English Books Women with Animals

The Virgin’s Pet


(c) by John Kellerman


“Oh wow, am I ever sweaty,” Gayle sighed, tossing her tennis racket on the bed and stripping her t-shirt off. Her small, firm tits were white in contrast to the tan of her chest and belly, and as she wiggled out of her shorts, she admired her slender body in the mirror. She’d just had a terrific match with a friend on the big clay court that belonged to Gayle’s father. The two of them had gone at each other without a letup until finally Gayle’s opponent, Tricia Worley, had tired enough to let Gayle get a few just over the net and win. Gayle enjoyed violent exercise. It made her skin flush and her heart pound. She was sure it had something to do with sex too. Because when she was fatigued like this, she always became aroused. Slipping thumbs over the elastic of her panties, she skinned them down and with a graceful movement of her small foot, kicked the musky undies across the room.

“Oh boy, this shower will sure feel good. Or maybe I’ll have a bath today.” She was looking at her naked body in the mirror. The sheen of drying sweat on her skin made a thrill go through her cunt. “Yeah, a good long soak in a hot tub and then…” She bit her lip. Since she’d turned sixteen, it was hard to take a bath and not touch her delicate, most feminine places. Tricia, who was a few months older, told her that if she did it just right, something wonderful would happen. The word was orgasm. But Tricia swore too that what actually happened was far more interesting than that rather clinical word. Tricia made it out to be almost religious. And since she’d learned the knack, Tricia did it every day. That’s what she told Gayle.

The jingle of a collar tag told Gayle that Prince, her sleek Doberman, was looking for her. The jingle grew louder, then stopped.

“In here, Prince,” she called, clapping her hands. The black dog rounded the corner, tail nub wagging. He came to her for a thorough scratching and Gayle obliged. Then she went to her bathroom to start her tub running.

She was leaning over the tub, adjusting the faucets when she felt something brush her exposed cunt mound. The rub came harder, hard enough to part her sweaty cuntlips. The strangest tingle she’d ever experienced rippled through her. As the shock set in, Gayle realized that her dog had just stroked his tongue along her crevice. He’d licked her clit!

“Prince! Bad boy!” she turned, still crouching, her cute round face set in a frown. Prince just panted as happily as before and seemed to be looking for another opening. She lifted a hand as if to smack him and the dog dove forward. His tongue wet her right tit, bringing the small pink nipple up out of its dimpled areola. Shocked, Gayle looked down to see the dog’s saliva glistening there.

“What’s gotten into you?” She was squatting, facing her pet, and the stretching of her cunt mound had opened it. She could feel the heated membranes exposed to the air and her heart picked up speed. But she was in a mild state of shock too. Her large, blue eyes were fastened on what was taking place under her Doberman’s belly. His furry sheath bulged at the end and something pushed his dark-pink cock slickly into view. It was as streamlined as a rocket ship with only a slight ridge where the cockhead was. Gayle had learned that much about anatomy, but since Prince was such a well-behaved dog, she rarely glimpsed his sex organ at close range. Her emotions were mixed. She still had the urge to punish him for being so unruly. But the way his cock grew fascinated her. It was throbbing. It was glossy with the animal’s lubrication. She stared, ashamed to be interested in the secrets of a mere dog. Even if he was her loyal and loving pet.

“I really should thrash you, you wicked dog!” But Gayle was smiling. And blushing. She gave him a playful push and made him leave the bathroom. As she closed the door behind him, Gayle noticed that her hands were shaking. “What would make him want to lick a human girl?” she pondered aloud. “I don’t smell like a dog. I don’t have fur like a dog. I must not even be very pretty to a Doberman like Prince.”

Gayle turned the water off and climbed into the tub. She sank back to let the sweat melt from her skin, her eyes closed as she tried to think of other things. She wanted to go shopping if Daddy would lend her the Mercedes. There was a cute little dress she’d seen in a shop window in Paxton Springs. She didn’t dare tell her older sister about the dress because Cindy would beat her to it if she did. Cindy was eighteen and wore almost the same size clothes as did Gayle. Cindy was bigger breasted, but she usually chose frocks that tended toward tightness to show off her perfectly rounded tits.

“Mine are perfect too,” Gayle said aloud, “they’re just smaller.” She splashed hot water over the nipple that had been licked by her Doberman and a thrill went through her. She soaped a palm and began to stroke the nub with circular movements until the tingle in her cunt had grown more intense.

“Uhmmmmm, that’s nice.” She soaped both palms now and let her other nipple share in the excitement. The pleasure in her cunt was becoming very strong now! She could feel that little clit-bump growing. It grew tumid and plump when she rubbed her nipples. Once she’d even squatted over a mirror and watched it push out from behind its fleshy hood. For some reason she thought of Prince and the way his red cock had exposed itself.

“Ugh, how awful. Imagine the poor girl dog who has to put up with that thing inside her.” Gayle was still a virgin and she had not come to grips with the mysterious and somewhat messy facts of life quite yet. She was fascinated by the idea of sexual intercourse, but scared at the same time. She’d heard stories about what happened when a boy got too excited.

Tricia, Gayle’s best friend, told of how she’d gotten into a wrestling match with her cousin when she was only fourteen. The boy had been a few years older and Tricia had become curious as to why he kept wriggling around so much when he was trying to pin her. She had described to Gayle how the contest had become something very different. Her cousin had started kissing her and his eyes had glazed. He’d moved his hips around in a funny kind of way and Tricia had grown a little excited herself. She knew vaguely that her cousin’s strange behavior had something to do with sex. She also knew that cousins weren’t supposed to do such things with each other, even if they weren’t all the way naked. Then Tricia had felt the boy jerk and gasp and she’d become aware of something hot and sticky down where that hard thing had been rubbing against her crotch. The boy had collapsed then and Tricia had had to push him off of her. She’d related in some detail exactly how slick that stuff was, how it smelled, and how it felt when she dabbed a finger into it and rubbed it against her thumb.

Wallowing in her warm tub, Gayle found these memories keenly exciting. She began to wonder just what a boy’s cum was really like. Tricia had hinted that the stuff was pretty awful. But Gayle thought her friend was saying that for her benefit. She had a strong suspicion that Tricia had enjoyed the sordid little scene with her cousin. And though Tricia had no other stories to tell, Gayle wondered if she’d played again with the boy.

Suddenly Gayle had the strongest urge to explore her cunt. Yet she felt somewhat guilty for having been licked by her own dog and then remembering with exquisite detail the lewd story Tricia had told her almost a year ago. No, she wouldn’t allow herself that pleasure. It would be punishment for her naughty daydreaming. She stepped out of the tub, dried herself briskly and searched in a drawer for a fresh pair of panties. She didn’t hear the jingle of Prince’s collar until he was in the room. Gayle was about to turn when his hot, damp nose was pressed between her thighs and he nuzzled upward against the plump, white lips of her cunt. The sparse curls of brown parted and her cuntlips opened with a wet sound.

“Ohhh!” Gayle clung to the edge of her dresser as she struggled with the conflicting forces of her own conscience and the jolt of pure pleasure that had shimmered through her belly. “You awful doggy! Get back, get away!” She fled toward her bed, the powerful animal in close pursuit. Sitting heavily on the edge of the mattress, Gayle shoved at Prince’s head with both hands. But he burrowed past her ineffectual defenses, and again his sharp nose opened the lips of her cunt. She tried to squeeze him out with her knees but her strength was failing. She was staring down as his pink tongue flicked out. How long it was! How wet it was! And the heat of it… the heat sent tingles up her spine, made her thin shoulders shake.

“No… don’t do th-th-that… bad dog… baaaaadd!” cried Gayle.

Her cunt was blooming now, the delicate inner surfaces exposing themselves as her flesh swelled from the friction of the dog’s licking. Gayle felt as if she’d slipped into another dimension. Her small hands rested on the dog’s head but she wasn’t trying to push him away anymore. She couldn’t. She didn’t have control of her will now. It was that damnable pleasure that had destroyed it. That and the lewd fascination that locked her eyes on what Prince was doing. He liked it, liked the way she smelled and tasted! This fact alone thrilled her past the ability to reason.

“Ohhh, ohhhh wow! Ohhhh that’s just too m-m-much!” Hot tickles of fire brought her clit surging out, its sensitive and pearly head hunting for the source of the pleasure. Prince’s tongue found the glistening nub and the most powerful thrill of all made Gayle suck her tummy in deeply under her ribs.

But she knew she couldn’t allow this to go on! She just couldn’t. She shook her head, her light brown hair flying out over her shoulders.

“Uhh, stop… ohhhh God, don’t do that Prince! Bad dog! Very b-b-bad dog!” It was no use. Her strength had been absorbed by the passionate waves of ecstasy that seemed to ride the surface of her skin. The soft, licking slurp of the dog’s tongue against her exposed cunt-flesh added to her excitement, weakening her further. Her nipples had budded too, and she longed to touch them. What had happened to her willpower? Her pet’s tongue had diluted it so much that it was useless, that’s what had happened to it. How could she resist pleasure so pure and breathtaking as she was now experiencing?

“Uhh, uhhhh, uhhhh God, if you don’t stop… if you… ohhhhhh!” Gayle moaned passionately.

The dog nuzzled deeper. His black nose had opened her inner folds now and she could feel his breath scorching her poor little clit. Well, it wasn’t so little as it had been. She saw the pulsing tip of it for a second, and then she could only see Prince’s tongue swathing it with hot saliva.

Whimpering in defeat, Gayle sank back to lie upon her back on the bed, her slender legs hanging off the edge of the mattress as she gouged the carpet with both heels. Knowing he had won, Prince spread her thighs wider with his shoulders and lapped hungrily at her parted pussy. She could feel her juices flowing out and could feel them being slurped up by her loving pet. Shudders of glowing warmth spread upward from her cunt and sent electric thrills down her long, tan legs. Her toes spread apart from the constant friction against her cunt. Her nipples felt like rubies on her chest and she gave in to the passion that had taken her, bringing her palms up to excite the tender bumps of titflesh.

“Oh, ohhh my God! Ohhhh this is awful…” It was incredible too. She’d touched herself before but had never experienced the full flush of excitement that Prince was giving her.

“Nhhhaaaah, something funny is happening to me! I’m getting all shivery and hot! Ohh God, ohhhh God, God, God!”

The muscles in her thighs tightened. Her fingernails dug into her palms. She flopped her head back and forth on the bed as her hungry pet made a mess of her blossomed pink cunt. The itchiness was growing so intense that Gayle wondered if she could bear it much longer. Of course she knew what was happening to her. She was going to have an orgasm. Her dog was going to lick her and make her come! That taboo word thrilled her as it ran through her thoughts. But she was so guilty! It was bad enough to listen to Tricia’s lewd stories, but to let her own pet lick her cunt until she came was unthinkably perverse!

Again, Gayle struggled against the Doberman’s hungry attack. She pushed at his head with both hands, whimpering weakly all the while. But the dog had a taste of her delightful young twat and he wasn’t going to give it up without a fight. Under his belly, she could see his huge cock now. It seemed fully extended and the tip had grown into a streamlined barb. Lubrication dripped from the thing as it swung back and forth when Prince dug his hind paws in to brace himself against Gayle’s flailing hands.

“Stop… ohhhh stop, damn it or I’m gonna… gonna… ohhh shit! Ohhhhh no!”

The first excruciating tickle sparked through her. It was something like an electric shock but there was no pain or discomfort. Only the most lovely pleasure she’d ever felt. Her fists dropped and she fell back on the mattress again. Shouldering her squeezed thighs wide again, the Doberman growled and covered the entire length of her crevice with his open jaws. His tongue dug and gouged into the fleshy flower of her inner lips. His breath scorched her wonderfully!

Gayle knew now that she was beyond help. Her slim ass began to dance on the bed. With convulsive movements she thrust her open cunt up and down against the dog’s licking. She didn’t want to move like that. She wasn’t even thinking about it. It was the maddening itch, the insatiable hunger that had suddenly overtaken her. She couldn’t get enough of that cursed tongue! She couldn’t rub back against the dog’s licking mouth quite enough! Her heart fluttered like it might fail totally and her breathing was wild and ragged.

Gayle pinched both her tits and her tummy heaved rapidly as the Doberman lapped more furiously than ever. It was as if he knew what was happening to her. Her excitement had excited him. Gayle looked down over her belly to see his hindquarters hunching in the familiar movements of fucking. Then another burst of pleasure exhilarated her so intensely that she couldn’t focus anymore. How could it get any better? But it did. The next explosion was the first erotic spasm of her climax! It made her give a squeal that lasted only seconds because another hot storm between her cuntlips choked it off. She reveled in the ecstasy. Her young hips leaped around on the bed. Her clit was a burning sun, throbbing, inflaming all her senses to the utmost sensitivity.

“Ahhhggg, ahhhhgggg, ahhhhhhhh!” she babbled, biting blood from her lip. She’d never dreamed in all her life that coming would be like this!

The tender spots between each toe tickled. Her armpits glowed and grew damp. Her earlobes felt extra-sensitive and the touch of her ass against the bed was pleasurable. Even her tight little asshole throbbed with the passion she was experiencing!

“Ohhh, I’m gonna die… nhhhaaahhh!”

Then as suddenly as the shivering paradise had encompassed her slim body, it was replaced by pain. Now Prince’s tongue hurt! With a cry of pain, Gayle brought a leg up and back and drove against the dog’s body with all her might. He yelped and staggered back and Gayle used the moment to clasp both her hands over her ravished cunt. She was surprised to feel how swollen it was! Never before had her dainty flesh exploded into such a plump, slippery flower as now bulged between her thighs.

She sat there on the edge of the bed, watching her Doberman. But he seemed to know that she wasn’t going to allow anymore of his fun and games. He lowered himself onto his haunches and licked his chops. His cock was still very long and very shiny. Gayle stared at it, her tits rising and falling as she tried to catch her breath.

“Oh my God, I can hardly believe it happened.” But it had happened. And as soon as Gayle pushed her dog out of the room and closed the door again, she threw herself across her bed and began to sob with shame and disgust.



“But you’re usually so careful about feeding him. I don’t think you’d ever forget, Gayle,” Cindy exclaimed to her younger sister.

Gayle avoided her sister’s eyes. She wished it were as easy to avoid Cindy’s accusation. “There’s always a first time for everything.”

“No, it’s something more than just forgetting.” Cindy made Gayle look at her. “I saw you go to the back door and frown when Prince came up. Then you just walked away. You knew it was feeding time.”

“Look, I don’t feel like talking about it.” Gayle had always been irritated by her big sister’s tendency to pry, to play amateur shrink whenever her little sis had problems.

“Well, I fed Prince just an hour ago so you don’t have to worry about it. But it doesn’t really do any good to punish him that way. I assume you were punishing him for something, right?”

“I told you I don’t want to talk about it.” Gayle went to the box on her bed. Holding up the new dress she’d bought, she turned. “How do you like what I found down at Juanita’s Boutique?”

“You rat, I wish I’d seen it first! Oh, I’ll bet that would look good on me.”

“Well, it looks good on me too. I think I’ll wear it tonight.”

Cindy gave Gayle a slinky, teasing look. “You and Eddy going out?”

“He hasn’t asked me yet but he’ll probably call before noon.” Gayle shrugged. “It makes him feel like a big shot to wait until the last minute. One of these times I’m going to refuse him though.”

“Hey, little sis, you’re gonna have to let me borrow this some night.” Candy held the new dress up against her body. She was curvier than Gayle and her tits larger, but otherwise the sisters were very much alike. They both had wide, sensuous mouths, short noses and large eyes. Cindy’s sparkling blond hair did give her a striking appearance, but both sisters were leggy and svelte and Gayle really had never felt like she was at much of a disadvantage. She only wished she knew how to maneuver boyfriends as easily as Cindy seemed to do. She had two or three of them hanging around all the time.

“You going out tonight?” Gayle asked.

“I can’t make up my mind whether to let Freddy take me to supper somewhere or go with Randy.” Cindy tossed Gayle’s dress back on the bed and did a little turn in front of the mirror. “Randy does have the neatest car and he kisses lots better than Freddy.”

Just the mention of the word made Gayle think of how her dog had licked her cunt. It was a terrible secret. Something she could never tell a living soul. But thinking of how it had made her feel caused her cunt to throb. She became conscious of her older sister staring at her.

“You had the darnedest look on your face,” Cindy said, slitting her eyes. “What were you thinking about?”

“Oh… nothing.”

“No, let me guess. You were thinking about how far you’re going to let Eddy go tonight, weren’t you?”

“Of course I wasn’t.”

“How far do you let Eddy go? Has he ever got his hand inside your…”


“I was just going to say panties.” Cindy gave a sexy pout. “I let Randy touch me like that if he’s a good boy.”

Gayle was curious, but she felt embarrassed to ask about details. Her experience with most males was that if you gave them an inch they wanted a mile. Gayle had not given Eddy more than an eighth of an inch yet. And that eighth of an inch did not extend under the elastic leg of her panties!

“How do you know when to stop a guy?” Gayle asked shyly. “I mean after he’s gone so far, he really starts pushing to go a lot farther.”

“I never have any trouble turning a guy’s fire down,” Cindy said. “If he gets out of hand, I just grab his cock.” Gayle hid her embarrassment as best she could. She’d never dreamed of doing anything like that! She’d never even seen a boy’s prick in the flesh. And to curl her fingers around one of those hot, hard things… well, she guessed they were hot and hard. She’d heard girls whispering at school.

“What does that d-d-do?” Gayle asked self-consciously.

“As long as you’ve got his cock in your hand, he can’t shove it in you, right?”

“I guess so.” Gayle swallowed hard. Now she was thinking of Prince’s cock. The thought of touching something so slick and red made her shoulders tremble. She wondered what her sister would think if she told her how the Doberman had licked her cunt and made her come. Cindy swayed across the room, touching her lovely young body as she talked.

“Of course, once you grab them, they don’t want you to turn loose. It’s best to plan ahead and have a hanky that’s easy to get to.”

“A hanky?”

“Sure, stupid. You wouldn’t want to get that yucky stuff all over your new dress, would you?”

“Yucky stuff?”

“Oh come on, Gayle, you know what happens when a boy reaches a climax, don’t you?”

“Oh!” Gayle was suddenly remembering the sexy story her best friend Tricia had related to her about the time she’d wrestled with her cousin while they were in their pajamas. Yes, she knew what Cindy was talking about now.

“And let me give you some advice,” Cindy went on. “Some guys say they only want to slip it into you for a second or two. They promise they won’t come inside and all that sort of stuff. Just don’t believe them for a minute!” Cindy frowned as if she’d gone through such an experience herself. “Once they get it inside you, they’ll never pull it out until it’s too late.”

“Why won’t they?”

Cindy sat close to Gayle on the bed, her big eyes intense with the secret excitement she felt. “Just imagine how that must feel to a man. A girl is really hot inside and she’s all slick and soft too. I think a girl’s cunt must be the softest, slickest thing in the whole universe and a man is very sensitive when he has an erection. He can feel everything, especially where it touches the tip of his prick. That’s his glans and it sticks out more than the other part. So when it rubs a girl’s softness…” Cindy’s voice trembled and she had to bite her bottom lip. “Oh, I’ve gotten all excited just talking about it.”

“Cindy, have you ever… uh… ever…?”

“Come on, ask it.”

Gayle took a deep breath and looked at her older sister. “Have you ever let a boy make you have a climax?”

“Oh sure. But you have to watch them. When they get you that hot they figure it’s easy to jerk your panty-crotch out of the way and shove their hard old cock in.” Cindy sighed. “And when a girl’s that close to coming, it takes a lot of willpower to keep them from doing it.”

“Yeah. I think I see what you mean.” Actually, Gayle didn’t. She had never even touched her cherry, and as far as she was concerned, she didn’t even have a deep, hot hole. So it was impossible for her to imagine having a cock pushed into her. But from what her older sister had said, she guessed that Cindy had indeed had a cock pushed into her. Cindy read her thoughts.

“Yes, I’ve gone all the way,” Cindy said, grinning. “Once.”

“You did?”

“Hurt like hell and it was a mess too. It was almost rape was what it was.”


“Uh-huh. I had no idea what was going on. Before I knew it, he had it in me all the way and was jerking around like crazy and I was crying and bleeding and then…”

“What happened?”

“I could have gotten knocked up. It was just lucky that I didn’t.”

“Oh,” Gayle gasped. “He did that inside you?”

“I told you about how men are.” And with that, Cindy breezed out the door. Gayle was weak with passion after talking about the details of dating lust. She saw her coming date with Eddy in an entirely new light. Yet she couldn’t think about him without thinking of Prince too. It was awful, remembering that raw, dripping cock that had appeared while the dog had licked her. But it was really the only cock she knew anything about. And no matter how she tried, it was that image that continued to haunt her. Thirty minutes before her date was to pick her up, Gayle imagined the Doberman’s long prick touching the delicate inner flesh of her pussy and then sinking between the plush, cushiony lips. She scolded herself for having such unthinkable daydreams and finished dressing.


“There’s going to be a party over where that new show home is,” Eddy told her as they pulled away from her house. Eddy was a nice enough boy, somewhat on the skinny side, but with broad shoulders and sharp, even features.

“The show home?”

“Yeah. Bob’s old man is in real estate and he’s handling that whole new development over at Pine Valley. So Bob has the key to this fantastic pad, see, and a lot of kids are bringing beer and food.”

“What if someone sees everybody going in and calls the cops?”

“Nobody lives out there yet,” Eddy told her. “And anyhow, if a cop shows up for some reason, Bob can tell him to shove off. It’s his old man’s place after all.”

Gayle was a little squeamish about participating in the illegitimate party, but she didn’t want to be a spoil-sport, so she kept still. By the time Eddy pulled up at the curb to park, there were other kids on their way up the walk.

Inside it was dark and someone was handing out candles.

“We can’t turn on the lights,” a red-headed girl told her. “Might attract too much attention.” She shoved a candle into Gayle’s hand and a book of matches to go with it. “There’s a case of beer in a cooler in the kitchen.”

Eddy brought Gayle a cold can, and though she hadn’t really wanted to drink, she took it. She’d had beer before, a sip or two from her father’s glass on occasion. Eddy chug-a-lugged his and went to get another one.

Some couples swayed to the music of a portable phonograph, others made out in dark corners and on the large sofa. As Gayle drifted around, she heard giggles down the hall. A bedroom door slammed shut. Gayle lit her candle and stuck it into a saucer she’d found in the kitchen. She drank more of her beer, beginning to like the sharp feel of the bubbles going down.

Eddy pulled her by the hand. “Let’s go upstairs and see what’s happening.”

“Okay.” Reluctantly, Gayle followed him up the steps. The house was a large one, and as they passed one bedroom, she saw a girl she knew stretched out on the floor with a guy. The guy’s hand was under the girl’s dress and Gayle could hear him whispering something.

“No…” the girl moaned, pushing at his wrist, but the boy didn’t take his hand away. In fact, it slid a little higher and then the two of them were kissing passionately. Gayle began to feel worried. She’d never been with Eddy in such a setting and the way he kept looking at her was weird.

“Here’s an empty room,” he said, pulling her in before she could stop him.

“It’s not right to be alone in here,” she stammered as he shut the door. But then Eddy had pulled her into his arms. Since she held the candle in one hand and her beer in the other, she couldn’t fend him off. He kissed her neck wetly as his hands traced the trim curves of her hips. The slide of his hands over her new dress was exciting. Too exciting!

“Eddy… stop! I’m going to spill my beer or drop this darn candle.”

“Here, give me that.” Eddy put the candle on the dresser and Gayle’s beer beside it. She backed away from him but her legs hit the bed and he wrestled her down onto her back. He began to rub his body against hers but since they still had on their clothes, Gayle put up with it for a few minutes.

But she was having a hard time breathing and her cunt was very moist. She could feel her nylon panty-crotch clinging to the damp flesh that had blossomed outward. She was very hot between her cuntlips, just like she’d been when Prince had licked her. Oh why did she keep thinking of that?

“God, Gayle, I sure do spend a lot of time dreaming of you.”

“Mmmmmm.” The feel of Eddy’s breath against her ear was sending hot shivers up and down her back. Her nipples throbbed against her bra-cups.

“Don’t… Eddy, please stop that!”

The boy’s hands were straying. She knew he longed to get under her dress and she remembered what her sister had said about getting felt up. Gayle was enjoying the fluttery feelings that all this touching was causing, but she was scared to let Eddy actually touch her bare flesh. Eddy kissed her ear again.

“You smell so good.”

She could smell what he was talking about. It was a musky scent that rose from between her thighs. The same erotic perfume her body had given out when the Doberman had feasted on her cunt. She was getting hotter by the second.

“Ohhh, ohhhh God!”

“Why don’t you take this off?” Eddy said.


She tried to stop him but Eddy unbuttoned the back of her dress. She began to pant as he pulled it off one shoulder and covered her tan flesh with kisses. Gayle didn’t how the boy slipped out of his pants so quickly. It was his bare leg against her knee that made her squeal with shock.

“Eddy! You better put your clothes back on…”

“Let’s just hug,” he whispered, rolling on top of her. As he wiggled around, Gayle remembered that story Tricia had told her. But Eddy wasn’t wearing pajamas, just a pair of skivvies. She could feel his hard, hot cock through the thin material of her dress. He rubbed it against her thigh, his hands doing something behind her back.

“No! Not my bra!” It was again too late to stop him. She felt the cups loosen. Then Eddy was pulling the front of her dress lower, dragging the bra off her tender tits at the same time. She was trying so hard to keep his wet lips away from her exposed nipple that she didn’t notice what his free hand was doing. Not until she felt his finger slide along the wet nylon that clung to her cunt.

“Uhhhhhhhh!” she moaned, hips jerking as she arched her back up from the bed.

“Let me take them off,” Eddy sighed.

“My panties? Of course not! What kind of a girl do you think…”

“Hey, take it easy. It’s just that I dig you so much.” His finger pressed the silken crotchband up into her crevice. Gayle squirmed, clutching at his wrist but the tremors of pleasure were weakening her. She tried to remember her sister’s advice. Her mind couldn’t make any sense out of anything right now. And Eddy’s finger was trying to pry under the elastic of her panties.

“Eddy, I… I have to go to the bathroom,” she lied.


“Must be that beer.” She forced a giggle.

“Jesus Christ…”

“I won’t be long.” Gayle swung her legs off the bed and pulled her dress back up. She let her bra dangle loose inside. All she wanted was to escape that room and Eddy’s dangerous hands. “Maybe you could get me something more to drink while I’m gone?”

“You haven’t even finished this one yet,” he said, picking her can up. Gayle could see the jut of his prick inside his skivvies. She hurried to the door and out into the hall. There was no way he could follow her without his pants.

“He might try and follow me though,” she breathed to herself. “Especially when I don’t come back.” Because Gayle had no intention of going back. She cut down the hall and looked around for a place to hide. Most of the bedrooms were occupied and when she started into one, she heard the bed bouncing rhythmically and a girl’s soft cries. There was another sound too, something wet and slick sliding against something else just as slick. She backed out of that bedroom and searched for another.

Now she heard Eddy in the hall, calling her name. She couldn’t be choosy at this point so she found a partly open door, got down on her hands and knees and crawled quietly into the room. She knew at once that it was empty and made a frantic dive for the closet, praying that Eddy wouldn’t find her. Her prayer was answered. No sooner had she turned and gotten to her feet than two more people pushed into the bedroom and closed the door behind them. The girl was tall and blond and as she put her flickering candle in an ashtray on the dresser, Gayle thought she saw something very familiar about her.

“Oh, Randy, you think you’re so smart sneaking me into a bedroom. Who said you’re going to get what you think you will?”

It was Cindy, Gayle’s older sister! Gayle watched Randy embrace her sister, his hands caressing the pert outward curve of her ass. Then they pounced on the bed, and in a tumultuous wrestling match, began to fling off each other’s clothes. When they were down to skivvies and panties, they both stopped. Gayle was dripping now, her cuntlips swollen out around the skimpy crotchband of her panties. She knew she should let them know that they weren’t alone, yet she couldn’t resist watching and learning just how a girl went about playing with fire.

“You’re the worst tease I’ve ever dated,” Randy said, grabbing Cindy’s wrists. She squealed and struggled but he wrapped something around them. It was obvious to Gayle that her big sis hadn’t expected this. She squealed even louder when Randy jerked her panties down and thrust his hand up against her plump little cunt.

“Ohhh, d-d-don’t do that, you…”

Now Randy pressed his mouth against her naked cunt and Gayle heard the unmistakable sound of tongue against twat. She hugged herself in the darkness of the closet. Randy was trying to make Cindy get onto her hands and knees. He was trying to mount her from behind. Gayle thought again of her Doberman. That was how dogs did it! This Randy had to be some kind of pervert!

“Oh! Oh, you’re awful, Randy! Stop that!”

“What’s the hassle? I told you I brought a rubber.”

He’d pulled her ass up high and made Cindy spread her knees wide to brace herself in this position. She lay with her face against the bed and Gayle could see how her panties dangled around one thigh, how her cunt had spread open to expose the tender, glistening flesh inside. Gayle saw Randy slide something white over his cock. She’d only just glimpsed his prick for a second but it was certainly big! Cindy moaned as he dipped the latex-sheathed thing into the moist folds of her pussy. She wasn’t struggling at all now and Gayle couldn’t figure out whether she had been playing games with Randy or was a little drunk. Maybe both.

“Ohhh, baby, you’ve got a sweet little cunt!” He panted as he thrust his hips forward and the head of his cock disappeared with a squishy sound. Gayle was about to collapse. She was trembling violently and her cunt seemed to be eating the crotch of her panties. She wanted out of the stuffy closet, wanted to escape the scene that was unfolding before her. But another part of her wanted to stay and stare.

“Uhhh, uhhhhhh God! Ohhhh, Randy, it’s so big!”

“Yeah and you’re so nice and tight!”

Gayle wondered if she could bear to listen any longer. To hide there in the closet while her sister was being fucked was an excruciating experience. They were so much alike in some ways. It was almost like watching her own cherry being broken. Of course Cindy was no virgin, but neither was she experienced in such carnal behavior. It didn’t seem right for Randy to be hunching her from behind like some kind of animal. Like a dog!

“Ohhh, I wish Prince had never licked me like that. I just can’t get it out of my mind,” Gayle whispered to herself. Even as she watched Cindy’s cunt drink up the stiff, gleaming shaft that Randy speared into her, Gayle imagined her big-titted sister being taken by their pet Doberman!

“Oh, isn’t this fun, darling?” Cindy whined. Her wrists were still bound together with something and she pressed her face against the bed and drooled as Randy fucked her deeply.

The slippery suck of their bodies together made Gayle grunt deep in her throat. She was tempted to touch her own glistening cunt. The temptation became an obsession and her hand slipped under her new dress. “Uhhh,” she sighed as her finger eased under the elastic of the crotchband and then pressed between the fevered lips of her cunt.

Gayle had never touched herself so intimately. But she’d been licked by her own dog so this didn’t seem all that daring anymore. She stroked her clit-bump and felt the hot shivers go through her body.

On the bed, her blond sister was throwing her ass around in circles as Randy held her hips and speared with tantalizing slowness into the musky, glossy heaven of her plump cunt. In the flickering glow of the candle, Gayle could see how Cindy’s cunt had blossomed, just like hers had when Prince had licked her. But what was happening to Cindy was entirely different. She was getting fucked! That slick, hard cock slid deep into her body and then Randy pulled it out again. When he pulled it out slowly, Cindy shivered and humped her back and made sounds like some strange animal. Little growling sounds that started in her throat and ended in a whimpering squeal. Gayle was shocked and surprised at her sister’s lewd behavior!

“Ohhh, baby, put it to me good! Ohhh, Randy, ohhhh you’re such a good fuck!”

Though her sister had told her she’d only done it once before, Gayle knew she had to be lying. She was going at it too hot and heavy. She was liking it too much. And unexpectedly, Gayle was enjoying seeing her sibling get fucked by Randy’s big prick. Strange fantasies flicked through her mind. She was on the bed in place of Cindy while Randy fucked her! Then Randy became her Doberman and his red, raw cock was sliding into her body.

“Uhhhh,” Gayle moaned, rubbing a slickened fingertip against her cherry. She’d only seen the strange spot before, never touched it. And now she was so worked up that she not only touched it, she pushed up against it as if testing its strength and stretchability. A tingle went through her and she wondered if it was because the flesh around that place was more sensitive. It sure seemed that way with Cindy. She was really going crazy now!

“Ohh, woweeeee! Uhhhhhhhh, darling… uhhhh, Randy… do it harder… ohhh yesss, faster!” Her back arched sharply down then humped up again. Her curvy ass quivered and danced as the boy fucked her good and deep. When Cindy fell forward on her belly, he fell on top of her, still fucking like a maniac.

It all looked so animalistic, so carnal, that Gayle found herself shocked even more than before. The slam of Randy’s belly against Cindy’s plump ass was a steady beat now and the juicy suck of her pussy around his prick made Gayle stroke her clit shamelessly. She knew she was acting very naughty but she couldn’t take the time to be sorry for that now. Her skin was flushed and her palms sweaty. She thought of her own date searching the halls for her and almost wished she hadn’t left him.

“Uhhh, gonna do it, baby!” It was Randy and his face looked so strange. He clutched Cindy’s jerking ass and squirmed furiously against it, his cock penetrating her hot hole to the hilt. When Gayle heard her sister yelp, she knew she was coming. The two of them hunched and bucked, and Gayle could almost count the spurts that were filling his rubber by the short, tight groans that came from Randy’s throat.

She leaned against the back of the closet, her finger petting more slick juice from her cunt, her tits rubbing against the front of her dress since her bra dangled around her waist.

“Ghhhaaaaahh,” she moaned, trying to smother her pleasure. She couldn’t let them discover her in the closet. She knew she’d die of shame if that happened.

Randy groaned and stopped pumping and it seemed as if Cindy had stopped wriggling around as much too. They both were still except for a lot of heavy breathing, and Gayle had to be extra careful to keep quiet. She had to stop petting her hot little cunt too, and that was driving her crazy. Though it was the first time in her life she’d actually played with herself, she hadn’t realized how hard it was to stop once she began.

After a long while, Randy rolled off Cindy’s back and Gayle could see that his cock was now limp in the rubber. The two of them seemed to be sleeping – yes she was sure of it. Gayle crawled from the closet and out of the room. She thought she heard Randy say something when she closed the door a little too hard but she didn’t stick around to find out. She rounded the corner of the hall and fled downstairs, right into Eddy’s arms.



Gayle knew Eddy was mad because she wanted to go home. But she couldn’t handle any more hassles and she knew that if they stayed there in that house, Eddy would be hassling her. He couldn’t keep his eyes off her and whenever he got the chance, she felt a hand touching her breast or hip or knee.

In the car he tried coming on and she had to let him kiss her. The kiss excited her a lot more than she wanted it to. She’d seen all that stuff in the bedroom. She’d watched Randy really put it to Cindy and she couldn’t forget the way her sister’s body had moved as it had been penetrated by that rigid, rubber-covered prick.

“I had a good time,” she blurted when Eddy stopped in front of her house. “I’ll see you again sometime, Eddy.”

“Yeah. Sure.”

He grabbed her one last time, sliding his tongue between her teeth before she could stop him. She squirmed in his embrace as he went all out to get a last hot grab of her female flesh. His hand slid under her dress even as she protested and fought him. Then he was rubbing that taut band of wet nylon and the stroking sent shivers of lust through her body.

“Uhhhh, don’t… ohhh, Eddy, stop now, I’ve got to go in.” She pulled away somehow and hurried up the walk. She was so weak her legs would hardly carry her. She could feel her body’s tenseness and knew exactly why she shook like that. Not only had she watched her own sister getting laid, she’d touched her own hot cunt for the first time in her life. And her feverish pussy wanted more.

Once in the house, she went to the kitchen to get something to drink. She reached for the milk but saw a beer and opened that instead. The one at the party had tasted good and she decided to calm her overwrought mind a little. While she drank, she saw the note her parents had left. They had gone to dinner with friends and wouldn’t be home until very late. Gayle’s heart picked up speed. She knew that she wanted to do naughty things to herself. It wasn’t even a matter of wanting to or not. She had to do them. Her cunt was swollen and dripping with juice. Her nipples tingled. From all the touching Eddy had done, her flesh was ready for more… but from her own fingers this time.

“Oh, I’m gonna take these darned things off right now,” she sighed, pulling up her dress and skinning down her underwear. The feeling of being naked across her crotch made the fever of pleasure burn bright, and with a sly grin, she then pulled her dress and bra off. It felt strangely thrilling to be naked in the kitchen. She took her beer and pranced into the living room, plopping down on the sofa and throwing her legs wide. She began to rub herself with one finger. She did it with the utmost delicacy, letting her cuntlips grow heavy with trapped blood as she drew excitement from her overcharged condition. Though she was ashamed of what she had planned for herself, the temptation was too overpowering. She would rub herself until she had a climax. She’d stay with it if it took all night.

“I guess I should go upstairs now,” she said aloud. “I can get in my bed and play all night if I feel like it.”

Yes, it was much safer to have sex with herself, she decided. Boys were too unpredictable and moody. She didn’t even like Eddy all that much. All he wanted was to get her into trouble. With her beer pinched in the crook of her thumb, Gayle walked upstairs, her hips swaying in an exaggerated fashion. Walking like that rubbed her inner cuntlips together and she could feel her clit sprouting upwards.

The jingle of Prince’s collar made Gayle turn with a scream. Prince was never in the house at this time of night! Someone must have forgotten to put him out. She saw the Doberman’s shadow first, then his eyes glinting in the dimly lit hall. He licked his chops as he came toward her, tail wagging. Even though he was behaving in a normal way, Gayle panicked. She turned and fled down the hall, hoping she could make it to her room and shut the door, and not opening it again until morning. All she could remember was what that dog had done to her the last time they’d been alone.

“No, Prince, go away!” She heard him running close behind her. Maybe he thought she was trying to play with him. Or maybe he thought something else.

Gayle tripped before she made it to her room. The beer flew from her hand and went spinning ahead of her, foam spilling across the rug. The next thing she knew, she was crawling on her hands and knees, crying in terror. Prince’s jingling grew louder and then she felt his hot muzzle against one naked cheek of her ass. She shrieked again, rolling onto her back to kick at the animal.

With a playful growl, Prince thrust his shoulders between her thighs and gave her hot cunt a smear with his tongue. The shudders of pleasure that went through her made Gayle forget to kick him again but she quickly found the presence of mind to clap both hands over her young slit. The dog licked her fingers, whimpering now that he couldn’t get to that musky tasty delicacy that he loved to feast upon.

“Nooo! Bad dog! Ohhhh go away, Prince! Go away!”

She got to her hands and knees again and started to crawl. But the dog put a paw on her ass and mounted. She felt him scrabbling for leverage, then his strong front legs slipped around her body and he was hugging her, his haunches pumping. For the first time she felt that hot, wet thing against her skin.

Gayle screamed again and knew she had to roll onto her back or he’d try to do something awful! But as she started to turn over, sharp teeth sank into her neck.

Prince wasn’t biting hard at all. It was more like a warning. He was a big dog and he didn’t have any trouble muscling her around by holding her neck firmly in his gaping jaws. She whimpered weakly, trembling there on hands and knees as the big Doberman began to work his ass forward and back.

His cock slid across her mound and she knew then how juicy it was. Their juices mingled with a slippery sound and she could feel the heat that came from the dog’s cocktip. It was so smooth feeling! She tossed her ass up and down to make him stop rubbing her with it.

“Ohhh God, this is awful!” Prince’s teeth bit into her neck just a little harder and he growled. She stopped struggling. She was panting, excited to a very high point but scared too. She’d been ready to bring herself to a quick climax with her own fingers and now something else was rubbing up and down the length of her cunt! Something so taboo that she’d never even heard people talking about it.

“Uhhh, uhhhhhhh God, what will I do?”

The dog had her neck firmly in his mouth and whenever she moved in a way that he didn’t like, he let her know quickly. The sharpness of the Doberman’s teeth scared her but there was something else about it too. Being held like that while he rubbed his big red cock up and down her pussy was making her nipples glow, making her clit surge. She gasped with fright as he hunched under and searched for a place to stick that hard, hot thing.

“Ohhhh God, he can’t do that, can he?” Gayle wondered aloud.

But the powerful Doberman was certainly trying. Her own pet! It was unthinkable, impossible! No, it wasn’t at all. Because the dog was intelligent enough to know that if she smelled that good, she had an opening for him to fuck.

“But… but I don’t! Ohhh God, he’s trying to break my ch-ch-cherry!”

And the dog was trying. He was lunging now, trying to change the angle of his cock so that it would drive down between her inner lips. She felt that slickened tip glide along the deepest part of her slit. It bumped over her clit but the animal sensed he’d missed and pulled back to thrust again.

Wiggling her ass from side to side, Gayle tried to crawl forward again. The dog stayed on her back, tightening his teeth against her neck, growling a threat. She whined and bumped a shoulder against the wall, and felt his strong front legs tighten around her waist. Then came the humping rhythm of the dog’s rear end as he tried to skewer her with his long, slick cock.

Her juices smacked as that swollen dog cockhead went across her cunt again. She was scared but still didn’t think it was possible for her to actually be raped by a dog. Nothing like that ever happened, did it? Dogs and humans weren’t built to fuck together. And since she was a virgin, the chance that he’d get it into her was even slimmer.

But he was trying so hard! She was becoming excited by the constant rubbing of his knob across her clit. That sensitive trigger was fully extended now, all swollen and taut with blood. The slightest brush of Prince’s prick across that spot made shudders of passion go through her slender body. Her small tits felt heavier than usual and her skin was flushed.

With her head hung down between her braced arms, Gayle tried to think. How could she escape this fix she’d gotten into? How could she get her dog interested in something else? There was little chance of that happening. He was humping like a maniac now and she could feel the slippery misses as his prick flopped this way and that. Once he almost rammed into her asshole and Gayle screeched and began to whimper pitifully.

“Ohhhh, damn you,” Gayle gasped as his hot cocktip slipped against her cherry. She knew it was close to her hole because she’d never felt anything quite like that. There was the sensation of something being stretched. She panted, her sphincter muscle pinching tight to shut herself to the invading animal.

Prince closed his teeth down a little harder on her neck. As if sensing that he was close to victory, he didn’t want her to wriggle away at the last moment. Gayle felt her cunt juice sliding down her thighs in hot droplets now. The dog wasn’t moving so violently. He held the streamlined tip of his cock tightly against her hymen as he began to jab.

The jabs were gentle at first, as if he were testing the spot, testing to make sure he wouldn’t slip to the side or up over her clit again. And every small thrust seemed to stretch her cherry a little deeper into her body. Now he was wedged firmly in the soft, how hollow and Gayle felt stark terror.

“He’s going to fuck me if I don’t stop him!”

She squirmed violently and tried to crawl forward. Prince warned her with another growl and this time he slammed his haunches forward much harder than before. A tiny sting of pain made her wince. Gayle was in a panic now but the animal’s teeth were grasping her so tightly she could hardly breathe.

“Uhhhhhhh!” she cried as Prince fucked harder. The sting became a real hurt! She could feel herself being torn, could feel her cherry breaking. Her clit throbbed with excitement and her nipples were so sensitive that just the swing of her tits thrilled her. But the thrills were mixed with high emotion. She was a virgin, naked on her hands and knees in her own hallway. And it was her own dog who had grabbed her neck and was trying to spear his hot cock into her twitching body. Then Prince lunged again and she felt her membrane tear. Four inches of dog cock slid into her cunt.

“Huuuhhh, it’s too tight! Ohhhh God, it’s splitting me apart!” She tried to crawl again but the dog stopped her with his teeth. Her ass cheeks quivered as he plunged again, pulling back two inches, shoving in four. The juicy slurp of her folds clasping around the dog’s cock was as incredible a sound as when she’d heard her sister getting fucked by Randy. But this time it wasn’t Cindy’s cunt and it wasn’t even a human cock! Gayle squealed as she felt her hot little hole opening inside her. She was being stroked in places that had never been touched before. She was being penetrated, stabbed and rammed by Prince’s hot prick and her cunt was squeezing down around that thing like it was enjoying the whole thing. But even as the big dog took her, blood spilled down the inside of one of her thighs in a hot, red rivulet.

“Yaaahhhh,” she panted, feeling the itchy friction. It was the strangest sensation! The pain wasn’t nearly so sharp now that the dog prick was throbbing against her slick insides. Her body bobbed as the penetration went deeper.

“Nhhhuuuhh, ohhhhh my God… MY GOD!” The reality of what was taking place was still sinking in to her consciousness. She saw strange images flick through her mind. She remembered her blonde sister being fucked from behind just as she was being fucked. She remembered Randy’s dog-like movements and heard Cindy’s whimpering cries.

Then Gayle was back, very aware of the furry body of the dog on top of her, aware of his strong front paws actually hugging her body, holding her tightly while he hunched with quick, powerful strokes. His prick slipped even deeper and her muscled insides squeezed down around it.

“Whhaaah, uhhh, ohhhhh Jesus Christ in heaven, how can this be happening to me?”

But it was happening. Her blood was drying on her thigh now. Her juice had never stopped flooding for a second. She couldn’t keep still either. Her hips swayed and rocked. When she tilted her pelvis, she could feel the tip of the dog’s prick gouging her deeply, rubbing against the sensitive sides of her cunt tube. Gayle realized she was partly in shock. Just to have her young, virgin body poked so deeply was enough to freak her out. And to have it being done by a dog was even stranger! But added to that was the fact that the sensual pleasure she was experiencing was intense. She could hardly breathe. She was afraid her heart would jump from her chest if Prince kept fucking her like this!

“Ohh, ohhh, ohhhhhh!”

For the first time, she really gave all her emotions to the black, powerful animal who was squeezing her waist with his front legs. She gave in to him, gave her body to him. She’d lost this little game so there wasn’t any use in fighting him.

“My doggy is fucking me, and it feels… it feels so good!”



Now everything that was taking place became highly erotic. She could feel the dog’s teeth like before but instead of only pain, she felt the hurt as his domination over her. She trembled, surrendering to him as he growled and licked the nape of her neck and fucked her with a quick, short jab. His balls bounced against her mound as he sank deeper in her cunt. Gayle knew it must be lovely for the animal to enjoy it like that. And she’d imagined how that must feel to a human male! All that slick, hot flesh surrounding the firmness.

“Ohhh, ohhhhh, he’s getting it so deep!” She began to squirm sensually, knowing she was behaving wickedly, but unable to stop. If she had been in a position to stop him from entering her body in the first place, she would have resisted. But under his power, she gave in and the giving in was exquisitely thrilling. The dog’s movements were more carnal than the way Randy had fucked her sister. Prince wasn’t going to take a chance of her escaping and that made Gayle whimper as he humped his back again and again, driving that rigid spear of his cock deep into her young cunt. She was still bleeding, but not nearly so much. His cocktip expanded against the tight clasp of her cunt as he held it against her womb and squirmed hungrily.

“God…!” The itchy sensations of sex made her weak and willing and she knew that the excitement would grow even more intense. When Prince had licked her that time, she’d almost lost her mind from the pleasure that had swamped her senses.

“Oh wow… ohhhh God damn!” She was panting violently now as the dog’s front legs tightened more. He drove forward with rapid, rabbit-like plunges, rubbing her tender hole until she thought she might scream.

Gayle felt the animal tremble. He loosened his grasp on her neck for a moment, but then grabbed her again, getting a fresh hold. She moaned deep in her throat. She knew what was about to happen. And as the dog’s fever rose toward that high hot point of total release, so did hers. Her young cunt began to convulse. For the first time in her life, she felt the muscles deep inside her squeezing rhythmically around the dog’s red prick.

Prince yelped and a spurt of hot cum filled the deepest part of her pussy. The sound of their fucking grew suddenly louder. The dog was shivering, thrusting wildly. He’d jab at her with quick movements, then hold his exploding cockhead against her cunt and just squirm like someone was branding him.

“Oh, ouch! Ohhhhh God, Prince… ohhhhhh God!”

Gayle’s cunt burned. The shiver of her first hot thrill made her drool on the rug. Her head tossed, brown hair splashing over her shoulders and then down to form a curtain on each side of her face. The dog slammed her harder, his balls sending the steamy cream to the head of his prick where it boiled out deep inside her tight cunt.

Now it was trickling down both her thighs. She could smell it. She could hear it sucking at the edges of her mound when Prince stroked inward and pulled back again. She squirmed her young ass in tight circles, feeling all of it, every tight, itchy pleasure that was possible. The tickle was a throbbing madness now, and she ground her teeth together and clawed at the rug where her hands were braced far apart.

“Fucking me… fucking me good!” Gayle cried out.

The dog’s hot breath on her neck added to her lust. She shivered and bucked now, her firm, round ass pressing upward against the Doberman’s smooth belly. She reached back to touch her speared twat. Prince’s slick cock slid past her fingertips as it went full force, his balls bumping her knuckles.

“He’s in so deep… so damned deep!”

She writhed in the fiery passion of her climax and another frothy glob of cum seeped out. She felt it clinging between her fingers as she touched the injured place on her cunt. She felt the hot sap drying on the inside of her thigh. The big Doberman shuddered and let go of her neck. He took a few wobbly steps backward and collapsed in the middle of the hall carpet.

Gayle fell forward now that she was free of the dog’s hot mouth. She lay there in a stupor as her climax continued for a few more seconds and then trailed off. She realized then that she was still stroking herself. She was using two fingers in the soft wound the dog had put in her cunt. She was rubbing her clit too, making it tingle and throb. But the peak of the pleasure had passed. She was just shaking now, shaking like a leaf in winter.

With the back of her hand she wiped the drool from her mouth and blinked her eyes to focus. What had happened? What had happened!

“Oh no! Ohhh God, no!”

Gayle staggered to her feet and a fresh flood of the dog’s jism leaked down one leg. Now she could think again. Now that she was out of the dog’s power, now that she had her neck free from his hot, powerful mouth. She had become a dog for just a little while, but she wasn’t really a dog, she was just a young girl. Until a few moments before, she’d been a virgin.

Crying, Gayle limped to her bedroom and closed the door. She heard Prince whining outside as he scratched to get in. Gayle made it to her bathroom and grabbed a hand mirror from the make-up stand. She sat on the commode and held the mirror between her thighs. Her poor little cunt was a terrible mess. She could see the coagulated blood where her hymen had been ruined forever. She could also see the small opening where Prince had forced his cock in. She shivered and gave another pitiful sob.

“Fucked by my own dog!”

But she couldn’t dwell on it. Not now. She had to keep her mind stable. She didn’t want to freak out completely. She had to hold on, hold on to some thread of sanity. And nobody must ever find out! Gayle began to run herself a tub but suddenly she was crying again.

“I can’t let this ruin my life. I’ve got to talk to someone about it.” But even as she said the words, she knew she couldn’t. Even a shrink wouldn’t understand something like this. What did they call it? Bestiality. Something like that. But it hadn’t been her fault. It had been a crazy accident.

“I’ve got to keep telling myself that,” she breathed, stepping into the water. As it rose above her cunt, Gayle frowned with the pain. “Uhh, I’ll never be the same. Prince ruined me! He just tore me all up!”


It was late the next morning when Cindy came into her bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed. Gayle hadn’t slept well the night before and she’d been lying in bed, pretending that she hadn’t gone anywhere the night before, that she hadn’t even left her room. If she hadn’t left her room how could she have been raped by her own pet Doberman? It took only the slightest movements of her hips for her to know that Prince had indeed had his way with her. Her cunt was sore!

“Have a good time last night?” Cindy asked. “You did go out with Eddy, didn’t you?”

“Uh… yeah. I had a good time, I guess.”

“I did too.” Cindy gave Gayle a curious look. “Did you remember what I told you about how to handle boys.” She giggled at the double entendre. “I mean, I guess I’m curious about you and Eddy. I remember when I was your age and it was difficult at times to keep priorities straight.”

“Oh, that,” Gayle shrugged. “We just kissed a little, that’s all.”

“That’s all?” It was plain that Cindy didn’t believe her for a moment.

“Oh, he tried to feel me up some. I let him. Some.”

“Randy and I went a little further than that,” Cindy said, as if bragging a little. “Of course I didn’t let him go all the way or anything. We went over to that new show home out by Pine Valley. Randy knew the guy whose dad owns it. Randy and I found an empty bedroom and for a while it got pretty hot and heavy.” Cindy walked to the window and ran her hands up her body, admiring herself.

Gayle remembered all too well just how thoroughly her older sister had been fucked. But she bit her tongue. She felt like crying when she thought of how that evening had ended for her. But she couldn’t confess, not to her sister anyhow.

“You look worried about something,” Cindy commented. “Are you sure you didn’t let Eddy do something you’re ashamed of?”

“Of course not.”

“You are still a virgin, aren’t you?”

Gayle stood up, her arms folded across her chest. She glared at her sister.

“What makes you think I’m not a virgin?”

“Oh, I don’t know.” Cindy fluffed her blonde hair and came closer. “Dare you to show me,” she playfully teased her sister.

“Of course I’m not going to show you,” Gayle mumbled, her cheeks flushing. She wondered if her sis could tell that she was covering up like crazy.

“Oh, I was just kidding. Just to see what you’d say.” Cindy pushed her shoulders back and circled the bed like a vulture. “You know what I think? I think you let Eddy do it to you and now you’re worried that he did it a little too good.”

“Well, he didn’t do it to me,” Cindy snapped, “so you can relax.”

For a while neither of them said a word. Cindy had reclined in a chair and was examining the end of one finger. When she looked at Gayle again, her eyes were softer.

“I didn’t mean to tease you, Gayle,” she said. “If there is something wrong, I would be glad to listen and give you any advice you might need.”

“Nothing’s wrong. I told you that already.” Gayle was on the verge of tears. She couldn’t break down now and let her sister think the worst.

“Well, okay,” Cindy said, shrugging and getting up. “If you ever need me though, just come on down to my room. You’re my little sis and I’m always glad to help you out.”

“Thank God she’s gone,” Gayle sighed, leaning against her door. She was trembling from the tension. Her sister had been so close to the truth and yet so far away. She had sensed that Gayle had gone all the way with somebody, but she would never in a million years guess who had done the awful deed.

Gayle dressed and went downstairs to get something to eat. Her mother and dad had already had breakfast and gone out by the pool to relax. Gayle was still feeling nervous after she’d eaten so he poured herself another glass of grange juice and spiked it with plenty of brandy from the bottle he found in the liquor cabinet.

“Oh, dear,” her mother said as she strolled out into the patio. “I want you to drive up to Ann Marie’s in the Mercedes and take Prince with you. She just got a female Doberman and they want to breed her. You wouldn’t mind doing me that favor, would you?”

“Uh, well… I had other plans.”

“What plans? Surely you could do this first. You didn’t tell me you had any plans for today.”

“I meant to do some reading,” Gayle lied.

“Oh, you’ll have plenty of time for reading later. Ann Marie is expecting you.”

Ann Marie was Gayle’s aunt, her mother’s youngest sister. She’d gone through a husband or two, Gayle couldn’t remember for sure, but was single now. She had a fancy place in the country, her own private lake and beach house. But Gayle didn’t like the idea of being around that damned dog. Not right now anyway.

“I suppose I could go.”

“Why sure you can, it would be a nice little break from town.”

Gayle packed a suitcase with a few things and went back downstairs. When nobody was looking she made herself another orange juice and brandy. Her head was dizzy with the strong booze but she needed it to quiet her nerves. Her mother had been grooming Prince and she came off the patio with the big dog on a leash.

“Old Prince won’t give you any trouble. He is your dog, so you know how to handle him.”

Gayle blushed at this but her mother didn’t notice. She put Prince in the Mercedes and was about to back out of the garage when she remembered the brandy and hurried back inside to get it. Nobody saw her sneak the bottle into a paper sack and then leave.

On the drive up to Silver Lake, Gayle played the radio loud and squeezed the bottle of brandy between her thighs. She was sipping it straight and felt better now than she had since Prince had fucked her. Prince himself seemed to have forgotten the incident. He sat in the seat beside her, his head out the window. Gayle caught herself glancing over at his cock a couple of times and scolded herself. She didn’t know what had gotten into her. She was horrified by the memory and she couldn’t dream of wanting anything like that to happen again. But as the dog picked up wild smells, his cock swelled slightly and the head slid into view.

Now Gayle could see it better than she had in the hall. In the bright light of day it looked even slicker. And hotter. She was panting, remembering too much, remembering too intensely. She put the brandy bottle to her lips and drank deeply.

“Here’s the turnoff to Silver Lake, Prince old boy,” she sang, wheeling the car through the turn. She drove fast when the road was straight, letting the expensive auto whir easily along. But she still looked over to see how big Prince’s cock had gotten.

The opposing emotions she was experiencing were strange to her. Now that she was away from home, her curiosity about the dog’s anatomy was stronger. Yet she knew that what had happened to her was unspeakably taboo. She would never want it to happen again. The feel of the dog’s hot cock as it penetrated her virgin cunt had been horrifying… no, Gayle couldn’t really say that. A shiver of excitement went through her cunt and her nostrils flared.

“I wish to hell I hadn’t had to bring you up here to Ann Marie’s place.” She drank from the bottle and stared straight ahead.


Ann Marie made a big deal about taking Prince out back to where she had her bitch Sissy in a pen. Gayle was embarrassed by her aunt’s reference to Prince’s masculinity and good form. When Ann Marie knelt to pet the handsome Doberman, Gayle noticed with shock that she ran her fingers under the dog’s belly to caress that furry sheath. She squeezed the area until the red tip of Prince’s cock poked out. Then, laughing, Ann Marie opened the pen and let the dog join his female counterpart.

“It’ll take them a while to get to know each other,” Ann Marie said. “Why don’t we go up to the house and relax?”

As Gayle came in the front door, she almost turned around and fled. She hadn’t known that her aunt had another, bigger dog. The animal, a Great Dane, padded over to her on huge paws. He wasn’t nearly as ferocious as he looked, in fact he wasn’t ferocious at all. But it wasn’t that threat which scared Gayle. She was thinking of how big his cock might be. She was too shy to steal even a fleeting glance.

Ann Marie, a leggy, gorgeous redhead, lolled on a sofa, her shirt half unbuttoned. The huge dog curled up next to her and she scratched him with obvious affection. But Gayle’s eyes caught on his cock. As her aunt’s fingers strayed under the dog’s belly, she scratched dangerously near that furry lump. And sure enough, the pink knob pushed its way out of the dog’s sheath.

“I’m just crazy about dogs,” Ann Marie said, taking a drink from Gayle’s brandy bottle. “I’ll go get a couple of beers to chase this with. I’m so glad to see you’re not a prude like your mother.”

Gayle’s aunt fluttered her eyes. “Forgive me, I didn’t mean that in a kinky way, but your mother and I never did agree much.”

The two of them sat sipping the brandy and drinking beer. Gayle was really getting loaded now, enough so that she giggled at almost anything Ann Marie said. The impetuous redhead was still stroking her Great Dane from time to time. Gayle noticed that he liked to sniff around where the crotch of Ann Marie’s shorts were drawn up tightly against her plump cunt. The woman had full, curvy hips and a small waist. Her tits resembled Gayle’s in that they were on the small side. But she was nicely proportioned and Gayle couldn’t help but wonder why she hadn’t remarried.

“I’ve got you a real nice bedroom at the end of the hall,” her aunt slurred. “You are going to stay with me a few days, aren’t you?”

“I don’t know. I’d planned on just leaving Prince here and driving back tonight.”

“Oh, you’re too gassed to drive that far today. You just stay with me. We can swim in the lake and have a good time.” Gayle accepted her aunt’s invitation.

After supper, Gayle sobered up a bit. She walked with her aunt out to the dog run to see how Prince was getting on with Sissy. Much to Gayle’s embarrassment, they were getting on just fine. Her aunt jumped up and down with glee.

“Oh wow, just look at the way he’s shovin’ it to her! God, what a beautiful animal!”

Prince had mounted Sissy and his haunches were working like a steam piston. The memory of how that had felt as his cock had poked deep into her virgin cunt made Gayle weak in the knees. She leaned against the wire fence panting softly, trying hard not to let her aunt see how the scene was affecting her.

“Christ, what a cock!” Ann Marie squealed, kneeling to get a better look. Poor Sissy had braced her front paws to take the powerful shots from the male Doberman. Her body shuddered as Prince fucked to the hilt.

“What’s wrong, Gayle? You look flushed.” There was some amusement in Ann Marie’s observation.

“I don’t know, guess I’m not used to watching dogs… do that.”

“You know, sometimes I get to daydreaming,” Ann Marie confessed. “About what it would be like to be a bitch in heat and to have a big Doberman jump on me and…”

“I think I’d like another beer,” Gayle blurted, and made her way unsteadily toward the house. Her aunt came up beside her and slipped an arm around her waist.

“I didn’t mean to shock you, baby. I was just thinking out loud.”

“I’m not shocked,” Gayle said quickly. How could she ever tell her aunt that she knew what it was like to have a Doberman humping his hard cock deep into her cunt!

Since her aunt slept on the first floor, Gayle felt pretty private in her room upstairs. The sexy conversations and the booze had loosened her up until she was thinking seriously of fingering her cunt, just experimenting of course. She was curious as to how well her tender opening had healed since Prince had split her. She found a hand mirror and squatted in the middle of the bed to peer into the strange and delicate folds of flesh. She was shiny moist and she wet a fingertip with her tongue and touched it against herself.

“Ohhh, it’s all hot and so swollen. And I haven’t really been doing anything wrong to it.”

She was breathing hard, wanting very badly to excite herself. But since it had never been a habit of hers, she was somewhat guilty about doing it. She jerked her nighty back down and started to pull on the panty bottoms.

“Maybe I’ll just sleep without these,” she said, tossing the skimpy things on a chair.

But sleep wouldn’t come. Gayle’s thoughts were full of disturbing images. Images of that huge Great Dane with his huge cock. Of course, she’d only seen the pink tip of it but she could imagine what it must look like fully extended. Then she was tossing, thinking of how it might feel for something so big and hot to be bumping against the cheeks of her ass. An animal like that would be impossible to control! There was no telling what would happen to a poor girl if a Great Dane jumped on her. Ann Marie called him Captain Marvel! And the way she’d touched his cock-sheath was enough to make Gayle’s imagination work double-time.

Unable to drift off into sleep, Gayle swung her long legs out of bed and padded barefoot out of the room. The house was dimly lit but she found the stairs easily enough and descended quietly. Maybe a glass of milk spiked with brandy would help her get to sleep. But it was miserable just lying in bed with no hope of getting any rest.

Gayle heard a sound when she’d turned down the hall toward the kitchen. It had come from behind her, from Ann Marie’s bedroom. She stopped, her small hand against the wall, trembling.

“Ohhhh, ohhhhhhh, darling!” Ann Marie groaned. The bed thumped, Gayle was sure it was that. She turned and tiptoed softly to the partly open door at the end of the hall. There was a bathroom light on and the scene on the bed was illuminated in all its detail. Gayle wondered if she could bear that much detail!

Captain Marvel’s cock was fully extended and her aunt had her fingers wrapped tightly around the slick, hot meat. She was upside down on the dog, licking his blood-swollen knob while he ate noisily between her open thighs. Her back was arched and her small tits trembled proudly on her chest as she licked her lips again and eased them down over the Great Dane’s cocktip. Then she licked him again.

Gayle came close to fainting. She leaned against the door frame, her cunt throbbing, her heart pounding. She knew she was hidden in the dark shadows of the hall and could get an eyeful if she wanted. But even as she watched her pretty aunt suck the huge dog’s cock, she wondered if she wasn’t having some kind of hallucination. Maybe she was still in her bed asleep and was only dreaming this.

“Mmmmmm,” Ann Marie hummed, the sounds of her lips sliding up and down the dog’s cock growing louder. The big animal flopped spasmodically as his mistress aroused his heavy prick to its fullest extension. As Ann Marie’s mouth rode back and she took her lips away from the thing for a moment, Gayle put a hand over her mouth to muffle her surprise. That cock had to be over eight inches long. It was long and thick and perfectly proportioned with a prick-tip that made it look like some far-out space vehicle. It looked like it was made for one purpose only. To penetrate a female’s cunt.

Ann Marie had turned now, keeping the big Great Dane on his back. He seemed to know what she was doing because he didn’t struggle when she straddled him from above and scratched his chest with her long fingernails.

Slowly, the redhead sank back toward that meaty spike. Reaching behind her she lifted the glossy pink barb so that it fit between the plush halves of her glistening cunt mound. Gayle heard the slippery sound of the knob opening her aunt’s pussy. When Gayle heard the muscles close behind his prick, she squirted a droplet of pee down one thigh. She was panting rapidly now and her nipples felt as if they might burn holes in her delicate nighty.

“It’s wrong…” she hissed under her breath. “For my aunt to be doing this! It’s very wrong.” But she didn’t turn away from the open door.

“Big boy,” Ann Marie whispered, her curvy ass wiggling erotically as she rubbed the soft heat of her insides against Captain Marvel’s throbbing cock. He growled and hunched, his ass coming off the bed as he drove another inch into Ann Marie’s seeping pussy. Gayle could see the stretched tissues, the dainty folds all penetrated by the dog’s huge cockshaft. Behind it, Gayle could see his balls, flattened out from the position he was in, but very large in their black sac. The dog’s powerful body trembled as more of Ann Marie’s cunt enveloped it. She was squirming in slow circles now, her head thrown back, eyes glazed with excitement. Gayle remembered her scary moment with her own dog and for an instant knew what her aunt was experiencing. Her clit ached, pushing out from her naked slit like a tumid, fevered finger.

“Ohhh,” Gayle whispered under her breath. “This is awful to watch. My own aunt! I never would have thought it.”

Now Ann Marie’s ass was working up and down. The beautiful woman’s back arched sharply, then humped up as she gouged herself with the Great Dane’s cocktip. The sound of their fucking was sloppier, more urgent. As she lowered her tits to be licked, the big animal made rumbling sounds and his hindquarters plunged upward from the bed in a frantic effort to skewer her more deeply. The shock of his powerful humping made Ann Marie smile. She dug her nails into the fur around his neck and seesawed her hips.

Ann Marie’s juices were leaking down in glistening rivulets now, wetting the Great Dane’s balls, darkening his fur. The dog lurched and whined as the heat of the redhead’s sucking pussy squeezed tightly around his throbbing erection. Gayle watched wide-eyed as her aunt constricted the muscles around her opening, milking at the big dog’s prick. The thing was almost all the way into her body now and Ann Marie seemed to be having a wonderful time.

“Ohhh, ohhhhhh, you beautiful dog, you! Ohhhh, Captain Marvel! Ohhhh fuck me, baby, fuck me!”

Roaring with power, the dog hugged his mistress’ body with his big front paws. Ann Marie lay herself against his massive chest and hugged him back. Her ass bounced and wiggled as she maintained her position on top but let the Great Dane continue to fuck her with quick, upward thrusts.

“Uhhh, uhhhhhh God!” Ann Marie whimpered. She was trembling and jerking and acting wilder than before. Gayle could hardly stand to stay there watching. She knew what was going to happen. She knew that her aunt wanted that big dog to spurt his jism into her pussy. It was horrifying! It was the most perverse thing Gayle had ever witnessed. But hadn’t something similar happened to her?

“I didn’t want it to happen,” she hissed, hardly able to get the words out between breaths.

Her aunt rubbed her firm tits back and forth against Captain Marvel’s chest and hunched her hips with shivering little jerks. Her cunt muscles were making squishy sounds as they squeezed around the base of the Great Dane’s prick. They rolled to their sides, the big dog fucking her hard now as his cock thickened. Gayle bit her lip and squirted another little drip of pee onto the rug. She wanted to run and she wanted to stay. She wished she’d never left her room.

“Oh God, he’s going to kill her!”

The Great Dane was really going after Ann Marie now. But she was grinning, her eyes rolled up in ecstasy as her pussy began to spasm around his driving, feverish cock! Gayle rubbed a hand down over her own cunt as she watched her aunt climax. The way the redhead moved, the way she convulsed and bucked against the tawny dog’s body was something Gayle would never have believed if she hadn’t seen it. It was the most carnal display of passion she could imagine. And Ann Marie was crying out with pleasure, kissing and biting the Great Dane’s neck as his hot cum exploded deep inside her.

Gayle fled, her hands out to keep her from bumping the wall. She could hardly climb the stairs but she made it somehow, crawling the last few.

“I’m going home tomorrow!” she swore. “I’m never going to come out here again!”

She jumped into bed and jerked the covers up to her chin. But the tighter she shut her eyes, the more vividly the images haunted her. Until at last, panting with passion, Gayle pushed two fingers up into her young cunt and finger-fucked herself into a quivering, ecstatic oblivion.



“I’m glad I talked you out of going back,” Ann Marie said. “I don’t get visitors out here in the country too often and I like to hold onto them for a while if I can.”

Gayle had finished her breakfast and was pouring herself another glass of orange juice. Through the trees outside the window she could see the large lake and the beach that ran around one end. When Captain Marvel padded into the kitchen, Gayle cringed.

“You’re not afraid of him, are you?” her aunt laughed.

“It’s just that he’s so big.” As she said that, her eyes strayed under his belly. But his cock was snugly out of sight in its sheath. Gayle blushed, knowing that her aunt had seen her look there.

“We’ll go swimming today,” Ann Marie announced. “If you don’t have a suit, don’t worry. I’ve got one I grew out of as a teenager. It should be perfect for your slim little ass.”

The sun was warm, the water perfect and Gayle found herself really enjoying herself for the first time since she’d driven up to Silver Lake. After a leisurely swim, Gayle was walking back to her blanket when she felt Captain Marvel’s attention. He was actually staring at her young, firm ass, staring at the way the silky material of the red bikini clung to each cheek. Gayle tried not to let this bother her. After all, he was just a dog. Yet the way he’d looked at her made her neck hairs tingle. As if he’d been undressing her. No, it was silly.

“You do look like a nymph in a bikini,” Ann Marie said. “Don’t the boys give you a hard time?”

“I don’t date all that much.” Gayle spread suntan lotion on her long legs. That Great Dane was still staring! And now Gayle began to remember all too vividly how her aunt had fucked him the night before. How could she be a companion to a woman like that? Yet, she liked Ann Marie.

“I never date men,” Ann Marie said. “I got tired of the runaround a long time ago. You can’t depend on a man.”

Gayle had had the impression that her aunt was about to say something else. Instead, the curvy redhead looked affectionately at her big Great Dane. The dog stopped staring at Gayle and went over to his mistress to be petted. Feeling uncomfortable around them, Gayle wandered down the beach looking for pretty stones and driftwood. When she came back, Ann Marie and Captain Marvel were gone.

“Probably up at the house doing something awful,” Gayle said aloud. But it was none of her business after all. She’d stay the day and then get Prince and drive back to town. She didn’t want to hurt her aunt’s feelings by saying something and getting angry. She’d just keep her opinion to herself this time.

“Where did you go?” Gayle looked towards the house. She was getting hungry and she didn’t need any more sun. She started back, her cunt feeling almost naked inside the clinging satin of the borrowed bikini. When she got to the house and entered the kitchen, she saw the note. Her aunt had driven to town to pick up a few things and would be back later.

“I’m sure she took Captain Marvel with her,” Gayle said, opening herself a beer and taking it to the front room. She tuned in a movie on television and sprawled on the big sofa to watch it. Slowly, she became aware of eyes staring at her. When she saw Captain Marvel, she squealed with fright and almost spilled her beer.

“Go away,” she said, her voice trembling. The big dog walked resolutely to where she was. He sniffed her bare feet, licked her ankle and examined her lean, tan calves.

Gayle was shivering like a leaf. She crawled back into the sofa a little further. She swigged her beer for courage. The Great Dane put a huge paw on her thigh and whined deep in his throat.

“Oh no, oh God no!”

When Gayle saw that he was going to smell her satin-sheathed cunt, she put a hand over the plump curve of flesh. Captain Marvel licked her fingers then, sending chills up her back. He licked harder, trying to drive his tongue between her knuckles. She told him to leave her alone. The dog growled with menace. When she felt his teeth tighten on her hand, she knew that he was telling her politely to let him have his way.

“Okay, smell me if you want to, you awful dog!”

Just the touch of the Great Dane’s black nose against her soft, slightly parted cunt made Gayle pant. Oh sure, she was wearing a bikini, but the material was ultra-thin and she could feel the big animal’s hot breath right through it. He nosed around, his whiskers tickling the insides of her thighs until she wanted to scream with the tension. Then he started to lick the red satin and she lifted a hand to hit him. His bared fangs made her hesitate.

“Okay, I won’t smack you. Just don’t bite me, for God’s sake.”

The dog went back to loving her plump, young cunt, nuzzling and licking it through the single layer of nylon. Now she was beginning to get very juicy in her pussy. The dog smelled the musky lubrication and grew more excited. He pushed his huge paws against the insides of her thighs, opening her so that he could wet her tender flesh better. One cunt-lip had already slipped out from behind the edge of the crotchband, and as the dog’s tongue wet and warmed it, Gayle shuddered, her nipples tingling under the skimpy top.

“Ohhhh shit, that’s awful! Ohhhh I don’t want this to happen.” But even as she swore she hated the touch of the dog’s tongue, her clit pressed its pearly nub against the crotch of the bikini and Captain Marvel licked hard against the spot.

“Yuuhhhh, uhhhhh God d-d-damn!” Weakly, she tried to push the massive head away but the Great Dane warned her with a growl and went back to thoroughly wetting the nylon that hid most of her cunt from sight.

Gayle found that she’d squeezed a dent into the beer can and quickly guzzled what was left. She needed a drink! She needed to get away! But this horrible dog wasn’t about to let her. And when she saw him pick at the little bow that held the bikini on her hips, she squealed again and tried to stop him. She couldn’t. He jerked the red string and with a toss of his head, peeled the hot nylon away from her swollen pussy. She gazed down, not surprised at the way her cunt had blossomed. And now with the dog’s raw tongue pressing directly against her overheated crevice, she couldn’t stop the rushes of pleasure that spread upward through her tummy. The empty beer can rolled to the floor. The big dog’s paws forced her knees apart. He lapped steadily at her, hungrier than before now that he could have the real thing.

“Ohh, ohhhhh God, that feels… uhhhhh!” Squirming uncontrollably, Gayle drew her knee up against her chest. She wanted to try to kick at the dog, but once she’d stretched her thighs up like that, the inner folds of her young pussy stretched open and the Great Dane’s tongue slid deep inside. Trembling with the fire of his mouth, Gayle let her head fall to one side, let the monster dog go on feasting.

“Uhh, he’s eating me all up! Ohhhh it feels… so damned good!”

Yes, she hated what was happening, but loved every second of it. She knew she was going crazy. It was too much of a conflict, this hunger that burned within her. She cast her eyes down to watch. The Great Dane’s tongue slipped up the length of her crack, wetting and sucking each tender morsel of teenaged cuntflesh. Gayle sobbed with the pleasure of it.

She could imagine what it looked like. She’d slipped down into the deep cushions of the sofa, her ass hanging just over the edge of one cushion. With that red bikini bottom hanging from one thigh, she’d drawn her knees up and spread them apart. The Great Dane stood before her, feasting hungrily at the firm, glossy flesh of her cunt. His licking made her slit ache! His hot breath made her belly suck in under her ribs. And now she had begun to move slowly, rocking her hips, pumping her ass up and down against his merciless tongue!

“Whhhaaahhh, ohhhhh why can’t I think straight when this happens? Why can’t I make him stop?”

Gayle licked her lips and tried to focus on the situation. Deciding she couldn’t just let it continue, she put one foot against Captain Marvel’s massive shoulder and began to shove him backwards. Instantly, sharp teeth closed on her ankle and the dog growled. His eyes glowed like some fiend from hell. And though his teeth were hurting her, the sharpness and the scraping excited her. Her cunt swelled plumper and a rivulet of cunt juice dripped down the crack of her ass.

“Damn you! Ohhhhh God, I can’t stand this!”

But she was going to have to stand it. Captain Marvel was licking her again. Whimpering, Gayle tossed her head. She didn’t even notice that the dog had jumped up and put his paws on the sofa. When she looked, she screamed. Down under his belly, just a few inches away from her poor little cunt, she saw that cock! It was the biggest, hottest-looking thing she’d ever laid eyes on!

“No! I’m not your mistress! You’re not going to fuck me!”

The dog hunched his hindquarters as if to say different. His red cocktip brushed between the lips of her cunt and a shiver of excitement rippled through her. Fighting for everything she believed was right, Gayle tried to roll the dog to the side. But his teeth caught her shoulder this time and he warned her with his rumbling voice again.

Gayle didn’t know how she got her fingers around that throbbing chunk of meat, but she did. She knew she couldn’t take anything like that without losing her mind and being injured, maybe killed. So she grabbed it, she grabbed it hard. The Great Dane slumped sideways as she drove her shoulder into his chest. She was whining with terror.

“Ohh, ohhhhh damn you!” Gayle knew that she couldn’t stop him with mere force. She had to give him something to take the place of the pleasure he’d been enjoying only seconds before. Instinctively, her small hand pumped his pulsing erection. The slick flesh slid through her grasp as she jacked it, praying for a miracle.

Captain Marvel started to struggle back but she pumped his cock faster, watching the tip swell before her eyes. It was so juicy, so hot! It made her palm burn just to be against it and it made her heart pound.

“Good boy, good boy!” she panted, seeing that her stimulation was working. The huge animal struggled, but more weakly now. At last he let his head flop down on the sofa cushion. His haunches worked rhythmically as Gayle let her clasping fingers rise and fall. She could feel the surging excitement of the dog with his chest heaving as he breathed. He was half lying on her and she could feel and see his trembling.

“Oh God, how did I get into this?” she gasped as the dog jerked against her pumping fingers. She looked down into the little slit at the very tip of the Great Dane’s prick. It was opening and closing and then a tiny droplet of something white formed there.

Gayle knew that if she kept handling the animal’s cock it was going to happen. But if she stopped, he would want gratification. He’d want to ram that awful thing into her body just like Prince had done. The difference was that Captain Marvel’s cock was a lot bigger!

“Oh hurry up and come, damn you!” Her fingers tightened around the hot prick. She was grasping it just behind the tip and inside she could feel the rhythmic surges growing more powerful with every passing second.

The Great Dane shuddered and his haunches worked forward and back. Gayle squeezed, her finger and thumb tightening just behind the head of his cock. Then it came. White streams of cum leaped up across her belly. The steamy stuff sprayed again and again until the slick strings of it were dribbling down her flesh. Even her bikini top was spotted with the dog cum and it was still coming fast!

“Ohhh God! It’s so hot and slick!” Gayle rubbed at the white streaks on her tummy, smearing the cream down her flesh. She could smell the strong aroma and feel the dog’s cock still jerking in he hand. The sliding of her small, soft fingers along that glistening chunk of meat was having a strange effect upon her. Her naked cunt tingled as if it needed more excitement. Ashamed of her body’s reaction, Gayle bit her lip but that didn’t help. She was trembling with the need the dog had aroused in her.

As Captain Marvel slumped sideways, Gayle pushed cum-smeared fingers down across her mound and curled them up into the seeping swollen flesh that ached for release.

“Ohhhhh, I hate myself for this,” she murmured, gouging past the circle of muscles that protected her hole. Finger-fucking herself with her cunt-slickened hand, she felt the itchy tickle begin. It throbbed faster and faster and she stretched a heel out to hook on the arm of the sofa. Instead she caught it under the Great Dane’s neck. His tongue washed between her small, tan toes and almost instantaneously, her climax began.

“Uhhhhhhh!” she cried, flopping and squirming.

The Great Dane sucked her toes hungrily, teasing the tender, erotic places as her young ass lurched against the sofa and her fingers clawed pleasure from her cunt. She was coming and that awful dog was licking her toes! She couldn’t think, couldn’t reason. Her body was smeared with cum! Captain Marvel’s cum!

“Nhhuuhhh, uhhh God, ohhhh… thank God I’m c-c-coming!”

Her tits rose and fell under the skimpy cups of the bikini. She could feel her cunt squeezing down on her fingers. The glorious pleasure took her away as Captain Marvel continued to chew and lick her toes. She’d never guessed that she was so sensitive there but she didn’t want that damned dog to stop licking them either. Not until she was finished.

“Uhhmmmmm! Nhhhuhh, good, good, good!”

Then Gayle opened her eyes and saw herself, saw her naked, swollen cunt and her cum-glossed fingers and the hot jism drying across her belly and loins. She managed to get to her feet and find the liquor cabinet before climbing the stairs and locking herself in the bathroom. There she took a hot bath and got roaring drunk.



“No, I’m not mad, Gayle, but next time let me know and I’ll get drunk with you.” Ann Marie looked disapprovingly at the half-empty brandy bottle, then smiled and shrugged. “We can’t tell your mother, can we?”

“Nope.” Gayle hiccuped and laughed.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do with you.” Ann Marie slapped Gayle on the bottom. “I can’t blame you for running around the house with just your panties on though, ’cause I do that all the time too.”

“I put Captain Marvel outside,” Gayle managed to say. “He was a bad boy.”

“Oh? Captain Marvel?”

Gayle blushed, wishing she hadn’t said anything. Thankfully her aunt didn’t pursue the question. She busied herself in the kitchen, mentioning that Gayle needed to get some food in her stomach. Gayle went and fell across the sofa. She was remembering how that Great Dane had worked her over just hours before in the very same spot. But she hadn’t let him do what he really wanted. A girl could make any male stop if she really wanted to. The trouble was half the time she didn’t really want to. Even now she was getting damp thinking of that big slick cock and those heavy balls flopping and the way her fingers had slid so easily up and down that dripping prick.

It was strange how she could be shocked and disgusted while she was doing it and then later, the memory excited her immensely. She had become so excited just thinking about the shape and size and heat of Captain Marvel’s magnificent prick that she thought she might grab it again if she had the chance.

“I’m just drunk, that’s all.”

“What did you say, honey?” Ann Marie asked, sweeping into the room. She had made a corned beef sandwich for Gayle and there was a generous helping of potato salad. Gayle wolfed the food, hungrier than she’d imagined. Her aunt waited until she’d satisfied herself before pursuing the question. “You were saying something about being drunk?”

“I don’t know what I’m saying.”

“Or doing?”

Gayle blushed. “What do you mean?”

“Sometimes a little drink will loosen a girl up. Free her of her hangups. I’ve had a few insights when I’ve been blitzed. Like when I switched from men to…” Ann Marie bit her lip, smiled knowingly and took a deep breath. “Maybe I’ll go fix myself a drink right now. I could use one.”

Gayle realized that her face had given her away. She knew that her aunt knew that she knew… oh, it was all too confusing and embarrassing. She felt as if she’d dropped into another world. A world without the day-to-day morality she was bombarded with back home. Aunt Ann Marie was a rebel of sorts and it occurred to Gayle that some of it might rub off on her! She didn’t want that to happen, did she?

“Ohhh, I just can’t make my mind work.”

Ann Marie came back from the kitchen with a glass of wine and a cold beer. She gave the beer to Gayle.

“A little hair of the dog that bit you won’t hurt. It’ll keep you from feeling crappy later on.” Her aunt’s choice of words gave Gayle pause for thought. Ann Marie noticed her strange expression. “Yeah, there’re some people who take more than just the hair,” said Ann Marie. She gave a little growl and winked at Gayle. Now Gayle was blushing again. She wolfed another mouthful of food and slugged hard from the beer. It tasted wonderful!

“I suppose you’d better get a good night’s rest,” Ann Marie said. “When a girl throws a drunk in the middle of the afternoon, she’s asking for trouble. If you stay up tonight, you’ll really feel like hell tomorrow.”

“I suppose you’re right,” Gayle agreed. She was already sobering up some and felt a little silly sitting there in her panties and nothing else.

“I’ll give you some aspirin and you go on up early. You’ll be in tip-top shape tomorrow, just wait and see.”


Gayle fell asleep almost as soon as she hit the bed. She had dreams, strange, half-crazy dreams about dogs. Many dogs. Dogs that chased her up hills and down valleys. Big and little dogs, but mostly big ones. The big ones cornered her in a meadow and with hot, dripping mouths, stripped her clothing off. While one held her down, another climbed between her thighs and speared her with his huge cock. Gayle awoke having an incredible climax, the dream of the dog fucking her still vivid as she slowly came to consciousness.

“Ohhh,” she moaned, rolling onto her belly and pumping her trim ass up and down to rub the fiery itch. She couldn’t get her hands down and that prolonged the lovely torture until her whole body was shuddering and jerking. She panted and bit her lips, giving a squeal as the consuming pleasure jolted her several times and subsided. “Ahhhh, ahhhh God… ohhh, that is the most fantastic thing when it happens.”

Gayle sat up in the darkness and rubbed her eyes. The sexual throes had awakened her completely and she looked around the darkened room, then swung her legs out of bed. She was still wearing only her panties, but the things had gotten soaked during her orgasm. She skinned them off, tossing them on the floor. The window was open and a warm breeze blew through the room. Gayle went naked to the opening and pushed the curtains aside. That was when she heard her aunt’s voice.

Though Gayle wasn’t sure of the time, she knew it had to be past midnight. The moon was full and high in the sky and the black sky was clear, dotted with sparkling stars. Down by the beach she could see shadows darting around. Blinking and wiping her sleep-bleared eyes, Gayle squinted to focus on the shapes. Now she could see her aunt clearly. She was stark naked and around her another shadow jumped and darted.

“Captain Marvel!” Gayle gasped, putting a hand to her mouth.

Without thinking, she grabbed her robe and threw it around her shoulders as she started downstairs. She remembered that she was naked underneath as she tied the belt, but she couldn’t stop now. Her head was clear now and though she knew she wasn’t under the influence of alcohol, she felt giddy and wild. She wanted to see what Ann Marie was doing! Much as she disapproved of her aunt’s uninhibited life style, she wanted to see.

There were trees almost to the sandy edge of the beach and Gayle kept behind them, darting from one to another until she was within a few dozen yards of where her aunt frolicked with Captain Marvel. The breeze was blowing out over the water which had kept the big dog from smelling or hearing her approach.

“Oh, you big beautiful super-hero, you,” Ann Marie laughed, encouraging the Great Dane to jump at her. He did, his paws resting on her shoulders as he drove his hindquarters up and down toward her, his huge, glistening cock slapping against his belly. It looked as if it was fully extended and the tip was a shiny knob. Looking at that thing reminded Gayle all too vividly of how she’d milked the sap from his prick with her trembling fingers.

“That’s just too big for a human female to take,” Gayle breathed. In the moonlight, her aunt’s curvy ass and bouncing tits seemed very erotic. It was as if she were working the big dog up into some kind of fury. He was barking and licking at his mistress. Gayle didn’t think he’d notice her if she stood out in plain sight. He was intent on burying that throbbing cock into the warm, soft, slickness of Ann Marie’s pussy.

“Oh, you want to fuck me bad, don’t you?” Ann Marie whispered to the huge animal.

The dog barked his reply and tried to wrestle his red-headed lover down. But she just laughed and spun away from him. The dog whined and came up on all fours to sniff her red-haired cunt. Ann Marie let him, parting her thighs so that the dog’s tongue rode along the full length of her dripping crevice. Gayle squeezed her small tits, almost feeling what it would be like to be sucked like that. She knew. It had happened to her.

“Mmmm, you’re making me want it too,” Ann Marie whispered to the Great Dane. “Maybe it’s time, my marvelous Captain Marvel!”

Dancing away again, Ann Marie headed for the low dock. It started on dry land and was only a few feet above the level of the sand. Ann Marie put a towel on the rough boards and sat there, her knees spread. The Great Dane came up and began to smear her already wet cunt with more hot saliva. He was really eating her up and Gayle could see that the rubbing friction was having an effect on her aunt.

Now Ann Marie was reaching under the dog’s belly, teasing his cock with her fingers. She jacked it and rubbed it and pinched the swollen tip until the Great Dane rumbled in his throat and pumped his ass like he was already fucking her. His balls swung heavily and Ann Marie caught them and squeezed them too!

“You lovely big hunk of raw meat!” She licked her lips. “If I wasn’t so hungry for a good fucking, I’d get down and suck you off.”

The dog barked as if he almost understood her. Ann Marie let his cock go and leaned back. She was sitting on the very edge of the dock, knees parted, cunt stretched wide.

As the big dog jumped forward, his paws pushed Ann Marie’s shoulders down onto the dock. Gayle’s eyes widened as she saw his cock, glistening with juice, swing forward. The glossy knob slapped between her aunt’s swollen cuntlips, and with a quick lunge he buried it.

“Yaaaahhhhh!” Ann Marie grunted, her red hair flying as she tossed her head excitedly, “Ohhh, baby, that’s so nice and hard and hot!”

Gayle knew exactly what she was talking about. Her own hands had been around that big cock of Captain Marvel’s. It was hot! And slick! And most of all, hard!

“Ohhhhh fuck me, baby, do it nice… uhhhh, ohhhhh it’s getting pretty deep already. Easy… easy now…”

The dog looked magnificent. Even though shocked and ashamed at her own excited reactions, Gayle had to admit that Captain Marvel was erotic. His cock gleamed where it showed between the sheath and his buried knob. As he worked another inch into his mistress’ cunt, his powerful ass trembled and he gave a series of rapid jerks that made Ann Marie’s cunt juice squirt out from around the edges of her inner lips.

“Tight… ohhhh so tight!”

Yes, Gayle could hear how tight it was. Her aunt’s velvety flesh sucked at the shiny pink surface of the dog’s cock. In the moonlight she could easily see the way it pulled Ann Marie’s cuntlips in toward her hole when the dog rammed. He licked the redhead’s tits and face as he fucked her, his big paws still pinning her shoulders to the dock.

“Whhuuhh,” Ann Marie panted, her ass starting to move now. “Ohhhhh wow, you big son of a bitch!”

Gayle felt something hot trickle down the inside of her thigh. Only then did she remember that she was naked under her robe. Her poor little cunt was overflowing with sex juice. Watching Ann Marie get fucked really good was making her tingle inside. She couldn’t help but wonder about Captain Marvel’s abilities. Not that she’d ever dream of letting him do anything like that to her. She was just daydreaming about it. When Ann Marie lifted her feet from the dock and crossed them over the big dog’s back, Gayle shivered and thrust a hand under her robe.

“No. I’m not going to let myself get worked up this time.” She took the hand away. She’d just let her pussy drip if it wanted to. She had to stop letting her emotions rule her like that.

“Uhh, uhhh, uhhhh, baby, yeah…” Ann Marie was squeezing the dog’s middle with her thighs. His big cock was penetrating her all the way now. And the sound it made as it slid in and pulled back was fantastic. It was a juicy, sexy, spearing sound and her aunt’s juices were running out of her as her excitement grew more intense. Her body whipped around on the dock as the dog fucked her. Her ass bounced up and down against his instinctive thrusts. She was taking everything the Great Dane had to give and seemed to want more! Gayle wasn’t as disturbed as she had been a few days ago by such carrying on but she was still shocked. To see her very own aunt take on a dog! It was no wonder she’d switched from men to this Great Dane. How could any guy compete with that kind of cock?

“Nhhuuh, ohhh shit, I’m gonna come… ohhhhhhh Christ!”

The dog chewed gingerly on one of Ann Marie’s tits as his haunches shoved and quivered. His throbbing prick looked very raw and swollen as he pulled it all the way out of her and rammed it deep again.

“God, it’s a wonder that thing doesn’t split her in two!” Gayle felt her own small twat twinge. Just to imagine that huge thing stretching her immature muscles frightened her. It had hurt bad enough when Prince had fucked her.

Ann Marie was twisting and pumping, her white ass dancing erotically in the moonlight as she let the huge dog skewer her with frenzied thrusts. Gayle held her breath, leaning forward from behind the tree to see it all. The dog’s whines had become crazed now and he was clawing the dock with his hind paws for added power. His cock was a blaze of slick, tumid meat as it jerked back and speared forward. Full force, it pushed Ann Marie’s ass along the dock a few inches at a time and the dog held it in her as she writhed around the stiff stake.

“Ohhhh, you bastard! Ohhh here I come!”

She kicked both feet high, flailing the air, her fists banging the dock. Then she hugged the huge dog down against her as her ass pumped convulsively. Gayle could see that the Great Dane’s prick was in to the hilt and that her aunt’s cunt was squeezing down tightly around the base. Holding him in her like that, Ann Marie squirmed and wiggled in ways Gayle would have thought impossible. She knew she had never been able to move like that! It was a hurried frenzy of raw sex and the pleasure exploded inside Ann Marie, making her scream, then choke as her delirium grew too intense.

“Ohhhh faster… ohhh, you naughty dog! Ohhhh how you can fuck me!”

The dog’s cock was curved slightly upward now as it reached its peak hardness. It looked like some strange creature and again Gayle imagined her hand around it, thought of rubbing it against her pussy. How could such things drift into her mind? She had hated herself for being so impressionable.

“Whhhaaahhh!” Ann Marie screamed, twitching as the final spasms took her up. Her heels dug against the dog’s furry back. He rammed her with the full length of his prick now and Gayle heard him yelp as the white froth appeared at the edges of her aunt’s pussy. The dog was still fucking as the white strings dangled and fell plopping onto the dock. The dog’s balls also were shiny with the cream and it leaked off the edge of the dock as more of it was forced out of Ann Marie’s tight cunt. For an instant, Gayle saw her aunt’s clit. It was standing like a tiny finger. Even in the moonlight she could tell that it was red and raw and glistening with cum and cunt juice. Her aunt was coming! Coming good!

Gayle gathered her robe around her and started running back through the trees. She didn’t see the exposed root. She only remembered tripping and falling forward. Her head struck the trunk of a small tree and she saw a bright light explode against her closed eyelids. Then she saw or heard nothing.



Gayle was awakened by a hot tongue. The tongue was wetting her ass. She knew instantly it was a dog’s tongue, and as her aching head cleared somewhat, she knew what dog.

“Captain Marvel!” Gayle cried out in astonishment.

Shakily, Gayle pushed herself up on her hands and knees. What time was it? Where had her robe gone? Then she saw it, a few feet away in the grass. The dog had probably stripped it off her while she had lain unconscious in the grass. The moon was closer to the horizon now so she knew that two or three hours had passed. The beach was empty. Captain Marvel’s hot tongue wet her ass cheeks again, spreading them so he could wet her small, tight asshole. With a small cry of fear, Gayle realized she was all alone out there with this awful dog.

“Now you be a good boy and let me get my robe on and go back to…”

Captain Marvel growled as she reached for the robe. He went back to licking her ass. The hot wipe of his tongue was extremely disturbing. Gayle tried to think. If she could just get up and run, if she could make it back to the house. But she knew that the huge animal would drag her down before she got even halfway.

Before she could make a plan, the Great Dane mounted her from behind, his huge jaws closing down on her neck just as Prince had done that first time she’d known a dog cock. But now this dog was pressing his hot, slick cock up against another hole! Panting with surprise and fear, Gayle tried crawling away. His teeth held her, made her wince with pain. Then he drove his belly up her ass, his cock nudging her asshole.

Her ass was all wet with his spit and the smooth knob pressed her muscles apart. The sensation was disgusting at first but when she found she couldn’t escape, when she knew that the dog was going to have his will, her disgust turned to panic. Gayle knew that she was relatively small and that this huge canine had a cock as big as a night stick! Already her tiny asshole felt terribly stretched and only his cocktip was inside her.

But it didn’t take long for her to know what an ass fuck was like. With a growl and a great lunge, Captain Marvel skewered her at least three inches. His prick surged inside her ass, stretching her hole to make it fit. Whining with fright, Gayle felt the strange tingles spreading. But a girl wasn’t supposed to get excited this way, was she?

“Nhhhaaah, ohhhh God, it’s so weird!”

Yes, it was weird for her, but for the Great Dane it had to be good. He was making growling sounds of satisfaction deep in his throat and his paws hugged her skinny waist as he humped his powerful back up and drove deeper.

Now the heat spread from his cock and she could hear the juicy sound of the penetration as he rubbed the tender place where he’d stabbed her. Yes, she was getting exited. She was drooling, her head hung down between her braced arms. She could feel how tight it was for the dog. When he pulled back and her sphincter muscle contracted just behind the head of his cock, he wiggled furiously as if caught in some lovely trap.

After a few minutes of this, she felt him jerk harder and something hot flowed into her ass. It came in streams until at last a little bit leaked out and she could smell the pungent aroma. Captain Marvel had taken only a few minutes to come. And her body was shaking with pent-up excitement. He’d actually aroused her to the point of wanting more stimulation. But not from any dog, that was for sure!

“You beast!” She bit her lip to keep from crying. “You awful beast!”

The animal pulled himself free and limped away, the white strings still leaking from his cocktip. Gayle staggered to her feet and held her hand against the sullied place. She felt so degraded, so ashamed! Her bottom tingled terribly, or was it wonderfully? She was getting so mixed up about what she should enjoy and what she should detest. She detested herself more than anything for being so weak-willed. And now she’d given herself a knot on the head and gotten fucked in the ass for her trouble.

Gayle walked unsteadily to the house, let herself in and climbed the stairs. She took a quick bath, jumped naked into bed and wondered if she might be able to cry herself to sleep. But the tears didn’t come. She was too exhausted and mind-bent to cry. Instead she fell into dreamless, deep sleep.


Gayle awakened to breakfast in bed, brought in by her aunt. Her heavy spirits were immediately lifted by the fancy cooking and freshly squeezed orange juice. Ann Marie sat nearby making idle conversation.

“I just felt like surprising you. I’m really enjoying your company up here. I guess I needed a little human companionship for a change.” Her aunt’s emphasis on human was accompanied by a knowing smile. Gayle felt that Ann Marie was tired of playing secret games. She was on the verge of admitting all. Gayle wasn’t so sure she wanted to hear about it though. She already knew more than she could stomach. She avoided any thoughts of what had happened to her the night before. She didn’t even tell Ann Marie that she’d fallen and knocked herself out.

“I’m going to give Captain Marvel a bath today,” Ann Marie announced. “He loves one every few days or so and I thought you could help me. He’s such a big bugger.”

“I don’t know much about bathing dogs.”

“You don’t have to know anything.” Ann Marie laughed. “Captain Marvel will understand. I suppose we should shampoo your Prince too so he won’t feel left out.”

“If Prince has done what he’s supposed to do, I guess I could get back home.”

“Oh, don’t leave so quickly,” her aunt begged. “And though Prince might be finished with Sissy, she might not be through with him.”

Gayle remembered how tired the poor Doberman bitch had seemed the day before. Then she thought of Prince and his slick, slender prick. Before she could shake the memory, she’d imagined that thing teasing her hungry little cunt then sliding deep into it. She reddened, cursing herself for such wicked reveries.

“Does sex embarrass you?” her aunt asked suddenly.

“I suppose it does. Doesn’t it embarrass everyone?”

“Perhaps. But if you have the right attitude…”

“Just what is the right attitude?” Gayle snapped, somewhat irritated by her aunt’s pressures to loosen her up.

“The right attitude is to enjoy yourself.” Ann Marie took Gayle’s hand. “Listen, honey, I think you’ve guessed some things about me that you’re too shy to say anything about. But I’m not shy. So I’ll save you the trouble.”

“Ann Marie, you really don’t have to…”

“You know I fuck dogs, don’t you?”

Gayle turned her face away but her aunt continued.

“You must have guessed by now if you haven’t seen me. Because I really don’t try too hard to cover it up. And let me tell you, honey, letting a big bastard like Captain Marvel fuck me is so wonderful…” She sighed and grasped Gayle’s hand harder. “I wish I could turn you on to this scene. I know you’d forget all about men. They’re not worth a God damn, let me assure you. What you really need is a faithful companion who really knows how to slip it to a girl. Why…”

“Ann Marie!” Gayle gasped, swinging her legs to the floor and grabbing her robe. She started from the room, her aunt close behind. They went down the stairs, Ann Marie never letting up for a second.

“… and they’re cleaner than most men. Really, Gayle! They know how to use their tongues too, if you take the time to instruct them a little bit. Why Captain Marvel can lick me into a froth in no time at all. And his cock! Have you really looked at it?”

By this time, Gayle was trembling. She fished a beer out of the refrigerator, knowing she’d only just had breakfast. But she needed a drink, badly!

“That’s why I wanted you to help me bathe Captain Marvel. When you see soap all over his cock, when you actually touch him…”

“Ann Marie, I have touched him!” Gayle blushed for having blurted out the truth, but she didn’t turn away from her aunt’s surprised look. “Yes. I did touch him. He was trying to make me do… naughty things. I had to grab him. I had to…” She bit her lip.

“What did you have to do, baby?” Ann Marie asked in a whisper. She seemed very excited by all this.

“I made him spurt out all that cream. His cum, I guess you call it.”

“You know what it’s called. Don’t play Miss Dumb with me,” her aunt knowingly said. Gayle had to laugh but she quickly pulled a stern expression and swigged her beer.

“I just don’t want to get mixed up with dogs. For God’s sake, it isn’t normal. It isn’t natural.”

Ann Marie gave her slender shoulders a hug. “That’s what makes it so much fun!”

Gayle looked at her aunt like she was crazy. Then she finished her beer with a gulp. Ann Marie got her another one and took one for herself.

“Here, take a little brandy with it. I want to loosen you up. This can really be fun,” she giggled. “Bath time for Captain Marvel.”

“I really don’t…” But the brandy glass was in her fingers and she tipped it up. There was something about her aunt’s fun-loving nature that drew her in, carried her along. She followed Ann Marie to the kitchen door but hesitated. “Let me at least put some clothes on.”

“Oh no, that would spoil it.”

“But I’m naked under this robe.”

“That’s perfect. You see, when we give Captain Marvel his bath, we kind of take one too.”

Gayle pulled back in horror as her aunt’s fingers closed on her wrist. But already the booze was taking effect and she let herself be dragged into the back yard. Ann Marie had set up a small kiddie pond. It was big enough for the Great Dane and the two of them. The water from the hose was warm because of the sun and Gayle was instructed to wet the Great Dane’s coat while Ann Marie undressed. Gayle still had her robe around her but the bottom was trailing in the water now.

“Your turn!” her aunt said, stepping naked into the plastic pool. She had a bar of soap in one hand and her nipples stood out proudly in the bright morning sun.

Gayle undid her robe and threw it on the grass. The dog was getting very wet now, and as her aunt began to lather his coat up good, Gayle relaxed some. It didn’t seem so awful except for the fact that the two of them were naked. If anyone would happen to see them, she didn’t know how they’d explain things. But since the place was on private land and the gates were locked, there seemed a slim chance of that happening.

“You soap from the rear, I’ll soap from the front,” her aunt said. Dutifully, Gayle began to lather the big dog’s fur. It felt funny, even a little erotic to be spreading the soapy foam around. Gayle was careful to stay away from the underside of the dog’s belly. She recalled all too well how he’d driven his hot cock into her ass the night before. Despite her aunt’s shameless behavior around Captain Marvel, Gayle wanted no part of it. Yet her naked body tingled as she ran her soft, soapy palms across the dog’s wet fur.

“He likes what you’re doing,” Ann Marie told her. “But don’t be afraid to do what he really likes.”

“What’s that?” Gayle asked, already knowing the answer.

“Look… do it like this!”

Taking Gayle’s small hand, she pushed it down and made her grab the Great Dane’s cocksheath. Gayle trembled. The dog turned to gaze lovingly at her slender nakedness and she felt lightheaded and scared. She knew what would happen if she kept squeezing that sheath. His cock was already poking its pink tip out and the soapy foam frothed down over it.

“I don’t want to do this,” Gayle breathed.

“I think you want to do it more than you think you do,” her aunt wisely said. Ann Marie had noticed her heaving breasts and the way the small, immature nipples had swelled into hot, thick nubs. She had noticed too how Gayle’s cunt was all plump and soft. A glistening line of pink flesh showed where the curl-fringed cuntlips had bloomed apart.

Gayle looked again and saw that four inches of dog cock had extended from the Great Dane’s protective sheath. In the bright light of day she could see it more clearly than she’d ever seen it before. Her aunt took a soapy palm and began to massage the raw, hot flesh. Captain Marvel whimpered and pumped his ass.

As his cock slid back and forth through Gayle’s shaking fingers, she felt his power and sexuality. She watched that eight-inch cock throb strongly in her grasp. All the while she knew her aunt’s eyes were on her.

“Gayle, I’ve been wanting to tell you something and it might as well be now. I’ve been wanting to turn you on to Captain Marvel for the longest time.”

“I guess I knew you did,” Gayle said.

“Good, then it isn’t as much of a shock. I’ve been dropping hints but I didn’t know whether you were picking them up or not.” Ann Marie pushed her red hair back from her forehead and took a deep breath. “Yes, I guess a lot of people would say I’m perverted. But I’ve grown to love it. I love it so much that I wanted you to have it too. You understand what I’m talking about, Gayle?”

“Yes.” Gayle understood all too well. With her hand sliding up and down Captain Marvel’s cock, her own mind was full of savage images. Carnal daydreams that would have made her faint a year before. After all that had happened to her, Gayle realized she had someone to tell it to, to confess to, to reveal the awful truth to. But could she?

“Ann Marie?”

“What, darling?”

“I… it happened with me and… Prince. I didn’t want it to but Prince licked me, and then after that he knocked me down in the hall of my parents’ house and broke my cherry and it hurt and I bled and it was awful! I thought I’d lose my mind… I… I…” Gayle had blurted all this out as fast as she could talk and now the tears streaked her cheeks.

“It’s okay, baby,” her aunt said, squeezing her hand. “I was afraid the first time. But after that…” She smiled and rolled her eyes. “Look, Captain Marvel thinks you’ve forgotten him.” The big dog had slipped onto his back in the shallow water and was pumping his rear end to show that his cock needed more attention. Gayle felt confused. But when her aunt soaped him one last time and washed the lather away with the warm water from the hose, she knew something weird was going to happen.

“Watch me,” she told Gayle, lowering her mouth to the dog’s big prick. With a soft slurp she took the knob between her teeth and gingerly chewed it. The dog went crazy, pawing the air with his legs, whimpering pitifully. But there was no mistaking that he liked what was happening to him.

“Mmmm,” Ann Marie moaned, sliding her lips down farther. Watching all this close up was much different than peeking from a distance. Gayle could see all the incredible erotic details, the veins in the dog’s cock surging with blood, her aunt’s soft lips caressing him.

“Ohhh, I feel so funny. Like this is a dream,” whimpered Gayle.

“Here, you try it!”

“I’m not going to put my mouth on that dog’s cock!”

“Come on… it’s fun.”

“Ann Marie… no… don’t make me!”

But her aunt was bending her forward, using just enough force to get the idea across. It was odd how Gayle let herself be pushed toward that shiny, throbbing shaft of dog meat. But there she was, her lips pressing against the swollen knob. It didn’t taste bad at all, but it was hot and slick and her tongue flicked out as if to push the thing away.

Her mind was spinning. The most fantastic itch was burning through her cunt as her clit throbbed and thickened. She let the knob slide between her teeth. Her head spun. She was sure she was going to faint. But she didn’t. She held onto Captain Marvel’s prick so tightly that the blood was trapped in the cockhead and it expanded against her soft, curved tongue. The feeling of power over the animal was exciting her. Her cunt was blossomed open now and her juices dripped out. While she sucked the Great Dane’s big prick, her aunt soaped her body, touching her curves and hollows until Gayle moaned against the thick spike of dog that filled her mouth. The moan made the Great Dane shiver.

“Oh yeah, give him a hum job. He’d really go for that.”

Gayle had no idea what her aunt was talking about. But she tried humming anyway and sure enough, the big dog stiffened and began to shudder. The vibration of her vocal cords was adding a thrill to the velvety licks of her tongue. Ann Marie watched excitedly.

“God… look at him!”

“Mmmmm,” Gayle hummed, her lips moving up and down the huge, hot prick. She grasped his balls with both hands as she knelt there over his body. She could feel the soapy foam sliding across her back as her aunt continued to caress her. She could feel the hot sun beating down on her head and the jerking movements of the big dog.

“Better stop now,” Ann Marie cautioned. “I’m not sure you’re experienced enough to go all the way with him on this.”

Quickly, Gayle pulled her lips away. She sat back, half in shock over the carnal act she’d participated in. She gave her aunt a dazed look.

“You made me do that. I didn’t even fight you…”

“Lots of us have things burning inside that we won’t face or admit to. You’ve probably been wanting to suck a dog’s cock ever since you saw one. They are beautiful things, aren’t they? They’re nice and slick and smooth, not all dry and yucky like a man’s cock.” Ann Marie took Gayle’s hand again, her eyes intent with excitement. “I’ve never been hurt by a dog. When they slip it to you, it’s always nice and lubricated and it goes in so sweet and hot!”

Her aunt’s detailed description made Gayle bite her lip. She was remembering how Prince had fucked her that first time. It had been too much of a shock for her to enjoy it much but it had been slick!

“I can see that you’re thinking about it again, aren’t you?”

“Yes! I don’t know why I should, but I am.” Gayle looked down at the Great Dane’s huge cock. “He’s so big! It doesn’t hurt you when he fucks you?”

“A woman’s cunt is made to be stretched,” Ann Marie said. “That’s what makes it feel so good. Do you want to take on Captain Marvel? I’ll be right here to make sure he doesn’t go too far the first time.”

“No! I couldn’t… I wouldn’t do such a thing…”

“You just told me you’ve already been fucked once by a dog.”


“Come on, just get onto your hands and knees… or on your back on the edge of that table over there. I’ll get some towels to make it soft…”

“No, I told you! I’m scared stiff!”

“And you’re dripping juice down your legs. Just look at you!” Ann Marie smiled knowingly. “You’re dying to fuck this dog and you know it!”

“Ohhhh, Ann Marie, I’m so mixed up.”

She was in a daze as her aunt led her to the low table. Towels were put down to pad the place where she was to rest the small of her back and her ass. She was shaking as she lay down while Ann Marie pushed her knees apart.

The Great Dane seemed to sense that he was in for a little fun. He whined and wheeled in circles, his tail wagging, his cock swinging heavily under his belly.

“You lucky girl,” Ann Marie said. “I think he’s been wanting you. He’ll probably pop in just a minute or so but I’ll bet you’ll come first. You’re really swollen up with excitement.”

Gayle tossed her brown hair back and forth, whimpering with desire and fright. “I’m so darned afraid he’ll hurt me! Just look at that thing, Ann Marie!”

“I know it’s big but I’m right here to make sure he doesn’t go too deep.”

Straddling the dog’s back, her aunt held him back as he tried to leap up. Finally Captain Marvel got a paw on the table edge and mounted. Gayle’s waiting body was shivering with anticipation. She knew now that much of what her aunt had said was true. She did want to be fucked. And the way that cock looked, the way it had felt in her mouth weakened her resolution to be a good girl.

Yes, she’d actually sucked on it! How could she have? But she had and now she waited for her aunt to guide the raw, slippery knob against her pussy. The Great Dane licked her small, firm tits, bringing her nipples up even more firmly than they’d been before. Rippling pleasure went through her flesh. The animal’s furry chest touched her and she put her small hands up to touch his sides.

“God, you are really ready,” her aunt sighed, holding the dog’s huge prick as she let him lunge forward inch by tantalizing inch. Then Gayle felt it! It was hot and smooth and it slid easily down into her cunt, down over her clit and inner lips, down to that feverish hollow where her muscles were squeezed tight.

“Relax, baby,” Ann Marie said. “Relax or he’ll just force that little hole of yours right open anyway. It might hurt if he does it like that.”

“Ohhhhh!” Gayle’s ass was glowing. She rocked from side to side, letting her mushy, velvet flesh swathe the monster dog’s cock with hot juice. The juice squished and sucked as the dog’s hungry movements buried half of his cockhead inside the ring of muscles. Then with a pop, he entered her, and the glow turned into a radiant pleasure that made Gayle hump her back and arch it again. She humped and arched, her ass rising and falling. She was squirming like that with only the head of the dog’s prick inside her.

The Great Dane let out a long, low moan. She knew that he liked what her steamy hot cunt was doing to him. But more than this, she was wild about what that enormous pricktip was doing to her twat! It had stretched her more than she’d ever been stretched in her life! That thing pulsed and throbbed with a steady rhythm as the dog shuddered with excitement. It was lucky that her aunt was holding him back or he would ram that awful cock to the hilt and ruin her forever. But with just that bulging tip squeezed tightly by her whisper-slick muscles and cuntflesh, Gayle thought she would die from the thrills that jolted through her.

“Ohhh, ohhhh shit! Ohhhh, Ann Marie! God, it’s the itchiest, nicest feeling in the world. Ohhh, he’s so big and hot!”

“I’m not going to let him go any deeper for a while. You are pretty tight and I want your body to stretch slowly.”

“Gnnhhuuuuhhh,” Gayle babbled, tossing her head again. Her fingers were gouging deeply into the big dog’s fur. She moved her hips again, see-sawing them, then plunging up and down again. Her tight little pussy wrung Captain Marvel’s cockhead tightly and the dog rumbled and whined with pleasure.

“Ohhh yeah… ohhhh you were right, Ann Marie! It’s so nice! Ohhhh I want to do it forever!”

“Unfortunately, humans can’t take that much ecstasy. Dogs can’t either.”

“Mmmmhhhuuuhh, ohhh, ohhhh it’s swelling up even bigger! I can feel it swelling!”

“You’d better quit writhing around so much then. I think old Captain Marvel’s about to bust his balls.”

Gayle froze as her aunt had suggested. She didn’t want to. What she wanted to do was to keep on squirming, to keep on rubbing that fantastic itch that the dog’s cockhead had started. She guessed that she was pretty close to a climax too.

After a minute or two, Gayle couldn’t keep still any longer. The intensity of her pleasure had died down enough so that she was panting for more. She gave her aunt a helpless look and ran her small hands down between her body and the furry chest of the dog.

“Yes,” Ann Marie sighed, “just feel where he’s stuck inside you! God, you should see how it looks! Your pink little cunt is all pulled out around that red prick of his. Your lips are clinging to it like they’ll never let go!”

“Uhhh, I can feel! Ohhh wow, he’s so big. I’m really stretched, aren’t I?”

“He’s dying to slide it in deeper! Can I let him?”

“Yes! Ohhh I want more, Ann Marie! I never thought I’d beg for it like this. I’m ashamed. But I do want more! Ohhhh let it slide into me, please let it, please!”

As her aunt loosened her hold of the dog’s haunches, he lunged a little, his hot tongue licking her breasts again. Gayle babbled excitedly and began to pump her slender ass up and down to make her juices flow out more freely. The dog’s cockshaft made a sexy sound as it penetrated her overheated flesh. He shuddered and pulled back to ram again. Ann Marie dug her fingers into his body, stopping him from thrusting.

Gayle felt the thrust anyway. It forced her young cunt apart inside. She could feel that hot knob plowing through the velvety tissues. She chewed her bottom lip and whined with the thrill of what was happening.

“Oh, he’s fucking me! Ohhhh God, he’s really fucking me!”

“Yeah, baby, he is! I can hardly hold him back. He really wants to get it deep. You must be hot and slippery in there cause he’s going in so easy!”

“Uhh, uhhhh, uhhhh, God!” Gayle’s ass quivered as she took the dog’s plunging cock. It was in about five inches now. She could feel the hot shaft sliding by her fingertips. Her clit was a hot bead of excitement and the pull of her stretched flesh made it grow even hotter and longer.

“You’d better get ready for him ’cause he wants all of you,” Ann Marie said. She was having a hard time keeping the dog from pulling away from her grasp. His hind paws dug holes in the grass as he thrust for power. His shaft slid in and out an inch as he stretched deeper into Gayle’s adolescent cunt.

“Yaaahhh, it’s really big! Ohhh, it’s opening me all up inside! Ohhhh, God, Ann Marie, you won’t let him kill me!”

“I’m holding on.”

“Nhhuuhh, whhuuuhh!” Gayle grasped frantically at the remaining few inches of dog cock. Then she felt the sheath. The dog was really getting deep. She had six inches now and then seven as the Great Dane lunged forward, almost pulling free from the restraining hands of his mistress.

“Easy, Captain Marvel, I know you want her! Easy, easy…”

Gayle lifted her tan legs and squeezed the large, furry animal between them. The rub of his sides against her thighs excited her even more and she crossed her ankles and squeezed, trying to limit how far he could drive that hot, hard cock into her body. It worked! By squeezing him like that, the dog could only have what she wanted him to have. But it seemed enough. He lapped at her naked tits and wallowed his balls against the cheeks of her ass. Grunting with pleasure, Gayle let him have another inch as her juices spilled out around the dainty lips of her cunt.

“Woweeeee! Ohhhh what a crazy dog! Ohhhh, Ann Marie, he’s fucking the shit out of me!”

Ann Marie had let go and stepped back. Gayle saw her face, her wide eyes and trembling lips. It was obvious that her aunt had never witnessed anything quite like this, experienced as she was.

“You got him, Gayle. Just hold on tight! Ohhh, Christ, you make me want to do it too.”

Now Gayle clung with both arms around the dog’s neck and shoulders. He eased down from the table and took a few steps with her clinging to his body, dangling below him with her cunt deeply penetrated by his huge cock. Ann Marie was jumping around and sighing and telling Gayle how beautiful she looked hanging there under that monster dog. Gayle felt every thrust of his hot cock. He was standing on all fours, fucking her as she held on for dear life. And the juicy drops of sex butter were making her ass wet.

The dog had stretched her. She could feel her womb being pushed deeper into her belly, she could feel that swollen head making more room for itself. And she could feel her tender flesh squeezing and milking at the huge thing. Her velvety insides swathed the dog’s cock with slick juice. As the knob swelled to its largest size, the itchy pleasure began to surge through the plump heat of her mound. Her clit was a tingling, pulsing trigger about to be pulled.

“Ohhhh, Ann Marie,” Gayle squealed, “I’m gonna come! I can feel it!”

The dog took another step or two, letting the swing of Gayle’s bottom work for him. His pricktip pressed tightly against the opening of her womb. Her insides convulsed and Gayle let out a whimper, then a scream.

“Yuhhhhh! Ohhhh yess!”

“Hold on tight, baby!” Ann Marie bent down, her tits shaking. “He’s so deep, I can’t believe how you’re doing it. You’re such a slender little thing!”

“Huuhhhhnnnn,” Gayle panted, her cunt tightening as it began to spasm. Then the pounding thrills took her. She clung frantically to the dog’s body, her heels tightly hooked around his middle. His big cock plunged slickly into her, raking pure pleasure from her tender young cunt. She felt totally ravished, totally fucked!

“Whhhuuuhhh, so good it’s killing me! Ohhhh!”

The dog growled and humped in a frenzy as the radiant fires surged through his body too. Then Gayle felt that knob swell again, stretching her pussy out around it. The streams of heat flowed into her. She counted them, one, two, three. Hot streams of love. Love, white and slick and creamy that oozed from the edges of her hole, that leaked across her tightened asshole and even down the small of her back. The dog rammed and barked and fucked her with his spurting prick.

“Hold on,” Gayle heard her aunt calling. But she couldn’t focus on anything. She buried her face in the dog’s fur and let him shove that hot spike of cockmeat in and out, in and out. The pleasure emerged from her deepest secrets. Her clit throbbed and burst. Her breath came in gulps as she chewed her lip and felt her poor little pussy being ravished.

She came so furiously the first time that she couldn’t believe it when her cunt spasmed again, squeezing rhythmically on that Great Dane’s huge prick. But it was and Gayle thought she might faint if the pleasure got any more intense. Then she felt herself blacking out, heard her aunt’s cries as she wrestled the dog down onto the grass.

“Ahhh, uhhhh, wowweeeee!” Gayle squealed and then knew nothing.



“You’re okay, baby, just relax. Relax.”

The words confused Gayle. Wasn’t she at home in her bed asleep? Hadn’t she been dreaming about something kind of funny? But that wasn’t her mother’s voice she heard. It was Ann Marie.

“Ann Marie? What…”

“That’s a girl. Just take some deep breaths. I’ve got something for you.”

Gayle took the water glass and put it to her lips. It wasn’t water. It was something a lot stronger. She coughed but the brandy went down her throat, doing its work already. She looked into her aunt’s smiling face.

“The dogs… Captain Marvel… what…”

“Yeah, it got a little rough but you’re just fine. I had to stop him. He was trying to get loose and that hot little cunt of yours was trying to squeeze his cock off, I think.” Ann Marie laughed, but Gayle could see that she’d been a little frightened by the whole scene.

“You carried me up here?”

“Uh-huh. You’re pretty heavy to get up those stairs too. I guess I should have made Captain Marvel do it. He had all the fun.” Ann Marie tilted her head. “No, that’s wrong. Unless I’m mistaken, you had fun too. Lots of it.”

Gayle dropped her eyes. She felt her cheeks flush. Yes, now she could remember all of it! She’d never been so deeply involved in so much intense ecstasy in her life. But she felt a tug of shame too. Her weirdo aunt had talked her into doing things she wouldn’t have dreamed of a few days before.

“Hey, there’s nothing to be shy about.” Ann Marie patted her hand. “We’re together on this, aren’t we? If you’re a naughty girl, well I’m at least as naughty.”

“I… I guess so. But I think I really should be getting back to town.”

“I want to make sure you’re okay before you go.”

“Oh I’m okay. Just different.”

“How’s your cunt?”

Gayle moved her hips. “Hurts. I guess I’ll be sore for a while.”

“Captain Marvel is wild about you,” her aunt whispered. “While I was carrying you upstairs, he licked your toes and whimpered like he was afraid you were hurt. If you go away I don’t know what I’m going to do with him.”

Gayle pushed a hand under the covers and pressed it up against her naked cunt. The outer lips were still puffy and she could feel how tender the inner flesh was. That dog had really worked her over good!

It was afternoon before Gayle could manage to limp downstairs. Her cunt wasn’t nearly so swollen now. In fact, whenever she thought about what that Great Dane had done to her, she felt little thrills go through her slit.

Ann Marie fed her a steak and they had a bottle of good wine. It was after six when they rose from the table.

“If you’re feeling up to it, why don’t you come out back with me,” Ann Marie suggested.

“Whatcha gonna do?”

“Since you’ve enjoyed the pleasures of my dog so much, I thought I might entertain myself with yours. With your permission of course.”

Gayle blushed. Her aunt was always blowing her mind it seemed.

“I’d feel funny watching.”

“Surely you’ve peeked on me before? In fact, I’m sure of it.”

Gayle blushed again.

“Maybe I did. I sure didn’t mean any harm.”

“Oh, that’s okay, baby. I’m glad really,” her aunt giggled. “Maybe it helped get you interested.”

Taking the wine with them, Gayle followed her aunt outside. They went around back of the big garage to where the kennels were. Prince and Sissy were inside one pen but neither seemed to be paying much attention to the other. Ann Marie licked her lips.

“Oh wow, am I ever horny.” She peeled her shirt and tossed it away. “Watching you and my big doggy turned me on something terrific.”

“That seems funny. I’m just a long-legged kid and you’re a grown lady.”

“You’re not just any kid,” Ann Marie said in a husky whisper. “Captain Marvel knows that.”

Gayle sipped from the wine bottle as she watched her aunt let herself into the dog pen. Prince, who’d been looking pretty bored the past day or so, perked up his ears. He walked cautiously toward Ann Marie, his black pointed nose pointed directly toward the puff of red cunt curls that hid her crevice. She scratched his ears as he nuzzled closer, sniffing loudly now.

“Dog’s just love the smell of a human female cunt. You know how embarrassing they can be when you don’t want them to do this.”

“Yeah…” Gayle was all eyes. She watched Ann Marie get down on all fours and crawl around the sandy enclosure. The big Doberman walked around behind her, still very interested in that damp, musky place between her thighs.

“Oh wow, I think he’s remembering what he did to me,” Gayle sighed. Her well-fucked cunt gave a twinge of pain followed close behind by an itchy pleasure. As she watched, her Doberman grew a bright-red cock. Ann Marie wiggled her ass back and forth, talking sweetly to the handsome animal. Her own dog Sissy merely seemed confused.

“He’s gonna jump up on you!” Gayle squealed, her hand sliding down to where her jeans fitted tightly against the undercurve of her cunt. She hugged her cunt as she watched Prince put a paw on Ann Marie’s white ass cheek, then jump up. With lunging, hunching movements, he drove his cock forward against the meaty wet flesh of her aunt’s pussy. After three or four misses, Ann Marie gasped and Gayle watched that streamlined cock slide easily into the redhead’s body.

“Boy, he doesn’t waste any time!” Ann Marie sighed, her ass working in slow circles as the dog wedged himself deeper. He was panting and hugging her body as his back humped up. He wiggled and stroked, the juicy sound of his cock penetrating Ann Marie’s cunt making Gayle feel very hot indeed.

“I guess a dog n-n-never has any trouble with impotence, right?” Gayle nervously asked.

“Right! Right on!” Her aunt was squirming faster, her eyes glazed with the hot fucking she was getting. Gayle rubbed her sore cunt steadily, feeling the seep of her youthful juices as she remembered how that Great Dane had reamed her out. Already she was wanting more, though her body was too tender to get it on that soon.

“Uhh, uhhhhh wow!” Ann Marie drooled onto the ground as she took the steady blows from the dog’s haunches. “He’s slender, but is he ever nice and long! Ohhh God, he’s trying to push that pointed tip right into my womb! Ohhh shit, I’m gonna come quick if he keeps that up.”

“He made me bleed like a stuck hog the first time,” Gayle admitted. She knew now that it was partly because of Prince’s pointed tip that she’d been deflowered so easily.

“God… God damn! Ohhh, look how he’s hugging me! He doesn’t want to let me get away!”

It was true! As Gayle watched, the Doberman’s front paws almost touched under Ann Marie’s belly. He was humping wildly now, his long cock almost coming free of her pussy each time he drew back to plunge deep again.

By now the Doberman had wedged Ann Marie into a corner of the pen, leaping and barking as he really stroked her good. After all she’d been through, Gayle was surprised that this was exciting her to a fever pitch. Her very own doggy was really going at her red-headed aunt and Ann Marie was obviously enjoying it. Her cunt dripped juice and the inner folds were all blossomed out to take the sharp red spear Prince pushed deep into her body.

Then they were both shaking. When the dog yipped, Gayle knew he was creaming her aunt’s cunt. Ann Marie pumped her ass up and down rapidly to rub the pleasure from him. She gave low, shuddering moans as she climaxed with the dog. Gayle watched the white strings leak down to puddle in the sand between her aunt’s knees. Prince seemed to be having some kind of fit. Gayle remembered that her first time with the dog had been full of fear and uncertainty. But now, had she found herself yearning for another chance with him!

“Is he h-h-hurting you?” she called. But her aunt’s face showed only the agony of total pleasure. She shook her head and panted harder. Gayle could actually see the juicy meat of her pussy squeezing down against the dog’s slender prick. They squirmed in a strange kind of dance and the dog jerked free. He sat in the corner, licking his swollen cocktip. It was like an expanded barb, gleaming with Ann Marie’s juices and the dog’s glistening cum.

Now Sissy wanted to get in on the action. But when she went over to Prince and whined and nuzzled him, the overworked Doberman didn’t pay any attention.

“She’s jealous,” Ann Marie laughed. “I guess I really stirred her up.”

Gayle opened the gate and let her aunt lean on her. Cum streamed down the insides of her thighs and her red cunt hair was dappled with creamy white drops of Prince’s hot sap.

“Quite a doggy you have there,” Ann Marie said. “He’s every bit as good a lover as my Great Dane.”

“You really think so?” Gayle still felt self-conscious talking about dog lovers as if they were people. Her aunt wasn’t fazed by this at all it seemed.

“Oh yeah! I guess you’d better check that out for yourself sometime.”

They walked together to the house, Gayle helping to support her sex-dazed aunt. When Ann Marie had cleaned up and joined her again, they finished what was left of the wine.

“I really hate to see you go so soon,” Ann Marie said.

“But I’ve got to. You’ve been really nice to me.” She had other things on her mind but was afraid to say them. Since she’d come up to Silver Lake, she hadn’t felt quite sane. She wondered if she’d ever feel like she had before.

Ann Marie helped her get Prince into the Mercedes, waved goodbye, and made Gayle promise to come and visit again. Captain Marvel jumped up on the door of the car, licking at Gayle’s face. His cock, she could easily see, was fully extended, glistening sexily.

“I guess I’m going to have to take him inside and give him a going over,” her aunt called as she drove down the driveway. Finally the house was behind her, behind the trees and there was just the open road ahead. Gayle felt relief. She had been through some kind of strange movie it seemed. She wanted to return to a more normal, less exciting life. She wanted to be just an average teenager with no strange desires or hangups either. She wanted to go out with a boy, a real live boy, when she got back home.

But as she drove along the highway, Prince put his head in her lap and she began to pet him. It was so easy to have a dog as a lover. They were always there, they never argued, their cocks were always hard. Just as her aunt had said.



When Gayle got back home, her mother told her that her sister was having some kind of nervous breakdown. Knowing that her mom usually exaggerated things, Gayle found out that Cindy had really been jilted. Despite the fact that she’d always been matter-of-fact about Randy as a boyfriend, when he’d broken up with her for good, Cindy had become a basket case.

The whole house was in a turmoil about it. Cindy wouldn’t come down to eat, wouldn’t do anything but hang out in her room sulking and swearing how she hated all men. Gayle had been elected to see if she could help.

It was late in the evening when she climbed the stairs and knocked on her older sister’s door.

“Go away! Just leave me the hell alone.”

“It’s just me, Gayle. Can’t we talk?”

There was a long silence and then the door opened. Cindy had on a robe and nothing underneath. Her pretty hair was tousled and her eyes red from crying. Gayle smelled liquor on her breath. She looked much older than her eighteen years. As Gayle started into the room, Prince nosed her leg like he wanted in too. Since she’d come back, she hadn’t had time to give him much attention.

Gayle closed the door behind her and sat on the bed. She pushed her doggy’s head away when he tried to nuzzle between her legs. Luckily she had jeans. She certainly didn’t want to get suspicions stirred up just now. Not with her sister coming unglued.

“I hate all men!” Cindy blurted, tears streaking her cheeks.

“Hey, I understand how you feel.”

“Just because they have those big cocks growing out of their crotch they think they’re supermen or something. Ohhh I hate them.”

“I don’t think it’s their cocks that make them like that,” Gayle put in. She was gazing affectionately at Prince. He was behaving like a perfect gentleman now that she’d warned him not to come on in the presence of her sister.

Cindy wasn’t paying much attention to Gayle’s advice. “The trouble is,” the pretty blond continued, “is that we girls can’t do without them.” She wiped a tear with the back of her hand and leaned toward Gayle. “I’ve got a confession to make, Gayle. Me and Randy went all the way a lot of times. I got where I thought about it in the middle of the day or night or any time at all. I got where I had to have it too!”

She sniffled noisily and looked miserable. “I guess Randy knew I’d become addicted. He got me into the habit of begging for it. I’d have to do whatever he’d say or he wouldn’t slide that thing into my cunt! Ohh, you must think I’m awful to be confessing all this but it’s true, Gayle, it’s true.”

Gayle hugged her sister’s shoulders. “It does sound like he had you in a bind.”

“It was worse than a bind. I began to go find him, to hunt for him at work. He’d take me to lunch, make me give him a blow job and fingerfuck me a little bit in return. It was never quite enough. He used me and teased me until I was half crazy. Then one night when I needed it worse than anything, he told me he was finished. He told me he had another girl.”

Gayle realized that she had witnessed the beginning of this sexual obsession that night at the show home. Randy had just begun to entice poor Cindy into the hot and hungry life of sexual desire. And now she had the desire but had no one to find satisfaction with. During the few days Gayle had been visiting her aunt, Cindy had turned from a beginner into a girl with a habit.

“You’ll get over him.”

“But what am I going to do meanwhile?” Cindy sobbed. “I’ve become a nervous wreck. I’ve tried my fingers and my electric toothbrush and…” She blushed. “God, I know I never told you all this about my personal life before but I guess I’m so wrecked that I’ve got to get it off my chest.”

Gayle hugged her again. “It’s okay. We all have problems like that.” Her cunt tingled. She was watching Prince lick his cock. And the more he licked it, the longer and slicker it got. He was a sex maniac, that dog. And so was she now. She could hardly wait until she could get him into her room and give him a real treat. Her hot little cunt!

“What am I going to do?” Cindy bawled, putting her face in her hands.

Gayle’s eyes brightened. She bit her lip. Her mind was working overtime though she scolded herself for even considering such a thing. No, it wouldn’t work. Cindy was a lot different than she was. Cindy was really more conservative than she let on. Cindy would find something like that disgusting. But then Cindy was very, very horny right now. Maybe… just maybe…

“What are you thinking about?” her sister asked. “You have the damnedest look on your face.”

“Oh nothing.” She got up, stretched, sauntered toward the door. “Do you think you could keep Prince with you for a few hours? See, he’s been pestering me and I’ve got something to do for Mom. You don’t mind, do you, Cindy?”

Cindy shrugged, wiping her nose again. “I guess not.” Gayle could see that her sister had not noticed the animal’s aroused state. And since Cindy was naked under her robe and since she didn’t even have the damned thing buttoned up in front… Gayle grinned to herself and headed for the door.

Outside in the hall, she headed for her own room. She really didn’t have anything to do for her mother. She was going to sneak into the bathroom that joined her room to her sister’s. She was going to see if the chemistry she’d set up was going to work.

Gayle slipped her sandals off and tiptoed across the tile floor. The other door was closed but it took her only a few seconds to quietly turn the knob and open it just wide enough to peek.

Cindy was lying on her bed, her robe only half covering her curvy, sexy body. She was still murmuring unhappily to herself about men when Prince, tired of licking his own cock, padded over. He jumped up on the bed almost before Cindy realized what was happening. She sat up with a cry of surprise.

“Oh, you pest! Gayle was right. What do you want?” Cindy shoved at the dog’s head as he tried to lick her knee. “You aren’t hungry are you. Gayle should feed you more… I… uhhh… whaaaa!”

The sleek Doberman had suddenly swathed the blond curls of her cunt with his tongue. Gayle could see the curlicues plastered in the white, plump lips of her sister’s pussy. Cindy was obviously in a panic as she pushed fearfully at the big dog’s head. But thinking that this was all part of the game, Prince went on licking. And now his tongue was sliding between Cindy’s outer lips. Gayle heard the suck of her sister’s juices as the dog nuzzled deeper.

“Ohhhh! Ohhhh God in heaven!”

The expression her sister displayed was priceless. Her blue eyes were wider than Gayle had ever seen them. There was shock and dismay and something else. That something else Gayle recognized as pleasure. It was plain that Cindy was yielding ever so slightly to the Doberman’s erotic attack. Though she continued to push at the dog’s head, her heaving tits were evidence enough of that. Her breathing was ragged and wild. Her eyes, wide at first, were now half closed and Cindy’s lower lip drooped.

Poor Cindy was so horny that already her hips had begun to move. She stopped pushing at Prince’s head and fell back on the bed, bringing her knees up slowly until they touched her tits. Opening her thighs to the dog’s hunger, she ceased all pretense of resistance. By now her ass rose and fell as she plunged her steamy crevice against the dog’s burrowing nose. He licked and whined at her, his red, raw cock quivering under his belly. Prince stopped licking and took a step forward.

Gayle was even more excited than she thought she’d be. Watching her older sis getting worked over made her want her own doggy in the worse kind of way. She hadn’t really ever fucked him and known the full pleasure possible. That first time had been the end of her life as a virgin and it had been too intense a mental shock for her to let herself go.

But Cindy had fucked before. Though this was her first dog, she knew what lovely pleasure that a slick, hot cock could bring… even if it did belong to an animal with fur all over its body.

“Huhhnnnn,” Cindy groaned as the dog began to lick her tits. Prince’s cock was swinging just inches from the hot, glossy mouth of her cunt. With a whimper, Cindy reached down and found the furry sheath and slickened shaft.

“Ohhhh go on and do it! Fuck me! Ohhh I can’t stand it!”

With a yelp and a lunge, Prince buried his cock halfway into Cindy’s cunt. As her juices slurped around that hot, hard thing, she rolled her ass and hugged the Doberman down hard against her body. Gayle was surprised how fast her sister climaxed. In less than a minute her ass was twitching and jerking. She slammed against the mattress, clawing at the dog’s haunches to keep him deep. Then Prince yelped again and Gayle knew he’d exploded. The two of them went on writhing until a froth of white formed at the edges of Cindy’s young cunt.

Smiling to herself, and hornier than the devil, Gayle left the bathroom and went about her business. An hour later when she let herself into her sister’s room, Cindy was dozing with a big smile on her face. White strings of dog cum were drying on her pubes and on the bed. In the corner, Prince seemed to be taking it all in stride. He got up and came to her, tail wagging.

“I hope you saved some for me,” she whispered. Since it was late enough not to arouse suspicion, Gayle led her pet to her own bedroom. She stripped herself quickly. Her hands were shaking. She’d never wanted anything so bad in her life.

“Ohhh come here, you wicked beast.”

Panting happily, Prince came to sniff out her musky scent.

“Wouldn’t you like some of that?”

The Doberman’s tail picked up speed.

“Well come on then, let’s go to bed.”

Prince let Gayle roll him onto his back. She massaged his cock until it was a gleaming spear of beauty. She kissed it up and down its entire length while the dog squirmed with pleasure. She tongue-teased him until his knob was firm and swollen. Then, opening her cuntlips with her fingers, she straddled the big dog and eased back against that sweet, hot cock.

“There, it’s just touching me now!”

The dog licked her face, then her neck and tits. She dangled them above him, enjoying this exquisite bath. Her cuntlips contracted around his pricktip and she backed down a little harder against it. With a wet sound, his prick penetrated past the ring of muscles. She wiggled faster, loving the itchy rub of male against female.

“Uhh, that’s so fine! Ohhhh, I wish I didn’t have to share you with anybody! But I guess poor Cindy needed something… something only you could give her.”

Gayle was getting really hot now! Her juices dripped down the shaft of the dog’s prick as she wiggled more furiously against the hardness that was sending thrills up her belly and down her thighs. She felt the glorious penetration inch by inch. Her cuntflesh seemed happy to have something to cling to and she increased her plunging movements, rubbing her clit against the dog’s furry sheath as she took all that he had.

“Ohhh, ohhhhh shit! Ohhhhh shit, that’s so good!”

The dog seemed confused at first at being on his back. But now that she was letting her clasping cunt ride up and down his erect cock, Prince was happy to stay exactly where he was.

“Uhh, uhhhhh, baby, ohhhhh, sweet doggy! Isn’t that good?”

The dog gave a yip of excitement and thrust upward into the velvety soft thing that was making him so happy. Gayle nuzzled in his fur and let him lick her face while her hips seesawed and danced. Now she was able to straighten her legs behind, squeezing the dog’s middle and still staying on top. The animal squirmed under her weight, seemingly enjoying this position which was so strange to a dog.

Gayle was overcome! She was fucking her very own dog at last. And this was only the beginning. She wanted to go on fucking him forever! She would never get enough and she doubted that he would, horny devil that he was.

“Faster… ohhhh, ohhhhh I’m gonna explode!”

Her cunt rose and fell over his cock. She could hear the sound of the fucking and thought it sounded like the most beautiful music. Her heart beat a rapid accompaniment as her hands traced the dog’s furry shape. She rubbed her tits back and forth against his chest, loving the way his hair prickled her.

“Nhhaaahhh, I’m gonna do it pretty quick, Prince darling!”

The animal lurched as if trying to match her excitement. Together they rushed toward that moment of total ecstasy. The dog’s squirming became frenzied as his barb expanded to catch at her insides.

With squeals and barks, the two of them found the dazzling pleasure. It jolted through them like high voltage as they hugged and pumped and came. Now Gayle could feel her young, strong pussy squeezing at the dog’s cock. It milked each spurt of cum from his tip, pulling the potent stuff deep into her belly. She babbled happily, her ass quivering as she reached for more ecstasy… and found it.

Gayle had no idea there was someone else in the room until she heard a breathy sigh. She knew at once that her older sis had sneaked through the bathroom just as she had done only a short time earlier.

“Gayle… I hope you don’t mind that I was watching.”

“I guess it’d be silly to get mad now. You already know.”

“But you see, I have a little confession to make.” Cindy lowered her eyes. She was standing there in a shorty nightgown. She appeared freshly bathed and her hair and face looked better than an hour before. It seemed that her boy trouble had been resolved. Gayle knew what Cindy wanted to confess but decided to pretend she didn’t.

“Just a little bit ago, when you left Prince with me… well, I… I…”

“You let him fuck you,” Gayle finished for her. Cindy’s eyes went wide.

“Yes! How did you know?”

“I peeked, just like you peeked on me.”

“Then I might as well tell you the rest.” Cindy wrung her hands. “I want more. I mean, I’ve got to do it again. Tonight. If I don’t, I’ll die!”

“No need to die,” Gayle laughed. Her dog’s cock was still deeply imbedded in her cunt but she wasn’t the least bit self-conscious. She’d learned that from her aunt.

“How bad do you want it?”

“What?” Cindy seemed confused.

“Well, you fucked him a little while ago and I just drained his balls for the second time in an hour, so if you want any more action from poor Prince here, you’re going to have to get him interested. I think he’d rather go to sleep.”

“Oh, I can’t let him go to sleep.” Cindy jerked up her nighty. “Just look at me!” Her white cuntlips were swollen open to reveal the slick, pink blossom of her inner folds and clit. It was plain to see that the poor girl was in bad shape. She needed a good going over by someone with a nice hard cock. Someone like Prince. But Prince was already starting to close his eyes.

“What will I do?” Cindy came forward and knelt on the mattress beside the Doberman. He barely noticed her.

“What you have to do,” instructed Gayle, “is to get his attention.” She formed her mouth in a soft, wet O and winked knowingly at her older sis.

“You mean…”

“I mean you’re going to have to suck him. That’ll get his cock in the mood any time.”

“Suck a dog!” Cindy shivered. “I just couldn’t!”

Gayle shrugged. “Doesn’t matter to me.”

Cindy looked at the resting animal. Then she took a deep breath, wet her lips and showed Gayle a helpless expression. “I guess I don’t have any choice.”

“I guess you don’t,” Gayle laughed, watching her blond sister hold the Doberman’s limp cock in her fingers as she began to lick it. Then she slid it between her lips and nursed at it with loving tongue strokes. Smiling to herself, she leaned back to watch. It was going to be a long, hot night.

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