English Books Women with Animals

Kathy’s Dog Act



Kathy Murphy walked nervously onto the stage and peered into the dark auditorium. She shaded her eyes with her hand, trying to blot out the blinding stage lights.

“Pete! Pete! I thought told you that wanted a brunette!” Kathy heard the producer yell.

“Bob! She’s good, I tell you. Listen to her read her lines and shut up for once in your life,” Pete Coons, the director, shouted back from the left wing.

“So she’s got a pair of big tits! That makes an actress?” the man shouted again.

“Go on, Kathy. Read,” Pete urged quietly.

Kathy dropped her hand and swallowed hard, trying to fight the feeling of panic that was making her stomach rumble and quiver with butterflies. This was her first big chance get out of the house and into the theatre.

“Okay, angel tits. Let’s go,” the producer shouted out from the darkened room.

“Oh Sheba, do you…” Kathy started.

“Goddamn it! Where’s the dog? This is the big return scene for that fuckin’ dog. If she’s gonna read, I want to see her with that animal,” the producer hollered.

Kathy closed her eyes and fought back the urge to scream. She’d never dreamed that getting a part in the Pasadena Civic Theatre would be this traumatic. The way everyone was acting, she thought she was auditioning for a Broadway theatre in New York. But all this was the game they were playing, she had to go along with the rules or go home.

Back to the vacuum cleaner! Ugh! She thought as she watched the prop man run frantically round the wings looking for her co-star. Kathy married Joe when she was twenty and really had no complaints about him. She’d been a virgin when she married him, not really knowing what went on in the sack. Joe changed all of that quickly, and turned Kathy into a star pupil of fucking. Kathy experimented with him willingly – not only because she loved him, but because she realized she had a hot cunt that needed banging regularly.

“Get that damned dog! I haven’t got all day!” the producer screeched.

Kathy sighed as she remembered how the frustration slowly began to set in on her. Joe had his career. He was a manager and instructor at a women’s gym in Beverly Hills. Kathy had been there a few times and felt her jealousy burning at full tilt when she saw the way the women looked at Joe. She watched their eyes glaze over with lust, as they stared at his powerful crotch. Kathy knew that her husband had a powerful animal magnetism that made nipples stiffen, tits swell, and cunts fire up and juice uncontrollably. That was one of the first things that attracted her to him. But did he have to parade it around at his job? Kathy sighed again as she thought of how some women practically got down on their backs and hunched up their knees whenever Joe walked by. He was tall, dark complected, and had long, curly thick black hair that hung slightly over his ears. His blue eyes sparkled with excitement, glowing almost continually with sexual lust from under his thick black lashes and bushy brows.

Kathy didn’t know if Joe fooled around or not. He was home with her every night. But there were those secluded little sauna parties at the gym. If he did fuck other women, it certainly wasn’t because Kathy was some ugly frump with purple stretch marks and bad breath. Kathy was twenty-five now and had long, straight blonde hair that flowed down to her waist. Her eyes were as blue as Joe’s and gleamed with the same kind of lust his did. But her most noticeable asset was her boobs. They were firm with deep red nipples that always seemed to be twitching and stiff with sexual excitement. She always felt her clit twinge with rushing blood as men on the street stared at her bouncing tits. She’d had her chances to hop in the hay, but fought back the inviting urge that gripped her cunt continually, waiting for Joe to come home from the gym.

For the first few years of their marriage, fucking and sucking was enough for Kathy. But lately she’d begun to get restless. Neither she nor Joe wanted children yet. But Kathy was tired of just sitting at home, finger-fucking herself until Joe decided to come home and finish the job with his hot, meaty nine-inch prick. Kathy began to realize that there was more than just warming up her cunt and plowing her husband juicy cock.

At first she thought she’d take on a lover or start going out like other housewives she’d known who had the same killing desperation that was starting to creep over her. Joe, however, suggested the Pasadena Civic Theatre. He’d been watching her way turn in on herself for knew that Kathy had done a little acting when she was in high school junior school. One of his customers was the wife of the president of the Theatre Association of Pasadena. It wasn’t too hard to get an audition for play.

“We’ve got the dog,” Kathy heard the prop man out from behind the setting. It snapped her out of her daydreaming and she concentrated on her art once more. Come Back Little Sheba. Big theatre it wasn’t, but Kathy wasn’t about to argue the point.

“Hey. That’s a Great Dane!” the producer wailed. “This is supposed to be about some fuckin’ sheep dog!”

“Sorry, Mr. Decker, but he’s all we could round up for right now,” the prop man apologized, dragging the frightened big, brown dog onto the stage.

“Okay, okay. Come on, honey. Let’s get going with your lines. Just pretend he’s the sheep dog,” the producer groaned.

Kathy turned to her right and stared almost directly into the brown eyes the Dane. He panted heavily in nervous excitement. She didn’t know what was happening to her. But something about this animal that was beginning to slowly turn her on. Kathy didn’t know why, but she sensed that the animal was sexually aroused. She glanced down between the dog’s hind legs and saw his prick was still sheathed. Then she looked back into the dog’s eyes. It was the same kind of look Joe gave her just before he’d jump on her body.

“Okay, okay, let’s get going!”

Kathy swallowed hard again, then got down on her knees and started reading her lines, reaching up and stroking the big dog’s head as she spoke. She tried to get back into her part, but it was impossible. The sensation of the Dane’s warm, short stiff hair against her slender fingers was making her nipples hard and stiff. Her panty-crotch was damp and her knees were beginning to tremble in excitement. Kathy couldn’t believe that the dog was making her pussy steam up like that. She’d heard of women getting fucked by dogs and donkeys, and had always thought that they were a little sick. But here she was, on center stage, stroking a Great Dane and juicing like a teenage sexpot.

“Shit! What the fuck’s going on?” she heard the producer scream out from the auditorium. Kathy kept reciting her lines as she heard some murmuring start up behind her.

“Kathy, stop petting the dog!” Pete whispered from the left wing.

Kathy flashed him a quick glance and saw that he was pointing at the Dane’s cock. She looked down, and saw that the dog’s prick was fully out of its sheath now, red and glistening red twitching angrily in the air. She felt her face flush with embarrassment and excitement as she tried to continue with her reading.

Suddenly the Dane lurched forward slightly, pushing her down onto the stage.

“Get him off her! He’s gone crazy,” Pete screamed out from the wings.

“NO!” Kathy shrieked as her legs flew up in the air. She closed her eyes and clenched her fists, beating at the dog’s hunching chest as the stagehands ran out from the wings and tried to pull the Dane off her.

“Christ! What kind of dog did you get?” the producer shouted as Kathy felt the pointed tip of the Dane’s prick bang against her soaked panty-crotch. She struggled under the animal, but felt her pussy tremble, quiver and contract with excitement every time the dog’s cock-head slammed against her puffy cunt-lips.

“I’ve got him,” Pete gasped as he grabbed the big dog by the neck and pulled him off Kathy.

“Are you okay, honey?” the wardrobe mistress asked as she kneeled down and helped Kathy up to her feet.

“I-I think so,” she stammered, brushing her blonde hair away from her eyes.

“I’m sorry about this, Mrs. Murphy,” Bob Decker said.

“I think I know what happened. But that doesn’t matter. Listen, if you want the part, you’ve got it.”

Kathy felt like jumping in happiness. Then it suddenly occurred to her that he was offering her the part because he didn’t want her to sue him for this sudden doggie act. Kathy wanted to be in the theatre, but she didn’t want to blackmail her way onto the stage.

“You don’t have to give me the part just because… because some dog…” Kathy began.

“I like you. I liked what I heard before all this happened,” the producer said, getting up out of his seat and walking toward the stage. “Like I said, you’ve got the part if you want it.”

Kathy almost shouted, but managed to keep control of herself and calmly told the man that she’d accept his offer.

“Great! Okay kids, we’ve got everybody cast,” Bob said in a loud voice as he walked up to the footlights. Kathy saw that he was a relatively young man – about thirty – and ruggedly handsome. His brown hair hung almost completely over his eyes, while his crotch bulged noticeably. Kathy wondered how many starlets Bob had banged on his producer’s couch. “Helen, take Kathy down to wardrobe and get her fitted. I’m just going to go over a few points here with the rest of the cast.”

Kathy followed the wardrobe mistress through the maze of passages in the theatre until they came to a tiny room that was filled with racks and stacks of dresses, gowns, robes, crowns – everything that went into completing a costume.

“Just wait in here, honey. I’ve got to get your costume,” the woman said as she smiled at Kathy.

Kathy started to look around the room casually as the wardrobe mistress walked out into the hall and up the stairs to the main prop room. This was a little girl’s dream come true. She’d always wanted to be in the theatre, even if it was in a relatively small one. And here she was, about to launch herself into the world of make believe.

Her daydreaming was interrupted by the sounds of groaning coming from across the hall.

“Who’s there?” Kathy asked as she walked up to the open door and looked up and down the hall.


Kathy shifted her eyes in the direction of the groans. There was a door partially opened about thirty feet from the wardrobe room.

“Ohhhh! Ahhhh!”

Kathy felt her heart start to pound wildly. She knew what kind of moans those were. She’d bucked enough in bed to know the sounds of a woman fucking. Kathy knew that whoever was in there had her right to privacy. She didn’t want people peeking in through windows whenever she and Joe were slamming their groins together. But something new was happening to Kathy. This little bit of time in the theatre was freeing her mind, turning her from Kathy Murphy the housewife into Kathy Murphy the stage sex pot. She realized that it was ridiculous for her to feel like whoring it up just because she’d got a part in some little theatre. But the feeling was creeping over her.

Kathy walked out of the room, making sure that Helen, the wardrobe mistress, wasn’t walking down the steps with her costume yet. She cautiously moved closer to the doorway, staying close to the wall. Gradually Kathy peeked around the door frame so she could see what was going on inside the room.

“My God!” she whispered out loud, clamping her right hand over her mouth to keep from saying anything else. There on the floor was a naked dark-haired woman. Her knees were hunched up and spread widely apart. Between them was the big Great Dane that had tried to fuck Kathy just a few minutes before.

“Mmmmm, good boy! Good boy! Ahhhh!”

Kathy felt her knees grow weak as she watched the Dane’s big, pink spit-dripping tongue slosh in and out of the woman’s trembling pussy. With each slurp, the woman closed her eyes, arched her back, and let out tiny moans from between her parted lips.

Kathy drew her head back and tried to decide what to do. She wanted to watch what was going to happen next. Was she going to fuck the Dane? Was she just going to let him lick her off? Kathy realized that she was invading someone else’s privacy. She didn’t have any right to spy on her. It would be embarrassing if she were discovered lurking in the hallway. Still…

“Ahhhh! Ohhh, fuckin’ Jesus!”

Kathy couldn’t resist any more. She cautiously poked her head around the doorway again. The Dane was still lapping at the woman’s hairy muff. The pretty, mammoth-titted brunette’s crotch glistened with the dog’s spit. Her wiry, dark cunt hairs were plastered down into a tangled mat. The woman was hunching her pussy into the air, her ass squirming on the hardwood floor as the dog growled in sexual frustration. Kathy swallowed and wet her dry lips as she eyed the big dog’s blue-veined, jerking cock.

“Coming! Coming!” the woman screeched as she clamped her fingers around her big tits. Her nipples thrust into the air invitingly. They were hard and twitching, as stiff and sensitive as Kathy’s nipples were now.


Kathy looked down at the brunette’s pussy. The dog’s tongue licked and probed between her slightly parted cunt lips. Kathy felt her snatch drool and quiver as she watched the woman thrash on the floor.

“That’s it!” she panted. “Lick me! Lick my snatch! Ohhh, shiiitttt!”

Kathy wondered how the woman could scream like that with the door open. Didn’t she realize that anyone could walk down here and hear what was going on? Kathy was amazed at the woman’s brazen attitude, but at the same time, she envied her. Kathy had been so careful to keep her fidelity to Joe, when she wasn’t sure about his own sexual escapades. Here was some woman, probably married, who didn’t give a damn what she did to satisfy her hot cunt, or who saw what she was doing.

Slowly, Kathy hiked up her skirt and stuck her finger under the elastic band of her pink panties, pushing it through the damp forest of blonde cunt hairs towards her fully erect clit. She gasped aloud as she felt the tiny organ spark with excitement when her fingertip bumped it.

“Come on, boy. Fucking time,” the woman said as she quickly rolled over onto her hands and knees. The Dane barked excitedly, then tried to mount her. His long, thick cock jabbed blindly at her ass as his heavy, leathery balls swayed and jounced with each jerk that racked his glistening prick.

“Ohhh!” Kathy gasped, feeling a torrent of fresh cunt juice ooze over her fingers as the woman reached between her tits and guided the animal’s cock into her cunt. He started hunching fast. The woman backed against him, swaying back and forth in time to his fucking.

“God! Goddd!” the woman howled.

Kathy pulled away from the doorway and leaned against the wall, spreading her legs apart as she drove two fingers into her quivering pussy and stroked her slick snatch walls. The woman’s moans and the Dane’s growling was driving her toward orgasm. Rivulets of cunt juice poured through her damp, matted pussy hairs and trickled down her shaking, hot thighs as Kathy moved her fingers up and rubbed them slowly across the red, sensitive head of her quivering clit.

Suddenly she heard someone coming down the steps.

“Damn!” Kathy muttered, pulling her fingers out of her cunt with a barely audible squishing sound. She was running back to the wardrobe room when she remembered that the door to the other room was still open. The brunette was howling and whoever was coming down the steps would hear her. Kathy knew that she didn’t owe that woman any favors. Still, she could imagine the shock and horror that would go around the theatre if anyone saw what was happening in that tiny room. Carefully and quietly, Kathy crept back to the doorway and pulled the door shut. The brunette was howling and bucking too much to notice the roof falling in, let alone the door closing.

Kathy slipped into the wardrobe room just in time. It was Bob Decker, the producer.

“Well, I see Helen hasn’t gotten back,” Bob said, smiling at Kathy as he closed the door behind him.

“No. She said something about getting my costume,” Kathy said off-handedly, trying to fight down the rising passion that had almost brought her off in the hall. She wondered if Bob could smell the vaporizing pussy juice that filled her nose and, she was afraid, that was beginning to fill the room.

“Oh, she’ll be gone for a little while,” Bob said, winking slyly at her.

Suddenly Kathy realized what was happening. The wardrobe mistress didn’t have to go anywhere to get her costume – that was probably right here in the room. Bob Decker had probably told her to get lost for a while until he’d…

“Well, maybe I should go over my lines again,” Kathy said nervously, brushing back her hair as she started for the door.

“No need for that,” Bob said huskily, reaching behind him as he flipped the lock shut on the door. “We could go over the lines together later. Right now, let’s just see how good you are at impromptu acting,” he said, staring hotly into her eyes.

“I-I don’t understand,” Kathy said, backing slightly way from him as she shifted her eyes down to his crotch. She saw a long, thick, hard bulge throbbing at his crotch. Kathy realized now what Bob Decker wanted. And she wasn’t so sure if she didn’t want the same thing.

“Come on. This sort of thing goes along with the part. It’s show biz,” Bob said, reaching down and squeezing the growing bulge with his powerful hand.

“Show biz?” Kathy said, almost breaking out laughing. “This isn’t Hollywood.”

“So what? It’s a good excuse for plain old fucking, anyway,” Bob said, shrugging his shoulders and breaking out into a broad, sexy smile.

His smile was lewd. Kathy knew that she should be outraged. She should stand up for her fidelity to her marriage vows and tell Bob Decker to go to hell with his big, stiff cock and his come-filled fuck sacs. But the brunette and Dane in the other room had fired up her cunt to an uncontrollable level of heat. Her nipples begged for a male body to sand their sensitive, stiffened tips. Her steamy, mushy pussy ached for a big cock to ram up its sucking hole. Kathy inhaled sharply and closed her eyes. This was going to be the first time she cheated on Joe. And she wasn’t going to ruin the experience with a package of guilt. If that came, let it come later. Right now, she wanted to strap on Bob Decker as badly as he wanted to fuck her.

“It’s my first time,” Kathy said hesitatingly, smiling back at him. “I mean, with anybody else besides my husband,” she corrected herself, noticing his smile broaden.

“Then you should be hot for a change,” he said as he walked slowly up to her. Kathy thought her heart would pound through her rib cage as she felt Bob’s thick, hot lips clamp against hers. She opened her mouth and let his wet tongue slide in while his hands roamed freely over her grinding body. She felt every square inch of her firm body growing warmer as Bob’s fingers probed her ass, her crotch, and her boobs.

“Ohhh! Fuck! Fuck!” Kathy heard herself moan as she felt his fingers mash in her nipples. The room spun around crazily as she gripped his zipper. With one quick movement, she pulled the zipper down and slid her hand in.

“Come on and let’s cut out this crap,” Bob groaned as Kathy wrapped her slender fingers around his stiff prick. She almost cried out loud when she felt the heat from his cock sear through her skin. Joe’s cock was longer, but Bob’s had a thickness that she knew would please her steamy snatch.

“Oh, shit!” Kathy said as Bob started to unbutton her blouse. Before she knew it, Kathy felt her blouse slip off her shoulders and Bob’s hand slip around behind her. He was fumbling, trying to find the snap for her bra.

“Fuck!” he cried in frustration, wrapping his fingers over the cups of her bra. With one powerful pull downward, he tore off her halter.

“Ohhhh!” Kathy groaned, tilting her head back as she felt her big tits, pop out and flop down on her heaving chest. Bob backed away slightly and reached into his pants, pulling out his big, thick cock. Then he moved forward again and lowered his head, opening his mouth and sticking out his tongue. Tenderly, he started lapping at Kathy’s jutting nipples while he unzipped her skirt. Kathy rolled her head from side to side and moaned almost as loudly as the woman in the other room as Bob laved her tits with spit.

“Ohhhh!” Kathy moaned as she felt her skirt slide down her firm thighs to the floor. She backed away slightly, stepping out of the garment.

“Jesus, you’re wet!” Bob exclaimed as he stared at the big dark wet spot on the crotch of her panties.

“Unnnghhh!” Kathy groaned shoving her fingers under the tight elastic waistband of her panties.

“Come on, babe. Let’s see those pussy lips of yours,” Bob hissed as he stared at her quivering crotch.

“Ohhhh,” Kathy cried as she pulled her panties down to her knees. The cool air of the room wafted against her hot labes, making her cunt contract as Kathy stepped out of her panties and kicked them into the far corner. Kathy put her hands on her naked, creamy thighs and faced Bob, throwing her long blonde hair back as he moved his fingers through the thick jungle of blonde hairs that covered her box.

“Aiyeee!” Kathy shrieked as Bob suddenly moved his hands over her cunt-lips. He worked his fingers over her fat, slippery labes. Bob squeezed them together, rubbing the hot, slick edges together while he rubbed his thumb over her blood-engorged clit.

“Oh, Kathy, I’m gonna have some fun with you,” Bob groaned as he backed away from the woman and pulled his polo shirt off his powerful chest. Kathy opened her eyes and gasped when she saw his muscular, hairy chest. It wasn’t as impressive as Joe’s. Few men’s bodies were. But Bob’s was better than average.

“On the floor?” she said as she watched him open the top of his pants.

“There’s plenty to cover the floor with,” he said, looking around at all the costumes. “This ought to do,” he said, pulling off three dresses and throwing them down in front of Kathy. “Get down on those. I’ll be with you in a sec,” Bob said, shoving his pants down to his ankles and lifting his giant, quivering prick into the air.



“Fuck me! Fuck me! Ohhhh fuckin’ Jeeesus, fuck meee!” Kathy screamed as she squirmed on the dresses. Her ass was on fire! Kathy felt her pussy drool out cunt-juice like a broken dam. Her clit throbbed like a big bass drum, beating crazily against her swollen labes as her tits ached and twitched for relief. She never thought that she’d do this for any man except Joe. But now she was spreading her legs and hunching up her hot, steaming snatch for Bob, producer of a show that her husband had practically forced her to join.

Moving quickly Bob kicked his pants into the corner of the room and walked slowly toward Kathy. The woman watched his thick, heavily veined cock sway from side to side with each slow step. Kathy thought she could see the blood pound through the thick veins circling his prick, pulling the reddening skin tighter and tighter as pre-come droplets began to ooze out of his expanding piss-slit.

“Oh babe, you’re as hot as a pancake griddle,” Bob said, looking down at Kathy, obviously enjoying her writhing, snaking contortions on the floor.

“Jesus, you gonna talk or fuck?” Kathy moaned. She couldn’t believe that she was talking like some massage parlor slut. Her pussy was all that mattered now. All she could think about was Bob Decker’s cock and her straining, aching clit. They had to fuck, put out the fire that was burning up her quivering snatch.

Bob sank to his knees and crawled between her widely splayed legs. Bob moved up until he was straddling Kathy, and started nuzzling her jutting tits. He licked the hot flesh of her tit, jabbing his tongue hard against the tip. Then he engulfed her hard nipple with his hot, wet mouth.

“Fuck!” Kathy groaned, hunching up her knees even harder as she felt Bob’s teeth sink gently into her sensitive nipple-flesh. She could feel the tip of his hot prick bang against her ass-cheeks, crawling up higher and higher until it finally brushed against her swollen cunt-lips. Kathy wriggled her ass desperately, trying to lower her ass slightly so that she could suck in Bob’s cock with her slippery pussy lips.

But Bob obviously didn’t want to jab his prick into her cunt just yet. He backed away slightly, still keeping his lips tightly clamped over her nipple while he stroked her other tit.

“No!” Kathy cried as she felt Bob release her tit, then trail his tongue between her boobs, digging the tip of it hard against her chest. Slowly he slithered down her panting belly until he reached her navel. He dug his tongue into the sunken skin, then moved lower. Kissing and licking her lower belly, Bob was moving his mouth lower, and lower, heading for her cunt hairs.

“Oh, no, no, no! NO!” Kathy screeched, hunching up her thighs, trying to impale her juicy snatch onto Bob’s probing tongue. His tongue was tracing tiny circles on her hot flesh, leaving a thick glistening trail on her hot skin. Kathy groaned over and over as she felt Bob’s tongue snake through the thick, blonde bush of cunt hairs that surrounded her pussy. He was purposely avoiding her swollen labes, moving just inches away from the stretched, hot rubbery pussy membranes while he stroked the sensitive skin around her ass-hole lightly. He was teasing her, urging her on to a higher climax than she’d ever had before. Kathy wanted to pound her clenched fists hard against Bob and demand that he satisfy her fiery pussy immediately. At the same time, she knew that if she left him alone, Bob would send her soaring to a sexual level she’d never entered before – even with the expert tonguing, sucking and fucking of her husband.

“Ahhhh!” Kathy sighed deeply as Bob pushed his hands under and grabbed her ass while he burrowed his face deeper into her muff. His tongue stiffened and jabbed in and out of her hot, sucking hole like a thin, sharp pointed cock. He spread her cunt-lips then pressed his mouth to the juicy hole, his tongue darting at her clit. Kathy bucked and screamed like a wounded animal when she left Bob tickle her sparking tiny organ.

“Oh, yes! Y-Y-yessss!” Kathy groaned, rolling her head from side to side as strands of hair plastered themselves on her perspiring forehead. She felt herself drifting off into some other world filled with sucking sounds, bright lights and contracting cunts as Bob continued to play with her clit. He sucked the mound of flesh and racking spasms tore at her body as she lurched and tossed wildly, digging her sharp fingernails into the skin of Bob’s neck as she fought back the hard knot of orgasm that was growing quickly in her belly.

“I’m gonna come!” Kathy shrieked.

“Easy, easy,” Bob crooned, pulling away from her oozing, dribbling pussy.

“Easy? Oh, God! I-I – oh, shit!” Kathy cried as she felt her cunt contract crazily.

“If you come, just don’t worry. I’ll make you blow and cream all over again,” Bob panted as he went back to his lapping and sucking. Kathy thought of the woman in the other room and how she thrashed on the floor as the Dane lapped hungrily at her glistening, exposed pussy. For an instant, Kathy wondered if a dog’s tongue would feel the same as Bob’s did now. She fought back the idea and buried it – she thought – forever in her mind. But it remained there ready pop up when the time was right.

“Ohhh! Ohhhh!” Kathy cried as she fought back the torrent of orgasmic explosions that threatened to tear through her cunt. Bob finally lifted his head from her quivering cunt. He licked his thick, wet lips and moved in between her legs.

“Christ! When are you going to fuck me?” Kathy moaned as she looked up at Bob’s flushed face.

“How about right now,” Bob asked, smiling down at her as he slowly stroked his mammoth cock with his right hand. Kathy looked between her jutting tits, at the big dick. Bob slid his fingers over the purple, widely flanged prick-head, using the oozing droplets of pre-come as a lubricant as he stroked his prick slowly back and forth.

“Yes, yes, yes,” Kathy rasped.

“Ummm,” Bob moaned, bending down and licking at her semi-parted lips as Kathy raised her legs and spread them as widely apart as she could.

“I want cock!” Kathy cried crazily as she bucked, thrusting her cunt toward his shaft.

“You’ve got it!” Bob said as he moved his pulsating cock-head directly over her stretched, parted cunt-lips. Slowly he hunched his thighs forward, driving the prick-head slowly against her quivering cunt-lips.

“In! In! In!” Kathy groaned.

“Oh, yeah!” Bob hissed as he pushed against Kathy’s tight pussy lips. Slowly, the tip of his throbbing cock sank between her sucking lips. As the head drove in, her slick labes clamped tightly around his shaft.

“Oh, that feels soooo goood!” Kathy moaned as she felt inch after inch of Bob’s hot cock drive into her cunt, sinking quickly into her pussy like a red-hot knife through a tub of butter.

“Doesn’t feel too bad to me!” Bob grunted as he made a couple of fast quick fuck-thrusts into Kathy’s grabbing cunt.

“Aiyeeee,” Kathy cried, rotating her ass-cheeks slowly, screwing her hips up as her pussy sucked in inch after inch of Bob’s driving mass of hot prick. Bob began to move his ass around too, reaming out her tight, juice-slicked fuck hole as his spongy cock-head pushed deeper. Kathy thought that Bob’s cock would never stop sinking into her cunt. Finally, she felt his hot, heavy fuck sacs drop down on her ass-cheeks.

“Oh, shiiittt!” Kathy cried. “Fuck me slow! Fuck me fast! Fffuuuccckk m-m-meee!”

“You want it any way you can get it,” Bob said almost sneeringly as he reached up and squeezed her tits hard between his powerful fingers.

“Oooohhh!” Kathy screamed as Bob began fucking her with slow, steady strokes. Kathy groaned, digging her head into the pile of dresses under her as she hunched up and met him with counterstrokes. At the same time she wriggled her ass-cheeks against the dresses and clutched Bob’s hunching, muscular shoulders.

“Gonna come!” Kathy groaned as her eyes were glazed with lust.

Bob slid his hands down from her swollen tits and gripped her rotating hips. Soon he shoved his hands under her bouncing ass as he quickened his fucking strokes, driving his prick into her snatch like a piston. Kathy answered him with the same furious frenzy, wrapping her legs around his back and locked her ankles tightly together. She worked on his hard cock, milking it with her slick cuntal walls. Joe had taught her how to use her snatch. Kathy prided herself on her cuntal acrobatics. She had a cunt that was like an experienced set of hands. She knew just how to pull and suck at a man’s cock – when to tighten, when to slacken, and finally when to pull and tug at the pounding prick when she wanted to be filled with steaming jizz.

“now! now! now!” Kathy howled.

“Unnghh!” Bob moaned. Somehow he managed to drive his thick cock even deeper into her clinging pussy. Kathy gripped his waist even more tightly with her legs. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of their crotches grinding together every time Bob slammed his cock in. She cried out wildly as she felt herself rocketing to the crest of orgasm. Their bodies sucked and slid over each other as the room was filled with the delicious sounds of fucking.

“Now!” Kathy screamed. She couldn’t hold back any more. She felt the knot of orgasm suddenly swell deep in her loins. First there was a small contraction, then another. Suddenly, the first big spasm ripped through her rumbling cunt, making her back stiffen and her mouth open.

“Uuunngh!” Kathy gasped unintelligibly as her snatch walls gripped Bob’s expanding prick like a vice.

“Now!” Bob howled. Kathy felt his prick swell incredibly between her spasming cuntal walls. She knew that he was about to blow his wad into her. Bob slammed his loins down, and drove his thick tongue into her mouth as his body stiffened and quivered.

“Mmmgffff!” Kathy screamed into Bob’s sucking mouth as she felt her body tremble in climax.

“Ahhh!” Bob howled as he started to dump his hot jizz into her waiting pussy. He tore at her swollen tits, squeezing the spongy sensitive flesh as his powerful thighs slammed like a battering ram against Kathy’s upturned ass. The woman howled just as loudly as Bob, digging her fingernails into his sweating back as his balls slapped noisily against her ass.

“Ohhhh!” Kathy gasped as she felt her clit beat and slam against her cunt-lips. She threw her head from side to side, whipping her long hair across the floor as she felt Bob’s thick, hot, creamy jizz fill her cunt and spill out from between her labes. The steamy come oozed between her bristling pussy hairs and down her grinding ass-cheeks as Bob continued to slam his cock again and again into her.

“Fuck me! Aiyeeee! Fuck me!” Kathy cried as she felt the final wad of jizz spurt into her.

“Uhhh!” Bob cried in exhaustion as he hunched up his ass-cheeks and pulled his softening cock from between Kathy’s clinging cunt-lips and flopped over on his back. The two of them lay side by side, panting hard as they tried to catch their breaths.

“Oh, my God!” Kathy finally said as she began to feel guilt creep over her.

“What’s the matter? You want more?” Bob said as he rolled over to one side and looked at her. He reached up and trailed his fingers over her still stiff nipples.

“Oh, no! Don’t you see? I mean, I’ve just gotten through fucking you. I mean, it’s my first time with another man,” Kathy stammered as she felt her cunt shudder at Bob’s touch. She couldn’t believe it, but Bob was steaming her snatch up again. And he’d pulled his cock out only a few seconds before. If this was what extra-marital fucking did to her, Kathy was glad that she’d started doing it.

“I don’t think you’re that upset about it,” Bob said, chuckling softly as he moved his fingers slowly down her body until they trailed through her matted blonde cunt hairs. Kathy closed her eyes and tried to control the spasms that were beginning to rumble through her pussy.

“Ohhh,” she moaned in spite of herself.

“Mmmm. If I had the time, I’d fuck you again – this time a little differently. But my wife’s supposed to meet me here,” Bob said, glancing down at his wristwatch and making a face that showed that he wasn’t too happy about the meeting.

“Something wrong?” Kathy asked as Bob jumped to his feet and walked over to his rumpled pants.

“No. It’s just that my wife is – well, used a little too often by other men,” Bob said as he flipped his flaccid, long prick back into his pants and zipped up his fly.

Kathy laughed as she sat up and wrapped her arms around her knees.

“The way you act, I’d think that you’d enjoy a woman who was free with her cunt,” Kathy said as she felt Bob’s jizz slowly ooze out of her pussy.

“Sure. But Connie’s a little too much even for me,” Bob said as he picked up his shirt. “Get dressed, and I’ll show you what I mean.”

“The dishonored woman meeting the betrayed wife,” Kathy said over-dramatically as she laughed and flopped her big tits into her halter.

“Meeting Connie’s going to be an experience for you, I’ll guarantee that,” Bob said as she buttoned his shirt and unlocked the door. “Meet me on stage in about half an hour.”

“What about the wardrobe mistress?” Kathy called out as she stepped into her wrinkled skirt.

“I’ll send her down. Helen’s probably gossiping with the stage crew, wondering what positions we’ve been through down here,” Bob said as he headed down the hall.

In a few minutes the wardrobe mistress was bustling around Kathy with the costume, taking measurements as she tried to ignore the almost overpowering odor of vaporized sweat, male come, and cunt-juice.

“Do you know Mrs. Decker?” Kathy finally asked the woman, wondering what kind of female Bob would marry.

The wardrobe mistress looked carefully at Kathy then smiled gently.

“Don’t get too involved with Mr. Decker,” she said kindly. “You know, he plays around quite a bit. Numbers are more important for him, it seems, than individuals.”

“Oh, that doesn’t worry me. I’m just curious about his wife,” Kathy said as she raised her arms for a pinning.

“So are most of us,” Helen said a she finished with the costume fitting.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, it’s just that, Connie Decker’s got a way about her. You know, some women can sleep around the city and you’d never know it. They’ve got a way about them that shows style and class,” Helen said as she took the dress off Kathy.

“And Mrs. Decker?”

“She’s an animal,” Helen said distastefully as she made face. “Some people like her because she’s so open about everything she does. But to me, she’s just some kind of bitch dog – always in heat, and not afraid to show it to anybody who asks.”

Kathy raised her eyebrows. The wardrobe mistress had struck her as a pleasant, quiet middle-ages woman. To hear this kind of language coming from her was a surprise.

Connie Decker had to be some kind of bitch to inspire it.

“Well, I’m going up to the theatre to take a look for myself,” Kathy said as she stepped out into the hall.

“Just brace yourself,” Helen warned, closing the door behind them.

When Kathy reached the auditorium, she saw a few of the stage hands talking in the wings. Helen went behind the set to finish taking down the measurements for Kathy’s costume. Kathy turned around slowly, looking for Bob and his mysterious wife. She found them sitting in the first row seats.

“Kathy! Come on over here and meet my wife,” Bob called out when he saw her.

Kathy flashed a smile at him, then almost running up to the first row. She was about twenty feet from them when she looked at the dark-haired woman sitting next to Bob. It was the same woman she’d seen in the room down the hall fucking the Great Dane!

“My, she looks pale. Are you sure she’s right for the part of the mother?” Connie asked as she slowly rose to her feet and extended her hand.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Kathy stammered, feeling blood rush to her face. So Bob Decker had married a dog freak! She couldn’t believe it! Here she was shaking hands with the wife of a man she’d just fucked – and that wife loved screwing dogs! If was what theatre life was like, Kathy wasn’t that sure she wanted it.

“Just be careful with this rising starlet,” Connie said, still smiling at Kathy. “The last one you – uh, trained – wound up suing us.”

“What?” Kathy asked in surprise, feeling a little uncomfortable as Connie still gripped her hand in hers.

“My wife talks too much,” Bob said, looking warningly at his wife.

“What he means, is that I hate lying and love the truth. Paternity suit,” Connie whispered softly as she dropped Kathy’s hand.

“Oh, well, I’m married,” Kathy said, realizing how stupid she must have sounded.

“Oh, well, that makes all the difference, doesn’t it? I mean, if you get pregnant, we can always blame it on hubby. You’re finally using your head, Bob,” Connie said, stepping back and smiling at the two of them.

“Connie, you’ve said enough,” Bob said, noticing that Kathy was embarrassed and confused by his wife’s little speech.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Have I spilled the beans? She’d have found out about you sooner or later. And about me, I guess, too,” Connie said, grinning slyly at Kathy.

“I’m afraid I don’t understand,” Kathy said, playing dumb as she tried to hide her guilt and nervousness.

“Honey, I might be a little blunt but I can spot come running down a leg from a mile,” Connie said, pointing at the trail of jizz that showed under the bright spotlights.

“I-I,” Kathy stammered.

Connie broke out into loud laughter, then suddenly moved forward and kissed her lightly on the cheek.

“Don’t worry. I’m not going to throw the betrayed wife scene with you, honey. Maybe we can get together and talk about this. I’m sure I could tell you amusing stories long into the night about my husband and me. But I’ve got to run now. Bye, Bob. Enjoy your new find,” Connie said as she kissed her husband lightly on the forehead and edged out of the aisle.

“Well, I told you to watch out for her,” Bob said as he watched his wife disappear into the darkness of the theatre toward the entrance doors.

“She’s not that bad,” Kathy said, wondering what kind of stories Connie could tell. She was still reeling from the shock that the woman she’d spied on was Bob’s wife.

“No, I guess not,” Bob sighed as he watched Connie open the door and slip out into the street.

“Oh, Mrs. Murphy. Do you think you could go back down to the wardrobe room again,” Helen called from the stage. “I’m sorry, but I lost the bust measurements and I’ll need them to let out your costume.”

Kathy heard the stage hands giggle and laugh.

“Okay, everybody quiet up there,” Bob called. “We’ve got some last-minute details to work out on the lighting before we get the actors up there for the first rehearsal.”

Kathy reached back and gave Bob a gentle squeeze before she walked up to the stage to join Helen.

“I’m sorry, but…” Helen began.

“That’s okay. My husband isn’t going to be home until five,” Kathy said as she glanced down at her wristwatch. “It’s only two now. Plenty of time.”

“Hey, where the fuck’s that dog?” Bob asked angrily as he jumped up on the stage.

“I think Morey took him back to the kennel,” one of the hands said.

The Great Dane! Suddenly Kathy’s mind flashed back to the scene she’d come across earlier. How did Connie know about the dog being here in the first place? Then how had she taken the animal down from the wings to the back rooms? And how did she think she could get away with it? All these questions raced through Kathy’s mind as she followed the wardrobe mistress through the maze of halls back to the rear of the theatre. As she stepped into the wardrobe room, Kathy thought of Bob Decker’s big cock. At the same time, she wondered just where the Great Dane was now.



“Going home now Mrs. Murphy?” Helen asked as she finished with the final fitting.

“I think I’ll stay down here for a few minutes and study my lines,” Kathy said.

“Just close the door and turn out the light. It locks by itself when slammed shut,” Helen said as she nodded and stepped into the hall.

Kathy sat down at the tiny dressing table and opened the script to her first lines. She didn’t know how much time had passed before she heard something walking into the room. Kathy suddenly realized that somebody was watching her closely, standing only a few feet behind her. It was too quiet to be someone dropping in for just a friendly visit.

“Who’s there?” Kathy asked nervously as she stared down at the script.

Kathy got the courage to turn around and look for herself.

“Oh!” Kathy cried out in surprise. It was the Great Dane, staring hotly at her. His big, pink tongue was hanging sloppily out of the corner of his mouth while he panted at her. “You’re supposed to be back at the kennel,” Kathy said as she got up shakily from her chair and started for the door. She walked out into the hall and to the stairs, just about to call up to the stage hands that she’d found the dog.

“Where the hell’s that animal?” she could hear Bob yelling. “That Goddamned kennel my wife suggested we use is calling up. They need him for some kid’s television show tonight,” Bob shouted angrily.

So that was it! Connie had arranged the whole thing – the dog, the time, the kennel – everything.

Maybe she even arranged the play – all about a dog. She could keep her husband happy by letting him tinker in the theatre. And what a perfect cover she had, visiting the theatre, pretending to be the concerned and active wife while she was spreading her legs for the lead star – a dog!

“Come on, boy,” Kathy said, running back to the room and wrapping her right hand about the animal’s brown leather collar. “Come ON!” Kathy urged, trying to pull the Dane out into the hall. But the animal refused to move. Instead he backed up, dragging her back into the room.

“Oh, no you don’t,” Kathy said as she felt her nipples poke up against her bra. “I’m not Connie!”

But the Dane didn’t seem to care. He growled angrily, backing still further into the room.

“Oh God!” Kathy cried as she found herself back in the room with the panting dog. “I don’t think…” Then she felt the animal’s hot, heaving side against her right leg. Her pussy contracted in time to the dog’s heavy breathing. She fought the desire to let the Dane fuck and lick her for a few seconds. Then a wave of sexual lust swept over her pussy. It was too powerful to resist.

“Damn!” she cried as she reached over and slammed the door shut. She remembered what Helen told her. No one would be able to come into the room to disturb her and the dog. “Come on, boy. You want some hot pussy for lunch? Well, Kathy’s going to serve it up to you,” she said as she unbuttoned her blouse and shrugged it off her shoulders. She nervously unsnapped the clasp of her bra as the dog whined and growled, watching her closely.

“Ummmm,” Kathy groaned teasingly, unzipping her skirt and letting it fall to the floor as she rubbed her thighs together. The Dane barked loudly.

“No, don’t boy,” Kathy warned him as she reached forward and stroked his big head. Almost automatically he drove his nose against her hot crotch, sticking out his tongue and lapping at the big wet spot on the crotch of her panties.

“Yesss!” Kathy groaned as she drove her fingers between her panties and belly and slid them down to her ankles. “Hot snatch served up to doggie,” Kathy said as she stepped out of her panties and dropped to the floor.

“Come on, boy. Right over here,” Kathy said as she sat down and squirmed her bare ass across the floor. “Lick meee!” Kathy cried as the dog pranced between her widely spread legs and started lapping at her juicing snatch.

“Lick me, doggie! Ohhh, yessss!” Kathy realized she sounded like Connie did a little while ago. There was something deliciously wild about the dog’s tonguing. Never before had she ever dreamed about wanting a dog for a lover. Now, nothing seemed more natural.

“Ahhh!” she cried as she clenched her fingers tightly into a fist and pounded the floor wildly. Kathy thrust her crotch up in the air, slamming her swollen cunt lips hard against the Dane’s cold nose. She whipped her hair across her tits as waves of warm, wet pleasure tore through her body. She was giving herself completely to the Dane’s insistent tonguing. Kathy felt her nipples swell as the muscles in her belly tightened up and quivered.

“Right there!” Kathy screamed as the Dane jabbed his tongue at her pounding, sensitive clit.

The Dane obviously wasn’t too startled by Kathy’s shrieks. He lapped up and down her moist gash, dipping the tip of his long tongue in and raking her throbbing clit.

“Uhhh!” Kathy cried as she felt her clit tingle. She felt too weak to sit up, and let herself crash to the floor. Kathy hunched up her legs and pressed her knees against her big tits. The Dane’s tongue zeroed in on her puckered ass-hole suddenly, making Kathy shudder in a feeling mixed with fear and agonizing pleasure.

“Oh, anywhere! Stick that fuckin’ tongue anywhere you want,” she groaned. It wasn’t the first time she’d been rimmed in the shitter. Joe liked to eat out her ass-hole, sometimes driving his cock and blowing his load in her butt while he fingered her off with a dildo. Now, Kathy was expanding her experience by letting a dog do what her husband did.

“Ohhh!” Kathy groaned, looking between her raised, shaking legs at the panting animal. His long, thick cock was fully unsheathed, glowing a hot red in the brightly lit room. “Fuck me, doggie. Fuck me!” Kathy whispered as she watched the Dane’s cock slide out of its protective, furry sheath. She guessed that his glistening prick was at least five inches long – not all that impressive for a man, but long for a dog. Kathy quickly turned over and got on her hands and knees, feeling her sensitive nipples brush against the floor.

“Now! Mount me like you mounted that bitch!” Kathy cried as she ground her thighs together again.

The big dog pranced up then stopped suddenly. He sniffed at her sucking, quivering gash carefully, then moved his snout up to her puckered, brown shit-chute.

Suddenly the dog got ready to mount her.

Kathy was filled the a feeling of dread and horror for a second. She knew she could get up now and never know how a dog’s cock felt between her shuddering flaps. What would she think of herself after it was all over? How could she face her husband knowing that she’d just gotten through strapping on a Great Dane?

But then she’d already fucked Bob Decker, thinking that she’d be sorry. But it felt great. Why not the same reaction with the dog?

“Come on, damn you,” Kathy cried impatiently, quickly putting her hand back between her quivering legs. She reached around until she felt the animal’s hot, jerking prick bounce against the back of her wrist.

“Mmmm,” Kathy moaned as she wrapped her fingers around the Dane’s knobby, pointed prick. It felt strangely smooth and hot as she pulled it toward her waiting, upturned pussy. The dog seemed to know what to do from now on. Quickly he plunged forward and shoved his pointed prick deep into Kathy’s parted, stretched pussy.

“Ahhhh!” Kathy cried in unexpected delight. There was no pain. There was no feeling of revulsion. She felt marvelously filled and stuffed with dog cock as the Dane wrapped his big forepaws around her torso.

“Ohhhh!” Kathy moaned as the animal hunched and humped with increasing frenzy. Kathy was fascinated with her own reaction to the animal fucking. She loved the feeling of the Dane’s muscular belly slamming against her back, threatening to push her down to the wooden floor. His balls jounced and jangled against the top junction of her fat, slippery cunt lips.

“Oh, yessss, baby! Fuck meee! Jam it hard into me! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Kathy cried. She groaned and howled as the animal’s cock slid easily in and out of her cunt with an audible squishing sound. Kathy closed her eyes and tried to picture what the two of them must look like. The vision flashed across her mind, and it excited her even more.

Kathy felt herself growing hotter and hotter as she looked between her tits. She watched the Dane’s long, red cock shaft each time he pulled it out. It glistened with her thick cunt cream. His furry balls bobbed and swung wildly each time he hunched his powerful thighs against her ass-cheeks.

“Awwwhhh!” Kathy screamed as she squeezed her cunt muscles, trapping the Dane’s cock inside her pussy for a few seconds. She heard the dog whine in puzzlement, then try hard to pull out his prick. She released the pressure for a few seconds, then squeezed again, sucking and tugging at the Dane’s hot cock with her pussy.

“Oh, now! Now! NOW!” Kathy screamed, feeling her pussy beginning to contract and spasm.

Kathy tried to hold herself back. She didn’t want to reach orgasm that quickly, but she felt her clit banging, exploding, sparking and twitching crazily. She knew she couldn’t control it any more. Kathy wriggled her ass desperately now, hoping that he’d take the hint. He did. The Dane’s fucking thrusts quickened. He hammered at her cunt crazily, jamming his cock in and out of her snatch as he growled, howled, and whimpered loudly.

“Oh, Jesus! Now! Nowww!” Kathy screeched as she felt the first of a long, wild series of searing contractions rip through her aching cunt.

Kathy backed up against the Dane harder, tightening her cunt muscles as best she could. Then she lost control of everything. Her pussy was in total control now. It milked and pulled at the animal’s cock until the first wad of hot jizz sprayed into Kathy’s wracked pussy.

“Aiyeeee!” Kathy screamed as she tossed her head from side to side. She beat the floor wildly with her fists, almost crashing forward from the lust that swept over every square inch of her panting body. She squealed and grunted with delight as she felt a hot sticky stream of come leak out from between her violated cunt lips and ooze down her trembling legs to the floor.

“Unnnhhh!” Kathy cried as she felt the contractions grow less and less powerful. Finally the last one swept over her sore clit, dying away as she collapsed to the floor in exhaustion.

“Good boy. Good boy,” Kathy cooed as she ground her cunt over the floor. A delicious warm glow spread over her body as she felt the Dane lapping at her ass-hole and ass-cheeks.

“Mmmm, time to get you back home,” Kathy said as she shook herself out of the daydream she was slipping into. The stage hands would be down there looking for the animal. She knew that anyone who walked into that closed room and took one whiff of the air would know what had just happened in there.

“It won’t be too bad, boy. Maybe we can get together later,” Kathy said as she pulled on her panties and bra. In a few minutes she was dressed and stepping out into the hall, dragging the reluctant Great Dane behind her.

“And you’re going to be on a kiddie television show!” Kathy said in disbelief as she dragged him to the foot of the stairs. “Hey, up there. I’ve found your dog.”

In a few moments, the Dane was safely in tow back to the kennel and Kathy was walking down the center aisle of the theatre. It was four-thirty. Joe would be home soon, and she hadn’t even started dinner.

“Don’t forget, Kathy,” Bob called out from the stage just as she reached the rear of the auditorium. “First rehearsal at eight sharp!”

“I’ll be here early,” Kathy chirped back.

“Good. It’ll give me some time to go over some of your lines,” he called back, smiling at her.

Kathy knew what he meant, and couldn’t help but feel anxious for tomorrow to come quickly.

She ran to her car, trying to think up an excuse she could tell Joe for coming home so late. As she pulled her car into the drive, Kathy realized she could tell Joe anything and he’d probably believe her. He knew that she was faithful to him – at least, up til today. He couldn’t possibly know about the sudden change. Or more accurately, about the sudden releasing of the emotions that had been building up in her for years. If she said he’d been busy rehearsing her lines for the whole day, he’d accept it.

As she opened the front door, Kathy smiled secretly to herself. There were definite advantages in letting people think you are so virginal and naive. You could tell them anything and they’d believe you.

“Hi, hon,” Joe called out from the living room couch. He was watching the evening news. Kathy closed the front door behind her and flipped the lock. Joe was wearing only his bathrobe. She knew that he was in the mood – which he was every day he came home from work.

“Hi, Joe,” Kathy said, walking slowly up her husband and bending over to kiss him.

“How’s my baby?” Joe asked, reaching out and wrapping his muscular, hairy arms around her waist and pulling her down into the chair.

“Ohhh, not here!” Kathy protested, trying to squiggle out of her husband’s embrace. She wanted to clean up first. There was still some of Bob’s and the Dane’s jizz sloshing around in her cunt. It would be pretty hard to explain that to her husband if he ever found out.

“Suddenly you’re picky,” Joe asked as he let her slide off his lap.

“Just want to get in a better place so we could enjoy it better,” Kathy teased as she headed for the bathroom.

“Wow! You’ve changed. You’re usually ready to fuck on top of the television if you have to,” Joe said, laughing loudly as Kathy slipped into the bathroom and locked the door behind her.

“Come on, babe. I’m as hot as hell,” Joe called out from behind the door.

“Just get in bed. I’ll be right there,” Kathy said, feeling her pussy fire up like a blast furnace. She caught the hard edge of lust in Joe’s voice when he shouted through the door. Kathy knew that her husband was in a wild mounting mood now. This was really her lucky day. Three fucks in a matter of hours – a producer, a dog, and now her husband.

Kathy flushed the toilet, then got up and unlocked the bathroom door. She stepped out into the hall and walked toward their bedroom. When she got to the doorway, she looked in and saw Joe spread out across the bed. He was propped up on the pillows with his legs splayed widely. Both his hands were running up and down his incredibly long shaft, stroking his hot, quivering prick as he smiled broadly.

“I want to get this inside you,” Joe said huskily as he trailed his finger across his flanged, big prick-head.

Kathy licked her lips in expectation. It didn’t matter how many times Joe had fucked her. Each time he was like a new lover slamming a hot new prick into her virginal cunt. She stared hotly at his heavy, hairy balls, which jerked each time Joe’s prick twitched between his massaging fingers.

“Come on, hon, and suck my balls,” Joe moaned as he closed his eyes and ran his fingers across the wrinkled, tough skin of his hot fuck sacs.

“I don’t need an invitation for that,” Kathy smiled as she walked sexily up to their king-sized bed. She felt the familiar sexual fire sear up her cunt-lips and arouse her throbbing clit as she crawled onto the bed between her husband legs. “Ohhh,” she moaned, sticking her finger into her fiery pussy while she closed her eyes, lowered her head and opened her mouth. Kathy fingered Joe’s balls as she moved closer to his crotch. Then his big cock bounced against her cheeks as she moved her head around until her lips were directly under his balls. Slowly, Kathy stuck out her tongue and started trailing the tip along the wrinkles of his sacs, pulling at the hot, tough skin teasingly as she pinched her vibrating clit.

“Mmmm! Yeah, babe. Yeah,” Joe moaned while Kathy lapped his balls like a dog licking a hot pussy.

“Ohhh!” Kathy cried as her cunt began to contract gently. She didn’t want to work herself up to a climax too quickly, but that’s what she was doing.

“Suck me!” Joe cried as he dug his fingers into Kathy’s hair.

“Shit, no you don’t,” Kathy said as she pulled away from her husband’s crotch and smiled at him.

“You are about to blow off, and you’re not going to leave me hanging like this while you squirt off in my mouth,” Kathy rolled over on her back and hunched up her legs.

“I married a smart bitch!” Joe said, turning to her and smiling.

“And don’t you forget it,” Kathy said, smiling back as she spread her legs. “Now, how about less talk and more action!”

“Yeah,” Joe said as he rolled quickly over on his knees and crawled between Kathy’s legs.

“Come on, lover, and drive that fat cock of yours up my snatch!” Kathy said, encouraging her husband with whispered obscenities. She could tell that Joe was near climax. His chest heaved unevenly. His cock jerked crazily in the air and drooled pre-come directly above her hot, hairy mound. All the jism packed inside his jerking rod and heaving balls was about to explode through his thick, heavily-veined cock and spatter on her belly if he didn’t bury his rod quick.

“Fuck meeee!” Kathy begged desperately. She felt as if she could come without anything even near her aching cunt. She was sitting on the edge, teetering back and forth, about to plunge into climax if her husband didn’t hurry.

“unnghhh!” Joe grunted as he threw his hands under his wife’s legs and lifted them higher. At the same time he hunched his hips forward, burying the full length of his ten-inch cock into her burning cunt.

“aiyeee!” Kathy screeched as she felt her husband’s cock suddenly blow into her quivering pussy.

Joe started pumping slowly, but then picked up speed almost instantly. It filled the cool air in the bedroom with the steady, loud squishing sound of fucking. He squeezed Kathy’s swollen, sensitive tits, milking the tender flesh harder and harder as he rocketed toward climax.

“Unngh!” they groaned with each stroke.

Kathy felt herself coming now. She couldn’t hold herself back. She was surprised at how quickly she’d reached climax with her husband.

“I’m coming!” Kathy shrieked, digging her head hard into the mattress as she felt the first contraction grip her cunt.

“Uhhhhh!” Joe cried back, twisting around and dripping sweat on her heaving belly. Kathy soon felt the first steaming load of jizz blast into her cunt.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” she groaned, reaching up and waving her arms wildly in the air. She tried to grab something to hold her down. Spasm after spasm ripped through her cunt, tits and belly as the squishing sound turned into a wet, sucking series of sounds. It was Joe’s cock still reaming and blasting Kathy’s cunt while it drowned in its own fuck juice.

“Ohhh, ohhhh!” Kathy moaned as the last spasm rippled through her pussy.

“What a fuck!” Joe grunted as the last drop of jizz sprayed out of his cock-head.

If he only knew, Kathy thought as Joe collapsed on top of her still-squirming body.



“Fuck me, Goddamn you! Fuck!” Kathy shrieked to her humping husband. Already her ass-hole was tightening up like a clenched fist. She could feel the surges of electric sparks sputtering from the tip of her throbbing clit. It signaled that her climax was hovering over her, ready to crash down on her juicy, rumbling cunt any second.

“Unnghhhh!” Joe moaned. He drove his stiff, thick prick into her cunt like a drill, reaming her sucking hole wider and wider as he licked her tits and started to fire his hot jizz into his shrieking wife.

“Fuck me! Ohhh, make me come, too! Don’t do it until I come. Ohhh, fuck! Fuck! You’re shooting! I can feel your cock jerking!”

Kathy made it just in time. She felt her cunt spasm uncontrollably, then break into a long hard series of clit-clenching contractions as her pussy began to rapidly fill with Joe’s spewing come. Kathy banged the balls of her feet against her husband’s humping back as she pulled her sweating body tightly against his, pressing her nipples against Joe’s hairy chest.

“Goddamn you, bitch! Fuck! Fuck!” Joe yelled, clamping his powerful fingers around her tits. Kathy felt her cunt spasm in another series of explosions as she milked her sensitive, swollen boobs. Joe caressed her twitching nipples and pumped his shaft into her harder. She screamed in response to his massaging and shooting. It was a loud screech of delight that seemed to drive Joe to greater heights of sexual excitement. He nibbled at her shoulder and fucked harder and harder into her cunt. He was squirting gobs of come into her sucking hole. In a few seconds, both their spasms subsided and Joe collapsed on top of Kathy’s body. The two panted for a few minutes, enjoying he warm glow that spread over their bodies.

“Jesus! You sure know how to wake up a girl,” Kathy finally said, rolling over and glancing at the clock on the bedroom dresser. It was six-thirty. They’d started screwing an hour ago.

“When you’re horny, you’re horny. Just can’t wait until later in the afternoon,” Joe said, grinding his sweaty, hot groin against Kathy’s cunt-mound.

“With all those women there?” Kathy said looking up at her husband and narrowing her eyes in suspicion.

“Well…” Joe said, winking at Kathy as he gave her a long kiss, then pulled his limp prick out of her clutching pussy. Kathy watched her husband trot off to the bathroom to shower. She didn’t know if she’d be upset now to learn that Joe had been fucking other women. As she felt her husband’s jizz trickle out of her cooling pussy and ooze down between her legs, Kathy realized that she didn’t have any moral ground to stand on if she wanted accuse Joe of fooling around. She’d been busy fucking half the theatre yesterday. How could she be upset if Joe decided to fuck a Beverly Hill’s cunt on a tumbling mat at the gym?

“You rehearsing today?” Joe shouted out from the shower stall just as he turned on the water.

“Yes,” Kathy answered, stretching her long, slender legs on the wrinkled and stained top sheet. It was time to get ready. She’d promised Bob that she’d be there early to go over her lines. As Kathy rolled out of bed and brushed back her hair she realized that she was just as interested in strapping on Bob before the rest of the cast got there as in going over her lines. Joe had been able to satisfy her aching pussy before. But now Kathy seemed to be entering a new phase of her life. Suddenly she began to realize how much she’d been missing by giving her cunt to just one prick. There was so much out there in the world for her to experiment with. That idea didn’t make her love Joe less. It just made her cunt hunger lot a little variety.

“Just watch out for those stage folks,” Joe said, laughing as he turned off the shower and opened the shower door. “I hear they’re a wild lot.”

“Hmmm, so goes the rumor,” Kathy said as she stared at Joe’s long, thick prick. It hung limply now, swaying lazily from side to side as he stepped out of the shower stall onto the throw rug. In a way, Kathy was almost sorry that Joe had leave for work so soon. She was sure she could take him on one more time, shower up, drive to the theatre, and then be in prime shape for Bob Decker’s jerking prick.

“Something on your mind, babe?” Joe said, grinning at her as he started to towel himself dry.

“Your prick,” Kathy said bluntly, walking sexily up to him. She started squeezing one big tit with her hand as she rubbed the full length of his prick. Kathy inhaled sharply when she saw her husband’s cock respond almost instantly to her touch.

“Hmmmm. Maybe the babes in Beverly wouldn’t mind if I was a few minutes late,” Joe said as he dropped the towel to the floor and wrapped his arms around his wife’s slender waist.

“Ohhh,” Kathy groaned, throwing back her head and hunching her thighs hard against Joe’s swarthy hips. She could feel the full length and thickness of his quickly stiffening and heating prick rub and slide against her swelling labes.

“God, I’m ready to go again, Kathy,” Joe moaned, rubbing and grinding his cock against her cunt-mound.

“Fuck, ohhhh, yessss,” Kathy groaned as she cupped her fingers gently around Joe’s contracting, leathery fuck sacs.

“Fuck! There goes the Goddamned phone!” Joe mumbled as he broke away from Kathy and ran for the living room.

“Oh, God, don’t leave me like this!” Kathy wailed as he crashed against the bathroom wall.

Her cunt was on fire. Her cuntal walls fluttered and rubbed wildly against each other. Her clit throbbed and banged. Every inch of her hot, sweaty body was demanding instant satisfaction.

“Hey, hon. I’m sorry,” Joe said as he returned to the bathroom. “But something happened at the gym last night. That was one of the masseurs. He said that the water piping to the steam room burst, and the place is flooded. I’ve got to go,” Joe said breathlessly as he ran back to the bedroom and started to dress.

“Oh, shit!” Kathy swore, reaching down and sticking two of her fingers into hot hole. She felt her quivering cunt-lips clamp tight around her knuckles as she rubbed her finger up, down and around her pussy. “Mmmm!” Kathy cried as she felt a mini-climax roar over her clit, crash up to her nipples, them slam back to her twat again. It wasn’t as good as a cock bringing her off, but at least she’d be able to walk down the street without leaving a trail of cunt-juice.

“Sorry babe,” Joe said running past her in the hall. “But business is business. Good luck at the theatre.”

“Thanks,” Kathy said as she watched her husband run to his car and jump in. Oh well, I wasn’t hot anyway, Kathy thought as she started to get dressed.

When Kathy got to the theatre, she noticed that Bob’s car was parked in front of the ticket office. She felt her heart pounding wildly and her cunt begin to juice up as she walked briskly to the stage door at the rear of the building.

“Bob?” she called as she walked into the semi-darkened back stage area.

“He’s not here just now, Kathy,” Connie said.

“Ohh!” Kathy cried in surprise as the door shut quietly behind her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there.”

“No problem. Look, boy. Look who’s your new leading lady,” Connie said to something next to her. Kathy squinted as she walked slowly toward the sitting woman and finally saw that Connie was talking to a large, white sheep dog.

“Sorry about what happened to you on the stage yesterday,” Connie said, smirking slightly as she continued to run her long fingers through the panting animal’s thick fur. Kathy felt her cunt quiver excitedly as she watched Bob’s wife continue to stroke the big, beautiful white dog. “I should have checked to make sure that you didn’t get an animal that was so, uh, excitable. But, I think that’s taken care of.”

“You handle the props for your husband?” Kathy said, looking away from the sheep dog.

“I handle just about everything for Bob, honey,” Connie said, then broke into a long series of sarcastic laughter.

“What’s so funny?”

“Oh, nothing,” Connie said, finally getting control of herself. “It’s just that many women around here consider him a big stud. Oh, he’s that, I’ll grant you. But it’s my cash that keeps his cock in Brooks Brothers trousers. This little theatre and everything in and out of it goes through my checkbook.”

Kathy looked back astonished and felt sorry for the brunette. She had to use her wealth to keep her husband in tow! Kathy was glad that he could attract Joe with her cunt.

“Well, it looks like it’s just the three of us here,” Connie said, smoothing down her dress as she slid off the stool she’d been sitting on.

“I-I’ve got some lines to go over,” Kathy said a little nervously. She felt as if Connie were fishing for something, and she didn’t know if she particularly wanted find out what it was.

“I’ll just bet you do, honey bun. Bob told me that the two of you were going to rehearse. Well, he would’ve been down here, too, except that his car broke down on Sunset just behind mine. So, we’ll be alone for a little while,” Connie said, walking slowly up to Kathy.

“I-I…” Kathy stammered as she watched Connie open her lush, red lips and lick her lower lip slowly with her long tongue. Oh, God, was she going to make a pass at her?

“Come on, baby. Don’t knock it if you’ve never tried it before,” Connie said as she read Kathy’s mind.

“Don’t, please!” Kathy protested as Connie wrapped her arm around her waist. “I’m not that way,” she protested, wondering if it were wise to try and get away. Kathy wanted the part in the play. Since Connie controlled the financial strings, she might throw her out if she didn’t play ball.

“It doesn’t hurt, believe me,” Connie said, drawing Kathy closer to her.

“But…” Kathy protested, feeling her tits flash up with sexual fire and her cunt begin to drool hungrily as Connie rubbed her slender, hot body against hers.

“Mmmm. That’s it, Kathy. Just relax and let Connie take over for you,” the woman said, blowing hotly into Kathy’s ear as she reached up and gently stroked her boob.

“Oh, Jesus!” Kathy groaned as Connie reached up and started unbuttoning her blouse. She tried to keep her balance as the brunette slid her blouse off her shoulders, then reached behind her and unsnapped her bra.

“Hmmm. No wonder my husband was so anxious to get down here,” Connie said as she watched Kathy’s huge tits come into view. The blonde woman’s nipples poked out excitedly, visibly twitching for a pair of lips or set of fingers to suck and pinch then.

“Where?” Kathy managed to moan.

“We’ll use the couch over there. It’s from the third act of your wonderful play,” Connie said sarcastically as she took Kathy by the hand and led her to the sofa. “Now come on. Hurry up and get undressed,” Connie said impatiently as she reached behind her neck and started to unzip her short, tight-fitting black dress. “We don’t have all day.”

Kathy finished undressing, sliding her juice-soaked panties across the floor and climbing onto the couch. This was a new experience for her. She’d never been to bed with another woman before. Kathy didn’t think she was turning into a dyke. But she felt gripped by curiosity all over again. She had to know what it was like to bury her nose in a hot pussy.

“Wow! Looks like you’re as hot as I am. Ohhh, no, boy!” Connie said suddenly as the sheep dog jumped up on her naked thighs and started lapping at her fluttering flaps.

“Looks like you’ve got a friend,” Kathy said in a slightly quivering voice as she watched Connie run her fingers through the animal’s long coat of hair once more. The dog lifted his head and began to lick at Connie’s tits, running his long, pink tongue across her nipples as her pushed his body against her slightly parted cunt lips.

“Maybe,” Connie said mysteriously as she ordered the dog to sit in the corner. “But let’s talk about that later.”

“Ohhhh,” Kathy said as Connie rolled onto the couch and put her arms about her. She pulled their naked bodies close together and started grinding her hot cunt against Kathy’s. The firm, female flesh pressed tightly against hers was a new experience. But at the same time, this new smooth skin aroused her just the same. Kathy put her arms about Connie and slid her hands down, grabbing Connie’s firm ass-cheeks in the same way as she was gripping hers. She responded to Connie’s grindings with little movements of her own, gasping and moaning at their cunt mounds rubbed together.

“Mmmmm!” Connie cried out, closing her eyes tightly and throwing back her head. “It’s hard for me to believe that you’ve never done this before.”

“I learn quick,” Kathy said as she felt her tits flat-ten against Connie’s massive boobs.

“Ummmm!” Connie groaned happily as she pressed her smooth lips against Kathy’s. The blonde tried to break away. She didn’t mind the petting, but when it came to kissing another woman, Kathy felt uneasy.

“Relax. Don’t worry. I’m not queer. It’s just a way to turn on faster,” Connie said as she broke away from Kathy for a few seconds.

“Okay, okay,” Kathy said in gasps as she felt Connie stroke her bristling pussy hairs.

“Mmmm!” Connie moaned again as she kissed the blonde long and hard. This time, Kathy found herself returning the tongue-probing kiss, feeling herself lost in Connie’s hot lust. She became aggressive in a few minutes, digging like a pro into Connie’s sucking mouth as she bounced against the woman’s firm, sweating body.

“Ahhh!” Kathy cried as Connie pinched her throbbing clit between her thumb and forefinger.

“Turn you on, babe?” Connie said as she broke away from Kathy’s hot mouth and slid down her belly. Kathy squirmed on the couch, digging her firm ass-cheeks into the cushions as she felt Connie’s nipples drag across her heaving belly. Kathy opened her eyes and watched Connie’s big boobs sway from side to side as she started to tongue her long, hard nipples.

“Uhhhh! Suck! Suck! Suck!” Kathy moaned as Connie started sucking her nipples. First she pulled on one nipple, then let it go as she went over to the other. Kathy felt her tits swell wildly against the tender, reddened flesh as Connie’s teeth and tongue slavered her tits.

“My cunt!” Kathy cried wildly as Connie sank her teeth hard into her right nipple, sending sparks of sexual pleasure shooting down her juicy, steamy cunt.

“Shit!” Connie groaned as she spat out Kathy’s hard tit and licked her way down toward Kathy’s pussy. She left a trail of spittle as she zigzagged her way toward her hot hole.

“Bitch! Bitch!” Kathy groaned as she dug her ass harder into the cushions. She looked up and watched Connie’s heavy tits swing slowly back and forth as the girl ran her tongue from Kathy’s navel down to her snatch. She felt Connie’s lips drag across her cunt lips, milking the slippery edges tenderly as the woman trailed her fingertips across her trembling ass-cheeks.

“Nooo!” Kathy groaned as Connie started stroking the brown, puckered skin of her trembling ass-hole.

“mmmm!” Connie responded as she wrapped her lips around the tip of Kathy’s clit for a second and started to suck gently at the hot miniature organ.

“Aiyeee!” Kathy screamed, tossing her ass high into the air as she felt her pussy spasm. Everything around her flooded into a bright flash of light as Connie continued to suck, milk and stroke.

“Easy Kathy. I don’t want you shooting off now,” Connie said as she pulled away from the woman’s drooling pussy.

“Ohh, don’t, don’t…” Kathy panted. She didn’t want Connie to leave her the way Joe had done that morning. She couldn’t take two rejections in one morning. Her pussy needed a good fuck.

“Ohhhh! Fuck!” Kathy groaned as Connie’s tongue jabbed back into her cunt. Then the brunette backed off and started nibbling and sucking on her puffy cunt lips. She took one at a time, but lapped and bit so quickly that Kathy thought there were hundreds of tiny tongues all over her quivering snatch, servicing every square inch of her pussy simultaneously. Connie’s fingers gripped Kathy’s ass and tugged her crotch and cunt closer and closer to her digging face and mouth.

“Uuunnnghhh!” Connie cried.

“Christ! Fuckin’ Jeeeesus Christ!” Kathy screamed, throwing her legs in the air and flailing them wildly as she felt her cunt lips snap tightly shut around Connie’s slamming tongue. The brunette groaned again, then dug deeper. Her greedy mouth sucked at Kathy’s pussy lips, then the sensitive mounds of flesh inside her hot pussy. Kathy lurched, writhed and bucked at Connie’s bobbing head. She gasped and moaned like a bitch in heat. She begged desperately for Connie to bring her off. But Kathy knew that Connie wasn’t ready for her to pop yet.

“Ahhh!” Kathy groaned as she felt the woman’s hands start to stray upward, past her navel, on up to her swollen tits. Connie took one of Kathy’s taut nipples between her fingers, rolling and pinching it while she circled her clit one more time and started sucking and lapping.

“Nooo! Nooo!” Kathy shrieked as she felt herself spinning off into a mind-blowing orgasm. Connie continued sucking and biting for a few seconds after Kathy had stopped squirming and bucking.

“Well, it wasn’t all that bad, was it?” Connie said as she pulled her mouth away from Kathy’s crotch, and grinned sheepishly. Kathy looked at the woman kneeling between her legs. A few of her cunt hairs stuck to Connie’s lips as she felt the last of the powerful orgasmic spasms ripple over her twitching clit.

“I want to go down on you,” Kathy said simply. She was curious. She wanted to feel how a cunt felt when it blew off in a hot mouth.

“You don’t really have to,” Connie said, obviously turned on by Kathy’s suggestion.

“Come on. I’m not gonna get hooked on cunts,” Kathy said, grinning back at Connie as she moved slightly to one side of the couch. Connie looked curiously at her, then shrugged her shoulders.

“Okay, if that’s what you want. God only knows, it’s better than fingering myself off while you watch,” Connie said as she slid down on her back and hiked up her legs. Kathy was sure that the woman wasn’t going to finger-fuck herself to climax. That sheep-dog would be missing for a few minutes.

“Mmmmm, come on baby. Connie’s cunt’s too hot to handle!” the brunette moaned as she raised her legs and rested her heels on Kathy’s slender shoulders. Kathy hesitated for a second, then started to tongue Connie’s big tits before moving to her pussy.

“Ohhh, yeah! Yeah! Shit! I – I can’t b-b-believe th-that you never did th-this be-be – Ohhh! Ahhhh!” Connie groaned as Kathy lapped on her hard-nippled jugs. Kathy loved lapping at those gorgeous tits.

“Mmmm!” Kathy moaned as she felt her cunt begin to steam up again. She reached down and slid her fingers up to her stiffening clit. Kathy strummed it like a tightened piano wire while she continued to suck and nibble Connie’s boobs.

“Come on, babe. Don’t waste your time up there. My cunt needs a little help.” Connie groaned as she reached down and pushed Kathy’s head gently away from her tits and down toward her hunching, juice-saturated pussy.

Connie was still, but her cunt lips visibly quivered and sprang apart as Kathy reached down and stroked the smooth, tightly stretched skin with her forefinger.

“Aiyeee!” Connie screamed, suddenly writhing and bucking, nearly throwing the two of them off the couch.

“Fuck!” Kathy cried as she felt her own pussy lips clamp down tightly around her own stroking finger. She dove down, slipping her hands around and under the woman’s bucking ass-cheeks while she moved closer to Connie’s cunt. Kathy aimed her tongue at Connie’s stiffened, red-hot clit and attacked it.

“Nooo! Nooo!” Connie screamed, slamming her thighs together and trapping Kathy’s bobbing head between her hot thighs as she drove her erect clit harder and deeper into the blonde’s sucking mouth.

“Mmmmm!” Kathy moaned as she felt suffocated by the hot flesh, gushing cunt juices, and jungle of stiff, curly pussy hairs that tickled her nose. She could tell from the flood of cunt juice that Connie was ready to blow off. Kathy started tugging and pulling at her own clit, trying to come at the same time. She didn’t notice that someone or something was slowly beginning to approach them from out of the wings.



“N-n-nowww!” Connie screamed, digging her fingernails into Kathy’s neck as she clamped her thighs tighter around the blonde’s head.

“Ohhhhhh!” Kathy responded as she burrowed deeper into Connie’s cunt. The brunette’s clit seemed to vibrate and throb between her lips as she desperately strummed at her own tiny organ.

“aaahhhh!” Connie cried as she clamped her hands around her throbbing tits. She squeezed her mammoth mounds tightly and tried to relieve the ache that gripped both of them. “OHHHH!” Connie groaned. She bucked and lurched wildly while she spasmed.

Kathy was sorry that she hadn’t been able to bring herself off at the same time. But Connie’s flowing hot cunt juice was tasty, and she lapped at Connie’s pussy while she swallowed the salty fluid. She continued for a few seconds after Connie had dropped her legs exhaustedly onto Kathy’s shoulders.

“Ohhhh, ohhhh, shit! And you’ve never sucked pussy before!” Connie exclaimed, peering between her tits and smiling broadly at Kathy.

“Was I good?”

“Honey, you were – ohh, look who’s come up to say hello,” Connie said as she looked over to her right. Kathy saw the white sheep dog had crawled out from the wings and was standing to the right of the couch. His long, pink tongue hung limply, dripping with hot spittle. The animal’s cock was fully extended, twitching angrily and bouncing up against his heaving belly as he sniffed the vaporized cunt juice that filled the air.

“Looks like pooch has got something on his mind,” Connie said as she looked back at Kathy.

“I think I know what you mean,” Kathy said, leaning back until her ass-cheeks rested on the balls of her feet. “You know, I saw you the other day in that room back stage.”

Connie’s eyes widened in surprise. Then she broke out into a long, loud laugh.

“And I thought I was being careful,” she said, nearly falling off the couch in laughter.

“With the door open? Christ, I’m surprised the whole crew didn’t come down to see what was going on,” Kathy said as she reached down and stroked the whimpering dog’s head. “By the way, does he have a name?”

“Saber. But tell me, why didn’t you blow the whistle on me,” Connie asked as she watched Kathy closely.

“Oh, you’ve got your thing, I guess. And I’ve got mine,” Kathy said as she looked down at the panting dog.

“So, the little housewife’s a lot more experienced than I thought,” Connie said, pulling her legs down and sitting up on the couch. “Come on, honey. Old Saber’ll take care of you. I know you didn’t come with me.”

“It’s too crowded up here,” Kathy said, sliding off the couch and dropping to her knees.

“I think I’d like to see him fuck you,” Connie said as she rolled lazily on her side.

“Can he do it?” Kathy asked doubtfully as she dropped to her ass and rolled over on her back.

“You just watch, honey,” Connie said as she coaxed Saber forward. “Go on, boy. Fuck the nice pussy for Connie.”

“Ohhhh!” Kathy cried out as she felt the dog’s hot, rough tongue start to slip into her twitching cunt. It was making her pussy quiver and contract crazily. Kathy lay back and wriggled her ass excitedly in the sheep dog’s face, spreading her legs widely apart to give the animal more licking room.

“Told you he knew what to do!” Connie said as she watched the dog’s lapping closely.

“Mmmmm! You must practically live in that dog kennel,” Kathy groaned out between her tightly clenched teeth.

“Honey, I own it,” Connie said huskily as she stuck her fingers into her pussy and started strumming her gradually stiffening clit.

“Oh, Saber! That feels so good! Ummmm, that’s it! Ohhh!” Kathy screamed, squirming and hunching snatch up to his muzzle. She felt a climax building deep in her cunt, threatening to rip wildly through her spasming pussy. Kathy didn’t want to come this way. She needed a cock in her cunt right away. Tongues were fine, fit a stiff prick – man’s or dog’s – was what she needed.

“Come on, boy. Come on, fuck me,” Kathy crooned softly to the dog as she reached between her trembling thighs and tried to pull the animal forward.

But the dog seemed glued to her pussy. His tongue sloshed sloppily in and out of her hot hole, plastering down her wiry blonde cunt hairs as he dug deeper into her quivering, hot hole.

“Ahhhh!” Kathy cried suddenly as she felt her cunt lips open and clamp shut quickly, sucking in air. The woman knew that she was ready for a cock invasion any second.

“Please!” Kathy begged the animal as she squirmed and thrashed on the floor.

“Christ!” Connie gasped as she watched Kathy buck and hunch, gripped in mindless sexual lust. “I’ll help you out, babe,” Connie groaned as she slipped her fingers out of her pussy and rolled off the couch. The brunette reached between Saber’s hind legs and wrapped her fingers around his prick. “Easy, boy, easy,” Connie said softly as the sheep dog yelped. “Momma’s gonna help out,” she said as she pointed the tip of the animal’s red, glistening cock directly at Kathy’s steaming gash.

“Cock! Cock! Cock!!” Kathy cried crazily as she felt Saber’s pointed prick head trail across her stretched cunt lips.

“Gonna come!” Kathy panted wildly as Connie rubbed the sheep dog’s prick head lightly over her quivering pussy lips. The brunette seemed to enjoy teasing Kathy, driving her nearly up the walls with sexual frustration as she tickled her pussy with Saber’s hot, slippery dick.

“Now,” Connie said quietly as she started digging at Kathy’s pussy with Saber’s prick.

“Hurry!” Kathy cried, feeling her cuntal walls rub together like two sticks ready to start a fire. Connie inched the dog’s cock forward, driving it past Kathy’s cunt lips and into the folds of hot, trembling flesh. Kathy’s tits were mashed against her chest as Saber’s paws dug into the sensitive skin of her upturned legs.

“Slow! Oh, God, go slow, slow!” Kathy moaned as the hot tip of Saber’s prick dug deeper and deeper into her quivering hole. “There! There! Oh, fuck, that feels soooooo gooood!”

The sheep dog hunched forward suddenly, breaking loose of Connie’s grip. He was on his own now, spearing his long red cock deep into Kathy’s welcoming cunt. When it was completely buried, the dog froze for a few seconds. The only thing that moved was his long, red tongue, dripping saliva onto Kathy’s heaving belly. Kathy moved her head slowly from side to side, groaning as she felt the dog’s cock twitching and pulsing deep inside her horny snatch.

“Ohhh, start fucking. Start fucking, you sonofabitch! I want to feel your prick sliding in and out of my cunt.”

“Fuck, boy, fuck!” Connie urged the dog, sliding slightly under the animal’s hind quarters and sticking out her tongue. As Saber started to slide his dick in and out of Kathy’s cunt Connie poked her tongue at his balls, licking at the hairy eggs hungrily while she fingered her clit.

“Ohhh!” Kathy groaned. Saber pulled his long red prick out, then shoved back deep in her hole. Connie’s ball-licking was making him whimper and fuck more frenziedly.

“Oh, God. You’re better than…” Kathy started to say, then clamped her lips shut. She wasn’t going to admit to Connie that she preferred dogs to men. Besides that wasn’t true. It was just the lust building in her cunt that made her hunger for a dog cock. At least, she hoped so. She didn’t want to wind up like Connie, having to buy a whole kennel of dogs to keep her happy because she couldn’t find satisfaction with men.

“Fuck that bitch, damn you!” Connie cried out from behind Kathy as the blonde writhed and twisted her ass against the hot, furry belly of the hunching sheep dog. Her tits jiggled as she tried to match the dog’s pumping rhythm with one of her own. Kathy felt her cunt muscles tightening like a vice with each forward thrust. Her cunt ached and was so hot that she thought it was going to explode. She twisted from side to side, sliding across the hard floor as she thrust her ass up rotating it in tiny circles.

“Mmmm!” Connie moaned as she slipped Saber’s balls into her mouth. The dog nearly jumped over Kathy’s writhing body from the sudden hot surprise. Then he got used to it and whined more loudly as the brunette sucked greedily at his furry, tiny fuck sacs.

“Fuck me harder! Harder!” Kathy screeched.

“Mmmmm!” Connie groaned. Both women were rapidly nearing orgasm. In seconds they’d be overwhelmed by their climax.

Kathy felt the dog’s hairy belly slapping harder and quivering against her sweating ass while the fur on his sheath tickled the lips of her drooling snatch.

She propped her head up slightly and looked between her jerking thighs. She could just see the dog’s long red prick each time he pulled it out of her cunt. It glistened with her cunt juice and his come. Kathy saw Connie rolling around on the floor behind the dog, her lips clamped onto the animal’s balls. She was on her back now, digging her feet into the floor as she buried her hands into the recesses of her hot snatch.

“God! Noooo! Nooooo!” Kathy cried as she rolled from side to side. The sight of them locked together in a warped sexual embrace was driving her up the peak quicker than she’d expected. Kathy swirled her ass faster and faster on Saber’s spearing cock. The hot prick head banged against her fluttering cunt walls. It sent bolts of pleasure through her hot body. Kathy backed against the dog as best she could, sliding her ass across the floor as she rocked in rhythm to Saber’s plunging prick.

“Ohhh fuck, boy! I’m gonna come! I’m c-c-c-comingggg!”

Kathy felt the sheep dog’s prick swell inside her pulsing hole, and she squeezed her cunt muscles hard. Then the first wad of come splattered into her pussy, splashing hard against her juicing walls.

“Aiyeeee!” Kathy shrieked as her pussy milked and tugged at Saber’s spraying dick. Then another tore through; then another, until a whole series of contractions gripped her cunt, tearing at her tits and ass-hole wildly as the dog continued to blow his load into Kathy’s quivering hole.

The animal whimpered and whined, firing wad after hot wad into Kathy’s fuck tunnel as Connie groaned behind her. Kathy knew her friend was coming, too, as she caressed the hot load of doggie jizz from Saber’s balls with her tongue and lips.

“Ahhhh! Ohhhh.” Kathy moaned, feeling her cunt tremble as the last spasm ripped through her beating clit and tore up to her twitching nipples.

“Through honey?” Connie asked softly from behind as Saber whimpered then hunched back to pull his shrinking cock out of Kathy’s still-clutching pussy.

“Ohhhh,” Kathy moaned, wiping the sweat off her forehead as the animal pulled free of her snatch and trotted back to the wings.

“Come on. You’d better get cleaned up before the crew gets here,” Connie said, glancing at her wristwatch. “My husband should be tramping in here any second. No sense in giving him any wild ideas about you,” Connie smirked as she helped Kathy to her feet. Kathy could tell that even though Connie pretended to be a sophisticated, all-knowing and tolerant Beverly Hills swinger, she was still a little jealous of all the attention Bob paid to other women.

“What about the dog?” Kathy asked as she pulled on her panties and glanced at Saber. He was in one corner of the wing, licking his soft prick tenderly.

“He’s yours, baby. That’s your co-star. Personally, I’d take him home with you. He’s obviously attracted to your pussy. Whenever your hubby’s not home, Saber’s a great substitute. And besides, you could study your lines together,” Connie said, still smirking sarcastically at Kathy as she flipped her big tits into her bra.

“Ohhhh, someone’s coming in,” Kathy whispered as she picked up her clothes and ran into the wing.

“Shit! It’s Pete Coons! If it was Bob, we wouldn’t have to hide. Come on. We’ll finish dressing downstairs,” Connie whispered as she took Kathy’s hand and dragged the half-dressed blonde down the spiral stairs.

Kathy finished pulling on her clothes. The two women occasionally grinned nervously up the stairs as they heard the director pace slowly back and forth on the stage above them.

“You know, I wouldn’t mind trying strapping that dude on myself time,” Connie said she zippered up her dress and brushed her hair.

“You don’t stop, do you,” Kathy asked in amazement as the brunette started up the stairs.

“No, and I’ve got a feeling that you’re in the same boat I’m in, Kathy.”

“What do you mean?”

“I watched you bucking around this morning. Honey, you’ve got a cunt that won’t quit. I mean, you’ve got a fire down there that no cock – and I mean NO one cock – can put out for long.”

“I don’t know if I like living like that,” Kathy said nervously.

“Just relax and enjoy it. All you have to be is a little discreet. The world doesn’t really care what you do in private. Just as long as you look respectable in public,” Connie said, bending down suddenly and kissing Kathy on the forehead quickly before she ran up the stairs and called out a cheery hello to Pete.

“I’m impressed,” Pete said as he looked at the panting sheep dog. “It’s just what the script called for,” he said, smiling at her as she started out of the auditorium.

“Call on me anytime, baby,” the brunette said playfully as she reached the rear of the auditorium. “You’d be surprised what I can dream up for you. Bye for now, kids.”

“So, you’re here early too?” Pete said, shifting his feet a little uneasily.

“I thought I should go over my lines before the rest of the cast got here. But Bob – I mean, Mr. Decker – isn’t here yet,” Kathy said as she watched Saber stare hotly at her. She hoped the dog didn’t have any funny ideas right now.

“Well, I’m only the director,” Pete said a little coldly, “but I’ll listen to you if you want.”

Kathy flushed red. She had forgotten Pete was the one who’d be moving all of them around the stage with his personal directions.

“Okay, I’ll start in from my first monologue,” Kathy said as she stepped away and began.

Pete watched her closely, stopping her occasionally give her a few suggestions on hand gestures, pacing and facial expressions. But on the whole, Kathy could see that Pete was impressed with her interpretation of the character.

“Well, how did I do?” Kathy asked almost breathlessly as she finished the monologue.

“Not bad for a first-timer,” Pete said, trying to hide his pleasure.

“Not bad!” Kathy said in mock surprise. She smiled at the director, then walked up to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. “You’re not a very good liar. You were impressed with me, weren’t you?” Kathy asked.

“I’ve been more than impressed with you,” Pete blurted, grabbing Kathy’s wrist tightly.

“Ohhhh!” she exclaimed. Kathy looked down at him and saw that his face was red with lust.

“I’ve been watching you wave your ass around here during all those auditions, and the final one yesterday almost made me come in my pants,” Pete said as he pulled her tightly to him and started kissing her neck passionately.

“Don’t! People’ll see when then come in.”

Kathy protested as she felt herself being pushed back to the couch where she and Connie had sucked cunt on.

“Nobody’s supposed to be here for another half-hour,” Pete groaned as he pushed Kathy closer to the couch.

“No, not there,” Kathy protested. She knew that the director would guess what had gone on once he placed his hands on the cunt-juice-soaked cushions.

“Okay, we’ll make it on that pile old curtains over there,” Pete said, dragging her in the other direction. “Damn!” he cried out, suddenly slipping on smear of dog-come that still glistened on the floor of the stage. “What the fuck was that?” he asked, letting Kathy go and looking at the floor.

“Come on, I’m ready for you,” Kathy said. She didn’t want Pete asking too many questions about that smear he was staring at. Besides, she was beginning to steam up again. Pete’s sudden attack hadn’t allowed her pussy enough time to fire up. But now, her miniature organ was throbbing all over again.

“Baby, you’re one hell of a hot ass,” Pete said, forgetting about the slick on the stage and grabbing her again.

“Oh, take it easy, Pete,” Kathy said, pushing him away gently as she backed up to the pile of old curtains. “I don’t want to get raped all that quickly. I want to enjoy it as much as you,” she added stuffing slyly as she unbuttoned her blouse like a stripper.

“Shit!” he said, massaging the growing bulge between her legs.

Kathy smiled at the reaction she was getting from the director. As her blouse floated to the floor and as she reached back to unsnap her bra, Kathy wondered why she even bothered wearing clothes any more. She seemed always to be dropping to her knees or rolling over on her back for somebody.

“Ohhhh, Kathy,” Pete moaned as he unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a mass of thick, black chest hairs. Kathy inhaled sharply, feeling the sudden warmth that radiated from the man’s exposed chest. She was secretly glad that all the men she’d been fucking lately had hairy bodies. Connie’s smooth flesh was nice for a change. But the rough, scratchy feeling of tough, hairy male flesh sanding across every inch of her body was a sensation that nothing could top.

“Mmmm,” Kathy responded, letting her skirt fall to the floor. She slipped her fingers under the waistband of her panties, then slid them down to her ankles and stepped out of the loose material. That was another article of clothing she was going to stop wearing. She was almost getting skin burns on her thighs from pulling her briefs on and off so many times.

“Jesus!” Pete gasped as quickly unzipped his trousers, pushing them down to the floor.

Kathy licked her lips hungrily as she stared at the twitching bulge in his shorts. She was beginning to have an reasonable curiosity about men’s cocks. Kathy wanted to experiment with all kinds of pricks – thin ones, thick ones, long ones, short ones, angled ones, straight ones. She wanted to stuff as many different cocks into her pussy as she could from now on.

“Ohhh!” Kathy moaned, smiling when Pete pulled down his briefs. His cock wasn’t mammoth-sized. But seven inches could do a lot to a girl. Pete stepped out of his shorts, then walked up to her and leaned before her.

“Unnnhhhhh!” Kathy groaned, feeling his thick, wet lips slide across her stiffened right nipple. She felt his tongue swirl around the stiffened brown flesh, sucking and nibbling at it until she groaned for relief. Slowly Pete began to slide down her body, scraping his hairy chest and legs across her hot skin. He tongued his way along her skin, digging his tongue into every raw nerve ending as he left a thin coat of spittle behind him.

“Ohhh!” Kathy groaned she felt his tongue pressing against her tightly clenched, puffy cunt-lips. Pete teasingly pushed his tongue between them, careful not to completely force his tongue into her spasming snatch. Kathy felt an unbearable itch growing at her clit. It was that familiar urge that she knew had to be quenched soon or she’d lose her mind. Kathy hunched forward, fucking herself on Pete’s stiff tongue.

“Mmmgffff!” he cried in surprised delight as Kathy’s wiry blonde hairs nestled close to his mouth and nose.

“Hey, is this a private party, or can another person join in?” a voice called out from the first row of seats.

“Ohhhh!” Kathy cried in shock, backing away from the kneeling director and covering her tits. She looked out into the auditorium and saw Bob Decker standing in the center aisle, his hands on his hips and a broad smile on his face.



“I think she’s kind of sexual smorgasbord,” Bob said, moving toward the stage.

“What do you mean?” Pete asked, not sure just how he should react to Bob’s sudden appearance.

“I mean, she’s got all kinds of goodies she can give to anyone who wants them. We can sample them singly, or together,” Bob said, winking at Pete as he jumped up to the stage.

“Both of you?” Kathy cried out, looking first at Bob, then at Pete.

“I don’t care,” Pete said, shrugging his shoulders as he knelt on the stage.

“It’ll be a trip!” Bob said, flashing a smile at Kathy as he started to unbutton his shirt.

“Hey! Did anybody ever think about asking me?” she said.

“Oh, come on, Kathy. Look at you. You can hardly wait to strap us on,” Bob said as he pulled off his clothes quickly.

“Well, I think I want her pussy,” Pete said as he staggered to his feet and turned Kathy around to face him. “Ummm, I love big tits,” he added, kneading the soft, hot spongy flesh. Kathy felt her nipples ache and itch as he continued to milk her boobs. Every time he squeezed them, Kathy felt her clit throb and tingle.

“Maybe we should fight for it,” Bob said as he approached Kathy’s cunt, dropped to his knees and buried his face in her muff, tonguing her swollen cunt-lips.

Kathy moaned as both men worked their mouths over her welcoming, writhing body. Her tits ached for more sucking and her cunt screamed for cock. She felt Pete’s tongue sliding over her nipples while Bob’s dug like a pile driver into her snatch.

“Ohhh! Ohhhh!” Kathy cried as she arched her hips forward, impaling her pussy on Bob’s tongue and lips.

“Jesus, she’s going to fall over if we keep this up,” Pete said as he released her nipple.

“Let’s get her over to that pile of old curtains,” Bob said as he backed off of her drooling snatch.

Kathy couldn’t even speak. Her throat was dry with excitement and lust as the two men maneuvered her to the stack of soft material. She looked down at the two long, hard cocks packed with steaming hot jizz. They were ready to spurt out now, drowning her in gallons of come. This was another new experience being plugged by two pricks at the same time. She could hardly wait to feel their long, stiff shafts sliding and jamming into her hungry cunt.

“Ohhhh!” Kathy cried out as they pushed her onto the pile of curtains, then fell to either side of her body.

“Just lay this way,” Bob grunted behind her, inching down so that the tip of his prick was opposite her tight ass-hole.

“I’ve never taken prick that way!” Kathy protested he clamped her ass-cheeks tightly shut in fear.

“So? We’ll just loosen it up a little,” he said as he slid down further, trailing his forefinger along Kathy’s quivering, firm ass-cheeks. At the same time Pete was stroking her slick, quivering cunt-lips.

“Ohhhh!” Kathy groaned she felt Bob’s finger circle closer and closer to her shit-hole. Finally it settled on the puckered skin, paused few seconds, then jammed deep into her ass-hole.

“Nnnghhhh!” Kathy cried as hot flashes of pain and pleasure slot up from her shit-hole while Bob wriggled his finger deep in her ass.

Kathy groaned again. It felt like a live electric wire sputtering deep in her ass.

“Take my cock, babe.” Pete groaned in front of her as he jammed his purple, tightly stretched cock-head hard against her pursed cunt-lips. His hard prick-shaft made her tender pussy walls tremble with excitement. His hot cock pressed harder against her rubbery lips, forcing the slick edges apart as he hunched his powerful ass-cheeks forward. At the same time, Kathy felt her ass-hole contracting like a second cunt, trapping Bob’s finger as he prepared jam another finger into her ass.

“Okay, babe,” Pete said as he thrust his hairy hips forward and drove his steaming cock into Kathy’s cunt.

“Ohhh!” she wailed, feeling her cunt-lips pop open to accept Pete’s plunging dick, then snap shut around the bottom edge of his widely flanged prick-head. Her pussy-lips were like the hands of a strangler’s, gripping Pete tightly around the cock-head while he tried to drive the rest of his throbbing, pulsating shaft into her pussy.

“Oh, God, fuck me!” Kathy screamed as Pete finally drove in the full length of his dick into her. He started fucking her slowly, squeezing his hairy, muscular ass-cheeks together drive his shaft forward, then relaxing his muscles to let it slide out again.

“Jesus! Come on, Bob! Let’s both fuck her at the same time,” he grunted.

“YEssss!” Kathy moaned. Two men working on her hot body at the same time was something she’d dreamed about for years. Her cunt squeezed and sucked on Pete’s throbbing cock while her ass pulled on Bob’s fingers. She wanted to be stuffed with his incredibly long, stiff dick.

“Hang on, babe,” Bob wanted as he pulled his finger out of her ass-hole and wrapped his hands around her bucking thigh. Kathy felt the hot, wide tip of his prick brush against her ass-hole. Bob paused for a second, then shoved violently forward, burying two inches of his prick into her hot hole.

“Arrghhhh!” Kathy growled, lurching forward as searing bolts of gripping pain shot from her ass and all over her body.

“Jesus! Hold onto her!” Pete shouted as he nearly pulled his cock out of Kathy.

“Ohhh, Nooo!” she moaned, feeling the sharp, agonizing pain that first racked her ass being gradually replaced by a dull ache.

“Just relax and get used to it, Kathy,” Bob said gently as he rotated his hips slightly. “It’ll be one of the greatest feelings you’ve ever had.”

Kathy couldn’t believe that something that big and thick could give her so much pleasure. But she decided to give Bob’s advice a chance. She concentrated on her shitter, forcing her ass muscles to relax.

“That’s it babe,” Bob said as he felt her ass-hole expand slightly. “Just take it easy while I dig into your ass.”

Kathy wailed and groaned. But this time it was more in pleasure than in pain. Pete’s cock continued to ram its way into her snatch. Her clit began to respond to the director’s cock and started to throb and pulse once more. At the same time, Kathy was surprised to feel a growing pleasure radiating out of her ass-hole as Bob sank his rod deeper and deeper into her.

“Oh, it does feel good,” Kathy gasped as she felt the producer’s steaming balls rub against her soft, downy ass.

“Shit. You’re one hell of a butt-fuck!” Bob panted as he started hunching his as back and forth. He rammed his shit-slicked dick in and out of her ass-hole. Kathy silently agreed with him. All pain had died away, replaced by a sensation of fullness and delight. They mingled with the contractions that rippled through her cunt. Together they made her body jerk and buck with a sexual pleasure that Kathy had never experienced.

“Uhhh! Jeeze, Bob. I think I can feel your dick hittin’ mine,” Pete grunted as he rotated his ass, churning his prick inside Kathy’s throbbing pussy. Pete and wrapped his powerful fingers around Kathy’s hot tits, running over her sparking nipples as his balls slapped angrily against her sire tolled and quivering cunt-lips.

“Ahhh!” Kathy groaned as she felt herself sky-rocketing toward orgasm. She felt the hot men matching their fucking rhythm until they we ramming inside and pulling out of her simultaneously. She was being thrown from one set of balls to the other, bouncing between their sweaty bodies like a tennis ball. She could tell that both Bob and Pete were getting close to their climax by their sudden change quick breathing. Both men sounded raspy, groaning in between the times they tried to catch their breaths.

“Mmmgfff,” Pete moaned as he pulled one tit up to his mouth and stuffed the hot, tit nipple, deep between his lips. He sucked hard at the taut, brown skin.

“Aiyeeee!” Kathy cried a Pete continued to suck and run his tongue over and over her nipple. When Pete sank his teeth into her flesh, Kathy groaned, throwing her head back and humping forward, almost pulling free of Bob’s ramming prick.

“Hey, take it easy, Pete,” Bob warned as he pulled Kathy’s ass back against his groin.

“Sorry,” Pete panted, churning his prick again and again in her steamy pussy. “Can’t control myself with this bitch,” he gasped as he crammed her tit back into his widely opened mouth.

“In! Fuck! Fuck! In!” Kathy shrieked desperately. She felt the two of them churning, pumping, and jamming their pricks into her more wildly and uncontrollably than before. Their frenzied screwing was firing up her cunt and ass-hole to an incredible white-hot fever. Both boiled with juice and sweat. All of a sudden, Kathy cried that her cunt and ass were spasming together.

“I’m-I-commmmiiinnnggg!” she shrieked as she closed her eyes tightly and dug her fingers into Pete’s heaving shoulder. “Oh, fuckin’ Jeeeesus, I’m coming!” she cried as everything exploded around her. Kathy felt her shit-hole and cunt spasm violently, then clamp down onto the invading cocks as she bucked and thrashed on the pile of old curtains.

“Fuck baby, shoot off!” Pete panted as he rammed his prick faster and faster into her pussy. Her cunt seemed to grow hotter and hotter as the director shrieked from the ache in his prick. His balls throbbed with passion as his hot jizz threatened erupt through his shaft at any second. At the same time, Bob jammed his prick into Kathy’s ass as he felt the first thick wad of hot come explode from his fuck sacs and shoot down his long, thick shaft.

“N-n-nowwwww!” Pete grunted as he rammed his groin hard against her crotch. Kathy felt the director begin to dump his load into her sucking cunt. His cock-head contracted and expanded rhythmically, spitting out thick wads of steaming come into her spasming pussy. Kathy felt the same kind of sticky, hot wetness erupt into her shit-hole and soon another orgasm was sweeping through her. Her cunt and ass squeezed and milked the pumping, erupting pricks harder than before, grabbing at them as they fired more and more of their hot, packed loads of steaming jizz into her.

“Ohhhh, shittttt!” Kathy screamed as her body trembled over and over again. She was sandwiched by two bucking, hard muscular bodies and loved every second of it. They squeezed the breath out of her as they slammed in, milking their balls and spewing cocks in her ass and cunt-lips. Kathy silently prayed that her orgasm would last forever as she felt rivers of sticky come ooze out of her cunt and ass and trickle down her thighs to the pile of curtains that served as their bed.

Finally the groaning, thrashing and gasping stopped. The three of them lay there exhausted, clinging to one another for support.

“Too bad Kathy’s not starring in an X-rated flick. She’d be great, and she’s got all the lines and blocking down,” Pete said, pulling away and laughing softly.

“Maybe we could change some of the lines in this play,” Bob wondered as he started to buck backward and slide his softening dick out of Kathy’s clenching shitter.

“Ohhhh,” Kathy cried when Bob finally yanked his prick free of her ass-hole. Bolts of searing heat shot through her body, making her pussy contract suddenly against Pete’s still-buried dick.

“Hey, we’d better get cleaned up,” Pete said as he glanced at his watch. “The rest of the cast and crew are about to come in.”

“Shit!” Kathy groaned, struggling to her feet. She tried to keep her balance as she staggered over to her wrinkled clothes in the corner of the stage.

“Hey, Kath, clean up. You don’t want to excite the dog, do you?” Bob said as he pulled on his pants. Kathy looked around and saw the sheep dog standing behind her, panting heavily. She’d been bending down, and the dog thought it was a cue for him to get ready to mount her.

“Oh, somebody take care of him,” Kathy moaned as she turned around and covered her drooling snatch protectively with her skirt.

“A little shy ever since that Dane jumped you yesterday, huh, Kath?” Bob said, grinning and winking as he pulled the growling dog away from the blonde.

“You don’t have such a good beginning with your co-star. Don’t forget, you’ll be playing with him on the stage,” Pete said as he buttoned his shirt.

“Just let me get used to the idea for a while,” Kathy said as she started to pull on her blouse. “Shit! It looks like a herd of elephants ran over my clothes,” she said in disgust as she threw them back into the corner of the wings.

“Jesus! An actress two days and ready she throwing temper tantrums,” Bob joked as he walked over to the wardrobe rack Helen had left there the evening before. “Here, wear your costume for a while, while I send these out to be cleaned. We’ll just tell them you wanted to get into the part early.”

Kathy slipped into her costume just in time. The rest of the cast began to filter into the auditorium. At first they stared curiously at Kathy, wondering why she was in costume already when they hadn’t even had their first rehearsal. Pete went around explaining that she was just over anxious. Besides, Helen, the wardrobe mistress, wanted to make sure that the costume fit just right.

“Okay, everybody. Listen up,” Pete said as he gathered of them at center stage. Kathy and the rest of the cast watched as Pete blocked out the first scene of the first act. Kathy listened so intently that she forgot about the fucking that she’d been doing in the theatre earlier. She was going to make good on the stage. She was determined.

“Okay, now let’s everybody take their places and let’s try it out for the first time,” Pete said as he jumped off the stage and started up the aisle.

Just as Kathy was uttering her opening lines, she noticed Connie walking down the center of the auditorium.

“Sorry to disturb you,” the brunette called out to the cast as she slid next to Pete. “But I just had to see how things were working out. Besides, since I provided one of the stars for you, I want to see how my investment is coming along.”

Kathy turned around and looked at Saber. The sheep dog breathed unevenly, his tongue hanging out limply from one corner of his mouth as his sides heaved in and out. Kathy glanced at his cock and sighed in relief. Maybe he had asthma or something but at least he wasn’t excited enough to unsheathe his prick.

“Okay, let’s get going!” Pete ordered. Kathy smoothed down her costume with shaking hands and placed a straw sun hat on her head. “Run onto the stage Kathy. Remember, you’ve just been working in the fields and you’re exhausted, coming in for a breather. The dog follows you.”

“I’ve got it,” she said confidently.

“Okay, action,” Pete called out, settling back in his seat and folding his hands in his lap.

The scene went well and as it was drawing to a close, Kathy was to be left alone in the corner of the stage, supposedly cooking dinner with the dog at her feet while two men who played her sons were having a spirited argument. As she sighed in relief that all her lines for this scene had been delivered, Kathy was aware of Saber suddenly rubbing wildly against her legs.

“What the…” she started to whisper, then looked down at the animal. His cock was fully extended, and he started to make motion as if he were going to jump her!

Kathy gasped, then looked cautiously around over her shoulder. The big table behind her partially blocked the view of her and the dog. Everybody was concentrating the two sons.

“Easy, boy. Easy, Saber. Just wait until the end of the scene.” Kathy whispered to the panting dog as she stroked his hot, heaving sides.

But the dog didn’t take no for an answer. He started to whine, prancing desperately back and forth behind Kathy. She knew that it wouldn’t take much to set the dog off. Kathy didn’t particularly care if either Bob or Pete found out, but she’d have been shamed to tears if everyone else in the cast knew that she fucked animals.

“Okay, okay. I’ll tell you what I can do now,” Kathy whispered as she saw an opaque droplet of pre-come ooze out of the pointed piss-slit of Saber’s prick-head. She looked around one more time and saw that nobody had noticed her. Kathy dropped her sun hat on the floor and kicked it against the puzzled sheep dog.

“Oh!” Kathy cried out as if it were a line, bending down, as if to pick it up. She took one more quick look to make sure no one was watching. Then she reached carefully under the hat. Her kick had been accurate, sending the hat directly against the dog’s stiffened cock. Kathy’s found the animal’s jumping prick and squeezed it. Saber jerked and growled loudly.

“Easy, boy. Don’t make such a racket,” Kathy whispered, sliding her fingers back and forth on his knobby, pointed cock shaft. The dog began to pant heavily, whining softly in between his heavy gasps as Kathy felt drop after hot drop of come ooze out of his prick-head and trickle between her sliding, pumping fingers.

“Come, damn you, come!” Kathy said in a soft voice. She couldn’t do this forever. The argument was coming to an end. If Saber didn’t pop off now, there’d be no way she could continue to jack him off and get away with it. Everyone would either see her milking the dog’s cock, or they’d see his stiffened prick and wonder how it got that way.

“Come, damn you!” Kathy urged as she swirled her fingers around his hot cock. In spite of her situation, Kathy felt her cunt fire up at the touch of the animal’s prick. She wished that they were back stage where she could really take care of Saber’s cock.

“That’s it boy, that’s it,” Kathy said soothingly as she felt the sheep dog’s prick twitch violently between her fingers. Then it began to swell and quiver. As the argument between the two sons ended, Kathy heard the soft spattering sounds of come slamming against her straw sun hat. He whimpered and whined, but the argument was loud enough to muffle the dog’s noises.

“Good! Great!” Pete exclaimed as the scene ended.

“Marvelous,” Connie cooed. “But one thing, Peter. Why was Kathy on the floor at the end of the scene? I mean, she’s not dying or anything is she?”

“Kathy? I didn’t see that. Is something wrong?” Pete asked as Kathy walked up to the spotlight. She could have kicked Connie in the teeth for bringing that up. Kathy could tell from the brunette’s smirk that she knew what had happened back there.

“Uh, no. I thought I lost something up there and was looking for it,” Kathy stammered out.

“Well, thank goodness. The way she was down there with the dog, well, you never know,” Connie said, winking at Kathy as she edged out of the row of seats and headed up the aisle. “Good show, people. Keep it up,” Connie called out as she left.

Bitch! Kathy thought as she clamped her sun hat down hard on her head.

“UGH!” she cried, feeling wads of dog come sliding into her hair.



“I don’t understand why you want to wash your hair now,” Helen said as she came in with a set of bath towels.

“Never mind,” Kathy said as she grabbed the towels and ushered the wardrobe mistress out of her dressing room. “I’m just a little tired and dirty,” Kathy said without explaining, she gently pushed the woman out into the hall.

“Actresses! I’ll never understand them,” Helen said disgustedly and then walked away.

“Thank God!” Kathy said, throwing off her hat and stepping to the sink. She felt the warm water run through her hair, rinsing out the sticky jizz.

“That damned dog,” Kathy muttered as she turned off the water and toweled her hair dry. Then she thought of what happened, there she was, on stage with a troop of professional actors, jacking off a dog in the rear of the set with everyone supposedly watching what was going on. She leaned against the sink and put her hands up to her mouth, trying suppress her amusement.

Well, if the play’s a flop, I can go down on my hands and knees and give doggie fuck-acts, Kathy thought.

Then she heard something pawing against her door.

“Come in. It’s open,” Kathy called as she threw the towel over her damp hair to give it a final rub-down. “I said come in,” Kathy shouted. “Damn!” she mumbled under her breath and walked briskly to the door and threw it open.

“I said you could – ohhhh!” Kathy cried in surprise. Saber was standing at the door and panting rapidly as he looked up at the blonde and barked.

“So, you decided to take up my proposition, huh, boy,” Kathy cooed as she kneeled down and rubbed the big dog’s hairy neck. “Well I don’t see anybody watching us,” Kathy said as she looked carefully up and down the hall, “They’re not going to start blocking out the second scene for another hour yet. Why don’t we kill some time,” Kathy said, letting the dog in.

“Okay, boy, we’ll make it quick. I’ve got to go over some lines,” Kathy said as she jumped onto the couch in her dressing room and hiked up her costume exposing hr pantyless crotch.

“Come here!” Kathy called out as she spread her knees apart. She moved her hand slowly across her belly, rubbing her hot skin gently before she slid them toward her sucking snatch. Slowly Kathy slid her hand down to her cunt-lips. She rubbed the red, rubbery membranes, moaning softly. A tiny trickle of hot pussy juice oozed out from between the swelling labes. At once Saber leaped forward, jumping on the couch and barking as he pushed his snout hard against her crotch to sniff at her flowing juice.

“Ummmm, Saber!Oh, g-g-gaaawwdd, fuck Kathy!” she cried as she felt her nipples tighten. The sheep dog moved back a few inches as if he were hesitating.

“What are you waiting for? Shit, fuck me!” Kathy moaned as she banged her ass angrily up and down on the groaning couch. The dog barked playfully, then jumped off the couch and started running around the room.

“Get up here! Ohhh, get up h-h-here!” Kathy shrieked as she felt her pussy sucking and rubbing and throbbing with each stroke she gave it.

But the sheep dog seemed to want to play games. He jumped up on the couch, sniffed at her throbbing snatch, gave her pussy hairs a tentative lick, then jumped off and ran crazily around her dressing room again.

“Fuck me, you bastard!” Kathy shrieked in frustration as she pinched her throbbing clit between her thumb and forefinger.

The animal seemed to sense her sudden desperation. Saber stopped his playing and leaped onto the couch, ready to do business with Kathy.

“That’s it boy!” Kathy cried, jerking back at the first tongue contact. But she didn’t want to startle or play games with the animal any more. She stroked his head coaxing him forward as he licked her swollen labes. Saber lapped up the cunt-juice that oozed down her thighs. Gradually Kathy felt his tongue dig deeper and deeper into her snatch as she tried to move the animal’s head up to her itching, aching clit.

“Aiyeee!” the blonde screamed as Saber’s long, rough tongue finally sanded across the red, sparking tip of her tiny organ. Her body bucked with excitement as she felt his hot tongue slide across the sensitive knob again and again. He seemed to know what she wanted as he dug, probed and sloshed into Kathy’s twitching snatch.

“Ohhhh, Saber. Do it again!” Kathy moaned, sliding her hands up to her tits and squeezing them, trying to relieve the tension and pain that racked her taut nipples.

Saber continued to drive his tongue into her slit harder and deeper, scraping the top of her sensitive clit and sending her into a delirium of ecstasy.

“Ohhhh goood! Boy, good boy!” Kathy cried, wrapping her thighs around the dog’s head tightly. She wanted to come. She wanted to feel her body explode in climax as the dog lapped away at her swollen clit.

“Lick it, baby. Oh, shit, oh yessss, lick it,” Kathy groaned as she felt herself propelled violently toward climax. Kathy knew that she was about to slam into an orgasm any second. The dog seemed to sense her growing need too. He began to lick more furiously, sloshing his tongue noisily in and out of her twitching cunt. He slid it across her banging ass-cheeks, occasionally poking it into her shitter as Kathy writhed and thrashed on the couch. She mashed in her nipples as she dug her head into the cushions and slammed her spit-dripping cunt high in the air against Saber’s spearing tongue.

“Oooh!” Kathy screamed as she felt the first searing spasm blow over her throbbing clit. “FUCKIN’ JEEESUS!” Kathy shrieked, driving her fingers deep into the cushions as the orgasm began to overwhelm her. It sent shocks of pleasure to her clit and down to her ass-hole. Her body bucked and thrashed as she threw her snatch up to the dog’s face. Her smooth, white ass slid and slammed up and down as the sheep dog growled with satisfaction.

“Ohhhh,” Kathy finally moaned, reaching for Saber. She wanted to cuddle his furry head in her arms next to her swollen tits.

“Good dog! Maybe later Kathy’ll take care of that cock for you again,” she said, noticing that the animal’s prick as stiff and banging against her raised ass-cheeks.

“Kathy? Kathy honey. It’s Connie,” a voice called sweetly from behind the locked dressing room door.

“Connie! Oh, just a minute,” Kathy said, throwing her legs down quickly and jumping off the couch. She didn’t have anything to hide from the brunette. But Connie had a smirking, know-it-all attitude that made her uncomfortable. If she saw Saber in the same room with Kathy, it wouldn’t take Connie too long to figure out what had been going on a few minutes earlier. Then there’d be that sly smile and wink. Kathy didn’t have anything to fear from Connie. It was just that she didn’t enjoy being uncomfortable all the time.

“Come on, boy,” Kathy said, dragging the sheep dog into the closet. “Now, damn it, be quiet, and I’ll give you all the snatch you want later.”

Thank God! Kathy thought as she closed the closet door and brushed back her hair. “Connie, what a pleasant surprise. I thought you’d left the theatre,” Kathy chirped as she let Connie in.

“I did, but decided to come back and congratulate you personally. You’re really quite an actress and – my, whatever IS that smell in here?” Connie said slyly as she poked up her nose and took in a good whiff of the heavy musky air.

“Oh, probably the old clothes stored in here,” Kathy said, trying to hide the blush growing on her face. She should have known better. Trying to hide the odor of vaporized snatch juice from Connie was impossible.

“Mmmm, those old actresses must have carried on in their costumes rather regularly,” Connie said under her breath as she strolled up to the couch and noticed a large wet spot in the middle of the center cushion. “Perspiration from your studying?” she asked as she pushed her right forefinger up against the wet spot, then brought it up and tasted it. “Ummm. If anyone knows the taste of snatch juice, honey, Connie does. Now, what was going on in here?”

“Well, oh hell. I was bringing myself off,” Kathy lied.

“Somehow, that just doesn’t hold water,” Connie said as she looked around the room.

“Nobody home,” Kathy said, laughing nervously, as she started for the door to let Connie out.

“Aha! The closet! I should have known that you’d sneak one in there. What’s burrowed behind all those costumes – my ever faithful husband?” Connie asked sarcastically as she ran to the closet door and threw it open.

“Oh God!” Kathy groaned as the dog jumped up.

“Ohhhh!” the brunette cried, startled at the sudden attack. Then Saber started licking her face, and the woman broke out into laughter.

“So, now you know what happened,” Kathy said with her hands on her hips.

“Not exactly. But I’ve got an idea. You don’t have to hide anything from me. You forget what happened on the stage a little earlier.”

“I-I just feel a little uncomfortable with so many people knowing,” Kathy stammered.

“Honey, it’s only me knowing.” Connie said, getting to her feet. But Kathy really didn’t trust Connie.

“I’m sorry,” Kathy said softly as she felt Connie wrap her arms around her waist. God, does she want to lick my snatch again? She wondered.

“Come on. Let’s take care of the dog again,” Connie said, winking slyly at Kathy.

“But I just came with him,” Kathy said, wondering how she could get Connie out of her room.

“Doesn’t matter,” Connie said, reaching behind her neck and unzipping her dress. “You’re cunt’s like a machine. I think I told you that before I can spot pussies like that a mile away, honey.”

“I’m not a slut!” Kathy said, a little offended by Connie’s candid remark.

“I’m not saying that, baby,” Connie said as she pulled her dress over her head. “If anything, I’m the slut. I don’t have a snatch that craves cock-meat like yours does. If I fuck, generally it’s to get something – money, power, control. That’s being a slut,” Connie kicked off her high heels and slid her sheer pink panties to the floor.

“But can’t stay in this room all day,” Kathy said as she watched Connie whip off her bra and climb onto the couch.

“Nobody’s asking you to tie yourself to the bed,” Connie said as she parted the cushion in front of her. “Up here, boy. Connie’s got an itch that needs some scratchin’,” the brunette said she traced her fingertips lightly over the tops of brown-black cunt hair.

“I’ll bet that dogs are about the only thing that turn you on,” Kathy said suddenly.

Connie stopped her finger-tickling for a second, and stared harshly at Kathy.

“Maybe when you’re a little more experienced in the world, you’ll find out what I have. Men are a disappointment for the most part.”

“I don’t think so,” Kathy interrupted.

“Let me finish!” Connie said angrily. “Some are good in the sack, some aren’t. But in the long run, they all ride roughshod over women. But a dog or another broad – well, they take care of your cunt just as well, and without all the fuss and bother men make out of a screwing,” Connie said.

“I don’t agree at all,” Kathy countered, feeling her tits tingle and her pussy quiver as she watched Connie’s rubbery cunt-lips swell and redden with excitement.

“That’s your bag,” Connie said, shrugging her shoulders as she wriggled her hot pussy in front of Saber. “As for me, I’ll stick with our furry friends and bodies with tits.”

Kathy watched as Connie banged her ass up down on the couch. It was a signal to the dog.

“Come on, you stupid sonofabitch! Get up here and start tonguing’ my hot clit!” Connie cried as she raised her hot gash high into the air.

Kathy licked her lips. She hated to admit it, but she was turned on by the sight of Connie’s exposed cunt. She wanted to open her mouth and tongue the smooth, stretched hot pussy membranes while she strummed and pinched the brunette’s throbbing clit.

“God!” Connie cried as Saber burrowed his muzzle deep into her sucking snatch. She threw her arms into the air, then clamped her fingers tightly against the sheep dog’s head and drove him in and out of her pussy like a big, hairy dildo.

“Shit!” Kathy cried out, feeling her nipples swell and scratch against her costume. Pussy juice bubbled out from between her quivering, puffy labes as she became more aroused.

Suddenly there was a knocking at the door.

“Kath? Kathy, you in there?”

“Shit! It’s my husband!” Connie whispered anxiously as she shot up from the couch.

“Oh, my God!” Kathy whispered back, realizing that there wasn’t enough time to get Connie dressed. “Does he know about you?”

“I don’t know. Guess so,” Connie shrugged.

“That’s not good enough,” Kathy hissed as she pulled Connie off the couch and pushed her toward the closet. “I’m not going to have a husband-wife confrontation scene in my dressing room. Especially with that damned dog in here,” Kathy said as she shoved Connie and the animal into the closet.

“If you have any more visitors, you’ll have to find somewhere else put them,” Connie mused as Kathy closed the door.

“Funny lady,” Kathy shot back.

“A few more people and we can play gin,” Connie called out from behind the door.

“Quiet!” Kathy called out just before she opened the door.

“Why should I be quiet?” Bob asked as he walked into the room with her pile of clothes.

“Ohhh, nothing. I was just practicing my lines,” Kathy said nervously.

“That’s what I like about you, Kathy.” Bob said as he placed her clothes down on the damp couch. “You’re one of the few people here who take this stage work seriously enough to work at it.”

Kathy smiled, pleased that Bob liked her performance. She would have loved to hear more, but she remembered Connie and Saber packed into the closet. She could talk to Bob later about her career. Right now, all she could think about was getting him out of the room.

“Thanks, Bob. Now you’ll have to leave so can study my lines and keep you proud of me,” Kathy said as she took him gently by the arm and led him to the door.

“Why? We’ve got plenty of time for that later. Right now, why don’t we try out some scenes from a different play, like Oh, Calcutta!” Bob said as he slammed the door shut and grabbed her around the waist.

“Oh, God, don’t!” Kathy said, stricken with horror. Connie wouldn’t stay packed in that closet for long if Bob continued to make a pass at her. Kathy knew that the brunette was jealous of her husband. Anything that remotely resembled fucking would bring her screeching out of the closet.

“Come on, baby,” Bob moaned as he moved his hands up to her tits.

“Oh, Bob. Stop that kidding!” Kathy said in a loud voice as she tore herself free from him and backed against the couch.

“Kidding? You weren’t kidding when Pete and I fucked you this morning,” Bob said as her eyes opened wide in surprise. “Now you’re suddenly playing the virgin.”

“Ohhhh!” Kathy groaned, covering her eyes as she saw the closet door fly open.



“Well, I think we’ve all had our little say,” Connie said, kneeling down and stroking the big dog’s throat.

“What were you doing in there?” Bob asked nervously, pointing his finger at the closet.

“What do you think? I was keeping the dog company,” Connie said, shrugging at her bewildered husband.

“What was the dog doing in there then?” Bob asked Kathy who had sat down on the couch.

“I couldn’t think of anywhere else to put him when your wife came in,” Kathy said simply.

“What!” Bob asked in surprise.

“You’ll have to excuse my husband. He’s a simple man. A stud, maybe, but still simple,” Connie said sarcastically, smiling coldly at Bob.

“I don’t understand,” Bob said.

“See?” Connie murmured, smiling broadly at Kathy.

“Look. It’s getting a little crowded in here,” Kathy said. “I think we’d better make some kind of general explanation around this room.”

“Oh, goody. It’s the truth game. Kathy, you go first. I’m sure you’ve got a story that’ll blow my hubby’s mind, won’t it, honey pot?” Connie said, watching Bob’s expression.

Kathy sighed deeply, then started to tell Bob what had happened in the room. She told him about the dog scenes she’d had with the Dane, Saber and Connie, and Saber alone. Bob seemed to reel under the explanation.

“Well, you certainly managed to spill the whole kettle of beans, darling,” Connie said, visibly shaken by Kathy’s total revelation. “Now, what about that little episode on stage with you and Bob and Pete I just heard about?”

Kathy decided that since she’d gone this far, she might as well tell the whole story.

“My, my, my,” Connie said when Kathy had finished. “She’s just been in the stage for two days, and she’s done enough to make Elizabeth Taylor and Zsa Zsa Gabor envious.”

“Listen, Connie. I don’t know what’s between you and your husband – that is, if there is anything between you two any more. But I’m not going to be caught the middle. If you’ve got marriage problems, solve them on your own. I’ve got a part to learn right now, and a husband at home who I’m happy with, in spite of how it might look,” Kathy stated.

“Come on, babe. Let’s bury the hatchet,” Bob finally said to his wife.

“In your throat,” Connie hissed between her teeth.

“Oh, God!” Kathy groaned. Wouldn’t they ever get out?

“Look. Maybe our marriage isn’t the best in the world but you know I’ve got to have variety just like you do. I don’t bother you in what I want, even if it is a little, uh, exotic. So, I can’t see why what I do should bother you,” Bob said.

“Oh shit, what’s to bother about anyway?” Connie said disgustedly as she continued to stroke the animal’s throat. Kathy could see that brunette wasn’t moved by her husband’s argument. But at least the threat of a marital explosion, right under her nose had been stopped for a while.

“My lines?” Kathy said after several seconds of painful silence passed.

“Fuck your lines,” Connie said.

“How about fucking Kathy?” Bob suggested.

“For once, I think you’ve got a good idea,” Connie said, arching her eyebrows and looking it hotly at the blonde.

“What? All of you?”

“And don’t forget doggie here. I’m sure we can find a hole for him to plug somewhere.” Connie said, running her hand down from the sheep dog’s throat over his belly to his sheathed cock.

“Why not?” Bob said, flipping the lock on the door as he started to unzip his trousers.



“Hey, I’ve never seen a broad make it with a dog before,” Bob said as he pushed his shorts down to his knees and rubbed the swollen tip of his prick-shaft gently.

“You want a show?” Connie asked in amazement, “I never knew my husband was a listener. But you never can tell about people you’ve known for years. Well, Bob, I was in the middle of a licking when you popped in to deliver Kathy’s things. Might as well get back to it.”

“You strip down, too, Kath,” Bob said as he cupped his heavy balls.

“By all means. This isn’t a formal occasion, Kathy,” Connie said as she watched the blonde unzip her costume and let it fall to the floor.

“Come on, Connie,” Bob urged.

“Come on, boy. You’ll take care of mommy, won’t you,” Connie cooed to the sheep dog as the animal began to pant heavily. He was too excited whine or whimper. His cock started to poke out even before Connie had said anything to him. Kathy watched the red-pointed tip easing out more and twitching faster. Her clit seemed grow and quiver in sympathy.

“Me! Me!” Kathy cried out as she stepped in front of Connie.

“Ugh!” Connie grunted as she sat on the couch. “See what kind of leading lady you’ve got? Seducing your co-stars all the time,” Connie said sarcastically as she jammed her fingers into her snatch and started strumming her throbbing clit.

“Ohhh, good boy, good boy, Saber. Come on,” Kathy said as she slowly knelt to the floor. Kathy could feel her cunt juice soaking through her pussy hairs. Her tits ached with excitement as the dog trotted over to her.

“Take him on like a man,” Bob cried excitedly, running his hands up and down his thick, throbbing cock. “Come on Saber,” Kathy moaned to the dog as she sat on the floor and pulled her hands up to her stiff, reddened nipples. The animal barked then leaped forward, placing his huge forepaws on her heaving chest. Slowly he lowered his head to her swollen tits.

“Christ, he’s gonna start licking her tits!” Bob gasped as he staggered forward and gaped at the scene.

“What do you think? I’ve trained him well,” Connie grunted as she tugged and pulled at her aching, twitching clit. Bob glanced briefly at his attractive wife and watched her face become contorted with passion. Her fingers glistened with layers of her hot pussy juice as she continued to scrape her welcoming cuntal walls.

“Lick my tits, Saber! Come on, lover, scrape your tongue over my nipples,” Kathy moaned, running her hands to the sheep dog’s head and pushing him down to her chest. The dog started slurping the taut brown skin.

“Christ!” Bob cried in amazement.

“Ughhh!” Kathy groaned, bringing her hand up to her tit and pinching her nipple in time to the animal’s lapping.

“Oh, fuck! Oh,that feels good! Oh, shit! You bastard!”

Kathy screwed her ass cheeks back against the floor as the dog’s tonguing became more and more frenzied. Saber swirled and lapped roughly over her nipples, then swept between her mammoth tits almost up to her chin. Then he went back to slathering her twitching, sparking nipples again.

Kathy felt her clit swell and swell. She spread her legs as best she could, hiking then in the air and locking her ankles around the sheep dog’s back.

“God, she’s gonna take him on,” Bob groaned as he bent down and reached under the dog. Kathy screamed and jerked as Bob trailed his fingertip across her stretched cunt-lips.

“Aiyeee!” the blonde screamed as the dog continued to lap at her tits. “Oh, Saber,fuck me! Jam that cock into my cunt!”

Kathy felt the dog hunch up and down, and guessed that he was just about ready to jam his cock into her.

Bob watched Kathy with lust-glazed eyes, knowing that she wanted to be fucked. Her cunt-lips were filled and stretched with blood. Rivers of pussy-juice oozed between them. Everything about Kathy shrieked that she was ready for the fucking of her life. Kathy bucked and heaved on the floor while Connie leaned back on the couch, hiking up her legs and freely strumming her throbbing clit.

“Now!” Kathy shrieked. “Now! Fuck Kathy!” she moaned.

The dog started to hunch wildly, slamming his prick against her quivering, firm ass-cheeks. Kathy wanted to build herself up to an orgasm that would send her flying out of the room, and since there were two other people in the room, she wasn’t going to pop off just with the dog in her pussy. She’d use Saber as an extra spice for all of them.

“What’s she doing?” Bob asked in surprise as Kathy suddenly sat up and spun around.

“God only knows,” Connie said, just as curious as her husband as she watched Kathy change positions.

“Easy boy,” Kathy said soothingly to the dog as she slid between his hind-legs. She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, flicking it at his heavy, furry hanging balls.

“Christ! She’s gonna blow him!” Bob exclaimed as he watched Kathy hungrily lap at the animal’s balls.

“Ohhhh, good boy. Kathy’s going to get you good and hot.”

She felt the hairy, tough skin with the tip of her tongue as she wrapped her fingers around the base of the animal’s throbbing cock. Saber whimpered and jerked backward, but Kathy held him tightly, running her tongue slowly over his balls and down to the thick base of his prick.

“Christ! Ohhh!” Connie groaned as she felt her thick, blood-engorged cunt-lips clamp shut tightly around her invading slender fingers.

“Mmmmm,” her husband echoed as he used the droplets of pre-come oozing from his cock-shaft as a sticky ointment to rub down his jerking shaft. Kathy looked back up at Bob and watched his prick throb excitedly. She felt her cunt fire up like a bonfire as she saw Connie and Bob sway back and forth, trapped in their own personal lust.

“That’s it, Saber. Don’t move. Just stand here and put on a good show for the people,” Kathy moaned as she looked back to the dog. She trailed her thick tongue over the animal’s balls, swirling it in tiny circles and bringing it back to the throbbing base of his prick. At the same time she ran her finger lightly down the full length of Saber’s slick, knotty prick, stopping at the pointed cock-head to pick up a drop of pre-come on the tip of her finger before sliding back along his cock-shaft.

“Ohhh, Jesus!” Kathy moaned, feeling her clit vibrate like a plucked harp string. She wrapped her lips tightly around the dog’s sacs and sucked them hungrily into her hot mouth. She applied suction and felt the sheep dog’s balls and skin being drawn to the back of her throat. She heard him growl loudly. Kathy dug her teeth into what she guessed to be his scrotum and felt the dog try to run away.

“No, Saber, Kathy’s not trying to hurt you,” she cooed, raising her hand from the dog’s jerking prick to stroke his heaving sides in reassurance. She moved her hand back to the dog’s prick and started jerking him off.

“Ohhh, fuck! Shit!” Connie cried, closing her eyes tightly and clamping her trembling legs tightly against her stabbing hand.

“Mmmm!” Kathy groaned as she lowered her other hand to her cunt and stuck her first two fingers into the hot, juicy gash. As soon as she touched her erect, throbbing clit, Kathy felt herself shake and spasm wildly.

“woooeee!” she cried.

“Don’t come!” Bob stammered as he walked up to her and banged the tip of his cock against the back of her head.

“Jack off in her hair!” Connie commanded.

“Ohhh!” Kathy moaned as she felt Bob grab a handful of her silken blonde hair and wrap it around his hot, throbbing cock-shaft. The woman looked at the dog and saw that he was shaking excitedly. He was about to blow his load.

“Oh, God, Saber. Don’t come yet! Oh, no!” Kathy shrieked, feeling his cock swell and his balls jounce and contract. She knew that his hot doggie jizz was boiling out of his balls and exploding into his quivering, expanding prick-shaft.

“Oh, God, please, don’t.” Kathy begged, sliding under the howling dog. She saw his tiny piss-slit expand and knew that in an instant the first wad of thick jizz would come spewing out of the hole and into the air. She couldn’t let it go to waste. Kathy lowered her mouth the sheep dog’s throbbing dick and clamped her wet lips over Saber’s cock-head.

“Unnghhhfff!” Kathy, cried incoherently as she felt the first blast of come shoot past her lips and spatter against the slick membranes of her throat.

“God! She’s really blowing that fuckin’ animal!” Bob shrieked as he rubbed his cock wildly.

“Mmmmm!” Kathy moaned as the thick white dog-cream seeped from her mouth and trickled down her cheeks. Kathy thought the dog’s balls would never stop shooting the sticky, salty-tasting fuck-juice. She had never realized how much come Saber could shoot. She prayed that he had some left for Connie.

“Mmmmm, oh! God! That was fantastic!” Kathy gasped as she swallowed the last load.

“You really groove on dogs, don’t you?” Bob exclaimed as he looked down at his reddened prick-head.

“Oh, she’ll take anything on,” Connie said as she relaxed for a second.

“How about my wife?” Bob asked.

“You really are in a watching mood, aren’t you,” Connie said, a little surprised by this sudden and apparent new side to her husband.

“I’m in the mood to do anything,” Kathy groaned as she jumped up from the floor and sat on the couch.

Connie giggled, spreading her thighs eagerly as Kathy dove onto her cunt-lips. The sharp aroma of cunt-juice filled her nose as Connie’s pussy hairs tickled her cheeks and upper lip. Kathy grabbed Connie’s firm hips, shoving the woman’s pussy hard against her nose. She looked up through the spit-soaked snatch hairs at Bob. Watching his eyes widen more and more with passion, Kathy realized that she loved showing her sexual prowess to him.

“Ahhhh!” Connie screeched as Kathy snaked her stiff tongue between the hot cunt-lips and probed deep into the wet mounds of clinging cunt-flesh Kathy tickled and probed with her tongue and lips, making Connie moan, lurch upward, and grab her hair. Feeling the slender fingers dig into her hair, Kathy realized that she enjoyed the sense of power and control over the brunette. Maybe this was the dyke side of her. Then Kathy thought of what Connie had said about her pussy – it was insatiable. Was she a nympho? This wasn’t the time to think that problem through. All she knew was that her cunt became more sensitive and demanding after each fucking session she had.

“Ohhhh!” Connie cried squirming more frenziedly as Kathy moved her tongue higher to the brunette’s stiffened clit. While she lapped at the sparking nubbin of flesh, she suddenly wished that Bob would jam his cock into her snatch.

“Coming!” Connie cried crazily as she squeezed her tits desperately.

Kathy didn’t know whether to bring Connie off or not. Then she remembered how quickly the brunette could recover from an orgasm.

“Now! Now!” Connie screamed, banging her hot, sweaty thighs against Kathy’s throbbing, sucking head as torrents of hot cunt-juice spewed out of her gaping, hot dark gash. Kathy licked all the juice she could, until Connie released her and went limp.

“She’s come,” Bob said disappointedly.

“That never stopped her before,” Kathy gasped as she licked Connie’s matted pussy hairs tenderly.

She trailed her tongue and lips through the kinked black crotch hairs and up to Connie’s navel. She worked her way further up to the big mounds of tit-flesh, caressing her tits with she tongued and sucked each hard nipple.

“Oh, ohhhh!” Connie cried.

“My God!” Bob exclaimed as he watched his wife turn on again.

“See, I told you so,” Kathy said, flashing a quick glance at Bob before she went back to caressing the brunette. Finally Kathy pulled Connie’s mouth to her own. They kissed wildly, their tongues probing deeply into one another’s mouths. Connie slipped her hand between their grinding bodies and inserted a finger into Kathy’s quivering cunt. Kathy screamed into Connie’s mouth, then broke away and rolled over onto her back. Bob’s sparkling eyes were there, glued onto her swelling pussy.

“For Christ sake, don’t just stand and there and jack off,” Kathy finally managed to pant out as Connie continued finger-fucking her.

“Fuck!” Bob cried as he jumped onto the couch, turning Kathy on her side as he slid down her belly, tonguing her hot flesh every inch of the way. At the same time, Connie slipped her finger out of Kathy’s hot hole and slid down her back, sucking, biting and slavering Kathy’s back. Kathy gasped as Connie jabbed the tip of her tongue against her ass-hole, then moaned again as Bob slithered his tongue in between her swollen pussy lips.

“Nooo!” Kathy groaned as he two probing, stabbing tongues nearly drove her out of her mind. She hunched forward, then backward, tossed between the husband and wife team. Kathy clutched at Bob’s bobbing head with one hand, reaching around and clutching at Connie’s head with the other.

Soon Kathy felt herself shuddering toward a long, overpowering orgasm.

“I don’t want to come like this! Nooo!” she protested, trying to tear herself away from the two of them.

“Fuck, I’ll take care of both of you,” Bob growled as he slid back up on the couch and rolled Kathy over on her back.

“Not in my cunt,” Connie said, about to climb off the couch.

“In your ass,” Bob said gruffly as he worked his knee between Connie’s legs and Kathy’s.

Kathy trembled with lust as he felt Bob’s hands sliding down her belly toward her pussy. She heard Connie moan and guessed that Bob was finger-fucking her. Kathy’s clit twitched and ached, begging for a stiff prick to rub and jam against its sensitive, rumbling wet walls. Suddenly Kathy reeled as Bob’s finger came to rest on the tip of her hot, swollen clit. It made her sensitive nerve endings quiver with pleasure. Bob strummed and rubbed both their throbbing clits, making the two women writhe, buck and toss in a rhythm to his probings. Kathy bounced against the man’s hairy legs, then bucked against Connie’s heaving body only to bang against the producer’s thighs again. The three of them heaved and moaned together as Bob pushed fingers deeper into their shuddering cunts.

“Hey, we forgot about the pooch,” Connie suddenly said.

Kathy turned and saw Saber pacing frenziedly back and forth.

“You take care of him with your mouth, Connie,” Bob grunted as he patted the arm rest just above Connie’s head and whistled to the dog.

“Mmmm,” Connie groaned as Saber jumped up to the couch and started to climb onto her threshing body. “Turn him around,” the brunette said.

Kathy watched eagerly as Bob moved the dog around until his jerking prick throbbed just above Connie’s parted lips and his forepaws rested on the arm rest.

“Fuck me!” Kathy groaned as she spread her thighs as far apart as she could. Bob waited until his wife had raised her head and opened her mouth, clamping her thick lips around Saber’s knotty, long red prick. Then he moved slightly and slid his head down, sticking his face into Kathy’s crotch and making her cry in passion as he began to stroke her twitching reddened and throbbing clit. “Fuck Me! F-f-fuck m-m-meee!” Kathy shrieked. She couldn’t wait much longer. The slurping sounds Connie was making as she blew Saber were turning her on more every second. She wanted to screech with passion.

“Unnghhhh!” Kathy groaned as Bob sank his teeth into her cunt-lips. He tugged at them, making her nerve endings send tremors through her body, Kathy could feel Bob’s heavy breathing on her snatch. Then he moved down again, running the tip of his tongue along her cunt-lips and toward her ass-hole.

“Fuck me!” Kathy cried.

“Ggfffggfff!” Connie groaned, sucking loudly at Saber’s prick.

“Shit, she’s blown him off already,” Bob said as she pushed the howling dog off the couch. Tiny drops of jizz still spurted out of the animal’s prick as he jumped to the floor. “On your stomach,” Bob said roughly to his wife as he reached under her and pushed her over.

“Ohhh, Godddd!” Connie cried in pain as Bob suddenly lurched between her legs and drove his cock hard against the tightly puckered shit-hole.

“Aiyhee,” Connie cried out with delight and pain as his cock-head stretched her ass-hole. “GO SLOW, YOU FUCKER!” But Bob had other plans. He rammed the full length his cock into her shit-hole until its base jammed against her painfully stretched skin. He pulled back about halfway, only to drive his shaft back in again, slapping his balls noisily against Connie’s trembling, white ass.

The woman’s sobs of agony gradually turned to familiar groans of ecstasy, and began buck back in rhythm to Bob’s plunging. Kathy watched hotly as the producer pumped his shit-slicked prick up and down, tearing at his wife’s sucking, clenching ass-hole.

“Ohhhh!” Kathy cried in surprise as Bob suddenly pulled out of his wife’s ass and jammed his cock into her cunt. Kathy shuddered in revulsion, knowing that his dick was probably covered with some of the brunette’s shit. And now he was pumping it into her cunt. But his cock felt so good, and her cunt walls were clutching tighter and tighter around the hunching thick shaft. She squeezed and milked at the rod, trying to pump and suck the come from his balls.

“Yesss!” Kathy cried out. Bob leaned forward and sucked her nipples, bit her shoulder, and fucked his dick in and out of her squishing cunt. His breathing became heavier, then turned to irregular gasps as he closed his eyes and slammed his sweaty, hot groin against her raw cunt-lips.

Suddenly Bob yanked his cock out of her cunt drove it into Connie’s ass-hole. Kathy heard about being left dry, and now she knew what it meant. The blonde had begun to feel her pussy contract, to feel a hard knot deep in her belly slowly begin to untie. Her tits were swelling and her nipples ached for relief when Bob tore out his cock and shoved it into his wife’s ass-hole.

“Ahhh!” Connie screamed. Kathy sighed in relief. It sounded as if the woman the woman were shooting up to fast climax. That would mean that Bob would be back in her cunt soon and would be able to finish her up. “AIYEEE! NOO!” Connie finally shrieked as her cunt spasmed in a series of clit-shattering contractions. It was all over for her.

Bob moved quickly. In seconds he was in Kathy’s cunt again. He jammed his fingers hard under her bouncing butt for her ass-hole and finally found it. Kathy felt her shitter quiver while Bob jammed two fingers in her hole, stabbing them in and out in time his cock’s slamming rhythm. Kathy inhaled sharply as she braced herself for the final explosion she felt about to wrack her pussy.

“Ohhhh!” she groaned. Kathy’s cunt was growing tighter all the time. She felt her pussy muscles tighten under Bob’s erratic thrusts, felt them grip his cock so that it became difficult for him drive is prick in.

“N-n-nowwww!” Bob shrieked.

“Ahhhh!” Kathy screamed as she felt her pussy and ass-hole break into a simultaneous series of contractions. She bucked and screamed, nearly shoving all three of them off the couch as she felt herself floating into a world of vaporized snatch juice, come and sweat.

“Ohhhh, God!” Kathy finally managed as Bob yanked his cock out of her pussy.

“Well, I’d better get back home,” Connie said smiling broadly at Kathy. “You and my husband can finish up.”

“Both of you’d better go, and take Saber with you,” Kathy said as she climbed off the couch after Connie. “I’ve got to study my part.”

“Ah, yes,” Connie said, pulling up her dress. “The show must go on. With this crew, it should be X-rated.” Connie stroked Saber’s big head and stared hotly at her husband’s limp prick.



“Nervous honey?” Joe asked as he traced his fingers lazily across Kathy’s slackening cunt-lips.

“Oh, God, yes,” she said closing her eyes and trying to fight the fluttering feeling of panic that was making her stomach churn and rumble. Tonight was opening night. And even Joe’s frenzied fucking a few seconds earlier hadn’t been able to take the edge off.

“Well, I’ll be out in the audience rooting for you,” he said, kissing her lightly on the cheek before rolling off the bed and heading for the bathroom.

Kathy watched him disappear and felt a little guilty about her fucking around in the theatre. Would he understand if she told him how she’d been acting? Joe had never mentioned anything about introducing anything irregular or exotic into their love-making, although she was almost sure he was getting a little snatch on the side at his gym in Beverly Hills. Right now wasn’t the time to talk about extra-marital affairs. But after the play, Kathy was sure that she’d have to come to a new understanding with Joe. She still loved her husband. But she knew that she was going to need more than just his prick to keep her satisfied.

“Better get dressed honey,” Joe called out from the bathroom before he turned on the shower.

Kathy moved around the bathroom numbly, pulling on her clothes mechanically as she ran through her lines mentally. She prayed that she wouldn’t freeze up on stage. There would be hundreds people in the audience. Maybe there would even be some scouts from the movie studios there. She heard that they sent people out to all the little theatre productions looking for new talent.

As she climbed into the car with Joe, Kathy dreamed of how she might be launched into a career of movies or television with this production.

“Hurry up, Kathy,” Pete said as she walked into the back stage entrance of the theatre. “You’re a little late,” he said, looking Joe who’d walked in with her and was grinning sheepishly.

“Sorry,” she mumbled nervously.

“We’ve got a full crowd out there. Lots of little old ladies,” Pete said as Kathy turned around and smiled sickly at him.

“She’s a little nervous,” Joe said as he squeezed her hand. “I’ll be out there, remember,” he whispered as he walked away.

“Come on, Mrs. Murphy,” the wardrobe mistress said as she pushed Kathy into the dressing room. “We’ve only got a few minutes to get you ready.”

Kathy felt her heart throbbing crazily as Helen slipped on the costume and arranged her hair. She felt like a doll being directed around as she heard the call boy announce that the curtain would be going up in three minutes.

“Good luck. Break a leg,” Helen whispered in her ear as she opened the dressing room door for her.

“Thanks,” Kathy said quiveringly as she headed quickly to the stairs that led up to the stage.

“Okay, everybody. Take your places,” Pete said as Kathy reached the top of the stairs. “Hi, Kathy. You’ll be great. Just get in position.”

“Yes,” Kathy said mechanically.

“Hey, don’t forget the mutt,” Pete said, pushing Saber toward her.

“That’s the last thing she’ll forget,” Connie said from behind one of the prop curtains. “I’m back here to root you on, kid.”

Kathy looked at the brunette and saw her smile kindly at her. She smiled back, and saw that Bob was behind his wife, winking at her. Something must have happened between them. And whatever it was, it looked as if peace were declared between them. Kathy was glad. It seemed to take off the edge of her nervousness. It helped her to know that everybody was pulling for her.

“Curtain in thirty seconds,” Pete whispered as Kathy walked onto stage and sat down in one of the chairs.

Kathy inhaled sharply, then prepared to deliver her first line as she saw the footlights come into view.

The first monologue went smoothly. Everything seemed to be going well until the part of the first scene where her two sons had their argument. Kathy was with the dog in the back of the set, supposedly cooking dinner when she realized something was wrong.

“Kathy, the dog!” Pete hissed from behind the set.

“What’s wrong?” she whispered back, afraid to turn around. She didn’t want to let the audience know that anything might be wrong.

“He’s got a fuckin’ hard-on!”

Kathy eyes widened. Saber seemed to have somehow associated this part of the scene with the jacking off he’d gotten from her before. He was obviously expecting more of the same right now.

“Easy boy, easy,” Kathy groaned as she kicked the animal with her right foot. He howled at the sudden blow.

“What the hell are you doin?” Pete hissed.

“Get him off the stage,” Kathy whispered back.

“How? I can’t walk on just like that.”

Kathy felt her cunt-lips swell in spite of her awkward position. The audience would be able to see Saber’s stiff cock any second now if she didn’t do something fast. The animal began whimper and whine excitedly.

“Shut UP!” Kathy whispered again, kicking the sheep dog harder.

“My God!” Pete whispered loudly as the dog howled in pain and surprise.

“Here boy, here,” Connie whispered from the wings, trying to get Saber’s attention. But the dog seemed oblivious of everything but Kathy’s cunt. He wanted her snatch right now. And all the kicking in the world couldn’t stop him.

“Get mommy’s snatch,” Bob whispered, hiking up Connie’s skirt and exposing her pussy to the surprise of the stagehands and Pete.

“What’s going on?” Pete whispered loudly as the stage crew broke into loud chortles.

Kathy flushed red is she heard murmurs start up in the audience. People were beginning to notice the dog and forget about what was going on between the two actors.

“Goddamn you!” Kathy hissed loudly enough to be heard by the audience. She felt anger and lust well up inside her as she looked down and saw Saber’s cock seem to grow longer, harder and thicker each time she kicked him.

“My God, what’s happening?” she heard several old women whisper hoarsely as she gave the dog another kick. That was the last one that Saber could tolerate. With a loud growl he jumped up, jamming his huge paws on Kathy’s tits and knocking her against the kitchen table.

“Ohhh!” Kathy cried out as she reached back to try to balance herself. Her hand slid along the slick table top surface, and she fell backwards, knocking over the table. Her legs flew into the air as the two actors stopped their lines and wheeled around see what had happened.

“My God, bring down the curtain!” Pete shouted as Saber jumped up on Kathy.

“Ohhhh!” Kathy cried, dazed by the sudden fall and forgetting where she was for few seconds. The stage hands didn’t hear Pete, or were too fascinated by what was happening to pay attention to him. Saber had found Kathy’s cunt-lips spread wide apart and had taken advantage of the situation.

“Mmmmnngggg!” Kathy cried with obvious pleasure as the animal drove his knotty prick all the way into her exposed pussy.

“Aiyeee! Ohhh! Aiyeee!” the women in the audience shrieked as they jumped to their feet and pointed in horror at the bucking, thrashing Kathy.

“Bring down the fuckin’ curtain!” Pete howled. His voice carried into the auditorium and brought more shrieks of protests from the outraged audience.

“Fuck! Fuck!” Kathy groaned as she felt the sheep dog’s prick bang up against her stiffening clit.

“Curtain!” Pete howled, running to the ropes and releasing the curtain.

“Cominnnngggg!” Kathy howled as Saber fired his first wad deep into her pussy.

“Police! Police!” People screeched as the curtain finally fell to the stage.

“Better get her out of here,” Connie said to her husband as she ran out to the stage.

“My God! Oh, what have I done?” Kathy groaned as Bob and Connie helped her to her feet.

“You put on a performance that Pasadena’s never seen before!” Connie said, trying hard to keep back from laughing as she led Kathy off the stage.

“What? What?” Joe sped as he ran backstage to his wife.

“Don’t worry about it,” Bob said as he let his wife take Kathy back to the dressing room. “I think maybe it’s time that we all have a little talk.”

Joe looked completely bewildered at Bob, then at his retreating wife.

“Come on,” Bob said, taking Joe by the arm and leading him down the stairs to Kathy’s dressing room.


“And that’s the whole story,” Connie said, stroking back Kathy’s hair as she finished telling Joe what had been going on the past few days.

“Whew!” Joe said shaking his head slowly as he stared at his depressed wife.

“I-I don’t blame you if you divorce me,” Kathy said, shaken still by what had happened. “But I can’t say that I’m sorry for what’s been going on, Joe, honey, I still love you, but…”

“Hey, don’t apologize. I know, babe. In fact, I was going to suggest that we open our marriage a little,” Joe confessed a little sheepishly.

“What?” Kathy said.

“I guess you’ve suspected what’s been happening out in the gym – I mean between the customers, and me,” Joe began.

“So, you have been fucking those fat old broads!” Kathy cried in indignation.

“Hey, Kathy. Take it easy. Remember, you haven’t exactly been playing Penelope with your husband,” Connie said.

Kathy looked at Connie, and then at Joe.

“Oh, I guess not. What’s good for the goose and all that shit,” she said.

“I don’t mind what you do. But I think we could have a lot more fun if we do it together instead of sneaking around each other’s backs. That is, if you don’t mind watching me fucking other women. I think watching you fuck other men would be a real turn on for me,” Joe admitted.

“Oh, Joe, if I’d only known,” Kathy said, jumping up and running to her husband.

“Well, we could try out our new plan right here,” Joe said, smiling at Connie and Bob.

“Right after that horrible scene?” Kathy groaned.

“Forget about it. And can’t think of a better way to do that than a good old-fashioned fuck,” Joe said.

Then there was a knock at the door.

“God, the police!” Kathy groaned as she shrank behind her husband.

“Let me take care of this. I practically own this city,” Connie said as she walked confidently towards the door.

“What the hell’s going on?” Pete howled as he burst into the room when Connie opened the door.

“Didn’t you see?” Bob asked calmly as Pete stood in the middle of the room panting.

“Didn’t I see? The whole damned town saw!”

“Don’t worry about it. We can pass it off as an unfortunate accident,” Connie said. “I’ve got enough pull and cash in this city to make everybody forget about what happened up there.”

Pete stared dumbly at the four of them.

“I don’t believe it. You sit here like nothing’s happened!” Pete exclaimed.

“On the contrary. Plenty’s happened,” Connie said, winking at the director as she walked over to the door and slammed it shut. “And if you take off your clothes, we’ll show you exactly what’s been going on!”

“What!” Pete gasped.

“Shut him up,” Joe said as he hiked up his wife’s costume and jammed his fingers into Kathy’s dog-jizz-filled cunt.

“And I know how do it!” Connie said as she reached down quickly and unzipped his fly.

“I don’t…” Pete began, then howled in surprise as Connie flipped his cock out and dropped to her knees, wrapping her hot lips around his stiffening rod before he could back away.

“Nnnnghhhh!” Pete cried as Connie ran her tongue over his shaft.

“Come on, let’s strip down,” Joe said as he unbuckled his trousers.

In seconds the floor was littered with discarded clothes. Pete spat on his fingers, then rubbed the puddle of spit over his pulsating cock-head. He moved quickly behind Kathy and hunched down, grabbing her firm ass-cheeks and pulled them apart.

“What are you – Unnghhhhh!” she groaned as she felt his hot, wet cock slide up her asshole. “Cunt! Cunt!” Kathy cried, failing her arms wildly in the air.

“I’ll take care of that,” Connie groaned as she dropped to her knees, spearing her tongue into Kathy’s hot gash.

“Aiyyeeeee!” Kathy screeched as she felt Connie’s stiff tongue jab into the soft, sparking mounds and folds of pussy flesh. Joe meanwhile slid under Connie’s bouncing ass.

“Damn! I’m gonna get this thing in a cunt if I can,” he groaned as he jabbed up at Connie’s wet, hairy slit.

“Get Kathy on the couch,” Bob said, rubbing his prick up to full stiffness.

“I’ll lay down and keep her on top of me,” Pete grunted as he backed up to the couch.

“Oooohhh!” Kathy grunted as she felt herself falling backward. Pete managed to keep his dick embedded in her asshole as he balanced himself on the couch cushions.

“Still gonna take care of that cunt,” Connie groaned as she crawled on the couch and inched between Kathy’s flailing legs. She leaned down and opened her mouth, lapping at the blonde’s quivering, swollen cunt-lips as Joe jumped up behind her.

“Brace yourself, baby,” Joe wailed as he wrapped his hands tightly behind Connie’s hips, then drove his pick easily into her slackened shitter.

“Ummmm!” Connie moaned. She didn’t seem to have any discomfort at Joe’s ramming.

“Jack me off, damn you,” Bob said to his wife he leaned back slightly to take in the four-some. Connie wrapped her slender fingers around her husband’s cock, frigging it wildly as she continued to lap Kathy bubbling juices.

“Unnnghhhh!” Kathy groaned as she felt Connie’s lips close around her throbbing clit and suck gently. She responded by backing her ass hard against Pete’s hunching groin. She felt her tits and pussy exploding wildly as Connie’s tongue and lips drive her cunt to orgasm. Kathy screamed again, slamming her pussy up hard against Connie’s parted lips. She felt the brunette’s tongue dart against her swollen clit, making it throb wildly as she clamped Pete’s prick.

“Don’t! Don’t!” Pete cried from behind her, hunching his thighs up and driving his jerking prick deep into Kathy’s butt.

“Can’t help it!” Kathy grunted as she felt herself soaring into climax.

“Arrghhhh!” Pete screamed, his balls jiggling with each violent contraction that tore through his cock. Kathy could feel her ass catch fire as wad after wad of lava-like come blew into her shrieking, milking ass-hole.

Pete’s climax was the trigger that threw them into little throes of orgasm. Kathy screamed as she felt torrents of hot juice bubble on of her pussy. She heard Connie gurgling and gagging on the fresh discharge.

“Fffuuuuccckkkk!” Joe screamed from behind Connie as his first squirt of jizz sprayed into the brunette’s jiggling ass.

“Ohhhh,” Kathy cried in surprise as she felt something hot and sticky splash against her itching, hot tits. It was Bob’s jizz, milked out of his balls by his wife’s expert fingers. The hot fluid splashed down on her erect nipples, acting a soothing balm that satisfied the growing itch and tingle that had gripped them.

“More! More! More!” Kathy screamed, driven on by more spasms by Bob’s spraying cock.

All of them screamed and grunted. Their bodies stiffened and shook violently as rivers of hot, white, sticky come sprayed in every direction and dripped to the couch and floor.

“Whooo,” Joe finally said, falling back on the balls of his feet and yanking his prick out of Connie’s asshole.

“Unghhh,” Kathy groaned as Connie gave her cunt-lips a last playful nibble before she crawled off the couch.

“Hey, you’re suffocating me,” Pete grunted as he hunched back and slid his cock out of Kathy’s asshole.

“Oh, Joe! I’m so glad that you’re not angry at what been happening,” Kathy said as she slid off the couch with a stream of Pete’s jizz leaking from her back hole and embraced her husband.

“Shit, I still don’t know what’s been going on,” Pete said as he scratched his head.

The four laughed at the director and shook their heads.

“Pete, if you want to join our little group, you’ll have to be a little more perceptive,” Connie said, rubbing her aching cunt-lips lightly.

“And you don’t mind – about the dogs, hon?” Kathy asked her husband nervously.

“Hey, baby. If that’s your thing, I’m not gonna say anything about it. In fact, it can be a real turn-on for…” Joe began.

“I know. I’ve heard that before,” Kathy said. She felt her body satisfied for the first time in a long time. Kathy felt peaceful and liberated. At last she was free to do what she wanted.

“And as for the theatre…” Bob said.

“As for that, you can hang it up,” Kathy said. “I did that just to have something to do besides clean up the house. Now it looks like I’ll be too busy to worry about the stage.”

“Unless it’s something like Deep Throat,” Connie mused.

Kathy raised her eyebrows. Maybe she could combine her sex life and the stage.

Joe seemed to read her mind. “Hey, why don’t you bring the dog in here to see what kind of script we can get going,” he suggested.

“If I can find him,” Pete said, pulling up his trousers.

“You think we can get away with it?” Joe asked.

“In L.A.? You’ve got to be kidding,” Connie said in surprise.

Kathy smiled and felt her cunt rumbling again. Dog cocks and male cocks. And the movies yet! She sighed contentedly, wondering who or what breed her new co-stars would be?

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