Women with Animals
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Annie’s Story


(c) 2008 by lokki_smiles

Annie felt her car chug to a stop ten miles from the edge of nowhere. The check engine light glowed bright red on the dash. She silently cursed at herself for not having it checked at the gas station yesterday.

She looked both ways, before she spoke, “Man there hasn’t been another car on this round since it was paved.” She giggled to herself, and then turned toward the only driveway she saw. The long dusty walk from the road to the front door of the modest house blacked her feet and open-toed saddles. Annie tapped no the door with no answer. A large collie came around the side of the house. A quick sniff of Annie’s hand and the animal moved back around side of the house. Annie followed. As she rounded the corner Annie saw two large buildings. One had a set of paddocks long one side the other was a free-standing structure with a lean-to on one side under which a medium-sized tractor was parked.

A deep voice called from the barn,” Bear. Come boy. I’ve got work to do and you out lollygagging. What’s a man to do?”

The power of the voice made Annie’s tummy tighten. If in fear or excitement Annie did not know. But the effect was more than obvious. A warm feeling filled her pussy. Something about that voice; it’s stern tone of the rich depth of it made Annie feel small, defenseless. She timidly approached the huge open door of the barn and looked inside.

“Hello?” Annie’s voice was almost a whisper. She peeked into the building.

“What the hell do you want?” The tall thin man stepped out of a shadow. “Well.”

“M-my car broke down and I need some help.” Her demeanor was that of a little girl. Scared and shy. Annie didn’t know why at the time but she soon would.

“What do you want me to do about that?”

Annie stood up straight as if she were trying to muster enough courage to continue the conversation. “All I need is a little help and I’ll be on my way.”

“What you doing to do for me?”

“I don’t have a lot of money on me.” Annie’s eyes aimed at the floor.

The tall man shamelessly looked up and down her body. Then a evil grin crossed his thin hard lips. “Come here girl.”

“Why?” Annie asked.

“You want your car fixed or not?”

Annie followed the thin, dark-haired man deeper into the building. She absent-mindedly checked out the firm buttocks moving in front of her. Before she could turn her eyes away from the denim- covered he turned. “You are a little slut aren’t you? Haven’t even been introduced to a man and you are ready checking him out. Come over here.” The man pointed at the floor.

Annie moved across the room quickly. The man grabbed her right wrist and quickly strapped it to a post in the middle of the room. Fear filled Annie’s eyes as the second wrist was anchored to another. “What are you doing?”

A quick slap on the ass and a stern “Shut the hell up. You are going to pay for the work I may do on your car.”

“No. You can’t be serious.” Another slap on the ass; harder than the first, was his answer. Along with a curt, “shut the hell up.” Leaning over her shoulder the man whispered in her ear,” Unless you like that sting in your ass.” Massaging her ass through the skirt and panties under it, the man continued to speak, “These things are in the way.” With a tug the panties under her skirt disintegrated in a flash. Then the skirt was thrown in the corner. Annie was naked from the waist down and sobbing. She heard the man walk out of the room only to return a few minutes later with a box full of odd looking items. The first item the man took out of the box was a tapered bulb that he quickly greased and with a hard shove buried into Annie’s ass. The pain was so intense Annie screamed. The man’s laugh made Annie cry all the more. She did not know what was going to happen. But she was certain she would not be able to stop it. That realization made the tears stream down her cheeks. But another feeling was building in her as well. A hot wet feeling from deep in her pussy was beginning. A sexual ember was beginning to build inside her as the man reached down and turned a switch on the device inside her rectum the vibrations hit her like a lightening. And the feelings deep inside her made her juices flow.

Annie felt the calloused hand of the man slide between her thighs and wiggle into her pussy from behind. “You are a slut!” The man laughed in her ear then he continued, “One of them big city sluts who come to the country looking for a good fuck. Well honey me and my animals will give you what you deserve.” Reaching around her body the man’s finger, shiny with her juices playfully twisted her left nipple.

“What are you going to do with me?” the soft voice slipped past Annie’s lips.

“Fuck you of course.” Again that deep voice cut into her mind and pussy; making both trembles.

The next tools the thin man brought out of the box was two bottles with a drip spigot on the end and a large wire hook on the other. The man filled each with milk and hung them from hooks above Annie’s head. With a twist of from his powerful wrist a drip of fresh milk dripped onto her warm skin. One on her left shoulder dripped down her front and another on her right shoulder dripped down her back. As the creamy white lines moved down her skin the farmer moved out of the room. The huge Collie crossed the room and began to lap at the milk coming down Annie’s body. The friction of his warm rough tongue made Annie tremble with a strange sexual energy. By the time the thin man returned she was panting in time with the tongue lapping at her flesh. She was nearing orgasm when the man pushed the dog out of the way. “You’ll get your turn.”
The words burned into Annie’s mind. “What do you mean?” Annie was asking herself.

The Collie’s training was obvious when he moved out of the way and sat in the far corner. The man brought a calf into the room and clipped a short lead hanging from a wide leather collar to a large ring set in the floor in front of Annie. As she stood there, her hands stretched between the two posts, Annie listened as a second calf was clipped into place behind her. Annie groaned and the two long, wet tongues painted their way across her body. The feelings of the warm tongues moving over her drove Annie deeper into a sexual trance. She knew what was happening but she could not help but get horny as those tongues worked their magic all over her lower half. On calf locked its sucking mouth on one outer pussy lip. The mix of pain and the intense pleasure was more than Annie could stand an intense orgasm raced through her body; threatening to knock her off her feet, as she shook from the sensation of both tongues and the butt plug vibrating in her tight ass.

The calf behind her wormed his tongue into the crack of her ass, lapping every drop of milk that sank into her body. When its tongue touched the butt plug the calf pulled back and clamped on her left butt cheek. The force of the sucking mouths made small sucker marks everyplace they attached themselves to her soft flesh. As the calves chased the white fluid over her lower half, Annie came over and over. Shaking every few seconds as a cascade of orgasms flowed out her body. When she thought she had no more orgasms in her tired body the calf in front locked on her tender clit. The tongue swirled between her pussy lips as the calf milked the tiny nub in its mouth. The powerful vacuum reminded her if a clit clamp she saw on a porn video, as it drew the clit up and away from the woman’s body causing her to cum so hard she gasped for air. The same result occurred from the calf’s mouth sucking her clit into its waiting mouth. The thin man pulled to calves away from Annie as she slumped against her restraints.

When the man returned he pulled a hidden lever and the straps holding Annie up gave way. She dropped to her knees and the man quickly secured her hands to the base on one post. Then he added ankle straps stretching her legs apart. After having her secured, the man called his Collie over. “You want that pussy?” The man’s voice was soothing and calm with the big dog. Reaching under Annie’s body and playing with her clit, the man felt how wet she had become from the calves mouths. “Yep she feels like she wants to be your bitch. Hercules. Take her.”

Without hesitation the huge Collie wrapped his long hair and powerful front legs around Annie’s hips and back. She felt the huge weapon pushing around her pussy and ass. The feeling was wild. Never had a man teased her the way Hercules did. The tip tapped around her pussy for several tries before shoving his huge cock home. The first thrust filled her pussy to the limit most cocks had reached. But Hercules was not done. The second thrust sank deeper into virgin territory. The pain of being stretched like never before in her life was intense and wonderful at the same time. The mix of pain and pleasure drove another mind-blowing orgasm from her tortured body. The hammering was at jackhammer speed. The pounding was at a delicious pace that Annie quickly learned to love. By the second orgasm she could not wait for the next thrust. The feel of being totally under the dog’s control was so intense that Annie came a third, then a forth time as the huge cock drove deeper and deeper. She felt she was being torn apart when the knot popped into her widely stretched pussy. Hercules changed his pace to short controlled thrusts teasing Annie’s g-spot with rhythmic vibrations intensified by the vibrator still humming in her asshole. She could feel the force of each jet of cum shooting into her as Hercules cock filled her tight pussy.

As Annie came back to reality she could hear the thin man laughing viciously. “How does it feel to be a bitch?”

Annie’s head slumped down. She knew why he said such a hurtful thing. She truly loved the feel of that huge cock inside her pussy. God it felt so damn good. She could take that kind of fuck everyday the rest of her life is it wasn’t a dog. Then something in the back of her mind said,” Who cares if it’s a dog or not?’ She tried to push the thought away but the months of celibacy from her ignorant husband and the power the screwing she just received was a potent combination.

Another orgasm raced through Annie’s body Hercules threw his leg over and spun so he was ass to ass with the beautiful lady he had just impregnated with his doggy juice. Annie cried out in pain as the huge collie pulled his shrinking knot out of her tight, sore pussy. Panting on the floor Annie was awash with a mix of emotions. Embarrassment; she was naked in front of a strange man who was taking great joy in humiliating her. Guilt; she could not say that the sex she experienced was not the best she had in months, maybe years. Fear; she was not sure what would happen next and that scared her terribly. And the strangest of the feelings swimming in her mind. Anticipation; Annie was hoping the man was not done with her.

And he wasn’t.

He walked up and slapped Annie’s pussy. His hand felt the wetness of the combination of Hercules spew and the flood of juices that Annie had added to their tie. “Wow. You really liked that didn’t you?” “Yes,” Annie whispered.

She did not notice the man had lead Hercules from the barn. As he returned Annie heard a new sound; the clip clop of hooves. It wasn’t the heavy sound of a full grown horse. Before she could figure out what was happening two slim, powerful legs moved to either shoulder. The man reached under the animal over her and stroked the large flesh tube over her ass. With a few strokes the cock was hard and thick. The man aimed the cock into at the open hole of Annie’s sex that was well lubed by the dog that had claimed his human bitch.

Annie groaned as the mini stallion’s cock moved into her. The wrist-wide shaft pushed several inches into her. The feeling of the wide shaft made Annie try to move forward. But the restraints held her fast. By the second thrust ten inches of horse cock was wedged into her wet pussy. Two thrusts later and fourteen inches of wrist-thick cock were tapping at the entrance of her cervix. Then the thin man stepped back and the stallion began the agonizingly slow process of pulling the cock he had just filled her with back out. A heartbeat later the cock returned, filling Annie to overflowing. The juices her pussy was generating to lube the cock pumping in and out of her were squirting out of her body on each thrust. There was no way to hide the fact she was enjoying the screwing she was getting by this animal. His strong flanks flexed on each thrust. Threatening to lift her off the floor; Annie was entranced by the rush of feelings coming from her fully filled pussy. Her breath came in short bursts as each thrust hammered into her stretched pussy. Annie came in a rapid succession of orgasms. The stallion over her back whinnied as his cock shifted in and out of the tight hole wrapped around it. Annie was lost in a sexual trance as her new lover rammed himself into her with the animalistic force no lover had ever generated in her past. An equally animalistic sound started in the back of the woman’s throat. Starting low but quickly building as the force of the stallion’s pace increased. When the flood of horse cum exploded into her pussy Annie was screaming in joy. As the scream faded Annie folded to the floor. The mix of exhaustion and sexual overload took all her willpower. Lying on the floor, covered in sweat, Annie’s body did not move other than the deep breathing of total collapse.

The white puddle of fluids formed as they drizzled from between her open lips. Annie didn’t hear the mini-stallion as he was lead out of the barn. The sound of his heavy boots as he returned did not rouse the lady on the floor. Annie moaned softly as the man pulled the straps on his coveralls off his shoulders and let them drop in a heap around his boots. Walking over to Annie, the man dropped to the floor. Tugging to now dead vibrator from her ass, the man scooped up a palm-full of the creamy white fluids and smeared it on his cock. The second handful was painted over her wrinkled hole. Annie was on her side so the next motion was easy. Aiming his cock at the opening, precum dripping from his cock, the man pushed his way in. Annie groaned softly as she felt her ass opening to the intruder. It was not the size of the stallion that had been hammering her pussy minutes before, but it sure felt big enough to matter. The man wasted no time in passionate play. He shoved in hard as his right hand found Annie’s right nipple and gave it a little twist. The pain and pleasure blended in her mind and she moaned in joy. Pounding her ass with the pent up lust from the show he had been orchestrating, the man’s passion was driven with animalistic force.

With a groan and a hard shove the man filled Annie’s ass with his fluids. The third cock of the day that filled her body with its juices. Annie had nothing left she came a couple of times expressed in little moans and twitches. The man got up and pulled his pants and boots back on. He then grabbed a hose and turned the water on Annie. The power of the flow stung on her skin. It woke her up. The man looked down at the wet flesh in front of him. He quickly grabbed a towel and helped Annie to a chair. “You rest here honey and I’ll be right back.” The tone in his voice was softer. She sat in the overstuffed chair. She didn’t know how long she sat there before the man returned. He dropped some cloths in her lap to replace the ones he had cut off her. She slipped into them. Her panties quickly became damp as she pulled them into place. “Oh. My car,” Annie gasped.

“I fixed it,” the man stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

Annie said nothing else until she got into her car. Looking down at the floor, Annie whispered, “Can I come back?”

The man’s laugh was warm and light, “Sure sugar.” Dropping a piece of paper into her hand the man continued to speak, “Call ahead. Make sure I’m not busy.”

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