Women with Animals
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A Weekend in the Country


(c) 2008 by in2anything

Part One

The ride had been pleasant enough, and the scenery was beautiful, what she had seen of it she though smiling to herself. They were on Hwy. 81 but she had no idea where they were or where they were going. She had been lying down with her head in her new Masters lap and his cock in her mouth. MMMMMMMMMMMM she LOVED sucking his cock, and since he had been concentrating on driving it had taken over 45 minutes of sucking and licking to get him to cum. But she didn’t mind, she could suck him all day and never complain. She didn’t want to complain anyway, not after the last time.

They had been together for 3 weeks now and already she called him Master. He was her knight in shining armor, so to speak!! She had decided that he had earned that title on the very first night they met, but had waited for a few days before using it. Until after the first time she got stubborn and he showed her who was boss.

They had picked up a couple who were stranded when their car broke down, and one thing led to another until he had offered them HER services. They had been on the road for a couple of days and hadn’t had a shower, and she wasn’t about to service them. So she thought!! They were in the country, and Master had found a place to turn off that was somewhat private, and taking her by the hair, had DRAGGED her out of the car kicking and screaming. The couple just watched as he slapped her face 3 times good and hard and then put her against the car and said “Don’t you fucking move”. He removed his belt, jerked down her shorts, and proceeded to whip her ass until tears poured down her face.

“Pull up you shorts” he ordered and turned to the couple. “ She is my cum slut, and she does what I tell her to whom I tell her”. He pulled her into some brush with the couple a few steps behind and forced her to her knees. “ I want you to suck his cock until he’s good and hard” he ordered. She took a deep breath and reached over and undid his pants, pulled out his cock and put it in her mouth. No shower and sweaty balls caused it to taste like green onions, she thought she would puke. She got control and sucked him till he was hard and humping her face, when Master said” Now I want you to fuck your wife if you don’t mind”.

Mind? Of course he didn’t mind, his cock was hard and it didn’t have a conscience so he put her on her hands and knees and proceeded to give her a hard deep fucking. He came with loud grunts and she came with squeals of pleasure. “Don’t move” said Master and then he grabbed me and shoved me down under them with my face right under her pussy. I could see his balls hanging and his cock buried inside her. “ Now when your husband pulls out, I want you to quickly sit down on her mouth so she can clean you out. “NOW OPEN YOUR MOUTH WHORE” he growled at me. I did as I was told and he pulled out, she sat down, and I got a mouth full of used cum. I thought I was going to lose my lunch right there, she smelled like day old tuna and his cum tasted like nothing I ever tasted before. Salty as Hell and thick as syrup!!! Master kicked me in the side and I gulped from the pain, causing me to swallow. He laughed and said “ Might as well lick the rest out and get her good and clean” and laughed again. I did as I was told and made a mental note to follow orders from now on unless I was ready to suffer.

That was a week ago, and since then I’ve sucked off 4 guys in a back booth at a road side diner, got fucked by a bunch of guys in the back row of a porno theatre, Paid for getting a flat fixed by getting ass fucked by the black guy working the service station (he had a 12 in cock) and he gave me all of it hard and deep. God I LOVED that one!!!!! And I lost track of the piss I’ve drank. But a girl has to keep busy, Right??

“We’re almost there”, he said as we turned off the main highway, “Just a couple more miles now”.

“Master, may I ask where we are going” I asked cautiously.

“You may, but I won’t tell you” he smirked. “Just have to wait and see.”

The fence around the place was white and clean, the grass was trimmed to perfection, and the house was a two story colonial with a covered entrance. The whole place looked like it was out of a story book. We pulled up to the front and parked, got out and headed for the door just as a tall lanky man with white hair strolled out. “Steve, long time no see” he said. “Brian, you old bastard,” Master laughed.

“And this must be Stacy” Brian said.

I was shocked that he knew my name, but I did the girly curtsy thing as Master had instructed and kept my eyes down not looking directly at this man.

“Come on in and rest a while” Brian offered. “Its going to be a while before the other guests arrive.”

Other guests? What other guests I wondered, but I put it in the back of my mind and didn’t ask. Master would tell me if I needed to know.

It was dusk outside, we had enjoyed a light lunch and a much needed nap and now I heard cars pulling into the large gravel parking area at the front. I looked out and saw 6 or 7 cars and SUV’s outside and people milling around and talking. Some joked and laughed, some were serious, but all apparently knew each other. Looks like there was going to be a party, I love parties.

Master came to the room and got me and took me down stairs. He was beaming like a new daddy about to show off his child. I felt so proud and was so happy to be there. “Folks, this is Stacy”, he said with pride in his voice.

They came forward and introduced themselves and took my hand, boy this was nice. I could get used to this.

Brian stepped forward and said “Shall we adjourn?” and everyone started to shuffle off out the back door to what I assumed was a patio. Boy, was I wrong!! I stepped out the door and looked up to see a large metal barn with the front door open. There were chairs arranged in a half circle, and a platform with a funny looking rack in the middle in front of the chairs.

I stopped in my tracks, fear taking over. Master held my arm and said “You better move your ass or you’ll be sorry.” My stomach knotted up and I forced myself to walk, my pussy gushing the whole time. I had dreamed of this day, and it was finally here. I was to be the star of the show tonight and everyone was going to see me humiliated for their pleasure.

Master took me into a small room apart from the arena and made me strip naked. “Bend over” he commanded and I did as I was told. He took a dildo out of a box in the corner and put a small amount of lube on it. It was solid black, and looked to be around 9 inches long and 3 inches across. I had never taken one that big before. He placed it against my ass hole and shoved, sending it tearing into my ass. I gritted my teeth and didn’t make a sound, the pain going all through me. He shoved again and the entire thing was up my ass. He put a harness on me that held the dildo in place but went on each side of my pussy leaving it exposed for complete access.

He dragged me up and guided me to the door and into the arena. All the people were looking at me and whispering to each other. I counted 8 men and 6 women. That made 14 in all, not bad for my first show I thought. Brian got on the platform and welcomed everyone, then he said the usual schedule was to be followed and everyone stood up and started getting undressed. I stood with Master holding my arm until everyone was naked, and then Master lead me in front of the audience.

“Who has number one?” he asked and a man middle ways raised his hand. Master took me to stand in front of him, and said “Ok folks she’s all yours.” The man took me by the hair and pulled me down to his cock and shoved it in my mouth. I got the idea, I was going to service each one of them before the show. Or was this the show??

I went from one to the other sucking cock and licking pussy, getting fucked 3 times and having one lady take a piss in my mouth before I licked her. Brian had me suck him and then pissed on my face and tits while everyone laughed.

After over an hour of this, Master took me to the stage and put me on my hands and knees and said “Lets get the show started”. And then it began. Brian walked in with a huge dog in tow, and proceeded to the stage. Yeah, I was about to get fucked in front of everyone here, then I noticed the video cameras. I looked up at Master and he leaned down and said, “smile for the cameras slut, you’re about to become known world wide.” My pussy let go with a flood of juice that ran down my leg. I was about to experience my heaven on earth!!

The beast that Brian held was called a Mountain Dog I was to find out later, and to say he was trained was to put it mildly. Brian took the leash off the dog and he was immediately behind me licking up the juices gushing out of my cunt. It felt like his tongue was as wide as my hand, and I found myself wondering how big his cock would be. I didn’t have to wait long to find out as he sprung on to my back almost knocking the breath out of me. My God, he weighed a ton!! I felt him humping against me, the bone poking painfully against my butt and around my pussy, and then he found it. With one mighty shove he was buried balls deep in my hole and humping like mad. He began to swell and he must have been 9 or 10 inches and was as bigger around than any cock I had ever taken.

The audience gave a roar of appreciation when he sank into me and several moved in closer to get a better view. I felt as if I was going to split wide open with every jab he made, and then I felt the knot start to swell. It took my cunt past what I though would be the limit. It felt like someone had stuffed a football in me and was quite painful. He didn’t stop humping like most dogs, but kept pounding my poor pussy like a jackhammer.

Finally he stopped and stood still just shooting me full of puppy juice for what must have been 15 or 20 minutes. He shot so much that it ran out around his cock and puddled on the floor under us. I was cumming with just about every pump, and shoved back against him to keep him cumming. If I was going to put on a show, it was going to be a good one, and I could make my Master proud of his little slut puppy. Finally he went down enough to pull out with a loud plop and what seemed like a quart of doggy cum gushed out of me and ran down my legs. I felt very empty and wondered what the next dog would be like.

Master and Brian picked me up and took me to the rack, spreading my legs and cuffing them to bars on each side. Master pushed me forward so that my upper body was lying on a cloth covered flat surface and pulled my arms out in front of me so Brian could fasten them to cuffs with rope attached on the other side. I was not standing, knees slightly bent, my body bent forward with hands tied straight in front of me. In this position I was painfully reminded of the dildo still crammed in my ass. What was next I wondered. I was soon to find out.

Brian walked to the edge of the platform and began his speech. “I hope everyone enjoyed the performance tonight and now it’s time to get down to business. As you know we raise some of the finest breeding stock in this part of the country, and see to it they are trained to meet your specific wants and needs.”

Then I remembered, Brian!! I could vaguely hear the rest of the speech as I remembered Master mentioning he had a friend named Brian who raised MINI STALLIONS.

Just then Master appeared beside me and whispered in my ear, “This is a breeders sale and you are here to help demonstrate the stock, so enjoy it cunt. But don’t worry, not all of the 23 studs are for fucking humans, just 11 of them, And Tonto will be last, because he has been trained especially for one of these ladies and we want to save the best for last.” Then he gave that evil soft little laugh and gave one of my nipples a sharp twist.

The first stud brought out was gray with black spots, and when they walked him past me he had a raging hard on slapping his belly and he was snorting and stamping like crazy. I felt my senses spinning and a tremendous urge to run, but I was not going anywhere. Master and Brian had seen to that! Brian appeared behind me and rubbed something on my cunt, which I was to find out later was mare scent.

The stud was jerking and pawing behind me and then they took off the lead rope and he reared over me putting a hoof on each side of my shoulders. One of the workers put his cock against my cunt and he gave a shove that sent all 14 inches of mini horse cock slamming into me and raising me off the table. I screamed like I have never screamed before, and begged Master to make them stop. But he
only grinned and rubbed his cock through his pants.

The pony pulled back about 9 inches and slammed home again. He was determined to teach this “mare” who she belonged to. He humped about 9 or 10 more times and shot what seemed like half a gallon up my ravaged cunt hole. He pulled out with a gush of spunk and was led away to cheers from the crowd.

“Boy she can sure take a lot of cock” and “wish I could get that much cock up my hole” they laughed as the next stud was led out.

He was a roan color and the scent on my ass had him just as worked up as the last one. He was slightly larger than the last one, and about two inches longer. He was placed behind me and the rope removed and again he sprang forward and drove his cock as deep as he could shove, but shove as he might he couldn’t get it all in. This seemed to piss him off and he attacked my fuck hole with all his might, Beating the breath out of me and making me cum like a fountain. He must have fucked for 10 or 15 minutes before he flooded my cunt with the third load of cum tonight. The dildo in my ass was making me cum like crazy, but was hurting like hell every time they fucked me. I never dreamed I would be getting DOUBLE PENETRATED with a bunch of horses!!

On and on it went, until I had been stuffed with 10 horse cocks, and I found myself wishing that there would be more. I wanted those huge cocks in me, fucking me, pounding my cunt, and I wanted to do it with everyone watching!!!

Then Brian announced that the next stud would be Tonto, a Shetland bred especially for Ms. Thomas who as everyone knows, owns several slave boys. The helpers brought out my next lover to loud cheers from the crowd, and I got my first look at what everyone was cheering about.

Being a Shetland and not a mini, Tonto was about two and a half times as big as the other studs in height and weight. And that wasn’t all! I was looking at a cock nearly 18 inches long and four and a half inches across. My eyes could not believe what they were looking at.

Master appeared beside me and before I could make any move, placed a ball gag in my mouth and fastened the straps.

UUUGGGHHh NNNNUUUHHH I tried to complain, but no words were formed. They led the beast behind me and he jerked and pawed just like the rest, and then Master removed the harness holding the dildo in my ass. He twisted the dildo around several times and then pulled it out. Thank god I thought, I couldn’t have handled that with this fucker inside me.

Tonto sprang up over me and the helper guided his cock, but to my ASS! I was about to complain against my gag when he shoved forward sending about 10 inches of that huge cock tearing into my guts and gave a huge snort. To say that I screamed would be an understatement, and I was just about to take a second breath when this creature shoved again burying himself to the balls up my ass. I felt my stomach pushed aside and could swear I tasted his cock from the inside. Tonto started his rhythm and I had this monster pulling back and shoving into my ass at a slow hard pace. He would pull back about 10 or 12 inches, wait a second, and with all his might he would shove balls deep back inside me. With each shove I was being lifted off the table and my belly was being distended.

For over 20 minutes I lay there and had my ass pounded until finally he snorted, humped faster and gushed a gallon of the hottest cum I ever felt into my guts. I felt like someone turned on a garden hose up my ass. Tears poured from my eyes, spit, sweat, and dirt covered my face, sweat cum and piss covered my body and sweat cum and blood covered my cunt and ass with traces off shit mixed in from Tonto pulling out and his cock sliding down my crack.

Everyone there was cheering and clapping but I was too exhausted to care. I felt like I had been caught in a stampede and in a way I had. Except that the stampede took time to stop and fuck me senseless.

Master and Brian untied me and carried me back to the house, because my legs wouldn’t hold me, and gently placed me in a tub of warm water that smelled of lavender. I was allowed to soak and must have fallen asleep because Master came to get me out and the water was cold, the people were gone and the place was quiet.

He carried me into the bedroom and covered my face and neck with kisses as he put me in the bed and covered me up. “I am proud of you Stacy”, he said. “ You are a perfect slave, and I love you”. Tears came into my eyes but he was already walking out to say good night to Brian.

“She’s fine, Just a little tired” I heard him say. “I’m opening a kennel just a few miles from here, you’ll have to come visit” he said. I smiled as I drifted off to sleep, life was good.


Part Two

I awoke that morning to rays of sunshine striking my face, and stretched to get out the kinks. The last few days had been filled with chores and some were not so pleasant. Master had bought the farm down the road as he had told Keith he would, and had spent the last 3 weeks turning it into a kennel for breeding dogs.

Pens had been built, and breeding areas laid out and most of all the dogs had been purchased. Master was not going to specialize in just one breed, so the different breeds had to be separated from each other to assure no cross breeding. At least not with other dogs!

I climbed out of bed, went to pee, and then headed out downstairs. I am not allowed to wear clothing unless we are going into town or to visit other people. I wear only the collar that Master placed on me and some slippers to protect my feet. Today I was to meet Master at the specialty pen, where dogs bred and trained for “special” clients would be kept. And since there were only going to be male dogs here, there was no worry about cross breeding.

I entered the door to the barn where the pen was located and got the shock of my life. A chorus of yelps and barks greeted me and I stopped dead in my tracks.

“Take a good look” he said “ they were delivered this morning”.

I slowly counted heads, and came up with 26 dogs in various cages. There were 6 rottweilers, 5 Labrador’s, 5 English bulldogs, 2 Dobermans, 3 Great Danes, and 5 Bull Mastiffs.

“Put food and water in every cage, take each one out and brush him, and then come get me” he ordered. “You might as well get to know them since you’re their new “trainer” he laughed.

I set about doing as I had been instructed, and fighting off noses stuck in my cunt and my ass as I did it. After much struggling with dogs much stronger then myself, I finished and went to find my Master.

He was in the tool shed putting away a shovel used to scoop dog crap when I arrived.

“All done Sir, I announced”.

“No, you’re just getting started” he said with an evil smile. My heart leaped and sank at the same time. It was going to be a LONG day!!!!! He took me back to the barn and into the center of the arena used to breed these special dogs. In the center of the arena I was ordered to my knees, and my head was pushed down toward the ground. A metal ring was in the ground with a 6 inch chain attached to it. The chain was hooked to my center most collar ring, and my hands were cuffed and hooked to the rings in the sides of my collar. I was now on my knees and elbows, my head down and my ass stuck up in the air.

Master left and went to a room on the other end of the barn, returning in a few minutes with a harness and two large dildos. He put one against my cunt and rubbed it around making me moan just before he pushed all 9 inches inside me. He picked up the other dildo, put some lube on it and placed it against my asshole. Then he shoved!! The entire 9 inches went up my ass in that single shove and I couldn’t help but scream. He put the harness on me to hold the dildos in place and turned on the vibrator inside the one in my pussy. I hung my head, moaned, and had my first of many orgasms that day.

Master left again, returning with one of the rottweillers which he stood over my head. “Suck his cock,” he ordered pulling my head up by my hair.

My head and mouth were at just the right height, as I opened my mouth and started sucking his cock. It had a musky flavor and I could feel the bone against my tongue. He whimpered and started dancing around as I took more and more of his swelling cock in my mouth. Then without any sign, he shoved forward and started humping my mouth. I was being face fucked by a rott, and I exploded in another orgasm. His cock continued to swell and lengthen until it was down my throat and I gasped for breath through my nose the best I could. I felt the knot start to swell and prayed it would not swell in my mouth. Luck was with me and he shoved forward, stood very still, and proceeded to pump my belly full of puppy batter.

I held as still as I could for what seemed like hours, but was actually about 10 minutes, while this K9 stud shot cum down my throat. Finally he finished and pulled his cock out of my mouth and it hung right in front of my eyes. I was looking at 10 inches of cock not counting the knot and it was easily 2 ½ inches across. No wonder my throat was so sore!!

“Good boy” he said as he took him back to his cage.

He came back to where I was, this time with a lab, and proceeded to place him over my head like the last one. “You know your job slut” he growled “Get started”.

I raised my head and took the second cock in my mouth and started to suck just as another orgasm from the vibrator hit me. Not thinking, I moaned and moved forward. That was all this horny stud needed and he shoved forward also. Here I was again with another dog cock stuck down my throat, except this one was a lot more demanding.

He fucked my throat like I was the last fuck he would ever have. I was having real trouble breathing and thought sure I would pass out, but just then he went still and started shooting what must have been a quart of spunk into my gut. At this rate I wouldn’t have to eat for a week. He finished and backed off me, and I could see his cock hanging. Not as big as the other one, but still nothing to turn away either I thought just as the next orgasm struck.

Master came back alone this time and removed the harness and took the dildos out of my pussy and my ass. “I can’t put these back in this shape” He said, holding them to my mouth. “Clean them off slut”. I sucked and licked until they were clean and he put them away and left only to return with one of the Dobermans in tow.

“Please Sir I need a break” I pleaded, but he walked the dog behind me and said “You can have a break when I’m ready to give you one cunt,” and took the leash off the dog.

The Doberman sniffed around my ass and proceeded to lick my ass and pussy sending me over the edge yet again. The he sprang up on my back and started humping trying to find my cunt hole. It hurt like hell having that bone jabbing me and I moved to give him better access. Bingo, he shoved into me like a freight train and started to pound me like a bitch. I felt his cock swelling and rubbing my clit and exploded into several small orgasms followed by one large continuous one. My body shook and my cunt squeezed his cock like it was trying to break it off.

Harder and harder he pounded and then I felt the knot swell inside my fuck hole. It was the size of a baseball, and I knew we were there for a while. I was sweating and realized I was humping back and yelling at the top of my lungs. This guy was definitely close to fucking my brains out and I loved every bit of it. I was his bitch or anything else he wanted me to be, and I wanted more. I could feel the cum running out of my cunt and down my legs as he dumped load after load of his juice into me.

He finally stopped and dismounted with a jerk and a plop that hurt like hell and I wished he had stayed in me longer.

Master kept bringing the dogs one after the other, until I had “trained” 20 of them and my cunt felt like raw meat. I had never been so sore in all my life. I had to pee, but I knew it would burn like hell itself, so I held it. I guess Master had figured that one out, because he brought the next one out and it was one of the Mastiffs.

He said, “I’ll help you with this one so he gets in right” and then he removed the leash. The huge bastard sprang up on my back and I could feel Master beside me. He guided the beast but not to my cunt. I felt him lunge his lower body forward and his cock slid into my ass stretching it to it’s limits.

Try as I might, I could not keep the scream from rolling out and I held it for the longest time. It felt like a telephone pole had been crammed up me and I heard Master laughing and saying “pound that ass boy, cram her full”.

My head was swinging from side to side and my mind was reeling trying to figure out how to get this monster out of me. I kept screaming and begging, but to no avail. Then he started to fuck me. He was like a piston in an engine that just kept going faster and faster. He was pounding my guts without mercy, and I could feel my stomach being push back with every hump. Just when I thought it could get no worse, he gave a tremendous shove and started to swell his knot. I thought my guts would explode with the pressure. I felt the blood trickle down my chin where I had bit my lip and the sweat sting my eyes.

I felt the knot trying to tear my guts loose. I pissed all over myself and this horny bastard. It felt as if someone put a torch under my cunt, and I screamed again. This guy just would not stop, he just kept pumping and pumping. It must have lasted for 10 or 15 minutes and then he lay on my back and started to shoot his seed deep inside me. So much of it that it ran out around his cock and down my legs and belly.

Master knealt in front of me, and raised my head with this dog from hell still locked in my ass and pushed his cock into my mouth. “ I love you my Pet,” he said as I started to suck him.” That’s the last one for now” he said slowly humping my face, “we’ll save the rest for after lunch” HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

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