Right away we saw them running towards us. I told Tobz to sit, because the needed to smell us first. We sat on the ground just as the wolves reached us and started smelling us all over. I said, “Hey guys, did you miss me?” I start patting their heads as they kept smelling us. Tobz said “Wow, they’re so beautiful.” and pats them as well. I said, “Yeah, I groomed them all today.” Suddenly, the white wolf sticks his nose right up against my crotch, his nose pressing against my dick through my pants. He keeps smelling and nosing at it, I said to Tobz, “Oh look this boy must know why we are here tonight.” I giggled a bit and patted his head as Tobz looked over at me, grinning and giggling. Then he says “We should get naked for them then.” I nodded and started pulling my shirt off saying, “Yeah, good idea.” Tobz pulled his shirt off as well and the gray wolf smelling him steps back for a moment as Tobz slides his pants off and sits back down on the ground. While I slid my pants off, still sitting on the ground, the white wolf continues to smell me. Then I throw my pants aside with my shirt then the white wolf right away starts licking at my dick really turning me on.

I looked over at Tobz who is rubbing the gray wolf’s sheath. He goes on hands and knees. “You’re right into it, ‘ey Tobz?” I smile and go on my hands and knees as well, reaching under the white wolf and I start to rub his sheath as well noticing that it was already pretty swollen. Tobz nodded and said “Oh yeah, I have been wanting to do this all my life.” I notice the other 5 wolves laying down on there bellies, watching us as suddenly the white wolf barks and jumps up, mounting me and poking around my butt trying to find his mark. Suddenly I felt him thrust his big wolf cock inside me making me gasp. “Ohh. God …Nggg…He is..Ungh…big..” The wolf gripped at my hips hard with his claws as he humped me like mad. Tobz gets his gray wolf hard with his cock poking out its sheath and the wolf quickly walks around behind Tobz and mounts him quickly and starts to hump and slowly walking his back legs forward trying to get inside Tobz then with a big hump the gray wolf pushed his cock inside Tobz and humped as hard and fast as he can. Tobz was moaning in pleasure as the wolf humped into him.

As the white wolf humped me I could feel his pre, spraying inside my butt while he grips my hips hard, pulling me into his cock as he thrusts forward making me grunt and moan in pleasure. As he does his work is moan, “Ungh…Wow…Tobz…Unghh….” Meanwhile I watch Tobz who has his head lowerd to the ground with the gray wolf humping him like mad leaning right over Tobz as he fucks him hard and fast, hearing him moaning enjoying every moment of it. “Ohh.. .This….Is…Unghh….Better…Than…I….Unghh….Thought…It…Unghh….Would…Bee….Unghh..” My white wolf speeds up his humping as I feel his knot starting to swell streching my hole wider as it pops in and out of me while spraying more pre inside my widening hole. Then the white wolf thrusts hard into me forcing his knot inside me that quickly swells to its full size and humps a few more times before he lets out a loud dominate howl. I feel his hot cum spraying inside me filling me up.

Moaning as he keeps unloading his cum inside me while he pants and rests on my back, I say to Tobz, who is still getting humped hard by the gray wolf “Ungh…Tobz..he”
Tobz answers back saying “That’s….Great…Damo….Mine is…About-” Tobz gets cut off from finishing what he was about to say as the gray wolf shoves his knot into Tobz and starts cumming as well while panting and resting his head on Tobzs back “Ohh…He is …Cumming ..Now, Damo…” I smile as rest for a while as the white wolf pants and drips sum drool onto my back while I wait for his knot to go down so he can pull out of me.

After a little while I feel his knot going down as he jumps off my back to the side of me and start to pull his knot out while I grip the ground and close my eyes. Then, with a plop it comes out of my butt followed by sum of his cum that drips down my leg. Meanwhile I open my eyes again and look at Tobz that is now butt to butt with the gray wolf and starting to pull his knot out of Tobz with Tobz moaning “Ohh..Ungh…Yeahh.” Then the wolf’s knot pops out of Tobz and I see the cum dripping down from him as well. The white wolf walks over to the female wolf that was closet to him and lays down on his side beside her then she starts licking his cock clean.

Another wolf gets up and walks over to me, it’s the brown wolf and he walks around behind me and starts licking up the left over cum from my leg and hole “…mmm..” meanwhile a black wolf gets up and walks over to Tobz’s butt and starts licking him as well “mm..their..tounges feel so nice.” As the brown wolf licks me his sheath starts to swell making his cock poke out. Then suddenly he mounts me, grabbing my hips with his paws and humping forward untill his cock finds my hole and then shoves it in and humps quicker then the first wolf making me moan out in pleasure “ohh…mmmm…unghh..” while the black wolf keeps licking Tobz I can see his sheath also swelling up and him getting excited then Tobz taps his own back to tell the wolf to jump up and hump him which the wolf straight away jumps up onto his back gripping his hips with his cock poking out his sheath and thrusting forward slowly untill he finds Tobz’s hole and humps into him forcing his cock deep into Tobz while Tobz moans out in pleasure feeling another wolf cock inside him. “Unghh..ohh..yes..I…” As the brown wolf humps me I feel him licking my neck. As me and Tobz get humped by these wolves two of the female wolves get up and walk over to us and lay down on there bellys close to us and start to lick our hard cocks making it even more pleasurable while being humped hard and fast as we both moan out in pleasure “ohhh…unghh…mmm……good..”

As we get humped I look to see where the other 3 wolves are and see them laying on there bellys with the white wolf between two females watching us get fucked and licked by there excited pack mates. As the brown wolf humps me I can feel his big cock rubbing my prostate as it slides back and forth inside me, while one of the female wolves are working on my hard cock licking along my shaft my at its tip rapidly making me spray some pre onto her hungry tounge feeling my climax building up. Meanwhile I can hear Tobz moaning and grunting as the black wolf humps him and spraying his pre into him “ohh…gawwdd..ungh….unghh..” I watch the female wolf rapidly lick at Tobz’s dick as she lays on her belly wagging her tail. I can feel the knot in the brown wolf start to swell inside me as he humps so I clench my butt to keep his knot inside me loving the feeling of it swelling to its full size and then with one final hard thrust into me he starts filling my ass up with his warm seed while howling. “ohhh…unghh…mmm..” The pleasure from the cum inside me and the female wolf licking rapidly all over my cock sends me over the edge and with sum big throbs from my cock I spray my cum out onto the ground and onto her tounge tasting my cum and focousing her licking now on my cock tip where the flow of seed is coming from.

Mean while Tobz is still getting fucked hard by the black wolf and I hear him say “ohh…thats it…unghh..give me..unghh..your knot..” as he starts to tie with him then I see the wolf grip him harder really thrusting his hardest into him then howls spraying his cum into Tobz’s butt, already with the first wolves cum inside him I can see it leaking out and dripping down his leg as the female wolf keeps licking at his hard hanging cock “ohh…I’m..close..mmm..” after a few more licks I can see Tobz shoot his cum out onto the ground with the female wolf licking it up right away then focusing back onto the source of the cum untill he can’t cum anymore with the black wolf resting on his back panting. The female wolf finaly stops licking my cock as I have totally emptyed my balls out from the attention, so she gets up and walks to the female wolf thats with Tobz and noses her to come go with her back to the spot where the other 2 wolves are laying down watching us. She gets up and follows the other female to the spot and lays down beside the rest of them. Meanwhile I can feel the knot of brown wolf inside me start to swell down and he jumps off me to the side and starts turning around with his knot slowly going down pulling on my hole hurting abit “ohh…owwie..” then with a quick jump he forces his knot out of me “nnggg…aahhh..” then walks over with the others and lays down lifting one of his back legs and a female wolf beside him starts to lick his cock clean for him.

While I lay on the ground for a moment recovering from the sudden pull out of the brown wolfs knot I watch Tobz and the black wolf tied together with the black wolf laying on his back panting and dripping drool onto Tobzs neck then I say “they really know how to show you a good time” I giggle slightly as Tobz responds with a grin”oh…thats for…sure” I lovingly pat Tobz on the head then I pat the black wolfs head smiling “good boy” his knot starting to go down Tobz says “he is getting ready to pull out” and with that I stop patting his head as the wolf jumps off Tobz to his side with his knot going down quickly he pulls away from Tobz as I watch his knot pulling slightly on Tobzs hole then his cock slides all the way out of Tobz with sum cum flowing out Tobz says, “ahhh…free..” The wolf turns around again and starts licking up his cum as it runs out of Tobz hole and down his legs, I say “hehe they really love the taste of cum.” Tobz nods gently with his eyes closed enjoying the feeling of his soft tounge touching his hole. After a few more licks he stops and walks over to the rest of his pack and lays down, I slowly stand up and help Tobz to his feet and give him a quick kiss on the neck.

We walk over to where ours clothes are and pick them up starting get dressed again, first pulling on our underwear, then our pants, smiling at each other, I say, “I hope you had a great time tonight.” As I put my shirt back on I hear Tobz respond, “It was a dream come true.” I pull my shirt down with my head poping out and seeing Tobz slide his shirt on, I say to him “I got to feed them before we go” Tobz nods and says “Yeah good idea, can I help?” I say back to him “‘Course you can, sweety. Lets go ” I start to walk back to the gate and unlock it with the seven wolves watching us with there ears standing tall. We walk out the gate and I lock it behind me then start to walk to where we keep there food and all seven wolves get up and run to the fence near where we are. As I step inside and grab seven big peaces of chicken and put them down on the ground. Then Tobz says “Yuck. I hate chicken” I gigles and say “hehe I know you do but they love it so help me throw them over the fence for them.” All the wolves barking and sniffing the air looking at the chicken as we start to throw them over the fence one at a time spreading them out so none of them get more than one . As Tobz throws over the last peace I look up at the tree and see a bat hanging down then I turn to Tobz and say with a pleased smile “Okay, let’s go home, sweety” Tobz responds “Okay, cutie pie, let’s go.” We start to walk back to the main gate and I unlock it and open it up for Tobz then after Tobz goes through it, I step through it, and close the gate behind us, and lock it again and start walking back towards the car next to Tobz. When we reach the car I unlock it and the alarm beeps twice then we open the doors and step into the car and close the door then we put on the seat belts and I start the engine and back out of the parking space then put it into drive and go through the parking lot then out onto the street driving home. As I drive home I look to Tobz that is dozing off . “I love you, Tobz.” then slowly Tobz turns his head towards me with his eyes half closed he says, “I love you too, Damo…Thank you for the wonderful night.” And with that Tobz falls asleep as I drive home; almost there.

Then after another five minutes, we reach home and pull into the driveway and stop the car and turning off then the engine and undoing my belt and Tobz’s belt as he keeps sleeping. Then I step out the car and open the front door and right away our dogs run to me and start smelling me as I go back to the car and open Tobz’s door and gently I pick Tobz up then close the car door and press the alarm to lock it then I carry him inside with our dogs still smelling us I close the front door of the house and lock it. Then I start to walk down the hallway to our bed room and gently, I lay Tobz down trying not to wake him I pull off his shirt then mine and throw them to the end of the bed. Then I move to the other side of the bed and slowly get on the bed laying down beside Tobz then our two dogs jump up onto the bed and lay down at our feet curling up to go to sleep. I lean over and kiss Tobz’s cheek lovingly. Then I put my head down on the pillow and put an arm over Tobz. As I start to doze off, I whisper “Good night, my love.” then all four of us go to sleep together.

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