Women with Animals
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Mrs. Whitiker – The Early Years


(c) 2008 by litlwillie

Many of you who have read my story “My Girl Sandy and Me” will be familiar with Mrs. Whitiker who owned the neighboring farm where I earned spending money doing chores. This is her story as she related it to me. The story starts a little slow so I can set the theme and give you some background about Mrs. Whitiker when she was much younger. It will get better I promise.


Mrs. Whitiker grew up on the farm she now owns. It had been in the family for generations and was a Centennial Farm because it had been in the same family for over 100. years. Her Great Great Great Great Grandfather had moved to that part of the country when it was opened for settlement and had gotten a land grant for 1000 acres of prime land. Over the years portions of it had been transferred to relatives as inheritances. Now there was about 500 acres left.

She was one of 2 children born to her parents. Her brother was 10 years older than she. Mrs. Whitiker’s name is Mildred but she was always called Millie by her family and friends. Being a farm girl Millie was very familiar with animals and at a fairly early age got the normal farm sex education. When the various breeding times came she would sneak around and watch the action. She would get these queasy feelings in her stomach at least at the time she thought that was where it was centered. She had watched the family’s two dogs Brutis and Maggie mate many times. Brutis and Maggie were both Doberman Pincers and Burtis must have weighed about 175 pounds and Maggie only slightly less. Brutis’ cock was about 8 inches from the tip to where the knot began and maybe another 3 inches of knot and 2 inches behind the knot. When he and Maggie would mate they would always end up butt to butt stuck together by Brutis’ knot. They would be that way for 15 minuets or more. When Millie was older she was allowed to help during the breeding times, but this was only after her older brother was killed early in the Korean war.

Millie discovered her own sexuality one day while she was riding her pony Mike. I asked her why she called him Mike. She said it was because when she first got him he was as stubborn as her brother and her brother’s name was Mike. Well that day she was riding Mike to the swimming hole so she had on only her swimming suit. Usually she would wear shorts and a blouse over it and would take them off when she got to the swimming hole. But this day it was particularly hot so she had decided not to. Also she didn’t saddle up Mike for the same reason. So Millie was riding him bareback and the little bump at Mike’s shoulders would now and then rub against her pussy. Every time it did she felt a little shock in her pussy. At this time she hadn’t discovered her clitoris so she didn’t know what was causing the feelings she was having every time the bump between Mike’s shoulders rubbed her pussy but she liked it. Millie soon realized that the little shocks felt pretty good so she slid a little more forward on Mike’s back. This allowed her pussy to continuously rub the bump. By the time she reached the swimming hole she was pretty aroused.

Millie didn’t know any thing about human sexuality but she knew that her pussy was a lot like the pussies of the female animals she saw when she would sneak around during breading time. When she got to the swimming hole she dismounted and allowed Mike to wander around grazing on the grass that grew there. Millie laid her towel on the ground and sat on it. She proceeded to investigate her pussy because she wondered why it felt the way it did. Because all of the previous times she had ridden Mike nothing like this had happened. As Millie touched the fabric that covered her pussy she found that it was very wet and at first thought is was just her and Mike’s perspiration since it was so hot that day. As she rubbed between her legs Millie was soon able to get the same feelings she had gotten when she had been riding Mike. It was only a very short time before she wondered what it would feel like with her hand on her bare pussy. Feeling confident that no one would see her she stood and stripped off her swimming suit and sat back down on the towel.

She caressed her breasts and lightly pinched her nipples. Millie had often rubbed and pull on her nipples she liked the way it felt. It gave her the same queasy feelings she got when she watched the animals breeding. Because she did this so often her nipples now stuck out at least 1/2 an inch when they were erect. Her right hand moved down across her abdomen and finally reached her pubic mound. She laid back on the towel and raised her knees by sliding her feet toward her ass. Millie then spread her knees as she curled her fingers over to touch the lips of her pussy Millie realized that a most of the moistness that she had felt in the crotch of her swimming suit had not been perspiration from Mike but had come from her pussy. As she rubbed the lips of her pussy more wetness seeped from between the lips and oozed down the crack of her ass. She knew from seeing the animals breed that there had to be a hole where this wetness was coming from. Millie started at the top of the slit formed by her pussy lips and pressed her finger between the lips. She jumped as her finger slid over the little bump that was her clit. It was as though an electrical shock had discharged right in her pussy. She couldn’t decide whether it felt good or it hurt. Maybe it was a little of both.

As Millie continued to slide her finger along the slit pushing the wet lips aside, her finger slid over her clit sending more of those good-hurt feelings into the core of her pussy. She then felt the hole were the wetness was oozing from and she slid her finger into it. This felt really good. Millie started sliding her finger in and out in and out like she had seen the male animals side their cocks in and out of the female animals pussies. Ohhhhh! she moaned as the tension built in her pussy. She close her eyes and thought of the male animals fucking the females. How good it must have felt to have their pussies fucked by such hard cocks. Would it feel this good to have a guys hard cock fucking her pussy?

Although Millie had never seen a guys cock she had seen Brutis’ cock many times and thought that a guys cock had to be something like it. As she dwelt on the thought she had in her head she was startled by the sound of splashing water not to far from where she was laying. She yanked her finger from her pussy and sat bolt upright turning toward the sound. There stood Mike. Lost in finger fucking her pussy while thinking of a guy fucking her pussy she had not heard Mike’s approach. Mike was pissing and it just happened to land against a rock that lay in the grass. Had it not been for the rock Millie provably would have heard Mike pissing and would not have been startled out of her day dream.
Recovering from being startled she noticed Mike’s long fat cock hanging there where Mike had let it down to piss. Wow! she thought. Mike sure has a big cock. The female ponies sure must have liked getting fucked by that thing. It wasn’t hard but Millie could imagine it got even longer and bigger as Mike would mount the females and fuck them. She had seen some of the stallion horses mount and fuck the mares from a distance and their cocks seemed really big.

Millie realize that she needed to get back home so she quickly jumped into the water for a few moments to rinse off. She got out of the water and put on her swimming suit with out drying off thinking it would be cooler on the ride back home. The rest of the evening was uneventful as she had chores to do and then it was time for supper. After supper there was some TV time before going to bed. Millie decided to take a quick shower before going to bed. As the warm water washed over her lithe body she began to recall what had happened at the swimming hole. She cupped her perky breasts and tweaked the nipples that protruded from them. As she lightly pinched each nipple between her fingers and thumbs a moan escaped her mouth. Ohhhhh! that felt good. She then allowed her soapy had to slip toward her pussy. Again she slipped a finger between her pussy lips and got that same shock as it slid over her clit. She soon decided that it may be more comfortable in her bed so she dried off wrapped the towel around her body making sure to cover her breasts and ass.

As Millie entered her room she closed the door and locked it so she could have privacy. As she didn’t want to be interrupted this time. She dropped the towel as she crossed the room to her bed. She turned on the small lamp on the night stand. It wasn’t a bright light it was only just a little brighter than the night light that lit the bathroom at night. She always thought that in her room the light set a romantic mood. Millie slipped onto the bed an assumed the same position that she had been in at the swimming hole. She again slipped her finger between the lips of her pussy. They seem to be puffier now than they had been earlier that day and she was really wet from the anticipation of what she was about to do. Millie pusher finger into the hole she had discovered earlier. It felt really good as she slid her finger in and out of her pussy. As she finger fucked herself she began to think about cocks. She tried to concentrate on guys cocks but just could not picture one in her mind. She had never see a guys cock and could only guess what they looked like. Her mind wandered among the various cocks she had seen when sneaking peaks of the breeding sessions that routinely took place on the farm.

Soon her mind settled on the one cock she had seen up close and personal. Mike’s big fat pony cock. As she continued to fuck her now sloppy wet pussy with her finger Millie envisioned Mike’s cock at full hardness. Ohhhhh! it was so big. She could see herself reaching out and taking Mike’s hard male member in her hands. It was so big she couldn’t wrap one hand completely around it and she could feel it throbbing with Mike’s sexual arousal. Just as Millie had the thought of what it would be like to get fucked by that huge pony cock she had her first orgasm. It rocked her whole body. With her finger buried in her oozing pussy she could feel the spasms of her orgasm causing her pussy to squeeze her finger seemingly not wanting to let it go. As her orgasm subsided she realized that she had been thinking of being fucked by her pony’s cock! Millie felt ashamed because people didn’t have sex with animals! She vowed to never allow herself to think about such an act again. Little did she know that she had begone a journey down a road that would change her life forever.


Well that day triggered something in Millie. Every time she saw the animals mating her pussy would get dripping wet and her clit would throb. It turned out that Millie was one of the lucky, or unlucky depending on how you look at it, gals with an exceptionally large clit. When she was really aroused it would stick out at least an inch and get as big around as her index finger. This caused a lot of problems because her panties would rub against her engorged clit. One day after viewing the dogs mating she had and orgasm while she was her way to the house so she could go to her room to masturbate. In fact ever since the swimming hole incident where she discovered her sexuality Millie would finger fuck her wet pussy and stroke her large clit at least 3 times a day and more if she has opportunity.

It wasn’t very long before she broke her vow about not thinking of having sex with animals. Millie didn’t get many chances to be around guys. The only time she did was when family would come to some holiday dinner and she would see some of her male cousins or on the occasional trip to the city. Of course there was school but from the fact that she lived a rural area the school was a one room school house. All the guys were either immature or just jerks so none of them appealed to her although the guys noticed Millie. Her breasts developed earlier than the other girls her age and were as large as her mother’s 34 C’s. They were just to big for her lithe body as by this time she was only 5′ 2” tall and had 20 inch waist. And whether it was one of the immature ones or one of the jerks the guys only seemed to be interested in one thing and that was copping a feel of which ever breast was closest to him.

So Millie either snuck around during breeding times to watch the animals fuck or watched Brutis slamming his big cock into Maggie’s pussy all the while wondering how Maggie’s pussy could take such a large cock without getting hurt. One day after having seen the boar hog screw a sow and seeing that strange shaped cock Millie was so wet that the crotch of her shorts was wet with her pussy juice. Just after seeing the pigs go at it she came across Brutis mounted on Maggie,again, and fucking Maggie so hard that with each thrust Maggie was driven forward several inches and Brutis having his front legs tightly wrapped around her was following right behind. To relieve the ache that grew in her pussy from watching Brutis fuck the daylights out of Maggie Millie snuck off to her favorite secluded spot, stripped off her shorts and panties, and finger fuck herself until she had 3 or 4 orgasms and was so weak from the experience that it took half an hour before she could pull herself together. Though she vowed never to think of having sex with an animal the vision still fresh in her mind was Brutis’ big cock driving into Maggie. As Milllie finger fucked her dripping wet pussy with two fingers Brutis’ cock filled her thoughts and she wondered what it would feel like to have that fat thing stuffed in her pussy driving her forward on her knees. She felt so ashamed at giving into the lust that overcame her. Sex with animals? Only perverts did that.

Well it was bound to happen. Millie had gone to her favorite seclude spot. She stripped off her shorts and top. She finger fucked herself until she was in a stupor. It was another one of those sessions where she seen the animals mating. Maggie had come into season again and Brutis was once again ramming his big cock into her pussy. That big red cock streaked with blue vessels and that huge knot fucking in and out until the knot became lodged in her doggie pussy. Millie lay there semi-conscious with her legs spread wide opened. She was shocked back to full consciousness by something rubbing her pussy from the bottom of her slit up and over her clit. She sat bolt upright and there was Brutis backing away because Millie had startled him when she suddenly sat up. OMG thought Millie. Brutis had been licking my pussy!!!! Feeling herself She realized that she was very aroused. Her clit stood firm and proud. The lips of her pussy were puffy and open and her pussy juice seemed to be gushing out of her. How long had Brutis been licking her before she realized it? What did it feel like? Would he do it again? Should I let him? Crazy thoughts ran through her mind. Sexual thoughts. Thoughts of sex acts with Brutis!

Millie laid back and spread her legs. Will he come and lick me again? She thought. Soon Brutis became brave enough again to approach Millie however he was cautious. Slowly he approached sniffing the air taking in the scent that was coming from his mistress. Closer he crept until his nose touched her pussy. Millie jerked a little, but not enough to frighten Brutis, who immediately began lapping the juices that flowed from her. His tongue felt nothing like her fingers felt when she would rub her clit and finger fuck herself. His tongue was ruff but did not hurt as Brutis licked the bottom of her slit up and over her clit. Every time that tongue slid over Millie’s clit she shuddered and sucked in her breath. Ohhhhhhh! Moaned Millie. Never had she felt any thing like this. Sure her fingers felt good when she rubbed herself and when she stuck them in her pussy. However the sensations she was receiving now were heaven in comparison. Yeeeeessssss, she moaned as Brutis continued the assault on her free flowing pussy. The more he licked the wetter she got. Millie raised her knees to allow Brutis more access to her hot pulsing pussy. Ohhhhhhhh Brutis Yeeeeeessssss she screamed as his tongue slipped between her pussy’s lips and partially penetrated her. She raised her ass from the ground allowing even greater penetration by Brutis’ oral member.

Millie was now lost in the torrent of feelings that washed over her lithe body. Her legs trembled as her muscles contracted and relaxed. She sucked in her breath and stopped breathing as the orgasm washed through her being. Millie nearly passed out from the intensity of her orgasm. As she lay there Brutis continued the onslaught. Millie returned to the world of the living with Brutis still there between her thighs licking the puffy inner lips which had become engorged due to her sexual arousal. Unable to withstand any more she reached down and pushed him away and closed her legs prevented Brutis from reaching her very sensitive pussy lips. Brutis whimpered and pushed his nose at the triangle formed by the junction of her thighs and pubic mound. Millie did not relent. She kept her legs tightly closed. Not being able to reach the place he had been licking Brutis found her breasts. Her nipples stood proud on the mounds that rose above her chest and he attacked them with as much vigor as he had her pussy. This was to much. Millie reached for her clit and with only a few strokes was off on another breath taking orgasm.

When she had had enough Millie sat up and shooed Brutis away. However Brutis did not move very far away and stood there whimpering. It was then that Millie noticed the big red cock that hung under Brutis’ haunches. OMG it’s so huge thought Millie. Not that she had not seen it before but never this close. She could almost reach out and touch it. Calling Brutis to her she caressed his side saying “Good boy, good boy.” Her hand slid along his side until she reached the spot above his loins. Millie allowed her hand to slip under Brutis and brush against his cock. Oooooooooohhhhhhhhh! Though Millie. It’s so hard. She then grasped it with her hand wrapping her fingers around that hot shaft. It was so big that she couldn’t touch her fingertips with her thumb.

As soon as Brutis felt her hand wrap around his throbbing cock he started humping. Pre-cum already had been dripping from the hole at the pointy tip. Millie could feel the bone that allowed the male dog to penetrate the females pussy without having a full erection. Brutis humped Millie’s hand and she stroked his hot throbbing dog cock. So big. So hot. So hard. Never had Millie held a cock in her hand. Yet here she held Brutis’ hard throbbing dog cock. Spurt after spurt of pre-cum and then cum shot from the maleness she held in her hand. Soon Brutis was done and pulled away. He went over and laid in the grass and began to lick his cock clean as it returned to the sheath that protected it. Millie was in a sexual daze. She gathered and put on her clothes without any thought and found herself opening the back door to her house before she regained and normal sense of where she was.

All through dinner that evening, during her shower and as she crawled into her bed for the night all Millie could think about was what seemed to her to be a massive cock . Dog cock! Millie slept fitfully that night. The happenings of the day flowed through her mind and into her dreams. People don’t have sex with animals. Yet she had allowed Brutis to lick her pussy. He had driven her to orgasmic ecstasy. Her own fingers intimately familiar with her body could not elicit the feels that Brutis had been able to with his tongue. She hadn’t forced him to perform that sexual act upon her. In fact she had not even been aware of his presence until his tongue took that first swipe the length of her dripping pussy. And when she held that cock in her hand with Brutis humping away trying to relieve the animal lust that had built in him as he had licked the wet pussy of his mistress, she felt Brutis’ need for release. She was only taking care of his need.

As Millie finally drifted in a deep sleep she dreamed of Brutis fucking Maggie. His huge cock pounding her pussy as he stroked his cock in and out with jackhammer like strokes. Each in stroke driving her across the grass. And the knot first small and then growing larger and larger until it became lodged in her tight pussy locked the two mating animals together. And Maggie screaming in orgasmic bliss. Maggie? Screaming? No! Wait! It wasn’t Maggie being fucked into unconsciousness. It was his mistress’s pussy that he was pumping full of his hot dog cum. Millie with three fingers stuffed in her sopping pussy screamed as her orgasm over took her. Brutis, fucked her and pumped her pussy full of his dog cum.


Having awoken from the dream with her body trembling in orgasmic delight Millie knew that her life as she had known it was forever changed. She knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that the moment opportunity arose that she would allow Brutus to fuck her. She would willingly give her virginity to him. Millie would be Brutus’ new mate. However the old taboo was lurking there in her mind. People don’t have sex with animals only males of the same species just like in the animal kingdom.

Well summer drew to a close and it was time for school to start again. Millie was not looking forward to going back to school. She just knew that the males of her species would again take every opportunity to ogle her large breasts and cop a feel when they thought they could get away with it or accidentally bump into her in the hall. She hated that more than anything else. It seemed that the boys were only interested in her as a sex object not as a person. On the first day of school the buss rolled to a stop at the buss stop to pick up Millie. When Millie got on the buss the first thing she noticed was the new boy. She didn’t know who he was but he was really cute. He would have preferd to be called handsome but then she did not voice her opinion but smiled as she passed down the isle to her favorite seat. The one curious thing Millie noticed was that when he looked at her he did not stare at her breasts but looked into her eyes as she passed by.

At the next stop Millie looked up and there coming down the isle was that cute boy. He stopped at her seat and said, “Hi, My name is Jim. May I set with you?” Millie didn’t know what to say because instead of staring at her breasts as he spoke to her he looked into her eyes. Finally she said, “Sure.” and slid over to the window to allow Jim to set down. Jim said, “Well you know my name but I don’t know yours.” It took Millie a moment to answer. Ever since she had developed her large breasts no boy had looked into her eyes when he spoke to her. Their eyes always were looking at her chest. She finally spoke and said, “Millie, Millie Taylor.” “Well is is very nice to meet you Millie Millie Taylor.” Jim said with a great big smile on his face because of the little joke about her name. Millie laughed and said. “No not Millie Millie. Its just Millie.” They both laughed. Millie for the first time really enjoyed being around a boy. Not only did he look her in the eye when he spoke to her but he had not tried to touch her breast nor even accidentally bumped into her. It would have been easy to fain an accidental bump since they were being jostled around as the buss bounced over the bumpy road.

On the way to school Millie learned that Jim’s last name was O’Donnell and that his mother was very ill so he came to live with his aunt and uncle for a while. His aunt and uncle owned the neighboring farm and the farm house was only 2 miles from Millie’s home. For some reason this made Millie’s insides queasy. When they arrived as school she walked him to the office where he had to check in since he was new at the school. Millie and Jim both said, “See ya later.” and Millie headed off to her locker to stow the books she didn’t need for her first few classes. She was pleasantly surprised when the principal walked in and introduced Jim to the class. The teacher told him to take a seat. There happened to be one right next to Millie. Jim smiled when he noticed that he would be setting next to her. He gave her a wink when he was right in front of her and thought no one else would see. Millie’s insides got queasy all over again. She didn’t understand why this particular boy caused these feelings in her. She had never felt a sexual attraction toward a boy before and Millie didn’t equate the sexual feelings she had toward Mike and Brutus with those she now felt when she was around Jim. Jim an Millie shared several classes and Jim made sure that he could set next to Millie.

During the school year the two became close friends and often ate lunch together and shared the same seat on the buss. One day Jim reached over and took Millie’s hand in his. She got that queasy feeling all over again but did not pull away. Soon it became known that Millie and Jim were an item. This made all the other boys envious because they imagined that there was more going on between Jim and Millie than there really was. To Millie that school year went by way to fast. Summer break was upon them and the prospect of her not seeing much of Jim made her feel sadder than she had ever felt. Never once during the whole year had Jim made any attempt to touch her breasts and Millie never once felt that Jim considered her to be a sex object. I suppose that you could say that Millie had fallen in love with Jim or at least had a great big crush on him.

One night at the dinner table Millie’s father mentioned that he was thinking of hiring someone to help on the farm over the summer and through harvest. Millie’s eyes lit up and with to much enthusiasm blurted out that she knew some one who would be perfect for the job and he lived with the Adams. Her father missed the enthusiasm with which Millie had blurted out her knowledge of some one who would make a good hand but Millie’s mother notice and wondered why Millie was so enthused about this person. Millie’s father asked her what his name was and she told him, “Jim O’Donnell.” After dinner Millie’s father made a phone call the the Adams to speak with Jim to see if he would be interested in the job and to have him come over so he could meet him and discuss the job and the wages that he was going to offer Jim. Jim told him that he would have to check with his parent as his mothers heath ad improved greatly and the plan was for him to return home.

Millie’s father told her and her mother that it looked like Jim would not be available for the job because he most likely was going to return home. At that moment Millie’s heart broke. She had never thought of the possibility of Jim not remaining with the Adams and he certainly hadn’t said that there was a possibility of him going home. Tears welled up in her eyes but she turn away from her parents excusing herself so that they wouldn’t see her crying. Millie went to her room and threw herself on her bed and spent the next hour in turmoil. What would she do? Jim had been the first boy to treat her as a person and not a sex object. Even after they more or less had become boy friend and girl friend not once had Jim attempted to touch her inappropriately. Though by now the way Millie felt about Jim she would have welcomed something more than holding hands and an occasional peck on the cheek. In fact she had often fantasized about being with Jim. About him making love to her. She would caress her breasts tweaking her nipples imagining that it was Jim who was evoking these feelings in her body. In her fantasy she freely gave herself to him. With her fingers stuffed in her pussy Jim’s cock fucked in and out of her steaming cunt touching the bottom of her hole with each thrust. With the pain and pleasure Jim’s cock brought to her body would be drive her to orgasmic bliss. With Jim around Millie had all but forgotten the lust she had developed toward Brutus. But in her subconscious Jim’s cock had the size and shape equal to the cock that hung from Brutus’ loins. She had forgotten that huge dog cock and how thinking about Brutus ramming his huge shaft into her human pussy had brought the same orgasmic bless as she stuffed her pussy with her fingers. Imagining Brutus fucking her with minimalistic frenzy had been her sexual release. Millie decided then and there that she would allow Jim to fuck her. She would give herself to him and revel in having him ram his cock in and out of her steaming cunt fucking her senseless.

A couple of days later Jim called and asked to speak to her father. He said that if the job was still open his parents had agreed to his staying through harvest. Since Millie’s father had not yet found someone else to fill the position he told Jim that he was hired and that he could start the next day at the wage they had agreed to earlier. At the supper table that night Millie’s mother asked her husband if he had found someone to work with him on the farm and he said that he had but did not say who it was. Millie’s heart sunk once again thinking that her father had hired someone other than Jim. Millie’s father said that Jim O’Donnell had called and told him that he would be able to work for him if the job was still available. When Millie learned that Jim would be working on the farm outwardly she remained as calm as possible considering the feelings she had for Jim, but she was ecstatic.


As the summer passed Millie and Jim had grown even closer than during the school year. There was a fondness and a sexual attraction between them. The pecks on the cheek became passionate kissing and the hand holding became cuddling but there never seemed to be a chance for Millie to bring her dream of being fucked senseless, by Jim’s imagined huge cock, to fruition. One Friday Millie’s mother and father took one of the infrequent shopping trips into town which was about 50 miles away. These trips were an all day event and often boring. So Millie begged to not have to go on the trip and Jim had chores that would keep him busy most of the morning. Since Millie had always proved herself t be trustworthy her parents readily agreed. Millie all but jumped up and down with joy.

Today would be the day! She would have Jim’s big cock filling her steaming pussy. Her panties became wet with cunt juice that freely flowed from between the lips or her virgin hole in anticipation of the fulfillment of her dreams. Millie could barely contain herself. She eagerly helped her mother do the few things she felt necessary before making the trip to town. Had her mother only known what was going through Millie’s mind she would have forced Millie to make thee trip like it or not. As soon as the truck was out of sight down the gravel road Millie rushed to the barn where she knew she would find Jim. She found him in the tack room which once had been a large grain bin. Running to him, throwing her arms around his neck, mashing her breasts into his chest and kissing him like she never had before Millie conveyed to Jim what she wanted. Jim not being slow witted wrapped his left arm around her to pull her more tightly to him, if that were possible. His right hand slid between them cupping her right breast. Millie moaned. The scent of her arousal rose between them filling Jim’s nostril. He cold not contain himself for he too had been fantasizing about fucking Millie.

He grabbed the hem of her blouse and ripped it from her body exposing the bra that confined her breasts. Millie was a little shocked at this but in her passion dismissed it as mere eagerness on Jim’s part. Jim mauled her breasts for a time and then reached behind her to unclasp her bra but fumbling with the clasp he became frustrated and ripped it from her revealing her 34C breasts, dollar sized auroral and nipples as large as the tips of her thumbs. Jim immediately attacked her nipples. Pinching, pulling and biting them with his teeth as he removed his shirt, undid his belt, the snap of his jeans and zipping down the zipper. He assaulted her breasts leaving bruises and soar and aching nipples in his wake. Millie began to regret initiating the situation in which she now found herself and even more so as Jim roughly shoved his hand down the front of her jeans. He felt the wetness of her arousal which had soaked her panties. Pushing is hand further into her jeans Jim squeezed her pubic mound to the point that Millie cried out in pain. Jim thinking that she was even more aroused removed his hand and with both hands yanked her jeans and panties down her legs exposing her pussy to his view.

Quickly grabbing a couple of the horse blankets he threw them on the ground as a makeshift bed. Removing Millie’s jeans from her legs Jim forced her to the ground and standing over her removed his jeans and jockey shorts. Millie now got the first view of a man’s cock. She was shocked at the size of it. It was nothing like she had imagined. Here stood Jim proud of his raging hardon but his cock was only about 4 inches long and not much bigger around than his index finger. Jim took the look on her face as a look of desire. He roughly parted her legs placing his body over hers and attempted to penetrate her. After a couple of attempts which resulted in his cock slipping up and over her pubic mound Jim came ejaculating all over her pubic mound and cunt lips. Never once had he entered her. Jim moaned, “OOOOoooooohhhhhhhhh baby that was so good!” Little did he realize that Millie’s dream fuck was in reality her worst nightmare. Tears streamed down her face but Jim didn’t notice because he was to busy putting on his clothing. Instead of seeing to Millie Jim just left the tack room leaving her there crying and trembling over the ordeal she had just experienced.

Thoughts raced through Millie’s mind. It wasn’t supposed to be like this! He was supposed to make love to me driving me to orgasmic bliss just like in my fantasy. However he treated me even worse that an animal. He used me for his own pleasure! and just left me here naked for the world to see. Millie sobbed and was so lost in her sadness that she did not notice when Brutus entered the tack room. It had been the scent of her arousal and Jim’s cum that had brought him here. He slowly approached his mistress sniffing the air, becoming aroused himself from the scent that filled the room. Millie had not moved from the position that Jim had placed her in in his attempt to fuck her. Brutus moved between her legs drawn to her still leaking pussy. He flicked out his tongue licking the cum from her wet lips. At the touch Millie jerked but did not open her eyes as she believed that Jim had returned to sooth her and make love to her. She allowed Brutus to deliver his ministrations to her now throbbing pussy. Brutus licked Jim’s cum from her body. When he had cleaned her of Jim’s failed attempt at fucking his first cunt Brutus move to Millie’s side his fully erect dog cock hanging beneath his loins. Here was the cock that filled Millie’s fantasies throbbing and pulsing, red with purple veins as Brutus stood next to his mistress.

Millie had expected that Jim would now lay next to her and place loving kisses on her lips and gently caress her bruised and sore breasts. When this did not happen She opened her eyes expecting to see Jim but the first thing she saw was the huge dog cock, red and purple veined throbbing an pulsing. As though she were in a dream state she reached out and grasped Brutus’ cock in the middle of it’s length. Here was the widest part, except for the knot. Her hand barely fit around. In reaction to the warm hand that had enveloped his shaft Brutus began to hunch forward and back. Fucking Millie’s hand. Millie was drawn to the cock of her dreams. She rolled on her side and slipped her head under Brutus opening her mouth gently sucked on the pointed tip. This seemed so natural to her. To suck the cock of someone who truly loved her and whom she loved. Brutus feeling the warm the of her mouth hunched forward through her hand and drove almost 4 inches of his dog cock deep into her mouth. It hit the back of her throat gagging her. She quickly grasped the hot shaft that had speared her throat and was about to nail her to the ground thus keeping Brutus from forcing more of his cock into her body.

Even though she would occasionally gag she took a much of Brutus cock as her mouth and throat would allow sucking her lover with all the passion she possessed. Soon Brutus was whining attempting to drive all of his huge cock into the warmth that enveloped it. Holding the dog cock with both hands Millie was able to allow to Brutus to fuck her mouth. Pre-cum had leaked from the tip of Brutus cock and coated Millie’s mouth an throat. She swallowed as much as she could but some still leaked past her lips and dripped onto her breasts. Soon he began to cum. Spurt after spurt shot into Millie’s mouth hitting the back of her throat. The amount of his dog cum surprized Millie. She valiantly tried to receive all of his offering into her body. But there was just to much to swallow. It dribbled from her chin onto her chest and breasts. She was coated with cum again. However this was the cum of her true lover. Tears of joy dripped from Millie’s eyes and slid down her cheeks.

Brutus being the gentleman he was began to lick his cum from Millie’s face, chest and breasts cleaning her as he would a bitch whom he had just breed. Millie pulled Brutus to her his fur brushed her nipples sending sparks like electricity through her. Millie now knew that it was not wrong to have an animal as a lover. She felt freer than she ever had. Her relationship with Brutus was now changed forever.


That night Millie went to sleep with with thoughts of Brutus. He had lavished much love on her after the fiasco of the almost fuck with Jim. She had been so willing to give herself completely to him by relinquishing her virginity but remained just that. Sleep did not come easily for her and after a fitful start she finally began dreaming and it began with her doing chores. Millie had finished all the chores except feeding Mike, her pony. After throwing hay down from the haymow and getting grain from the grainery she entered Mike’s stall and place the hay in the manger at the end of the stall and the grain in the bucket that hung in the corner.

Mike appeared to be a little unkempt so Millie thought she’d groom him as he ate. First she combed his mane until it glistened. Then she grabbed his brush and began at his forehead, proceeding to his throat, neck and chest brushing his coat until it also glistened. Millie continued with Mike’s flanks, sides, back, thighs and buttocks. Lovingly she brushed until all that was left was his abdomen. Kneeling beside Mike she began brushing his abdomen. In her dream Mike’s cock began to drop and her thoughts went back the the day at the swimming hole where she first thought of fucking a guy and later that night, as she finger fucked herself, she began to think about cocks.

That night she had tried to concentrate on guys cocks but just could not picture one in her mind. She had never see a guys cock and could only guess what they looked like. Her mind wandered among the various cocks she had seen when sneaking peaks of the breeding sessions that routinely took place on the farm and soon her mind settled on the one cock she had seen up close and personal. Mike’s big fat pony cock. As she continued to finger fuck her now sloppy wet pussy with her finger Millie envisioned Mike’s cock at full hardness. Ohhhhh! it was so big. She could see herself reaching out and taking Mike’s hard male member in her hands. It was so big she couldn’t wrap one hand completely around it and she could feel it throbbing with Mike’s sexual arousal. It was on that night just as Millie had the thought of what it would be like to get fucked by that huge pony cock she had her first orgasm.

While dreaming and thinking back on the events at the swimming hole and in the dream staring a Mike’s cock she instinctively reached out to take it in her hands. It felt so massive as she could barely wrap her girlish hands around it’s girth. Millie began stroking Mike’s maleness and in response the cock began to harden and lengthen. Millie, amazed by the size of this male sex organ, found her pussy had begun to get dripping wet, her clit throbbing and becoming engorged. She stroked the length of Mike’s cock with ever increasing speed and fervor until suddenly the shaft throbbed in her hands. Shot after shot of hot cum erupted from the flared head barely missing landing on Millie’s breasts.

She was panting with sexual excitement. Her rock hard nipples rubbed against her blouse as she inhaled the odor of Mike’s ejaculate. Her clit pulsed as her heart raced and pussy juice soaked her panties and shorts. She almost came right then and there but was able to contain herself long enough to crawl out from under her pony and make her way out of the stall. However she was not alone in the barn that day. Brutis appeared outside the stall and playfully danced around Millie all the while smelling the scent of her arousal.

Millie’s dream took a turn in the direction of sexual thoughts about the new male animal that had appeared. Brutis jabbed his snout between her legs, knocked her to the floor, stepped between her spread thighs, and immediately began licking at the juices that had soaked her shorts. She was shocked at her response to the assault taking place between her legs but spread wider to allow Brutis greater access to her sopping sex. Millie became so aroused that she shoved at the animal pushing him away just long enough to shuck her soaked shorts and panties. The aroused dog was immediately drawn to the overwhelming scent of her naked pussy and lapped at her dripping hole until she had an earth shattering orgasm. It was then that Millie awoke with two fingers stuffed into her pussy and the heal of her hand grinding into her large throbbing clit.

She was shocked at the amount of wetness that had soaked into her bedding and at how real her dream had seemed. She cleaned herself up, changed the sopping wet bedding and climbed back into bed. The dream had been so vivid that every detail could be easily recalled and she pondered what it all meant. Why had her dream included Mike when her bestial encounter had been with Brutis? She had savored the taste of the dog’s cum as he came in her mouth while relishing the animalistic feeling that had been aroused in her very core. She made the determination that where ever it led that the sexual contact with Brutis would continue.

Millie slept well the rest of the night not at all concerned with where her life was heading.

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