Men with Animals Women with Animals
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My Girl Sandy And Me


(c) 2006 by litlwillie

I can sill remember when Sandy came to live with us. We (my parents and I) lived on a small rural farm. We grew the usual assortment of crops and raised the usual farm animals. Sandy seemed to fit right in even though she and never been on a farm. We became pretty close as she enjoyed the same things that I did. Things like: swimming in the old swimming hole, playing catch and tramping through the woods just enjoying nature.

Along with my chores at home I did chores on the neighboring farm for Mrs. Whitiker. Her husband had died in a farm accident and she was left trying to keep up the place by her self. One day as I entered the barn at Mrs.Witiker’s I heard a strange moaning coming from one of the stalls near the back of the barn. Being a curious fellow I quietly and cautiously made my way back to the stalls. They weren’t open stalls with wide spaces between the slats but enclosed so that you couldn’t see through them. When I got to the stall where the noise was coming from I peeked through a crack where part of a board was missing. Man did I ever get a eye full.

There on her knees and naked as a jay bird was Mrs. Whitiker and she was not alone! Laying over her back was Bruce, Mrs Whitiker’s Dobi! He seemed to have just finished fucking the shit out of Mrs. Whitiker as they were both very still and there was no sound except the moaning that came from Mrs. Whitiker. Not wanting to be caught but not wanting to miss anything I watched very quietly as Bruce attempted to pull his cock out of the woman he had just fucked. All he could do was spin around so that they were butt to butt. When he did that she moaned all the more. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing! A few minuets later Bruce’s cock slipped from Mrs. Whitiker’s pussy, his cum ran out of her and dripped on the floor. I knew it was time for me to leave or I was going to get caught. I snuck back out of the barn and high tailed it to the woods. I figured that I might try to get there a little sooner tomorrow to see if I could catch more that just the end of Bruce fucking Mrs. Whitiker.

It was a little hard to run to the woods since I had a raging hard-on. When I got to the woods I couldn’t stop thinking about what I had just seen. I went to my secret hiding place. I just had to take care of that hard-on. Of course having a boner was nothing new to me, at that point in my life I was horny all the time. I would jack off, in the morning when I woke up, at least three times during the day and every time I took a shower. I dropped my pants and started jerking on my cock. Man was it ever hard and I couldn’t help but think about that scene I witnessed in the barn.

Soon I became lost in my thoughts and was really enjoying the feeling I was creating in my cock. All of a sudden I felt warm breath and a wet tongue on my dick. As I jumped I looked down and there sat Sandy and she was licking my cock! That was the first time that anything like that had ever happened between Sandy and me.

Even though Sandy had startled me I still had that hard on and now my balls were beginning to ache. I needed to cum and soon. So I continued to jack off but I kept an eye on Sandy to see what she would do. I wasn’t long before she was licking my cock again. Needless to say I came like a fire hose and Sandy just licked it all up. I was at a loss as to why she would do such a thing but I sure enjoyed it.

When I left the woods that day I went back to Mrs. Whitiker’s to do the chores she paid me to do. As I was doing them I thought about all the things that had happened that day. I knew that I would have to explore all these thing some more.


While doing the chores that day I decided one of the things I was going to do was make sure that I got to see Bruce fuck the shit out of Mrs. Whitiker. However I wanted to see it from the beginning and not just catch them at the end. After finishing the chores I looked around and saw that from the haymow I would have a good view of the stall where Mrs. Whitiker and Bruce had been earlier that day. I climbed the ladder and found the place where I could have the best view of the stall. Also I moved some bales of hay around to make sure that Mrs. Whitiker couldn’t see me while I spied on her and Bruce.

After returning home I did fed and watered our animals. Sandy joined me as I did my chores and sure seemed even more affectionate that she had been before. So I spent some time playing catch which seemed to be her favorite game. Mom came out on the back porch and called out that dinner was read so Sandy and I went in. As I said earlier at that age I was perpetually horny and so of course I had to jack off while in the bathroom. It sure didn’t take long to cum, because all the things that had happened that day were running through my mind. However, as I recall my cock seemed to be harder than it had ever been and it seem to be bigger too! I tried not to dwell on those events after I left the bathroom and sat at the table to eat supper, but thoughts of Mrs. Whitiker and Bruce in that stall and of Sandy and me in the woods gave me another hard on.

After devouring my meal I excused myself from the table and told my parents that I was going to my room for a while to play some video games. However, I really had other things on my mind. I could still see Bruce with his cock in Mrs. Whitiker’s pussy and how his cum ran out of it when Bruce was able to pull his cock out. And then there was the woods where Sandy licked my cock and swallowed all my cum. After jerking off two more times I decided about what time I would have to get to Mrs. Whitiker’s in hopes to see more of her and Bruce fucking. I took a shower and jerked on my cock again until I shot cum all over the shower stall. Then I spent some time watching TV with the folks and Sandy before going to bed.

That next morning I awoke with a raging hard-on and just had to pound the old boner before I could even get out of bed and have my breakfast. When I got down stairs Sandy was waiting for me and we had breakfast together. After breakfast Sandy and I went out and played her favorite game, catch. It did not seem to be long and it was time for me to leave to go to Mrs. Whitiker’s and take my position in the haymow. Sandy had to stay home as she was not allowed to go with me to Mrs. Whitiker’s because Mrs. Whitiker not want her around her animals. I got to the barn and into the haymow just in time, because the moment I got behind the bales of hay, Bruce come into the barn followed by Mrs. Whitiker.

They immediately went to the stall where I had seen them the day before. It seem a little strange because Bruce seemed to be leading Mrs. Whitiker to the stall rather than her leading Bruce. When they got into the stall Mrs. Whitiker stripped and got on her elbows and knees. Bruce stuck his nose straight into her pussy and started licking with his big tongue. That really got Mrs. Whitiker going. I could hear her moaning as Bruce ate her pussy and she encouraged him saying, “That’s a good boy. Eat my pussy Bruce.” It wasn’t long until Bruce got up on Mrs. Whitiker’s back and started to shove his cock into her pussy. Boy did she ever start moaning then. She was saying, “Fuck me Bruce. Fuck me with that big cock. Fuck me.” Every time Bruce hunched at her I heard “ugh, ugh, ugh”. I had seen dogs fuck before and knew how fast a male could thrust his hips at the female, but old Bruce was really shoving his cock into Mrs. Whitiker. At first his strokes were fairly long but then got shorter and shorter. When he stopped thrusting altogether I knew that his knot was buried in her pussy and his cock was squirting hot cum deep in her stuffed hole. Like the previous day Bruce tried to pull his cock out of Mrs. Whitiker’s pussy and all the while she moaned and moaned. Bruce only succeeded in getting turned ass to ass and when he tried to pull out again he only dragged Mrs. Whitiker across the stall.

Needless to say all the while I was watching the action in the stall my cock was getting attention from the old familiar friend my fist. I was pounding my meat for all it was worth. My balls swung back and forth slapping against my hand on each stroke and I shot two loads of cum on those bales of hay. After Mrs. Whitiker and Bruce left I decided that I was going to have to get a closer view. I wanted to see Bruce’s cock going in and out of her pussy and wanted to see his cum running out her hole. I knew that I just couldn’t set up a hiding place all at once, so after doing the chores I moved a few things near the stall to begin to make a place where I could see and not be seen.

When I got back home Sandy was waiting for me, so we went for a walk in the woods, which is one of the other things we enjoying doing together. Sandy stayed pretty close by and didn’t wander off like the last time we were there. My thoughts turned to Sandy and I began to wonder if she would lick my cock like she had the day before? When we got to my secret hiding place I stripped off my pants and jockeys and used them for padding as I sat on a log that I used for a seat. All the time Sandy just stood there and watched what I was doing. I felt a little embarrassed as this was the first time that I had ever jacked off with someone else around. However, I had to know what Sandy’s reaction would be to me pumping my cock. Would she lick it and eat my cum as she did yesterday? I reached for my cock and started stroking it while thinking of Mrs. Whitiker and Bruce. Being constantly horny as I was it didn’t take long to get that cock big and hard. Sandy cocked her head and watched what I was doing. I really wanted to see what she would do but in the heat of the action I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the feelings my fist was making in my cock.

Then just like the last time I felt warm breath and a wet tongue on my cock. There was Sandy again sitting in front of me just licking away at the pre cum the was oosing from the tip of my dick. Not wanting to scare her off I continued to stroke my cock as she licked the juice that was leaking from it. Slowly I stopped stroking and just enjoyed the feelings Sandy was giving me. It didn’t take long until I began to feel the pressure of my cum beginning to build. I knew that soon I would be shooting my cum right into Sandy’s mouth. Just a couple more licks and that’s exactly what happened. Although I had already shot three loads of cum that day there seemed to be an never ending supply and Sandy greedily ate my load as my cock must have squirted five or six times. I had never felt anything like the feelings that Sandy’s tongue gave to my hard cock. Soon my cock began to get limp but Sandy continued to lick at it. I think that she would have continued to lick me until I had another hard-on but I had to stop her because the head of my dick was just to sensitive.

After getting dressed Sandy and I went to the old watering hole and went for a swim. Of course I swam as always without any swim trunks and Sandy joined me in the water. It had been a warm day and I was all sweaty from the heat and from the sexual excitement of the day, so the water felt very good and really helped to cool me down. Sandy and I played in the water for quite some time and when we were done we climbed out on the grassy bank and laid in the warm sun. When ever I would lay in the sun like this Sandy would always lay right beside me. I reached over touched her abdomen and began to stroke her lightly. I began to think again about the things that I had seen in the last two days and how Sandy sure seemed to enjoy licking my cock and eating me cum. As I did this I though of Mrs. Whitiker’s pussy and what it had looked like. Hers was the first woman’s pussy I had ever seen. Of course these sexual thoughts gave me another boner but as I thought of Mrs. Whitiker’s pussy I suddenly realized that Sandy had a pussy too!

What was Sandy’s pussy like and would she let me touch it? I just had to know, so as I stroked her abdomen I began to move a little lower toward her pussy. Sandy didn’t seem to object to what I was doing so I continued to stoke her abdomen and moving my hand ever more closely to her pussy. Finally I arrived at the place I had been seeking and found Sandy to be very warm and damp. I gently caressed her lips rubbing my fingers over her sex. I then thought of Bruce’s cock entering Mrs. Whitiker’s pussy and wondered if Sandy would let me put my finger into her pussy. So ever so slowly I began to work my finger into her very moist and hot hole. Very gently I inserted my finger to the first knuckle and started moving it in and out. As I pushed my finger back in I went a little farther each time and it wasn’t long and I was finger fucking Sandy’s pussy entering her about three inches each stroke. I kept this up as Sandy was not objecting to what I was doing. After a short while I felt her pussy tighten on my finger and I felt her body shudder as she laid next to me. I realized that Sandy must be cumming! What a feeling I got knowing I had given pleasure to someone that I felt very close to and cared so much about.

Well I didn’t know where things were going to go from here but I knew that my relationship with Sandy had definitely changed. I also knew that I would be enjoying more of what I had seen of Bruce fucking the shit out of Mrs. Whitiker.


Well Sandy and my relationship sure changed from that day. If she wasn’t licking my cock and eating my cum I was finger fucking her. Being perpetually horny sometimes we would do it 3 or 4 times a day. In the woods. In the barn. At the old swimming hole, it didn’t matter as long as I was sure that we wouldn’t be interrupted. Sandy seemed to enjoy my finger fucking her as much as I enjoyed her licking my cock and causing me to shoot into her mouth. We grew closer and closer each passing day I loved her and I knew she felt the same way about me. Each day when I would leave our farm to go to Mrs. Whitiker’s, where Sandy wasn’t allowed, she would set on the porch with a forlorn look on her face. And each day when I returned she would greet me with sparkling eyes and bright countenance.

I faithfully did my chores around the farm and at Mrs. Whitiker’s. It took about a week but I had finally moved enough things from around the stable to a place near the stall where Bruce and Mrs. Whitiker fucked each others brains out. Well actually it was Bruce who was doing all the work and Mrs. Whitiker was along for the ride. Of course he wasn’t complaining he had a bitch that he could fuck any time he wanted. Each day I watched them from the haymow noting if Mrs. Whitiker took any notice of the things I had moved around. I decided to wait another week to see if she would make any comment about my re-arranging the stable. Finally it was the day, I was ready with my hiding place next to the stall.

When I got up that morning I was so excited about getting a very close-up view of Mrs. Whitiker allowing Bruce to shove his big Dobi cock into her pussy that I just had to jack off twice before I got out of bed and again as I did my daily routine in the bathroom. Each time my cock felt harder and bigger than it ever had. I arrived at Mrs. Whitiker’s early and sat on the low stool I and found. I wanted to make sure that I was there when she and Bruce came in. I didn’t have to wait to long before Bruce and Mrs. Whitiker came into the barn and entered the stall It seemed that Mrs. Whitiker never needed much in the way of foreplay. As always she stripped off her clothes, laid a horse blanked over the straw and got down on her knees ready to take what Bruce was more than willing to give her. Bruce stuck his big nose right in her ass and started licking away. Mrs. Whitiker began moaning from the get go. I could see that Bruce sure enjoyed licking her pussy as much as she enjoyed getting it eaten. It didn’t take long before she let out a deep animalistic moan and shook all over. I knew that she had just cum again. I think that it was for the third time in just a few minuets.

As I watched what was happening in the stall my cock was growing in my pants and it was a little painful because it was bent in an odd way. So to relieve my discomfort I took off my jeans and under shorts, sat back on the stool and began to stroke my dick. As Bruce ate Mrs. Whitiker’s pussy I stroked my cock lightly as I didn’t want to cum just yet and also I didn’t want to make any noise that would give me away. Bruce continued to lick away for a while and I noticed that his cock began to get hard and come out of it’s sheath. I thought that my 7 inch cock was big but Bruce sported a monster. It had to be at least 8 inches from the point to where his knot was beginning to form and another 2 inches behind the knot. I didn’t get to see his knot fully formed but I guessed that it would be at least another 2 or 3 inches in length and at least the size of a very large orange or small grapefruit. Mrs. Whitiker began to beg Bruce to fuck her. Over and over she cried out, “Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Pleeeeeease fuck me Bruce. I need your big doggie cock to fill my pussy with your cum.”

Bruce mount Mrs. Whitiker and began thrusting his huge cock at her hot hole. It only took a couple of strokes before his cock sank into Mrs. Whitiker’s wet dripping pussy. When he found home he shove the rest of his cock into her with one stroke. She let out a scream that caused me to think that Bruce had injured her, but I was mistaken. Mrs. Whitiker cried out, “Fuck meeeeeeeee! Fuck your bitch with your big doggie cock and fill me with your doggie cum.” Boy did Bruce ever respond to that. He rammed his cock into her like a jackhammer and with each stroke Mrs. Whitiker would make that, “Ugh, ugh ugh,” sound that I had heard so many times before. From the haymow I couldn’t tell how fast Bruce’s strokes were, but up close I could see that he fucked her hard and fast. I had seen other dogs mating, but I don’t think that I’d ever seen a male fuck a bitch as fast as old Bruce fucked Mrs. Whitiker. Every now and then I would get a glimpse of the knot in Bruce’s cock. It kept getting larger and larger. I was in awe at it’s size and wondered how it kept going in and out of Mrs. Whitiker’s pussy without ripping her pussy to pieces. I knew it wouldn’t be long before Bruce would get his cock stuck (knotted) in her hot hole. I was right because Bruce’s strokes suddenly became very short and Mrs. Whitiker was no longer crying out to him but was just moaning and making animalistic sounds. I knew that Bruce was squirting his dog cum into her. I couldn’t believe that she was able to take a cock that long and big all the way up her pussy and especially the knot that formed on Bruce’s animal cock.

Of course all the while Bruce was fucking the shit out of Mrs. Whitiker I was stroking my human cock. I came three times while watching the scene before me and my cock didn’t even get soft between shooting each load of cum onto the barn floor. That was the only time that I’ve cum three times without taking a rest in between. Being perpetually horny and if especially excited I would often shoot 2 loads of cum without getting soft, but 3 definitely was a record that I never repeated. When Bruce was done he put his leg over Mrs. Whitiker’s back and turned butt to butt and tried to get free from the pussy he was knotted in. However, his knot had not yet shrunk enough to allow him to pull away. Each time he attempted I would hear Mrs. Whitiker moan and could see her shudder. I think that she was cumming each time Bruce tried to pull his big dog cock out of his bitch. Finally Bruce was able to free himself and I could see all of his cock. I marveled at the size of it and was even a little jealous of him. His cock had to be nearly 12 inches long. That made it almost 5 inches longer than mine. My cock was as fat as Bruce’s but that knot sure made up for it. Even now it was the size of an apple.

Bruce laid down and began licking his cock as it retracted into the sheath. As for Mrs. Whitiker, she just knelt there with her face on the horse blanket, butt sticking up in the air and Bruce’s dog cum dripping from her well fucked pussy. I remained as quiet as a mouse so as not to be caught peeping on Mrs. Whitiker fucking her dog. About ten minuets later Bruce came over an licked Mrs. Whitiker’s face and she sat up and pulled Bruce to her giving him a loving hug. She then got dressed and left the barn. It was much later than usual. I had to hurry home to do my chores there and get cleaned up for supper. There would be not time to go to the woods or the swimming hole today.

When I arrived at home Sandy was waiting for me. She was setting in her usual spot where she could see the road and watch for my return. I sat down beside her and gave her a big hug letting her know that I loved her and was glad she was waiting for me. We went in and Mom had dimmer all ready so I got washed up for dinner. After dinner we all went to the living room and watched our favorite TV shows. I told mom I’d help her with dished afterward so when the dishes were completed I retired to my room. It had been a long and eventful day. One which I knew I would remember all my life. Little did I know what lay in store for later that night. Something which would truly change my life forever.

As was my habit I stripped off my clothes and crawled between the sheets. I went to sleep quickly as I was tired not so much physically but emotionally as a lot of things had happened that day. Later that night I awoke with a start and realized that I was not alone in my bed. There laying next to me was Sandy! This was something quite strange because Sandy had never crawled into my bed before. She had always slept in her bed and would be waiting for me when I came down in the morning. I wasn’t sure what possessed her to come to my room and to crawl into my bed with me. When I sat up Sandy rolled over and looked at me with what you could call a mischievous look in her eyes. I did not scold her for being in my bed but because I loved her. I laid back down and put my arms around her. As I laid there with her warm body next to mine I soon began to caress Sandy. Starting with her face working my way to her chest and then to her abdomen. My hand wandered even lower, down between her legs to that spot where I often gave her pleasure. I was a little surprised because I found Sandy’s pussy to be very damp. It was as though she were already sexually aroused. I inserted my finger into her and found that indeed she was ready for me to pleasure her.

As I finger fucked her she would occasionally roll her head and her legs would twitch. I fucked her very slowly wanting to give her as much pleasure as she had given me many times. Pushing in and pulling out repeating the motion over and over. Pulling out and rubbing her clitoris and pushing back into her. I knew her climax was building and soon I felt the clenching of the muscles in her pussy and the shudder in her body indicating that I had accomplished my goal of giving her pleasure by making her cum. Having succeeded in pleasuring her I caused another problem and that was I now had a raging hard-on. I had seen Bruce fuck Mrs. Whitiker many times but I had never gotten close to fucking someone. I knew how it was supposed to work but being a virgin I wasn’t sure of my self. I wondered in my mind, Would Sandy allow me to fuck her?

I loved Sandy very much and would never want to do anything that would hurt her. However my cock throbbed and my balls ached for release. It was almost painful. I could feel every heart beat in me dick. So I moved to Sandy and knelt between her legs. She laid there looking at me as if to say, ‘Well are you going to fuck me or not.’ I put the head of my cock at the entrance to her pussy. I had never felt anything as hot as this. I ever so slowly pushed forward with my hips pushing my cock into her with the thought of immediately stopping if she showed any sign of resistance or any sign that she was not ready for this. By the time I had all 7 inches of my dick in Sandy’s pussy I was about ready to cum. I stayed quite still for a while and thankfully Sandy did too. It gave me opportunity to cool down some as I had never felt anything like this in my whole life. I thought jacking off felt good but I could not describe how her hot juicy pussy felt as it wrapped my cock. I settled into fucking Sandy concentrating on making myself last and making it good for both of us. In my youthfulness I could have pounded away and got my rocks off but, I knew I wanted this to be good for both of us and not just me.

Ever so slowly I pulled my throbbing dick out of that hot pussy and then with just the head still in her I gently pushed back in. I continued this until I thought my balls would burst. They ached because of the cum that had been building. Just when I thought I could take no more I felt the muscles in her pussy contract on my cock, squeezing me. That was all it took. With my cock buried in Sandy as deep I could get I blew my load. I came and came and came nearly passing out from the pleasure fucking Sandy was giving me. I laid over her conscious enough to keep my full weight off of her but unable to pull out of her pussy because of the way I felt. I knew Sandy had cum too because she shuddered beneath me. Slowly my cock shrank and slipped from her. It was only then that I took my place beside her and wrapped my arms around her. Soon we were both sleeping and with me knowing that I had not just fucked Sandy but had made love to her. Yep, my life was sure to be different as long as Sandy remained with me.


Well what a change. Never had I envisioned what my life would be like once I had actually fucked someone. My relationship with Sandy sure changed after that night. Talk about first loves. I will never forget Sandy and how our lives became so entwined.

The next morning when I awoke Sandy had left my bed. I was a little surprised that she was not laying next to me but, then I realized that she knew that she was not allowed in my room as she had her own place to sleep. I made up my mind that I was going to do what ever it took to make it possible to have her share my bed. The other thing that surprised me was that I didn’t have my usual morning hard-on. Perhaps I had actually been worn out by the fucking Sandy gave me. However, as soon I hit the bathroom and started my daily routine I got a boner and had to take care of it before I could go out and eat breakfast. So, I guess I was a horny as ever! When I emerged from the bathroom and entered the kitchen Sandy was waiting for me. It seemed to me that she had a twinkle in her eyes that had not been there before. We ate breakfast, then did my morning chores that I had to do and told Sandy that I had to go to Mrs. Whitiker’s and would be back as soon as I could. As I walked away I turned back and Sandy was setting there on the porch with a sad look on her face. Just before I turned away to go to Mrs. Whitiker’s I blew her a kiss as a promise of my return and that seemed to cheer her up.

I arrived at Mrs. Whitiker’s a little earlier than washed usual for me and that morning as turned into the drive I saw Mrs. Whitiker waking toward the barn. I wondered what she was doing as Bruce was not with her and I had never seen her in the barn early in the day. So I continued to the barn and ever so quietly entered through a small access door that I knew would not make a lot of noise, as I was curious as to what Mrs. Whitiker was doing. After entering the barn I stood very still to see if I could hear what was going on. I heard noises coming from the part of the barn where Mrs. Whitiker kept her prize stallion Ranger. A big question mark appeared in my mind as I couldn’t figure out what may be going on because I knew that Mrs. Whitiker didn’t go riding until the cool of the evening. Ever so quietly I made my way to the stable where I heard very strange noises coming from Ranger’s stall.

Now the stalls in the stables were not like the stalls in the other part of the barn where I had been watching Bruce fuck his bitch, Mrs. Whitiker. The stalls here were along the outside of the barn so the animals could get fresh air through screened and shuttered openings. Ranger’s stall was next to the tack room so I slipped in because I knew I could get a good view of what was going on in the stall through a large knot hole in a board in the wall between the tack room and Ranger’s stall. Also I was sure I would not be seen because the tack room was pretty dark when the door was closed. Little did I know what awaited my eyes as I very slowly closed the door. I could see the knot hole because of the light coming through it. I very cautiously made my way to the knot hole. I knelt down and peeked through. What the FUCK! There was Mrs. Whitiker naked as a jay bird, on her knees with her hands wrapped around Ranger’s cock! And not only were her hands wrapped around it she had the head of that huge horse cock in her mouth just sucking on it like there was no tomorrow! And not only was she sucking on it, she stroked up and down the length of that cock jacking off Ranger as the head of his cock was in her mouth being expertly tongued.

Now I had seen horse cock before and even seen hard throbbing horse cock. I had even seen hard throbbing horse cock bigger than the 22-24 in cock currently being blown by Mrs. Whitiker. But, what I had never in my life seen was a woman sucking on and jacking off a horse! I was frozen there peeking through the knot hole, staring at the scene before me. She continued to suck on the two inches of cock that was in her mouth and stroke the rest of it very vigorously. It wasn’t long and I saw Ranger start to prance around quite a bit and heard him making whinnying sounds. Then all of a sudden Ranger’s cock popped out of Mrs. Whitiker’s mouth and she gagged on the glob of cum that had been shot down her throat. Horse cum ran out of her nose and mouth and was flying all over her face and tits. Spurt after spurt landed on her face in her mouth and on her tits. It ran down her abdomen, between her legs and and dripped from her bald pussy into the straw that covered the floor of the stall. As soon as she stopped gagging she pointed that spurting cock right at her mouth and began to swallow as much of Ranger’s come as she could. Soon it was all over except the clean up. Mrs. Whitiker scooped Ranger’s cum from her tits, abdomen and hairless pussy and licked it from her hands as she cleaned herself. I was mesmerized. When she had removed all of the cum she could from her body with her hands she grabbed a towel and wiped away the rest.

After Mrs. Whitiker left the stall I realized that I felt a coolness in my crotch. I reached down and felt the front of my pants and found that they were soaked. It was then that I realized that I had shot what was perhaps the biggest load of cum I had ever shot right into my pants without even knowing it! I sure couldn’t go home in this condition. So I cleaned myself up as best I could, finished my chores and headed for home hoping that no one would see me. When I got close to home I whistled to Sandy and waved at her to let her know I wanted her to join me. I was heading to the old swimming hole to get myself really cleaned up. She came bounding off the porch and ran to my side as I turned down the lane that led to the swimming hole. Sandy sniffed the air and gave me a puzzled look as if saying. ‘What have you been up to!’ I didn’t say anything. All I wanted was to get to the swimming hole so I could get rid of the evidence of my cumming in my pants without even touching my dick.

At the swimming hole I kicked off my shoes stripped off my shirt and socks and jumped in pants and all. It was only then that I removed my pants and under shorts. I figured that if I got them wet and kind of washed them out there at the swimming hole I could let them dry before going home. That way I wouldn’t walk into the house smelling like cum. After rinsing out my pants and underwear I threw them up on the shore to dry and continued to enjoy the water. Of course Sandy didn’t just stand on the shore and watch me. She jumped right in and joined me as I swam. I figured that I would cool down but, as I swam Sandy would brush up against me and I couldn’t get the picture of what I had seen in the barn that day out of my mind. It didn’t take long and I had another boner right there in the cool water, which didn’t seem to make it go away at all.

I decided to get out of the water and see what I could do about my hard-on. Sandy knew just what to do because she joined me on the shore and began to nuzzle up against my hard cock. I’m no rocket scientist, but it doesn’t take one to figure out what Sandy wanted. So I got behind her to see if I could fuck her doggie style. However, it became pretty obvious that things weren’t going to line up that way, so I knelt on the grass and pulled her to me. Well we were closer but still the angle wasn’t right. Sandy being the smart one got down on her knees and I realized that this might just work. First I wet my finger and begin rubbing her pussy to make sure that she was lubricated enough so I could get my cock in without hurting her. I needn’t have worried because as soon as I poked my finger into her I realized that she was already wet. It seemed that she was as aroused as I was. So what’s a guy to do when he comes across a horny female? Fuck her of course. And that’s just what I did. I pointed my cock at her wet pussy and slowly began to enter her. Pushing in a little, pulling out a little, repeating until I was able to bury my throbbing cock all the way to my balls.

I slowly began pulling out until just the head of my dick was still in Sandy’s pussy and then I slowly pushed my hips forward until my dick was once again buried to me balls in my lover’s hot tight pussy. After a few strokes like this I was starting another slow in stroke when suddenly Sandy shoved herself back against me and in an instant buried my cock in her sweet wet pussy. It was then that I abandoned any pretext of being gentle. I quickly pulled my hips back withdrawing my cock and just as quickly slammed them forward. Sandy stood firm against my jerking motion of pulling out and pounding back into her. I knew it was not hurting her for me to fuck her this way, but I also knew I would not last very long. Then on one of the in strokes just a moment before I was going to pull out again I felt her pussy tighten even more on my hard throbbing cock. It felt like my firm hand squeezing my cock when I would have to relieve myself. However it was even better than that feeling. I couldn’t pull out but pushed as hard as I could into her trying to get every last fraction of my dick into my lover’s wet hot squeezing cunt. I drained my balls of all the seed that they contained. Squirting and squirting my cum deep into that sweet soft hot squeezing hole.

I almost passed out but was able to roll onto my side and pull Sandy with me. So there we laid, me with my cock still buried in her pussy and her pussy still doing the squeeze and relax squeeze and relax. This continued for some time until finally my cock had shrunk enough so that when she squeezed again it forced my dick from her tight pussy. We laid there for some time just enjoying the after glow of our sexual union. I would have stayed there longer but I was time to go home as Mom would be expecting Sandy and I for dinner. I arose and dressed, then we walked slowly home touching each other as if to assure ourselves that what we were experiencing was not just a dream.

That night after dinner we all relaxed in the living room, watching our favorite TV programs. Soon it was time to retire and I went to bed. However, that night I left my door open again hoping that Sandy would join me in my bed. So there I was, I lay awake listening for the sound of Sandy coming into my room. I heard Mom and Dad go into there room and close the door and the house became very quiet. As I laid there the day rolled through my mind. First, there was the new development over at Mrs. Whitiker’s. My thoughts dwelt on the picture that I still held in my mind of that huge horse cock stuck in her mouth and of her stroking the length of it until spurt after spurt of sticky horse cum drenched her from head to toe. And secondly there was Sandy and I at the swimming hole. This was the second time that I fucked her hot tight pussy until we both came and came at the same moment. I knew that we would have to be a little more careful it wouldn’t do for it to get out that I was fucking Sandy (the one female in our home that wasn’t my Mother).

My thoughts had distracted me because I was startled when Sandy jumped into my bed. Startled, but very pleased that she had decided to join me. I threw back the blanket that covered me and Sandy cuddled down next to me. I pulled her next to me and hugged her close caressing her. I felt her nipples as my hand moved toward her pussy. I lingered there gently tweaking her nipples which she seemed to enjoy. Sandy rolled onto her back and spread her legs. I took this as permission to move my hand to her sex. As my fingers reached her pussy I could already feel the dampness and heat of her arousal. I slid my finger into her and felt for her clitoris. I easily found it an began to put a little pressure on it. Sandy closed her eyes and arched her back as I teased her most sensitive spot. I continued to gently rub and press against her clit and was soon rewarded with the tightening of her cunt mussels and the shuddering of her body as she lay next to me. After her orgasm subsided I move between her legs and put the head of my cock into the wet hot opening of her pussy. With one slowly stroke I buried the full 7 inches of my cock into her and we became one.

I was determined this was not going to be a repeat of that afternoon at the swimming hole. Don’t get me wrong I thoroughly enjoyed the animalistic fuck we had then but, now I wanted it to be slow and easy building little by little until we could no longer retain our sanity. Only then would the animal in me take over and shoot my seed into her womb. Several times I felt the pressure of my cum making its way to the tip of my cock but each time I was able to remain still until the urge to cum had subsided. Sandy seemed to understand what I was attempting to do and didn’t do anything that would cause me to loose control. As I felt the pressure building for the forth or fifth time and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to stop it as my balls ached for release. It was only then that I allow the animal in me to start ramming my cock into her cunt. Harder and harder until I thought the bed would break . Gritting my teeth I almost shot my load as I pulled out for what was to be the last stroke but I sank my cock into her pussy one last time and my cock exploded! I saw stars as my hot seed was pumped, squirt after squirt into her womb. Never in my life had I believed that having my cock buried in a pussy could be this good. Fucking the one I loved and giving her my seed racked my body until I felt that I had lost my sanity and the animal in me was now free.

I collapsed on her but soon heard her whimper and realized that I was too heavy to remain there even though my cock was still buried in that tight hot wet hole. So I pulled out of her and moved to her side pulling her close to me. I promised myself that tomorrow I would make sure that Sandy would never have to sneak into my room again. And as I held that though I fell into the deepest sleep that I ever remember having.


As usual the next morning Sandy was absent from my bed and I had to admit to myself that I missed the warmth of her body next to mine. I renewed my vow that I would make it so Sandy could spend every night in my bed. I got up and headed for the bathroom and met Sandy on the way there. Just seeing her gave me an instant hard-on. She followed me to the bathroom and entered before I did. I began to wonder what she was up to. I held the door open thinking that she would just go back out, but Sandy just sat there with a look that said, ‘Well! What are you waiting for?’

So I closed the door and then Sandy came to me and rubbed herself against my cock which had remained hard. I understood then what was up (pun intended). I dropped my pants and immediately Sandy started licking my cock. After a few licks she turned around and looked back over her shoulder with a fuck me look in her eyes. So I very slowly entered her pussy and fucked Sandy right there in the bathroom. We were sure playing a dangerous game by having sex in the house outside of my bedroom. But at that moment I didn’t care as all I could think of was the extraordinary feeling I was getting with my hard cock slipping in and out of my lover’s wet hot pussy. Sandy panted as I stroked in and out of her. I realized that this wasn’t going to last very long and sank my dick deep into that sweet pussy. As my groin met her puffy lips I shot another load into her womb.

When we had finished I clung to Sandy never wanting to let her go, but I knew I needed to hurry and get cleaned up as Mom would be expecting me for breakfast. As I got cleaned up I began to ponder how I was going to approach my parents about Sandy and I sharing the up stairs. After breakfast I went about doing the chores as usual. First doing the ones required on our farm and then heading over to Mrs. Whitiker’s all the while thinking about Sandy spending nights in my room with my parent’s permission.

As I approached the barn at Mrs. Whitiker’s I realized that this was about the time that she got her daily fucking from Bruce. I determined that today would be different because I was not going to hid e in the place I had prepared. I did sneak into the barn and listen for what I hoped would be the sounds of Bruce fucking the shit out of his bitch. Sure enough, I heard Mrs. Whitiker moaning and making guttural sounds with each stroke of Bruce’s dog cock. I quietly approached the stall where I knew she was getting her hot cunt stuffed with Bruce’s big K9 cock. Mrs. Whitiker was so caught up in getting fucked by her stud that she didn’t see me watching Bruce humping away at her and ramming his big fat dog cock into her wet sloppy pussy. I understood as I knew how easy it was for me to get lost in the moment of fucking Sandy. Of course with Bruce’s senses he noticed me right away. But he was so enjoying having his cock buried in his bitch that he didn’t miss a beat.

I just stood there taking it all in. I watched as Bruce shoved his knot into Mrs. Whitiker’s cunt. It was then that his strokes began to cease and soon he just laid over her back and pumped his hot dog cum into her waiting pussy. All the while Mrs. Whitiker moaned, ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck!’ Bruce then did the doggie dismount and they ended up ass to ass with Bruce locked into her cunt by his huge knot. I knew that he was still pumping his cum into her and that soon his knot would shrink enough for him to pull free. It was then that Mrs. Whitiker became more aware of her surroundings and noticed me peering over the top of the stall. She went as white as a sheet realizing that I must have seen everything. Then trying to stand she only succeeded in falling on her side and pulling Bruce with her as his knot was still lodged deep in her pussy. They both yelped in pain as the move had been unexpected. All she could do was lay there and wait until that knot shrank.

In a few moments Bruce pulled out of her cunt such force that Mrs. Whitiker screamed in pain and there was a plopping sound as his doggie cock came free of his bitch’s pussy. I say his cum run out of her gaping hole into the straw where she laid. Bruce went to the corner of the stall and began licking his cock as it shrank back into it protective sheath. Mrs. Whitiker just laid there recovering from the animal fucking she had just received. Soon Bruce sniffing at her dripping cunt began to lick her clean and Mrs. Whitiker just moaned and moaned, shaking all over as Bruce caused her to cum again. I don’t know how many times Bruce made her cum that morning but I know she was one whipped bitch.

When Mrs. Whitiker recovered she looked up at me again still looking as white as a sheet. She crawled out of the stall (I don’t think she could have walked after what I’d seen) right over to where I stood and got real close to my crotch. Without saying a word she reached for my belt, undoing it, unsnapped the top of my pants and pulled down my zipper. At that time I has just begun going commando, so my hard seven inch cock flopped out an hit her right in the face. She had a surprised look on her face. I don’t know if it was because I didn’t have on any underwear or because my cock was perhaps bigger than she had expected (being only seven inches long but very fat). Mrs. Whitiker reached up and pull down on my hard dick, opened her mouth, leaned forward and took not only the head of my throbbing manhood but about three inches of it in one stroke.

My first blow job from a woman! It about blew my mind as she suck more and more of my cock into her mouth. I could feel my heart beat in my cock, throbbing with ever pulse of my heart. I was really shocked when I felt her nose touch the hair at the base of my dick. It was then I realized that Mrs. Whitiker had all of my throbbing meat buried in her face and throat. She began pumping her head back and forth. It was like I was face fucking her. My cock would slide into her throat on every in stroke and only the head would remain in her mouth on the out stroke. On the out stroke she would use her tongue and swirl it around the head of my cock. It felt about like it did when Sandy licked me. I’d like to say that I was a big stud and she suck on my aching dick for thirty minuets or more but, the truth is it only took about five strokes before I was shooting my load down her throat. As I started to cum I grabbed her head and shoved all of my cock into her mouth. I shot spurt after spurt of my seed into her and I could feel Mrs. Whitiker’s throat mussels contracting as she swallowed every spurt of my hot sticky cum.

I released her head then she ever so slowly pulled back allowing my spent dick to slide from her mouth. When only the soft spongy head remained she sucked and licked some more getting every last drop of me seed. This made my knees very weak because the head of my cock gets very sensitive after I’ve shot my load. However she understood this and drove me crazy with her tongue. After a couple of minuets my man meat had softened and she released me. To this point not a word had been spoken. It was then she said, “My your not little any more are you?” I responded with a blush. “Your cock my not be as long as Bruce’s but you sure make up for it in width. I’ll bet your girlfriend sure likes your fat dick stuffed in her hot pussy.”, she said with a twinkle in her eyes. If only she knew!

Mrs. Whitiker, still completely naked and with Bruce’s dog cum still leaking from her well fucked pussy, ask me how long I’d been spying on her and Bruce. I told her how I had first learned that she was fucking her dog or rather her dog was fucking her and that I had been watching for several weeks. I showed her my hiding place and she said that she had wondered why the stuff had been moved but think twice because the barn had been made so neat and clean. It was then that she told me how she became Bruce’s bitch. Mrs. Whitiker also asked me to please keep her secret and for doing so she would be more than willing to give me a good cock sucking any time I wanted. She said, “I rather enjoyed the taste and feel of a man’s throbbing cock in my mouth again. I’ve missed it so much since my husband died. Bruce has been very capable in fucking the shit out of me and keeping me from becoming a slut but, it will be nice to have some man cock to suck on again.”

I couldn’t bring myself to tell her about how I saw her jacking off Ranger and getting soaked with all that horse jism. I figured that maybe another day. Mrs. Whitiker left the barn. I did the chores and went to my secret spot in the wood to think. What a day it had been. First, I had fucked Sandy in the bathroom. Second, I saw Mrs. Whitiker up close and personal getting reamed by Bruce’s big doggie cock and third, I got my first blow job / throat fuck. It was there that I finally decided how I was going to convince my parents that Sandy ought to share my room.


That night after dinner we all found our favorite places in the living room to rest and watch our favorite TV programs. Dad in his recliner, Mom in her comfy chair, me on the floor with my back up against the couch and Sandy right next to me. It was now or never. The time had come to broach the subject of Sandy moving into my room so that we could be together every night. It was Mom who gave me the in that I needed. She commented that it seemed that Sandy and me had become very close since she came to live with us. I said, “Yes, Sandy and I have become very close.” If only Mom knew how close. “It seems a shame that Sandy has to sleep all alone down stairs when I have a great big bedroom that we could share.” “Well I don’t know.” Mom replied. Then dad spoke up saying, “I don’t think it’s such a bad idea. After all they spend practically every moment together except when he goes over to Mrs. Whitiker’s to do the chores.” Mom who almost always defers to Dad’s judgment relented and said, “OK, since it’s two to one. You go ahead and move Sandy’s bed into your room. Your Father approves so it’s all right by me.”

WOW! I never thought it would be this easy to get to spend every night with my gal. I almost jumped up that very moment to get things arranged, but I didn’t want to appear to eager and the thought of being able to fuck that sweet pussy every night had given me a real hard on. So I said, “Thanks Mom. I’ll do the moving around of things tomorrow.” Sandy looked at me with a glint in her eyes. That knowing look of anticipation of what was in store for us. I watched TV for a little while longer, waiting for my cock to soften so I could get up without it appearing that I had a telephone pole stuck in my pants. After the show was over I got up and kissed Mom on the cheek and said, “Good night.” Mom and Dad both respond, “Good night son.” I headed for the stairs. My thoughts were of what Sandy and I would be doing even that night after everyone had gone to bed. My cock stiffened again and as soon as I entered my room I stripped off my clothes grabbed a hold of my dick and started pounding away. It didn’t take long. Thoughts of sliding my cock in and out of Sandy’s slick hot cunt raised my temperature and a load of cum soon squirted out on my chest. Man that sure felt good. But I knew something that felt even better.

I cleaned my self up, went over to the door and left it ajar knowing that Sandy would join me. I wasn’t concerned about not being able to get it up again. Before I started fucking Sandy I would jack off at least two or three times a night. I was always horny. It was a wonder I didn’t always have the front of my pants sticking out like a tent. With the door ajar I could hear the TV down stairs. It wasn’t long and I heard it go off. I laid there in anticipation of Sandy’s warm body and hot pussy. I must have dosed off because the next thing I realized was Sandy crawling into the bed next to me. I glance at the door thinking that I would need to close it, but it was already closed. I knew that Sandy must have closed it when she came in.

I pulled her close to me and began stroking her and kissing her. Being with Sandy wasn’t just about getting my rocks off, which I really enjoyed doing every chance I got. I was really attached to her. I guess that you could say I was in love with her. Just her presence in my bed had given me another boner. My cock throbbed with every heart beat. Pre-cum oozed out and dripped from the head. I reached for her pussy and as soon as I touched her I knew that she was as ready as I was. Sandy rolled on her back as I rolled on top of her. My dick was in perfect alignment. As I pressed forward I felt the heat of her sex. My cock slipped easily into her. I almost came right then and there. I could not have ever imagined that fucking would feel like this. That tight slick hot flesh surrounding my throbbing meat was and is still beyond words to describe. You just have to experience it in order to know.

Slowly ever so slowly I began thrusting in and out of my lover’s sweet hot pussy. I wanted this to last forever, fully knowing that it couldn’t. The walls of her pussy milked my cock as I withdrew and stripped the skin back as I pressed in. I could never get enough of this. If I could have I would have had my dick buried in Sandy’s tight hole forever. But we all know that good things must come to an end. As I continued to stroke in and out Sandy began panting, a sign that she was enjoying this as much as I was. The urge to cum began to build again and my balls began to ache for relief. Faster and faster I shoved my cock in and pulled my cock out of her cunt. Finally I could take no more and buried my pulsing dick as deep in Sandy’s pussy as I could get it. Any deeper and my balls would have been in there too. I felt the walls of her cunt clenching and unclenching. She was cuming! With pulse after pulse I emptied my seed into my love. My dick began to shrink and I withdrew slowly to keep my cum from leaking out. I laid by her side holding her close to me, thinking how wonderful life was.


The next morning I wasted no time in getting ready for the day. Of course being perpetually horny I had to take care of my morning hard-on. But it didn’t take long to jack off because I knew that from this day forward that Sandy and I would be sharing my room and more! I was so excited that my cock throbbed and I shot two loads just thinking about Sandy’s sweet hot pussy and the thrills that she gave me when ever we fucked. After breakfast and wasting no time I immediately began moving Sandy’s things into my room. Then I went about my chores making sure the chickens were feed and watered, slopping the hogs, getting fresh hay and grain for the cows and horses. All the while Sandy was by my side. Several times that morning I hugged her close to me, breathing in her scent and longing for the moment when we could be alone again.

When I had finished my chores at home I went to Mrs. Whitiker’s to help her with the farm chores there. I arrived and found Bruce chained at the front porch. This seemed very odd to me as I didn’t remember ever finding him on a chain before. Usually he was with Mrs. Whitiker ramming his doggie cock up her pussy and fucking the shit out of her. So I went to the barn to feed and water the animals, clean stalls if needed and generally straighten up.

Upon opening the small walk-thru door I sensed that something was different. So I very quietly made my way through the various parts of the barn wondering what made things seem so strange. Everything seemed on the up and up until I reached the stables. It was then that I heard the moaning coming from Ranger’s stall. Remembering the last time I saw Mrs. Whitiker with Ranger, I had blown my load in my pants just from the sight of her on her knees sucking that huge horse cock. Once again I entered the tack room and got to the knot hole as quickly and quietly as possible all the while wondering and perhaps knowing what was going on in Ranger’s stall.

There again was Mrs. Whitiker stripped naked and on her knees sucking on Ranger’s monster cock. I estimated that his cock must have been at least 20 inches long and at least as big around as my arm and she was going at it like licking a lolly pop. Sucking on the head and stroking the shaft all the while moaning and moaning. She was also mumbling something I couldn’t understand. As I watched what was happening on the other side of the wall I slipped out of my pants not wanting a repeat of the last time I got to see this fantastic act. I don’t know how long Mrs. Whitiker had been at it, but it didn’t take long before she was drowning in Ranger’s massive load of hot horse cum. Not to be left out I added my load to the dust on the tack room floor ’cause while I was peeping on Mrs. Whitiker I was pounding the old meat savoring every stroke and feeling my balls flop back and forth as I jacked off. Thinking that the show was over I was preparing to get back into my pants when Mrs. Whitiker still holding Ranger’s cock stood and began rubbing her hairless cunt with Ranger’s softening tool. It was then that I heard clearly what she had been mumbling while Ranger’s cock had been stuffed in her mouth. She said, “Oh Ranger I sure wish you could fuck me with that big cock of yours.”

What! Was I hearing this or just dreaming! Had my over active imagination gone amuck! Mrs. Whitiker wanting to be fucked by that huge cock! I was frozen to the knot hole. There before my eyes was a woman who I had seen many times on her knees enjoying getting her cunt filled with doggie cum as Bruce would fuck the shit out of her. A woman who had given me my first blow job by taking all of my cock deep in her throat. A woman who had swallowed my cum and offered a repeat any time I wanted. Here she was rubbing her pussy with a horse’s cock and wanting to get fucked by it. As I watched I could see that Mrs. Whitiker was sure enjoying the feelings she was receiving by using Ranger’s cock like a dildo, Rubbing it against her clit and cunt. She soon was moaning and moaning, saying, “Fuck me Ranger. Fuck me with that big cock of yours. Fill my pussy with your hot cum.” Her body trembled as she stroked her cunt. I knew that she had cum just from rubbing her pussy with Ranger’s cock.

I had to get out of there. My mind just couldn’t handle all the things that just been dumped into it. I grabbed my pants and snuck to another part of the barn, put them back on and headed for the woods. I’d do the chores later. I had to have room to think! By the time I got to my secret place in the woods I had another boner. Shit! What was I going to do? As I thought about what I had just witnessed the hardness of my cock became almost painful and my balls began to ache. So I resorted to my five fingered friend. Stripping off my pants and laying them on the log where I would sit to think. However today my thinking was not very clear as I resorted to jerking on my aching cock. As I pumped my dick my balls slapped against the log adding to the feelings I was getting. I closed my eyes and stroked away only thinking of the need to shoot my load to relieve the pressure that had built in my balls. Never before had I felt such a need to cum. I can only describe it as painful. Aaaggghhh! I cried as my cum burned its way up the length of my cock which jerked with each spurt. Spurt after spurt of boiling cum shot out of the hole in the end of my rock hard meat. I almost passed out from the release of seed as it left my body. For what seemed like ages I sat there with my eyes closed basking in the calm that surrounded me.

I opened my eyes and just about fell off the log backwards. There sat Sandy! How long had she been there? What had she seen? However as I looked into her eyes all I saw was a look of lust. Apparently she had seen quite a bit and it had aroused her. Sandy turned around and presented herself to me. Now how could I resist such and invitation. I stroked my half hard cock back into a full erection moved to her and placed the head of my cock at the entrance to her pussy. Slowly I entered her. Feeding her my cock inch by inch savoring every moment of the feelings generated by the silky smoothness and burning heat of her most intimate place. When I had reached bottom I lingered there enjoying the tightness of her hot pussy. Since I had just had a mind blowing orgasm I knew this was going to last for a while so I concentrated on giving Sandy the best fuck I could. Pulling out as slowly as I had entered her I paused with the head of my cock just about to exit her pussy lips. Over and over I repeated thrusting in and pulling out.

Sandy seemed to be enjoying this as her breathing became more and more erratic. I could feel her cunt mussels clenching and unclenching squeezing my hard cock. She began to thrust against me as I pushed into her so I sped up thrusting faster and faster, harder and harder almost ramming my cock into her. Suddenly her entire body began trembling and her pussy squeezed me tight. That was all it took. With my cock buried as deep in her as I could get my seed shot against her womb as my balls emptied themselves for the fourth time that day. Normally I would have pulled out and put on my pants, however I could only think with my cock and it was saying lets stay here forever. But as all cocks do my began to shrink and being in my gal’s hot tight pussy it slipped from her because of her tightness. When my cock slipped out I released my hold on her hips. Sandy turned and as always licked me clean. How thoughtful she could be. When she finished I pulled her to me an knelt there savoring the intimacy that we shared. I would have liked to stay there for some time however I did need to get the chores done at Mrs. Whitiker’s.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. Sandy and I played catch for a while, went swimming and just generally fooled around. At supper my thoughts returned to the fact that Sandy and I would be sharing my (our) room and my (our) bed because Mom asked if I had gotten Sandy’s things moved upstairs. I responded that I had. Just think, from now on my lover and I would not have to sneak around at night to enjoy the pleasure of each other’s bodies. That night after supper and the nightly TV viewing Sandy and I retired to our room. After closing the door And removing my clothes I crawled into bed. Sandy was already there. She rolled onto her back and spread her legs as if to say, ‘Come on and fuck me.’ I still can hardly believe how she always wanted to fuck. I seems to me that she was as horny as I was. Well what red blooded guy could resist such and invitation. I moved between her spread legs and placed the head of my cock at the entrance of her pussy and with one steady motion buried my manhood deep within her. Sandy and I fucked three times that night and almost every night thereafter.

A guy never forgets his first lover and his first sexual experiences. Even though Sandy is no longer with me, to this day I can recall our loving relationship and the mutual joy we gave each other as though it happened only yesterday.

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