Women with Animals
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Hot Summer Day


(c) 2008 by t3r300

The hot sun boiled down upon my white skin. College just out for summer I needed to get started on my tan. I laid in my own backyard, my red two piece bikini covering the smallest amount of skin possible. I was 5’7″ and about 125 lbs, blond, slender and busty for a girl with so little weight. My 36 C cup tits bulging outward at the red fabric draped over them. My round hips exposed and my shaved cunt covered by just a small triangle of red cloth. I was not a virgin, my boyfriend and I having experimented twice in my life.

I loved the feeling of the warm sun upon my smooth soft skin as I heard noises from the fence beside our house. I peered out of my dark sunglasses at the site of a yellow plastic nozzle peeking through the wooden fence posts. I knew instantly that the young boy next door, while turned on at the site of my tight young body, was about to unload his supersoaker water gun in my general direction! The little “son of a bitch” never left me alone anymore as I jumped to my feet. The water streaming past me, missing, I laughed aloud and darted for the front door. The boy opened the gate in front of me and charged up the sidewalk ready to unload. Cut off, I darted away from him, my tits bouncing in my suit as I ran for the old building across the alley. I know he had to love the site of my near naked body, with my jiggling ass running away from him as I made it across the alley and entered the vacant lumber yard building that was full of old boxes. I quickly darted behind a pile and waited for him to pass me by.

I was on all fours, hiding when the nozzle slid up to my head, I didn’t even hear him as he sneaked up behind me. Laughing, the neighbor boy told me raise up my hands or he would fire. I placed them above my head like a prisoner and stood up. the boy marched me to a opening in the building. I knew if he fired that my body would glisten and be shown off to someone that shouldn’t see so much of me. But the entire episode excited me, as he placed a tie around my wrists and bound them behind me. Like a firing squad he stood me in front of him and asked if I had any last words when we both herd a rustling near the door. He looked surprised as his large Rottweiler dog trotted over to him. The dog weighed at least 100 lbs and was taller than the boys hip. He patted the dog on the head and prepared to fire but the dog trotted towards me. I laughed a little as his dog came over near me, the boy pleaded for the dog to get out of there, as I am sure the boy wanted to see my body soaking wet.

The dog stood at my waist, looking up at me, I asked him if he was my savior, but I couldn’t expect what happened next. The dog stuck his nose right into the crotch of my suit and snorted loudly. I was so embarrassed that i jumped backwards, loosing my balance and falling onto my hands on top of a box about hip high. My ass resting on the edge of the box, my hands under me, I felt the box lid cave in slightly, my feet coming off the ground, I was stuck. I wasn’t able to sit up, my legs flailing as i tried to raise my head and shoulders. My legs apart, i was so embarrassed as I struggled several times. I pleaded to Jimmy to come help me up when the dogs nose touched my crotch! His body between my legs, I kicked up and down trying to get up as he pushed and nestled his head against the entire area of my slit. Nestling me again and again, i cried out, “Jimmy” trying to get him to help me when the dogs tongue licked my bathing suit. Once then twice it lapped at my pussy through the material wetting it instantly. His tongue forcing a camel toe appearance in my crotch, i cried out again…”Jimmy”. I leaned my head up to see him standing off to the side just watching his dog lick at my pussy. My slit wetting, i knew my body well enough that i would excite quickly. I knew I needed to move and fast to keep the dog from getting me off in front of Jimmy. I kicked my legs and rocked my hips trying to get to my feet, my toes almost touching the floor when the nestling dog managed to slide my suit slightly to the side of my labia, exposing the softness of my pussy ever so slightly. His tongue lapped the exposed flesh, making me coo in tickling surprise, and I cried out desperately again…”Jimmy!”

Soon Jimmy’s face appeared over me, his eyes told it all, he was in amazement at the sight of my flesh. I pleaded with him, “get him off of me” as watched as Jimmy took the dogs collar with one hand pulling him back from my pussy a couple of inches. The dog straining forward, I waited for him to pull me up, but i watched him stare at my slightly exposed skin. I knew now that all those times I had teased him ever so slightly at the sight of my body would come to haunt me as Jimmy reached forward and slid my suit down to my knees! My pussy exposed to him, he let go of the large dog and watched as it licked my bare cunt.

My legs straining to touch the floor, spread, my tight pussy being licked again and again by a rough tongue, I cried out several times for him to help me. My legs began to slow as the tongue found a wet canal his tongue darting up my slit sending me into a passionate cry. Soon my legs stopped and I laid there letting the dog get my pussy off. Legs spread I gasped and moaned, jimmy watching my body I saw him rubbing his crotch. I knew i was in deep trouble!

I kicked hard and tried to get my body up out of the sunken box top, my feet touching the floor I was about to come up out when the dog jumped up. His front paws at my sides the box top crumpling, my hips rising, until my pussy touched his underside.

‘Oh God, Jimmy stop him now!” I yelled out just as the dogs penis touched my pussy. Thrusting in the air and then on my thigh, I felt him nearing my slit. I made eye contact with Jimmy standing there jacking off. “Please!” I pleaded as I felt it and Jimmy watched the dogs cock enter my pussy!

With in seconds he was fucking me wildly. I could feel his hot cock inside my aching pussy walls as I lost all control and began to fuck the dog wildly. Moaning, fucking, bucking, the dog and I made clumsy love. Jimmy couldn’t take it any longer, and walked over and exposed my tits, standing over my head on the other side of the box, he reached over and clasped at my tits as his cock laid upon my forehead. He moved my head and lips until it slid into my mouth. the dogs knot couldn’t enter me from that angle thank God as we fucking rapidly.

Being fucking feverishly, all I could do was look up into the face of a very excited young man. His face straining, his cock in my mouth, my tongue teasing his mushroom head. My hard nipples exposed as his hands found their way to them. Firm, and much more than a handful he roughly toyed with them. His cock pressing deeper and deeper into my mouth, his weight shifting up on top of me, I felt the box crumple. I fell deeper toward the floor, my waist lower, the boy positioned himself differently an soon he was pulling my mouth over his cock again and again, the dog moving more on top of me, I felt a large ball near the entrance to my pussy.

I tried to look down, but the boys hands pulled my chin up as he twisted at my nipples and strained. I could feel something larger pushing toward my cunt, opening me wider. Gasping from my pussy being torn open, cum suddenly filled my mouth. I swallowed and choked as he squirted his cum deep into my throat. I couldn’t cry out, as the dogs knot moved into my cunt, boring me open. The boy fell off and watched me gargle his cum as I tried to cry out in pain. The knot buried in me, we began to fuck slowly and powerfully. Cum oozing into me again and again as the beast made me his bitch. Seeing my pain, he walked over to the dog and tried to pull him off of me, but my hips and pussy followed. The dog yelped in pain as he was twisted until he was on all fours facing away from me but his cock still stuck in me. His tail wagging across my belly button, the boy lifted it and starred at my stretched pussy. ‘Can you pull it out of me?” I managed to get out, when he smiled at me, slid his hands down to my pussy, and started rubbing my clit at a rapid pace. I squealed in lust as my aching cunt was being teased. Faster and faster he made contact with my clit until my hips bucked. I was moving the dog with every thrust as I moaned again and again… until I said it.. “fuck me!” “fuck me!” “fuck me”! I was lost in the feeling in my stuffed pussy. Being teased and fucked, I came in front of him. My eyes rolling back I was exhausted as my body relieved itself. Suddenly, I heard a little “plunk” and cum oozed from my pussy as the dog walked away from me. Sitting down in the corner he licked his aching cock as I laid with my pussy gaping open. Fingers entered my dog cum filled vagina, exploring me and all I could do was moan.

“I’m gonna fuck you.” he said excitedly, and before I could react, he laid down upon me and shoved his erect cock into me. He pulled my legs up around him, and hammered my aching pussy. Gasping for air and relief, I laid under my young lover and submitted to his every desire. His fantasy to fuck me, he pounded away for every teasing moment I had given him. He felt my tits and slapped at my ass until I watched him tense and cum deep in my pussy. He rolled off and laid beside me as cum dripped out of my well used vagina. I was finally able to get to one knee and then stand up. My legs apart, my hands still tied, cum ran down my thighs to my knees. I begged for him to untie me and he finally did.

Afraid that I may act violently toward him he stood back as I yelled at him for cumming in me. I took the supersoaker, and with him watching, placed it up my cunt and drenched my womb with water. Cum and water running out of me, I grabbed my suit and ran naked for the house.

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